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Prev.: >>484493375
Happy birthday to Popukar!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka
[7/2-7/16][Log-in]Ansel skin
[7/2-7/16][Vista Celebration]First obtained 6* is an unowned one (Excluding ops released after Reed The Flame Shadow)

[7/4-7/18][Standard]6* Guard Zuo Le, 6* Specialist Dorothy (Shop), 5* Guard Akafuyu, 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Proviso (Shop)
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika
[7/9-7/16]A Kazdelian Rescue - Catapult skin
[7/9-7/23][Clear like Hearts; True like Reflections]6* Caster Nymph, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Vanguard Blacknight
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast]Reed The Flameshadow, Typhon, Proviso, Totter
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast & EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Stainless, Beeswax; Astgenne
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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I love whore
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Bnuuy love
Naked female operators.
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Are we rolling?
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I'll rolll Asky Wasky on her actual upcoming banner yes
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What's new, anons?
Some skins and a banner?
Was there anything about the event or IS5?
I'll be getting Assclown on her own banner so no
Going by last year's schedule, IS#5 will drop a week after the omnibus. So it's on July 15th.
New IS#5 stuff should start dropping soon.
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Reed is pure
It's CN, so no.
I don't get it. This game has nothing going for it..
This thread is lacking in whores...
Post reed!
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Threadly Mooselove
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Pure sex
... A pure slut
Bagpipe stop shitposting on Rhodeschan
Victoria lost get over it
>Arknights but 3D
>has nothing going for it..
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>He who shall not be named
Dunno, I’d like Degen and Assclown but I already have the other two.
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Eggy Weggy
Newest mihoyoslop for normies to consume
1 pity
cute couple
Are you hyped for Nymph? Will you roll for her?
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So not yet.
Thanks and good devil killing in few weeks and 6 months.
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Pay up goyim
Nyo and maybe
I unironically forgot about her already and thought "who"
Nyes and Nyabe
No and no
>Mandy still going
Guess you don't have to sleep when you're dead
I think it’s funny how we call him an egg but chinks have him as an ice cream cone. Either way he’s food.
Not really.
Reeds skin is hot as fuck. I like the mostly covered top, but the bare bottom.
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Chuzenji love
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Popping my 2 week cherry, having a good time so far. Although I'm getting a little sick of event grinding manually since I can't three star the stage. Thanks for the help along the way, this has been one of the nicest generals I have seen.
But I have all of them except for the clown?
You just don't get the joke...
Man, I wish someone firebombed HG in the minecraft, they deserve it.
Not digging her design, which is a shame because I otherwise like his ops
Things will get better once you can 3* farming stage
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I mean, after the anni module blocks, I don't really need to buy more. I'd have enough for everyone in the game and more
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I need someow to draw this with Nymph
It's like wearing a white t shirt and no panties
But we already have Vigna...
Walter taught me not to roll on Omnibus. Logos will likely be stronger than her as a primal due to his module. Next limited will be revealed very soon.
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Oh we can get much nicer, just send your name and code, newcutie.
Has Blazebro made contact with you already? Beware of him as he likes to prey on newcuties...
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nyes i'm very excited for a yet another literal who png that will be forgotten a day after its release
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She chastised Eblana for doing that, don't tell me she's trying to seduce Doc using her sister's tactics now
Walter is just an exception and a mistake they do not want to repeat due to her bad reception.
Degen was better than all limiteds of 2023
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Snake-monkey-tiger-cow jk love!
Crazy how they made Walter disgustingly broken and she still flopped
>a mistake they do not want to repeat due to her bad reception.
Yeah because Chen's reception stopped them from releasing meta characters
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>a mistake
She's the most profitable banner and anniversary in recent years despite being dragged down by a twink. You lost
Mumubro, let this shitpost go already...
If you want to autogrind one of the easier stages it won’t be a huge loss. The event currency matches the stamina spent so you’ll still be able to buy the same amount of stuff from the shop, and as a newbie you still need the mats available from the easier stages.
Walter had a bad reception because it's W
Degen wasn't an omnibus, so she's fine and still relevant since she's a melee unit. Same reason Shu and Ela are still fine.
IS#5 protagonist like Typhon was for IS#4, she will get a lot of relevance.
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She's my new wife. Instant 6pot even without knowing her kit.
More for me, faggots
Wrong, Utage's mom is flat
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We will probably get Wandering Medic module on summer limited to shill Eyja more. We do get Choom module now, after all
If it was a Theresa limited she wouldn't have flopped
Thank you, please increase your harem of wives by rolling for pot 6
Now her grandma on the other hand...
>670 days since last operator release
Lappalt Liberator calling it now
Which girl did you abandon to make way for Nymph?
how many module blocks is that? i'd pay 4 bucks for like 20 or so.
Yeah just like Dorothy, Penance, Pozymoka, Typhon, Ray, Shu
Lmaoing at their deep embarrassment for ever releasing a chain medic
Now her father on other hand...
Arts guards not getting modules now hopefully means Guardmiya module lore won’t be about Kollam
The small one is 4 bucks for 12
The big one is 10 bucks for 24 and some extra SSS mats
Which Operator should I build? None of them are M3
>Walter flopped
>Actually Walter sold really well
Which is it then? Do we have a chart for the sales?
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Operators that run an Onlyfans page on the side?
Ines or Eyja for meta and QoL. Also don’t leave them at E2 Lvl1, it’s super cheap to go up to 30 or so.
tits too small
>worst performing anniversary banner
>most profitable
maybe in retardland
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Look behind you
Sold below expectations and isn't popular.
On par with W/Weedy mediocre banner.
W used to be our Renegade girl. I came back and no one like her anymore
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>Reed's plushie can grow and breathe fire
Wtf is this thing
>He does not know
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The W era has ended.
If you are an oldfag, you would remember there were other memes like "cuddlecat cumflatio" or "nian spicy anal". They naturally fade away.

The new Walter role in the story, was extremely forced so it turned people away.
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I like her
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I really want to have somebody post Bethlehem's summer/beach art by starshadow
W was hardly our girl beyond shitposting
So now that we have Harold when are we getting Gerald?
ines is one of the most flexible operators i have ever built. i basically use her in every single run.
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Here's the translated IS5 trailer for those who don't know about the furnace keepers
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Me too. I also like Amiya.
She's simply our Harley Quinn
Curazeh hot girl, might be appealing at first but eventually people get tired of it
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Warfarin... vampirecrept...
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I like Blazebro he is very encouraging. Still have room for a few more friends though. Trauer#8414
but Nymph is a Djall
Who is the "Exile"? The first Sarkaz?
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She did a bit better than Mumu but since a lot of people here hate W you'll get biased responses like "she sold below expectations" even though said expectations are completely arbitrary
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So Ines and Yato? Which skill? I’ll farm their chip once this event is over
Liberator branch is done. No one can top Mlynar.
Chain medic on the other hand...
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I think Mayer is otterly adorable!
I for one like nymph. Curious about her kit though.
What exactly are Nymph's skills? One of them either disorients or fears but that about the rest.
She will need a skill that lets her apply her own ele damage because the current 5*s are useless as fuck without a ritualist
We will know in 3-4 days.
Weird that they made her have this new mechanic when she's supposed to be a Primal Caster
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how are we supposed to know
We just got the PV dude we don't know.
One can only hope, because primals are pretty mediocre right now.
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>had to spend $65 cad AFTER 150 pulls for my first copy of degen
I don't even have any resources to level her up lmao.

Please add me bros, I'm now committed to the game for the foreseeable future.

In any other story the group that sacrifices people to a baleful flame that burns away the soul to fuel their civilization would be the bad guys but apparently not for Arknights
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post your wife first
I'll have you know that Walter was the top performing AK anni banner in CN this year.
Is it worth rolling on this banner if I only have degen?
>max ascension sami has 600k HP, 1000 def, 40, res, and 75% damage resist after half HP
Jesus fucking Christ. How do you even consistently deal with this while dealing with the multiple stuns and holding both sides?
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Should I?
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For the amount of events we have had on Rhine Labs, there has been surprisingly little ottertent.
Nah it's just corpses.
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Oh wait Nymph is a PRIMAL CASTER
I thought she was a Mystic Caster like Logos
This changes everything
>Semi Brick
>Semi Brick
>Ultra Brick
It’s jover
She sold marginally better than Mumu while:
> having two of the most busted units in Arknights history in the same banner.
Imagine a banner which was Ch'en alter at her prime, and an operator even more broken.
>Lord modules, the most anticipated classto get a module, being released after module blocks became buyable
sorry that happened to you bwo.
any operator you want as a support?
They might be able to top Wagie gameplay wise, but they'll never be able to design creep his idle.
Is Sami that big of a problem? I just have someone doing a constant damage to him and he falls when he falls.
>I thought she was a Mystic Caster
>like Logos
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Logos is a core caster
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Someone here said it best the other day, I think her alt design is simply inferior to original W. It's rare that alts are straight downgrades, but Walter is just so out of touch with W as a character that I don't like it.
It's okay when Sarkaz do it
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Saga and Degen
I try to clear stages with my own operators. I just want more frens
Bro, take your sanity pots.
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is the second 10 roll worth it?
This is a certified hagchad general.
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where do you even get these? I've never seen an encounter or anything to get them
>Semi Brick
Yes, she's really embracing her slut nature
Are you on high ascension? Because I highly doubt just "someone" alone is doing the almost 900k damage required to kill it through the residences.
Based. Sent
Enough wife posting, what about husband posting?
Sniffing Swire
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wtf how do you have that banner?
Wife not wives idiot. You can have only one wife.
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the monthly bundle, and the one-time 20 pulls thingy
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Yeah, slutty swimsuit skin.
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Uh...this is a trick question isn't it
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Cute rat. Glad she found friends at RI
Well yeah truly I do cycle other dps skills that laso hit him but having someone to constantly do damage to him feels working pretty well since you have so much time to hit him. But truely I just foldarts him.
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They're all the same ok cut me some slack!
It's honestly harder to get to him than it is to deal with him. I've only managed to job to the rock once and I played it like a complete retard.
>You can have only one wife.
No, I'm literally genghis khan.
It's the old version of the newbie banner, newcutie.
S2 for Ines. Not much of a Yato user myself but I’d say S2 for her as well.
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Are we posting hag?
Question is: Why do you have not rolled it already?
Are you someone who thought that it changes to the new newbie one?
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Why is it so much better than the one I had to roll for? I would much rather have had that one.
You're not genghis khan, you're just brown
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>they are the same
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It's done.
This is the edited script for the workaround script so that it shows all urls instead of just the ones with images.
And here's an extra script to see if the url contains an image or just text:
Just hover your cursor over an url once and it will show [IMG] or [TXT] next to the url when it's over (which is an instant for me, but idk for others).
The poor rat is gonna adjust to a life of peace faster than Cantabile
Only attractive ones
Nuhu, akg told me every max pot non welfare 6* is a wife.
It really isn't. Hoshi is the best one there, whereas the new one has Thorns and Mountain.
why would I need this?
300k HP + 1200k HP = 1.5 mil HP Sami
It might look hard, but it's a giant boss with a 10 min timer so it's easy.

Wait until the Enhanced Version to see what they can do to actually make him challenging.
Yet another task that Canta sucks at...
oh my god. i somehow gaslit myself into thinking that there were 20 rolls total in this banner and only the first 10 pull has the guarantee
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Very attractive one
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>Cant get heal normally
Too squishy for end game content imo (I only used friend Penance so I might be wrong)
i was actually right, wtf. rip 3800 orundum
Is the faggot shitposting reed the same that shitposted about "whorepipe" for many years?
Slutshinny STRIDE!
For others who may be the same.
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Fucking retard
but why do you need it?
You only get one guaranteed 6* but it’s still a discounted banner so worth finishing
at least you sort of admitted you have no idea what you're talking about
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Are you confused?
Hahahahaha. What?
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>Shelter is cool but there are tons of medics that heal more than Quercus in the 5 star pool.
Here are the best 5* single target medics vs Quercus, yes Whisperain is one of them and I could've swapped Warfarin with Silence.
As everyone knows Quercus wins purely in terms of healing due to a broken module.
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I don't care, I love whores
oh no no no
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No need, I already maxed my adorable Goat wife.
>implying it's one person
To read chinkfics, their thoughts about new events and ships, what else?
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Guess the AK doujin
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Yeah it's just Mandy. Sometimes she goes overdrive like that
>it was a shipfag
Ohhh... kill yourself
The first sarkaz king who was banished to precursor ruins for refusing to eat other sarkaz and got the Civilight Eterna. After that he uplifted other sarkaz and they got their current humanoid form
Just filter the word "slut" and the quality of this general improves significantly.
It's a generic shitpost label given to characters when posters can't find anything else to criticize about them.
So, what is it? For lofter? Do I not need it if I've got an account?
Favorite whores?
Kill yourself
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This one
My husband died
I will use it
>dark emo twink with horns, long black robe, and sound-based magic
literally the same character
If you got an account, why would you need the work-around? It's for those who don't have it.
They're entertaining.
Theresa should have been a doll keeper specialist that switched with Civilight instead of just being Civilight
I want mommy, I want milk, I want to be held.
Super unpopular opinion but I don’t find Reed one bit attractive. Her sister is just better in every way.
Shut up Mandy, you're supposed to be dead.
But she is dead, that wouldn’t make sense
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You know they're twins, right?
Yes. And I'm implying she shouldn't be
Generally speaking being murdered kills people.
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NTA but he's right
>she shouldn't be
She fulfilled her role in the story, so, not really.
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Monie is such a dutiful caretaker...
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Reed will dress like a slut but be completely loyal why are you complaining?
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I smoosed...
I made a lot of Rockrock coomposts and still find this post baffling
I remember that.
I still don't know what kind of responses he's expecting.
Lana Eboec
Dr. I you made that post
No, this is someone ERPing as Mandy
People die when they are killed
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Definitely not me. I make coompost whenever I want. Why should I bother to write that thing down?
With a name like that, Nymph's summer skin is practically guaranteed
Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right.
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Oh, is that the new deer shitpost anime that was supposed to happen this season?
Show me your best coompost.
Slutty toga….
Definitely never going to beat those allegations
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Nope, not a slut, not at all
Yeah, that's a frame from the OP. They're really embracing the shitpost.
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what a slut
I came while fucking Pozy and didn't pull out
Having to haul that fat tail around gave Reed a nice ass huh.
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What happened to Reed? She used to be so pure
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Let me guess, you only watch mature anime for mature people like yourselves?
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Dr.A from discord wanted this posted in the thread.
The lupo pussy was too good
Hey if it works
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This is all I can think of when I see this
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I actually like the slutposting
you can't just refer to the concept of comedy as shitposting
Eblana doesn't even know what sex is
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You sound rather insecure, which part of my post indicated that I was criticizing it?
Logoskek you lost not only your faggot fucked W's banner sales he also got powercrept already
the Irenefag?
Bless translation mistakes, they make some great shit
rip nigga
Don't do it! It is the perpetrator. The coomer supreme.
They obviously want it to be an epic viral meme show for xitter and tiktok to lap up, there's no authenticity in it
>They're really embracing the shitpost
I mean... that's the whole point of it? That's all it's got going for itself, marketing itself towards zoomers.
Logos carried W hard
Same. it's hot
Oh, that's good.
Reed would probably look a lot like Eblana when they were on the beach, compared to how she usually dresses.
We know, Mandy
Yeah, the former Irenefag
Hah.... Almost forgot. Was busy min-maxing.
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Why do wild animals hate Doc?
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>this show wants you to like it, and that is bad
fuck off discordfags
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Are you retarded or just pretending?
then the image goes into the trash
I was asking for his subtitled Patriot's video, I guess this means I would never getting it.
Wow, Rest in Peace.
>the show wants ironic weebs to latch onto it, and that is bad
He's not their kin. Animals know he's an alien. Why you didn't listen to them?
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Weedy - Muelsyse - Whislash - Gravel - Utage
So sick of you wanna-be oldfag retards bringing this /v/-tier mentality to anime.
>it's all SHIT
>you CAN'T like things
Might as well just kill yourself if everything is so bad, nobody will miss you.
This... is very sudden
Died of terminal disease? Or traffic accident?
>search for filename
>no results
I can smell the dead cat falseflagging from this post
He had been absent for a long time, so probably sickness.
Holy shit you ARE retarded.
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Bros what the start to farm Cannot on IS, spam the first floor and retreat ?
Burning urge to SMOOCH Amiya
Please... stop slutposting about Reed... she is pure
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Changing the filename and MD5 of your images is 100% morally justified. You should respond to the post in front of you, not go digging for someone's post history like this is reddit or twitter. And 90% of the time it's not even the same person!
Who is this
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The coolest
Move Mumu all the way to the right then shift the rest accordingly and it's accurate
Okay I guess I'll have to jack off to reed now
Mandy don’t exist, most of us just hate Reed and Mumu but we’ll rarely say it
a pure slut
Combine the two
Based, fuck archive detectives trying to shut down conversations with their ebin screencaps
Is Logos the best Caster currently?
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Fuck you, Utage is pure
Which operators has the "The ___" nicename in /akg/?
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Stop tarnishing the name of mandy faggot
An AK Youtuber.
Don't lump Reed in with the likes of the e*f.
Yes, first T0 caster in-game
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That's enough out of you
I thought we didnt like ecelebs here?
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She used to be as a 5*, but not anymore and that's why it's so good
I'd say yeah, in is2 I just did wakata e2 start and is3 with +20 ingot start at a7 for max points + faster enemies to finish the stages highmore and just spam encounters, avoid battles and run into shoo and retreat.
Which operators will buy a Doctor onahole from closure?
He goes way back.
Just in case, he's not from here (I think).
Apparently, his head got hit by some blunt object when swimming. Sad way to go
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He was mostly doing translations.
no it's GG with her module now
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Reed Metamorphosis...
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mandybros just can't stop posting about reed...
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Amiya since she commissioned and owns (You)r daki canonically
Character development...
I bet you think the Operators manga is canon.
All this Reed posting wouldn't prepare /akg/ for Eblana.
Especially since starshadowmagic already shown how far she can go with the FGO servant she designed.
Yeah, pretty accurate. I miss the old Reedfags.
This from the official artbook
The only slut is Reed sister
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I didn't know the guy but it's sad to see people like this die, rest in peace
Mirror last pic at least
The "Platform To The Final Destination"-medal was my 720th medal. I just wanted to let you guys know.
Post it.
I think slut posting is fine as long as you keep it tame and avoid cuckshit. It has the same appeal as gyaru.
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"Ah, Doctor. Yes, some things never change."
now use this image >>484515951
Flip them all facing right.
>the best
>the most
The stacy stride
Nobody asked you
I don't get why this shit even has to break what a pain, thanks anon
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The most is there too.
If no one else will be a Nymph fan, I shall be.
I’ll be honest docs, I only like Reed1. Everywhere else they made her hair more yellow and changed the cut and I don’t like it.
Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise
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I bet this anon, if he still plays AK, is ecstatic about this skin.
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>2 faggots spamming the entire thread, or one faggot on two devices
Yeah about what I expected
Thank you for you sacrifice.
Silverash is about as untrustworthy as possible
Good work, anon.
>Is Reed now a slut
She always was one
It could be a half-faggot on 4 computers too.
>shitposters samefag?!
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How do you define a half-faggot? Someone who only buys something like the Totter skin but not the Aak/Lee skins?
Reedbros our response??
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It's pathetic that you made this Zhang
I wonder if the push come from HG or her artist.
The slut stride
It's the guy who is half a faggot. It is not that hard. Use that engineering decree for once.
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hmm where is the cat summer nyoutfit
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Faggotoly was not part of Hydroengineering, okay?
SilverAsh second summer skin during summer event, nyes
I love these guys. Reminds me of Cherno Alpha and Stella Deus generics.
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This is an unfair comparison because, unlike Totter, Aak and Lee are furries.
Harold deserves credit for introducing the sickest drips the Victorian Army has ever had
Reed the Harlot...
>Artists think Reed is a slut too
it's so fucking over
Too big.
Tail too small.
>"Reed should be more popular!"
>The monley paw curls
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>can recognize all of them
It's over...
Hoederer should be more popular
Chinks is actually making /RI/-chan fics.
Then he should have been hotter and not shipbait
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He is with the twitter "people"
Tits too big
Screw every other "Our hero"-posts.
Harold won with the generics, thus hero of common man and so he won my respect.
Zwillingsturme im Herbst is an excellent event and you're wrong if you claim otherwise.
>absolute top tier music
>top tier visuals
>Arturia did not turn out to be like people thought she would be
>The Witch King was absolutely terrifying in the lore, I've never seen a villain put over this much, Voldemort has nothing on this dude
>WK turns out to also be an interesting character, and links Leithanien to the Collapsal plot and through that, the Nearls/Kazimierz
>The mechanics were fun without being overcomplicated
If you're gonna shit on it, make your case, about the only things I can think of is that it was *slightly* too easy and that Viviana could have been better
Quiet, troon.
>Homostrume im Herbst
It's a wip so the artist is probably going to post more later
Reed is a fucking slut now...
Now THIS is a good bait
Good Doctor.
I've been wanting to make Reed's dragon plushie myself.
It's good. Just a bit disappointing.
I think people were expecting another Lone Trail.
isn't that just normal. Like there was that eye pick going on and i was surprised how many people did not get them right.
>no argument
I accept your concession
My only real complaint is I think Viviana's vision quest could have been cut down a bit.
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This makes it seem like Reed is fleeing after getting her ass slapped...
It's okay, bro. I know you're a huge faggot and have been in LGBT community so It's expected that you love LGBThania event. I understand.
Bro is a cool dude. Too bad he was bound by his own title. Otherwise he would spend his remaining life hunting rare merch in Kjerag
Oh man, if that's the case, imagine how much more disappointed everyone is going to be with the actual anniversary event lmao
The dialogues are so long and boring. It's fucking SHIT
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If Reed becomes the designated slut, what will Exu have left?
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wolf cock
>Victoria is the one stopping him from becoming a gacha addict
Perhaps there is something redeemable about them
Exu is the designated futa onahole tho?
Ch. 14 is great.
The prequel event, Babel, is also great.
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Logos x Amiya is nice too
Harold is the first likeable Victorian noble.

No Horn doesn't count she doesn't act like a noble.
>6 (you)s in an instant
Nice I should do this more often
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>this entire thread
The young Draco readied her heart...
The fuck? What's this schizo shit? Reed will never be considered a slut. Shes a very obvious slutty tradwife.
I hate this anon so much
Kill yourself
A bad-end material, in my mind, because of Magician.
>la cooma
should I kill myself?
Not pulling out for Reed
Ksan unironically needs to come back, I miss the doujins
Guys I have fully maxed Degen and IS4 A15 is still kicking my ass...
>slutty tradwife
Reed is the village's communally owned wife and free use slut!
Be nice to our Kfag
Recognizing by the eyes and by the feet are very, very different.
skill issue
It was good
Had some flaws, but was good overall
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Witch King was a deranged schizo that fucked over his entire kingdom just to kill the supposed 'Originium God' he thought came from Collapsal dimension just because he got raped by Priestess for trying to research Originium.
The Fool of Leithania.
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and this?
>he got raped by Priestess for trying to research Originium.
God, I hate her so much
Why the fuck? Give me even one good reason.
Can we Co-Op Salt and Sanctuary?
Leithanians are dumb as shit but I blame Priestess though, she's a bitch.
>it was the kfaggot
Of course
He has been here for years
A natural end, if Mudrock ever decide to devote herself for the Sarkaz.
Her Gargoyle's bloodline wouldn't be enough to earn her a seat amongst the Sarkaz court.
Logos could help her with that using his support as a Lord.
Stop replying to yourself faggot
>tries to shit on the Witch King
>still makes him sound awesome
This philosophy is massively popular now by the way
Content of all kinds is so saturated that everyone feels like they're missing out on Future Thing by spending any amount of time on read/watching Current Thing, so you get this
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Based Priestess
Why would someone commission this? Three parts of Surtr getting raped only for the final part to be vanilla with Doctor?
>fear of missing out
You will end up missing everything that matter.
This applies to almost every single AK event
it's Surtrbro
Viva le revolution then. Time to chop some heads.
Not all things that survive should.
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You guys are fucking cringe
Before he went mad, he was actually the best king of Leithania
This ship is actually popular?
At least Weedy is better than Reed...
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>Priestess, plain looking human is the final boss
Boring. Hope she turns into a rock monster
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Shouldn't have tried digging into her stuff, then.
You would think he would be, considering the dude is probably one of the best units for facetanking the boss everyone has been whinging about.
I wish. It's not.
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I see...
Then we will kill you too
Let's kill them all.
Sad forever?
Surtr and Skadi
Bilibro did it again
does anyone have the upcoming event mats farming pic? those shitters at pajeetpress still haven't fixed their site
Shh nobody but you and I use him so nobody else knows this
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I fucking love dorks
Seems like I have more support. Miniskirts are now mandatory on rhodes island. Please take me to ms. Guillotine when I get corrupt, Viva le revolution!
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Fucking dorks
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me on the right
You are absolutely right but you've decided to post in the strange phase of early afternoon for eurofags and morning for ustroons. The Lich King was also a really cool character. One of the things I disliked about it is that Arturia acted like a completely different person in the second half of the story, as soon as she left the prison. But to me it was far better than Nearl Light or Texosa's event.
You sure love spamming this artist
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My wives
Is Reed now a "Stacy" or is she still cringe?
Conditioning Mumu until she 100% embraces public nudity
Didn't even use him, it's just common sense that king fatass with shelter dabs on big arts damage.
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Weedy appreciation
That BP is so hot
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Everyone will disappear in 9 hours
Weedy position
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>Braided ponytail
Fuck, my fucking weakness.
Reed will never not be a cringe dork
You're going to take your meds?
and a slut
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Reed was always a wife
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Here, from Rides to Path of Ulpipi, swap Reed rerun and Shu event around though.
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Yeah I'm not gonna hide my intentions. Degen vent is pretty much over and we won't get content until next week, so...
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>Utage, Platinum, Horn, Myrtle, Nine-Colored Deer
>Nearl, Sideroca, Folinic, Tomimi, La Pluma
>Provence, Saileach, Angelina, Gavialter, Goldenglow
> Highmore, Mudrock, Surtr, Sussuro, Rope
>Red, Pozemka, Dunno, Shining, Eunectes
I tapped out a bottom middle I have no idea. I first thought Paprika but that wasn't her
ty anon, hope your wife gives you bomb head this evening
>the clones aren't really your body, it's fine to have them show some/all skin
>well if you do it with your clones it's not much of a stretch to do it yourself, you won't be showing anything people haven't already seen
Mumu would not wear this
Nah, you're a cuck. Stop being a cuck. She is a slutty tradwife that milks her husband's cock a minimum of once daily.
Threesome with Mumu and Arturia while my daughter watched.
Reed is pretty introverted and stacies are usually the complete opposite
Do people care about literally any other character in this game aside from the shark
>this somehow beat 2nd boss
she has a lot of husbands...
what operator is this?
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>CAtapult tomorrow
>maybe Totter as well
>the new vanguard and Provioso on Friday
>Nymph and Typhon on Saturday
>Reed on Sunday
>modules on Monday
Am I missing something?
Why did this particular shark maid somehow get the most attention for some reason
2nd boss becomes pretty easy when you know his mechanics
*reeds furiously*
When does the top picture happen? Babel?
You are a cuck.
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I underestimated how importtant coagulating gel is and I've been suffering ever since.
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>he skipped typhon
I'm just stating a fact
Reed x Me is canon
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people like shark girls
people like maids
Ray, I think.
Repeated sex with Slutshinny!
That's the bottom picture
Boiler room sarkaz...
Sharks are the best
Reed x half of Victoria is canon, bro
They prefer Viccy kots
Nah, you just have cuckbrain. You're a cuck.
the one on the bottom looks like a weird little baby nargacuga
My eyes skipped over 'top'.
Also, I saw beasts and just think of Rim Billiton.
a draco is fine too
But those beasts are in the Kjerag event RIGHT NOW
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>he thought the surtr cuck thing was a meme
We have a lot of Reedfags here retard
I see no cutie eyes.
>le sluts and whores
European humor is so cringe.
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It's that fucking black and red color combination, I swear
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Arturia has been out for 6 months, where is her backless swimsuit skin????
Bring Bassline, retard
You are a cuck.
it's not even cm
Are there outfits that actually change the sound of skills?
Degen become a monk.
Pronebone anal
she was already at stage 5 with the sweater no pants combo
Eyja summer skin
You heard me.
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weedy's weedies are NOT that big
Is it true that Azling was the artist?
Handholding missionary
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I could be ur angle or your devil
i will
>future event will either make Sarkaz count as Sanktas or Sankta as Sarkaz
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Does the event medal only require all of the heaters to be active at the same time just once?
Moosless tits, stock blocking the view of the nice angel behind you!
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Unlikely. Too colorfull and full of life.
You forgot to mention doc getting tied to a chair and forced to watch, and then him getting an erection from it, surtr noticing, and then her being visibly disgusted by it but continuing on anyway.
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Harold being the tankiest normal boss in the game feels so fucking weird, he's just a dude.
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So glad I'm not a reedcuck. Her whole ass is hanging out for everyone to see, imagine letting your wife go out dressed like this.
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>Someone needs to draw Mandy in Reed's summer outfit, but she falls on her face or ass when tries to walk on heels
He’s just a medic
No, that one's not Doc, just some reservepipi
He's tankier the more furnaces are down bwo. Pretty similar to Control.

With his mechanic done, he's frail
It's a swimsuit, you're supposed to be almost naked. Mandy doesn't wear underwear or footwear... while wearing a dress.
You mean that you would, right?
I know retard. But his whole purpose as a boss is to douse furnaces, so most of the fight will have him with at least some damage negation.
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The Arknights classic
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Then, is this his work?
>Sea vs Outer dark
Just for a moment at once, yes. Fairly easy to achieve.
Kalpipi doesn't care
I physically can not play more than 2 gachas at a time, having to manage multiple dailies would burn me out.
Never been on a beach?
thank goodness. And at least the faceless man having his way with Surtr isn't black this time
So what did we learn today?
What the fuck is happening in 9 hours? Do I finally get erased from this planet?
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>core caster
>ugly design
>surtr won't be the focus of the kazdel events
>skins for little whos
>another ugly skin for typhon
>l2d skin for reed which isn't better than her other l2d skin
They're got B team on the omnibus to get A team for summer 2024 trust the plan
what comes in 9 hours?
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U rike?
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There has never been a bad uncle post
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>Amiyas derpy eyes
Could be. The colors fit his style but this piece lacks the busy backgrounds he seems to be fond of. And giantesses
Can't give definite answer, I am not an art analytic.
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shark sexo
You're right, they're not bad they are all terrible
And Totters chinky skin is the most soulless out of all of them.
Art style kinda looks like Perfumer's artist
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proof that not giving Aegir tails was a mistake
Skadi might have actually been popular.
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Those are some sick ass fatal frame hit markers on the top pic.
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Forgot pic
Are they hiding their faces with a mask or is it just shadow?
Lol. You can't be this naive deliberately.
Summer will be good just ignore this filler patch
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Trilby Asher is just the hat.
but we have a shark at home...
Ass too big
..there is no way the hat is also a mask...
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The fluid that got injected into her spine started leaking down, please understand
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mumubro this is just freaky as fuck
I will steal Delpipi's hat.
Please don't tell me you're retarded enough to play another Hoyoslop game because "muh shark sexo"
It's popular among tech 'bros'.
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Of course not, I'm playing for the furries
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Can't say breed without Reed.

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