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>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

>/fog/ ocdonutsteels

>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Pre-War thread: >>484180889
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Hail Unity.
why is the tesla cannon energy weapons instead of big guns
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>Free frog icon in the atomic shop
We frog postin' in Appalachia now.
Good to know which games matter and which don't!
Are there any Fallout Classic mods youtube channels?
Warlockracy covered a few Fallout 2 total conversion mods like Nevada and Sonora, if that's what you mean
>"star" paladin cross
>dies in our first encounter with some mirelurks
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>fallout frontier being good
>fallout sonora (only 10 people played that)
>fallout london (its not even out yet)
bait image, this is the real one
>fallout sonora (only 10 people played that)
You should too, it's delightful. The extended edition has an English patch now.
Caitbros… I left Cait & Preston alone with each other in Sanctuary Hills for one minute…. What happened next will SHOCK you
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Dumb bitch thought she was setting her username when it asked her to choose a password lmao
Based o7
Your opinion is irrelevant
Is it actually finished now?
his opinion is relevant. you will never be a real woman
>Is it actually finished now?
Currently 50% hand translated while the rest is machine done, and they're fixing it line by line. https://github.com/RadMuravTeam/Fallout-Sonora-ENG
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Well, update us when they're actually done. MTL are dogshit
I am not a bethesda fanboy so I was never confused about my gender
Are there presets for the companion appearances on the nexus anywhere
I see americhud is back from a vacation.
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>Your opinion is irrelevant
Yeah there are but ill only tell you if you take estrogen
Based bovine ritual poster.
made to fuck little boys
Sanest Bethesda fanboy
Sonora is great and the brown faggot in this thread whining about how apparently not popular it is needs to shred his vocal chords by sucking a fat Liberty Prime dick.
>claimed it
>automatically equipped it
>don't know how to change it back
>looks funny enough to keep anyways
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*made to fuck chad vault-dwellers with healthy all-American genes to help repopulate the wasteland
i hate faggots. its just Franz has a preference for young boys.
Its just how it is.
how do we deal with the wokegender epidemic in the fallout community?
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You have to open the Atomic Shop and go to the Icons section to pick a different one. It's retarded.
Classics suck. Keep letting me live in your head, you pussyfree whiteboi.
shred your constitution with some meds
rdr2 bros we eatin good tonight
this obsession is neither healthy nor a good way to spend your time
Shitposting, shitposting never changes.
Bethesda's titles deviate significantly from the original vision of the series, with wildly different tones, themes, and lore consistency. 3/4 introduce elements that seemingly contradict or retcon established lore from the original games, ie the timeline, behavior of factions, or depiction of certain technologies, which disrupt the cohesive world-building from earlier titles. 3/4 also prioritize a different style of storytelling compared to the others; while 1/2/NV are known for their complex narratives, player choices, and morally ambiguous factions, 3/4 place greater emphasis on action-oriented gameplay and simpler, more linear narratives with weaker writing. The original creators of Fallout, Tim Cain and Lenard Boyarsky most particularly - and Chris Avellone, following their spirit - had a specific vision for the series that Bethesda's titles don't align with, much in the way that the newest Star Wars movies fail to meet George Lucas' vision. The consequence of this is that they miss the true essence of Fallout and instead focus on leveraging its setting and assets for mass appeal, instead of their original intent. Add to all of this the literal cross-country divide between 1/2/NV and 3/4 and the distinct differences between these become more apparent.

With this perspective in mind, it's a simple matter to also canonize fan-created content such as Fallout Sonora and New California (but not The Frontier, as it deviates worse than Bethesda's titles). These creations follow the original tone, atmosphere, and narrative style that resonated with fans of those original games, and keep consistent to the lore and world-building. These community-driven creations tend to embody the spirit of innovation and ingenuity that characterized the early days of the Fallout franchise, thus Fallout fans keep the essence of the original games alive and ensures the vision remains vibrant and free.
I don't care about your copypasta
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Go the fuck back, Amerinigger.
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Shitposting is fun, gotta admit that
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This is just an excuse to post your glowing mask get, isn't it.
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It wasn't, but you are free to.
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Sometimes an image helps get attention to your post.
I simply don't believe you.
>Turkey is a shit meat
You have made an enemy this day
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dont care about your fandom war retardedness, i enjoy all of it
Bok bok.
still no glowie mask
I really like this image.
You don't, stop lying. Nobody enjoys Fallout Brotherhood of Steel and your dumb tourist ass doesn't even know what that is
Dakchads stay winning
>FOMOslop 76
Bringing up Brotherhood of Steel when someone says "All the Fallout games are good" is like bringing up the CD-i games when someone says "All the Zelda games are good".
It's gay and only used to argue in bad faith, like what you're doing now.
You would know that game is defacto excluded from talking about the franchise just like Shelter is, if you weren't retarded
Fuck off wherever you came from, you're not fitting in at all. You never knew about Fallout Tactics either, your shitty little image doesn't represent it either and people definitely talk about it and like it.
I HATE the face sculpting in 76 bros
BoS was made by Interplay. (mostly) Different people but it was all in house rather than being third party licenseshit.
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Stop pretending to be retarded
Fallout 1 - 8/10. 2 bonus points for it being a classic of the time

Fallout 2 - 2/10. Reddit cringe. Hated it.

Fallout 3 - 8/10. 2 bonus points for making an open world fallout game

Fallout NV - 6/10. A railroaded, mechanically bad game with amazing writing

Fallout 4 without mods - 2/10

Fallout 4 with mods - 10/10
Nobody told me Big MT is so fucking scary! What the hell? I was expecting a comfy funny thing, and this is a horror instead!
Fuck you, anon! Fuck you!
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Like he would know, all he did was look it up on youtube and since everyone hates it, he just thought "I guess this is the le hecking CD-I of Fallout, oops! XD"
He never heard of it before since bethesda games(the only ones he played) never mention it
BTW here is a more realistic version of that image
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>Oh, you like Fallout? Heh... does "Brotherhood of Steel for the PS2" ring any bells? Yeah, thought not. Better luck next time, pal. You'll never make it as a true fan unless you've played it. You probably don't even know what a Vault is.
how are the trauma suits supposed to manipulate their fingers
fuck you obsidian you bunch of hacks
10 luck chads... you were right...
besides 1 and 2 star armor/weapons. what else am i missing? i just want my camp to show all icons when people hover on it
Gemmy 'jak but this is unironically true, doe
>mechanically bad game
i liked the iron sights and different ammo types
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Literally you this entire conversation lmao
>Bethesda fanboy when you tell him the TV show is not canon
god tier bait
>shit eating ANALogy
Do Germans really?
do you guys always keep fallout 3-nv-4 games installed? its a bother to download mods again and i know im going to replay fallout games sometimes
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Is it possible to completely convert Windows 10 into a FO3/FNV terminal? I don't mean just a wallpaper. I mean total structure of everything, font, getting to folders, sounds so on.
it's worthwhile to keep an external drive with things like mods backed up, because shit gets taken down by Nexus or the mods' authors all the time. A good 10% of my current NV modlist no longer exists on Nexus.
I think maybe they could have done with more time with the game. I'm probably being a bit harsh on NV. I honestly think the divide in Fallout fans is those that like open world games and those that hate open world games.
I'm still enjoying NV, flaws aside.
homosex tier bait
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yeah it's called ms-dos
She looks like she need a big D.
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>I think maybe they could have done with more time with the game
kek you don't say
No. I can throw some shit together in a couple hours by using something like Viva New Vegas as a base. I prefer having everything up to date and trying out new stuff when I start a new playthrough.
Bruh, how do you not keep FNV always on your computer? It's so tiny, like 15 GB? I bought 500 TB for 100 bucks, don't be a retard.
>honestly think the divide in Fallout fans is those that like open world games and those that hate open world games.
Without being hyperbolic or tribalistic, the Bethesda games have a completely different design paradigm from 1/2/NV. You don't have to love one and hate the other to recognize this. I know >>484410161 is copypasta but the points about how they're made differently are exactly right. 3 and NV really couldn't be more different ways to express Fallout.
agreed, it had the most going on for it imo. i think 4 lost some neat stuff when they dropped the underwater vault but honestly that might have ended up being too much like rapture and bioshock etc.
Do you mean no graphical display and just a TUI? I think you could install Windows Server (separate OS) on your PC, but it would be easier to just use a Unix derivative.
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I'm hungry, and >>484415629 ate all the chicken because he didn't want the blacks to have any. Give me that sweetroll you got from Old Lady Palmer.
I want the font and the sounds, but Windows 10 doesn't allow that I think. The font can't be changed without going to registry or some shit. I don't want to fuck up my OS.
>play fallout 3
>instantly introduced into religion nonsense
>introduced to sexual assault
Was this game made by Republicans?
Bethesda fanboy got wind that the TV show isn't canon again? Where?
new vegas woulda been better if it was isometric
Yeah, this larp is all much easier on Linux. And you can keep playing your modded Fallout games to boot
Todd is dick sucking Elon Musk, so I wouldn't be surprised if some shady Blizzard-level shit is going on in Bethesda, sadly.
the cannibal town explicitly vote republican thoughever
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Boomers are fucking hardcore
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thats our word
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>tinfoil conspiracy theories about todd are starting up again
top kek you schizo fuckers
It doesn't make any sense they wouldn't mentioned the most important character from Fallout 2 except for one sentence by a super mutant and one crashed car.
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based nate
the 3000 mile difference in locations?
also I really believe they changed the date for when fo3 takes place by a hundred years plus for whatever reason, to the point 3 could have taken place at the same time as 2.
Nah. Isometric does have some benefits over 3D f/tps, like keeping combat, etc much more organized, but that latter has an overwhelming number of positives over it.
it's kinda fucking wild to look back at fo3 from the current entertainment media perspective
>of course the protagonists are christian
>of course your female childhood friend needs you to save her from sexual harassment
>of course it's bad to blindly follow the government
all in a game that rather explicitly mocks old school american idealism
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Why are the jokes and sarcastic dialogue so bad in 3 and 4?
>protagonists are christian
post what you think is good from the other games young homo
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the scripture is unavoidable
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This fat bastard made some pretty good levels in Thief 2
Okay, fair. I'm a retard.
He is a perfect example as to why you don't hire level designers to write your game's story. Or anything else, for that matter.
>also I really believe they changed the date for when fo3 takes place by a hundred years plus
would have fixed so much if they'd just placed it ~25-60 years after the bombs dropped or something like that
Is the entropy realistic in Fallout 3 and New Vegas? Would buildings still stand like they do after 200 years? And the cars? Is that decay realistic? Anyone did some digging on this?
Why are trannies so hot even though they’re just failed males wearing girl clothes? This will answer your question
Yeah, I kinda wish they set up DC to take place at the same time fo1 or 2 took place, you'd get to see how the east coast faired and would have been able to compare it to the first games.
>Would buildings still stand like they do after 200 years? And the cars? Is that decay realistic? Anyone did some digging on this?
they've said in lots of lore etc that everything that was being built and made from a consumer point of view was being made with the idea that the bombs would fall. IE that's why sugar bombs are still around and valid they were so stuffed up with preservatives etc. I could see the buildings and cars and what not themselves being made with such ridiculous longevity in mind. that and magic nuke tech that could get you a flashlight that would take hundreds of years to lose the battery power for it, light bulbs that last hundreds of years and so on.
Calm down, Emil! Not my fault you suck at as a writer and that nobody liked Starfield, lmao!
BTW Outer Worlds is a better RPG, cope with it. No, I don't just mean Starfield, it's a better RPG than Slopout 4 and 3 as well. Fallout 76 isn't even an RPG so it doesn't count.
name one
Hmm, nice. Just like buildings in Japan which are built for the earthquakes or tsunamis.
But anon, Chris Avellone was a level designer.
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The jokes and sarcastic dialogue are bad in 3 and 4 because of bussy and gock?? I don't understand
DM, OWB and LR are masterpieces which will be taught in wriiting and narrative schools 50 years from now.
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I replayed LR recently and Ulysses's dialogue was actually worse than I remember.
that's how I always took it, especially with the guns, vaults and homemade vaults. Think y2k / mayan calander ending apocalypse but way more intense, everyone knows the powder keg is going to go off. On all levels everyone became the dad from Blast from the Past
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His writing is better than the shit Emil comes up with game after game
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Caesar was rude to me so fuck that guy
You catch more flies with honey, moron.
>uses profanities
He was poorly written. Realistic incel always hides behind his stoic dogma, always tries to win with superior vocabulary and never shows emotion.
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>NCR want me to do jobs for them
>their payment is that any crimes I have committed against them will be forgiven according to Crocker
>I haven't committed any crimes against them
>no option to tell them to make a serious offer or go kick rocks
I aint siding with you guys either.
>He was poorly written.
Maybe he has just been top dog for so long and is so used to 100% obedience on pain of an agonising death that he is . . . a bit of a dick. I can understand that. Courier is still going to react to that though.
Did you ever tell him you are done working for him? His little melty (that he doesn't follow through on) is hilarious.
I play as a fem courier on permadeath, so I don't have the balls or brains to tell him no.
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I made it to Utah and I'm done for the day. After playing against them in OWB I can't wait to see some Whitelegs and 80s
I’m not Emil. take estrogen, you schizo
Meet Avellone and the Fallout 2 writing staff. their sarcastic & quippy work in Fallout 2 inspired Bethesda Game Studios. BGS is simply working off what was already. Notice how the main factions aren’t original? How do trannies relate to this? It doesn’t. I asked that question because im jerking off to trannies
well, uh
House gives you a presidential suite
i always thought he was getting super desperate over the whole brain tumor thing. Like a caged rat in a panic as the water is coming up, he's dropped all sense of honor or nobility and just wants to get whatever he can get done as soon as possible before he dies and everything he build crumbles to dust.
Calm down, americhud
lonesome road is fucking dogshit. but, better than Mothership Beta. I’ll give it that
Zion is beautiful!
>His little melty (that he doesn't follow through on)
He does if you say you're done working for him a second time
People with major illness do get more angry, but also severely depressed, unable to do anything done, let alone to lead entire legion of people. So it's not the tumor.
LR is better than the pigfeed that is fallout 76
My morning shit has a more emotional and well written story to it than Fallout 76. What's your point?
he's got an autodoc in his room and he's *this* close to making it work and he's not going to let anything stop him
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I was tempted to try that out lol. It's good to see he isn't all talk then.
I didn't know about the brain tumour. That auto-doc makes sense now.
Nobody has been more rude to Courier than House but from the perspective of my character, he has the vision and ability to back that up.
People with life-ending prospects simply do not operate like this long-term. Maybe in the game he just discovered it?
Why does that courser look like a wojak dude?
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i'm nuking this server's helvetia after this fasnacht event
i kiss trannies on the lip
Looks like Fallout 76 trannies have shown up
why haven't they done ass to ass yet?
Why do these 2 let little boys mating press them? That’s pedophilia
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early model
What about this one
get help
>mfw I got the bull mask
Ameripedo wrote these posts
>black man plays
Imagine being so boring that you choose that as your hook lmfao
I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck.
Feast or famine anon.
Why are you all so mean to F76 bros?
Clearly superior, upgraded ballistic chest armor plates and cute ginger look to distract the enemy.
It's only one person. 76 players are good lads.
Naw, normal one. Only got the glowing blue devil w/e mask so far.
That does it I'm joining the institute ;)
built for shota cock
>involuntary celibate
You do realize this is a man who owns slaves, correct?
Symmetrical butt docking is banned by General Ward.
>load in to do the event
>play the banjo get up and grab water
>come back to getting nuked
i got the glowing pig mask, i've been trying to figure what outfit to wear with it. pink shorts or clean black suit.
and then all day today xbox everything has been down so I didn't get to do anything at all womp womp.
Damn, Enclave really is the worst faction.
House is rude to everyone, the man wears his distain for the Wasteland on his sleeve and you're the only one who is allowed to see it directly
then again, actions speak louder than words
i always thought he was asexual, not gay but also not interested in fucking gashes either.
Surely senior staff can bend the rules, I'll work on it later.
>decided to do an explosives build
>forgot that it's a death sentence using explosives
it's only a death sentence if you aren't using mines
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Show me the mine recipe.
>Fallout 76 trannnies and pedos openly gooning outside of their discord server
This is why your games are not canon and why you're not part of this fanbase
We are. Deal with it and cry more.
but all the gooning screen shots are from fo4? it says it right in the file name
they seem really eager about being fertilized by cute boys
Just one? Experiencing the world through the eyes of the character is immersive. It makes the post-apocalypse setting feel much more real and immediate. That makes the impact of most every facet much stronger. You get a deeper emotional and more instinctual connection with the gameplay and different events. It's a more intense, vivid sense of the desolation and dangers of the wasteland.
>>forgot that it's a death sentence using explosives
What game?
Fallout: New Vegas--JSawyer Ultimate Survivalist Hardcore Hard Edition
Satchel Charges
there's also Powder Charges for if you don't have lonesome road
Isn't there a power fist in New Vegas that triggers an explosion when you punch people so you're constantly taking damage when you use it
two-step goodbye, but only when you kill someone with a critical hit
It beeps like a landmine before it explodes
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all of this is untrue, considering fallout 1 is the best game in the series at all of those things
>guy called EnclaveSigma comes by the murder hole
>"Boy, that sure is a lot of spikey things under the ground there!"
>he opens up his map and notices I "left" (I actually just crouched)
>he goes for it, and dies to the spikey things
which one of you was this?
lol, lmao even
fallout london leaked
Try that again in english please.
are you just an esl nigger or what?
So, uh, whoever said that Fallout London is unfinished and 100% not ready for release, you just won the lottery
No wonder these dumb britbongs are panicking
oh god
fish people
loving those comments
peak reddit
pic not related
I disagree; isometric view naturally detaches the player from the character. It's presented more like a theatrical play, more consistent, cohesive method for presenting information and events ie environmental storytelling. The drawn back camera and static viewpoint is presenting the player character and game world together in a clear and comprehensive view, it's not seeking to make the player feel like you're the one in the midst of something.

That's not a bad thing, both methods work well in different ways. Disco Elysium as the most modern example exemplifies the positives of isometric gameplay. The immersion and visceral engagement of 3D is invaluable to expressing the narrative and thematic depths of Fallout.
Modders, modders never change
But Disco Elysium is much, much more immersive than any first person game ever made
How do you think Mr. House would react if he ended up in hell?
In some ways I agree, but playing Elysium I never though of myself as Harry. The game is presented in such a way that you, the player, are witnessing the game's events happening to him, not experiencing them yourself.
>References to modern day brands like Tesco and Amazon, complete with their logos
It's over
You mexicans get funnier in every thread.
Don't answer that. I know this pretty fucking cringe but i was bored.
you mean 'fesco'
this guy is leaking because he's assmad he got banned from the team lmao
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To be fair, he wasn’t anyone special.
He was a 20 year old nerd that didn’t want to die in the Grand Canyon.
He never served in the NCR military.
He never been nor led men in combat before.
He grew up as a lil NCR nerd protected by the Followers.
Then, he spent 30 years+ killing tribals by the numbers with a Mormon.
Did you expect this douchebag to speak elegantly like those Brotherhood cucks?
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Oh dear, a brand of subhumanoid that talks in a sewer? Where have I heard that before?
>Brony avatar that says "would"
Lee was right
Nobody is "assmad" aside from the incompetent retards who still haven't released the mod like promised.
Looking forward to this piece of shit burning down just like the Frontier, it's gonna be entertaining!
Yet he didn't even bother impregnating one to make an heir and his successor is a savage lunatic
Looks good to me.
Hi Biping! You're not coming back no matter how much of a tantrum you throw LMFAOOOOOOO
And people said it wouldn't be a frontier 2.0.
Holy kek.
I mean.... have you see Undyne?
Doesn't make it better.
I hope this releases. Some nice work went into this.
Hopefully the modders apologise to Bethesda publically and unreserveredly.
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Bros...I don't feel so good! I thought the writing was supposed to be BETTER here than in Frontier!
What is it with modders and fish people they can't resist adding them
he would immediately try to beat the Devil in a game of roulette and turn Hell into an immensely profitable casino and resort
Looks amazing compared to Frontier.
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Okay okay.... what about Princess Ruto? does that make it better?
Could be some form of Ghoul? Or somebody fucked a Lakelurk
After Tenpenny insinuated that it was better in the nuked USA than in the UK I always wondered just how bad it was there. This mod looks like it could go a long way to answering that.
Just a pity it will never release.
How would the nuked US be better then the nuked UK?
Nobody knows, retard.
Nah, this is someone's personal fetish, just like with the totally lore friendly unity asset lizard people. They sound like shit too, but probably on purpose because, you know, they're fish people.
I am not impressed, this is already looking worse than Frontier. People forget that aside from cringy shit and stolen assets, the mod had working vehicles and some good quests here and there. This looks like it will just be reskinned Fallout 4 slop with some amateurish VA.
How's China? Why isn't there a mod of that?
Fish people are based. Fallout is meant to have you meet weird mutants who are surprising therefore it shouldn't just be the same ghouls and supermutants every time
>How's China?
Nobody cares
>Why isn't there a mod of that?
Nobody made it.
please leave UK mutt
Europe must be shit if they keep coming to America even after the bombs fell. There's Irish, Russians and even an Australian running nuka world.
plus there's a lot of lovecraft stuff so.....
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Eurocucks always loved big American cock
This was never expanded upon since point lookout
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I like to think that the USA and Russia took all of their resources (turning Europe back to a medieval landscape with no power) in the wars and then they got nuked years later.
I love the mystery of it though. Even if it is just a 250 year game of wits between those two.
Fish people are overdone but I agree with you. Well done to the London devs for putting new stuff in.
fucking america and russia took all our resources can't have shit on this planet
Notice the group on the left is more interesting? That's because Bethesda are creatively bankrupt and just copy and paste everything. Shitfailed was just Dragonborn in space. TES6 is just going to be <insert>born in Hammerfell (gotta get that black representation) or maybe they'll just fill High Rock full of Redguards and, of course, ugly and obnoxious girlbosses.
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Lorecuck here.
Everyone was suffering except the USA. Everyone hated the USA.
The UN sanctioned the USA for not sharing oil.
(Fallout 2 Sierra Depot GNN transcript).
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Being a stalwart for the lore does not make you a "cuck" my good man. Take back such negative words.
The proper term is Lorequeer.
For some reason, the eyes of the Deathclaws in the Horrors of the New West mod are black for me. I'm glad you got them to work.
Are you coming on to him, fag?
Kill Yourself
Wouldn't surprise me, honestly.

Fallout: New Mouthful
Are you coming on to me, fag?
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Watching Shady Sands get nuked was the equivalent of watching someone fuck my wife. Even though I have never seen a vagina before.
It’s not my game.
Neither of those characters look like blue klingons thoughever.
Mods have always been shit, let's be honest with ourselves here. The only thing they can competently do is fix bugs and add jokey shit. Anytime they get serious, they shit the bed, as always.
Peepers fucking died, can I resurrect it without breaking anything?
i like the gun mods. it's fun to pick things out of my safe at home and import them into the game to run around in for funsies.
I always get robotics expert before doing the atom cats quest so I can shut him down before the fight
No, you don't. Fuck off.
>(Fallout 2 Sierra Depot GNN transcript).
Worth noting Chris Avellone wrote this and then in the fallout bible said it was actually wrong and the transcript makers were just making shit up. It also says the invasion of Anchorage happened october 2077, aka the month of the great war, so it makes some sense that it's not truthful
Maybe if Chris Avellone spend more time writing than raping women then maybe his writing wouldn't have been all over the fucking place.
Was this before Fallout 3? I do remember Fallout 3 retconning some stuff from the GNN transcript
You looking for a defamation lawsuit?
Are you?
Yeah it was Fallout 2. But I think the anchorage invasion timeline used by Fallout 3 actually matches a timeline from the promotional material of fallout 1
the one gun mod i used for nv before 4 came out was importing a mosin nagant
>mosin nagant
Sounds like a frozen yogurt brand or some shit.
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This exists and it was made mostly by one guy. Your argument is flawed, what you meant to say was "WESTOID mods have always been shit", and you would be correct. Eastern Europeans are the lifeblood of the Fallout community, whee as westerners are mentally soiboys and trannies.
it's a huge pos that was really cheap to buy twenty years ago (holy fuck), I got one for 80 bucks and another for 95. And you could get a sealed can of 7.62x54r of 440 rounds for 100 bucks too. Yuge pos borderline non functional gun but so much fun to plink with.
just bring a 2x4 to open the bolt with when your shooting and pee down the barrel when youre done shooting to deal with the corrosive primers.
>Get the Highwayman in FNV
>It drives too quickly and crashes at max speed

That model replacement is ugly.
I'd be too scared to use a gun that has problems because of it blowing up in my hands.
That was shit tho. You're just a raving NVfag.
Well, Bethesda fans WOULD know a thing or two about shit!
Fuck off. You're a tiny, gay cunt. I could rape you.
what a strange thing to say, it's like you've never played any of the good ones from NV like the someguy series, th3overseer series, Autmun Leaves, Coito Ergo Sum, Tales of New Reno, For The Enclave, Salt Lake Stories...
Why are you so nasty? Why don't you just stop being an asshole? Just stop.
The Highwayman has over 800 horsepower and it goes from 0 to 60 in under a second. It's basically just a tough car with big motors and a big battery.
oh no that isn't the problem at all. People have taken random trash powder loaded it up to the top squished a bullet it on and the gun still wouldn't blow up. it was made for retarded cabbage eating ruskies to be able to use without killing themselves, insanely robust. It isn't a death wish kinda gun like Ross Rifle where if you reasembled the bolt wrong (that you weren't supposed to mess with anyways) where it would sheer of the locking lugs and shoot the bolt back into your face at high speed.

it was really cheap fun when I bought it. originally designed in 1891. you still see them in africa and russia / ukraine right now. oldest in service cartridge on the planet iirc.
i'll stop sorry
do you even shoot guns
what else do you like doing
>Coito Ergo Sum
Isn't that the turbo cringe sex magazine one?
On its face, yes, and that part is cringe and weird and handled with all the finesse of a masturbating teenager, but the larger part of the mod hiding behind all that is fucking insane and worth dealing with it
>third world graphics fag
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Saddest part is that this and Quo Vagis(Fallout 3 prequel) are not only some of the best written F3/NV mods, but also some of the more lore friendly ones.
It is genuinely absurd how seamlessly CES fits into New Vegas
Boring shit like hiking camping gaming playing with my kids.
sometimes i fart and pretend its a gun, so yeah
do you think she fucks cute boys
Same goes with Quo Vagis in F3/TTW. Canterbury Commons quite literally does not have a right to exist in the base game, and the mod single handedly not only gives it a purpose in game but also make the location make sense.
Belthan is very chill too, it's clear he actually respects the lore of the franchise, unlike most other modders.
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>"on my way to the retarded fucking bastard convention"
>Canterbury Commons quite literally does not have a right to exist in the base game
the same could be said for almost every single settlement kek
who are you quoting pajeetbro
Yeah, but the way it's presented to you is that this is the center of trade and commerce in the Capital Wastes, Hub 2.0
When you find it, it's just a pile of rubble with one guy running a diner and two costumed psychopaths. There is no "town". In Quo Vagis, the explanation is that aside from the diner, the brothel is the only establishment left standing thanks to it's security how well it was constructed and maintained since the war. Where there is sex, there is people willing to travel for it, and that's how it stays in business, altho it's going thru some tough times and you have to help them out.
That's it, a simple premise, but it makes sense now why people would even travel to a shithole like CC. It's either that or the brothel in Evergreen Mills and you're likely to get torn apart by Raiders there. Each other "town" has one single prostitute working in it each so they don't count.
what the retarded fucking bastard is saying in that image. dont you 4chan at all?
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Nice outfit, similar to my own. Have an additional samurai burayde Raul
>skull mask
The revolution started and ended when the bombs fell, brother. You can legally kill brown people now.
(Also nice cape)
I honestly didn't think you people played fallout.
>get notification that settlement is going to be attacked
>go to settlement
>nothing is happening
how long does this take
only played 3, nv, and 4. the only ones that matter
And what is the street shitters perspective on the fallout games?
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What was she thinking
Go home, weebanon.
that americans are retarded and self destructive
she’s just saying that to make you feel more secure about your penis size. even though she’ll never forget about those times when she took bigger black wastelander cock
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you got the whole squad laughing
Piper suits the Thomson. Though, that's because of the noir theme she and Nick have.
>Uh Piper why is Dogmeat so friendly with you?
Yeah, Chicago Typewriter, get it?
you just know
Eh, I prefer giving her and Nick a snubnosed revolver or deliverer. Tommy gun feels too mafioso for them
is it possible to beat any fallout game by killing every npc you come across
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I want to fuck her so bad bros
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>Cait falls for the first person to give her attention/affection
>tell her you just want to be friends
>she doesn't get the message until you get cold and distant
Sorry fren
The settlements in 4 are a bewildering mess of shit and AIDS. I only did the introduction quests for roleplay and the whole playthrough was stained by this inconsequential brown stain, and no I don't mean Preston. Actually, yes I do because I hate his boring, monotone ass character. Yes I'm mad.
Yes Man is technically unkillable no matter how many times you kill him, his personality just jumps into another Securitron, so...yes, technically?
That's not true, you can turn him into an ash pile or a goo pile and he will never respawn. It is technically possible to screw yourself over like this so that you can't complete the game btw.
yes for fallout 1
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But anon, she fucks you over on the regular.
is this supposed to be funny?
She saves the good mystery boxes for me
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>finally play through Fallout 4
>enjoy it a fair bit in spite of its retardation
>go back to New Vegas
>it doesn't really matter that it's better characterized or written or whatever because it just feels worse to actually play than Fallout 4
>moving feels worse
>guns feel worse
>fighting feels worse
>fucking looting feels worse

How the fuck do you guys deal with it?
Improve the movement, guns, etc through modding
I know for a fact you didn't play any of the older isometric titles
Was about to say that, Fallout 1 can have a completely successful 100% casualty run but that's because by murdering literally everyone you encounter, you save the lives of a bunch of people in your vault that you never get access to
Soon my friend, soon
For me it's just the opposite
I can't play Fallout 4 because it feels worse than NV with mods
Especially sounds and animations
The graphics are so different it takes me less than an hour to get used to it.
Because I don’t have fried dopamine receptors? I won’t lie though. I can’t go back to the classics after FNV. The faction system blows linear story out of the park
I've never modded

If you want to be a shitter you can rush to Navarro and come away with eight levels worth of EXP, a pulse rifle, power armor, etc., but it's still viable to play an energy weapons character without starting with small guns and using the tag perk if you just struggle through to New Reno and grab the early laser pistol there.
It was way easier in Fallout 1 if you get the RNG that just shits an Alien Blaster into your lap when you walk out of the cave
Finally I can mod fallout 4 in peace knowing that London is going to be a complete shitshow
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>I've never modded
NV has some pretty impressive mods
One big thing that still leaves it behind Fallout 4 is AI
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NV isn't an RPG.
After playing so much F3/FNV, I was quickly both irritated and impressed at the way Feral Ghouls constantly seem to fall the fuck down and stumble forward at the exact moment you're about to headshot them, and how if a Deathclaw spots you in the distance it drops low and runs toward you in a zigzag pattern

Molerats and Radscorpions just literally teleporting is bullshit though
>try doing an evil karma playthrough
>literally the only rp elements to it is doing a getav karma check and killing good karma npcs
how shallow...
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To be fair, more than half of this general hasn’t.
I don’t keep unrealistic expectations of expecting people to play it in this day and age of instant gratification.
And yes, I played the classics.
And no, I don’t want to be a Golden Globes actor.
>I've never modded
For New Vegas it's actually pretty easy. I point most people to Viva New Vegas nowadays, which literally has a 1 button setup for the entire list. The mechanical things you mention can almost completely be alleviated with a bit of effort - there's a huge section of the modding community for NV that prefers the gameplay and gunplay and making it feel smooth and crisp.
>One big thing that still leaves it behind Fallout 4 is AI
It's a great improvement but to say it's on par with Fallout 4 would be a lie
I wasn't trying to equate them; I wouldn't know as I never played 4. Just handing out something useful where it seems like someone could use it.
Even with all of that NV mechanically just is not that good a game. A modded NV may come close to vanilla 4 but a modded NV is too far behind modded 4.
>modded 4
I really can't think of any great gameplay fallout 4 mods
>Even with all of that NV mechanically just is not that good a game
If the fundamental things that make New Vegas stand out are not attractive to you then I agree that modding it won't help
You've never tried any or you are arguing in bad faith then.
I'm not tribal. I enjoy both games. It's pretty clear which one is superior though.
im surprised you didn’t even touch Viva New Vegas basic. my FNV runs like shit without it. optimization mods are a god send
NTA but there's a lot to like about FNV, the characters, the worldbuilding, the factions, even the perk, stat and handloading systems

But it's amazing how little any of that matters if the WASD spacebar left mouse stuff becomes grating, and how the shitheap that is Fallout 4 somehow nails those fundamentals much better
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>You've never tried any
Because I don't remember there being any?
Give me a few good gameplay mods then
>Give me a few good gameplay mods then
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finally, my pseudo-larp is complete.
people will say 'uh with mods it's better' but they're wrong and gay
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It's fucking over for fallout london
For those of you that have played Fallout Tactics, is the Brotherhood's break from tradition properly justified by the narrative?

Hello th3overseer discord dweller
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I took a break to play other games, has London still not dropped yet? rip
It's been over for a long time already anon.
People are going to claim its actually great, so great it's canon. If it ever actually comes out, it won't be good or worth the hype.
yeah it is
The Midwestern Brotherhood is literally made up of libfags that the real Brotherhood exiled because of their gay heretical ideas like "We should recruit people instead of just training our own incest babies for 20 years"

Fallout 3 blatantly ripped off the concept but retardedly turned it upside down, names aside Lyons faction are Brotherhood Outcasts and the red-and-black guys there are clearly the Real Brotherhood
After beating fallout 1, fallout 2 feels like a victory lap. the enclave aren't half as imposing as unity was, and everything is alot more alive in the wastes.
Ok but you didn't really answer me, does the story give them enough of a reason? I know the general premise is "This chapter is cut off from the west and that forces them to be more militaristic and pragmatic because of the threats they're facing" but I just want to know if the narrative supports this or if it falls through.
do you like feet
That's true. It's pretty cool. I think this meta-narrative is continued through to New Vegas as well.
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>the enclave aren't half as imposing as unity was
The Enclave are minutes away from pressing a "kill everyone on earth button" while Unity had everyone terrified that if left unchecked they would just snowball until no other faction could defeat them in open battle

>and everything is alot more alive in the wastes
That was the entire point of Fallout until it wasn't; the world is shrugging off the apocalypse entirely and whole new nations and civilizations are being born, and people who ruled in the anarchy and deprivation like the Khans or the Brotherhood of Steel (and I include them in the same sentence, but they thrived in the wasteland and faltered as civilization returned for diametrically opposed reasons) are fading away

As poorly as the 2D illustrates it, Shady Sands was big and it was new. Nothing was made of hole-filled scrap metal and there were no decorative corpses.
Imo it's exactly the opposite
Unity is fucking stupid and the whole final section of Fallout 1 is just silly
>and there were no decorative corpses.
Yep, I fucking hate the bison steve
To be fair, the Enclave are human beings. The Unity is a mutant army ran by the most disgusting thing to ever exist in Fallout.
The length of Fallout's timeline is ridiculous. Ironically, fucking 76 of all things treats it most reasonably, with the world being a charred funhouse because the Vaults just started opening months earlier, but at some point as literal centuries keep ticking by the Great War has to become like the Black Plague - that horrible fucking thing that killed so many people and toppled so many empires and then humanity recovered from and grew beyond until it was just a piece of gruesome trivia for historians.

>but that's not what Fallout is about
Then stop setting things hundreds of years after the bombs dropped
Good point about shady sands, though the enclave just being able to be "I'm gonna kill everyone!!" While you found out about unity piece by piece made the difference for me.
Yea, it really helped both in having a wide diversity of quests to look at with all the different perspectives revived civilization had one the wastes.
76 is goyslop tho
The joke is that the enclave are humans and yet are inhuman (represented by their giant super mutant elite soldier) while the unity are vile mutants who are much more human
>while the unity are vile mutants who are much more human
uhhhhh did you hit your head, classic sissy?
>while the unity are vile mutants who are much more human
Why even "vile mutants"? They're just people.
It does make a big difference, yea. Not sure how to make the humans intimidating without gratuitous violence or edgy cruelty moment
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>Nuka Gang leaders cannot become a follower.
How do you feel about npc overhauls in 4
Vanilla is fine
i wish there was an option to rape her and sniff her feet. Todd & Emil didn’t make this immersive enough
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What if he walk away from you wyd
>unarmed stealth build
did it
>1h melee stealth build
did it
>2h melee heavy armor build
did it
>hyperbreeder ALPHA build
did it
>laser commander build
did it
>gauss sniper build
did it
>BoS heavy caster build
did it
>raider pyromaniac build
did it
>stealth professional pistol build
did it
>terrifying gunslinger build
did it
>all-american grunt build
did it
>minigun GOD build
did it
>sniper build
did it
>GRENADE build
did it
>superheavy explosives build
did it
>no fighting build
did it

... so it's all over for me huh?
kidnap him, sissify him, and put him on estrogen. years of sissy hypno will break him and turn him into my cute girly fag slave
Shotgun surgeon build?
The final step is to transition.
>do bleed me dry
If you take Animal Fwiend then the quest is really easy :3
So, how good are Enclave Rising 1 and Enclave Rising 2? Do I need to play one to go through 2? One anon mentioned something about the progression, but I didn't understood well.

Also does it have base/settlement shenanigans?
my feet are super stinky
So you were just talking out of your ass when you said this, to be clear.
no gentleman thief?
Just 2 is required.
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It was this guy, he made the worst companions in starfailed too
That's the point, yes. Big green orc looking dudes lead by a psychic mound of rotting meat are the most moral villains in the series
But anon, this is not here lizard benus goes, it's a tiny wobble thing that separates into two
>he wrote Cait
Caitcucks. This is guy is our idol. Our God.
I'm playing through NV just now and tbf I could do without the """gameplay""" (aka running along a road for 3000 feet to the next NCR town). Don't start me on the stealth or shooting lol.
Nice writing though.
Why do people keep calling CaitAnon a cuck again? I barely used companions on 4, but she seemed just a zanny junkie
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Just poor attempts at bullying.
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tesla coils in the armour feral homos
i look like this
She canonically got raped thousands of times and aggressively tries to fuck Deacon and Piper in front of you
Is this something you had a dream about?
To this day I still don't understand, why huge jumping spiders in Skyrim makes me laugh, but radroches and bloatflies makes my arms scratchy for some reason.
Why Bethesta have been the only game so far to make me grossed out of insects man..
>Cait: They slapped a shock collar around me neck and sold me to slavers.
>Cait: I was with those slavers for five years. Roughest five of me goddamn life. The things they made me do... the way they used me for their amusement. It sickens me to my stomach even thinkin' about it.
it’s canon that she fucked big black slaver studs. she can’t even feel Nate’s puny milk wand in her pussy because she’s been having fun with those studs for 5 years straight
Every raider that raped her was female tho
maybe in the next life Caitsister
I'm talking about deacon and piper. I'm surprised you didn't add in preston and idris elba you diseased muttmerican
>Nate dick is small and weak
>Yet, he made Nora pregnant and had such a potent seed, that a chad like Shawn was born
Anon, I know you like your cuck fantansies, but Nate isn't your limp dick asian doujin self insert.

Anyway, gotta hook her into hand made Jet while I force her to suck my cock
Macready has a little flirt with her as well this is not
"aggressively trying to fuck" you schizo
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Cait flirts with everyone because she's a dirty whore
(and that's a good thing)
>Nate isn't your limp dick asian doujin self insert.
lmao it all makes sense now
Arcade Gannon was sawyers tabletop character in Avellone's campaign. It all makes sense now why these NV companions are literal liquid shit.
yes Caitbros. my cute slutty used up chemwhore is the best. im glad i get to clean up after those slavers.
we get to cleanup 5 YEARS WORTH of slaver cum!
Piper & curie cannot compete.
Need a name for an explosive 10mm.
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NV companions are homo wattpad-tier dogshit. This is coming from a New Vegas fan
cute outfit. source?
Not so much Raul or Boone but there are certain NV companions that stink of the typical tabletop campaign snowflake character.
I'm a fan of all Fallout games which makes me objective as fuck.
I played FO1 & FO2 and they’re great games. But, the faction system from FNV makes it a better roleplaying game. I can’t go back
>Lone raider approaches 300 defense castle with turrets and guards all over
Low IQ
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its not caturday yet
Get that disgusting anti-material rifle compensator off the tommy gun
the settlement system is low iq. I agree
>the Sole Survivor is on the other side of the Commonwealth
>RNG kicks in and the Raider wins and ransacks the place
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Elianora runs our shitty lives
Oh, that I know, Veronica often comes to my mind, Arcade isn't that stinky, he just suffers from Matt Mercer archetype before it even was a thing, but he's quite harmless. The fact that you can make him give up his wimpy shit and rock his dad armor is quite worth the setup.

Besides Veronica and him, Boone is alright, Lily is a sweet grandma who can bench press Lanius and E-DE and Rex aren't "true" companions, more like tools for your stuff
I don't think about her at all until some failed male wannabe beta-male orbiter like you brings her up.
Anyone willing to gift Fallout 2 to Portalshock on Steam? Otherwise, can you recommend to where to download it?
Anyone has headcanon or interpretation on what is happening west, north of the commonwealth of massachussets or in connecticut?
probably rape and suffering
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>My Cait posting led to a lively discussion about her.
if raiders kidnapped me my sissy clitty might start leaking
they wouldn't want you youre too ugly to whore out and youre too fat to work the fields
Unarmed weapons are the best weapons.
Rump bump.
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>Befriend nuka niggers for perks
i have no imagination for settleshart building
sim settlements takes care of that if you want to mod, or go full minimalist. when i do survival runs I only make a single house with a bed in it just to sleep/save and then way later i'll go back and make a bunch of barracks to have slaves i mean settlers to sleep in for trade routes and doctors. Don't really need anything else.,
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If you don't do it you will end up with 820% bonus unarmed damage instead of 870%
sad times
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>every individual booze adds 3 luck with party boy
49 luck is hilarious
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>FO4 collections
are those modpack collections on nexus like Storywealth functional atm? or did the update bork it?
I want to replay it but I just don't have the heart to spend 50 hours on modding the game before actually getting to play it, so a prebuilt is the only real option
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prototype institute PA

>or did the update bork it?
If you use storywealth just follow the instruction and it's fine with update or without.
going back to Fo4 after playing The Outer Worlds is just painful... had a blast with companions in that game and then I go back to Fo4 and they're nothing but a chore to get their perks, it's the opposite of fun
None of the companion perks are gamebreaking and a few are so underpowered they are insulting. Also a companion's affinity goes up naturally as you travel so pick one you like and you will get it, unless it is locked behind a quest.
the only reason at all to have companions in Fo4 is to get the perks, it's like the perks are your reward for babysitting them for several days and wasting countless stimpaks, and ammo if you give them a better (that they'll eventually lose after getting their arms crippled)
it's not like in The Outer Worlds where they actually make the game more fun, in Fo4 it's like the developers did as much as they could to make companions not only useless but something that anchors the player down and make the game feel like shit
i thought outer worlds was shitty poo poo pants?
It's aggressively forgettable. The most 5/10 game I have ever played.
it's really mediocre imo, and yet fo4 companions somehow manage to be even more milquetoast and forgettable
it's good, the companion system is one of the best I've seen in a game like this, they actually kill things and have special abilities
>the only reason at all to have companions in Fo4 is to get the perks
>trying out a permadeath run
>it's actually kinda fun
>die at lv23 from a mine set off by a nearby molerat
my companions keep running in front of molotovs and it kills me
>they are fine though
companions are an almost guaranteed suicide at some point. them standing in doors or pushing you half a feet randomly is annoying, but game-breaking when you only have one life. throwables are similarly extremely high risk due to how jank-ass fo4 is with them, as they tend to bounce back or explode on a random tiny twig 5ft away from you that's barely visible (placeable mines are excellet for clearing out tough encounters or as SHTF-gotta-run defense)
The other aspects of the game. I believe gameplay should serve narration. Fallout 4 feels too combat-heavy for its own good. And the 4 pick system more often than not just feels pointless.
Well, you will be thinking of her now, despite not being brought up by a failed male wannabe beta-male orbiter like me. Because you read this post. And you will occasionally be reminded of this post for years to come. Enjoy that.

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