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Reminder to kill and ignore all lalafell

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484481784
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On a scale from 1 to 10, how much are we winning?
yeah I'm thinking it's over
Any short stack femlalas in chat?
Yo what's good
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Effy is a good girl
Appal is a bad boy
>Enjoying the final trial a bit
>Wuk Lamat busts in with the worst voice performance I've ever heard in my life
>peaked and declining trend
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play pictomancer it's fun
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What femras will never ever have
any cute moonies to cuddle with on my femra on EU?
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Facts be spitting
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>ew no as an INTJ i am simply to intelligent to enjoy a low stakes story about a brainlet powered by good vibes
cannot imagine living this way
what character is this? she's cute
>can't finish even 3 quests without a fap break
The amount of self inserters this expansion exposed is crazy. So many anons cannot stand being in a mentor role and just letting the actual MC of the story handle stuff. It’s really funny to watch
Sorry, all Moonies are on NA with my femra
does it only have 10 buttons to press?
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>wuk parrying the bullets with her axe
ok that was pretty cool you can't lie
It would be cool if it was actually a mentor role and not whatever we got
If half the fanbase is debating whether the expansion is shit or not, I don’t think it’s a self-inserter issue
Retard take.
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I dunno about that one Anonra...
bro i dont mind being the mentor but actually make the mentee somewhat likeable
if it was koana or someone like alphinaud again it would actually feel good to play
mentoring alphi with estinien during hw/shb/ew was enjoyable
Thinking about all the unstable latino mommies they passed over during casting for some gangly white male makes me lol
depends how you look at it
stroking my shit to moonie armpits
>half the fan base
Found the brown self inserter
We were in a mentor role though. A mentor role doesn’t constitute us taking over for Wuk Lamat and handling her problems
Sorceress Sellen

I hope you paid them double
It was actually a relief to be the side character for me. I much preferred being one of Yuna's guardians to being the one to do everything.

My only sincere gripe is that Wuk Lamat got an anime power up that made her suddenly powerful enough to beat Bakool Ja Ja and many other mamool ja by herself. Is dynamis really that one sided and powerful here? BJJ had way more reason to be desperate.
how about we have the low stakes story involved the warrior of light doing things as well
I wish we could go to one area without her bitching about the mode of travel, like bitch, you hate: 1) boat travel 2) alpacas 3) walk too much 4) dirigible THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST SIT ON YOUR FAT ASS AND LET ME TAKE KOANA AROUND INSTEAD
How are we at all mentoring all we do is pick shit up and follow her.
can i mentor someone not voiced by a tranny?
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primal q for dungeon 4
We aren't even mentoring her.
she has kissable lips

A mentor also constitutes letting Wuk Lamat fuck off and fail on her own. We aren't a fucking tutor.
The story breeds that type of narcissist self absorbed dumbass. For years I've hated how much the main scenario has everyone sniffing our farts, but most of the community unironically likes that aspect of the game and being the center of attention.
Now, all of a sudden, they're not that anymore. And it's making some of them lose their fucking minds.

Now having said all that... do I like this expac now that it's theoretically given me what I've wanted all along? No, actually. I'm not a fan. Because what I wanted was more than "being nobody" again. I wanted an actual solo adventure. One that's not bogged down with scions nodding at each other every cutscene. I think the mentorship route was "okay," but for it to be done right you have to characterize the mentee and make them likeable; the DT writers failed to do this in so many ways that have been hashed out again and again already. She needs more time to cook in post-EW. Zero should've been scrapped to make room for more characterization of Wuk if DT was going to hinge on her like this. And for fuck's sake, I hate to go there with it, but just hire an actual latina to voice her so we're not dealing with youtube-poop quality voice acting in an emotional moment. Wuk's voice completely takes me out of the moment so much, and it's not even me saying this because she's trans. If she were trans and just did a good job I wouldn't even give a fuck.

And that's to say nothing of the actual presentation, which has just been piss poor. So many dry, dull, expository stretches where info is being relayed in the most boring way possible.

But yeah tldr I agree with you but I also think there are a lot of other factors that are weighing this down heavily.
>but actually make the mentee somewhat likeable
she is
nvm it instapopped on dps
Based lip kissing enjoyer
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You will when I get a brush on you
I'd mentor the fuck out of an interesting character I give a fuck about.
What we got is
>Annoying grating voice
>I am worthless uwu
>Haha I am clumsy I could never carry an ice cream like you WoL!
>Please validate me being strong enough, no I won't put any effort
>Casually does several limit breaks on her own back to back
>Becomes ruler by elimination/pity with 0 growth or proving herself, not even 24 hours later she's constantly telling everyone else how to live their lives and rule their kingdoms
Do himcesses like males
Is Woke Lamack the worst character in XIV?
If all of la Reddit isn’t glazing the expansion and they love any slop thrown at them and there’s threads of disliking the expansion where others are agreeing, I’m sure it’s more than half. Look at the japs lol fuckers are demented
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Which glam pieces to look like this?
>mentee somewhat likeable
What’s so unlikable about Wuk Lamar? She’s a character that wants to spread happiness and make sure the people of her nation are happy as well. So I’m really interested to hear how you don’t like a character like this. Koana, the fucking claimant who couldn’t connect with his people, would be a terrible leader by himself and doesn’t have his character arc realizing traditions don’t hinder progress without seeing how Wuk Lamat goes through with the Rites. If you actually paid attention to the cutscene you would’ve picked up on this over the course of the first half. They kinda beat you over the head with it constantly
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This guy had 1/100th of the screentime and still turned out to be much more of a brother and comrade during the final cinematics
I still remember the goosebumps I got from this, Dawntrail? Nothing.
What an utter failure this story was.
i wanted what estinien got...
preferably with estinien...
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It wasn't about the low stakes.
Its the promises and lies we were told. It was supposed to be our adventure and the rivalry between other scions.
Babysitting a retarded cat does not count or sound like a fun adventure. We were better off had we gone with Koana. Or given us the option to choose.
You disingenuous fucking NIGGER. Wuklamat and Koana can save the day and be the heroes for all I care. It was the lack of any real "mentoring" to be had.
All we did was clean up after her Wuklamats mistakes. There was nothing exciting for us to do for most of the msq, aside from the bosses in the dungeons and trials.
It was a glorified beast tribe questline. Thats it.
funny because it's her feet that people rave for
if she didn't suddenly become LOVED by everyone for no apparently reason sure
she had like 3 fans at the beginning.
she had no heroes journey, just straight to the end where she wins everyone's approval.
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Okay, maybe I can allow that.

Post ass
Guys 8.0 will save the story trust me. Just 2 more years of patches that's all.
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bruh why is this thing here
it just made this face in a really emotional moment and now I'm busting up laughing while a child agonizes over his dad
fucking fix the tone of your plot, god damn
I am a Moonie on EU.
>le happiness and friendship
I'm not 12 years old so I need a little more than "is a really nice person and likes people and is happy and yay" in a character.
>Its the promises and lies we were told
the classic blunder, paying attention to media. i ignored it all and got something i enjoyed, simple as. be better
>shes not likable
>uhhh but everyone likes her
Nothin wrong with brushin' cats, and entwinin' tails
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>we're forever stuck with the scions because all the new characters they introduce end up being unlikable
she has no struggle
her entire personality feels incredibly shallow and fake.
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I love catgirls
>heh i am too INTJ to appreciate someone with such a simple mind...
When she steps out to the big crowd at the end I was half expecting it to be a flop. Like everyone goes "who the fuck is that?" because she spent a few days with a handful of people from each region learning the most basic shallow concepts and now shes suddenly beloved where at the start nobody even bothered to stick around for her entrance. She was either completely unknown at best or despised by the populace at worse. Not sure what the point of the intro even is.
>It was supposed to be our adventure and the rivalry between other scions.
There was the Scions were on different teams while we were adventuring with Wuk. They didn’t lie about there being a rivalry at all, you stupid fucks thought there would be some big giant fight that caused the Scions to break up permanently when they’re already broken up officially. You set expectations too high and are mad your head canon wasn’t what actually happened
If Wuk was voiced by a latina I wouldn't have mind her
>the classic blunder, paying attention to media.

Not him but you're pretty much saying CBU3 and Square Enix are lying frauds
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>since ptom has been down i've noticed a lot more characters staring at me
peeping tom made people too shy, i knew i had W rizz, i knew it...
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Queue Casual CC @ 4:30
She's unironically one of the better characters in the story.
So you rather settle with mediocre rather than expect better.
Its one thing to be contrarian, but its another to eat whatever slop is in front of you like a good npc. And I mean this sincerely.
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You are only a tulpa until I see you, sorry. I dont make the rules

I just like cute girls with cute tails.
are you dense? she's not likeable to the player, unless all you need "yay le happy :333" to find a character enthralling and actually interesting to learn about
artificially making the character be adored by her subjects isnt good enough.
so it's political for you then? you dont actually care about the character?
>corporations are lying frauds
say it aint so
NOOOOOOOOOO https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/3b60d81a7123a4894e208f835c043c22eb4697b5
This but unironically
Plugins status?

We on the release channel? Or still beta shit
You’re playing a Japanese anime game of course the power of friendship is going to be a thing.
Wish I could do that against MCH players in CC.
It's true. I used to stare a lot less once I learned of ptom's existence, now I'm back at checking out folks' plates and giving 'em a little smile and nod when they're good.
I like Otis.
I like Erenville.
I LOVED Gulool Ja Ja.
I now like Bakool Ja Ja.
I liked Tural and its people as a whole. I even like Wuk Lamat and Koana. She has all the makings of a great queen of the people and koana has the makings of a great king. The siblings as a trio would have been awesome if Zoraal Ja wasn't so fixated on his conquest for the sake of living up to expectations.
yeah nothing against her but her emotes are unintentionally hilarious
>im not as coooool as my brothers
>just be you retard lol
>ooooooo that makes sense
Please off yourself
So you're saying the developers of this are lying frauds and that we can't trust anything they say?
I just hate who I'm mentoring.
War? Did they like... uhhh... try being peaceful?
>she's not likeable to the player
she is though?
what would be "better" in your mind? if she was edgier? more game of thrones backstabbing? or if we followed koana instead who was just a dweeb doing science and thinking that was enough to rule?
Sure but the characters never felt so shallow before. ARR ends in a power of friendship kamehameha but the scions were capable of saying shit beyond "I like peace and my friends and we're going to make lots of friends for friendship and happiness"
How is a Mexican cat being voiced by a Mexican political???
Let's check out GD forums
>9/10 posts in threads are male characters complaining
What do you like about erenville? He's so boring and predictable to me.
I miss the old MSQ dungeons..
I don't mean to alarm you anon, but marxist/liberal/leftie people are actual losers and love settling for mediocrity in their lives. They just want to complain about equality for more privilege and free stuff
billions must die because my dad likes my siblings more (i am a 50 year old man)
>she has no struggle
Her struggle is that she's weaker and dumber than her siblings. Her strength is that she is empathetic and interested in the lives of her citizens. This is the entire reason she wins the rite, because as it turns out this was the thing her father was most interested in seeing in a succesor. She also has by far the largest entourage of allies which, if anything, is the lynchpin of who was going to win through sheer numbers.
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>Every time Wuk clenches her fist those fuck huge claws are piercing her hand
>They zoom in to show this so it's hard to ignore
What the fuck were they thinking?
So true, everyone afraid to put a face to their pining and posting.
That sounds kinda gay.
how is the nationality of the VA relevant to the character? do you also complain about erenville being finnish(?) for some reason?
He is a third generation immigrant who lives in KENTUCKY
All I wanted post-EW
>Y'shtola, Thancred, and Urianger fuck off to Meracydia and other corners of the world
>We go on a road trip with G'raha, the twins, Estinien, and Krile
Or, if they want to also bench the twins and Estinien for a bit
>Promote Hoary Boulder, Coultenet, Riol, and any other B-tier scions to actual fucking characters and take them with us
They might only have like 2 lines of dialogue every 3 years when they remember they exist, but at least have a more likeable base character already established. People don't like freshly introduced self-inserts being promoted to protagonist status, you need to work them in and make them likeable over time. Estinien and Krile took 8 fucking years, G'raha had his raid and then an entire expansion to flesh out. This unspayed cat spends a whole 5 minutes with us and already wants us to use her pet name and go on dungeons with her.
I don't think Wuk Lamat was as terrible as a lot of people make her out to be, but the people saying the WoL is meant to be her mentor are just coping. WoL is really little more than just a particularly capable mercenary for the duration of DT
Wuk becomes several times better when you ditch the troon voice that can't decide what accent it wants to have. Take the Jap pill already until Square stops hiring yank VAs.
We're staring at whatever the hell that glam you call an "outfit" is
>The siblings as a trio would have been awesome if Zoraal Ja wasn't so fixated on his conquest for the sake of living up to expectations.
After the first trial I thought they were going in that direction. Because otherwise why did of Zoraal Ja even join the subjugation of Valigarmanda? He clearly doesn't care about the safety of the citizens (the opposite, even--a bit of bloodshed would've driven home the point that their nation needs to be stronger), and he didn't get any brownie points from his dad after killing it.
How do you go from casting Estinien's EN VA to Wuk Lamat's
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After she becomes one half Dawnservant it fixes the problem because shes basically not ruling anything. Koana is the one whos going to be making actual decisions in government while Wuk Lamat runs around hitting things and making silly faces and eating tacos.
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Being a figment of someone's imagination is not my style, sorry to disappoint in that manner.
So when the Wuk VA DBDs itself, will they replace it with a new VA or will Wuk just disappear?
How can I tell the difference of a man who is mad and a female who is mad?
Too bad nobody stares at you unless you show skin, slut.
Arent those two GAM
same question to you >>484498998
I want to be immersed and not hear a shitty VA trying to put on an accent with no emotion
>writers pet/self insert becomes the protagonist
>we become a side character at best
>scions relegated to minor characters at best
>alphinaud relegated to gathering firewood
Our only hope is that someway, somehow, the patch content involves wuk stumbling into a garlean incinerator
Idk what it is, but her nails look fucking disgusting and unwashed too.
the smell in the air unironically
I like all the people who now pretend they always wanted the Warrior of Light to be a "mentor" to other characters now without even understanding what that means, especially from a gameplay perspective.

It's a fucking MMO, not a visual novel (allegedly). Are we supposed to be giving Wuk Lamat advice about dungeon mechanics?
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Its only gay if we end up sword fighting

But yeah, I aint no bitch, I'll stand by my posts.
>Gulool Ja Ja literally tells you the Rite of Succession is to cultivate the best candidate for Dawnservant not pick the best candidate
>The entire point of the Saga of Tuliyollal was to highlight the bonds Gulool Ja Ja made when he was bringing the nation together
>They beat you over the head with this constantly
>Retarded anons still miss it and say it’s bad because Wuk Lamat wins

Clearly a not insignificant number of players express a contrary opinion. Could it be possible that some people don't find her likeable?
Are people harassing wuk tranny VA online? They should be.
so you complain about erenville too right? no emotion, phoned in, just finland out of nowhere
Is it true you plap EB'd people
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3.3 Profanity and Offensive Language:
You may not use profanity or any language that a reasonable person would find offensive. The Game is for players aged 16 and older except players who are resident in Germany, Australia or New Zealand where the Game is for players aged 12 and older. You agree to behave accordingly.

We found evidence of this violation from the following behaviour, which led to this suspension:

- Obscene language or behaviour
- Inappropriate language in public channels

The suspension will last a minimum of 20 days starting upon receipt of this e-mail notification until 24 July 2024 0:00 (GMT) during which time you will be unable to access FINAL FANTASY XIV or your service account.

Please be aware that during the suspension, we will review the case and determine if you are eligible to use FINAL FANTASY XIV in the future. Depending on the situation, we may decide to take further action by terminating your access to FINAL FANTASY XIV or your Square Enix account.
The endwalker dungeon where we're following estiniens weird crusty map to find treasure is the kind of vibes I was hoping dawntrail would have. Solving mysteries and delving into the unknown but we're retracing another groups steps and being dragged behind someone else the entire time. I don't feel like I'm making discoveries or having a grand adventure here.
He is basically Emet Selch without the theatrics on one hand, and on the other hand he's very grounded and reliable. I felt that he was one of the only people I cared to talk to or hear from because he was not a moron. A bro adventure with him was short but nice. The other thing was that he was a reserved guy but ultimately became more open through the journey. His struggles with his mother were also just gut wrenching and I felt like a character like that carrying such a burden was much better than anyone else.
Zero > Wuk
Zoraal's entire motivation is proving he can surpass his father and break free of being "the resilient son". It's why he helped with Valigarmanda, and it's why he denies the assistance of Saleel in the final feat.
That removes one big issue, but she's still in every fucking quest, cutscene, trust dungeon, and plot beat, with one of the following flavors
>I hate boats. I hate alpacas. did I mention I hate boats? Alpacas spit btw
>waaaaah I am worthless
>I like peace, have you tried peace? Peace is good
>Hey stop being sad/incompetent, this situation reminds me of this lesson I learned 2 days ago, let me ackshually your ass into how to run your fucking kingdom/not be sad about your parents dying
>it only takes 2 days to cultivate a leader for a country
lmao @ u
I remember back 6.1 was being promoted, everyone was hoping for a low-stakes adventure where the Warrior of Light is some unknown nobody again.
A finger of the monkey's paw curled.
Why is RDM always the lowest DPS out of all casters? The only utility it has is a raise and a shitty heal
How did you get another 20 day lmao
This one feels especially bad because that badass motherfucker was planning on going to the New World! Why didn't we take him with us?
>20 days

lmfao kong you fucked up
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Hey guys check out my expansion idea
>The final zone is a long lost civilization memorialized by the main antagonist
>The final dungeon is further memories of that civilization narrated by the main antagonist
>The final trial features an axe-wielding ally barging in to help you out at the last minute
>The final boss spergs out at 30% health due to the power of friendship and starts flailing around
>The antagonist's final words are about remembering them and their people
>The final scene shows the sun rising over the now destroyed ancient civilization
with the playerbase ffxiv has is it a surprise "some people" dont like her?
this is a playerbase that feels the need to always be the smartest person in the room and will argue about LITERALLY anything if you say something they think is stupid, obvious bait or not
Can someone explain to me Wuk Evu's deal, why does he do the "oh please kill me" and then "okay, it's not a big deal then" is this some Japanese humor thing
>I like peace, have you tried peace? Peace is good
Its not a new thing
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Yeah you are still a tulpa until I see you infront of my character. Surely world travel will open up more soon. Surely.

Yea, but they were willing. They seemed to have a good time so, worked out I suppose. If them and their EB are exclusive its not on me to enforce it.
Japanese companies only sideline characters when the JP VA dies. We see this a lot with Kingdom hearts, where the main villain has been recast 3 times in English, but Phil from Hercules stops talking entirely in KH3 because the JP VA died.
>hate that the story is filled to the brim with filler, that the cutscenes are awfully made
>hate how pacing is completely tied to the HW layout
>hate how people only seem to remember the good parts
>every fucking time I'm told to shut up
>DT comes out
>Suddenly everyone is complaining about these same problems that were here for years, but it's worded as if it's some new DT only problem
What the fuck is going on....
how does one fuck up this bad?
I can see where you might be confused but thats actually a different video game anon
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this thing blocks your way
what do?
>is this some Japanese humor thing
sure feels like it
alright what did you do?
idk i've barely fucking spoke in the game since dawntrail dropped
Erenville was in the expansion? Nigger is too dark I can’t see him
>he is basically emet selch
Ok, stopped reading there, you're genuinely retarded.
i will impale myself on wuk's futranny cock
He has a fetish for formalities and doesn’t like accidentally disrespecting people in authority positions. Like how’d you not catch this
But that's what I mean. He joins us for Valigarmanda to one up his father who only managed to seal it away... and yet there's literally no pay off on his end once it's dead. In fact, when Valigarmanda get referenced later on, people only talk about Wuk Lamat taking it down, not Wuk Lamat with Koana and Zoraal Ja.
No, whats retarded is that after speaking with 3 people each time she knows everything about their culture and life and how to solve problems not even Gulool Ja Ja could solve before.
>There was the Scions were on different teams while we were adventuring with Wuk.
Were very much aware of that when see them accompanying Koana.
>They didn’t lie about there being a rivalry at all
Ahhhh, so the magic aether water and the single dungeon interaction was worth all the hype Yoshi kept repeating about.
>you stupid fucks thought there would be some big giant fight
Nice headcannon.

I wanted to relax and enjoy the world without world-ending threats. Taking us back to the roots of ARR. Something fun. Can you understand the meaning of the word? F. U. N.
>You set expectations too high and are mad your head canon wasn’t what actually happened
There is a reason everyone is shitting on this expansion with multiple valid takes and here you are trying to act like a smart contrarian.
I expected a story where the WoL got go on adventure. Not walk to point a to point b with loredumps that sidequests were supposed to supplement.
I wanted there to be actual obstacles we didn't anticipate with subversive storytelling. Not doing multiple fetch quests and having Wuklamat talk and talk and talk and talk and talk.
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uhh guys i thought dungeons were supposed to be easy
that's the plot of early-mid hw btw
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instead of making a positive claim so that you can attempt your zoomer gotcha reply, i'll just merely use conformity like libtards tend to do against you
>Someone doing a fake latin accent moaning about peace to a bunch of warmongers
I dunno about that
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I feel so fucking scammed especially after the expansion trial. It had a chill exploration vibe, I wanted to go through a dense jungle with Estinien hunting beasts, or that other scene where Thancred is trying to recruit people with what looks like a crusty treasure map. Hell, even the fucking benchmark has that scene where your WoL dismounts and pulls up a map to check where to go.
None of that, instead we babysit a cat through 7 pokemon gyms and absolutely no character growth.
Yes I hate that nigga bunny too. His character and voice are shit and should’ve fucked off. Don’t know why you keep keeping up him when I’m talking about the retard cat is my main point
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life calls
Exactly. That's why I keep calling her a Queen of the People. She's perfectly suited to the task. I would worry for their military but they gave her a DBZ power up and the people of Tural can mobilize well enough if need be. Even just a legion of Mamool Ja would be scary.
they only mention who actually matters
Wuk Lumut fits that trans-girl stereotype of self-inserting themselves into places they really shouldn't.
Looks like you need to run some roulettes
those hitboxes on the first boss adds are fucking awful and i hate it
rest of the dungeon is fun though
*impregnates a froth*
aw dangit
*impregnates a froth*
aw dangit
*impregnates a froth*
aw dangit
>didn't even get a fun solo duty at the end to 1v1 Wuk in the throne room to honor her fathers traditions.
Sick leader dude, what character development.
really weird seeing people talk about this dungeon when it was such a smooth ride for me
Just pay attention to the words on the screen. You either go ghost or not depending on the warning.
I hate sad stories so endwalker was difficult to process at times, like I just felt disgust and wanted to stop, but I never did
DT actually makes me want to stop, it feels pointless and shit, im not fighting anything.
Atleast the filler in previous expansions had some reason as to why it was happening, this is all just so dull and pointless
This is the only time I wanted the msq to just end at 95, it already feels like its gone on too long
Why German?
>instead of making a positive claim-
i accept your concession
to ensure consistency, why else? but you're consistently a joyless nigger so you do you
I'm fine with Wuk on the first half, her realizing that the bonds her father made and the love he has for his people are what he's trying to inspire in his children is a fine arc. Her problem comes from the fact that afterwards she is completely fine with killing Zoraal for the attack, but struggles with the fact that Sphene needs to die when every other character, Sphene included accepts the fact that there is no mutually acceptable resolution. So the entire last portion of the game is Wuk yelling SPHENE and justifying her actions even though she's the one who enabled and allowed Zoraal to perform his attack.
>swap to Dyna for the road to 90
>forgot to top up on gil while on Crystal
>now stranded in no man's land with only 1.6m
I'm so cooked, the market board over here is fucking barren bros
>”I wanted”
>”I wanted”
>”I wanted”
Thats the issue here
I found his overly dour personality to be kind of grating after a while, I wish we could have traded him for Estinien.
Whats the name of the plugin where you automatically can put up the item 1 gil below the lowest price on the market board?
rava+ deployed on chaos, beware
Well I didn't want that, but what I wanted to do was be a mentor who can actually teach instance mechanics, rather than one of those mentors who has no patience or inclination to do so. Teaching NPCs was never on my bingo card.
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*wuks your path*
>no hroth wife
Estinien is having so many adventures off screen I hope hes having a great time.

"Remember Wuk always stand in the orange circles. And if the enemy raises his sword make sure to always stand on the side that has the sword raised"
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it's like poetry... it rhymes...
Whomp whomp lol someone can’t handle a different opinion
I still don’t understand Solution 9 and living memory. So everkeep is an actual place that was transported from the twelfth reflection? And living memory is a dimension of the dead?
We mentored her wrong on purpose, as a joke!
I've been trying to get my dps and my healer up while i do the msq, so this happens a bit.
My pictomancer could do it, but I want my whm to be 99 too because I'm really not sure if I'm feeling pct and sometimes I'd rather just take it easy and heal.
I found the padding in EW annoying, mostly the entire loporrit sequence or the 2nd half of Labyrinthos, but still went through them and they ended up having some highlights.
DT is the first time I've seriously been on the edge of mashing through text or skipping scenes entirely, every time Wok Lmao was on screen I just speedread xir lines to get it over quickly.
NPC reply
>Have you ever been to Belgium in fact?
i'm calling your opinion retarded, if i couldn't handle retards i wouldn't be on this website
post the email or fuck off
The original everkeep is everything from the bottom up to the last zone. When Sphene(?)/Zoraal Ja forced the dimensional fusion the entire lower zone up to the upmost area where all the endless live got teleported to the source, i think.
how are the job quests for viper and picto? pure unadulterated kino or stormblood job quest tier?
I quite like the story so far though i only made it bit past the first trial, it's exactly what i thought it would be. I'm glad we dont have the end of the world situation every single time and i dont mind WoL not being the very special little star of the story.

Anyway, how did the visual update treat your characters ? I think roes have it quite well though not as nicely as Elezen's i've seen.
>Y-You’re RETARDED!!!
I accept your concession
The way healers are designed is absolute trash.
>meet a femra for some rape action
>go to her house
>she switches to her pajama glams
>my malezen senses are flaring up, it's time to pounce
>she starts taking out her plushies
>introduces them to me and me to them
>calls me "mr. Longneck"
malezen bros how do I handle this?

Holy shit what the fuck did you say about Wuk?
Teach them to call you Daddy Longdick
Everkeep was in the reflection, and when Dimensional Fusion occured everything but the 12th floor were transported to the Source.
>twelfth reflection
We don't know which reflection it is. The Twelfth had a lightning-aspected rejoining, which means that it shouldn't exist anymore. It might be a shard that was teetering on the edge like the First.
they saw your word filters
>no u
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Instead of completing the trials by zone 3 in a boring manner, stretching them apart to zone 5-6 would have been better.
Having more room for competition and character growth for all claimants of the throne.
Having us complete the trials in ways we were not expecting would have been fine. Us saving the fucking day is a boring way to earn a keystone.
>what would be "better" in your mind? if she was edgier? more game of thrones backstabbing?
Wuklamat gaining the title of Dawnservant only after the death and suffering would have been better. Why?
Because she actually grew as a character by then. That, despite not getting ALL of the keystones or finding the golden city.. her people STILL SAW HER AS THE DAWNSERVANT. Needing her to lead them.
To which she then shows that she is indeed worthy after getting all the keystones and reaching the golden city to save the day.
Meh but at least short. They're serviceable but not annoying.
I am using the JP dub now
I can't stand this anymore
Keep her warm and safe until she wont stop clinging to you, then happy marriage correction
Whats the point of filling every zone with mobs if 99% of quests are ignoring them completely to go talk to an npc to click a sparkle
It's a lot more tolerable but don't expect to start liking Wuk. She is still annoying.
because EW and ShB jerked off the player character to no end so they got to have a heckin epic power fantasy
now we're back to the ARR-StB style of just kinda being there to make sure everyone else doesn't die and they are NOT happy
pictomancer is kino
>the tranny bursts in last second and steals your thunder as the WoL
>inb4 but muh Hades fight
You already beat his ass. Game stunlocks you at 20% so the tranny can shine. (Awful voice acting, btw)
Post release content better be fucking KINO+ because this completely turned me off the game.
>Big Boss
take your patriots propaganda outta here, Big Boss did nothing wrong
q up onsal
I would honestly hug her
>Wuklamat gaining the title of Dawnservant only after the death and suffering
stopped reading, game of thrones brained nigger
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I thought that match would never end
i would melt (in a good way)
she's so cute
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The idea that it is up to randoms to not tempt people's whorish EBs is a funny one.
wtf, I didn't know they changed inner chaos' animation
any other ones they randomly decided to update?

Damn not even an option to hit them with the ol' ...
>Having more room for competition and character growth for all claimants of the throne
How does this work or make sense after
>Bakool Ja Ja basically quits
>Koana quits
>Zoraal Ja is DQ’d
How do you rewrite this then to make it make sense all the way up to zone 5/6
>”You need suffering in a story for it to be impactful!!”
Oh this is a MCU poisoned brain posting here
it's almost as if this game's design is shit and it isn't actually an MMO but just a glorified visual novel that you sub monthly to
All I can say for sure is when people argue about the story, the posts criticizing Wuk Lamat's role in it always seem to make the most sense to me, whereas the posts defending her role in it are always reductive, dishonest, and angry.
Case in point this guy is so determined to win the argument that stories should not contain what people want to hear/read.
He were retarded and fucked up the Boss' will. Zero was right, look at the state of the internet today. We need the Patriots.
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wuk evu's gimmick is overplayed as hell
and yet i still laugh, why?
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Queue Casual CC @ 11:30
things that would never happend to female characters
Im jealous, malezen bro
I would instantly fall in love personally
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funny old cat man
What's even weirder is that change wasn't even documented, they just randomly replaced that skill anim
the death and suffering still happened? are you calling it games of thrones then?
are you just embarrassed by everyone shitting on you?
She goes from annoying tranny to dumb tomboy which is an enormous positive change.
here's the defense that matters: i like her so shes good
you dont like her so you're wrong, simple as
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>people are now shitting on ShB just to defend DT
How low have we fallen? Can we not just give criticism to the game we all love? I love this game so I have to comment on how I feel about it.
why can't it just be funny
it's well delivered even if it's predictable
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Yeah. I just wanna have a good time with folks I run into. Be it typing smut, talkin' about gacha, cool locks, or what have you. If you can make folks laugh and be chill things just kinda happen
That's how it starts. Then one day you realize that you've paid-transferred to Mana and are joining Duty Finder savage clears and typing よろしくお願いします! at the start of each run.
We don't need world-ending stakes
We do need a target to sink our fucking teeth in
Instead we have to chaperone a fucking retarded furry
I just want more stuff to heal instead of being a 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 bot
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>that look of disappointment when alisae realizes she has to get left behind
that was the only real interaction we had all expansion, but damn
>Instead of completing the trials by zone 3 in a boring manner, stretching them apart to zone 5-6 would have been better.
I get they wanted to be done with the whole succession plot before the scifi one kicks in, but that part felt really weird to me. I'm still not sure because the story is a mess, but they did seem to imply that tuliyolal also rules over the northern areas no? Why did Gulool Ja Ja not give them a single fucking trial? Feels disrespectful.

Also thinking about it, the whole challenge makes no fucking sense. So they make the successors earn these tablets and find the golden city. Makes sense if it were an actual ancient city. However as we learn later, it's a portal to a very dangerous dimension that was explicitly sealed, why the fuck would Gulool Ja Ja for people to find this thing, and take the keys to open it there? It'd be like giving every presidential candidate the nuclear codes and explicit instructions on where to go to input them.
Because it's a good gimmick. It's funny, and very easily to quickly slip into a scene without disrupting the flow too much when the character himself acts like he didn't just ask to be ritually murdered for using the wrong fork at a fancy dinner.
The Patriots are using our distaste for the state of the modern internet as a means to coerce us into submission, Zero was a creep who greenlit the conception of rape children and inhumane genetic experiments that resulted in Gray Fox
Yeah that was kind of sad. Both the twins presence felt a lot weaker in this expansion, despite being around pretty much as often as usual.
Femezen necks are like that because they give the best deepthroats right?
no one has shit on me, i have defeated every argument
i get it, you think every work of fiction needs to be game of thrones where everyone dies all the time randomly for drama purposes but it's just not always appropriate or interesting
that's what i've been wondering. how the fuck did they smuggle a mamool into the fucking dome and where is she???
I've only done picto, it's not awful I guess but you're not missing much if you skip all but the first and last one if you want some idea of the story.
Synopsis: A moogle has you search for his friend who's mysteriously vanished. The two of you venture to several locales before an art dealer reveals that she was last seen in Ul'dah, where she left in a way that seems like possible suicide. The moogle, naturally, freaks out, and demands to see her internment, only to find a painting from her late master. The moogle takes it, and works out that she's trapped within. In the dreamscape that is definitely not Grand Cosmos, you face off against a creation she's made of her late master. You then figure out you've been working with a creation of hers all along, and you and her exit the painting and part ways. And that's it. No combat grandma, that's for sure. The furthest ingame it takes you is Kugane, so you'll need to have been at least in Stormblood's start to do the whole questline.
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>the feminine femra player wearing pink and white character starts talking logically and matter of fact tone when they are getting scolded
>Why did Gulool Ja Ja not give them a single fucking trial
because the rite was about going through the steps of his journey to unite Tural, and none of the stuff he did was up there
My other question is the gate to living memory, how did it appear to the source even before the events of dawntrail? It must have mean the Preservation managed to successfully transported the twelve floor of everkeep with the help of milalas?
Nah, that honor still goes to Graha. The only good thing about that retard is that he isn't on screen as much.
Your response?
god imagine how good it feels to go wild on an elezen's mouth
How can you sexualize femezens
it's beyond me
I get the different -Ja NPC names constantly mixed up.
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Haman I have never betrayed anyone in my life
>talking logically
could NOT be me
Lyse literally exists and is the worst character in this game
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Why does WAR keep its damage gap closer while GNB got its replaced with a non-attack dash? What was the point of this?
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My femra right now
Forced anilingus
Beat her in a best 2 out of 3
>this server is experiencing congestion visiting characters cannot log in at this time
it's so over...
Viper is wish.com monster hunter.
It's alright, nothing to really write home about but it's serviceable and the tutor character is likeable at least.
Anon. I'm talking about the two heads king
He rigged the test to Wuk Lamat’s favor of just being a peaceful person. If you wanted to test your might you’re basically fucked
One of the best character I have met
>you must be playing a lot of fantasy football
Breed during her unavailable hours.
Start by not being a faglord.
>'im way out of your league"
yeah sure... XD
I feel nothing because I've already seen the exact same femra 10 billion times
I swear that race rivals male cats with the generic factor
the point was WAR is unfinished still, GNB isn't
retards like Xeno complained about GNB being too busy so they got rid of the damage so you don't have to work it into No Mercy
Yeah dumb bitch you're Silver 2, can't queue with someone that's a Gold 2 or higher.
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Wasn't great for my original guy, but I swapped into a malera and now I don't have any complaints (wish I could say the same about my shaders). Definitely agree that roes are eating good after the update, loving all of the femroes that I've been seeing running around. Glad you're liking the expansion so far, anon.
I had a good time despite losing.
>states how to change the story that would obviously change the way things are done chronologically
>"but how these events now work"
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he that holdeth fast
putting your femra on a high shelf after 1 hour has elapsed and leaving her there
one of them was 8 inches the other one was more girthy than long
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Why did they write Amaurot again? There was literally only 1 expansion between and we have basically the same story
>twins go to tural to see how different cultures live together so they can help out garleans (how does that make sense anyway?)
>every village you see in tural is separate from each each other and they all live togetehr because dawnservant who's the trongest dude on the entire continent told them to be nice to others
So what's the solution? Revive varis??????????????
This is me except my Khagan likes it when I wear pink and praises me for being smart but interrupts my speeches by forcing my head on his crotch.
We didn't see it in a flashback, but wouldn't he also have united the lands Erenville comes from?
You’ll never be a moogle
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My male midlander is a machine that turns unplapped femlalas into plapped femlalas
mods when ffs?
>retards still replying to this bait
I'm genuinely in awe.
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I'm gonna shove my tongue down your throat you ignorant, apostrophe-missing brat, god how could you fuck up something so SIMPLE
Should I, a femroe, fanta to froth?
You've reached the holy grail brother. Marriage correction is the only way forward
Yes dumbass you are suggesting the rewrite to extend the rite now lay the events out so they make sense.
I thought we killed you Zoraal Ja
why would you downgrade yourself
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I don't think fog should look like that
And hypnotizing then giving someone insane surgery to take over for you wasn't also fucked up? The Boss is fuming about both of those retards. Solid Snake was best Snake.
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he looks like he exclusively cums inside of my femxaela
i wish so bad that the male version had the same midriff
How will we look back on this expansion 5+ years from now?
what did you fanta from..?
Any attempts at connecting with the previous story were weak and hamfisted at best. Not a single fucking character mentioned the final days, despite being a relatively new incident. You'd expect at least someone to bring up that time the sky turned red, meteors fell, and people turned into demons, then suddenly stopped for seemingly no reason.
"Oh yeah, that one"
shit I don't know
maybe they just got pulled in later when the tribes up there saw how good the whole unity thing was going
With dread considering it cant be erased
Shit MSQ
Good content (hopefully)
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Being a retarded murderhobo does not make you fit to rule.
Keklamo is a garbage character completely unfit to be king but Zoraal Ja wasn't any better.
Please tell me there is some good pay off from this copy pasted story?
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Queue Casual CC @ 3:30
the post msq content will be peak and people will praise it
"cute femra"
/teleport *clicks solution nice and leaves asap because I feel awkward*
Still here, waiting for gear piece recommendations.
I was fretting every time you leapt in and put two or three of my teammates in the Gunbreaker blender and I could only watch
SB 2.0
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Gulool Ja Ja is a strong fighter but he mostly negotiated the peace he built. Even after fighting the faction war to a standstill he had to actually show them how to co-operate. He was best in pretty much everything, not just combat. We can emulate his methods even without his skills.
What makes him think he can decide that things people dislike aren't valid
Optimistically? They change lead writer, we move past this and pretend it doesn't exist, we remember it as the dark times.

Realistically? Modern hollywood. Current writers double down, DEI takes over, future content is so fucking bad we will yearn for Dawntrail like star wars fans yearn for the prequels.

He cloned a female version of himself. Got herself pregnant and after eggs were laid he discarded the useless tool.
What's the "latest" Anamnesis program called?
Me, I gave him the pass.
The Final Days was almost entirely localized to Thavnair with a handful of happenings in Eorzea and Doma, because we stopped it really early in the process
>tfw it's socially acceptable for women to have a plushie collection but when I have one im a manchild apparently
we live in a society
I'm sorry bro but I'm sleep deprived and don't remember gear names. I'm sure you can do it! Ganbatte!
its over
People keep talking about Gulool Ja's mom but his dad's birth is just as mysterious and supposedly 'miraculous'. I don't think either of the two were born via normal means and it'll probably be explored in patch content.
So was shadowbringers our version of WoTLK?
Oh look Mark Kern aka Grummz found xivg
its just begun
What's the best pairing with miera?
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Glad I could cause some anxiety, at least! I never know when to use that LB, so I just throw it out when I see a bunch of folks grouped together.
same way I feel about Stormblood
the actual best part of the game that barely anyone appreciates because no one cares about gameplay here, they just want their heckin sad grandpa and epic moments of fighting nonsense doombeasts
Why did Gulool even let Bakool compete
Nobody likes him, nobody wanted him on the throne but himself, if he actually won the whole empire would almost assuredly fall apart from him being a moron
No that was heavensward
And this our version of Legion
God I WISH wuk was like haurchefaunt, that would me she would die soon.
That one cutscene after the Zodiark trial showed how the entire planet would be swallowed up with several focal points, not necessarily localized to Thavnair. It affected Thavnair, Garlemald, and Sharlyan that we saw in the MSQ, with most of the old zones also being affected through role quests. Zodiark's protection over the planet wore out everywhere at the same time, so you'd think at least some areas elsewhere got it too.
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My favorite hairstyle I was using last year, still wondering why it isn't more popular in game.
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Dawntrail... was a great success...
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the main problem is that everyone is comparing the story to 6.0 and 5.0 when they shouldn't
Femra, especially Mava x Femraen.
rugged as boyscout lmao.
back to twitter schizo
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>Talk to Wuk Lamat again
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To 7.0 specifically? Dogshit ending. Great journey. Hoping for good post-release content. Picrel for MSQ if they don't remove Wuk Lamat.
NTA but the "darkening" in that vision littearly doesn't happen simultaneously, it creeps randomly over random parts until lit engulfs the entire planet.
You can watch it your self
>comparable to haurchefaunt
i hope this faggot overdose hrt
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This was so dumb they could just have had us bring a mountain of meat as a gift and then it fell off when Bakool Ja Ja poked our boat so we go out to hunt fresh gifts while they fixed the boat.
>Our Legion is Draenor-tier
Fucking grim.
All brown self-inserter chud cutscene skipping speedreading transphobes.
Content Enjoyers are going to eat good this expansion
I don't think I can take it anymore...
but that's when i started playing so that's what i remember the strongest and what i associate the game with
Fiera wife for my femezen
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>Tranny strike
>617 pages
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In my house.
Fluffed up.
Legion had an honestly entertaining story
>the entire planet would be swallowed up with several focal points
sure, eventually
but remember, the NPCs in Amaurot were talking about rumors from some other area about the Final Days events in a way that showed it was definitely not affecting the whole world at once
Isn't anamnesis abandoned and they have another program now?
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They really can't ignore this anymore, are we going to see Yoshi-P cry again live?
hang in there little femlala
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Similarly, people don't hate Wuk Lamat because she's a naive idealist who sticks to her values and her commitment to understanding others and their culture.
There are many ways in which this character can be well executed - and has been in FFXIV. People hate Wuk Lamat because, again, of how she's written.
Wuk Lamat starts the narrative as a naive, easily fooled idealist, and ends the narrative as a naive, easily fooled idealist. She repeatedly makes mistakes, gets kidnapped, is deceived, overlooks the problems of people, and struggles to understand how to solve those problems.
The problem is that Wuk Lamat is never punished for those mistakes - mistakes that are directly caused by who she is as a character - and is never punished for them. After being too naive and trusting with the Bandit in the pot village, and subsequently getting kidnapped and held hostage, she is, again, too naive and trusting with Sphene, never asking any questions about who Sphene is, how the society of Solution 9 operates, and repeatedly suggests to just run into things headlong regardless of whether or not they could be traps.
In previous parts of the story - Including ARR - these sorts of character flaws were repeatedly punished in significant, unavoidable ways. Alphinaud's naive formation of the Crystal Braves resulted, and Nanamo's naive attempt to immediately and drastically change the Ul'Dah government (in a way that is, in some ways, far less drastic than Wuk Lamat's executive decisions) in ARR result in the near assassination of the latter and the total betrayal of the former. Lyse attempts to motivate those around her through simple idealism to lay their lives on the line in an apparently fruitless attempt for freedom, fails horribly, with Ala Mighans suffering under Garlemald cynical and reluctant to throw themselves into a suicidal and hopeless revolution, only to learn in Doma from Hien that leadership must be demonstrated.
>bros you dont understand forumoids are COMPLAINING unlike how they always complain about literally everything!!!
I can fix that.
Yeah that's what I mean though, it doesn't start in Thavnair and spread from there, there's several focal points that expand out. By the time it's hitting Sharlayan and we are trying to save the universe, we could probably guess that idk, maybe 60% of the planet is like that? Which ought to include at least some of the regions of tural.
>best combat content we ever gotten already at the expansion start
>compared to warlords of snoro with highmaul as the beginning tier
how are you a tourist in not one but 2 games anon?
Eh depends it was super meme sloppa IMO but yeah that's entertaining I guess
Unfortunately. Its Ktisis or Brio now and I can't stand either of them beyond the capability to spawn actors and alter gear in gpose.
seconding this
t. mava
>Show your Elezen!
based elezen enjoyer ignoring the shitstorm and just enjoying what he likes
pure chad
Fiera wife for my fiddie
As a character that fails, Wuk Lamat is not a mary sue - but simply a character that is never challenged in any way for their failures, nor is ever stimulated to grow and develop. She is presented with very few problems that cannot be solved immediately by the mere suggestion of platitudes of peace and happiness (or, if the situation is really difficult, food), and any difficulties she faces are summarily eliminated by the Scions near uncritical support for her regardless of any legitimate concerns we may have about her capacity to lead a massive, diverse continent.
This makes every struggle Wuk Lamat has feel pointless, every victory she achieves feel unearned, and every mistake she makes feel frustrating. Despite the expansion's mantras of learning more about others in order to understand them, by the end of Dawntrail, we know absolutely nothing more about Wuk Lamat than we started the expansion knowing, and as such, we can hardly understand her character at all. The effect this creates is one of utter confusion when she forms a Lyse/ Gaia-esque relationship with Sphene at the end of the expansion, despite no scenes that build their relationship, demonstrate any reason for their apparent affection, or indicate any reason for Wuk Lamat to still trust Sphene (after not indicating any reasons for her to trust Sphene in the first place).
Do you realize how annoying wet fur would be?
>Wuk Lamat starts the narrative as a naive, easily fooled idealist, and ends the narrative as a naive, easily fooled idealist.
good, thats based
didnt read the rest
Elk and now Kong, good riddance, hope you get a permanent eventually

I mean Gajool Ja Ja specifically mentions to us that he was going to ignore the result of the trials if he felt like it.
because he was confident that a dipshit like him would never manage to actually complete the trials, which he was right about, but outright kicking him out of the contest for no reason would just make Mamook pissy
Kidnapping is the fastest way to make anyone lose any sympathy its so embarrassing. Children and damsels get kidnapped, shes supposed to be a 7ft tall ripped warrior woman
Fiera wife for my big gock suncat
That was also Zero's idea
jesus christ elezen look so much better after the update
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Hello again
Hope you get lucky this time
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How do you make yoshida focus on kino foray zones instead of raids? DT is a good first step but we need to push it further

Bonus point who remembers this fucking place
do you need to link your twitch account or something to get teh drops? i've had streams open all day and there's nothing in the drops progress page.
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>be WoL
>be extremely autistic and adventurer brained
>have such uncontrollable rizz that basically all NPCs wants to fuck you
>only time WoL ever returns any sorts of affection its to the guy that wanted to fight him for 3 expansions and nearly destroyed the whole world because of it
>and that was in the form of a fist fight to death
they really nailed making a truly autistic character
they are amazing, happy for them
Only played trannycraft during cata, admitedly. Still, I thought the overall impression of Draenor was that story was shit, content was good, but there was too little of it. Guess it was just shit all around.

Let's me compare it to 4.0 then

whoops still shit writing.
Where CC?
I don’t care how detailed and well explained your points are faggot, I love DT and Wuk Lamat
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Mommy... wanna milk me while I suck on your big milky titties?
femra are soulless husks that's why
chad request
I have not done it personally but people in the FC said you are supposed to link it via some link in the ffxiv launcher
The dungeons and trials so far are kind of fun, I feel like they're finally hitting their stride again content wise, and I think it'll be fun to queue into this stuff later with sprouts.
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They were good! Its one of the lowest cooldown limit breaks in the game so you don't have to stress about the right moment so much
A tip I've heard that's been helpful is to not be afraid to pull the trigger early when people realize you're dangerous and try to scatter away from you
Cloned in a factory just like Sunnies.
She doesn't need to learn from her mistakes because she traveled to another continent to recruit the planets god killer to carry her to the throne.
There are transexuals here in this general. Real ones, hrt and snip, the whole thing. I have something I want to ask you individuals.
A colored hair true believer and a fellow troon are at the forefront of killing this game. "Your people" are now in leadership positions in SE and are doing everything in their power to ruin your favorite game. So I just want to know, how does it feel to be on this end of the barrel?
And if you think it stops here, DT is only the beginning. Soon they'll come for your 2B leggings, then they'll come for modders, then they'll start censoring anything upper management lets them. And slowly but surely your favorite 2nd life simulator for gender confused men will die a slow painful death.
I only want to know how it feels to be on the receiving end of your own bullshit because of the fact that so many censorship activists in gaming just happen to be trannies. YOUR PEOPLE are killing your favorite game, so tell me, how does it feel?
you really didn't even need to search it, it was obvious no one from 4chan wrote that because there wasn't enough crying about the VA
Gotta be truly autistic to spend more than 30 minutes around wuk lamat and not run back to your own continent, so that tracks.
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>yoshit said he wanted to do an ice expansion next
>they're setting up for another shard hop expansion
We're not getting another decade long arc huh. It's all just meaningless filler episodes from now on.
I thought plebbit loved this expansion?
Welcome to the gang, Khagan! That's a very neat glam you got btw.
Nah the content was shit too
Worst daily zone
Worst patch zone
Snore ass raids
the only good raid was BFR
>WoL jobs to Zenos
>no character growth
>beats him at the end of SB
>WoL jobs to Ranjitt
>no character growth
>Thancred weakens him
>beats him near the end of 5.0
>Wuk Lamat jobs to Bakool Ja Ja in Ok’hanu
>Goes on to kill Valigarmanda (something her father couldn’t do at his peak)
>Goes on to best Bakool Ja Ja (something she couldn’t do before)
>Goes on to kill Zoraal Ja (something she couldn’t do before)
>story skippers still say she’s a bad character with no growth
I like knowing how fresh it is.
not a tranny but i feel like you should take your meds
tranny post.
looking at my twitch it seems to just be a code you redeem
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I am a lalaboy who has trailed the dawn
If I had time to make a heart pupil edit of those eyes I would right now, but i gotta run off for a bit
Also yes
I ain’t reading all of that nigga but I agree
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>blows the fuck out of the furry bitch since she's in my way
ahh yes hello Hrothgar husbando
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Queue Casual CC @ 8:00

There should be a code in your twitch notifications you can input in the mog station
>We're not getting another decade long arc huh
Maybe if you would pay attention what yoshit actually said you would be less mad
He said they gonna set up a lot of plothooks in 7.0 and depending on peoples interest with it pursue them in further expansion

exactly what they did in 2.0
Me first...
The expert dungeon is really fun. This is SB2: The Revenge where the content is good but the story is shit.
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Can we talk about futanari instead? Im ready to move on from furry fixation
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I need a good guide for levelling up crafters.
>it does nothing since you're just a blm
yaaaawn pick up a paintbrush, loser
well then, at least everyone can take solace in the fact that Wuk Lamat is for sure not coming back
>oh sweet i got a paglithan recolor top
>try to dye it

fucking niggers. what the fuck i can accept were working our way down but these are current gear you put in your new game. wtf.
>Create setting with 14 parallel worlds
>Make it so in the story, 7 are already gone
>The 8th one was fucked up and turned to void, any chance of visiting it properly was wasted during EW patches
>Shadowbringers wasted the first by making 90% of it a wasteland
>DT introduces new shard, makes 90% of it uninhabitable as well
At the rate they are going, 8.0 will be a single zone in each of the remaining reflections so they can finish killing their potential as well.
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>two giga autists
Would be a 10/10 crossover
Do leves
If no leves
do collectables
they made ZT a boss
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I appreciate the advice! Definitely going to put it to use next time I join up for CC matches.
Much obliged, pardner. Figured I'd cook up a little something now that we have a proper western area and I can actually wear hats.
When does DT's story get good? I'm fucking falling asleep at this point
Well yeah, same way they shitcanned lyse
We can talk about mine
I just want to go to strange new locations and kill monsters and explore shit.
Can voidlist hide NPCs?
the wol doesn't have character growth because it is a blank slate. wuk lamat doesn't have character growth because her journey does not teach her anything about herself she doesn't already know and doesn't challenge her worldview because hers is already the "correct" one.
A while ago yoshi floated the idea of a time travel expansion to a previous era just in case you wanted to know how the barrel is being scraped
sadly you're still EU
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I'm probably not going to fanta but I think it looks pretty cute
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wee ooh wee ooh wee ooh
wuk isnt trans retard
non msq stuff. side quests, aether currrent quests, pelupeluoooooouuuuuhhhhhh, role quests
>our story isn't going to have any vision or direction and we're just going to go along with whatever gets the most upvotes on r/ffxiv
This is supposed to make me excited?
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daxflame came a long way
Uh oh brown skin melt
>Create setting with 14 parallel worlds
>Make it so in the story, 7 are already gone

? Are you retard, 7 calamities happened before we even know what shards were let alone they were other worlds

I swear everytime story discussion happens the retards come out the wood work
>Also yes
Fantastic. You gotta post a cropped picture of your tits too tho
Ok, have you ever been plapped?
yep that's a wife
Zone 4, for a couple hours, then it dies again.
Maybe about how good yours looked in the Saucer outfit...
bud light wasn't trans either
hate trannies so much bros
>Fuckers in Solution 9 are STILL wearing the soul regulators
I feel like those were something that they really shouldn't have glossed over as "simply a cultural difference"
wdym people have been talking about trannies all thread
would you prefer that they double down on Wuk
What do you call this phenotype?
They doing the story like that since 11 years, so yeah
I'm not transphobic and don't really care about her appearance but holy shit she fucking SUCKED at voice acting
A beer cannot be transgendered anon but that didn’t stop rightoids from having a meltdown for an entire year because a trans person had a beer
I honestly would've preferred that. Both the EW patches and DT's last act made me wish we had gotten to actually see the downfall of Alexandria/the void's contramemoria as a full expansion, and not a dungie and a dozen flashbacks. Alexandria straight up could've pulled a Chrono Trigger, being made of 2 zones we get to visit during the prosperous past, the ruinous present, and the dystopian sci-fi future.
Still holding out hope some day we get a War of the Magi one at least.
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Tell me about it
I have. Either by someone who I like, or from losin' a bet.
yes, that's the point i was making. the decision tainted wukky poo forever.
The average wuk lamat hater
I want the furry bitch
No matter which side of the outrage you're at, so long as you're part of the cultural war, you're an useful idiot.
>>>only time WoL ever returns any sorts of affection its to the guy that wanted to fight him for 3 expansions and nearly destroyed the whole world because of it
Or when children ask him about his adventures or to read them the stories he writes
Sounds like Ascian's created Sphene?
>resident retards that thought yoshida had an outline from 2.0 to 6.0
No wonder yoshida gets promoted all the time retards eat shit up like nothing
you're transphobic.
I'm pretty sure this is the first thing that's gonna get tackled in 6.1
Sphene is gone and Sol-9 is in the Dawnservant's rule now, and since the memory realm is dead too there's bound to be some change to how they operate their tech, either they give it up or make it so if you actually die your soul goes to the lifestream instead.
Fucking ZZZ has a better story than this shit MSQ
It'll be a very long conversation. It may take all night...
Do you have lewd pic of your femra getting plapped?
I don’t think about this shit the moment I close the tab
Shriveled Emma Watson
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>He honestly thinks Wuk isn't going to make excuses and ask her brother to handle things so she could see more of the world first "so I can be a better worldly leader to my people"
No war but the culture war
got my first hemorrhoid today bros, is this what it means to be old
>Sphene is exactly what i expected

Whats with japanese and highlighting who is evil through character design?

They obviously doing that on purpose but why? Like they gave her the super angular face of evil
As the start of the gameplay getting better thanks to dungeons actually trying to push the players slightly instead of being cakewalks
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Sorry gamer, only those who play card games with me can see it now
Trans and futafags are different. One actually wants to be HRT, one just wants to be a cute girl with a penis to dick down cute girls (Or has no idea how to RP coochie)

A few.
Im nosy, so Id listen
>he’s already mad about head canon that hasn’t happened yet
Oh yes post patches are gonna be great
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Do you play MTG?
no u
>cute girls
>not guys
Share pls?
>Trans and futafags are different
no they arent
both claim to be "female", neither are
I was 100% expecting that by the end of DT, and we are still not safe from 7.55, but seeing how even the Japs hate this self-insert, I'm sure they'll retcon any plans they had. We'll likely visit some old zones during the patches, and she'll tag along and be annoying, because that shit's already in development, but there's no way she doesn't get absolutely shitcanned by the end, and gets even less screen time than Lolorito for the next 10 years.
>A few.
catbox em, love
lmfao god dammit
How do I attract female elezen that are NOT blue, brown, or dusky shaded?
Queue Casual CC @ 12:00
>Feels like a Pokemon plot
>Goblins are called Moblins
>Music ripped straight from Donkey Kong

XIV Switch port confirmed?
>even the Japs hate this self-insert
evidence time
Why was Estinien even here?
>>WoL jobs to Ranjitt
>>no character growth
How about the aether of the light wardens that was so powerful it could destroy the remainder of the world that was left?
How about that?
he's on vacation
he's a cowboy
he needs a fucking job
just a wanderer
They literally have dropped Sphene looking all evil in the last trial arena area in their release trailer. I am not sure why they had to do this.
when is world travel coming back i want to fate farm with my bros...
Procure statistics that Wuk is overall hated and it's not the lord minority
He's the dude who bought the map to go out on the 6.1 adventure. He's an adventuring sort.
>Posts on 4chan
>Not transphobic

Go back to plebbit
I play MTG, Shadowverse both digital and physical, occasionally hearthstone, duelyst and a bunch others. Enjoy living card games too like Doomtown. I just like cards.

Why not bot
I claim to be a Darb.
I'll' share one, and only one. Got lewds of them getting donged by the EB, or pegged by a friendo mine, and some others.

Tis an older one so deal with it.
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This is honestly the best redmage set they've made
Only issue is the hat in some angles keeps covering the eyes in cutscenes
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The whole point of futas is that they're chicks with giant fucking dicks because low-testosterone but nonetheless straight adolescents this age want to play cute girls and fuck other girls, which would be bland with typical carpet muncher sex.
Men are nonetheless superior
since that's the argument that i'm arguing against, i wont present evidence
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I'm still seething about the DoT removal from Paladin but I do like the new Atonement upgrades.
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>meanwhile Ranjitt
Unironic NEET
>I'm pretty sure this is the first thing that's gonna get tackled in 6.1
yeah i don't know why people assume the unaddressed parts will remain unaddressed forever
we've got exactly 5 and a half continuations before the next expansion
>one just wants to be a cute girl with a penis to dick down cute girls (Or has no idea how to RP coochie)
literally me, I also dont want my cute catgirl to be dick downed. Fuck or get fucked I guess
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So why did emet selch remember what kairos did to him after being revived in ultima thule but not when he was revived at the top of the crystal tower?
Elezen are expansionists and conquerors
They beat up things weaker than them
You could ask the same about every single scion. Remove Thancred and Urianger, and nothing about Koana changes. Have Y'shtola/G'raha be a quick linkpearl call and nothing changes. You remove Estinien or the very forced Dragon memberberries and nothing changes.
The only reason any of these characters are here was simply to trailerbait and get sales.

Imagine if the cinematic trailer had been just silent viper WoL and Wuk Lamat.
Hot. Would plap
can i make my retainer a pictomancer or does it have to be an arr job
you said she's hated and I don't believe you
how do you turn off alarm notifcations for collectable nodes and stuff
where can i find suggestive pics of femhroths? asking for a friend
also, murfurlur is a bro
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Final trials spoiler
cultural differences
Japan generally doesn't really care that much about making stories unpredictable
>The whole point of futas is that they're chicks w-
no they arent
penis = not female, sorry trannoid
you are a tranny
Why does Estinien do adventuring better than us
>when he was revived at the top of the crystal tower?
When was Emet revived at the top of the Crystal Tower?
Ranjit is a wuxiaCHAD and cultivated his kicks offscreen
DT is the best thing that could happen
no more crying catmoms
no more yshtola simps

Only things that matters is now content

Next expansion?

>when he was revived at the top of the crystal tower?
I assume you mean during the Seat of Sacrifice? If so that's not him revived, it was just some leftover aether in azem's crystal.
I now understand the outrage. This is so low quality. Is the rest of the cast like this?
you're asking for a wildwood so I would recommend fantaing into some form of wild dog or horse
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I prefer RPing my futa with more modest/realistic sizes. Keep vague to allow for imagination to adjust for preference but somewhere in the 4-6inch range.

Not on HRT, never will be on HRT, but you can believe whatever you like. Its your life.

Thanks. Id play you.
hes an adventurer faggot. how bout you try and be one?
The thing is, the competition could have been more fun if it was indeed rigged or sabotaged.
Fine nigger, let me spoonfeed you instead since you lack any form of imagination.
>The pot that holds Gulool JaJas shade gets destroyed or stolen (because the dad elector refuses to have anyone win but his failed sons)
>We now have to find a new way to the throne since the contest is ruined now, subverting expectations
>We can learn of the Gate to the Golden City with Bakool JaJa now or later on
>Zarool Ja steals the stones from the maleroe anyway
>We have a trial for the father of Bakool Jaja, where Zarool Ja ventually invades and kils Gulool JaJa
>Everyone is in a panic as to who should lead Tural, but Wuklamat takes lead and states it doesn't matter and that they should all try to help first
>Before Gulool JaJa dies, he either mentions the Gate or says he believes in us finding it, or Zoraal spoils the location of it in vague manner to find and fight him
>Bakool JaJa can add to the credibility of Zarool Ja's words
>Queue Exarch and Yshtola finding a way to get us in the Gate anyway
>We defeat Zarool Ja and we see the keystones fall out of him, stating she's earned them
>Or, we return from our journey, and its night time
>The father of Bakool Ja regrets his crime and admits that she's shamed his people
>Pulls out a keystone and says aloud for everyone to hear that she is indeed worthy of the title Dawnservant and that he was wrong
>She raises it to the air
>Queue the rising of the Dawn as it shines her keystone
As you can see, a lot of the events would still play out the same, but not so obvious and linear as we'd expected the trials to be completed in.
That is a lot of card games. I played physical MTG for a bit but had to quit because I was spending too much money lmao. It's fun tho.
same reason he shows up anywhere
dude's homeless and just wanders around looking for cool stuff because Ishgard doesn't need him anymore
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I play MTG and YGOEdison format only, fuck the current format and hand traps and 1st turn unbreakable boards
i asked for evidence that she was hated by japs actually
Estinien, Thancred and Urianger were pointless.
Its that bad
When Elidibus sends you to eternal damnation in seven hells
Wuk Lamat the kind of person to click an obvious phishing link and venmo a scammer $1000 to get her discord account back. Not sure the nation will even be here a week after we leave
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not even him but jp's haters have been vocal about it online
now's the part where you decide this source doesn't count and expect me to barge into the home of every jp player to get a consensus
I kneel FF11 gods
better question is why didn't he take us with him...
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alisaie as well.
you mean the aether that was actively killing us?
She would get scammed, then she'd talk to the scammer, learn his life story, win his sympathies and cause a face turn and he'll send her $1000 instead.
Why did you cut it off here when it's followed by her being crushed from above but continuing to read her lines as if nothing is happening?
>all this cope despite being a tranny anyway
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When you comin' over ed boy

I like yugioh, tho generally only time wizard formats, or casual if I can play flower cardian
I still play MTG, whenever Pioneer is the RCQ season.
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making this bitch lose all her money
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Do we have any update on mods?
>he doesn't go to materia to plap eu himcessess
So is this blur DSLL thing a FFXIV problem or nvdia problem? because i remember DSLL being fuck in other games too

What would a FF11 themend FF14 expansion look like? Eureka was FF11 themed, right?
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I don't think I'm going to get along with the people that play this race/gender combo.
When even the hugbox known as the ffxiv subreddit has majority leaning negative on the MSQ you know its a fucking blunder
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If you think this is bad then rewatch the hanu introduction cutscene between those two
Honestly, the first time I genuinely complain about voice acting
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guys, you are saying trans wuk lmeow, you are saying mary sue, lyse hext jr, stormblood 2.0, but think about the anime frieren, and what himmel taught frieren about being boukensha, minna-tachi, no matter how small...he helped people, and his legend lived on. that's the lesson, that's the spirit.
Oh, right. That was on the First and perhaps he didn't pick up his full memories until carried back to the Source.
bottom comment is correct, this game has no "world" to speak of. It's just all lobbies and loading screens with some set dressing.
Did they not explain what was happening in the scene what the fuck is this
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I haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh since I was a kid and hand traps and stuff didn't exist. Game's too fast for me. In Magic I mostly play commander but I did some proxy legacy once and that was fun.
>using ffxivdiscussion as "proof"
4chan has fallen
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My tranny chasing malera is sensing a estrogen build-up in the thread
To be honest most of their complaints are about Wuk and reddit historically is full of normalfags that hate furries so I'm not surprised
he has to be a friend of someone on the localization team, there is no fucking way he audition for it
true, then WoL get to share in their special interest
It sucks there is no commander on arena
I like green graha
he was not wrong
fuck tradition, science is the best
>a redditor quoting 5ch is his best source
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>Kills your game so hard even gaming journos start talking about it
Heh nothing personnel chud
Hi do you like femraen
If you pay me 20$ ill pretend to be trans for you. I can be bought

Budget legacy/vintage is great. Handtraps have always existed...Skull Miester and Kurbioh are iconic early yugioh hand traps
i'd rather stay away from the abos
I think it would be fine if the msq was setting things up but I finished it and it's just over we're already looking for another new continent to have a completely separate adventure on and everything in tural is just dealt with

my neck is unbreakable
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this guy was red flags from the start, should've assassinated his ass back when it was easy
when's my wol's CIA arc?
Those matches are aggravating as fuck
zoraal ja sexo
While i agree this is probally the weakest expansion MSQ since SB:
People are mad capping if they compare this to 2.0

Go replay 2.0, I did it recently

Its not even close

2.0 might be the weakest FF Story I ever played, its more vanilla than FF1
>fuck tradition, science is the best
he explicitly says he was wrong about that though
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You will learn this cats name.

Oh no, a dumb, poor, virgin out of shape nonwhite dude in his 30s called me faggot in a chinese cartoon forum
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Queue Casual CC @ 3:50
Can we get the japanese version to compare I'm really curious. The scene says hot blooded anime yell but the eng dub is anything but
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this is my new glam farming method
>see vanguard healing mask
>get it
>mask is too small for my liking
Yeah because the journey was written bullshit
Put some fucking canalisation into this place
I honestly thought he'd join the other two and lead the place as a sort of council
Yeah, I expected Sphene to fuck off to another dimension and become an overarching villain or something.
Instead the only threads we have left is the maguffin chalice and I guess that weird shot of her crown? Can't wait for at least one of the 2 to be explore and entirely wasted within the patches.
My guess for 8.0 is they will do another universe-merge plot with some other reflection being merged into the First's empty, to give us an excuse for "break glass in case of emergency" Ryne and find a way to bring her over to our world at the end.
A faggot and delusional, who would’ve thought
Okay well before Ash Blossom which is the only one I am really familiar with since it's the commonly memed one. I haven't played since I was like 13

What's up? Trying to suck some cock?
Again, I don't care about the VA's actual voice or their genitals, I care about the quality of their work and this isn't it. Where's the passion? Where's the anger? She can't yell or grunt during moments where the character is in a physically active situation.
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just like my wife
Why not?

She's fine, even maybe good in JP and German. It's the localizers and troon voice actor who keeps slipping into man voice that's throwing you off. I had no idea why people hated her until I rewatched a couple of scenes in English...
Report to Yowekwa Canyon
Kind of sucks that the "low stakes adventuring" didn't last for long. If only there were some smaller adventures we could go on between the main quests. You could call them quests on the side, perhaps?
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Their normal voice is fine but they have absolutely 0 range because if they had to express any kind of emotion their man-voice would come out.
It really does seem kind of sad, they picked them for their LGBT points but this voice actress should stick to high-school VNs.
anyone wanna farm ex 1
Do you really want to be here more????
we can fate farm in dynamis or mayhaps materia
No but you can suck mines since you love being a fag
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Fair fair. Almost a shame, could have been fun to duel with the loser taking a throatful under the table.
>make a goon alt to mess around
>i actually end up really liking how she looks
you're already a tranny for free though
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improved light sama, you are too powerful
>the voice is so bad even the lips sync is completely off
People must have some rose tinted goggles or something. The only thing ARR has going for it is that it establishes all the Scions pretty well. There's so much awful filler like the company of heroes and running around attuning those stupid crystals for Garuda.
Its like another scenes dialogue pasted on top the way nothing actually meshes with the action or animations. The worst of old godzilla movie dubs
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Thank you for the CC calls, I'm going back to admiring the new updated wet effects
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english has had terrible voice acting for years, it's part of the cringe kino.
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I doubt you're cute enough for that! Post char and maybe you'll get lucky though.

Shame, shame...
The only pure femlala left...
jesus christ I understand all the shitposting now. This wasn't an issue in JP at all.
yoshida needs to pull out some mad content patches to save this one
Even the non filler is shit
like the whole storming the castrum shit has no twist or excitement, it goes exactly as planned
I'm just concerned why it ends so abruptly, the game is supposed to go on for another 10 years and I hope the other expansions arent like this
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>Hey WoL, here's a list of places I've seen and recommend you check out
>Especially the "fabled golden cities of the New World"!

>They are not real
>There was just 1 anyway

Was it a shit translation, or does the new writer really give so few fucks about what's established?
>She can't yell or grunt during moments where the character is in a physically active situation.
Because it would belie her true nature
Man I could really go for another game of Dinomorphia after reading the card game talk. Maybe I'll play some YGO.
Kate from DEI pushed Sena to voice the character and kept her there despite they wanting to change the VA to another woman under the "you're transphobic if you do" pretense.
It's a fucking russian dub of an american cartoon tier HULY FUCK
>start ninja to make sure my femra gets in touch with her raen roots
I forgot about this quest completely
>Tsubame IMMEDIATELY AND UNPROVOKED strips into a swimsuit that she had ready all along to go flirt with the pirate captain
Bros no
Tell me it's not so for ninjas
Instant loss and selling yourself was supposed to be a fucking meme please bros no not like this.
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I'm sorry gamer, you have been mislead. I am simply not a tranny no matter how many times you try to say it. The HRT will not magically just appear in my system.

Always magic arena. They got plenty of starter decks we could battle with
this is pathetic2ajsm
Aru's around here somewhere
>WoL leaves Tural with the most passive and unwarlike leaders, thus ensuring Eorzea won't have to worry about them for at least a generation or two
I'm swapping to JP now.
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>entire expansion about family shit
>having a really rough time with my family in the real
Why'd they have to do me like this
I wish my family actually gave a shit about each other like the characters in this game. Obviously excluding Zoraal Ja lol
Sorry I only fuck penta legends
I have heard this claim a million times, but have seen no proof of it. I am not even saying I don't believe it, I just would like to see some kind of actual confirmation that she is the reason for the hire and defended the VA from internal criticism.
i'm not "trying" to say anything, you are a tranny which is why you roleplay as a tranny
Eh i dont know. I hope actually they lean more into adding zones like wow that are new in patches.

While it can be fun and exciting to deal with the aftermath of the MSQ, its gets also too formulaic IMO. We don't need to resolve turals shit like we did ishgards and al amigos after the .0 expansion, just let us do other shit

And if they want to reuse it just use another patch in the next patch, interweave it, you get what I mean?
>anon has gotten to 7.55 already
how's the future looking
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The sad part is that I think Wuk is a distraction
Wuk didnt make those birds dumb and made them fail to notice the lazer spewing float was magic
Wuk didnt end a century long conflict with a feast
Wuk didnt cause 2 headed lizard Biff Tannen to be written the way he was and neutered everyones mind that prevented disqualifying him for his stupid shit
Wuk wasnt the cause of millions must die lizard man to be very underwritten
Wuk didnt make the clusterfuck thats solution 9
Wuk didnt rehash Emet Selch
Wuk didnt cause a lot of my issues with the story despite annoying me a lot
I honestly regret doing English voices. I knew she'd be around the whole story and sucked it up because I always played in English before. I laughed so hard at this and raged when she came out to fuck over such a nice time I was having with the final boss. Fuck this tranny nigger voice actor.
This is embarrassing
holy shit its night and day
if she has a friend it's with the casting agency Side since Side has a US office.
But realistically what happend is simply Side US got told to cast people with some connection to south America, but they had to be nonunion since otherwise it would cost SE way more money and time having to write up contracts, it was the reason they abandoned the US ARR cast after all, and basically, she might've just been lucky and been the only person that fit the bill, it just resulted in the protagonist of the MSQ being voiced by a clear amateur who struggles to even keep their voice and accent consistent.
Unless you're just NTA, you're the one propositioning me for a gay ol' time anon. I never lose gay chicken.
Oh my god I'm sorry eng bros I didn't know how bad it really was...
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》 PingPlugin updated to v2.7.0.0.
》 AntiAfkKick updated to v2.1.0.6.
》 ExtraChat updated to v1.3.6.0.
》 Artisan updated to v4.0.0.5.
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>Erenville baing in denial all the time
>Everyone being in denial when receiving tablets in the palace
>At no point WoL attempt to butt in and say they might ot even must be true since Emet said he was there
SE really got scared of ever using flashbacks of him again after 6.1 criticism huh?
If it's true, she's fucked. Japanese companies are cool with nepo-hires, but if they turn out to be duds your credibility goes to shit.
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>Me, as a german chad, dont get this discussion about vas and wuk at all
How do I make dalamud work?
goddamn this is fucking awful
how do you fucks justify eating kates accentslop
defend yourselves
Me? You’re the one who asked me if I wanted to do your faggot erp
I really want to violently fuck your femra now
Japanese version for comparison
Got any links to the French or German dubs from this bit?
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>ARR msq roulette villainspeech
>athena voice crack during ultima
>tranny using her conversation voice while battling a superpowered transcendental AI goddess
utter dogshit
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Again, just calling someone a word over and over again doesn't make it any less true. I dunno what to tell you friend. You just might have a smoother brain than me. If you wanna talk about it more you can find me on Mateus@ Darbai Dhoro, but otherwise Im done going in circles with you.
>reddit screencap of a discord trannyslation of 5ch
just post the steamcharts numbers to really complete the cycle, faggot.
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>"the voice actor is fine you're just hatting because she's trans" - xivggers few months ago
The unironic trannies in this thread defending twitter troons really were a downfall of this general
>No but you can suck mines since you love being a fag
You don't have to be embarrassed you know...
but it is true, you openly admit to it despite using cope words to do so
i miss ydas arr german voice like you wouldnt believe
i recognize too many voices in the german dub however, so i swapped to eng
should have swapped back for dt, although the writing would still be shit and full of holes
>"You should be full of hate and spite like me!!!"
>"If you dont hate this thing you're a shill!!!"
this place has degenerated faster than I thought with this expansion release
Please tell me I'm not a moron and there was a song called Wuhan gang that started off with ching Chong ching Chong ching, ring ring ring

I can't find it anywhere and I'm having fever dreams right now
dalamud works and plugins are being updated
close your game
you will find your config file in %appdata%\XIVLauncher\ using windows explorer
you will find the config named dalamudConfig.json
search for "DalamudBetaKey" and change it to "DalamudBetaKey": "burrito",
search for "DalamudBetaKind" and change it to "DalamudBetaKind": "stg",
yes even the comma
it should not say null such as "DalamudBetaKey": null,
click save, reopen your game
congratulations, you have dalamud beta
do not share the key with a name next to your message, they are banning people from the discord
if this does not work for you, try "empanadas" as the key and "apiX" as the kind instead (this is plugin dev branch, the other is player testing), and then type /xlbranch in game and select burrito as your branch, you do not need to restart for this
or use this https://rentry.org/g453tuzz
Did the trial earlier today and I knew it was going to be bad thanks to /xivg/, but even with that knowledge I was genuinely shocked how bad it was... I feel sorry for the voice director or w/e. Having to try to make this shit work when someone higher in the pecking order had decided that this guy should voice wuk due to either nepotism or just straight out political reasons. There is no way in hell they decided that this is the perfect voice actor through screening.
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This shit gonna need carry the whole expansion
Thank you alot
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JP chads I'm sorry I ever doubted you
Gotta be a wizard first, harry. Only let winners on this ride.


Oh god Im actually brain dead. Alright call me a Tranny. I deserve it. I meant to say doesnt make it true.

I'm starting to think you are really into the idea of grown ass men wearing dresses, gamer.
what shinobi lesson is my impressionable raen supposed to learn from this
that we ARE instant loss whores? this is NIN culture?
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I believe it considering this is what Kate Cwynar, the localization lead, looks like. It screams "I'm in kahoots with DEI".
>doing 5 million crafts just to hit 100
crafting is truly engaging content guys
Embarrassed about what exactly? I don’t play a female avatar with a dick attached and be open about it.
works for both ways though, should be studied how cult like some of xiv's community is
A lot of people here aren't even playing xiv
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>in the final area
>whole story leading up to this
>game makes me sit through some gay ass boat scene with just me and graha
never skipped a scene faster in my life i fucking hate the pandering this retard gets
>Diversity, equity, inclusion is enough to make pajeets seethe eternally
God this episode is so funny
Sphene is femlala-coded
how long does it take if you afk?
Because it takes all your vocal chord effort to keep up a female voice, if xir tried to scream xis true voice would come out.
>Gotta be a wizard first, harry. Only let winners on this ride.
What do you mean by that; having a magic wand? In that case I do, and a large one too
you could have done 5 leves instead m8
>"talk to me in-game about it"
You're not clever or smart.
You've been known to hold grudges too
You've had one on tiki chicken masala for like 6 years now.
It is a content of all content for sure
Leveling crafters from 1 to 80 back before EW was probably the worst thing I have experienced in this game
>I'm starting to think-
i dont believe you, tranny
They're partly right. Most of you went in wanting to hate that character because of some foreign VA. Think about it for one second and imagine if the tranny VA had been French or German instead. Would any of you had given a fuck? Not to mention, why the fuck are you even playing with the English dub in the first place?
still haven't started dawntrail because i don't know what to fanta to
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my crp is 91, so not really. i'm spent from dumping shit on other crafters anyway
Is this gonna be the content respecter expansion?
They even brought back pre-bis crafting before raid being ated
Ndja, you should study how to become a better person instead of studying woke-ism and DEI, of which there are no majors for
How many times do these characters need shit explained to them I swear we've gone over the memory erasing resurrecting headgear like 3 times now why are they still confused when someone doesn't remember something are they all secretly wearing them too
But the girls love him, anon!
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That you are Second Storm Lieutenant, come back to me when you've become a Captain.
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Remember how we needed special permission to enter Shaaloani? And Estinien was already there?
That's because he needed to earn money and did jobs for Gulool ja ja.
How is the new ex trials? I wanna try Valigarmanda EX today. What ilvl do I need to be or is the AF gear enough?
No one hated on wuk as a character in 6.55 but nearly everyone shot on the VA. But now the defenders try to use tranphobia as an argument when the character is actually shit and boring.
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>get to be on the PLD+WHM team
>i'm the PLD
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You're so right it's not even funny. All corporations know how to do is double down and fuck things up for the consumer.
It's called exposition and it's for you the viewer. Ffs do any of you even understand anything about storytelling?
Kneeling to this king
It's going to take more than her ugly hair to prove those claims. I can fully believe she supported that VA and defends them from criticism but it does not follow that she has the decision making power. I need to see some direct evidence, similar to how we have direct evidence of her being the reason pixies are xe/xirs in ShB before I cast blame at this particular bogeyman for the atrocity that is Wuk's EN voice.
When it repeatedly leads directly to terrible quality yet remains held up as unquestionable virtue, then yes being a mite peeved at it is a logical stance.
Gender studies being a course in college has been a threat to humanity and has set us back 200 years
So how SAM feels with DT changes?
It's okay bro. I recently listened to EN Golbez and holy fuck that man is kino. EN always does well with the big male voices imo.
I don't get it.
Exposition only needs to happen once. We get it. If you needed it to be explained over and over you might have brain problems.
>no one hated wuk in 6.55
Blatant lie you weren't here
Wants are fun, I enjoy RPin' strappin' vibes to Darbai's tail and letting it delve inside of my partner. Fun to see how folks react to a Xaela straddlin' their hips and seeing if they can make them squirmy

Talk to me in game if you want to continue. Otherwise we are moving on, believe what you want.
maybe you guys shouldn't have spent days spamming about the VA being trans then
I swear if this city is going to be another Ishgard restoration I will punch someone. I am so tired of leaderboards because my competitive autism kicks in
>But now the defenders try to use tranphobia
I was using transphobia as a defense before the expansion came out because you losers here immediately jumped on it like flies on shit the moment she early announced her VA role and people here found out she was trans. You people are so disingenuous
Forays and the raid series better be good or this expansion will be worse than EW
You changed
> No one hated on wuk as a character in 6.55
>no one hated wuk in 6.55
Do you always willfully misread what people write?
>any roulette
>femra healer
>they are the first to die in a boss encounter
Name a more iconic trio (you can't)
Point is fair, I also want evidence of her involved and who pushed Sena so hard too. We'll have to wait, so far all I've got is hearsay.
it's just a joke bro futa is ok sometimes i just hate how gross most of them are
now that we're over bump limit i will tell you that, but if you're a gross one still fuck you retard
meant for
Same reason we get flashbacks to things that happened 2 quests ago. The audience is retarded.
feels shit in so far as you are pretty much forced to play a certain way now after the tsubame change. Tendo is "cool" but falls flat since it completely replaces tsubame. it would be cool if they just rolled the meikyo/tsubame change back and kept it like EW was.
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>why the fuck are you even playing with the English dub in the first place?
Because english dub still gives us great perfomances like raid Hephaestos , Thunder god Cid, Emet-selch, Vauthry, Elidibus and much more.
English dub has ranged from excellent to mediocre to bad but funny, I don't think I've heard bad but physically painful until now.
h-hot.. are you a top then?
That exact post but catboy instead of femra
people absolutely hated her as a character then too
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Brown hands made this post.
I shortened what you said
People hated wuk as a character in 6.55. Full stop. Thought she was too stupid and silly and also for being a furry. Same reasons why people hate her in 7.0. Shut the fuck up
single pulling catboy tank in a dress
Maybe when I decide to install mods, and only if they have an inverted nipple option
Vapor Wave post.
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my blow up sex doll looks like this
>s i just hate how gross most of them are
nta but what makes a futa gross?
I'm a self conscious futa
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Muh tranphobia was already as shitty argument in EW because you could tell something is wrong with the voice cracking and losing the accent in several scenes. Hating the character itself didn't make any sense, since we knew nothing of her, and she didn't do anything real bad in MSQ.
Now in DT it's not even an argument because both the character story is bad, and voice acting is absolutely atrocious.
>only if they have an inverted nipple option
GOD I fucking wish
posted it here before >>484491010
Because they knew what was coming. And they were right. Prior to that moment, all we had heard was a single line from the cinematic, partially obscured by BGM.
>why the fuck are you even playing with the English dub in the first place?
because i speak english, the most successful language on earth.
what else would i use? anime meme language? some EU trash?
If you don't have PvP top 30, all solo titles from DD, Ishgard titles, all ultimate clears, a large house you aren't in my league. I don't EB any normal shmuck
Straight men think penis is gay, so it's gross.
hey i have one like that
I'm switching to Japanese kek.
on a male it is, on a female it's ok
t. heterosexual male
>both the character story is bad
wrong her character is good you guys just hate her because she isn't a murder hobo that wants to kill everyone
>voice acting is absolutely atrocious.
There's maybe one or two instances where it's bad beyond that I've had no issue with the VA at all.
me too... wanna...
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it's about their attitude, desu if you're self conscious you're probably not that bad but i wouldn't swear by that still
bros PCT is annoying as fuck in hunt trains
About 90% of the time Ill gravitate towards the top/assertive role. Don't fuck everyone I RP with, sometimes its fun to sneak a tail under the table and jerk/bean flick a degenerate soul.

I don't think Im gross, I dislike musk focus, unhygienic partners in general, not keen on watersports. The most outlandish of my kinks I suppose is tailplay
How much are you paid for this?
I honestly can't think I ever met a grown ass EB couple where being EBd also meant exclusive textfucking rights. Closest I got was a futara who only let her EB roleplay as penetrating her.
redpill me on vapor wave
I guess the first time we heard Wuk's EN voice was that DT trailer where she said (paraphrasing) "We come to this place that you call the New World. My home, Tural" Some people mistaken thought it was Erenville talking. Anyway I thought that line was delivered poorly even before we knew anything at all about Wuk or her voice actors and nothing I heard since changed my impression of the voice work for Wuk in English.
Why does the sleeping catboy in the Shaaloani saloon have to despawn if you do the wench's sidequest? Fuck you yoshi.
>the voiceacting is bad
>you can't criticise it because it's a tranny
I love the society we live in!
we knew a lot about wuk from the way she handled herself in the interactions with the scions and in the fight with the bird even the fucking spice scene
you could tell she was a pushover/fraud and was just talking big
My femlala is the most impure femlala of all of /xivg/
I like things nobody can even talk about. Stuff that makes f-list denizens shudder in terror.
I'm talking about love.
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lil bro is gonna need SO much therapy after the day he's just had
we can.. but .. let me top....and fill you up....
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Futa on female is less gay than male on female.
the penis is gross, you're ruining a perfectly good female body because you like dick
I do it for free because I enjoy the game :) Is the Heritage Foundation paying you to spew about DEI and such?
>you could tell she was a pushover/fraud and was just talking big
and thats fucking based
ok... but then it's my turn
She's instead the polar opposite telling everyone to smile and be happy and somehow manages to solve every problem with that
ok...where do you wanna finish...
>no sleep
>farming 300 ore instead
this is it
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not reading this shit but when the hell are they gonna bring back lilja
everyone loves lilja
How is PLD
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Thats not too uncommon and EB's can do what they want, everyone at the end of the day just wants a good time, ya?
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XIV made me racist towards Americans
>If you arleady liked SAM you will like it even more.
caveat it with if you like LOOPING sam
adhoc or flexible sam is dead with the retarded tsubame change
Any idea what quest that would be part of, so I can check ingame? I have 0 recollection of that being voiced, it was the one where they showed us femrhoth feet
anyone with a big memory can give me a tldr on the first part of the post stormblood msq?
I'm so fucking cumbrained I cant even read, I'm swimming underwater and there is a big ass city, and they mentioned theoderic something like taht
XIV made my BPD worse and the only solution is giving my femlala a headpat now.
You have to suck them out to get your prize
Mmm odd even phase my beloved
t. American
You can, you just don't mention that "she should sound like a woman", that's how they get you.
Just focus on how her delivery is completely flat and directionless because that's true.
I think it was earlier than that trailer. Here:


Around 2 minutes in
The femhroth feet scene at the end of 6.5 didn't have anything from her. It was first at last year's Vegas fanfest.
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What the fuck are adhoc and flexing sams?
>the penis is gross, you're ruining a perfectly good female body because you like dick
it's just a cute addition to make sex possible without relying on a strapon or scisoring
The best part. I hope we get some mods for that one day.
>adhoc or flexible sam is dead with the retarded tsubame change

is this the evolution of the freestyle sam meme
Then don't bitch when you have to listen to a transsexual dub your shit retard. This is what predominantly English speaking countries are about now so get with the program.
Is it also true you met with ZT to textfuck one of his loli characters?
Also in the spirit of everyone having a good time but that'd be a bit, you know...
being able to rearrange your burst windows to better match fight design
think ultimate, or fights with forced downtime like athena p1 or p9s limit cut
>german chad
>Be born
>Dad is a psychopath that immediately kicks you out
>Live in the slums with a robot
>Furry genderbend naruto kills your only family
>Adopts you and you don't get a say
Fucking grim
Ah that one right, sorry I'm in foodcoma and brain no work. Doesn't sound that bad to my ear desu, but at the same time hard to hear clearly with the music blasting in the first place.
Its pointless to ask who I fuck, the answer will always be no. ZT and I haven't slapped hips on our characters tho.
>weak jaw detected
it must br brown hours
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dont forget the robot who was more of a dad to you than your own dad fucking dies
>Then don't bitch-
i dont, retard
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why the fuck did i farm this
>Its pointless to ask who I fuck, the answer will always be no. ZT and I haven't slapped hips on our characters tho.
I guess you setting it up in the archive will be answer enough
Speedreader blasting through the only parts of the story that were good, please pay attention.
feel free to explain
he is absolutely right in his assessment though. sphene dies out there all the time and then just jumps to another body.
Otis was one of the first Endless models produced. His soul was put into the robot and doesn't have any regulator backup so once he died he was dead for good while the copy of his memories resided in Living Memory.

Sphene is the supercomputer behind the whole operation so of course she has full access when it comes to controlling the Sentry Automatons.
retarded ESL never reply to me again
so you can draw yourself sleeving my femra
I want to flip up her skirt and rim her aggressively

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