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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Sync Grid Simulator, CS stage info, Lodge topics and more
>Pomakek but better
>Tier List Maker
>Eggmon viability guide/tier list

>Legendary Gauntlet Info

>Model ripping/datamining project FAQ
>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with tracks up to the previous update (Unova Neo Champion 2, Larry, Klara, Avery). All the tracks are looped, tagged and sorted.

>Previous Thread
THE sexiest summer alt!
>Hop hitting 2m damage or something alone
So what does Bianca do exactly? Multiply fighting damage?
Do you have to use colress for the meme strat or it can be BP Surges thunderwave too?
only Colress works because he gets free move next every time he does it so he can do it infinitely.
I see. This is his moment and his mode!
Offers 2 stacks of Fighting Rebuff. At the end of the day, Tech will do higher ST damage since that's literally what they are for
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My 3/5 Hop can't even reach 300k, am I retarded?
>in the ranked version you can't use the same units for multiple fights


There's plenty of other nearly identical sync rush cheese options. Pretty much anything with a status move and either charging infliction or charging freebie on their grid can do it.
>Stun Spore: Charging Infliction 2
Barry and Roserade has it
same thing
I broke 400k with my hop (2/5) but I think the problem is I'm treating it as a normal battle rather than just damage rush. I'm using NC rosa, Hop and Rei
>Colress at 2/5
>no candies
No cheese for me
>using a whole tech candy on colress for this..
inb4 DeNA nerfs this strat
Your scout tickets?
Ah yes, because they totally care about players cheesing a filler mode for lackluster free pairs.
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Guess she came at the right time
Common Barry W. Give him an NC alt
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I should have rolled for the female. I'm sorry bros... the globohomo propaganda got me.
>I should have rolled for the female.
Thank you Barry for literally doubling my score for free
What's the strategy for Colress? Just use Thunder Wave from the get-go?
Noland UB is the only thing I look forward to this month
I'm looking forward 5th anni. I hope the new pairs are good power creep so I can do all the UB in one go and get tons of gems.
Who did you sync with? Hop?
What's the grid to use for this?

What's the gimmick? Weakness?
Gimmick is Fissure and sidemons that have never miss Earthquake. Good luck.

Weak to flying. Seems to be another DPS race like the Palmer UB. The gimmick is that he opens with Fissure so you have to do the whole fight 2v3, and then he gives himself +10 PMUN after his first sync to wipe you if you haven't already killed him.

Only has 260k HP tho, shouldn't be too hard with NC Cheren and/or Anni Skyla
>What's the gimmick?
multiple use Fissures with Piercing Gaze + Piercing Blows .. and also some sure crits (but not right away - later on)
and a dps race aka Palmer 2.0.. after sync boss gets a +10 PMUN sure crit EQ

low hp though like Lucy
>so you have to do the whole fight 2v3
You're supposed to use either DamageGuard or 2-turn Fly support/pairs
Sounds like another free win for Cynthia.
So does the Colress strat be replicated with venom drench spam?
I just know that I'll be underprepared for the next HSE so I'm saving PU depending on the types. Hoping they don't do rock anytime soon.
If you can spare the gauge, Venom Drench was the OG cheese move for the very first time trial.
Yeah, double damage guard + Sprint makes Cynthia probably the best support for this UB. The +6 defences also help, since the sure crits dont come out until later. If you clear it right and quick - there wont even be crits at all. This isnt like Palmers Clutch Critical
SS Mina is ~second best support (her DGN is single-use, but its AoE)
Thats consistent with all the previous UBs where they were also the 2 best supports overall

Kabu is also good here btw
its basically Palmer 2.0, except:
- the enemy hp is much lower, but also boss has 2x endures (80% & 50%)
- the sure crits arent there from the start, but instead you have to do deal with Fissures (unlimited uses) and more damage in general (Good Form boosted EQs)
- the base Atk is also higher than Palmers
>replicated with venom drench spam?
Oleana has this:
>Venom Drench: Twofer 9
>Has a chance (100%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
0 gauge venom drench, but it requries 5/5
With Janines Venom Drench spam you will probably run out of gauge sooner or later
None of the new pairs seem to be incredibly good, about on par with the lodge pairs. I wonder if they'll keep "rerunning" this until further notice to have some "content" in the event tab. Maybe Gladion with the auto ice field on entry+healing in fieldis probably the best of the bunch
>Challenge Marnie
>Single opponent
>Poison weak
Her battle
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This is probably the best I can and am willing to do, don’t know how some got so lucky with time.
Wow 5x 5*s
5/5 Hop has 10 energy unlock for all kind of multipliers on same grid
All the new units from this DPS challenge stuff are absolute garbage, surely nobody is stupid enough to spend move candies to get the tickets a few days faster than everyone else.

Acerola or Hexrola?
Marnie and Gladion are good. Take your meds.
a freebie Field unit with a shitty sync isnt really good - you have to waste a sync on them just to keep the zone going

You might very well be better off syncing without the zone, but with a real good dmg sync nuker
good thing all of the free field units have more to offer than debut zone and field ex
Their kits aren't good but a bunch of completely free field and sprint units is nice to at least pad out your role multipliers for weekly rally.
Ok the colress+hop strat is good but surely it isn't the top team right? Why is nobody posting them
>on a single-target stage
Why? Do people actually press Screech or what?

It literally is the optimal clear. This is currently top 10 on the prestige leaderboard.

This mode is filler desu, I'm already over it
And I'm 100% never gonna use any of the ticket units. Not even for rally since they all lack EX roles.
sweet, a new pokeboys mode
Show your x18 types 3* Leon secret title from this mode.
true, the most meta units are colress, bp barry, redlax, sc steven and larry
They're just rally helpers
>Rei and Ballssac will be the stro-ACK!
Another genius take for the /pmg/'s geniuses compilation
Rei >> Hop when there will be 3 targets
and Cynthia is good at everything
>They're just rally helpers
How so? You want double role units for Rally for max pts
Would 2 colress do it even faster or it doesn't matter?
faster as you can queue 2 moves but it's not worth if you sacrifice your enchanter
Ah yes, I sure have 9 sprint+field pairs for these triple S/F runs
Maybe in 2 years right now Sprint/Field stages are impossible to double role and the more free field/sprint units the more options you have for region/type buffs to make your runs easier
What a cute cope
Is Bianca necessary for the milly?
For the two million? Yes. Two layers of rebuff, circle effect and decent damage with no setup time has no equivalent substitute. If you want to break one million without her the only clear I've seen is OG Red/A2 Gloria/Colress.
What about cynthia
Cynthia is built for UB, EB, HSE, Rally
but she is ok here too
No zone extension hurts her a lot in this mode
Cynthia gives me dick extension 9
The Colress strat is real!

>Is Bianca necessary for the milly?
no, 1M should be just about doable without her.
I was pretty close
>can't do 1M
How do you use this team bro?
Sync with (EXed+caked) Cynthia first, then only Hop syncs
Use Hop B-move twice to debuff to -6, and use his manual zone in-between syncs as needed so that all syncs have a zone
Everything else is ONLY thunderwave spam non-stop to get to next sync. Dont press anything except thunderwaves and hop sync. Dont attack with Hop or Cynthia

You should just barely have 4 syncs total, 1 Cynthia, 3 Hop
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>got to 1 mil
good enough for me
Is 5/5 Hop and SS Aura really necessary?
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Can I hit 1M without candying/caking NC Bianca? I don't own NC Hop.
Of course not. But Hop 3/5 is
Though Auras 3/5 gives HS1, which would help here a bit (faster first sync)
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>Can I hit 1M without candying/caking NC Bianca?
Should be able to, most of of her contribution is the rebuff

Pic related is 1M+ with only 2/5 Rei and yours is 3/5
I managed 1 mil with the same strat, 3/5 Hop and 1/5 Redlax instead of Cynthia
Thanks anon. I'm gonna try rolling a piece of gear to see if I can wiggle enough sync % to get the remaining 15k
>no NC Rosas
Is her time-wasting animation THAT bad here?

That, and there are multiple better ways to apply fighting rebuff.
3 relic songs are just too much even cynthia is better here lmao
Hmm, Bianca seems to be syncing on that team, and she's 3/5.
But I'll keep trying. Maybe with NC Rosa's extra rebuff stack instead of SSAC's one-time zone...
You can also spam Teeter Dance with NC Rosa to skip her animations. You just won't get any PMUN/SMUN.
Syncing with 3/5 EX Rei should be as good as Biancas syncs, or even better (he has a built-in sync multiplier, she doesnt)

Also you dont need that 1Mil, the rewards are bad anyway, and 1-2 tickets make no difference
But my autism...
Can she do it at 1/5 or does she need dupes?
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Are you going to pull for him?
So is this mode going to be just Colress + Tech + Strike nuke + zone/circle/rebuff?
Nah, had a moment of weakness with Gardenia but I'm firmly back on the saving for Brandon train.
Probably. Only collectors or die-hard fans of the rivals are really going to take this mode seriously anyhow.

No, these first two fights have no battle parameter so its just a simple DPS maxing exercise but the later ones in the datamine have stuff like "significantly reduced sync damage" or "significantly reduced attack damage" to force you to try other stuff.
>aoe bug next week
>people still think Colress is the only move spammer
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You rolled for him....right anon?
>implying who you use in some meme cheese strat for an inconsequential mode matters
The ranked version has those the normal fights dont. That's why they only expect you to get 1 million points combined in 3 different fights.
Colress is the best one because his moves are free, Barry has to still use the gauge
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This guy needs to give up access to the website if he's not gonna update it
Barry is better in ST
Colress in AoE
it's on github, anyone can fork and host there it for free if they want
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>that sudden champion shilling
i don't like this
i don't want another boring anni...
>>people still think Colress is the only move spammer
3/5 Colress
BP Barry
5/5 Oleana
a Cynthia-Steven-Lance anni would to me be better than any of the previous 4 annis
>You rolled for him....right anon?
I did but he is only 1/5
What's your hop sync grid?
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I got greedy and did 1 more multi after getting one, now watch him not actually be good for the event.
Yes, but wouldn't SS Hilbert be better? I know both Barry and Nate have tech role (barry has cake) but barry feels slow to play at times
Just take all sync multipliers and the +25 sync tiles. Maximize Sync damage
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So Oleana or Ariana? I haven't tried it but do max moves count to the timer? Syncs don't but given how bullshit it is, I would imagine the max moves do as they're "normal" moves.

Seems the twink+dog might be mandatory for this one
>stages only go up to the anni
EoSbros won
Trevor and Chase aren’t in yet, so it’s likely we’ll get one of them soon and the rotation will update. It’s also funny how Calem is the de facto rival of Kalos and he isn’t featured because he’s also a protag.
I just checked and it's up.
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lmfao no
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Would adding a multiplier to Gladion's sync move be enough to make Gladion decent?
He would need at least two since his stats are so low. Give him double down 9 and haymaker and he becomes more usable.
Got Oleanna on Mix. Is she worth investing to 3/5?
Yeah her sync is top tier since she has 190% in multipliers. Even after Roxie and Geeta she is still the strongest poison unit.
can someone ELI5 the Colress strategy?
it's so over for me bros
spam thunder wave to quickly lower sync counter then sync with the best damage dealer, repeat, get 1 milly
but is there a certain way i need to grid or lucky skill him?
he gets freebie infliction at 3/5, it’s the only reason to use him over bp barry
although i expect an influx of “you didn’t clear” when people start posting their teams for this mode en masse
This mode should've had limits on move usage too. The Barry/Colress strat is braindead and not fun.
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bullying works
Why would you ever want to use this site, anyway? Both
https://pokemon.brybry.ch/masters/programme.html and
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qbM-RurJ91IuBX8YVQjDhcI735xJAc2F have better schedules.
>. Is she worth investing to 3/5?
oh yes
Better how? The website is easy to read and provides a countdown for whatever comes next. I use the google drive to know how many more gems are left in the month.
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>luckpull lolihag
>another support that needs 3/5 to function
Well, that one time when they released fucking broken co-op EX battle that was only clearable if you abused Acerola's Sandstorm bug they patched it fairly quick, so who knows, retarded decision like that wouldn't surprise me at all
During the ranked damage event, do I need to do 1M total or 1M on each battle?
>the recommended pair (Hilda) can only clear it legit but with a strict hard to follow set-up
Early Pokemon Master SEX was a different beast
>deliberately roll for sync pair knowing her kit already
Please adore your twins today
You are a pirate
You board her ship
And you find her >>484354382
weapon less and tied to the mast.

Go fap and leave us out of it, please.

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