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Previous >>484380425

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/03
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS4
>Craft showcase video for latest revealed characters in The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>Dengeki stream on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Trails Through Daybreak II logo leaked on PSN
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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1st for Campy!
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>That's week one though
That's not Fie.
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who is it?
I suck, just noticed a small error in the OP.
It's Lucrezia with Fie's head pasted on top.
Golden Shower, Enforcer No III...
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Oh Okay <3 whatever.
at least you deleted the schizo meltdown section
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when was the last time any of those pastebins were updated
i said it before but it'll probably be anywhere between kuro 1 and hajimari week 1 jp.
I only maintain one, I dunno about the other ones. maybe the other anons who do those can fill us in.
is this supposed to be altina
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Maintain this *unzips Jobbings*
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I find it funny that Sony enforces censorship on mature/adult games whereas Nintendo no longer does.
i find it funny that you suck cocks and i dont
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Back when I played Cold Steel 2 eight years ago, I thought Altina's white rabbit operation outfit was dumb as shit and fucking retarded. It was already bad enough Altina was a nothing character in that game, but her outfit design was especially retarded.

And now that I've grown older, I've completely turned around on that outfit and now I think it's actually pretty sexy and attractive. So did my taste improve or deteriorate over these last 8 years?
At least I'm getting some action, you haven't had any in your life.
You've been corrupted and warped and are at what we call stage 2.
So around 60-70k? I'd say it would be around 60k for the first week, but we'll see. I'm actually curious if at least a fraction of people who left kiseki after sen or hajimari will buy kai because of rean and class7.
somewhere between 75-90k sounds about right.
JP looks very excited for rean, he's all they've been talking about, so i'd feel pretty comfortable asserting it'll perform at least as well as hajimari did, but i prefer to be conservative with my estimates after crimson sin's poor reception
if the sales drastically improve for kai then it only prove that csfags arent actually kisekifans
>somewhere between 75-90k sounds about right
Kek that's very generous even if rean's back, his games were on decline since sen2.
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I am in the exact, literal same boat as you brother
we've both seen the light.
Kai will sell 60k 1st week at most but figures for daybreak western is more important i would say.
So little happened in Kuro 1 and 2 that you unironically can skip straight from Hajimari to Kai. Haha...
that decline was because of the shift to console from mobile, though. console gaming is incredibly niche in JP, PC gaming even more so. there's a lot of reasons for that but the two biggest ones are that space is at a severe premium and bricks like the PS4 and PS5 or a desktop PC aren't seen as valid tradeoffs in that environment, and secondly that the JP work schedule keeps most college and working age japanese away from home for most of the day, at which point they just go home and sleep.
i don't think i'm really being generous, i'm being conservative, the difference between kuro 1 and reverie is bigger than between kuro 2 and my estimation.
this is wrong thoughbiet
Sextelle bright
So this is the new cope, huh.
Alright, be sure to kneel for me when we get the sales figures in.
ED9bros... you're about to get your ED8-5 in Kai, haha...
>uhhh it's actually not ED9-3, it's something else entirely! I wouldn't play kuro!
Falcom games only trended upwards with sky. Cold steel killed interest and no one cares about the rest. All this to say bring Estelle back as the sole protagonist.
EOP's don't usually realize that CS1 and CS2 primarily sold on the Vita in JP bro....
By that logic you can completely skip cs3 and only watch the last 3 hours on youtube. Kuro 1 is a good set-up game that gives you a look at the new cast and builds up to the interesting conclusion, it's Kuro 2 that feels pointless, though not completely assuming that Kai will handle all the build-up from Kuro1/2 in a good way.
>Kai will sell 60k 1st week at mos
disagree, it will be lower, ps4 sales are nonexistent and ps5 softwares are also nonexistent

>but figures for daybreak western is more important i would say.
very agree
What? ao and zero sold better than sky, cs 1 sold better than ao and zero, and cs 2 sold better than cs 1. cs 1 and 2 sold *fucking mountains* more than sky did and significantly more than lloyd's games.
what the fuck are you smoking?
You just agreed with my statement retard. Learn to read.
copium. he's smoking copium.
inflation thoughbeit, cold steel dollars are more than sky soidollars

sorry dad
Nope. its competing with Zelda and DBZ.
Post the series total sales chart. It trends upwards until the game or two after sky 3 then drops off a cliff
Would y'all fuck Wazy's boipucci?
You also agreed with my statement too, is /fg/ full of esl retards atm?
“People will buy Kai just to see Rean and C7”
You guys really think that “Reanfags” dropped Trails after Reverie?
Every JP Kiseki fan who is hyped with Rean already played Kuso 1 and 2
The sales will be the same shit or even worse after Kuro 2
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I wonder why Van can now casually transform intro Grendel now, without Mare popping out and Agnes with genesis...
Fine I'll translate for you stupid hicks from south America.
Kai will not sell more than 60k. Clear?
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>The sales will be the same shit or even worse after Kuro 2
Good, so I can finally blame Rean for the shit sales.
Why could he not do this before
Yup, sky caused people to love the series and interest declined after a bunch of shitty games in a row. We need more sky to get positive momentum.
Man, there sure is a lot of coping in this thread about Kai performing badly. I guess gaybreak doing so well in the west must've buckbroken the doomposters so they needed something new to whine about.
Can't wait for Kai to come out and sell 100k.
They think that Rean is A LOT POPULAR when his fanbase is pretty small
“Kai no Kkseki featuring Dante from DMC” series would sell just a little more
And we are talking about fucking Dante
Genesis needs to work so that Mare can manifest as a hologram and tell Van to Don th-, I'm sorry to BEAR the nightmare*
Daybreak is selling well in the West, a lot of people ordered in the last week.
I hope we don't get an influx of retards here.
>sky FC
>less than 20k
>Sky SC
>Sky 3rd
>less than 60,000
The worst selling, most critically panned and reviled entries in the franchise, Kuro and Kuro II, sold better than the best selling sky game, sky 3rd.
in which estelle and joshua weren't even the protagonists.
>gaybreak doing so well in the west
Nice headcanon
Can we talk about Sean being a pedo again bros?
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>They think that Rean is A LOT POPULAR when his fanbase is pretty small
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Still going strong.
this does not disprove the fanbase is small
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UHHHHHHHHM sweaty? excuse me?
just because he is the most popular falcom character 6 years running, and the number 1 most requested character to appear in kuro 1, and then in kuro 2, and then in kuro 3 - which we got kai instead lol - doesn't mean he's popular.
"popular" among falcomfags means like 2000 fans
#17 best selling game in uk for ps5 on amazon uk, well uk don't generally like anime games tbf.
Rean received 1.5-2.0k votes at best
If 1k dropped Kiseki after Reverie and 50% will return for Kai then it’s just more 500 copies
>consistent increase in sales as series gains a fan base
>consistent decrease in sales as series loses a fan base
Hmm yeah more Sky games less Cold Steel
>He doesn’t know how this website works
>rean received [headcanon]
you are coping.
>will return for Kai then it’s just more 500 copies
is this all rean's return worth?
>i am so stupid i cannot interpret the data of a line graph
holy fucking shit
Kiseki only sold 500k copies after 4 games in West + Kuro 2 in Asia
samefag, why must you pull arbitrary numbers out your ass to try and salvage your argument?
just kneel already.
Juat found a copy of Daybreak for £12 cheaper, should I cancel my amazon order, they haven't dispatched yet.
Yeah why not
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Sky started everything and Crossbell recruited a lot of fans
ColdSteel ruined everything and Kuso is the nail in the coffin
>not taking the derivative of the data to find series momentum
Sorry, but I’m operating on a level above you
During the peak of the series popularity in Japan Rean received 2079 votes
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wtf did falcom buy a bot farm? Also it's funny how falcom deleted Ono Daisuke's saying Crimson Sin at the end.
Crow won
Mare won
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I want to super sniff Shizuna's cunt.
get in line buddy
Falcom bros...
I hate atlus re-releasing games a few years apart with a definite edition but their games are still more famous and acclaimed than falcom. Hell falcom is a small fish compared to atlus lol
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No i get first dibs
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What Shizuna smell like?
I like falcom more because they don't put denuvo on their games and allow you to pirate day 1 haha... Persona 5 Royal released some time now and it's still not cracked. Same thing with 3 but more recent. But hey at least you could play them on Game Pass or emulate the switch version
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Ka Fai cum
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Evil Mare needs some serious "Fairy correction".
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She just needed some love
Na-chan and La-chan!!
My cock
news when
Could Duvalie be considered the secret main character of the franchise?
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Van is so cool.
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Today, I will remind them.
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>be Rovert
>jobless 40 year old cripple living in Ireland (with his parents)
>no life always online poison that destroys everything around him
>tweets 200 times a day and has been banned from every wrestling forum on the web
>goes on a 30 hour meltdown about sean while calling all the anons here pedophiles
Only 3 years until Kai Nisa sisters!
>Only 3 years until Kai Nisa sisters!
Maybe I will actually be up to date by then. I'm on the Azure finale right now.
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Five (5) (V) (Go) (五) (ご) cute facts about Towacutest!:

1. She is canonically Atowable!
2. She is mai Kiseki-fu!!
3. I love her!!!
4. Towacutest!!!!
that's four
that's the perfect point to drop this series
Trust the plan. Kai no kiseki English ver. by NISA in September 2025 or in July 2026 which is more likely.
But I've already paid for the adventures of Rean bundle
Kai will be November 2025.
At least buy swimsuits dlc, the story is garbage, but it has some nice tits and asses to look at.
Did you buy anything on steam summer sale? I kinda wanted to try persona 3 REload, but it looks so soulless and sterile I'd rather save money for metaphor and ysx.
What line does the super sniff refer to? I missed that bit.
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It's about Van
Those games are still pretty far off, surely you can justify spending a bit of money now and still have some come time for those games.
she slowly but surely entered my top 5 favourite characters,
i feel awful for not appreciating her more before. she's a legit bean, bro.
she's right up there with sharon and aurelia
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