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Double marriage edition

Anniversary livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=dDDjHmcb94I
Livestream summary: https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream

Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZA25KugkK0(CN) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ(EN)
Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt0_2tNI45o

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

Version 1.8 "Realm of Illusion"

>Snowbreak 1.8 Overview & News

>New Banner Type Details

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Special Chapter "Realm of Illusion" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] Dawn Restored - Battlefronts/Encampments mode
[Jun. 24 - Jul. 8] Hero Games - Co-Op Gameplay

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Shadows of Indigo] Katya - Blue Bolt
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Seastar in Solitude] 5* Crossbow: Neptune Nova

>New Outfits Available
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Private Secretary] Katya - Blue Bolt
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Feline Grace] Mauxir - Shadow Ka

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

>Recent FAQs
>Does the new [SP] aka '100% Guarantee' banner pity carry over to the future?
Yes, both the pity count and the 5* random box count will carry over to future SP-type banners.
ST-type (50/50) banner pity will continue to carry over to future ST-type banners, respectively.

Previous: >>484302842
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So, how often are the marriage patches gonna be?
I don't want to marry Cherno in 2027...
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Will rolls in the anniversary banner carry over into other banners for pity? I have enough to guarantee Katya and Lyfe alter right now but I only have a few left after, so I'm wondering if it would be wise to just save them or see if I can luckshit my way through that banner anyway
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it will be fine. Cherno wedding in 2028
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it won't take that long surely..?
Do you mean the choice banner? I don't think it'll carry over since it's separate from the regular banners
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guys really live in apartments like this and don’t see any issue
>comfy sofa
Yeah, that's literally me.
literally me
Fucking hell. Now I'm really torn. Who would be a good pick out of all the units in that banner then if I have none of them? I know Mauxir and I think 5Acacia is suppose to be really strong, but would Katya just be the safest pick out of all of them anyway?
Do gatchas even live longer nowadays?
Bwos I need advice, I started playing in the cherno patch, so I have cherno , frita, lyfe, enya and fenny 5 stars.

I have 25.000 digicash saved for the anniversary and I aim for Acacia and Mauxir... Will all the operatives coming back that were shown in the livestream be in the selection banner? because if so, it may be worth to try the 50/50 even if I dont get these specific ones just to fill my ranks. But if the banner doesnt have them all then I guess the 100% is better
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I'm a Day1 seasoned werewolf.
Do you have 1-2 good dps characters? If so, using the selector banner for mauxir or acacia would be good for you.
Original gacha can live really long unless they fumbled their launch
Anime/Manga based gacha will eos as soon as they dip
Granblue released in 2014 and FGO in 2015.
This one will.
You can't really go wrong with Katya, she's good everywhere. Mauxir is great for ballistic DPSes (Katya, 5Fenny, 5Yao, 5Chen), Acacia is also a good universal support. There's also Eatchel, she isn't exactly meta, but she's peak comfy, at M1 she passively heals your character by just having her in the team.
But honestly you should just pick with your dick, Snowbreak is piss easy, 4* Fenny can easily solo this game's equivalent of Spiral Abyss.
If you're making over a million you're pretty much set for lasting long term. Especially for a relatively small scale game like this. Probably doesn't cost much to make.
>4* Fenny can easily solo this game's equivalent of Spiral Abyss
What even is this game's "difficult" end game equivelent? I've been playing a week or 2 and nothing really jumps out as the big end game mode.
The difficulty 5 bosses in Neural can really pack a punch but once you have good units it all comes down to killing them as fast as possible.
>you're room
you OK reatard? I am wood
>saw some /snowg/ webm posted from my general
tourist here from some other general, is it too late if I try playing it today? Is there a reroll requirement for a specific character? Also how generous is the game? I'm not sure if I'll be able to top up huge amount of money consistently in this game if I were to play it since I'm already playing more than three but I'm interested in playing this. thanks
There's the Underground, which is basically just a copy past of Genshin's abyss. It resets every two weeks and gives a nice chunk of digicash. You can choose the difficulty, so early on you can do it on easy and still get all the digicash, but even on hard it's really easy.
But the true endgame is the Neural Sim, which are boss fights where you have to kill the boss as fast as possible to compete in a leaderboard. Leaderboard rewards are just bragging rights however.
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Nice. I managed to get the cash.
>no pity/spark
>can only hoard a maximum of 50 gacha tickets
>ticket can expire after 3 months
>only added Monthly pass some months ago
>6 years and no sign of EoS
Yeah as long as the game don't do massive blunder...or being an anime tie in.
>how generous is the game?
There are 4 codes from the Anniversary in the OP, you really should start playing today to both get prepared for the Anniversary next patch and to get all its freebies.
I don't recommend rerolling.
ONLY roll on the 100% banner.
Next patch you will also get a character for free.
best time to start is now.
rerolling is for poorfags and retards. just buy an account.
you get 50+ pulls a patch, probably way more during anni and 20 more if you get the 5 dollar monthly pass.
>lying about easily disprovable facts
Do better, retarded bootlicking cunt.
These skin bundles cost 30 dollar.
whattaboutism is not a valid argument. Not to mention those "60 dollar skins" come with a bunch of gacha pulls and limited resources.
It seems like you really want to marry Nita, since you are complaining about the price of interactive marriage skins of all things.
Unironically this is a serious question to ask. They can’t have marriage skins every patch of else people will suffer fatigue. But doing it only once a year means it will be years before most of the girls get married
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Shit thanks, I thought this is another one of those rerolling hell.
>just buy an account
never have never will, sadly. I'd rather build my account from the scratch.
Also last question before I fuck off to download it, is there any low rarity characters that I should look out or invest into? or will anyone do and just let my dick pick what is meta?
I have literally zero good weapon options for Lyfe(the current 5* not the new one). Should I just equip teh 3* frost damage one on her?
>is there any low rarity characters that I should look out or invest into?
4* Fenny will carry you early game and mid game. 4* Yao and 4* Chen are healers. The rest can easily be ignored. But
>or will anyone do and just let my dick pick what is meta?
Is also true, the game is not difficult at all.
Yeah, that's what anons recommend. I upgraded Homecoming for her and it's kinda trash.
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I can't spend a single pull.
I can't spend a single pull until I get Agave and Tau.
I am suffering.
Life is suffering.
>Should I just equip teh 3* frost dam-
Yes, flat +25% frost damage, at least until you got her signature weapon.
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You are hanging around with your snobble wife when pic related slaps your ass and says you have a nice cock.
What do?
>come with a bunch of gacha pulls and limited resources
Which is unnecessary padding and pretty much useless. Nta and I don't play Nikke but unless they also sell the costume without all the extras then it is a 60 dollar costume.
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Slap her ass back.
cuck her while she watches
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I want to plap her so fucking hard it's unreal...
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>never have never will
Based. You really don't need to buy an account for this game.
You can clear everything easily just with 4Fenny you get from the start, this is not a seething game. Just follow your dick, and your heart!
Grab her by the pussy
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>Is also true, the game is not difficult at all.
uh huh, noted. thanks a lot.
Why is Wyfe like this?
The story mode is unironically pretty fun
You will lose that experience if you buy an account
>No.21 I fucking knew it
>y-you too
Bundles include interactive scenes. Both skins and scenes can be sold separately, but the bundle is cheaper if you plan on getting both. I can't remember if 10-15 is accurate like the anon said, but in a bundle I would prefer to have 100% original content that doesn't have its value inflated with rolls and currency.
>how generous is the game?
Very generous. There's even anon who have all the characters+most of the limited weapons while being f2p(true). Of course that need massive luck but now that they added 100% banner it's possible if you only roll for character. The game also give *4 cope gun so it's not really necessary to roll for weapon, except for Eatchel. If you buy the Monthly pass you're guaranteed to roll at least 1 *5 character every patch.
I hope they really extend the gameplay loop, paradoxal labyrinth is kinda dogshit right now, but with the update coming perhaps we'll get closer to have a good content loop to play
Perhaps a boss rush, some sort of wave mod that isn't 'defend the objective' but more like 'survive for as long as you can' would be good to see
they teased some sort of helldivers/l4d looking horde mode in the stream
That's good. I'm struggling to find characters to use. What is her signature anyway? Is it on the standard banner? Would that be better than going for 5Fenny's weapon?
>First Descendant releases today
>Warframe’s new lore is that warframes can get pregnant
Snowbreak needs to go beyond just canon marriage to keep up with the other f2p third-person shooters. We need sex scenes now. Starting with the superior operative Fenny that is clearly the most popular girl in the game and better than Lyfe.
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Why does Mauxir need those vents in her head?
>paradoxal labyrinth is kinda dogshit right now
What makes me mad is that they had a mode that was straight up a better version and they vaulted it.
How are we doing today? Any plans for the future?
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No, they live shorter lives because they aren't PNG collectors anymore.
I can't wait for anni, so enyas FAT body jiggles while playing.
>Warframe can get pregnant
wtf going on with that game. The last time I played years ago the lore is Warframe is just an empty puppet/armor that we control from our gaming chair in our space ninja ship.
I legit can't play with 5Enya she gives me a boner everytime
My PC...
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If only it stayed that way
I basically main her in labyrinth because of her default special. For the boss I switch to either 4*Lyfe or 5*fenny.
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which characters have HQ webms of the confessions so far?
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Any tips on what to get from this shop? Are these logistics officers good on anyone?
>They can’t have marriage skins every patch
Why not?
Nobody is playing this game for plot or gameplay, the only thing that matters is the pseudo koikatsu content. Just make it every patch.
5Enya with the camel toe mod is something else
Westerners put the most degenerate shit in their games and have the gall to criticize asians..
Always get the plates, I don't think the logistics are of any use. The revision applications can be used in the endgame to reroll logistics stats.
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The end of the Second Dream wasn’t (You) controlling the Warframe remotely but your warframe independently breaking the sword to save you.
They later released a quest called The Sacrifice that exposes that Warframes are created by mutating the finest warriors, volunteers or not, with a specific strain of the Infestation. But the original generation of Warframes that were autonomous all rebelled until the Orokin learned the Tenno could control them.
So yeah, they are not puppets, it’s implied every Warframe still has a small degree of conciousness, Warframes can get pregnant. And now there is a baby Warframe out there.

By the way we are going to travel back in time to 1999 and according to the datamines we will be able to romance the Protoframes.
Grab 1 set of navigator for 4acacia(don't worry about stats), the gold plates, and then the revision applications. You mostly buy revision applications and gold plates.
Navigator maybe if you want res shred but just save the currency for when you need to reroll your logi 3rd stat.
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By that you mean 1280x720 like yours or enhanced like this?
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>Adding romance elements
Goddamn, snowbreak really is making waves, isn't it?
>They can’t have marriage skins every patch
I think the problem is that they overhyped the marriage system a bit too much for Anni.
Imagine a patch where you just put on a ring on a girl and be done with it. People would be upset with all the favouritism.
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>all the other girls are in their premium slut outfits
>marian uses her 4*
To be fair, Warframe is made by anime-addicted weebs instead. Rebecca keeps talking about Jujutsu Kaisen lately, Megan talked about Naruto at one point and they also talked about designing stuff that looks like the Dark Magician’s hat.
Warframe’s devs are just shameless. And releasing a quest involving birth right after father’s day garnered them the hate of the LGBT faction in doing so during the pride month.
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Guess that makes sense since she can't sweat...
yeah, I meant the enhanced ones
I have the Marian and Siris ones
>Will all the operatives coming back that were shown in the livestream be in the selection banner?
Yeah, all operators since 1.6 are in a joint selector banner.
Pazudora is even older, it released in fucking 2012
Technically the warframe didn't get pregnant, the chick was already pregnant when converted into a warframe and the dude who did it wanted to see if he could warframeize the fetus too. Kinda fucked up honestly.
>The end of the Second Dream wasn’t (You) controlling the Warframe remotely but your warframe independently breaking the sword to save you.
Oh, it's been years so I might remembered it wrong. I still remember the saving part tho because it's kino moment. Had to drop the game because they keep nerfing efficient farming and my Waiframe (Mesa).
thanks anon, does that mean that for an empty account like mine, the 50/50 is the best way?
Fuck no, 100% banner, always. The 100% banner also gives you a random standard 5* every 135 pulls iirc
>is there any low rarity characters that I should look out or invest into?

Here's something I wrote about 2 or so threads ago:

4* aren't that much used, since you already have two 5* selectors
But some notable ones are:
Eatchel - Great Healing, Great ATK% Buffs, lackluster personal damage
4Chen - Good Healing, Great Skill DMG buffs, Good personal damage
4Yao - Great Healing, but nothing much else
4Siris - Fantastic Shields and Shielding, Fantastic at Shield Breaking
4Acacia - Great Crowd Control debuffs, Great Mobbing personal damage
4Enya - Fantastic Fire DMG buffs, nothing much else
4Fritter - Great Buffs, but nothing much else
4Fenny - Great Main DPS damage, can even solo the game
4Cherno - Great for traversing through areas, and nothing much else
4Marian, 4Nita, 4Haru, 4Mauxir, and 4Lyfe are pretty lackluster DPS'. If you want some more variety in your gameplay, you could level them up for fun and still manage to clear stuff.

For 4* weapons, most of them will be your copeguns for F2P.
Follow https://coda.io/@flux-kairos/snowbreak-containment-zone-beginners-guide and scroll to "Character Builds", to see what weapon you should get for each specific character and build.

For 4* gear, they're just used in the meantime while you get your 5* gear.
Follow https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JxDWYbljFzm1bhlz_j8WuTkakes0LGgy9v1lm67z9jA for each specific gear set and their uses.

Hope this helps.

>or will anyone do and just let my dick pick what is meta?
So far the game's easy enough you can clear the content with 4 stars.
5 Stars will definitely speed things up, though.
And with really hard (optionally) End-game content, you need a full-ish set of 5 stars to clear comfortably.
Eatchel being lumped with 4stars will always be funny to me.
Eatchel isn't a 4* anon
Nono you aren’t misremembering. It was vague but Steve is the one that clarified later when people asked him something like “did the Warframe move alone cause I thought he was a puppet” and his reply was “yeah, Hunhow sure believed that too”. This is further reinforced that in subsequent appearances Hunhow doesn’t call Warframes “puppets” but now calls them “Metal Beasts”.
>nerfing efficient farming
Since Rebecca took over we have gotten more and more quality of life features. The only thing they hate is going AFK but aside that there isn’t much problem. For example: frames that can clone themselves like Wukong or Equinox will copy the mission’s level and with a proper weapon decimate a lot of stuff, but if you stand still for long so will the clone as balance.
Since Rebecca prides herself in killing a crapton of people and never dying, stuff like that is here to stay. Conversely, newer bosses can Dispell your powers or have a damage cap to compensate.
Not sure when you stopped but now her 4 is an exalted weapon that scales with mods which means she kills a lot of shit. Unfortunately gigantic bosses like the Orowyrm won’t be targeted by her.
wait the max operative level is 80? I though it was 100
"Revision Application" for end-game min-maxing
Account level is 100. Operative is 80.
Could also be that they proposefully did so as punishment since she wasn’t supposed to get pregnant. Fucked up either way.
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Stop calling her 4* or else...
I will if she gets a skimpy outfit as skin
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>Eatchel isn't a 4* anon
Really? I thought we were getting a 5Eatchel soon, which was a DPS?....
yeah, it'll be her titan form surely...
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Are these good logistics for Siris Ksana?
>that wall of text just for my question
wow thanks, appreciate it. I bookmarked the links you posted for future build reference
Should i bother buying a account with a meta character? idk if there are any super impactful ones
middle one is shit
Ok-ish but I'd try to gamble on getting upgrades before the end of the event if you like Siris and are going to play her a lot.
Looks good enough for most content. I wouldn't min-max them for the 3rd stat since you could obviously get better pieces. You should want HP% first, then ATK% second.
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What if later down the line you get to impregnate the girls and it's canon so they actually have kids and the kids will be around the dorm and referenced in the story?
Everytime I read Kasana I think of Sakana, becauyse she's a fish get it haha
Would be kino
They'll need years to mature. Maybe for a time skip, or even a sequel?
> You should want HP% first, then ATK% second.
Ok then i'm going to spend the rest of the resources rerolling. Got nothing else left to buy anyway. Thanks.

Had to google it.
no, you want hp + atk on each
replace the second one asap since it does nothing at all
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>get my wife pregnant
>can no longer deploy her in operations
dont tempt me anon, I came from hgg2 I will want to impregnate the kids too
>idk if there are any super impactful ones
Anyone with 5Cherno or Katya are easy picks.
Some cheaper ones are Yao+Space Cowboy.
>>can no longer deploy her in operations
That's why they need 2 year paid maternity leave!
Alignment translates to more attack for her and it's closely on par to attack% so it's not exactly worthless, and you do shoot now and then so crit damage is not the worst thing to have on a shotgun. For everything besides neural 1% you won't feel a huge difference. But yeah, it would be the first priority to upgrade.
>8 months cooldown usage
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>impregnate Frit
>child is a oppai loli
>not sending her out anyway
Yggdrasill is a black company, no maternity leave allowed.
...Where did those genes come from?
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Would Cherno's kids inherit her schizophrenia?
wait can you imagine meursault is the kid
>Baby makes heir own tulpa while you're on a mission
Maybe we shouldn't have kids Cherno...
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>impregnate the kids too
>Mentally ill girls
>Mentally ill children
Do you really want /sczg/ to be canonized?
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>your daughter is basically a lolibaba that tries to seduce you constantly
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Finally, Marian Alter...
Bwo, we have that skin for almost a year now...
Oh yeah, forgot. Still looks good though
Marian Alter will whip enemies with her standard skill, and whip herself with her support skill to buff all party members
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chou to tomo ni chire~
>and whip herself with her support skill to buff all party members
The higher the damage, the more she yearns for the Adjutant.
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Why does everyone know that guy now, even the theorycrafter I follow is talking about him.
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I hope MuMu is /here/ right now
This just means that I'm going to be called MrToxin again with greater frequency.
me on the top right
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Best i could do with 1600 tickets. Thanks for the help.
That guy loves reddit drama tbf.
That ULT animation looks a lot like that Duel Night Abyss game. Was thinking of trying the game out simply for the aesthetics. But since my Wyfe already has that, looks like I'll be spending more tyme with her instead.
Hey that 3rd one looks pretty good. Really good that you have HP% on all 3 pieces, that is the most important stat for her so far.
Congrats anon.
>That ULT animation looks a lot like that Duel Night Abyss game.
In what way? Duel Night Abyss just copypastes Warframe shit on anime characters.
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Grant us eyes, Grant us eyes
The unfamous Mrtoxin even goes on youtube to shit on snowbreak now kek
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>In what way?
Looks really stylish, and sort of Victorian. Reminds me of Bayonetta as well.
Haven't played, nor heard about that since 2015 kek, so I wouldn't know.
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>Adjutant is going to get molested by a tentacle slime monster in front of his harem
I've seen this one.
>check this channel
>the absolute soi everywhere
Holy fuck this looks like a parody of a youtuber.
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They released the Katya poledance on the main channel so here's yet another Katya poledance webm
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Based, thank you
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The tentacle slime girl gets added to the squad after she gets a taste of the seasoning.
Kiss my wife while looking at her eyes and tell her to wait HER FUCKING TURN!
For now, it's pretty common to up the levels for new content and such
New player started few days ago really happy found this game best gacha i played so far, anyway im really down bad for katya and also rly want wedfingg lyfe what should i do? Is it possible to get both without spending too much for reference im at 5-0 and 100% banner 43 pity
sex with Orlova
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The first Katya Poledance is one that I tailored to 4mb. This one I set file size limit to 4mb. I don't know which one looks better

Here is a catbox for the song, for the people who want to use that jank extension to get sound in webms:
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Katya Alter when?
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How would that work time wise?
In my personal opinion it would be cool to go to your room and see all your babies in their cribs, but that would be it, just a "furniture" in your room.
You could add random events that mention them and you could name them, but I don't think you could go much futher than that because then you would have to make the girls look older and I don't want that.
I skipped that chapter but what happened to her in the end? She turned into a titan? Is she ded?
What a waste of ha- oneesan pussy if she did.
sex with Agave
Just make the babies stay as babies until enough time passes in real life? I would be ok with that
imagine Fenny swinging a baby in her arms...
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Is this good enough for Katya?
Daughter. Wives.
Sex with Katya when?
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I don't have any good logistics set
Yeah I would be cool with having kids in game if they just stayed as babies as to not put wrinkles or white hairs on my girls.
How do you access BiliBili?, videos do not load for me.
Are you trying to see the video from a phone?
twice as good as mine, but I'm already happy finally getting ATK stat, even if it's 4-5.5%
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I finally got my first 5* logistics, and after farming artifacts in Genshin for four years, I have made the executive decision to "fuck that!"
This decision both applies to logistics grinding, and Lyfe's pussy. No members of cabinet have veto'd the decision.
>roster grows
>operations conveniently leaves out some operatives for nine months
>"it's a girl"
>titagen bullshit accelerates one of your daughters to age 18
>you discipline your kid and add her to the team
But anon, you have to grind (literally) when you fuck Lyfe's pussy.
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>use 11 revision application
>no thermal dmg
I hate this useless thing...
>to age 18
Tau is your and Lyfe's kid who was sent to the past.
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I thought Lyfe's smgs were the smaller kind allowing her to dual wield them, but they're actually huge
Hagchad game, bro.
At least it's not like it actually matters much.
I watched a youtube tutorial about how to make a bilibili account and back then you only need a phone number, nowadays you need to send them a photo of your ID and a photo of yourself holding your ID, it's fucking wild
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I thought they were handguns at first.
Of course it's Adjutant, you dummy
You can still make one, just cannot comment with it.
>Use them on Cherno
>thermal dmg 10%
>use them on Siris
>chaos dmg 8.5%
They fucking know. That shit is rigged as fuck
You can't use the operative for eight months (including the afterbirth)
Your account doesn't let you do missions for a year after birth (paternity leave is mandatory)
Those were SMGs?! I thought they were revolver sized pistols
My Wyfe is too awesome for trigger discipline. She's so cool!
Siris game
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Were they supposed to be small?
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I've been lucklet with all thermal dmg percentages
Trigger discipline in a fighting scene? Although lacking trigger guards is still alarming
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Equilibrium Lyfe supah-soldier!
It's from a fighting scene? Thought it isn't. Nevermind, it doesn't make Wyfe any less cool!
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I made a Bilibili account to post stuff and I only needed a phone number and yandex image translate. Give it a try.
I haven't commented on other people's videos yet but I did comment in the anni stream's chat and it worked as it should. Level 0 account btw
i wish i had money being a wagie sucks
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I will not marry frit
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>I only needed a phone number and yandex image translate
Please teach me how, I do the phone number stuff but at the moment of going into the settings a pop up about needing an ID shows up and that's it
Koko ga Enmusubi no Meikyuu to Yobareru you ni Natta Wake
>Possible Trigger Warning: Dhibi
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You WILL marry Frit and you WILL be happy
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Fritia game
I love her legs
will seaslug change the icon for the anni?
>>Possible Trigger Warning: Dhibi
I’m fine with her aside the futa ones
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It is customary to do so.
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What killed the hype?
>all of these non-replies with no actual info
We get 80-90 rolls per patch
It takes 100 to guarantee a rateup with 81 needed on average
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Hey, you guys wanna hear a joke?

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You don't need the steam version to play on PC.
I use the launcher. Why the fuck would I play this game through Steam?
>he pays the Gayben tax
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What is dhibi?
I use the epic games store version
>Equilibrium Lyfe
I was legit thinking of drawing this.
A person, but as to why that might be a "trigger", that's something you're gonna have to find out for yourself.
I play on Steam, but reset isn't for another two hours.
Which standard character is most boosted by having their weapon? I was thinking Lyfe.
Yao and it's not even close
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From what I remember I just did picrel, it should be that easy. Tell me if you have any trouble with it. I'm EU btw
Lyfe and Yao are unusable without them, they have no good 4* cope to fall back on.
I finally found a phone number that doesn't get spam calls nonstop, so I'm hesitant to give China my phone number
>Why the fuck would I play this game
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I did a run of Paradoxical Labyrinth and didn't even get one level. Can I just ignore this game mode until I can more comfortably do the higher difficulties? It doesn't seem to reset from what I can see.
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The standalone client has existed for far longer than the Steam client, and the standalone client is superior in all ways.
>Your friends wont see you playing Snowbreak
>if you pay, all of the money goes to Seaslug instead of Gaben
>You don't need to open Steam to play Snowbreak
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It's a game bro. You can do whatever you want. Don't let the fomo control you.
I'd only use the steam version to use steam credit
wasn't running normal more efficient? I do one normal run everyday (or at least I did until I realized it's better to way for the event paradox)
I'll go with Lyfe then cause I literally never use Yao. She feels too clunky to use and I suck at aiming.
God, I love this...
sex update when? I need to consummate my marriage
holy kino...
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Level 80'd and T2'd btw
Good luck. I just used my real one because I've run out of fucks to give
You only gain adjutant exp from spending Stamina, at a 1:1 ratio, no matter the activity.
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Are they bringing back GoS Paradoxical Labyrinth next patch or is a new revision?
They pull a fire emblem awakening and have the kids time travel from the future. You can marry the kids.
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Well I more just want to know if I miss out on anything if I ignore it until I'm max level. Is it all permanent? Also in general I think I'm having trouble understanding what game modes are limited and what game modes are always going to be there. Or rather what things I need to make sure I do every day or week or whatever.
Tau sex WHEN
unless there's a special event going on the rewards are permanent (and kind of suck) you can ignore it
Is this a mating call?
>AI feets
Disgusting. Someone please post Chernyo's ASMR soles, those are very lickable
>Well I more just want to know if I miss out on anything if I ignore it until I'm max level.
Every other patch (beginning with its introduction), Paradox has at some point been a daily event chore. However, it is not currently a daily event chore, so you miss nothing from ignoring it completely. Next patch, if the trend continues, there will be 1-2 weeks where Paradox is an event chore.

>Is it all permanent?
Everything that currently exists for Paradox is permanent, however if it becomes an event chore, those event rewards are not permanent.

>Also in general I think I'm having trouble understanding what game modes are limited and what game modes are always going to be there.
Everything in the event tab is limited. Everything outside of the event tab is permanent. There are occasions, like Hero Games, where it is primarily in the event tab, but that you can also arrive at it from "permanent" tabs, but the important thing to note is that if it's in the event tab, it is limited, and if it's outside the event tab, it is permanent. Just go to the event tab and look at all of the chore rewards in the bottom left.
It's working on me
Switch to desktop site if you're using your phone.
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Got you, bro.
I'm a chernofag now.
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but that doesn't look like an Ai drawing.
I see. If I just follow the daily and seasonal tasks and then the event ones will that make sure I get everything that needs doing on a day to day basis?
Can anyone links asmrs? Also is there subbed ver
I’m gonna spank my Adjutant until he cums and then laugh at his feminine moans!
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>eatchel will get 2 banner rerun next patch
Take this haters
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Eatchel game
I like AI enough to say that was 100% made by Edda
And I will skip both of them.
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I pulled for Eatchel.... she ate my digicash stash and now is a healbot.
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>They released the Katya poledance on the main channel
>it's real
What the FUCK were they thinking this is HORRIBLE PR
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I say it's an amazing filter!
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In gabenshop I pay in dollars, while seaslug charges me in euros, please understand.
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western audiences don't like this sort of thing
I preordered Star Master 2
The Luminous Path is closed to Gwailos
for whatever reason westerners have convinced themselves that roleplay/self-inserting or male pandering stuff is bad.
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western audiences can suck my dingleberries
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Vanillaware is too based, except for the
>we don't want our games ported to PC, you offered, and we refuse
part. That part's not based, but I understand
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I thought we had no choice but to buy it....
I do not. The game did get emulated anyway even before it was released officialy.
>anon doesn't want comfy Steam co-op of Dragon's Crown
I posted that webm that I made while emulating Unicorn Overlord on the Switch. Just because I posted a webm of Unicorn Overlord doesn't mean I'm talking about Unicorn Overlord when I mention that Vanillaware doesn't want any of their games ported to PC
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I missed doing this
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Why are you forsaken me anons......
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You said everything correctly. As long as you keep track of the tasks, you won't miss anything.
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Downloading right now, what am I in for?
Sorry, anon, I already typed out a lot of stuff, and I didn't feel like telling you that yes, you should do limited events in gacha games before the permanent stuff.
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>Adjutant, time to consummate our marriage.
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I mean, to be completely fair, it would be extremely awkward if they dont consumate, I feel there is gonna be a wink to a wild bridal night
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Thanks bros
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a third person shooter with a gacha attached...
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Becoming a married man.
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Boy was I happy to get the "full reload on dodge" buff in Gigalink
I typically don't like shooters
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lol the fucking picture
4* Fenny is the superior Fenny
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It's not really a proper shooter...
It's coming back and bigger than before. New map(s?) and now your death squad can have bosses instead of only mobs.
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gacha/waifu rpg game with a 3rd person shooter attached
It's fun though.
What the fuck? How do you do that?
>cuckson shitterier
Opinion gay, jewish and disregarded
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By playing 4* Fenny with like M2 or some shit. The one that reloads a bullet when she presses E
I'm building both because I love shotties and I love Fenny
just spam the standart skill.
I think Wyfe and Wyfenny will finally break me and I'll fap to Snobble. I barely survived Nurse Enya and her interactive scene.
Also that seems like paradox so maybe it was some buffs
Honestly I wish there was at least some amount of dating content shown before marriage...it feels forced to go from basically just coworkers flirting to marriage.
games were better when they were made towards the teenage boy audience instead of these homos
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Who's next on the chopping block?
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4fenny m1 resets her skill on kill, m2 lets her use it without using ammo, the skill itself reloads 1 shot. She still has to actually kill shit though. It's good against trash mobs but against anything else it falls off because the cooldown without reset is 15s.
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>Fenny finally gets to cuck Katya
Where do you guys even got the images of the other board directors? They haven't even appeared on the story yet.
>It's good against trash mobs but against anything else it falls off
It's a good thing 95% of the game is trash mobs.
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This, Blue Archive has the loli filter to keep out fags and normalfagggots. We need a extreme (You) pandering filter to keep them out
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Kino SEX
datamined a long time ago
Be kind
>Blue Archive has the loli filter to keep out fags and normalfagggots
>We need a extreme (You) pandering filter to keep them out
Anon... retconning every single girl to have gigantic, torpedo, gravity defying breasts is actually catering to normalfaggots. You've let the internet retcon your definition on what is "normal" and what is "not normal". Massive breasts are going to attract more normalfaggots, not less. Massive breasts and marriage are not the same "filter" that cunny is.
hmmm, nyo
Marriage will absolutely filter normalfaggots. They have to pretend that they only like anime girls ironically.
I'm going to put a litter in this goddamn cat
Use website and VPN, Seaslug charges me JPY
Only kids think that way. If you are adult and still care what other people think about you or want to be liked by them you are a idiot.
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Nah, dude, like I said, you're letting yuri schizos or whoever your boogeyman is ruin your opinion on what is and is not normalfaggot shit. Massive fucking tits is peak normalfaggot.
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That's most people bro
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Fritters getting mad!
Frito will get huge boobs too!
>retconning every single girl to have gigantic, torpedo, gravity defying breasts is actually catering to normalfaggots
That's where you're wrong. Normalfags consider extremely sexy girls combined with extreme for (You) pandering "CRINGE" and "BLATANT INCEL BAIT". They won't touch Snowbreak. And the best part? Neither will obnoxious lolicunts who think that anything bigger than a plank is too big and always demand more and more flat girls, regardless of the flat:busty ratio in the game. Fuck them.
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How much digicash should i have for the next patch?
>Normalfaggots don't like sexy girls
>Normalfaggots don't like huge fucking tits
You sincerely need to step away from the internet, go outside, touch grass, and stop letting your internet boogeymen dictate your worldview. Massive fucking tits is a normalfaggot attractor, not detractor. Cunny is a normalfaggot deterrent.
tits aren't but he is right about the (you) pandering.
that's right.
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We lasted two threads without having this discussion again, at least we had that...
You greatly overestimate the intelligence of normalfags.
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It's that time again....
From what I saw the next event will basically have this in the form of monopoly
Porn spammer, you know what to do
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You have THAT right?
I would agree that big tits are normal, but I can also see the youngest generation being groomed into hating beautiful things and parroting the msm.
sorry but I only post cars
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Around this much
we will be able to marry caroline right?
Normalfags would never be attracted by some weeb "shit" like snogger
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why would you marry an appliance?
Normies are worse than kids, they are animals.
Everytime (You) get married you will be gifted a kettle
I'm not getting paid wtf
Normalfags like tits but they are only allowed to express it when it's goodthink approved safehorny.
Why would you wanna marry a kettle?
>cunny is a normalfag deterrent
genshin impact
>only allowed to express it when it's goodthink approved safehorny.
Seriously, go outside. You don't even know what real life is. I'm not trying to be mean or insult you or anything, I'm just stating the truth. You guys are unironically letting your boogeymen dictate your worldview. If you just went outside and talked to real human beings, you'd agree with me
You are not taking into account that the Devs confirmed the mobile version accounts for the lowest revenue, the PC version was like, what?, 70%% or something?, of their revenue.
That's also why they keep pushing for people to switch to PC, also because the experience is generally smoother there. And their game is switching to selling skins as the main point so they want people to look at them skins, animations and fanservice in full high-res glory.
This is also their way of keeping people in.
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Seasoned wolves, are you in here?
Hello, where is my Wyfe?
What happened? This place was fine a hour ago...
so she is basically a Nikke..
Normalfags aren't human.
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Plz Acacia marriage soon.
I will even accept her as the fourth-wheel canon lover if they don't want to do more marriage.
I don't care if they give her extra tits for "reasons", plz. Acacia next plz.
I just got this ad for your game. No, not a random recommended post, an actual paid ad
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What are the best characters to kill this motherfucker?
His AOE bomb is filtering me
No, unlike nikkers she isn't a slut and can get pregnant.
shes cute! why wouldnt you wanna marry a kettle
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Well, I've been lv100 for quite a while
nigga who
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Katya game
I'm doing this just so new pups can learn how to filter the shitposters, it all started with this >>484399541 it's pretty obvious by the way he's posting that he just wants to start shit and its not a guy genuinely asking
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It's safe to say it's over lads
I'm too unseasoned... I just got to 80
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She's a Nikke that also has a neuralink implant, yes.
6 more rolls
>unironically uses the term "go outside and touch grass"
The gacha cartel isn't sending their best again...
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snogger ads are more refined
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Super cute, thank you Chong Chong!
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Yeah I've been completely seasoned for a long time.
Ok but when can I marry Caroline?
>Lyfe affinity story is getting remade
I wasn't expecting that, it's good to know. She was just way too cold in the original story
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Kill yourself, my man. I've been here since day 1. You are literally letting online boogeymen dictate your view of reality. You (or people you apparently agree with) are honestly trying to say that normalfags don't like massive fucking tits. Why do you think boob jobs exist, anon? Do you know who this person is?
I can't believe this screenshot doesn't quote the infamous "lolicon fantasy" line about the woman in the picture
wow, you must not know what real life is! I can't imagine being you where your mind is moulded from boogeymen! Unlike me, who's the pinnacle of free thought... maybe you should go outside and speak to people.
I'm not trying to be insulting though! But you should take advice from your betters!
Ok but when can I marry Tau?
>no what-if
>that man face
Pic not related, I hope.
Wtf is that from the game? It looks alot better than the ad. Maybe they should've used that to get people into the game
>In the following versions, we will also develop the feature of "Ring Added to Daily Wear" for the Adjutant in the Base.
What does this mean?
Doesn't count.
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does this really make people go
>wow! i want to play that game!
it means we get to wear our marriage ring
At what Adjutant level do I get to make level 80 characters and weapons?
yeah it's from the previous version trailer
That's from the previou patch, they always make these scenes that don't get added into the game for promos and stuff
Did they ever mention if the Adjutant gets to wear 1 ring (because harem and the girls need to share) or 2 rings?
90% of the webms you see posted in this general aren't from the game, but promotional material.
I mean it's why I started this week so yeah.
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Yes, I'm noticing it now.
>an actual paid ad
They should have used eatchel instead then
saw the game was adding marriages and went heavy on fanservice, like what you posted, so I decided to give it a go.
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Thanks, ugh still ways to go.
don't think they mentioned, but i feel the best way is to have one in each hand and once we start marrying more girls you can swap them out for your favorites and have unique rings based on each girl
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I am noticing too now!
I did spend 15 $ on her skin.. so yeach.
nta, but this is anime wish fulfillment video game aimed at straight males exclusively. Normalfags would be very happy to have a big titty gf, but having a marriage system in an anime game with huge Honker girls will be seen as "cringey" and "pathetic" by some people. How many? Who knows.
maybe you should notice how you let your opinions be shaped by some online boogeymen.
I'm not trying to be insulting, but you should be more like me and perhaps free up your mind?

here, look at my previous posts as well:
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Don't forget the daily snog
Just go full rap nigger and have your entire hand covered in gold and diamond rings.
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time to snog
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You retards were actually trying to say that normalfaggots do not like big tits, and the reason you falsely believe this is because you let MHY schizos and "the gacha cartel" live rentfree in your brain.
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Times up. Get back into the digicash mines. chop chop
all me btw
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That's Selena from FE Fates, bro.
She's an Asuka, not an Appliance.
>they revamped the gym’s systems
>have to register again
>this means I have to go back to my car to pick my identity and prove I’m an adult
>now I have to wait the full registration again
I should have stayed back playing games
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I didn't notice anything.
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>Massive breasts are going to attract more normalfaggots, not less. Massive breasts and marriage are not the same "filter" that cunny is.
This is the truth.
The bookmarks keep going up ahaha
No, it honestly looks bad especially compared to >>484407345 or compared to a certain gun girl 3d game
The dance is great and the model of the girl is great, but the textures used for the model look low quality
Genshin Impact
sorry mate, this particular example doesn't count because it doesn't conform with my narrative
Genshin Impact doesn't have lolis or cunny, it has potatoes.
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>he didn't see how many normalfags were filtered by nahida
Sure it doesn't filter all of them, but it helps
the "lolis" in genshin aren't for (you) so it doesn't filter normalfags
Nahida is ugly just like any other genshin “loli”, retards were just coping and drawing her more attractive than she actually is.
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Heh, so much coping.
Nigger how do you still not have a home gym?
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semen demon
esther stop fucking up the thread plz
I just got Olympus. The effect seems like a complete meme and I can only think of it being for 4Yao. I should slap it on her right?
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Is she naked?
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>Nahida is ugly
I'd fuck her.
Irish hands typed this post.
She was more cute as a complete AI, now that she has human DNA she looks retarded.
You know it's true
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No, she's wearing stickers. Totally clothed! See?
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See, you can't save them all.
Girls are cutest when they are a bit retarded.
Who is this guy and why are his post always a variation of "saving" someone? Is he from gran blue or something?
>leather skin
I'll never understand. If you are gonna post 3dpd why not post attractive women instead of ones that have spent too much time burning their skin?
I thought the gacha cartel didn't send their best, but now I suspect they are actually their best. What a joke.
Because I don't get to pick and choose the women daring enough to wear a "swimsuit" like that.
If I had corporate money, I'd be comming modders to make that for this game's models.
What are those things on her feet called? They make me rock hard
Is the gacha cartel in the room with us right now?
Any girl that shows off her bare feet is automatically fuckable to me.
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Amen brother.
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>charge Njall with Siris
>get stucked under him and get one shotted
I have to disagree, ribcages are hot
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This is why snobble is investing in feet optimization.
Bilibili's CDN was down for several hours this past day. Maybe it's the aftermath
Yeah it's only good for Her. But honestly Blue sea call is better for the support damage boost it gives to the on field operative.
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Should have rolled katya instead
>Should have rolled RAPIST that strips you with her eyes
hopefully soon we will get more detailed feet. with the soles and toes having the pink color.
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I tried "Gold Anklet" but it doesn't seem to be the same...
>I've been here since day 1.
Every fucking time
Can oldfags kys
2.5. Trust the plan.
Do you also incorrectly believe that normalfaggots hate boobs?
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Stop fucking up the threads Edda... Don't make me call ((him)).
Is this AI generated?
My katya looks weird.
Not really, but normalfags pretend they don't like it in front of people because they afraid of how people view them.
Sometimes they take the persona too seriously and act the same on internet.
Sometimes they entirely forget what they really like.
nta but not all boobs are equal. Boobs are great but anime boobs are a big debuff for them as most of them think it's cringe. If they actually liked them anime games wouldn't have been so niche through history.
Seems pretty clear to me.
Man 4 Fenny is so much fun, since I'm fairly new does anyone know what her best supports are? Yao for healing and Chenxing for that slayer aura I unlocked?
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How do I make healers not shit? My 4Yao heals like 1K HP even if I stand in her circle the entire time.
Formerly Hero of Justice.
I'm so sorry.
>I think the problem is that they overhyped the marriage system a bit too much for Anni.
To be fair I would say the hype is warranted. Very few new gacha games these days have marriages and I think Snobble might be the only 3D gacha to have it currently. It’s an old system that used to be normal for gacha until normalfags took over the genre since they get hard filtered by girls being in love with (You). However you do make a good point, when we get the next batch of wedding skins it needs to be on a special date or else the girls who get it on the anniversary look like they’re being favoured too much. Summer could work, as well as maybe Christmas and New Years as times to make more wedding skins
By leveling their logs and weapon.
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Did you...
The pink menace gets another one
>Get Njall in hero games
>health bar gets a golden outliner as in invulnerability
>gets one shotted anyways
There was 2 Katyas and a Siris. I think that was Siris doing but I can't understand how she kill it so fucking fast.
>coinflip banner
bwo why?
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bro your eatchel?
My 4Yao does 3k a tick
>He wen't to the 50/50
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I used 4* Fenny until I got Katya to M2, and I never really used supports. I'd usually bring 4* Yao for healing just in case, and then 5* Acacia for damage buff, which I always forgot to use. Then I switched 5* Acacia to 5* Mauxir, which I still usually forget to use, but I do remember more often to use her. Then I switched 4* Yao for Eatchel, who has an always active healing aura. Then, finally, I switched 4* Fenny for Katya.

Game is too easy for anything to matter. Getting 1% Nerual Sim gives no rewards.
I only found horses and a futanari
At least you're prepared for anniversary
should we change lyfe to her alt form for next divegrass season?
What's this? Fenny in a dragon costume? What sparked the meme here?
>Getting marriage patches 4 times a year
Poor Marian...
>He went to Fritia's fan club banner.
Thanks you for your visit. Please invest again.
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>What sparked the meme here?
pretty sure it all started with this sticker pack. Fenny has that dragon sticker while adjutant is with katya in a sticker. It's what started her cuckqueen meme
Don't have enough gems for the guaranteed banner. At least I got her weapon too (another 50/50 failed btw)
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It's from a Chinese New Year emote pack
I think this is perfect for divegrass already
happy new year bwo
I think making the marriages canon is what will seperate them from other games with the mechanic. Some might be annoyed that they'll end up marrying characters they don't like, but a full harem game will make snow break one of a kind. They're really zeroing in on a niche and they're making enough money to be profitable. I'm also excited to see future content beyond this because they're expanding the dev team from 50.
By far the best modeling I've seen in a gacha game
I swear the pink menace has bigger rates in that stupid banner...
Oof.. might as well build her then
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I don't think I can play this shit till anni every week these simulation niggers make me question why i play it if I can even do the 20000 niggers points. Fuck this nigger game.
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Umm, please do not use that word, thank you.
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The fuck even are these things?
Can't. **
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Caroline is matepress material
Event trophy for your base and Siris's shotgun part (feel free to skip parts since they will come back)
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I know
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works on my machine
trophy(useless), weapon attachment(useful)
imagine manhandling her tiny body
First is an ornament and second is a weapon mod. Ornament can be displayed in the oval main floor in the form and mods can be attached to weapons in upgrade screen.
I fully expect to get fritted for the anni.
You only need to swipe the level 4 Neural Sim bosses for the full digicash reward.
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Prism of Hanoi is a decorative item for your base, if you don't get it you will forever be bricked and I will make fun of you
Robust Angles is a weapon part, they are going to add a way to get them after the event is over, so only get it if you want it now
That’s true, the canon aspect of the marriages to the story and it not just being small gameplay thing is very unique and ballsy. News about that has already made the rounds a lot due to how unprecedented it is.
You guys made fun of me for not having the fish trophy...
Get the trophy first; the weapon part will come back later (in fact, immediately in the anniversary patch)
Patience young pup
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I hate Adjutant!
I'm going to rape Adjutant as punishment for all the stupid stuff he did!
That's right, manwhore! I bet you love being choked by me!
Give it!
Give it all!
Yeah, that's it! Cry all you want but you can't escape this pussy! Damn, your dick is hardening so much in it!!
Adjutant, I'm cumming!! It's going all the way into my womb!!
Make me pregnant! Make me pregnant with your rape babies, you manslut!
Phew... now that was a good rape.
Isn't even in the tags of the one you posted...
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It took waaaaay too much time than it should.
single-ticket-per-day way of restricting events is fucking retarded
Katya pls
Don't worry, soon your operatives will be good enough
You don't have to do it all in a day though. You only need to spend 200 stamina on each day.
katya piss
where are you looking?
Haru pls
It's stirrup_legwear
Not understanding a lick of chinese made this segment funnier during the livestream.
Gelbooru Pixiv must be better for it right?
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maybe not that one image but if you search that tag you'll find that character comes up. Sometimes the uploaders are lazy with adding tags.
I don't have it either
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Seasoning this bread
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They aren't
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5Haru or 5Chen as main dps (maybe 5Fenny if you are new) + Kaguya + 5Enya/Eatchel (4Acacia and 4Chen are good cope options for slow and healing)
I keep hearing this game went full coomer and now it's doing great but I tried it out and I didn't see any coomer shit, what am I missing
gotta play the game bro
Oh yeah, I am finding it now. Thanks!
I saw her
I played a bit but it was just shooting mooks with chink tacticool characters
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Fishing-Trophylets deserve to be bullied
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You are missing the 2.0 update and the newer chapters
Go beyond the tutorial bro
Short answer, it did go the (You) pandering route after Chapter 11 but due to staff shortage they can't revisit first ten chapters in a timely manner.
Did you rike it
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Early game characters aren't as sexo because the game was still trying to be tacticool. Our characters look like this now.
Gotta pay bro
https://files.catbox.moe/gtrf87.mp4 - this one has subs if you install it and play in on VLC
Are those paid skins or are the newer characters like that even without skins?
I'm so confused why people think Cherno looks sexy. Sure, 5Cherno wears skimpy clothing but aside from that she's more cute than sexy.
Early game characters were designed back when the game was targetting a wider audience and aren't sexualized. Newer designs and skins are much more sexy and revealing.
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you have to play beyond the tutorial bro
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I made it I hope I didn't just fuck myself and can save up enough for Lyfe now cause I literally have 0 gems left. Hopefully the monthly pack and BP can save me.
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This is a free skin >>484417502
These are free skins >>484417568 >>484417602
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the lyfe skin is free, the two webms is Cherno's base/default skin. gif related is also default skin for siris who just came out this patch.
That's the base skin. You gotta understand that the game pivoted hard so the older characters are still pretty prudish. It's basically from Tess and onwards that the sluttification happened.
Too many people to quote, thanks for the answers bruvs I'll keep playing
>I'm so confused why people think those bouncing boobs with nothing but nipple tape is sexy
Truly a mystery.
Damn the story already peaked with Pi and sort of Omega
Wonder how they will keep the quality up with the other board directors
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I guess. She just does nothing for me and my standards are pretty low when it comes to anime women.
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The wait is killing me.
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All the new snoggers are gonna experience neo snoggemon.
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I didn't get Katya, should I redeem logistics and cope weapon anyway?
You bricked yourself. It's over for you.
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>it actually has subs
magic! thank you anon!
Logs no, you might want one copy of the cope weapon for the weapon part but you can probably hold off for now since katya is the only crossbow user so far.
You got the best girl and it's only the beginning for you!
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I can't wait to snogg me some boss snoggmons. I hope they didn't delete my old snoggmon dex.
Imagine if they had these in Japanese instead of gutterslop bugspeak
NTA but what stats do I want on my Katya logistics? She wants Eli squad right?
As an "old" started late cherno snoggermon trainer will I get another Triforce badge from Acacia?
Everyone reading this: Please use MPV instead
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You couldn't hold it in huh?
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no it's a skin
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Yeah, about that
I kneel
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No, I was the guy who said I was gonna guarantee Lyfe fist and then roll on the new banner to get her if I could. Thankfully I got her in just 80 so I've got 5 rolls into the pity and a week to save before her banner so hopefully I can get back up to 100 by the end of Lyfe's banner. Worst case scenario I have to use THAT.
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I don't have that. Is this the correct link to download it?
Now I want a full res version of that thumbnail-ass Fenny
It's the anniversary isn't it? Are they not giving out any free rolls?
Eli Squad
ATK > Alignment Index > Crit DMG > Crit Rate
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yes, but you have to get one new character and two new weapons. Now he will be forever bricked. It's over for him.
>the After is worse
Why does she look like she's brainwashed? Why is hr hair not shiny anymore?
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They are
20 character rolls
10 weapon rolls
one 5star weapon selector
one free skin
plus the 1320 gems from the livestream
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>but you have to get one new character and two new weapons.
>sticker pack
Oh yeaahh. Forgot about those.
Probably also some free stuff from the event and story progression too
>plus the 1320 gems from the livestream
Is that one you have to enter a code for or is it just sent to your mail?
joke image
after and before are swapped
>(another 50/50 failed btw)
GamblingGOD, I fuarking kneel...............
Oh thank fuck.
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It's a shoop of picrel, which is a comparison image that was shown in one of the streams, comparing beta Fenny with current Fenny.
I'm glad it was this convincing lol
>already had a piece with ATK and Alignment Index
Nice. So would you say it's fine to just have 2 of those 4 stats?
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520 was auto-sent, the rest were from the four codes
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That image is a joke anon... You can check for yourself in the game
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Lyfe’s wedding was foretold bravo Seasun
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Wait it was already sent? Did I miss it?
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They could give me atleast blue one.. oh well
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oh and of course one free fenny starshine.
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She made it happen
It’s reversed bwo
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I wonder from which gacha you came from for your heart to be beating so fast like that. Try to relax...
This little slut is growing on me.
Not even porn gachas do this properly and much less so detailed, of fucking course people want to play Snowbreak after they realize how they have been fooled for so long into thinking it wasn't possible.
If you didn't get it then yeah I guess. It was sent like two days ago. Codes might still work though, check the OP.
that's just the priority in terms of value
ideally you want ATK and Alignment on each piece
the point is that ATK / CDMG or ATK / Crit Rate are decent cope options, and a high CDMG or Crit Rate roll can beat a minimum roll Alignment
Fuck. I literally just started 2 days ago. I'd be pissed if I missed it by 1 day.
You can get the cope crossbow doing operations (arms hub), so don't invest too heavily in the 3*
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Good, because (You) will be married to her soon.
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go to the event shop, go to unlimited. Katya has a purple cope weapon thats pretty good. You can buy it there
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Fenny is NOT a slut
Didn't bother reading Fritia's story, is she really that horrible?
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>The Sentients were self-aware colonization A.I sent to the Tau system to prepare it for Orokin arrival and eventually build a Void junction to facilitate travel
>Sentients are, as their name implies, Sentient and come to the conclusion that the Orokin fucking suck and are awful evil bastards and they refuse to allow Tau to be ruined like they ruined the Sol system and want to have their own civilization. The Sentients turn on the Orokin and start the Old War.
>Orokin go "uh whoops probably shoulda seen that coming" and need to make weapons capable of fighting the Sentients that can't be hacked like all their other shit is.
>Galaxy's Biggest Asshole Ballas comes up with the idea to intentionally infect "volunteers" and volunTOLD people with the Infestation to turn them into techno-organic weapons against the Infestation, thus the first Warframes.
>Warframes work against the Sentients, which is good, but they also tend to go berserk and kill their asshole Orokin masters or retain free will and fuck off, and drugging and torturing them doesn't work since the Infestation means they can't be brute force coerced.
>The Zariman incident happens and those aboard end up void-tainted and the Orokin are wondering how to dispose of them when they discover they're capable of Transference and can control the Warframes
>Now, instead of controlling the berserk angry infested warframes, they just need to control the Tenno. Tenno fight the Old War and become the Orokin's assassins, guards, and executioners.
>Tenno eventually turn on their Orokin masters and cause a coup that collapses the entire empire and throws the Sol system into chaos.
Jade was an Orokin noble who was in a forbidden relationship with the Stalker/Sorren who was merely a soldier. When she got pregnant and it came time to punish them, BIGGEST ASSHOLE ALIVE Ballas decided "Hey, let's see what happens to a pregnant woman when we use the Infestation to turn her into a Warframe!" and thus Jade.
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new lyfe, new lyfe guns, new fenny gun
I don't care about rolling for weapons.
Do her drills get smaller the more powerful she gets?
>Didn't bother reading Fritia's story
What does that have to do with anything?
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>All the pups posting screenshots of the first story chapters and asking newbie questions
Bwos... we are HEALING!
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I'm only rolling for Lyfe
Yeah, she canonically cucks you lmao
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Sadly it seems so. We were supposed to get huge drills...
Fenny is a slut for (You).
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Her damage is just a little bit small, nothing much
The gacha cartel is not even tying to blend in anymore...
you say that now. Wait until you realize that those are 1st anniversary units and won't rerun for a year or two.
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actually not very surprised that there's crossover in the playerbase of warframe and snowbreak given that they're both so heavily inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion. It's just Canadian EVA vs Chinese EVA.
You can't fuck nor marry the guns so they are useless bwo
rent free
this, I'm rolling for Lyfe and getting her and fenny's wedding skin but dgaf about the guns. with the free 5* weapon ticket I'll grab Katya's bow
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Are you not going to thank me?
>RE2 remake came out in 2019, a year before Acacia got slapped by destiny.
Makes sense why she knows, and also could mean she didn't bother with the original (it's ok).
>and won't rerun for a year or two.
Who's gonna tell him?
18+ game, please understand....
actually, why don't have those? might as well
without full res the image, I thought she had a Mujahedeen headband
>not giving your wife her signature weapon designed just for her
Yeah, I assume the event will be gone but the marriage part is here to stay and just get expanded upon infinitely.
Acacia isn't that unseasoned we saw her playing 8bit stuff there's no way she didn't play the original
I play on a laptop. I can't tell in-game.
Fuck off Edda, nobody cares about you
Probably CN regulations regarding showing what can be considered actual genitalia or sensitive body parts.
Most game studios are extra careful with stuff like this due to a few blunders that resulted in hefty fines.
>I thought she had a Mujahedeen headband
gotta wait for the operative whose Deiwos is Isis
The anniversary units were going to be "special" and reruns were gonna take longer but CN players complained and MuMu said that the anniversary units are gonna rerun in 3 months like everybody else.
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How new?
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werks on my machine
Would unironically fit Esther
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I don't think devs have pussy/nipples on their models, the closest you can get is something like pic related, this is the closest thing to a "naked" official model you could get and it only happens to games with skin options so you can test for clipping and stuff like that.
Moddeling something like a pussy is a waste of resources because it's not intended to be seen, unless we are talking about a porn game of course.
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You can do it bwo
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Been away for 24 hours, what did I miss?
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My hermano....
Three new blobs.
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I missed you
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You can do it bwo
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So what's sex with Lyfe AND Fenny gonna be like? Are they just gonna like make a schedule where one has you for a certain time or certain days? Or is it gonna be threesomes?
I think I bricked myself. I didn't know what kind of event this was and used all 3 trial characters on the first stage not knowing they were meant for seperate stages. Haven't beaten all of LVL 3 stages, but I'm sure I'll be short on points.Y4N8A
Lyfe goes first and then Fenny tries extra hard so as to not be one upped.
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What a silly question >>484386081
Won't we be able to pick any costume to wear during these scenes?
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what? I thought they had been contained. This isn't good
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You can click the bin to remove them from that stage
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wouldn't be funny if Fenny grabbed your cock, as a joke of course
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Thank you.
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>dont tempt me anon, I came from hgg2 I will want to impregnate the kids too
this is unironically a serious concern with mauxir, remember she's convinced she's a fucking egyptian god and will want to keep the pharaonic bloodline pure. I don't think devs can get away with going full Crusader Kings though so better hope it's just sons with her.
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As it should be. Daughters exist to become their papa's wives.
That one image of chibi fritter's face all zoomed in has a strange effect on me, it like very cute and makes me smile but at the same time she looks very punchable, pinchable and squashable.
I have to skip katya for anni when is she coming back?
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Yeah literally the next banner she'll be on again.
during anniversary
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Don't punch, pinch, or squash the Frito
Do i roll for eatchel or haru?
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Katya thebest
Fritos are made to be squashed
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That would be funny, someone should tell Enya how to joke like that
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If you have the monthly pack and BP you can start 0 at a banner's sart and still earn enough to guarantee them most of the time and this is an anniversary so rewards are guaranteed to be more than usual so you'll be fine.
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>saved a png as a jpg
You fool!
depends why you want them and if you're F2P or not
I'd say Haru by a mile anyway
That's not true, don't lie to him. He's probably fucked.
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Irfan viewer keeps FUARKING me over when I try to save PNG's. I don't have the type to fix transparency or PNG it.

Open to suggestions for alternative image viewers...
Haru for extremely easy mobbing. Just slash your sword a bit, and you don't even have to aim that much.
Eatchel for extremely high sustaining. Just stand in place and you don't need to dodge at all.
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Not him but I always held some interest in Evangelion but I didn’t want to watch the oooold one and was unsure which of the newer remakes could be trusted. Any recommendations?
I liek JPEGview
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stop being a zoomer and watch the oooooold one!
Couldn’t hear you over here while I play the remake of Zelda Link’s Awakening
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Why are you like this?
the rebuilds are trash. just watch original EVA and End of Evangelion
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ImageGlass is free, open source and can open near any image type in existence
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warframe is inspired by jojo though
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Outskilled by Irfanviewer bwo


Thanks Caroline, this one seems promising
>crossover in the playerbase of warframe and snowbreak
I think it's just from the Steam release.
At Snowbreak's release you'd just have a few people comparing it to Warframe "but with anime girls"
But now after the Steam release you have more and more people commenting that Snowbreak is just Anime Warframe
Both of them are highly PvE focused, so there's plenty of overlap there
And the fact that you also might see some of your Steam friends playing the game through that alert at the corner, advertising the game even more
It’s Kamen Rider you morons. The original Kamen Riders were cyborgs that defected.
Both are really good and I think both of them stand on their own as sidegrades to each other
If you can't really be assed to watch both (you'll be hungry for more EVA anyways, so just a heads up), watch the Rebuilds then
traumatized children piloting meat-mechs they have a psychic bond with is way more NGE than anything else, Steve said he made the operator shit after watching the rebuilds lol it's not very subtle, the Orokin are also basically NERV/SEELE and even pursued immortality via Continuity. Same as Snobble having the Board researching Titans for immortality and Edda's plan being essentially Instrumentality, with Ymir's arrival being a blatant Third Impact scenario
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Hope you fix that bwo, otherwise my job removing backgrounds will be in vain.
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>Both are really good
>>>>>>mari good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>GO HOME AND BE A SALARY MAN ending good
no, lightning doesn't strike twice and the rebuilds are anno being a hack and cashing in on a success he didn't even understand
you are putting counterfeit jpgs in circulation and must be stopped
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No one is cooler than Eatchel
Watch the original series + End of Evangelion. The rebuilds are trash.
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name one cool thing eatchel did
dude, she's so fucking cool...
Is this /snobble/ certified OC?
Huh? Why don't just play some stages again it's accumulative.
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>name one cool thing eatchel did
>name one cool thing eatchel did
growing horns is cool
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She made Katya a Heimdall operator right after meeting her.
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She has a cool devil trigger!
Yes, but the laziness is starting to kick in
Bare my children.
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>Not him but I always held some interest in Evangelion but I didn’t want to watch the oooold one and was unsure which of the newer remakes could be trusted.
The remake (Evangelion Rebuild) is actually spoilers: a sequel disguised at first as a remake. In other words, you will need to watch the original Evangelion series in order to appreciate the remake, you probably should not watch the remake on its own without having seen the original. That said, if you watch the original Evangelion series, you are not supposed to watch the final 2 episodes, because they ran out of budget and pulled a Xenogears. Instead of watching the last 2 episodes, you watch the End of Evangelion movie. Then, if you want, you can watch the last 2 episodes. Then you watch the Rebuild.
>actually Acacia is pretty cringe and I can’t wait for some of my favorite games to get remakes like they did to Metroid Prime
>also /snobble/
I have enough digicash to hit the 100% banner twice...
or I could try to win the 50% banner 4 times... haha hehehe
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>snog the Eatchel
Oh man. Well that’s an decisive argument for me then.
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Snobble not cultured enough to watch the original Evangelion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuAFMIbFl8M
>tfw Eatchel only has 2 (TWO!!!) pics in gelbooru
So shit's in Pixiv then?
Can someone add stickers to this one?
without covering the pubes. that doesn't get you banned right?
>that doesn't get you banned right?
I saw a few people complaining about getting warned. Only once did I see a 3 day.
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Already did eons ago, here have it. I don't think it'll be possible to keep the pubes and not get a ban, I got one when I forgot to cover the shaft for the Enya one.
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Thank you but those pubes were so beautiful bro...
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>but those pubes were so beautiful bro...
If you appreciate those Eatchel pubes, I might have a recommendation...
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Yeah, pretty much. All my snowbreak images come directly from pixiv. Once you get the hang of it you won't want to come back to boorus unless is official artwork.
Yeah, I'm thinking SOVL
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The thing about pixiv, is that when you heart an image it gives you recommendations based on that, so you can lose an hour or two on that website if you're not careful.
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>black and white pubes
I love to see people gambling.
It's not my money after all.
The fuck school did you go to work out that math?
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>This is what a gambler actually believes
>I'm sharing board with these types of people
No wonder so many of you guys get FRITO'D
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It's ok, I waste more time on photoshop anyways.
The amount of pulls of pulling 100% banner up to absolute hard limit twice allows you to pull about 2.5 soft/hard pity in 50/50
If you win every pity you get additional of 0.5 character but if you lose every soft pity you get 1.25 character in total.
Fuck early 5*, I will never trust soft pity again.
When's the next feet skin?
There is literally no reason to roll on the 50/50 ever unless they suddenly add every single previous character to the standard banner. Which would be cool
Ooooh yeah, that's great. That's really great! Thanks a lot bro!
after we fully develop the technology
Something for Chernofags before the thread 404's since I'm going to sleep.
You may have seen the lower resolution one already.
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Her mouth looks funny
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>Both pixiv and twitter has only the tape variant.
So are you the artist itself, in flesh here?
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But what a fool believes, he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away
What seems to be
Is always better than nothing
Than nothing at all
Salary man ending makes sense when you remember Anno hates his fans for being adults who use anime as escapism.
the coomissioner
Or the commissioner
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I see, thanks for it. May 5*Cherno get a summer outfit with her old hair style
Not bad
I want to rape her
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Why rape your future wife? in the next 4 or 5 patches.
Bakerbwo we are at page 9 with 800 post...
I'm so hungry
Mauxir lost
hmmm, nyo
stop shitposting on 4chin you stupid kot
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I want to impregnate Tau
I'm free to bake. Gonna make the new dorm the OP pic
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Make sure to include Enya enjoying the new massage chair.
That's a given.
The BRAD has been BOKEN
>I am wood
*knocks on u*
My dirty whore wife, my putrid, rotten slut wife.

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