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Previous Thread: >>484431548

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Task Force Emergency Nighttime Meeting - 6/5 (Wed) After Maint - 7/3 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 6/19 (Wed) 4:00 - 6/26 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 6/26 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/3 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 6/29 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2587179
Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Bounties - 6/24 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Monkey should die
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hanako's unbelievably hairy pussy
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You can do it /bag/, I believe in you. Unless you're American, since all you ever do is bitch, whine and moan
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>Check the NA top rankers
>3 guys from my pvp bracket in the top spots
What the fuck why is my bracket so God damn cursed
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Would you have Hare as gf?
Who's rolling for Umika?
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does she want me to kiss her? why is she blushing like that?
Honest thoughts on the JTF?
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"YOLO," said Millennials, and "yeet," the Zoomers cried
"Rizzler gyatt fanum tax," the Alphas then replied
And lo, there came a shaking as an ebon spire rose
Upon it writ the tongues of men, their generations' prose
And from the sky a thund'rous voice called out unto the stone,
As golden letters glowed upon its surface, newly shown:
And all beheld the words embossed theron in great timidity
With shaking and with wavering voice, the grim refrain began
As all the generations sang the verse at its command
Their weeping and their running sores did nothing to delay
The chanting of that fevered song as night succumbed to day
But rose that morn a blighted sun whose light scoured like a flood
The sky was rent asunder and the rivers turned to blood
Their flesh peeled of in sickly strips, their bones were rendered bare
And still they chanted ever on, the words they uttered there
Until bone and flesh and earth and death were all forgotten things
And still unbidden, undesired, the blackened spire sings
Around it wind the whispers of the souls in its captivity:
"rizzler gyatt fanum tax... sigma ohio skibidi"
How much different is Torment from Insane, and should I bother doing it if I don't have Meru?
I usually just do Insane, never did Torment before.
I think she would be preferable over my right hand.
in a way i already do have a hare gf
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Yeah but she wouldn't be my first choice if I could choose other BA characters. She has one of the most normal personalities in BA, she's just a RL nerd girl but with a pretty anime face. And that's nice, but I'm usually looking for something more in a fictional character.
Why did they make their sports bloomers so fucking short for the 3D promotional video? It's like they're practically wearing panties at that point
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blasphemous is the dark souls of metroidvania, can't believe i die a lot in the mountain area
blue archive
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Choose your FIrst Year C&C
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My precious desert rose.
Torment Hovercraft is so comfy
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
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Kek, what is this?
Hare's mid is going to be round
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What the fuck are you, a woman? Because it sounds like you're complaining about something that's a good thing.
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nom nom
What is Chise's ultimate weapon?
that's a dog
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The usual.
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It's Midomo
>Hina is Vegeta
It's quite literally over
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Post students scowling as if they were looking at walking garbage.
Right. NOW!!!
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No. I'm not a stoner.
Hey ᓀ‸ᓂ
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Asuna sucking me off while having that face...
They share the same forehead
Posting Reijo every day until she gets added Day 51
Vegeta won that fight, thoughever. He only tactically retreated after getting jumped and almost clutching the 4v1.
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Because that's how they're designed in the game, as for why they're like that in the first place it's basically otaku media tradition at this point, bloomer sports shorts have been removed from schools for decades (good riddance) and they only live on in otaku media because otaku can't let them go.
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This face gets me painfully erect.
BejitaGOD won that fight
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and some dumb bimbo
wait... it's possible for asuna to experience negative emotions?
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Asuna would never
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>i will never have a gf with hair as long as asuna's/hanako's
it's over for me
Please explain the fried uhee~ meme.
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Pantyhose erotic
Noa Love
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>getting uppity over bloomers
Really femcel?
frieza wouldn't stand a chance against her
Someone put the Hoshino Fumo inside a shrimp plushie, that's it.
He probably fucked the Fumo.
Anal? With Chise? I don't know...her reactions might be delayed.
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Keep on keepin on, anon, you never know
Vegeta has never won a fight
is a good thing yes?
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>artist portray her as turbo slut
i hate it
Even a golden retriever will bark at things that isn't it's master
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> Delayed ejaculation
How do I learn this power?
Who's the first student you had to spark and the first student you saved a spark for?
Mine's Ako for both.
chat is this real???
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where hole?
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How's your Steam sales /bag/?
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Global really loses half of Shiroko's personality without the "Nn"
same as everyone else?
i dont get special discounts
buying hades and blasphemous, finish hades in 24 hours, now playing blasphemous
How good is the porn for this girl?
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lubing up hanako's soft succulent thighs with baby oil and then getting a thigh job
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>half of Shiroko's personality is ん
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I'm gonna spark and cum so hard for Kirara.
Wait... I just remembered I missed the affection posting...
easy plat
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...there's a porn of her?
Miku, and that's when you still need 300 pull to spark
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if it exists, there's porn
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Gigastacy glass cannons are kino and im tired of pretending theyre not
unfortunately there isn't porn of leryn from chrono ark
>He only tactically retreated
Bitch please, he was allowed to leave thanks to GODku.
I still have games I haven't even opened from 4 summers ago.
I'm not a retard that buys something and never plays it.
>believing bad translations
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honestly I never really cared about kirara, erika is much better
i only buy games that i will immediately play and i'm currently stuck playing one right now
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Haruna is not a glass cannon at all, her NY alt just fucking forces Sensei to hand hold her for the entire day while going on a date
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my lovely studentWife Noa
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>actions of a respectable teacher
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This would have been more hype than what we got
Dog only has two personality

"Nn" and rob bank
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i know shes not actually, but just for the purposes of that comic its an interesting take on if you were to turn the tables on her
wait until you see after the ASS event how they all react
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This would have been more hype
sHanako looks weird
Your android 19 fight?
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>3 years into the game
>still no dedicated student for breast milking
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I don't even know what to buy anymore...
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he beat goku once https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QnfwX8XbVw
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why do we hate himari again?
No shit, Hoshino would have beaten her before she gave a single step and the story would go back to the girls chasing her
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Nikkers try to not steal from BA challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)
I love Himari, she's my favourite student
We don't. We love her erotic flat chest.
Can someone edit Hina vs Migga so we can have the trifecta
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I want to fuck Chise.
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Actually, I like Momoi.
Narcissists are annoying
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Rio's patented brainwashing technique
She made fun of Peroro
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It's over Hoshino Takeshi, you now face the strongest and greatest hero of justice in all of Trinity, yes the great super-star herself, Uzawa Reisa
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Since when?
trust no one not even yourself
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Mika Sheep vs Mika...
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Trust her
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i want to fuck hanako
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Bought Type Lumina and a goblin girl porn game.
It'd be fun watching Hoshino turn Reisa into a puddle of blood and organs
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Who wins vs her?
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This but without the Han-
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where is she
do NOT ryona your daughter
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Fake fight, literally gets revealed ten minutes later Goku was holding back most of his power all along. Vegeta gets autistically angry about it later on when he finds out Goku was just fucking with him because he didn't see him worthy of using all his power on him.
>Type Lumina
Meh. OG is still better. And better animated, too. Nasu is such a nigger.
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It's not ryona if she gets pulverized before she could feel anything
I want to see them share a dick like they share that popsicle.
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>powerlevel shit
>db shit
>mikafags forcing her everywhere
I thought na hours already ended
>I thought na hours already ended
Obviously not, because you're still here, shitposting.
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I miss Key hour
I don't like this image
Feels fake
go to bed you little crybaby
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I bought Monster Hunter World, it's pretty fun.
it's LATAM hours you dumbass
It's still america
But I love Himar-
Nevermind I HATE Himari now
All Hail Rio!
Any baggots wanna do some hoonts?
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who is the broly of BA?
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I have once again bought the KH franchise for the nth time
I'm a gigantic retard
Fucked up how 99% of the time someone posts the word mikafag it’s you crying because your scat spam never amounted to anything
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too big
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Roogi innit?
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>your student
>your mh weapon of choice
Which Broly? Gigatard OG Broly or Nu-DB Broly?
im starting to think she has a few screws loose
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haha maki boy
>99% of the time
there's only one broly
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Is insane gurnateed plat in NA?
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maki boy
maki sex
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Gunlance is the big dick weapon.
Anything else is fagbussy territory
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If you're not playing with the greatsword you're playing Monster Hunter wrong.
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Who is the Jiren of BA?
OG broly, the superior one
Stay hydrated /bag/
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nice pubes
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Gehina vs Trinity doko?
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v v
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I never watched dragon ball I don't know what you fags are talking about
I switched to SnS for rise tho cause I didn't like the GS there
The muscular men lose their clothes and scream at one another for 100 episodes.
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>Goku vs Buu reveals Goku was hiding SS3 from Vegeta during that fight
Always bet on holding back.
Explains why mikafags love it
aru looks so cute in every picture i see of her
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who is the vegeta of ba
who is the frieza of ba
who is the cell of ba
who is the buu of ba
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big archive
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Who is the Seiba of BA?
Who is the Rin of BA?
Who is the Sakura of BA?
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>shield nigger calling others pussies
the irony is no longer palpable
we are entering actual makoto retard levels
How come we don’t have our own Asuna and Karin 2…
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i only like the original, actually
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If that's the case why's she depicted as the biggest rapist in Kivotos
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Gun lance
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>Steam sales
>An old game I wanted to buy isn't at discount
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This is a miyako general!
nonomi has no personality
Dual blades for two decades.
You can't do that, that's Nagisa's thing
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Nah. Mika is more like Arcueid
>both dumbasses
>both princesses
>both associated with space
>both bipolar as fuck
We don't really have a character that fits the Sakura archetype.
> Toki is saiba
Did you retards just see a blonde girl and instantly associate it with Fate?
Fatefags are literal plague upon all games.
goku is the brett favre of dragon ball and won the most super bowls
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She has a very large personality.
>just evade attacks bro
If you're not catching those hits you're not a real man, fag.
Who are the straw hats of BA?
Leave Hoshino to us.
Who's the Picolo of BA?
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They literally made the Neru vs Toki fight in vol 2 a Rider vs Saber reference and even called one of the chapters promised victory something as a reference
More like LGBT am I right fagfie? LOL
I never see anyone say insect glaive. Where my IG bros at?
How much do you wanna bet Binah will make an appearance in the upcoming story update
Like it will eat the train or something
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But I use every BM weapon
I don't vibe with guns in MH unless it's a HAME run
Meds unfunny nigga
Aris should wear this
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WAPPI!!!! (* UwU *)
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I tried to play with charge blade but it just didn't feel as good. Back in the day they told new players to start with lance and it was such a bad and boring introduction it almost completely soured my opinion on MH.
I hope so.
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hanako's big big love
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SnS and Lance.
Mika should die
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Charge Blade
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Power stancing after using consumables was good.
Begone frenchie
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Swaxe gaming
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Lance is like the least flashy weapon in the game so it's understandable.
GUNLANCE in the other hand...
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You can't say that, the worldsperm will seeth.
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hoshino crunchy
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Might be on to something there cause my student uses a FAMAS...
Least flashy but being able to maintain maximum aggression and stay glued in front of the monster as THE WALL was a great feeling.
Was the headpat interval 3 hours or 4?
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I hope Hina wins
neither will win, it will be a cop out of both holding back and then Sensei shows up and makes em stop fighting
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I hope I can take Hina home after the fight
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I've never played MH but the monster designs are pretty cool
I'm planning on making a petition to change it to 4. It's very stressful that I have to interrupt my reading to do headpats.
That's a lie
No one uses all weapons
Just as much of a lie as Maki fans existing in /bag/
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asuna? looking serious?
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>are pretty cool
I don't know what's happening with Wilds but the shit revealed ain't it. Hopefully they are hiding the good monsters.
I never understood the complaints about it. Healing was a gamble you had to properly time, just like the rest of the combat. And the power stance happens every time so you should have already accommodated for that when you start drinking. What was so bad about it?
Finally cleared Extreme as a level 70 newfag. It was so-so in the comfy level. I did it with 3 teams. The chunk size of mats I stockpiled for Dhina were dumped onto Ako 3* and I thought it was for nothing. Her EX is now maxed out from 2 (5778 from 2438-ish). The damage output was about the same difference. Oh, but Wakamo has less than about 500,000 HP left after the second or was it third? borrowed Mika salvo. She had about 200,000 HP left after that, which was then quickly cleaned off with Mika's BS. I redeemed Eimi and Koharu. I redeemed Koharu so that Eimi could have a higher chance of survival, only to end up not using her in the end. My 4* Momoi was more reliable than her, and my Koharu wasn't even invested. I leveled up Kayoko's CC power to level 4 and her necklace to T8, which I think was the least needed to stun Wakamo with just her EX for the first time only. I managed to beat Extreme on mock before leveling her up, though. I'm not sure how, but it felt as if I almost ended up bricking my Extreme clear by leveling up her CC power. Eimi had fewer chances of survival when she used to rely on Kayoko's BS CC chance shenanigans because she can CC faster and more reliably now and we dealt less damage before the time limit hit than before I leveled up. It was sort of fixed now by autoing Kayoko's EX first before worrying about Eimi's survival and finishing the first phase as soon as possible. This was after I leveled up Ako. I leveled up Junko's T4 hair clip to T5 so she could barely survive the first salvos in Phase 2. I don't have Neru. I can more or less confidently farm Extreme. It's less maldy than Kurokage Extreme, that I can say for certain.
Gold secured I guess...
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Proud of you buddy
>originally evil
>beaten by the strongest
>reborn good
>loose morals
It's Shiroko.
Halo doko?
A clear is a clear, grats.
Anyway, time to do Insane.
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I'm the real winner.
The second strongest*
I thought it was annoying when I played my first MH game, but I got over it in a few days. Ended up loving the series.
Who is the Anya of BA?
>friends with hanako
>has ps68 for speed dial
>momofriends with hifumi
nonomi sure gets around
how come she doesn't have any contact in millennium?
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who is the shut the fuck up of ba???
Hoshino isn't the strongest?
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man I love BA bland and boring archetype
No that's Hina.
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>no pubes
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small bombing for faster recovery was a thing, no idea why no one was doing it before 4U
She knows Yuuka and Aris since she's a member of Itazura Straight
Farfie pictured
Who is the Naruto and Sasuke of BA
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Me in the middle
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>bland and boring mentioned
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Wilds will save us, Gunlancebros.
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No, that's Cherino.
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I got banned the last time I posted a wappi with pubes
harem endings are fucking garbage
She won
Aru's breasts aren't that big
NTA but how important is Neru for Wakaboat? I'm looking at the leaderboard and everyone's using her
damn, this is way sexier than it ought to be
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Who is the Aru of BA?
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Ibuki can charge my blade if you know what I mean
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I love how japs also noticed yukari's wide chibi
>no pee stains
>no pubes
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Should I start with World or Rise?
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Who is the Costco Hotdog of Blue Archive?
Tri U
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Gorilla love
Please post that cute girl with the twintails
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Fuuka has had enough...
Maka, no! Run away!!
>2 wives
>3 wives
>4 wives
A bit much
>5+ wives
Boring garbage
Neru auto attack and EX hits multiple times, and Wakaboat has that mechanic on phase 2 where she gets a debuff that increases the received damage.
That's why Meru, Neru and Utaha are good for phase 2.
Oh and Miyu too.
Harem ending is only bad if it feels like a cop out or undeseivisve from a writer who just couldn't choose

If the MC actually feels like he earned the harem, then it feels amazing when it actually works out. Occassionally you have an MC feel like he really earned it.
Don't make it feel indecisive, make it feel like he's picking all of them. Show him actually sexing all of them
Make it feel like it's everyone's happy ending
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They love eachother
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MH4U, the best game in the franchise.
Sink the wakayatch.
World, hands down.
Rise is just for ADHD riddled mmofags.
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Mika can have her harem
Your pelvis?
after you know what you're doing, yes. But as a new player it's FUCKING AWFUL and has zero of the easy to understand gratification from a big hit+stagger that things like hammer/gs give you
fuck your shit taste
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The new total assault boss looks pretty tough.
How about 100+ wives?

Those Ottoman sultans i tell ya
Wish I could post some Rampage clips but I lost them fug
switching between CB, SA and GL
By Minesex, in front of Mika
She's the best for the boat half's gimmick but idk if she's necessary. She is there for the number of hits from her very cheap ex
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unironic skill issue my nigger
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Open this to cum instantly.
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Run away to who?
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Your what?
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Sensei's pelvis is strong.
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Noooo what a disgrace.....
What about a Choose Your Own Ending where they show different endings for each girl?
> Summon the 2 npcs to make the fight cooler thanks to their dialogue.
> Unintentionally make the fight even harder.
Why's Fromsoft like this
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Akofans on /bag/?
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Your rights
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You start with 3U. If it isn't difficult enough go back to FU. After you're done with those go to 4U which is where everything truly peaks, no this isn't open for debate. After which you can finally jump to World. Once you're done with that you can recline with GU or Rise.
so is your mothers considering how many guys and animals are in there daily
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Post sleepy brats
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It's over
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Shields are just better.
Simple as.
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Have you shared how bad the Cyber New Year March translation is outside of /bag/? The more people complain about it the better.
No one uses Hunting Horn...
As long as it's only one girl.
>gobul will never return
>ceadeus will never return
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flagship title
arcade title

Always start with World then Rice, you will appreciate both game that way
Mikachad being bait-averse as always
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I spent all my money on pakeji
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Why is she so assertive?
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jannies are retarded what else is new
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I am demanding you post lazy brats. This is not a request.
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Outside... of /bag/? I didn't know there was something outside of here.
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>HH players before World were gods and would weave toots into combos
>HH players after World sit in the back and toot heal over and over and get bullied off of the carves when the hunt ended so much that they removed post-hunt physics
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Yuuka chasers lol
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Yuuka would only have fat thighs, it's Mikafans that like girls like that >>484411572
Still better that Le breakdancing toot hammer lmao.
Goldbeard was a such a pushover, God.
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I prefer the gentle gorillas
Go with Rise since the twins are hotter than what World has.
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im just playing the same game hes playing, but with deep cuts
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also World have more player count so it will enhanced your MonHun multiplayer experience, community is quite great
>TLDR; the Devs got MEGA BASED and you will canonically marry two girls and going forward this will become a whole new system.
>The main story will also take this into account because in-game there's no what-if scenarios, everything's canon. So the girls will likely call you Dear
>This also has the CN players and the guys at their general /here/ kinda confused because no one is sure if that means if going forward
>Are they going to keep releasing bride skins and thus you will keep marrying everyone they release?, or what?
For now, it's 2 of the 3 main squad girls but anons expect that the next bridal skin is going to be the girl that's left from the starter squad (the flat loli/petite?) and maybe some other random girl from the cast.
Back to BA as a topic.

She's really cool!

Whoa, nice!

Summer Summer Summer!!!
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i wanted to post noa chasers for contrast but its not nice posting recent suicide victims
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it is your highest duty to nature and to nature's God that you breed a curvy jk
hmm sorry i do not breed my students
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Best 5th gen girl is waiting in elgado anyway.
Clearly I'm talking about Chichae.
They're only gentle until you call them mommy, then you drown to death in milk
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you're a better man than i am. i would never pull out of hanako's ass
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Or dare I say
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How easy would it be to convince Hare to call sensei daddy during sex?
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Wake me up when we can canonically marry lolis in gachas other than AL
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>snowbreak tourists shilling their shit
>xitterpajeets posting weird shit
I can't with this thread.
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Sure, I choose this curvy JK
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Hoshino should fry.
Join us with soulful mh discussion instead
That's cool but there are no playable lolis in that game (the shortest girl is like 150cm, pathetic) so it's a no-go for me.
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nonomi is a very pleasant girl to be around
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Sensei owes Hina sex.
bros, is it just me, or did the performance become amazing this update? I've never seen the game like this, it's so much more fluid, the menus are so much faster, especially clicking through relationship levels in the cafe
did they do some optimization?
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Actual and unironic shill bot post
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>First Hare translation hours
>Then Hare Maki
>Next Yoshimi
>Now Iori

I'm so proud of you guys. Keep fighting for your wives and their truth.
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Why is this cat so smug?
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Is that KC
nice fan animation bro
imagine the smell. the mingling of strawberry and vanilla scents. ahh the smell of a cute jk...
The last fight is already a nightmare, summon 2 more characters for thematic reason turns it into a brick nightmare.
Yeah, it's not very fun.
t. played for 8 years
MHGU if you're a Dark Souls 1 guy
Rise if you're a Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring guy
No one cares
Depends. Do you want soul or convenience?
If you want soul, start with 3U. If you love the soul then go back to 1 and work your way through. If 1's soul is too much for you then go to 4U. If you hate soul in general, start with world. If you hate world then go to 4U, if you love world then go to rise.

Either way, when you arrive at and complete 4U, look into Frontier and decide if you are a masochist or not.
I'm surprised it's even alive
I just want a fucking chat filter toggle.
Don't go Yuuka. I need you
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For me it is Ys X Nordics
Where can I download these mods?
Is MH Stories any fun?
Im so pretty bros
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yes you are asuna
It's developed and owned by a doujin circle that used to specialize in food/cooking doujinshi of all things. All of their money comes from merch and real life events.
I'm sorry to say this but your son mains charge blade.....
Nothing beats Ys Origin though
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Shagaru Magala is the best MH monster
Probably. I hate it simply because some dickhead at Capcom chose to give that a remaster instead of 4U. I pray I never run into the suit behind that business decision on the street...
Toki isn't that big.
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Probably some chink mod sharing website that needs your phone number to log in.
I searched for the Alice mod and it only appeared there lol
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monster cock hunter?
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yeah, mine, and in your mouth
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Respectable but it's the Gore Magala
Yama is the worst, it's such a piece of shit fight.
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/bag/ is a /hag/sag/ MilleniumCHAD General
Don't forget it
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For me it'll always be Seregios.
At least it's not terminal. He could be an IG user...
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You believe this much can appease my appetite for lazy brats?
It's all in nexus mods
Except Reisa
Do the chink actually like BA considering the usual kind of plots they consume?
For me it's Nergi
That niggercat will never be not fun to parry
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Well they shitting up EU so they can consume more plot
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missed opportunity to place the jtf mob as the womb halo
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She seems like she would without being asked.
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how do I fuck good
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>anti-aliasing option: pro-aliasing
plain panties are most erotic
i bet she has such a pleasant smell
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Enjoy fighting Jinouga for the hundredth game in a row.

For me it is Kirin.
t. HammerGOD
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Love Kei
Nursing handjobs
Nah, Kotama's cuter, and actually down bad for (You).
Ideally you'd want to marry either of them and adopt Maki in the process.
Oh it's in nexus now? Neat.
>Except Reisa
Yeah, that will be in the chink sites for the meantime.
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Thank you Karin
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>Out here in Kivotos smoking big doinks in Kivotos. Big ol' doinks. Gang.
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Nonomi is everyone's friend
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>ASSBand makes Airibros come out of the woodworks
>ValkSummer revives all 3 and introduces new cop wife
>Camp Veritas awakens Makiposters and Rareposters

can't get any comfier than peak SOVL/bag/ hours. I wonder if Misaki will get a boost too
i want hare to sit that fat butt on my face
Kotama should be more popular. Hope she gets a nice 2nd alt next time.
>this artist
is hare even fat? i can see her being real skinny
Which Misaki are talking about
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Do you come from a land down under
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover
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Post student smiles worth protecting
she smells like tit sweat
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I love Kayoko a lot but I really wish they bit the bullet and gave her better chances at inflicting fear, it's so fucking infuriating to use her a lot of times
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huh what happen to previous Sanctum Archive?
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>/bag/gots can't do this with their hands
>Kotama should be more popular
Her design is good but she's got hard competition and her gimmick is extremely niche. She needs a miracle to make her truly shine.
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I blame the arthritis.
she broke me...
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>read the comments
>something something fans making the wrong behavior
>"old prostitute sluts ruining the event"
take a wild guess
Prostitution as bonus for buying their stuff
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Haruka love!
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uhh based?
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smoke weed everyday
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Good night, /bag/
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>Be me, Sensei.
>Live your lowly life of a filthy bachelor in a slavic third world country.
>Download shitty waifu gacha game #124225443231
>It's actually kino af
>Suddenly have loving wife and four kids
the document they posted said "a certain circle who was attending the event has implications of prostitution in their SNS (i.e. twitter) profile"
so it's probably one of the cosplay whores selling their photo albums got busted.
Don't worry Suou, I wont forget about you.
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good night fellow hanakochad
those are fucking huge
She has an unhealthy obsession with my crotch..
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The older I get, the more I like chubby girls
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Imagine Hasumi swimsuit model up close in sensei's face about to break
I wish I was Suou in this.
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And in the other corner we have
Who even is sanctum archive
Never heard of em
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Very nice.
>he doesn't know about BA convention
Oh, my dick.
>adult women fetish
Get some help
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based fellow slavshitter
so for anons who can't do this, which joint exactly is preventing you and how does it feel?
Nice jiggle.
They're 17 and 16s
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probably the circle they meant

What's the age of consent in Kivotos?
Asking for a friend.
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She is a terrible goal keeper
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nun sag
>I jizz right in my pants every time you're next to me
>And when we're holding hands, it's like having sex to me
>You say I'm premature, I just call it ecstasy
>I wear a diaper at all times, it's a necessity
nonomi is not a girl i could sit next to on public transportation and control myself
Kirino said relationships between adults and students are legal
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14 sags
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Shes not that bad, Tsubaki is even worse
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I wanna fuck a dog in the ass
He wants to fuck a dog in the ass
I wanna fuck a dog
That's right kids
I tried to fuck your mom in the ass,
Tried to fuck your dad in the ass
Could only find the dog and his ass
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I need Saya to cook up a penis enlargement juice
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rape all students with sags
Stretching my middle ring and pinkie backwards to fit my hand against my head does not feel good. My wrists and shoulders probably aren't as mobile as they used to be, which doesn't help. I could do it when I was younger though.
I don't consent and I still get raped all the time
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nun sag?
Marina keeper when?
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Now you shut the fuck up she did her best when it mattered
Kimochi ii
Go to sleep
There's enough sag here
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Neither could she
Wait what there are special lobby lines for new year's?
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i want to motorboat nonomi
There are for every holiday
Newfag here and been lurking for quite a while. How can I access the Valentine's momotalks? I got curious when people here were talking about Kayoko's.
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Yeah same for your birthday, Christmas, valentine's, their birthday and I think Halloween too
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Hmm, Mika always can't survive here for me, but somehow most clear video guides have her have enough HP so that she can use another EX.

Where is the sound? I didn't bother to make that webm without it.
Saggy breasts are not good.
Wait for the PS68 Dress Event.
Get those saggers between my legs
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bro do you not realize how much corn syrup is in energy drinks
Fuck I thought it was only bday
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How to stop a midlife crisis /bag/
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But who is the Kashino of BA?
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It's a travesty we still haven't gotten a Halloween themed event after all these years.
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>teeth hurt when i brush it
You can be my Suou and I'll be your Sensei.
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HBG or horn
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Nonomi is pretty big.
I love heartjobs
just stop brushing
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imagine how fucking soft she is
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Who is the Illya of BA?
Dual blades
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cute momoi
I think nexon should give ako the breast milk jokes instead of nonomi, nonomi doesn't make sense
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Have you considered not being old?
Act, speak, and dress like a zoomer
cute momoi? That's just Midori.
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what the fuck did she mean by this
It just doesn't sound right
Why does Ichika look so intimidating when she opens her eyes?
My waifu is shit. I hate her
Alright, thanks
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You already know
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so what's her fucking problem?
Based Riochad
man that ako is really ugly
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Why are you so retarded today, /bag/?
Literally every single food collab that involved abydos has Nonomi be the milk maid
She is the milk
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Your're ine two takl reisanon
this but shrinking
it hurts dragging it across the ground and slinging it over my shoulder is embarassing
She needs to cope with being the sole cunt in the entirety of gehenna who can into excel sheets
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i really didnt give a single fuck about hanakos "merely pretending" shtick until i saw her depressed momo
one of the best girls
No, u r dumb
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Made for sex.
>dick becomes huge
>It looks like jabba the hut
You rike?
can i see it?
Yes Hoshino we know
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Who the fuck is Aro?
yeah sure
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Her valentines event was what sold me. Flustered Hanako is cute
Aru's younger sister
As train eyes shows - it's actually just that.
She's usually just trying to endure all the bullshit surrounding her but she has enough she turns absolutely brutal (we talk cleaning entire train of Gehenna and Trinity students kind of brutal). Her opening her eyes means that either you impressed her or you'll have a bad day.
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Just wondering...

Are bushes showing warrant a ban on the blue boards?
romanian off road car manufacturer
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You're just a pussy
too much nonomi
too much hanako
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Try it
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train event*
Durrr slav at 7:0 am trying to write in English durr.
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It is common practice for shit to hit the fan when a character who usually has their eyes closed opens them for something serious
I just want canon HSNS in-game
Is that too much to ask for?
hsns thread
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I want Ichika to rape me
She's so cute with them closed though.
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Hare definitely owns a vibrator.
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Nice thread, /bag/
Post some Koharu and Hosh to balance it out
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That's her gimmick
happy mari isnt cute. I want frowning mari
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My rights...
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Alice is my light.
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nonoms too small
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Can someone on JP screenshot the skill selection section for Set? Is it an extended version of the default format like pic related?
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I will fuck you into submission
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Aris lightens my nuts.
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Greatsword of course.
That's one of the functions of her drone balls.
Robotized, vibrating love balls.
hmmmm looks too confident here. needs to be knocked down a peg
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It's Aru
Anon is the type of GStard that misses TCS 70% of the time
I've never played monster hunter....
do I have to hand in my license to weeb now?
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You weren't supposed to point that out....
Why is it that I can't get a happy ending and there's always a catch
Fuck you nigga
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Posting comfy horny wife before images EoS
What a very nice thread
A lot of nonomi, hanako and some hasumi
I came a lot to these girls btw
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You're the one, yes you're the star
We need you back on bass guitar
You're fabulous (I'm fabulous!)
You're fabulous (I'm fabulous!)
You're the one we all can see, it's all about you
(It's all about me!)
You're fabulous (I'm fabulous!)
You're fabulous (I'm fabulous)
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>in top 10
>Literally no one has attacked me in over 24h
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So what animes are you gonna watch this summer?
Blue Archive
No one asked.
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sexy momoi
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>captcha: NSSSX
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HBG since my start in FU. But I dabble with SNS when I got to Iceborne. Generally because of the hitzone nerfs, the clutch claw and how they pretty much doubled monster speed and aggression. The fat roll just wasn't enough anymore.
Don't think I ever recovered from that though, not even when we moved on to counter country in Rise.
For people that keep sending in tickets about translation issues

Someone ask them to fix Koyuki's laugh. I haven't rolled her yet so I can't send in a screenshot but I don't know how they can mistranslate a characters most iconic feature like that.

Changing nihahaha to Yahaha is retarded
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>ako didn't get a (you)
hifumi erotic
Finna rewatch LOTGH on god. Ohio Archive.
Sensei is a virgin.
want dick so bad
i just want to smell hanako's hair
Nah... not worth it

t. got banned on a Toki Rio art that doesnt show private parts but a bit too hot for jannies
omg hello kazusa
I liked Hanako more when she looked chubby
final hanako post before bed as i have two job interviews tomorroww. gn. erotic curvy jk love https://litter.catbox.moe/w47dhn.jpg
come over here, sena
It's like erasing Shiroko's "Nn"
Oh wait they did that
It's like erasing Hoshino's "Uhe~" and calling herself oji-san
Oh wait they did that
It's like erasing Hifumi's "ahaha..."
Oh wait they did that
It's like erasing the Iori foot licking scene by translating it wrong
Oh wait they did that

There isn't a single unique character trait or moment the localizers didn't mistranslate on purpose
I'm sure dozens of other characters have unique traits in the original text that got erased we just don't talk about a lot
honest hanako (lemon tree grove walk) is also kino
We know, Miyako
what the FUCK
hello? surveyposts doko?
Which student listens to trap
Your student
Your ritualpost
>your student
>your surveypost
>your student
>your favorite animal
their hype is dead
what killed their hype?
3 inches
-1 post

thread post limit contribution
> your student
> your favourite comfort food
Fuck you
i think you're all leitards
14 inches
12 feet
footjobs and femdom
sexy momoi
sexy momoi
>page 3
we are so dead bros
this but yukari
>page 4
Baking emergency Vigilante Bread
m*moi will never be sexy
my penis
your vagina
you keep threatening us with the vigilante bread *insert zoos*
good kanna pic
sadly ui was first but still
Good afternoon ded bag! It's Wednesday! Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday ahead!
Just had a sudden realization I forgot to do choo choo choosday yesterday... forgive me.
i was just gonna bully you for it but
its over, OG trainanon is dead and you just replaced him
momoi was always sexy
I will NEVER forgive trainanon
No! I'm still here! I can't replace myself!
I won't miss next Choosday! I promise!
trust? betrayed
suspicion? activated

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