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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

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>he plays souls games for the multiplayer
Radahn is dishonest garbage and the nerfs can't come soon enough
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post 'em!
Now that the dust has been settled, is Melina for (you)?
It was a very strange choice on Miyazaki's part to have such a late April Fools prank with the absolutely silly and low quality Radahn boss fight. When is the patch that removes the April Fools content and adds in the Godwyn boss fight coming?
I need a build that uses poison hand. I wanna be a lil poison bitch in NG+
Fromsoft has gone overboard prioritizing spectacle over gameplay. The DLC had precious few fights that were of the quality I've been conditioned to expect from a Fromsoft expansion and instead most of them felt mechanically like disposable das3 main game bosses but with more particle effects.
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>Be the only good part of the DLC
You can't prove me wrong.
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On replay, what parts of the DLC will (you) be skipping?
I think I will be skipping all of the mini-dungeons (catacombs, caves, mines) that don't lead to another area of the map. I don't remember getting anything meaningful from them, all my equipment upgrades came from either legacy dungeons or quests

>DC Seal scaling got buffed when SOTE dropped
30/45 FTH/ARC gives 320 scaling
Are there any comparable seals/staffs or is this thing now the undisputed GOAT for NG?
Prince of Death Staff got buffed but it still does pitiful scaling unless you're at NG+ stats of 80/80

[repost from last thread, was after this thread was created]
yeah it's actually really fun seeing people's different builds and playstyles interact with each other in seldom furious battle, even if most of the time a fight is quick and cheap it does not diminish the efforts on either side, and when the combat between two players actually shines it is well and truly glorious
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tryhard pvp clips that aren't just goofy silly shit are the most cringe posts on here
You play for the singleplayer until it runs out and you still haven't had enough, then you settle for the multiplayer because it's all that's left.
why the fuck would you ever use it over weapons that do the same thing but better
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>large rump ahead
the gap closers are all shit design because they're super predictable and super punishable.
I shouldn't feel "Oh thank god Radahn/Gaius/Messmer are doing the dumb anime gapcloser time for free massive damage" when they're doing what is supposed to be a visually impressive attack.
starscourge radahn should be a harder fight than mogh (both solo).
Empyrean pussy is built for BTC
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Are cutscenes cheating? I haven't really settled on a "design" yet, though I lean a bit on Finger Maiden set to match my character's backstory somewhat.
helm doesn't match
Lords of the Fallen had this
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I firmly believe that in Mesmer's absence,as his killer, I should take charge of his task until no Horsent remains to plague these beautiful lands.
Bless Marika and Bless the Golden Order!
The helm matches the best. Get your eyes checked.
>different builds
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Radahn is fun and fair with no summons or shield I can't wait for egirls on dance pads to come and embarrass all you shitters again
holy is the most important one because of radagon/dlc
barrier of gold is good though
I dropped most of them except holy for now and started upgrading my twinblade and buffing with orders blade (for crucible wings later)

just watched a host with fucking messmers spear get stunlocked by radahn(the normal one)s arrows they would have died without healing. am I just enabling retards?
they got hit by reentry too.
might work on a different character.
I really liked Belurat. Some top atmosphere, variety, and the keys and hidden Miquella Cross made it seem bigger than it actually was.
I hope that From starts adding in more keys to their dungeons, I want a Zelda-esque experience of needing to key-hunt to progress and/or maybe finding a level midway through the level that changes up the environment.
This person is definitely not a mentally ill tranny.
>I am Melina
>*opens her one eye*
>and -EYE- offer you an accord

Does she think she's funny? Is she having a laugh? Why did she emphasize that word right when she opened her one eye to us?
>humiliation ritual
>humiliation ritual
>afk host who has taunters on for some reason
>humiliation ritual
>spawn next to a magma wyrm and kill all 3

There is literally no reason for the winged serpent helm have brownish tint. Yet it does, just to trigger people combining it with Fire knight chest for the dmg boost. I fucking hate it.
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oh boohoo, should have thought about it when you were slaughtering marika's people for no good reason.
They do this on purpose because typically if you're at range long enough to see gap closers consistently it's because you're a mage trying to kite the boss and they intuitively understand that playing a mage should be 'easier' because it's gravitated towards by people who don't want the difficulty of melee gameplay.

They could easily make gap-closers into combo starters to relentlessly pressure mages but largely avoid that on purpose. I think the main exceptions are Midra, who seems designed specifically to challenge mages more than melee, and Radahn's second phase lightspeed bullshit.
The "Me" in "Melina" means "eye" in japanese
Same with Messmer.
Phase 1 is actually brilliant and feels like im fighting Gael again, Phase 2 feels overtuned, the main issue being the light beams making it harder to see wtf im doing.
Its overtuned mostly if you're doing a 1v1 but I think a little tweak here or there could make it the perfect capstone to this game.
>hello, old friend
>it’s been 5 minutes since she left us
Yeah, Melina is a jokester.
Consider the following >>484372473
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They really like using Lain pics and idk why.
In 2024, whenever someone posts a le smug anime girl I assume they're a tranny by default tbqh
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I've just dropped Messmer, i'm sitting on 400,000 runes and i'm RL170.
What is the new meta set to be for RL? I want to stay in the rough region of it because I really enjoy being summoned for bosses and co-op.
Some people have been saying stay at 160, others say up to 200.
his name is mohg
How does the Japanese community feel like about Swift Slash? Do they think it's broken or just good?
It didnt have spiderscorpions thus you are correct. Abyssal woods had great first impression but fell flat on its head when the "scary thing" was just bunch of shit stains that have invul taken away by just one parry.
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How would a cold fire knight greatsword go?
I'm assuming just hitting them would immediately remove the frostbite, essentially changing frostbite into bleed.
I'm mostly worried about the 3 way split damage.
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I think Belurat is too short. It reminds me of Stormveil Castle but way, way more linear. I like Hornsent Grandam's dialogues, though.
You should should push towards RL 175 if you're already there imo. It's the last level where you're allowed to be summoned by RL 150.
Am I timing Golden Retaliation wrong or is it actually meant to still result in chip damage even when you parry a spell with it?
Japanese people play this westaboo crap?
>What is the new meta set to be for RL?
Most people will be 200-250 by the time they finish the DLC. In the future it will probably be around 175-225 since it will be people doing replays and skipping side dungeons, etc.
they're throwing caster a bone compared to base game where you are relentlessly spamming with gapclosers
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nta when did we start hating on lain? I didn't sign that bill.
>The invader just did half my hp with an attack combo
hostclitties literally cannot control themselves they are so thirsty to own the heckin redchud and teabag them so they can post about it on reddit and farm upvotes
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>implying being able to invade other people's games to fight them with YOUR guy who you've been through the entire game with and not just some prefabbed developer character isn't one of the coolest ideas ever put into a video game
The fact that people still soldier through From's terrible networking even after all these years shows there's demand for a developer out there to do the mechanic justice.
God the horse at 0:06 looks like a fucking billboard sprite.
too many secondaries
I assume so.
I don't like Lain because it's crypto-gnosticism especially with emphasis on Sophia, for some reason. Gnosticism is too evil for me.
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Nectarblood Burgeons are so easy to farm wtf
japan is religiously dead what do you expect
She has her mother's sense of humor.
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>gnosticism is too evil for me
>plays a crypto-pagan game instead
Someone sell me on STR/INT. I want to try it out but I don't know what to actually use on it or what the build spread should look like.
That's the first one you've posted where you've come across slightly decent players.
Granted R1 spamming in a situation where you're about to die is fucking retarded.
Nice work
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It's definitely not a perfect fight but it's not deserving of the hysteria surrounding it at all, I thought it was really fun and I agree P1 is very clean and better than P2

I watched Lain back in 2016/17, a few years before the big resurgence among trannies
Phase 1 has its share of bullshit, mainly the cross slash and the fact that most of his attacks actually end their recovery while he's visually still recovering, and just has him skip the transition animation to snap to attacking.
Similarly, the fact that he has no turning animation when transitioning from recovery to attack and instead literally just snap flips his model 180 degrees to reorient--that one is clearly just them cutting his bugged turning animation from the pre-release version because they got clowned for it.

His phase 1 could be an honest fight with some polish but right now it's clownshit parading as a straightforward fight. The second phase is unfixable clownshit. They chose a clown gimmick to dilute an otherwise serviceable concept with and there's no way to walk back on that.
>looking inside yourself is "evil"
everything is that now, elden ring is that for souls games thank god it didn't happen before because muh too hard (its not)
The most technical does in SotE are the wicker mans
Also I adopt the alatreon-stance that a good boss has just as many openings for the biggest attacks as it does the smallest
That said the cardinal sin, made most apparent is that coop should not exist
9/10 bosses move ridiculously all over the place and as a cooperator trying to chase down a boss, it's apparent these sometimes 10-foot tall enemies are annoyingly fast for how big they are, which wouldn't be so bad if occasionally their oversized and spazzy models didn't displace my character aside and force a missed attack
>God the horse at 0:06 looks like a fucking billboard sprite.
i love how he jumped the second spin to win and didn't get hit even though the weapon clearly went through his body. the hitboxes are just as shit as they always have been.
str/int is actually just str but with an int tax so you can spam gravity weapon skills
cool OC anon, but I doubt Miquella would love Radahn!
Don't know about DLC spells, but all of them are trash other than Rock Sling. So you should just stick to 20 int to use cold infusion.
Seriously and unironically, what is the lore reason for why I, the Tarnished, can't have sex with and impregnate Marika, the hyperfertile (proven beyond a shadow of a doubt) goddess? What is the reason??
>no new arrow or bolt recipes in the DLC despite all these new consumables and pots and crafting materials
Lame as fuck.
Yea get ready for everyone to spam lulling branches. They'll also equip the St Trina's Smile so they get easily proc sleep to get a nice damage buff.
>It reminds me of Stormveil Castle but way, way more linear.
Stormveil is the best legacy dungeon in Elden Ring by far so it's an unfair comparison.
But I agree that Belurat would have been massively improved if the optional areas looped back into the main path as an alternative progression path.
Belurat and Enir Elim are the same thing, they are even connected to each other via Euphoria drop. Together they are pretty damn good.
dlc has a decent amount of soild spells for both fth and int and a bunch of actual garbage
I know dual wielding is generally good, but I seem to recall someone saying dual halberds is shit, is this correct?
you have uhh one dragon arrow and one arrow with alluring pot effect (useless garbage)
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I exclusively play fashion souls at the expense of my actual effectiveness.
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>finally kill Putrescent Knight
>go into cave
>some sort of statue
>"drink nectar"
>do it
>it kills me

Is it just me or the items in the DLC don't give much information about the world? But I'm still in the first area and have only beaten three bosses. I have to say that entering the cocoon and not having any intro is a bit sad.

Elden ring had a lot of cinematic for give setting and atmosphere.
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>Fought Morgott
>Fought Malenia
>Related to Messmer's army with Gaius
>Torrent? Leonard's soul.
>People also believe he fought Godrick for some fucking reason
>Stopped the stars for ranni
>taught blaidd how to fight
>gave ranni the renna doll
>gave rykard the idea to have his men use red plumes
>was the one that told miquella to try to save godwyn
>was like a son to godfrey
>learned his dual wielding skills from his aunt rellana
>told rykard about messmers snake unintentionally putting snake ideas into the man's head
>was gideon's friend before he died and was resurrected
>fought the gloam eyed queen alongside maliketh
>personally responsible for his parents divorcing
>accidentally caused the shattering when he meteor'd in to check on marika after godwyn's death
>radahn locked vyke up
>radahn killed the dragon in the capital
>the greater will left because radahn freezing the stars spooked it
This is RADAHN ring. He is the main character. Every character has to revolve around him in some way.
it's just you
poop tint for poop helmet
>drinking the nectar bricks your save
what did they actually mean by this?
I wanna do a FTH build, do I need to rush to Altus/Leyndell to get some actual good seals and incantations? And important items I should grab early?
it's not a statue and you need to die 6 times to hear all of her dialogue
>Godslayer Greatsword build is at level 200 and still haven't done shadow keep, etc.
I might get enough levels to do a John Elden Ring build (Tree Sentinel set, Godslayer Greatsword, Fingerprint shield)
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even if you aren't abusing rolling sparks these things just shit over most physical weapons
no self buffing required, just way more damage output than anything else with the free powerstance and elemental multipliers, it hits 1500+ baseline damage
and this isn't even counting how you get a physique slot for +20% damage too, or the 2.05x damage you deal in skibidi realm, which hits 3k+ damage on endgame enemies
All the items are written to impart emotion rather than illuminate the plot
It's manipulative and terrible
>swear on rnjesus I hit the destined death parry after dodging perfectly just like obongl (while cooping)
>no, eat shit (5% hp remaining and hp burn)
netcode could use some work
imagine if the final battle was Miquella riding Redhan against the Tarnished ridden by Mini-Ranni.
This is almost the exact same outfit I had for the last 40 hours. Just a different helm. Good taste.
My comparison was more along the lines of "The path to the boss is very short if you're not taking your time". It happens everywhere though. But at the very least Stormveil, Volcano Manor and Leyndell have side content.
I also hate how every encounter is an enemy in the corner, I think it's very retarded.
I'm also not a fan of Enir-Ilim. Like many things in the DLC, the only thing it has going for it is that it looks good.
>muh damage when he intends to spam not-bleed
you bitches really need to minmax every single nonimportant thing
I think my Northman warrior is coming along nicely.
Hello, Dark Paladin nigga.
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This jobber got ayy lmao super AIDS after losing to Malenia then I killed him twice and married his sister so he's not really the main character
In case you haven't realized, the scorpion charms are busted in the DLC due to skibidi scaling, 2x the attack boost, half the damage negation debuff.

Magic Scorpion is insane on INT builds.

PVE only though obviously.
There's a bunch of advantages;
1) You have full stamina recovery speed during guard points.
2) they allow you to attack into openings you ordinarily would not be able to.
3) They have great guard boost and thus can be used with impunity (provided their not infused)
4) Great stamina reduction on said guard points
More importantly they can carry offensive weapon arts for people who wish to partake in hard hand-swaps.

The cons are one the learning curve; The first 4ish hours are going to be you just eating shit because you haven't gotten used to when guard points end and the next 4 will be you learning that if you're one handing or off-handing the weapon you still need to roll.

The other con is the damage: Blocking with either flavor of the dueling shields fucking hurts especially when it's elemental damage. As a result, you have to be pretty fucking tanky in general. Easily my favorite weapon type bar none.
I can see them getting a nerf. I hope that the nerf isn't too hard.
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>the backhand blade running r1 keeps you in a running state so you can immediately go into ma running r2 rollcatch
These things are actually nutty even without Swift Slash.
At Radahn now so here are my Remembrance boss rankings:
>0 - Gank Squad
Holy fuck that was fucking amazing. The real final boss.
>1 - Midra
By far the coolest boss. Learning to exploit his openings to stance break him was fun and his moves are very fair. Wish he had more lore though.
>2 - Messmer
Poster boy. Kino lore. Kino presentation. Cool cutscenes. Godly magic. End of the best legacy dungeon in the DLC. Just about perfect. Except he breaks the camera with his spastic attacks.
>3 - Metyr
Cool as fuck lore. Good build up. Great arena. Awesome design. Kino attacks. Entire questline. Clear exploitable weaknesses (The stage is water. Use lightning.)
>4 - Bayle (it counts)
>5 - Scadutree Avatar
Really like its design. Obvious weakness to fire. Fair combos that lead to openings that are easy to exploit. 3-phase twist was fun. Nice mechanics overall. Shame it leads to nothing, like Gayass, and has lacking lore.
>6 - Rellana
I fought her late in the game so she was very easy for my build. Even so she has a kickass design, cool abilities and interesting lore. Shame she has no dialogue, cutscenes or build up.
>7 - Romina
Cool boss and character design. Sensible mechanics. Just felt very forgettable to me because she doesn't really say or do anything else.
>8 - Putrescence Knight
Way better than those below it. Actually decent boss. Reasonable attack patterns. Has annoying gimmick with the blue flames but otherwise pretty fair. FTH builds have plenty of options with Holy and I believe the battlefield conducts electricity from charged Lightning Spears.
>9 - Dancing Lion
Yes yes very cool. Also broke my camera, has annoying special effects overload and was just generally unpleasant to face.
>10 - Commander Gayass
He's broken. Shit to fight 'fairly' and piss easy to cheese. And he leads to nothing. Cool concept but just very poorly coded and thought out.
>11 - Radahn and Miquella
Overtuned overly flashy dogshit with bloated damage and health values.
lightning spear is in Liurnia, beast spells are just boss-locked, most before Leyndell, and black flame throw is in Stormveil.
The closest thing to Stormveil in DLC is Rauh. A region sized legacy dungeon with a billion of interconnected passages. There are so many of them i still don't think i've explored it at 100%.
when you grow up of being a tranime weeaboo and realise that lain is badly written farthouse shit
You didn't beat her.
DLC had fun areas to explore but most bosses were just unfun bullshit. I felt no sense of accomplishment when I beat them, more like 'wow that bullshit is finally over'
I think this game post-DLC has the best fashion out of all of them.
>ohhh marika was le good and never came back to her village (now you cry)
>Here, and here alone, were moon and fire ever together. (now you cry)
memory stones
sacred blade, black flame, godslayer seal, dragonmaw and claw
holy/magic/lightning cracked tears, radagon icon, lightning spear
fire cracked tear, flaming strike, pest threads, rotten breath, holy scorpion
godfrey talisman, ritual sword and shield, lightning scorpion
blasphemous blade, fire scorpion
ancient dragon lightning strike, shard of alex, black blade, black flame tornado
knight's lightning spear, multilayered ring of light, light of shota
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>>0 - Gank Squad
>Holy fuck that was fucking amazing. The real final boss.
they are fun little things, im glad they added them
People are already making cinematic solo boss fights and others think the dlc is hard lmao. Actual and unironic skill issue.
>>looking inside yourself is "evil"
I have come to well-reasoned conclusions that gnosticism (metaphorically represented by the Wired in this case) is evil from this.
I have one note, should be THOPS not golden parry cause they seem to be an int character but I guess it has less frames
im 35
Dont forget he got groomed by a shota twice.
Pretty good. Makes me want to use Milady.
>muh rollslop
fuck off
you need to adjust for ping on mp silly
dont golden and thops parry have the same frames? i just wonder why they're using a small shield with it. maybe for aesthetic.
they still give exactly what it says on the tin, +12% dealt +10% taken
they're the worst damage multipliers but still worth using

if you're using any of the methods that have talismans you should use the other ones. +20% to perfume no drawback. +15% to 2H weapons no drawback. +15% to weapon arts no drawback. +15% to horseback no drawback. +15/20% after triggering whatever, and especially for general pve (not bosses) the +15% to all damage for 20 seconds after killing any enemy. All better than scorpions
I explored it 100%. There's genuinely nothing fucking there. The main loot is the sperm thing behind the illusory wall, a few spirit ashes and pest thread spears near the end.
It was easily the worst area of the game for me. Convoluted and difficult to navigate but with nothing to find and basically no interesting enemies. Just endless hollows, multiple annoying ninja hornsent ambushes and like two Horned Warriors randomly patrolling a revered spirit ash.
If you don't see the fun in having a 3v4 death match at the end of your journey with characters you encountered and grew to know then I don't know what to say.
You don't because costs quickly spiral out of control after 200 and require cheating or higher NGs
I expected some Excalibar at some point, but the result was similar.
what helm did you use?
I've never understood why people think the gank squad is a hard or good fight. It's decent, but it's nothing amazing. NPC's are free kills in Elden Ring. If you're a mage you can just spam Night Comet nonstop and they wont even try to dodge it. Any other class just has any number of ashes that can instantly kill NPC's.
180-200 should be fine.

Parrying literally turns 7 hit combos into 1 hit combos, it's easy mode tier cheating, git gud and play as intended.
The gank squad fight is easy because you have allies, but the banter between characters paired with the music and the way people gradually trickle in to join the fight was 10/10 presentation. It felt like the climax of the DLC, as opposed to Radahn just coming out of nowhere with his god backpack.
Good presentation is half of what makes a good boss fight
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why is she so perfect /v/ros?
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just had my first hard crash in a long time
>helping out in coop
>host dies, returning to own world
>crash a loading screen
>can't alt tab or alt f4 to make it stop
>restart pc
he's right you know
>no lighter version of the crucible set
one day souls wont make you a manlet in an incredibly massive set of armor that looks almost comical on you versus the people you get it off of who are proportional to it.
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based lainchad
>out of nowhere
Pretty sure Ansbach and Freya tell you if you do their quests.
Sucks to be a manbaby like you i guess
Fucking Stalker.
friendship with level 80+17 ended
now level 138-166 is my best friend
is Anastasia a hornsent? she's using their knife and eats people.
>always has her eye on you
>wants to monopolize your heart
>a terrific cook
>Strong character willing to do what it takes to get what she wants
>After she's done, she'll swallow
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NTA, but I really liked the soundtrack and dialog, the fight is somewhat hard to lose though, given it's just dumb AI bots spamming one attack.

I want to do a Leda cosplay playthrough.
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All the bitching and moaning about the "harder" bosses in the DLC is just par for the coarse on every release.
Pseuds with an overinflated ego just can't deal with their little powerfantasy being broken. They really expected to go in to the DLC and wreck shit, because they had finally gotten good at Malenia or whatever after years of grinding. Then they start spouting made-up nonsense about unavoidable AoE attacks and unfair hitboxes, while there are already videos in the making of people no-hitting the bosses they're complaining about. Its mindbaffling honestly, just admit, to yourself, that you aren't as good as you wish you were, improve, or go find another, more rewarding hobby to stoke your ego.
I had to fight Radahn 50+ times before I killed him in a way that I found acceptably skillful, but not once did I cry about anything being unfair, I simply wasn't paying enough attention to my positioning, my reaction time was too slow, and I wasn't brave enough to commit between combos. But I got gudd, and enjoyed every second of it.
My only fear is that by the time the next DLC or a new game comes out, I will simply be too old to keep up with the pace of the combat, I'm still young, but even I feel the ravages of time on my fine motor skills.
Bosses like Rellana are literally designed to be parried.
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>Objective flaws in Radahn's design
1. Radahn's afterimage attacks have no hurtbox and he can do these grounded so some punishes to attacks get "eaten" by his after image strikes turning off his hurtbox frame 0 as he charges them.
2. Radahn's love of long anime combos can lead to periods of 20 or more seconds where he is only vulnerable for a tiny amount of time, removing interactivity and forcing you to play a damage avoidance minigame where the dilemma on where to push aggression is completely ignored
3.The boss has no answer to greatshield strats.
4. The boss has numerous one-shot attacks in his arsenal which can kill even with 60 Vig + 20 Skibidi + defensive talismans thanks to multi-hit protections not being properly enabled. His grounded afterimage attack can oneshot you ect.
5. The boss has attacks that are undodgable outside of elevation differences. The 1-2 slash even had challenge runners using Crucible talismans for extra i-frames because to consistently dodge it without extra iframes you need to already be in a certain position when the attack starts.
6. Visual disaster - A combination of Miquella's hair a giant bright white beams and the effect on his afterimages make parsing what goes on in the fight almost impossible.
7. Inconsistent effects - the ground crumble effect used on his stomp and pulling his weapon out of the ground are the same and usually indicate grounded attacks but you can jump the stomp while not being able to do so for the weapon pull.
8. Height jank with the uneven arena is rife which causes unintended interactions and random whiffs
9. Uneven moveset. Some moves can oneshot you and have no hurtbox while others like Miquella's Light, his grab or his tornado gravity gapcloser are easy to avoid and have gigantic punish windows which both encourages AI abuse and makes winning feel overly dependent on 'lucky patterns'. If Radahn spammed the 1-2-cross slash the fight is artificially much harder than one where he spams grabs.
I think Radahn is just a SHIT boss fight and people are coping about it being terrible
I think we should all go chainsaw the host
like clockwork
I've been wanting to do an INT/FTH build since launch. Did the DLC finally provide the build with any melee tools?
Base game had very underwhelming tools:
>GO seal (very good tbqh but only for incantations)
>PODS/Gelmir Staff (very underwhelming damage in NG)
>SONAF which is just a weapon art simulator and has terrible R1 damage due to 3 way split damage
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Eleonora is the best NPC invader thougheverbeit.

You can even infer that she planned to betray Mohg all along.
Why does looking at Marika make me so fucking horny?
10. His grab gives you so much free time that it's arguably better to trade and get hit by it in a lot of cases as Radahn just stands there post grab and you get a full stamina refill. You should NEVER want to get hit by an attack.
11. Getting into Phase 2 with a crit doesn't teleport you to Radahn which breaks the intended flow of the fight.
12. Boss is very easy to parry cheese or Deflectcheese. The final boss shouldn't be so weak to defensive strategies, he shouldn't completely crumble the moment the player steps outside of rolling.
13. Some defensive strategies are framerate dependent, on a fight that directly attacks your FPS. Running away post gravity suck is perfect if you get a solid framerate but any dips and you die instantly.
14. Poor performance on a lot of his moves in general.
15. Very poor looking animations on a lot of his moves, specifically the spinning gravity gapcloser and Miquella's T-pose
16. Unlike good fights (Gael) Radahn has very few audio cues to denote specific combos, which would have been a great way to make up for the visual mess.
17. Not a consistent direction for Radahn's dive which is a fucking terrible way to implement an attack that kills you if it hits.

t. just finished my 4th DLC run
>summons mimic tear and first tries Radahn with bleed/frost shield poke
This game is easy.
>anime picture
>shitty, low quality post
many such cases
Remind me what shield is that?
the fuck is that weapon art
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I was using Helm of Solitude. The lighting in the game makes all the various armor tints look close enough.
not dealing with unfunny tourists go fuck yourself you know who you are. or perhaps not, if you hate anime LEAVE you're not welcome on this ENTIRE WEBSITE dont argue fucking leave.
maliketh went fairly well
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Why did she do it, Yura bros?
How would you guys feel about deflecting being a base game mechanic?
Would it be too op and unbalance the existing content?
she's hot
Wing stance
Because you're a coomer retard?
who are you talking to
>summoned for the fucking dancer
I mean thanks for the rune arc but that seemed as excessive as when I was summoned to push Gideon's face against the wall and have my way with him
>inflict poison
>sleep shotgun
>land poison flower while they're stunned
Could it work? Would the damage even be worth it?
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I thought that at last my asshole would be saved from getting ravaged by Radahn, but alas, I am denied once more
your mom
Radahn is genuinely the first time I gave up on fighting a boss solo on my first run. I could've probably switched to greatshield poke cheese, but I decided that if I am going to engage in this gay shit I might as well have fun and summon someone instead.
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>despite being your consort beloved, ranni does not sleep in the same bed as you
>across the bed is a chair she sits in to sleep
>it's a little unnerving when she forgets to close her eyes before she sleeps
>one night you decide to move her to the side and snuggle up next to her
>wake up with frostbite, ranni scolds you while rubbing a fire grease soaked towel on your side
>next morning you wake up to a chill in your arm
>ranni's miniature doll is snuggled up against you
>her empty body on the chair is smiling
Sort of? The base game flips flops between encounter design that makes sense in a souls-like and ones that belong in more action oriented games like Wo-Long, RotR, and Sekiro.

So it'd break a good amount of boss fights and be satisfying on others. Like the shitty ass gargoyles are already free so not much would change but Mohg would get mogged
With poison flower, it all works as long as you can land the kick.
why wouldn't you just use thiollier's sleep needle which is designed to deal massive damage to sleeping targets? seems like a lot of work
Yes. Because when you misstime a deflect, you still just block and blocking has basically 0 risk or oppourtunity cost except eating a little of your stamina. The whole balancing factor of blocking is that your stamina is limited, so when most of your 'blocks' are deflects and you only lose stamina when you fuck up, your resource is basically never pressured and your defense is almost perfect.
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>the very first NPC you meet in a new game is Varre

What did they mean by this?
where are people getting all the mats for the sleep shotgun? I've run into so many of these dudes
to punish chuds who try to kill every npc they meet
>sleep shotgun

you get chainsaw'd
It would be garbage and shouldn't have been put because the enemies aren't simply designed for it, and it trumps over the stability values balance.
That... that you meet Varre first?
>trio boss
>duo boss
>boss with summons
I'm about to give up on the game. It's just not fun to fight non-solo bosses.
Roderika is technically this game's Crestfallen Merchant but they moved her a few save points later and unkillable
its actually your dead maiden then melina and torrent then varre
what they meant is miquella sent him via mohg, and he probably killed your maiden too

the one in the church of anticipation that gives you the soapstone I mean finger.
Miyazaki balanced them around summoning spirit ashes, npcs and collecting skibidi fragments. Your loss.
They cheated. Twitch invaders normalized cheating consumables and now instead of just being a thing a few weird autists do it's just the standard for pvp and even reddit runes mule services to dupe 999 of whatever material you need.
use spirit ashes
Generally I do her quest and delude her that I intend to take her as my bride, but then I always end up using the Rune of order.
Ranni, Marika oyakodan
Crowd control issue
Is there a bigger jobber than Yura?
There’s 1 mandatory duo fight and you can summon a powerful NPC for it or cheese it with sleep pots.
If you’re getting dogpiled then consider using spirit ashes to split the pressure.
>try +10 Tiche for Radahn
>Spirit blessing level is 9, 1 shy of the max
>she eats a single combo in phase 1 and immediately dies
Is it bugged? My mimic tear has like 20k health and facetanks well into the second phase but every other summon seems to just die immediately no matter how strong they were in the base game
is her poleblade still one of the better arcane build weapons? ive never run an arcane weapon ever and i was trying to theme out an arc build
No Radahn just deals that much damage.
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>Mohg, Varre
>Malenia, Miquella
How many got ruined? How many characters will be reduced to fucking nothing?
It refreshes now anon we all get to be cheaters isn't that great? :)
The two Bloody Fingers he kills
The Mimic either gets hard knock down (so invincibility frames) or somehow just has fuckloads of HP that the other summons don't have.
I'm using wolves and they are just destroyed in mere seconds without dealing any damage. They win a few seconds but that's all. Should I use solo summons which are more powerful?
Is Shadow Keep really the biggest legacy dungeon in the game now? I'm currently going through Farum Azula and it feels way bigger.
I want Marika to piss on my cock
The fact that shitters successfully pressured Fromsoftware into adding deflects, even if limited, is the only actual disappointment of the DLC.
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>twitch normalized duping
are you new here, what the fuck are you talking about? it sounds like you learned about the game via twitch or something, that is not a new thing.
Fair. Maybe it would be alright on weapons that get rekt on blocking, or only for physical damage, so it's like parrying but with less risk and less reward.
Can someone point me to the new items that give lore on carian dolls being moddable and how Godfrey was clapping Radagon's cheeks too?
What level are your wolves?
And yeah the solo summons that take ghost glovewort to upgrade are generally better. To go to’s are mimic tear, tiche and dung eater
The patricians taste

It is, but you have to like twinblades
It being strong won't suddenly make you like twinblades if you hate them.
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Poison is super strong
Not even meme'ing
The Mohg/Miquella storyline was important from the beginning.
Eh online merchants have existed since DS1. Nothing new
In arena you get all consumable/ammunition back for free
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holy frick this is so epic I bet this would get so many upvotes on reddit
Why do people lie about Godwyn not being able to come back to defend the rushed Radahn asspull?
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>If you don't see the fun in having a 3v4 death match at the end of your journey with characters you encountered and grew to know then I don't know what to say.
I helped Leda kill the horn nigger and ansbach then refused to summon because I'm retarded so I hated that fight, Radahn is ludokino people will come to appreciate in time. P2 Radahn OST is also the best in the game

I'll admit I probably should just have swallowed my pride and used summons for that one but even still I don't know how you'd rank any NPC fight among the highest unless you just don't like this games bosses to begin with. Especially with kino like Messmer and Midra

I'd rank them
>Putrescent Knight
>Gank Squad

You don't need to be a shit about it but yeah Radahn is really fun if you take the time to engage with him. People who see bosses as a fun puzzle to figure out as a reward for their progression will like him, people who see bosses as an obstacle standing in the way of their progression will hate him
twitch normalized summoning
1. then dont attack the afterimages
2. you can still get hits in during the animecombos, even with a colossal weapon, learn2position
3. yes, you can always pull a greatshield out of your ass if you want. let the gamer-parents have their 1 win after weekends of attempting the boss
4. the only attack that oneshots you from full health with a proper defensive setup is a 2nd grab
5. crazy how people no-hit it then
6. fair, its a bit much at times
7. not fair, just adapt to it
8. fair, elevation and staircases is where game mechanics go to die, but just try to keep that in mind when fighting him, same as Mohg, dont fight Mohg on the stairs lmao
9. you can get attacks in between every attack, ofcourse it would be easier if he stood in a corner doing nothing by pure chance
10. what a weird take, how about just avoiding the grab and getting an attack in, and then positioning yourself to regain stam and keep attacking?
11. eh, I guess
12. Parry is cheese now??? Is rolling attacks also cheese?
13. literally false, just start running away "while" being sucked if you notice you fucked up fast enough, my rig is NOT good and I still consistently dodge the followup to the suck
14. works on my PC, but thats just because im USED to playing with 30 FPS or less at times
15. fair
16. fair, more distinct audio would be a blessing
17. roll "into" it, never had an issue with it

t. RL80 parrycheese chad
>successfully pressured Fromsoftware
Honestly it feels more like from pressured itself.
You can only ask people to roll so many times in a row before having to acknowledge you're ruining your gameplay and need to provide active alternatives.
>its actually your dead maiden then melina and torrent then varre
>what they meant is miquella sent him via mohg, and he probably killed your maiden too
holy fuck
it's still stormveil
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>On replay, what parts of the DLC will (you) be skipping?
The stuff I don't need for the build or character
Placidusax is a lot cooler than any DLC fight
>Parrying literally turns 7 hit combos into 1 hit combos, it's easy mode tier cheating, git gud and play as intended.
Basically, you're a sissy that enjoys being humiliated and demeaned.
Godwyn’s soul was killed. It would have been an even bigger asspull if he came back.
ive never used twinblades
wolves is like a d tier summon, use a good one. if you're early game use skeletal militiamen or demi-human squad. midgame greatshield squad or mad pumpkinhead, lategame tiche and mimic, dlc yosh, taylew, jolan & anna, horned warrior, divine bird warrior. there are more good ones too.
>not enjoying fucking Gideon's bitch ass even further
they should have put a permanent red summon sign after you beat him which would initiate a rematch and let you test shit on him or just bully him further
NTA, but it feels like a worse Gwyn in that parrying just completely invalidates almost everything he does.
I forgot about sunflower, I put him in between Rellana and Metyr
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>Moon so special it charmed the entire academy, bitch even established a royal family where she was the queen
>Actually her sister was there too. And she has TWO moons.
I'm not mad.
>beat gaius
>big landmark structure in the distance is actually just an archway with no way inside and does absolutely nothing
>on the other side is a big empty bowl you can't interact with, which gets its own area title (SCADUTREE CHALICE) despite doing nothing
What the fuck was the point of this? Cut content?
Summoning was already normalized. It was normalized all the fucking way back in DeS. This sweaty "never summon anything" shit is a disgusting plague that showed it's face in bloodborne and never went the fuck away
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Yes, it's one of the best weapons in the game period. I played the whole DLC with it, it shreds everything with right talismans. Twinblades hit twice, and the WA hits many times, leading to constant bleed procs.
oh, I never do that
I'm an invade enjoyer
>Retarded anon hates the gank squad and likes Radahn
Yeah, there are certain times where choosing to summon is better.
>Hornsent vs Messmer
>Igon vs Bayle
>Ansbach + Thiollier vs Leda, Dane, Morre and Freya
I would also say Ansbach + Thiollier vs Radahn is kino but they bloat his health by a fucktillion and he's already an extremely difficult fight. While adding nothing strategically to make up for it. Summoning them is arguably he boss on hard mode.
starlight shards refresh now too
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You tried that scarlet rot kick AoW? Any good?
You're supposed to ENJOY the SCENERY. The fuck you mean "the point"? Are you soulless?
what talismans should i be looking to use with them
Every Legacy dungeon was a letdown. Belurat and Enir are both far too linear. Shadowkeep is downright fucking empty and 3 minutes long. The best experience in SotE is going from Church District into Specimen Storeroom and then clearing Shadowkeep going backwards. That's the ONLY experience in the DLC that's close to something like Leyndell or Subterranean Shunning or Stormveil or Farum Azula.
even in invasions??!
nta but it is VERY fucking good.
If you're running a dedicated poison/rot combo build (and the rot can just come from the kick itself, that's how fucking strong it is), you will absolutely fucking CHUNK bosses.
they're not bad
I'm just now realizing I have zero dark souls 2 screenshots. my first full run was twinblades with buffs (all, but gravitated to lightning and fire in the end)
You should get yourself the bleed charm and bleed infuse those weapons and also equip the poison glove in your offhand with lord of bloods exultation. You could inflict bleed and deadly poison while getting buffed by Rot Exultation, Mushroom Hat, Poison Hand and Blood Exultation. That sounds really strong.
uhm actually the chalice has like 6 scat blessings in it you chud
bro you paid $40 to go on vacation to the land of shadow, just look at it
No, you didn't pay attention, there's a whole subplot about resurrecting soulless demigods and there's and a large amount of build-up in the main game surrounding the Eclipse ritual and the possible resurrection of Godwyn.
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No her twinblade is a contender for the worst arcane weapon in the game. Its AR is abysmal despite being split damage (pure physical twinblades actually beat its AR) and its bleed is about half what a blood-infused regular twinblade would be.

It has a unique R2 but it's slower and weaker than the regular R2 with less range so why bother?
It has a unique WA but it has terrible forward movement and tracking despite being a slow, low damage dash skill. All it's good for is staggering and breaking posture in pve but the animation commitment is stupidly long for what a spinning strike twinblade could already do and the second hit (which is the main damage) doesn't combo in pvp so it's just a joke. It's one of those weird and janky niche weapons that feels like the animators ran out of time to tune it and never bothered to revisit post-release because it wasn't popular enough to justify the work
Anon, Elden Ring is super gnostic. Did you even fucking read the Metyr lore? It confirmed in no uncertain terms that ER's cosmology is a Gnostic cosmology.
that you should learn when to trust npcs and when to realise that you should cut them off
good job cutie
5 and they aren't even in the fucking chalice. They're just laying on the ground randomly.
I wonder how people who get flustered by the occult react when they realize what HERMETIC seals are.
Man I had exclusively used scythes and twinblades in DaS2 because that's what the red rep midget gave me.

I got pretty fucking good with both. I really fucking liked the reward aura you got for killing enough people without losing. Practically let the host know his life was about to end
But then you got invaded by a blue cop in your own world who ALSO has the blue shimmer from his faction letting you know that YOUR life is about to end.
>don't like the Radahn fight in DLC
>has no impact on story
>no meaningful drops
I might skip Consort Radahn on future playthroughs
i feel a little bad that i still haven't beaten radahn without a bit of cheese, but my first 2 runs have been challenges, i'm gonna beat him normally first
>this retard thinks twitch taught people to praise the sun
Fucking lmao, did the site even exist back then?
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>Honestly it feels more like from pressured itself.
No, quit the bullshit. All fights are designed around the base game mechanics, and blocking and light rolling are quite literally the most efficient options for Radahn.
Normalfaggots wanted deflefts because they wanted the epic Sekiro combat (even though they could just fuvk off to Sekiro).
Elden Ring was built with the vision of an ARPG. If you want to be more aggressive, you have dozens of actual fitting options to achieve that, blocking and countering, jumping and running, tanking and trading hits. People don't understand that and don't want to engage with unique mechanics, they want streamlined by committee combat that meshes whatever popular elemebt frpm a bunch of titles in the spirit of NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN. But I expected that from the mediocrity that are Souls-likes, not for Fromsoftware to cave in like this. Even the gay Pokemon summons that you can just ignore were far more fitting and a better way to lend a hand to casuals, but whatever
For all of DLC timeline we are Marika's bitches. Fact.
congrats, sis
Ahh, Gnos. Or as some say, Gnosm
Do we know anything about the demigods that died during the shattering?
twitch normalized messages
Lord of Blood's Exultation
Millicent's Prosthesis
Rotten Wing Sword Insignia
Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman (for PvE)

Also, don't forget Varre's White Mask, it stacks with Lord of Blood's Exultation.

The build is either 80 ARC, or 70 ARC, rest DEX, whichever works better for you.
no people used to stream with youtube until they became intolerable (copywrite and shit) then twitch did the same thing no fun allowed anywhere on the internet anymore, i'm surprised limit breakers haven't been sued by squeenix for using cait sith music and stuff in their videos.
Lol, lmao.
no they didn't retard
now I can make a new character and do it all over again
I will dilate extra hard today in your honor, xister!
It's literally the opposite. If you never heard of the online Souls community and you just played the game normally, you would naturally use summons if they fit your playstyle. And then complain that the game is too easy. I know because that is what I did. I only briefly tried DS1 when it came out but I found it too clunky and the PC port to be too shitty. Trying ER I thought it was a boring easy game until my friends told me that you're actually supposed to ignore core mechanics to have fun. So people watching e-celebs and interacting with social media are the ones who know you shouldn't summon.
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Ahahahaha I doubt they'd be learned enough to make that connection
the true demons souls starts here, dealing with zoomers.
wait, that fight is not the final one?
>What level are your wolves?
Idk. How to check it?
I see. Ok, I will try to summon better spirits even if I barely leleled up Intelligence
>The ONLY instances of the guidance of Grace is at the door toe enir illim poiting to messmer, then from messmer pointing all the way to enir illim
I wonder what's the implication of this
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This is the location that the imbued key takes you to, is there really no way to use it as a way to get into the area after the Shadow Keep?
No trick like that one in the base game where you die under a bridge and alt f4 then spawn right in front of the mimic boss?
mimic is midgame, not late game
and the only summons worth shit pre mimic are rotdog, imps and skeletons
No there's just no reward for it. Unless you want ugly off model Radahn swords or Miquella's incant
Why'd bro kill our maiden but then set us on our path anyway? It's so weird that he seems generally kind and doesn't get upset if you say you think the Two Fingers are cool; he just says, "oh, well. I guess I'm done here. Enjoy becoming Elden Lord or whatever."

Killing your own maiden is how you usually become a Pureblood, but because we didn't have one, we had to go find another. We don't even kill one; we just find one of two dead ones. Seems weird that he'd go and kill ours.
cover your ass nigga
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I like this spell
>Don't attack the afterimages
You failed at the first hurdle. He can begin the afterimages at any time after he's finished an attack, which means slower attacks going for a hit between one attack and the next can have their moves get eaten by afterimages.
>You can still get hits in
Radahn can do his dive attack, land away from you, immediately go for the meteor spam into after images into the aoe pillar of light. This is 25 seconds where your only chances to hit are if he landed close enough to you from the dive (and even then only once) and at the very end.
>Just adapt
Being able to adapt to an objective flaw that goes against the basic tenents of game design does not mean that it ceases to be a flaw. You're approaching this as if I'm someone who can't kill Radahn and trying to go "Skill issue" because you're unwilling to recognize the actual flaws and come up with brainlet cope like this.
>You can get attacks inbetween every attack
Failed basic reading comprehension, cannot even understand the point. An easy to avoid attack gapcloser that does very little damage should not have a larger punish window than a difficult to dodge long combo with rollcatch timings, aftereffect light pillars and a massive damage finisher. The power budget on his attacks are fucked.
>Why not dodge
If you want to trade you can attack, get grabbed, then attack, then dodge the followup but if you avoid the grab you just dodge then get a single hit. Taking the grab is easier.
>when you realize 80% of the dlc is base game assets with a color filter
The slowmo just makes it even more apparent how samey and boring souls combat is
dog get staggered to oblivion, total rng against anything worth using rot on. mimic scales on (You) so it's better to wait until you are stronger in my experience
when will I realise it?
Where is the waygate? I haven't found it in either of my playthroughs
what armor? the chestpiece and head that is
Anyone one know level/weapon level I'm meant in the Capital Sewers?
There's not many summon signs down, either because no one wants to do this place or because I'm too low.
I have 4 million runes from PVPing and Co-oping.
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you need to talk to roderkika and hewg in the roundtable to unlock the ability to upgrade spirit ashes
I lost 200k runes to rolling scorpions in Rauh ruins
>throw out global summon
>summoning failed
>suddenly booted for inappropriate activity
I don't even cheat engine in mats, what the fuck did I do?
>didn't know you can jump on top of the fire head things to riposte them until I saw asmongold do it
>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that are deluding themselves into thinking Radahn is a good fight in any capacity, artwise, lorewise, designwise.
what is the land of shadow exactly? they probably explained it ingame but i wasn't that focused on the story while playing it
all imbued sword key locations are like that
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Literally worse than the death bird. Fuck you
so what should i be using
EAC crashed
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>dodge, dodge, dodge, PARRY
>nothing (single player)
I got it ONCE and now its just like "nah bro" what the fuck is this timing?
Never ever, Godwyntranny
what's with the dumb color filters anyway?
It's a known bug with the game. Verifying your files will make it not happen again according to From.
she was charmed by miquella by the time we run into her, the same with all of the pureblood knights.
i did not particularly enjoy his fight but that last parry almost nearly redeemed my failure to kill malenia solo 3 years ago... just barely...
marionette archers >>>>>
even level 1 marionettes already stunlock multiple bosses
you use it when maliketh's sword flashes gold and he'll fall over for a while
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It is, cope
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Yeah, it's pretty good. Definitely can deal some damage while also being kind of a gap closer, and it has Rot on its own. I prefer just to run Endure though, it's far more versatile and R1/R2 spam melts everything anyway.

When exploring I'm running Taker's Cameo + Serpent for HP on kill, on bosses I switch to Hand + whatever Tali I need.
I'd rather rely on Poison gimmick exclusively. I'm running multi-hit stuff with defensives on top of Endure, I can just trade into some bosses and ignore their attacks entirely lel
At times this build feels like cheating, actually one shot Rellana at 7 and Metyr at 9 skibidis
>If you don't like Consort Radahn, you just wanted to fight Godwyn!
What kind of argument is this?
Who's the best DLC spirit ash?
You have to parry when his sword is yellow. It’s only like 2 or 3 attacks.
No argument, I accept your concession.
I hardly parried anything in my basegame playthrough. I tried to learn the dumb madness eyeball things that you can't kill without parrying and it was just slamming my face against a wall hundreds of times till I got lucky consecutively. I killed all of them in the area and I still don't understand the parry window, that's with golden parry.
bleed infused twin knights with spinning slash
they are pretty cool but situational, against things that can't be stunlocked they are garbage since they barely move. another underrated spirit is deenh who has the only war cry in the game that buffs not only regular damage but stance damage as well
where the fuck is the waygate
a bad faith one
>I dont understand how memory optimization works why have assets been reused??
at least every single tree is not the same model noticable by rotating and looking at more than one tree, like just cause or red dead 2 "the most graphically impressive game the west ever made"

games aren't even using nanite yet.
do you guys even know what im talking about...
if I use scarlet aeonia and that new butterfly spell with the dragon communion seal, will the rot build up from those spells be increased with my ARC stat?
The amount of people demanding Godwyn is pretty fucking retarded, despite his very death is a major plot point in that he was killed with something that REALLY kills people.
The best they could hope for is some kind of Godwyn memory shit like DS2.
grace after rellana and go left (nw) to the lake, it's literally on the map
but muh prince of death
yes but only a tiny bit. the butterfly spell is absolute garbage btw while scarlet aeonia is quite good
>shit kicked in by 3 people because summoning will just pop me right in front of them with no adds in sight
>co-op dungeon
>walk through barren meme dungeon and dumpster an invader because summoning will just pop them right in front of us with no adds in sight
>Co-op bosses
>host has died
>go to arena
>shotgun sleepbolt'd

so what do you do for fun in multiplayer
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>extreme damage resistant
>bosses practically have to luck into hitting the weakpoint and most of them don't even have attacks that can hit it at all
>weakpoint damage is just triple the nonexistant damage he doesn't take.
>"low" hp meaning he can be healed to full extremely easily or just parked near a warming stone
>regular attacks have moderately good stagger
>stone fists have insane scaling and damage
>has targeting priority so gets and keeps aggro extremely well (the only other NPC with this attribute is Black Knight Commander Andreas who isn't bad but isn't golem good)

If you're running him right, he will outlive you. Every single time.
yeah I got that but it doesn't land
the 3 ranged beams and then yellow glow one
I don't know if the pillar drop one counts and I don't really want to stand under that, but his sword does glow yellow there too.
I just can't get the parry to, parry. I got it once about 10 minutes ago. I could have probably beat him but im trying to learn his pattern properly for once
The only boss I summoned for was Bayle and it ended up trivializing him since I was able to just wail on him while Igon took aggro, but it was worth it for seeing his story through and hearing his monologue. I just wish you could re-fight bosses the way you can in Sekiro so I wouldn't have to choose between story and learning the bosses moveset without split AI
I think it's cringe we don't get Radahn dialogue, and I think the remembrance choices are DOGSHIT (light of Miquella is worse than giants flame take thee, the two swords should not have been separate from each other, and are int scaling holy weapons, and suck ass, and are just reskins of his base weapons), but other than that I don't care.
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literally up the mound where the troll is patrolling
1. never happend to me, but fair
2. ok, if he ever does the dive, far away, into meteor, still far away, and then does some wacky shit with the images, which he sometimes does, and THEN pillar of lights me, I will have sympathy for you.
3. it doesnt go that fucking deep bro, one is a stomp with the foot, jump it, the other is his swords getting pulled up, maybe pulling the swords up makes it so the whatever the fuck hits you in your jump, dont start talking about "basic tenents of game design", its 2 different attacks, adapt.
4. i dont know what to say... I guess? I suppose you could just bait his gapclosers for more comfortable punishes, if you want to make the fight drawn out and gay, but safe
5. sure, if you want to get FAG-COOTIES from Miquella!
It all comes down to how you want to fight/win. If you want to, you can pull out a greatshield, or parrycheese, or get some more free damage in by letting Miquella molest you, or capitalize on his gap-closers being more punishable than weaving between his combos.
Dont be mad at me you big dummy, I'm trying to make you enjoy something I enjoyed.
I have been playing the DLC after a long hiatus and I have to say that I am kind of disappointed. Elden ring's boss and enemy design was already kind of shit, but this DLC took it up a few notches. Pre-existing issues haven't been fixed or have been made worse to boot so I genuinely don't know if I want to finish it or not. If you haven't bought the DLC, I suggest NOT doing so. Currently it still suffers from:
>Bloated boss kits
>Massive amounts of input delay (tested on my PC and a friend's PS4)
>Dropped inputs
>Enemy attacks still go through walls, especially boss projectiles
>Boss ganks
>Camera issues are still prevalent, you fight it just as much as you fight the boss
>piss poor balancing overall.
The new weapons and armor are cool, as are the new spells. It also gives you the ability to just flatly upgrade your stats via shards you find around the map, which is cool. I just don't think its a very good DLC and showcases the worst of From's design philosophy.
Does Empyrean Grandam ever do anything again after giving me gourmet soup? Does she drop anything if I kill her?
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It's beautiful and I look forward to their fanfiction.
There's no implication, it's just gameplay.
>so what do you do for fun in multiplayer
reminisce about Dark Souls II.
>miquella gives you torrent
>miquella has a charmed individual push you to mogh
>ranni comes along and pushes you towards radahn
gee, i don't know at all.
rot does not scal-
....oh dear.
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Oh, and these two retards are the best soldier ashes in the game bar none.
While also doing more damage and lasting longer on average than that gutter trash combo of Jolan and Anna
Invade and co-op because not all invasions and not all co-ops are like that.
Also, if you get into a gankers world, it is your civic duty to waste there time. Do everything you can to get away and hide in the map and go AFK and watch a movie or something.
I don't like it from a story/lore point of view, I would've much preferred Godwyn. Bringing back Radahn is capeshit tier, but mechanically it's kino that filtered millions
I grievously misjudged Ansbach's scythe. The WA is actually great and definitely makes it work using.
the timing is pretty close to a real parry, imagine if the blade sends out a big invisible sphere and if the sphere hits the blade while it's gold you get the parry. you'll usually hit if you spam it at the right time
>and ones that belong in more action oriented games like Wo-Long, RotR, and Sekiro.
none of the enemies aren't designed to be engaged with.
just because you can't spam a button to nullify their attacks it doesn't mean they don't work. Once upon time action games also asked you to move your character rather than stand in place
these guys are op as fuck
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>Reused base game enemies: dogs, bats, rats/giant rats, shadow commoners/necromancers, skeletal slimes, miranda sprouts, vulgar militiamen, golems, fingercreepers, 1st gen albinauric, trolls, misbegotten crusader, demihumans and misbegottens, silver tears
>Reused bosses: Ancient Dragons, Drakes, Tibia mariner, Tree sentinel, Magma Wyrm, Deathbird, Demihuman Queen, Putrid Tree Spirits, Fallingstar Beast
>Show up as a boss and as an enemy: Black Knights, Hippopotamus, Demi-Human Swordsmaster, Curseblade Labirinth, Chief Bloodfiend
>Show up more than once: Divine Beast Dancing Lion, Death Knight, Ghostflame Dragons, Great Red Bears
>Invaders/Player characters but as bosses: Ancient Dragon-Man, Blackgaol Knight, Red Bear, Dryleaf Dane, Dancer of Ranah, Rakshasa
>8 NEW weapon types when "Throwing Blades" is literally 1 weapon
Did anyone actually play without looking stuff up?
I'm doing my first playthrough now and limgrave feels kinda like a weaker ubisoft game.
Big area, no challenge, rewards that I won't use.
Is it worth the experience of playing blind or should I just start googling what content is worth doing
>All fights are designed around the base game mechanics..
..And the dlc is receiving massive complaints about them, imagine that. Turns out having to wait out a billion hit combo string isn't engaging no matter how easily you can do it.
Which is literally my whole point.
>you have dozens of actual fitting options to achieve that, blocking and countering, jumping and running, tanking and trading hits
Lmao disingenuous retard. Block counters are either too slow to hit most bosses or too short ranged, and trading is gonna get you outpoised and interrupted constantly. Running is ass given the camera's limitations, which is why people mostly strafe while locked on instead.
Jumping is a very good idea, but the implementation is shit. You can't expect people to engage with a mechanic where they have to rely on intuiting hitboxes rather than seeing them, it's one thing to jump obvious ground attacks your character completely clears like rellana's moon or godfrey's earthquake, a whole other to just expect people to jump shit and exploit the idea of half your character model having iframes and never knowing whether you're gonna be cut down in flight or iframe through a slash that clipped you.
Also if adding deflects is caving then the base game adding bloodborne rally in the form of malenia's rune is caving too, in spite of nobody asking for it. Which makes you wonder whether it's caving or just from wanting to expand the gameplay to begin with, since they have absolutely no reason to compartimentalize the shit they create.
>Miquella is basically a cape.
the problem is that we have already seen this in DS3
Play it blind the first time, fuck sake anon. You can always go back and do a 100% run afterwards.
Do whatever you want. Video games are hobbies.

If you don't enjoy wandering and finding random things that pique your curiosity to investigate, then look up specific stuff to go after. Or spend all your time in PvP. Or hack in an Armored Core and fly around the map shooting shit.
zoomie detected
All fromsoft has to do is recycle boss designs and people will eat the slop up
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I need more Leda
Post Leda, please
Yes, fromsofts resourcefulness in making games this high quality and great in scope in a short amount of time is very impressive
I played blind on my first play through as exploration is a core element of the game.
Do whatever you think would be more fun.
>dog get staggered to oblivion
Works on my machine, its only purpose is to apply scarlet rot while you hit the boss so you have to waste less time killing them. Imps are better but not everyone will bother either picking them as gift or traveling to academy just for summon
>mimic scales on (You)
using your consumables infinitely is broken so mimic immediately hard dabs on every summon other than niche cases like tiche for dealing with shit that blends mimic to death as it doesn't dodge or florissax to buff you

Also i forgot Latenna again she's pretty good but a massive detour to get
you'll learn to appreciate what you got now when you don't get half of this shit anywhere else, and all the other games are trying to be this (via modding, skyrim...Todd Howard hasn't done shit in ten years oh wait space game lol...poor guy)
I feel like I'm not being understood.
In the games listed, mobility is just as important as parry/deflection and so the player has tools necessary to keep up with boss movement regardless of that bosses movement.
In Elden Ring you don't have these tools. When a boss jumps the distances of the arena back, you hold that. If an enemy "dodges" a stamina intensive attack/sequence, you no longer engage with them as you're now on the defensive for stamina management.

There's various aspects that the player has to engage with at the games pace rather than engaging it on theirs. Entire spell lines aren't universally useful on bosses solo do to cast times and vulnerability windows.
E.G; even a single dragon claw on Radahn will have your shit tossed before the roll. The spell isn't equipped to handle the fight due to the heightened aggression, lower windows, and longer vulnerability.
It's fine if you disagree. This is just my opinion.
What armor is that? Loving that cape
A tank mimic can technically just casually live forever with prayerful strike and a greatshield. It's very whacky.
The only thing even remotely holding it back is how stupid it is.
Kinda wasted in the DLC
>decided to check recommended level for O'neil
>I'm 38
>barely damage him
>only normal way to deal a damage to him is parry which I can't do consistantly
>needs a few minutes to kill his minions
I'm too dumb for building games. Don't even know what I'm doing wrong.
royal knight loretta
Rude reminder that miquella is TWO PEOPLE, MIQUELLA AND TRINA. It is the exact same as the marikaxradagon scenario. They are two people in one body.

When the game talks about young miquella in plurality, including his flashback, he is talking about him and trina. Not malenia

When something is associated with miquella that doesn't make sense to be associated with miquella (example: sleep, spirits, etc.) It is associated with TRINA
as the dlc added marika's blessings, mimic is the absolute s+ tier spirit bar none
>no challenge
So you already killed Tree Sentinel, Margit, Godrick, Crucible Knight, Bell Bearing Hunter?
1) There are many easy to execute methods of circumventing Elden Ring's challenges, i.e. "cheesing". And with the release of the Shadow the Erdtree release, new methods were discovered, along with old ones rising to relevance again.
The list bellows contains a few keywords related to very easy to execute "cheesing" methods used in Shadow of the Erdtree. Choose the keyword related to the least dishonest method. (1 pt)
a) Thrusting Shield
b) Greatshield
c) Rolling Sparks
d) Impenetrable Thorns
e) N/A. All keywords are equally dishonest.
You should be able to solve this.
>Recommended level
are you taking these from the AI suggestions or the top result from google lmfao wtf
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shazamcord woke up
Loretta Armor, i guess.
who tf recommends that? killing like 2 bosses in caelid will shoot you over that level. you can get to +13 in liurnia and +12 in caelid if you go out of your way some
>tfw could have had a cool st trina dream realm boss fight
>got a talking plant instead with ZERO payoff but a purple flower
the torso is loretta, beast champ (turned back to normal from its altered state it comes in) has a blue cape too
you misspelled quiz so i'm not participating
It was intentional
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Is there anything left after the DLC's final boss? I've found Ansbach's and Thollier's equipment in the arena, found Trina's flower at her place, is that all? Nothing new at shaman's village, hornsent grandma, Empyrean's Cocoon, Redmane's Castle, Radahn's arena nor Malenia's arena.
Missing anything?
>say there doing limgrave
>so have you fought the bosses new players only get to after clearing the main part of limgrave???
>marika's blessings
Can that be farmed ?
What’s your vigor and weapon level?
No, but the Mimic gets to use it
doesn't matter to me

no. mimic can use consumables on your hotbar indefinitely. hefty pots good too.
Oh yeah without a doubt.
f. none of that is cheese its using overpowered shit.
point blank dark bead for 20k damage in ng+hacked is not cheese its a powerful attack, making the demon backstep off a bridge is cheese.
making an ulcerated tree spirit kill itself with a fire pit is cheese
making gargoyles fly up get stuck and die to fall damage is cheese.
>In the games listed, mobility is just as important as parry/deflection
I don't know about ronin, but for the other fuck no. It's a joke to even say shit like that.
Deflecting is by far the most important mechanic in the game, more important than anything else put together.
First link in google to Reddit. Everyone in the comments killed him at 40.
Is the golem fist a guaranteed drop from a specific golem or do I need to farm for it?
If you got the Miquella dream thing that's it, please enjoy the rest of the game.
Barricade Shield got me through the entirety of the DLC. Hardly any of the bosses have any answers to just blocking whatever spastic shit they’re throwing out.
Oh boy.... i get it now.
The only thing that is cheese on that list is maybe Rolling Sparks because I'm convinced their current damage is a bug.
*shooting a boss from outside its fog gate is cheese
dropping a boss out of the map is cheese ok im done.
For what it's worth, there's no way that's not an oversight.
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Fia's hood, Thollier's altered chest piece, Ascetic's wrists and legs.
Well that's gay.
No, it's bait to then guard break into whacking them with a giant pale 10 incher.
barricade shield has been one of the best skills in the game since release
that cannot be accurate, unless they're minmaxing. you dont even go to caelid until you're in the 50s-60s range
Do you think Marika loved Miquella or Trina more?
>host summons two phantoms for bayle
>then summons igon
>skibidi level 9

delete this, don't want just use cheat engines knowing what those are. it would be like having near infinite humanity heals, again.
caelid is the designated "skip ahead to midgame" area with greyoll and radagon soreseal and such
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Is there any way to cheese the fuck out of Mohg on a RL1 +0 run aside from being actually good at the game or am I shit out of luck here
you can only carry 1 at a time, they're not that stupid
Fucker is weak to bleed, ain't he?
you can cheese him with poison mist at any level
as for legit i'd say 60, that boss is a cunt. the actual progression trigger is that you need milly to move to altus so fight him then.
>have to kill Radahn to get Thiolliers chest piece
>thus the DLC is already over
Fuck saaaaaaaaaaake
bloodflame blade on a spinning weapon can get him very easily, moreso if you have a mimic tear to do it twice. you can kill him before he even phase 2s if u play ur cards right with the mimic tear. you'll need to learn his moveset and probably have the proper physique if ur going to do it by urself.
What if...the reason Messmer was left by himself...is because he accidentally burned Melina (his own sister) to death with his snake curse? That would explain Melina's condition and why Marika chose to leave him sealed away but even her Omen sons were allowed to remain in the capital (albeit in the sewers).
Why do you need to be RL1 +0?
Are you trying to strand yourself in the DLC or something?
he's strong against bleed. he has average bleed resist, but only takes half the percent damage from bleed and also gets an attack buff from it.
+5 Uchigatana
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Anyone know?
This is just to get you to look at what's under the spoiler so you try to help me. Sorry for baiting you with secret spoiler text.
The fuck
Ok, question only for you then.
2) Refraining from using spirit ashes is very relevant to honestly "beating the game". It's consensus that you did not beat the game if you used spirit ashes.
Some players refrain from using Spirit Ashes and claim they beat the game. Yet they used "overpowered shit" in doing so.
In that case:
a) They beat the game.
b) "You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. [...]"
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i just beat radahn by riding around and summoning npcs to fight for me
think i actually hit him 3-4 times total
There are several literal cheese things for Mohg that essentially skip the fight for you but then why are you doing a challenge run?
>+5 in caelid
told you she locks at 0 hp guys, you HAVE TO hit her again to put her negative at least once after getting her to zero. both phases.
Making a new Wretch, so I can indulge in all the 14Str,14 dex, 16 int, 16fth bullshit stat requirements in the DLC without having an anneurysm
Remind me... what are the key things I can miss in the BASE game again? Its been so long, and I dont want to somehow miss out on Millicents questline because I rushed to Mountaintops for example...
the thing is in base game all spirits deal such pathetic damage that only the bleed mimics and tiche can actually hurt anything, but the revered spirit ashes mean some spirits in shadow realm can 1-2 hit enemies and just take huge chunks out of bosses
in both base game and dlc its pretty trivial for spirit ashes to survive a full fight, mimic of any kind tanks like a boss and a tanky/heal build is just overkill
Could be. I'm starting to think if maybe Melina was also someone who discarded an other half as an alternate way to explain her condition.
I'd say 60-70 for level
the ghost damage tear is pretty good
>just got summoned for the hippo
>host dies in one hit out the gate
>not even a grab
>572 hp
I would recommend going to Liurnia instead. Caelid is “meant” to be gone to after/while you have access to Altus.
Come back when you have more vigor and a +12 weapon.
60 dex 80 faith perfumer talisman lightning scorpion sword talisman and that's all it takes to reach that kind of damage
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Elden Ring is Dark Souls 3 Director's Cut and that's a good thing
I used mlgs on my no summoning main run so sure I didn't beat the game, but I also got a level 11 regular dude with a lucy to and beat renalla so I have done the required montage for attaining proficiency in this video game experience in my own opinion which is the only one that matters, I would know if I cheated myself, i've yet to do so. (I didn't even get to use bloodflames deadly sin before they patched it :( )
His fight really isnt that bad once you learn to parry his moves.
He is way easier to parry than Malenia, I dont like trying to parry Malenia but with Radahn it feels really good.

If his stupid light beam attacks didnt tank my FPS, I would say the fight is great. Completely stupid fanservice but definitely mechanically solid.
>All manners of Death wash up here, only to be suppressed.
what does it mean?
This is staged, there's no way they really fell for it.
Actually Elden Ring is Dark Souls 2 2 Which implies Elden Ring 2 will be the most condensed and pure Dark Souls 2 experience, and I don't think anyone here is ready for that.
>I don't need VIG! I oneshot enemies with my magic! The best strat is simply not getting hit!

The Scadutree suppresses them. I think the Shadowlands are pretty much a hotel california situation: You check in but you do not check out.
>my mimic tear killed himself with bloody slash during our epic fight
Luv Marika
Luv Ranni
Luv Sellen
Luv Leda
Simple as, mate.
You know when you fart really hard, and you feel like youve shat yourself, and you go to check, and theres nothing there?
Its kinda like that.
Elden Ring is Dark souls 2 2: scholar of the first World Tree
what about Miquella?
mimic is retarded and refuses to use it anyway
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I have this shitty Wandering Noble cosplay. Really, I never take him beyond Limgrave for coop with the lowest possible level/upgrade stuff, but my autism wants to kill Mohg so I can go to the Cerulean Coast and grab the Great Grave Glovewort and have two +10 Noble Ashes. It would probably(?) be easier to kill Morgott and get the ones past him, but i'd also like this guy to have access to DLC talismans.

I know its pointless but I want that +10.
it's just not fun dodging his 25 second attack strings, that's my problem. many other bosses have similarly long patterns like bayle strafing you or whatever, but those give a chance to attack afterwards. radahn you have time for ONE quick attack after 25 seconds and then you could be back in on another long-ass attack chain with no pause. and half of his "openings" are actually fake openings with not enough time to take a sippy
whats a recommended level for moon wife?
One of these is an evil whore the other 3 are pure and beautiful
Reminder that leveling Vigor is for sissies
So if you increased your Vigor you are a faggot.
On lower levels increasing Vigor nets bigger returns than damage stats because most of your damage will come from upgrades than the stats themselves, making them largely useless like pissing in the ocean unless their scaling is increased from upgrades? Who the fuck cares: if you level Vigor you are a bitch
I don't like little boys, simple as.
When you combine all the entrances, yes.
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You wouldn't fuck a crazy murderer
the shadowlands are a drain where everything the GO doesn't want goes
He can become a girl
uhhhhhhhhhhhh based
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the sarcofagi
she'll be perfectly safe after i turn her into my puppet
Your Radahn 2 hitless run?
The girl part got cast aside and died mate. And she ain't my type anyways.
Pretty obviously straight
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>You wouldn't fuck a crazy murderer
maybe if you're homosexual, crazy girls are crazy hot
Ok. I just can't understand if I'm underleveled or I put runes into wrong thing when I meet a tough enemy.
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>watching rune arc'd taunter fags get solo'd by a single red noob with Bloodhound Fang from a mile away as a blue
The host even had DLC gear and was spamming several different pots, one of which looked like sleep pots. How embarrassing to die to an R1 spamming Bloodhound Fang user.
soulful as fuck, anon.
i remember someone posting a clip of them using comet azur on mohg at rl1, but i don't know anything about the tools that they used to do it.
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What makes this bitch so annoying to fight?
Can't believe they didn't add a greatshield that casts Comet.
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Leda is perfectly sane, hornsent and ansbach were a threat after the charm broke and needed to be disposed of
The secondary lightning after every hit turning every single dodge into 2 dodges.
dunno, first tried it and didn't find it annoying
just ride your horse and slash at the feet, it's pretty straightforward
At the end of the DLC will I hate this character or will she manage to remain decent? yes I already know she's a massive Miquella simp.
>Anna is “possessed” by Ymir’s puppet
This is a translation error right? She IS Ymir’s puppet is she not?
>lightning splits by design
>the entire arena is in water, diffusing lightning
Pretty much that's it. I rode around in circles and spewed sticky white pest thread on it until death.
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You're unironically gay if you believe this.
by far the most important thing for damage is weapon upgrade level. each area in the base game drops a certain range of upgrade materials that will tell you generally where you should go. at +5 you should go back and explore Stormveil and Weeping Peninsula more. then go to Liurnia. mines with smithing stones and bell bearings that let you purchase smithing stones are already marked on the map with a little cave icon, go there.
Lightning in water. Fewer and worse lock on points.
Beast Claw have more reach than i expected lmao
Get on a horse and spam spells at it
what the FUCK is this bitches problem
I cheesed the fuck out of this guy with ranged attacks and running away. I fight all remembrances fairly but reused field bosses are free game
I will call it bad when it took them 2 years to make around 15 or so unique enemies, 10 remembrance bosses with 6 of them having no cutscene, and an empty open world with reused base game content added in + scadutree fragments in order to make it "better". They sold more than 20 million copies (reached 25 this year), if they felt like it was unfinished, they should've spent another year or two without releasing it. We went 1 year without any news other than a tweet. Elden Ring got announced and we had no news about it for 2-3 years.
Elden Ring is my favorite game. It doesn't matter. I refuse to suck Fromsoft's cock like a mindless consoomer.
What you see is what you get honestly. There’s no massive revelations after the charm breaks and you see her true nature.
I'm still pissed because the Seluvis' Potion I saved only for the DLC ended up being useless.
Should've just progressed his quest to get the Scorpion Charm like normal instead of stopping on the first step just because I had the perveted fantasy of using the potion on new NPCs such as Leda.
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Leda wouldn't fuck you. You're not a blonde shota demigod.
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>In the games listed, mobility is just as important as parry/deflection
No lol, it's not
>and so the player has tools necessary to keep up with boss movement regardless of that bosses movement.
On the contrary, there's an "inflation" of movement, you can run in circles and just avoid and disengage the boss at will, so games like Sekiro and Wo Long specifically slap you on the hand and scream at you since you are not "being aggressive" which means having casual tools to neuter the opponent moveset, like an OP block. In Sekiro enemies even heal if you aren't on them constantly
>In Elden Ring you don't have these tools. When a boss jumps the distances of the arena back, you hold that. If an enemy "dodges" a stamina intensive attack/sequence, you no longer engage with them as you're now on the defensive for stamina management.
That's absolutely untrue, you can punish all those situations, you can actually do even better and the enemy designer has to account for the multiple ranged option the player posses in Elden Ring that aren't in Sekiro.
The fact that movement is limited means you actually have to engage with the enemy
>Entire spell lines aren't universally useful on bosses solo do to cast times and vulnerability windows.
They are though, moreso than in other games, because Elden Ring has fundamebtally a PVP focus
>E.G; even a single dragon claw on Radahn will have your shit tossed before the roll. The spell isn't equipped to handle the fight due to the heightened aggression, lower windows, and longer vulnerability.
I can use dragon claw on Radahn just fine, there's even the stomp attack for which it is an actual perfect punish, and that's ignoring the fact that there's quite large recoveries at the end of certain attacks or failed grabs.
Whata you want is the game to do the math for you and tell you when it's safe to attack, like Sekiro literally did.
What's the problem? Is she too spinny?
his armor gives him huge hyperarmor
great katanas are insanely broken due to their fuckhuge reach and stabby stab R2
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She's still my favorite DLC character, but that might be because I want to murder her
Malenia, Blade of Miquella.
Radahn, Sheath of Miquella.
The delayed AoEs on everything it does. If you back off and watch you can see that the lightning waves aren't actually AoE circles but narrow waves that fly directly backwards to cover its back legs, because fromsoft knew that ancient dragons were such dogshit fights that people just parked there to hack them down.

But it's made worse by the fact that you're in water, so you take extra lightning damage and its lightning AoEs create a tertiary AoE when they hit the water that will rollcatch you dodging the other hits.
leda would eventually kill radahn if you lost
>weapon arts you
She's consistent in her character as a paranoid murderer, there's nothing to hate really.
no I mean like lore wise
There's something that makes the dry-leaf weapons very unsatisfying but I cant tell what

t.martial arts enjoyer
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i think we gotta kill whoever the fuck added flying enemies to these kinds of games
anyone got DSAnimStudio v5?
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The days of Leda's decision-making are over
What Leda would and wouldn't do don't matter
>The strength of Miquella upon his deific return, wielded as an incantation. Annihilates foes with a pillar of light. Miquella sought to accept all that was and would be, but found one that refused to be embraced. No wonder, as one god, and one king consort, is all the world needs.
Who refused to be embraced? You?
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you mangy fucking mount
Murderhobo supreme
bro your stars of ruin? your bow? your knight's lightning?
Fascinating tale, flowernigger.
Now get in the jar, please.
doesn't do enough poise damage
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I'm playing a Malenia-lover character who tries to emulate her and I can't decide which weapon to mainhand on the practical side of things. Dryleaf Arts (later Dane's Footwork since Malenia has more kicks in her fight) or the GS (which I'll always 2-hand anyway when using seriously).
Any suggestions or thoughts to consider?
I played Ronin and he's full of shit on that too. You can do some movement tech with skills but that's the extent of it. You mostly want to rely on the safety of deflection which is incredibly boring
Rakshasa is actually the only great katana with the stabby R2s. The ordinary ones have an extremely slow, clunky horizontal swipe instead.
The stab is broken because it's literally just the rolling thrust animation slightly retimed so it's basically as fast as a claymore poke on a weapon that's twice as long and about 100AR higher that also has a running thrust for chase and a crouch thrust for close control.
why does this image make my dick hard?
How? Torrent dies in 3 seconds.
if they don't show their face or have boobaplate they're men, simple as that
Idk, I saw some streamer using them and it seemed like even if you get the sekiro-physic parries the boss combos are so long that you are just getting hit repeatedly through your attack your poise just doesn't break, which was pretty unsatisfying for like 1 guard counter.
Have any lore experts been able to figure out what exactly St. Trinas nectar is
isn't o'neill the swamp nigger with needle? You can kill it at any level by riding a horse and kiting boss over geysers until it dies
It's not even about difficulty for me most of the bosses are just shit since From now has Sekiro brain.
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Cant stop thinking about nioh 2 combat
What is your typical route for making a new (pvp) character? Do you complete any quests, especially the Boiled Crab quest and the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone x2 quest? Do you collect any gestures, or is Point Down enough for you? How long does it take for your new build to be complete, as in fully ready for invasions?
I'm returning to the game, sadly without any of the old save data, want to know what is the common route today. It has been a long time.
she killed all of the other needle knights due to being paranoid about their loyalty and intentions before you even met her.
>elden ring
>>>>pvp focus
Yes. That's the reason for the next sentence. He couldn't embrace you because there could only be one god and one lord (i.e. Miquella and his consort), and you as the "aspiring lord of the Old Order" directly challenge that assertion by claiming yourself as lord and your own consort as god (Marika or Ranni).
you can jump most of his attacks except his *fly up and dive* so just get off of torrent for that one
flowing curved sword
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It matters not if she would fuck me, but if I would fuck her.
Nagakiba for big katana?
I prefer Messmer's voice from the trailers. He sounded more like a sexy bad boy
Unfortunately they just patched the way to do it.
I despise it either way

>paranoid about their loyalty
More like because they competed for Miquella's attention
she'd kill Malenia too if she could
yandere gf brain rot, probably.

Leda doesn't have boob armor.
But miquella's knights all being men who just sound like girls because they're eunuchs would kind of make sense.
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Half the dlc is empty open fields. The fuck is the purpose of this area?
the skills of her clones and soldiers suggest Malenia used a lot of different weapons in addition to her saber. Spears, reapers, great spears, curved swords, thrusting swords, straight swords.
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It's so bizarre hearing Mohg's speaking voice again. The only voice lines that come to mind when I think of him are the TRES DUO UNUM NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL which are all deep, bassy, and a bit gravelly.

Then he speaks and he's got a weird high-pitched raspy voice.
the fact you're not using status effects or headshots on it
cool wasted potential area
They could have put all kind of fucked up by the flame of frenzy gone wild but nope
Rats, goats
The Winter Lanterns are ok but not enough
Not Marika, that's for sure
>they will never make me hate you, kindly miquella.
>#my literal roman empire ;-;
This is a cool moment but I wish you could use him after you beat the boss in that area, it's a bitch to walk around
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>damn thats a cool ash of war
>takes more than 1 second
unuseable in this sperg dlc
You have to find both of the areas to unlock the mother of fingers
>why is it so big
atmosphere ig? idk
what are those weird olm enemies running around there
that already exists but holy version
Were it a base game mechanic bosses snd enemies would be designed around it. Deflection frames in Elden Ring should be quite a bit less forgiving than it was in Sekiro.
>More like because they competed for Miquella's attention
i'd say the reason is what she mentions when the charm wears off; she's somewhat self-aware and realizes she's paranoid, but she can't stop it.
>Marika at the gates of divinity
>Miquella and Torrent
>even helmoess Leda
Why did the promo material include so much shit you never see in-game or even hear about?
Faggot you've posted this exact thing +10 times now.
Marika is a virgin THOUGH, she just found Godfrey dozens of girls a day to keep him happy
maybe the fingercreeper is puppeterring it or some shit?
i got mine off a golem in the middle of the taylew forge on the right side
seems to be a random drop as guaranteed ones get added into inventory and it was just a drop
dueling shields will always either be turbo overpowered and broken, or beyond useless garbage if they nerf it too hard

the whole concept of i can hit you and you cant hit me shouldn't exist, delete this weapon class
There's no reason they couldn't have given us a Miquella consort ending
>No argument
>retarded meme greetext
ok, Vaatividya had the balls to use Messmer Orb on Radahn to finish him. Messmer Orb is even more committal than Dragon Claw.
Quite literally skill issue
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>dual lgs running attacks on 300 ping
>light rolling with backhand blades / dryleaf arts
>bleed beast claws
>rakshasa katana crouch poke + running r1 spam
>cragblade pata rr1/rr2 spam
>niggers still using 2h cleanrot / shamshir but now with the havel set
>midra gs wa spam
>sleep bolts with shotgun bow
>light rolling with bone bow
>swift slash
>blind spot
>night claws
>halberd + off duel shield
>fire knight gs doing 80% of my hp
>rolling sparks
>madness fists
>backstep talisman
>smithscript bhb r2 spam
>smithscript shield throw spam (with deathblight bonus)
Sticking with the Lordsworn GS for two reasons.
1: She's the Lord he's sworn his service to and it was his first weapon of note.
2: It fits the colouring
My big worry right now is which weapon to keep in the mainhand, though GS might be a good fit.
Though the idea of a big katana could also work since the DLC adds one, but that could be a bit much.
What's the quickest thing to use to beat Mohg if I'm not particularly competent due to my susceptibility to panic attacks?
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>empty world
>balanced around summons
>shitty lore
>most bosses are shit
>shit weapons
>armor locked behind NPC´s that die at the very end

Dark souls 3 won
it depends in sekiro, bull, demon, and monke reward you for using infinite stamina to run arouund
What's that?
So many of these new spells are so ridiculously bad in both PvE and PvP it's like they didn't actually try to use them at any point during development.
who cares? who asked?
>but i cant chainsaw
summon someone who can chainsaw
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I will never hate Miquella. He's so fucking cute.
I want to lift his dress here. The DLC is not canon.
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>see a boss
>another 50+ death fights
I wish I am not terrible at video game.
pocket gravitas
Summoning, and hang back a bit
you don't need more than 9 scat levels for fucking bayle you shitter
>R1 chain
Just generic stunlock chain that's good vs small mooks and bad vs everything else. The animations are pretty but in practice it's bog standard fist weapon
>the R2s
Ruined by being multihit for no good reason, which kills the flavour of being a big powerful martial arts kick or strike
>rolling attacks
Genuinely unusable garbage that ruins the moveset. You have to change the way you play against big things because roll -> punish just doesn't work when your rolling attack is greathammer-tier.
>running attacks
The running R1s are super generic, the 1H running R2 is perfect and exactly what it should have, but the 2H R2 is ass
>jumping attacks
Once again the R2 is good and ideal, the R1 is ass

So basically unless you're just stunlocking a mook the whole weapon is jumping R2s and 1H running R2s.

Part of what made the Bonefist iconic was its variety and versatility. It had 3 movesets. 1H had the fast, advancing R1 spam chain for mook stunlock and a unique shortrange R2 that specifically existed to break hyperarmour in pvp. The 2H moveset consisted of slower, singular strike hits with high individual damage, as well as an R2 with amped counter damage to punish big things you can't stagger. The powerstanced moveset had a blender L1 combo and the Hadouken for a special attack.

Every move served a different purpose, nothing was redundant and it had a set of tools for every kind of enemy.
they're backstory
>miquella was riding around the shadow lands with torrent before giving him to you
>marika's past
>leda because simps, which ended up being lol due to who she is
How are LGS running attacks cancerous at all? They're just a worse version of the running R2 for HTS
Hell how are dryleaf a problem
That's true for the old spells as well though
it looks cool

lampreys, people who tried to turn themselves into fingers
Perfumes seem really fucking OP even ignoring the rolling sparks exploit - thoughts?
we know
He's complaining about the 1H heavy running attack. The sweep into thrust rollcatch.
>lampreys, people who tried to turn themselves into fingers
I hate how the grab attack doesn't vore you btw

In PvE or PvP or what? They're just area control.
I actually like the dlc but I'm gonna choose to think that he survives
wow that's a ratio of 10 correct posts out of 10?
a normal player doesn't, someone who summons other players? they need 20.
you have to kill radahn too
just cheat your flowers or ask someone to drop them
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You don't like Miquella, you like your headcanon.
Bloodborne did a similar thing anon.

>Gehrman limping through Fishing Village
They lie in the trailers.
ust like always
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He's too cute and pretty
>it's like they didn't actually try to use them at any point during development
try to use a perfume bottle against an npc invader and watch how much it breaks their AI (Forces an input read dodge every time regardless of distance)

pretty clear they didnt test shit
just roll to the side then lmao, the fact that it's two hits means the damage is dogwater either way
It's literally only the lightning one. The rest are super tame, and I'd argue the poison one is outright bad. The lightning one gets nutty scaling for some reason while being the best damage type in the game.
What made him think reusing Radahn was a good idea?
would you prefer them to put the two bells in tiny cellars of random ruins to save space?
it does vore you, just just need to die to it, same as most grabs
Who the fuck cares. I didn't even read your post, just glanced at it and saw "pvp focus" and replied to it mockingly.
Like, really? Kek
I was gonna post that one next...
Yea but why don’t you actually learn/see any of that in game?
For example the DLC gives you no reason to believe Marika ever visited the gates of divinity.
jap fans (and probably from staff) have been nonstop fellating radahn's corpse for 2 years
the hitboxes on them are wonky and on high ping it will look like the other dude slid across the entire map just to hit you
It doesn't vore you you just die and disappear instead of being actually swallowed
I know because I painstakingly got myself killed by it (took like 4 grabs) and was very disappointed in the lack of service for ryonachads like mysself
He propably had the assets half-ready somewhere so he used them.
Radahn is the easiest fucker to cheese in the entire game. The summons you get in his arena can be infinitely recalled.
every one loved Radahn but his fight was a npc spectacle brawl
also he has lots of lore showing his kindness rg. his horse
gentle giant types are always fan favourites
every story trailer is like that.
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>samefag being a fag
Yep. It's Shazamcord time.
who wouldn't, he's cool as fuck
I think he wasn't actually involved at all and is already helming a new project. I think the project was essentially headless for most of its development and just churning out map assets according to a vague outline. I think the main reason there are so few new enemies, why some of the bosses feel unfinished and why there are relatively few new weapon movesets is because the animators were busy with new projects and only cycled back to SotC in the last 8 months or so to fill the empty map.
Is that the hitboxes or just ping issues? The LGS does have deceptively long reach for how fast the attacks come out ig
you couldn't fit inside it so that's as much as can be done, pervert
not a single bad post
>someone posts their valid criticism
nerf the tracking on the discus holy shit what the fuck
doing gods work
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I don't mind DLC Miquella, it's just the entire mohg-radahn-malenia thing. Not having an ending related to him is also a bit lame, considering you can turn into the Lord of Frenzied Flame.
Elden Ring is a game made to build headcanons around characters. But instead of making Miquella neutral like everyone else they just made him evil and stupid.
not a good reason to do a gay naruto resurrection jutsu on him
you tell 'em sisters!
Then explain the lack of paralysis jellyfish vore from the weird lil worm niggas
or a grab attack at all
not obsessed btw
oh no no no
thanks, filtering image m5ds.
Summoning spirits makes the duel easier, but also epic. It really gives you an idea of how badass he was. Not calling them ruins the mood for me
Not really. The exact cutscene between Malenia and Radahn only appears in trailers, but the events are explicitly laid out in-game so you don’t need to watch it to get the full picture.
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Is the Scaduview Cross mislabeled? It's nowhere near Scaduview (the area where you fight Gaius). Instead it overlooks Jagged Peak. Think this was a mistake?
He wanted a big man to protect the divine shota
If you're gonna raid places at least use different images for your shitposting. It's an easy enough thing to do you muppet.
>For example the DLC gives you no reason to believe Marika ever visited the gates of divinity.
see them as part of the game. we see the church being burned down with romina, for example.
Some of those posts are within cooldown, unless you're going to schizo yourself into thinking he's actually with 3 different computers or some shit.
>"Messmer and Melina

Hear me out- what if her hair was red like his, before she was made “burned and bodiless”? His hair also looks charred when he unseals his power, and hers looks extra crispy in the flame of chaos ending…. So it could have been red, right……?"
How viable is an incantations only playthrough? Like 0 melee weaponry.
Especially the early game.
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They don't reward you, they are designed around it, that's different. The movement in Souls games is perfect for the needs of players, you can run from attacks, do inertialess pivots and 180 turns and do running attacks, it's incredibly fluid and versatile, but there's actual skill ceiling to mastering its use since the gameplay is centered around attacks that cover large areas in various ways and how the player decides to avoid them, while in Sekiro and Wo Long using correctly deflection de fact deactivates enemy hitboxes
>cross is on a point of land where you get a fabulous view of the scadutree
>why is this called scauview cross??????
idk man
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Melina belongs to the Three Fingers
Hyetta holds her down while she gets violated and branded
daft nonce, not everyone who shits on your favourite game is from some boogeyman raid
Ohhhr I didn't greentext right
Scaduview is a region of the map retard
melon has pink hair its both red and blonde.
Just equip Glintstone Breath and Rotten Breath, summon Mimic Tear and ride around on your horsie while you and the Mimic tag team her with minty fresh and stinky breath. No point fighting her fair.
people played wo long?
Suffering unless you know where shit is.
Chat Flame is decent, but if you're playing blind that's all you gonna use for a long time.
>GS of Damnation
>Fire Knight's GS
>Smithscript hammer
>Death Knight's Longshaft
>Black Steel Greathammer
>anvil hammer
>sunflower hammer
>Marika's hammer
The incantations could do with some work, but I'm really happy with the weapon variety of a str/fth in ER. Feels good.
Word to the wise:
2H beast claws are bad, but 1H beast claws are amazing
While 2H the first hit of basically every attack is a sub-100 damage bitchslap and dagger-tier poise damage while the second hit is the real damage. But while every attack gives you huge forward momentum, you stop cold right before the first attack, so anyone actively trying to distance from you will at worst eat the baby slap and escape the real hit.

While 1H, the running R1 is a single, faster chase move while the R2s is a 2-hit with different timing so you're generally much better at chasing, rollcatching and staggering. The standing R1 is also a much better spacing tool because it doesn't take a decade for the real hit to land.
LMAO discord troons are so embarrassing...
>everyone I don't like is the same person
bro is fighting demons
Getting to fight Radahn in his prime is a decent enough concept, my problem with it is there's probably a good 40-100 hours between when a player does the Radahn Festival and when that same player gets to the final DLC boss. The Radahn Festival is the culmination of all the hype you've heard about Radahn throughout the game. The mightiest demi-god, fought Malenia the best swordsman ever that led a march of conquest across the entire Lands Between to a standstill, everyone talks about their battle like it was the biggest shit ever, Caelid looks the way it does now because of that fight, dude fought the stars and won, etc. etc. And then you finally get to fight him yourself and it's a huge spectacle with the ability to summon a bunch of NPCs, several of which have their own sidequests and shit besides this fight, and Radahn is throwing meteors and turning himself into a meteor and it's cool and great. And then the Radahn shit is over. You built up the hype and cashed out on it and the rest of the game is concerned with other stuff, only for Radahn to return again with practically no hype or build-up compared to the first time. It pales in comparison to the initial fight because even though this is supposed to be Radahn in his prime before the scarlet rot ruined him there's very little reason to give a shit. You already fought the dude and went through the whole build-up and climax dozens of hours ago. You can't pull a Sword Saint Isshin final boss and expect it to hit the same if you already had me fight him earlier in the game. That's supposed to be the payoff, the big reveal, the culmination of a ton of rising tension.
catch flame, black flame, and dragon claw/maw kill everything with very little trouble, gg
>actually it's a raid
>ignores the fact that elden ring dlc has mixed rating
>wasted all these times rolling away when I can just strafe
where do you think did the name come from?
Shazamtroons still mindbroken 2 years later I see
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color me fucking surprised
why does this game attract so many schizos
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Feast your eyes, an actual good DLC.
Catch Flame carries you but since FP is limited earlygame you have to skip a lot of mobs and carry a lot of blue flasks for bosses.
It gets easier later on when you can just spam black fireballs with an FP bar that goes across the screen.
I'm using frost.

I'm not running a dragon communion build. My Faith is at 6.
Honestly I just want her hair to not be brown, brown hair is gross
you just ignored my post and repeated yours, why are you even posting if you're not going to engage with others
These guys are the most honest enemy in the whole DLC. The true rebirth of Sanctum Knights.
more status effects, more
I think she's cool. She's basically a yandere who appears like a dignified and chivalrous knight on the surface but is really a bloodthirsty serial killer who enjoys hunting and killing strong opponents. But she isn't a bitch over it towards you, she displays respect in her last moments and IIRC praises you as a lord to be. She's the kind of crazy bitch that fulfils my fetish for mutual sexual violence.
Is Miquella a hypocrite or just unironically retarted like a literal child?
I dont get it, seems like normal ass posts
I did, fairly mediocre game where the highlight was countering boss spells with your own spells, overshadowed by the deflection being a free for all universal attack to the enemy even on ranged attacks
Anyone who actually thinks Blood and Wine was better than Hearts of Stone was destined to get filtered by Shadow of the Erdtree
Why are Shazam troons so upset with video games?
It's likely a discord, generally they stick to /v/ and will just insult any popular video game. I don't understand why they spend there days doing that, but they have a whole discord dedicated to it. It's weird.
>sword clearly clips through the player at the end of several swings
That's just inconsistent and shitty hitboxes. Half the time running around attacks like that would get you hit.
yeah, from chinks
Can I do seluvis puppet quest with dung eater without him killing prawnbro? he only dies if I release dung eater right
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>But instead of making Miquella neutral like everyone else they just made him evil and stupid.
He's about as evil as Ranni is and is more naive and childish than stupid.
>Not having an ending related to him is also a bit lame, considering you can turn into the Lord of Frenzied Flame.
The goal of the game is to become a lord. Miquella already has one in mind, so you can't become a lord under him. Also they were oppossed to making a DLC ending for some reason.
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>fags told me that Death March is harder than ER
>can easily beat bosses in less 2 tries while a random fire knight with dagger could fuck me up if I were careless
>holy spells permanently kill skellies
>holy weapon arts don't
Feels kinda shitty and arbitrary
I'm thinking of respeccing to use the Smithcript Circues in pvp. Are they decent compared to Backhand Blades or will the range make me want to kms?
>heh, what if we put a previous boss as a roaming enemy in this new area
>actually, make it two of them
so sick and tired of this lazy game design it's not even funny anymore
>chinks are somehow more vocal about slop than the west
the fuck happened
they are

>people make the same posts over and over again
How new to /vg/ are you niggers?
aggro boggart, do dung eater quest, get forgiveness at the church
>swift slash
>sleep bolts with shotgun bow

how does shit like this even get past playtesting
witcher 3 is quite possibly the biggest normieslop and the game that is most underserving of praise around at the moment

absoloute dogshit garbage game
>cursed with eternal childhood
Take a guess.
nice attempt to spin this lol
>spells are good
>spells are bad
Regular holy damage doesn't kill skellies though they're weak to holy, but things specifically tagged Golden Order both kill them AND deal massive bonus damage to them on top of their innate weakness. This is why Holy Water pots can cheese the hell out of Deathbirds.
he's a typical psychopath, so a little child.
why's he have 3 hands
I love his face in this picture I wanna push in a soft spot on his skull with my finger and make him retarded
I never complain about anything being good.
I want all the shitty useless stuff to be buffed.
only one person said it's a discord raid but everyone can see it's some degenerate /v/tard who doesn't even have the dignity to post a video game related reaction image (because they have none, they don't play video games or collect video game images)
no it doesn't
no enemy ever projects constantly attack hurtboxes either
It’s over. I beat the dlc. Explored every nook and cranny. Killed every boss. It was great, but now it’s over, and there’s nothing more to do. The novelty of the first playthrough is the most sacred and special charm in these games. And now it’s gone.

Back to the soul-killing drudgery of real life and waiting another 2-5 years for another From game.
>generally they stick to /v/ and will just insult any popular video game
It started as a funny meme doomposting about cyberpunk and the slow rugpulling of features leading up to launch, which of course turned out to be a disaster. Some faggots started a discord and tried to the same with Elden Ring, which became universally praised as one of the best games ever made and it absolutely mindbroke them, they still make daily threads on /v/ about how elden ring "flopped" to cope with the fact some randoms on chinese cartoon website laughed at them for being wrong 2 years ago
Chinks only dislike it because of the blue bear. EAC seems to be fucking them for some reason.
I do agree EAC is a fucking nuisance
i'm stating facts, i've made sure to translate 20 or so reviews from them and it's literally all same shit people complain
except your retarded brain will filter all the negative reviews as "shitters" and "chinks", so good job.
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>No secret ending where you give Marika a big hug after visiting the Shaman Village
They don't playtest pvp. At all. There is 0 pvp playtesting. Fromsoft doesn't even have an internal multiplayer server set up to check network functionality--which is why bamco runs network tests for them prerelease.

A good example of this: several invasion spots in the open world of the DLC spawn you clipped into terrain or out of bounds. Or that bugged spawn in Castle Sol that puts you on a cliff behind the castle.
its not, its pink
are you capable of fucking off? thanks. I already filtered your samefaggotry discord faggotry don't pretend its not real this ain't my first rodeo and you are CLEARLY begging to derail
Fascinating, now get in the jar.
Now, bitte.
>we're supposed to feel bad for a genocidal whore because she had a nice idyllic childhood
What is wrong with Marikafags
Best to worst NPC:
Ansbach (No explanation needed) > Leda (Yandere girl with elite swordsmanship) > Thiollier (Redeemed simp with crippling insecurity issues) > Hornsent (Yeah he's a bitch with a soiled loincloth but he's a hype presence against Messmer) > Dane (Cool but few lines) > Moore (Comes across as like Forrest Gump, not much else to him) > Freya (Just cliche)
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I ended up just spamming Adula's Moonblade until she died. I really don't understand how you could fight this bitch on horseback. Torrent was a complete detriment here.
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>He's about as evil as Ranni
Except that it isn't what the community thinks.
For me, its the pvp
these threads move too fast to be enjoyable
But she didn't genocide anyone.
The dlc isn't bad, except it's the only one we're getting so it's hard not to get frustrated at some stuff. If it was one of two, or three, there wouldn't be nearly as much upset,
But anon you should invade. Think of all the humiliation rituals you can endure!
Wasn’t the whole reason why the butcher invader became a thing since DeS because one of the devs got invaded by a similar build during play testing?
Bro, your Igon?
It'll slow down, it's okay
>Watching a playthrough of Elden Ring's first version that consoles got, before any day 1 patches
>Many bosses had Malenia's music as placeholder
>Lordsworn's Greatsword had a different moveset
>Item drop locations were wildly different
>Upgrade stones had names and weren't numbered like what we have now
>Godskin Duo boss hp bar was 4x bigger
>Roderika's quest didn't work
>The talisman for completing Millicent's quest didn't have a name only default text
>Phase 2 Maliketh's sword has this sick purple glow for some of the attacks that burn you
>None of the Night Cavalry had boss hp bars
>The Night Cavalry in Caelid dropped 4k runes instead of 42k
>Morgott had infinite poise
>Many bosses had different names, Margit, Astel, Morgott. Rykard and so on
>Sword of Night and Flame only needed 12 int/fth to wield instead of 24 and was nerfed compared to the day 1 patch version
>Malenia had an extra voice line when she killed you
>Malenia also had an extra version of Waterfowl she could use in both phases, it's shorter but comes out a lot faster and she floats closer to the ground
>There were 2 erdtree avatars in Leyndell but both drop nothing
>There were Scarlet Rotted Ancestors near Astel's boss room and not the Kindreds of Rot we know now
>The singing ancestors sung a very different song
>Dragon Tree Sentinel had a delay on one of his lightning attacks
>Gideon uses Godfrey's music and starts the fight instantly when you enter his room
>Gideon's Law of Causality did a lot more dmg and popped if you hit him for more than 500 dmg, no stake of Marika outside his room either you walk from the grace
>Godfrey and Hoarah Loux had their own separate health bars.
>Hoarah Loux upon defeat says his usual line and then laughs for 10 seconds

Did From completely remake Elden Ring every 2 weeks until release?
oy vey, i wonder who could be behind these posts
Whether you like the game or not its DLC model was a relic of what used to be.
>Heart of Stone 10$
>Blood and Wine 20$
And these are actual fully voice acted story driven open world dlcs which is more expensive to make than just giving 5 people 10 lines like a From game.
Focusing on the 'Miquella followers'. Igon would be Top 3 easily but my bias for Ansbach is very strong.
>Did From completely remake Elden Ring every 2 weeks until release?
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>*blocks your spiral*
Will i get banned if i CE ash of war i missed? Don't want to start ng+
The community thinks turtles are dogs>>484384028
spoken just like someone who doesn't know how game development works
if you think every asset, feature, or idea a dev makes ends up perfectly in the final game like its original conception, you're insane
If its swift slash yes. If its not swift slash no
>the community-
Destined Death used to be purple.
I literally don't know what to do against Radahn anymore. Go full tank and poke him with bleed or poison or rot sticks while hiding behind a greatshield? Shoot him with magic while mimic and summons draw his attention like a fucking coward bitch? Actually get close to him and hit him with a big strong sword? I'm level 220, tried multiple respecs putting 60+ points into various combinations of str, dec, int, fth, even fucking arc. Go solo? I die. Go with summons? He gets an actual quadrillion HP and I can't do anything to him. Nothing I try does any fucking damage to him and he deletes me in two hits, three if I'm lucky. I can somewhat consistently dodge most of his phase 1 moves, but as soon as he goes phase 2 (which only happens if one of the two summons survives long enough to proc poison on him) I just can't keep up. Plus I literally can't see what's happening. It's just too much.

Consider me filtered by this garbage. You've gone too fucking far Miyazaki.
You may now call me a faggot and a scrub and a shitter and a lose and a crybaby and anything you want.
you already posted this 5 times
Swift Slash is bugged in the current table and will cause a ban. Any other ash is fine. Just make sure you go offline with EAC turned off..
no unless it's not normally available in-game
Do you have to start a NG+ in the basegame and kill Mohg again to do a second run of the DLC?
Summon me and let me poke him to death
Dane can talk? I just met him in front of the collapsed village and duelled him, then didn’t see him again until the final gank fight. I though he was the silent type of guy that only cared about fighting.
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Mickeyfags blown the fuck out. Messmerchads won
you've read it five times because you're a stupid nigger and everyone is trying to beat the same obvious point into your empty head
>Go full tank and poke him with bleed or poison or rot sticks while hiding behind a greatshield?
This is the easiest cheese if all your willing to not beat the DLC
>finished the DLC yesterday
>final fight was so laggy that I had to turn my settings to lowest and also lower my resolution
>it still lagged a lot
>went back to base game
>hadn't killed fire giant in this save
>still had farum azula, haligtree and ashen capital to do
>put my settings on highest and my resolution back to normal
>0 FPS drops or lags anywhere
>60 FPS throughout the entire thing

i'm gonna play the DLC again when they fix the performance issues but they were a massive turnoff
i had literally never had any problems of this kind in the base game
ancient ruins of rauh was the worst offender, i played through most of that area with 30 fps
Also Radahn, forma super AIDS.
I swear I heard him speak when he dies.
Seriously though fuck the hornsent, I'm loyal to Marika after learning about those fuckers.
how many new weapons, bosses, enemies and spells did they have?
nope, i know mental illness when i see one. it's you every time.
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Help me round out my lvl200 Quality build. 8 levels left.
I was thinking maybe +2 to INT for Smithscript shield.
Any other requirements for cool weapons I could reach with a couple of points?
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>use the global invasion option on the finger
>It prioritizes all invasion spots equally
>end up invading into taunters in the base game half the time
>quests were broken
I can confirm this yeah, I didn't leave limgrave til they patched it
>destined death was purple
>evil looking guy is actually good
>good looking guy is actually evil
it's not an uncommon trope but I do like it
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>*holds L1 to block with weapon as the video starts with an intro fade*
Yo What's Up /erg/ It's
>*takes a few quick moments pause, spins around thrice*
ChaseTheBro Here And
>*moves the camera down then up, poorly edited jump cut into him running around in the smallest circle possible allowed by the game's deadzone movement*
And Welcome Back To Another Weapon Showcase! Today Today We're Gonna Take A Look At The Backhands Blade!
>*uses Swift Slash Ash of War on a Revered Spirit in Belurat to demonstrate his power, putting the ChaseTheBro, (You) in awe*
>*2Hs the Backhand Blade, spamming L1 to waggle like a faggot
>*shows an average quality build with nothing special to note*
So yeah, that's the build. Let's get into some invasions!!
>*invades an obvious PvE only player with his friends doing coop legit with another friend that isn't trying to twink or overleveled with no obvious attempt at trying to PvP, just honest gameplay on his victims' part*
>"looks like we got some gankers here guys! and they are using ultra greatswords too!
*is obviously seething but trying to hide it with fake positivity*
>*hardswaps off the Backhand Blades despite the video being a weapon showcase video, to a completely different weapon class sweating his ass off, adrenaline off the charts against a PvE only player and his friend who are playing to progress, not twinking out or anything*
>talks to himself and makes comments about the person and his friends that he's invading as if he were infantile
>"yeah good fight dadgamer1989!"
>*does a bow gesture even though he was sweating against people with no obvious PvP experience*
Wow. That was tough, he almost got me!
>*puts on a facade of fake positivity even though he is seething and actually toxic*
Let Me Know With A (You) On What You Guys Thought About My Backhand Blades Weapon Showcase Here .
>the only time he was using the backhand blades were at the intro to "introduce it" as a showcase weapon and hardswaps to a different weapon
>Go greatshield
>Go bleed Antspur Rapier
>Summon Mimic (once safe)
>Poke him to death
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I am replaying the base game and I think the DLCs level design was better.
There were like 3 ways to reach every area in the DLC and so many secret places. Every dungeon was fun and had a theme or gimmick.
The base game has a lot more dungeons available but they are all pretty generic and a lot more areas seem pointless or random.
I don't get why people are saying the DLC is bad beyond the bosses being hard.
good read
Ranni is still better than Marika simply because she's a virgin in mind and soul. Lest not even talk about body since she also died a virgin.
A second-hand good will always be second-hand. There's no difference between something that was used once and something that was used ten times, but there's a big difference between 0 and 1.
I'm just using the merchant mod to give myself
>Every base game talisman
>Every base game weapon
>Every base game crafting item
>Every base game recipe
>Every whetstone
>All golden seeds/tears
150 felt a little easy. Is it the right level to enter the DLC?
Lightning Perfume with high faith and dex.
Stacking buffs from Howl of Shabriri, the Madness hat, the madness talisman (Exultation one), Perfume talisman, Alexander Charm, Lightning Scorpion Charm. Lightning physick. Golden Vow.
Press Roling Sparks Ash and 1-2 shot.
chase does weapon showcases now? what happened to mriwont4get ?
Fucking Count Dooku Sabah here
I summoned a guy who wrecked him for me in about 20 seconds using the carian thrusting shield. I did get in the final hit however.
I used Bloodfiend's Blood Arm. Procs bleed in 2 charged R2's so using LOBE for good damage and holy resist stuff helped me reliably handle most of the damage you suffer in his second phase. I didn't bother with the summons as they're often useless and waited until phase 2 to drop the mimic
your monumental cope is entertaining and depressing in equal measure. go play a game your speed, like horizon troon dawn or something
What is 25 fth for?
the DLC's level design was great, art direction was also fantastic

most complaints are about hard bosses (which i don't agree and think it's bullshit), no rewards for exploring, giant empty areas (cerulean coast, frenzy forest, dragon peak) and performance issues
>Seething about the least offensive PvPfag
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how do I get down there?
you're acting as if anon is talking about cut content. again, you're retarded. replying to posts before even reading them. a clear sign of mental illness.
good luck not trying to kill yourself in the future.
going from the dlc back to the base game is such an insane whiplash

dlc has engaging level design, with verticality and an interesting almost puzzle-like layout and such whereas the basegame is just open-world sloppa with empty plains
Your seethe is pathetic but so is he and I enjoy seeing these posts regardless, so thanks I think.
Well obviously anon but there's that and then there's Elden Ring being changing so often, so quickly.
Is the lamenter transformation actually... good for anything?
Brutal car accident
Are you actually trying to argue it? From is the current normieslop game and the DLC model is worse 1dlc for 40, vs 2 for 30.
How many actual quests does your Fromslop game have? Oh yeah….none. Pay up piggie.

Just go back and play the Witcher 3 DLCs now that normies forgot about it. They are good unless you’re a ADHD zoomer.
nta golden vow and black flame protect duh
I just instantly sever and block solo hosts. If they wanna 1v1, they should go to the colosseum
Any other examples in media?
>but they are all pretty generic and a lot more areas seem pointless or random.
several base game dungeons are great, the Leyndell Catacombs for example
do i get anything for killing that filthy hornsent or it's a waste of time?
Basically what happened was that the deadline loomed with the game in an unfinished state and they were given an extra two months to 'finish' the game for release, but that unfinished version was the one that went gold and went into production for physical disc sales, because they need time to get printed, made and shipped onto shelves.

Thus the 1.0 console version is basically a beta with mostly placeholders. it's not that, for example, boss music wasn't finished yet, but that they hadn't bothered to put it into the game at that stage because they were still prioritizing completing basic assets and getting them into place. The finishing touches happened during those delay months, and that's where item placements got fleshed out, unfinished moves were cut from boss movesets, cutscenes and other window trappings were implemented and dialogue cut/finalized.

We have evidence that the plans for Elden Ring shifted considerably through development but that was in part due to Covid interfering with production and forcing them to narrow the scope of their ambitions, in part due to the normal development process of making something, realizing it sucks and scrapping or repurposing it for something better, and plans needing to be changed to accommodate the practical realities of budget and deadlines.

Leyndell wasn't originally a Legacy Dungeon, but rather an NPC hub with questlines that then branched into two mini-dungeons (one leading to Morgott, one to Mohg in the sewers), but those quests were largely cut and the area repurposed into a legacy dungeon because deadlines meant they had to cut other planned dungeons and it was quicker to just add knights and imps to a finished map.
>she also died a virgin
How much fucking stamina do I need for the shield? A fucking billion? I already went in with like 240 and he still found ways to spank my ass while calling me his little biatch.
Yea the fake positivity is insufferable.
You also forgot him spamming consumables like perfumes nonstop against these obvious pure PVE (never seen a single invasion) before players.
>source: my ass
It gives you +8 arc and better defences than being naked.
works on my machine
spoken just like someone who doesn't know how game development works
if you think every asset, feature, or idea a dev makes ends up perfectly in the final game like its original conception, you're insane
comets to the face
Black Flame's Protection is 30 FTH. And I'd rather just eat prawn if I need a phys reduction body buff.
I really hope they do something like the NPC ganksquad fight again.
Carian women don't have premarital sex
It gives you 8 arc so it's like a worse silver tear mask.
Also the big head attack is a faster Force so you can meme people off ledges with it.
There's a million animes and mangas that do it, Berserk quite prominently. Twofold actually, because theres the contrast between the gentle, effeminate, white knight looking Griffith and the dark, evil, spiky armor, bestial looking Guts, but also Skull Knight who in anything else would be a villain and not a supporting protagonist
for "evil looking guy is good" my favorite example is the Great Owl from the Secret of NIMH probably https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqYo8130hhA
welcome to gamedev
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I feel like I just watched this guy's entire youtube presence in one post.
Look down, theres a grace in a cave. The massive castle thing near you, might be called the shadow something, has a secret entrance down to that grace.
lol but witcher 3 is dogshit
I wouldn't eat shit if it was free
I just blocked some of the more bullshit combos and spammed giant hunt on the obvious punish windows. You can use either a colossal weapon 2 handed to block or a greatshield, greatshield is easier. They need to reduce the poise damage and visual clutter of the light beams and make the clones easier to strafe, would be a good boss then.
They aren't supposed to, maybe. But they're also not supposed to become dolls, kill a 2 fingers, and all the other stuff Ranni does anyway.
How do I get to the post-Messmer floors of the storehouse? I can't find a way further up.
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Carian women also think that footjobs don't count
i beat him last night at 0 blessings with greatshield and rapier, it took a few tries but that was all because i got impatient
Bot post
Church district
What are the best dlc areas to invade I don't want to use global red finger anymore
Hornsent hands typed this post.
Ranni did that to restablish Carian supremacy. She's a very family oriented girl.
You're respecing for this one fight. Just go 48 STR for Fingerprint Shield, 60 ARC for Bleed and Rot scaling with Blood-infused Antspur Rapier, 50 END for Stamina softcap, 12 INT for Scholar's Shield, 20 DEX for Rapier req. Obviously 60 VIG.
Use Max Stamina + Stamina Reg Physick.
2headed Green Turtle, Viridian +3, Pearlshield and whatever 4th Talisman you want.
What level are you?
Oh, I didn't notice the ladder. Thanks.
Mohg's police to fuck with p3oole trying to get to the dlc
But you’d pay 40$ to do it
Adula spam is usually a good answer to most things. But I can't even tell who that's suppose to be.
any non-legacy dungeon
>flooded city
>you can drain it and explore the lower areas
I unironically don’t get what Mike Zaki means when he says he doesn’t want to make the same shit again and again but deliberately goes out of his way to do it anyway.
I'm going to kill Radagon with the tooth whip, get in the jar where you belong numen bitch
the shadow keep? I cant find anything except this flooded place.
>violent supremacist ideology INSISTS that they must be allowed to kill any and everyone they like to feed their insane lust for power and dominance
>they exterminate your people and would exterminate you if they could
>defeat they in an open conflict and seal away the power they use to commit genocide, spare them further violence and stay out of their affairs entirely, as far away as physically possible
>they continue to do their damnedest to commit harm and genocide, going as far as to reach out and harm you directly instigating conflict despite losing and being spared, and despite the relative distance and every possible oppourtunity for them to amend their genocidal ways
>purge them by fire, utterly destroy their capacity to make war but spare them total extermination
>they seethe about reaping vengeance for the "betrayal" and continue to rapidly seek to harm you
clearly senessax
He wants to make new worlds. He genuinely has a hardcore fetish for World Building. He called it a hobby of his.

I think it brings him near endless joy to create a world, put in some poison swamps and eldritch gods and release it to the public. He just doesn't wanna get stuck living in just the one world forever.
Oh woooooooow Golden Parry spam woooooooooow and the slow mo? Woooooooooow
I beat him with square off longsword last night, it's doable but you gotta stack defense buffs since you're gonna take hits. Marika's braid helped a lot.
why am I invading into frozen lake for fucks sake
it's insane how some 16 year old tranny can make better multiplayer for souls games than from can
The guard poke needs to be nerfed quite a lot. It needs ending frames of vulnerability or needs significantly less damage and guard boost on that attack. Because right now even if landing guard points single handedly is a skill the weapon can be picked up by any idiot
The carian shield has way too fucking much guard boost though.
If it's going to have as much block capability as a greatshield it shouldn't have that much physical absorption. That's just stupid.
I thought it fucking sucked and was an unfair fight. Don't give me NPC enemies with 8 times the fucking health and 8 times the poise. Got tired of it and used a colossal weapon to just turn them into a joke. Always one extreme or another with this goddamn game.
Honestly the impression I got from this DLC is that fromsoft's gameplay designers are genuinely out of ideas when it comes to making areas, designing dungeon gimmicks and combat. Every halfway decent or novel idea that goes into any dungeon or area is just a rehash of something they did better in a previous game. Every standout enemy is a remake of an enemy from a previous game. All of the bosses are either retreads of old mechanics or just absolutely throwing shit at the wall with no real vision, like a korean MMO in its 8th year trying desperately to challenge the folks who still play 18 hours a day.

I appreciate that they put more effort into the side dungeons this time around but every combat encounter was an endless repeat of "enemy hiding around the corner/hanging from the ceiling to ambush you" and there's literally nothing for them to offer when you just slam a greataxe through the wall and kill the imp before it wakes up, over and over and over and over and over.
>selects option to invade anywhere random in the game
>gets mad when you invade somewhere random
Dancing Lion and Rellana gave me shit at first until I levelled my Scooby Doo fragments. Nothing after that was as hard aside from Gaius' broken hitboxes and Radahn Phase 2. I somehow even managed to get both Bayle and Midra on the first try, though Midra ended with a kill trade.
For some reason many japanese game compagnies have their own ''traditional'' game concept that they try to shove in most game. Thats just Micheal Zakary signature touch.
You DID summon your bros to help you, right?
I unironically think you beat the game if you and some bros defeated Radahn together but not if you used Antspur, solo or not.
>Godfrey and Hoarah Loux had their own separate health bars.
>Hoarah Loux upon defeat says his usual line and then laughs for 10 seconds
Kino. Should have kept these.
you're supposed to summon a spirit and your friends
Being a hack.
>seething about ChaseTheGODGamer

lmao, this nigga got invaded and killed and hasnt mentally recovered
I did. But they were zero fucking help. If you don't blitz Freyja and Morne fast enough, you have to deal with them STILL as Dryleaf and Leda appear, with THEIR bloated HP and Damage.

The banter was cool, music was cool, the encounter was dogshit.
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>get summoned to Leda
>host has scadiddle level 8
>get killed in 2 hits by Chainstun Dane
>Lose 900k souls with no way of recovering it
Thanks Michael Zaki.
So Marika is a Palestinian and the Hornsent are Israel?
>and this will result in him getting angry that you were able to hear her voice, and not him
skill issue i guess
DPS issue
How did you lose your souls as a summon?
the hornsent are china
>invasions are instant everywhere in the dlc
>But if you use global invasions the invasions aren't instant
>fromsoft can't code so it picks a random location to try to invade in
>half the time you don't get an invasion and have to wait, even though if you invaded manually in the dlc you would've gotten an instant invasion
>the other half of the time you invade into taunters in the base game because it gives equal priority to every area regardless of player counts
WOOOOW I wonder why anyone would be upset
If you don't do enough damage for there to never be more than 2 NPCs against you at a time then your build sucks
I... am NOT reading all that
>How did you lose your souls as a summon?
How the fuck do I know? They were just removed from my account as soon as I died. No bllodstain, nothing. Just straight up -900k. A bug, I guess?
nah, numen and belarut
You should kill morne ASAP since he rot pot you 24/7, then finish Freya. When dane and Nidellina (or whatever her name) try to get dane 1st since he has no poise and pretty annoying ranged attacks. Use status attack such as cold, poison(lol) or bleed to get trough their bloated hp pool.
Will you read this?
>it's insane how some 16 year old tranny can make better multiplayer for souls games than from can
What game?
>least offensive
Not even that anon, but chasethebro is the fakest of the fake-nice youtubers, if you actually take a look at what he's doing in his invasions it's pretty clear he's no better than jee and his ilk, he just puts a faux-"positive" facade on it.
Imagine if we actually lost the gloam eyed queen and Godwyn stories during the rewrite because they saw how popular Radahn and Miquella were among the fans, so they replaced the assets and characters in the stories as fan service to Radahn and Miquella lovers

Coffin fissure and Trinas lair are all purple or gloam, and the Putrescent knights file name is Gloam knight

Castle Sol we find evidence of Miquella carrying a ritual to try and bring back Godwyn, while there’s absolutely no mention of Radahn in his plans

It’s like Fromsoft looked at which characters had the most artwork under their tags on Danbooru and worked the story around them

Stories involving Radahn and Miquella are literal slop, for the lowest common denominator!
ds3 wex dust
elden ring seamless
Radahn won, Godwyn lost
0 scadutree fragments
0 spigutree fragments

Anon its all but confirmed a shitty mspaint comic caused miyazaki to tear apart his office and change the boss to radahn
Oh, that dude is 16? I'm not surprised that he'd be a tranny.
I want to help mommy Marika kill all the hornsent. Where can I find more of them to exterminate?
Post your radahn footage bro
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>Do co-op to help people beat Rennala
>Have to get summoned 10 times before I get a host who actually survives and kills her
same desu
I'm mad.
how do I get to charos hidden grave?
what if elden ring had dragon ball z transformations
>they summoned Leda
Instant sever for me
shout out to hosts who don't run for the boss fog
go over the wing at the dragon altar

Yes. Hornsent literally consider themselves the chosen.

In Bonny village after a lifetime of cruelty against the aryan features gentiles, the ghosts are literally crying over how they can be persecuted so.

They’re more the Zionists, while the merchants are the historical Jews

Wrong. China are the Redmanes. Fighting to hold back the rot, or in this case, American degeneracy and LGBT values from infecting the world. They might be assholes who run people over in their chariots but they’re still respectable, just like the redmane garrisons in Caelid
Miquella and Radahn are both popular yes, but they have never been a huge ship before now so your theory makes little sense.
Also Godwyn has been one of the most discussed characters since forever.
oink oink motherfucker
>looked up the name of an area he hasnt been to
>cba to look up how to get there
>fake positivity
That's basically all youtuber's really.
>the range on the cirque throwing R2s
What the fuck? It's literally shorter than a spear thrust.
>Coffin fissure and Trinas lair are all purple or gloam, and the Putrescent knights file name is Gloam knight
Don't forget that the entire lore of Cerulean Coast and Charo's Grave is that it's where the old gravekeepers, who were mariners, did their death rituals. It's the super death zone.
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what do I do here? I threw 5 hefty pots in and nothing happened.
Yup, there go my 287037 runes.
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>Barbed-Staff Spear
Is jee janine?
Really all Souls dedicated youtubers are MP subhumans by default, so they're subhumans. No idea why anyone would watch their content.
Lesser forms of life. Fit only for slaughter.
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>Vyke canonically fucked this
No wonder he was insane.
Marika can literally shapeshift, you can get a virgin sex each day if you want, also she can make herself ideal for your cock in any position you wish.
Mind and soul don't even matter since it's godslayer fucking the god, nothing beats that on emotional level.
all the throwing weapon ranges are weird. Even the arc is retarded. They suddenly get a surge of gravity after a few meters
craft the furnace pot
you need a furnace pot for that one
you need the other hefty pot
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insane post
erm, you actually need an entirely different kind of pot that also makes fire, how utterly silly of you to not know that you need fire instead of fire :/
ai generated person
>got the parry to finish maliketh (I summoned, it was more fun that way sue me)
probably. placed my sign down and runes don't stick with you over there if you die... u must not have picked up your bloodstain
he's literally one of the biggest metaniggers on youtube and carries around shit pots in his inventory 24/7
I hate both of these niggers to make sure to turn on your adblock
Chase's faux-positivity is absolutely obnoxious, but you're also a seething faggot.
Do a barell roll
imagine if you were mandatory permadeath after this...
>people liked Radahn more than Malenia in the base game
>despite Malenia being the super boss and poster child for the game
>now wank off Radahn so people will find him just as obnoxious as Malenia
Excellent plan From, worked to a T.
My soul is boiling. I'm so fucking mad.
I don't know man. I remember watching him stream some pvp (one of the first and last streams he did) and he lost a fight once, got teabagged and dropped the facade "yeah keep t-bagging kid I'd shit on you"
I usually don't see people break character that hard generally.

Not a single one of these refutes my assertion that it's a dogshit encounter, you package deal fags. I turned the entire thing into a joke by just spamming the new meteor blade and it's ash, so choke on my dick for acting like it's a "skill issue" when it's just a shit encounter.
>wake me up
wake me up inside
>cant wake up
It's already broken and ruined the game. 1/2 flask investment for perfect defense for 5 minutes? That's bullshit and we will be watching videos featuring it forever now.

Deflect means all other forms of defense are obsolete if you are skilled enough, and you can perfectly defend and element with any equipment.
remember when we used to tease the 150 anons? now we have unironic level 200 redditors. /erg/ has fallen, I hope a new fotmslop drops soon
it's too bad this aow is shit against anyone who actually beat messmer it has the same windows
That's what you get for not giving a man some time with his albino GF
God that blipping around.
>invade the same host twice, dude's doing a taunter's tongue run with his friend in Raya Lucaria, okay cool that's fun
>both times I invade this guy I manage to kill the phantom, get a co-invader (it was a different guy each time, mind you), and they BOTH inexplicably decide to gang up on me with the host
>the second guy even died almost immediately after I did because of course he sucks absolute donkey dick when in a 1v1 situation with someone who has half a clue
Fucking same host, same level, two different retards; what are the fucking odds of that?
I have no fucking idea what's going on with retard reds.
>bitch about 3v1
>bitch about 1v1
What do you faggot reds want?
this is such a werid thing that they didnt give us some kind of homeward bone item for situations like this
I have 2m runes from running around exploring and I dont know what to do with them
When in doubt level endurance. Pocket greatbow for melee builds is surprisingly good utility.

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