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Previous: >>484386634

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>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
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>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

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I'm still the strongest, btw
Firefly love!
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I love these retarded cats
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He'd be so proud.
E1 Ruan Mei is probably the best thing you can do for her
Ruan Mei's cone is good but not that important if you already have 2 S5 Memories
Jiaoqiu should've been a girl
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
I’m glad Mihoyo kills off fujoshit after the marketing is over. They’re so based for manipulating those land whales every time
It charges faster than most ults if you run a proper team.
I already have her sig and S5 MoTP aswell so that shouldn't be an issue
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Fear of what's in the mirror, yeah
So much to be afraid of
Scared of what we'remadeof
And what wemight be

Young life flies out thewindow, yeah
It's not the time that changed us
It's the dreams that we weren't chasing
Come back to haunt us eventually

That's why every morning, after dawning
Tell ya darling something is calling
Drive me crazy, I just can't explain it

Go out of your mind (Out of your mind, out of your mind, out of your mind)
Go out of your mind (Out of your mind, out of your mind)
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SW is a disgrace
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Stelle requires sex with hags
>I now remember that Yukong exists
Truly the dyke self insert
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Firefly sold gang busters and lives rent free in your head.
what if the messeger is razalina
>proper team
E2 Ach is required for that shit.
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only real lesbian left in this thread
>she didn't get a banner since Daniel's original banner
>but Luka got a lot of banners in short time
Do they hate her or something?
Fireflyfags are so fucking embarrassing
Keep blaming everything when in reality she just sold as much as Boothill lol
nta, the only teams that charge her stacks faster are preservation chars with lc trend, but the cost of using sustain means dealing half of her dmg. I usually do 0 cycle in moc, having sustain in an acheron party is a really big punishment for me.
I don't think there's been a banner since where the "theme" fits her inclusion.
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Hanya and Xueyi also reran, TWICE, and they were released two and three patches respectively later than Yukongs last appearance
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transbians lost
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Caelus you're supposed to treat a lady, not the other way around...
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I don't have her cone and she's worse than my E2+S3 Clara
Carried by Ruan Mei, aka the best character in the game btw
Is there gameplay of Jiaoqiu remplacing BS instead of RM yet?
Robin/Topaz banner
Yunli is her last chance. If she doesn't show up she' s been officially declared eggless retired dead and buried by hoyo
All this shilling and she still can't beat April-May sales...
He might aswell be the lady the way he got princess carried
Are we participating
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Reminder that Firefly sold more than Furina, Genshin's most popular character
She's really boring and the ugliest and least popular character in the game, really doesn't help that the Hag market is oversaturated in this game, barely anyone gives a fuck about Jade with Kafka, BS and Yomi around
Is Yunli's cone a must pull? Extra aggro sounds crazy.
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You don't need trend. With JQ she will be able to ult 3 times per cycle.

In the BS + Kafka comp she builds her ult before she can even take a turn, meaning extra stacks from her cone and E2 doesn't even matter.
I think they were worried because Yukong is actually an insane support at E6 but now she’s useless and worse than Ruan Mei and Sprinkles.
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>salesposting hours
Jewmericans on their 15 minute lunch breaks I see
Trust in the total foxian domination plan with Tingyun and Yukong being the rate-up 4* on either the Huo or the Jiao banner in 2.4
>copes with japan only
I guess Kazuha is the most important and popular character.
Yup, real lesbians won.
>Genshin's most popular character
>12th out of 67 banners
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>With JQ
no thanks
>one week of Firefly is equal to a whole month of Robin
uh huh
>and the ugliest
How is she ugly?
>BS + Kafka comp
Why Acheron team is so expensive?
The ugliest character is still Pela though
Nah, our resident schizo just got cranky because yurichads ignored his little tantrum while discussing KafHime. So now he's trying another angle to get attention.
>>copes with japan only
xe says while posting on an anime forum

>I guess Kazuha is the most important and popular character.
yes he is
it's good that you know your place
Can you /gig/gers fuck off with your sales shitposting already, you’ve been at it all day with the same shit
I just can't understand Mihoyo sometimes. The Yukong thing is what they did with Kaveh in Genshin. How does it make sense to release a 4* once and then never again? There are characters that have rerun so many times everyone has them at E6 without even trying, and then there's Yukong who's been forgotten for what, half a year?
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silver tummy... Erotic...
I built e6 yukong to use with Dan and benched her once Sparkle came out. She's not insane by any metric and the e6 just makes her playable rather than actually good. She's extremely SP hungry and is a relic of a time when supports didn't just loop their alts on a 2-3 cycle and have buffs that lasted through their turns requiring way too much micromanagement to be useful.
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schizo time
Show your Yukong build
She's just easy to slot in there which just gives her extra uses aside from hypercarry. Dothags in that weapon game mode was really fun because of the stacking everywhere.
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Surprised Topaz hasn't kidnapped that bear.
As if you watched any anime in your life that wasn't on a MAL list. When discussing success, coping with a fraction of the revenue is just an admission of having no argument.
That's a DoT comp. You just plop Acheron there for burst damage, something DoT lacks.
Sorry, meant female, DHIL is by far the ugliest
Sigga is for everyone
Topaz is for me
Jade is for watching me impregnate Topaz enthusiastically
Ruan Mei is for Herta
Screwlum is for pumping and dumping Herta and Ratio
Ratio is for catching a STD from Sigga and dying
No one cares about Jade because they release 2 characters a patch and are shillling team comps, so almost everyone and their mother is milked dry after firefly. I want jade, but I can't justify getting her at E0 when she is only good for pure fiction. I will instead be saving and waiting for the dot hags instead.
I am now realizing that everyone but my has Yukong and I'll probably never get her unless I luckshit.
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tried the kafka + ack combo, shit is so comfy I'm never making changes, especially now that the second team is strong too
>Blade (adult male)
>Kafka (hag)
>Firefly (maid)
>Silver Wolf (hebe)
>Elio (shota)

>Welt (adult male)
>Himeko (hag)
>TB (medium male/maid)
>March (maid)
>Dan (medium male)
>PomPom (shota?)

How come the AE doesn't have a hebe
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>Boothill is not a SBreak character
I don't even want to know why you don't consider him a break character overall.

I'm not sure if you understand the context of the discussion here, but those characters still sold well despite this issue. The context here is that Firefly was expected to sell well, a lot of hype was created around her, and there were people who boycotted the site to make it seem like she 'flopped.' Those characters weren't as hyped or hated as Firefly, so it's simply not the same context.

Our definition of 'meta shilling' is different then. I'm referring to the 'shilling' done by the community itself, saying that because someone is an Emanator, they must be strong, or that someone powercrept another character, or that 'if you don't pull for their E2, it's over,' etc. Again, until Firefly's V3, people didn't even know what her good build would be, and even now after her release, people still consider that she didn't powercreep Acheron, for example.

Regarding other modes, again, it's not 'meta shilling' around Firefly if all other characters benefit from those modes. On the contrary, it just shows that she brought a new mechanic that is weak in the old modes of the game, but that doesn't necessarily mean people should roll for her because of that.
We get a barefeet greek hebe in 3.0
Jade flopped
Bros can someone remind me if Yunli is worth it E0S0 or does she need her cone? Beta can still buff her, right?
That's the truth about the IPC banners
ya it's sad how some character never get a chance because their kit is mid and they're not shilled. the devs should at least make non-shilled characters relevant for profit, that way metafags would be forced to roll
>and there were people who boycotted the site to make it seem like she 'flopped.'
What absolute schizos Firepags are. We usde the term "schizo" a lot here, but holy shit. Actual tinfoil hat level.
Why did HSR flop compared to wuwa?
She will need that cone for the aggro buff
Your BS, Sporkle?
Please stop embarrassing yourself and let go.
You are acting like a clown and you also make people that actually like firefly look bad.
NTA but he's right Boothill isn't tied down to SuperBreak functionality because he has a similar mechanic to SuperBreak baked into his kit, most of his better performances are almost always NEVER with HTB, Firefly is the only real SuperBreak premium dps honestly
Actually and truly take your meds.
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Who needs Yunli when your account is heavily Clara seeded.
WuWa can't even beat genshit
Who won?
Who lost?
ClaraGOD I concede.
Although the Yunli cone is still pretty good
I wasn't talking about Sbreak specifically, I was talking about break dps overall.

Ok, but she might have sold more than Acheron but we'll never know. And if she had the same privileges Acheron had, she certainly would have sold more.
Got Welt and his lightcone, should i build him dps?
Altho I only play Genshin and Star Rail (Zenless soon) Penacony Trailblazer quest came in full throttle in taking the second best story Mihoyo ever made among all the Archon quests and Trailblazer quests, which is only behind the Sumeru Archon quest imo but it's very close. Ngl I'm gonna be honest I didn't think of this game too much, lile despite starring this game it never had me the drive or interest in continuing it the first 2 Trailblazer quest imo is not the best... Atleast for me, but damn... Penacony just kidnapped me from the streets and made me addicted to this game, since 2.0 I've been waiting non-stop for the next installment of the Trailblazer quest and It. Never. Miss. If I were to rank all the Archon quests and Trailblazer quests including their interludes, I'd go with:
Boothill is not used with HMC, he's not a Superbreak character. He is a break character with a different functionality.
No site was "boycotted" to make it seem like she flopped, you are truly deranged.
"Shilling by the community" is completly irrelevant, most people pulling don't participate in any part of any community. What matters is what happens in-game. And even in the community, people considered her "broken" before her banner came out so her CBT state is irrelevant.

>it's not 'meta shilling' around Firefly if all other characters benefit from those modes
>Who lost?
Unfortunately Jade because no one cares about her
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Firefly e1 dream is dead, the king got in my way once again.
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I'm still going to S5 her cone regardless but might just roll Yunli's cone as a soulless option when I have no choice
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Reminder that Acheron s priviliged
>NTR region
No thanks. I'll slurp any Liyueslop throw at me then any worms shit happen in Sumeru.
The anon you replied to was talking about Superbreak though, they even mentioned the "new shilled archetype", and Boothill, and by extension NORMAL break characters, aren't a new archetype
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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The cute and canon couple with March as the loser!
>it's not 'meta shilling' around Firefly if all other characters benefit from those modes
Boy I sure do love my Nihility and Erudition resonance getting locked behind 16 blessings which fucks over runs just trying to get it due to equations alongside Preservation being completely fucking dead. I sure do like mobs only taking serious damage now only after they're broken too.
Is Yunli cone good on Clara for the aggro?
>I wasn't talking about Sbreak specifically,
The person you responded to LITERALLY said he's not a SBreak character and you disagreed with him. What is this mental illness?
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>And if she had the same privileges Acheron had
She had way more. Acheron didn't get shilled a fraction as hard. The literally only 'advantage' Acheron had is top-up and we saw with Neuv/Furina that doesn't actually matter that much.
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Purely for CDMG and follow up buff, the aggro is kind of irrelevant but it helps for more energy too, It's definitely Clara's BiS
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We need everyone's little sister character like Wendy as new AE member
Can the yurifags come back? At least they post hot pictures and talk about the characters.
Wendy is peak ryonabait though
>so her CBT state is irrelevant
Bro, it wasn't. If she wasn't well-written, if she wasn't beloved, if she didn't have fans, Mihoyo would have released her as she was in V2.

Literally skill issue. You have infinite Acheron's technique in DU since you can use items there.

Her QoL technique.
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Ellen Joe won
It could have been Clara
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>Her QoL technique.
The fact she has a technique? You realise Firefly also has one? wtf? Its not even a particularly useful one outside of rushing a now dead gamemode. Thats supposed to compare to having the entire endgame and the mc's new kit bend around you?
Black Swan should have been a loli. You CANNOT convince me otherwise.
Stop biting bait please, jesus christ
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>He begs us to save him

jk I got you
>You have infinite Acheron's technique in DU since you can use items there
Literally doesn't work when you are doing threshold, where it would actually matter.
Finally a good post.
Only if you accept "sex with hags" as your lord and saviour.
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Just had a Firefly Divergent V3 run where I got 800% break effect in-combat, that was fun! Got the Swarm bugs for my boss so I enjoyed 4m+ blasts - compared to running Acheron or FuA or DHil it feels like Break is the most fun with this SU game mode iteration.
i'm banking my last hope of getting Ruan Mei's E6 on a twitter giveaway
She's unbuilt now since I took off her pieces for xp fodder. But basically as much spd/hp/def as I could get.
>You have infinite Acheron's technique in DU since you can use items there.
And how is that gonna help me get the resonance to deal with the bosses if I wanna try a dot run? You know that thresholds completely disable that, right.
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Can't wait for anime version of this chapter
>literal stelletroon post
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are the game servers dying right now?
I mean, the mode is pretty much designed for break right now. I just wished Destruction blessings were also good for Xueyi.
>futa is tranny
fucking LEAVE homofaggot
I don’t like the fact that HSR earns this much money for shit development cost. It’s not fair.
>Jingloo 6 months of ice weakness MoC shilling GUD
>Firefly not even a month of break shilling (really includes Boothill too) BAD
>Shilling Acheron for DU
>When combat stages are shit
>Not shilling it for quest events that let you speed past everything
>Thinking Threshold matters after you cleared it
You retards are so fucking stupid holy shit
1 more day before zzz release?
Was this before or after the Penacony planar released
Was she running wind set
Did she have 160+ speed or was she speed synced
This is very important please answer
>futa is tranny
You said it. Not me.
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jealous hags....
Aventurine looks so breedable
There are a lot more weaknesses on those bosses than one, retard. "Being at all useful" is not shilling.
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New March is nice and all but seriously, I want them to start releasing 4 stars again. Gallagher is amazing and Misha is low key underrated to this day.
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With mixed feelings I await the first SEXHAG for Quantum.
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In case you retards haven't realized it yet from 7 months of Pure Fiction, DU should've taught you that endgame means horizontal investment into team gimmicks. Invest in super brick or be BRICKED
I think Moze is our next 4*
They release so many new 5*, that I need to work a new character into my comps every two patches or so. I wouldn't even know what to do with a 4*.
I never even looked at Mishas kit.
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WTFFFFFFUCK man. Explain, Firefags. Why is she like this? How are you supposed to fantasize sleeping with her?? WHYYYYY????? What did we do to deserve THIS???!!
Will Jingliu ever be good?
>Spiders and cockroaches
I think she's talking about Kafka and Blade here
I was planning on doing this with the starglitter crap but Penacony was packed with a bunch of characters that I wanted so I had to get tickets.
Clara cone is currently S2.
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She's just like me!
That was from a leaker who been notoriously wrong lately, I don't believe shit they say anymore.
Balde Turkiye??
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New outfits when? Big sis game gets like 2 a patch.
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what the fuck is her problem
Glad you're having fun anon. I finally started playing it after putting it off because it sounded way too complex. Only did V1 run, but had the propagation and elation equation that add spores, and the one nihility that deals big quantum damage when you stack spores. Was pretty fun with QQ. But I do miss the special abilities you get in normal SU, it really helped to get the paths going.
Her technique enables overworld farming. Makes the story session in the patches smoothier. Makes the old SU faster too, for newcuties.

My condolences, then.

What if they disable it? Play around that, then.
>Hook and Pela on team
>Pela uses her skill every turn and Hook never uses hers
Still never rolling for Ack
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Honest thoughts on Blue cheese (the food)?
Is this humor at the current tectone drama bait about how he can't fucking read Apocolyptic Shadow in-game text and proceeded to mald about power creep when he shouldn't focused on the adds first?
I have a strong feeling that 3.0 is going to buff up old Belobog characters. Blade can't be shit forever, he will be redeemed once again, then you'll all see who's laughing.
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I don't have any strong feelings about Blue cheese (the food) but what I do have strong feelings about is brutally bludgeoning HuoHuos head with a sledgehammer
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I don't think so man. Holy shiiit that's too much for me. Too fucking much.
>ice weakness means bosses also have 2 other weaknesses
So what does break offer for alternatives?
I get Fofo rape, but Fofo murder? Too much for me.
wait, does firefly single target do more dmg than her aoe move on single targets? Feels like the aoe move does more dmg every time
Removing/Relocating the old Path abilities really sucked. In general the Paths feel a lot less cool in DU after V4+ because 90% of Equations are useless due to not being powerful enough.
They really should have rather overtuned than undertuned them.
That's correct.
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Well DoT benefits from break a lot and FUA tends to be really good at breaking bars too since they get so many attacks off
Fofo decapitation is the only way to rid this world of the sin caused by her merely existing
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Heh just you wait until the next shilled DPS unit in 70 days. But yeah, I really fucking like divergent simulator. It's really fun, better than swarm and g&g by far.
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Which Command and Conquer country does each play?
Kys jingpoo apologist
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mb I forgot it costs skill points, I just assumed they both didnt cost SP because both the buttons are shiny
my firefly/galagher/trailblazer aint even built and they feel great, stats are rly meaningless in DU, even the trial chars do a ton, you just need the buffs, superbreak is OP by itself tho
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Too busy to be in a relationship.
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That hag needs to get a life
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>Bad news
Tried Critfly and it was shit. Even with 91/414 it still couldn't even break 100k on non breaks. It was like 50-90k on crits. In the end, most damage still came from break DMG. Main reason why it didn't work was probably because her enhanced skill doesn't scale with ATK%

My team:
>Firefly E1
>Bronya E2S1
>Sparkle E0S1
>Fu Xuan E1
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LOVE stupid girls with huge titties
DoT can lean into break like Scampo and Luka.
Yeah, I can kinda get why they did it because they wanted people to adjust their team based on the rng. But you just get passive abilities, which activating is random so you might never see it do anything. And can't really control what you get, like path banning or preferred path. Should have given you more control, and have you get the path ability of the path you have the most blessings from. So you still have to adjust to the run, but you won't get propagation blessings when doing nihility+erudition equations
Anon, they specifically smothered that idea in the crib, why did you even bother.
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One of his many good qualities.
command and conquer?
>this and Yunli & Yanqing
Why is Mihoyo so aggressive with HSR ships? Things were more subtle in Genshin
HSR is healing (by dabbing on rainbowfreaks)
Does Yunli+Tingyun+Robin+Huohuo team work?
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He's commanding and conquering her pussy, yes.
kill yourself
I figure when HSR comes back out of hibernation with 3.0. Assuming ZZZ was a success and cut into their revenue.
>all those (You)s
Wow /hsrg/ must love Avenpaz!
Spiders are bros though. But yeah fuck cockroaches.
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i suppose they trying to make it more blatant
also helps that by giving yunli to yanking, theyre free to shill march and TB without risk of ntr posting
>IPC slaves
>getting a life
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It's a cute ship.
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aventopaz for me
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Ratio is part of the team too!
Avenpaz shippers spam it a bit too obsessively, but it beats salesposting so I take it.
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Well nyes (i'm /hsrg/)
March will only get more NTR posting with YQ and Dan unfortunately
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>Ships more subtle in GI
Your AlhazenKaveh?
Your HatRadish?
Your NeuvFuri document?
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Sparkles feet! Licking between her toes!
Why the FUCK did they make Robin the FUA shill unit? Jade should've been the Harmony buffer.
I'm very close to getting my 300 Standard character, but i already have Clara (E2), Gepard and Himeko, is it worth it getting Bronya if i already have Sparkle or do i just go for Geppie E1?
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Stop noticing
Waiting to replace him with Opal.
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begone, KING! I want your waifu instead!
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Because we just got a canon wife? It doesn't matter how much "shipshit" they throw out now. Firefly will always be our #1 until they make a competitive #2.
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This ship has been spammed to death by the same people recently ever since the update.
I'd consider investing further in whichever of those you use the most instead, yeah. Bronya is nice, but overshadowed by limited supports.
>Topaz in the back
holy fuck my dick.... imagine fucking her in an empty ball room and lifting up her dress.
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remember when /hsrg/ said that robin is a good FUA support
>Things were more subtle in Genshin
Haikaveh is obnoxiously aggressive they even have Sethos have a voiceline specifically for two of them for no reason (and it completely mindbroke /gig/ when it was first posted). Honestly Alhaitham was such a cool character before he got ruined by being glued to the hip to Kaveh forever now which sucks
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>not protecting your wife
>all hose fruits
>still goes for the peach
I love my no taste buds having wife
She is though
I also got kinged from a Firefly dupe, so I'm going to use my guaranteed pity to get Yunli, cucking him back.
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>this is his first gacha
When they want more sales, they will have the next girl throw themselves at you and everyone in the story will pretend that Firefly does not exist.
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firefly was literally made for DU
Can't wait until the meme headcanon trio is killed. I haven't even touched Rat with my IPC team, I'd much rather use Clara until another IPC girl comes out.
>theres a red dot in the blackhole in dreamflux
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but it NOW
>ever since the update.
I had been spamming it since 1.4, actually.
Also don't pretend all the other topics aren't spammed by the same people too.
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I love this healthy ship
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It honestly feelts too unorganic and shitposty to ever take it as someone posting a ship they actually like, it's definitely trying to bait aventurineyumes and topazfags
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I love oyakodon
But she is?
>That mask
Sparkle is still a friendless loser.

Whatever happened to Bronya being unpowercreepable until EoS?
>I had been spamming it since 1.4, actually.
Damn. I didn't realize.
>Also don't pretend all the other topics aren't spammed by the same people too.
I didn't even mention those though.
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rare based pepe
I'm personally on the Aventurine is a slut train so I don't mind it and Topazfags are extremely rare anyway.
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>Filler patch
>No content
Yep, we're gonna lose the pvp bingtok sensor sales this month
cuckquean sis...
I'd believe you, if this wasn't Mihoyo.
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got an x link for this?
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I love nuking the trotters with her technique
This is the month where they want everyone to play zzz
one girl per path
>Dan only attracts mentally unstable murder hobos
They're doing a shitty job if that's the case. I haven't seen Topazfags in a while.
>and topazfags
The Topazfag is a cringe blogposter. I take that ship stuff over his boring ERP spam any day.
I don't self insert sis I just enjoy looking at Aventurine getting it.
You learn to not notice them after a while and just scroll past it since it rarely produces a conversation worth following
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buy I did already...
>it's definitely trying to bait aventurineyumes and topazfags
Yeah....All 2 of them
Firefly is unique in that she's the only one who has 2(two) different Annoyance voicelines... Strange huh? It's like they really really wanted to add this extra Annoyance voiceline even though she already has one.
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>posting to make two extremely small and rare groups mad
Bro, I don't care. I just like them.
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Bronya still has an unique niche since she gives 100% advance forwards. So units that have lower SP usage like Blade, Jingliu and Boothill appreciate her more than Sparkle. But you could always save the selector if you're unsure, GODpard E1 doesn't sound that good
who else besides blade?
>Whatever happened to Bronya being unpowercreepable until EoS?
Reality happened.
Mind, she's still useful. But if you had a team that needs her, you wouldn't be asking.
The one Topazfag I often see is a clown who still pretends that Topaz is the Kafka of dot and RM tier
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Yeah because they made them extinct. Why even bother posting them when it just gets countered and polluted with the ship?
erp was worse but damn what's with all these shitty ships itt? Its like a bunch of women in here
Why did they have to kill Blade twice when recruiting him?
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She needs much less sleep than the average person and spends the rest of the time watching boats in the pier where the SH base is apparently located. She'd probably spend the rest of the time watching (You)r sleeping face and protecting (You) from bugs while you rest peacefully.
I think he also means Boothill, but he is just American
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all ipc are whores
In her rerun where I fully max her out next time. She stays at E0S0 cause I still need to grind jades for Ruan mei and Firefly since my luck has been shit.
I still see Avenyumes occassionally. It feels like /hsrg/ is stuck on a loop though
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What stats are you suppose to have in-combat (but before skills/ults/buffs) ?
If other peoples responses make you stop posting the things you like, you didn't like them to begin with. Weak bitches.
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And how the fuck is that our problem? If someone liking a ship on a mongolian image board makes them jump characters that's on them
>why post at all if you're gonna be shitposted back?
Then maybe 4chin isn't for such a soft person... Besides despite seeing shipspam, I rarely ever see shipwars between them
Firefly won
She's the best fua support bro
sometimes you just want a wholesome couple in the game and people just think AvenPaz is cute.
I found it on danbooru and it lists source as pixiv
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literally only ruan was hand leveled/built in this team, fun to not worry about stats, the rng is annoying but...
I assume this is Firefly? 158 Speed is whack and I hope you're not using ATK% boots. 300% is also pretty low, but I'm not sure how much she has after all buffs are online.
No one wants to fight an endless battle anon, anyone normally sane would just leave and go somewhere else if they don't like it. Which is probably what most did
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Think this is everything new I've seen today.
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>he gave up on her because the mean shippers bullied him
Topaz deserves better than such weak fags anyway.
Nyo. It's only 17% increase. Got E1 instead, since Aeon gives almost the same amount of Break effect and dmg
>158 Speed is whack
Why, I thought you only need 150 to reach 210 with Ult
What battle? Post things you like. What is there to fight?
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the suit is cannonically quite hot inside
firefly probably comes out absolutely steaming in sweat
probably why she doesnt even use the plugsuit
Just reply to yourself over and over like the Avenfujo does, you don't have to leave the gen
DU is actually good because I can go through it without a healer
300 is fucking great outside of combat you faggot.
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now that we know hoyo purposely sabotages banner so they become skip banners like how they moved Xueyi from Ratio's banner to Ruan Mei's and made him free, made Argenti's banner have hanya but fucked HuoHuo by giving her the worst 4 stars in the game (both banners flopped but still) and now making Firefly have Ruan Mei, Gallagher and the newest 4 stars while making Jade have the worst lineup ever. there are probably other examples as well that I can't remember on top of my head. how do we feel about this?
I thought you mean "in combat" meaning "all buffs are on". Then 158 is fine.
>Post says IN COMBAT
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>firefly probably comes out absolutely steaming in sweat
Oh no haha must be really uncomfortable after a battle. Luckily I’m nice and can help her out with that!
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Did you post this one?
It is what it is
The addiction to feeling like other people around you agree with you is a terrible mental illness that afflicts the social media generation.
I can't even blame them, but its hard to sympathise with for someone who grew up glorifying countercultural behaviour.
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https://youtu.be/Dq_47ZN9tjY (E0S0 JQ Vs E0S0 RM in Kafkswan team)
Tell me straight to my face /hsrg/ am I retarded at playing Kafkswan? I feel like Jiaoqiu shouldn't be clearing at the same rate as RM does, I feel like I must be missing something or just having a ton of missplays.
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>What battle? Post things you like. What is there to fight?
Ok bwo
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>Why even bother posting them when it just gets countered and polluted with the ship?
That's not why people post ship art
Sometimes I find something cute or hot and wanna share it
Why do redditors always post the same images over and over
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Because my schizo brain tells me all ship posting done here is made specifically to trigger people and not because they actually enjoy the ship, specially when they respond to someone posting characters independently of their ships, therefore it's a battle and not sincere enjoyment
>HuoHuo by giving her the worst 4 stars in the game
Serval is probably far from the worst 4 star
I'm a roll for who you like type of guy so it doesn't bother me that much but I can see 2.4 characters being shit to further boost up hype for Feixiao (and even Lingsha if we believe all the lamia copers)
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She's so fucking sex. I can't wait to see her bred by the unreleased Stoneheart men in the future.
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Why is the aventurine schizo having a melty, and trying to claim topaz? She belongs to (me).
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>while making Jade have the worst lineup ever
The worst line-up part is very subjective, for me its all old characters that I can get a lot of starlight from, essentially partially refunding my pull.
>Fofoschizo enters the battle outta nowhere

>my schizo brain
>sparkle image
Too accurate
Tail is married to me sorry fofo.
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You really should have more faith in people; you may become a schizo yourself with your conspiracy theories.
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Ironic coming from the people who complain about random fujo #243 bullying them for shipping him with a woman
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jesus enough memories of the past
Jiaoqiu is such a monumental brick it's actually insane
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I remember liking that on Twitter and don't think I saved it cuz I was on mobile. Thanks, bro.
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AvenPaz isn’t as shilled as Yanqing x Yunli as far as leaks are concerned

Let’s see how 2.4 will go
>he actually reads fofo posts
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Uhhh bro where is your Firecone?
If I already have acheron and I get firefly, will I need another dps ever again?
Realistically, you are probably not wrong. But what good does it to engage with it like that?
If you ignore it, you don't lose anything. Its only a battle because they accomplish their goal of bothering you.
>kakaurine/yanquing spammer is a kekold shipnigger.
That's the tldr, /hsrg/
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>pag humor
I have 17 copies of Pearls
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I found a few more today too.
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>Pela's LC on Luka
>Luka's on Pela
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why are they releasing a fiance relationship character?
Fujo .. bullying by shipping with a women... who are you talking about here? I think you lost the plot.
I regret skipping Huohuo
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I lost the 50/50 to this
Do you need a healer/shielder for Treasure Lightwards modes?
>who complain about random fujo #243 bullying them for shipping him with a woman
Do they really "complain" about being "bullied" though? Or did you just make that up?
I still need ~3500 jades to reach pity but I have a ton of sidequests and story stuff to do (stopped playing in the middle of space china at the time), how fucked am I? I expect it to be boring as hell but I'll have to do it at some point, guess I should start now.
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You posting Sparkle is a personal attack to me because I don't like her, therefore you are posting her to trigger me
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holy fucking cute + canon
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>Firefly sold less than fucking Ayato
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>finally have a semi-decent relic set for Firefly after weeks of farming
These stats should be fine for MoC and DU, right?
God bless the doble plannar event, it really helped me out getting the last pieces I needed to complete the set + some Yunli relics.
Holy shit are you me
>have literally unironically 9 BILLION copies of that stupid HanyaXueyi cone

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heres something more to your tastes
luca's LC is op and its top tier on a bunch of chars accordin to prydwen, need more of those..
>I feel like I must be missing something or just having a ton of missplays
Don't use BS ult right before the enemies turn if the arcana stacks are low since it's not worth to extend a 1-6 stack. Also with RM it's better to run an attack orb on BS
Also using Kafka against Kafka realyl slows down her personal damage which allow JQ to have more impact than RM.
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Personally the only thing I hate is homoshit. Straightshit is atleast heterosexual. I think the fujos and faggots should die or go back to /y/ or xeet. They bring nothing good to this gen.
I started 3 months ago with Acheron's banner and I lost the 25/75 for her LC and been setting on a guarantee ever since

What should I redeem with it?
did you got triggered by Avenpaz? But you're okay when someone ships Aven with Ratio? hmmmm
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Why isn't Argenti voiced?
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I forgot about this little comic too. Today's a good day!
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>Dot Bricks
>FuA bricks
>brick effect
They are laughing at us now, but look at them when their enemies are immune to CC and their break bars are locked. One day, when they fight more than 3 enemies, they'll once again remember the name of the real king: "Hypercarry"
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Everyone loves Sparkle in this thread
Keep holding. Right now RM/Firefly LC is QoL mostly.
You cry about it all the time, why the blogpost in addition?
it's okay bro, the important part of the team is safe and Gallagher can pick up the slack
objectively true
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That post didn't even mention Aven with Ratio though?
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Now this is a post I agree with it.
The only enjoyment of homoshit is when they bait the fujo retards and then inmediately drop them. Happened twice already, funny.
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its my 2nd clara cone, and no clara yet
I'll keep luck rolling the spotify lc banner but i am not paypigging for the 16-17% boost over the herta store cone its been a rough few months financially
technical issues, according to twatter and bug announcements
Joke's on you, they are going to make enemies that can only take damage while they are bricked
Anyone else getting errors 1001 trying to connect to the EU server?
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Has anyone actually beat DU V6 with RRAT in here? What 3 star equation did you choose? I don't wanna use shill effect.
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I curse you with triple Yanqing 50/50 loss for posting this
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Guys, today I finally did all the 50 pulls on that discount banner and the last 10 pulls gave me Welt, Gepard and Arlan.
Then I pulled 10 more on that standard banner and got 3x 4 star light cones in those 10 pulls. Will I get absolutely wrecked now meaning nothing good is dropping for a long time? :(
They forgot to book EN Argenti (again) and are making excuses about it being a bug.
They should've kept Firefly's old conversion trace numbers and buffed her cone to give WBE so that Aeon can't compete.
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did i ever tell you about the charmony dove?
NTA but it's easy to jump to that conclusion when there's a fujo spamming the thread too right now.
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why is march and himeko niggers
>also stelle became a tranny
Yeah, but no one never make any responds to any Aven Ratio posts, so I guess he/she is either Topazfag or Avenfag
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Noted and noted, thanks, it's really hard to find a stage/enemy line up that doesn't skew things up, if the enemy is fire weak that's a JQ advantage, and Kafka just cucks her own damage Vs Kafka so that's also a no-go, Argenti is fire weak, the meme is Fire/Wind..is the best boss to test just Yanqing?
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firefly* fuck
COPE. Glad I skipped that Brick cone
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I don't know, they've literally never pushed the MC with a girl this much, not in this game or in Genshin. The fact that they aired a TB x Firefly ad in the summer fest is still wild to me.
This is what most tranny western art look like.
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She's so canon I can't even call other girls my wives in jest now
For some reason I can't log in using home wifi but it works if I use mobile. Not sure if that's same problem
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I hope our devs are more based than Genshit's and don't ruin male characters for garbage homoshit. Thankfully, it doesn't look like the case since they understand all you need to do is reel them in and starve them indefinitely.
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just spam everything you can find, spore, dissociation, quake, dewdrop and whatever else you can get your hands on
Acheron tummy, my favorite
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Alright, there we go.
>they've literally never pushed the MC with a girl this much
They did with Terri, so its really just "they haven't done it in Genshin". Which is actually also not really true, because you get a date with Ayaka as well and are constantly told how much she's into you.
also I feel like the equations are all a bit unbalanced, molten knight is fucking insane, those god-spears melt anything on the screen from 1 break on a goon, some other yellow ones...
>HSR was the best selling gacha globally in june
Revenue shitposters are awfully quiet about this
Damn that's a lot of Preservation. I guess I'll focus on survivability first and see what happens next.
Fuck I thought it was a girl bending over from the thumbnail
Enough of tier lists! Who is the strongest character in SU?
Its been best selling gacha multiple times this year, why would it be noteworthy?
Damn, Intellitrons look like THAT?!
pride month is over, no one has to pretend to tolerate you anymore
Did you suddenly forget some of them complaining about Aventurine fujos from twitter and how they get upset if you suggest Aventurine and Ratio were close? Or better yet more recently when they complained about the English translation leaving out Aventurine calling Topaz beautiful and it was some conspiracy against them?
That's not enough. Give me this, Hoyo
They're still going at it anon they're just taking a break to post fujo garbage
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I am going to fucking rape Screwllums daughter
God I really hope we don’t get an actual haikaveh situation in this game. Unironically ruined the characters themselves
Normal SU? Acheron.
How is complaining about en translation being bullied by fujos?
Yanking would be the most neutral one here if you use Luocha instead of HuoHuo (solely to destroy the swords as fast as possible to not hinder RM break efficiency) but to be honest it's very hard to compare them in a direct confrontation because in a perfect world I would swap out RM for JQ versus Svarog or death meme for example.
Please, Ayaka didn't have half of that. She had a single date then disappeared from the plot entirely, then gets a single line about being embarrassed or some shit in the yearly Inazuma event and thats it.

>They did with Terri
Thats the captainverse stuff right? I don't play HI3 but I heard about that.
Ruan Mei and Ack are good for dealing with the little guys. Aventurine is the best sustain thanks to Preservation being broken everywhere except for DU.
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In every game mode, btw.
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>bro you have 7 more days to roll for firefly :)
Holy shit fuck off already.
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Firefly’s eyes are really pretty, it’s one of my favorite things about her design.
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What did Firefly actually 'have'? I don't know if Ayaka ever had dancing trailers with Traveler, but that seems like the only thing that Firefly could actually have more than that.
RM I guess? Kafka and Daniel are also easy mode in regular SU (but dan need propagation unlocked)
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>how they get upset if you suggest Aventurine and Ratio were close
Never seen this
>Or better yet more recently when they complained about the English translation leaving out Aventurine calling Topaz beautiful
Because it was retarded and hypocritical? You don't have to be a shipper to see wrong in trannylation

This post suspiciously sounds like a insecure fujoshit keeping tabs... Curious
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Nyot happening
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I lost the E1 for RM but at least I wasnt kinged
>They did with Terri,
Firefly isn't even remotly comparable to this. She had a whole story arc building up to your (implied) kiss.
>Avenpaz posters le evil
>while there's a homo ratpiss dump
I'm noticing...
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My wife pretending to be my retarded ex!
>Never seen this
Sis you're blind
I already lost it you can't do anything to me fuck off
Imagine bricking yourself so hard out of schizophrenia
Which just goes to underline the point that Firefly isn't "unlike anything they've done before". Its just, like all other things, the mainstream slop version of something they did before.
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i dont have SR rabis
>bro you have 7 more days to roll for firefly :)
Holy yes please stay
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FF has many heartfelt scenes with TB, a lot of them when it's primarily just the two of them. There's a lot of shoujo subtext in their interactions. It's not a surprise it took off the way it did.
>this paranoid
You're only proving my point
Being relevant to the plot for one, also multiple dates with TB and the fireworks scene which was probably the most romantic, plus the fact that they made FF and HMC's kits basically be for each other. And thats not counting all the outside the game stuff they've done to ship them. Ayaka legit only had the wet socks dance and then disappeared from the story, I don't think you even say goodbye to her at the end of Inazuma and I don't remember mihoyo ever shipping them outside the game.
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>it's a people fight over who gets to claim aven's pussy episode
I hate reruns.
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Between AR-214 and Ruan Mei, who should join Firefly in being raped by the Swarm?
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begone, KING!
I hope Covid-24 happens and her banner gets extended indefinitely
>the Manga industry in 4 years, now that it has been purchased by Blackrock
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>we got a shit ton of doros thanks to AI
>still no automated HSR rabis for every character
ded gaem
>FF has many heartfelt scenes with TB
>It's not a surprise it took off the way it did.
Yeah, they stuffed millions in marketing budget into it and commissioned thousands of artists to astroturf it. Its actually really not surprising.
As if you will roll Jade.
what point?
I didn't get this email... They know I already rolled E2
>It's not a surprise it took off the way it did.
I like Firefly but come the fuck on, Mihoyo literally paid people to shill it. TB/Firefly isn't a organic emergence, mihoyo bruteforced it.
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v6 time
First time I did PF! Himeko is such a good girl!
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So uh do I give up +10 and +9 CR Salsotto for Duran on Clara
That you let fujos live in your heads rent free
billions must die
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>Valorous set, Homdg's leak and the new harmony 4 star cone all point towards Feixiao being a crit FuA dps
You didnt skip her, right?
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May I alert you, that Firefly's banner is currently going on and soon the best (only) super break dps is gone? This one is special. Literally EVERYWHERE the performance is boosted by a metric fuckton, so everyone knows the true power of SUPER BREAK.
Pull Firefly now, and join SUPER BREAK. - Your future investment for a better team.

ps: Ruan Mei also coincidentally has her banner right now, and she is a very good partner for the newest upcoming SUPER BREAK dps Firefly. This partner will grant your Firefly the definite punch she honestly doesn't need, after all she's the best (only) super break dps! HOWEVER. She makes your super break team EVEN MORE SUPER. You will SUPER BREAK like there is no tomorrow.

pps: The best SUPER BREAK dps (and only) Firefly can get majorly enhanced by pulling her signature cone. It provides extremely valuable help that is honestly not needed, after all she already IS the BEST (and only) SUPER BREAK dps. However, wouldn't you want the BEST to be even BETTER? This cone will grant you MORE time to cause SUPER BREAK with her entire team AND boost her personal damage even further!
Should you want to get TRULY ahead of everyone else, 2 more copies of Firefly will enable her to get extra turns if she breaks or kills, which she will all the time due to being THE BEST (and only) SUPER BREAK DPS.

Start today, with a free trial of Firefly (available in the event menu) and embrace your SUPER BREAK future. Sorry
But the one who started the discussion about fujos was a different anon trying to defend them
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Or maybe your making shit up? I've never seen the Avenpazfags complain about fujos thinking Aventurine and Ratio are close. Why would anyone care about their delusions? They just spam their shipart with C&C attached. The eng translation discussion went beyond "shipping" so it's not even relevant.

You don't have a point.

None of this would happen if fujoxeeters would stay in their containment board/website instead of invading straight male spaces like attention whores but alas..
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>paid people to shill
Can we at least make claims that we can prove?
>FF has many heartfelt scenes with TB
Really only the rooftop. The one where we realise she's not dead was rushed and lifeless and the one before the Firework too.
>There's a lot of shoujo subtext in their interactions.
No there is not. Not even close. You have never read a shojou. What you meant is romance, but there is no "subtext" there either.
And it took off because they made it take off with marketing.
/zzz/ and /gig/ are laughing at us right now.
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Playing the xylophone using anorexic Avenyume/fujos ribs! Plapping her boney ass and making https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QURSX95HG5A sounds!
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>No Ruan Mei
Surely they'll release another break support haha
The guidelines for the commissioned art was posted here repeadetly, lurk more.
if you hate firefly what characters do you even like in this game? generally curious
They comissioned a bunch of artists to make stuff with a girlfriend feel to it
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Man, I want to hug Firefly so much.
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aren't they still busy complaining about the 110 gb download?
>instead of invading straight male spaces
People who make their sexuality their identity, have no identity. This is not a "straight male space". This is a otaku space, to discuss hobbies. Not your twitter brainrot.
Just get Ruan Mei, what's the problem
I forgot about that, is it even out?
Looks like it’s completely schizo tinfoil hat conspiracy hours here right now
No, he is right.
There's a catered board for your interests elsewhere.
See? The bait worked everyone!
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On god?
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Does this one unlock by upgrading it with that one IPC guy?
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so this is how the game would look like if we got sweet baby inc'd
Fr fr
>She had a single date then disappeared from the plot entirely
Ayaka can't be a part of the main story unlike SH members, for example Kafka. even if Kafka shows up on the next planet, Kafka remains relevant to the main story.
/vg/ is the board to discuss video games. This is discussion of the video game Honkai Star Rail
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for the zzzers
NTA but I don't think they pay for those, they just ask artists to do stuff in bilibili. Also they do it for every single character, with different guidelines but still.
There is a board for you normalfags too, so why don't you return to pol, election tourist?
a written character like acheron
the term is ziggeer
Not a single one of those is under 90 kilos though
Sounds kind of weird but it’s cute how they kind of reflected the size/height difference in the chibis here too
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Do you seriously think the majority of people here care to see fanart of Ratio giving Sigga an STD? Seriously? Here?
i can't log in (PC EU server)
am I the only one?
This is how IPC writers sound.
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>I don't think they pay for those

Yes, artists get paid in exposure
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A few commissioned pieces doesn't speak to the entire impact. Honestly seems like they're just part of the hype rather than marketing material.
Literally last thread
Any time an anon brings it up they have to reply saying they're not close like their life depends on it
Everyone else in Penacony was better than her desu you don't even have to be too picky.
>NTA but I don't think they pay for those
They do. They can't give them "guidelines" for stuff they do on their own.
Yeah they do it for most characters, but the "ship" with TB was in question not just character art for Firefly. And their guidelines explicitly included all sorts of romance scenarios, including jealousy. Its not something that "took off".
>t jade
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I wish.
it makes her look more precious
What impact?
Is it fujotranny hours?
I replaced Tingyun with Ruan Mei in my Jingliu/Robin/sustain team and she damn near doubled my damage

What the fuck
I think they mean like the overall hype
Pela is more interesting and fun character than flopfly
>literally just an average comment
>OP was not even a Aven x Topig shipper
Ah, so you ARE just an bootyblasted Aven x Ratio fujoshit. Because no straight male would care about this shit
You can't compare Firefly to Madam Pela, the character who singlehandedly destroyed the entire Belobog timeline, she's just too strong, it's not a fair comparison
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You equate impact with something BIG, don't you? I just meant the general (favorable) response to a gacha MC getting a gf.
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Dont let pags discourage you fujos, post to your hearts content
I mean TB and Firefly were getting art ever since 2.0, way before mihoyo started shilling them so people clearly liked it. Also the fact that mihoyo is asking for it just makes it more canon in my eyes since I don't think they've asked for this kind of art before.
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See Seseren and his gifs, he even predicted the Firefly Heart one
There isn't really that much hype outside of those commissioned art pieces. All the big ones have a "sponsored by mihoyo" attached to them.
Its not like its not there, but again, result of millions in marketing budget. No one cared much after 2.0 before they started this campaign for her banner.
of course
>It’s not something that "took off".
NTA but TB/Firefly was already a popular pairing even before that week of marketing though. You had people putting out a ton of it even since 2.0. It helped revive Caelus’ overall art a lot to the point where more than half of his was with Firefly for example and of course Stellefly is strong as well
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They can't fathom not being in a safe space where people respect their homotranny delusions and blame it on /hsrg/
It's homomelty hours for sure so why not
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160 tickets, and still no Firefly.

I have a week to farm 3200 jades. Is this even possible?
Mihoyo pretty much steals fanbase memes theres no prediction
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firefly is a generic moe blob that is literally "for you: the character" except in the most on the nose and repulsive way possible. her design is as inoffensive and universally appealing as it comes all the way down to her color palette and, what's more, literally EVERYONE that likes generic moeblobs with unoffensive color palettes also wishes that their moeblob was secretly moonlighting as chuuni badass mech pilot that is actually just soft only to you and only you know her secret (dont tell anyone *wink*). as if this wasnt bad enough, characterizing her as such makes it obvious that what they are planning to do is have her subvert expectations so no matter what they do, unless they pull out writing that they have hitherto not shown themselves capable of, they have produced the most vile and repulsive character in any MHY game in the MHY game that prides itself on being "mature" and "deep."
Next 10 will be the one
I wonder when is he going to cave in and fall to the dark side.
Not really
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Silver Wolf's eye-wateringly smelly feet!
>I mean TB and Firefly were getting art ever since 2.0
So do a lot of ships, what a weird comment. TB/Firefly didn't get much attention for most of Penacony until recently.
>Also the fact that mihoyo is asking for it just makes it more canon in my eyes
I don't care how canon it is in your eyes, that wasn't the point. The point was why it "took off" and the answer is because mihoyo paid a lot of money to make it happen.
Holy sex!
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Also the official nudity helped in the hype.
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Don't worry, this will scare /them/ away
Just like old days
Nah seseren just makes his own shit and the firefly wallet thing was popular because of the option to drain her credits in the date. And as anon mentioned mihoyo takes a lot of fan stuff anyway like tripling down on the TB raccoon stuff after seeing how much it took off with the fanbase
Lesving aside they shilled it before 2.3 already, no it really didn't take off until 2.2 and the marketing campaign.
>TB/Firefly didn't get much attention for most of Penacony until recently.
Now that's just bullshit.
BailuGODs scriptures are forever etched in /hsrg/ history
join me bwo >>484415037
Bailuschizo crusade was legendary
why does this fucking game HATE ME?!?!
Sparkle pads her chest!
>homospam suspiciously stops when called out
yeah exactly
post UID
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>I don't think they've asked for this kind of art before.
They did, actually. Ayaka is in fact another such example. Which is also why you already know Firefly is gonna get dumped just like Ayaka did after they moved on and cashed out on her.
>No answer
Owari Da.
I have been telling this myself everyday.

But I have a couple of events and side missions remaining. There's also maybe new PF?

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simple as.
foxian pussy drove bladie insane
This is why /hig/ is better, they wouldn't be laughing at us.
It really didn’t, it was already getting a lot in 2.0 especially with the “death” and of course the date. Lots of art was already coming out which was even a surprise at the time considering hsr used to be starved for it in general before 2.0. You act like no one cared at all in the time without the marketing which is just simply not true at all
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You haven't called me out on anything though? You've been arguing with someone else this whole time.
Oh if you have side stuff still leftover you're fine then, I thought you were in the spot of just doing account maintenance with dailies
This board is for males only. Only whores who are desperate for a big cock come to this site.
why we can't be with our bros...
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Is Sparkle tits always this big or did they really mod her chest to be bigger?
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>Not getting her on your first 10 pull
Sorry anon, she doesnt like you
Event should be enough, not to mention the SU reset on monday, but yeah just pray you get her on the next 10
Damn they really bullied you on twitter huh
>Lots of art
A hyperbole. "Some art" would be more accurate. More than half the art for TB/Firefly on pixiv was made after april.
>ywn have a flat gamer wife that takes a bath once a week and never goes out in the sun
why live
>This board is for males only.
Then what are you doing here?
Damage sponge endgame modes are a pointless skinner box, I will not roll for "meta" units that can clear them, put real content into the game (cute girls, good writing, and fun gameplay)
When is Acheron's rerun? Shan't be wasting jades on chinkslop banners.
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You got the two single trannies mad
fucking elio
YJK a stinky femcel wrote this.
should I post how big my cock?
>Fun gameplay
It's over..real Star Rail content never ever..
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Sparkle is quite simply and objectively the sexiest character in this game
I remember early /hsrg/ days when people were shilling that Yukong was going to be incredibly busted, but anyone with a brain who looked at her kit leaks knew that she was gonna be a clunky, speedtuning nightmare.
Does your phone have enough zoom?
Yes please.
>only 3 of those are meta
Stellaron jobbers
Do you think Robin allows her fans to kiss her feet?
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I give you 10 minutes to comply with my request
Only if you bought the limited edition of her album.
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Where can I buy the nearest rope?
I lost the previous 4 coinflips as well.
you need to win a lottery for that
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I'm finally done with this hellhole! My benched Kafka came in clutch and teamed up nicely with my beloved Himeko against the puppets. Now I can rest for the next 2 patches till the next expansion.
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Cute & Canon
I bet her little wings are filled with sensitive nerve endings so it must be an erogenous zone
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I would laugh at you but this shit happens to me as well so I feel you, bro...
fuck the 50/50 system
unlocking the resonances is literally impossible
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Congrats. Surprised you survived the enrage with double sustain.
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It's just a couple though, but I'll grind all I can.

At this point? She hates me.
agaisn't fire weak ennemies, is it better to start the fight with Firefly or Gallagher's technique
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Sure thing anon
Firefly. 200% vs. 50%
start with Ruan Mei and HMC
Why is Blade actually the weakest character here lmao
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Too easy everytime
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Only start with Gallagher is you need the healing from Besotted at the start. Otherwise other attack techniques are generally better.
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Rejected by death, infected with life
Because they hate him
I'll never roll for that bland ass character
Sex with Sparkle dolls
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I'm sorry for your loss, bro...
>Firefly only has one team
Sad... there's no variation, but at least it's f2p friendly
For now.
Post her soles.
>skipping THE Firefly support
Enjoy bricking yourself twice in a row
How powerful is E2 BS? Thinking of snagging it on the rerun.
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Gato, el gato Stella
lingsha soon hermano, believe
>PomPom (shota?)
should've been misha
It started as a Dan2 Run but Svarog and the puppets appeared so I had to make a few changes to the roster. And Fu couldn't solo sustain in the last fight so I had to bench Ruan Mei for Geppard. Took me 3 attempts to get some good luck but I'm happy with the results!
unless the game EoS next month, there's plenty of time for Firefly to get more teammates
I want a hot girl that can replace gallagher
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>yunli got nerfed
>pink fox is jack of two trades, master of none
that's a skip, what should I pull now?
>wasting rolls to roll a character you don't like
you're playing the game wrong
many such cases
From the sounds of it, no one liked the changes for JQ so they just might walk it back. For Yunli, pretty sure only her Eidolons got nerfed?
Maybe their cones? Yunli's sounds good if you still don't have Clara's

Lore accurate Gallagher.
I'm a leg fetishist
Ruan Mei could be boring and all that but her legs are hot as fuck
Pure Fiction becomes joke. Easy 40k. In SU, you can also gain 50 stacks easily. Hard to guess the real value, but the dmg ramps up much faster if minions/extra elites/spawns/trotters/etc
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Acheron could be a fat obese male and I would still roll for her because of the technique
would be cool if we got the other sams and they're also superbreak dps for other elements
>Gallagher is just a better Luochud that recovers more SP because of the action advance ULT
Let this be a lesson to only pull for 5* waifus
>but Fagventurine
Gonna be powercrept by a free 4* preservation soon
superbreak is a new mechanic in the game. just like kafka first release, you cope with sampo or serval for her team
that'd make firefly feel less special
You have a bunch of low pity spooks, that's not bad.
>FF team kept dying
>had to switch to ack
i cant wait to job on difficulties V and VI!
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Save for snek!
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Wind weak MoC when? I want to use my Blade!!
I never pulled clara but I have her cone
Who the fuck is lingma
I hate these bugs like you wouldn't believe
lingsha balls lmao
whenever they release a new wind character, this game revolves around shilling new characters
Anon, I... I'm tearing up.

May your journey be forever peaceful, and your schemes forever concealed.
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Sitting behind her and taking a big whiff when she's not looking!
the counter multiplier got lowered like a 20%
you're welcome brother, every firefriend is my friend
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>that size difference
built to be picked up
just use him regardless of weakness
It demonstrates why women wear heels
this kind of socks are so sexy...
Silence. Fools.
How fat is Sparkle's ass though?
I will only ever play and roll character whose story AND design AND animations I like. That's the whole point imo
And now you have 90+ less tickets to use for a character you absolutely love
>whenever they release a new wind character
Black Swan release didn't really help Blade due to the dot shilling.
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Skill issue desu
>I will only ever play and roll character whose story AND design AND animations I like. That's the whole point imo
the thing is, I agree with you. That's why I won't roll for the gay ass pink fox. But Ruan Mei is hot so I don't mind rolling for her
>Fu Xuan instead of Gallagher
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At least I am not autoing trash mobs in SU
>firefly shill effect
You didn't beat it.
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I did though
>But Ruan Mei is hot so I don't mind rolling for her
I mean sure, I personally don't like Ruan Mei (I liked her quest and story characterization a lot though) but I'm sure a lot of people rolled for her because they love her design and find her animations pretty
>you have to beat endgame content with dang, march, serbal and natasha or doesn't count!
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I've skipped Acheron so it will ALWAYS count no matter how much you seethe and piss yourself
I don't like DU.
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>what should I pull now?
Fox queen for your FuA team, Snek doctor for your break team
Fuckin nonesense how I’ve been grinding for a quantum Duran ball for a week now and the game just gives me everything BUT quantum. It shouldn’t be this hard and yet here I am. Suffering.
I like that isn't very long, but I dislike the amount of rng (there's too many run bricking curios)
bro your resin?
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I'm pulling for Madoka as my Imaginary Erudition for the upcoming PF. Her kit seems really good too.
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Do you like your hags with pubes or without pubes?
if Homura is not Nihility, I'm dropping this shit
>Forced elements
Wow, it's garbage. Fucking Mami gets "Earth" really? She should be cheese
Pubes obviously
Cant wait for sex mods
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How's the Firefly sales hsrg?
I bets it's a total flop compared to Genshin or WuWa sales.
Maybe I'm slow, but why do they all seem to have two "first names"?
Does besotted work for superbreak or just BE damage?
>models still look kinda shit compared to hoyo models
Japan pls it can't be that hard
They don't?
Imo it's fine, making it more "detailed" would betray the artstyle.
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Genshin models suck
happens with nip names, in this case the first name is the given name and the second the family name (surname), normally it's written the other way around
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What does the Yunli LC do? I can't find the text anywhere.
I guess I've heard Sakura as a last name before, but the rest I've only generally heard as first names.
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Furina GODDAMNED flopped
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previous Nameless
>one discovered how to utilize the memoria thingy effectively making her the real founder of Penacony
>The Watchmaker btfo the IPC fucks away from Penacony
>one survived the Swarm, joined the galaxy rangers and became a force ghost to lead Acheron to save Penacony

modern Nameless
>a Chinese neet
>cute girl but has low IQ
>autistic nigga who likes trash
>a hot girl but a c*ffee addict
>a fraud

what went wrong with the Nameless bros? Himeko and co. are a joke compared to the old niggas
>/gig/tards trying to force sales shitposting for the nth time today
When will the samefagging end
Okay I genuinely don't remember Sayaka using a katana lol
Pompom stop larping as Hook.
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give em a break, their last game looked like this
kek and this is even with Firefly's first week missing
Greater chance for the wearer to get hit
Crit dmg +36%
After using ult your FUA does 36% more dmg and it has 2 stacks
She doesn't, its a saber. You can see the handguard, but its very low poly...
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can't wait for the ipc support to powercreep her
imagine taking the bait and not playing the long game
I think those are weapons, I'm 99% sure she uses a rapier. Even Madoka uses some flower staff.
God, what was the name of this one again?
Preservation, Destruction, Abundance, Hunt, Erudition
>Himeko and co. are a joke compared to the old niggas
Dan alone could solo the old express, Welt has a black hole, Himeko has the biggest bag in the galaxy, March is probably an emanator and the MC will fight a god in the end game
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>Dyke shitpact turd not even on the charts
Based, now this proves no one likes that dead game so gtfo hig.
No one likes your kind here
She always used a saber
Dan could be more but can't because he'd be a one-button problem solver.
They still want to be coy about March's background.
Caelus/Stelle are primed for big things but are hampered by being born yesterday.
Himeko hasn't had her turn to get some focus yet.
Welt won't come back into focus until they bring back VA and they start implementing stuff about Honkai.
Nope, this is the extrapolated version the chart maker came up with. Sensortower data was around 50mil raw.
>Collei a teenager is taller than Lady Fu
how? Fu is such a joke
To be fair they have to follow Madoka's artstyle.
Sinoalice, it looks dated but it did come out 7 years ago so...
I think anon means that PMMM girls's surnames actually sound like personal first names.
Sinoalice, also known as Kusoalice
Lady Fu would never say that.
>Dan could be more but can't because he'd be a one-button problem solver.
Always a bullshit excuse, we were with Firefly and Acheron a lot in Penacony and they can easily solo him.
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>aventurine hmc robin
who do I add to my band?
this is purely for memes not viability
I always get a laugh out of the reminder what a irrelevant kusoge BA really is.
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No one likes dykes here
>JJK picking up
The fuck? What happened?
maybe I should really drop it after all...
>Naruto, Arknights and Nikke taking the biggest hits
How did that happen?
Stop being so tsun
Newfag here, I got Clara cone on the LC banner and now I got it again on standard... Tell me it's good and who to put them on
We love dykes here, sorry sis.
I bet Blade can play some mean hand harmonica.
anon...madoka uses a bow....
Acheron was unironically not allowed to do anything though, and Firefly was either chained to fighting Acheron for 2 seconds, running away during the big fight because of le scripterino, or being used in the shitty ass 2.3 finale
The way they limited their power usage (aside from Acheron doing unsheathing her sword ONCE to break the dreamscape, Aventurine fight doesn't count because the entirety of 2.1 is literally filler now) is pretty similar to Fag Heng, because they don't do anything either, but atleast you get to see them I guess
Its good for your Clara.
>reminded of the character models genshin has for the Eremite Charaxteds

If they ever took those models and made them actual playable characters in their games, I’d fucking roll for em in a heart beat. You telling me nobody would roll for characters like Jeht or the Geo Eremites?

Oh who am I kidding. Star rail can’t even bring itself to give us Screwllum as a playable character. ZZZ’s a thing now tho but I’m sure even that has a formula that’ll show herself for how far they’ll finally go with designs.
Both actively were not fighting at their peak for the entire story. That's the problem with writing strong as fuck characters, you always have to contrive a reason why they don't just brute force everything.

That whole scene with FF's "death" by the meme wouldn't have played out like that if Dan was present and able to cut loose.
fuck nice one
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Naruto released Madara I think last month and NIkke and AK had their anniversary or something.
After a decade now I just notice... And then they change it to a three branched one later on.
AK just had their anni iirc so this was after that
Vonwacq's lore is kinda fucked up
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the bandages are from practicing his sick harmonica skills

what's the Naruto gameplay like? I imagine any story is separate from "canon"
Boothill for Galaxy Ranger or Sparkle for Masked Fools
I don't even know wtf Dan's powers are supposed to be about, summoning some gay dragon doesn't sound particularly powerful.
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3500 jades is nothing
>it is so over
What makes you think Dan would have been able to do anything when both ACK and BS couldn't.
Who knows. All his displays of power specifically happened on that one area where the dragon is. I guess he floats.
why is mami wind? she should be light like madoka.
Chink wankers.
What do you expect.
No one here likes any of the chink characters except Lady Fu and Sushang.
It's all right on Clara but the F2P destruction cone you get from simulated universe is better for most characters.
It's not the worst thing if you have 2 destruction DPS though, one of them can get Aeon (simulated universe) the other can use Clara's PNG.
She's Forest. Why? Hell if I know, should have been Light like Madoka but guess they didn't want repeats.
Are there any cringe AMVs of Dan2 damage showcases with Imagine Dragons in the background
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>Blade isn't in the far left
>bring back VA and they start implementing stuff about Honkai.
Good thing this will never happen.
im stealing this march

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