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Ser Isaac of Clarke Edition

>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked
[YouTube] Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 3 - Wrecked | Launch Trailer

>Quests, stats, shop

>AFK strat pastebin

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Crash the Party in Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked

>Squad up for Fortnite Reload!

>Fortnite Festival Season 4 - METALLICA lights up Fortnite!

>Rocket Racing v29.40: Play Two New Epic-Made Tracks!

>Lego Fortnite v30.10 adds Cozy Mode and Expert Mode!

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Asking Robert why he mainly wears Vans and he goes into a whole rant about him wearing them in his childhood and how he used to skate a lot. This lasts for a while but you see how happy he is tapking about it so you just let him continue
>more people wanted Geno to get into smash, a one-off character from a game older than most players of the game, than they did john fortnite

holy shit how pathetic
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Cyclops/Wolverine soon!
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i heard these are pretty broken, especially for movement
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he is literally the staple of zoomer gaming legends alongside freddy fnaf and sans undertale lol
During the "fortnite le cringe" phase of the internet, yeah
Isn't the mascot of fortnite supposed to be the llama
>people who play a Nintendo game wanted a character from a Nintendo game over a non Nintendo character
no way
eh not really. they protect you from fall damage but they don't replace nitro fists for movement
they completely melt through cars though
>everyone is so busy arguing that jonesy is iconic they forget who the actual mascot is
If you're such a big fortnite fan and jonesy is so iconic, show me your merch. Show me all your nice Jonesy stuff. Obviously toy companies would be clamping at the bit to put jonesy fucking everywhere, right? I'm prepared to see one sad action figure and not a damn thing more.
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>add anti-materiel rifle
>dont add NCR ranger skin
I'm having wicked dreams
Of leaving Tennessee
Oh Santa Monica
I swear it's calling me
Won't make mama proud
It's gonna cause a scene
She sees her baby girl
I know she's gonna scream
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no the mascot is either peely or the cute blonde twink
>If you're such a big fortnite fan and jonesy is so iconic, show me your merch. Show me all your nice Jonesy stuf
I'm literally looking over at my Jonesy nendoroid, Jonesy mcfarlanes and Jonesy jadatoy figs now. Jonesy is literally the fortnite character with the most merch
>Obviously toy companies would be clamping at the bit to put jonesy fucking everywhere, right?
There's a lot of Jonesy figures available made by different companies lol. Just using Google shows that.
try using a shockwave with them
>needing another item to make the magneto gloves' movement slightly better
might as well just carry fists and save yourself from using up inventory space. even nitro is superior
>fizz, nitro hoop, magneto gloves
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>You must have merch of character to be a fan of Jonesy and think he is iconic
That's a retarded point, man. You can just simply enjoy and love a character like Mr. John Fortnite cause of his design, story he gets in the game and things like Zero War, it's not that hard to comprehend, cause that's why I am a fan of him in the first place personally.
This is kind of on the same level as saying that Malico and Lexafags cant waifufag for Marigold and Lexa respectively cause they don't own every single variant released of their jazzware figures lol
I'm pretty sure there's a lot more merch of characters that only exist as skins than there are of jonesy, though
I think cuddle team might have the most merch and she's not even real
my second guess would be skull trooper who...I guess is a jonesy? I'm not sure if that should count.
Maybe raptor or drift?
Your fishstick and peeley?
people who don't play fortnite don't know who jonesy is
you can be a fan of him, the issue is arguing that he's an iconic gaming legend propels you past being a fan and into being a deranged lunatic
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Personally I think Fortnite getting representatives in other games is kind of hard because Fortnite itself is the representative game (even more than smash, but you decide which one has more weight in who gets in) so people usually care more about the collabs than the originals, again, just me
The people who plays Smash actually want more non-Nintendo characters than Nintendo characters. I remember people begging for Sora for years before they eventually added him.
>Was wondering where this whats the face of fortnite autism came from
>Look at old thread
>Smash faggotry
Oh of course
I only like Fortnite girls.
and you hate all men and yourself too, right
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>jonesy haters denying his impact
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i completed this by acciedent on my first match today lol
I do all of my dailies in team rumble
sucks to be you
Use cars turrets or the laser rifle since they only overheat and it doesn't need any reloads.
no ammount of slander will make me think that he isn't the goat
I don't hate jonesy, I quite like him. But like I said in >>484400291, he's just not recognizable to the videogame community at large unless its a fortnite focused community. Seriously, poll some random large videogame forum to name characters from a photo and you'd be surprised
>yeah that's master chief
>yeah that's sonic and amy and knuckles and tails
>yeah that's mario and wario
>yeah thats the soldier from tf2
>yeah thats the guy from fortnite
like I said last thread, you're really underestimating how much your bias as a fortnite player, and probably a long time one at that, has on your perception of Jonesy's notoriety
>all men
Yes, very much.
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To say that Jones(y) isn't iconic just because he isn't on the same level as like, Mario or Master Chief is being dishonest.
Sure he isn't a "gaming legend" but most gamers will at least recognize him as "the Fortnite guy" and I'd imagine parents/relatives of someone who plays Fort will at least be aware of him about as much as they are of Mario.

He's brand recognition and that's really all that matters at the end of the day.
He's in basically all promotional stuff and if Fortnite was sold on physical CDs he'd be on the box cover for certain
Its interesting that Jonesy didn't matter for like the first 3 years of Fortnite
Xbox servers exploded
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I don't care if Razor was from a dead mobile game. I still like her :)
she needs to sit on my face for about 16 hours straight
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you could perish in the process you know...
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I keep dying to fall damage after using the nitro fists
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Helsie tries the bubble tea challenge
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>imagine giving him backshots and having to stare at a giant fucking peely tattoo the whole time
the magneto powers are very fun, I like that you can hang in the air by shooting while in the air
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>play retail fortnite for the fagneto challenges
>forget how awful it is right now
If Reloaded wasn't released I don't think this game would be breaching 400k
Just do it in bot lobbies like the rest of us
As of right now regular BR has more players than Reload. I expect ZB to surpass Reload in a couple of hours again.
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Joni is flat
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>carrot is put on the stick
yeah we know retard
lets see if it stays that way by eow
That's adorable.
I still love my flat wifey
Hes an absolute faggot
I kind of want to fuck this (latino?) nerd now
He is Lebanese/Canadian
Actually grim
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>drop to weapon x bunker
>two people just waiting to kill everyone
This is the first time I have seen somebody with this skin and not the shop version
The Xbox Support website is so great. It recommends I sign in to get notifications when their outages are fixed. The outages in question are the sign in resources!
>shitty capeslop skin
>cosmetics are all literal trash scrap metal and another dogshit 'cape' lazily pasted to every skin's back but the capeslop one
yeah I think this secret skin is a skip
Is he trans? How is he lesbian?
Kirk and James are pretty common. I've seen plenty in Festival.
I think the glider is the only thing of his set I really like. it's a decent cope for the Ageless Champion's one but different enough and a bit more versatile
Tribadism with Vinderanon!
I only play BR, that is probably why I only see the shop versions since there are less festies there
If only we got his hero version too
his glider is good because it has a new animation instead of the goofy run from the staris in the ageless set from chapter 4
naw bro why they tongue kissing?
Magneto glider is a big W because you are literally descending into garbage (the Fortnite community)
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Well yeah, no shit. No one who plays BR actually uses anything good. Just the same generic sweat skin slop for the billionth time.
is there a cyclops version of this and are his balls visible?
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Being available didn't change his score in fn.gg that much, marvel season must have actual bangers
He’ll be a shop cope, and when he is I will slop him up into my account
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the walk animation still looks like shit and the glider still looks like actual trash
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I love the magneto mythic
it's really good
we're so back, bros
Perfect for you
Capeshit is dead. Only Tim still thinks capeshit is cool in 2030 - 6
Marvel season will need some highly requested collabs if they want to save that season, although that's probably the very purpose of the FNAF collab.
>>Being available didn't change his score in fn.gg that much
Because nobody gives a fuck about Marvel anymore.
Really hoping epic sees the negative reactions to the skins and does a 180 on next season

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It's fun.
I just woke up and found out Babymetal isn't in this week's new festival batch. I'm gonna kill myself!!!
zamn that hoe cuhleen
at this point its way too late to change next season since seasons are made months in advance at the very least,so I'm sure its locked in
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me about to sink a 13 inch kitchen knife into negro-spiderman's left kidney
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Jonesy the Legend
protagonist of Fortnite
car + nitro fists my guy
>distract people from the flood of capeshit with freddy fazbear and jason
I mean I'd be happy but watching the game slowly get eaten by disney is still annoying
The protagonist is Hope, chud.
they're both flat.
Who's that
jonesy isn't even on the level of john freeman, who is gordon freeman's brother, was one day an office, typing on a computer
he got an email from his brother that said
aliens and monsters
were attacking his place
and axed him for help
so he had to go
Springtrap getting in would be peak comedy because he is canonically a child murdering rapist.
You know Epic won't ever do it but July 4th would be the perfect opportunity to hand out some stars and stripes decals for cars and shit
so is magneto, the newspapers just protect him
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Springtrap's built-in emote would be this
Theres nothing wrong with that
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I think that if the last marvel season is anything to go by, it may be fun gameplay and loot pool wise (that is if Epic doesnt nerf the mythics to death)
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>spreading misinterpreted
what do you get out of this?
so is peter griffin
and rick sanchez
and kratos
and probably most of the greek gods
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>another week of sub 5 difficulty slop songs
Epic, where is Battery
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>meme streamer is more liked this season than billion dollar marvel sloppa
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just got the classic magneto skin and holy fuck his ass is so fucking juicy
god bless america for party hips
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god tier emote
>get through Greek god season
>decide 2 months later that no we actually do need to give Hades his niecewife
Uh ueah
I'm thinkin' based?

Also, the Xenomorph has face fucking as part of its life cycle, and was deliberately designed to look like a penis
Also Travis Scott, I guess.
I wanted to post this earlier but I had to do some cleaning. I wanted to share an idea I have and have had for some time, and it's about somewhat obscure Fortnite characters. It all started a while back when chapter 4 was ending. I was not too fond of the content Epic was pushing out and I still kinda want to cope about not being there for most of chapter 1. I'm also working on my own story and I got this idea. What if I acquire the rights to a Fortnite character that hasn't been milked to death? I'm thinking about doing this when I fully establish my story, so this scenario will play far into the future. A few problems that I have is that Epic is partially owned by Disney, so it would require having shitloads of money. Another problem is that this isn't buying Fortnite as a whole, it's just one character. All I have for reference is Ken Penders vs Archie Comics and McFarlane vs Gaiman. I think my only problem is that both of these are cases of obtaining rights to characters that were made by the artist in question with varying levels of success.

I wanted to post this here to get some opinions because I'm still torn about committing to this idea. I might have to hall ass for a couple of years but It gives me something to work towards. What I'm trying to say is this. Does it sound like a reasonable idea or is it just a delusional pipe dream
Who is this whore?
bro was bearable before the skin, but this is cringe. Even all the streamers glazing his skin, that said it’s fire when i came out are cringe.
That's my wife you're talking about, chudster
we all owe conan a good suck for giving us the god tier coomer emote, and for only 200 fucking vbucks
Common Disney L
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grandpa said I'M his favorite
You are now thinking of Lego Ramirez
dua lipa, sabrina carpenter, lil nas x, eminem festival tracks when?
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5 matches in a row and i still can't find the fucking magneto gloves
how the absolute fuck am i supposed to block 200 fucking goddamn shots when i can't even fucking find it
TR? i did it in bot lobbies but back when the oathbound shield made you block shields i did everything there, you still need to find one tho
you just know deadpool gives him roadjob/roadhead
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>yfw fortnitemares jam tracks drop
How much longer are they gonna make us wait for the 2 fucking Dragonforce songs anyone gives a fuck about to get into Festival??? (Through the Fire and Flames and Fury of the Storm)
He tries to but Magneto probably uses his power to make Deadpool's jaw snap to make him stop lol
were capeshit fans always such faggots? holy shit
I think I never heard of an artist buying a character made by ANOTHER artist. The only cases I know of, just like you said, are artists getting back the ownership of their own characters they created.
As someone who is working on his own stories too I'd recommend you to just make your character based on the Fortnite character you like. Pretty much every fictional character is based on another fictional character anyways.
The Ken Penders thing was because of an incredibly massive fuck up the likes of which had never been seen.
I have wanted to save characters from the shit games they are trapped within before as well, so I'll say a few things, and ask a few more.
I will ask you which skin because it is pertinent to this discussion.
Note that regardless of what it is, there is effectively no chance of you obtaining the legal rights to this character/skin. No transfer of ownership, not happening. Such a thing is almost unheard of, even by legal purchase.

Licensing the design is a different matter, but still unlikely, and will be quite expensive, as well as require proof of your competency and a reason for them to want to do it (or engage in business with you in the first place)

Partial ownership by Disney means little at the moment. Tim has Majority, which means everyone else can go fuck themselves. He gets the final say. These are the facts of corporate shareholding. 51% means the 49% can sell or pound sand. They can ask for Tim's consideration, but they have no authority.

I await the skin in question before I say anything more.
Yes, it was just cool to like capeshit for a bit, so they blended into the background. Now that's it's lame again, they're still the same faggots as before.
>Visit Weapon X Lab
>Cool, a new POI maybe?
>It's literally a hole in the ground with no notable loot or visuals
Epic just really doesn't give a shit anymore huh?
A bloo bloo bloo
Watch them fuck the collab up by only making skins for the Glamrock animatronics
>make a 3x3 death trap pit that people can easily camp the inside of
>proceed to make it a mandatory quest visit
>specifically put the quest trigger in the middle of the bunker interior
fucking geniuses at work
People forgot pride month ended they're still catching up chill out
The Glamrocks are great thoughbeit. Given Epic's track records they will probably watch the movie and just use the most prominent characters from that.
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>loot iceberg chests
>head directly toward bunker
>nobody else is armed
your wife is gross
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>Several chapter 4 characters like Ageless, Thunder and pic rel confirmed to be on the Chapter 5 island
>Not a single summer remix for any chapter 4 character in sight
Unless the July 23rd update is gonna be the one for the summer shit, idk whats going on
wouldn't the animatronics have to be comically small or inconveniently large regardless of which ones they go with
I know the t-60 fits a person inside, but the suits do too and with way more bulk
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reaching 200 was not so difficult thanks to lego afk
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>"was this genre full of hot muscular men in skin tight costumes always so gay"?
Don't even entertain the idea of that ever happening. Just create your own character that's based off whoever you're trying to get the rights to and you'll save yourself tons of time and money
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nuh uh!
>Don't know what instrument scores the most points on Battle Stage
>Lose by default
poor lad
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>Sexy And I Know It
Party Rockers can't stop winning
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don't worry bro, it's actually uncut under there
What >>484416424 said. Just make your own OC that's based on whatever headcanon you might have about whatever skin and write about them instead. That's what I've done.
bros will tim fortnite come after me if I make a character named Johnsey
he's a blonde in a tank top with a shin guard and a bandana tied around his arm (so he can do heroin)
his best friend is a banana named Nellie
he has a friend named Idealism who is a woman that wears a jacket and sunglasses
bros please
Bro I love this idea, but bro you better make Johnsey very hot and fuckable, for plot’s sake
havent gotten a chance to play yet but how broken are magneto gloves? i read that they are a hard counter to carfrens, even moreso than boom bolts. do the gloves absolutely wreck the boss cars?
90 dmg per hit but the shield is ass and they feel kinda weird to use, you do get fall immunity, oh yeah they also hit cars hard
all the anti-car shit they added makes me wonder if people would've bitched as hard if this was here at the start of the season. epic is so fucking retarded making the counters to start of season items be dripfeed content like half way through
this but unironically
if you make him into a cockslut then it's enough to avoid copyright
but then again Jonesy is already a cumslut so i think you have to make him straight
Probably not. You'd still get compfaggots bitching and crying about cars, but it wouldn't have been as bad. But Epic is literally fucking incapable of not fucking things up.
They do the same shit every season. And every season people complain like it is the end of the world when Epic always nerfs or adds counters. Same with the OMG NO XP???!?!? Then they add a shitton of quests.
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Can't wait so see how epic ruins the chaper 2 finale when OG part 2 comes around..
>half a rumble match is just people standing there with Magneto's shield trying to block shots
fun and intuitive gameplay
>like to use cars to get around because I can vibe, play music and honk my horn at people I drive past
>I've been doing this well before this season
>my one vice in fortnite is ruined and cars now get nuked off the map in a second
very cool. can't wait for this season to end so I can go back to driving without every troglodyte faggot in the ZIP code using nuclear launch codes to punish me for burning some rubber
Having all these car counters would have been great. Where were the remote explosives at the start of the season? The EMPs/Boogie Bombs? The Laser Rifle? The Boom Bolt buff? /fng/ likes to blame compnigs, but the truth is that all cars were way overpowered at the start, especially boss cars. There were zero counters to normal cars except your own car, and you'd lose to a boss car instantly. The car meta got boring after five matches. If there had been these counters at the start, the start of the season would have been a lot smoother.
shut up zoomerfaggot, Metallica is based
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>Show Them Who We Are drums
>don't know what you're doing
That sounds right to me.

What, are you gonna drop into a new island having no clue where chests are and bitch that you didn't win? Somebody with more knowledge beat you. That's how it should work. Retard
oh and GOD FORBID I get on a motorcycle to have some fun doing stunts
fuck this dogshit season
Yeah, that 5 HP regen every 10 seconds sure was strong, bro. It's not that you just didn't launch yourself with the fists high up in a place they couldn't reach you and you didn't just think to shoot the fucker.
this is me with every drum song. I can't do that shit.
Who are you quoting?
Kill yourself. Like actually fucking commit suicide because your existence is fucking meaningless and you as a person hold no value to anyone around you. The world would legitimately be better off with you gone.
Based and same!
>cars were too good at the start
>it's good now that cars are fucking worthless
not fine
the fix to balancing isn't to full 180, anon. You want them balanced. Now they're just the worlds' loudest most fragile pile of shit to ever exist.
>you'd lose to a boss car instantly
Idk anon it sounds like there's a whole lot of meaning in reminding you how much you suck at videogames
if I WAS dead, would that make you any better? no? damn. guess I won't, then.
>zoomie is mad
aww you need a nap?
>be dumb and have no experience or knowledge
>get no (You)s
>post it again
>get called out as the total fagboat failure you are
>make yourself more upset
this guy can't be older than twelve
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are we getting the weapon seX skin today or tomorrow?
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okay now I can say I'm done with the season
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hopefully next year we get her
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Im stuck in traffic... its not fair...
everyone's getting my wife's final style except me...
Kill yourself, nigger. Everyone around you wants you to do it.
it's kind of amusing that her super styles change depending on if you equip them on the blue or red version of her jacket look
it's mostly the knee
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wrong picture
she looks like she smells
if we were to get a mexican, then i'd rather it be peso pluma or chilano sanchez
Yes, in tomorrow’s refresh we will be gyatting more seX-Men
Midchinist is a fucking awful skin with a horrible fanbase and I can't wait until this FOTM shit is over so she disappears from these threads forever.
ain’t nobody want that snot fill, 2x4 plank body in Fortnite. Literally let her fans bully her BF & he ended up leaving her & is now engaged to a model
Heh, both of my wives… based!
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>says increasingly nervous man for the fourth week in a row
>unironically liking this boring basic bitch
eww, bitch you basic

i know it’s a meme, but she actually Filipino
yes I have 250 of her songs my playlists
I’m sorry what….
>Literally let her fans bully her BF
Because she always was too good for him, desu.
whats the difference? i'd still rather get one of the mexicans i mentioned over her
First festival liner to make negative sales
Nooooo haha please don’t come for my semen
I want to smack Bruce's butt like bongos
and that’s why people don’t want to be associated with swifties or even called one for liking some songs
>/fng/ hates Taylor Swift
Maybe this really is the gayest general in /vg/ after all.
>Haven't been able to get Magneto because Xcuck servers have been down for 3 hours
Let me see you get low
my goblina wife...
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Chris O'Donnell was so hot here
or maybe people here don't like her garbage music? maybe people here have some standards when it comes to music? maybe just maybe we're tired of this stupid bitch everywhere.
also you're a faggot
she's already lost half her hype to the uncle fucker from the crew, all mahvel 2 needs to do is add gwenpool or some shit and this bitch is fried
nah her music is fire. she peaked at fearless tho but 1989, lover, and midnights are up there. anyway anon dont be a hater
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im in my
im in my zone
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You have your July 4th loadout ready, right?
I hope they add her soon I've already got her glider ready to go
don't care didn't ask, her music is shit
you're a faggot and a basic bitch so your opinion is worthless.
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>released 3 albums in a like 2 year span
>still isn’t the top streamed artist on spotify… lol
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no but i'll be buying my 4th of july skin tomorrow
what contrail is that?
Stars from C1S3
Thanks, the only ever person I told my idea to was my dad and it’s great to get of opinions from other people. (I’m 21 btw, I’m just living with my parents so I can move to college in August)

>I await the skin in question before I say anything more.

The original idea was to get the rights for Hybrid for two reason.

>I think it works for the setting I have in mind.
>I don’t think that Epic really cares about the character in the same vein as Drift or Peely
>I like the idea of a wer-reptilian

There are other skins I had in mind too, this was the first thing I thought of.

Now the only thing I wonder is how do I make a character based on hybrid that doesn’t feel tacky. That’s my problem with comming up with something that is completely based on one thing, it’s always feels off to the point where it’s tacky.

As for Hybrid itself, I guess I’ll just play StW. I hear a lot of Ch1 stuff originally came from that archaic game mode. I’ll just have to adjust to an older gameplay loop and UI style.

Thanks again for the advice
>Stars from C1S3
Yeah, he causes sparks to fly in my heart
I’m just going to customize my superhero skin
you could still use TNTina's since it looks like fireworks going off

you played in Chapter 2 at least right
new Top5Gaming kino dropped!!!
started in ch2 so i have that but the hearts kind of ruin it
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Thanks for the easy guest character quests. Korra's were so annoying to do.
^please kys
if by "they" you mean gay twinks, then yes
Women have very high standards and they are almost never honest.
She is probably doing it to get simps on tiktok.
bro thinks he is so edgy lol
>Gays not liking swift
Are heteros truly ignorant
I'll assume this isn't a weird sex thing.
>same vein as drift or peely
two concepts they couldn't claim ownership of anyways. One is a banana with legs. The other is a guy with a kitsune mask and mall ninja gear. You could copy them 1:1 and Epic wouldn't be able to do shit.

A wer reptillian is not a unique concept.
I shouldn't even have to say it, but the "Ninja is actually a reptile" is, itself, clearly taken from mortal kombat's...reptile.

For the ninja...you just need a ninja, man. Plenty of looks to choose from.
For the lizardman...that is also incredibly generic. Soul calibur has had a few that even have some shitty armor strapped to them.

If you can't draw worth a shit, or have some spare cash, you could also just ask an artist to draw you one or both of those designs (ensure ownership, I guess?)
"I would like a top-heavy lizard warrior with some armor"
"Could you please draw me a ninja"
>Now the only thing I wonder is how do I make a character based on hybrid that doesn’t feel tacky. That’s my problem with comming up with something that is completely based on one thing, it’s always feels off to the point where it’s tacky.
Do a bit of soul searching and ask yourself what it is you really like about him. Making a carbon copy of a character always feels tacky and cheap because it is. Is it a particular aspect of his visual design? Is it the concept of a ninja transforming into a badass lizard man? Think about what it is that truly hooks you, then use those aspects as a base for a completely new character that's simply inspired by something you enjoy rather than a wholesale imitation.
Don't get discouraged, and remember that writing, worldbuilding and OC development take time. The more experience and wisdom you gain IRL, the more of it you'll be able to apply to your work to improve it.
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The mascot is Ramirez
Who fucking cares
I went
to a whore
I'm a fag who likes beefy men to bend me over and pound my asshole. Women don't know what they want.
>block 200 bullets
How??? Other than bot lobbies.
>Women don't know what they want.
Money and fame. That's why all zoomers want to be tiktok whores.
Duoing with friend
We just started mag dumping each other's shield and finished it quickly
are u a fag or like a femboy fag?
flash before my eyes
I wish Epic catered my own autistic merch wants and made fortnite model kits. I might get the reboot van toy just to repaint it idk
I've aged out of being a femboy so I'm just a fag, but tops still enjoy seeing me in lingerie sometimes. Panties, thigh highs, and garters are too fun not to wear.
based flash before my eyes poster
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ZB or builds?
just stand around and block NPC henchmen bullets from boss zones
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ehh kinda based.
ZB and Rocket Racing
He is a femboyfag so 100% lego because he is autistic just like all femboys and trannies.
I didn't like the lego mode. Too simplistic.
te mueve el culo fenomenal
>wearing a netherlands skin for america day
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>male anthro on female anthro
Party Rock is in the shop tonight.
Don't care if it's not an emote
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nobaragod... not like this...
it can also be an emote! one you can't hear all the audio of unless 4 other people bought it! jam tracks are such a great use of money aren't they
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theres something simultaneously funny and fucked up that magneto's quests are him directly kvetching about living through the holocaust
was kinda hyped to play this, it's extremely boring once you hit max buildings and grind to 50 bil studs for a gold rocket. i guess an afk xp strat will be found soon enough
Cringe slop, post reload or fuck off
I'm OK with faggotry but a mixed race couple is where I draw the line
what the fuck does it matter if they're gay? its not like they can make a mixed race baby
forgot pic
Trvth nvke
You don't want to mix with latinas, asians, or beautiful black women?
I find it cute
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Epic does because they used her to showcase UEFN and she's been in trailers, teasers and Ads for years. She's so hot.
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my fault original gangster
>She's so hot.
Based! I want to make her a mother.
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She the cutest
>playing with Legos
Put her helmet back on.
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The longer I wait the more I realize I hate this game even though I can just AFK for exp
This will be my last battlepass there is no way the Marvelslop BP next season could have ANYTHING that could ever convince me to not take the season off
November can't come any sooner
Now do this while wearing a gimpsuit and doing party hips after every kill
That tune will change around for the OG 2 pass lol
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>he likes the stupid pony tail hair thing on the motorcycle helmet
>final circle
>guy just floating perpetually with magneto fists
>if I stop to shoot him he'll just melt me
>just have to keep spamming styx dashes to evade
>he runs out of floating juice
>just runs away with styx dashes until its recharged
cool I guess?
I really do. I like this look a lot.
Everyone in this pic has canonically had sex with Jules
Why do people ship rtl with ares again? Is it just a meme
gay pride is over
it is time for gay wrath
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Woof Woof Woof! Nothing feels better than the inside if a Dog!
I really wish we could see what that Samus skin would have looked like. I hope when all the boomers are dead Epic confronts Nintendo again and hopefully the generation in charge says differently. Even if Samus can only be purchased from a Nintendo console I'll take it but fuck what they said before where she only shows up as a default skin for other platforms. Outrageous.
here's your samus skin brah
Buenas tardes
I'd suck cock for her
She would've had a unique looking face but that's as close as we're gonna get at this point. She probably would've had a metroid floating behind her or just sitting on her back as a backbling. I want it to be real so bad
shop tonight will be wild
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buying this so I can make sure my smut is on-model and epic approved
The only way epic could make this day even epic-er is by adding Riot or Buckle Up into the shop today
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cool Im done with this season
You don't want the dark Brite Raider?
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I was actually just about to make a post about it.
if the quests aren't insufferable I'll probably do them but I'm totally taking it easy for the rest of the season lol
What are they gonna do release a Meowpeely skin with Meowscles wearing a giant banana hammock speedo while he has the lower half of a banana? I don't think so!
Gnome in shop
donte pls why am u transmission
they aren't adding deadpool and wolverine skins to fortnite because they're getting added to COD instead sorry marvelcucks
I don't understand, I'm sorry
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>my toy car getting destroyed by magneto's weapon in 4 rock throws (i was just cruising by)
I already have the deadpool and wolverine skins tho
I unironically hate faggots that target people clearly just driving past
like I know this is an unreasonable thing to get upset about but when some retard hiding behind a building throws an EMP at my car from across the island when I'm minding my own business I get so fucking pissed off. you could've saved that emp for someone in a car who actually gave a shit about you. you couldve saved your magneto charges for someone in a car who actually fucking knows you exist
fucking slapdick faggot motherfuckers god I hate them
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Just 12 more minutes for Scott Summers and his sweet juicy white ass to be put into the game!
Jesus christ the "Collect Magneto Power" sucks! I'm half way through page 2 and haven't been able to buy it from Magneto, just from the drop from players.
like I said, it's an unreasonable thing for me to be upset about
also EMPnigs dont kill anyone because 99% of the time they're too scared to approach the car so I just sit still and drive off after my car is working again
It spawns other places anon
>Literally about to win a game before I've blocked more than 10 shots with magnetism
>Shoot the retarded pea skin because he's in the circle
>Just stand there with a shield up
Lol and doesn't even count if someone grabs it first
Just go around opening chests and youll eventually find one
Less than 10 minutes for Sexclops and his BWC!
i wish i were her in this picture lol
uhh... idaho?
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no you da ho
You wang yo be dicked fown by a man?
gay ass
It will be tomorrow, thoughbeit
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Yeah probably but I'm crossing my fingers we get Scott Sexclops the semen demon Summers in one more minute
>ugly marvel slop
I sleep
>hairy naked guy
He rang…. But when you it picked up, the call was silent
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Another day of disappointment for Cycloptards.
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am I just capeshit fatigued or does this look like actual garbage
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>xmen 97 skins are generic 3d models and not cel shaded
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It's just another cope because the real thing was a hidden skin 3 chapters ago
I think he looks hot, but not 2000 vbucks hot
You say this like the cel shader isn't generic
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>more collabslop that will stay in the shop for a week until it rotates out for more collabslop that will stay for a week until it rotates out for more collabslop
they just priced it exactly the same as Raiden because it's a skin, wrap, and pickaxe
no because generic cel shading usually looks better
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>there's a news tab promoting John Cena but he's not actually in the shop
What lusting after a shirtless male does to a mf who lives in a society
>x-tracker wrap counts your remaining shots
>in the same position as the fallout wrap so you rarely see the damn thing
Well chief inspire is still in the files so Sexclops could drop tomorrow if they’re being total faggots and drip feeding us
why would they not drip feed while they're on a mandatory 4 week vacation
I mean last time with the avatar event they dropped everything all at once, but idk with epic anymore
those wraps were made with first person mode in mind
>vaultboymech is still in the files so we're gonna get another fallout skin
He looks like he just got fucked in the ass by Cyclops
could you at least say a fitting character for the Weapon X Project like Sabretooth or Stryker
Yeah its not like they dropped the fallout collab on a random fuckall day
>that guy who doesn't hit ready and just runs around the stage area emoting
>only 75k in reload zb
not a good look when 99 bot royale had just as many players
it's reloadver
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I get it and you inspired me
Why is a literally naked hairy man allowed in Fortnite, but women aren't allowed to have big tits or wide hips or nice butts? It doesn't make sense.
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how are the legs lookin
Machinist inspires a lot of things
>malding over it
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This shop stinks!
The same reason a guy can walk around top less and a girl cant
That was never in the files ifatmonkey is a retard and put together “vault boy” and “mech” because he’s a fucking retard and fat
“Chiefinspire” under the X-men tab is actually in the files, and obviously that name fits Cyclops perfectly
Because sex with hot naked hairy men is based
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the funny sword could be a little bigger
Men deserve to be stripped naked and open to the island breeze in my Fortnite
I don't want topless or naked females (well, that's a lie, I do). I just want traditionally sexy females back. Traditionally sexy males are seemingly on the menu but the opposite is banned?
I like how when someone leaves in Festival they just a-pose for a second without an instrument
Imagine those cheeks doing jumping jacks on the D
trying to debate if i can justify spending 20$ on naked wolverine covered in gameboys and gamegear when i have his crew cope and clone daughter
Same but I’d rather wait and see if they add Sexclops
I already have both Wolverine skins anyways
I'd rather buy 4 more jam tracks it's a better use of money
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fucking W shop holy shit!!!
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>cloak on magneto is an acutal cloak
>cloak on any other character is a post-it note glued to your back
can we please just be fucking past this. nobody cares if it clips on the intentionally retarded giant cartoon skins just give us normal fucking capes
>Guernsey is finally back
>no pickaxe
I'm just so disenfranchised with the state of Fortnite skins.
I almost believed Agent Colorado was back
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SORRY! I shouldve clarified that it was my wishlist. got to knock off slugger and fastball today :)
He’s so cute!
>think the new wolverine looks nice
>cant wear it because people will think i dont have the original though i do
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>needing new skins
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well I'm not gay so I won't agree with that statement but I think he's cool
I'm a baseball nut so I'm glad to have him. now I can just cope about not having Dusty
Just wear it with his back bling or other accessories like all the OH JEEZ do with their black shield
I didn’t say I want to shove my dick up his ass, I just said he’s cute
I have dusty, I never use her
cute jillsister
>female skins are usually identical looking alt bitches with no asses
>male skins are either boring, overdesigned edgelord shit, or retarded meme shit
>collabslop is usually underdone as fuck like the fallout collab unless its marvelslop (not even disney in general as the pirate shit is ass too)
I'm glad timmy's at least saving me money
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>paid bundle wrap is existing BP thing but with obviously more effort put in
unbased jilltard
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In that case I believe 'handsome' is a much better descriptor and I would've agreed with you had you used it!
I'm just saying one is allowed while the other isn't for the same reason one is allowed but the other isn't.
A naked man is taken as either comedic or scary, savage.
A naked woman is just seen as sexy.
Removing clothes from a woman is seen as sexy, removing clothes from a man isn't.
Jonesy is cute and headhunter is handsome- doh! I got it wrong
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Is he right?
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another day with no cyclops skin
why is the world so cruel? why is living nothing but constant pain and suffering?
The T-60 is absolutely fine.
The issue is that it's the only one--but that doesn't detract from it's own quality.
dunno, never played it
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oh my fuckness
its got two styles from the game and neither of them are of the paint pattern for the faction its description says its associated with. its pretty fucking shite. and thats not even getting into the rest of its set, the glider isn't even a real game object.
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i am so depressed over my guitar being out of tune and the truss rod potentially being messed up it feels like the sky is falling and I ruined my guitar
Why didn't they do a regular non-glowy version of this skin
it wouldn't be clean
female sexuality is something thats been pushed against by both possible ends of the political spectrum. you get one side that simply hates all porn in some kind of puritanical wrath and you get the other which is the same exact shit but only for stuff that appeals to straight people and not for gays. it usually results in stuff thats blatantly gay pandering with zero tolerance on the straight shit because thats the only one both sides of the coin are watching out for
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That sounds like the actual issue is the description rather than the paint sets.
It's fantastic for me to never have a reason to spend beyond a crew double dip and the cheap 600 vbucks pack once per season but it can't be great for the game lol
I'd probably buy at least 5k vbucks if I ever needed to add any but it just hasn't given me a reason to want to in ages lol.
wish i had an irl guitar friend
no. not really. they could've included some actual paints for more of the factions from the actual games. hell fucking doomguy guy got like 4 styles all referencing the actual game, some of which count as further references to other titles like how phobos is a reference to quake. they just fucking half-assed the collab
>MilkerJonesy in the shop
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When are we getting this song in Festival?

Are you doing okay anon?
Kill yourself then, I hear it feels euphoric
in this moment, I am
Don't do that
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whatever happened to fedoraposting
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hug and kiss you, hug and kiss you, are you alright?
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So who is ChiefInspire of the X-Men set?
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I got the perfect goon skin, I don't care anymore
we need a Jonesy milking emote!
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triangle notes ruin an otherwise great game mode
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>otherwise great
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it's Sexclops, he's literally the "chief" in command meant to "inspire" mutants after Professor X dies
who fucking knows when it comes out
today would have been the perfect time
>tfw no total drama island season
come on epic it has POIs already there
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sure they do
>i can do thing that means thing is good
whatever you have no real interest in talking in good faith
then shut the fuck up about your skill issue
cool post your salary
its a fucking rhythm game
They're only a nuisance when they don't 'hit' after using overdrive to hit a note and a triangle note follows after.
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miss my festie he'd be so proud
They're not an issue for me. Where are the lift notes tripping you up? If it's a slower tempo song, just space out your lifts more. Hold down longer, let go later. It's hard to explain and I agree it's retarded, but we wouldn't be able to do strumless play without it.
as a controller player i can appreciate lift notes
recently played everlong on drums and realized tapping isn't always optimal (for me at least)
>press with star power
>doesn't count the release
There's one issue.
>br sucks
>rocket racing sucks
>hate rhythm games
>can't play reload solo
any lego players here...? can you build airplanes in lego?
everlong has lifts notes opps
You're misunderstanding it. ChiefInspire IS the X-Men set, there's just no items for it because everything so far has their own set (e.g. the Blackbird is part of the "Rogue & Gambit" set). There's no room for another encrypted skin either, so it's probably just going to be the set for whichever X-Men are in the next BP.
The X-Men shop section is Rogue, Gambit and Dark Phoenix.
they thought it would make people want to buy the ugly hairy retard more
so "chief inspire" is the code name of Cyclops's set in the files and he's in the next BP?
steamin’ ‘ot ‘nger
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Should i buy the Blackbird glider? It would go perfectly with Cyclops and it's pretty obvious Cyclops is coming, if not this season he's basically a shoe in for next as a Battle Pass skin.
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may as well because they're clearly never bringing back the gear bundle
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>they're clearly never bringing back the gear bundle
thanks for reminding me
does anyone have some incredibly chaotic screenshots? ideally from this season but not required. I want to use it as the background of a render
no I won't give you credit
>I'll assume this isn't a weird sex thing.
I forgot about this threads weird obsession with Hybrid. No it’s not a weird sex thing and I’m sorry if you got that impression. Also, I’m still forgetting Fortnite is just profitable Rebel Moon. Thanks for pointing that out.

>Don't get discouraged, and remember that writing, worldbuilding and OC development take time. The more experience and wisdom you gain IRL, the more of it you'll be able to apply to your work to improve it.

Thanks for the words of encouragement anon. I needed that. :)
I opened my Fortnite folder and was about to post one then I read the last part
okay what if I credit you as an anonymous donor
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Is my aim really that bad?
how do you do that
oh you have to download it
what other shooters do you come from? I almost never go for headshots unless I have a x2 or higher scope
not because I cant but because of habit
I come from tf2 so aiming for the meat is what you do for everything except sniper and I can't break that habit in fortnite for the life of me
>what other shooters do you come from?
Not sure I'm just a casual shooter fan Fortnite is the only one I play
headshots don't really matter in fortnite like they do in cs or valorant
not him but I usually aim for the upper torso and then work my way up to the head with non snipers over the rest of the clip, but aiming for the meat also has it's advantages as a fellow tf2 mainer
zbsissy post
damn, guess I'll start playing freeze tag or something
well for everything that isn't snipers/deagle/pump i mean but i don't think the deagle/pumps can one shot in fortnite now and i don't know if the deagle ever could, i think the cannon thing might have been able to at one point
i play build mode

doing 45 at range vs 30 at range doesn't really matter, ttk is high on build
you don't play builds with posts like that, bitch
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im telling you all right now - currently persephone players are the most tryhard players you will run into. they will chase you 50 miles for the hope of a kill, and if you kill them while they try it, they WILL add you and try to 1v1 and shit talk you
it has happened multiple time
>Getting chased by a perfect egirl waifu
the horror
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They def need to up the magneto glove spawns a bit
I love Lexa!
What cartoons are guaranteed for the cartoon season? Ben 10 classic is a no brainer.
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Duo zero build reload is peak. it's so much fun
>zero build
3 strikes you're out
Adventure time, but for a wizards & medieval season
Amazing World of Gumball.
>more fantasyslop
God no
I feel like they should just gut the BR mode and make something like Reload. So much better.

>buying Weapon X dropped me back below 20,000 vbucks
foundersisters go on without me ...
The horror!
anything that isn't retarded og suburbs is slop apparently
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>Ben 10 classic
She's in
go play wow if you want wizards and magic bullshit
It's okay tomorrow I will have 3 dailies and completing one will bring me back
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Am I the only one that picked him up?
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We need a Summer Oscar please furry epic games dev I am praying on my hands and knees come back from summer vacation and COOK
Is his weapon wrap good
what's the best way to counter someone using magneto's gloves?
You know damn well you're not the only fag here
>having fun playing game after new update
>play for a few days, take a break
>come back
>suddenly can't even land without getting insta-killed by some tryhard before I have a chance to find any guns
>this has happened 4 times in a row
wtf do I do? why is this happening? I only play casual, why is it trying to matchmake me against tryhards?
because you're actually a humble god maybe??
no I suck, I want to play with other people who suck, and not just bots.
I never get 1st place in this game, ever. but I at least want to last longer than 30 seconds.
Why would they add a set that has no items? What are you implying
Go to remote parts of the map or play during the night, if you play in EU servers that might be a problem too
wait she was supposed to be wearing slides with socks? I had no idea lol
if I go somewhere remote I can't find any good items. I try dropping in unnamed houses and shit but someone else always gets there first
It's an ammo counter, not a kill tracker.
>good items
Unless it's mythics, most fights boil down to who gets the first shot or who fumbles it the hardest
>shoot gun
>get less kills
what the fuck timmy
>got two of the same guys in three different matches
what the fuck
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It's over. Timmy responded.
Yeah but do you notice it on weapons or is it useless
>"heh got him"
>sends gabe newell 500th butthurt email this week
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ngl tim took an L with this one
JohnBoy W
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>random fan pokes at you for an employee acting out of pocket

This is a major L, any other corpo would have ignored it 100%
ask him if thats the same place he emails for help with his apple suit
>calls his employee a stupid bitch
He's lucky Tim didn't call the FBI to find him and make a visit to his house
His employee WAS being a stupid bitch with bad optics, she represents his company so yeah
A man would have been fired for what she said unironically
>a videogame CEO can make the FBI visit someone over a tweet about Fortnite
honestly I'd believe it in america
>call someone a bitch first
>complained that you're called a degenerate
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None of this fixes the horrendous ui
Does any other general BTFO their own games devs like this?
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>/fng/ is defending the diversity hire woman that ruined the entire user interface
Pack it up boys, we are never getting the old locker back.
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>not a fucking soul can get an actual answer on whether or not they're gonna improve the locker in any capacity after fucking it to high hell
>some pants-shitting autist can get a direct response from the CEO over a shitpost
you know I think I actually fucking hate this company
>"She said le hecking thing on twitter, FIRE HER NOW!"
Any PR would fucking laugh at this and tell you to get the fuck out of their office, she'd keep her job with no consequences from getting harrassed by an online retard
Not getting an answer = no btw. We're stuck with the locker until MAYBE next chapter. I hope this anon continues to bust Epics balls
you guys do know tim sweeny comes here, right? just ask him directly lol
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>Woman acts like a retard and gets protected by PR
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>mfw /fng/ is doing the heavy lift to get a better UI
We are legion, we are burger munchers
Because she's a woman, you're retarded
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Sweeney did not like that one
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>that one random e-song fag gets a hazbin hotel fansong emote in randomly with no explanation, no other hazbin hotel shit
>he also has a popular fuhnaf song
here's your freddy got fingered emote, bro
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Barely. It's hidden on lots of guns, like shotguns.
You need to begin an endeavor of getting blocked by every single Epic employee over the UI being shit
the more I think about it the more fucking ridiculous tim actually responding to this retard is. like the games going under the world's biggest identity death ever to chase some dogshit metaverse pipedream literally nobody wants or believes in and this balding manchild retard keeps happily marching towards it without so much as a word about what it means to the actual core game, yet one fucking autist on twitter @'s him over stupid shit and he's got a snarky clap-back at the ready. fucking unbelievable, wendy's twitter did irreparable damage
>/fng/ claps and cheers when Harmony Lee's creator, a woke libtard, is outed as a pedo and banned from pride month cosmetics releasing
>/fng/ now using same libtard tactics of "CANCELLING BAD PERSON ON TWITTER BECAUSE THEY SAID MEAN THING"
>Fortnite CEO just laughs at them and blocks them
Actual dystopian world right now, this cannot be 4chan that I am using.
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>Also the email you use to harass Game Newell for having a game store that isn't complete fucking dog shit?

Actually divine
ask him how good her head is
Fight fire with fire
zero build general
>you can't use tactics against them, those are cheap and unfair! they're dishonorable and scummy!
this is why you lost, unironically

it's the reason why ch*ds are losing and will never win, they're afraid to be scummy
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>yet one fucking autist on twitter @'s him over stupid shit and he's got a snarky clap-back at the ready.
Tim Sweeney tends to reply to everything lol
I'm not the one who got blocked in 5 minutes KWAB >>484456312
I wonder if I could ask timmy boy why he's letting his game suffocate under the weight of a handful of autists in all black gimpsuits or why he's butchering the UI and shop to service modes that average ten players per day or if its just slow balls he bats at
because he's petty lol, he talks shit to gabe in emails while gabe owns the worlds biggest vidya monopoly
i'm NTA lmao
tourist moment
It's funny. They respond once then block when they realize they are a fucking retard for replying to some random troll.
>fight fire with fire
>tactic easily swatted like a fly with a simple click of a block button
You are retarded. Threatening a CEO on a social platform is going to change the game? How about sending in proof to the FortniteStatus Twitter that the lockers are bugged and the UI needs to be rehauled? Have you thought about that?????
Holy fucking based
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you gotta be trolling

you still think i'm that guy, ur dumb asl breh
You should go to reddit. They love saying "Oh you should be nice and give them constructive criticism. That's how you make a difference!" while the people in charge ignore them fast
people have been doing that
people have also directly fucked with the devs on twitter
can you guess which one has gotten a response?
Thanks now I can skip it
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Stop replying to me then retard it's embarrassing I'm not going to go out with you
I'm just laughing at spergs here who think they can change the game with one little angry tweet
***** people unironically making rap death threats against the fortnite devs is what got the movement system reverted lol

>it was a furry
What choice do we have left when they plug their ears and ignore genuine criticism.
>it’s the snarky retarded meowskulls faggot
Actually figures lol. You’re so dumb
you're clearly some kind of newfaggot to actually think this at all. they reverted a movement update because so many people came at epic with pure vitriol over it. meanwhile people have been softly complaining about the locker since it dropped and fucking NOTHING has happened. I don't think calling tim sweeney a bitch nigger on twitter is changing anything but its worth a fucking shot since nothing else is actually working
oh is he known for being a retard?
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>I'm just laughing at spergs here who think they can change the game with one little angry tweet
Your stupid post arrives on the heels of Valve of all companies finally responding to that silly TF2 petition and banning bot hosters while disabling the bot accounts. Then before that the whole Helldivers Sony fiasco happened. Nettling these giant corporations works.
>twtter (X) posts
based based based!!!!! xD
You know you just got dogged hard when even the weird chris chan guy doesn't like you
you were raped...
I know, this fucking too. Valve, the company that has been so stubborn for ages actually is now listening to the community. Thank you.
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JohnBoy is on a roll!

It probably has a more legitimate chance of being noticed by the actual guys who can make game changing decisions, like Tim. I think more people should directly tell Tim on twitter the issues with the game.

The responses he got kinda show that Epic does not think they fucked up the UI as bad as they actually did.
Just let me fucking make a full preset, make a way for me to link the various presets or something. having to set a preset for everything before a match is way too much hassle.

That's not even getting into the shop issues, fomo, the lack of ass on new female skins. I have a lot of bones to pick with Tim if I got to talk to him
>Then before that the whole Helldivers Sony fiasco happened
Sony didn't listen at all lol. They might have delayed the PSN requirement for Helldivers 2. But Sony are still pushing people to have a PSN for their PC ports with their other games like God of War Ragnarok and Ghost of Tsushima
>You don't like the new UI? you need therapy! seek help
>Trying to change a game doesn't work because the game they changed didn't affect other irrelevant games
What a fucking retard
if the employee insulted was a male, not only would the employee not have responded but tim would have blocked the insulting poster wordlessly
What a bitch
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My personal schizo theory is that Tim still endorses FOMO because he's still angry about "Fortnite bad", so he wants to gatekeep his own game
When a girl acts like a child and prints out mean tweets every redditor claps and calls her empowered
my personal schizo theory is nobody gives a shit about shitty old items outside of not being able to have them
companies can and will bend the knee to mass outrage very easily, the issue is people have become too attached to companies to the point they'll go to bat for them despite having nothing actually at stake. its why on the fucking redd*t people will bitch at others who point out flaws or greivances with the game with 'uhhhm this doesn't matter at all why complain lol', which if it didn't really fucking matter at all then why the hell do you care if people complain and change it? they have a weird parasocial relationship with these companies and feel the need to defend them regardless of the context. like at the best people can just ignore the locker change, nobody actually vocally likes it, which makes anyone who complains about other people complaining about it a fucking retard. it getting reverted does not fucking affect you any if you don't actually care about it. but its not the locker they care about, its people ripping on a company they've gone and pretended is their personal friend. its so fucking retarded and its why a lot of products suck ass nowadays is because people forgot these are products and the consumer is entitled to complain about them
That's what people want though
>roxy day 1 buy
How do you get that ford mustang looking car
4chan fell too far down the counter culture rabbit hole about nine years ago and also Id like to ask you what the average age of a /fng/ player is

They will yell about how unacceptable this is, but not provide any examples of a man getting fired for acting the same. They are arguing in bad faith, anon. You know this already. They've already created an imaginary enemy in their head to whom all they dislike are allied with. I don't even know what could have ever been in these generals to make you want to stay. It's shit.
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This picture rings so true it makes me feel so disgusted
One little angry tweet vs a concentrated multi year multi platform effort are two very seperate fucking things, anon.
You're comparing apples to oranges.
There are posts complaining about FOMO here, in leddit, on Xitter, literally any place fortnite related gets daily complains about old items
I hate how Tsuki's LEGO style is her human style. I mean, I don't play LEGO mode, but still.
Forgot to include a Meowskulls image with your post
I think your first mistake was thinking anyone thought this was going to actually get her fired at all and we aren't just laughing at some autist riling them up because they won't listen to any actual complaints but hey go on and keep talking about some insane shit you seem to have just made up
yeah it's so smart to lock away half the games cosmetics including many of the most iconic characters so nobody can buy or use them...
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>One little angry tweet vs a concentrated multi year multi platform effort are two very seperate fucking things, anon.
No it's not. We both know that outside of this immediate context you would call a few tweets by one guy and an internet petition (which didn't even last a full month; not several years) equally worthless. Nobody would be able to prove you wrong, ordinarily, except now we have proof that handing Valve a petition will make them receptive to an ongoing problem and take some measures to resolve it. Nettling these giant corporations works.
Fucking THIS. Don’t sit back and let shit happen, just hoping it will get better, because we damn well know things are only getting worse
I wish I never had to make a fucking Xbox account when Microsoft acquired Minecraft. It was the Helldivers fiasco times 100. Fuck Microsoft.
Brain rot.
You legit just don’t give a flying fuck about this game, do you?
>one little angry tweet
well we now know the devs will actually acknowledge and respond to these 'little angry tweets' so maybe people need to keep sending them instead of acting like defeatist cucks
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You guys are so fucking dumb.
what would a Fortnite x 4chan collab look like? Yotsuba skin? Wojak skin? Pepe skin? Chud skin? Chad skin?
>except now we have proof that handing Valve a petition will make them receptive to an ongoing problem and take some measures to resolve it.
Except it took them years to do anything. And I doubt it would be permenant.
It was part of the CH5S1 BP.
you have an image perhaps?
everyone who complains about fortnite should post their playtime as reference
just sayin :p
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Say hi to the Epic employees currently in the thread right now
There's at least two.
Hello Epic employees. When are you adding legacy passes?
Please make a Lexa shop skin in the same style as OG Lexa! Please!
It was probably her but if she said she didn't do it she won't get the movement change treatment that other guy got.
Did all the Magneto challenges in one game except the rift beacons and collect magneto power because I picked it up from an enemy. Mythic is low-key cancer so I will be back at the end of the Pirate pass to poopsock all quests. Until then - adios
Only thing I gotta do is weekly challenges for Bright, don't want Pea's stuff.
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>make dinner
>google Mr. Beast
>new video
Yo, put OT Luke in the shop
have fun beastybro :)
Make a Magneto 97 shop cope in the future, thanks
>ux designer at fortnite
I cannot think of a single other thing she could work on that isn't also an embarrassment
When are you making another naked furry skin like Hybrid
Ngl the little kid with the bird on his shoulder in argentina made me rethink third world countries

the world is so fucked up...
Does the magneto power only spawn on him? I'll admit I haven't played many games today but of the ones I have I've not seen it once.
For a rare level item it has a low drop chance.
I was doing the missions in a bot lobby earlier and one dropped out of a chest.
I wish I had as much whimsy as you.
Rock on nigga.
>forced to play rocketleague to unlock cars in a totally different game
>Fnaf skins drop
>it's only micheal afton, the human girl, and a holographic freddy face backbling. No animatronic skins

Considering they gave Fallout fans the worst power armor design and a shitty bobblehead, I wouldn't put it past them to completely butcher the FNAF collab too
You can get them anywhere. I lucked out today and found one laying on the ground, literally the first thing I got on dropping
Scott wouldn't allow it. He knows what the fans want and he will rape Timcent Sweeney himself if the collab isn't up to par
>if the collab isn't up to par
That's hilarious considering the state FNAF Security Breach launched.
>it's a boring dude in a hockey mask
i like the new wolverine skin but releasing him at the same time as magneto sucks cuz wastelander magneto is a marginally much cooler looking skin (imo)
i don't like how weapon x claws don't have a "draw" animation or unique "hold" animation like the other wolverine claws either, they also shine a lot which is strange. i like how the claws look and sound though.
Bitch! You have a skin. A singular skin. That's more than my dream collab, which has ZERO skins.
You remind me of shonenniggers that whine and beg for their favorite anime to get a 7th season or whatever. Like BITCH. My favorite anime has ONE season. Be happy with what you have.
arent we up to like 4 variations of the claws at this point?
FNAF fans have 0 skins and considering Scott's whole shit with donating money to chuds, Epic probably won't collab with Scott anyway
the BP claws and the zero point comic claws got merged into a single item iirc but if they didn't then yeah
>BP wolverine claws
>zero point comic claws
>x23 claws
>weapon x claws
I was talking about anon complaining about Fallout being "butchered," but you have a point. I'd be very surprised if FNAF gets in at all.
We want Freddy fazbear
They have to at least get Springtrap. Even if it's the movie version i'll be able to cope
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Long train rumbles low in the distance hear it blow
Don't engineers know I miss you?
And they're reminding me how lonely nights can be
When it's midnight, me and the blues
>Scott's whole shit with donating money to chuds, Epic probably won't collab with Scott anyway
There are literally adding the Elon Musk's crappy cybertruck despite his beliefs as well lol
>You have a skin.
yeah and its one of the shittiest power armors in the series. its like how they led the star wars shit with the awful characters from the sequels, nobody fucking wants kylo ren or ray where the fuck is luke and vader? same shit here, where the fuck is the enclave power armor or the veteran ranger armor? the t-60 fucking sucks, its the fo3 boxart armor but uglier and clunkier
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Car's going down the street, no traffic jams to meet
This time of night they'll drive right through
And they all go right by and they don't know I cry
When it's midnight, me and the blues
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Midnight's the loneliest time in the world
Me, I'm the loneliest guy with no girl
These blues began when it ended with you
Now it's midnight, me and the blues
Dark Phoenix has a nice ass, damn.
But his last new video was 3 days ago
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Does anyone has any ass footage of this skin in game?
Epic could have taken my 10 dollars hand over fist but they made her scleras white, made her ass as flat as machinists. The boot change doesnt bother me and I would have liked to see her black and purple hand a bit more monster/skeleton like.
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>"It's giving"
I hate the way women talk on twitter so unbelievably much
I don't normally just hate women outright, you really can just ignore them for the most part lmao, but the way they act and type on twitter specifically brings out the misogynist in me.
This shit is gonna turn me gay I swear to God
I DO NOT regret deleting my twitter about a year ago now
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her booty shorts need to be shorter and her midriff needs to be more exposed
Surprised no ones talking about her, she actually has an ass. Even in the shop image
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>sleep in till 3pm
>play video games
>jack off twice
go back to sleep at 6pm
>sleep again
>wake up at 10:30pm
>Wake up hungry
>Decide to get a pizza
>eat 3 slices
>feel full
>still at a massive caloric defecit
Am I dying? Or am I just fucked because of my sleeping habits. I dont even play fortnite for 6 hours at a time like I used to.
>Do nothing
>Burn no calories
>Eat nothing so stomach shrinks
>Eat a lot and complain that you feel full
Hahaha yeah you should eat more pizza… *coof* *coof*
Huh? What? Idk what that was, anyways…
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Hope left a purple lipstick ring around where my nutsack attaches to my groin because she put both of my testicles in her mouth then fondled and massaged my whole sack with her tongue.
you should try smoking meth
I am not a homosexual
you will be soon, jacking off twice a day
She's an old skin...
imo it gave her more personality than the generic boots she has now
They feel so inconsistent

Sometimes I can just play the regular note and my tap lasts long enough to get the lift but other times not
It's giving cinema
>Twice a day
It was a light day for me. Sometimes I do 4 or 5 times back to back. Ill cum twice but after that ill either leak very little or ill simply orgasm with no cum shooting out.

If ive eaten a large healthy meal or worked out ill get super horny afterwards and jack off over and over until I cant orgasm anymore because it just takes so long in between climaxes it not worth continuing. Then I play fortnite.
>Then I play fortnite.
Hey, no huffin nitro in the thread
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>It was a light day for me. Sometimes I do 4 or 5 times back to back
I love my Fortwife!
NTA but that's normal for me. I don't have a limit on how many times I can cum in a day, just a mandatory ~15 minute recovery time between shots. It's just a matter of how bored I am/how much time I have to burn. If cumming was a job, I could work a 9 to 5, easy.
Of course, I also stop and play Fortnite once in a while.
Fuck off
bwo this is a fowtnite general, both modes aww welcom :D
I bet you wouldn't say that to Malico's face
>build mode
>didn't build even once in the clip
>all three materials capped
>Materials Used: 60
Why do you play that shit?
Why don't LEGO styles have belly buttons?
who's going to tell him
Zbsissies will look at this and tell you their mode takes more skill lololol
I have.
Not anymore.
I'm still pretty bummed I wasn't around to get this loading screen and the Umbrella
>have one of the largest projectile weapons in the game yet still manage to miss every point blank shot but one
>get ass blasted so far away you land in another fucking area code
>team has have to carry your ass and actually kill the single target you couldn't hit with a shot the size of a honda civic
>still emote at the end as if you not only did anything but if the guys even gonna fucking see it with you so far away you might as well be on ctf_2fort
>team gives so little of a shit they've already left the match
absolutely fucking awful clip
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>You have a skin. A singular skin.
But not the best skin... not yet.
I don't need more skins. I have a main skin and a few others I like.
I don't need more emotes. I tend to forget I have them and only use a select few anyway.
Am I finally free?
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First time playing ranked ever, made it to d1. Got 151 days left, I'm going to go for Elite. Wish me luck! Seen tons of gimp suits so far.
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I always check on YouTube for gameplay before I get a skin.
I use fastball in StW all the time for the reason you're asking.
Why is there no option to report people for smurfing?
>get killed
>hit spectate and tab out
>have been hearing fishing rod sounds for like 3 straight minutes
Do they thin
blud really said candlejack and expected nothing to h
*Do they think I'll get bored and leave or something?

Fucking fat-fingered the post button somehow.
>this guy killed me he must be a fncs pro undercover
Oh brother
Who are you quoting?
How often do you think tsuki Jack's off
I don’t think it’s ban worthy imo. Could be wrong.
NTA but do you not know what smurfing is?
depends if theres any potential collabslop you'd want. thankfully my interests are too retarded and/or obscure for epic to ever work with so I've basically become immune to any future purchases, since epic has also established they can and will fuck up any future OC skin concepts anyways
>I don’t think it’s ban worthy imo. Could be wrong.
It is. Last I checked.

>NTA but do you not know what smurfing is?
Yes. It's starting a fresh account to abuse the ranking system and farm kills on lower-skill players.
Yeah :(
I clipped it in the moment, but looking at it again, it's pretty bad. I'm not the best at the game, or video games in general.
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Can you all tell me when the next FNCS stream is going to happen? I want this back bling because it'll fit some of my skins.
She's a robot. She doesn't have any sexual urges until she's programmed to (by me). Then she proceeds to satisfy those programmed urges (with me).
And how do you know if someone is smurfing hmmm?
They're matching with gold players and using a stock green vest skin. Private profile is also a red flag.
>Why do people like to nerf building?
hop off malico he's the goat fr
>did he just put up a wall
>epic nerf nerf nerf it's too scary aieeee
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>Lego at 20k players
Holy fucking shit, imagine how much Lego kino we missed because of this
>He thinks building in Fortnite is balanced
Are you retarded?
Let people enjoy things.
>weapon X claws glint like every two seconds
Who though this was a good idea?
The BP claws and Comic claws are actually different models
kys fubwub
they didn't, they utilize the x-23 animations and have a curved appearance but can only be used on Wolverine, zero and weapon x use that animic arms at the side stance.
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You underestimate how quintessentially indian Bethesda is nowadays. Scott actually gives a fuck about his creation, it's why the movie was remade like 4 times.
For some reason, damaging hostile NPCs with Magneto's powers counts as hitting a vehicle. Not that I am complaining lol.
Who cares how much a retard cares about his slop.
Because you can ride ‘em and they won’t complain heh
>who cares what creator of potential crossover things of his thing he made
genuinely worthless comment
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So.. uh... how do I get the style with the computers attached?
this is why I would love a separate mode that does allow teaming- basically hunger games style. ultimately everyone has to kill each other, but because (in this case) the car could be driving around with four people in it you probably wouldn't get randomly attacked by someone. it'd be much more survival based.
maybe when proximity comms is implemented
Genuinely worthless comment.
equip any other skin
Hm. Surely that's an oversight... right? Also, how do Wolverine's original claws look on him? I don't have that one sadly.
Wolverine's original claws are a built in emote that only he can use, they're curved unlike the Zero ones which are straight
I thought Epic made it so that other Wolverines could use that built-in emote. Much like different people can wield Mjolnir now.
nope. "Snikt!" is the built-in emote, "Snikt! Snikt!" is the Zero one that anything can use.
Guess I'll have to wait for a modder to do a YT showcase with them then. Overall though, I like the skin quite a bit; wish the other claws would have had an option to do the computer look though.
>fortnite gf bought weapon x for me
i am pleased
trans girl x gay guy solidarity <3
I don't even know what this is saying

is he complaining about the flag or what
Are you retarded?
They literally copied his art and changed the characters' hair colors around to try to hide it.
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has this character always had tum
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Lexa spotted!
Yeah. She has a nice butt too desu
Anyone else notice how Persephone posting dropped off immediately after she became available
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Breathe out

So I can breathe you in

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