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Previous Thread: >>484470151

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Task Force Emergency Nighttime Meeting - 6/5 (Wed) After Maint - 7/3 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 6/19 (Wed) 4:00 - 6/26 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 6/26 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/3 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 6/29 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2587179
Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Bounties - 6/24 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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ako love
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die zoos
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no u
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My precious desert rose.
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I will fertilize this flower
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I'm in
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coom in doom
Hifumi + Fubuki for phase 1, barely any RNG.
Try it S.Chise-let sensei.
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Key sxe
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omg I love nigress
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How much are >we planning to spend on Hina soon? I'm thinking double spark
But that requires building and wasting ligma on hifumi...
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The real question is will she be Karin black or Iori brown
good thread
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
I already fell for double spark and got less pinks than from normal banner. Never again. I have 2400 ligma for her instead.
She will receive a single spark, no more.
Nozomi should sit on my face
A single spark, after that its saving back to 100K pyros
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I need swimsuit seminar alts
Too early.
Are we getting double pyro reset with Hina btw? Or is that in winter?
Just a single spark, there's not too many spooks I can even get at this point and I don't care about most of them.
She is 15 years old.
You can use Koharu instead of Hifumi.
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Pang+Sechi+Kikkuk> All JP artist
The gooks put so much soul into their arts.
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plain girl sexo
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>only have 48k pyro
>still need NYFuuka and Nagi
>also want BYosh
Single spark is all you're getting from me.
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for me it's seia ?? years old
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>plain mentioned
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I wish Yuuka and Rio were my mothers.
Kikkuk deez
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> Rio
> Realizing her child is autistic, divorce your dad and never coming back
> Spend money on gunpla instead of child support
Great mom you got there.
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Maybe next year
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>lets borrow S. Chise for phase 1
>remember that I'll need another Mika for phase 2
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Alright Chihirobros, I've compiled all of the weird points of the prologue for the Cyber March event. There's already a ton of thinkgs that could be corrected, from Chihiro's made up lines to the way that they write her. Also take note of Maki's deleted joke as well as her being needlessly mistreated by Chihiro.
I don't care
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Yuuka already adopted all of Gaming department members as her daughterus.
She's a great mom, and I'm a great father.
Nobody cares
learn japanese
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I hope these pictures are big enough to show the detail. If this is just the prologue, the rest of the event could get ugly. Feel free to chime in with any KR scripts.
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again anon you don't need mika for the second phase
I want a Gangs of Kivotos movie by any/all of those gooks
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His stuff is a little terrifying.
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I will fap to Seia ryona later if this shit takes me 3 teams mark my word
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rude, then you have to fap to vanilla seia if it does work
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BA better up the ante for its second summer event or else it's not going to hold a candle to Priconne's latest bombshell swimsuit
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You're saying his Izuna doesn't put a little bit of fear in you?
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go back to your dead general faggot, also you forgot your kot image nigger
>sexiest students are welfares
sorry nexon-sama i wasn't familiar with your generosity...
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She fills my dark soul with light.
oh my god misora i'm gonn--
yuuka, do I get a 3060 or a 6700xt?
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Just got home and witnessed the stray cat I've been taking care of eat her newly born kitten... leg to head, even licked the blood from the floor. No more cats on my lobby for a good while.
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my lovely studentWife Noa
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Toki my beloved
> 7/3
ZZZ will eat you fagets alive.
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Do your curry dailies.
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you should get something cheaper
you're not going to need either of those just to run some simple calculations on matlab or whatever
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An's vagina...
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Have you not been feeding it?
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Do your cunny dailies.
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would you?
None of those welfares are sexy
yuuka how about you SHUT THE FUCK UP
My studentwife won't get tatoos because she's not a turbowhore.
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My wife saori
>Highest DEF reduction in your path.
*Yap at your cock forever"
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how does one even feel about something like this

also, I find it funny they didn't use Momoi's AI voice
I guess that would've been a bridge too far
what is Akane even good for, now?
why should he feed it when it's just a stray and you risk having it depend on you over time and eventually develop a sense of responsibility if something happens to it?
what's the korean
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I don't like Sechi anymore
I give her something almost everyday, usually just a portion of what I cooked up for breakfast or dinner, but not consistently as she doesn't show up everyday being an in-and-out stray.
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
Team 2 or 3 for torment Binah?
I mean she's still farmable or easier to raise compared to S.Kanna.
Hoshino sex
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Fubuki cunnilingus
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how the fuck did a level 59 guy got the first rank in the raid???
please... no more...
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the "nante" is definitely a backhanded comment. It's like "YOU? Really, now?"
though she doesn't specify. The English is still wrong
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I love girls who keep nagging at me, they're the best in bed
Just downloaded tiktok. What am I in for?
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Five more ranks to get Aru cum tag bros
You're now going to find out that /bag/ is full of millennials still trying to post old zoomer memes of stuff that everyone has long forgotten about already. The equivalent of old baby boomer facebook parents sharing ragecomics in 2019
>Feel free to chime in with any KR scripts
They'd only listen to the KR script as it's evident that that's what they're translating from for Global.
JP script is irrelevant when complaining about the translations unless it's about a mistranslation on a voiced line.
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Where are your pantsu, you frog-eyed wench?
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>mfw forgot to press start on the rice cooker
Blue Archive
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Is Kaya a frog or a goat?
>"being asleep on the job"
Where does it mention this in the Japanese text?
a retard
A wife
A bitch
A student
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oh yeah? well.. *dabs*
lmao gottem!

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There are square goats???
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Time to do a half-assed Insane clear because I'm doing Torment tomorrow anyway.
no one here is real.
yeah (you) too, nigga. u arent real
how do I reach these keeds...
I mean their pupils, Chise
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>>"being asleep on the job"
anon-kun ha madamada desu ne
With your dick
Let's check it, take the pills.
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here come dat boi! o shit waddup!
> Nigga aren't real
That and him not catching the insulting tone of なんて really brings down the credibility of his image.
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It's nice that even goats have a whole academic system in place to have pupils...
Plus top-right she's admitting there's some truth to it but still taking back
I gave Utaha's turret a sweet potato...
did it like it?
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Good I wish I wasn't real.
a ram
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>the fucking "mid" boomer tourist is still using the Japanese script for his solo outrage
Fuck this is too funny
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Utaha even thought of giving her turrets a digestive system. people surely complained it would be utterly useless but who is laughing now?!
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the sex symbols of /bag/
He is very vocal and unhappy and has signed a petition
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Where are they? Behind C&C?
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It's childs
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Sign this petition, or else I will follow you home and kill your dog.
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Good morning
I sometimes wonder if some posters are simply retarded, hate their students or are falseflaggers
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Saggy breasts are not cool
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Who should I throw in for the funny ranking?
It'll be replaced tomorrow with Torment anyway.
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Shut the fuck up, akira.
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Is this a picture for ant Senseis?
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Please don't look at her level.
Izuna Izuna
cum cum cum
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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holy fuck, she's so tiny next to the car
That makes it even better.
Is Izuna alright? She's really red in the face in that picture
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animals eat their young for different reasons, not just because they are short on food
could be that the kitten was sick or the mom stressed
I signed the petition for Ako to be removed from the game
She got rabies
I thought having UE50 Eimi would ensure she'll survive phase 1, but nobody told me the other crucial element was having a UE30/40 nyFuuka. She fucking melts without that buffy shield.
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You lil shit
Where ogogee banner
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this score won't hold yes?
Please don't hit me again, Juniper.
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Ass we can
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It's more of an SUV so it's fairly large.
Asia? You're probably fine if so.
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No way you freakin pinko
yes, Asia.
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When Volume 4 redeems her
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My Izuna is becoming worse at being undetected by enemy sentries, even though I've poured so many resources into her...
>tfw I've spent so much time online that I can recognize which artist does porn at a simple gaze
Yeah you're probably okay. Keep an eye on it over the next few hours as that's when Asia does most of their clears. I think if you're still above 5k you should be okay but no guarantees.
Just try to optimize the clear a little in future attempts.
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She wants it
Spats did nothing wrong
i would do unspeakable things to valk mob (sg)
Shut up, Miyako, I'm fucking Saki
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Miyu is so sexual. I want to take her first time
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Egg breaking sex
some posters aren't sensei, they're just coomer faggots who come here to fap and they all treat students like common whores or pornbait
FOX > RABBIT (no actual rabbits)
Recycle roomba
ogogee's spats aren't in my mouth. that's what's wrong.
>ctrl+f "θ ω θ"
>No results
yeah i knew u guys were fucking faggots
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I like my Miyakos pien'd.
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>She got rabbits
me too and I can't get rid of them
no u
wtf I love Ako now
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Why did they make me look so girly?
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At least one spark is going to her either way since I have only one good red single Dealer
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Spring and summer are the main reproductive periods for rabbits
Maybe 2 sparks bu probably one. I'm gonna max her out anyway.
naked mari thumbnail
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you like miyako?
No, i don't trust you if say you like her
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>just now realized I can invite the same student to both of the cafes at different times of the day for double the headpats rather than inviting two students at the same time
/bag/, I'm starting to suspect that I might be stupid.
Thank you for advising me to steer clear of the rabbits during these times
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I don't understand /bag/'s hateboner for Miyako. She's not one of my favourites or anything but there's nothing wrong with her either. She's a good girl.
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At least you realized it on your own... I spent 6 months on JP inviting 2 different students at reset until the update came to global and /bag/ mentioned that strategy.
Mika should die
the first phase of hovercraft makes me happy I never rolled either form on my fes sparks.
that is the first thing i did when i unlocked no.2, you might be retarded anon
is es kfc too poor to get a yellow checkmark?
She fucking shot me
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her tinyness is one of my favorite things about her
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I don't dislike her, but I do like trash-talking
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dont call other people retarded
Torment is much comfier this time. Doesn't even need to be optimal for my 2nd team since my 3rd team can clean it up easily.
>63 pixels wide
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Alice is my light.
nagussy makes me rock hard
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One spark. Gonna keep my pyro stash flexible for any future developments.
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Saki still hates (you) and no one has a problem with her
Licking Nagusa's snot
Dumb Miyako.
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>play BA
>play ffxiv
>actually get some work done for once (I'm WfH right now)
So many choices...
one tenner. I have other things I want to roll. My fes rolls have all been dogshit and went to spark so I don't give enough of a fuck to do it again.
I don't have any students over rank 30 yet but all of my students are over rank 20
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So why does Shiroko listen to Nonomi if she only listened to strong people before?
you can do two of these things at the same time if you forgo number 1
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Nn, attack sensei
ytube version for zoomers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPkDWaN7HwA (volume warning)
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pregnancy imminent
Saki cunnilingus
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It's really not at all expensive and they're way beyond the follower threshold to get it, so I'm gonna guess they're just lazy.
has anyone have that gif/webm/tweet where wakamo shoots her shotgun and someone tries to dodge it with serina healthpack? I need it.
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Miyako is evil
Don't trust her
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Now make her walk like this throughout Gehenna.
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She should be fine, what could happen to her?
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The only thing I wouldn't trust Miyako with is taking morning-after pill
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Omg Mari hi
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I do not associate with Gehennoid scum
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Okay boys what the fuck are we going to do for the next 3 months?
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don't let Nonomi hear about this or she'll cum at the thought of Sensei being financially dependent on her.
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Private tutoring.
What will sex be like with her?
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Explain this
compansated dating with jk students and lolis
Mari would never say this.
Anonchama... its already July.
>Inside of her
>She does the "uheee~" thing
>Boner dies
>Using assist
>Inside of her
>She does the "uheee~" thing
>Nut so hard I break the sound barrier
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>What could happen to her?
Gehenna students making jokes about her having celibacy.
Makoto telling everyone she switched to Trinity to make her embarassed.
Sensei asking her if she does confession services.
My teacher friend told me he gets paid during school holiday.
what? so I can, for example, wake up at reset on 9 am euro hours, invite Serika to cafe 1 and invite serika to cafe2? is this possible?
I will nut to Hoshino now. You guys have convinced me
I think the students would be even more scared because Hina now has God on her side.
Wrong link
What do teachers do in summer?
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Good morning, /bag/
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She already knows, she just doesn't impose herself because she respects you.
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No, the cafe restarts every 12 hours, you Invite Serika to your cafe on floor 1 at one reset and then invite her on floor 2 at the second reset.
For example, for me reset happens at 4pm, so if I wake up at 8am, I invite Hina on floor 2 and can pat her 3 times until reset. Then I invite her on floor 1 (floor 2's invite is on cooldown) and can pat her another 3 times.
Is the cunny with the megahorn cute and how is her bond story?
>invite student to cafe 1
>headpat her regularly until the visitors cycle and she leaves
>invite the same student to cafe 2
>more headpats
It just works.
You invite Serika at the start of reset and at the cafe reset 12 hours later.
I'm not doing it, I can only get 2-3 headpats in one of the cycle. And I'm a manwhore who is also raising someone else.
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Would you? She's a kid mind you.
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And then you can even do some really crazy things like have a summoning pit on the floor you don't have an invite on so your student has a higher chance to spawn there then you headpat her and invite her to the opposite floor with your invite for another headpat and then you swap the layouts of your cafe around so the summoning pit is now on the floor you just used your invite on so when the cafe reset comes around again your student gets summoned to the pit again so you headpat her and then invite her on the other floor because your cafe invite on the 2nd floor is ready and then you headpat her and swap the layouts and do it all over again for the next 18 months until you're bond 100.
but... that doesn't make any sense. My floor cooldowns are the same. So it doesn't matter if I do this or invite her on floor 1 consecutively.
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love seia
seia love
Wait until cafe reset to use the second invite retardbwo
I need an answer here
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Utaha's collarbone looks pretty nice to touch
>My floor cooldowns are the same
Because you use your invites at the same time. Each invite has a cooldown of... 20 hours I think. Just delay using one today until it's the most convenient.
Also donuts
slow /bag/
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Nice donuts.
Your invite tickets is independent to each other. Ticket cooldown is 20hours.
You can use ticket invite for cafe 1, then use ticket invite for cafe 2 after cafe reset.
Your invitation tickets refresh 15 hours after you use them, not at a set time. You use one now, then use the other later.
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Being pedo is a crime, sensei
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Who do I believe?
I invite 2 different students because I want to farm affection for my studentwife but also want more students to get their unique equipment

also nice number
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>Would you?
>She's a kid mind you.
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Not very realted but there was a time where I read a shit ton of Chinese and Korean gay novels and they are extremely horny for the collarbone of pretty boys.
The more pallid and more like a skeleton the uke looked the horny the ML got
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Posting AI is a crime.
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But both my cafe invites reset at the same time!
single spark. need to save for tusbaki
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>Fufu, it's your fault, Sensei
Aieeee BA is leaking again
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Why are we catposting?
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hifumi? More like GAYfumi LMAO
Nagisa is fucking dead.
I usually loathe overpowered units like that but after malding P1 I gladly welcome her
why does utaha look different in her L2D and cheer version and in her main sprite? to be honest I ignored her for more than a year because her main spirte is fucking ugly, but on L2D she looks cute. What happened here? Can anyone explain?
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You really showed him with this homoge reaction image!
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wait, m*yako is... kinda cute..?
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That tends to happen when you basically design a raid around her.
devs never gave utaha love and updated her sprite
cheerleader utaha (and the entire engineering dept has a much better sprite thankfully)
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Playing kh1
Different artists
Lotta sprites feel very early in development
Couple of the earlier girls look different/updated in their L2D. Like Kotori
Cafe resets twice a day once at daily reset and 12 hours from then, the students get shuffled whenever that happens. Wait for that to use your second invite. I know I'm probably replying to a different anon
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Heatstroke too strong
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15 extra breast size. You posted a pic where she's got 90DD when in reality she has 75A
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Gorilla love
Gorilla justice
Why am I there?
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Gorilla rape
tits too big
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Sensei doesn't look like that
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You are going on an onsen trip with Trinity
Of course they booked the whole ryokan
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Why aren't you clearing Torment yet
Mine is not a gorilla...
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Why'd they make Shiroko the most sex hungry rapist
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sex with migger
She became one after she had sex with Mika
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>open JP
>raid daily is there
>check raid
>I know SKanna has a higher debuff but surely the typing means-
>SKanna in ALL top rankers
>no Akane in sight
>she really gives zero fucks about type effectiveness
I rolled everything I had and I did manage to get S.Kanna. I am happy to use her after trying to hard but…
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We need more Mika rabis.
One spark. I do not like Hina anywhere near enough to double spark on her banner. I'll double spark next blufes cause it will 100% be better.
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We need more Mika foxes
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I'm a newfag
does this mean Akane will become completely obsolete once sKanna comes to global?
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We need more Mika
I barely can do extreme...
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Game crashes enough at Insane. I don’t want to do this with a tighter difficulty unless Plat is on the line
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Reminder that the anime is over forever
translate it gook
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Couple reasons, for starters she suffered a similar fate to Suzumi and other launch-characters where her sprite is pretty rough-looking, the devs seem pretty hesitant to change up the sprites of characters that are already playable, which is a bit of a shame since the artists for both girls draw them way cleaner and more polished nowadays.
She also gets drawn by a bunch of different artists over the course of the game, her base design and sprite was made by Fame, her L2D was made by Doremi (I think? Maybe Hwansang) and her cheer alt was made by Paruru, as well as her couple of CG appearances which are drawn by god knows who. So in the end you've got the original design of 'prince-like cool beauty' that gets three different interpretations - with the first being pretty unpolished admittedly. Personally I like her L2D and CG look best, still keeps what makes her so distinct from other students without feeling like an overhaul in her design like her cheer alt.
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Seia needs more Mika
still good for 2nd teams
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Reminder that the radio show lives on!
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Reminder, /bag/ is a /hag/sag/ yada yada bla
nom nom
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Gook DCinside raid?
Comfy hours are over as of 9am
I use both invites on cafe reset because I have too many studentwives
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No idea. This is merely the first day. We still have higher difficulties to witness.
But right now, it seems so.
Oh good point.
The only good thing we got out of the anime plus the OP & ED
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Where's the snot
Why isn't she crying
She seems terrified by her own arousal.
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>nice, sena looks so hot, she's a nurse, there should be a lot of nursing handjo-
>it's all nonomi
>nice, hasumi's rack is the biggest in the game, she should have the most paizur-
>it's all nonomi
>nice, ako is a literal cow, she should have a lot of breastmilkin-
>it's all nonomi
I like the segment where the seiyuu insult their listeners as creeps for sending them fanmail. Like the latest one was just two paragraphs of admiring Nonomi's breasts. Signed from Creepytos. The listeners embraced the creep sign.
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You bullied her too hard. She ran out of tears.
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I remember when people got pissed off at sensei
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>crusty jpg
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Suzumi alt when
Heh... Watch this.
Bwo they didn't actually use Kanna the boss dies in 10 seconds on very hard
Nonomi does it for free, so she might be a casual's first crush.
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Should I pull for D. Ako instead of Makoto if I already have NY Kayoko and other meta buffers
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dammit. how could you.
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My neru is U30, I dont have hifumi or sChise.
Maybe next time.
I fucking love child pussy
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Would you date a BA cosplayer?
I just got to rank 80 and I'm getting crushed by the insane Waka
Usually at which rank people are able to clear the insane?
Where do I use SFubuki? Her damage looks good, hit 3 times
Don't look at his other work
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Should I finally take a shower today /bag/?
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Sure, what's the worst that could happen
Thanks for the heads up, won't do it.
More like this
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>dont have c.hare and meru
>i'll just use miyu and maki
>rank 400s
my daughter and son still going strong
Weird Hina
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Works every time
just be yourself
DAko is a bit more useful since Set requires a lot of specific units. You can live without Makoto on Chesed
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do you think Hina would enjoy gaming
When I was a kid I used to pop boners to anatomy books. This takes me back.
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But I was the type of adult she hated the most
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Yeah, she spent some of her free day gaming with sensei.
Highly depends on which insane. Binah and Hod are really easy to beat with borrows around 80. But at this point you're not really limited by level but by roster and how raised they are.
Is 3* Miyu enough for insane?
fuck saki
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how much do you care about set? that's the determining factor between choosing d.ako over makoto
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Fuck all students.
Fuck Gehenna students, fuck Trinity students, fuck Millenium students.
And after you do, take responsibility and raise the new generation of students, so that you can make a better future for Kivotos.

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