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LastSoftware: >>484200450


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field, Armored Core (/acg/) and Spellbound

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
new ebil bill
stop linking non jee and 'ullie videos thank you very much
*Jvnd sweeps you off Pontiff*
finally a video I can watch
in using this to rape pvers
anyone got the newest DSAnimStudio v5?
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Ask the modder discords
bows will never be good since you cant hold the weaponarts, once you press it you automatically shoot which is a typical miyanigger thing of making things not fun to use for no reason
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anyone else making a new character now that they finished the dlc?
first time i played mainly with int, but this time i'm going with dex/arc
i transfered ansbach's sythe and bow to the new character, i'm gonna play those, a shame that we can't transfer spells though...
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>dualwield greatweapons
>retards holds one giant axe in his hands hanging off the wrist and other in his shoulder
why did only ds2 get this right? Coincidentally ds2 was also the only souls game to have short greataxes that werent held on the shoulder which was cool as fuck. They had dick for range but it was really cool and hit hard as fuck.

Also the DS2 pickaxe was the best version of it in any souls game. The sweet spot mechanic made it cerebral
sis your ce
Grand Merchant
they're never going to fix dlc invasion spawn points are they
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we never fixed:

mt. gelmir
consecrated snowfield
castle sol

so no, thanks for your money retard
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>invade the castle with the twin blade knight boss
>spawn into scadu atlus
>look towards the hosts position
>they're literally across the fucking map in the castle I invaded from but I spawned 2 kilometers away
rkr works on the smithscript shield WA luhmao
>same retiring
damn the dlc's that bad huh
does it consume the rkr
you can buff the dragon handy
>sweet spot mechanic
Why did they ever get rid of this anyways
the what
the new imp hand axe
im >>484361459 and i just woke up after this same idea came to me in a dream. we must have been touched by a primal impulse being transmitted through the collective unconscious.

likely no
i've never used those, i like to play online, can i use them and then completely delete them afterwards?
and the grandmerchant mods says that it's for version 1.10.1 when the current version is 1.12.2
just use ce from the TGA table and read the pinned comment FAQ
ce is way more time consuming
shit it's minecraft time
people who get filtered by CE are so freaking dumb
>there's a knock on your door
>holy shit it's the one and only Miyazaki
>the Dark souls and Elden Ring guy
>he grabs you by the shoulders
>"anon, I need you for my new project"
>he whisks you away to his basement
>"look anon. it's dark souls the fighting game with Elden Ring dlc"
>"who should we have on our roster"

your answer
/v/ is two doors down
The next souls/ring game will have survival crafting mechanics and allow you to build your own base. This will tie into coop/invasion features like your base can be invaded and coop defenders can be summoned to defend it. The game overall will lean even more heavily into the open world aspect, it will be conceptually a bit like valheim where you grind resources to evnetually be able to challenge brutally hard bosses. One boss for example will be a dual wield swordsman with one eye only and who has a vicious crow beast on his shoudler, whose moveset consists of a lot of flying slashes.
nanyas torch is the current hotness for frenzyflamers, but they wont tell you that dbz blink swappas into frenzygrab for an instakrill
1.7.10 or bust
why be so mean for no reason
blinkbolt doesn't combo
gtnh is the only thing keeping 1.7.10 alive
imagine if slurm had boss gameplay gimmicks half as imaginative as flexile sentry or DDfreya
By the way, his phase 2 will make him turn into a dangerous half-crow beast with raven black long hair with physics. Each of his attacks will shoot out feathers on a delay. When he kills you, he makes fun of you arrogantly.
Also, at 1% HP his hp bar locks up and he will do a very hard to avoid aoe attack that needs you to do a specific sequence of rolls and jumps to avoid it. This will add longevity to the boss and ensure players need to actually learn him start to finish to beat him.
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he means this spell
That meme spell?
miriams vanishing you triple nigger retard
with which talisman does frenzygrab insta kill lol this isnt patch 1.01
This 1int mfer is talking about golden crux
enemies lose lock on when you do this so it's pretty useful for bs fishing against clueless pvers
they lose targets for their l2 spam as well
the first guy or the second guy? why can't you retarded faggots just use reply links instead of trying to be unique cool discord trannies
Slapping 26 int on your Faith build is retarded
fun fact: dog3's soul of cinder is the only boss in fromslop that the player must directly deal 1 tick of damage to kill (phase 2 cannot be triggered otherwise, it will lock at 1HP)
maybe, but that's not my idea
just refuting the fact that it's a meme spell
it's pretty useful for invading
golden crux
more like golden cux lmao
I slapped 20fth and 19arc and 15 int on my str build because more weapon variety trumps the pittance of AR/real damage gain I'd get with 66str
>enemies lose lock on
man thats actually big and hardcounters 99% of these retards just spamming l2 in a gank
remember when ring of fog removed lock
show the build so i can laugh
ok laugh but don't bully me
Do curved greatswords have any redeeming features? These things feel like ass in pve and pvp and I feel like great katanas just made them completely irrelevant
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you deserve to be bullied for using and supporting tranny websites
>getting bullied already
wow ok ):<
The actual fuck are you on about
CGS have exceptionally easy to use and strong movesets
The designated "I want to steamroll the game" weapon in the first area is a curved greatsword
they have poise and thats it
poke slop katanas made them irrelevant other than maybe beastman cleaver sword dance swap and bloodhound fang on quality builds reaching UGS tier damage
dogstep fang doe
Mainhand Meteoric Zweihander,
Offhand Orphan Cleaver.
Yes, indeed.
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Still hasn't posted proof award
pretty sure this is intended its not even that good in pvp. it doesn't apply ailments instantly.
how many generals do you have to shit up with this modpack you dysgenic tranny freak
that's just because that wep is retardedly OP and comes with a good wa not because it's a curved gs
it has high base damage great scaling and bleed and the next best thing is one that scales with onyl str and has dogshit range
who the fuck are you talking to you cunt?
what are you even saying?
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>i'm pretty sure this retarded little bow is meant to do more damage than a greatbow headshot and 3 times as fast
not sure about that
we have more than 2 mmcgers here? zamn
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it's good
eats through arrows though you gotta go offline and cheat in some more every ten or 20 invasons though
won't hit anyone that knows how to dodge
the damage is inconsistent, sometimes it will do 1/2 of a full volley or damage sometimes it will do the full volley. I keep hitting people for either 400-450 or 800-900, no in between

I keep sleeping fplets but yeah it usually takes a volley and then another arrow or two
haven't posted here since release
what is bro on about
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Name a better build.
You can't.

its gonna get nerfed harder than batfog and crystal ring shield istg
How'd oyu get so many sleep arrows? NG+7 or something?
>shoots 5 arrows
>consumes 8
maybe greatbows are just shit
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cute post!
sucked the cock of a transsexual award
i don't like trannies link me a frame data explorer that is not made by a xe/xher
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These daggers are cursed
great fucking post dipshit everyone knows what you're talking about fucking retard
I'm not spoonfeeding you secret scaling knowledge
ok but spoonfeed me because I'm a different anon and I'm asking nicely prety please
not that anon but even i know hes talking about smith script daggies
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What would her fight be like?
I'm not that far into the dlc yet..............
fuck you bitch eat these rolling sparks
dlc has been out for almost 2 weeks now
you get the daggies 30 mins into the dlc
Ew, Scott Jund.
I don't have that much time to play a lot gyatt damn it
just unlocked the southern coast map. so far I've only done some small dungeons and the belurat thing. I've also been invading as I go along and only moving on from a certain area once I pwn at least 1 host
Try beanpole
i farmed them from albinauric women. 300+ arrows an hour if you know the optimal route :)
i wanna duck her penis if u know what i mean
you can duck mine at the 2025 /dsg/ meetup
the fabled duck mines
banished knight with pickaxe
duck communion when
After they finish Bear comma
that's a banana
bro i cant believe the bear roar ducks sick
lol fuck you here's a joke spell in the dlc where all the spells are already ass
it's a snake you dishonest retard
Hehehe okay one thing is that the fo cost is shper low but goddamn fromsoft wtf
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*grapefruits your FP*
no it just looks like one dummy
erm hav u never seen a banana before
sorry for my mistake, and sorry for insulting you
the casting animation for it looks funny
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>in the dlc where all the spells are already ass
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>micro image
i forgive you
the gravity one looks cooler than the gay fth thorns
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My Dark Souls artbooks came today.
that one is fun
messmers orb too
factually incorrectamundo
open up the ds1 and ds2 ones please I wanna see some of those
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how did weebs trick people into thinking these games are hard?
I can’t afford the dlc…
why did you put your tranny comics over the dark souls books whats wrong with you
Very nice.
Are you getting the others? bb and er i guess.
>just looked up demons souls artbook
what comics are those
is giant golden arc incant good
is multilayered ring of light incant good
they're usable
Most of the variants r on ehentai u know..
i got killed by a chinaman using that i just stood still and he rolled me to death it took like 50000 rolls lmao
animay can be cool idk what those r tho
they just OK
Sorry anon, they're in the freezer right now. They're all on e-hentai.

Gonna get BB and Sekiro. Dunno about ER yet. I didn't know Demon's has an artbook.

Tower Dungeon
Is there a single case in Elden Ring where rolling to the sides or backwards is more useful that rolling forward other than some obvious attacks like Godrick's Stormcaller?
beat the dlc and got about 5-6 larval tears left over
i want something to benefit great katana+raptor of the mist

im conflicted though because puttin frost on that bitch is great for helpin for boss killing but i dont wanna invest in int much at all, and want arc for flies+blood oath shit. but also i need faith for golden vow but the stat spread seems all over the place.
wtf I did not expect people to upload non porn books to exhentai thanks for the headsup
does blink bolt break lock on
Yeah the panda's a treasure trove for artbooks.
Which move because when I fought her rolling forward gave the best results.
I forgot to use commas and now the text looks like a mess.
worm clubba soom
taking a break until the patch drops
It has a fuck ton of western and eastern artbooks esp for vidya and anime— but it has a lot of random stuff too. I used to download finnish folklore artbooks off there lol. It’s a good place to preview before u buy them
at work :(
bitch the patch is not droppng soon
so you're taking a break forever because there wont be a patch
>cold great katana
>raptor of the mists
>golden vow
>lobster meat
>sekiro block+physical reduction physick
yeah it's coop time
>host proceeds to gas the area with rot breath and spams aow out of range while im dancing for my life with relanna
>proceeds to die in 2 hits thanks to lolnovigor

this playerbase are copypaste builds from pre-dlc and its atrocious.
can't you just use a golden vow consumable now
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Dubi wouldn't lie about a patch...
raptor of the mists is dishonest and you deserved it

if i see u level abovr 125 im fucking killing u and crashing the fc
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I haven't decided yet : (
where did dubi say anything about a patch
did people come to the consensus on if the community should be higher level now or not because of the dlc?
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You want me to wear a stat helm instead?
some """"people"""" stay at 125 because they're faggots who can't play actual fighting games
Everyone else just levels up and the people playing the DLC are all around 200
yeah thats what i figured considering some of the stat spread on a lot of weird spells and weapons
i stopped at 175 for now at endgame but i have a 150 character to go through the dlc still

dont know what build for that though. still get frequent summons for renalla at 175
There are too few mini dungeons in the dlc
no because level 150 is already stretching it for "build" quality and everything past then is just disgusting bloat
>host proceeds to gas the area with rot breath and spams aow out of range while im dancing for my life with relanna

spirit ash tier
Normalfags do whatever they want.
Everyone with a brain is sticking to 125-138
puke drinking compnigger
stay in discord
whats worst is they also summon Leda which makes it such a fuckin slog if you aren't abusing bleed+frost procs or thorn spell
Please cry harder.
hey guys here's my epic new 80 faith 80 strength tank caster colossal weapon build with some arcane on the side
do what he says
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>Normalfags (99.75% of the playerbase) do whatever they want.
>Everyone with a brain (the troons and sissies in my discord) is sticking to 125-138
go back to /sfg/
no one cares if you level up retard
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is there a definitive list of npcs you have to summon to progress quests anywhere? I don't want to fight bloated bosses
me and myself (mimic tear) should be 'nuff
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upset lil dogger?
the only ones that matter are in the arena itself and its only igon and horsent for messmer if you wanna get invaded by the bud bitch
also depends how you help leda too i guess for that part, which i did
Mesh, please stop being cringe
try again lil diggy
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can we get snopes in on this
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This thread is lame at these hours. Talk about something
>in the works
see you in 6 months
>bro that boss was easy. git gud.
>took you 30 attempts? skill issue. i beat him first try.
Nobody is forcing you to be here
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Should i respect a existing character to utilize a miracle build or make a whole new one
why would you post miquella's shriveled up taint and asshole i didn't need to see that
please don't conflate me with baiting slime
I have a low presence unless i'm making webms or there's an fc
posted it again award
Depends on the character.
Post em
Dost thou the gods serve? Or mererly that role affect?
erm who was the corpse is miquella was still in neverland (its his ghost is not an argument because he was throwing away his flesh there)
He grew a body double in the haligtree
sorry new one was still in the oven
here you go
i cant seem to go back to normal katanas after great katanas
why even use curved greatswords at this point either?
Oh fuck off I wanna wear cool armor and still have talisman slots, and lots of fp.
Level 201 btw having a blast constant coop.
if i see you
>wearing heavy armor
>staff in hand
>bubble soaker physick
>shoot rocks
>spam rot breath
>use blasphemous blade
>dont even buff yourself with delicious lobsters
>0 to one chudfrags
im going back home
Grow up
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you're a selfish little fuck who can't make compromises
Uhhh I guess curved greatswords have more sweeping attacks instead of thrusts? I think great katanas are just better curved greatswords myself. Instantly realized it when I picked one up.
they really should have had a mechanic that steals levels from you, allah winter lantern grabs in the scary spooky woods
fc tiem
>can softcap one damage stat and invest heavily into another
>can actually invest into some mind and end
balanced to me
Sure I can make compromises. The only stats I added for the dlc were fp, hp, and stamina. Still 50/50 faith dex I just look cool instead of a dirty little twink. Still on 10 int 10 arc 20 str.
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I hate ergies so much
does bloodboon slabbed on the ground freeaim stack all the pools at once?
start it
I sort of regret not staying at 175 but pvp is dildos and I don’t care
Soul level should cap at 100, memehacki is a coward.
im not a pvp feller i just like helpin people so it gives me an excuse to try out different shit.

boss rematches woulda been tight but this is all i got
Holy fuck, finally.
I died 10 times during this playthrough and 6 of those was this faggot.
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>im not a pvp feller
Then why the FUCK did you butt in the conversation?
no retard
he respawns
whats your first souls game?
I know, I just wanted to get to the other side.
just walk past him
like a pussy?
Enjoy wasting your time
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weclome back kang

>being this much of a newfag you compare to winter lanterns and not fkn allant who has that exact mechanic
lurk moar
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Why does Gay-ass ride on top of a Giant Boar which nobody ever talked about (that happens to have basically infinite fucking poise), and not a Bullgoat?
Yet another folly added to the tally of DLC cinemasins.
you're so fucking STUPID
you're such a faggot tryhard wanting to fit in.
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What comes after Elden Ring?
someone just launched god2
Passion project that 2 people will play
Armored snore
another video game probably
i saw that
>l2 l2 l2
many such cases
Y'know. Maybe Radahn isn't that bad, actually.
anyone know if the meteor gs l2 only combos into another l2 or also an r1
prepare to die XD
Seems unlikely, maybe if you freeaim it to the side but the first L2 doesn't stun for super long
fighting Lady Butterfly, why is neither of us taking damage when I'm slashing her while she's kicking me, what's happening here. That's the only part of the fight I don;t get, is the "kick" actually guard?
What's a good amount of Focus
if you aren't a caster, then don't touch mind
620 with armor, 800 with the talismans
for a hybrid caster 20 is more than you'll probably ever need especially with the blue dew tally
oh yeah focus focus exists... stupid naming fuck you elden ring
I'm talking about Focus res from Armor
Real funny
It's fine to let your mind wander a bit, like thinking about what you you might have for dinner later. But don't distract yourself by having a conversation with someone or listening to other music while playing.
just wear solitude armor if you don't want to be slept. it doesn't really have any notable amounts.
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i wasnt being funny
Okay, it's for the frenzy torch WA
post your shit
you'll see my shit in the next 'lub when the patch drops
Why does the pic in the OP remind me of Old School Runescape.
Did you level mind or some shit?
Why is it so high
as i said, the dlc talismans are really strong
but you said 800 with the talismans...
Why are we all speaking into the void
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it begins
you can also use the coughing baby talisman and then swappa to clarifying horn after it procs
im shitting at work rn
*makes throat slitting gesture*
i like normal kats just because funni ass of warts on new sombers
post webums
lmao wtf
boars r cooler
escaflowne spellbound
wtf nyo attacking while gesturing allowed
makes sense tho
I'd rather not proc madness on myself
it'll get phantom procced on you anyways
voidspeaker covenant
get with the times old man
>wtf nyo attacking while gesturing allowed
I did the world's slowest R2 while he was deep into the roll cancelable frames of his (late) wave
truth nuke
normies ditched the frenzytrain last year
ur reported… you will hear from us soon
I love cut content ring
wait till you hear about pontiff
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int won big time
marigga my nigga
a coinvader used this shit and nuked 70% of my hp with the third strike
you suck
>not endure casting like GOD3
where are the pvp webms with carian sovereignity
no pvp 'ebms till the patch
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why would you not want to abuse shit while it's still broken
I respect other "people"
hmm idk maybe my iq is above double digit
I thought the grey phantoms were immune to status
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Help sekirosisters
Im trying to level up my attack power "confronting the memories of powerful foes" fucking fuck bosses. I just beat the Horserider Massatafaggot boss memory. And I didnt get the item or what ever point
What the fuck i just spend the entire day trying to master this shit and it didnt gave me anything
madness fists are retardedly op
every other weapon forces you into long animations if you want to proc madness on someone but the fists let you do it with quick r1s. it true combos into a charged r2 and then more r1s after
ok but where's the madness fist webm
I haven't found them yet but I'll be sure to make some when I do
they want me to get it on patreon but i i have no credit card...
Just cheat them like the day 1 odachi, faggot
Has anyone collected data on DLC weapon ranges yet?
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watch your tone
you couldn't wait 2 days to play the dlc
you get the greatkatana like instantly doe
that doesn't justify cheating it in before you could even start the dlc
i use madness fists on my dex/arc/fth bill and they deal 0 damage because its a str weapon
yeah the only shit you get from em are new clothes for john sekiro :)
some people use the gameshark on their first playthrough of a game, what can you even say to that
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>killing n*x
if you have an RP name but your loadout is some minmaxed ugly shit you deserve having your savefile corrupted
what if it's a build-in progress, because i need fire prelates chest and poison perfume for my single mom rp and im only in liurnia
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balling rn
lol he died in fotfg
you gotta build up to it in a scuffed unique way. I made a character based on beast claw stuff and I made him wear whatever looks the most bearlike until then
i fell off the edge in heide okay...
forest of the fallen giant vs forest of blue skin

elden ring 2 leak
combo too short
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its just phase 1
it should also have at least 3 different room-sized aoes
not funny didn't laugh
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>disc shield
>swift slash
>nanaya torch
>blind spot
>rolling spark
>sleep xbow
>dueling shield
>nooooooo stop using the torch that makes your build work
miriams vanishing literally saved int builds, and people called it useless garbage when they saw the dlc preview
"your build" being an instant kill bug is pretty wack
isn't it a pvp only thing
Where's the webms then
I thought the webm was gonna end after u got slapped out of the air and i started laughing rly hard fuck
>"your build" being an instant kill bug is pretty wack
when in rome......
I hope for DS4 they make invasions for all humans again + make funny covenants
hate this tryhard gank meta faggot shit
>fight ancient dragon senegalese
>ok I don't wanna torrent cheese him that might be kinda lame for a new bo-
>camera up his ass
>he spergs around and electrifies everything below him with attacks i can't see
>ok then I guess he's meant to be fought on horseback
>he just literally slowwalks after torrent and doesn't attack while I kill him 100 to 0
some of these bosses are rushed as fuck lmao what the fuck is the design intent here
do i replay god1, 2 or 3 while waiting for the patch
why is the senefagxx reskin stronger than bayle anyway
that dragon has to be the worst boss in the game, either I'm stupid or the attacks are impossible to dodge because of the lingering lightning aoes
they got lazy
bayle is a jobber
you have to be at the right distance from the impact or they will rollcatch you
given that you literally can't see what the boss is doing from melee range though good luck, not really fun to figure out what move he's using based on how his toes curl. Just fight him mounted it absolutely breaks his AI and the few attacks he will do can't reach you
storm blade his head
who keeps letting the queers bake?
just went through 700 arrows in around a dozen invasions
dragons get the astel meteorite treatment
bayle is just a crippled fat pigeon
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Is Ahab's Ash any good
It feels slower than grandeur when uncharged.
I'm pretty sure that the first part isn't a knockdown either.

Hitting people with the follow-up is fun, but my favorite part of Grandeur is how the uncharged L2 feels like a faster Lion's Claw.
just hide behind a wall and 1shot the host
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red spy in the base
it has hyperarmor ig... but no unless you really like through and through
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Millwood lost...
you're my buddy
dunno why they wont do old monk again. just have it so you are given a preset of equipment to use instead of having scraping spear type equivalent ass fuckery possibilities.
>old monk concept but it's any NPC in a level
>spirit ashes but you turn into the spirit, sort of like a new magic type
these are my ideas and I'll defend them
There is nothing wrong with rellana
what happened to him? I haven't kept up with the thread personalities much since before dlc release.
Did he finally kill himself?
If I wanted to use a Crossbow, Bow, or Greatbow for ranged utility on a DEX/FAI build, what would I want to use? I am not looking to build around bows, I just want a good option for plinking with when its pertinent or otherwise necessary. I've been looking at Ansbach's Longbow (very coincidentally its showcased in one of the first posts in the thread), but its Ash of War is bugged, and is going to get nerfed rather quickly, but from what I can tell, you're not able to use it while mounted.
nobody here is old enough to know what gameshark is fuck u lol
>Swift spear
What's the point? Only it's r1 even does a double attack. The AR on keen is also shit despite the S scaling.
yeah honestly would be cool if they just slap you into the soul of like say a crucible knight mini arena and the person has to kill you to progress.
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You guys might know better than the erg guys. Running ER at a stable 60FPS on a 3060ti/5600x all the sudden I'm running at ~45FPS. The hell do I do?
i imagine it's probably intended for DEX/ARC builds. might also catch a buff in tonight's patch
CrabBlade abuse
tried it with a bleed build against relanna and she just moved around too much and couldn't track for shit.
it does weigh a little though so theres that.
id rather just use any other spear though
welcome to elden ring optimization hell
fc when?
The Erdtree bows exist I think

what if they added PvE to the colosseum
ah I see
Wish we got a coop mode against waves of progressively more heavily scaled enemies in increasing numbers, like Ultrakill's Cyber Grind
how long does it usually take when that happens
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gang indibit so which button do I click
1 day-1 week
It would be boring because the colosseum maps r boring
Anyone else have to try to start te game more than once? Is this a blue bear problem?
Is ds2 the only game where you lose up to 50% total hp when dying?
my game crashes on load screen a lot idk why sigh
demons souls has u at 50% hp in soul form it u die as a human

cling ring gets u to 75% hp in soul form

human form is 100% hp
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Why is this farmable
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>want to play a le edgy, raggedy ARC-fag with poison, rot, a tiny bit of bleed, and dex
>early basegame routing has me playing with the halberd, using FGMS and golden vow because I cant be fucked
>poison etc literally doesnt matter earlygame when you're just stunlocking enemies to death and riposting every 4th second
>already entertaining the idea of going a frost infused dex knight instead
AAAAAAAAA, ARC-BROS, HOW DO YOU DO IT?! I'm already losing interest in the build before I can even get the black whetblade, let alone get any actually COOL arc-weps online. Not to speak of the fashion, fucking knightcore bullshit
God I wish frenzy stuff scaled with ARC, that would make it easier to stick to a theme atleast
i notice that 90% of people give up on fighting him mounted right away because they dont think of jumping over his charge. Alternatively if you wanna feel more like an epic gamer you can dismount/mount for it it gives iframes
>God I wish frenzy stuff scaled with ARC
It does
just use 'duvia or bloody slash on a weapon
idk but its fun
its funny to watch a host summon me and then suddenly gain a false sense of confidence and immediately eat shit
they seem to forget that the scaling means that the boss gets almost another full health bar per phantom so given the host is already most likely not pulling his weight it just means that they now have a longer possible time period in which they can die over while I whittle away at the boss
I mean, yeah... but I was refering to the actual damage scaling on the few madness-themed weapons we have. I guess dragon communion seal with the frenzy seal offhanded is something atleast but... fuck...
This is gonna turn into one of those FTH hybrid builds once again at that point.
I guess... Bleed it is, it seems
Should I just go DEX/INT instead? INT-fags are seething about the DLC, but are there any fun weapons to frost infuse instead?
Frost is for physical builds, not casters
madness fists into fkgs flame skewer
just sleep vortex them
how should I build for bleed pata
If you want to use poison and rot, rush for the Antspur and put Poison Mist on it.
Then you can cheese Radahn to get the wetblade so you have more flexibility with weapons.
Then maybe go also cheese Mohg to get into the DLC and get the rot dropkick ash that is OP as fuck and single-handedly enables poison/rot builds, also for other Arcane stuff.
Otherwise you can go the bleed route with the Reduvia or Bloody Slash.

But really just get to the DLC ASAP.
low arc
run str pata w/ bleed grease
wouldn't buttflame be better tho
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fun fact deepcoomerlore: the artist for this image originally did varre, but then he found out varre was a faggot simp for mohg and did bernahl the beastmaster instead because he wanted to appeal to cuckholds more, but then got pissy once he found out that bernahl was also simping for volcano manor / his cut maiden, and gave up and went to fictional hairy bara giganiggers fucking anything whiter than 7F7F7F on the hexadecimal scale because he's a jeet (similar to generalbutch) and cuckholds pay the bills fo dem pills.

just thought you all might like to know that tidbit of interesting information.
nyo because then you can't use flaming strike
Arc gets bleee
so reduvia
eleonoras poleblade
bloody helice
uhhh guhhh gooo
occult great stars w poison mist <3
poison moth flight
occult venom fangs <3
mushroom hat
poison exultation
hmmm ripple axe ripple halberd with grease of ur liking
if u go into dex arc or str arx maybe regalia of eochaid or the greatsword version??
seprent bow for poison proc
mogh spear maybeee
theres a rot halberd
poison dog flight 2.0 its an epic bootknife thst flings u like a mile into someones head
poisoned hands are like the mushroom head/exultation
Please take your meds
Jee strike is bad now
it's not. they only touched the damage a bit, but the wacky lingering hitbox + true combo (which is what made it so good) is unchanged.
you write like a fag, but you reminded me of alot of good shit. Eochaid stuff got under my radar, that with a serpent bow on openings could be all I need to feel good until I get to the DLC and can fuck around with the PMF 2.0
Or this, I could use some practice with rapiers anyways for when I wanna play a duelist

Ty, both of you.
what's wrong with dueling shields
brainless and op...
not really......
kick lizard gs pwns
go post some webms then
so fucking gay playing the old games then going back to elden ring and seeing how auto lock on the bosses are
makes you want to instantly alt f4
I'll make some in the next fc
Too hard for you? :3

AND THE OTHER BLOODFIEND WEAPONS (basically reskins of base game stuff sadly but better arc scaling)
ya theyre bugged… too much guard and u cant kick them if they’re attacking u its dumb
u never landed kick i hate u
wwait why?
just a lot of badly made bosses
but thats a trend in all the games
well it's a shield it's gonna have a lot of guard..........
can you kick carian knight sword R2?
you can guardbreak fingerprint with kick
you can guardbreak blocking duel shield with kick
you can't guardbreak attacking duel shield with kick
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>mute in-game audio
>put on asmr
Now the DLC is enjoyable
did they buff kick to actually just auto guardbreak blocks now
u can friggin kick greatshields but if u kick the dueling shield as its attacking u with block frames u barely make a dent in their stamina i think its kinda dumb :/
also idk if u can kick carian sword r2 we’d have to test it. i just got home if anyone is on in like 2 hrs we can see.
this… idk if its intended but i think kick should win over the block frames attack
i turn the music off during my second playthru unless ik its a boss track i rly like.. so like godrick, radahn, rellana and lion dancer
Do other perfumes have a niche? I know lightning is best for the scaling, but frenzy could be good for NPC encounters and it also resets the cold so I wonder if dual wielding those is alright. But the scaling is all over the place.
Anyone have experience being an honest perfumer?
it always did that
perfume is kinda dogged… its alright if u stack buffs and perfumer talisman but if u go up against something that resists whatever element u got then u should just switch to physical damage weapon.
i havent tried the frenzy one in pve
Perfumes are alright but you really have to learn the ENTIRE moveset to get far
>making new build
>hit frenzied flame proscription
>start going through deeproot depths
>realize as im jumping towards a tree branch that im not gonna make it
>miraculously, an instinct washes over me
>Start, Up (D-pad), A, L1, A, Left (D-Pad), A

from software adding the cheat code to completely mitigate all gravity-based deaths is pretty based of them ngl
give me a fun dex weapon build before i retire my character
>not embed
Same moveset as Katar, but way longer and extremely stylish
Only thing is it has pretty shit AoW choices being a fist weapon, but that's not terrible
terrible games
it's a tiktok video don't bother
Yeah it being dependent on element resist (and not covering all elements) kinda sucks. Could have been a holy one...
physical sleep perfume...holy sap perfume....
I beat genichiro yesterday now what? Monkey place with the bell? Or do I go sunken shootemup valley
God, I hate the hippo. This thing really tracks you and the grab hitbox isn't that intuitive. Not the worst ever but annoying. This guy and Gaius deserve some adjustments.
It's up to you, you have to assemble all the items you get from the different locations anyway so the order is open ended, that's something good about Sekiro imo.
Stay on his side and poke him with your colossal weapon anon
I could've sworn on release it didn't ever guardbreak shit
I think I'll avoid sunken valley then because that ape is a real n-word
By always I meant since patch 1.07
you can't kicka special guarding attacks or shieldpokes. it'll eat all their stam but never guardbreak
The ape is the best boss in the game
all these games such a slog to get through and for what?
my 2 hexer is starting off strong!!!!! also is the chaos raper good
I run the poison fist and occult great kat.
I have a feeling moonrithyll is going to be the sane ryan contrarian weapon
also I couldn't land a single sexy backstab on this npc so I just cheesed it with strafe backstabs. do npcs have better tracking than players or am I just this rusty?
hey fellows weebs i beat this shit boss in this shit game
I agree with the other anon, 1st ape is amazing, monk is fucking cancer.
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>try new weapon/build
>don't like it as much as my favorite weapon/build
>repeat for thirty years
It's the worst rapier for hexing
wtf you mean
monk is genuinely extremely straightforward and has a baller theme and design
she just swings her sword and you shing shang shoom with your sword
but with the shieldspear its like a tiny sliver of stam :( i think it would be better to just mash r1 instead of kick
chaos rapier is fine
i mean its what a quality int tax ugs with okay ash
im sure sane ryan will kinda like it
but idt hes big on soul mass iirc
which one???
>doing milady+shield run.
>Getting raped by red beat of all things, AoW 100-0's me if I get caught.
>Guard breaks you easily
>Switch back to great katana and run poke him to death in one try like my last 2 playthroughs
I just can't have fun with anything other than the odachis and fkugs. I just end up on them no matter what. They need to buff the dryleaf stuff a bit too, at least make it as good as fists. It's a shame that it looks so cool but is kinda meh.
weebs love these shit games
I hate it because it takes forever and gets stale, the thing has too much "health". Going through the motions on that boss over and over on demon bell charmless is fucking gay and boring.
its not guaranteed against fingerprint if they have 181 or more stamina assuming its fully upgraded. its even less guaranteed against verdigris greatshield being that it has effectively 40% more stability than the fingerprint greatshield
why the fuck does your new build have like 20 vigor
just go play tennis
donde estas
>Going through the motions on that boss over and over on demon bell charmless is fucking gay and boring.
I mean I guess but I don't really rate bosses on how they play on challenge playthroughs
>verdigris set
>verdigris talisman
>verdigris greatshield
>dragoncrest great shield talisman
>greatshield talisman
>2 headed turtle talisman
Yeah, im finna toonk
Don't forget your crab, opaline hardtear, and aura buff (golden vow or commander's standard). Fuck it, I might make this build now.
i hate wasting time on all these broken bosses
i hate wasting time reading your crying
helping all these hosts just because i want to refight a boss isn't that rewarding after the 20th faggot to die to double moons
you're the only one thats broken
is the shield fun? why does the weaponart do no damage
Have 60. Maybe I didn't 'llect 'nough 'du 'gments this time.
man I never got to see rellana do the double moons attack
I fucking wiped her with my mimic tear and leda
solitary moon slash is strong as hell, I just kept mashing
I'm absolutely ruining and cheesing every boss I've come across so far
green havel and bullgoatse are kino
Use the pearl shield talisman to block elements better too. Don't forget deflecting tear so you don't even lose stamina.
>Use the pearl shield talisman to block elements better too
I've only got 4 slots
do you think I should retcon any major character's deaths for my fanfiction
Make michael jackson still alive in your fanfiction
isnt pearl shield like 5% more for the elements
20% non physical damage resistance while blocking
how is this game a challenge if you know what the boss is going to do?
got it. the king of pop will return
okay hear me out
i am done pretending these games are good
cold takes
milady is really underpowered
and yes I had the same experience with the red bear the guy's weaponart is a rollcatch and the first two hits true combo
enjoy dying in 2 hits
run poke just like my animes
dumb stinky newnig
i fucking hate weebs
anyone remember the tripfag that posted here 13 years ago
im bored of rollslop
im bored of anime cheese slop
get a room faggots
I'm tired of buzzwords
hope the first weeb who said these games are hard is dead by now
the only reason to like soulslikes is for the difficulty anyway. Pretending otherwise is boomer shit
Milady is underpowered and it's moveset sucks.
I've seen it just whiff so fucking often
why do these slide you across the map
CURSE YOU FURNACE GOLEMS, I got the first one and got my sekiro drink on launch day.
I'm not going to engage with the rest of these.
Lords of the Fallen weapon
Yall niggas think the light greatsword poise damage finna be a bug?
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weapon for this feel?
>rapes anyone who isn't a poisefat
>gets raped by all poisefats
you can beat elden ring on a dancepad
>weapon has counters
oh the horror
isn't that from the brotherhood of the wolf lmao
they had a fucking whip sword in t hat movie lol and the bb outfits-- fucking dogshit movie tho, kinda charming but just so fucking shite
let's see then beat furnace golems on a dance pad
it's shit in pve too
fire knights will tank a 1h lgs guard counter but get staggered by a greatspear r1
the only issue was the dirty french
french is hot tho :3c
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The graphics have certainly improved.
this looks like shit why aren't you playing elden ring
why is this image so wide lmao
also have fun
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>finally beat a boss after many attempts
>check the messages
>didn't expect weak foe...
>weak foe...
>why is it always weak foe?
>praise the weak foe!
How do you respond without sounding mad?
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try beanpole in other words fatty ahead
>How do you respond without sounding mad?
You leave a message saying the foe was weak
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Healing whilst moving is cool. Shields seem really powerful. Let us hope that this game can compare to its predecessors.
Valve: put in something overtweaked to sell loot boxes for a month before nerfing it
no individual care
Fromsoft: puts some cool shit in their PRIMARILY singleplayer game that's overtweaked
help me im going to drink potion of hurting in minecraft!
I wish to beat Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro before moving on to the big one. These games have been in my backlog for about 5 years.

I don't know why the image is like that. I will make sure to have fun, this game seems good.
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>/erg/ is at the point where it gets to bump limit in less than 2 hours but almost nothing worthwhile is discussed in the entire thread

I'm doing a second playthrough of Shadow of the Erdtree. Either I got amazingly good at the bosses in my sleep (barely beating some bosses with OP gear + spirit ashes to now beating them first try with a meme build and no summons) or the week 1 DLC was insanely overtuned and they over-corrected with last weeks balance patch.
I like how gentle the Three Fingers are
>Valve: put in something overtweaked to sell loot boxes for a month before nerfing it
>no individual care
when was the last time that happened? 2011?
shields r alright.
dark souls 3 is shit
>or the week 1 DLC was insanely overtuned and they over-corrected with last weeks balance patch.
I think you just got better at the game. the scadutree blessing buff was tiny
this lol
no hindu representation in the dlc
(And that's a good thing)
they really didnt do that back then Mainly because hats lol
that and stranges in tf2 usually took forever for new weapon

It's been an on and off trend for a bit in their other games. Most apparent was the R8 in csgo back in 2015 that had a case dedicated specifically for it
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>they over-corrected with last weeks balance patch.
You can be the judge of that
oh yeah, I remember the R8. that was a shitshow. wish it was usable today
>the reward for getting 3 skibbidy toilet fragments is doubled
Why do shitters always have to ruin our fun?
>level 12 [current] is equivalent to level 17 pre-patch
I guess I won't need to search for every scadutree drop after all
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time to keep playing my overleveled str fth goblin in the dlc yipeee
sorry... i complained to zaki
i dont get it
reddit really is the embodiment of "small time machiavellianism"
It's not possible to help randoms in the DLC. All of them have barely 7 fragments trying to fight shit like the mother of fingers, summon 2 phantoms and die to the very first attack over and over.
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Marika's ti- err, Marika's thighs!
Please return to /erg
Okay, I'll post it there too.
good man.
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i migth as well use ansbachs bow in pve before it gets raped to death and does 2 damage like all the other bows
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decided to pick DS2 back up since i hadn't played the dlc, beat fume knight yesterday and it was really fun, but this fucker is just annoying, takes too long and it's too hard to get there, what did you guys do, i'm about to use the summons at this point
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wtf is this crab thing?
the runback is fucking annoying as shit but i rmember powering through it because back then i was a god gamer with zero fucking fucks given.
the summons help you clear out the enemies if u rly want help just dont take too long before the boss there cuz it is a memory
My friend, if you can beat Fume Knight, then you can beat any boss. Drink your Estus Flask in real life and make sure to regain your humanity.
there's an illusory wall video if you're interesting
and the wikidot also has good information on it that illusory wall also worked on iirc.
everyone knows about vagrants by now. let's discuss drift item bags
Dark Souls 3 dodge rolls > Dark Souls 2 dodge rolls.
drift item bags r just proto good vagrants but they do have a unique item pool of stuff u can drop -> what it turns into
u gotta pass em around 10 diff worlds for them to turn into good vagrants
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Yeah no shit DS3 was after bloodborne
pre bb you had stamina for a few rolls and the rolls had many iframes but some recovery frames
post bb your rolls give you almost infinite iframes and you can spam 50 of them to deal with enemies spamming attacks
>got my final level up from the dancing lion
who is considered the hardest boss now?
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do not tell anyone my pve character is lvl 171 now lmao
people will answer all kinds of shit now but the actual honest to god truth based on where i get summoned the most and hosts get stomped the most is rakshasa
For Dark Souls 2 it was officially Fume Knight. No idea if From Software released stats on any other game.
Some bosses are legit harder coop than solo. I rarely have a session getting thru scadtree avatar but almost always win Gaius but solo I thought the tree was a meme boss (was on fth build tho) and gay ass was looking kinda cheese worthy after 10 tries.
for some reason all human type enemies get utterly raped by halberds with the overhead type r1 attacks. They dont try to dodge them and just eat full stamina bar stunlocks
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doing the same with the pisscus shield
So what's the deal with the lamenter?
Is he just a sad boy?
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I stopped giving a fuck about levels and I'm thinking I'll do a level 200 faith caster next
the guy had horns in his eyes and started moaning a bunch so the hornfuckers locked him up so nobody suspects that having a ton of horns isn't a good thing
A reminder that you can thrust the halberd from behind the safety of your shield. No weapon in Dark Souls has more versatility or practicality than the humble halberd.
That was the only boss I used a shield for on my first run
Only in DS2
which elden ring would like spaghetti
haven't tried summons after they doubled a boss' hp once but they just seem like a cheap way to make the game easier, would try summons just to take some agro off the stupid ninjas

bro fume knight was awesome, this bitch makes me take a long ass walk and dodge all the stupid ninjas
every human would like it
the worm guys
The snake on the floor near the lift to the bridge connecting shadow keep to rauh
ERM sir your 125???
idk but they're eyes r gouged out by their own horns and they seem to get off on being sad weirdos and something about living in paradise or bliss or something. maybe they're just coping and dont want to see reality idk
you can unsummon them right before the fogwall with the black crystal
Ivory King is the one I struggled with the most, and still do. Alonne as well.
>your 125???
I'm slurping them
Damn, both of those bosses have long boss runs. I think Ivory King might technically have one of the longest and most risky.
wow guts really is the new lapp
they all remove the cape too just to be that much more insufferable
>14 fth for the bear roar
wtf that's crazy
The longest and most risky goes out to the double cats after the dogshit snow field. Luckily I beat that piece of shit first try the one time I bothered with it (had to swap my broken wepaon mid fight because lol ds2)
Who? I don't think the Solitude set looks that much like berserker armor.
Also the real BM squad set is red kkk fap helmet+any fatty chest(Fuego prelate/goatse/verdigris/beer gut)+verdigris shoes+gloves.
Oh and I guess the gay lion big head mode. If you see that you can expect swift slash being used.
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another one of the fuckers. never seen em before.
After Bloodborne the bosses haven't had any long runbacks at all, really. Everything in DS3 has a bonfire outside the room and Elden Shit has those respawn stakes by every boss. Sekiro has a couple long runbacks but your guy moves sonic fast so.
>they all remove the cape too just to be that much more insufferable
why do they do that
I am surprised that Sony isn't interested in releasing Demon's Souls for PC. They put all of their other games on Steam.
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is this a ds2 reference??
the fp cost is super low but the dameowge is kinda laaame
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how dare you copy my fashion
they r super rare...
im playing pve sorry
:( try jumpingg down mebbe you'll find a heineken bottle or something
none coming clubba cancelled
goofy ass post
It's nyot about the damgeow
:( i'm using it in pve the first part stuns enemies but sometimes they stab me before i can get off the dameowging part of the raor
i hate it
E N D U R E 24/7
thats cheating :( and boringgg
sorry i was playing 2
*snorts fp talisman*
ok i lied i wasn't playing 2 i was looking for my cat because he was outside
if patch doesn't buff the roar and the stupid crucible shit and other stupid shitty poopy spells im going to be so sad
the patch is gonna somehow find a way to buff poiseblobbas even more
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6 full seconds for the bloom makes me raugh every time
imagine a world where we got crucible claw
Aspects of the Crucible: Large Elephant Ass Anal Vore
makes me so fucking angry

wheres' my fucking TONGUE

where's my centaur legs so ican trample ppl in fc..
>Dying causes your healthbar to shrink
DeS or DaS2?
Welcome to real souls gameplay. You rike?
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the bill to rule all bills
what does mid mean?
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>No Hammer chest piece
I queued up for 2v2 randoms on a whim and actually got a match
me and a soulful rellana themed int fai build against two metaslime faggots trying to abuse all the latest youtube tech. perfume nukes, shield throw spam, great kat pokechasing, thrusting shield trading etc. Even a shotgun sleep crossbow at the end
we wiped the floor with them, AND i got to point down numerous times over the set. It was great
doesn't shej ust wear the axe chestpiece anyways...
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>First time playing dark souls
>While organizing equipment accidentally discover that the dragon at the Parish gate actually comes down to kick your ass personally if you wait for about 15 seconds just out of his range.
>look inside crucible dlc
>no crucible

i’ll just put the crucible centaur in my the’fic

i hate zaki sm rn. fucking dangling the tongue claw and leg grapes I CANT REACH
Never did I think I would play a match where my L2 stick greatspear was the most honest weapon there... how the tables turn
Devonia should've had a health bar
you got the poison flower shit that was known pre dlc to be an unusably bad spell from a cut attack item
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Maybe the next DLC will give us Crucible+Godwyn Kino...
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what spells do you guys use btw
has anyone here even used the swift spear
>next DLC
You're probably kidding but is there anyone that's actually expecting this?
bro where's your wrath of gold
that hammer REALLY deserved a unique moveset. All the other wep classes got cool unique new offshoots like light greatswords or great katanas but colossals got jackshit
TOO MANY GOOD FUN CHOICES I like being able to support people in pve and multiplayer pvp so I dunno what else I'd like to switch
ditch pest spears
whatever i feel like
obligatory melee range / get off me spells
annoying spammy spell
big AoE spell
annoying area denial spells

i don't like buffs, especially because from keeps nerfing them in pvp
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It's easy money for Fromsoft while they make more AC
but but but my cool back missiles... that do a lotta damage...
pest. threads. only.
you have any idea how much self control it takes not to just use both? I love the pest thread incants. I unironically looked at the pest dudes when I got sent to sellia crystal cave on my first playthrough and thought "MAN i hope we get the string macross missiles" and we did. That's crazy to me
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If I see a pile of humanity and a pendant by the firekeeper soul in undead parish does it mean I was too slow to save Rhea from her friend?
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ugh i need to draw something for this bit here but im so lazy
what's the bit
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Fair enough, my thought is that a nerfed buff is still better than no buff. I mostly buff up for pve anyway, and the hp regen buffs aren't impacted by pvp balance
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why did miyazaki pump the hornshits with steroids its impossible to stagger them without a big stick
Just uhhhh parry one of their few parryable moves :))))
I want to make a Messmer Knight build with the greatsword and using some of their fire incantations. Should I just go full Faith with Flame infusion on the sword? The greatsword requires 22 Str and 18 Dex
why wont the bell appear in sekiro trying to get to the monkey land this piece of shit wont leave. I killed genichiro he's still here
ye 50 faith and then weapon reqs
alright i guess talking to isshin isnt enough i need to kill the fucking rats first
Nigger are you serious?
I prefer smaller and more hand-crafted worlds over larger but more bloated worlds.
That is one advantage that Dark Souls shall always hold over Elden Ring.
They should keep Sleep/Frenzy
100%. It occured to me while playing the DLC that it's probably bigger than the entirety of DS1. I want them to go back to making games that size
Here's what you're going to do
Install ModEngine 2
Seach for the Glorious Merchant mod which uses a .dll file instead of this shitty .bin using mod
Do what the instruction said, basically dropping the file into the ModEngine 2 folder and write some lines
Run the game by the .bat file provided by the ModEngine
Get all the items you want, and you can start in vanilla mode by Steam as usual
No, you won't get banned, I do this shit for 9 months now. And no, you don't have to delete the mod, making it harder if you run out of resources in the future.

my game is fucking bugged this retard wont move to great serpent. I got the ashina text. I talk to kuro. Nothing happens. He just sits there at the gate.... shit game
>pcheats talking about cheat engine
>>meanwhile I'm already in leyndell (all 4 great runes done) with 100% quest completion and like 50% of the minidugeons so far in less than 3 days
unemployed nigger bragging about exploring a videogame
You pay for online lmao
alright ive spent 20 minutes trying to figure this shit out

i dont get it.
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I was about to tell you to kys for a second there from seeing the thumbnail
carry on then good fellow and enjoy those claws
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At what point did summoning first get stigmatized? Earliest I can recall was in DS3 when some folks acted like I'm some gigacasual because I summoned for the Curse Rotted Greatwood and then put down a summon sign near it when I learned the boss properly.

I don't recall this beign the attitude in the DS1 days. I wasn't around for early DeS though, not sure how it was treated there.
dude nobody on earth thinks summoning in ds1-3 is actually playing

it's casual baby shit the bosses are trivialized there by having someone do it for you, 100% you did not beat the game summoning. The elden ring DLC is fine to summon though since it's tedious otherwise and the bosses are basically designed to fuck with multiple targets -- even switching targets mid string
How am I gonna go back to using literally any weapon besides Messmer's Spear dudes
I feel like it was made specifically for me
You never used the treespear?
for the guy asking earlier, i use the swift spear and its unusable trash. the damage is shit despite s scaling, the first r1 has bad tracking and takes too long, the second r1 takes even longer than an uncharged colossal weapon r2 while still dealing no damage and worst of all its short

also has trash scaling when elemental infused so you cant make use of the 1h moveset on your caster
classic 1h/2h spear :D
thanks zaki
It's a shitty offhand weapon
Summoning NPCs was accepted in DS1 but it didn't actually make bosses easier since the AI was fucking retarded with very few exception (like Black Iron Tarkus literally fucking walking up to the iron golem and soloing it) but still doubled their HP
In DS2 it was even more accepted since it was tied to questlines. I personally hated it because I mostly don't like summoning since it makes boss AI worse and less enjoyable.

It was never considered "acceptable" to summon players if that's what you mean. It was always accepted that summoning people is being carried by twink builds.
You want contemporary examples for proof of this? DSPs initial playthrough of Dark Souls was absolute dogshit famously even after doing shit like grinding out the basin for souls for hours and overleveling hard. He then came back with a vengeance later for another playthrough and aced every boss because he summoned viewers. This was pointed out often and people made fun of him for having his viewers play the game for him
serpent flail is fun... running r2 spam
meowerstance sets it off too
A little bit buff l2s trigger me when that could be another attack
Plus the Messmer soldier spear now has the same moveset but is infusible
Both pale in comparison to Messmer's actual spear tho
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is meowestance good tho.. isn't it poopy
i'd rather 2h flail and use 2h talisman and running attack talisman w/ flame grant me strnef
or 1h with a nice shield.

double yemba sounds fun perhaps
the double serpent flail L1 chain looks cool with the explosions but it's still a flail/hammer/axe L1 chain and therefore sucks
double buff yemmy nuke
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hefty oil pot
flame grant me strneg
2h talisman
dash talisman
alexander shart
cracked fire tear
winged serpent helm
: )

i will test tomorrow after i level back down to 138.
Flails, hammers, and axes are certified good after the giga buffs they got in 1.12
Flails are just better straightswords in many ways now
Where's your OIL TEAR
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>The item drops from the Furnace Golem located at the Ruins of Unte.
omg this is what i get for skipping every single furance bastar after the first one
fuck me
oil tear lasts like 40 sec and its only a 20% fire dmg increase
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Go speeds yourself
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i can't wait
>40 sec
: (

well okay oil pot AND oil tear AND flame gug me gug AND flame asscrack tear AND all the other stuff
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finally finished the dlc 11/10 miyazakisoft has saved gaming once again

time to brood and smoke while listening to the soundtrack for years to come
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stop smoking...
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>time to brood and smoke while listening to the soundtrack for years to come
>only potheads liked the dlc
literally why when hand axe exists
I don't actually smoke I just larp that I do
I should have specified I smoke cancer sticks you cant brood properly without the flavor of death
ew no
Also btw wheres my boat ash of war fuck you miyazaki
she could be smoking tobacco or vape
sleep fucks rellana up
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had the demo a while ago and I'm remembering that it existed now since I was thinking of a game title "Cunny Souls: Poster of the First UUOOHH", but is this any good?
looks cute and funny
man the og radahn swords feel even crappier after this dlc
They’re all the same awful moveset but the new ones just get cooler aows, and the one with all the slashes is the closest we’ll get to a cool paired ugs moveset in elden ring
>2 weapons instead of making one with a stance WA
i haven't got there yet but the only decent thing radahn's used to have other than the ash is that they're a dual wield that weighs as much as a single colossal
now with the 2handed talisman they're even more useless
This is a really vexing decision
that would require them to animate a stance for the old reused weapon and that requires time and money and resources while we're only a small indie company fucking gaijin thanks for the $40
og radahn L2sticks are still good for pushing people off ledges but everyone forgot about that
but they it with rellan-
oh no thats pontiff
was there ever a physical PC version of DSR? I'm tryna get some more shelf trinkets and I've seen physical versions of DS2 & 3 for PC but not DSR
I miss Pontiff groaning in the fight
rellana a shit
meteoric ore blade got massively powercrept too
gravitybros at least we have that drill ash and that spell with horrid tracking
i read this as pontiff groaning a shit and snorted
ichimonji r2… sigh
uhh pretty sure dsr never got a pc physical copy, only ptde did and that one goes for quite a bit of money
>any lift with a 'secret' exit quite high up
>win every time
>discount holy blinkbolt
>discount holy flame of the redmanes
How do i cheese the enforcer?
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nevermind, found out there is a somewhat hard to find japanese version, not being sold anywhere right now but one was sold on ebay yesterday lol damnit
I want to watch while you get bred by a tall black man with a juicy BBC
>meteoric ore blade got massively powercrept too
there is no other katana that gets colossal-tier damage on a fucking katana on str/int
>colossal-tier damage
Blood-Affinity Sword Lance + 25 w/ Cragblade is a very fun weapon to poke with

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