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Previous: >>484307730

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTbz82TmWM
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfgkVGFhN8A
>P5X released in China - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOtZcTAMuIE

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
Which persona girl could eat an entire cake by herself?
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silly babs
Fuck that one was a gimme, my bad.
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Would Lovers girls be friends or would they get catty and competitive with each other?
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They would get along and go shopping together and gossip about their bfs.
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Why do all the adults in Persona 5 act like Joker should have just let Drunk Man assault that poor woman?
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Ann thread!
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rise and yukari get along nicely in pq
rise even does a small therapy session and wingmans for yukari
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>Fuuka ToTing for some reason
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she was worried for yukari too
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Why did she do it?
what a sweetheart. bless her
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she just has a lot of feelings ok
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Fuuka why the fuck are you so short
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Remember when you were young
>that suru and kari
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Gallica reveals her true self, after not participating in battle, she unleashes her true powers to destroy the world. Right before the battle she pulls off her face like a mask revealing a twisted expression with yellow eyes, she screams the name of her archetype Persona which triggers the final battle
Aigis can give you blowjobs
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Not with these (canon) (look at her model) chompers she can't
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Akihiko's dick and balls belong in my mouth
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Anon, Hashino is not going to copy Bravely Default
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Metaphor OST- Battle! Final Boss
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Garlicky is a small and cute fairy who could never plot evil deeds :)
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All of them
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all that fog she absorbed or whatever has to go somewhere
Sumi's vaginal rejuvenation surgery at Tae's
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They already sorta have? Unironically the way they’re doing press turn in Metaphor takes a lot of the same cues as BD’s combat systems. It’s not a direct rip or anything like that, but the similarities are definitely there and I’d be surprised if he wasn’t at least familiar with the games.
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Those are called goddess farts anon.
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Bellyjobs from Marie
Sex with 200 pound Marie
man, there's not enough marie porn already and looking for fat marie leaves you with literally nothing
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>the way they’re doing press turn in Metaphor takes a lot of the same cues as BD’s combat systems
How? I don't see it.
>I’d be surprised if he wasn’t at least familiar with the games.
This is the first time they tried to implement a job system, so they definitely had to try games like FF III and V and BD.
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Not even that grossed out anymore. I've lost control of my life
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me on the left, metaphorically
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Look at that handsome dark skinned foreigner loving his soom. She looks so satisfied with his black cock in her tight pussy.
It feels closer to DDS but instead of mantra it's called archetypes
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Fuuking Fuuka in the fo'c'sle
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Sumi dropping out and stress eating after failing to make podium
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Fuuka is for Door... r-right?
Yes, proto-Yukiko died on the way back to his home planet
Keisuke is for Door
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I genuinely forgot this guy existed while playing p3
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Tartarus is the biggest piece of shit ever
No, that would be Sumi.
I'm for Door.
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keisuke is for hidetoshi
Tartarus is the second biggest piece of shit ever
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I like it
/pg/ told me the PC version of P5R would have a Sae romance mod...we got this instead...
Cute and canon
Metaphor will be a fujo game.
There is no social link romance because the Travelling boy will marry the prince
OG was good, reload Tarturus has nothing good.
I've played FES twice and Reload once, and I still haven't done this social link
OG Tartarus makes me want to rip my fucking balls off and I'm glad they moved on from it.
Plapping that braphog soom! Then rubbing my dick deep in soom’s fat rolls!
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There ain't nowt but Noot.
By making it worse?
How would that work? Replacing models, portraits and dialogue in someone else's social link?
Release them.
No, by moving away from it with shit like palaces. I hate Reload's as well
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What is Mitsuru implying here?
Hmm actually it's probably more akin to the metaverse than palaces which align more with full moon encounters.
Still prefer the metaverse because it's not as sluggish and I don't have to wait 20 years for a red enemy to spawn to complete a mission,
Seriously what were they thinking with that shit
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his SLs funny at times and i think it has a good lesson for all contrarians
kawaii otoko
I will make an effort to complete his social link on my next go around. Also, please connect a controller
Does your luck stat in 3FES (Haven"t played Reload yet) influence red shadows encounter rate? Cause I sorta cheesed my playthrough with those stat increase cards Mitsuru gives you for acing exams and you can trade gems for in the antique shop. As a result, I'd get very large tartarus floors with l several chests.
Hidetoshi is for FeMC
Keisuke is also for FeMC
maybe both at the same time
Largely looking at the weighted-opportunity cost for ability use. It leads to very momentum based gameplay where you’re stacking momentum (using low cost abilities to hitting press turns to decrease future ability length/defaulting) and then releasing bigger attacks using that stored momentum (post-press turn/braving).
As I said it’s not one-to-one in how it goes about it, but i do expect similar end results for how the system will play.
coat only belongs to door
fuck that
playing third person games with a gamepad is nasty, i like my mouse camera controls
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Indescribably Based
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I don't believe luck affects it, I usually get lucky when Fuuka tells me there's more enemies than usual on a floor and unstable nights
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Hamuko is for every male social link (including the ones in the male route not available in the female route), every new girl added to P3P, every girl in SEES, every male antagonist, both Liz and Theo, Igor, Koro, Ryuji, all male teachers.
Pretty much everyone but Junpei
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Why do Japanese police departments keep hiring high school students to help solve cases for them? Death Note and P4/P5 did this, what gives? Are they stupid?
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nepotism unironically
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The Chief of police is being blackmailed by otaku and fujos.
I told him to be there
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Would you still love your waifu even if she had a comically large ass?
Wait, it can't be! No! Impossible! Is that really you..?
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Why does Gallica get changed for dungeons if she doesn't fight
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To deny you feet
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I would definitely hate that
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She's gotta protect herself somehow it's very dangerous going into a death trap with a murderhobo
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i tried playing p1 but i couldnt get into it after beating some bosses
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You won't like P2.
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it was not a bad game what i dont like in old rpgs is that you move forward for abit and an enemy appears out of nowhere and after a while i start to get bored of that i just want to be able to see the enemy just like the other persona games
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Play on easy in the PSP mode or play the PS1 version for less random encounters.
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me on the left but literally
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This dude canonically facefucked her both in FES and Reload
i'll give it another try at some point but for now i got p5 and im gonna play on the steamdeck i ordered cause my pc is too old
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This is a random waifu generator. The one you get is going to be your wife for the rest of your life. Post her.
You can only do it once so don't cheat, pussy.


Mine was picrel.
>Got Sumire
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Praise the fucking lord
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Kill me.
Married to the Soom
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i can hear his voice
I got Sae which is great, accidentally closed the tab, and when I reopened it was crossdressing Teddie...
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>22 rolls for yukari
it's probably for the best that i don't play gacha
Who was your real wife then, yukaribro?
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she's hot too but i'd prefer marie
Who is this?
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It took me 12 rolls to get Yuko
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Who's da man? Not Cuckpei
Marg from P4
I hope Ai gets a Fuuka-tier glowup in Rewind.
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RNG isn't even polite enough to give me Teddie, Jun, or MC...
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It’s got a lot. I spent some time rolling it after and even Hisano is there
I didn’t see Maiko or Nanako or Venza though…
I got my waifu on the second roll.
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Marie’s hot mom
even a new player like me knew who she was
marie's socks
Chihaya is for
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It generates waifus, not daughters
Natsumi, Ulala, Toriumi, Katsuragi, and Kawakami, are literally me
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i love marie
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Did you know? There is a major /x/ theory that localized random change can be heavily influenced with thought. This is due to randomness being atoms brushing, which can be moved to create a new outcome.
How big are her milk jugs? I must know more
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I reject this reality.
Are you happy with your new wife, anon?
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I like my waifu better, but it works.
no i wanted fuuka or chie or marie
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Sumi is pregnant
I went from stinky gamer neet to stinky gamer hag so I have no real complaints.
Still prefer Futaba
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can i get a refund
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>xitter is seething about makoto again
how does she do it
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They're intimidated by someone with their life together
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Jap society loves cops. Their justice system is super fucked but they have incredibly good PR within the country.
It’s fundamentally different from every western country.
what happened?
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America is always upset when another culture isn't exactly like theirs. They don't even like that different parts of their own country has different cultures.
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which persona girl has the best feet?
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they are bitching about the poll
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No it gave me Sumire then it took me 78 rerolls to get my true wife back
I mean I certainly don’t think the jap version is very good either. In fact it’s actually pretty terrible, just in its own ways that differ from the terribleness of America’s justice system.
I’d much rather be arrested or go to jail in the US than Japan. But for people not accused of crimes, the jap system has a lot more trust in it so daily interactions tend to be easier.
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Please call her Sumi
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Labrys by a mile.
that's not pregnant, she's morbidly obese
i havent played arena is it good?
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I don't know enough about real japan, just they tons of police characters in anime. But its pretty obvious western fans are just upset that its so different
Arena was neat, if for no other reason than it gave persona fans on the internet something to discuss and shitpost and draw. Ultimax is terrible though, don't get your hopes up
Would your waifu support Project 2025?
No, she would support agenda 2030
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who is that
they're not canon
i see i'll give it a try then
Every reroll is a dick she took
i played it for the story
vanilla story is genuinely good
ultimax is dumb, but at least there is some fanservice
i see i'll try it out thanks
no refunds
I remember. I remember when aigisfag and his discord took it all away from us, too.
Are you familiar with fighting games, particularly anime fighters? I personally enjoy it, but I’m also someone who has fucked around with other ARCSYS fighting games in the past (Blazblue, Arcana Heart, GG Xrd) and since I like the Persona characters too I’m a bit biased into liking it as well. I’d say ultimax is a bit easier to pick up and play than any of those (of course at a high level everything is hard) with the big thing you have to get your head around being the use of Personas in combat.
There’s no reason to play base arena over Ultimax at this point, since Ultimax has Arena’s story available to it and has substantially more gameplay features. The plots are near in that they’re extensions off the end of the P4 story, and generally I think what they do with the new characters is rather good. There’s some some contentious stuff plot-wise in Ultimax than in Arena, but you can still just play the game and have fun with it.

The music is really good too, which makes sense considering the collab, but they really did just hit it out of the park.

Sorta related - Cross Tag Battle is mostly a gimmick, and I wouldn’t really recommend it unless you’re invested in multiple series. The combat is disappointing(?) in that every series gets its mechanics stripped down to fit into one game together - with janky team fighter options - so it’s much more of a novelty than anything else. Especially since they stopped supporting the game and adding new characters to really up the “super super crossover” thing that it could have been.
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The worm turns
I bet impregnating her would be unbelievably romantic
Claiming this sketchy sweetheart.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.

Happy Takamaki Tuesday! Will you be celebrating the 4th with Ann?

Nicely Ann'd OP.
4 goats 1 fraud
One of these is not like the others
The Metaverse is based for putting Ann and Makoto in the outfits they have
Their subconscious made those outfits thoughever
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Ayane is fine, even if she's a Magician.
cute art
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Even Baseder
What a plump butt
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Thanks fren.
What kind of outlaw is she?
A lone heroe from those post-apocalyptic media like Hokuto no Ken or Mad Max?
The Fist of the Phantom Star
Tiny girls dominating and training their boyfriend twice their size (me)
She's a bitch
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Ayase so cool
Such a cutie.
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Oh shit I just got the sudden urge to have a
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Where did the Ayasebabs come from?
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gonna post a nanako lewd soon...
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Yes please
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What kind of thief is Yusuke's costume meant to represent?
A yokai?
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Sly Fox
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It means Yusuke is Zased
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Nicely Noot'd.
A kitsune and a ronin
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Threadly orb
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Please stop
beautiful orb
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Thank you for enjoying threadly orbs
very close
Well? I'm waiting.
Big or small?
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I can't post ann in that thread so I will stay here.
>can't post ann
Nah ay yo, where da fuk is Persona bruh?
because the OP says to post persona sluts
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Wanna kiss that belly
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What if Ann was a slut, but only for you?
Nanako-chan saikou...
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Spotted on Amazon Italy and translated it via google, possible re-release? It says the 16th of August
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Fucking why?
PC never got a physical edition, was browsing the site when i stumbled upon it, and since they are doing a PC collector's for Metaphor (for now US-only), they might do it for P5 too? Idk
They should have reprinted the vanilla p5 for PC
Taba is a good girl
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Ann Babamaki
Babamaki's futomomo...
You don't really store press turn icons in this, you have an existing limited pool that you can maximize the use of by hitting weaknesses. And you don't get a bunch of turns with a single character either, you use up the entire party's set of actions to use a big dick damage move and they incentivize trying to do this in a way that will let you finish fights without taking damage
I don't think it has much in common either DDS either but definitely more than it does with BD
Does code in a box just mean activate it on Steam? I wish companies would print blu-ray discs or sell flash drives in a box for pc games
Summer sucks
>VV trailer has 3.2 million views
>but still can't surpass royal player count
VV isn't falling off like Hanako at least
social media doesn't line up with reality. P3R would be the biggest thing ever if that was the case.
the views are mostly just from ads.
The viewcounts would go up a lot more than they actually do if that was the case desu
Like reload's are much lower on average than UO, Metaphor, VV, but reload had the most advertising of all 4 games
What about it?
soft and comfy
I am a lolicon
Every loli I like is in my harem.
Nanako is my lover.
Maiko is my dick bully
Justine is my onahole.
Caroline is my cocksleeve
>Not canon, they're for headpats/hugs/fatherly love blablabla
Don't care. They're my onaholes when I'm thinking about them.
>They don't get a lot of porn
Don't care. Imagination fap > porn fap.
>You're a sicko if you like girls instead of women
Don't care. I'll fap to them sucking MY dick as much as I like. And when I'm done fapping I'll post about it on /pg/
>Well some of them don't like (You)
Don't care.
>Well Alice will cast die for me
Good I'll die doing what I love
>Well Lavenza has no genitals
Don't care. She has a mouth and a flat chest, that's enough.
>Well Nanako will tell Dojima
I'll heem Dojima anyday
>Well Ayane's not a loli
Fake lolis are the best because they can take it all the way to the hilt

Fuck hagfags.
Fuck cuckposters.
Fuck waifucucks.
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Metaphor Travelling Boy vs. Louis OST
I hope there's a potion Gallica can take to make her grow to human size so you can give her a hug.
If she actually turns out to be evil I'll never forgive this place
>evil Gallica beats you literally just by deafening you with inane bullshit because the entire OST is her music spell cast on you
would be kino
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Take it easy, you wouldn't want to get sick...
Happy Takamaki Tuesday, and good night Personababs.

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