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Previous : >>484337361

PAWG edition

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503
Post: Summer Knight Special MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pv8kH7fwbg

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]

>Codes (valid until July 18th)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
I'm actually going to make PAWG tomorrow. Feel free to join, or not.
PAWG gods won
All your women are belong to us
is this what happens when games don't make the girls for (You) and the playerbase is composed of people who sit in a cuck chair 15 hours a day
Joining PAWG Punch a Warlock Guild as well.
Join Wiggers
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I can't believe a 4 letter acronym left anon in shambles...
he sounds completely insufferable so I'd join p*wg only so that I can be 100% sure I'm not in a guild with him
MT collab part 2 with Sylphy and Nanahoshi.
the skin of the posters in this general really puts the brown in brown dust
What even are guilds for in this anyway?
Guys he filtered our word so you have to add punctuation in the middle. Something like P-A+W&G
PAWG's main objective is to spite that one anon
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Which costumes do you want for support? I'm a phys specialist. I can offer every main phys damage dealer at +5 full teared except water. For buffers i have +5 H.Lathel, +5 S.Teresse, and +5 Diana full teared too
Requesting +5 Bride Refi for support
Guild raids agaisnt bosses where you can use a support character of your guild members.
Make sure to join PAWG it will be SEAfree
Pouring all my resources on PAWG to make sure it's always at the top and he has an aneurysm whenever he opens the rankings
that would kino indeed, lets hope a whale lurker creates it.
I have no idea what any of that means. I only started playing a few days ago.
Protectors of All Worlds, it's a Loenchad guild
It'll be interesting how equips will be implemented, will they not have any (rendering it useless unless you can provide your own afterwards), have a snapshot when you set support, or update live for PvP. How do tears work? People with ASS/SSS VT/Gloves will be highly desirable if the latter is true, and probably even have people try to refine signature URs to BSS. Will guilds end up assigning people to max tear specific characters and everyone just use theirs?
Y'all niggas better join the PAWG guild tomorrow
End game players only
Soft can go suck a dick
Nyanx3 seems cool, he should merge with us or rename his guild to PAWG if he wants to be the leader
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Fuck, bros... I want the new Justi but i feel like that's a bad idea and i should start saving for the summer limiteds instead...
just get her with powder
I really hope that's summer Teresse.
Always save for limiteds since they will only have a rerun once a year, maybe she will spook you, or just get 1 copy then use the golden threads +1 shop.
The new justi isn't limited so perhaps that's the better idea
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I wish they would increase her damage to 400% at least and 5% damage for tear upgrade doesn't looks good since her requirement for full damage is rather situational
please god let sloppa anon join Protectors of All Worlds Guild and make a banner for us
is there a way to select lots of equipment for dismantle? just crafted a few hundred shits to level up skills
yes, there's a select multiple button but you must select it one by one
Any way to check costume skill animations in game? The banners only show them the first time you open it
yeah was hoping there was a select all n gear button or something instead of having to click a few hundred times
thanks though
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Should I roll her for dupes? I only have +0 with ~40 draws
No. but there's mega for the skill cutscenes in the OP >>484472261
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Is it hot time?
absolutely nobody tell him, I want him to notice right after he finishes clicking a few hundred times
Keep the IV grade ones if you're new
I mean 5% isn't a lot but if people ever compete for FH rankings that'll be the difference maker.
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don't be mean

there is, use the '...' button at the bottom after clicking 'Select Gears' and you'll be able to filter
only retards think the word PAWG has anything to do with schizos
its an ancient word that just means phat ass white girl
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Very good. She can go over the 700% cdmg cap easily, but that won't be a problem anymore since they're removing the cap tomorrow
join PAWG for more tips and tricks
>tfw ATK team has a worse win rate than DEF team
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forgot pic related
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there's an even quicker way

1. unequip all weapons armour
2. tick UR
3. enable 'all fiend gear' and 'include upgraded gear'
4. make sure all I-IV & exclusive gear is checked
5. click ok

join Bricked for more tips and tricks
Im not sure on about. But it's crazy that people are schizo to blame someone for shitting a thread. I'm not sure if it's everyone saying it's me, but fuck off. Too busy playing other games.
Go ahead and keep being a retard.

Nyanx3 is cancelled.
I don't think it's worth making a guild with some of these fucktards.
Cunny forever.
bwos is anastasia good now with uncapped crit damage
one down
Soft is next
PAWG reigns supreme.
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This is the pagpag false flagging as the Nyan leader, schizoposting in full force
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I'm actually not that surprised, but you guys are fucking dumb if you think I posted myself here, it's a girl, but you've probably only ever seen your mother, which might as well be a tranny

soft might be okay for casuals, I don't know, it wasn't for me

here, take another 'tranny' picture and beat your tranny dicks to it
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Nah. Soft wins by default as the premier /bd2g/ guild.
Eh, Guild fight content isn't until later date this year anyway
>guild full of tranny sweats with a power hungry leader
>guild born to troll one specific anon
Not a hard choice.
Join Protectors of All Worlds Guild tomorrow.
Newglutti here, is the 1800 paid/free dia + 20 tickets considered good value?
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Thanks for at least trying bwo
What breeds that retarded "okay me and my discord circlejerk downloaded your shitty sweaty gemu now join our guild" mentality?
It's OK, slightly above avg but mostly sold to bait ppl into the paid banners
No, kys nigger
Newglutti here, all of you are retards.
Anyway, I was going to make a guild to quarantine the lurkers from the dicksword faggotry, but I'd rather brick my account on homo pulls than spend 200 dia on you niggers.

I'll post the guild name after maintenance. Public guild. Inactives/bottom feeders will be kicked or pruned if any thread users want in. No Discord.
why do you think any of us will want to join a guild ran by a newglutti
Was that spade on her butt always there?
No. It's a shitpost to make people mad
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It's just an american hours thread
Why do (You) think guilds are some convoluted FOMO system? You log in, get your check-in bonus, do your dailies, then sperg out in the board because in-game chat is going to be dead anyway.
Raids are months away and reward thresholds are bound to be retard-proof. Seethe in the FOTM guilds if you care about leaderboards.
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Sorry bwo, a little sad honestly, but after some thinking (the time I stop posting ads), I kind of realized having good things in 4chan guild is difficult, but possible sure. I just don't know if I got that kind of time to babysit members all day like kids in terms of eventual drama.
Sorry to those who were interested, not everyone is a retard here. I love this game and wanted to share that with others. But it's best to let the shit filter and maybe one day come back.
Thanks for the support bro and all.
It looks like they switched their left boobs.
You should just join Soft. I've got experience dealing with this. But honestly it's not that hard, the retard(s) would never out themselves under any name other than anon in fear of being blacklisted from guilds here, that is if they actually are from here and not r*ddit visitors who just want to stur shit up here.
>rather situational
I mean, she only need to hit 4 enemies to do as much as maid lia on enemies with a dot, and with her giant ass AOE this shouldn't be too hard.
I think people are severely underestimating how hard she will hit.
Probably a dumb question. I've got 2 of Nebris' UR gear with different stats on them (the unchangable stats). Is she any use at +0? I don't really want to spend tickets on her since I got this all from free dailies.
>that is if they actually are from here and not r*ddit visitors who just want to stur shit up here
They are. Dude knows nothing about gameplay and the thread becomes crystal clean when there is an other easy target for trolling, like Nikke when they announced their collab.
Sometimes you get something like that and feel tempted to make use of it. But if you don't see yourself using her much then it's still better to skip
You always at least want them +1 for the minus 1 sp cost. That is if you plan in using them. You'll find out that sp cost fucks you over often if not. You could still get her from free daily, or wait and get her when she's in the powder shop next.
Well, the alternative is Idol Yuri, which already has 700% (780%) at mere 3 SP and no requirements. Her Tile pattern kinda sucks for FH though.
I guess it's good that the newer costumes doesn't have much powercreep though
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Remember when her base damage is supposed to be 850% but they nerfed it because people complained about her being too strong?
Nebris is a self-buffing costume meant to set up burst for a second pure nuke costume that she's going to get at some later point.
It's similar to what sword queen Sylvia does, not a lot of power on its own but buffs the other costumes.
Right now she's not really worth using, even at +5 but if you like her +1 and +3 are good investments for the future.
But if you're using her, you would use her with H.Lathel OR Arines which provides her the attack buffs anyway so she'll get her property damage buff regardless. the issue with her is that her damage is kinda small if you're not fighting water enemies. She's not very flexible
Are weapon dupes a thing here?
Yes, exclusive weapon dupes are a thing.
Unfortunately the dupes serves no use
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I'm going to say it, Dalvi's first costume was the biggest scam John ever pulled. Imagine being outclassed so hard by a free costume and Gray.
Anyway, don't forget to do your last fiend hunter attack since there's just 6 hours to go.
No gameplay PV this time
It still adds up, it's on par with base Yuri who buffs 100% attack for Idol Yuri's burst while doing mediocre damage herself. Nebris' second costume will likely be a 700%+ scaling pure damage costume too.
You have no clue what you're talking about. Base dalvi is one of the best costumes in the game, better than the free one by far. Getting multiple 0 sp cost skills makes her top tier in tower, that and the shield makes her usable in pvp, she's one of the heaviest hitters in last night.
t. Dalvichad
>fiend hunter attack since there's just 6 hours to go.

Bro I stopped like 3 days ago when DALVI got me a level 10 clear.
>shield makes her usable in pvp
Awful in PvP, Angelica-tier meme for Eclipselets and there's no reason to even think about her now that Venaka has 50% resist shred. Her energy guard needs +5 and there are dozens of costumes that would make better use of that investment.
>last night
Who cares about Last Night, it's been completely trivialized by bride Refi.
>top tier in tower
I think I used her in the tower once.
Her damage is mediocre and her tiles are awful. Using her skill for 3 turns is pointless in a game about setting up singular burst turns. Stop coping and face it, your STD fox is useless. Useless!
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New lathelkino...
All wrong
>Homu Lathel refuses to became edgy like the OG
What is this inferior thing even good for
>No Yusti ass shot in the leotard
PAWGgers lost
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Raping those tits
finally a good op for this shit game

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