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"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"
Radius Edition

Headset Selection: https://rentry.org/vrgheadsets
Game Recommendations: https://rentry.org/gxrov
VRC Screenshots by World: https://vrg.party/worlds.html

>Game Resources
Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
Guides for Avatar and World Dev: https://rentry.org/4tzqs
Assetto Corsa: https://rentry.org/hrq69
Dirt Rally 2 club: https://rentry.org/hv94f
VTOL VR: https://rentry.org/5nuk4
Minecraft NA: https://rentry.org/xrd2e
Minecraft EU: https://rentry.org/x85abzz5 (Currently dead)
Fallout 4: https://rentry.org/pofw5

>Regularly Hosted Multiplayer Games
EU Pavlov: Tuesday 18:00 UTC (20:00 CEST)
NA Pavlov: Every other Friday night, watch the thread for exact times
NA Walkabout Minigolf: Sunday around midnight ET, Thursday at 11:30PM ET
SEA/EU Walkabout Minigolf: Saturday at 11PM AEDT/2PM CEST
NA Assetto Corsa: Wednesday at 8PM ET
EU Assetto Corsa: Every other Monday at 18:00 UTC/20:00 CEST
SEA Breachers: Every other Friday 9PM AEDT

>Regularly Hosted VRChat Events

New threads: >>>/vg/vrg

Old thread: >>483971634

>Upcoming Events
July 4th - July 4th
July Cafe - July 5th
Friend by Friend - August 17th
Idol Event - September 28th
Race War - ???
Pavlov when?
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Showing The Boy and the Heron tonight at 10PM EDT (about 12 hours from now) for NA anime movie night.
I'll post details to join off of when the instance is up.
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3 hours from now. Changing custom weapon prices is now possible, so more guns today.
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Are you RE@DY? The 2024 Idol Grand Prix is coming on September 28th!

What is the Idol Grand Prix? It's an electrifying karaoke showdown where aspiring idols clash in a spectacular display of fashion, song, and dance. Watch your friends light up the stage with their favorite tunes, or step into the spotlight yourself if you dare.

If you’re planning to compete, it’s time to start crafting your show-stopping performance and, if you’re willing, schedule a small interview with the TV studio so the fans can get to know you.

Sign up below:
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But wait: there's more!

Do you remember the 21st night of September? This year the /vrg/ All Stars, a large group performance including as many anons as we can get, will be singing the timeless hit "September" by Earth, Wind & Fire and we want (You)r beautiful voice included! So put on your virtual bell-bottoms, bust out some vocals and we'll include you in a special music video played at the show. If you're too shy to sing it yourself but still want to be included then feel free to apply anyway and our experts will work their magic and make the machine sing for you.

Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs069dndIYk
Karaoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRhe1Jzk-VM

We're encouraging everyone to make their own disco outfit for the video but if you don't have any ideas then one has been included below:
Of course if you don't want or aren't able to then your regular outfit is perfectly acceptable.

The CM Showcase is also coming back. Record a short commercial about whatever you want i.e. some kind of product (real or fake), event, cause you feel strongly about, etc and we'll play it at the Idol Grand Prix halftime show.

The deadline for All Stars and CM submissions is August 21. Sign up on the form in the previous post and staff will reach out to you on further instructions.
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Going to host Escape Simulator tonight at 8PM EST if anyone wants to do some puzzle solvin'
The game is on sale on Steam right now. Make sure to download the free DLC and enable voice chat in the settings.
just make your own vrchat
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Play Cruelty Squad VR, it's a very high effort port
And ideally Psycho Patrol R when its VR mod comes out
play gzdoomvr, quakevr, razevr instead
What are some bases with good face tracking?
ooh that sounds like fun
It's Tuesday! Time for Pavlov Search and Destroy!
At 1800 UTC (1900 UTC+1)
Join the community server: "Gem Server!"

Password is 7826
Headpat people when you join anyway
Maps are on mod.io now! The easiest way to download them will be let the game download them.
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comfy 4th of july cafe on the 5th! (friday)
at about 10 pm est
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It is Pavlov day!
Wait a few seconds or the new weapons >>484376956 will be missing from your own buy menu and you'll have to rejoin to add them. This is likely only an issue in the deathmatch warmup because SnD doesn't allow you to open the buy menu fast enough.
He at least knows about the issue and plans to fix it when the next update comes. Whenever that will be.
Pavlov 2 will fix that
>buying anything on warmup
sounds extremely nauseating
Did you niggers buy something this steam sales?
Thinking about underdogs or vertigo 2 but they are still expensive.
i have no mone

There's really something about Cruelty Squad that puts me in the same mindframe as seeing girls on dating apps ten years younger than me trying to pull off the kind of humour that was popular on /b/ 17 years ago.

Is it just me? It's a really hard to describe feeling. I think it's called "being old", but sometimes you can tell when young people are into something superficially, because you were around when it wasn't an aesthetic, it was just normal.

I dunno what I'm rambling on about but I refuse to play Cruelty Squad..
I bought VTOL vr and the f/a-18 for dcs
I bought Falcon 4.0 at $5.50 for the Falcon BMS mod. I'll be a real F16 pilot soon. Picked up the Mechwarrior 5 DLC as well.

A lot of native VR games are really overpriced despite being four hours long or really shallow roguelikes. Compound doesn't even go on sale despite having worse map design than free Doom mods. I ended up just pirating that one.
how do you use nade launcher in the gem mod
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Finnish dev, plz understand
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movie starting soon.. in about 10 minutes!
tonight we're watching Independence Day

We've always believed we weren't alone. On July 4th, we'll wish we were.

https://vrch.at/zd0g0n2j or join off Lumadurin !
there is a smoke vog to buy in upgrades, then offhand trigger
Buy the launcher grenade from the upgrades menu.
i don't want to buy it.
Does it work off pirated versions or with steamfix?
Probably not.
Wait, what the fuck is that window?
it's not just a straight up port and has some cool VR-exclusive shit?
why is pavlov the most popular of the similarish shooters?
It's actually pretty good
I'm taking the jumpheight down to 500, pavlovers, the entire point to add jump was to make it so you could clear railings and hip-high walls, not so much so you could leap on rooftops and do spiderman shit
i seem to recall it having like 1k concurrent or something. is VR falling off lately in general?
boo no fun allowed just because one guy keeps sperging out
Everyone moved to standalone
>I can headshot myself
ALright i might actually consider it now.
Well like I said jumping on a few areas is fine but constantly jumping around the map is a bit frustrating
Get rid of the shield too, that shit's cancer
What was the current height compared to the original? It's already close to railing height on some maps.
There's still going to be some skibidi shit with any level of jumping due to the nature of Pavlov slopes being climbable. It does ruin some maps though; Overpass jump spots were one-sided in the worst possible way and today people were starting to realize how overpowered some spots on Castle are.
ohh, why standalone?
The values aren't linear so 500 is much lower than 700. That will probably be about 20 cm.
800 is the original and that's about 2 meters. 700 is about half of that.
because it's easy to just put on a headset and play. Instead of buying PC, wifi, hmd, debugging connection issues etc.

Quest 2/3 CPU/GPU is good enough for normal games, so people just play on it.

Gorilla Tag on quest has more standalone VR concurrent players than Steam version of VRChat. Most likelly Gorrilla Tag along actually has more VR concurrent standalone players than whole SteamVR.

VR is well and alive, just PCVR is the Linux of VR.
Makes sure it's still high enough for jump boosts, otherwise you might as well remove collision. I was hoping more people would use boosts but there's already a lot of complaints about climbing on rooftops.
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I should have listened and not joined the crossplay servers. PSVR2niggers are fucking subhuman trash.
700 is pretty much the limit to get on anything. It's about the same as a crouch jump in CS.
If you can jump on crouched player you can jump on a rock, then on some wall geometry and get on a roof. Without map modification it will be impossible to get it right.

If we don't like unexpected fair spots, then jump will have to go. I really like it though, I keep pressing up on a stick in other shooters...
I'm glad it happened though.
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How is Gorilla Tag so popular? I tried playing it once and the controls were so awful I couldn't stand playing it for more than 5 minutes.
quest kids. they are far more adaptive to the controls than boomers like you. its just simple tag which can get competitive fast.
the controls are the charm. that and it's free and inoffensive to the parents that stick the headset on their kids to shut em up for a few hours.
Kids use it as a chatroom and pay money decorate their gorillas to flex on other kids. Just like roblox.
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It's a lot of fun and it's free on Quest. The movement mechanics are pure skill based and satisfyingly physical.
Hopefully we'll get another lobby here and you can see for yourself what it's like with friends.
>Controlls are awfull
If it lowers to the point of not being able to climb it should just be removed then. For what it's worth I think jump peeking is worse than unexpected spots and the fast air speed makes it a problem at any jump height. I use and benefit from both but the jump peeking consistently surprises me with how effective it is.
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gorilla stonks
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Gorilla Tag MMO when?
They are making a space game right now actually
We are so back!
It's quite mmo like already with open worlds, different hubs, stores and games
Does anyone know if coop is releasing with the EA into the radius 2 release?
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>Pavlov is 60GB
Holy mother of bloat
Thought about grabbing Moss, but I'll probably wait, I still have some other singleplayer VR stuff I haven't played through yet.
>Vertigo 2
It's not super short like a lot of VR games are, but if you're on the fence or have other stuff to play first, I'd definitely wait for a better sale.
Pavlov is balanced to shits.
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To shits you say?
sweden? i dont think so
Why don't you try standing up fatty
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finally played through rhombus of ruin. It was nice. a relic of the era where oculus and faceberg gave millions to any studio willing to make VR games, but everyone was deathly afraid to have any sort of artificial locomotion. An interesting contrast to the jank asset flips we get today.
Might be wrong, but I thought Rhombus of Ruin was originally PSVR exclusive. Definitely from that era though.
Even outside of the lack of artificial locomotion I remember the controls being really weird, but it was still neat to play.
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thank ya'll for coming! happy 4th of july for those across the pond

see those who can make it next week for as of yet undecided (no witty hint this time)

I bought Half Life: Alyx, Pistol Whip, Into The Radius and Skyrim VR. I only got my Quest last month though so I was waiting for the Steam sale to load up, and I probably won't buy too many more until the next sale.

Now then, speaking of Half Life Alyx: It's very well polished and naturally as a hot blooded PC gamer, revisiting City 17 this immersively is a rush at first. But is it just me, or is this game fucking boring?

Like, sure they wanted to really build up the tension and make you feel grounded in this world, and it works, sure. Credit to them, the atmosphere is so thicker than butter and the spooky bits actually had me pretty spooked in places, I won't lie. Frankly I can imagine it being way too scary for a lot of people. It kinda made me remember how HL2 was actually a pretty creepy game back in the day when I first played it, even though I haven't thought of it that way for a long time. But even still... It keeps that slow pace up for way too fucking long.

It's like. Y'know how HL2 and the episodes all have those sections where you have to go find some switch or some puzzle piece or whatever, and it's dark and it's quiet, until you find the thing, then all the zombies come out and you realise you have no choice but to go through them again? Alyx spends the entire first like, 5 hours just being that. With shitty mini-game puzzles too.
The title is pretty divisive in here. Some love it, some hate it.
You should play HL2VR while you have Alyx fresh in memory. I'd be eager to see what you think of it.
oh yeah, the wikipedia page says Sony funded the development, not oculus. The controls were awkward on index, since they were made for the vive wands, but there's a community binding that makes them mostly work. It's mostly just looking at things with your head though, not that strenuous.

I also got another fisherman's tale, since I liked the first one well enough despite beating it in 68 minutes. I wish these escape room tier short games weren't so expensive. They're usually worth the sale price (and they at least go on sale) but I feel the full price gives games like it a bad name, and devs feel forced to pad out their shit mechanics into something longer but not better.
>Remove jumping wich everyone likes because one person spergs about it
Just let him whine and we can have fun without him
I'd had a headset for over 2 years by the time it released, so it I found it to be just bad. Mandatory teleporting, lack of variety in weapons, extremely slow move speed, the ability to just playspace walk through some obstacles, no melee, gun stuck to hand and toggled with a button, etc. I forced myself to complete it last year and while they'd improved some of the most lacking elements, it was mediocre at best. I vastly preferred the original Half Life over Half Life 2, so I was never going to like it much.

On that note, the Half Life 2 VR mod is a much better game than Alyx.
What's a good, cheap skeb artist to get my VRC friends drawn
It's a bit slow at times, but I liked it a lot. The atmosphere and polish is definitely the main draw, so if you were going in expecting more fast paced action, I could see being disappointed.
Like you said though, I remember there being a lot of that in the older Half-Life games too. I think the movement speed in Alyx being slower just makes those sections drag a bit more.
Thing is. A lot of the people who buy a standalone like a Quest 2/3 must also be PC gamers who have a decent PC already. It wouldn't be any extra investment for them, they literally have a headset and they could just plug it in to play VR games. It's that simple. So why is the PCVR market dead?

I feel like there's a ton of PC gamers who were waiting until VR "gets good" and holding off on the tech, because they didn't want to be an early adopter and all that. But nobody told them, we're way past that stage now. It already did get good. You can by a Quest for 200 bux and it's a millions times better than any of the kits that cost a grand when VR first started hitting the market nearly ten years ago.

I feel like the market just isn't informed of what's available. They see valve are still selling the Index kit for like $900 with no hardware changes since it released, and think "well fuck, guess I gotta keep waiting".
People in this thread already gravitate to playing the same games and small vr titles or mods get ignored. There's simply too much noise.
I also think something holding the PCVR market back is that the Rift app is a broken piece of shit nobody likes

When I was brand new, I cannot tell you how much time I spent trying to improve performance on that thing, figuring out the difference between Steam and Oculus apps, finding out that it runs the Steam overlay on top of the Oculus overlay and tanks performance by default, using the shitty hacky menu add-ons to replace settings that aren't available...

Nowadays I just use Virtual Desktop and it's an absolute dream, and because SteamVR has its own app I just tell my new VR friends "use the SteamVR streamer for Steam games, the Oculus Link streamer for Rift games if you have them, don't overthink it"

But needing to coach people how to plug the damn thing into their PC is still insane, honestly
Not him, but I've grown tired of it too. It was ok when the jump height was first reduced and everyone went back to playing almost normally, but it was like spiderman VR today. Castle was absurd to the point where I sometimes couldn't even figure out where the team was being attacked from even when the round had ended. The game mode doesn't work when it's so unpredictable. There isn't enough time in the round to look in so many places every time you move. It creates practically unwinnable situations all the time leading to whichever team is exploiting harder winning by a huge margin.
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I like that Alyx actually has a bunch of high quality campaign mods. The VR interaction in Boneworks and H3VR are the gold standard, but the mods for those are basic outside of basic sandbox maps as the mod tools aren't good. None of those three have anything on Doom or Quake of course, but Alyx can be real cool when going through Gunman Contracts and the Bioshock mod. It feels like an actual game.
Haha yeah sure, "Not him". Literally nobody have an issue with it except one seething guy.
>You should play HL2VR while you have Alyx fresh in memory.

It was actually the first thing I played when I got my headset, so I think playing it before Alyx might have spoiled me a bit.

But overall I was amazed how well it translates to VR, the cliche "almost like it was made for it" actually genuinely holds up with HL2. What really does it is the physics- We have all been meme-ing on the HL2 brick puzzle for decades but getting into VR and realising this 20 year old game already had the groundworks laid for the interactivity you need in a VR game was a kind mind fuck.

But I mean other than that, I have played and completed HL2 maybe a dozen or more times in my life, it's one of my favourite games, so it's hard to really give my thoughts other than "I was surprised how well it works". And I was still getting used to motion controls, I was still dealing with the headset fatigue and locomotive nausea etc.

I felt like some of the encounters in HL2 throw a little bit too much at you for VR, it feels like you're under a lot of pressure and I got killed more times than I'd like to admit fumbling around to reload and trying to grab health/ammo in the middle of a fight. But that was because I hadn't started getting used to VR controls yet and I was still routinely fucking up the actions. Overall it wouldn't take a lot of work to rebalance those encounters with VR in mind.

Really when you think about it like 90% of the skill jump from flat to VR is that you have to manually move your hands to load your gun, instead of just hitting R, and VR games that don't feature manual reloads may as well not exist.
Going off the numbers, I'd assume there are actually a lot of people with one who don't have a good enough PC and just use it like a console.
The hardware has been fine for years now, I just don't think there are enough big games to draw in people that wouldn't otherwise be interested in VR.
>People in this thread already gravitate to playing the same games and small vr titles or mods get ignored
Most of those games don't interest me, and I'm not going to play a game I'm not at all interested in just because it has VR support.
Flat game releases are like that too, but that's not a problem since there are so many more of them.
Does it use force or something?
Escape Simulator lobby is up
Code is D7S6N
Busy, but might try to hop in later if you do a second room
it's disability pride month, what's your disability
i play vrchat
I don't remember typing this I am getting old.
I'm french
I'm French Canadian
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Dick the size of Colorado
You are correct, the market isn't informed because there is no monopoly nor an oligopol on information and marketing distribution. No matter how much liquidity and bubblified epistemic brainpower is put into marketing campaigns, non of them are ever again going to reach the masses they were able to reach in the 20th century with its monopolistic media environment of papers, radio, tv.

Mass marketing is dead, globalization is dead
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I'm too perfect and work too hard
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Thanks for doing escape rooms guys. Looking forward to trying the science wing of the museum next time.
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Starting The Boy and the Heron in about 15 minutes, you can join off Silencen or try the link:
Hi it's time for slightly late stuck at loading edition Tuesday pypy:
or join on Lycosella
I paid good money for a beyond and this is the quality? baka
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>paid good money for a Beyond
>cut corners on the GPU
Hopefully the fallback world is working fine for people with driver issues, I'll just stick to the usual one from now on.
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has anyone seen this before?
I NEED that cat shirt :3
what is THE premier porn game for fat fucking juice anime titty sex simulator bouncy saggy
Good pypying all
Next NA pypy is Murica day (Thursday) at 7PM PDT / 10 PM EDT
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How do you like the 3d burger I made, I made it in blender and textured it in substance painter from scratch.

It's really cute but also super unoptimized. The shirt alone is 50k tris, shoes at 40k and so on but it should be an easy fix.
It looks like a Mcdonalds burger. Not bad. I'll download it for free and place on my map.
Those sesame seeds are optimzed right?

Game ready stuff needs to be as low poly as possible while looking good.
Nice work anon
Don't do it, man. They coax you in with the fat fucking juice anime titty sex and then BOOM they hit you with the blacked porn once you let your guard down.
I'll give it another pass to lower the poly count more on stuff like the sesame seeds, I had to get it out fast before tomorrow for a different map but i'll get it better optimized and drop a link if you actually want it.
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Timmy hates us so much VR sisters., it’s not fair… can you imagine the goon sesh you could have in FN over VRC..
Nice thanks anon. We have an asset sharing here, chuck it in the vrg.booru so others may download it in the future too. I'll be sure to incorporate it into a WCdonalds thing I need to make in the future.

A tip for sesame is to make it just a curved plane with maybe 6 or 8 vertex max and just use a texture on it in the shape of a sesame seed
pypy is dying
Speaking of dying. I have not seen a post about the /vrg/ exercise group in a while.
im probably just going to decimate them and delete the parts you can't see. I already deleted the non-visible parts of the bun and patty and cheese and ketchup, but didn't have time to do that to the sesame seeds tonight.

Right now it's like 60k with the sesame and ~10k without, lol.
lmao that's too much tris dude haha. You got a ways to go for that burg to be game ready. Good luck with the optimization!
Yeah I had like 3 hours, wanted to get a first draft finished before ~11pm. I'm going to give it a second pass tomorrow.
Night night anonnie
thank you cutie

that swaying L tail though
>Tfw the space in my bedroom near my powerful pc is not big enough to comfortably do VR
>tfw my laptop's 2050 is too weak to even run SteamVR lobbies in the living room
i am forever imprisoned in the Zuckerburger's little trinket...
Get some side hustle or save up by cooking your own food. Dunno
Quest 3 and WiFi 6E router.
we unironically keep forgetting desu, also DNAC has been mia doing irl stuff for quite a while
2050 is usable if you use your brain cells, I played VR with a 1050 for years then got a 2060 12gb just because of vrc that dies out of vram all the time
Keep forgetting to exercise? Careful there you'll get fat tubby!
we ping the discord and vrc group all the time! we just forget to link in the thread
Dang... that's not good isn't it? That means the group has become a vrc and discord event completely rather than a thread event...
if you guys wanted to come exercise this badly why didn't you just say so earlier
put your PC in your living room you animal
Bedrooms are for sleeping
It's not about me specifically wanting to join. It's about being invited so everyone including those who are new can see and join an activity hosted for the people who uses the thread.
Those who continually sees it eventually may join too after a while of seeing the advertisement.
If you already have a Quest, just use it for wireless PCVR.
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Running some American cars at Angeles Crest Highway in Assetto Corsa tonight at 8PM EDT (about 18 hours from now).
Car list is pic related for now, let me know if there's anything else you want to run.
All of the mods and DLC should be in the links below, and the server is up if you want to test anything.
server: vrg racing
pass: tfwnodriftfu
voice chat (mumble): voice.vrg.party
mods: https://mega.nz/folder/xN4EGDiC#cvLFrD3kTpS_8pU7eNVvPw
DLC: https://mega.nz/folder/hNgHTIrb#utSeSx4mqKjcMYfwiI67sg
modern day COD is over 200gb
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Make a budget mini-itx build out of ebay parts, if you can get a 8gb 2060 you're golden
I've come to conclusion that vidya game VR porn is the least degenerate and most mentally healthy way to consoom porn.
>you don't watch another dude fucking a girl you want to fuck
>you are psychogically brainwashing yourself to enjoy fucking vs psychogically prepping yourself for cucking
>you are more focused on the person's face than their genitals
what voice training routine did senyn and randomhero and cama use?
bnwo addiction
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Bro are you me? I have started enjoying and preferring POV porn as well after VR cybersex.
It honestly feels so much more intimate and fulfilling contorting myself and cuddling my pillow as a surrogate physical object while in VR hugging my current partner.
Just feels good overall man
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>page 9
gone to Poland bump
I miss building mini PCs. I'm so tired of GPU bloat.
they had a 41% drop in attendance.
SteamVR stats for June
it's fucking over

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