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Previous: >>484347509 #

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I [Open] (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik [Open] (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI [Open] (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA [Open] (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
>dont show abyss stars
>show imaginarium stars
they know how to humiliate people kek
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IT was too short we need another endgame mode
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Pregnant Nahida would be really sexy.
IT's actually too easy
OP is sean
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Enough about IT. What did you think of the new lore books? The Night Carneval in the witch book was clearly Walpurgisnacht, which is also Diluc's birthday. I wonder if it has more significances in lore.
What is even this show about? All I see is sex scenes and pregnant women
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The Japanese are really seething about Imaginarium Theater.
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Predict cryo Traveler kit.
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genshin needs more characters with a striking appearance like mona, dehya, nilou or yoimiya
characters that can easily draw your attention and cause a lasting impression
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>imaginarium was a dud

Star rail wins this round...
I wish I could see which of my characters get borrowed. I think most people pick my Sigewinne, but maybe there's someone who tried my C6 Klee.
Meaningless without substance and only exists now for lore nerds to jerk off over.
I want "Havana, ooh na-na~~" to play in the background during the natlan teaser this Friday
>pagfly shill mode
>when she flopped
Yea nooo....
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We won't have anything similar to this Natlan right? Hoyo will keep this cuckshit in ZZZ only r-right?
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>What is this porn about all I see is boobs and vagena
can't borrow characters to make up for the my lack of leveled characters it seems, sad
>You can't use your favorite characters
Late Sumeru updates also dropped big lore bombs like Rene's notes. I didn't expect Natlan to have witch lore, but all the talk about Western witches is making me consider it.
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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>americas doesn't like it
>evrope doesn't like it
>chinese doesn't like it
>japanese doesn't like it
>low spenders doesn't like it
>whales doesn't like it
>only seapags like it
What conclusion can be derived from this?
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>anemo/dendro/geo IT
How would people react to that rotation?
dude was a neet loser until he got isekaid and now hes trying to live a fulfilling life without regrets, its all about dude growing as a person. its genuinely very good series.
So basically the boons suck ass and I should just reroll if I can’t pick a character? And if I don’t pick a character every other round, I’ll eventually run out and it automatically ends?
I wish
But is there a petition?
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>imaginarium was a dud
FOUR YEARS for this shit
I might uninstall Genshin and try zzz for a week or two before quitting gacha for good
do you know the name of the theme that plays on the last stages of IT (when theres planets all around)? can only find the theme from the lobby room
>hey man they added new endgame content!
>its just a ploy to get people to daily login to train up shit-mons
how can anybody still be "playing" this garbo
>paimon post
how does she do it every single time?
>>only seapags like it
we do?
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>xe rolled for Arletranno
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Omg hi Tencent
Thanks for your support in liberating China from the CCP
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I liked it :/ euro btw
here we go again
>20 posts late
Your aura is done for.
>dude was a 45 year old virgin for 44 years and not that he got isekaid he's the coolest & and the strongest and everyone likes him
I've seen enough of these shows to last me three lifetimes over.
FFX still exists and GAIZ is usable and you can definitely sort out a second monogeo from ning Noelle and chiori
So I'd probably be fine
IT has filtered BILLIONS
Go back
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No, I'm the anti VV schizo and I don't use Discord.
Hello, Ahmed.
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>redditshoku redditsei
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Nahida is really sexy.
>>evrope doesn't like it
im f2p and i like it
>What is this porn about all
That would explain everything but apparently, it is a real show and not a hentai
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could be worse
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>too short for a monthly thing
>too long to go through
>bad replayability due to taking forever to go through everything
>too easy for it to be considered challenging content
>forced restrictions like requiring full party is shit
>witch song is neat, but it completely stop after a short while (and only go back when it repeats)
>playing with scuffed teams isn't that fun
It looks like the only thing they nailed was the board princess.
thats the fucking point, otherwise its just abyss 2 which is even more boring
also fuck metafags that just want to use the nr 1 meta unit, yes I see through you
I'm euro and I like it thougever?
We love IT here.
>Raiden Midgun
/gig/ all year
>genshin impact SUCKS, i'm so sick of mihoyo, they ruined the game, playing is a chore, new characters are bad, events are boring, story is dogshit, gacha is greedy, fuck dawei

/gig/ when someone posts another game
>genshin impact is PERFECT, mihoyo are the BEST DEVS EVER, i fucking LOVE this game, NOBODY can compete with us, the characters are AWESOME, the gameplay ROCKS, the story is KINO, we don't need free stuff because we're not desperate, all hail dawei
I'm a seaGOD whale and I don't like it.
I do love IT
Nice try, Telugu & Bengali. Show skin and outlets.
>Only 2k likes and 400 reposts.
I don't care, bro.
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This is what the 5.0 dendro boy looks like according to a leaker (a LoL character)
Having an 80 day long event with weekly bonus rewards was really all we needed
t. brapeet from punjab
Colosseum in Natlan apparently
Who comes up with those retarded names?
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>couldn't get every star cuz your team have 3 on field dps
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I'm lovin' IT.
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I'm removing your Nahida posting rights until you've proven you own C6 Nahida
I honestly hadn't thought about it this way but even if that guy must be an outlier to not have enough characters on a 2 year old account (allegedly) doesn't this just highlight the faults with rolling for 4 stars rather than the elemental restrictions?
why the fuck would they pair up geo with the two elements it literally does not react in literally any way shape or form you retard you imbecile you absolute buffoon
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>noooo my narrative
what a waste of money lole
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We will always have great allies like the US and Taiwan. Here at Tencent, the fight for liberation of China will not be completed without them. (You) can join too!
Oh, sorry. Hello, brapeet.
>no hard R
>still ban evading
Right I messed that up
It should be FXX
Anyhow FFXX is just furina faruzan xiao xianyun
Which isn't a name it's an acronym
I’m a burger & I loved it. Fuck outta here nigga
Imaginarium Theater is inherently unfun garbage. Being forced to use mismatched trash teams like Wanderer Cyno Clorinde Raiden because the RNG fucks you can never be fun, I got the primos on the first try and didn't bother with getting full stars.
If I had known the stars are literally worthless I wouldn't have gotten any, from now on I will refuse to get more than 0 stars on purpose to pad Mihoyo statistics showing the event is too difficult. I will also complain in the surveys and in the feedback every day from now on, fuck you Da Wei for adding this trash and forcing me to play it for primogems
>murricans woke up
>/pol/posting starts
Every time.
looks like someone from there is here >>484358505
not memorable enough for pasta, but keep working on it and you might become the next coopschizo
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Can't relate to that feeling saar
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It's the time of the year again. Another accusation against Sean, an accusation that was debunked. People like them should just stay in their lane

I genuinely think genshin fanbase is ruining the game by tryign to rally against VAs for small reasons, last time a VA quit twitter because they got accused of being a zionist.
IT is easy, but I hate it. I wanna use my C6 Ganyu because she is my favorite.
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finger lickIT good
>Wanderer Cyno Clorinde Raiden because the RNG fucks
That sounds like you don't know how to play rather than RNG being an issue lol
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Good morning. I thought Imaginarium Theater was fun. I just don't like the fact we now have to wait for a month to get rewards from Imaginarium Theater and Spiral Abyss. I hate content droughts in live service games.
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Maybe jannies and do their jobs for once?
Oh wait...
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Please respond
IT isn't as bad as I thought it would be. The thing is, now they want you to build a lot of characters, so why the FUCK are boss mats still locked behind 40 resin considering you have to farm 46 of this shit? Specially when they can fuck you over by dropping 2 instead of 3. Hell, reduce resin costs for everything since building a lot of characters is now mandatory if you want to play the new mode. It's stupid, mihomo is not even trying to hide the fact they want people to spend more money refreshing. Also it's retarded that I don't get to pick which characters is going to join when I select random since it's almost guaranteed that I'll have all of them by the end. 7/10 mode, could be better.
>attempted to groom
>15 year old trans boy
She was already groomed long before that
Please do it Albedo. It's time for this madness to end.
>sean chiplock

MT was one of the first ones to do that, though. This series is actually quite old, even though it's only getting adapted now.
Hi Sean
/gig/ is mindlessly slurping again, like during the empty area incident
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trying so hard to be star rail
There's always someone who's alright with sloppy seconds
Why can't troons just kill themselves and save us all the troubles?
>and not that he got isekaid he's the coolest & and the strongest and everyone likes him
actually he isnt, its explicitly shown to you that he pales powerlevel and experiencewise to big dogs. he also started as a little bitch(literally) and still for the most part is insecure bitch, there was entire arc dedicated to going over trauma(in isekai world) that caused his erectile dysfunction. when i said that its about growing as a person i really meant it, it would be the equivalent of a random loser finally fixing his life and going to gym, getting a job, getting a gf and founding family etc.
I'm american and I like it
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success breeds jealousy
now they're trying to match the unmatched
>pags are the biggest hoyoslurpers and they dominate r/gachagaming which is why that subreddit is so pro-mihoyo
>pags are the biggest hoyoseethers and they dominate /gig/ which is what that subreddit is doomposting 24/7
both of these statement cannot be true at the same time
and no that second usage of the term subreddit wasn't a mistake lole
Characters are more important.
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>15 years old trans boy
>15 year old trans boy
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did you roll for best girl?
I sometimes wish periods just made women explode. Would solve a lot of the world’s problems.
As another solution, put every woman on lithium from birth.
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all I wanted was Noelle cons...
>space theme has been there since the beginning of the game, 1.0 and 1.1
>it's copying starshart
Auto your life to death right now Honkek
Diluc EN VA
Unironically one of the few good EN VA
they woudn't dare add 'those' to the game
i'd quit on the spot
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So about the empty Sumeru area...
idk some mutt
I've been hearing on my tl that dain's line in the travail trailer about some chick loving flowers isn't about lumine, what happened??
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bought and paid indeed
bought and paid
I just went for boons early and only used trial characters for the initial stages, because you get characters by beating stages anyway, and after a few stages you'll have a lot of currency to use if you really need more characters
If you want to watch an isekai where the dude grows as a person watch re:zero. From what I've seen of MT mc acts like a creep but everyone still loves him for some reason and just handwaves all his wrongdoings.
Genshin Impact
furina? yeah
conquistador furina is cringe
>15 year old trans boy
Uh what?
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>he missed Layla's village
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The hydro buddypoke...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
>>>The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
The lack of 4.x hangout events...
>>>The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>>>The lack of Rukka and Egeria demon names...
like 2 years ago
she's benched rn tho
sounds like a project lumine cope tbdesu
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All our best women has join our revolution for freedom from the CCP. And you?
>frogkeks out of nowhere
>4am West Coast
I'm noticing
>dude growing as a person
All I hear is he's impregnating everyone idk how that's growing as a person
>I genuinely think genshin fanbase is ruining the game
unironically underage people shouldnt have internet access. i can guarantee you that most of these posts are teenage girls.
furina isn't for (you)
My village... Where did it go...
>dendro boy
>posts an adult man
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*shota you mean
We will never get someone with this much muscle, get real
Kill this game faster plox
I think her master is better. Her master's clothes changes in battle, has gap closer, has air and ground combos you can combine, has enormous breasts too.
No thanks, I'm not interested in any more wish fulfillment garbage where the MC always always has a hand above the others, whether it be cheat powers, big magic, looks, the knowledge of the past world that allows him to take advantage of others or a combination of all of them.
which % of total teyvat crimes occurs in natlan?
I usually hate isekaishit but MT is alright, MC becomes powerful but not the most powerful and the world is interesting. Plus no retarded videogame mechanics like 80% of isekai, thats always so bad.
Euro here and I find it pretty fun, but it's probably due to novelty and new idle voicelines for characters in the restroom
Nah 2 of them bringing it up are dainlumi shippers
>rezero mc grows as a person
thats a joke right
must be a cali druggie but that hardly narrows it down
i'm downloading the game just for her is her banner up still
>5.0 dendro boy
Didn't leakers say that 5.0 would be a new hydro and pyro character
i haven't watched tranime in 10 years
probably never will
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Tencent is proud to be the forefront of the revolution movement. We invite (You) to join us in our long struggle against the tyranny of the CCP
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>he's the coolest & and the strongest and everyone likes him
Watch this show it's fucking hilarious
That's what I thought. Your stereotypical ecchi isekai haremshit that everyone pretends is a masterpiece.
>character development
yeah, wuwa is having only her and changli for 2 months
IT is so fking good for people who like building characters.
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>clothes changes in battle
I wonder if hoyo devs were planning that or the dumbass leaker just misinterpreted concept art
That's the whole point of the anime. He starts out as a dipshit and by the end... is a bit less of a dipshit.
Same, but for me I can no longer get into anime anymore.
All that money they made and they made the cameras worse. It's truly impressive.

Looks like that to ru protagonist grown up
well eremites aren't that hideous
they don't survive until adulthood in natlan
cool ty
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the fact that jap portraying 99% of isekai mc as chad and yet birthrate still dropping left and right is just depressing
>listening to someone that hasn't watched the show and recommends fucking rezero
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oh no no no
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yeah it barely just started, good luck fren
isekais won't fix how expensive and time consuming raising kids are
what breeding ntr fetishes does to a nation
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I'm glad I had put some effort on my Thoma and Xinyan, they really helped. Still didn't dare to use my Heizou even though I've been leveling him recently. I'm glad I now have a good excuse to work on my 4*s, it enables fun overworld teams too.
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Literally me the show
It was a hard watch but it is a certified cringekino
I liked Imaginarium
Let me guess, you self inserted as Subaru and got filtered by THAT episode
fair enough. though i will just say that its for the most part just fantasy series rather than some random cheat powers bullshit you think of when you hear isekai, since the mc didnt accomplish anything that his peers couldnt so theres no advantage of any kind except having another shot at life.
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thanks anon, when I saw her I decided she was too pretty and worth to try the game around, since gacha main focus is the characters for me
I hate Imaginarium
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>no no it's really good, not at all like the others
Head that one before, too, and then it's exactly as trashy as the isekai that came before it.
I'm not watching it, have fun though.
But isn't Tencent already dead after that $43 blunder when the CCP tried to declare daily logins as illegal? You're being paranoid.
You got filtered for having a small roster or being a newfag
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I can't play IT hard mode
Birth rates are dropping in every country, because having a family is way more expensive nowadays and there isn't that big of an insentive to have a big family anymore. People prefer to pursue their careers instead, and for all civilization we've lived just fine without having over 8 billion people, having it drop doesn't affect anything.
I like Imaginarium
Genshin wormpact
I love Genshin Impact
natlan will never make me like africa
just like how fontaine failed to make me to like frenchfags
same thing with sumeru
i still don't like indians, pakis & the rest of sandniggers
i like mondstadt though
but none of them are german
fischl is just a larping schizo
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hell yeah
Genmid Midpact
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The manga version was worse (better). It's funny that saving the girl is not enough He is so good he scored a goal while doing all of that
surely they'll make next imaginarium more fun (boons actually do something)?
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The light of Liberty will shine over the darkness of tyranny. Tencent and our allies, the US and Taiwan, will be by your side in this fight.
how could maladaptive daydreaming help with birthrates?
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>Casts instant death that bypasses all defenses and immunities
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>NEWfags can't clear the ENDgame
>this is somehow bad
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finally triple crowned :D
Xbalanque is a Maya, so basically Asian, though
Obese pedophile loser who is hated by everyone is driven to suicide. He gets reincarnated in a magical world were he gets S tier super powers for free, and a harem of girls because reasons.

It's literally the most shallow, shameless and pathetic self insert pandering.
polygamy is bad because?
I hate N
ohnonono wuwashill...
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bros... how will we survive ZZZ annihilating us?
it might be over for real this time
Tranny meltdown uhoh
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>MT and Overlord schizos in /gig/
how do you come to that conclusion
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They should add N as a gift to Nintendo for Genshin on Switch 2
How can you help when you got scuttled?
(BTW this is a good thing).
>all clown retard is trying to pretend his self insert power fantasy is actually good writing
Haha. He hasn't grown as a person literally at all. The only thing that changed is that instead of getting shamed and put down for his ban behavior, the women he's fucking accept that he's an unfaithful pervert.
Neuvillette poll

Btw the leaks are implying that
Dendro boy has grappling hook while hydro hebe can probably swim on lava.
congrats brosis
holyshit long time no see ainzbwo
I miss my husband....
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We only love native isekais here.
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Sorry flaseflagbro, I'm playing both so I can't lose

This is why we don't get swimsuits anymore
>fucks furina is the most highly voted option
I regret rolling for Furina Lawrence..
>My 8k arle can't beat IT
It's fucking over
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Who exactly is the target for the Theatre Imaginarium?
Day 1 Players?
Day 1 Whales?
Native African Tribal Languages Network (NATLAN)
We are not alone in this fight. Our allies like the US and Taiwan will support us. Free China from the CCP!
>Retard on /gig/ pretends he has some exquisite rich taste in writing
>Plays an isekai gacha game where every girl and man loves him to bait him into spending money
c2p botted it
Neuvillette is basically a teenager's fanfic and I wonder how did it made into the game
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She would be a Dehya main
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I think Imaginarium Theater SUCKS
everyone who pulled for neuvillete is worse than a natlan native
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we love fantasy here
we hate redditren journey beyond reddit's end btw
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I'm stealing that rabi
Good, very good mr Ainz
It was just first wave of enemies. Now the second wave gets spawned and your time stop and instant death are both on cooldowns! What are you going to do now?
Holy seethe. Don’t lash out because you started late and decided to go for cons and weapons instead of rolling for THE FUCKING CHARACTERS THEY MAKE FOR YOU
MT is fucking trash
>dude i got reincarnated first thing i will do is try to fuck as many girls as possible
and people defend it as revolutionary series kys
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Are we ever gonna get Dahlia?
Neuvillette is an unironic 'native isekai' character written by Fat Xiao by the way.
im going to complain about IT
this sucks

this cant be their answer to WuWa lmao
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No one here is praising Genshin's writing. On the contrary.
bro dont know about wriosexyly
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>Dendro boy claymore
Grappling hook
>Hydro girl catalyst
Water sprint
>Geo lady
Cliff hop
I told you he was AXED lole
people who play the game
only the supreme one can defeat celestia and dragons
what show is this from?
I honestly had no idea there were so many people that have just been farming emblem for the past 3 years
>long awaited endgame is about the cheap inferior copy
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I'm not seething, I'm having fun with it!
I also just got back after 3 years after being a day 1 player, so I would have to level up a lot of characters anyway

I'm genuinely curious, it feels like the only people who will enjoy this from the get go are the completionists
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he is locked in Lumine's sex dungeon
>every girl and man loves him to bait him into spending money
That's literally not what happens, and you are literally autistic.
What's good writing in your opinion?
Ironically enough japs have a fucking trash taste in anime. It's always the most bland, generic trash that they love the most
>americans start waking up
>cuckposting intensifies
>harem seething starts
>rezero/overlord slurping commences
why are these people even allowed in weeb circles by allah they are worse than even pags
Seapag here. Easily beat it on mobile while using my neighbour's WiFi.
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Literally me
I feel like this happens with every fucking Isekai series and it's all just one big inside joke that I'm not a part of.
I sincerely don't get why they praise such flaming dogshit, it's the sloppiest of slop one could imagine.
why is this the endgame instead of an endless dungeon
Mushoku Godsei
the only good decision hoyo NEEDS to make is for 5.0 hydro catalyst girl to powercreep neuvillete and make him irrelevant
well he only impregnated his wife...
>Dendro when we're getting busted Uglymilie in 4.8
>Some wacky new mechanic
>X.0 character
Yeah, this shit is going to be meme tier DOA, calling it now
>this cant be their answer to WuWa lmao
It's not. ww flopped so hard they don't even pay attention to it
only schizos deny it, he's meant to be wish fulfillment for people who consume isekai but the writer completely failed at understanding even such a basic genre.
it's not about always winning because you're the chosen one, it's about being the chosen one because you're always winning
Djajeet was in Natlan all along?
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>burgers woke up
I remember when the Kakegurui author made an isekai parody where a rapist isekai'er got killed by someone living natively in the isekai world and the Mushoku Tensei author had a melty and got it cancelled after 1 chapter lmeow
It's not ecchi, it actually tries to play itself 102% seriously. It's genuinely pretentious as fuck.

Your life is a joke. And it's hilarious how you have total mental break downs over people saying your taste is shit and not giving you a safe space.
My favorite is Dostoevsky. I love recommending him to the self-entitled losers who've only read Ayn Rand and drank the koolaid philosophy and believes the way to success is to be egotistical and domineering, and then have Dostoevsky slam that philosophy down by telling egotistical and domineering people only ruin lives, for themselves and everyone around them.
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It's weird seeing /gig/ not garbage for once. The show fucking sucks don't watch it even ironically
Season 2 when?
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>/hsrg/ dead
>/wuwa/ dead
>/zzz/ alive
do any of these general have a loyal fanbase even? or are they just a bunch of gacha journeyman?
All the natlan characters are going to be dragons.
>it's the sloppiest of slop one could imagine
chainsaw man
Cu---cktone normalized bandwagon jumping, sorry
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I'm not a completionist, I just occasionally throw some talent books and artifacts at random 4*s that seem like they'd be fun in an overworld team. That's all it takes. f2p btw no welkin or bp
IT is perfect for players like me imo, I had fun with it
Why do mentally ill freak cope so hard by saying that other people are mad?
draggas, actually
Classic frog, surrendering and retreating
We're actually busy playing our game instead of shitposting on 4chan.
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new character leak
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>burgers and tacos woke up
i fucking hate locked ability exclusive for certain characters
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If I'm at the stormy Mondstadt tutorial right now could I probably get enough rolls to get Furina just from playing through the story before she leaves?
>guy who made a shitty kaiji for agp coomers ripoff thinking he has the right to shit on anyone else for being unoriginal
unironically justice served
Literally every character in the game glazes traveler and even the birthday mails are flirty sometimes, not to mention hangouts and events like the Ayaka one. You also don't get to call people autistic you are on /gig/ for a reason.
>4stats schizo
One of the reasons why our threads keep being garbage.
Now that the Imaginarium Theratre has failed to revive hype, sabotaged sales even further, and has split the already dying community into two… what can we do to restore the hype and revive the sales?
lmao does this shit work. not seeing alot of doomposting today
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And he messes with other chicks
yeah just play a lot
I will roll
Why do you think I keep doing it?
Do jannies even do their jobs?
Why did jannies allow this to happen?
If you spent your entire summer on find chests to open in the game then you definitely have the time for guaranteed rolls.
I use 4stats because I don't like scrolling through /vg/ just to find this shitty ass general
If you play a lot then probably. You have 2 weeks of her banner left
Funny how you get immediately offended when someone calls you out for being a smelly tranny freak.
make a third abyss where you balance wooden blocks for six hours straight, for 90% of the endgame primo share
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i always forget how many mental asylum residents are on 4chink, silly me
>f2p btw no welkin or bp
unironically f2p(real) players are the least affected because they are the most likely group of players to raise random shit for fates.
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>"busy playing our game instead of shitposting on 4chan"
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>you aren’t allowed to like IT because I’m not enjoying it waaaaaaaaaaaaa
>you shouldn’t be having fun with all the characters you built and rolled for over the games life over the years WAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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>go to /gig/, located on /vg/ Video Games Generals board
>somehow ended up in /a/'s isekai thread
Next thing and you guys will be talking about childhood friends and their betrayal.
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Well surely people wh have been doing that since Day 1 will have no problem with IT.

There are some characters that I would have liked to level but I never really had the necessary stimulus, because with the Abyss the circle was much smaller.
Now I have a good reason, and I will take advantage of it often.
I'll start with my girl Chevreuse
If you unironically no-lifed exploration and the main story for 2 weeks straight, then definitely. However, that's the easiest way to get burned out. Alternatively, you can just spend 5 dollars to buy an account with Furina already on it.
I've just re-watched shutter island few days ago. I think I am doing fine dealing with other mentally ill residents here
>he thinks spamming the thread with le ccp will make shitposters stop even though it's free (you)s
Sounds boring sorry
has anyone else noticed that frogs are always attached to extremely high quality posts?
god that series was so bad that i didnt even last one episode. it was such an insult to akagi/kaiji enjoyers.
>gets called out as being autistic
>responds by continuing to be autistic
Someone showing you general politeness does not mean they are romantically attracted to you.

>even the birthday mails are flirty sometimes
They aren't. You just think they are because you're autistic and can't read social cues.

>events like the Ayaka one
You mean the one where she wants to find out more about her dead mother, and the preforms a traditional Japanese fan dance to honor her mother's memory? Don't tell you're some kind of retard who thinks she was dancing for the traveler.
Hopefully they expand IT to include seasons of weapon type only and region only. Trial characters on full lithic for Liyue season.
can i be racist here?
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Genshin gets better with every update.
Every new area they have added since Dragonspine has been better than the last one
Music has constantly been on top of the industry
Lore gets deeper and more interesting with every addition
Scenery gets more beautiful with every new release
Archon quests get more interesting then the last
World quests continue to be supreme kino filtering all the subhuman IQ retards
Character kits are fun and bring new and interesting teamcomps and playstyles
The game continues to ooze with passion and attention to detail not present in any other game
>But muh [HEADCANON]
>But muh salescharts
>But muh homos & fujos
>But muh incels & femcels
>But muh e-celebs
>But muh other games
Don't care, didn't ask. I can form my own opinions and don't need someone elses approval over what I enjoy. You can't gaslight me into not enjoying something
we need to ban frogposting
that shit is literally avatarfagging
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We need to THOROUGHLY analyze this chart and base a logical and reasonable argument for or against the state of this game, and then have a serious, heartfelt, and emotional discussion backed with facts, logic, and impartial and astute observations.
Cheat Slayer is a very interesting take tho. Its like Brightburn in questioning "what if the good guys, our heroes, are the bad guys?"
i had a crush on him
I started in 2.8, I'm not a day 1 player. I almost never miss days or cap my resin though.
Omg are you too from r/4chan?
Of course just spam "nigger" in here it's so funny haha!
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>/a/ hours
don't look at me like that..
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echopicking isn't content btw
you can't run out of character
theres nothing inherently bad about that, his dad had two wifes after all.
You've been told many times. You just don't want to accept the answer. You are literally impossible to reason with because all you care about is your sexual fetishes being pandered to.

Funny how you cope with being a failure by deluding yourself into thinking anyone who mocks you is mad.
ok nevermind
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so, did shiplocking save genshin?
do I have to build more than 2 parties of characters now?
2.5 killed the game
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Remember when /gig/ was good?
There is nothing to analyze, every graph out there shows that nosedive happened during Sumeru that is when the game became an irredeemable sausage festival
Sorry about the divorce but I promise he’s happier in our marriage
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Btw, how do I build Chevreuse? Is she good as a DPS? She looks cute
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>No!! It's just platonic relationships they surely aren't trying to play with the players feelings
It's marketing retard get over your self. Literally every person understands this
i will take offtopic like this as opposed to wuwa hsr or whatever random bullshit tourists baiting retards
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It can be, but it is undeniable that Dostoevsky is a literary genius, even though he was a big slavophile and a lot of his philosophy is an attack on western ideological concepts of the late 1800s, but his explorations of the human mind and the moral questions & consequences are - as far as I'm concerced - unparalleled.
If you're interested I'd say you should start with either Idiot or The Brothers Karamazov.
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genshin flopped when it stopped adding hot chicks
i think watching tranime is a waste of time
a guy like me spend my day listening to podcast about klay thompson being traded to the mavs
But... Loom doesn't have a "sword". She has "peaches".
You can't be serious. Even I could with the crappy trial one.
remember when tori was alive?
I think Mushukou Tensei is a MASTERPIECE akin to Code Gayass, Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, and EVANGALION
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Natlan Hydro catalyst kit
I would prefer if you recommended a tv show/anime/game writing because that's what we were comparing in the first place.
monogamy is a christian sexual fetish, fuck off.
Will you Frogs watch the new Grendizer?
>Ayaka playing up the role of a samurai and that she will fight her enemy to the death
Wow, such "for (you)".
God, you're fucking autistic as shit. You literally can't even understand jokes.
Fuck off
Dragonspine is the worst area in the game and if another event will ever take place there again I will simply skip, unless Mihoyo gives all players a free item granting full permanent immunity to sheer cold
Fuck sheer cold, I have refused to enter Dragonspine since 2.3 because of it
So good, but still a level below Frieren?
all isekai is fucking garbage
MT is just slightly less trashy (by a tiny bit)
At least spell the show right
death to leakniggers
I think SAO is objectively better than Mushoku Tensei.
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dragonspine is cool cleric, i'll never forget my times as a new player in there. the sheer cold added something exciting to worry about and it never bothered me that much
based kancollechad, genshin is unironically saved.
You have to be trolling at this point or you are just the biggest femcel on /gig/
Literally every single human cavillation around the world developed monogamy independent of each other. Regardless of their religion.
Basically the only ones that didn't are sand niggers and actual niggers who live in mud huts.
You are totally alone, and literally a lesser evolved ape.
Raiden stays UNDEFEATED, as usual
nah MT is worst one because of its moralfaggotry
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We love Kinospine and Golden Kino Archipelago 2 here
first 5-10 minutes of episode 1, maybe, it's debatable
>dude what if superman was evil lmao
g*d the only people that are even worse than capeshitters are midwit capeshitters who think these epic subversions are profound
at this point theres been more evil supermans than good ones
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Ah, here's that good shit I was looking for.
leak trannies being trannies. Big boss, onegai...
I am NOW building Diona, please assist
Femcels hates reading between the lines because they can't drop hints on guys they like, like what Ayaka did there.
>how DARE you not agree with me that the game is self insert pandering!! everything has to pander to my fetishes!! there's no way i am wrong about anything i say!!
It's actually insane how autistic you are and how even the most platonic interactions are romantic in nature in your head.
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What is the current schizoposting meta? Is Hu Tao vs Keqing still a thing? I don't know what year it is.
Mihoyo REALLY needs loss of revenue correction
Neuvillette sold as much as Furina?
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Yeah that show already exists, it’s called THE BOYS!
flopping meta
>genshin revenue correlates to amount of hot females released.
what? how?
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You only asked what I considered good writing though...
I don't know, I guess Berserk and Vagabond. I'm usually turned away by the very common stereotypical anime clichés like harems and ecchi and such, because I like a story with characters that have moral boundaries and strong convictions, which I find is very rare and this wish fulfillment media.
Or maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.
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Chevreuse is /gig/ ARMPIT Queen
no way this is real. I thought Hoyo was better at hiding its shills
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>Scoops her up in a bridal carry even after saving her
Is the auther 12?
shilling wuwa / graphs
I don't like the theater. I don't like having to level bad and uninteresting characters I don't like. It goes against the the core of the game, a gacha jpeg collector.
>shameless pretentious harem shit
>not trashy

You can stop replying to yourself. There is nothing between the lines to read. You are just delusional.
Ok, now do isekai mcs.
Obviously, capeshit mcs are different than isekai ones.
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>burst didn't crit
OOPS!!! Reset it again, Eulajannie!
>you got frozen, caged or launched while trying to build stacks for your burst
OOPS!!! Reset it again, Eulajannie!
>whopperflowers teleported out of your burst
OOPS!!! Reset it again, Eulajannie!
>cicin mage teleported out of your burst
OOPS!!! Reset it again, Eulajannie!
>burst didn't crit
OOPS!!! Reset it again, Eulajannie!
>you didn't notice that one remaining enemy out of view which prevented the next wave of enemies from spawning, wasting your burst
OOPS!!! Reset it again, Eulajannie!
>The Kiragies didn't both die at the exact same time
OOPS!!! Reset it again, Eulajannie!
>Got hit by one of the Bathysmal Vishaps, draining your burst gauge
OOPS!!! Reset it again, Eulajannie!
>One of the Bathysmal Vishaps survived
OOPS!!! Reset it again, Eulajannie!
It had wuwa's logo last month...
>not harem shit
those do not exist
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Mushukou Tensei has ROXY and makes my DICK hard and that is all THAT MATTERS to me
i would sniff everyone's armpits there
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Fischl talking out of character, praising a rare book, is KINO and I will forever thank the IT for this
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It's okay you don't have to pretend to be a woman anymore
>the man that spends 23 hours a day obsessing over with underage anime girl has sex with which other underage anime girl is pretending he is a moral individual and that polygamy is beneath him
i will never understand the nerve of these troons
you literally spent the last ten years of your life obsessing over """lesbians""" from a shitty edgy mahou shoujo cartoon yet you pretend you are somehow better than those pathetic "self-insert incels" lol
lady freena's thighs...
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just give her hp and some er
mine has 4pc totm and sac bow
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>badmouthing Kadokawa's money printing franchises while released the manga under Kadokawa banner
He asked troubles.
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>sousou no redditren
>reddit no ko
>bocchi the reddit
>reddit x family
>reddit x reddit
>redditsaw man
>boku no reddit academia
>kimetsu no reddit
>reddit tail
>tomo-chan is a reddit mod
>reddit of healer
>rise of a reddit hero
>reddit tensei
>puella magi madoka reddita
>the witch from reddit
>uzaki-chan wants to reddit!
>lycoris redditcoil
>tokyo reddit
>made in reddit
>reddit-chan wa Oshimai
>redditreddit's bizarre adventure
>my reddit-upvote darling
>darling in the reddit
>redditboy redditbop
>redditsu kaisen
>reddit clover
>neon genesis redditvangelion
>komi-san can't get reddit gold
>any anime by studio Triggreddit
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Nice textures.
>Literally every single human cavillation around the world developed monogamy independent of each other. Regardless of their religion.
you fucking retard, monogamy is a thing that existed only in a relatively modern(christian) world. in ancient times men would raid villages and take sexslaves to repopulate because one man can impregnate many women, they literally killed just so they could have more "wifes" for themselves.
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Mona is voiced by Roxy..
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>enemies have shields
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>enemies have teleports
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>enemies can jump
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>enemies can't be stunnned
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>enemies don't have negative physical resistances
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>there's too many small enemies
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>there's not enough small enemies
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>there's boss enemies
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>blessing effect buffs anything other than energy regen or burst damage
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>abyss has bathysmal vishaps
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
>it's not a Cryo impact abyss cycle
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time
>enemies can move
UH OH!! Looks like it's another one of those "Anti-Eula" abyss cycles, better luck next time!
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I haven't watched tranime in 10 years and this was my last anime
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> Mushukou Tensei
Would watch if it was a normal fantasy
But I won't touch it because its about a Japanese incel
Gendit Redpact
Who is having a melty right now?
Oh, this is /gig/? My bad.
I like dragon spine and I think the desert would be better if the weather was harsher
i am a femcel and ayaka is my second favorite character
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When I saw her for the first time, sitting on her throne with her legs crossed, I immediately thought.
>Motherfuckers, you did this on purpose! LOOK AT THOSE SMOOTH TOMBOY LEGS
fast forward a few months, and now we're C1
natlan better have sheer hot
i am just a text and I hate all of you faggots
says murican incel
Whoever gave you history lessons should be fired
To all the DND nerds out there, would Zhongli be a Warlock due to his whole contracts thing or a Draconic bloodline Sorcerer
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This traces the Chinese economy and to some extend the global economy. The Chinese discretionary income is non existent at this point.
You can use something like the Hang seng index as a proxy, it's the same chart.
Get banned nigga. HAHAHAHAHA
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based. I feel in love with her design ever since we got the design sheet leaked so I saved all the way for her c6r1
You clearly don't know that much about isekai. Because there are a lot that harem harem shit.

Just because you refuse to admit you're wrong doesn't mean that you aren't wrong.
this nigga said he a femcel lmaooo
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>Games like Wuthering Waves, Blue Archive, and Fate/Grand Order (FGO), among others, may face a period of adjustment as players migrate to experience ZZZ's unique offerings. While these established titles boast loyal playerbases, ZZZ's immense popularity could pose a significant challenge. Developers and publishers of competing gacha games will likely need to re-evaluate their strategies and potentially implement innovative features or content updates to retain their audiences in the face of ZZZ's juggernaut status
zzzchads are gonna mog us...
What the fuck is wuwa?
>where a rapist isekai'er got killed by someone living natively in the isekai world
kek that's amazing
>please assist
Build her around HP stats and HP-focused artifact sets if you want to play her the optimized "orthodox" way.
That's it? Do you even love her?
any new interesting lore in all of those theater books?
I never read them
i don't know what any of these people talking about
Sorc that multiclasses lock since his whole contract shtic came about after the archon war
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Sword Art Online blows Mushoku slopshit out of the water
based ZZZ steamrolling all competition
Genshin + ZZZ will be my main games
Says this while posting the biggest incel ingame (and femcel icon)
I love everyone here, even you.
This is what happens when you learn history from porn. Total retardation.
neuv/furina wormvellite/fake archon schizoposting

hu tao vs arlecchino non-existent
eula nothing but a memory
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I'm a Slav femcel, though
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Changing Fontaine's legal code to make me Lady Furina's official seat.
Source please
>Reddit balls
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мдa somehow that's even worse
I am once again reminded that there are men deluded enough to think you're flirting with them if you happen to look at them for more than a few seconds
Nobelese or TOTM?
The majority of the playerbase disagrees with you, how did you even come to the conclusion that you are correct in any way? Oh right because you are a schizo
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Childe SOON
Fuck... I am interested in mods now
Where did you get this?
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>didn't even mention geo
Hydro Archon not being playable is like Apple making iPhone 17 and not putting it on the market
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>posting the biggest incel ingame
Everybody want to fuck him
Now that DILUC has been outed as a pedo, and Genshin is once again proven to be a game FOR PEDOS, how can we redeem our reputation? It has been said that Diluc allegedly got close to Jean to molest KLEE and he also diddled DIONA.
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It's the highest Constellation I've ever gotten for a 5* during a banner, it's already a miracle that I won two 50/50s
we eating good
>As mentioned above, data from 1960 to 1980 in the Ethnographic Atlas Codebook indicated that polygamy was common.[55] A separate 1988 review examined the practices of 849 societies from before Western imperialism and colonization. The review found that 708 of the societies (83%) accepted polygyny. Only 16% were monogamous and 1% polyandrous.
kill yourself
Not so sure about that one.
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I've been watching dr. slump 97
nice lighthearted fun so far
the pervert episodes are kinda cringe though...
you can't even explore in ZZZ lmao
literally the Walmart version of HiFi Rush
>it's another "SEAchimps blaming America for shitposting even though Americans are asleep" episode.
You may have giggers and the tourists fooled, but it' take a lot more than that to bait me!
I am once again reminded that there are women who think men want to have genuine platonic relationships with them without ulterior motives.
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Furina would be a bad mother.
Please, get off twitter, anon. I worry about you.
>komi-san can't get reddit gold
Okay I chuckled
>It had wuwa's logo last month...
No way everyone in that game hates Wuwa more than nikke now. pictures?
if real then mods 100% got paid by Kuro
>The majority of the playerbase disagrees with you
A few vocal retards from r/Aether is not the majority of the fan base.

Also, majority vote != what's actually fact. Duh. Are you retarded?

>how did you even come to the conclusion that you are correct in any way?
Because I'm not autistic and can actually read.
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Genshin never had a good reputation to begin with tho
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say that without crying
everyone is better than self insert incels lol
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hello ma'am
wanna hold hands
doesn't have to be in public
genjin imbagd
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Feline Firm is some kind of cat allegory to the fatui or abyss order, worth a read because I think it'll become more important later
The witch story is written by the witches and loredumps weird shit about planes and "blood-green moon" and walpurgis and "mold" and a trans character. Really interesting. Can't wait for loretuber interpretations of them
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>Recent anthropological data suggest that the modern concept of life-long monogamy has been in place for only the last 1,000 years.[57] Genetic evidence has demonstrated that a greater proportion of men began contributing to the genetic pool between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago, which suggests that reproductive monogamy became more common at that time.
you too should kill yourself
Did you guys know loom and firely have the same name in japanese?

commence schizoposting
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That's cool. Hu Tao was my first C1. Love em both.
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>Polygamy (taking the form of polygyny) is most common in a region known as the "polygamy belt" in West Africa and Central Africa, with the countries estimated to have the highest polygamy prevalence in the world being Burkina Faso, Mali, Gambia, Niger and Nigeria.
Thanks *smooch*
I'm kind of nervous though..
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>over 50% willing to
>"this will flop actually"
kek what site was that shill article from?
>a trans character
>want to build kaeya since cryo IT is coming up
>no cons
should i bother?
Is Zenless Zone Zero going to mog Genshin Impact?
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What are ya nervous about?
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says the man that self-inserts as a woman lol
>outs him self as a redditor
>refuses to take into account everyone elses interprotation of genshins flirtatious scenes
>everyone else is retarded not me
I refuse to believe you aren't trolling, but then again you do type like a redditor
ZZZ is /ourgame/
>Westoid problem
I'm the only mentally sound poster ITT.
>Still obsessed with Eula 4 years later.
Yeah, I'm thinking she won.
Getting banned...
Hey me too bro.
That's a good question, and there's strong arguments for both. You could even split the difference and go 2/2 instead of full 4-piece on either if you want DIOna to be an all-around generalist. The problem with the artifact system, since day one, is that you sort of have to pick loadout and commit to it because mining and gambling on not only what stats you'll get, but how each stat roll will turn out when fully upgrading each piece is a process that takes far too long, unless you're a gigawhale and are willing to drop hundreds of dollars on resin refresh.
No it's me, get out of my head.
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better than artifact domains
You do realize you are posting citation that says monogamy is 10,000 years old, right?
You do understand how evolution works, right?
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We need a MC whose a piece of shit rapist murderer anything bad (you can control how bad they can get, neutral at best). But they don’t need to look like a wimp Isekai NERD, they need to look like a bad bad motherfucker you know, someone who can fuck you up.
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God I hope ZZZ won't be as popular and flops, so none of genshin retards flock around it, like it happened with hsr, wuwa and ruined their fanbases.
I will never consider furry, a friend
ZZZshills can fuck off
>Didn't roll for any cryo 5* since shitnyu
>Don't even like her but she's at 10/8/8 for the lulz.
>Cryo is my weakest element, which I don't really mind since Cryo is shit and out of meta anyways
>Have every cryo 4* in the game, and they're all at 80+ */11/11. Didn't crown any of them because fuck cryo.
>I don't even have a full Blizzard strayer set so they're running on Exile(Charlotte), Gladiators, hunter and noblesse sets.
>Still good enough to effortlessly crush floor 11
>I'm guaranteed to beat IT until EoS.
I can't believe I beat Genshin Impact by just having RPG autism.
Nice spacing xis
you are talking about modern times you dumb frog
You won't be banned as long as you down brag about it and have someone report you. Enjoy it bro *smooch*
you won't. and if you do it'll be for a week at most. also, kys faggot.
Just because you call yourself "everyone" doesn't mean you are everyone.

Learn English, clown. And your interpretation does not mean anything you say is actually factual.

Also, everyone here knows how the clowns on reddit who are obsessed with Aether. Because you constantly get mocked here.
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>tourists trying to falseflag anti-zzz posting now
we love our sister game, don't we /gig/
Why would Tencent, the CCP's gaming arm, want to ruin Mihoyo when Mihoyo has been batting for the CCP in the propaganda department, space exploration and nuclear development?
It will be. Baldy will play it 48 hours straight like he did during Genshin, HSR, and WuWa launch.
>Genetic evidence has demonstrated that a greater proportion of men began contributing to the genetic pool between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago, which suggests that reproductive monogamy became more common at that time
This correlates with all the studies of the native & indiginous tribes that have had zero contact with the outside world. Even these fucking savages had primitive rules in place that Rape = Bad, Stealing = Bad, Crime = Expulsion, and they all developed it independently of each other.
I hope ZZZ just goes full fanservice mode to gatekeep the reddit nerds away. Eww boobs are gross! Yucky!
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Yes, I love ZZZ and Ellen broke me.
ZZZ more like Zesty Zoophilia Zone
>wojak tard
There is no such thing as "reddit spacing" and only newfag retards say it to try and fit in.
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I like all the most recent hoyo games so far so I probably will like zzz
I've taken some artifacts from Mika for now as he doesn't need it and will farm for the rest. She's C6 and is holding a sacrificial bow R5. Currently just levelling her to 90.
>clowns on reddit who are obsessed with Aether
Xhe says while having daily meltdowns about the supposed Aetherfags and the incels in his walls.
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>modern times
>Make a drow character (every single one is literally canonically evil)
>Still forced to help the druid hippie camp, even when I attack and kill them they praise me for saving the camp
Man BG3 was such a dissapointment
>good food
no I don't, I am a /gig/ resident. I'm fine with Hi3rd, Hsr, GGG, etc

I draw the line with zoophilia. Death to all furries.
>people are always rational actors who perform optimally and make sound decisions all the time
>the Chinese don't shoot themselves in the foot every half century and nuke themselves back 200 years
>w-we never lost that war against sparrows
You coping with with your shit life by pretending anyone who mocks you is "seething" doesn't mean they are actually mad.
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>Natlan about to release
>they release a new game
what the fuck are they thinking?
it is like they intentionally trying to sabotage Genshin
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>56 brazilian reais
>good food
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We love ZZZ here.
ZZZ doesn't beat furfag allegations with their account levels named "Inter-knot level"
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Thank you for your vote of support. We're currently collaborating with our US and Taiwan allies to ensure the survival of the independent Hong Kong state
Africa is beyond modern times
These were made by a man who learned how to turn seashells into high quality steel!
The west could never!
wait ZZZ is for furries? wtf
Natlan is still months away falseflagfag
>Bro! Monogamy only existed since Christianity
>Cites unsourced claim saying it dates back to when Mamoths were still around.
They don’t need to advertise Genshin anymore. They already have their dedicated fans and it won’t grow anymore
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Bait or retarded?
You can kill them all and side with goblins.
i want to get knotted...
>9 euro
>good food
ye, right until people figured out that you can just raid ancient farmers that wanted to live in peace and take their women because data still suggests that less men contributed genetic material than women.
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based, they're filtering out all you chuds
Won't that just cause Mihoyo to flip cards and either go full Yostar or Jack Ma? Would be quite a loss for China.
Then again China did shoot themselves at the foot with Tencent.
It's funny how retarded waifufags are willing to get baited to play furryslop like ZZZ. You do realize you are funding their furry fantasy, right?
Because Tencent tried to buy out MHY and MHY told them to fuck off. Tencent wants a complete monopoly on China's gaming industry, which is why they put so much backing into WuWa and Kuro. If they couldn't own Genshin, they'll try to dethrone it.
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By Wolfie
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>harem incel melty
how about working up the courage to talk to a girl before planing your 3rd wife
Later you can but the attack on the grove is scripted. Gobbos attack you even though you are a drow and grove hippies slob your knob even if you kill them all without touching the goblins. They do the same if you escape the battle and don't fight
>China did shoot themselves at the foot with Tencent
africa doesnt exist anymore? what kind of mutt are you
why is lumine such a fucking whore
What does knotted mean?
>data still suggests that less men contributed genetic material than women.
Is an extremely small sample size of some mud hut tribes in africa.
>force everyone to level up their shity 4*
>overworld bosses still take 5 mins to respawn
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Immersion bros, does Unfinished Comedy happen before or after 4.1's Archon Quest?
she's a woman
Brother, do you even realize who you're responding to.
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we all have a little loom in us
>588.04 pesos
>good food
i dont have 100gb on my ssd so i will not try it
Noooo!! you don't understand. I've watched every harem anime to ever be made!! that makes me a CHAD!!!
Ive been saying it in a few threads now.
Unfinished Comedy released in Version 4.1.
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if you have a good chance to starve to death you aren't in modern times
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>see post with laughing green frog
>automatically is against the poster no matter what opinion he spouts
Those are the rules
>C6 Klee.
Why didn't you add me, bweeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh?
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He just reminds me of Childe a bit too much
Why didn’t Sylphelitte take the kids and house away? That would be realistic.
Genshin literally has animal humanoid furry people...
It can be played before or after.
after i think since 4.1 aq introduce meropide to us
so should I do it before following Neuv to prison?
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>still talking about low quality bottom feeder NEET power fantasies where indulgence is the best and only virtue
Holy shit, not only is /gig/ the worst general on /vg/, it also contains a collection of the worst /a/ thread posters on top.
Just range ban the entire thread, myself included.
You know what's good food?
Boiled egg (10 pesos) + mayonnaise (150 pesos) = egg salad.
Furries are humanoid you big retard
>fagthercuck falling for low quality bait episode 1903
>polygamy is bad because?
It leads to worse mental health to people. And inbreeding.
Take a look at harem politics in Turkish and Chinese royal families to see how well they work
In my opinion, you should always do the main story first then the side quests in every video game.
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Nobody is samefagging you schizo
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>i wake up
>thread goes to shit
>literally 80% of the thread is me talking to myself
God, it's insane how mentally ill I am.
I always thought these photos was from some comedy movie
you are not real, disappear.
wait what
he gets upset over ayaka being a shitty one dimensional pagbait waifu
i didnt know this
why does it make him mad who does he ship her with
Nothing wrong with many women wanting to fuck you. However that’s only realistic if the male in question is a 6’5 gigachad alpha male hung like a horse and built like a Greek God.
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do you just have to be level 70/70 or 70/80 to get into IT?
>the new event only rewards those who were good sheep and pulled and whaled for every unit
You're me?
My name is Thaddeus McMichael.
I was known as Mad Thad and Katsurafag.
is that "him"?
he was mad af about IT yesterday, might be "HIM" i guess.
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IT made me realize I STILL don’t have enough Emblem/VV pieces. Really shouldn’t have strongboxed away all the shitty pieces which had 1 crit substat at least
I'm a 6'2 male hung like a horse.
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>shits on someone's taste
>in gambling simulator Genshin Impact thread of all places
no, they are talking about the entire world. monogamy is quite literally a new testament thing lol
>story does nothing for me because its chink slop without skip button
>combat now does nothing for me after trying out wuwa
its over
This is false, all celebrities popular with women are twinks
yeah some people lack awareness
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HE is always mad about "non-canon" shipping which includes all pairing with MC so Ayaka is automatically a no go.
Cyno vs Sethos fight scene was better than the one Arlecchino got
Some things he says Childe also did at some point, this line reassembles what Skirk/Surtalogi said to him
And there's also already a theory about this https://twitter.com/wormlandalice/status/1779067143385952467?t=z37Ue126Rp2reffvFjQvQA&s=19
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Just do it. You run out of shit to do with resin anyway that isn't grinding for artifacts (and not getting any improvement for ages). I built mine despite only having C1.
lmao i did not know that, that's kinda funny but it makes sense considering how "HE" is with shipping in general
They have the most deciding factor… wealth and status. That’s why these VA’s get away with being pedos in their game community. They have status.
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I like zzz's aesthetics and music, but the combat looks boring as fuck
No one thinks you're funny and you're obsessed and mentally ill
cheldfags never fail to be beyond delusional, whatever is written in his profile is all you going to get trannies
>combat looks boring as fuck
>plays genshit
lmao even
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even lumine x jeht?
The next one will be geo and cryo?
Is it time for my Albedo to shine?
the enemies look too tanky to be fun kills. If I have to spam attacks a 1000 times just to make a dent then it's going to be excruciating
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>and built like a Greek God.
well that was common for greek gods to have multiple wives
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Keep denying the truth, just like how Jesus was judged
Should I be scared?
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>ZZZ file size is immediately bigger than GI out of the box
Do special invitations count towards the 18 character goal or are they not included similar to the char you can borrow from a friend?
why are you here
Who wants a realistic anime game?
Certainly not weeb gamers.
Maybe ask the beaner weebs, they always like shounen.
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yeah, genshin's combat is also incredibly dull
I just want to finish the story
that's the first thing I noticed too
i will never let you trannies forget how you kept repeating "cheld will be le heckin jesus/weekly boss" only for you to get humiliated by in game trvth nukes
Thousands of women used to write self-insert fanfics about the One Direction aka hideous ugly British people
Imagine Henry Cavill as Neuv
no idea, i had no one from special invitation on current reset
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>this entire thread
special guest only means that they are not bound by the element rules
should I refine the widsith or keep the copy?
Can Layla stay at level 80?
it's the same resident cheld troon that's been rabidly defending him for years bro
there's no getting through to it
He's still Jesus tho
Nahida, use Solar Beam!
He's a bong
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Your time will be up soon, gensharts.
so if cheld is wolfy then the tsaritsa is the boar princess?
wolfy is 100% the wolf from that book since he talks about getting cursed and having his heart frozen
timothee chalamet could fuck more women than arnie althoughbeitever
Layla is an HP scaler. She can benefit from the bonus HP.
she scales well with HP getting her to 90 is good if you have extra resources
I don't know who's who exactly but i guarantee you it's the same femcel that speculated bunch of nonsense on /gig/ and then started crying that her headcanons didn't turn out to be true
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>blatantly off topic shitposting
>No one thinks you are funny
>Address address
>I always knew I was a God.
>Solar Beam
>You are also the only person CONSUMED with thinking you make people mad.
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Miss me yet?
Women want to fuck Lyney not Neuvillette
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Yes, Wolfie doesn't have blue eyes like the pup but it was just a role he had on one of the many stories he was on
>Who wants a realistic anime game?
Uh... Genshinfags?
>Fat Xiao writes believable characters who act like real people
I can't beat the vishaps
>There is an actual, real transexual freak gushing his disgusting pretensions ITT
And he's trying to convince us he hates pedophilia even. Talking about anime in a Genshin Impact thread and pointing fingers.
This shit is hilarious, top tier comedy. Stay and amuse me, tranny. Don't rope yet.
Needs more jaypeg.
Zeus was literally transforming into random animals to fuck women.
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hmmm not blurry enough
>Fat Xiao writes believable characters who act like real people

[X] Doubt
>Both my Diona and my Barbara-sama are well built.
Who do I spend in the first two rounds?
I don't have Ayaka.
Might use Ayaka+Xiao?
Don't disrespect furina like that ever again, he's not jesus and he's not the weekly boss. At least certain fags like scarafags have some decency to keep speculations at bay instead of deluding themselves everything is le heckin scara reference XD
Not blurry enough to be believable, chief.
This is a male btw.
Bennet's Dads will be Natlan's Archons
So who were the FAGGOTS calling it “fanart” again?
>Tfw nobody has borrowed my characters
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not blurry enough for me to believe
Who is talking about furina here? The Childe/Skirk/whale stuff is apart from fontaine
why is there rectangular jpeg artifacting
These are concept designs
cheld isnt jesus
focalors is jesus
What's the justification for blurry images like this in modern times like now?
The only jesus allegory in Fontaine is furina/focalors
>dash off the edge with clorinde by accident
>she falls off like a fucking scoobydoo character
Amazing, I’ll C6 my colonizer Archon waifu
That's what you think
Pretty much. Chelde can't walk on water
How long is Cyno, Clorinde and Sigewinne's quests?
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It's a zoomed in crop taken from Google Maps, desu.
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Our imouto got its first clones now
they can embed data in confidential information to make it obvious who the source of a leak is
if you blur it they can't read that data out
furina/focalors is an allegory for women in leadership positions being useless retards who need to step down
Bigfoot footage has more quality than these leaks.
Why do they make them look so fucking fake?
Do they think this is 1950s or what
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nice burqa right there

man I sure can't wait for barefeet shota with garter belt
>pyro archon is a guaranteed flop
Well at least they'll remember how to make money by the cryo archon surely
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Star rail was already a clone of cold steel 3
It's also funny madoka doesn't have 1 original thing about it, stolen plot from ryuki, first gacha stolen from FGO and now this
Can I look under Madoka's skirt in this game?
If the answer is yes I am interested.
Uhhh long
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>Genshin VA molested a fan
>The fan was an underage tranny
What are the chances?
their faces look a lil fucked up
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How come Furina didn't become as successful as Hu Tao?
And what you think isn't canon unlike furina = jesus
>underage tranny
I blame the parents.
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When you first enter the Imaginarium Theatre, examining all objects in the room leads to each one prompting a reference to a famous book each.
When you look into the mirror, Traveler says something along the lines of "Linger with me..." or some such.

What was this referencing?
Did anyone catch that?
Is this Ack melting?
>Diluc's VA
Go ahead and take him like they did Tighnari's. The new version is better.
ftm trannies (probably just a regular asocial girl in a phase, considering she was 15) are the easiest to groom because they're most likely autistic and have no friends
Tao was carried by Homa after her debut banner, Furina has been gimped by the weapon banner both times
I'm so ready
it's unreal
But it can be
characters for this feel?
alice through the looking glass?
Im in Europe and i like IT
Hutao but Jean
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elegy/homa was such a god tier weapon banner
Because Hu Tao didn’t need to forcefeed the playerbase with a sob story written by men to pander to men
You say molested and the tweet says attempted to groom so chances are literally nothing happened. Adult faggot and underage tranny talking up drama due to their mental illnesses, sounds like normal behaviour to me.
Why did you stop using a tripcode?
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Imaginarium has forced me to accept I need to grind artifacts again
homa? more like homo cause youre gay lmfao
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Furina is more omnipandering than Hu Tao retard
its unironically 10000000x more fun than the abyss. they should just debloat the game and delete abyss desu
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Furina is, unironically, only for IQ players
reminder that any speculation relating to old characters is fucking retarded
wolfy isnt a reference to cheld and is most likely a reference to either surtalogi or varka
only unreleased shitters get shilled in the lore if a character is already out they are nothing but cannonfodder to wank someone else ans the writers have no reason to give them any significance
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>Kuro is already making a 1-1 bootleg HSR (complete with toughness bars)
jesus christ
you guys ever annihilate someone so hard in a post that you kind of regret it?
>mentally ill
>attention seeking
>can't even be happy with his own gender
heh, typical westoid behavior
Tomorrow, the very first Fontaine trailer turns 1. You feeling old yet?
weakminded post
The new abyss fucking sucks ass
I feel glad that at least this flop ends
>They actually rushed an entire year to make this
Jesus Christ IP gachas are so shit
Hi Chen from Tencent
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It looks/sounds better than Abyss and plays like Abyss.
I liked to experiment with random teams before and this mode is what I really wanted from the game.
Too bad it is very short, 8 chapters felt like one Abyss floor.
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IT ahs that Room of Requirement feel from Hogwarts Legacy and it's pretty KINO
it was announced right after the first season ended so hopefully not too far off
hutao is a character
furina is a product
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hu tao was made when this game was designed for men so she appealed to men and women also ended up liking her because women are attracted to things men like
furina was created during genshins dark ages when the game went full on femcel pandering so she only appeals to femcels and a tiny percentage of men who like any girl no matter how disgusting she is simply because shes a girl
huh feels like a long time ago since i was hyped for new update
Man, I've always wanted Yelan and Nilou but I need to save for Natlan. Maybe if I just get one. I lost my last four 50/50s after all, surely I'll win my next one and have primos to spare.
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I wonder if it will stay this easy
Arlecchino and clorinde are buffed by 20%
If you can't beat it after their buffs you are a scrub
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Normal people in the west are disgusted by trannies same as asians, we just can't stop millionaires and people in power from pushing their political agendas. It's sad but true.
Reminder that a lot of mondstadt, fatui and albedo are relevant for the endgame
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Because of this
i only got ONE (You)????
i don't know why people like troonrina so much
she's uglier than yaka but people just don't wanna acknowledge this
>combat looks boring as fuck
>plays genshit
Genshin combat is dogshit but that's not the appeal of this game
I dont think they can make it hard if you have a good roster built.
trial clorinde and alrechino suck balls.
Arlechino is fine with her 10k I suppose, its manageable but trial clorinde does like 2-3k
They'll make it region locked eventually and cause another round of melties
>furina only appeals to women
Stuff you read on /gig/..
>Mami is in the aprty
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ignore the kok
They wouldn't wanna make the first one too hard before they get all the data from it. I think they'll probably start cranking it up
REMINDER: Hu Tao has more hentai than Raiden.
also reminder that ALL end game systems are located in mondo region
genshin combat is still very good even after 4 years
your button mashingslop will get stale after 1-2 patches
im talking about wuwashit & zzzshit
both of them are garbage combat game
You ok there buddy?
Here take this (You) and go take the medicine.
>lose an argument
>stop browsing and spend the rest of the day thinking about it
>comeback 7 hours later
>see that the thread is still up on the 10th page
>I reply to him with the word "yikes" while saging the thread
>thread gets archived
>feel like I had the last laugh
>experience a massive surge of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins flowing through out my body
>feels like orgasming 50 times at once
>feels like a liter of heroine is being injected directly into my veins
If anything, they will make it easier.
Look at all the melties across the globe.
literally gateway to celestia we just go to celestia from there
pierro and tsaritsa shills
rhinedottir wanking
none of the harbingers mean anything and even pierro tells arle she has no place in his or the tsaritsas plans
no released character will have any relevance in the future not even the archons or neuv
Nobody has more CHURLED/BBC porn than Raiden
Honkaikeks glow in the dark
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Why can I masturbate to Hu Tao endlessly but I can’t pop a boner to Furina? What makes Hu Tao have the sex appeal?
They won't, most they'll do it let you invite 1 character regardless of restrictions
The mode was made to get people to spend, they won't pull back on that
This is you being retarded, if they weren't relevant they would be forgotten and only appear on events
Mona will be relevant
Childe too
Albedo too
Klee too
Kaeya too
hutao has personality
Furina is only liked because she’s meta
She will always be the girl from seraph of the end to me
>would be forgotten and only appear on events
holy fuck yelan and candace bros we are winning so hard
Hu Tao has wider hips and thicker thighs actually. Compare their models
furina was designed by a woman
hu tao was designed by a man
you masturbate to a man's creation and have zero affinity towards a woman's
you are GAY
when the fuck has albedo appeared outside of events
cheld showed up to get slammed by neuv
klee is an event character
mona shows up to link you with someone else and kaeya shows up to pretty much say hes not involving himself in shit
>got a double crit flower and feather back to back with HP% in the same run
What the fuck mihoyo? Unfortunately it's deepwood but still
Make new thread fag
>hutao has personality
>hutao has personality
>hutao has personality
Where's the new thread? Make it now!
I'll masturbate to Furina right now just because you typed this nonsense.
Scaramouche probably has more scanned doujins than Raiden lmao
There is even one where he has a pussy and Pag fucks him
I regret c6ing Bennet now
Cant mindlessly spam skill into attack button without ruining vapes on Gaming
please dont actually do this anon its pathetic
>rerunning Yelan before the new region again
Fucking kikes. Maybe I should just dump everything on her cons since she's the best character in the game.
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Ack being a pathetic fucktard.
Well, ack is a subhuman retard, how fitting.

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