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>What is Project SEKAI?
Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage! ft. Hatsune Miku is a rhythm game made in collaboration with Crypton Future Media and Sega. It features the 6 main Vocaloids from Crypton, along with a cast of original characters.

There are currently three other versions of Project SEKAI.
Taiwanese and Korean versions are available in their respective regions.
An English version, Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, is also available.

/psg/ FAQ - READ THIS IF YOU'RE NEW! - https://pastebin.com/JcVaEtvU
Sekai Viewer - https://sekai.best/
Sekai Wiki - https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

>Current Event
Boosted Attribute: Mysterious
Boosted Members: Vivid BAD SQUAD (and its Virtual Singers)
Event Song by Giga (https://twitter.com/GigaMozuku) and TeddyLoid (https://twitter.com/TeddyLoidSpace)

>Current Gacha
The Party of Blast!! (Limited)
Kohane, Akito, Miku (VBS)
Bloom Fes (Limited)
Kanade, MEIKO

>Translated stories
Leo/need: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6Ipu35gWc72Fg1pMaEunvUqRK
MORE MORE JUMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpuPVqm3NC0udfd4HbuaBlJZ
Vivid BAD SQUAD: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuetmkI-iYKlifuRI_0DN7gMFpTOjfyC-
Wonderlands × Showtime: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQdjQpE3RJWfu4s8o4rmOLRYiS87UrSlO
25-ji, Nightcord de.: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpsE78AMA4am8HVZuaUQ7k-f

>Translated event stories

>Untranslated card stories

Previous: >>483791529
>play BFEG expert in ranked
>choke the FC at the end so -2
>opponent FCs the song
>our point score is tied somehow
>I had more perfects, so I win
oh, come on. how can I be happy with a win like that?
I get it if I had a higher score, but if there's a tie and one person FCs it, they should win. I fucking lost that match, period.
What makes the Empty Sekai so unique (other than everything else), much like Wonderland Sekai, is how it's a manifestation of only one person's feelings rather than a group. It's so lame trying to erase that and go "actually this is just like all the other"
Freudian analysis of Wonderland Sekai's manifestation of Tsukasa's feelings
Miku - Subconscious desire to be infecfted with rabies by a feral woman (Emu)
Kaito - Subconscious manifestation of the self as a beta male who is pushed around
Len/Rin - He likes the colors yellow and orange
Luka - Subconscious desire to be drugged to sleep by a dangerously tenacious woman (Emu)
Meiko - Subsconscious desire to be tossed around by a woman with powerful strength (Emu)
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I'm fine with the scoring system favoring better accuracy. Better incentive to play through the full song instead of disconnecting as soon as you break the FC.
I feel like they really dialed back on the "Ena = Rin, Mizuki = Meiko, Kanade = Luka", with both Len and Kaito being directly based on aspects of Mafuyu (which would be very unbalanced with half being Mafuyu's), and then Colopale basically stopped pairing them all the time, compare how Luka interacted with Mizuki in the beginning (specially Footprints) compared to all the next events, previously it almost seemed like she would step back because Meiko was "supposed" to be the one helping Mizuki, but they stopped doing that and now anyone can help anyone and there is no one being assigned to specific Niigo members.
That person might have been correct at some point, but clearly the direction for the Niigo VS changed a long time ago. And honestly I prefer this way.
That's the case with every group though.
Sneed Saki = Rin, Meiko = Honami, Luka = Shizuku, Len is originally there for the bad dogs, Kaito for wxs boys and Miku mainly Emu, later they say she's also like Tsukasa, and everyone goes with everyone in all sekai now because it makes more sense for everyone to interact together. Doesn't change that their initial origin is usually tied to one character, moreso with the empty sekai, and when everyone else got "their" VS it makes sense that Mafuyu would get the rest since it's her sekai and the focus from that point onward was all about her/change in her own feelings
The issue with using combo as an early tiebreak is it starts making it so not all misses are equal. It means notes near the start/end of a song are innately worth less than notes in the middle, and not all songs have difficulty that would reflect that. Also the core difference here is that it penalizes Goods and below more while rewarding Perfects less. The current tiebreak system prioritizes general accuracy and less mistakes of any kind (i.e. Greats) while a combo based tiebreak would prioritize never having one major mistake that breaks the combo. The Perfect timing window is tighter than the Great timing window so it makes sense to use Perfects as the first tiebreak.
It kind of happens already. Someone quit out on me while I was doing my placements last month. They got 1 great and immediately disconnected. Probably assumed it was going to be an AP or lose match.
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Only good part of this event
I guess, I just don't think the origin is too important if it's basically dropped and ignored at this point, it was used up to the 2nd rotation and comes the 3rd and it's like it wasn't there to begin with.
I feel this happened because Colopale wanted the VS to be more of their own characters.
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>drugged to sleep by a dangerously tenacious woman (Emu)
nah, that's Louise's job after she transitions (Mizuki was finally able to convince her)
Besides Rin I didn't really get the impression that the other Niigo VS were tied to specific characters beyond their introductory events. It's easy to track in Mizuki's case since any interaction with Meiko usually means he's having trouble approaching something or wants to keep his distance (Secret Distance, WL chapter), whereas Luka approaches him when he's willing to face things without running away (Tied Ribbon, Our Escape).
I think it's because Mafuyu said Luka reminded her of Kanade, because "You both want me to be honest with my feelings", that is it, that is why they are tied together somehow. It's kinda shallow really and to think people clung to this is dumb
At least Meiko and Mizuki is less dumb but still dumb, because both like to keep their distances I guess
When will Niigo Kaito slap the trap out of Mizuki?
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I like it when Tsumasa and Shizuku talk at the same time
Add a comma between hog and Mafuyu and yeah that’s every niigo event
Who is Tsumasa?
Tsukasa’s evil brother who is smart, quiet and heterosexual
Touya isn't evil or heterosexual
Cant wait to read this event later!
It's all so tiresome...
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What would you do if Saki got a rabbithole costume?
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>whenever mafuyu is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "where's mafuyu?"
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easily one of my best ones
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Just in time for her event
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today i saw a girl with a sneedku nui
Emu is meaning smile!
Where are the Rui x Miyake fujos
they hang out with the Tsukasa x Taniyama fans
Their interaction is funny, never would've thought of putting these 2 in the same place
They are both too short to contain the rage that fills them
their rage is like this though
That’s how Shizuku and Rui handle them
I can’t believe Airi is allergic to herself…
I remember thinking "oh of course these characters would interact like this" when the event happened on JP. Fun event considering what happens next.
I can't believe Airi cured cancer
What a fun event. I really enjoyed the tard wrangling and cross-school interactions, although Mafuyu was just a 5th wheel in all this who didn't do much (except think about Ena).
Also I think there's something wrong with my game. /psg/ and fanart told me there was supposed to be hot steamy gay ghost sex on screen.
our response doujinbros?
ghosts are invisible, anon, that's why you couldn't see it
A (yuri) manga artist who started casually playing the game tweeted that they thought ghost Shizuku was canon based on how much JP szai fic is based off it kek
lmao. the amount of fan content this event generated was insane.
We've gone too many posts without talking about Mafuyu.
It's literally only been 4 posts
I'm a straight male and I condone Ruikasa
Get off of 4chan clown Kaito, you’re late to your CBT session with Miku
The wranglers complaining about their tardhusbandwives
You’re right. New discussion topic: Why hasn’t Mafuyu enslaved Toya set? You’d think the developers would’ve thought of that by now
30 mins of Happy Everyday once a day can cure any disease.
Which Touya set?
I wish Mafuyu enslaved me
Probably the Knight one, although I don't see why, Mafuyu and Toya are both of the black kingdom
You have to read the event story 4444 times without skipping or using auto, taps only.
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The plantation owner vs slave vs freedom fighter set. Three fifths Touya and Black Dahlia Mafuyu was a crazy set
Tsukasa's the tard in that relationship, even if he's the one who does the wrangling
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alright here we go again 4443 times, this better be worth it...
>mini ghostzuku
most terrifying thing about this image
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I don't want Pika Chu, I want Nene Chu
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Icchan is so lucky to have such a fleshy gf...
This game is very gay
I don't understand how that changes anything
Silly Anon, while yes, Saki is 16, this isn't Saki, this is an unnamed thing created by AI trying to resemble a well endowed Saki.
I don't think it's that much of a stretch to imagine Saki getting ridiculously endowed while being sedentary in the hospital
I don't think it's that much of a stretch to imagine Saki having sex with random ojisans to relieve the boredom of being stuck in a hospital
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Now, you wouldn't say these things about Jesus, right Anons?
excuse thewestieslop artsyle
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coomers killed the thread
Beyond the bump by Vivid BUMP SQUAD

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