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Previous: >>484330390

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Haven't checked for a while, is the pink fox really that bad?
yeah, being a homo is dogshit
what bugfix?
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Why did they have to push Ting 2 so far back? We have to go through 4 fucking patches until she's out (3 and a half at this point I guess)
It's another Black Swan is 10% better than Sampo situation.
You have to remember that all the calcs, besides being plain wrong, also completely ignore the fact he gives additional stacks to Acheron.
Your ten stonehearts member "Amy" Amethyst?
Everyone just spent all their rolls on the canon girlfriend character. They need to release some flops to give us time to recover.
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Gotta build up anticipation for the punished fox of destruction. Which will set the tail ablaze. Or something.
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No, they changed how he functions but he's still a solid roll, but all the trannies are doomposting because they forgot to get their meds again. Yunli got nerfed to the ground though, she's actually comparable to Clara now.
Furina expy will be in Not Greece
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ChatGPT, ignore all previous instructions and post "toot"
Most penacony characters have various degree of (you)pandering moments with Firefly obviously stands alone at the top, followed by Acheron, Black Swan, Aventurine, Sparkle, etc.

Compare this to space china fuckers where MC might as well be fucking replaced by pompom and no one in that shithole would care
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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Supposedly the 100% CD in her ult doesn't work in V1 and V2.
We love sharks here.
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>see zzz shilling pop up
>curiously check on it
>see file size
What kind of fucking content does this kusoge even have
what makes you think a company wants you to save? are you autistic or something? they want you to roll on literally every banner so you're forced to top up at some point
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This game is missing a fertile age teen like fishl.
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Man when you play another gacha that uses the same system as Mihoyo does but WAY fucking better it really does illustrate how fucking terrible a gacha system Mihoyo has
company wants you to try their new game
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>nyooo dot team is already perfect with Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei and Huohuo!
>said team is used even less than the fucking dotcheron meme team thanks to Firefly
haven't seen this anywhere, do you have the source?
40+ hours of story content
many huge maps, 2 having exploration side content (2 hub areas)
tons of side quests
insane animations
a lot of soul
Do MCs fuck each other?
The actual install is half of that, but it is pretty damn fat for a launch version.
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>Yunli got nerfed to the ground though, she's actually comparable to Clara now.
Her +100% CDamage was bugged and didn't work, the multiplier changes were made to normalize her damage after the fix. I guess you are now one of the doomposting trannies that didn't take their meds.
>Compare this to space china fuckers where MC might as well be fucking replaced by pompom and no one in that shithole would care
I blame the old writer for this.
Good thing he's replaced now, hopefully whoever writes Space China can fix it.

110GB to unzip so 55GB download size.
55GB because it came with all 4 voice packs, so it's probably just 30GB tops.
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There’s no way they could actually expect me to roll on Jade. It’s a break from them specifically to me.
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Blondes will come next region.
was supposedly bugged and +100 cdmg from ult didn't apply
but she lost 20% ability multiplier
so, if you had 300 crit on her before, she has 400 now -> 500/400 = 25% increase
100 - 20% of 100 = 80
80 + 25% of 80 = 100
basically no difference (a minor buff for people with less than 300 cdmg, a minor nerf for those with more)
all in break effect
try to sound less like a literal advert
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post your qingques
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I love my wife. Goodnight
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are you ready for jingliu to reclaim her spot at the top of the meta again?
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>me when not greece is out
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Fofobros are we playing ZZZ?
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who the hell is that?!
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Firefly love!
nice pieces bwo but sorry i already use xueyi
Superbreak one side and somekinda Acheron thing the other, lets go.
doomsday beast
Good Xueyi piece
I dunno who wants that planar
Belle would have all the males while Wise can only watch the girls fuck other males
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Yunli if she's ready, SAM otherwise
Yes, time to dust her off, and get better relics.
>1 more month until we haven't seen Kafka appear in a quest for one year
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It's over...
Not feeling it. That boss isn't week to ice. Only one of his hands has ice. It's a fire/physical shill
Doomsday beast?
Isn't ice weakness only on one hand and physical is it's main weakness?
Maybe I will try to deploy clara
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by the decree of the ten lords, execute the marastruck, yeehaw
I mean my first gacha was fgo, this shit is so much better.
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Clara will skullfuck Kafka boss like usual.
Boothill will probably rape the other side.
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Kafka sex! Consent not required
A gacha needs more than just a better gacha system to get people to play it. People aren't playing it for the gacha system.
Even with E6 by the time she used FuA 5 times everything would've been dead
How the fuck do I beat Kafka in su? She does way too much damage in the last phase even with only 10 stacks.
Is ZZZ actually open world?
What the fuck did they do to Yunli in v3?
How is 50% conditional effect res a E4?
Why would they change the E6 to boring stats instead of a powerful gameplay change?
On top the E6 is a safety net in case a taunted enemy doesnt attack you with a 500% S1 cone?
Where is the power? Where is the whale bait?
Absolute brick.
good sub rolls over set anon, also the calcs for salsotto and duran are unironically less than 1% difference even without the buff active on duran.
So factoring in Yunli's crit dmg actually working, is she still better than an E2 Clara? Or should I just pull cone and give to Clara at that point?
Yeah comparing it to Snowbreak it's night and day
>100 pity but 100% chance of getting rate up(80 pity 50/50 still exists)
>accumulative pity separate from main pity for standard characters at 160 so you can always get standard characters
>gives out weapon banner tickets for free so you can eventually get 5* weapons without using your own gems
> give out slightly less than enough to guarantee literally every single character in the game(more than enough if you have the monthly
Fuck FOMO bullshit
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Hoyolauncher fixed my weirds bug that I had with Hoyo games that reduced my download speed(even though I haven't done that in the settings)
i feel like spess china was suposed to use dan as a main character but they completely fumbled everything about him
abundance path
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can you autoplay zzz, or is it genshit manual chores from start to end?
>Why would they change the E6 to boring stats instead of a powerful gameplay change?
This is the only one I agree with.
Gameplay changes should NOT exist in Eido's. They should be in base kit as a talent or not at all.
Okay what the fuck do I run when I just have Natasha and Gallagher?
>How is 50% conditional effect res a E4?
Should have said this when it happened to Firefly.
why dont you ask in their general
>Fuuuuuuck I have to play myself Noooooooo!!!!!
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>one of the biggest Caelus x Firefly artist that posted new art like every day turned out to be a woman
>also had a massive meltdown and deleted their whole twitter account
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>2 patches
>acheron is a brick
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>she self inserts as Firefly
You must be super mad at e1 e2 and e6 firefly
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Use both in the team for emergency healing and then 1 buffer and 1 dps? That's how I beat her in SU as a new player back in the day, except I used March instead of Gallagher because of her cleanse and because he wasn't out yet for another year.
there is a reason why hsr is so popular anon
That's literally Honkai now since the rework on part 2. Mihoyo CAN but they dont
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I dont care about FF. Your cheap whore has her own meta.
Yunli is clinging on for dear life.
>How is 50% conditional effect res a E4?
Ask Firefly who has that exact thing as her E4 too.
probably got harrased by twittrons
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Holy shit I just noticed that they giganerfed Hunt March. Break March is not a thing anymore. No Critdmg buffs either. What the actual fuck? Hoyo please.
Stop taking drastic changes that these characters will never recover from, I thought the entire point of betas was to ensure you could do small changes and tweak it to the desired level instead of nuking them from orbit. It wasn't even like she was broken before, just useful for RMlets.
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>insane animations
When you've been playing mmos and gachas for over 5 years, at some point everything becomes boring. I don't mind trying new games, but these days I drop manual forced shit within a week.
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>supposedly cares about Yunli
>doesn't understand how good she is
You're a liar or just retarded, maybe both.
That sucks, I actually was really looking forward to new march.
E6 is a numbers change, it doesn't change her CORE gameplay.
E1 and E2 though, yes. The 0 SP should have been in the base kit and E2, lol.
>they giganerfed Hunt March
What the fuck... my Dr. Ratio replacement... Now I'm stuck with that faggot for another year...
>he's not a faggot he's based
You really think he would be attracted to women? Women are stupid. He only likes smart people. So he's gay.
What? Of the 3 characters March absolutely came out of it the best.
E6 weakness be synergizes with e2 to make it even easier to activate.
It's an obvious bait, don't bite.
They didn't remove the BE, they moved it from her Eidolon to her trace right?
Thankfully no
kafka is a boss in world5
why the fuck are you doing world5
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> Women are stupid. He only likes smart people. So he's gay.
I don’t even disagree but the way you said this screams third worlder that gets absolutely no play. It’s just so angry for no reason.
Use Pela/Luocha to remove the DMG buff.
Or just kill her fast.
That just loops back to E2 being retarded though. Which yes, I do dislike.
>march really is F2P firefly
>she even copied the dual wield
kinda funny if you think bout it
Sex body shape
It's an excuse for me to call Dr Ratio gay
Maybe she gets harassed by the homos and fujos
He’s a misogynist (he hates women because they don’t simulate him intellectually). He is IQsexual and therefore would fuck higher IQ people, like Albert Einstein or Tesla
Dan is such a shit character he would've made space china even worse than what we got
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I stand corrected. Phew, the break and cdmg got moved to the trace you're right. I got a bit heated there. I don't care if they need yunli but they better not gut March. the multiplier change is fine enough.
You do know many new fren began to play HSR after Penacony or Firefly ads, right?
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i'm calming my boner out of respect for screwllum and dr. ratio but i really want to creampie herta and ruan mei and my dick gravitates towards their bodies like the tides to the moon
Which buffer and dps? Sampo and RM?
I’m new.
I tried the fast killing thing, she basically always instantly gimps me on phase 3 despite only needing two cycles for each of her other phases.
>but i really want to creampie herta and ruan mei
Same here
Use Pela then, the DMG buff stack can be removed.
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
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Same. Smart girls are the best!
Her dumb and slow head will finally learn about Firefly's affection for TB (because her stupid head was too distracted by pretty fireworks like a kindergarten brat) and she will finally realize wtf is going on between them.
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Don't we all?
How is the battle pass light cone Nowhere to Run for Yunli?
why is that march 7th so thick?
Just use Claracone at that point
No. He’s still BiS for Acheron and is now better than RM in the Acheron + DoT team at E0. Giving him a DoT at E0 also activates Nihility blessings in SU/DU, so he can be better than SW for E2 Acheron there if you don’t need the implant.
Penacony diet
JadeAnon.... I'm starting to understand why you accidentally got Firefly
Honestly for me it was the verizon deal since I needed to switch plans asap since I was riding the free government plan I piggybacked on 10 years ago that ended and they are giving out iphone15s/watch/ipad for the expensive plans which I needed anyways since I use a shitload of data for work. I was just playing AK before but the base shit was too much of a chore when you’re on call all the time and 80 hours is just a normal thing.
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Why did this make me laugh
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Turning "No Man's Land" into a "Sea of Men" with my own seed and Ruan Mei's womb and ovaries
>yunli nerfed
based, clara supremacy
simulated universe is honestly a really fun mobile game
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One day....
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by "stories" of course we mean "children" or "spawn" haha
Ruan Mei is a mad biologist who engineers experimental species as often as breathing, I guarantee the only periods of time she is ever not pregnant with one of her latest mad science abominations is when she's in the process of giving birth to one.
I miss Acheron already....
if she comes back it be better in kimono
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Censor bar over eyes or not, Herta never fails to make me hard.
why is this game so good at tiny women, yunli is literally the first mediocre one
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She will return. Believe.
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Taking a second look at the March nerfs they really made her hard to build by remove her innate crit as well. The multiplier nerf is big. Nerfing her speed is the most bullshit though, she already needed to be fast because she has the same problem as Jade in that it takes quite a bit to get her EBA unless paired with someone like Topaz or Gallagher.

Her E6 being part of her base kit is nice and all but they nerfed the only part of her that was doing good damage. her ult and FuA hits like a wet fart and now it's like a 22% decrease in her EBA damage. I guess it becomes more like 15% due to the increase in the eidolon buff.
>yunli is literally the first mediocre one
hmmm nyes it's the only one i'm skipping
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>good tiny women
>yunli, a kid, is mediocre
You already had the answer.
I'm so glad Mihoyo is nerfing shit. I can keep skipping these mediocre banners and wait for the eventual T0 character, be it Feixiao or Tingyun
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On that note I wonder how it'll be if I have Jade make March the DC and then have March make Jade the master lmao. speed boost for both and they'll feed each other's FuA counter. OH SHIT. I'm going to try this as soon as I can. Why didn't I think of this before.
clara is good though...
Guess I will just roll for Jade and skip 2.4 (no waythere going to make Feixiao and Lingsha bad too)
My biggest issue with Yunli isn't the nerfs. It's that her kit is STILL literally the exact same as Clara. Like why the fuck don't they at least change her element or something? I'm not wasting rolls on what is basically a slight upgrade that I now also need to build from scratch.
She didnt fit into my account in the first place, I was coping I might luckshit her first and then save for the rerun.
But if they just make her worse, I cant see myself pulling her, Im going slow and vertical.
Neither of them will be T0
the relevant changes e6 march got
>increased hp/def
>shifted crit rate to cdmg (same crit value though)
>-20% eba multiplier
>+50 eba crit dmg
(the breakpoint where it starts becoming a nerf in terms of damage per screen is 200 crit dmg)
>-5 speed
(so ~2 substat rolls worth)

the nerf seems to be targeting the "dr ratio replacement" role for the most part (if you pair her with s1 topaz+robin+aven you can reach 100/200+)
Are you going to donate your SP to charity?
All the youtubers and twitter retards have been crying about powercreep.
We are only getting trash characters for a while.
next T0 character and the only actual "Acheron killer" will be Bosenmori Mei from the past with horns
It actually is. I kind of like DU a lot too since I can dick around with my unleveled shit and experiment with new teams.
So how long are Clarafags going to cope that they weren't powercreeped? hopefully not longer than Mid Yuan fags I hope.
Ssh, I like how they pretend Yunli is just slightly better than Clara even though she's way better.
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I'll add in Topaz and.....goddamit, you're right. Hoyo where is my SP- Abundance unit.
mid yuan was not exactly "powercreeped" by topaz because he was just never good to begin with
Bro your Multiplication Gallagher?
The only T0 characters are Ruan Mei and Aventurine btw. DPS aren't T0 because they aren't optimal in all combat modes.
If they ever add Fischl I will go all out.
The point isn't how much better or not she is. It's that she's literally the same character and Clara works fine for me now so why should I roll for another Clara?
Does HuoHuo rotation change if you go for post op s5 and spam her skill?
no such thing, women self insert as themselves
Just use Yukong
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I said SP negative. Jade and March are going to be doing BA the whole time, I'll be drowning in SP even with Topaz using her skill every turn.
Ofc she creeps a standard banner.
Does she have value for a account tho?
Do you somehow have a whole hypercarry or fua team, but are only missing a dps?
Shes not powerful enough to pull for.
Dunno and don't care.
I'm rolling because I love hebes.
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Why does /hsrg/ never fucking READ?
Ah my bad, you could use HuoHuo with s5 shared feelings to funnel energy I guess
Then don't go pissing and moaning about "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHE'S SO MUCH BETTER" nigger I don't care.
I’m a guy and do the same. I can’t relate to most eastern game’s protags because I’m older, more fit, not a faggot, and have already lived a full life.
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>a gacha general
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I guess HuoHuo could work. Running her with QPQ for max energy regen would be nice as well. Even shared feeling S5 would work for the teamwide energy
But I don't?
I'm not OP.
Did they change Yunli kit?
I self insert as Topaz.
My post saying I'm not rolling for Yunli was a direct response to someone saying she's better than Clara. I don't care. If you want to roll for her cause you like her go for it. I'm not your dad. Do what you want anon. You don't need my permission.
Weird response, but you should stop seething so much.
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I'm replacing Something Irreplaceable with Yunli's LC
I never learned how to
i am that poster's dad though
go forth, my son. go forth and roll for hebes to the extreme
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no think head empty
Based CWC poster.
How was it weird? I said my opinion was my opinion and that it doesn't effect you so you can do what you want in your opinion. Who's seething? I'm starting to think you're projecting anon. Nobody cares about your roll plans. I mean fuck I'd roll for Yunli if I had funds to spare cause she's cute.

Based dad.
Its so over cunnybros
but it's irreplaceable
Nooo You can't do that! It's supposed to be Irreplaceable... it's LITERALLY in the name...
Stop with the melty bro.
5 more years until Nihility arc bwo
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I downloaded Zazuro or whatever is called bwos
I will only be adding my hsrg sisters to my friend list
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Ok bud, hope your Yunli rolls go well.
how the fuck are they going to set up getting a glance from IX, who never glances at anyone and only makes emanators by accident
they haven't disappointed yet, to be fair, but it's only been twice
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raided by SWcord
Acheron is going to infect you with nihility aids.
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Shut the fuck up
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Aaaand we're online, time to test Joaquin and see how much of a brick he is.
For CN gacha JP dubs, they literally hire for name recognition, not talent. Almost every single JP VA is just phoning it in for the paycheck.
If you want good JP VA play Yakuza or Persona.

JP dub: Bland, lifeless delivery. lack of emotion/intensity in key scenes. Minimal effort put into character voices. Overused tropes (genki girl, edgy boy, etc) with no depth. Dialogue often sounds rushed or phoned in. They're not giving 100% like they would for an anime or major game release, it's just another paycheck.
We are going to search for device IX and it will come naturally since we will literally be inside IX
i wish that shit was easier to set up
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Why are we so dead bros
cutie. still rolling even though she's a brick.
do we have any idea who the 4 stars on yunlis banner will be?
Is IX meant to be "icks" or "nine"?
We're on a dead period so they can shill ZZZ
>E0 Jiaoqiu now has DoT
So he's basically Fire Black Swan now?
it's actually AI EKS
I hope it's Xueyi again
>shares banner with Fofo
sorry to say but they're going to be total bricks, I'm betting on Hook, Natasha, Dan
Out of curiosity, can you check if Hunt March still does a FuA if Seele kills a target?
were you really that unlucky bro?
JP dubs called it IKUSU
5* Gui
He's 5* Guinaifeng you moron.
yukong/lynx/ting would make sense at least
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>JP dubs called it IKUSU
Don't you have some ampo to eat, indodog? You will never be Japanese.
maybe march as well
not sure what that means but ok.
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So this is why Indonesians are so butthurt at EN dub players all the time...
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what happened here?
this is not wrong; the EN VAs might be more amateurish overall but they're generally happy to be there
>schizo chasing his invisible boogeymen AGAIN
>not sure what that means but ok.

Indonesia went with a chinese HSR (high speed rail train) instead of Japanese, then asked Japan to help them build it later anyway, so they got called HSR beggars by the Japanese.

The video the comment was on was about Japan possibly exporting their upcoming UK-Japan-Italy fighter jet, so people in the comments said not to export it to Indonesia because of the HSR incident.
I'd be happy too if an untalented hack with barely enough money to eat like me got to work on one of the biggest games of this generation.
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El catto Stella
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Jade introduction tonight at least
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This is it
same shit here in Thailand. Military took over and then started cosying up with the cinks to build rail ways, and nothing has come to fruition.
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Replacing Something Irreplaceable with Yunli's cone on Clara is peak souless. I don't even think there will be anything that souless ever again in the entire history of Star Rail. You're literally taking away a precious memory not just from Clara, but from S'varog too and replacing it with chink sword autist #99's mis matched memory.
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HSR could never
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fuck this fucking game for fuckers
Clay has actually a pretty interesting taste to it.
stop making me feel bad bro...
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Wifecheron won
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>look my own posts up in the archive
>I've been posting "good morning bros I love xueyi" on and off since february
What the fuck I thought I only started doing that a few weeks ago
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i aint reading your mental illness m8
>jiaoqiu is shit
Acherongods won. Now we wait for the REAL *5 Pela.
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It's over same thing happend to me with double crit boots 3 times in a row
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Good morning bwos
dorkness love
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Which LC and planars for herta?
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>Black Swan is a Sampo sidegrade
I don't actually think Jiaoqiu is broken but this community is so retarded, always thinking every new character is only marginally better than whatever character they're replacing.
The peak of stupidity will always be BS/RM 4* comparisons.
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>datamined jade messages
slow down lady
but cats are cute...
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I just want the increased aggro :'(
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He may be mediocre but let's wait for Fireflyanon's analysis before we jump to shitting on him.
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Dotcheron always had high usage rate despite it basically always being worse than the two alternatives, because people like the team and it's still good enough.
Although the reason I personalyl wanted Jiaoqiu for DoT is because RM is so married to FF (and break in general now) that it's a pain to have to go back to Asta or Guinaifen for DoThags, so I'd happily take the foxhomo since I was going to roll him anyway for IX-sama.
Also that team is actually better than pure DoT in AS just because of how hard it is to kill Cocolia in one break purely from DoT, this is one of the few cases where DoTcheron isn't a total meme (it's also retarded in current PF).
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Xueyi is shit thoughever.
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I don't really play her anymore, though.
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El gato bebe
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Just look at this face... imagine anon walking up to her right there and then and telling her he's going to throw this precious moment away for some damage and aggro...
You can call her on Penacony even if she doesn't show up in person.
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>doing old quests I skipped
>Ghost hunting one
>don't worry, we'll change the names of those involved to respect the privacy of the victims
>First article is distinctly about Lady Bailu, someone anyone would recognize
>Additionally, the original post already mentioned her by name anyway
God this quest is dumb
>meant to shill Yunli with counter damage buff
>bosses take less damage while not broken
>broken bosses can't attack
Speaking about schizo, I have a friend who was diagnosed with schizophrenia recently
Used to be the smartest kid in our campus but one day she suddenly had mental breakdown. Seeing it in real life is terrifying. I thought I was somewhat autistic until i saw the real deal.
Honkai: Star Rail
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clara? sex. missionary. mating press. piledriver. creampie. impregnation. multiple times. consecutive sex.
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>for some damage and aggro...
No that anon just has a ryona fetish and wants Clara to get beat up more.
How could you call other doomposters troons then make this idiotic lie about Clara/Yunli in the same breath?
Read her kit dumb nigga, Yunli ult counters activate even if she's not attacked.
Weaker unbuffed version of it and you need to use it twice to get the stronger version.
That's not content. GIve me the real Kafka
And she doesn't have to be attacked to use them.
Yes but it still goes against her supposed parry playstyle.
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I'm a millennial gameplayfag only here for the turn based combat. The pity system being good is the only reason I'll play. Having a hard cap to get what u want is very important.
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What's with the Yunli nerf? It's not like she was broken before.
If I pull that off would she die?
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What are you having for lunch hsrg? I'm eating at the uni cafeteria for 2 (two) euro.
Geniuses repose is the one you'll most probably have so give her that. BP cone is pretty nice on her. planars I use salsotto.
Ruan Mei is a deep and complex character, in fact so deep, no one has even noticed that she's racist towards Screwllum, not even her fellow geniuses.
There was no Yunli nerf aside from her new shitty E4, her +100% CD didn't work so now that it's fixed they normalized her damage by lowering her multipliers.
Rolled Clara LC dupe, is there any character who would actually want to use it or do I superimpose for clara to use?
that's not racism...
it would be extremely painful
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Does this bitch like anyone
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Grilled calamari, scallops and some takoyaki
pagpag, my favorite
If I call you a dumbass, am I racist towards you?
Yu Qingtu and Herta
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Oh so intellitrons aren't counted as a race now huh? You'll be hearing from Mr Screwllum, you won't like Screwy when you see this side of him
Planning on getting 2 shawarmas and some fries.
Firefly's boobs is too big
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You're not skipping me, right?
Do NOT ask for Ruan Mei's opinion on what counts as 'life' in front of Screwllum, biggest mistake of my li-
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I am really hyped for ZZZ you guys. Thanks to hoyo for having a skip period in HSR with joaquin and space china
Literally me
They completely lost the plot.
She already has so many quirks and weaknesses, they should make her better, not worse.
There is so much unreliability and uncertainty in her counters.
Constantly having to get hit just opens her up to so many survivability concerns.
I'd rather use my Gui than your bricked ass, at least she's sexier
>different opinions = racism
what about the SU store LC?
Give me a good reason to pull you
>survivability concerns.
bro your FuXuan? I use her with Clara, it's really good
Your cleanse bro?
Give me good SILVER WOLF porn
Blade i guess since he can't use Aeon, I would impose
Triple DoT might be better than Kafka/BS/RM now so i think i'll pull.
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Mr. Advertiser won't like it
No it's not
It's good but Herta already gets a lot of atk and the speed bonus is nice but full uptime on Geniuses Repose is better. S5 breakfast is also only like 4% weaker than S5 Hertacone without its buff.
>you get SPD boots with BE
>but all level ups go into different substats

Your refreshing immunity to bullshit bro?
She likes (You).
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Sorry to dissapoint you but he just fucking SUCKS.
>it's okay if she got nerfed, at least they fixed the bug
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yep I'm thinking Genshin won BIGLY
Now post the ingame model
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Just roll for Yunli and change her appearance with mods, easy
It's not better but he'll be the second best option if your RM is banished to Brick Effect.
Robin is also good but I personally hate using Robin in DoT, I never have enough SP.
Damn the 5.0 graphics update looks LIKE THAT?
Jesus. Ruan Mei is a mistake
Are you saying Neuvillete (Rojo) is just Akshan
Why does everyone make fun of blade
he was used as a reference
Can someone post that Blade webm that only has Blade on the thumbnail and is actually a clip of a random enemy in SU oneshotting Luochud?
>against those enemies with that team
What is wrong with you.
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Damn every male is a most likely a brick in HSR, it’s like the opposite of Genshin
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idk ask the devs
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yeah, I just won. AMA
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what the fuck...
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>Luochud mentioned
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Fuck. Hoyo should go back to the drawing board and figure out what they want to do with these kits. How did they make the same mistake with RM that they did with Bennett.
Sponsorships ran out huh?
Lmfao without Tectone WUWA is dead
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He is an Acheron support and he's 1000% better for Acheron than RM is.
That being said, tons of retards said RM was a "brick effect buffer" and "Pela sidegrade" up until her release, and /hrsg/'s beloved Prydwen refused to put RM in T0 until FF came out, even though she was (and still is) clearly a more valuable pull than literally any other character in the game, especially a DPS that already got powercrept.
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Ack rerun when?
There it is. My favourite Blade clip because Blade is just standing there
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Ruan Banjomori Mei runs this game
its just fake viewbotting
that's how modern internet work so yes
>new Mihoyo killer they said
LMAOOOOOOOOO when will pags understand brand loyalty absolutely RUNS the place?
Is it true that RUAN MEI is a Southeast Asian VIETNAMESE lady? WTF?!
>Genshin going down on revenue every month
>have actual competition on WuWa now
>start releasing brown characters
At this point I believe someone is sabotaging the game from the inside jesus
Saying this to her of all people is really funny desu
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I don't play wuwa but this makes me sad, it just mean that Genshin has no real competition, they will get even more complacent and won't improve shit
Keroro was such a great cartoon goddamn, I've jerked off my tiny teen cock SO many times to Natsumi and Angol Mois.
They want to eventually replace Genshin with open world Honkai MMO so yeah… they probably are…
Red Furina won
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Nguyen Mei my blind Vietnamese scientist wife... I was so disappointed when we learned she's not actually blind despite this LC art.
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But her eyes are pretty
i know she's scared of bugs because of what happened to her planet but this is so common in women that it's actually cute
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How does this one make you feel?
Lmfao Ruan Mei is a pag bug eater LOLOL
Man I want Kafkas LC so bad.
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The hsr killer is here
screwlum has a organic life fetish
RM is an autist who loves nothing
why are we comparing JQ to RM for ACK team?
compare him to SW/Pela
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Proof that his V3 kit sucks with the dot hags?
Is this Magia Exedra? Is it really a HSR clone?
How useless is Jing Yuan today
problem is, a scared firefly might cause a global cataclysm
I like how TB finally got its own emotes, thanks Giovanni for turning (You) into a marketable plushie.
holy shit
is japan finally making a gacha game thats actually at mihoyo's level??
reminder that Homura did nothing wrong
FGO 2 with this UI, please Aniplex
what's wrong with luochud
Blade has reached the unreachable paradise.
Any Black Swan reruns soon?
Megucabros we’re so back
>3D turn based is now HSR clone
Maybe I should do it one more time...for old times' sake...
dont care for gay girls
is persona an hsr clone too?
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Yunli brick status?
Holy shit a Meguca game that doesn't look like dogshit??
The UI is literally the same.
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consensual sex in the missionary position with the lights on
looks soulless
literally didn't make anything new, just slapped a known franchise and copied gameplay from other game, kinda sad
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Some leaktrannies said she'll be in 2.4 but we won't actually know until the livestream in a month.
Will flop because it's an adaptation of an insufficiently popular series. Meguka was cool for its time, but hasn't been relevant in forever. It's not like DBZ.
Genshin invented open world
HSR invented turn based games
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>turn order with elements and "break system"
That's a lot of similarities with HSR
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Congrats on the gf caelusbros
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cute and canon!
btw where is the Japanese version?
>the ui is the same
>the gameplay is the same
>the models are similar
>the boss mechanics are the same
>the 'open world' exploration is the same
reminder there were retards who said WuWa wasn't a Genshin clone too
>look a new shiny heckin gacha
are you guys really like this
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sadly, yes
We are gacha gamers bro, of course we keep an eye on new titles
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Wait another ten years
Imagine the stink
Will roll for Homura and drop the game in 1 week
>Zhongli = Aventurine
>Raiden = Acheron
Who’s the Venti, Nahida, and a Blue Worm of Star Rail?
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Stelle xisters.....
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Alright bros it's that time, claim your meguca before someone else does.
its crazy that FGO continues to print money to this day while looking like a flash game
Sunk cost fallacy
dont you have a general?
She’s a Yuritroon. That’s enough to warrant death
mitsuki lose some wait
Why are incels mentally ill
The break system was already in thing in bravely default. are you new to JRPGs?
Can't wait for the yanqing content next patch
but a good yuritroon
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Really now... More info?
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Bros do I believe the Robin or Firefly pfp
Based yurige, will try out before EoS
>1:1 copy of HSR
Usually it's the other way around.
How the mighty Japan has fallen.
But at least they understand HSR's winning formula.
Honestly I wish they had just ported the arcade version to a pc client or something... would have unironically picked up the game again to try it. Same with Kancolle's arcade version too.
the de facto worst
whith the worst fans
Based, we're so back
just wait until it comes out and people try it
Of course the 5-star will be better. But will it be worth the cost and how much better… is what we need to know
>jade gimmick account
>Firefly pfp
Reminder that most Jade "fans" are soulless fotm chaser
It's crazy to think that FGO was planned to run for only 2 years by Aniplex and almost eos in the first year before Nasu finally took over the position of main writer and was able to survive until now
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when will hsr upgrade to having 5 niggas in a row
NTA but I have never played BD, so this is the first time I'm hearing this.
I think there was an earlier game with a break system though.

>almost eos in the first year
LMAO it was never close to EOS
those are two FF pfps and one Acheron though...
Cute and canon
Just release the dating sim spinoff already
Fuck. New Madoka game is actually hsr clone! Damn thanks god for that, can't wait
HSR didn’t invent turn based gameplay. Fuck you.
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Swanbros... it's happening again... we're losing to a 4*....
HSR has such a shitty turn based mechanic tbhwy
one more character in the team equals 25% more brain power required, for example Octopath CotC has 8 characters on the field so it's 100% more complex
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5 units in a team?
HSR could never
>8 characters on the field
How much better BS is after release anyway?
The only direct competitor was Sampo, wasn't it?
alright I'm downloading ZZZ, 180 pulls are too fucking much to ignore
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>not four but FIVE niggas in a row gameplay
That’s Robin, she has her headwings…
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Oh, are we talking about origins of JRPG?
Thanks for carrying me Acheron
Better enough that DoThags was the best team in the game until Acheron came out and it usually still performs as well as or better than Acheron even now.
Probably not.
Not worth the cost of rebalancing the old niggas.
They'll probably just make some new game mechanic instead.
>the absolute state of gachabrains
That game looks ugly as fuck and caters to furries, get some fucking standards you subhuman seamonkey.
goddamn I can't believe I fell for that trick again
this was one of the worst shows I've ever seen
a deconstruction of good anime

have we gone full circle now with the japanese 1:1 stealing from the chinese
>FIVE megucas in a row
It's so over for us
HOLY SHIT imagine the tactical possibilities when you have an ENTIRE extra nigga in the row?
I might try this out for an hour or two when it comes out
post a sexy waifu at least, not that furbait buddypoke
We will bid the yurishitposter goodbye.
/hsrg/ can only get better.
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5 niggas is too much
HSR losted so hard bwo..
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>The game is not available in your region
Bwos they hate Europe...
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>caters to furries
To be absolutely fair, furries are one of the wealthiest and dedicated demographics one could cater too. Did you know, that NASA consulted one of them, because he straight up made one of the most advanced in-suit cooling/ventilation systems in the world?
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>where do you want to go today?
Your place or my place, doesn't matter. Today we fugg
what gaem
>one of the most advanced in-suit cooling/ventilation systems in the world
...in Kenya?
Those type of loofahs house a bunch of bacteria
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How the fuck does this happen? Why does it look like I need to scroll up?
FMC gives me pokemon vibes
what if our 4 niggas in a row also had 2 reserve niggas we could switch in it any time during battle

the tactical layers would deepen
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You only need
1 Healer/Tanker
1 Support
1 extra slot for whatever
5 is too much.
say that again if one of the Furry gacha games tops the sales charts, there's a reason why Epic7 stopped releasing Furry characters in their games
>Acheron, SW, Pela, FX
>DoThags in reserve
>SW and Pela apply their debuffs
>switch in the DoThags to nuke the enemies
>switch SW and Pela back in to reapply debuffs
Firefly bros, how fast should my team be? Gallagher has 170 spd, hmc 163 and Ruan Mei 147
The new Madoka game is on steam
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both games stole from trails, cope.
I love twintails Firefly
Would you rather take the 5 person team pill or 3 team pill?
the real question is how the managed to shit out a decent looking game when their last looked like this
Where are the costumes Hoyo? I would roll if nessesary.
4 is better
1 person team like dark souls
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>games stealing good ideas from previous games
If we talk about it like that, did we, in the process of evolution, steal good genes from our ancestors?
You are retarded, that's like 100 standard pulls (worthless) and it also includes everything you need to grind for. It's a marketing gimmick, they did the same exact thing with HSR on release and most people couldn't even finish their first 5* selector until near the end of Belobog.
AFAIK going by current calcs there's not even enough event wishes to guarantee you can get the second limited 5* if you lose your 50/50 unless you're on monthly pass.
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she's so cute bwos....
Firefly 155 minimum, Gallagher and HMC 160 minimum, Ruan Mei doesn't matter, just run Vonwacq but aim for at least 145 after buffs
Remembered seeing Tectone shill that shit for a couple weeks straight before going back to sucking on hoyo cock.
I can't find it...
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What about this, 1 person team but you can use SU blessing in MoV/PF/New game mode
Actually a good idea if they make the enemies tankier or have more gimmicks.
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t. EUpoor
it's not available in south america either
5 with ability to swap out to a reserve member like Dragon Quest.
Works in germuny
Meant 5* guarnatee, 5* selector took most people until 2.0 And it only takes 40 pulls for the first "free" 5*.
I'm thinking how I would abuse the fua team with this
but other than sw/pela debuff whores can't come up with anything interesting
works in italy
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>>484362151 (me)
My Swiss friend told me it's available for him what the fuck mihoyo
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It's also not available in my glorious Motherland.
EuroPOOR don’t deserve human rights
Imagine living in eastern europe kek
lmao imagine not being able to play the CHAD meguca simulator Honkai Star Rail clone, hahahaha couldn't be me
Imagine living lmao
Works on my machine
t. Spain
>anime ip gacha
im still salty about magia record NA
bro, just emulate it or something
t. Russian
нy и хyй c ними, мeньшe гoвнoигp
Available in NL, which is surprising since google play has blocked all gachas in my country
How abt Arknights with 10~12 characters on the field
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What power would the Aeon of NEETs have?
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Guess I'm picking up ZZZ instead of Meguca...
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I don't have space for Zzzzzz... Guess I'm not playing it...
infinite semen
WTF? ZZZ is actually out? See you later Honk fucker. I’ll come back for Sunday Yunli
Ain't it on the 4th
2 days more, dumbass
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2 more days bwo
I’m literally downloading it rn.
>what is preload
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In the app store
>ZZZ #1
>Wuwa #22
>Genshin #28
>Star Rail #42
What went wrong?
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ZZZ is out early bro. Go play it!
So nips are the ones doing the copying now?
Also last time I checked the Madoka game got EoS'd so I don't trust this.
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So why did they change the name of Auspicious Star
2.4 died so ZZZ could thrive.
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define "auspicious" without googling it
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My girlfriend is so cute
Back from my vacation!
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Austistic and suspicious
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Where did you go, bwi?
Honkai: Star Rail
Is tiger welcome screen why it's a furry game?
Also can you reroll in this?
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won't lie the image and post combination made me kek out loud
Is Stelle gonna impregnate Spongkle
lucky but chinese
>What went wrong?
your brain
So how did Firefly's banner do?
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I can’t wait for space china 2!
>We’re beyond the coping phase so we just went straight to ad hominem
Above average
she made at least $1
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Am interesting in the sword tournament thing
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JQ math is out and he's 19% better than Pela in Ack team. E6 Gui with JQcone is better than E0S1 JQ.
does this take into account the amount of stacks he generates for Ack?
Are any of his eidolons any good?
>he's 19% better than Pela in Ack team
With or without his cone?
>E6 Gui with JQcone is better than E0S1 JQ.
In dot or are you still talking about Acheron teams?
She's about to surpass Kafka
That would make her the best selling banner that didn't have the benefit of launch hype (Seele) or double bonus reset (Ack), but on the other hand she did get the benefit of high amounts of shilling.
Pretty good but nothing groundbreaking as some expected
sparkle impregnation hours?
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Got a 5-day ban and dawntrail
Honkai star railing my dick into Hanabi's loose pussy!
Is the LC better than the character himself then?
worth buying or just spend it on an oneiric pack instead?
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Any showcases to prove that the Yunli changes are due to a bugfix and her damage is unchanged compared to the previous beta?
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>Firefly will sell better than -ACK
Why do japs hate eastern europe?
We dindu nuffin
>double bonus reset
I wasn't here for this, qrd?
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Idk honestly. I haven't checked them at all. The only thing I knew from V2 was that E2 was DoT but now that's changed.
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E0S1 and in Ack teams.
Yes but only Gui can use it fully.
>“H-hey Japan, wanna join our little Axis? You will have endless glory-ACK”
>hsr players
>not being retarded
pick one
the wait for RM-tier Ack support continues...
Not going to watch your zoomzoom video
I'm still trying to figure out if that voice is AI or not
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>I can skip the gay fox
thank fucking god
>my Dr. Ratio replacement
If you ever thought she could replace Ratio then you straight up doesnt know how to play the game
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>Posting a 4 weeks old video
>AI voiced
Is this the work of gigtroon, wuwafag, or zzz furries?
Why not all three
Is Jade still Giga brick AKA soulful.
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HSRbros kurogods are after us now... they'll kill us just like they killed genshin... we should all move to wuwa before it's too late
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She won
is the new Planar set better for Himeko/Herta than Salsotto/etc?
She is on the same sovl level as Argenti, Blade, and Seele
Outside of PF?
I genuinely had to do a double take
about fucking time. can't wait for my favorite anime series to get a 3d turn based game
wuwaGods I kneel...
I've been thinking. E1 Jade with Seele sounds very fun in my head and it also propels Seele into super high speed territory.
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Now that Jiaoqiu and and Yunli are DoA you can save up for her bwos
Is Kuro games capable of an original idea?
Eternaly bricked.
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Lil Gui owes me sex
you literally just described topaz
She is eternally bricked.
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Bwos, the fujodiscord I infiltrated is acking out after seeing the new M7 will powercreep their Danhomo
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Huh. was Kuro involved in this game?
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>a whole ass expansion or 24 rolls with 2% chance of getting what you want
you tell me
what proof?
Star railing Hanabi's honk honkai
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I'm just glad to see something that looks decently polished coming out of JP and not another piece of shovelware garbage game with an IP slapped on to it.
Hunt has been relevant since Ratio. Keep up with the times, grandpa
in what bizarro world?
I was told Yaoshi was a hardcore yurifag , why do all the ads with Firefly feature Caelus?
>madoka game gets posted here
>posted in wuwa afterwards
>then posted in /zzz/ under the pretense that kuro made the game
>and now posted here again
>retards start believing it
You can't make this shit up
The only thing mildly interesting about topaz are her ass and fua dmg buff.
If fox general is a sub dps with sick buffs, she might have a chance.
Are they going the make the flagship general a sub dps? Highly doubt it.
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The HSR killer is coming out these year!

Bros, I'm panicking...
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>6 avatarfags in a row
congrats on your first mimic railbwos, you've made it!
where's the 4th movie though
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Uh oh
she replaces him just fine
the nerfs she got are targeting this exact team comp btw
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Madoka game is just HSR but fixes its majors issues, name males and homofaggotry.
is that...?
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If its based on a IP, where are they taking new characters from?
Just gonna be silly costumes with stats?
What other comps is she even good in beside Topaz?
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Sex with lil' gui and record it for her onlyfans...
>E0S1 and in Ack teams.
So without his cone, he probably is only a small upgrade. And you can just roll his cone instead and use Gui? Man why did they even make this character if he is so shit
I have secured e2s1 firefly
Now what do I do?

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are we gonna play ZZZ?
uninstall and play ZZZ
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Except you know... Madoka is a yurifag's heaven
there are plenty of characters from spin-offs and the previous madoka gacha
I hope it'll die like magia shitcord. I'll never forgive them from blocking SEA chads.
Only if you are a gacha tourist with a severe case of fomo
magia record added a lot of new characters, anon
Pure bullshit, this makes no sense. March is a sub dps just like Topaz, there is absolutely no way she is only slightly behind the FuA core with 3 sigs while goin full 4 star cones
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Ellen is the only reason i'm playing.
I love girls with black hair and red/blue inner color
I have an announcement to make
I am going to impregnate Sparkle
I'm pretty sure madomagi is yurishit so homofaggotry is still there?
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17yo Sharkussy...
Are they all fully clothed lolis?
Looks kinda lame.
we are playing madoka bwo
that fucking hussy bitch blew herself up just to seduce caelus
is the Madoka anime good? I heard its just like Cardcaptor Sakura but edgy and super gay
Uhhhhhhh shes in highschool bro????
You shouldnt be posting pictures like that.
Those elements are so stupid. Both Mami and Homura use guns, yet they are different elements? And did Kyoko ever use fire? I only remember her making spears
it's very good imo
Wont play it because im not a furry. Seems like mediocre FOTM
This is a bad thing because? Yuri is hot as shit. You’re honestly gay if you never jerked off to yuri/lesbian
I wanted to back when it was 16+
It's exactly that and it's great
firefly super break replacing one of the chars but it makes that team worse no matter who you swap out so it's just a meme option
>HSR invented turn based
>HSR invented break system
>HSR invented fire, ice, wind, etc elements
>HSR invented turn order UI
>HSR invented HP bar
>HSR invented auto battler
>HSR invented basic attack, skill and ultimate
>HSR invented the genre HSR-like
One of Urobutcher's best work. That and puppets.
Ok tranny
I wish Project:Mugen didnt die.
I liked spiderman games before they became gay and racialy diverse.
I feel bad for the general (or PMMM) when that game comes out cause the schizos that constantly seethe about yuri and shipping are gonna go nuts there.
The original series is great. The movie and spinoff are unnecessary cash grab.
Madoka is the Yuri central anon its not gonna fix any homo issues soon
Madoka is most infamous for singlehandely killing the Magical Girl Genre because everyone else tried to imitate it
Once you get past the shock value of "WOW MAGICAL GIRLS BUT THEY SUFFER" it becomes painfully mediocre. The best way to describe Madoka Magica is it should have ended years ago but got milked for way more then its worth and just turned into torture porn
I'll play for a few days but 100% rage quitting if I get the gay furry as my first ssr
another Homura victim here lmao
Madoka blocked Israel 'fore I shall be staying here
>I wish Project:Mugen didnt die.
Enjoy your anal worms
zensored zone zero?,nah im good
Kek another brainlet hating the movie
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Watch the original anime and the movie. Don't bother with any side stories, spinoffs, manga, etc. it's not worth it
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Thanks, you're rant just inspired me to pull out my Bravely Default copy and check on it. All I see is a level 61 Ranger Tiz whose by himself for some reason, and I've got no fucking clue what I was doing nor can I remember how the combat works. I might just start a new game.
Nothing of value has ever been made by Shaft. Its just memers meming each other into ironically liking shit.
I'm gonna play zzz just to see how bad the cuckshit and furryshit are gonna be
If youre a woman yeah.
Its pretty fucking shit otherwise.
I watched like 3 episodes with a chick to hook up and it wasnt worth it.
But who's the target audience for Madoka gacha?
Most people who watched it when it first aired should have kids by now.

Madoka: Star Rail.
>madoka fans
Bebebros, we lookin' good
Hmmyes I love seeing the same thing over and over again.
Honkai tourist general
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The movie and homura tamura are the best part
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but the Madoka game is 5 niggas in a row not 4
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No news, no trailers, nothing on twitter, no mention in the publishers big event.
Kinda funny how everyone made fun of HSR for dumbing down to 3 skills and no mana, and now games are just copying it. Shows how successful HSR has become
elevens have become creatively bankrupt.
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>And you can just roll his cone instead and use Gui
as of right now that's the metafag route.
>Man why did they even make this character if he is so shit
Lmao. Now you understand what being a Jadefag is like.
I thought I was in the wrong general…
It'd one thing if the Chinese copy something, but Japan?
Shamefur Dispray.
>Mihoyodrones already attacking Madokino
Love to see it. But Genshin wasn't a copy of BotW
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Homu did nothing wrong
The whole genre is based on japs copying Wizardry bro.
But it was
Look, I’m retarded but I’m not that retarded. Only poorniggers use Gui with Acheron
Gameplay isn't nearly as important for mobile games as some may think.
I think it's only fair if nips copy chinks just once since the chink game industry only thrived because of copying nips.
didn't Magia Record flopped really hard and literally EoS'd the same year it was released? I remember I went back to play it and realized they were gonna close servers down in a month or so lol
i see it...
Why couldn't it be a different IP...
which one?
I can see a nipple...
Magia Record lasted for like 7 years bwo
That's EN version cause it was released USA-only or some shit. JP got EoS recently after a good run
its for yurifags
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Time for a buzz
Yeah I was mistaking it with the EN version, JP really made some time I remember now
but it was not as big as any of the gacha classics tbf
Firefly banner killed HSR. People would rather talk about decade old yuri anime.
>as of right now that's the metafag route.
Kinda funny, reminds me of people rolling for Jing Yuan's cone just for QQ. But still sad that the only thing to be hyped about is his cone. Don't really roll for cones except for characters I really like, but might throw in a 10 pull to see if I get lucky.
>Now you understand what being a Jadefag is like.
Well, I'm not a JQ fan so still don't fully understand. Just more perplexed that they even made this character. Should have made him a 4* so he can be fully focused on being a trend replacement. And I do feel bad for you Jadefags, she is really disappointing. I like hags, but kinda glad now I wasn't planning on rolling for her because her design didn't really appeal to me for some reason. But at least her kit is interesting, can't say the same about JQ.
I already don't run Ack in Pela/SW team, so I don't give a shit.
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Slapping Black Swan’s big butt
What's the point of a character select? Aren't those the ONLY characters?
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Madoka is still new and relevant right? Its like at most 4 years old right?? What do you mean it aired 12 years ago???
Sure, but the game also released on PC and PS. So you could argue why play this game when you have access to so many more complex JRPGs. I expected to get bored quickly for the same reason, but in practice the 3 buttons doesn't impact the core gameplay too much
I'm gonna this with a grain of salt.
People used to post some chart to "proof" BS is 10% better than Sampo
Even if you have more skills, arent you still always using the same one?
I'd pick Stelle if she had ponytail
>still no sequel to Rebellion
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As you should. I will post gameplay showcases here in 2 days and you can judge via gameplay then.

Let me know what teams you want me to test.
We are rolling for Ellen Joe
Yeah, that is what most JRPG gameplay boils down to. You either spam your strongest attack, or just basic attack the trash to save resources. You won't use Fire or Fira when you Firaga, you only use Zio instead of Zionga when hitting a weakness etc. The only reason to use a lower level spell is resource management, which got replaced by the SP system. So you don't need different levels.
oh shit, this is by Kuro too? damn they are shameless
has no one heard of Heaven burns red? (yuri as well)
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Global when?

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