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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Active Codes

>Additional Links


>Update: July 4th

>Developer's Note: May 2024

>Current Events
CLAY, MORE! - June 20 ~ July 3

>Upcoming Events
BEAUTY FULL SHOT - July 4 ~ July 25
Dave the Diver Minigame Collab - July 4 ~ July 25

>Current Special Recruit
Clay - June 20 ~ July 3

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Sakura: Bloom in Summer - July 4 ~ July 25
[Rerun] Mary: Bay Goddess - July 4 ~ July 25
[Rerun] Neon: Blue Ocean - July 4 ~ July 25
Rosanna: Chic Ocean - July 11 ~ July 25

>Current Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Viper: Shine of Love [Costume Gacha] - July 4 ~ July 25
Guilty: Wave of Disbelief [Event Pass] - July 4 ~ July 25
Mast: Mast the Diver [Event Pass] - July 4 ~ July 25
Anchor: Anchor the Diver [Minigame Reward] - July 4 ~ July 25

>Stream Codes

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I love my wife Rapi.
I broke it down for you, consider the specific points to your argument that "big spenders are arena players not solo raid players" (word-for-word quote):
Arena victory or loss is primarily driven by Synchro, which is utilized for campaign pushing (for yet more synchro) and Union Raid.
Union Raid is historically the primary driver for increasing synchro.
Whales have duped units like the ones you listed because you get them incidentally from C7'ing other units.
A dev letter a month after arena reshuffles were implemented literally acknowledged the core audience for NIKKE doesn't play it for PvP and to backtrack on PvP focus.Most unit releases are not PvP focused.
I've managed 3 Poseidon Unions in NA for 16 URs now, am considered an authority in the theorycrafting and hybrid CN+NA solo raid community, and so I have a strong basis for saying these things.
I have access to the communities I am talking about If I am talking about a community I am a part of and even lead, that still deserves healthy scrutiny, but an outright dismissal borders is hilariously unreasonable

PvP in this game is not taken seriously by most whales
Most competitive whales are interested in: Solo Raid Ranking, Union Raid Ranking, Co-Op Ranking, High Deficit Campaign Pushing- in order of prestige
NIKKE is primarily a competitive PvE ranking game not a PvP focused game at the top level
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I hate Rapi.
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Breeding Brid!
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Nikkes can't get pregnant.
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what is wrong with you people?
The Admi?
The Cockmi
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>July 3rd
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you mad about it boy
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Luv me Counters
to be fair, 2463 was at bump limit then every post in it got removed for some reason so it's alive again
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I love Anis
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classic /nikg/
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Global PANTSUU2 has one spot open, join the PANTSUUU super union today!

PANTSUU2 (37074) is a casual union managed by ORLEEN of PANTSUUU. We are discord-free and fun. Rules are Simple:
- Offline rule: 4 days = kick
- You must do at least one hit in union raid

Please put nikg in your profile. if your name is too generic to be searched, respond to this post when you apply.

The danchou is interested in taking in refugees from dead /nikg/ unions:
- Any refugee from NIKG/NIKUNNY/KUNNYHUB who want to convert to casual.
- Everyone from NOPAN (including ACE), all NOPAN bros must reunite under the PANTSUUU banner.
- Anyone alive in CUNNYSSI.
- Anyone alive from PREFECT.
- Any /nikg/ lurker without a home.
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>OP updated
based adomi
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The AZX?
I love cunny!
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>N-word minigame
I love you too Anis poster
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I love your wife also
maintenance timer
Just applied
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>helm is the focus of the lobby background
but i like mast and anchor way more
Anus ritual post needs to be added to the Rapi soundpost
Applied, my name starts with Y
Fuck off faggot
We love our wife Helm here
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the snouts
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say it
Today is a good day.
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Calm down, bros.
We're not even the worst thread about this. Several times a day /hsrg/ kills several threads because the mouthbreathers there create 4 or 5 new ones.
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this is worse than AI sloppa
I'm going to A-CK
Sounds like you know a lot about them
What do Dave and I do while they are working?
You play tabletop games
Lick my toes first
I fucking lost all my mermaid money playing that shark game. Holy fuck
>tabletop games
ewwwwwww like those d&d nerds?
Why wouldn't I know about the turbofags who kill my comfy threads early?
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>mfw SEAmonkies exist
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
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Global NIKG (4893) is recruiting 3 strong /nikg/ SKKs for the next Union Raid that can hit shortly after UR starts
The lower your level the earlier we need you to hit
Let me know if you apply!
Pignal is pretty cute...
nah, id rather join pantsuuu trooncord.
is there a min level req to clear round one? I’ve never done a UR so not sure how strong you need to be
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Swimsuit doko doko
>caught up on the main story finally
now what
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Push hard mode.
Or buy dave the diver on steam to practice for the minigame
>dorothy keeps telling you to cast rape
Your days are numbered, Drake won’t be around for long
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which Nikkes are not for (them)?
Wait for next update then get disappointed when it's going to be Sixo slop
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>tricking Drake into thinking sex is a type of food
>watching her trying to order it at the Maid Cafe
What power lvl are you now? I'm trying to catch up to the story and just beat chapter 22.
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You made me check
When is Summer 2?
been a long while since I hit on stage 1 but I'd say at least past lvl200 and with 3 good teams built to do it comfortably
Now that we know sakura is shit and can be skipped have we seen rosanna's kit yet?
We have matrix, way better than discord
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I dickpulled for clay and I got her
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stop hating
Nikke is just that popular
people can't contain themselves and want to POOOOST because the HYPE is BACK
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mmmmmmm dyev nyotes?
You will never be white, seamonkey
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Doro Domination.
If you're too weak you're better off joining pantsuu2 and train first
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but July is now and part 2 is not now, therefore you're wrong retarf
Ok im a little off 200 so will try applying when I get around there
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Did she fart?
I don't remember.
oh fuck yeah its bridposter breeding time
plap plap plap plap plap
would you look at the time, i cant ignore breeding time
plap plap plap plap plap
whew, i was so busy today i almost forgot to breed bridposter
plap plap plap plap plap
what a day, its time for bed
plap plap plap plap plap
uh oh its getting late, i better get to sleep bridposter
plap plap plap plap plap
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hottest up and coming nikg meme 2024 right here
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I didn't say when in July.
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the trouts
Dont they have a mandatory discord? Or is that just pantsuuu?
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did someone say poo?
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What kind of sound effect is this? If I google it I get arabic instagram videos in the results
Just apply anyway, there's an empty spot, sub 200 is better than nobody.
how come this low quality post never gets deleted?
check the fucking website retard they are there
how close are you, UR is in 20+ days so you may get there before it happens
Doro the zombie slayer
It is the sound of pressurized air escaping the cockpit before a hatch slides open and Kilo exits the Talos
Count your days, I'm coming to your house
Kek! I spat out some of my coffee
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My cute neet wife.
270k, got through everything up until chapter 29 on 25k though
Dave's so lucky
yes that is your name!
>has a job
>is literally a glowie
Nice detail.
I read somewhere that military vehicles adapted for deployment in contaminated zones do this to keep the contaminants out to a reasonable degree when crew disembarks.
Dave won
It does seem like we might be getting a second half since Anis and helm are slated to return. Unless they just drop them as banners with some other non summer event
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you already got your 'n-word' shitpost deleted
don't push your luck retardo
Modernia makes my pussy wet.
There is no second part which is why we have separate banners.
>The Teenagetryouts
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Since when is Maiden an angler btw?
No discord afaik for both pantsuuu and pantsuu2
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*wriggles into thread*
that's the glowie coverup
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>corpo releases NTR event
>anon 1 complains about NTR event
>anon 2 complains about anon 1 complaining about NTR event
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Done a lot of MMO fishing
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My queen
MMOs invariably have fishing minigames
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Bring back old Mast....
>anon 3 complains about doroposters
she got every fish on FFXIV
without a guide or addon
i prefer new mast, but i think i liked old morgan better
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The classic of gacha games.
>brain damaged pagpag with only NTR on his coomer brain pretends there's NTR again
>anon 1 complains about brain damaged pagpag with only NTR on his coomer brain
>anon 2 also complains about brain damaged pagpag with only NTR on his coomer brain
>anon 3 etc...

verification not required
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What in gods name is that
because it is exactly the same level of quality of post as someone posting a sexy nikke with SEXOOOOO as their comment
I love brappers of the female kind that plops down on my face and blow me away.
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She can't stop winning
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>wanting to have gay sex with an anon is the same thing as talking about nikke in the nikke general
Dave has three chromosome 21s
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Morgan my beloved....
Looks too similar to Sugar
Nipple fucking Modernia!
im sorry esl but their concern was with low quality posts, not off topic posts.
Getting Modernia anally pregnant!
Syuen will be the 2 year anni unit

What happened to the last thread anyway? It got nuked clean
>their concerns
its both low quality and offtopic
are you ok chang?
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Fucking faggot
Probably caught in the crossfire of a range ban again
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Is that why polipets stopped coming here? Something something gay sex with poli danchode. Over and over again.

Very disturbing.
Stay down pussy
Ade had to clean up all the spam threads so I guess she removed the old one too just in case
incorrect, lurk more
Dave has diabetes
Type 1 or 2?
I'm right. You just think it's ok to do these gay ass, offtopic, low quality posts cause you are a faggot yourself. They have never been ok and you nikg global fags are pathetic.
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If bandages don't do anything for nikkes, why do so many nikkes wear bandaids?
Dave has stage 4 lung cancer.
too much of helm's sweet pussy juice
never got this 'hiding my true powerlevel' autism
Dave has brain tumors.
Dave has ligma
When's the raiden banner rerun?
They mention early on that nikkes can heal from injuries but it's faster to replace parts
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> irrelevant NAfag getting uppity again
stop being so fragile anon.
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Whats the purpose anyway?
What's ligma?
Dave goes to the surface too fast and explodes killing the sushi nigger in the proximity.
to cover up small wear and tear in godesium shell
to cover nipples and vagOO
No idea, you can still see SKK level so you can compare to your own anyway.
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>not denying his discord tranny erp here
diego your union is shit
Same question but about the glasses.
why do they wear clothes if they do nothing for them?
HUD / augmented reality display?
Getting this as accessory instead of built in eye enhancement make them less prone to mind switch from being reminded constantly they have mechanical bodies.
For looks, and symbolism in Marian's case
Just beat chapter 24 does syuen actually get turned into a nikke later on like enikk says?
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>to cover nipples and vagOO
Do you mean a swimsuit?
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No, because they devs always keep up status quo even in the main campaign
Nyope. She actually becomes our canon wife.
It was a lie from Enikk to make Syuen work for you.
When are we getting swimsuits like THIS?
Not really.
It's an empty threat because she's 'irreplaceable' but she doesn't know and acts all kinds of scared and helpful.
At least for the time being.
I want a fox and a wolf wanting to fuck me
Enikk never intended to go through it, her real intent is to put her resources under you. Her becoming your onahole is a bonus.
Azur Lane player...
When Nikke anime gets uncensored 17+ BD release.
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Hello Commanders! With plenty of newer players and not so many open slots in the existing NA unions, I’ve taken it upon myself to develop a newcutie/new player friendly casual union. We've got 2 slots left open we're looking to fill, so don't miss out!

>Tired of being listed as NOT IN A UNION?
>Starting out and want an edge over your PVP shard rivals with upgraded cubes?
>Stuck at lvl 160 and need something to grind for or are looking to break the wall with a Liberation nikke?
>Want a change of pace while still participating in union activities or are looking to get a fresh start?
>Are you fond of the Replace squad?

If any of the above apply to you, you’re at least sync level 80, and you’re consistent with dailies/friendpoints, then I invite you to join RIKKERZ. We’re a new growing English language NA server union with the ultimate goal of onboarding dedicated newer players looking to participate in a union and its activities for an overall fun casual experience. We are not looking to do frame checks, force team comps, etc. We just ask that you do your best and have fun. We are also discord free, teamspeak free, zoom free, teams free, slack free, skype free, telegram free, and AOL messenger free. The focus is on newer players, but veteran players and old-timers alike are also warmly welcomed to join.

To join up, send a join request to the union (Name: RIKKERZ ID: 25835) and please either have /nikg/ in your self-introduction or an R nikke profile pic so I know it’s one of you looking to join in. You don't have to keep it that way once you're in and are free switch back if you wish. Here’s to a summer of fun and new opportunities!
Well thats sucks then i was hoping for a nikke form
Joberalio (pending)
we were all hoping for that...
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holy based
She will never become a nikke as I need to impregnate her, sorry.
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Thoughts on how the free Red Hood event will go down?
I've narrowed it down to a few possible scenarios. The most likely since the dress is winning is a flashback where Goddess is celebrating a victory or some shit with Snow White.
The other scenario is Rapi letting Red Hood take control for a day to hang out with others. Much less likely to happen since SKK doesn't like Red Hood.
Either way I bet some writer at ShiftUp is upset over Red Hood winning the popularity poll because they've done a lot to ensure that nobody in the current cast really likes her and have her dead and buried inside Rapi.
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>summer event is a bunch of Nikkes hanging out with a fat bastard to advertise some tranny indie game
Wouldn't it be better if they hung out with SKK?
Please don't talk about Signal like that
Basically she swims in SHIT like modernia and then she gets to wear a dress. There.
I don't look like this, I eat my doritos with chopsticks
Something uncanny about those faces... is the artist known for something?
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>Either way I bet some writer at ShiftUp is upset over Red Hood winning the popularity poll because they've done a lot to ensure that nobody in the current cast really likes her and have her dead and buried inside Rapi.
Probably tetradev upset that she takes screen time from his super important Sixo story that everybody obviously cares about.
Why is she so thirsty?
lmao hes an autist https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102326561
Does anyone have the Drake shlicking gif?
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How far am I from breaking down the wall?
The mini game collab has zero connection to the regular summer event story. They're entirely separate things and you can just skip the mini game if you don't like it
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based. Thanks for taking care of the fledglings
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Sure thing
She's the leader, bro...
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She can't be a Nikke because uhhhhh she can't OK!?!?
is Laplace a good toon?
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>skip the regular story because its tetraslop
>skip the main event because its a mini game
Summer 2 better be fucking good.
She must really be trying to upstage D
She's our childhood friend. She can't be a nikke when we need to impregnate her.
ZZZ won btw
congrats on being Zcensored
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True. Sleep best.
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Never forget what they took from us
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I want to cum in Mast's wetsuit and make her go diving in it.
She has to wear near nothing to actually compete with D lol. Butterface rosanna
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nice thread nikkers
Ugly tattooed whore
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>Nihilister Skills
>Skill 2: Megiddo Flame

>Although Megiddo has been extensively chronicled in extra-biblical sources, it is only mentioned 12 times in the OT1 and once, indirectly, as Armageddon, in the NT (Rv 16:16). Most Christians know that the book of Revelation prophesies an end-times battle that will be fought at a place called Armageddon (Rv 16:16), and many know that “Armageddon” is, in fact, a corruption of the Greek word Ἁρμαγεδών (Harmagedon), or “the hill of Megiddo.” A 35-acre (14-hectare) mound, 200 ft (60 m) high, in northwest Israel called Tell el-Mutesellim is believed to be the site of Megiddo
Maybe one day. She's that character that should be saved to avoid EoS.
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Dave is Jewish.
tits too big but you're forgiven thanks to the puffy nipples
kino art
No wonder helm sucks his dick, lel.
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The absolute best, thanks for noticing
Heretics are super cool and stylish
study the game so you can be #1 in the union ranking
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Can't wait for the seethe from tetradev when D still beats her in the popularity poll.
It took few attempts from the whole GS, the most powerful Nikke fighting unit in the World
How is that jobbing?
Holds the Ark hostage for ages, despite getting wrecked by single Pilgrim still manages to corrupt Modernia.
After dragon lunch KOs half the GS squad before succumbing to power of flat chest with a cable attached.
1 vs 1 the whole Eden despite being single unit.
About the only one that really fits in here.
Dumb, shitty at melee combat, got clowned on by Crown twice and then blown up by her own super weapon.
>Joberalio (pending)
Don't do this (pending) shit when everyone was shitting their pants when she appeared.
Nikkes should get bigger breasts when equipped with their treasure.
I want to use Frimmers as dakimakura
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>A 35-acre (14-hectare) mound, 200 ft (60 m) high
oh i get it its a reference to her booba
>roseanna is just shiori with red eyes
Asians love their biblical references, Megiddo Flame is also referenced in FinalFantasy and Space Battleship Yamato
post artist
Who? Isn't she just that Disney villain that kills dogs?
Warm. Comfortable.
>It took few attempts from the whole GS
Without Liliweiss and RH the "whole" GS was at 5% of their strength.
Then RH comes in an just utterly slaps Analchiro's shit. Analchiro procees to go to schleep for 200 years.
Jobbed to Counters, twice if I'm not mistaken Jobs to Rapi going RH mode with a single kick
Jobs to fucking KILO doing a single punch, DESPITE powering up after eating Nihilister
Again, jobs to counters, starts crying and shidding her pants at the mere suggestion of SKK using his magic blood bullet.
Gets pathetically nommed up by her "allies" without resistance
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consider this:
>s.sakura has paved the way for nihilister's treasure
What do you mean? We're getting absolute later this summer
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Megiddo is also referenced a lot in SMT through skills.
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Peppa Pig
If you constantly coomed unprotected inside a Nikke but they never got pregnant, would that be enough to cause a mind switch?
some whore
absolutely would
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>Dave meeting YOON
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easily would
they put JP commanders in the game as well?
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Just... Why?
>Running the shitter summer banner first and delaying the actual good one till the end of July
Chang, fire up the billboard truck. We are going to Shiftup HQ
would x10000
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Wider angle
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Disgusting creature.
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Plap then feed mcdonalds/10
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>Wider angle
but yoon is indian...
She'll get a heart attack at 24
Already have ssr rapi, lilith and the queen for that. They should be working on coming up with more walking corruption/correction fetishes or else they will have nothing hype to release in the meantime
>jobs to walking nuke that can trash 2 heretics at once without breaking a sweat while being weaker than a heretic
'Jobbing' is supposed to be a disgraceful defeat of a powerful enemy, not when OP friendly unit, magnitudes stronger, defeats someone who might as well be a mob compared to her.
That nameless Lord or Tyrant class from Dorozone killed by Pinne was jobbing.
>a bloo bloo *jobber apologist nonsense*
You're waifu is a jobber and she'll job again when she's released proper :)
Heretic dorothy when
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But Pinne is a goddess, it's only natural a low class rapture like that one gets obliterated by her
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Chatterbox isn't my waifu, though she is pretty attractive with the new chic heretic markings and all that.
Just annoyed that fags can't tell difference between losing and jobbing.
I want Guilty's English VA to do an asmr role play so bad, bros...
I want Guilty's JP VA to do an asmr role play so bad, bros...
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>English VA
I want Red Hood's english VA to do to ASMR role play so bad bros....
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I want Red Hood's JP VA to suck on my testicles so bad bros...
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"jobbing" has lost its original connotation and is overused these days
there's a disconnect between the writers determining that someone should lose, and the character not intentionally trying to lose
as opposed to irl jobbers where there's a mutual agreement that they're setting themselves up to lose
Harran sucks (fact)
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Ingrids EN chain smoking hag voice does things to me
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For me, it's Golden Sun's Sol Blade
What about KR VAs
Im calling bullshit on that anon claiming they do mutiple takes for each line. There is no way some english VA say PROTAGONIST out loud and dont get corrected on the second try
Nobody has ever used jobbing correctly since this general was created. Just accept retards will use jobbing as a synonym for losing and you will be happier.
You are right though.
Harran sucks (my dick)
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Most IF not all EN VA are against the idea of asmr
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She's Ashley from ME
>source: my ass
Don't give a fuck, faggot. Her voice is perfect for it.
I'm an EN dubtard and I admit ingrids voice was super rough in the beginning
It got better when she stopped screaming out all her lines for some reason and now it's pretty dommy mommy material
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Mama mia!
This, but with all Harran posters bc they're gay
seems more like an opinion
I can see the Anis VA doing one. Not that explicit but like Anis saying that you can rest now and you're doing very well as a commander
my dick.
Futacock bulge module when
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Last year's summer
>2 events
>4 alts
>6 bikini skins
>covers a nice variety of Nikke from different manufacturers

This year's summer
>1 event and 1 advert for another tencent game
>2 alts that are both tetraslop that have already appeared multiple times in events
>2 bikini skins and 2 skins that are an advert for tencent's other game

Why did they put so little effort into this year?
>He doesnt know
I think they're the best of the bunch.
ASMR is the most basic bitch egirl thing to do, what are you talking about?
Nobody tell him
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I want any of the Rapi's VAs to do encounter ASMR so bad.
It's pretty shocking when you actually see the numbers. There better damn well be a summer part 2.
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PROTAGONIST sounds so weird because they likely recorded it standalone and intended to insert it when needed, which would mean mismatching the flow of default dialogue
but they probably removed all other instances of its use and forgot that one
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Plapping that!
But I did not consent
Yea and ENG VAs think they shit gold and it is beneath them
Enikk and Einkk sister
Id dont think so because ingrid (the one VA it happens to) also fucks up and makes weird silences sometimes instead of using "him" as she does most of the time. I think the VA just rushed it and fucked up because she didnt care
Go back. This cosplayer didn't get the crotch area right for Vesti.
Absolute summer has already been confirmed
It's a fact, cope
Pride month is over, faggot
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Rapi looks like her body smells good but her mouth fucking reeks and she takes the biggest fattest shits ever. So basically madison ivy
So this is what ORLEEN calls “work”
I think you like just imagining stuff to get angry about.
bro... take a break from porn
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Now that's a cute Soline cosplayer. We need more of them.
She brushes her teeth once a month, the bare minimum to avoid a mind switch
Leaks confirmed that first asmr is crow. Situation is she has you tied up in a back alley with a blindfold on.

You like?
>dubtards and fat fucks
Big yikes.
Would you rather fuck red hood or be futa red hood?
I hate pinners, go back to dorozone
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Cheer up faggot
Isn't that the same thing?
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I like this.
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seapags in full force rn
If you were a cute girl with lots of free time and money, which nikke character would you cosplay as?
I think a Snow White cosplay would be pretty cool.
Only if Viper shows up and rapes me. And Jackal appears later to lick me clean.
I want to impregnate Rosanna.
Anis on the other hand is the one that looks like she has poor hygiene and her pussy has a strong pee odor but her kisses are sweet

Neon is probably the cleanest
I'm not gay so hard question. Liliweiss I guess? She's cool
snow white
with pet rats
Neon would be a little too clean
>neondev is a seapag
no surprise there
Neon smells like spent gunpowder but true
SW, Doro, Scarlet, the drunk not the edgemaster
Nope. On crows asmr. You are blind and it sounds like she is prepping torture equipment to use on you.
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Hmmmm yes!
>cosplaying as the character that hides all features except maybe thighs
if you keep the mask down then snow white is actually the best nikke for dudes to cosplay
Well that's not fun. I do not rike.
Releasing sakura first instead of rosanna is the biggest dissapointment of this summer event shit so far
I want to clean anis dirty pussy with my tongue!
I'm sure I could pull off a decent Soldier EG
Releasing the attractive one first is bad
>question about girls cosplaying
>mind immediately wanders to males
Is there something you want to tell this general anon?
Go ahead, we won't judge too hard
Releasing sakura and rosanna is the biggest dissapointment of this summer event shit so far
Sakura is actually pretty
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Honestly, the full cute run so Kilo, Soline, Admi, Alice (both formas), Miranda, Poli, Neon, Liter, and etc. Hot is hot and all but cute stays cute forever.
Same here. I cant help myself from poolling for another week
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>oh no I have to wait 7 days to roll for this instead of NOW
zoom zoom
Modernia has become addicted to my nipple fucks...
Admi. I would also make an onlyfans and do the most degenerate and nasty porn you can imagine.
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She is!?
Chatterbox, you fiend!
Such as?
full meme
Holy sex!
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Sooo will Sakura be good and usable? Or is it over? Numbers are hard.
You had me at Crow
Very. Until you have at least 2 MLB don't even consider yourself to be approaching the wall.
if a girl wants to be cute then she wouldn't pick the cool option
the cool option speaks to a guy's mindset, which we are, or to a girl who wants to be cool, but the latter contradicts the original question
in fact it just reminded me of guys cosplaying touhou characters which isn't that uncommon, but guys cosplaying any other nikke would not be similarly tolerated
I want Sakura and Rapi to watch
Any unions like this but for Global?
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Hmmmm that tummy...
numbers look decent enough if you can break parts regularly
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>If you were a cute girl with lots of free time and money
I would not cosplay at all, I would spend my free time playing vidya and spending a lot on gacha games.
you'd be sucking dicks 24/7
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My wife D
Your wife dresses like a whore.
>modernia will never stroke my beard and kiss me
>she will never tell me everything will be ok
Suicide time
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Why yes, I pretend to like my killer wife but actually, all i care about is my Counter wives how could you tell?
Well, she's dead, mind wiped, so you'll have to settle for grown up Babu
I want a different type of alts. Manufacturers exchanging blueprints. Same models but different personalities. Tetra Rapi is an energetic gyaru, Missilis is hero Rapi.
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Judging by lack of enthusiasm in the thread it's nothing special then. Too bad that non-pilgrims can't be good damage dealers.
Isnt it full?
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I swear every time this image is posted her ass gets fatter.
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I want to touch Nihilister
>Rosanna spends the D event shitting on D
>Rosanna not popular as my wife hit 6th place
I preferred D with small tits.
I prefer all my Nikkes as kids
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Double D?
I think it still has a few spots
i prefer all my nikkes with kids
>tfw ran out of ultra boost modules
There isn't any downside to using extra equipment for upgrading is there? I got a few custom modules and gear I can level up for overloading.
Usable yes, busted probably not
Maybe I'm retarded but the partbreak part of her kit still seems pretty minor. Her DoT doesn't rely on that much and should do good damage to bosses since it stacks.
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What are some nikkes that got breast implants in their alts compared to their base forms
>Manufacturers exchanging blueprints.
Personality is the brain, not the godesium shell part.
According to really vague tech description about how the bodies gain their form, there shouldn't be much difference in results even if different manufacturer used the same brain so Missilis Rapi won't become half Laplop just because she's made by Syuen.
Just don't trash manufacturer T9 gear
Privaty and D
I shower once every 3 days and always get rocks.
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Read the lore bwo
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Nah, I'd win.
Tits too small.
Ruined. Syuen is perfect the way she is.
You can feed t8s and normal T9 if you already equipped your girls. Just keep the t9m.
her tits aren't even that big in game...
Everyone likes summer anis so much because she is meta and has massive tits but everyone just so conveniently ignores that fact that her shooting pose is dreadful and shows no ass which in my opinion is way worse than using a shotgun or having a shit kit
imagine her grip
Sent a request, they better accept this time!
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You know guys I like that nikkes have their own lives and talk to other nikkes. I went to snowg and man are those guys fucking 12 years old mentally. They think women having a relationship means yuri and ntr. Enough to want to stab somebody. Total mental illness. We aren't so bad. Peace.
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she is meta
that's all that matters
She has cottage cheese ass
stop making shit up retard.
keep making shit up retard.
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They are SSRs so they're unique. A trio with a copy would be either fun or awkward as fuck
changs literally had several mental breakdowns over two characters having 5 lines with each other and everyone agreed there. To the point where they applauded every girl changing their personality to sucking the mc off every 2 seconds as based.
>forsaken by 'owl
nikg is unreadable now good fucking lord
>More Tetra slop and the FUCKING CROW
Bros, my account is bricked...
blessed account
you have no idea what you are talking about
you don't scare away 80% of your core audience just by having "5 lines"
>To the point where they applauded every girl changing their personality to sucking the mc off every 2 seconds as based.
Guess we should point our local 'pandering' enthusiast their way because it sounds like xir's ideal game.
forgot how to read? happens to the best of us
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It would be extremely kino. Imagine 3 Isabels locked in a room with skk.
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>nikg is unreadable now good fucking lord
>core audience
>10 changs threatening to stab people over it
mental illness
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He's shitposting on arca all day long
Elaborate on the things that led into the outrage
Probably really good for pvp
>Bros, my account is bricked...
Use her the way I do.
Pick her as solo unit for stage you're stuck on, watch her die again and again and again.
Almost as satisfying as replying Rapi's kick breaking Syuen's ribs part.
2 girls knew each other before
changs cried yuri
sent death threats over it
following month every single male (that wasnt even an npc but a "card") got deleted since every time they saw anything other the mc they pictured something fucking their "wives"

snowg applauded this

snowg is a different kind of breed, it makes us look sane
Wait I came back just to see our girls get taken away by a bunch of dudes in a shitty collab? What the fuck happened to this game?
It's all in your porn muddled NTR ridden brain and only there.
you are chinese arent you?
long boobs...

If I can spark only one swimsuit nikker which one and why is it Anis?
SU is chasing the Tencent bucks
based chinks
My wife Rapi, my daughters Neon and Marian and our dog Anus.
she's lovely and meta
what more do you want?
also her ass doesn't smell in her summer alt form
Pull anis because she is meta but there may be other good ones released alongside her. You are better off pulling for the ones you find hot tho, you will have way more fun
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I like that our girls have their own personality. Thank GOD SU isn't a chinese company.
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We need a family cat.
enjoys a good rat meal
vanishes from home for long periods of time to hunt but always comes back
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cats are for trannies and women
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The camel pilgrim looks boring as shit
>t. white girl with 10 dogs
If they release this game in China it would shut down in a month
>mention cats
>first thing he thinks about is white women and dogs
pags and their fantasies
nta but what are you talking about?
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Thanks God.
I still need to finish building Alice, Doro, SW, D:Wife, L:WO and both versions of boxers sniffer
Being a latefag is suffering.
Getting 1 copy for the Pokedex and being done with the nikker is a blessing.
It is
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sexo con babu...
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Sounds fun, applied.
>shits on the superior animal
Can't be anything else, sorry you're offended by it.
I like it. But she'll probably get some tweaks done to her design before she shows up again.
We are getting summer mary and neon banners alongside rosanna and sakura. Then summer anis and summer helm are getting their own banners after rosanna and sakura end which means we are getting summer 2 to run alongside those
All pets are shit lmao you tool they own you.
What the fuck were they thinking? 6k gray energy isn't even enough to buy another mold.
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It's exactly half price of the mold.
We don't talk about this part when we sing praises to Nikke generousness.
its dna anon

my CUM
im not going schizo right? shit up is intentionally copying sexy vtuber designs with summer skins to boost engagement

old mast -> ironmouse
new mast -> marine
SHelm -> suisei
SRosanna -> shiori
biscuit -> korone
Tetra dev don't look
Any of these guys from /nikg/? If yes please respond with your player id since I can't search your name.
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sAnus is the best electric dps so that one, she's pvp, solo raid and union raid (if electric weak) meta. You'd probably still prefer scarlet in a electric weak story stage. sHelm is a cooldown reduction b2 so she's decent, had good use in the last iron weak raid. sMary is a niche healer, she's ok for newbies-midgame 5th team if you care at all about your garbage team in solo raid. sNeon is a weak water dps in a weak element at least when non overloaded, some anon claimed sneedon was decent for him but god knows what overloads he has.

I won't argue sexo reasons, but I'd say it's something like.
sAnus must pull
sHelm if you have spare pulls and you dont want the other girls
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Will she appear during the the prison break?
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>my first SSR (after 6 re-rolls)
>my first core 7
Grany kawaiiii!!!
god I want to fuck shiori...
I hope so. Her VA is like 80. Not joking I hope she can voice her before she croaks god her voice is so hot.
Yeah dats me
Hi guys how do I get lots of gems every week for free?
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Who's her VA?
Which one you retard
It was from a time when we were desperate for Pilgrims, but she was kinda boring looking even then.
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So what do you faggots think of S.Sakura's kit? No trolling, no "lol skip not stronger than rh" bullshit. She seems fine by herself, new type of damage is stupid but if there's gonna be an unit that buffs it then Nihilister might be "usable" finally, is Rosanna's kit gonna be the cookie cutter "buff sus dmg if parts destroyed"? or will she have stacking buffs so Guilty finally has a good use? Full wind comp with Pepper+Dolla+D?

Honestly I just want Guilty's niche to be fulfilled already. They should've given Epinel the treasure not that dumb whore baipah.
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while cute I don't think she can get off her neet ass to cook something
Back your containment board
Atsuko Tanaka
you hafta be a bit more pacific
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kare shirt
Didnt she die and get turned into a nikke?
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>RIKKERZ is already basically full

There you go lil faget newcute, you just had to wait until UR ended. Have fun next UR and see you in Coop lobbies.
I love hags.
just applied name starts with M
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likely not, but she did make a custom boom gamepad just for elegg, so she may get motivated enough sometimes
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We're getting more applicants any of these from /nikg/? Please reply with your player id.
viper and babu only
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>Saw the Rikkerz recruit post
>Didn't read it was Pantsuuu2

fuck me, whatever, not deleting it out of embarrassment like a bitch.
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she can be fixed, there's still hope for her but with that ass she's fine as-is
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It's been eons since I've last had two challenges completed at the same time...
Godess plapunzel and SB scarlett were made with ai
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excited for her treasure
should i be hoarding my resource boxes or just opening them as needed to upgrade my nikkes
It's novel heh at least, and makes it so that piercers aren't the be-all end-all for bosses with parts. The numbers seem solid enough and it looks like it's at least a cohesive kit, which gives me some optimism for S.Rosanna.
Those fucking hooves kill it otherwise would.
I love Nikkes
I love AI
I love Robots
fuck humans
Yeah, it's obvious they were made with love but you have to speak English in here weeb-kun.
>Fuck humans

Yes! The Nikkes do fuck humans!
>Didnt she die
>get turned into a nikke?
Open only exactly as many as you need to get past a campaign stage that's giving you trouble as boxes scale with campaign progress. Once you're in the endgame you can be a bit more liberal with your boxes, though most people revert to hoard mode when a campaign update is imminent.
I mean she was about to die and nikkes ARE dead humans turned into fuck nuggets.
Other than the blue hair how is SHelm Suisei? If she really was suisei she'd be flat as a washboard
I remember her talking about not having much time left etc and getting turned into a nikke when she passed
Some stupid faggot nikkers here think hair color = design ripoff so just ignore them.

The only blatant vtuber expy in Nikke is Mast = Marine. Biscuit Korone is massive cope.
Yo quiero sexo con Modernia y taco bell!
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it's ok I have more than 2 shirts
>dude muh mast marine
Genuinely kill yourself
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im going by face structure
yeah rosanna is a stretch but she has yellow eyes
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Guilty vs Liliweiss
surely salt ramen is not a real thing
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Camel pilgrim?
both me, trust
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rosanna looks like her minus the yellow eyes dont let these corporate dicksuckers tell you other wise

the others outside of mast not so much doe fag
cope and seethe tranny
I want to have anis mommy me by rubbing her asshole on my mouth
>Lv. 470
Bruh, I'm a week 2 player at Lv. 417 and 1788/1800. What are you on because give me some.
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You missed 'em?
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>decide to push hardmode
>get to a defense battle stage
>immediately lose the will to push hardmode for the day because defense battles put me to sleep
Every time
I'm a day one player. You...newcute.
You must have had a weird mom
i have special eyes, those are all the designs they are aping, its especially apparent on S. Helm because its nothing like the original face
it's just a normal non-fancy ramen without any exotic ingredients
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yay sensei's shirt!
Also I want to suckle milk from her while on missions if I need to eat. Anis that is.
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we put salt in your instant ramen so you can salt while you salt
I did an autistic impulse 10 roll because I had 790 gold tickets and wanted 10 more. Got Clay out of it, lol.
meat and vegetables shouldn't be considered exotic ingredients
Salt (shio), along with onions sauce and miso, are the 3 usual main seasonings for the broth for Japanese ramen. It's not just water and salt.
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welcome to rewind team
>mihoyo trademarks another IP
guys... we'll never make it back into the top 5...
which Nikke is the slam pig?
there's chicken meat and vegetables
She is 100% getting redesigned
damn she look that hot?
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mary love
2024 nikkes have
>Bigger tits
>next to no ass
I guess im not taking 2b and volume out of my campaign squad anytime soon
we were "never" in the top 5 with CN revenue projections
don't they just keep cannibalizing their own playerbase and transient gachahoppers
They are moving away from the jiggling ass gimmick and turning the game into the most generic safe gacha possible
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also peppa
im writing on her diary that im her dad
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nikke gets #1 spot once the entire gacha changes its system so nikke won't get it again
meanwhile boob men are feasting.
You expect room temperature IQ gooks to realise that before the damage is already done?
schizo thread
Mihoyo is chink
every thread
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>will be able to quietly enjoy summer event while shitposters will be busy with shiny new gacha
thank you mhv
All the same to me
Would snow white willingly drink a mug full of cum?
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gokkun calories yeah
Robots don't have dna though
The only gacha i play is nikke because massive tits and ass and pseudo pornographic content. I dont get how anyone could enjoy one of these with even a tad less coombait let alone pulling at getting a fucking male out of it
i saw that webm too
why do girls do this
don't you know that anne is into that?
good luck she is going to suck your soul dry
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sure she would
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literally her peak female fantasy
>Semen is a complex substance created by the male reproductive organs.
>The fluid is made mostly of water, plasma, and mucus (a lubricating substance).
>It also contains 5 to 25 calories, and is made up of small amounts of essential nutrients, including:
>Calciu, Citrate, Fructose, Glucose, Lactic acid, Magnesium, Potassium, Protein, Zinc
Nikkers aren't robots, they are cyborgs with human brain.
The difference isn't subtle even if lazy fags around here keep calling them robots.
If they were proper robots there would be at least dozen of them with OPPAI MISSILES.
>Newcutie with small roster
>Want to hold most of pulls for Summer Anis at the end of the month
>Solo raid is on the 11th and I need the dolls
Send help
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I have a theory loli summer 2 with Mica and Belorta
bitch eats sawdust and worms, she'd drink a gallon of it
negro they are JUST a brain on a 99.999999999999999999999% artificial body
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It'd have to be Belorta and someone else since Mica already got an alt for Christmas. Like the Admi.
>Belorta presenting Mica to SKK
oh, I need this
if anything, you can wait until you see how far you can get this time and reevaluate your roster then
>previous summer 2 units confirmed for end of july
Does that mean Summer 2 is confirmed? Is the Jackal and Moran thing real?
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kill your family and blame it on the dog!
They tried giving them oppai missiles, but they kept getting mind switched from it.
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>JUST a brain
Yeah, that part that makes humans humans.
No matter how much chrome you put on.
While there's still human brain, it's cyborg, not robot.
Also I really hope your brain isn't so tiny it makes only 0.0000000000000000000001% of your body, their's surely isn't.
jackal is unlikely since she's all over promo materials for summer 1 but still in her default outfit
we'll probably get actual hints during summer 1, which surely will comment on what moran is up to while sakura and rosanna are here
>snow white in an ark stripclub gulping down a bucket of cum while the male patrons are chanting "chug chug chug chug"
>jackal is unlikely since she's all over promo materials for summer 1 but still in her default outfit
They're gonna have an excuse why she isn't in her swimsuit now like Anis was last time.
Nah a human is an entire body. Without it you are nothing but a fucking FREAK.
The fuck do you mean JUST, the brain is the most important part
I love Maiden.
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*gets brain effectively destroyed*
*goes from human to slightly angrier human*
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impressive accuracy
>there are nikke FREAKS in here saying a brain is what makes a human and not the body
What is this trans cope? YOU WILL NEVER BE A HUMAN AGAIN
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Stealing this
>that webm
You say that like there isn't a ton of webms of people drinking cum
I'm a ryona enjoyer so Bay is suited for me.
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>laughs in cyborg, then shoots your brains out and empties your bank account through the internet before your body hits the ground
sorry but useless 100% natural meatbags will never be a match for the fusion of nature and technology
>*gets PART OF THE brain effectively destroyed*
Let's not be disingenuous here, shall we?
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So is this shit https://timee.io/4ka even right? Maintenance is gonna hit tomorrow 5 hours before reset?
>laughs in cyborg
>puts virus into xer cpu
GitS collab when?
Yes, it's the usual big event maint time slot.
If you're in my arena shard, maintenance is at the normal reset time.
Nikkes are people too and I'm tired of pretending they're not
please try to keep up nikker
The event starts July 4th in Japan.
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leaked nihilister treasure
that would be hilarious.
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are we going to have 'body or soul' discussion?
>dies from a magnet
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my sides
actually Ingrid has a canon line about souls but i don't remember exactly where, saying if it does exist then it's not affected by nimph or nikkefication something
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soul is all that matters
not sure if retarded or just pretending
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supreme taste
whos the one larping as a bot
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I just wanted to tell you guys that I am taking a dump.
That is all.
Being alone can make someone thirsty
uhhh, how time consuming would that be? I've never played that game
hello guys I made 10 nikkes and babu suck dick today and I made dorothy into a spitroast slut

I love AI
It was something about Marian remembering SKK despite the full neural wipe iirc
Somehow less shit while posting than shitposters
I require the toots
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no idea, not sure where you hallucinated that from
probably the same place that made you suggest that cyborg has CPU instead of human brain few posts ago
again, try to keep up nikker
What IS Papillion up to? I like to think she's gotta watch cheesy musicals with Doro up in Eden.
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>babu gets the shirt
>Nihilister gets the camo tent
>she ends up with a camo pattern skin, a new robotic arm and an eyepatch
It's happening
The mission was traveling to the surface and showing her in person
I really like this face
sure beats bitching about Tetra or collab
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>not sure where you hallucinated that from
>>laughs in cyborg
You DO know that any Emma alt will just look like a Tia face do you?

Emma's original face (like pepper) is a beta release face and no longer used for new art
My wife and her two jewish friends.
If I knew then why did you explain it to me like I didnt
And that's a good thing
Rupee is indian, dolla is american (jew) and yan is chinese wdym 2 jewish friends?
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Which means that it would be instantly ruined
Nikke like this when
SSR Belorta
I will be posting a screenshot of my triple ssr 10 puller including two Rosannas next week. Hope you guys look forward to the utter seethe it will cause you when you get jack shit out of your own pull
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ok you can have my shirt just give me more skill mats
CEO would probably be in charge of that, he seems to be the guy taking in all the abandoned Hyullafaces considering he redrew Rapi and did Pepper's swimsuit outfit last summer.
Belorta will need a huge boob spurt
>whats the level cutline
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jkbro don't open
is this a question?
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Milk is ugly
>actually selling sugar coffee
>this is supposedly the strongest Tetra squad
I call bullshit
>milk jobs to humans
>sugar jobs to MORANS
>frima zzz
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Us Westerns will never get to experience Frima's coffee...
What happens if I order black coffee without any white stuff in it?
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Turns out a lot of the solid matter of the brain is effectively filler.
There was that french guy who was missing like 80% of his brain due to some freak condition who was borderline retarded but still functional (had a family, a job, etc). Where the inner part of his brain would be was basically all fluid and he only had the outer layer still.
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you can just buy a bag of the stuff off amazon and make it yourself
lmao way to out yourself
vegetable cream...
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remind me of this
That has to cause cancer.
A man with most of his brain missing having a family and a job really puts into perspective how the average guy is bad at life
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how nice of egg to teach trony to eat something other than instant noodles
Or how bad society has become.
thanks oji-san

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