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Reminder to smooch your favourite shitposter

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484389596
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The Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign is now live!

From today until July 29, redeem various rewards by watching any participating @Twitch channel streaming #FFXIV with the Viewer Rewards tag!

Details on how to participate: https://sqex.to/mWbBV
Futachads stay winning
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Fiddies and middies should
finally a good op
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How to use dalamud again, reposted by developer of dalamud in discord
>ARR hired American VAs
>the voice acting sucked
>HW onward hires British and European VAs
>the voice acting gets really good
>DT hires American VAs
>the voice acting sucks
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laid bare
do we have to wait until 8.0 for more graphics updates to fix the faces?
specifically femras and lalas got fucked over
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Grown men having sex with other grown men!
I tried but I think the key's changed.
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Hey, buns.
sex with sphene's feet
make sure to add the comma at the end, which is what I fucked up.
sex with spehne's pits
You're really mad at being called out for your misrepresentation of the plot.
is 24 too old to hunt for a hag eb
she disgusts me
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sex with kemakka's exposed thighs
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May your day be well and full of progress
I play a moonie and the first job I leveled was ninja
God I want to mating press her so bad
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where's waldo
>almost none of the actually important plugins have been updated so far
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No you.
tfw no catboy to showe his pistol barrel to your mouth
Extremely lovey-dovey forced missionary with subby Miqo'te with reassuring headpats, forehead kisses and excessive cuddles until we are surrounded by a pile of 20+ Miqittens clinging to our limbs for warmth while they sleep
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damn lmao
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Grape-Flavored cat checking in! Nya~~~
it hasn't, still burrito on stg
make sure each line ends with a comma and that the words are surrounded by quotation marks
if that doesn't do it, try what >>484394773 said at the last 2 lines
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Femlala EB for my Malera
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Once again the broad strokes of the MSQ read really poorly but if you actually take all the details in it's about on par with every other expansion. Yes, even Stormblood.
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*giggles* Wow, this story is almost as bad as mine!
What's with the sudden influx of obnoxious cats being attentionwhores?
Reminder for this, if you mute the tab itself you can still get the drops without actually watching the stream
Wuk Lamat is an Ascian plant/dreamhack
The initial DT MSQ will be retconned
Screencap this
The femra broke down, there's a power vacuum
Wuk will make you miss Lyse
le heckin alpacas are so evil haha xd i love my lion wife!!!!!
that's the race's entire player identity
I don't know but it makes me want to use the free fanta to get off cat.
We live in the Kali Yuga my dude B)
femra's only look good and post when they have mods. so cats are in full swing.
I missed you Lyse poster, now get to work, it wont clean itself.
What? It only gets worse the more you pay attention, what kind of fucking cope is this?
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Has anyone had problems logging in ever since Dawntrail dropped? Not talking about queues or congestion since there's none to speak of, but in spite of that I get frequent 2002s or 90002s just trying to log in. Sometimes I get in but immediately disconnect seconds later. Once I actually get in and manage to stay connected for more than 5 seconds it's smooth sailing, but getting that far is a diceroll. Googling it is very unhelpful since it gives me loads of old EW launch posts that are completely unhelpful. I've been trying to log in for over 30 fucking minutes now with zero luck, it's ridiculous.

I asked /v/ earlier but they're too busy having a fit over the MSQ.
Gonna bring this cat shopping, pick out a nice dress for her to wear just how I like it
So I can ruin her in it after a night out
New expansion launch brings the worst posters
thanks moonie
when will it settle down?
*giggles* Hai~
oh boy
i'm gonna make some catboy stew today
cute cat.
gonna to press this grape cat into wine
ten levels of overbearingly earnest jrpg slop would be forgivable but they flew too close to the sun with the final zone.
id describe my experience of living memory as a severe allergic reaction. it was bad enough i wanted to alt f4 and walk away from thousands of hours of playtime. never known anything like it.
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>play drg all of EW
>its suddenly extremely strong in DT just upfront without any Ultimate resource hoarding shenanigans
>my fotm RPR, VPR and tanks all rerolling to DRG
holy based
why do you giggle so much
My logins have been pretty smooth so far
Only got DC'd once
Haven't finished the MSQ yet, have you?
The flow is immaculate with this one.
>finally confirmed that the Wuk VA was faking the accent all along and has no Latin heritage whatsoever
Why is Japan/SE allowed to do this but Western companies are crucified for it? Hasn't faking accents been widely deemed as racist for a long time now?
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My wife is not a moonie! Not that there's anything wrong with moonies

Sorry they're taken
moonie post
british VAs are cheaper too
DT is fun. Storywise its about the same as everyother xpac in terms of quality.
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Too Sunnie out...

Iunno, it's fun and the beginning of the MSQ is boring so I'm here for once.
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Wouldn’t mind a nice date out and about, dork~~
What a compelling review.
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I'll settle for kissing her feet.
Thats fine, Ill date both of you and have a grand time at the arcade
Because no DEI racketeering in Non-English companies.
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Do I fantasia to malera or catman
It's entirely a referendum on Wuk. You can't dislike her and like the expansion, it's impossible. But if you do like her it's hard to not like the expansion because she is constantly featured nonstop.
*giggles* That sounds like a lot of fun~
*giggles* I dunno, I guess I'm just really happy to see all of you cute anons!
*giggles* Actually I have, but I still think my journey was worse. Hien and that fucking skank Fordola, just ugh.
trannies are higher on the progressive stack than native americans ("latin" would be wrong, many hispanics have native american ancestry but there's nothing "latin" about tural, which was never colonized by a spain analogue)
The femra have gone extinct, both in MSQ and ingame
licking sunnie feet
>giving out feet pics frivolously

yep she's desperate for viewers
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So the graphics update making people worry about not being able to play the game was a total nothingburger huh? I guess I might have like 5-10 lower frames in Tuli when its crowded.
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easy answer, boss
I'm still here!
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Thighlander anchor post.
If they still exist..
please don't switch off that middie please please please please please please please please please please please please please
Thighlander stocks should be higher than ever, but many probably swapped to femhroth. ..
No I got busy with the RCQ season
wuk lafart
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Have some self-respect
I want you to drape your massive cock over my face and huff the musk reeking off your balls as you call me a useless slut.
The further I get in the MSQ the more I realize all the MSQ talk has been really disingenuous. Makes me realize people are really not capable of thinking beyond a surface level when reading a narrative.
post frotgals
I always see Franz complaning, but never seeing him do any commits to the github... Thoughs?
Praising everything equally is the same as shitting on everything equally. It's the sign of an infantile mind.
Wait so SAM basically only got Zanshin and animation changes?
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>thancred's va taking every opportunity to throw his lines in there
EVERY job got at most one button and animation changes, the jobs are the exact same as before lmao.
My hair has the same glitch, wow fix when?
when expansion hype dies down we'll see what worls, sweetheart
I agree, the praise and deflection for DT's MSQ is really disingenuous.
A new cope was JUST released today! Are you ready for this!

...Dawntrail isn't just a vacation, it's a JAPANESE vacation! That's right, because in Glorious Nippon, the vacations are all about running around collecting stamps instead of having fun! Hahaha Nipponese sure are creative, aren't they? But that explains why the story is bad, it's just JAPANESE! So exotic...so mystical...the Orient is so mysterious!
Pin this hrothgal and slamming her beef taco with my cock cannon until I paint her cub cooker white with my litter liquid.
I bought Dawntrail last week but I've just been way too busy to play:

>Wake up at 2pm
>Jerk off
>Shitpost on 4chan
>Jerk off
>Eat something
>Shitpost on 4chan
>Watch tik toks for 4 hours
>Shitpost on 4chan
>Think about life for a few hours
>Shitpost on 4chan
>Jerk off
>Go to bed at 5am
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Anyone want a cruddy doodle of their characters? I'm keeping an eye out for Femhroths, but anyone will do if none step up. No drowzee, you can trust me!
which femra loses to shota
Bold of you to say that when almost all MSQ discussion has been negative, unless you're going to pretend that hasn't been the case.
Sounds wonderful! I’ll be around on Excal for most of the next month but I’ll be around.
The more I think about the MSQ the worse it gets, actually. Kinda like with Stormblood back then, where I realized just how stupid some of the key plot points were about a week later after finishing it.
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Is AF gear bis?
The bench feels very lonely today, but someone needs to guard it.
I don't mind Llama Tea. I don't hate her, but I wouldn't say I love the character either. Honestly she still doesn't beat ARR Alphinaud in terms of annoyance.
crystal cc doko
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Is it glitched? I literally don't know what you mean?
I thought Zoraal Ja would be an honorable opponent if a bit extremist and not a straight up psycho
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ahri sex
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I am here to vaguely cause trouble and trigger an autist
Post hrothgals (women)
My cock is best in your slot
Item level> Your stat priority > tenacity > piety
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What was the fucking point of putting Blade of Honor on the Requiescat button instead of the Confiteor button?
You are actually punished for paying attention and speculating and trying to put it all together. The supporting cast (everyone who isn't wuk) is virtually inert, almost never questioning anything or offering commentary or witticism. Obvious and pressing mysteries and inconsistencies are ignored so they can be fodder for patch MSQ. There is shockingly little dialogue compared to wuk just speaking out loud seemingly to herself and anyone in earshot. Just focus on the dumb cat like your wol, standing there smiling like a dope every time she does something
You see, you have bathe everyone in blood or else they won't learn not to bathe everyone in blood. He's like the Reapers in Mass Effect. At least that is his agenda at first, then he just goes crazy.
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If you feel up for it!
He's just a Mamool Ja Zenos
I need an EB like this (catboy btw)
confetti is a GCD, blade of honor is an oGCD, that's about it.
custom hairs, they don't show the primary hair color when modded in. only 100% black by default.

I'm more of an Awooo'nie
Otis ;_;
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Good things:
- graphics update
- Pictomancer is probably the second most fun caster right now
- new zones look awesome
- dungeons and trials are pretty damn good
- very good side quests
- music is mostly good
- Pelupelu cunny (very important!)

Bad things:
- horrendous writing, almost as bad as Stormblood, with a hyperfocus on one character and it's a barely tolerable one to begin with
- Viper is mindless button mashing
- not a single memorable vocal song
- facewear and dual dye channels are a joke
- no sweaty fuck session with Ryne's tight butt
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What does it say on her chest plate thing?
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Post your boarding pass
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Doing alright, how are you doing fellow Midlander bro?
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>Everyone says MSQ is dogshit
>Finally get 94-95
>It's actually good and keeps getting better
I fell for skipper propaganda, again, didn't I?
Why do you nerds insist on saying AF gear when normal people call it what it is: Job Gear.
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It took SE about 10 years, but they finally did it. They finally released a decent nin weapon
Yes you fucking monkey its at solution 9 USE YOUR FUCKING EYES NEXT TIME
Neo kingdom
beat the msq and go to cybercity
What do you know about honor, rat.
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>Final quest
>Speak to Wuk Lamat is the first fucking thing you see feel and hear
blazena more like blazinga
>1000 of every aethersand and 4480 perception material gathered
>capped on orange and purple crafters scrips
>capped on tomestones

Time to take a break.
Yes, tomestone gear and EX gear are 700 and 710 respectively.
Guess what the last thing you do is going to be :^)
Babe, my hair is 100% vanilla. It's just black with blonde highlights.
how did you do this in 4 days
I mean it's fitting. Just be thankful it isn't "walk with Wuk around the city for the 5th time".
>Wahhhhh NIN's don't get good weapons
99% of DRG, MNK and MCH weapons are literally unusable because of how bulky, ugly, garish and unwieldy they look.
>It's actually kinda good
Well you heard it here, folks. Anon says the story is "kinda good". I guess everyone shitting on the story is just wrong, because some rando thinks it's okay.
Someone should make an actual counter for how often you have to speak to Wuk Lamat in this MSQ.
But steel knives existed since NINs release
Sorry, we're not allowed to like the MSQ anymore.
We need a woman president, now! Give her space, give her room, comfort her!
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Finish the MSQ
Neo kingdom.
Some people don't require showers
It's almost we're not like a hive mind and everyone has their own opinion
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This trial is too fucking hard for me I'm giving up.
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Shan't be happening
What was your favorite part so far?
Based, and not just because of Ryne's delicious asshole.
>I fell for skipper propaganda, again, didn't I?
yes you did, enjoy it.
>big speech about how "we're all just people"
>right after finding out that only 1/100 mixed race children survive

did the writers forget what they just showed?
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What should I spend my tomestones on with manderville weapons becoming obsolete now?
nine inch nails? I didn't know collab stuff had to be nine inches long
I love when people have mild praise for the MSQ all the rats suddenly get really smarmy.
Plugins when

Fuck sake its been 5 days
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He said it's "actually good" not "kinda good", but I'm not surprised you're a speedreader given that take.
Catboy sweat addict
what are you doing right now? I've got two hours free.
Tulidisaster! (Formerly Tri-disaster)
i love this picture so much
>- Pictomancer is probably the second most fun caster right now
what's the first one?
to be honest, I still feel bait-n-switched from keeping track of all the small details about Tural over the years. I thought the Shaaloani zone was going to be more reminsicent of the conflict displayed in the blue mage questline. That of the natural ceruleum resources being exploited and how this impacts the local tribes like the whalaqee. Instead everything is oddly fine and conflict free.
evens buy two retainer skips
odds don't buy any and cope with getting fucked by the market
No injection is not the way
That cat is me when my EB(doesnt exist)
Sure ill take one
>Anon says the story is "kinda good"
Why are you trying to put words in his mouth swarthbro
I wish my standards were low enough to enjoy the story.
I'm ambivalent regarding her. She is featured too heavily but she does go through some character development, from a naive and sheltered princess pretending to be strong and capable, to an idealistic but steadfast leader who has accepted her faults and has forged a connection with her people. It could have been done better and the core of her character (genki girl with a heart of gold) doesn't change, but there's some development there. The only major eye-roll moments were her travel sickness running gag and her interruption of the final boss fight, personally.

She's a worse focal character than Alphinaud was in Heavensward, but a better focal character than Lyse was in Stormblood. That's my opinion.
I like the world building and anything that involves the Dawnservant (Gabuul?), I also like everything about Yak T'el. Wuk Lamat was incredibly cringe early on (she still is).
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Yes Dawntrail's story is good, sorry you got filtered Shadowbaby
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i haven't manually executed the injector in a long time, that's xivlauncher's job
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The only thing I don't like about Wuk Lamat is her Avril Lavigne ass haircut that every girl was wearing back in high school, specifically reminds me of Silvia fucking slut I hate you. I HATE YOU
I did this at 4am sleepy as fuck. You can do it
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>ugly femra became even uglier
>9m average wait time on level 100 roulette
>as tank
Um healer sissies? Do your job?
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Make her headpat another anon lovingly if possible
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A lot of people are watching FFXIV today!
What the fuck?? How??
Unironically my xivlauncher is updated but dalamud ain't starting
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Yeah sure
are you dawnbased and dawnredpilled on the fact that dawntrail is actually dawnpeak and dawnkino?
I think the Whalaquee only cared because they were basically gonna strip mine their ancestral homelands, the job that's going on in Shaaloani looks more refined than that.
when is penumbra back... I need to gpose in the new areas...
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So the cinematic trailer was pretty much 90% bullshit? The scions are barely even in the MSQ.
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How are the purists feeling knowing we will have mods back up and running in a few days?
beta's been up for a while now, more and more plugins are coming back up
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we're getting married
You sound like a coward who knows they gonna get they ass beat at air hockey
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>Smile orchestrion roll is added to your orchestrion list.
Ehhh not to keen on trying a beta
But thanks for linking
Are any of these streamers actually good
Can't you read? They're clearly playing FFXI!
Where does that fuckass kpop hair come from
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i still havent gitten the mount yet
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Asmon Status?
when I have my fluffy ears and tail back
>wastes even more souls because a majority of the civilians in solution 9 expend souls reviving themselves
Grifting forever.
The only review that matters:

There's 0 porn of any of the Dawntrail characters. DT is the Battleborn of MMO expansions.
>First half of the MSQ
>a romp through the cultures of the new world
>Second half of the MSQ
>Shard invasion shenanigans
Disregarding the divisiveness of Wuk's involvement at it's core this has been an enjoyable expansion.
your call, it's been stable for me
The Wild West segment was another instance of me having enjoyed it more if I remembered to turn off my higher brain functions
What the fuck was the point of anything, investigating and retrieving the merch and everything, if all it come down was to who shot the other faster? If we had lost? We would have lost it all, even the bracelet, despite all the investigation
And his friends got free on his word because he was the faster shooter? Why even have the law at this point?
treasure maps
there is no portals yet but there is a small chance to get them from the chests outside of the instance
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how do i tell it
Probably entertaining a bunch of teenagers with his take on some "drama" that we've never heard of.
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>turn on phone
>open twitch
>pick random 2-digit stream with drops enabled
>audio low but not muted
i'll be taking my dingleberry now
Neither Lyse nor Alphinaud were pushed even remotely as hard, and I say that as someone who thinks that Stormblood's MSQ is still worse. Also there's not character development, she acknowledges her weaknesses and then her weaknesses are suddenly gone or not longer relevant.
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What about awoocoded?
Why is sphene feel identical to the bird loli?
post an old pic to tide me over
On the plus side, FF14 concert ticket prices are about to plummet.
he'll never go back to it because he mentally connects ffxiv to his mother's death after she set herself on fire when he gave her cigarettes while she was on oxygen
Here's your (you)
Does anyone remember shrek roes name?
why are dalamud guys mad that we're using the beta
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I'm working on it.
Trial by combat is like the oldest fucking trope in the book the winner is always right, or did you forget about the one in HW?
Speedreader kun the souls aren't expended when the people die, they are put through The Machine(tm) and washed of memories and then recycled. By killing civvies he's reclaiming the souls to divert for military use.
discord moderator babyrage
Putting together my VPR fit because apparently I had basically none of the pieces I planned for
Personally I think the graphics update has caused more problems than they've helped
What was the track that sounded like black women gospel chorus singing triumphant? That was the worst one.
too much risk of there being a dick between sunnie-woof legs
weird but i guess that's discord for you
Welcome to Tural we have
>gray catmen
>big brother catboys
>shota catboys
I'm gonna become a catboy chaser omg
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Looks good to me
I honestly couldn't tell you, and the people that understand the reason would rather make stupid jokes when asked.
>Week before DT decide "New expansion new me"
>Fantablob through nearly all races since ARR
>Finally decide to give the one I least expected a shot
>Have never felt more "me" than these past 2 weeks
How could this happen
Well what's the fucking problem then?
Does she headpat miera too?
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Someone's gotta take that risk.
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I'd try 'splain to ya', but I'm afraid a city slicker like you jus' wouldn't git it
bad writing
which race was the one, king
couldn't be me, i hate +
Eh that is fair. I am going to guess the whalaqee won't show up in Tural until a later patch. My gut feeling telling me it will be in the expansion after Dawntrail if its still blue mage related. As they briefly get mentioned but then the conversation ends with "but that is a discussion for another time."
Good stuff, bro...it feels good when you finally find a character you like and can stop blobbing. Hope it sticks for you.
Post the character.
You're not giving a good look for trans people, anon. Coming off mighty schizo there with your daily ritual posting about a single person.
Can I unlock Worqor Lar Dor EX even if I'm not done with the MSQ? (as long as I'm lvl 100)
Looks like someone's no man of the wilds
Wait, if Estinien wasn't part of Koana's group, what the fuck was he doing in Tuliyollal?
I don't think minstrel shows up until after MSQ
there isn't a single good mmo streamer
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Is there a rotation bot for picto yet?
Don't be so paranoid, just make a copy of your config if you are. It's absolutely safe, always has been.
how are the EX trials?
I want the wings but I need to gear up my dps job first before I hit the EXes.
Having an adventure where he just gets to roam around and go on an actual vacation.
He's just on vacation. His reason for being there was just Galool Ja Ja inviting him to Tuliyollal for a duel, I think? I was actually wondering about this earlier today.
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Looks like Erenville is getting a new daddy.
The events of the last zone really are a litmus test to see how badly you'd let someone walk over you in order to "not be mean"
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I'm seeing a lot more "professional musician tells you how much they love your favorite music" videos lately. The genre must be rather popular.
>have stat that only works for tank
>buff it
>still don't give a shit
tickles my pickle
He got the vacation nobody else was allowed to have, on account of also being the only character who actually doesn't give a shit. If only we could trade places.
Elk's femhroth gives dick so good I'm unironically mindbroken.
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I am once again manifesting drowzee by submitting my catman.
So, he only fought Gulool ja ja and fucked off?
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what should i level next
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how the fuck haven't they fixed this after watching every streamer get the elpis reveal cucked by fog?
sorry to hear that
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>hating on +
That's a damn shame.
who was the baby lizard's mom
gulool ja ja paid him
at the end of 6.55, you see him go to the docks in limsa and a dude there asks him where he's going and he's like "well i've been east already so i guess i'll go west this time"
Welcome to 2024 anon, react content on Youtube has been the "meta" for quite sometime now. Glad you finally caught up with everyone else
He literally was asking the boat ticket guy which boat goes west and he said the one to tural
thats his entire reason, he already was to every other direction so his next choice was west
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>cute flying squirrel costs 500 bicolor gemstone vouchers
So uh how long would that take to farm
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>only have 17 people in my friend list
>more than half of them are from 4chan
>the last time I talked with most of them was months or years ag o
She's pushed harder than either of them, but I still feel that she's better done than Lyse. But she does from being someone who is quietly nervous and insecure and hides behind a bunch of bravado and fake confidence, to someone who actually believes in herself while accepting her own faults and support in areas where she's lacking.
But you're right about how hard Wuk Lamat is pushed and it reaches a point where it's detrimental to the story. Not Lyse levels of bad, but not great either.
Probably never. He burnt a lot of bridges, and failed to maintain character so people actually know he grifts purposefully now. Plus he despises the MSQ and would never make it to DT let alone finish that.
ArtiFact gear
I'm getting my Shaaloani roleplay going.

I wake up every day with a hangover, and ever night I got out and buy more booze. Just out of sheer boredom.
if it's gotta be a shame then so be it
never liked it, won't bend the knee
but, that means more for the enjoyers so it's whatever
Estinien has had no reason to be a part of this story since Heavensward. They keep bringing him back because he's a fan favorite.
sha'essiin s'raal
I don't know if you're still here, but
What code? That Eorzean Nightlife server requires no such thing, it's just a server for gooners... It's plug and play
You sure you didn't try to register for the Mare Lamentorum server?
Get your poop sock ready.

Or you could just buy the vouchers with gil.
The hhetsarro would be cooler if it consisted solely of catboys
where can i go to see more...
Which means that he had the adventure that we were robbed of. What a scam.
That's 50.000 bicolor gems then I guess.
It's not a short grind but fates are very doable in a group. If you got friends a group of 3-4 melts the new fates. Can level jobs while you're at it too.
>PLD got zero (0) new buttons to press this expac
not sure how to feel as it already had 999 buttons but still
I want to pet this creature.
only during tittysuck
>haha guys look healsissies are striking
>what the fuck why do i have 9min queues as tank
OH my love.
Are you deaf?

Everyone just calls it Job Gear. No one but nerds calls it AF gear.
He's unironically, literally cucking you, the player, out of the vacation adventure that was promised to you. It's the single most hilarious thing in the entire game, the biggest "fuck you!" the devs have ever given us.
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glad to hear it
I'm a retard
Working now
Just gotta wait for Plugin updates *sigh*
saar, 1100 rupees await you in your bank account have many fun adventure final fantasy dawntrail right

well he seems like a big ol' faggot for giving a shit about nothing
>lv 100 roulette
have you tried not poopsocking the MSQ
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Channeling my 1/256th Glubra genes.
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>It doesn’t have to be low stakes
>It doesn’t have to be a comfy adventure
>It doesn’t have to be a beach episode
>It doesn’t matter that the main character is a transbian furry
>It doesn’t matter that everyone is doing shitty hispanic accents
>It doesn’t matter that the first third of the game is like if you expanded the Titan questline from ARR to make it 10x as long
>It doesn’t matter that the writing is still shit in the next 2/3rds
>It doesn’t matter that Japanese people hate it too
>It doesn’t matter that they ripped off the Shadowbringers ending and did it worse
>It doesn’t matter that Krile is the focus of the MSQ for 10 minutes total
>It doesn’t matter that the scions don’t have new costume designs
Coming soon
>It doesn’t matter that the Alliance raids suck
>It doesn’t matter that the next expansion will be a scene for scene copy of Shadowbringers with different astral/umbral aspects
*cums on your glasses and face*
People seething about Estinien "cucking" you out of your vacation is funny because we've literally only seen him do like three things in this expansion and one of those was getting tricked into eating Sabotender.
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Hating on + is dumb behavior, agreed.
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>the first thing that happens in DT is Wuk Lamat getting praised by the sailors for doing literally nothing, something that was acknowledged just 2 minutes prior by the narration
Off to a great start, I see.
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>we have /v/ users in the thread

and I thought twitter tourists were bad
another fine red sands match where my 4 teammates don't go in the oasis
>Alliance raids are FFXI
They aren't going to suck.
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Anyone from Primal wanna buy my tree house? I have medium and large
i'm nothing like you niggas
>and one of those was getting tricked into eating Sabotende
Uhhh, sovl?
What's the new trusts costume in DT? ARR clothes?
Is there a new Custom Delivery NPC for Dawntrial?
trans good!!! western media
The egos on these plugin developers is another level like holy shit
yup, gulolol jajaja just saw he i strong and wanted to duel him, gave him a sack of cash as a rewards for holding his own against him before we come in and interrupt
and then he just fucks off on a jolly adventure
good for him tho
Are people actually saying the first part of the MSQ is on the same level as the Titan arc? That's really cute.
its this rin
Unironically hawaiian shirts and swim trunks
>they are striking
Can't wait for the scabs.
WAR bros how are you feeling about Primal Wrath? I've been using it a bit and it feels super clunky.
i just miss him cause he's hot
No bikinis? Figures
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Post Scenery
i love cutenoses so much
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If only i had a raider EB to craft them gear...
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Cum say that to my ass, not my face.
ofc girls have bikinis
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ive been pretty busy with all the new dawntrail content to post much
DT was pretty good to thighlander outside the strange change to the upper lips on face 1 im still coping with.
all the battle content and viper has been really fun though, still have to try picto but it looks cool
still praying they add in the koana hair for everyone...
headpats please ahhhhh
i need this bun in my life
im not rin :(
a lot of people are missing the comma on config
maybe they're right about only releasing mods without bugs
forcing a fiddie to wear a regulator
>tfw no moonie to plap on the tulliyoyal inn balcony
some vacation...
I like it, BEEG off gcd hit. Feels good weaving it into primal rend or ruination.
The animation for it + ruination causes you to not see shit for a bit though
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W-what does that mean?
my lalaboy does this
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I wish I could live on these mountains...
are side quests ever worth doing for the XP? or is there always something else worth doing?
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probably coming into this a bit late, but hey, thanks in advance if you do the doodle

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What is this shit? They're nothing special, Eorzea was a big diverse place too.
That's fair.
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>this creature
ok I laughed. Petting is allowed
is the latest Deepest Dungeon viable to get to lvel 90 on a new DPS calss?
finally, the first good piece of content related to this expansion
>Cum say that to my ass, not my face.
Teasing me now eh?
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i took a lot in this area too cuz... you know...
Would be nice if the beta would just be a fucking tick box on the launcher
funnily enough, the crystarium was way more diverse and they didnt try to jerk it off
But im convinced whoever wrote DT didnt actually play or even read about anything before it
You gotta post your character.
The yellow ones? No, not really. At best they are good to take you out of the hole if you're real bad with gil.
Some older quests unlock some features (beast tribes, bozja) but most are just for the lore. As a rule of thumb, blue quests are mandatory and yellow quests with a picture tend to be really nice.
Im down if you like femra+
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The actual city-states are pretty insular though and only just recently made strides to intermingle to any real degree.
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Self pardoned Matricide
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catboy concert
massive L
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>camping snek
>go AFK for a couple minutes to go peepee
>it spawned and died by the time I got back
Yeah i don't get this either, all the city states are crawling with different races
Man they really should have just ended it at EW and started a new game. DT's storyline just seems so out of place.
Thanks well at least we get Yshtola in a bikini
love this cat's fat balls
Yeah, Id knock up this gamer
>Eorzea was a big diverse place too.
most of the nonhuman races in eorzea were on one or the other side of attempted genocide for most of the history of the continent
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did that dumb fucker lizard just use a harmonizer to heal his wounds
Spoken like a true euro-centric chud.
Limsa has a ton of different cultures (maybe even more than Tuliyollal) and Ul'dah has its fair share of foreigners. Gridania, Ishgard and Ala Mhigo are almost ethnostates, though.
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You too?

Nothing just put it on.
>he doesn't know
knock it off.
i missed this in rdr2 when I played because I didn't want to steal a horse
Sad bun :(
what makes it feel clunky? i love the new abilities because they shit out damage
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>i hate +
>that thing and kate working on dawntrail
try again faggot
Spending the whole boat ride sucking on her clit
DT feels like it could be in any place, mostly. By that I mean with only minor changes you could squeeze this story in everywhere except after ARR.
They gotta dick, but that wouldnt stop me from plapping them til they had a sore cum filled ass, and a bit more after that
are daily hunt bills even worth doing?
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my femra looks and acts like this
Ah so its just the island outfits from EW. Got it. With Yshtolla getting the summer outfit. Certainly more fitting for the climate than what I seen in the MSQ.
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I don't have a particular taste for femras, but I need to know what I'm dealing with.
when did NPCs start saying DEI intead of woke? it's the same boogeyman, just stick to one word
How when you never seen em?
does your femra like moonie+?
Yeah not anymore, blackrock recently pumped a few million into some manga stuff
oh hey its copypastafag again. post more ryne or gtfo
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my veena looks and acts like this
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i know it doesnt fit xiv but i love this place so much
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(Only reply to this if you are a man)
Bros I cant wait for cosmic exploration. Is that confirmed for 7.1?
Good lord, imagine the smell
>Gridania practically wants to hang duskie and moonies from trees
>Limsa only just recently had an open piracy clause until they convinced them all to go pillage Garlean ships and were purging the Kobolds
>Uldah has class conflict out the wazoo and exploits the lower class constantly
Do we play the same game?
>Widow Y'shtola
What's SEs plan here?
So SE saying Dawntrail is setting the stage for the next ten years, I guess they mean that artifact, right? It presumably is going to be used to travel to the reflections. I don't know what else it sets up other than that. We saw a new reflection that is mostly destroyed already.
i'd play his flute iykwim
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is this cat NA? :3
>Diversity is our strength!
>The power of friendship!
>2 headed lizards backstabbing, Pelupelu jewing, Sharlayans cats chudding
>meanwhile on the First Crystarium has not only more diverse peoples and species, but they all get along and work together

Shadowbringers wins again.
built for cutting holes in your clothes
Conceptually its nice but they made the place way too big and open. True Vue should have been right next to the arcade and have many of the vendors in it.
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>Paints doom debuff above your head
What is that character saying? That's a lot of buzzwords
got any hot tips for leveling? are leves the best way to go for gathering? what about crafting?
After the reception it's getting? Lmao no way this will set the stage. SE is going to go full 180 on the story in next expansion after realizing what a disaster this was.
>Gridania practically wants to hang duskie and moonies from trees
Dunno if it is different from the benchmark, but I remember the wildwoods all having bags under their eyes as if they haven't gotten sleep in ages. While the duskies, aside from 1 face option, looked well rested XD
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Why do only tanks and maiming get a cool set from Vanguard
*is in town, debuff clears* huh?
Which FF is Sphene a reference to?
>(Only reply to this if you are a man)
irl or ingame
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Snails pace anon here, cheer me up.
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Why are you posting pictures of such an awful, macabre, twisted nightmare? This is what that place is meant to look like.
but i have
that cat posted her balls and they were magnificent, best balls in the thread, balls so fat you wouldn't believe it
Why does it have like mall goth studs on the shoulders?
9. They literally beat you over the head with it.
Makes me concerned as to when we are going to ever see Ilsabard and Meracydia. I feel like we should cover all the Etheirys stuff before more shards.
Ignoring all of the other races present in those cities, are we?
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that's a minecraft screenshot...
There's nothing to 180 on. Even if they abandon all the places and people in DT the only thing that really matters in terms of long term story is the artifact. Everything else is just theme park stuff that will get developed in the patches and mostly abandoned after that like always.
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people don't realize this expansion is basically ARR 2 in terms of worldbuilding. They need to lay the foundation for a fuckton of new worldbuilding for the next expansions to work off of.
i agree. i also hate that you have to run RIGHT up to the aetheryte to use it and it's a bigass gap otherwise. the city is beautiful on the surface but it's pretty empty as everything is closed? it's wishful thinking for them to do much else with the city but a bitch can dream
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How many of us use the based hair?
That wasn't theirs you retard. It wasnt even the right skin tone. Sod off.
>(Only reply to this if you are a man)
Very based
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This is the only good DT character
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sex with lalas
wait til you dye that shit black
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Nice stocks
Reminder that if you do wanna take screenshots in that place again, you can select any story in NG+ you want then go there and it'll be reverted. You don't have to wait for NG+ of DT.
good post
mr happy is the only one that isnt a complete faggot, but I dont really watch him anyway
Limsa has even more different beastmen than Tural. Ul'dah has foreigners from across the globe.
The plan is to dye it black and gold once I have it
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>More woke DEI slop
i'd polish his gun iykwim
>Limsa has even more different beastmen than Tural.
I would recommend playing through ARR and not skipping cutscenes this time.
>sultanate passes law that everyone with different beliefs of those of the citystates will be barred from contacting the citystates
>this locks up beastmen from contacting the eorzean alliance
>even the sylphs who were known to be extremely good ambassadors and are known for stopping wars by being mediators
>garleans attack and now beastment don't have anyone to ask for help
>turn to primals
>get tempered
>become radicalized and summon more primals which leads to more insulation
all because lalajews tried to be smartasses
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Is this really what femra fantasize about?
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He is one of the less insufferable catboys to come through the MSQ I admit
>Show this
>Immediately followed by "Actually a bunch of them still hate us and try to kill and kidnap us despite us offering them peace and prosperity without condition"
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corpse sniffing is illegal
I am only lvl 97...How are you guys already 100....
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if only we could have followed kroana, urianger, and thancred around.
What to gather for big Gil right now
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Questing c@ts
picks 1
Limsa is a port town and they are traders and mercenaries, you think the fucking Qiqirin and mamool ja live there in great numbers or something? It's a glorified pirate town.
i really liked blue forest
that's fine. the writing's pretty shit until Alexandria then it becomes In Time+Freejack+Edgerunnersbut the dungeons are great and I am liking it overall. Wuk really needs to stop saying "I" for shit we did, however and should've been a comic relief character instead.
Its wild that one expansion can do so much damage to lizard stocks but boost hroths and roes.
Unpopular opinion: I think it's crazy how many people seem to have no job and are able to finish the story so fast. I've done as much as I could every day since release and I just got to the lvl93 dungeon last night. Where do you all find the time
fanta off femra to miera y/n
Are you retarded? You can go to Limsa right now and see like a dozen different races.
How do you pronounce Lamaty'i?
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I cashed in two weeks of PTO because I don't use it on anything else anyway.
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I know at least 5 people who took time off for this video game.
You could have replaced Wuk Lamat with anyone else and this expansion would have been night and day better
the one with a vagina
if all have penises, the one with the smallest
if they all have the same size penis, the one with the tightest asshole
if they all ha
>xivcombo motherfucker has not pushed ANY CODE AT ALL

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Whichever one is based enough to have Mama out.
I have a full time job, but I already was taking the week of the 4th off for vacation so I just added Friday and got to play nonstop
The way it's pronounced in the game literally every time someone says it.
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I don't really think of FFXIV as a "Mountain Dew" game. You'd think they'd be sponsoring games that are more... spastic.
i guess. i just want a cute malera or malezen husband to do expert with and craft with
sloth has 35 commits since early access launched :)
Limsa has Kobolds, Mamool Ja, Quiquirn, Roegadyn, Miquo'te, Hyur, Lalafell and Sahagin.
I need a femra wife like this to tame
lots of neets
yeah update isn't out yet though
here's hoping soon tm
Only just now getting the chance to play the patch content leading into Dawntrail and haven't really seen much of anything about it besides some complaints about Wuk Lamat. If was just wondering if Wuk Lamat shows up a lot in DT? I'm assuming she's gonna be a Lyse type character that gets a lot of focus and is the defacto MC of the expansion. Would be a shame since she seems pretty annoying so far even despite the blatant attempts from the writers to make her seem endearing. Her voice actress sounds really weird and stilted too.
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If this game had soul (and a real budget) you would be able to pick either of the contenders for a separate MSQ storyline each with unique rewards.
And if you wanted to see other stories and get rewards from them, that's what New Game+ mode could be used for (along with extra exp for leveling alt jobs).
Too bad, japanese jews on square's board of directors would never allow this.
I'd honestly be okay even if each route had the same ending and final trial.
if youre a fag. femra is great
biofem post
>4chan is mostly jobless losers living with their parents
You should feel honored that people like your wife
cutscene skippers or partial cutscene skippers (no vo) and the lurk for any lore spoilers in the thread
I debate whether my opinion would change if she was not furshit and I actually found her attractive. I think I'd still hate her, but not as much.
Would you consider WoW a mountain dew game?
A lot of people I've met in XIV fall into one of the following categories:
b) employed part time
c) remote jobs (aka NEET but paid)
Feels like that's the majority of the playerbase, with some that have actual jobs that they require PTO to play all day.
>. Her voice actress sounds really weird and stilted too.
because its the first american va and..... of course its a tranny
>Go on long fucking tangent of a storyline to try and find out how to deal with the tempered
>Interact with the beast tribes, learn their cultures
>Try to get the zealots to see reason
>Kill the zealots in scores
>Finally figure out how to only because the ascians were still fucking around on the 1st.
>All that work promptly goes down the drain as once the ascians are shitcanned, no more primals.
I just assume square enix marketing department is run by a very confused old man
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damn that's crazy, I wonder what happened to him haha
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Add Goblins to the list.
Are there any actual women playing hrothgals here
[16:05]The Turali traveler's shirt you put up for sale in the Limsa Lominsa markets has sold for 11,400,000 gil (after fees).
im none of those races but im the latter half
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Final zone spoilers: Why the fuck did they upload this thing to the cloud?
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We're not to be tamed, wild and pure and forever free!
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What on earth is the second dye channel in these pants?
As I'm seeing it, and I have zoomed in and scrolled up and down swapping dyes in channel two, nothing seems to change at all.
I'm in recently in Solution 9.
I'm enjoying the shift much more than the first half.
I hear shit gets stupid again which is disappointing. We'll see though. I like the set up at least.
Erenville should have been the MC. Maybe then the rest of the supporting cast would have been their usual selves instead of Wuk Cheer Squad.
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Do the Dew!
>Are there any actual women playing
No. Try Candy Crush General.
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Just used a few days holiday.
I get 35 days annual leave so using a few to enjoy some vidya ain't the worst thing.
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>the japanese media theme of children speaking and thinking way more sophisticated than actual children do
Literally no child would say this, they'd just be confused and cry or something
>t. american who has to work on weekends
No, every single one I know that was hyped for it gave up because no hats, limited customization and they're overall ugly.
...Why is Wuk Lamat so fucking condescending towards us? I thought this bitch never left her home, why is she constantly assuming that we're some retarded redneck who has never seen a different place before?
i know and i love my femra but you have to be + to score in this day and age and I'm a yurifag
i work full time, but i mostly work with universities and schools so my workload is extremely light during the summer. i maybe do an hour or two of work a day, if even that. add on top that I WFH it gave me near infinite time to play the last few days. I also skipped cutscenes of the very obvious unvoiced filler which cut out about 15% if not more of the time
Yeah until that maternal instinct kicks in for our young
Thanks, that explains a lot honestly. Tells me literally everything I needed to know. Keeping my expectations low then I suppose.
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maliddies, this is embarrassing...
>Literally no child would say this
I don't think she was condescending a single second what are you on about
i work i just used auto skip to get through everything in a few days
I read galleria and muramasa last year. this was always gonna be shit no matter what.
When they get filtered by savage
Any hardcore gamers here?
Answer me honestly please. How often during a raid do you end up clicking on some abilities because it's faster/easier?
I just went into something as GNB and somehow for whatever reason I found myself naturally flicking over to click on some stuff and it felt natural idk
Who was the mom? For that matter who was the grandma? No one cares about the female side of that family.
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Yuri is hot
>Literally no child would say this
do whatever you want
can you top a fiera? all I see is horsedicks
they are my fav race in the game but I dont want to bot
Is the cloth from the new maps? I didnt know those were out if so.
>heh you have no idea what awaits you here, this isn't your usual little Eorzea, things are WILD here my sheltered friend heh *dilates and dies*
Imagine if someone irl talked to you like that. It's condescending, even if she's genuinely trying to be nice.
Will isn't like, 5 years old
why the smiling redman, did it turn out he takes it in the ass or something
if you clear, however you did it is probably fine
Yes. 3 at minimum.
Don't ask me how I know.
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Friendly reminder that you’re not allowed to hate Dawntrail. If you do myself and my fellow thread elite will schizo you until the end of time. You hate Wuk Lamat? You’re just a transphobic piece of shit who needs to learn not everyone in the world is a straight white man. Grow up. You’re also banned from all meetups and idle spots btw. We like Dawntrail. We like Wuk Lamat. We like gock(girl cock.)
there is at least one that plays a femhroth in the fc i am in
she never said that
I like CiderSpider's Youtube videos but I don't really watch any streams
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Only someone who gray parses would say this
half of these people don't even talk to each other anymore
theres no map dungeon yet but yeah
New astro sucks ass.
Yes now imagine a 6 year old saying this and you got most Japanese/Korean shows forcing you to be sad because a child is saying some melodramatic shit.
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Did you hear about the world's second-best Astrologian?

They won a constellation prize.
we like this
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I think I need a new headpiece. I've been using this once ever since I first got it cause it's just so universal.
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>>heh you have no idea what awaits you here, this isn't your usual little Eorzea, things are WILD here my sheltered friend heh *dilates and dies*
Fucking hell anon.
>retard in the middle trying to look boss bitch
actual, literal, life-altering cringe
Stop kicking me out Balmung!
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I really don't like adding three more buttons for each card type. Seems like such a pin-headed way to design it
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This would have been very endearing without Wuk's EN VA.
Also its weird how much of a bait and switch the trailer (Not the launch trailer, I didn't watch that) seems to be compared to the other Expansions. Obviously we never dueled with Lyse on Rhalgr's fist, but by and large I've felt like all the major trailers play pretty well into what you should expect from the expansion minus any major twists.
This one seemed to promise Road to El Dorado with the Scions and a furry.
Instead we got baby sitting a mentally 13 year old girl whose entire political philosophy is "everyone just talk to each other and cooperate" while the rest of the cast has their typical personalities in a temporary state of suspension.
The second half seems better so far though at least. Quite enjoying the tonal shift, and the thunder plains and Solution 9 are very cool.
I think Wuk Lamat sucks.
the only buttons i click are sprint and my pot, the former because it's so far away on my hotbar and the latter because of how clunky pots are to use. you can probably get away with being a CLICKER (hard R) if you play a low apm job though
yeah like star ocean. that'd be sick. nice idea!
God I wish the storytelling writing was better in this expac.

The bit with Erenville right at the end of the MSQ would have hit so so much harder if the story was told well.

sauce on your pic please, I love this cat
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Aiiiieeee my weakpoint.
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Bunnies with hats? No way
try one of the eye sleeping masks and dye it black.
>Instead we got baby sitting a mentally 13 year old girl
I wish she was physically 13, the lewds would be a lot better
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they made catgirls so cute it's unfair
Yea and 2 of the cards are fuckin lame
>Running lvl100 dungeons
>Still not getting the accessories for my class
How grief would it be doing extreme without them?
How does one pronounce "aiiiieeee?"
I actually laughed.
I use the "Head bandage" blindfold dyed black too much myself. So I get it.
I did use that one too for a fair bit.
catgirls won
A gray clear is still better than being a no-clear.
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I am become hrothgal, destroyer of middies.
It was to counter making the main cat"girl" so ugly.
welcome to the blacklist kid
I want old ast back, not old old ast or old old old ast just old ast.
just get tome gear
all you need from dungeon is a ring. rest is 700 with aesthetics
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You need to calm down
Someone post June's balls!
NA, I'm on Ballmonger
If a fujo can decieve me, props to them
lalaboys, report to shaaloani to have your penis and asshole thoroughly raped
what's the fastest way to farm aesthetics
hrothgal wife for my catboy
these are all grown ass men btw

Just buy the tome ones?

Starting tomorrow I'm putting a min item level on my EXs farms of 700.
ShB AST was still in a good spot I think, it was only in EW that it got fully homogenized
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The end with him and his mom was nice, but the issue with Erenville in this expansion is that, in the first part his extremely taciturn personality is tolerable because he has a straight man act going on with Wuk but after mommy appears, he just shuts down and practically stops interacting completely. It's hard to even track where he is or what he's doing for long periods of time. Then you get to the last area and he says almost nothing but "...". You know he's brooding but it just goes and on and eventually you get sick of it.
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Why are people saying that DT is just retreading stuff about being diverse when "Eorzea already had so many races"? There's always been a distinction between the city-states and beast tribes in the earlier expansions and while there's been exceptions like Idyllshire the cultures have been pretty incompatible. Eorzea only just managed to broker peace with the tribes of their land in Endwalker after decades of conflict. DT is supposed to show that intermingling diverse cultures can work. People also keep bringing up Limsa as some kind of gotcha moment but the only reason Limsa even lets beat tribe merchants in is because it's really really desperate to be seen as legitimate city-state so they can't really afford to be picky. They don't actually give a fuck about the tribes at all, anymore than the other states do. Gridania ironically tolerates the Sylphs but that's because they stay on their side of the forest and don't usually bother anyone. I'm mostly trying to remember this stuff off the top of my head so feel free to correct me.
raping queen sphene is impossible, she would never refuse to service anyone sexually
i still want to rape her though
level 100 dungeons, obviously. 80 each, 120 if someone's first timing.
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Hot I wonder if they have nice cocks
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>krile feels inadequate compared to other scions
>finally has the courage to pick up a battle job and joins you on your adventure in tural
>she ends up doing nothing the whole expansion
What did they mean by this
is there any word on when world/dc travel is coming back yet?
>only nerds call it an FC, just say "guild"
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My viera looks and acts like this
AST has bpd just like the girls who play it
my femlala is logging in and ordering taco bell
I prefer american hours over eu hours now
when are the american wagies coming back, and all the na ebins, they are nicer
t. frustrated european
Because they were created from the same template? Both are cute and earnest but their mind shortcircuit when reality clashes with their primary directive.
>dawntrail is just a 2000's shonen
Nevermind it's awesome
>zones look amazing
>msq for them has no substance at all
how could they drop the ball on this so badly?
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There's a reason why this stuff gets portrayed in media. It's real. Sure sometimes it's exaggerated, but it happens. Children in similar positions say and think things like that all the time. If you legitimately think that it's not true and that it doesn't happen then I'm happy that you have never had to experience something like that because it's heartbreaking. Not only have I experienced it as an outside party, I lived in CPS for the vast majority of my life. It is an extremely common occurrence.
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Why the FUCK does TP cost so much on Tural fucking pelupelu
i do, but i wasnt cool enough to be included in that screenshot
Just like Da Vinci
>tfw all the cute girls (male) are on NA
is ist over fur EU?
Well thats a lot, time to pick one Ill have a delivery soon™
I always wait till the near-ish end of the thread to look so everyone has an equal chance of getting picked
semi-related i want to boil people who call characters "toons" alive
My femlala is buy-sexual. If you can afford her price tag she'll do whatever you want.
Fuck off.
I'm a cute s+ but my penis and balls are very manly, I guess I pass
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>The human sacrifices WILL come to an end!
holy based racism, yoshi-p does it again
>light hearted adventure that gets dark halfway through
your tome gear? anywho it shouldn't be too bad, you get on blacklists for being unable to do mechanics, not being bis. i still haven't ran into someone in PF who hounded someone for not being bis and didn't immediately embarrass themselves afterwards by being a shitter who wipes by greeding or being bad
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Is there a setting to make my cooldown timers bigger?
fug.. i'm missing the ring still then..
Letting some hack take over from the Queen of JRPG hot boy writing. This expansion NEEEEDED more 'Raha
Crystal down?
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Can you use neneko shaders with reshade?
Exactly, which is why I wish the story was done better.

Imagine if instead of spending 90% of our time with Wuk Lamat we spent 40% with her, 30% with Krile and 30% with Eren. So by the time we get to the Final Zone and Krile and Eren have the culmination of their arc it feels good.

This was supposed to be a Krile Expac too, but I rarely remember interacting with her all that much.

I understood but hated Erens brooding, I thought they'd deal with that in the second area and we'd get an area where Erenville actually "enjoys" himself before the final area, but nope.
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Yeah and did you forget how two of those races nearly wipe out half the continent with primal summoning, canonically at least three times with Titan twice and then Leviathan? Did you forget how violent racial tension is so ingrained in Limsa's culture that they have to keep standing military outposts near beast tribe territories? There's a huge permanently-manned fortress in Western La Noscea for fending off the literal daily Sahagin raids. If you go elsewhere in Eorzea, half of Thanalan is a no-go zone because the Amal'jaa practice mass human sacrifice as a hobby. The Vath were preparing for total war against the local human factions. The Ixal have fully-functional siege balloons that they use to torment people in the Twelveswood, and even the "nice" Sylphs have their territory basically treated as a death world that you have to spend an entire arc negotiating access to because if you enter without permission or preparation you end up dead like the Garlean scouts in the region.
The Eorzean Alliance's diplomatic relations with the beast tribes are such a catastrophic failure that the majority of Trials before ShB were "oh fuck we pissed off the beast tribes again and they're going to wipe out a continent if we don't get the godslayer in here". The reason Tural doesn't have this problem is because Gulool Ja Ja beat the shit out of everyone and forcibly unified most of the continent into a single culture. Even that's not perfectly stable as you see in Mamook but it's a damn sight better than the way Eorzea's handling it. Fully half of Dawntrail's MSQ is dedicated to explaining this and putting in perspective just how hideously incompetent the Alliance's leadership is, because apparently ARR and HW and SB somehow didn't beat it in hard enough.
Don't reply to me again, lorelets.
shouldnt let him hit it without giving you a ring sister
2 of 6 not looking at camera
I do.
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Here's my room tepid sober take:

It's not an all or nothing thing, right? Generally as a trend, probably not most obviously, but many find them very pretty and cool. If their essential design and what options are available are what works for someone, they might play them. I think right now overall, you're going to see a lot of players try them out, but it'll settle, they'll fanta/abandon alt if their heart wasn't really in it, and what will remain is just another statistic of the player base. They'll be posts generalizing them, lame memes, whatever, (so boring and predictable these communities are wont to be).

For me personally, I just like my big girl. Trash blowing in the wind is more tempting to gawk at then to try to ascertain something for this to the playerbase or what have you.

It's just like.. whatever, man.
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Don't let the lack of prospects deter you, embrace what you like best
facefucking g'raha tia as he looks up at you adoringly
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How do you feel about these characters?
burn in hell pedo trash
which role quest has the cute fiddie
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Right on
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i'm logging in
Fiddie for my middie
Doesn't the story prove/show that Krile is probably really weak because she only has 1 part of her full soul instead of the 7-8 parts the rest of the people on the Source have?
>but what about OTHER thing?!
Cool, Limsa is still more diverse than Tural.
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All of them have my cute fiddie.
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probably just the fact it's still unfinished/experimental, and they think they're artists or something and don't want people seeing the mod in an imperfect state/complaining about bugs
Children used to be smart.
The Mamook arc was pretty based honestly.
Like many, PTO or vacation days.
How is your 'suit coming?
typical lala
(except that ONE pro jp-main lala dk I met... once)
By that logic you're an arab because one passed through your town once
BLM aoe feels really lacking
>Discord behind the healer strike is run by a tranny
I can't say I'm surprised, really
Say it with me, anon: (You) will NEVER be a Healer
my fiera has a meaty vulva
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Prove it.
rava or veena
chose wisely...
do the mods even work yet, what's the point? is penumbra/glamourer working?
Who the fuck eats an ice cream cone from the middle first.
Does it hurt to wake up and be this retarded all the time?
WHM Glare IV feels so fucking good
Anyone on aether wanna run roulettes? Need to lvl my drk a bit
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I love Cirina and Sadu
What was going on in Tural during the Final Days?
Is it sloppy and steamy too?
It turned everyone into a fucking retard.
not much, its effect was limited in scope
do your EW role quests
My femhroth has a puffy vulva, but an innie.
Honestly the one thing I really want to know is if the line the Mamool Ja merchant on the boat says is the same in Japanese as it was in English or not.
It seems like a fucky English translation, but it could genuinely just be retarded writing.
But to boil it down, he starts off talking somewhat broken, then just quits and more or less says "I'm tired of acting retarded like we do in Eorzea".
The entire time I played the first half of this expansion that really stuck out to me in a bad way, and I kept thinkin surely in Japanese it must have said something else. Something closer to their Eorzean cousins being more primitive or something, right?
I also want to know how much influence Kate actually had in the story. The whole "Diversity" aspect seemed rather forced at times, for a game thats always been as such. Almost like someone took that "D&D Orcs are black people" allegory seriously or something and tried to "fix" it in XIV similarly.
the mamlets in mamook are literal retards to be fair.
>jerking off to blessed two-head conquerors
>the two-headed gigachad ja ja conquers north and south america, ruling over a prosperous empire
>"n-no! we want to stay here in mamook and seethe rather than participate!"
it's only the most retarded 10% of mamool ja that stayed there
I will make a mother out of you
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>this viewership spike
What the fuck? MTN Dew is putting Cider's stream over big time.
Somebody please explain everyone is going "erm but Limsa doe"
im veena, so i choose rava
wtf its not sloppy
nah, definitely a byproduct of the game being on xbox, Mountain Dew has been pretty attached at the hip to microsoft for a while now
*slaps your meaty vulva*
my femra lives in a cardboard box on the street
>im veena, so i choose rava
i'm glad i don't know what your bun looks like now, disgusting
>even jp players shitting on msq
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People on the source don't have their full soul as evidenced by the fact that you met ardbert and reflections of others all over the place, they just tend to have a larger fragment of it

However in either case the msq disproves krile being weak because of a thin/lesser soul, krile asks after learning she's from another shard if that means her souls is thin/weak and y'shtola says no she doesn't see any difference, she is just a weak ass and that's it
Most of the people you're arguing against bought a skip because their ecelebs told them ShB is heckin poggers and ARR doesn't matter
I did my EW Role Quests, but I don't remember it saying anything about stuff outside of Eorzea.
Seems weird that the literal end of the world would only impact one continent.
>63% positive and climbing
We did it reddit! People love Dawntrail now! If you don't, just don't play the game anymore, literally just unsub and come back in 8.0 when a different character is the main character haha like why are you even playing FFXIV if you dislike Wuk Lamat??
does bozja give xp beyond level 80?
>erm actually its effect was limited in scope
Not doing soulless shit quests so explain
Being in Brazil is like the equivalent of the Final Days

To them it was a normal Tuesday
I love meaty vulvas. Get me up in those labia. Cute engorged clitoris. les go
I don't really see DT's narrative with Tuliyollal being diverse as a "fix it" scenario, more just showing that it can actually work despite prior racial animus.
of all the xiv tubers ciderspider may be the most offensively unfunny.
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The healer strike is still going on?
At what point does the MSQ start to get good? When should I stop skipping the cutscenes?
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I am a femlala who can finally take a break from grinding
No point in upvoting, if you downvote it pushes SE to work harder for a better product, upvoting just makes them more lazier.
It only impacted Thavnair and Garlemald seriously
This is 6.0 lore so go bitch about Ishikawa if you don't like it
nothing but based hydaelyn would rather evacuate humanity to the fucking moon than put everyone on a ship to tural
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Alexandria deserved better bros
>Ensinger is singing a song of despair that rings across the entire universe
>Except Brazil
your faggot ass slop worship doesnt make the canon any less retarded
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>wow i cant wait to meet sphene she's so cute i bet she's awesome
>meet her
>she's the Queen which means she's taking dick from a lizard
fucking hate this so much why would they ruin a perfectly good middie with this garbage?
what races won the graphics update
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It's legal in my country, mutt
I'll go with. Make a PF.
Elezen and Midlander
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the face sphene gives you when you realized
The final days doesn't hit everywhere immediately at once. The effect gradually spreads over time. Obviously this was invented to explain why they didn't have to create final days set pieces for every prior city, but that's been established for a while.
I'm talking about in DT
FF9 deserved better in general than this slop
whenever anyone was going to fall into despair they remembered that Gigachad Ja Ja was their emperor and simply didn't
>literally impacts eorzea on-screen
still good baitposting, it got (You)s
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Sauce? I thought Japs were intellectual and loved Dawntrail because it's super smart and has tons of lore with cute genki wife Wuk Lamat?
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>"it's stuffy in here"
>the room only has 3 walls
based evader, kys
Again, not even the right skin tone. Seriously fuck off with this.
I saw a reddit post.
chat is this real
i'm taking the vault as WAR without raw intuition because i'm too lazy to unlock it
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I love it when a review starts with "of course it's not good, but".
Male midlander stocks are sky high
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why are futas so insecure that they need to mod on 20 inch penises
tearful yoshi-p apology when???
Remember that in the time of the Ancients the Final Days started across the ocean from Amaurot, and took some time before the whole world fell. Due to the celestial aether currents that were shielding the planet varying in strength at different times.
In the modern day the weakest point was above Ilsabard. So Thavnair was the first place to be hit by fullscale Final Days, and then Garlemald was beggining to be overrun by the time we were trying to take people to the moon transporter. Meanwhile the nations of Eorzea had like 5 people turn into blasphemies, and then a ahndful more turned into minions by them. Tural is on the opposite side of the planet, and it's likely they felt little to no effect before we put an end to it.
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male ra
Ok, keep us posted.
The reason nobody felt like Dawntrail was a vacation is because it was an extremely Japanese vacation. The entire rite of succession is essentially a big stamp rally (cultural facet of Japanese domestic tourism) to get the claimants to go around and learn about their culture. It's pretty 1:1 to what an older Japanese citizen would consider a relaxing, domestic vacation.
Do casters not get that stupid as fuck gimp mask?
>Blends into Solution 9 with no problems.
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>he's unaware of how good we had it
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Midlanders, both male and female
Oh it's Kaori
Would prefer to suck on if you catch my drift
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do +'s really?
holy fuck lol
This shit makes me so fucking mad
Its on their OF. A decent amount of bitching about rewriting Gaius and Emet into mediocre characters, bitching about Wuk lamat being lame as fuck, etc. A lot of "tasteful" questions around what happened to the writing department.
The whole discourse about "muh diversity we've already done this before" can really just be boiled down to "did this person play ARR and actually pay attention to the story" huh? Crazy.
Elezen won ridiculously hard, both male and female, and I don't even play as one of them.
Ah, the perfect inspiration for an MMO with global reach and a younger playerbase.
I'm of the opinions that WAR mains and DRK mains deserve every bad thing that happens to them.
i did feel like it was a vacation until the robots started gunning people down in cold blood just like in my favorite edgy hbo drama game of thrones and the rest of the edgeslop started
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why do all turali men look like this
Finally a decent fucking post.
if you think thats edgeslop you are very innocent.
You're lucky he's not some grotesque half-beast creature.
built for turali hroths
No if it was edgy hbo drama slop they'd also be raping people and torturing them instead of just killing them.
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I don't know if I won, but I'm happy.
>if I stomp my feet and keep yelling about a different beast tribe being genocided then it won't matter that there's people from all over the world in Ul'dah
Keep coping.
you thought that slop was """"""quality writing"""""? lmao
brazil has a lot of gay men
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What are the femhroth player stereotypes
bros... is ffxiv going woke? What is with all these liberties that the NA team is doing
my fiera warrior is sweaty..
Is ye olde 3060 12gb enough for 4k60/1440p120 in ziv?
licking her - clean
how the fuck did you infer that I said it was good writing when I was saying its the most benign way of setting up a tragedy.
shut the fuck up you giant retard.
>there's a sidequest in shaaloani where you have to dance for a pelupelu
yup, shota win again
Explain Ul'dah then, a trading empire which has visitors from literally the entire world in it, INCLUDING people from Tural, ironically enough.
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I lost my fluffy hair.
does she like s+
UN my wife
If the troons hadn't cancelled Koji Fox they probably would have had that too, as it is it's just a lame shock value scene to cater to western redditors, but limited to pg-13
many such cases
DT is designed to BTFO bingers with artful precision
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>DT's storyline is basically an ARR check
No fucking wonder everyone is saying it's shit, pretty much every player who started this game in the last 5 years skipped ARR.
>female (bio)
>older (30+)
>no kids
Furries with no fashion sense.
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but this is my femlala...
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i dont get it
why does a mass murderer and evil person get to have sex but my wol doesnt?
i fucking hate these dogshit writers
may i plap
My 1080 gtx gets 60 fps on 4k on standard desktop settings with 75% 3d scaling so you should be fine
>not edgeslop
you were in here posting "guys the story just got good!!!" weren't you
or were you on reddit instead
If you mean the translation, then I called that shit when EW launched, and the EW patches only confirmed my suspicions. I genuinely don't think it's the usual woke TL cancer, but rather that they do not put as much effort into it anymore and it's slowly reverting back to ARR-tier translations.
Yeah bro tradesman and merchants are the same as citizens. They're only as good as the money they bring in to Ul'dah, you think the fucking Syndicate gives a fuck about those people?
It works mostly because they upped the intelligence of the beast tribes that live there to be the equivalent of the rest of the playable races.
Wasn't bitching. Was saying I don't remember anything.
Makes sense.
Thanks for clearing that up. Makes me dislike the lack of being even mentioned much less. Real complaints lie with the first 50% of the MSQ and Wuk still.
Cute cat. Is that the full image?
Also I felt it was pretty clear they aren't romantic. She doesn't even like him. He just seized power, and seems to use her to keep people in line because they like her.
Just shut up. The writing is fucking terrible but you're somehow worse.
I have a 3060 and I play on 3840x1440 60fps with DLSS set at 85%, shadow cascading off, medium shadow resolution and LODs.
sorry i don't like the edgeslop, faggot, continue to have a melty over my opinion i guess
I'm a suncat, but I think this poster is correct.
Cute glam sis
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Holy shit the amount of "First of all, I want to start by saying I don’t know who Wuk Lamat’s VA is" posts before saying they didn't like the character, I'ts fucking pathetic,
too big
how many codes has everyone farmed so far?
Pitties... Need her.
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