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Previous: >>>>484360905

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Kill all hoyoshills and SEApoors
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for me its my encorebwos
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Give her to me
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What are Changli's best teammates that aren't Encore
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If you read this i hope you have a nice day
yooo new codes? what do they give?
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With Jinhsi.
For the purpose of procreation.
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wtf Aalto???
Like small xp bottles and pocket change
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New Genshin event just dropped. Wuwa could never.
Me. I am her BiS in bed.
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There are no more male banners because we already have best boys
I rerolled for jiyan+sig
I rolled for Jinhsi
if she isn't getting powercrept, I'll C6 her on her rerun
if she's getting powercrept I'm saving for firefly (forma de wuwa)
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The Jinzhou Speedster!
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Jinhsi, my beloved.
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for me its my "for me its my encorebwos" ritualposter
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wuwa wuwa
Kuro pls give mesugaki Loli. thanks in advance.
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>have actual elemental reaction system
>never use it for the puzzles
>instead it's just shit like playing sudoku but in open world
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There's nobody for me
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNSZcnwvDPM
Look out rover! Chixia's chixia is peeking out!
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how can a game look so soulless?
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Original and creative design?
From the Chinese?
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>"Genshin killer"
>24 days
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By looking through hoyoshill bugmen eyes
thanks ankobwo, i hope you solve all your puzzles in less than 2 hours
LMAOOOOOOO the reality is grim as fuck.
Looks like PS2 game
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you seem to be hopefully obsessed with hoyo. wanna talk about it bwo?
Are you guys playing First Descendant
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>genshin killer

yep :)
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they have lost all sense of artistic taste. If it's not overly saturated they'll call it shit. They don't get it.
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We didn't flop
Hear me out:
>Bottom heavy hebes
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*mogs your entire wuwa cast in a few highly animated frames*
ah the femrover brick
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Tick tock brutal mogging in two days
Make them catgirls too while you're at it
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Well it was a fun few days my wuthers, but I'm off to New Eridu now. See you there!
Why yes I will be rolling for the chinky policewoman
They have put elemental reactions in a recent puzzle this year, thougheverbeit. It's just that the actual event was shit, mostly due to the awful controls, howeverthough.
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Low rolls be damned but I'm finally fucking free. Finally a piece with double crit substats
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>If it's not overly saturated they'll call it shit.
Ok, now THIS is SOUL
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sudden stream of mihomo trannies in this thread. Suddenly lost comf status from last thread.
Let's see those 3 cost double crit echoes now
You're making it a little too obvious discord sisters
don't care also wuwa has better models
Nobody knows what that means or cares. Bye suppository Pagpagger
>genshin posting stops
>zzz shilling immediately begins
Like clockwork
Jew is so curvaceous...
I heard they made marriage canon in snowbreak
Kuro better step the fuck up and let me marry Jinhsi
Changli/Verina/Taoqi or Changli/Verina/Chixia
Yinlin also woks in the sub dps slot, supposedly.
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It seems we're being invaded. Just ignore them and don't give them any (you)s.
Anyways, anybody been looking at chink discussions? What are they saying about 1.1?
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Is this the correct rotation for my team?

>"photosynthesis" *whishwhish
>"luminous energy" *pshwhissh
>"tear them to pieces" *whiiiirrrrrrrrrrr
>"DON'T BLINK!" *thunder noises
>"I've had enough, get lost" *boooom
>"You're not getting away" *chains everyone
>"Strike as one!" *shhhhhhhhhhh
>"Bask in starlight" *swoosh swoosh
>"Evil be cleansed" *ssssssssssssssssss BOOOOM
>"Take forth" *small roar
>"Oh light heed my call!" *loud roar
Post naked Encore now!
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Phrolova my love
Hi Ranjeet. Have you tried doing the needful?
They straight up don't give a fuck about this game anymore. They're all in on Snowbreak. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ
dont worry as long as you picked male rover you're good bro. they love canon rover
But Hsi really wants crit rate. That's the wrong thing to low roll, bro. Get back in there!
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bugmen continuing to be based unlike western cock slurpers
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danjin is love danjin is life, one day i hope for a danjin wife,
as i arise in the morning i gaze upon my danjin wife yawning,
with eyes like dazzling gems, and gems 10/10,
all i know, all is well in life
when i have myself a danjin wife.
>/wuwa/ will have to 1v3 hoyoslurpers forever
stay strong
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hate wuthering "powercreep" waves
just wait until kuro releases their turn based triple A game "Punishing: wuthering rail"
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hol up...
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Isn't it 3 whishs after photosynthesis?
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80/210 or 60/250 for Jinhsi
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Played it a bit. Beat Ymir. Story was mega boring. Only liked 3 girls out of all of them. Guess it's not for me. Glad they can enjoy it though
Game is bumped up to 5.1 in chinkland now, I would say that counts for positive reception.
After not playing this game, I don't feel excited by this game anymore. How could this happen to me? Do I actually have to watch the cutscenes and explore the overworld to stay engaged?
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>people call this ugly
Definitely top 5 had she been created outside of wuwa, but damn do the other characters here mog her in terms of beauty. Will have 5 kids with her unironically, imagine her dashing in Jinzhou as the speedster that she is while pregnant with my 5th child
No anon, you need to jerk off to more porn.
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>peek at /gig/ /zzz/ and /hsr/
>very minimal off-topic wuwafag posting if any
>look at /wuwa/ being drowned by off-topic mihomo shills
>constantly being brigaded by the indog corps and the tranny corps

Penis envy is strong with these faggots.
I'm happy with at least 60 crit rate, bigger number make brain bigger happy
Bros I just fapped to Emilie...
You are playing with the EN dub so you're doing it wrong.
Changli’s gigantic tits
bro... its literally the 1st patch
Personally, I play in the Chinese dub, the intended and canon voiceover.
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For all it's faults WuWa suffers from some champagne problems even the fucking MC is a 11/10
Sorry that you were dropped as a baby.
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For me, it's Changli's Changlis
The models look good enough but the gameplay looks like shit. I'd rather just play Dead or Alive Venus Vacation if i need a coomer Gacha with High Quality models and (You) pandering + boring gameplay
hagbreak is pretty based, they just need more cunnies
Hag love.
Hag breeding.
Hag sex.
Hag copulation.
>not 1v4 with hoyo and azur promilia
Everything is about being a wuwakiller now.
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phrolova my beloved
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>devs fixed Jianxin's boob jiggle
Mihomo could never
doomposters in shambles
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Apart from one 1 cost echo, all have double crit stats(1 missing CD). She'll have 73.6 CR at 90, I'm honestly satisfied for now. My bigger gripe is not CR but ER. I'm not sure how good 18% resonance skill dmg bonus is.
wuthering brainwaves
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Before anyone complains that it isn't realistic, remember that she uses wind powers and she simply stores her wind in her breasts.
Why didnt you test jiggle by jumping to see how they bounce?
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Everyone always says "wu wa", but no one ever asks "wu why?".
No way fag. I'm loyal to my wife Changli.
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Rover will serve your will.
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Too bad she's not loyal to you
Why wu?
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>the outdated dragon doesn't know
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I have the Ada fever
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>she didn't choose the best 5*
>she picked a m*le MC in a yuri game
1.2 double male banner will save this game from drowning out, but only if they're hot enough
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>new game
>viewership already tanked and losing to genshin (again)
what killed the hype
I don't take orders from my pets
I can now see Mt. Tai
I will have sex with Jinhsi
>double male
He doesn't know..
>featured anko manko swimming and gliding...
What is Kuro's end game?
Who are they trying to attract with this ad and why?
Hello again, I'm a marketer for WuWa.

I've recently noticed that in Genshin Impact General, there has been spams done by someone that really puts my employees in danger and my employers at political risks.

Is there anything I can do about that spamming? I tried reporting but it didn't work.
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good morning bros. are we winning?
I am trying zz today. i hope it is fun
they reverted the jiggle??
everyone realized they don't actually want to play another genshin
My dick is already flopping...
Jue does it REALLY have to be 10 times a day for 35 minutes? like i know i'm basically 1 month old but i can tell something's off about this deal?
Imagine this game doesn't get any more shotas after the shitty lion.
kek mrover really is as goofy as leon
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Why does it feel everyone of you will disappear once ZZZ launches?
Shut up, Jue. You're never going to convince me into breeding Jinhsi.
Nah they won't copy persona 5 like homoverse. They'll probably copy fire emblem.
Its morning time in the U.S most people are sleeping or working
So of course genshin viewship will be higher when all the kids are on Summerbreak
its not going to get anymore hebe either because they dont sell. encore/vernia will be the only ones.
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What about Yangyang's yangyangs?
Yangyang pantyhose for me
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Why me
I just realized it is kinda boring without turn based auto.
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Do you like spectrover or hrover playstyle better?
I LOVE the fx and theme of spectro but havok just feeds some primal urge to go ham.
She's a big girl
Holy KEK i never thought about it that way. The Baby game has an advantage during Summer
i hope the new 4 star homo is a twink
I'll try ZZZ but I'm not planning to drop Wuwa anytime soon. If anything I'll drop Genshit to make room.
delete this image from existence
and yourself too while you're at it
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I'm too much of a lazy ass. Can someone make this meme but with Jinhsi?
Best I can do is scissoring
Who does Lingyang appeal to
I love insane women so much bros
I will play both and I will suffer with every thread war shitpost
her fingers are crazy long for her build
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nothanks its for (you), not (me)!
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I'm not downloading 110 gb for an arena battler
if you actually preach about wanting better combat you'll drop wuwa for ZZZ. its going to be objectively better and less of a time sink than wuwa.

the characters are also sexy and the animation is miles better.
I would gladly Wife up a Psycho (Bio)Femanon
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this thread needs more phrolovaposting
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the jin-lin meta combo is sooooo fun bro's i could cry. I was sad that calcharo + yinlin felt clunky as fuck to play but dragon wife is ridiculously fun and the intro > outro shenanigans make make dick hard. 10/10 if you haven't pulled her yet do it faggot
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Leon as Rover (male)
Jill as Rover (female)
Ashley as Jinhsi
Yinlin as Ada
Yangyang as Claire
Verina as Sherry
Changli as Helena
Chixia as Rebecca
Just need a Sheva and Rosemary
>Verina is still the BiS for every team
Why is the green goblin so strong
I will play both but ZZZ will be my main focus in terms of spending money. I'll stay F2P in Wuwa.
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believes it or not, but i'm prepared to die on this hill with wuwu wawa
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What if I want to breed Jue instead?
troon rover isn't canon
This unironically.
>meta combo
jinhsi and yinlin?
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For me, it's Phrolovros.
fucking KEK
who is it animation trying to appeal to? 5 year old babies?
troons look like THAT???
lmao 2 loong
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Jue, we've talked about this. I don't have time to raise children as the magistrate of Jinzhou. You put me in this position, remember?
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it's over for shart rail bwos
the reason the game is 50GB is because 35GB of that is FMVs of this shit
troons wish they look like that
*Lady Arbiter
I am LITERALLY rover (male) (female)
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not playing your gay fortnite X lion king furshit game, just move along dude
yes, that's her best team (yuanwu stacks easier and has less field time but no dmg and is an ugly old guy with a fedora) but yuanwu could make a good f2p replacement.
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Release her
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to ME
>tv screen gaming
>hallway sim
>owned by mihomo
>lead artist know for drawing loli BBC NTR
Shan't be touching that
I dropped genshin like 3 years ago and its the same fucking minigames
did they not improve ANYTHING in all those years? how can you play the same baby shit for so long?
Jinhsi looks so majestic bros
I just can't imagine her using the toilet
it's impossible
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I'm looking forward to every other gacha thread becoming comfy again, at least for a little while.
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a rare dorofied chixia
Is this a shitpost?
She looks like shit terrible design they did the right thing by scrapping her.
>better combat than wuwa
>when the game has default auto parry
>boss battles is just stationary bosses with overbloated HP spamming 1 attack
>while you also just spam 1 attack,don't even need to dodge and you can't jump
yeah maybe better for all the shitters that think wuwa combat is too hard
fucking braindead retards, as they say in DS, GIT GUD
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Back in your cell
>did they not improve ANYTHING in all those years?
the 'i' in 'mihoyo' does not mean improve
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Magistrates don't poop silly-willy
It all gets transformed into fragrant balls of spectro energy.
Jinhsi is my cum toilet
ill try it but literally 0 characters both launch and leaked interest me
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"I'm safe up here. I'll just breath fire--ACK"
taste this bad belongs in >>>/vg/gig
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explain how it is better in combat, ourguy mtashed said it's just a button masher
I think it looks pretty fucking cute and trendy. And i'm one pedantic picky bitch. gay
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my pure snow jade like beauty will NEVER have to go to the bathroom
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>when the game has default auto parry
wait zenzeless zlop zero has auto parry?
I can't wait how they'll spin that as a good thing
I’m just really not a fan of the white/red color scheme and patterns the fractsidus members have. It reminds me too much of bleeding corpses to be appealing
mtashed, the same guy that already said he's burnt out from wuwa and will not be playing it as much? that guy?
This but with Changli
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It's not rape if she loves you
yeah just watch any gameplay video, all "slowmo" are the autoparry triggering, all you need to do is mash button like a grug that the game will literally carry you
anon your shitposts will always fail because we already know ZZZ combat, people have played it, there has been multiple betas and the combat hasn't changed.
Its all flashy button spam with the occasional dodge, the parry is even more casualized because you just press the prompt and you block the entire sequence of attacks
theres no verticality because you can't jump, all the combat is laid down in a small instanced corridor

its fine to pretend shit to bait (You)s but when we already have the info you are boasting about you are just asking to get laughed at when the game releases and its exactly the same.
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I post this jinhsi
I am a rebel
NGL i get hard getting pandered for once in my games. Coming from mainly mainstream AAA trash this is so comfy and cool i'll never trash gacha again.
What if she doesn't consent.
She loves you but she still has to be loyal to her husband. The magistrate's duty doesn't permit infidelityso she doesn't consent.
post your 30 toa clear or your accounts bricked
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>She loves you but she still has to be loyal to her husband.
Then i kill her husband.
Now shes single.
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God, imagine.
i did this to the monkey holo while he was spamming shockwaves on his tree stump, big yellow number right into his dumb ape mouth
At least ZZZ actually has a parry. Wuwa doesn't even have a parry. At best we have a counterattack that you do by attacking an enemy at the right time when the yellow circle shows up.
Who wonned?
>arena battler
>can't even jump
my god are they incopetent or jusr pandering to bottom feeders that can't press more than one button?
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>her husband
Yeah, me
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Starting to look like mihomos literally aren't capable of enjoying games that require a fully formed frontal lobe and that requires some intermediate-level use of hand-eye coordination.
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Sex with Jinhsi and her grandma at the same time. Jinhsi laying on top of Xinyi tongue wrestling her while I rub my cock between both their pussies.
>will NEVER have to go to the bathroom
imagine the smell of all the piled up jinshit inside her....
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more mainstream pixiv artists are starting to draw lewd wuwas
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Reminder that Jinshi arc is concluded and now it's time for main heroine to be relevant again.
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Stop being horny
Based yapyap
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my wife and concubine. <3
>wuwa is getting popular now
its over. time to find a nicher gachaslop
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Why do you think part 2 of hi3, the only game of theirs that actually require some level of competency, is a complete total flop?
These monkeys can't game at all lmfao
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Since Android isn't reliable this month let's use IOS.

Yinlin banner dropped hard lmao. Jingshi starting worse than yinlin banner...
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lmao, a literal slug has more.
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Standing sex with Jinhsi while I hold her up by her thighs and she wraps her arms around my neck like in that one grisaia H-scene.
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>the mean bitchy slut mogs the cute nice girl
Bros.... Why is it always like this?
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Why are the seanigs who shitpost revenue graphs always incapable of spelling Jinhsi?
When are we getting our first wuwa doujin?
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Jinhsi riding my cock while Changli sits on my face!
It is the nature of their race. Incapability.
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headcanon. Changli is a responsible and kind mentor
>the mean bitchy slut
Changli is none of them
>Mean bitchy
I can easily imagine male rover giving jinhsi some proper piston sex then while raising her legs jinhsi's horns appear and she dos the hand symbol for her enhanced skill attack but instead of summoning jue for a dragon beam attack her forte shoots a laser beam of piss instead
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Kissing Jinhsi.
It's not just Jinhsi. All of the girls have beautiful jade-like skin.
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Hundreds of men.
>her forte shoots a laser beam of piss instead
Fucking kek
Thousands even
>wuwa archon equivalent mogged by a random slug
oh no no no no no...
What different things would a talking plush doll of Changli say when squeezed?
>he also has Changli and Anus art.
GreenBang what a man you are.
my jade-like harem grows
miHOMO would never
bro she has 58% of the total works of the entire #wuthering waves tag and she's not even popular within genshin
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What is Changli estimated height? She's seems the tallest among wuwa girls.
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Which way white man?
do you use Jinhsi's E when floating immediately after it comes, or do you wait till she finishes the dragon slam basic attack animation, and or wait for her to get the slam attack on the ground off before pressing E
Fuck off mortefi
I would like him if his clothes and backstory weren't so stupid
jumping from stick to stick is not a dance it's acrobatics
Probably 5'8
assuming you used fedora-man and have the intro skill active its usually jue echo, skill twice, grapple hook if your vs something like heron or memphis in tower then basic x4+super enhanced skill
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is this supposed to be our "competition"?
Changli moans
Jinhsi recites the 5784 articles of Jinzhou's law
w-well ai is better than artcels anyway, haha...
you're retarded
I have enough experience with hoyo games to know they'll never be challenging

for the simple reason they must be playable by every casual in the world or they lose out on sales
the ones they listed dont even look "underage" they are just average hebes
it'd be really funny if someone complained that the other characters also looked underage and forbid their NSFW content.
all me
in a row
Kill all redditors.
nothing is challenging when you're a 30 balding man with excess free time
Nicole could pass as a 17 year old JK
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yuricucks need not apply, you aren't canon anyways
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Using jinhsi E to reposition behind an enemy doing an attack just scratches an itch in my brain
go back
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the crits in this game are PRD not true random
whenever you crit your crit rate goes down behind the scenes and vice versa with the goal of evening out crits
this means that if the little hits of your nuke crit, the chances of the final big hit critting are much lower than your sheet crit rate
this is why you really want 100% crit chance on jinhsi
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It only took me 10 seconds to find that this mod is a lolifag himself
Why are they all hypocrites?
These thing shouldn't be able to stand on two legs
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It's fucking Reddit. What did you expect. Of course you have to wear a chastity belt and pretend to be a good boy on Normie central.com.
Fuck off Pagther.
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>S-sure bro we totally love these sexy underage characters because of their personality haha

Why normies fooling themselves like this
dial 8
danjin cute girl next door vibe
sanhua hot babysitter vibe
baizhi best friend hot sister vibe
yangyang hot teacher vibe
taoqi hot girl at beach vibe
jinhsi popular rich girl vibe
changli hot celebrity vibe
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they probably dont want to risk reddit admins suddenly banning their subreddit like fgo because they had melu+chloe swimsuit images on their main page which is a big nono
nta but I'm 30 this year but I have a lot of hair in my head and I still need to shave and get my hair cut
still have libido too
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>gig buzz word

damn they are still here
That it triggers them that much it is much more funny to lewd characters in places they can't safe space in. Leading obvious teen jc characters for example. Not even higher schoolers.
>losing an entire day of waveplates to level chadwu to resonator rank 4
holy fucking try hard I could almost smell you from here. I'm asking at which time to use the skill because the enhanced E becomes available before she finishes her attack chain, not the entire rotation
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We are gonna be free soon
Now that everyone here has 30/30'd tower what do you use your stamina on?
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Nice game /wuwakeks/
For real, good stuff been playing for a wek this shit is dopamine central.
That said they should work on the VA and story ffs this is amateurish for such a good everything else.
sorry anon, Im just assuming your not as clever as I am when I know im completely retarded
Camellya is still Chun in chink. I guess they just gave her a real English name instead of chingchong.
kek. this is what happens to ameritards after they're not allowed to breed girls at their prime fertile age and have to wait till 18
I'm 32 full head of hair and masturbate twice a day
I'm sorry for you anon
KEK good fucking luck to them, 70% of their fucking cast are straight up underage.
how can it be concluded without a romance story quest where we seed her
>it's real
this anon fucks.
Probably because she's not from chinkland
Not even your own women want you pagther and they have expectations so low people from all over the world fly to Phillipines once they fail in their home country to get an easy Phillipino girl and you cant even get one of those.
Go eat your pagpag and stfu Pagther.
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Why is /wuwa/ so horny despite none the designs in the game really being sexual
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They're gonna have to ban official art kek.
I will play ZZZ until I lose my 50/50 on Ellen but I have no intention of dropping Wuwa. I dropped Genshin recently, though.
i'm not asian lmao
its just a matter of fact that this is a straight man's game and yuricucks are not welcome
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I have a fetish for high resolution images, and the high quality models here are close enough.
The writing was already on the walls when this disingenuous fuck didn't include koleda and nekomata to the list.
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Jade-like beauties and autistic cum goblins who stalk the MC
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Damn, i have NO idea either.
It's a mistery.
Something about Jinhsi and Camellya invoke something primal in me. Vera and XXI did the same to me but I think a lot of that was due to their personalities
Realistically speaking when can we expect 1.2 drip marketing?
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yea, its a real mystery for sure
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>Jinhsi is not hot
>despite none the designs in the game really being sexual
Blame Jinhsi's moles they are too many
You auto parry when you swap characters and the gameplay is mostly one button mashing. If you played HI3 it's basically a dumbed down version of that.
And like in HI3, most of the bosses don't do anything. You just hit them like a striking dummy until they die. The game is all about how flashy it looks, not about the actual combat or any skill required.
holy fuck how can she be so pretty
Right around when Changli banner comes out
strange how they didn't remove her nipple outline like they did for Ganyu before
Within the next 2 weeks
That's using play stores bugged revenue that didn't update for over a week. Try using actual data. That red line not a good look lmao
Meluko my beloved
? pretty sure they didnt remove ganyu's
Kill yourrself Pagther.
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>none the designs in the game really being sexual

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I think part of the reason are that the characters are beautiful together with their models and concepts and were not designed from the get-go to be lewded. Makes the anons here so horny to lewd them themselves.

For example, this prime lewd material...
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>Kamisato Jinhsi
ShIN stop replying to yourself and take your gay ass MC war back to gayshit and HRT
About a day or two after Changli drops.
Is the best play to just farm tacet fields until UL60 since that's the only thing that doesn't increase
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I think if people raised enough of a fuss redditards can actually be peer-pressured into removing this pic.
Danjin is for me ONLY!
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>Jianxin Have titty jiggles again
Wheres the apologems for disabling Jianxin boobs jiggle
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Survey when?
I need more tubes, lots of tubes, and shells.
>m-my gayshit invented pure and elegant hime-sama archetype

Kys troon
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I like missionary because its easy access to Jinhsi's peach flavored lips!
But I also like doggy because I can lick her sensitive tacet mark
Which should I choose tonight
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nuh UH
There's nothing else to farm after you level your units/weapon and traces anyway
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>Snowbreak turning lolis into proper adults with huge tits
We are witnessing the downfall of the hidden pedophiles
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>You'll never be a real woman
>You have No womb
>no ovaries.. just a twisted shell
>A crude Mockery, a liviiing HEEE-EELLL
wow these are all shit, except tsubaki. very glad i rolled on jihnsi
>Snowbreak turning lolis into proper adults with huge tits
The puberty patch...
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Yup I'm uninstalling.
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We need more lolis
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Much quicker than you might expect. Realistically the drip marketing will be coming out before 1.2 beta starts, and that would at least go on for 3-4 weeks.
That's the proper way, loli are meant to grow up.
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The lootmapper doesn't even work bros....
cowgirl,you can both kiss her and lick her back if she goes reverse
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ok tourist
Why is the Rectalfier weapon such dogshit in gameplay?
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Just gotta embrace this wild beast anon...
Snowbreak never had any playable lolis
they're just turning c-cup hags into titcows
it doesnt count hidden 1s like that
Download the mod that makes it a female
You'll never have a real girlfriend.
You're 5 feet tall.
You're ugly.
And your personality is shit.
Girls turn lesbian the moment they see you.
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Imagine how many wuwigger's accounts could have been saved if Lingyang was literally anything other than a furry twink.
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You ARE playing ZZZ, right?
It wasn't hidden. it was just on the map and turned red when I tried to collect it and mobs spawned
if evens, Zhezhi is a cute loli
if odds, Zhezhi is a cute homo
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why this even a rule? they're not real people...
Is this a chest in the wild or one that you have to do some kind of unlocking?
Lootmapper works only on free chests or the green/purple/gold stars
with that leak post, its already too late for me. that will take literally over half a year to release. not getting shit anytime soon. see you guys on endfield/promilia when theyre out (which will probably before this game even gets another loli lol)
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homos lost
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The classic 1000 yo demon that just so happen to look like a kid, talk like a kid and act like a kid. right
she only had the nipple outline in drip marketing and never again
Never fails to make me chuckle.
t. Lingyanglet so far
didn't ask hertacuck, I'm never doing the SU again btw.
Danjin and Jinhsi, I need my hebesa
It was in the wild
I for one TRULY appreciate not having to "infuse" my character to do their elemental damage
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>just got the 5 star longsword but no longsword users in team
bros do I swap pinktits back in or use the samurai? Is it retarded using 2 ranged chars? I like my wife yinlin but also need the flower girl to heal, what do
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Just kidding. Do I go for my guranteed Changli?
The last time she was depicted with nipples was the Valentine's day artwork from years ago. Every art since then doesn't have nipples.
>in-game model is censored
Does this count as false advertising?
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Wuwa is fucking saved by winning the 50/50
literally who are you talking about?
bro your calcharo?
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>post in-game art
>get banned
all the 3d models are a massive downgrade compared to art unlike ours kek
level calcharo you nut
I'd wait until the 1.2 units are announced
If it's two males, go for it
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Jinhsi! I beg you I want to take Changli as my second wife!
The Loong...
A bugged chest then
If you have the coordinates you can try to send them a feedback
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You fucking humble bragging nigggggeeeerrr
that's always been the case with all mihomo games anon...
that's what I figured, do I swap my MC out for him?
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Tons of us here, place is crowded with Railers looking for a change of pace and this delivers.
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>he didn't reroll for a good account seed
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are you being ironic? she's clearly very underage
I pity you "railers" actually wasting any amount of time on that vn
Does this choice affect the story?
Whats the best one
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>hire literal sex artist
>censored all his design
Why hire the dude in the first place?
That's like ordering a burger and remove the patty
I think Kuro approached this the wrong way, phone games are supposed to be braindead and cheap but colorful looking, ZZZ might look retarded but that's simply the standard of mobile gaming, it will sell somehow no matter how fucked up the characters are since kids are the ones playing it
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How is THIS hot?!
No it doesn't, if you get it wrong the MC reasons back to the right choice.
Her voice is hot, I always wanted to impregnate that stupid bitch Bocchi
as an Encore main i choose 3
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I'm gonna feed her mcdonald everyday to fatten her up
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nyeheheheheh what a slut come here you fucking whore
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Jiyan is just testing if you're competent enough to make a decision on the battlefield.
Post dem bilibili animations
I want my magistrate to be a total pushover like her
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I just hope they're faster than Genshin and absolutely NOT like HSR. Anyway, saving for the next loli.
they prefer the subtle imagery provided by Piper and the girl with a spade for her belt buckle
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What pistols would Chixia use irl?
>Why hire the dude in the first place?
He's really hard to work with, complains a lot on his social media and ZZZ is not his first foray into game character design, he's been fired earlier from other companies but his designs are indeed sex
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Ummmm bros???
Why do you all have such low CR???
>thigh mole
>skirt opens up right at her crotch
>2 sets of handlebars, 3 when she grows the horns
How can a man with non negative T levels look at this and not get an instant hardon?
Vector, for obvious reasons
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Made a meme OC just now since I have nothing to do in game
all this Jinhsi shilling is starting to work
she has 4 moles
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I made some small adjusments and made her sexy what do you guys think?
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die in a fire
Cringe pagslop.
get the fuck outa here
>3 sets of handlebars
huh? I only see two? (her twintails and her horns)
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nigger you cannot be serious
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Only dual weilded Glock 18s would be suitable for the Jinzhou Speedster
Ok, I just pulled jinshi from 14 pulls, wtf do I do now
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Jinzhou would not survive
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i give it 10 puzzles out of 10
The characters are just beautfiul in game so they elicit lust when you see them in cutscenes, especially with all the face/boob closeups. Their designs may not be that good as PNGs but when you see Jinhsi's moles and eyelashes take up 1/2of your screen for 30min of story it's hard not to go full coomer.
Save for Camellya (havoc gauntlet main dps) and Zhezhi (havoc verina)
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bro.... the most natural handles of em all... the hips... have sex bro
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what? since when are twintails sexual?
this wouldve been perfect if the tits were accurate, shame
Clearly Camellya is going to be Coordinated support DPS to complement Jinhsi
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lmao the plebs are rebelling, summary execution soon.
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If you're not stacking CR on Jinhsi you're BRICKED
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Oh nyo nyo nyo
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Are you serious?
Now the sticky is gone kek
How is Kuro's history with female characters in gacha? Do they all crave for MC's cock, any canon wife?
The one in the game is kinda ugly so i tried to fix her a bit so shes sexy.
You dont like?
>all future units are just jinhsi supports
imagine being a jinhsilet kek
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I will never build this faggot.
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HOLYKEK is this the plot of one of you wuwachads?
I'm stacking pulls to get her EX
>removed as a mod

He's been demodded already lmao
I hope I helped to cause this by posting that screenshot here, maybe one of you guys spread it around?
At least you got him early both times
Ok but where do I put her? I only have banzhi and verina as healers, yangayang and sanhua(maybe rover as well? Idk how the comp here is made) as subdps
>First event is the same day as zzz release
what did kuro mean by this?
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My third positionist wife Jinhsi is so perfect, bros.
>any canon wife
Lucia and Bianca from PGR are probably as close to a canon wife for MC as you can get
Mean that our roguelike mode in a huge game is better than a whole hoyoslop shit. And they're right
Fucking based. I didn't know Reddit was fighting pedokeks.
it was me but I used the original anon's post who pointed out the hypocrisy
Shout out to him
Where the fuck are the 1.2 character reveals
>PGR mc has a harem
yjk we're in good hands...
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Has CN moved on from wuwa?
This is just the beginning. There is an unavoidable clash between ZZZ's pandering artstyle and hoyo's goal of the wider normie market. Buckle in bwos, we are in for a fun ride.
I hope those ZZZdittors thank us for improving their subreddit next time they come here to revenuepost.
you do realize youtubers crave content to make videos for
You really think that a jewtuber with a gayshit npc name as a nickname would stay long here?
When I get her and her sword to 90, she'll have over 2k ATK and 88CR(like heil hitler), so I'm done farming for now. I'll go for God rolls later.
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Cant believe it took me this long to realize that discount paimon was our Alpha expy...
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see this? excluding collab unit like nier

EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF THEM. is for (you). Even the mascot girl are getting a new frame(alt) to double down on the for (you) aspect

bro, your yinlin?
Why the fuck are you dumb niggers talking about the ZZZ subreddit and a ZZZ mod in the Wuthering Waves general. I don't get it
The normie market can just not play if they don't like it?

Same way they don't bother Blue archive players
did she sound like nanachi in pgr?
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melusine posted
laugh while you can pedochuds
mod can just join back with a new account
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oh my god, are you telling me that Abby will transform into a hot alpha expy right before our eyes? Is this why she's eating all that Tacet Discord energy? To unlock her human form?

This is a 17 year old according to Kuro

>brimming with personality, colors and fun combat
>everyone has the personality of a rock, depressing atmosphere and brain dead combat
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commencing daily feral summoning..
I now want to see this fat gremlin become a sword autist.
>Tiger one shot me
>Go down a world level
>Tiger one shot me
Yeah ok
Abby is man though
Man, being actually gay instead of just a faggot must be tough. For future reference, anything and everything about women can be sexualized and fetishied. All you need to do is look around to see I'm right. Look at all of the armpitfags that have come out of their closets, do you think women want to lick men's armpits? after a sweaty day at work? No, that shit is men sexualizing and fetishizing women.

And if something as disgusting as a sweaty armpit can be used to make faggots hard, hot-looking women in normal clothes are fucking game. because make no mistake, no one is average looking in this game. Hell even some of the named NPCs are hot. And that's without going into the fact that most women in this game have big tits. Oh they don't look big, but proportional to their bodies we have entire squads of women running about with D cups. This is specially telling with femRover, who looks even bigger than a D cup big tiddy woman.
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Sorry bwos...
Do you honestly expect the DLC to be easier than main game?
just build for max dps retardbro
>anything and everything about women can be sexualized and fetishied
There are plenty of bodyparts that don't get sexualized
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>brimming with personality
Didn't know Fornite count as a personality
>make paimon but playable
Even if everyone else quits I will still S2 Changli and reply to myself in 21 days.
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is camellya havoc or fusion?
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0 50/50s won ez
>sar do the needful, 100* pull sar
>redeem the hoyo launcher sar
Let me be your blade! :D
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Strong tits
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Alpha is the real Lucia who ascended and became a Goddess.
I know at least these three are also sexualized
My guy I would fuck that blue haired chick untill I'd die from dehydration
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At least you got early 5*s, luckshitter.
Haha nice bro
>be a new wuwa
>missed the event to get Yinlin
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every part you mentioned could and have been sexualized through many different form of art for years tho?
Hands, stomachs and backs absolutely get sexualized bro
Bro, your verina tummy art?
>average pity 47
kys humble bragging lucknigger
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luckchads report in

20 rolls for Jinhsi
4 rolls for weapon
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Ignore that... It's probably tourists from reddit. See, one of the anons here pranked their reddit mod and then immediately after you suddenly have zzz shills looking to derail the thread. Occam's razor.
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>Anon doesn't know about THAT Deviantart tag
made for harapan
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If your stats are better than mine you don't deserve to complain about bad luck.
>he has luck
kill yourself......
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dont roll on hags
You have luck, see >>484397905. Your complaint about being unlucky is invalid. Luckshitter.
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Fake Melusine
This is how Melusine really looks like canonnicly according to the lore.
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oh no no no
>early pull
>won 50/50
rope luckshitter
Man, you're really showing yourself to be a true gay man here. you provided me with a list, let's get going with it shall we?
This is indeed the hardest.... If if wasn't because we sexualize the whole fucking leg to begin with. ZR, pantyhose, etc.
someone has never heard of sucking fingers for the strategic purposed of arousal raising
Same deal as fingers, you just keep going up
Motherfucker has never heard of a neck hickie.
Toned stomach and a little bit of fat on stomach, both get sexualized.
Really motherfucker? blowing hot hair and suckling on lobes is not something you've ever found in your life?
There's literally an entire industry of gowns IRL designed to put women's backs on display for our viewing pleasure.
waiting for my wife expy
You reek of newfag
>100 pulls on average for a limited 5*
Pretty much average luck. Everyone will end up around there after enough patches
Yoshikage Kira is not just a meme
>Made a new f2p account learn the Mt. Firmament story since I skipped everything to rush Jinhsi
>Don't want to finish story since I want to trial Changli forever
what do I do....
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This anon is either a woman or has a defective brain
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>anon likes his girls without feet
A fellow double amputee enjoyer i see
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>vgh... bwos i'm sooooo unlucky i only got her in 30 rolls below the average... it's over...
call me when luckshitter humblebragging hours end thanks
you won the first 50/50 tho? id say ur average on the luck diceroll
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Luckily it's only for 4 stars on the weapon banner,13 gotten at 9.46 pity average
Umm brosss???
You retards need to understand more is better.
I might be able to get 27 stars this toa
Hope it keeps up
critting twice every hit is the new meta they just dont know it yet
Do you think if I contact support and ask them to exchange my Jinhsi for Changli they'll do it
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Clear everything now and you'll have enough pulls for her in 19 days it's that simple
Yeah it works like warframe.
Eg 115% CR and 210% CD
>100% chance to do 2.1x damage
>15% chance to do 270% CD
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>Astaweave Haven
We won't survive this one bros...
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>Id like 1 Jihnsi please
>Ok anon here you go!
Its that easy.
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>I'd like 7 jinhsis please
>get only one
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give me one then anon?
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For all Jinhsilets, try after midnight, here's my evidence that it works.
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WA (my raifu)
I kinda wanna post that Retard Wa greentext now, but I forgot where I put it.
Heres the WA goalhorn while you search for it:
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tf is this bloated uncompressed shit they say we have to compete with?
first good looking PGR character I've seen posted
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made for bullying!
FIrst Unity game?
I love dancing chibi Yinlin so much it's unreal
If I start playing now, how long it would take me to get most of the lolis and flat chested girls?
well the only two lolis are 5stars you can pick in the banner or just get for free with the selector. So Im guessing 3 days?
you get enough for 1 character per patch
new characters are 100% guaranteed
old reruns are 70% IIRC (never rolled on those since they're a brick)
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Found it
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thanks anon, I need to bleach my eyes real quick after seeing the potato wa
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bambinata, 21, pulao probably is the easiest

feral 21 might be a bit harder because you have to wait for her another rate up and it usually take 1 patch cycle to get one new S rank

hope that will help
Hey I like the wasanbon kanker doujins. It somehow works with the potato faces and pornstar bodies. Go figure.
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>Try to use a healing item to heal my character
>"You cannot switch characters in trial mode"
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holy fucking based
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>9 yos lusting after (You)
uhhh PGRbwos? care to explain/
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oh yeah if we are apply the same rules from PGR to Wuwu Wawa, expect we only get 1-2 loli every year

but they are usually pander to lolifag really hard

>see Pulao in PGR
robot so it doesnt count
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Why is it not waking up?
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>missed this
I laugh at your misfortune, guffaw even
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>dodged the biggest brick
you're good bwo
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it's over for my asterite. sayonara
He rolled for Jinhsi so he died in his sleep
Day off for him lave him alone
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>He didn't roll for the best homo in the game
That's not GeshuLin
False ad
>Got monk girl with the ticket
>I'm having more fun with her than Jinhsi
WTF I didn't expect that
so she was originally supposed to be 1.1 or something?
sex schedule
Monday: Jinhsi
Tuesday: Taoqi
Wednesday: Yinlin
Thursday: Break
Friday: Changli
Saturday: Yinlin
Sunday: Yangyang, Chixia, and Baizhi
I have done all the content. I am just waiting for stamina so I can limit break my characters. See you on the 4th
>Shadowdrops Camellya as a standard 5*
this isn't an airport nigger
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How can NPCs be so cute in this game
What if she's a 4* lmao
Jinshi is garbage outside of tower/holograms
I'm starting to think the new elites got hp bloated just so they can survive until she stacks her nuke lol
Because Kuro realizes that people notice when you put some effort into NPCs.

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