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>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>484360626
dogshit game
Shit game
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When are they going to nerf drive rush?
Godtier game
everyone when jive
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Brown People General
Most of us here are gay, schizo.
i play two characters who have been considered top 5 since release and even before all the buffs, i had a much easier, less stressful time playing aki just because she's better at sliming than the former
everyone when kami 6
Worse, zoomers larping as blacks
Too true anon
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it's time to buff luke
So was Rynge dropped from Evo? Or the FUCKING Saudi money tournament
And are they running fucking Marine and Cola at Evo....
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Embrace slime
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bisonchads are you still enjoying him or are the fraud carried allegations winning
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the horror engine claims another
no the filename is correct as mickey6
He does strive right
They have options it's not personal I'm sure
christ almighty please at least get Jwong and Yipes for top 6.
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mickey. 5. lmao
every game outside of RE capcom makes just looks abhorrent now, it's kinda grim
He aight
Sorry, Chen and Cola!
rather, mickey6
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
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drdr looks great though? the only weird things in that webm are the washed out hair and eye color, which looks off, maybe that will be fixed. pretty much every other character looks really good and the remake looks very faithful.
Shit game but not as shitty as Dix. SF4 still the best.
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I’m sure it angers you to no end for some reason
- Street Fighter 6
Anon I played N groove Bison in CvS 2, no amount of allegations can stop me
alas, mickey6
meant to type 5
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>gets turned into a GILF
based capcom
Dedicated to being a gay menace
When are they going to nerf drive rush?
Post dog again and ask a third time, it's the only way
Marfan syndrome anon, I kneel
Looks like a tranny now. Bravo!
I do this too
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Will there ever be a good looking 3D Street Fighter?
many such cases...
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>IRL street fighter character
what's your frame data bro
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No. They have to resurrect 2D. Making 2D games in 3D is so fucking awful. Especially when it's obviously outsourced to various third world sweatshops.
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The funny thing is that six gives super powers and Timmies STILL can’t win Evo or CPTs.
This game gives you the gene type of power and you’re telling me some smash timmy or CSGO mutant who says heil hitler can’t crack a top 8?
you built like the kind of kid who can't hold eye contact with cashiers
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When are they going to nerf drive rush?
Strive sucks but it's beautiful, the 3d models are all drawn like 2d anime and it's works perfectly.
The design philosophy of the characters is a weeaboo nightmare thoughbeit
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>sfv woulda had 27 chun costumes by now
pic unrelated
I'm always plus, even on chromosomes. I love SF6.
Never or season 4+
They like it right now, as it gives free pressure and connects basic combos together for newbies that can't learn. It's working as intended and they don't mind that tournament brackets look like Nickelodeon live segments.
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pic very related
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I think the wannabe 2D look of Strive is awful. The game does look great but I wish they had just ditched the pseudo 2D animations and made them fluid as 3D is best observed at.

With that said, yeah GG is kind of proof you can do 3D right if there is a proper artistic vision behind the game. SF doesn't have this.
SF division is where all interns and people still learning are. If the developer proves to be good at it Capcom will move him to work on real games like Monster Hunter or Resident Evil .
lol she's the one who took his job
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certified m1ckey moment
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>And are they running fucking Marine and Cola at Evo....
Fuck no... Yipes and Justin Wong commentary was so fucking soul at CEO, I don't want to go back to this...
niggas really tried to tell me this game isn't jive 2.0 lmao
jivers... what is our response
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Based MuhreenFord just giving tit jobs for a spot
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Daigo is a content creator albeit.
Jive didnt have plus on block overheads leading into 80% combos
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COTW waiting room.
What is the name of this phone game and I can I download it on Google Play Store?
I used to be one of those people that claimed engines had nothing to do with the visuals of a game
man how I was wrong, everything in this dogshit engine looks like garbage
>70% combo
Are dixers retarded?
sffags spent years making fun of strive tods just to defend hobo bison months later
>SNK knew shit like this would happen so the "punish counter" in COTW is HEAVILY nerfed.

COTW fucking waiting room!
the neutral game street fighter is known for
They need more budget to consider "proper artistic vision"
I'll be honest I really think they should have pandered to the gays harder, it worked out for GG big time and took them from anikuso event to Evo headliner (while sfv was on life support of course)
Capcom doesn't wanna dump money into sf while there's multiple RE games in development
And this is why Akuma will never win a tournament, ever. You cannot avoid being hit in this retarded ass game
punk literally just won ceo
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A fine addition to my mickey collection
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Fuck are you talking about? Xrd was the best looking GG and it had no obnoxious gay shit.
punk literally played akuma in one set against dcq and won. he did not only play akuma
abigail on release did the same shit, just with a cc instead and a messy guessie after. 6 is more mickey sure, but people complained about similar stuff in v and got it changed.
dude is a moron, every oh in v did not lead such damage. and menats stuff took execution, while seth required a very specific setup that was easy to mess up. to do sf6 damage in v you needed a stun or a crazy counter hit conversion or play abigail or poison before the nerfs.
Silence weeb, your franchise is the gayest one and you love it
as the zoomies say
>Silence weeb
How do you know that anon wants to be japanese?
every player is going to have a pocket akuma/bison, kek.
Blacklist Bison
>make damage too high
>players complain
>lower damage
>release new game
>make damage too high
why is it always like this?
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Cute but akuma shouldn't sit with his feet almost touching the fruit like that, I would feel weird about it personally
capcom still remembers all of the complaining in street fighter x tekken
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I ship them
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
Are u all gonna learn a heckin cool infinite in marvel 2
some characters just get special treatment so people buy the pass or to appeal to casuals idk. capcom and fighting game balancing in general is schizophrenic. they will release a character like bison and then put manon in the same game.
Capcom doesn't even remember the plot from sfv, fat chance
re doesn't look great either it just fully leans into photorealism which is apparently the only thing capcom can pull off anymore
a bunch of shit that happened in 5 is referenced in 6. especially with returning 5 characters and bison. the only thing they arent referenced yet is the G prophecy shit yet, which they can't since that is all tied up in the illuminati story and with characters that aren't in the game yet like menat or rose. akis entire backstory is shit from 5.
'dox never misses
I want to it's just too hard to imagine, I can't see it.
It's like trying to date a rock
im going to create a street fighter association in america to create top players who wants in?
whats with shipniggas and basing their entire pairing on a single out of context screenshot
Do we get performance enhancing drugs free of charge? If so I'm in
I don't live in America.
you say that till they add gems to Super SF6
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What percentage of Sajam's audience is white?
It's amazing all you have to do is be caucasian and you amass the largest audiences in the space. He doesn't offer anything uniquely insightful or entertaining he just talks with a nasally voice and boom 1500 concurrent viewers on any given stream.
what's you policy on juicing and chewing tobacco?
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the amount of games ive won today thanks to v robbery is absolutely insane
jive is so goofy
of course if its determined necessary by our medical examiner
how would you juice also chewing tobacco is fine
refer to https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/462910448/#462955430 for the final word on shiptard psychology
Capcom hates the French apparently.
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told you fucking niggas
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>menats stuff took execution
It didn't if you bothered to actually take 15 minutes to lab it. Stop glorifying her
this fucking faggot needs a nerf yesterday
I like vesper more but its essentially the "I'm heckin vibing bro" attitude. Lotta the black players are a tad too serious mid game.
Are you, or do any anons have that schizo image explaining the sun and moon conspiracies about the illuminati plot with G and menat/Rashid and shit?
I only click his videos because he's medium attractive white guy, ngl
her execution wasn't bulleta loop difficult or anything but sako himself dropped her combos all the time. so did rike, but a little less often from what i remember. it used to be a bit of meme during cpt when chen would hype up sakos execution, and then he would drop a menat combo.
Why is Street Fighter even still a 6 button fighter instead of an 8 button fighter if people are gonna button bind drive parry, and drive impact anyways?
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Shut up sonic
that's 80% of his audience. not like he's a good player.
sf6 is not a fighting game
Kusoge 6. Absolutely disgusting display
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>They picked terry and Mai because they fit the vibe of sf6 and revive the genre etc
>There's no fun costumes or character outfits in six because fuck you
>This means no VSav representation at all, since monsters and girls with guns don't fit the vibe and they won't be added as costumes
Xhe's right hou know
Justin is ok yipes is cringe
you can be all three of those things if you're funny and entertaining, instead he wallows in self pity.
And they still had consistent execution, on top of that her vt1 also let her do mixup. Menat players got better at them and optimized more but then the nerfs kicked in. It was pretty much the only thing that required effort in her honestly.
Not particularly, but better to watch than some ugly with a chip on their shoulder that skews their perspective.
I fucking hate sajam. It's a crime that this faggot has following
so...we agree then? not sure why you took issue with stating that menat combos took execution when you say right there it required effort.
any parallel universe where Alex and Makoto schizos never existed?
GAWDemezie don't miss.
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CEO 2024 Super Turbo Winners

I have beaten Zoolander on fightcade.
I was not aware he was considered a top player.
I'm not sure how I should process this.
you should enter riz0ne's st tournaments
Makoto should have been a 3S only scrimblo. The fact that she made it into 4 ruined this timeline.
Literally pay to win. Game is so over designed with system mechanics that all characters play basically the same. Allows them to deliberately over tune damage and pressure and just nerf it later after people buy new characters.
Why do you hate him
no not poor Akuma
nta but a lot of his talking points boil down to "X is good because it keeps Y in check" and an normal person goes "well shouldn't they both get a look at then?"
Aki sucked and got buffed to high tier afterwards though, it was reversed.
I do think akuma and bison will settle into top 10 but not top as people learn how to beat their cheese
is arturo still banned from entering the chicago supertimmybowl?
I think it has more to do with his incredibly smug aura. His talking points are nothing noteworthy either way imo.
Because Z can then creep up and be even worse in the new meta
Free F champ btw
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>street fighter 6
There's nothing "cheesy" about a spacing trap or overhead though like what was shown in that clip. These things work now and will continue to work for years. We just watched DCQ get hit with like 7 overheads in grand finals of CEO against Punk's Akuma. The game is designed for you to get hit by these things.
Despite all the societal brainwashing, people still love white people.
Street Fighter 6
my favorite is when he gets irritated at his chat when everyone knows the golden rule is chat is a reflection of the streamer. Act like a smug know it all, get viewers that act like smug know it alls.
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behold the fruits of my 9 robbed games streak
Only very relative execution. It wasn't really special inside an outside Jive past S3
World tour is hot garbage
Chun Li vaginal farts
it's the worst gaming experience i've had in 5+ years and i played valorant
go play Tekken 8 ranked right now and enhance that
you mog everyone in this thread unironically
congrats on your coin tossing skills
tekken 8 is fun compared to mashing crouching light kick against roombas and throw looping the final boss for 2 straight minutes every round
you wouldnt be saying that if you saw how that guile downloaded my ass and knocked me back down
it's REALLY that easy to figure it out tekken tards basically like a dog whistle for the "hmmm yeah Tekken sucks but see......(any other franchise) sucks more"
That's basically 1700 MR
Did your under leveled john streets get mogged by the bots, anon
It's okay.
prepare to get fultoned nerd, you will be playing Street Fighter 6 from now on
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Notate a PJ Tiffany combo RIGHT NOW
No googling BITCH
outside of 1f microwalk stuff and situational seth combos, abigail juggles, and spacing dependent stuff like urien headbutt loops and oro fireball loops there wasn't really much else that demanded similar or greater effort, so in my opinion it was special within sfv.
That's German....
Maybe this game shouldn’t come back. It’s too flashy
nta but i enjoyed wt quite a bit but capcom really needed to consult with other developers within the company that have experience with rpg development. the questing is repetitive and tedious most of the time, and the skill upgrades don't feel impactful for the player. almost the entire game is fetch quests and mechanics like the day/night changes just get in the way of playing the game. leveling is also very slow and too many things require grinding, especially post-game. having to run to a location, talk to someone for 5s, teleport to home, change the time, run back, teleport back again multiple times within the same quest is horrible design, and it often happens in the latter part of the game and during post-game. having a dedicated map shortcut and the ability to change the day from your phone is such an obvious qol improvement that it is baffling as to why it is not in the game. would have also been nice if the masters did something during the plot as well instead of only having social links.
this fun game?

yeah but afrikaans shares a bit from dutch and dutch shares the same language family as german, so for the sake of my shitpost I will carry on and you will be fultoned.
all the damage being off of an overhead is what really makes this dogshit
had to eat a high low mixup where both instances of a wrong guess lead to this
No different than the baby food video.
The king was being retarded and didn’t stop mashing
valorant is fun
doing that to som scrub and turning them into a perma seether that will start bringing up how bad tekken 8 is in off topic threads sounds like amazing fun to me
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Fun fact the king is a CSGO black guy. And he would shout on mic too on that game. Don’t know if he still plays either
I think so too, my friend plays it and invites me sometimes even though I'm not great. Always a hoot
tekken is on topic, just like SNK games are now
After playing SF6 and being forced to respect idiots mashing random shit because I make myself minus every time I'm not sliming, seeing a clip of a game where a masher gets shit on isn't so bad.
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Tekken is on topic since SFxT is counted by Capcom lol
Guests exists too so the mishima Zaibatsu coming to Nayshal will happen. Dixies need to accept Capcom shat on their “noble” game.
the Reina is the one mashing more than him
The reina literally did one combo because the king wasn’t fucking blocking or side stepping lol.
This argument doesn’t even work if you know you can just dick jab her after the first hit block
im quitting dog6 and becoming a professional master duel player
she's on offense while king keeps getting hit, why would she stop?
Reminder this place was losing its marbles to manon month 1. No shit they think a reina should give a free turn to king player
Isn't that the most expensive game
another dog whistle to T**** players, congrats on taking the bait
This whole thing started because someone talked shit about SF6 and some Capcuck replied to go "but what about (other game)?"
Pretty sure they spam that webm more on /tekgen/ and even know the streamable link by heart. It’s just that funny.
This isn’t close to it but man, was it funny live
that was me and you took it again
master duel is online and somewhat f2p friendly unless you want to make shitloads of decks. paper is what is really expensive.
*I'm gonna copy things other people do and being Konami's hostage on my own now
i dont need to netdeck since i just flip skill drain and go jerk off
>thriving game
>Dead general
That's ok I'm sure everyone is real busy today
who are the best modern characters
So Bison actually being fun is bad?
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fun == winning, for fighting game players
Imo Luke, ken, cammy, blanka, and JP
They all lose stuff but have what they need still
>so in my opinion it was special within sfv
Super low bar there anon.
Below like 1600 MR No it's fine, he's not optimal, he's dropping, hesitating, etc.
Above that idk, the clip from earlier was pretty damning.
Punk is black, loud, obnoxious, and toxic too

BUT, he is entertaining and have skill. Nobody would turn up to watch Punk if he got washed by some 1500mr Ken and proceeded to have an autistic psychotic attack. I mean, maybe they would, but as soon as that became normal, people would just ignore him
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most characters are designed to interact with other characters' kits with the player's individual skill being what lets them interact with the game's systems (as in checking di and dr).
bison is a "problem" to them because his kit interacts with other kits AND with systems. so they go
>duhhhhh here cums muh fireball drive rush-WTF HE CAN JUST PSYCHO CRUSHER
>uhhhhhhh.... th-then here comes my raw slime- WTF HE CAN JUST PSYCHO CRUSHER
basically he makes you play the game like it's a fighting game which is mindbreaking everyone.
only thing overtuned is his damage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nobody would turn up to watch Punk if he got washed by some 1500mr Ken and proceeded to have an autistic psychotic attack
Anon, asides from being overtuned he's actually well designed as a character lol.
is ranked still filled with bisons i havent played in a week because of this broken fucker
More now than ever.
They're outnumbering Akumas nowadays
yes they're all having fun
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>reminder bison will only get damage adjustments and slightly more recovery on whiffed normals
>So instead of getting overheaded 3 times it'll be 5
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Fuck bison
niggas get hit by overheads and crossups in a game that has a button that you can hold to autoblock high/low/left/right at the same time that's nuts
are we one month away from the Leroy incident but for SF6?
Nooo but they nerfed it so when you take the throw it really really Hurts!!
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>dictator akuma top 8
>all americans
was ceo top 8 worth watching should i check it out
the conversation and scope is about sfv and sf6, which have similar execution floors and ceilings, though 6 is easier in a few ways. it's a fact that menat had harder execution than most other sfv characters. going "well your bar is low" when the topic is not about general execution or discussing the games with the hardest execution requirements doesn't seem relevant.
we need one female char player at top 8 too to emulate it
Bison & Akumas. They pretty much are culling each other off like a perfectly balanced ecosystem.
/sfg/ be like
>Why are you complaining? SF has always been about getting a random knockdown midscreen and then doing slime oki for 70%
mayhaps tokido was right about akuma being competitively unviable in this game
>noah in the top 8
Nigga yes
Always always always ALWAYS listen to Tokido when he talks about top tier. He will never lie to you about it
Yes. You finally got it. I'm proud of you.
The game is fine
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at least we're not FF 14 players
>"He will never lie to you about it"
>When he LITERALLY wrote a paper called "The Art of Lying" in his undergrad at Todai.
I really do think some people are born to be conned.
Fake news
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>medicine student AND Akuma player in the same way Xiaohai loves Iori
>never lies
Lalafells had me acting different
Keep in mind that Terry is going to be more broken than Akuma and Bipson combined
Yes he's played Akuma in the past and said he's top 1? the hell are you retards on about. he always admits who he plays is top tier, he's never lied about it.
he was the only person to say akuma was top 1 when he came out in jive. and guess what? he was right. if tokido says a character is top tier, they're fucking top tier
cant wait to stop that little fuckface into the ground actually
I don't think I can come up with a more broken character they could put in from KoF/FF in SF6 and they still did it, fireball into crack shoot or DR will break the game
That actually the translated title of the book title into French. He originally sought a direct 1:1 translation but he changed it because it was too cliché.
>Muh Tokido
That washed up grifter can't even break top 16 nowadays. And didn't he go 1-7 in a recent Japanese event?
A new character should just be an octopus that everyone else thinks looks like a normal person that has a odd quirk they cant figure out.
Jappa humor
Octodad with the 8-way mixup!!
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>they doubt tokido
don't trust pro players
Pros stay lying
so bison players are the most carried right
thats ed actually
Yeah trust Lil'Kevin with his "waaaa Manon too scary and pink >:^[" school yard takes 24/7.
>better than 99% of the player base
>washed up
tokido lowkey ass without red fireball vtrigger akuma or sf4 akuma
Yeah, it's true. People also make fun of players like Daigo, Brian F, Smug, Shine, and Noah for being ass. Because they are.
>say this is a brown person general
>post his brown chaffing hand from gooning so much
what did you mean by this, did you want to be even more browner towards the nigger side?
Tokido fucked people up with Urien and Luke?
>300 seconds waitout to make a thread
fuck this, i'll keep shitposting here
Cammy's smile is so pretty bros
Cammy looks like such a dumb bitch bros
cammy won't be so smug after my patented rape therapy
i'm addicted to jerking my little brown cock to Cammy
brainlets usually only think in extremes
going to kiss bison and make him feel better
yes, because most people only think he's fun because he's currently laughably overtuned and braindead easy to play
only thing making him fun is how much less effort he takes compared to most other characters not named honda
>wanting the boss of SF to be mid or ass
you niggas want him to be like SFV Gill or something?
having so much fun with SF5 Luke, why is it bad??
you just described bison "countering" the entire game with one single safe on block, fullscreen, super cancellable move and you're denying he's a problem?
i think he's fun because he's the first character in sf6 that i've actually liked and wanted to play, even before they released him overtuned, and i'll be playing him til probably forever because lmao at the idea of them adding any more cool chars
only smart people goon to cammy
Aren’t you supposed to be going crazy about women and smash again?
you're literally replying to a newfag
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/our/ nigga ROG is coming back though
no thats u
Well, one of those made top 6 at Evo. The other ones are either actually washed up or just got their superpowers with SF6.
>it's not that mickey6 is a scrubby game that gave everyone superpowers!!
>it's just that........ tokido is washed up! uma is better!
dixniggas keep coping daily
the fact that he doesn't play 200 other games anymore literally means that, yes he is washed up
>first WT quest for Rog
>"You need to find something really big, and just hit it hard as fuck. Go over to here and you'll find it."
>fight an elephant and wreck it
>it was Dhalsim's second elephant
if you see bison holding a charge maybe reconsider trying your full-screen options that you know will get hit by od psycho crusher
SFV Gill was an actually fun and well-designed character despite being low tier, going much beyond the superficial appeal of "lol I'm mashing random specials and still winning", so yes, I do wish Bison was more like SFV Gill.
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>replying to Bison players after SF4
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Brown Cammy gooner has an epic chance to own this Smash cracker Timmy by posting his face even if its blurred!! show that fraud you're white!
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motion dash punch in just a year
bros I dont think I like Bison.
everytime I play him, I feel like a toddler button mashing.
what the fuck am I doing?
cr.mk>lk flash kick
lk jump at full screen, if they press a button press punch and go get em
put the bomb on them then mash
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>Capcom just letting udon run wild with this fucking still
The actual genuine vampire fans on fightcade really are the only ones left
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Based Reiq
What kind of material is Cammy's leotard even made of? Looks kinda uncomfortable and prone to observing odors.
something something licking cammy's butthole
very original post incoming
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Rog fucking sucks and has no dignity.
If Capcom were smart they would add the chad gentleman boxer who actually knows how to fucking read before they bring back Rog's illiterate unga bunga ass, but Capcom isn't smart.
the dudley v balrog posting are somehow the lamest posts in this brainrotten general
noah's cooking mena in TNS right now
read this *CAs in neutral*
He told me “man you was really shillin that shit, you was really shillin that shitty game man”
anything "3S character" related is schizo territory denying of reality tier
if only adonposter was here to save us
what game?
I'm in plat, why do Bisons do the slide so often
jive brainrot from doing slide into vtrigger for 6 years
pick Bison in SF5 and play online to find out
I’m the stream sonics manic rant landed on DNF duel.
“I did so much for DNF duel, I streamed it constantly”
>Botched up proportions and weird perspective
Dogshit artist for Low IQ coomers.
because you keep wigglin over there
These are both the same STcuck who keeps demanding they bring back every corny dipshit GI Joe action figure character from SF2
>SS has a melty
>Goes on about how he put so much effort into promoting and competing in granblue and dnf only to be scorned
>Mentions that NuckleDu asked him why he shilled a dogshit game like dnf so hard
>Seethes even more
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You should be on your knees, THANKING and doing a dogeza that you need the HyperFighting cast to carry.
SF3 didn't kill the series, Capcom killed the series by not advertising SF3.
World Warriors are trash and they are always gonna be trash, deal with it. Never fucking with these cornball GI Joe action figure stereotypes again.
Hugo, Dudley, Makoto, Elena, Ibuki, Alex, Remy, Q and even fucking Twelve are all more iconic than any of the fucking generic losers from ST. They created the ST literally by throwing darts at a dartboard full of ethnic stereotypes.
Based and strikepilled
he has good technical skill tho
I think the SF3 series was the last time any SF product was made with actual joy and unique vision. Everything else since then has been garbage Hyper Fighting memberberry fanservice.
It is fun
noah bros....
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Saint Cola's commentary is just on another level.
I can't wait for Rog to have a motion dash punch that has massive pushback and the OD version is plus on block
but I'm punishing Bison scissor kicks all the time
>punks week 1 bison washing du's 15 year guile
his 6 hour bison won the last can opener or tns lmao
Bison rapes Guile since 1991, lore and gameplay wise, you can literally play the match in your head
>managed to take a few games of a diamond in the hub, 3-11
I didn't think akuma could toss fireballs so fast
Bison has a head stomp to jump over booms since championship edition.
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>he was a guile player
jesus chirst, he probably got a taste for motion fireballs. no wonder he was just letting that shit rip
Punk just has the download on du's style and thinking now. it's over for that chigga
how dare punk lose that and ruin the bison narrative
*walks foward and back, checks you with a low foward*
*jump* Zanku
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How do I play Jamie? What are the Bnb's and good Drink set-ups?
They nerf scissor kick by making it a fucking charge move
nigga I don't give fuck, change how modern works by requiring a button combination to do a different special or they can just not have it at all
why'd everyone drop luke
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jamie is chinese(forma de hong kong), not a south east asian lady boy
>not a south east asian lady boy
close enough
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there is a google doc in the jamie discord
>99 second sweep into all that
SF6 was truly inspired by this dogshit game. Jamiefags would be Akuma kings
I reserve the right to dodge every akuma player until he's removed or nerfed into a comatose state.
to refute this right is oust oneself as retarded.
his buttons are so damn fast, I'm almost certain that guy was power tripping after coming from guile. His neutral was pretty damn good too, he rarely slimmed.
link? discord is cringe
character variety is good
bispon makes akuma look like an honest character
abigail has never been fun to fight
you have to be so ass to struggle against akuma in sf6, I just don't understand it. he's easy as fuck to beat
Why charge when I can just fuckin let rip yeah. Weighted clothes off, soft and free from dougi on, HADOUKEN
I don't know how up to date it is on the season 2 stuff
I sometimes think Eng dub aki says “bitchin” when doing a drive rush
because he sucks
noahthebot still goes crazy with him
damage got scaled back, lost his get out of corner free card, Akuma
thats what i thought she said what is she really saying?
>just guess bro
>everyone is jumping around like a kangaroo against my bison now
did some anti bison video come out from sajam that told everyone to hold up or something
your bison playing brethren won't stop mashing scissors kick every 3 seconds
guile-bison in sf4 was one of the few 8-2s what the fuck are you talking about
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Fixed Aki
the lowest damage dealing character in sf6 would easily be able to do a 55% DP punish on akuma and niggas were posting this webm for 6 years to try and discredit jive as a competitive game
kek Bison is so busted
aki is perfect the way she is but this is fine too
Jesus I need to visit her and make orders in person, goddamn.
it was also guile favored in sfv so idk what that nigga is talking about at all
I will now play your character.
When do the veteran players in here think sf7 would come out and is the games matchmaking good to newbies when it first comes out ? Thanks
SF7 will come out in 2033 and we will all be matchmaking through neuralink by then
We're not getting sf7 until 7 more years at the earliest, if we get it at all.
Ok, thanks
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Dix spoiled me in the only way that mattered. I can't go back to older games now.
I have disgusting thoughts that I will not share out of respect for aki
was punishing harder in jive
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its always a ken or always a canadian, this time it was both
*whiff punishing i mean
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she got on the chun li diet
refer to >>484422789
Why bother covering your name but leave your opponents name uncovered?
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B-Bisonbros wait for me, I've been dealing with insurance paperwork.
well now she's just EVIL chun li
whiff punishing is easier in sf6 than it has ever been before because of the punish counter system
because it was the first game so i'm not on his history

and because fuck him
just the way deejay likes em
Why do my normals keep getting stuffed by my opponents normals
Unnnff fuck me
if he was one of those neo Jamaicans, Dee Jay is old school so she's gotta be much bigger
i have over 3k hours in the sf franchise and neutral still feels fucking random to me
reads and yomi are a spook, it is all just gambling and unconscious gestalt actions
better range/he's pressing before you/guys in charge are SNKfags and got rid of the priority system
Your spacing sucks
You are pressing when it isn't your turn
Your opponent is pressing a longer normal preemptively
get on adderall
Sometimes you play against the character
Sometimes you play against the player
This guy's channel has a lot of good explanations for neutral with pratical examples.
There is always going to be a layer of guessing, but your job is to gameplan a strategy where if you guess wrong you take the minimal amount of punishment so you can collect information to make bigger reads
Bro im liking this leverless.
I can get my inputs just right.
I dont accidently jump anymore.
I can cancel my normals consistently.
And even though parfy isnt bound yet, im still having no issue drive rushing.
Now I just gotta get used to bison and his combos.
Scissors is getting nerfed for sure so I dont want to rely on it especially since it seems people are waking up to it being unsafe is some circumstances
whats this in
What are Zangiefs anti airs? Other than his super.
I find I don’t have enough dominance to force my opponent to stay low
lariat and air SPD
Welcome to the the next level my brother
Enjoy your leverless, I actually quit earlier because online is too hard for me. Happy you are enjoying the game.
Its alright.
I've been trying to be more consistent and eventually reach masters
I’m getting beat by jump ins on lariat what am I doing wrong
not fast enough
Are you messing up the input
That combo link into the second bHP is harder to do than anything in sf6. This is also off a whiffed DP, not an overhead and it still only took off 55%
The biggest problem is that it was a meterless v-trigger comeback
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>meterless v-trigger
CA meter ya dumb broad
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>play ken all night
>dropping confirms and missing punishes everywhere
>can hardly win any games
>feel disappointed with myself
>get mad
>pick urien
>start doing aegis setups
>combos and throws never miss
>people start ragequitting
>feel like a god
... He flubbed an exDP in front of the highest dmg character in the game. How is that a comeback exactly?
Does someone has the pic of Mena kneeling to Jive during a tournament?
It comes out slow enough that you really have to be on top of it.
OD lariat comes out fast though.
I always go for the air spd as gief
The v-trigger let him kill without spending EX meter. I don't know if he could have killed with 2 bars and no v-trigger though.
I get the input out but giefs hurtbox is very big and there’s apparently no back hitbox so you can get cracked very high or crossed up while lariating
I guess I have to go heavier into aerial grabs
That isn't an effective strategy
Is it normal for my haute to creak when I grab it?
If you know the enemy will jump then you can also forward roundhouse to get a floor bounce allowing for a cheeky air spd.
If you grab it by the corner yeah
Aerial grabs will require too much focus to land compared to lariat. You will die to everythimg else you need to react to.
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Just a feel…
One of the worst things about this game is how common level 3 are. Nobody wanna watch these fucking cutscenes every single game.
When does the phase end? I told myself I'd stop playing until the next phase to give myself a break but it's been two weeks. I thought it'd end at the beginning of July
feels more awkward when you're playing the game in person and you both just kinda have to sit there
Drive parrying that green oaf and coppin a feel
end of july
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>mfw Juri's CA is playing and I have to avoid eye contact at all costs
Damn, another month it is then
bison cannot be top tier in this game without a reversal
he has to hold so much fake ass pressure its insane
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I keep getting BTFO because Ed's auto-correct is too slow to hit.
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I been playing for over a year and i still feel like i play like a monkey
i get lost in the fight going by feel and i dont really do footsies or keep track of anything
I know if i keep playing i will just make the habits worse
is there a cure for being a retard?
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Damn, I have nothing to play now that I quit my newbie ryubro training and deleted sf6. Can someone recommend me a game that will fill the sf6 void but isn’t as hard to learn for a beginner?
reinstall sf6 and stop being a bitch
Any game that isn't a fighting game because they are all harder than sf6 so this whole genre is off limits
stop playing yolo juri or yolo anything.
force yourself to play footsies by forcing your opponent to respect your airspace.
My guess is you're using Juri's divekick and getting punished hard for it amirite?
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Do you really hate seeing another player improve that you'd be willing to autistically falseflag as them quitting the game?
Yikerino Niggarino
i played almost the whole cast now and i just pretty much yolo everyone
Then stahp it.
The training mode has a built in anti air program.
ground your opponent and they'll be forced to do footsies with you.
condition your brain to react to jump ins with your best or safest antiair.
Juri in particular has a really good crouching medium punch thats special cancellable and linkble for combos.
Its also a really good poke giving you deceptively a longer range.
I tried playing slow, adaptive, reactive, and patient. Recognizing patterns and taking few risks. It got me to 1700. But I was absolutely miserable, every match was an chore and was very stressful. Then I stopped caring and started drive rushing randomly, doing yolo DPs, and putting much less thought in everything. Dropped down to 1500 but it feels great, I just get to mash with my fellow scrubs and not think.
Midwit is the only one complains about lv3
Shitter love it because they rarely see it
Pros love it because it gives time a drink water and think about their next moves
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I can’t, the struggle is too strong. When I play games the sf6 matchmaking puts me against the same players multiple times and there usually a couple hundred lp higher than me, also I get a ton of new challenger bison, akuma and they go to town on me removing all my gains and scrambling my mental. The player pool for complete newbies like me in sf6 is very small so they have to fill it out with players that are better than me or new challengers, I rarely ever fight someone my skill level. They fed me to a 4-win streak last night and then a few games later they fed me to him again when he was on a 7-win streak, I can’t progress like this and I’m still 1000lp iron 1 because of it.
Sadly it really is me, and I’ve deleted sf6 and boxed up my fight stick to be returned.
you made the right move. your bitchmade mentality would have never lasted.
you pay too much attention to win streaks

4 win streak isn't that impressive or uncommon, it's literally just 2-0ing 2 different people

people, especially at lower levels, also barely win one game and win quit if they think the other person has any shot of beating them
Timmy at it again
The matchmaking pool is the problem, it’s too small at my level so they have to stretch it a bit and also it gets visitors with their new characters. This makes it ultra brutal, I can’t progress.
Marisa could have killed before even going into level 3 as well, it's not that deep. Damage in SF6 is retarded and it doesn't make it any better if it comes from a comeback mechanic or a gauge that you start with and refills over time.
>sets are a literal minute apart
world's slowest dix match
people have improved in much harsher and much more difficult conditions. You are just a little bitch who will never be good at anything.
block more, by that I mean simply keep your distance and wait for your opponent to commit to something
it's happening often in your losses, I saw one where you got bodied by a modern Ryu who has Guile at platinum, but he was doing lots of punishable stuff. You just need to play more defensive, especially as Ryu.
Stop punishing with crLK into DI and at least do a light tatsu after the LP/LKs, or punish with stHP -> DRC -> stHK -> stHP -> shoryu/tatsu
don't use hadoken when your opponent is in range to jump in and hit you, just chill and block or do a crMK, 6HK, or 6HP whatever you think is around max range
>it’s too small at my level so they have to stretch it a bit and also it gets visitors with their new characters.
my highest character is Platinum but when I went to do my Bison placement matches, the lowest I fought was a silver 5.
That means the new challengers you fought aren't much better than bronze or low silvers which isnt saying much.
You just gotta keep that grind going.
Its why its called a grind and not a race.
If I don’t turtle up and try and take their legs they basically bulldozer me iron the corner and body me instantly, but I’ll redownload and try again I guess till the weekend.
Sub Zero waiting room! i wonder if his alternate costumes would be other ninjas. is that how he was in Injustice 2? i swear i remember him having a Scorpion alt, at least.
did everyone drop marisa? :(
i wish
the world's most powerful sakura/ryu shipper
It's unfortunate that the vast majority of SF6's irrelevant low tiers are the newcomers.
Even Luke and JP despite still being good are still usually held below top 5 post nerfs next to characters like ken/akuma/bison/guile/chun
anon I got my ass beat 3-13 earlier by a Diamond 5 2 matches from master in the hub today. When faced with an opponent you deem superior your focus should be noting what does and doesn't work. Both for you, your character and your opponent. Probably do you some good to get off ranked for a bit and just play casuals, or if they still have the new player hubs join one of those and run a long game and just try new game plans and refine your execution.
Ok, thanks I’ll give that a try. Deleted comment because I thought it was stupid, I’ll try the hub.
>Probably do you some good to get off ranked for a bit and just play casuals
Casual is even worse. It's full of smurfs.
which is why I hope they still have the beginner servers up on battle hub, for his sake.
Yeah ranked honestly is the best at his level.
he cant go any lower, only up.
The people at his level arent smurfs since you have to lose a lot more matches than win at that level.
I know how infuriating it is since iron all the way to plat is filled with nothing but yolotards that often win because newer players dont have a hand on the fundamentals then resort to yolotarding and the assimilation cycle continues until the hardened emerge into diamond and masters.
Truly the low and middle leagues are the tutorial ranks.
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>make battle hub and training rooms
>no voice chat so you can't teach beginners
>"dude just use disco-"
FUCK OFF, hate everything being Reddit, Discord and MS Teams
I want to spectate his matches and see whats up but I dont really want to fight him.
The last thing he needs is an oppressive JP to lock him down unless he absolutely needs JP training.
I dont mind discord but it definitely gives off pandemic vibes i'll never forget.
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Bad habits are hard to break
I should wear a shock collar and have someone trigger it every time I sweep and it gets blocked
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>auto combo into your level 3 super once you have it
there now you are out of iron
He's playing classic.
The superior man's choice.
yeah, but he could be a slow adjuster. Sometimes it takes me a few games before i devise a solution to something so i know had bad it feels starting out getting 2-0'd and the guy fucking vanishes into the ranked ether before you had a chance to figure him out or figure out what you were doing wrong.
>iron all the way to plat is filled with nothing but yolotards
Yeah I know how it is. Extremely annoying losing to people like that.
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Sub Zero would be gay there's lots of men in this game already
Sonya would be better, handstand command grab with that pink laser fireball
Kitana would be nice but Mai already has the fan thing going
>Akuma consistently punishes light scissors
>brain knows I should fucking stop
>hands keep doing it
>have to literally fight my body to stop doing it
Wrestling your subconscious is a bitch
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Sf6 is about to be done re-downloading and I’ve got my fight stick set up, got some cool water and candy. These punks on the street won’t run me off again, I’m diving head first back into ranked after 5min warmup and then I’ll practice in between matches. I’ve got a reputation to mend.
he's not a slow adjuster, he's a complete scrub who ignores advice and doesn't post replays
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>would be gay
Do you forget what game this is?
Akuma stLK doesn't punish spaced scissors. Try using your brain and spacing it, you don't even have to charge it
him and cammy punish scissors that are usually safe so often
it aint happening bro you make daily posts about quitting
you want to think you can grind out the learning curve but you cant. you will quit before you reach your goal. just switch to modern and have an easier time. everyone knows fighting games are hard to get into which was why modern was created. the exact solution to your problem exists.
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Would breed Eternity, for real.
Love breaking in zesty bucks.
would making psycho crusher a motion input and scissors a charge input make bison less braindead
I kinda want to play dhalsim for some reason.
have they said anything about bisons outfit 3
y'know what?
fuck it, Ima try out Dhalsim.
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Never noticed this since I didn't really care for World Tour.

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Must not know who I am…
>Saturday Night Slam Masters
I'll take Ortega or Saber if Mike can't cut it, c'mon man.
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And I never give up…
World tour if it was good would just rip persona and fable 2 and other gta self insert clones and have a fade to black or band holding mechanic.
I want to fuck eternity, let me cheat on him too
So it's pretty clear that I don't have what it takes to rise to high MR (1900+), at least not with Ryu. As far as I can tell, there are three paths ahead of me:

1. Try modern. I see modern akumas with 1900 and they play like absolute trash but it doesn't matter because they can check DI/DR like gods. Sure, pros eat them up but pros destroy me right now anyway so it doesn't matter
2. Tier whore and try all characters (bring them to master). Maybe one works better for me. Start with the high tiers of course. I think Rashid would be my first choice.
3. Stop caring about improving or getting higher rank. This probably involves playing the game a lot less because there's no motivation. And even then I would just go to battle hub and mash with other scrubs instead of actually thinking
I swear in the name of Yoga that i'll get my street shitter to master.
I never understood why folks censor their name.
The worst I can do is see your replays and add you as a friend.
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Here have this fren…
you still haven't posted a replay for us to see btw
just saying that I found you easily by just searching for classic control Ryu matches for Iron 1 in CFN and using basic deduction that you were in NA region, since you posted your winrate I was able to easily confirm. It's not hard for anyone here to find you if they really wanted. Just post your profile/replays and you'll get more direct advice.
bruh.... are these... phone screenshots???
you wouldn't be... pone posting... because you play on console... would you?
I just ended up failing my first rank up fight, to a ed that I couldn’t handle up close. Feels bad, but I’m not going to give up. Going to research now, later in the afternoon I’ll fight again for sure.
Yes, I play on ps5.
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>tfw enjoy SNK games and Elena
I can't say how based this season is. I also learned how to play Charge with Bison in SF4 so I kinda like this version more than the Jive one, that was #NotMyDicktator.
This. I found you too, it's not hard
I have started playing Marisa with the serious intent to “main” her. What should be known?
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me waiting for sakura
cr.MP is the esports button
Give me tips, make a webm of one of wins. Thanks
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>do my homework for me
I’ll get out of Iron with this. Thank you.
can you believe the audacity of this guy lmao
is that one guy still working on SF4 rollback?
>Marisa st.MP target combo into drive rush gets beat by mashing DP
>Unless she uses cr.LP which is a true blockstring

So if someone is intending to EX.DP upon seeing Drive rush in a blockstring, will the DP motion go through if I press cr.lp as a true blockstring?
Man the creatures at 1200-1300 in ranked who will take 14 points from you if you lose 1 game are absolutely terrifying not gonna lie

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