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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewr Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484441060
Koana would have been a better main character for the story. We really got fucked over by furfag fanservice.
first for femra
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The Pit Queen
Anal only fiddies
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Classic Kern blunder, now nobody will be able to give genuine criticism about the game without being dogpiled. This week is going to be so stupid.
are for catgirls
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Wuk Lamak being trans doesnt change the fact that she's really annoying
Good for her but come on
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>it's a tank goes solo episode
Did the graphics upgrade screw over your house lighting too?
>Wuk isnt enough of a character to spam death threats to the VA
Death threats on the internet hold about as much weight as someone saying to you irl "Do you know who I am, pal? I'll ruin your day, bucko!".
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have any picture guides like pic related come out for gathering or crafting? i can look at macros and read all day but i'm tired and want to look at PICTURE
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I wish this was a caster set :c

I want casual hedgemage gear
taht fucking gif lmao
Sphene is so cute I love her.
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Lost in the GFX update.
If the boss has more than 15% HP this is griefing and you're a cunt.
>"Lul just don't get hit"
Says the tank who can get hit over 4 times before they die when a non-tank gets 2 hits before mechanics kill.
Time to bust a move on my local moonie himcess
male character btw
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Where's the katanas for viper?
do people really need guides for this shit
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where is everyone?... its been 20 min in queu for the last trial
Did all my aether currents, finished MSQ, unlocked expert content. Now what?
/ac Reflect <wait.3>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
1 death threat is like that
Several thousand, when your career depends on being online and making connections for VA roles, so you cant even tune it out?
It can get pretty heavy
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I voted for Femra but this proves again, democracy sucks!
Even: Level tank for the cool 97 armor
Odd: Level healer for easy PF fills
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Wish I had friends to play DT with
>If the boss has more than 15% HP this is griefing and you're a cunt.
Rather finish the fight then assume 3 other people won't manage to all die again
I loved this scene. I always like seeing actors act like they cant act or overacting
If you don't want the tank to solo it then don't be bad and die.
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My catboi is the ERP wordsmith of /xivg/. He WILL fuck your femlala bitch.
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log off!!!!!!
musashi viper glam
post him
*pulls you're tail*
>Several thousand,
Schrodinger's death threats. They exist only when you need sympathy points.
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>get journal from khloe
>4 ARR trials and 1 HW trial
fuck yeah bro's
loli pit queen smol chest flat tummy erotic ToT
Come on man, there are a ton of VAs that don't live on Twitter. Your career doesn't depend on it
Vanguard is not dropping my caster or healer cyberslop. Everyone in Solution 9 is gonna laugh at me
Nobody actually hates wuk lamat that much, chud. It's mixed at worst.
race and dc?
I hate Koana not because of his personality, but because his name reminds me of Korkana.
yes this shit keeps changing every time i resub and i'm a lost little clown
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These are certainly words stringed together
If this bitch wants to be so maternal I will make sure to sire lots of offspring with her, she will not have time to think about anything else. She is MINE.
>be Balmung
>wanted to join Lewd because you're degen
>afraid to ask
Fuck I suck as a degen...
Got my clear. :D
lewd sounds like a shitter mass invite FC
>Several thousand
How are you getting thousands of death threats when the comments on your twitter don't even break double digits?
>play melee
>healer chest drops
>press greed
>still got it
skill issue
we can be frenz
It's been so long I don't even remember how to level up gatherers anymore. I thought collectables but the xp seems insignificant. Surely not just custom deliveries and GC deliveries. Levequests? God I haven't done those since ARR relics I thought.
1-800 come on now
dead game, its' so over
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sorry that happened to you anon

1-800 come on me now
Music in the new city sucks.
fanta'd to face 3 lizard
I dont hate Wuk at all. Its not her fault the story revolves entirely around her. Just like I dont hate Lyse.
Though, lets be clear, Lyse is a lot dumber than Wuk. Lets not forget that she was physically incapable of doing anything right, while at least Wuk helped to clean up that mess at the end.
>traveling Shaaloani with Koana and Erenville
>we forget our purses to Tuliyollal and have no money to sleep in inns
>go camp in the wilderness like proper adventurers
>Erenville jokes about putting me to work for gil
>We all laugh and go to sleep
>Wake up with something cold and hard against my chin
>It's Koana's gun
>"Shhhh cunt, just close your eyes and keep dreaming, we'll get you ready for work"
>Erenville drags me out of my sleeping bag and they force me into a pillory
>They put up a sign listing prices ranging from 10 gil for a blowjob to 10000 for an unprotected creampie
>Service every traveler that walks past
>When no one is coming, Koana does target practicing and Erenville tries out my holes
>Forced to lick Koana's gun clean after he is done
>For the night, they leave me to sleep on the pillory after cumming on my face both
my catgirl is the Igor&Grichka Bogdanov of /xivg/
I mean I just saw some news about a gook going on a trip to another state just to bash someone's head in due to arguments in ArcheAge. Anything is possible.
Why would that matter?????
I'll never understand people who treat the internet like it's real life.

I've been using the internet since I was 12 years old, and people were saying fucked up shit to me day 1 and it didn't even register with me emotionally or mentally because it's words on a screen. This isn't a "oh look I'm so tough" thing either, you have to be soft in the head to let words on a screen from some random fuck you don't know fuck you up and ruin your day.
Don't forget NOT to throw gear items away that your role can equip, you need 10 runs at most to get everything
What were you before
Wuk > Lyse > Nanamo
SE is very, very slowly improving on their shitty princess tropes.
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>don't just do it manually once then make their own macro based on the steps they took
justburself NIGGA
based smezen
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OA i think the idea is great

(i was in a cutscene and couldnt respond... also no we don't have the new skin yet but we're getting a mansion soon)
miau miau has had a hard life...
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hell yeah sister
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Take the lizardpill
i wont be around l*l*s
are the first dungeon weapons new? they seem familiar but idk
>ugly femra gets even uglier
Question if I used a fanta but don't commit its not spent right?
>Do FATE in final zone
>Quiz/Friendly monster music from FF9 pops up
do you like gocks (receiving them)

Do you think XIV is "woke" now?
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shhh fishe is sleeping ra
I am a femra. MM is cool but I won't let him steal credit from me.
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like 80% of the people here only want to fuck you
anyone ready to dispense moonie?
damn who hurt you kiddo
>I mean I just saw some news about a gook going on a trip to another state just to bash someone's head in due to arguments in ArcheAge.
So that's what, 1 actualy serious person for every 1,000,000 loudmouths who'll never back it up?

Come on man. These people don't even believe it, they just cry "muh death threats" as a free sympathy card. Politicians do it all the time. They fuck over their voters, cry about death threats on twitter, and get off the hook scott free.
all dungeon drops have sucked for me expansion this shit sucks
Always has been
it keeps bugging you to change your character forever until you click confirm every day, yes
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Ryne is ready for Dawntrail!
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My middie became even cuter than she already was anons... I'm so incredibly happy... I really can't even conceive the idea of fantaing away from her.
nope i've had a fantasia popped for over a year now
hoh baby
If FFXIV is woke now then it has always been woke.
I don't care about the boomer twitter man that gets paid by Musk to stir up controversy for site metrics.
What a fucking cute femra
sleep rape
how about a moonie without cock
this is easily my least favorite msq in the game.
my f3mra has been ripping flagrant ass since Early Access started with no signs of slowing down and i'm beginning to get sore
based desu
anyone wanna run maps
ur coool.....
>teleport cost is way too high
Anyone have an FC in Balmung that I can join?
no you're just a bigot furry hater stormblood was way worse okay it just was
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You will remember this cat.

Getting aethercurrents alone peacefully is so comfy.
>damn who hurt you kiddo
A goth girl in high school.

I confessed to her but she turned me down and had to change schools shortly afterwards because she was being bullied by other girls. I didn't truly let go until my mid 20's.
oh nyo nyo nyo nyo
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that's minfilia THOUGH
I like it more than the ARR story, but back in ARR my tolerance was higher and expectations lower with regards to bad MMO MSQs.
not around here bucko
sis? your 999 aetheryte tickets?
not interest in culture war tourists, try that on /v/
Sis i did NOT need to know this
It's easily my favorite
>make gorgeous zones
>nothing to do in them except grind fates and click on the brap clouds
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA at least WoW populates it's zones with interesting little secrets and hidden World Events to do...
Maybe you are too. I wouldn't know though.
my femra has been more dehyhdrated than i have originally given her credit for
Please take me back and i'll give you ear scratchies for life
I'm just trying to say I'm lonely without saying I'm lonely...
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I did ages ago and I'm currently still winding down from the fight with Bayle a few days ago. FUCK THAT WAS A FUN FIGHT
*sigh* another filter
Too big
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I'm on Crystal but would probably hop over to Dynamis so more people can join
my fiddie is
keep up the good work jeudy
>yfw when (you) cursed the rest of the shards with Lalafells because you gave them the key to jump dimensions
When Wuk Lamat jumped off the balcony in the middle of her speech it should've played the knees breaking sound effect.
>ryne hypnoposter
>koana erenville rapeposter
good thread coming
MY property
>he doesn't have the wind-up moon
ok i think this is the most peak ryne lewd ever posted here, gaia looks so good too, imagine the yuri, holy fucking molly
I am
A male elezen
But I agree I wish there was more
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chud westfallen :OOOO
until they start replacing painting of women with fruit and firing a VA who ended up being innocent, i would say no. listen i hate troons too and what they've done to many of my hobbies, but in this case just play in JP and call it good. wuk lamat sucks but the voice is not really the issue, it's just a poorly written character. i liked her cat brother a lot more. plus this guy is a certified grifter who spends his career shitposting on twitter with hot takes for engagement so
Yes, I've deemed that you no longer get to play the video game and you get to watch me play the game by myself. Please clap for me being such a big boy.
DRG isn't fun to play anymore.
how many fates total for each zone to max out?
Deploying moonie from high orbit
Yeah, a little bit. I also couldn't get a poncho to drop. This shit's awful. All the pelupelu merchants laughed at me
Slow and unforgiving grind.......
So this is why healers went on strike, huh...
my toaster gets fps drops during the EX1 tankbusters bros...
Roll back the graphics update... My hebe femra looks too OLD now...
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damn nice
Stop compelling the tank how to play.
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not real
I love malezen! I love you!
Missing kinoshatter dive?
When Lamaty'i jumped off the balcony they should have had her landing offscreen and played the "glass breaks and cat screams" sound effect
wanna share some bar nachos ?
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Me on the left. Yes, I fuck femlala on the regular. Those little plaphogs gobble up catboi woober every single night. You have a crush on a femlala? 100% chance a catboi woober has splashed her womb!! Nyahahahaha!! Catboi’s can’t stop winning!!
how are you liking dt
No one unironically likes malezen
If you have a folder post it I need to relieve myself and a tribute would do wonders.
my f3 'ra is honestly running a high risk of burning a hole in her chair and blames those damnable turali tacos
wuk lamat bad
msq bad

pictomancer good
new dungeons good
>Middies at the top
Thancred looks like a ghoul now what the FUCK happened
I want Wuk to swing her axe directly into my skull killing me instantly.
My acting career improved when I abandoned social media. Don't believe this bullshit.
finally a beach vacation msq! wait why does this seem more like a bunch of chores and errands in furry town...?
Can we go back to the bench now...?
Even Duskwight?
SE has fucking AWFUL DXT1 compression on super small face texture sizes. It's pretty random which races got totally fucked by it. Thankfully upscale mods should fix most of that quickly.
How manys heads do Ja Ja's have in total? 3? 4?
nah lol
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Can it be dynamis? No reason
Not until she spends a long quest series following you around until she understands you all the while demonstrating her array of endearing character traits
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HELLO just WHAT is this
is this just the novice network
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Dawntrail on the right.
Thoroughly disappointed this did not end with an old man forcing mahjong on you.
>Doing MSQ
>Some femra trades me a lamppost
>Leaves before i can say thanks
>Another one follows and just stares at me and leaves
Am I being gangstalked?
They didn't update some of the faces. Eistinien didn't get updated.
the healers are throwing a hissyfit.
I don't understand why Kate demanded that a male fake having both a woman's voice AND a spic's at the same time. It's difficult to fake just one kind of voice, but she pushed for two? Why not just hire a Latina if that's what you're looking for? Some funny business is going on, likely a friend-of-a-friend deal.
>complains about clicking on the brap clouds
>brings up wow which invented the very concept of brap cloud mote extraction in TBC
fake WoW fan.
It just feels clunky as shit. Nastrond being 3 charges, High Jump auto switching to Mirage Dive. None of it feels like it flows well, and it's pissing me off.
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queue: 341
I thought PL was a falke alt....
Understandable, have a great day
What does a localization team do besides nitpick at bullshit all day?
still looks great
thancred got downgraded, they definitely did something to him and face 1s
are f3mra gonna be the next fotm due to the graphics update
am I crazy or did pictomancer's landscape look way more lush in the media tour?
now it's just like 4 small jpegs of grass
I like solution 9 a lot more then i expected to
i hope so
Smooching this cute boy, for nothing in return.
it better be because every other zone is literally nothing
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I just save porn
please understand
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uh oh...
i am still
a viper moony
The dungeons and trials are all really good & I'm hoping that the extremes will be just as fun when I get around to doing them. I liked the second half of the story & I stayed in the final zone for a really long time, just taking screenshots. Opening was a bit of a slog to me, but the mamool ja characters made up for a lot of that for me
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Were they not before? Seems like almost everyone I know was playing/drooling over them before this update even happened.
Sena Bryer has a significant amount of roles in the Anime Dub industry as well as several roles in Endwalker
She didnt just get it out of nowhere
can't wait for wuk lamat to ask me for my mare and then pull out her elderly doman gock
I actually like most of the American VAs they hired, especially the VAs for Gulool Ja Ja and Bakool Ja Ja and everyone in the cowboy zone.
It's so pretty and it's criminal theres no marketboard so it'll end up abandoned next expansion
I also like the other zones desu
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This is what your femlalas look like to me.
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my adorable thread crush acts like this
>why Kate
blaming kate for wuk's VA is like blaming koji for gordias' tuning
>lalafell 2.webm
>it's not a lalafell
>60 y/o grifter found our game
it's so over bros, this is going to be worse than asmonpocalypse
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Same, I just think wuk lumats is just not good, should've given them more time for practice or training their accent
isn't sena Puerto Rican, or did i mishear that
>self inserter hates it
the vast majority of people who pay attention to this fag are too poor to play a sub based game
no you're not allowed
Bakool Ja Ja
>Best story arc
>Best voice actor
You already posted this and no one gave a shit then either.
Knock up my moonie
They're hot sorry.
need this too
I like that Wuk wants to connect with her nephew despite having to kill his dad, it's very sweet.
this is a game made for self inserters
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mine acts like this
You can't keep saying this without posting your fucking moonie aaaaaaa
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Firestar was a great leader

I'm not a big fan of Wuk but everything between her and Gulool Ja was very nice, yeah.
gockblasted by WOKE lamat in the expert roulette trust run

why would kate do this?
How many pel, in the thousands column, for you to be my fiddie's husband?
He was definitely the highlight.
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Where are all our shb/ew friends? Not everyone came back for DT...
Zero. You just need to ask.
can't be fotm when you're the greatest of all time
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They look like that in america
They're all back actually. We just did the first extreme, it was great!
Any Cerberus bros in here? All of my normal friends rushed ahead of me.
Depends on they stink status
did anyone else catch on to the English VA of Cahcuia not knowing how to use the correct inflection for question marks?
she sounded like was voicing half of her lines as she was reading them for the first time, too.
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I have confession to make. I grip the ass of femra and catgirls while they're stuck watching cutscenes. I'll sniff their hair too if i have enough time
>Ja jas
Best voices
>everyone in the cowboy zone
What the fuck are you smoking? Why do people keep praising the worst voices in the entire expansion? Only the train hrothgar and sheriff are decent. The rest just sounded awkwardly fake. Genuinely how can anyone be praising these discount cowboys? Do you live in the north or some shit?
You specifically are the reason I have 2560x1440, and now 1440x2560, filtered.
I think that it was a mistake to cast a non-passing man as a woman. When you play in JP, Wuk Lamat is a cute genki female Naruto. When you play in EN, Wuk Lamat is an insufferable piece of shit retard. The pink hair xim/xer is to blame for this.
I hope so, they look cute
My heart still remains with face 2, not all of them lost
that's a common resolution for first-worlders
I need you to lay your massive fucking cock on my sunnie's face so i can huff up your musk right now
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What the actual fuck? How?

>zone 6 spoiler
I do this too, but with femezen armpits
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ooh shit.....
that is a vile and cowardly thing to do to helpless cutscene watchers, anon
AST bros, hows the rework? Are we back?
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same but I cum on their calves
when the cutscene is over usually the cum already dripped inside their boots, their next steps wil sound like "floplfopflop" XD
lmao? What a loser, hating a whole ass resolution because of a f3mra.
my meena
convergent evolution
What the fuck was his problem?
I was very curious about that. It could be just a coincidence but I'm curious how a dwarf ended up being Alexandrian
that looks so violent but those things were like dog-sized
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imagine the smell
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I doubt you're the Sunnie I'd like to do that to, but I wouldn't know since you're a shitposting coward.
Oh no I've said too much...
I set it up...
The more things change, the mroe they stay the same.
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Would you do it if I did?
I just remembered I can get another WT book now
Uh, what?? LMFAO

Kate is the one who chose Atlas "Talent" instead of the previous studio and is the one who made the final selection as localization lead.

She is from Kentucky. A different actor is from Puerto Rico. You can hear her normal voice (and pasty white skin) on Twitter: https://x.com/ColinRyan/status/1808010568567083073
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it's literally never been more over bro
my wife moonie
lali-ho isn't an ffxiv exclusive thing
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since WoW and XIV are having a pozoff what's a good alternative to these games?
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Where was my invite
cute miera
OH my love.
>(and pasty white skin)
Wait, so Sena Bryer cucked a lead role out of both a real woman AND a favelamonkey?
I'm liking her more every day.
It's a dying genre. Options are slim.
I do the exact same thing with taking upskirt screenshots if they're wearing one
in dire need of steppies rn
You wanna hear the real fucked up thing? Tomra in ff4 is explicitly the one place where the dwarves don't say lali ho, it's the exact opposite of XIV tomra
they call me.... the viper
>doubt you're the Sunnie I'd like to do that to
which one is that
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>Socially inept loser didn't get an invite from his "friends"
Look at this retard
is it worth aiming for more lines on my WT or should I just turn it in for exp
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Running the new maps over on Seraph for a bit, bring two and lets make some money.

PW: 2211
report to the dawn throne
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Man Solution 9 and onward would actually be decent WITHOUT THIS FUCKING FURRY TRANNY I HAVE TO DRAG AROUND EVERYWHERE
oh my bad i'll drop it back to windows 98 resolution
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this is my inventory
my lalaboy needs a warm femhroth lap immediately
I tried to invite you but you kept ignoring me so I've decided to exclude you from friend activities for the rest of this expansion.
Impossible to say sight unseen, dummy.
One that I hate, and that probably hates me.
women's purfume?
holy shit i haven't seen this image in like 10+ years
but didn't they hire the same previous studio for existing characters? did they hire two studios this time?
genshin impact
My wife went from cat to lizard, bros. It might be the lizard expansion
f3mra are just that powerful
BDO probably
I am the moonie npc
that you ask
what do you do here?
what kind of place is this?
>right click >sort
>Female character
>Tryhard badass glam
It's so cringe every time. Women are not intimidating, you look like such a fool.
I like your african character
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Are we posting more ryne? cuz i could go for some more ryne
>that probably hates me.
you are farming haters lately, that's still vague
wish that was my maliddie otl
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this is an alt
I bet my femroe could kick your ass
i eated a moony
what kind of place is this?
There was this anon posting hypno middies and I was expecting a squatting, legs spread, peace sign Lyse but it never came to be, a shame.
Damn, I was worried when I was looking over the card changes lol.

Thanks bro
rare Trianta spotting
male midlanders
trans voice is good for playing a furry husky voice
threads are gradually readjusting to the way they were should be
the ways of asscrashing will be upon us once more once the patch drops for savabe
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>those urqo/kozama sidequests where you build relations with the two separate tribes living there

quite kino, dare i say

I still haven't gone out of the second part of urqopacha but I'm quite enjoy the sidequests here...
I wonder if they'll all tie into one at some point..
I skipped again
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>shitposting coward

You called?
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its equal parts funny and discomforting how true this is
>pct is a low movement turret mage like what blm used to me

we're so back
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I like zero better.
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>mfw I see a male character playing girly shit like dancer/picto
If you notice a lot of futa do the same thing, try to come off as really bad ass or cool but instead it looks cringe.
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I am a femhroth
that has the full set from Vanguard.
Does anyone know the naming conventions for the male hrothgar in Tural? I see some bits of similarities, but I can't exactly figure out the specifics.
I want my chocobo to look more in line with my viper gear, would you say it looks better with the Bozjan Barding, or no barding?
Are you a neet or how did you finish msq so fast?
your gpose settings...
rp with this theme in the background
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Yeah, but most of those haters are entirely irrelevant. That one knows who they are.
So is this you owning up to it? Or just you being summoned by the call for Sunnie shitposters?
beep boop /xivg/ serves as the entry way to fino fanta discussion. from here, each area of discussion is accessible via specific thread baits
Leveling dungeons guarantee you a piece of the set right?
this moonies feet are free use
It got a bit too bright for my liking and I had to turn it down even more. Which is weird because my house doesnt have very many lights.
thanks for the headsup
I'm a free trial cuck with no glam plate and play with the appearances as they come
What would a cutedom s+ wear usually? a pair of jeans and a tanktop?
I am a bloodborne coded malezen viper
Hi (I will not post my char unless asked)
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this is my inventory now
no, it's my main
this is why i skip cutscenes. i am NOT risking getting pregnant again
> didn't say SCH
whew in the clear. Guess I'm no nancy boy after all
who's this
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what the fuck is this dialogue option
*crowd cheers*
>the /visor changes the look of the helmet.
God this helmet is going to the most MODDED helmet in the game for that alone
Dang lucker
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i'm glad I play in JP.
>wuk tolerable but still insuferrable
>yshtola didn't sound like she was talking through a headset from a scam call center
>anime as fuck voice acting but it's an anime game so why not
anyway this dude will never pass and looks like a 45 year old english teacher
Bozja looks good tbqh
The world weakest malelala could beat up the worlds strongest femroe.
what does that skill even do
is it just fancy AST lightspeed?
I've skipped cutscenes ever since I started playing
you can fucking SEE where their hairline should be
haha nice do you have.... other... functions... robot moonie
written by le heckin quirk chungus
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My bunboy needs a Lilith Aensland wife
Give me your data and your gil
Still a few slots open for maps, come make some quick money before the prices tank
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>what the fuck is this dialogue option
You're gonna be saying that a lot over the next 10 years.
do ur roulettes & a sprinkling of fates.
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>this every thread for the next two years minimum
I LOVE Dawntrail.
What does the Vanguard aiming set look like? Please say not shit.
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are eu servers shitting themselves what the fuck
my internet is fine, it's strictly XIV that's shitting the bed
Do you think she gives good head
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It's going to be glorious.
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She'll be back... right?
Sorry bro its shit. Tank chads won
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
That was a weird moment. Wasn't really the time or place to get excited about a reunion.
The previous VAs came from United Agents in the UK and the current (new) ones came from Atlas Talent in LA. The British one is more premium and has classically trained theater actors, while the other one is closer to the LA office but has no noteworthy/AAA clients. https://www.unitedagents.co.uk/
>They're jealous of me because I'm 37 and I look like I'm 47
Ok then.
Yeah I'm keeping a thumb drive of her between my ass cheeks.
>plays a face 4 femhroth
sisters?? how do we beat the allegations now??????
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My guy looks like an altmer
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>So is this you owning up to it? Or just you being summoned by the call for Sunnie shitposters?
I dunno, I'd say I'm a little bit of column A, with a lot of column B.

Shitposting is my life blood, if I stop shitposting, I die. A tree only falls if it is heard.
don't drag me into this
he looks like a BITCH
PCT is really hard
Skyrim belongs to the Nords!
Your face isn't angular and ugly enough to be an altmer, sorry anon
>Atlas Talent
weird how there's not a single mention of "Atlas Talent" on either /v/ or /vg/ before today
Nononono you're lying to me!
jfc we have at least 6 months
>pressing longcast button to unlock big damage button is hard

it's literally the easiest class in the game while doing huge damage
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I need to farm the scouting set as well and the maiming set.
Yep praying for emote on screen mod.
tranny chasing malera here
don't behave like this, sis
it diminishes everyone involved
Traps > Femboys > Crossdressers > Trannies (pre-op) > Twinks > Trannies (post-op) > Bioholes
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I love Dawntrail
im a friendless peggle master moonie
why? just save the files to your computer
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hate this guy
How many days does it take to sail across the entire ocean? Remember how it took us months in Stormblood to sail from Limsa to Kugane
Bothers the hell out of me that as a Texan I couldn't join their talent roster. Even moreso that they contracted LA and NY talent (presumably more LA) that couldn't even do proper accents.
post-msq WoL will put on one of those revive headpieces and it'll be infected with sphene malware so we see her everywhere
Kek why'd you rank biofems so low
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>here's ur hd grafix bro
You got to give us a quick tldr on the differences
For me its all the same except biofem
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If Otis dies I am going to fucking kill myself.
Uh, yeah? Do you know what day it is, retard? All the VAs were under embargo until today. The actors themselves mentioned their agencies on Twitter.
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How hard is P4S usnycned, pretty viable or nah still. Started playing when it wasn't current so never got the chance
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I need that Oppressor mount so I can take fun screenshots in Rival Wings with my bro who I usually gather CE and roam for while he gives towers and enemy cores the business.
u rike?
>playing fucking LoL arams in between cutscenes to keep me awake
fuck man
I actually have not figured out how to best use it as of yet and forgot to use it altogether in the last MSQ trial.
Go back.
Even before DT it was quite easy

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Unsure what to make of this Sunnie.
Bioholes (jungle bungirl flavored) > Bioholes > Traps = Trannies (pre-op) > Femboys > gas station breakfast sandwich > Crossdressers = Twinks = my gardener Senor Sancho Del Fuego > Trannies (post-op)
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It's the jacket with the headphones you see some npcs in solution 9 wearing. striking/scouting also has that
>Even moreso that they contracted LA and NY talent (presumably more LA) that couldn't even do proper accents.
It's bizarre how they hired two Hispanic actors and yet couldn't find an similar actress for Woke Lament. So they went with a white woman who faked one. Not sure how this is acceptable in 2024. I thought they hired Pajeets and Pacos because they didn't want to fake anything?
very cute pic thanks
my froth is fwalala owned

If my friend and I install this will you play with us ?

Also also

Is the bunny girl archer a good starter class

I'm usually a bard in mmos

Can bards here buff , debuff and heal ?
Do zoomers really?
>astrologian now has 3 buttons just to play cards
yoshitpiss what the fuck is this
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*eyes well up and starts to sob*
I think vpr should have their own self mitigation. also vpr should do more damage cause it would be funny.
Best of luck. The only things I've seen drop from it have been fending parts
The vineyard is closed. Please submit a grape packet to proceed further
funniest post itt
Hahahahahaha, this reminds me of the time I tried to mount (You)r moms
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race has no bearing on class
1 character can play as all classes
Bard in ffxiv is a dot class
If you want to play as buffer, go Dancer.
Yes, part of your rotation is cycling your songs.
You can put a buff out that increases healing potency
I vaguely remember endwalker and shadowbringers. Something about terrifying monsters roaming about and corrupting people into more monsters and it can't be undone. And its the goal of the heroes to stop there from being anymore monsters.
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fantasia doesn't let you change your name?
in pvp?
so I could probably do it pretty easily after like a 30 minutes to a hour of studying and unsync'd? Or don't even bother and just hop in
biofems on female characters > biofems on male characters > interchangeable mass of male degenerates
you no rike?
That does sound very important. Carry on.
Boys who crossdress and 100% pass with no drugs or surgery. Very rare, almost non existant.
Boys who crossdress but don't try to pretend to be girls, they just wear the clothes and try to look cute and boyish.
Boys who get off sexually just by wearing the girly clothes. They do their hair and makeup but it's just a sex thing done in private.
>Trannies (pre-op)
With a penis.
Cute men.
>Trannies (post-op)
With no penis.
> Bioholes
Spawn of the devil. Created by God as power limiters for men. Chaotic evil.
Sup anon, yea ill play with you


Yes (kind of)
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Is the double dye bussin or nah
Name change is a separate paid service
you can't solo it if that's what you're asking
but we had pretty frequent groups running it ITT with a pretty good set of unique strats for cheesing act 2 and 3 and those are the only real dangerous parts of the fight
that costs extra :)
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The fucked up part? I'm pretty sure most people in the thread think I'm a +.
Plastic surgery doesn't let you change your name?
Is Wuk's attire unique or can you get it in game
Yes to all
It would fit the common trend, you gotta admit.
And a pretty pricey one. I changed one of my alts because I was getting weird /tells and it cost more than I expected.
why the long face?
Bard buffs the party but it's rather uninvolved (you just do AoE buffs with battle voice and your songs), you're mostly shooting arrows and putting up DoTs, but yes it's a buff job
It doesn't heal but you have a condition removal and you can increase the healing people get with a buff
It's hit or miss
anyone got the pic of seishun exposing her soles
I am
a male midlander
doing pvp for the mount
>decide to finally continue msq
>first quest I grab has a long cutscene in which a random new npc just walks up to your group and starts rambling about some shit that happened to him where he was drinking and bought wool
>follows it up by saying oh Im sorry your probably dont give a shit about this I should leave

god give me strength to see this through.
Eventually added as mogstation shit like all the other notable npcs lmao
vpr should have a movement speed buff while in sicko mode is what I'd like, but they do got their own self mitigation in pvp. I'm talking pve hombre.
Whats with all the low quality femmiqote posts recently. Both sunnies and moonies posting without adding anything of value
if they make Wuk's Attire available it will be the cash shop.
"buttons" are one of the weirdest thing in XIV development, every other expansion they'll go through old abilities and delete some because button bloat, then other expansion they do shit like this and picto.
You know whats nice about dawntrail?

No ugly 'ra
i guess they never miss huh
moony got da goopy
moonie gettin pretty spooky
Was he right? Are we all just secondaries and chuds
Love that guy!
that's every dumb erp dipshit in these threads, man. ohhh look at my retard character am i so kawaii uguu?? look at all my mods!!!
I understand the assumption.

I used to be a rava before I fanta'd.
as cute as this is, one of you has been BLACKED and HORSED so....
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Yeah bro, check it out!
me + who?
Yes, but why should I show it to you brother?
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I'm a male midlander doing the real content of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
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Me on the left but I'm male, not a futa.
her axe drops from the first dungeon
are you two together
If you had any plans of moving servers in the near future, there is a workaround you can do by making an alt on that server with your current name so that when you move your actual character, it will force you to name change your main (for free). But again only worthwhile if you were already planning to move.
i'm a modbeast and i'm going through withdrawals
S. G. ........
I fell for the femhroth meme
>using light gerbera again
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If a female Viera exists it is adorable. This is an undeniable truth.
Normally i dont mind all the Wuk stuff from DT so far but it kinda annoyed me it was just the WoL and her when you were walking around town with Sphene. She has zero idea about how fucked up things get with calamity planets and having her there being a clueless idiot thinking that they can just stop using that stuff was kinda annoying. They should've at least had one of the other scions there who knows what they're talking about during all that. Probably the first cutscene that Wuk completely dragged down for me. A clueless bumpkin who has no idea how over her head she is with what Alexandria had to deal with.
>Have a winning formula with the PvP buttons
>"Nah, lets continue down this dead end that is the PvE buttons"
For fucks sake...
like you made one or fell in love with one
I miss glamourer because I want to do touch ups to my character but I don't like timers on fantas.
Was the two dye implication automatically implemented or something? Like most second dye options just allows you to change a minor minor detail that doesn't matter instead of changing something you like
Damn bros this really is furry stormblood.
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>being a clueless idiot thinking that they can just stop using that stuff was kinda annoying.
And yet you've had tons of people ITT baffled by how we let them keep using it after the MSQ
ohh ofc, i just dont know if there was like any mechs to worry about like how BR was when EW first came out and people unsync'd
they really honed in on that for the upcoming cutscenes. enjoy!
Honestly thought this was the wild west expansion. Not just one zone.
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Who is his mom?
I count three, the black cat, the yellow eyes one and the grapefruit one
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Back in my element
>someone in my FC accidentally sent an ERP log to FC chat instead of party chat with their EB
I keep forgetting to instant motif on pictomancer between pulls
my femlala
thank god. now i can queue CC safely
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I'm just chillin' anon. If every post had to be meaningful I guess we'd both be banned.
You gotta admit, I am kinda kawaii uguu.

Yeah you're kinda cursed into this misunderstanding, but at least it makes you stand out more when the truth is revealed.
My Malezen's tolerance is now so high that he can drink half a large bottle of whisky in an evening and barely get tipsy and wake up without even being hungover.

He drinks because he has nothing else in his life. He cares not for women, gil, power, fame or material goods. So in essence, he's just waiting to die.

now you gotta share it with us
Its bad
>Tons of items not yet implemented
>Many of the ones that are implemented are like "Oh you wanna dye the other half of this shirt? Too bad lets dye the 1 inch button on it" as if the staff member working on it was just fucking with us
based, would you like me to help you die
>make game related post with my character in it
>zero replies
>do the same but make it hard for people to know it's me
>5 million replies and actual discussion starts in the replies every time
you guys deserve every last low quality catgirl poster
which one
Good to see MMOMinion's PVP addons have been updated finally. Time to work on my pass.
a daily reminder that erenvillle belongs to femezen (sorry I couldn't find him post-msq and mods aren't up to make him appear)
Just trying to unfuck my keybinds here, so DRG didn't get any new buttons and lost dragon sight, right?
Just remove that yeah? Or anything I'm missing?
it's why i have my fc chat as super obnoxious green so i see a visual warning i might blast them with erp
my shadow moonie
We'll probably find out his story/origin in future patch content. Alternatively could be explored in one of those side story write-ups they post on the lodestone occasionally.
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This fucking clenched fist makes me want to harapan this bitch every single fucking time. Makes me irrationally angry.
Yeah I won't cause you losses this way
Until I need materials and go back out to do aether currents, I'll queue while I'm out there
it made the UI suck more somehow
I need to fuck both of these cats at the same time
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What happen to our Ebins? Where did they all go? Are they not excited to play Dawntrail? Remember the days we would all hang out and 'oon at the 'clave inbetween playing other games? That was the beauty of the critically acclaimed MMO Final Fantasy XIV but now no one is around to post their characters. I'm beginning to believe that Dawntrail really was Yawnfail.
writer went too far with that one. sentence is hardly parsable.

What is a "dot" ?
ast changes are absolute kino
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>Was the two dye implication automatically implemented or something?
No, they're just cunts.

They know what they're doing, they know people will be pissed off, but they do it anyway because they hate their playerbase.
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>EX1 with 2 other people
>They both get their weapon back to back
>Haven't gotten mine yet
>They moved to EX2 without me
I am starting to come around too after bitching endlessly about them before release
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play as bard then
"Oh boy I can't wait to double dye my favorite outfit."
>one moment later
>"What do you mean it can't be double dyed?"
Damn the story really does pick up around the end of the 3rd zone, shame it had to be some of the most boring, sleep-inducing setup to get there.
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The one that doesn't taste like grapes
What jobs won and what jobs lost?
I already smooched him I'm sorry....
how much you want to bet that he is actually a clone
Just end my shit right now.

Make it quick or make it badass, run me through with a greatsword while I'm shopping for instant noodles.
I honestly thought cahciua and sphene were the same person for a while.
It's great dude!
that krile part after yshtola and graha show up
that was so fucking weird, it all happened so fast and the cast was like "yup this is old news"
No plogons to goon with
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I couldn't get it to look good. Sorry, anon.
WAR always winning.
You do realize you're a cuck loser, right?
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Meleechuds worship Pictochad cock. Casters won bigly, again.
So what the fuck do we do now, story wise, there aren't even any hints or suggestions what they're going to do between this expansion and the next. The entire expansion tidy itself up real well even with its plot holes; issues solved, turned off the power thats all folks
Amazing how quickly most of the people from the Source decided it was ok to hook that brain hacking device to their head. I think it'd take more than 30 years to convince me to do it. Especially when you start seeing people forget about loved ones.
MNK fucking lost because bootshine spam under riddle of fire is still the most optimal thing to do instead of their new snap punch move
Who cucked me this time
Damn. You must be dumb as a bag of bricks if modern PvE rotations are too much for you.
So this expansion confirms: Beasts have souls

So the ascians could have harvested aether from beasts for feeding zodiark.
I respect the commitment to quality.
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This area is cool. It reminds me of a certain somewhere.
Its weird they advertise the whole double dye aspect with armor that actually has a dramatic difference with being double dyed, then everything else is like... "What dye channel should we give this?" "Iunno, about this random ribbon."
can the dev team not do math or something? is that why we keep getting math problems for mechanics? so we can figure it out for them?
Is it just me or does anyone elses taint always make their underwear smell absolutely heinous? Like you smell the crotch area and you're like "yeah ok, that's cum and dick smell" and you smell the ass area and you're like "yeah that's a bit stinky" but then I smell the taint zone and it's like smelling salts but it smells like death.
He's not actually his son, he's the excised "good" portion of Zoraal Ja that he removed. His humanity if you will. Screencap this.
Please plap my pathetic femlala pussy
p9 already confirmed that last expansion when that thing ate a beast soul
what a vile usage of spoilers
He's a clone
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Old content?
Oh my fucking christ.
Anon he's not the "good" portion of him. He's his head of reason
Is the ascians stupid?
He is
The head of reason that he is missing when he transforms mid fight.
GNB won bigly igly
*lionhearts you to death*
Updates: [Open plugin changelogs]
》 Marketbuddy updated to v0.2.3.1.
》 Splatoon updated to v3.5.1.0.
》 TriadBuddy updated to v1.10.0.0.
》 IINACT updated to v2.6.0.0.
》 FF Logs Viewer updated to v2.1.7.0.
》 Rotation Solver Reborn updated to v7.0.0.9.
》 Artisan updated to v4.0.0.3.
It's the FFXIV way. Every time they mention a cool idea, think of the gayest, lamest, most pathetic interpretation of that idea.

Double dye channel expectation:
>Oh I can have a red scarf and a blue vest

Double dye channel reality:
>Oh...the button turns red...cool
Who else but OJ, idiot?
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i am a meena
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Once peace has been restored, I will be in full form, and shitposting exclusively to coomers.
maybe they did
>plugins updated
>all of a sudden vipers and pictomancers start shitting out damage
>Wuk Lamat begins talking again
>meanwhile inside my brain
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You should both kill yourselves
That was literally years ago at this point, you think about it more than I do, clearly
You just know they're going to nerf Pictomancer the next patch or two, that aint gonna slide for long. Picto will probably float around DNC DPS once they're done with it.
No. Its what they had intended to do before hydaelyn had a woman moment on them.
It most certainly seems like it's automated at this point, there's just way too many that are shit like "tiny button changes". Each glam has like 11 dye options thanks to glamerour finding out. They definitely could've handpicked a better one than the tiny buttons etc.
none of the plugins that matter outside of noclippy do anything for that
big femra energy
>Im an alien from a world of gold? Cool I guess, anyway.
I have been posting way more often
Who was his dad's mom.
The PVP ones are working now. Have fun.
A shame, really, but it is what it is. Just you trying to satisfy an anon's horny mind is enough for me.
Just like how it was gonna be dead on arrival and do no damage because Yoshi would never let it compete with BLM... right?
the hell is rotation solver reborn, that just show you what to press next or press that shit for you
Rent Free.
The PvE rotation is just a bloated mess.

PvP is simple, effective, almost instantly intuitive and it's fast, snappy and easy to play. But they'll never do it because then everyone would realise just how much time you spend in raids battling against your dogshit rotation and how little time you spend actually playing the game.
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Holy fuck DNC is so bloated now
Never post again
nta but rpr was undisputed top 1 at ew launch and they nerfed it into easily the worst melee

i do not participate in that degeneracy so forgive me for my ignorance
i am a pictoid. no i am not a fucking tranny
Nin didn't win or lose, it just played.
now please jsut be a cool anon and share the key, I have quit the old discords I was a part on where people had it.
I hope viper doesn't get another button with 8.0. It is honestly fine the way it is.
> Keep trying to enter a pf for exs
> Woman I met during MSQ keeps sending me tells
> We keep hitting it off and flirt with each other
> This feels better than any satisfaction clearing was going to give me

I was planning to go all out this expac content wise, why did she have to come out of nowhere to distract me so? This is nice, but, it's getting in the way.

Thanks for reading my blog.
It clips when I emote
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I guess they made a paradise for those who love TEA
well that isnt a answer to my question, and I don't got a key
???????????? Anon we just got the ability to travel between shards. That opens up countless options.
i am going to marry this cat
How do you pass the time waiting for login queue? Especially when it DC's you in the middle of an instance and now you're #473?
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Bro is just making up words now
it's not out yet is it
I'm a dumb tard meant to be a response to >>484456221
I would slurp up every cum monster they make specifically for my WoL
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You will remember this cat.

oh (and I lied I do have a key my friend is a dev you aint getting it tho)
All words are made up anon.
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Have a good day, anon
I forgive you.
>erenville is shorter than my min height rava
i want to rape him in his tent
ok chatgpt I need a settlement name for a furry fantasy village and it has to sound exotic
Finally, midriff
I like your color scheme, especially the light blue eyes on dark skin.
we got a new macguffin
it's going to be the most important thing in the entire new arc and they introduced it at the very start
it is making me cringe just thinking about it
gonna put my white boy malidster in the new world set and walk straight into tuliyollal
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Haven't you been cucked by every lalaboy you ever interacted with?
I've got a loveless marriage
They'll need to make up a word for how badly I'm gonna kick your ass if you get smart with me again
If they're gonna go for accuracy like this they should translate those names into english so people see more than just a jumble of letters.

Like Luwateninyawawsa probably means something like "the river by the lavendar fields where the alpaca roam".
Nope, but now I'm interested in what makes you think that so I can set you straighter than I will ever be
Wish I found 1111111111111111111111111111 more amusing than playing ddr on my keyboard. Oh well, lucky for you they are going to be appealing more to you fucks now. Judging from Viper and mnk. Wish I could at least have the choice of separating the combos.
I honestly couldn't tell if it was real or gibberish. As there is real world examples I can point to like in the Cheyenne language:
>ma'xehevovetaso (big whirlwind)
>le bloat buzzword
There's less buttons to press than ever. Funny how this was never an issue before the WoWfugees flooded in.
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despite me liking my character i might just fanta off because of how much im forced to agree with wookie lamat, its in EVERY CUTSCENE and i have literally no option but to lie and coddle this fucking animal. i feel disgusting
I haven't looked at what the new optimal burst is yet but ive been happy with a dash of ehh for MNK. The new raptor and coeurl moves have grown on me but i hate the leaping opo animation. I miss my punch combo, not a bunch of scratches. I also dont like how the rumination skills are on the gcd, really slows things down i feel.
well i'm gonna be friends with this cat
JP hates Wuk too despite being voiced by an actual woman
need a sweaty hrothgal to trap my head under her sports bra thanks
Farming coins in dead mans hand
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Hear me out
What if Square did the Twitch Drops campaign just on release, so people would SPAM their streams on shout chat, forcing a bunch of annoyed autists to block certain words, as a way to mass beta-test their new message filtering feature?
Thanks! I thought of something that wouldn't obliterate the character with too much color diversity, while also having the ability to keep the appeal of wearing things that do add more color.
Who is Appal cucking you for this expansion?
anyone see a good viper glam for femhroth or am I shit outta luck
Is there an ETA on plugins?
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Yeah they should have done that as I felt utterly lost.
Not interested in lies from a cucked loser.
what the fuck does this mean macchi
One of these things is not like the others
One of these things is not the same.
>bad voice acting
>bad script
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So you have nothing to present. Have a good day, anon.
But... but... the content...
wont be released till after 7.0 officially releases (today) and hotfix is released, missing out on nothing literally, glamourer, dalamud, and mare are still down as well as the other big ones
>win a bunch of CC games
>get thrown in retard queue
>shitters every game
>never win again
I hate matchmaking in this game
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What should I use my bicolor gems on? Leather?
I wish extrachat would come back up so we could talk about meeting up on dynamis to do roulettes together
>speak to wuk lamat again
I don't wanna
I would be fine with reskins if they just swapped who got what I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY DON'T DO THIS IT WOULD FIX EVERYTHING
What are you queuing as
every single catboy considering switching to mch after getting to shalami
If I interpreted it correctly, they are disgusted seeing their character do things they don't like seeing to an extent that they are applying negative association onto their current character appearance. If that makes sense.
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where is it
It means Macchi can't stomach seeing her character agreeing with Wuk Lamat so she will fanta to avoid the... *Checks buzzwords*.... humiliation ritual.
>There's less buttons to press than ever
Most jobs still have 30+ buttons to press.

It's just archaic game design at this point. Look at character action games an their sheer variety of movesets and tell me 500 buttons is the only way to do things.
>wuk lamat is following you now
sounds like autism
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speak to the fucking tranny cat NOW
Sounds good. I'm always happy to make new friends
Lina Mewrilah
god i'm so lonely the only fun i have is taking half assed screenshots
Where? And why is the guy in the background?
No one could cuck a lala this cute.
a dress for our EB ceremony
What? A catboy just handed me a cup of warm lemonade.
What am I meant to do with this?
so... uh solution 9 housing district when?
My friends and I are thinking that they will shelve Wuk like they did with Lyse by 7.2.
can you guys stop posting so much, i keep missing entire threads because i'm busy playing the game
They've been cucked six times by six different lalaboys.
Will there be a maintenance for the "release"?
I don't remember making this post...
I'm sure your screenshots are lovely, anon.
cigarettes after femra
Hopefully never or later. We need Sharlayan or maybe beachside+water bungalows.
does the american indian one erp?
shut the fuck up god damn
Don't bother he'll either ghost you or schizo you in thread
how so? I haven't tried AST myself yet but it seemed like nothing but a drag
>friend has the flame puppy title on
straight up how do I leash and collar this bitch
Cucked twice, once by a lalaboy, if you're tracking stats
same but there are literally zero posts worth reading in any of these threads so who cares
*puts on my spectacles*
I learned today that cuck lamat's VA is a fucking troon.
The character feels even more gross and freakish than before. Why would SE do this? Is the last good big game getting pozzed?
Fuck sharlayan or more fantasy housing. Give me sci-fi housing or apartments in the cool neon city.
Hi. I am a Femlala and I will be patiently waiting for an anchor. Thank you.
No one deserves that...
bro has no rizz
I think solution 9 should be our next hangout spot.
>yet another frontlines episode where people don't want to PVP in the PVP gamemode
It's not a character action game it's a fucking tab targeting MMO. That's what the game is. If you don't like it stop playing.
Post ugly femlalas.
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Already Eb'd to a femlala.
I will use gems to buy leathers.
It may be, but I understand it.
I had a similar issue where my character who is much like Alphinaud socially was forced to let Lyse be a retard.
yeah except either in the bar area or the residential area
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when does the new ranked season start
o-oh... okay.......
Talk. To. Wuk. Lamat. Again.
which leathers are in high demand now?
People said this about RPR but all they did was halve their Arcane Crest heal and buff the other melee jobs.
Action MMOs suck, there's a reason tab target MMOs are the only ones that have ever been truly successful to any degree.
Residential area looks good. Lots of space, tons of benches, fountains, etc
that's why im asking for help
This is just pathetic. Stop lying.
This is an OJ femroth skinwalking, surely
bro is asking for help
Am I supposed to like Dawntrail or hate it?
>and buff the other melee jobs.
Yeah that is what is going to happen. Probably at the same time the first savage tier comes out.
>it's a fucking tab targeting MMO. That's what the game is. If you don't like it stop playing.
Calm down cultist.

They've already created a superior system with the PvP movesets. Just port those over to PvE and we're good.
don't make me fucking schizo you
I'm not gonna provide explanations until you provide your own information, because I'm not giving you fuel for free
femra daydreams
90 iq
I've not schizoed anyone from thread. I have open contempt for one person and that's it
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this is a surprisingly profound statement
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open contempt for who
Has anything even changed from EW -> DT gameplay-wise?
>be on vacation
>Wuk is the Mc pretty much because it's her land and story arc
>we're still dragged along for the ride
>we still have to do 85% of the work for wuk
>we still have to do tons of chores for random ass mooks who expect us to do everything for them, as if they knew who we were despite not actually knowing
I wish my character could have just sat at the beech and drank martinis.
>noooooo the genre can never evolve it has to remain the same thing as wow classic 20 years ago!!!!
cultist mentality
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ShB > ARR > HW > EW > SB > DT
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>ovoo gets captured
>half the team continues fighting at where it was instead of moving towards new ovoo
You admit to being a cucked loser.
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>Loot two pets
>Both start around a Mil
>Someone undercuts me by a gil
>Divide the price by two
>Instantly sell
Why are people so adamant on selling pets 1M when they will be 50k in a week?
Or A3S enjoyers from way back when. DC dying dying, electricity.
>ex EB and the person they left me for together in the same area as me
thank GOD for the new blacklist system
hi again long time no see (one minute ago) /pet
>Admit to something that's proven fact
Well yeah, denying the truth is insane
we're still in the shadowbringers gameplay technically
Admitting the truth is even more insane.
hihiihhi my cc queue popped
Why? Denying anything that's actually true feeds your narrative, and the fact I got cucked is public knowledge
I dont mind you anon.....
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It clips when I exist
no..............leave me.....
how neat
Nobody likes miera
EW > HW > DT so far (at the start of Hanu Hanu area) > SB > ShB > ARR
Started in ShB btw
There's another area earlier on I forgot the zone but it has a charred vale with flying monsters. If you find it let me know if you can see the resemblance
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Oh yeah I already passed it. That was my first thought when I saw it too. Looks exactly like Charred Vale leading into Desolace.
She needs more art.
i need mods and posing tools back so i can commit sexual assault on the npcs that have caught my eye
I read "posing" as parsing and was like what? Parsing ERP?
>they should magically turn this game into DmC
retard mentality
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There are people who unironically look for Words Per Minute when looking for erp. That's the funniest shit I've ever heard of.
never...Lizards love....

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