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A thread for Melty Blood and associated Type Moon properties, Under Night In-Birth and other French Bread games.

/melty/+/unibg/ #116.5: whoops edition

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/DhCQ_r-B2wY?si=Ve8Fe9fttyCDyXYg

Tsukihime remake is out!
MBAACC has a training tool! (https://twitter.com/downloadmelty/status/1786907802536992870)
FSN remastered releases 2024!
Uzuki DLC August 2024!

>UNI Resources
Matches: https://replaytheater.app/?game=unib

>Dengeki Resources
Download and Rollback: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13xEvawJrCIsXpXghNbNIeK455HsFP8w4kh7kzP23HZQ

>Melty Resources:
Training/Beginner paste: https://pastebin.com/01eXYrVf
Download MBAACC community version, and set up:https://play.meltyblood.club/
https://pastebin.com/3fkP1jTC (MBTL Character Guides, kinda old now)
Matches: melty.games
Translated Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/b19fcbaf-f35e-4cb3-a38b-2c6e0dbfff96/melty-blood-type-lumina-piece-in-paradise
Browser OG Tsuki: holofield.fr/tsukiweb

>Upcoming Tournaments/Events
Find JP Events with: https://meltyblood.typelumina.com/event/
EVO: July 19-21
CoN6: Oct 25-27
CEOtaku: Dec 6-8

previous bread: >>484261987
I need to pay more attention at work, keep letting it go down at the office
Raito interview
All of the male characters in tsukihime/melty are lame as fuck

>Shiki - self insert kid
>roa - random cartoon villain not even in the main routes
>vlov/nero - might as well be the same character. filler boss
>kouma - literal who not even in the main story

Who else even is there? Cant remember off the top of my head.

Compare to a game like Strive this male cast is pathetic as fuck
nice spacing
Thanks, I'm a Saber main so I need it
Still no Sion...
>melty died once more
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>this thread
people don't die when they're killed
>Forgetting Arihiko
Tsukihime reader (Fake)
dead game
dead general no matter how many other games you try to add to it lmao
is there a way to convince my GG baby friend (he mostly plays STRIVE but seems to like +R) and self-proclaimed "REAL fighting games hater" to play uni2?

he got like 40 euros for free and i convinced him to buy uni2 and bbcf, but he really liked bbcf, said he hates how there's no air(back)dash in uni2 and how he hates the Light>Medium>Heavy buttons + the fact that the X button on a PS4 controller is NOT an attack button (cuz it's D by default) and he refunded it like a bitch instead of giving it a proper chance. he played it during the ps4/ps5 beta and he bitched about muh long range of characters + he hates discord fighters because ooooooh everyone has spent 5 years perfecting their game there's no point in trying
good it's comfy, I just have to do my work bump
uni is trash
i beg to disagree
Sounds like he's sold on the drive system of Blazblue. Also light, medium and heavy is in Blazblue too so only thing I can say is if he wants air backdash to play Eltnum or maybe switch out UNI2 for MBTL.
oh i forgot to say, he hates both UNI2 and MBTL because autocombos magically make the game too easy or something
You can disable autocombos in lumina.
Your friend sounds like a little bitch
call him a bitch then idc
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It's Noel time.
Just one more run of SotE, I promise I'll play melty again soon.
Sounds like he is looking for excuses more than anything. I'm sure he complains about strive as well but still plays it regardless.
Sorry I meant SotN (Castlevania) not that slop
Elden Ring dlc.
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so many sions, and yet
attempt send foreign MBAACC talent to climax of night
Moai is one of the best japanese CC players of all time
Receita is a lovable toxic br memer
blob plays fvakiha and that character makes everyone mad
idk the others
Rate the Sions
Sion = Sion = Sion = Sion = Sion = Sion > FGO Sion
So are all the kinks on Uni 2 pc cleared out yet
shit I'll throw something on it
they fixed it like forever ago
No it still has CS
Counter Strike?
Counter Strike is more fun than dealing with chain shift and I'm a console CoD guy.
Noel insurance...
paying your Noel premium
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could he save /melty/?
Noel in a school uniform that’s way too small on her…
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we need roast beef to come back and save melty
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the community would eat him alive just like they did sonicsol.
Mo’ Noel, mo’ problems…
I wish that was included in my job's benefits
your very own ciel(figure)
How much damage should I be getting off of a shield BC when spending 1 bar?
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good morning patriots
Riesbyfe can't even save her own ass from getting vored. She's useless.
Massage the Noel…
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she'll be back right bros?
went to an anime thing and got a mash fig
yippie I'll post it later
just bought sys celes why did they drop story mode
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another day another blue woman
one of my many regrets in life is that I never blew a woman
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The well of Sion love, running dry...
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wow! it's the purple one, from melty blood! big fan
purple girl...from melty blood?
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Thoughts on option selects?

I like how it feels to purely commit to one option, but it's fun when OSes open up mind games too.
uni is basically designed around option selects. Throw is dogshit reward unless you get a combo from it in the corner, and the risk involved of getting it either baited or teched is big.(the GRD shift and -8 on throw tech is massive) I generally hate the idea of people not having to commit to things and offensive option selects in TL are awful to play against.
I feel that there should be a, 3/5 rule I guess. Any offensive option select should only be 3 out of 5 defensive options. In MBTL you generally either lose to reversal or backdash but never both. I wouldn't count shield because it often loses and never truly wins(just RPS). You NEED to have offensive setups that cover multiple options to make the game not feel like a diceroll but when it covers nearly everything defense is no longer interesting which makes offense no longer interesting. Fighting games a hype when people have strong reads and can show dominance by living in the mind of their opponent and option selects negate that heavily.
I generally think they are bad game design. Pretty much what >>484724061 said and it's one of the reasons why I don't like UNI.
>I feel that there should be a, 3/5 rule I guess. Any offensive option select should only be 3 out of 5 defensive options. In MBTL you generally either lose to reversal or backdash but never both. I wouldn't count shield
I get that we're reducing all offense to 5A>2C/2D to make this point but even within the context of that I disagree
i mean there's things like delayed airdash that acts as a mixup and also blows up backdash but lose to DP(usually) and crossups which can eat the backdash input and make you dash forward which may or may not lose to DP depending on both of the characters involved(but more often lose to heat). There's l/r empty jumps into 2AA~5D which while it is what you said is a lot harder to backdash but can still beat 22x dps and cross cut DPs as well as heat.
okay but there's still more to offense than the first layer of oki situations and even in that this is all assuming they do something frame 1 or don't do charge heat or MD into whatever or that getting shielded a bunch isn't actually losing
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The purple one...
Sex with pixel Sion.
sex with arc
>long hair
>long hair
>medium hair
What happened?!
Character development
hair cut
hair returned to her body
Sion returning to Melty... NEVER EVER
i will return to melty next month
Neko Arc would save this general
Noel would save me.
she can't save you
Noel rub…
I don't believe you. She failed us once already.
I was hoping to see the thread dead again and with a new OP that isn't UNI
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evo threads, weird not to put the game at evo and what not
I wonder though
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put her in
i want to learn mash but the combos have a lot of failure points that I'm bad at
We dislike UNI here
We only changed the thread OP so we could bait more people in here so Noelzombie would need to bump a bit less but that clearly hasn't worked
we also got the "trannies made kamone nerf vatista to bottom 1" guy to show up and argue for a day every 4 weeks
Bit by a radioactive Noel…
no, I changed it so I could post uni sometimes, and uni is played sometimes so I don't see the problem. I know people from here that entered the uni CEO bracket too
Which parts are screwing you up OOC?
Sion page
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doing 2ABC 5[C] 236A 623A j[C] delay jB 5B 6C 236B 214C IAD jBC 3C jABC throw
delay jB feels harder than it should be
getting the 5B 6C after is annoying unless I delay the 623A which is just muscle memory
the IAD jBC misses I don't really get the timing
basically 3 points of failure. I got it decently after a fair amount of practice today, have to remember to do it tomorrow as well. every day until I get it I guess.
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You don't have to do a very large delay on j.B. I find that doing the j.B earlier helps with getting the 5B 6C too. The IAD j.BC feels like it needs to be done immediately after the last hit of 214C.
Replacing the 236B with 6BC does 5 more damage, builds more meter, and deals more recoverable health damage.
2ABC 5[C] 236A 523A j.[C] delay j.B 5B 3C j.BC j.6B+C 214C IAD j.BC rejump j.AAB AT
does a little bit more than the other combo and builds even more meter but it is harder
I wish Mizuumi would update to include moon skills in combos but I guess not enough people care anymore.
lobby code : 8509
i've hit the jB too high and the 6C will whiff.
I didn't even think about using moonskills but yeah putting in 6BC seems easy enough. Mash's moonskills are really good in general.
the iad jBC rejump jA doesn't seem that hard, I tried it a few times. If I get the iad jBC to land.
Thanks for sharing combos. I want to try these in the future.
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Eltnum page!
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Slave-owning egyptian
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arc and ciel LOVE
The purple goldfish messiah...
Noel in the morning…
>want to try playing uni2 with someone
>search for casual match
>literally no one
I don't get what they were thinking splitting up the matchmaking in an already niche game.
sorry it's a discord fighter
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are the combos supposed to be this hard? i'm struggling even at intermediate
depends on the character
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i'm trying out yuzuriha. her gameplan seems to be really easy but her combos are kinda hard
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yeah that's one of the hard combo characters. It is the price of jacking off.
Wait until you find out about the button holds
dumb frogposter
You still have to delay the j.B but it feels more lenient with her than it does with other characters. If you do the other combo, the j.B has to be delayed more or else 3C will whiff.
Make sure that you are tapping the j.C after the IAD. If you hold onto it for too long it will give a partial charge j.C and won't combo.
I found this on xwitter which does even more damage but it's a lot harder. https://x.com/Masrbtn/status/1789264077438767430
You can do 2A5B2C or 2ABC but you have to use the other B normal into 6C or else the combo won't work and 2ABC does less damage. I can't get the j.C into j.236A to combo so I'm using superjump j.B instead and it works but does less damage.
The inputs for my easier version is:
2ABC 5[C] 236A 5B 6C 4B+C j.[C] delay j.B 623A superjump j.B j.236A 214C IAD j.BC 3C j.ABC AT
for 4021 damage and it builds a bar of meter.
That routing looks pretty good. Mash combos have come a long way.
What are you having trouble with on her combos? I'm no Yuzu expert but I might be able to help.
The combo works at 0 meter too.
I can't find anything close in damage off of a 2A for my character.
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>Make sure that you are tapping the j.C after the IAD. If you hold onto it for too long it will give a partial charge j.C and won't combo.
generally I get the IAD too high and the jB whiffs. haven't seen jB hit and jC miss.
IAD with 9A+B
i'm too old to learn to button dash, probably easier to just learn the timing. I was able to do xrd ram combos I can figure this out(eventually)
The button dash makes it so much easier. Please try it
Fat and fatter, fattest Noel!
oh, for the ender you want to do 6C>4BC>j.ABC>j.236A>214C>stuff now
she benefitted a lot from the moon skill change
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damn ok she just does a casual 4k off of 2a now.
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Is it her birthday?
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No, it's Aoko's tomorrow though
It's like someone took a bite out of her side...
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I just grabbed one man leave me alone
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Aoko butt...
Happy Early Birthday to Aoko!
can't seem to get j236A(or j6BC) into arc drive at the end of that combo. Still get 5.3 if I do it after the 214C.
It's working for me just fine. Are you buffering the arc drive?
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pretty sure I'm doing it as soon as possible.
You probably are but you ran out of ground bounces. Do it after the first j.236A and you'll still get a lot of damage.
yeah that's what I was saying before, can just do 4BC jBC j236A (214C) arc drive.
That's all you can do if you want to use AD. I didn't even think to try it after the launch so I was confused when you said you couldn't get it to work.
part of my wants to boot it back up and see if I can do something like 214C airdash jBC 5AA arc drive but I'm tired of doing that combo for today.
Quan Chi lookin' a bit different than usual
It works after IAD BC but I'm only getting 9 more damage so I don't think it's worth the risk of dropping it. I can't get anything else to work.
you can do 214C j.214A 236BC, it's easy too
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base from the video I wonder if she's going to be played like Nrvnqsr Chaos
she doesn't look like nero at all really
i bet you think every character with a sword and/or knife is the same too, don't you
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put him in
nero players want every character to be nero because that's the only thing that can carry them to victory
Noel sex
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Good morning
Noel is the kind of girl you’d have to cool off in the summer…
>Wake up
>No Sion
>Wake down
waking down?
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For me, it's Aoko
>wake up
>hold shield
>get counterhit
why is so hot
because someone here complained it was cold earlier this year
>wake up
>moondrive into 6B+C
>my opponent reads it and shields
>only take 3.2k from the punish
>wake up
>down back
>opponent down backs too
>we both sit there for 10 seconds
>wake up
>Noel still asleep on top
>fall back asleep
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Our guy is toast.
Games tonight or is everyone taking a break?
i can't play tonight but I'm trying to get back into it.
No problem
I'll be back to games in a couple days, just trying to have some peace
Uzuki's so cute, she could be sisters with Testament
I like her aesthetic, it's more arcsys-y
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Noel at night...
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tomorrow can have a little conversation, as a treat...
Sion treats
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It's Noever.
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this is it right? wiki has a bunch of stuff about how if you don't get the height perfect or w/e the meaty won't hit right but it just works when I do it?
Sion morning
Yeah it's not too hard
Do these make good first fighting games? I saw some Yuzu gameplay and she looked cool.
Yuzu doesn't really make for a good first fighting game character if you're talking about Undernight. Her execution requires abit more work than most other characters in the same game. Otherwise the games themselves are on the easier to pick up and play side sure.
Yuzu is a very weird character to learn but sure these aren't particularly hard games
i've seen people come to MBAACC as their first fighter and that's way harder to grasp than TL or UNI. I wouldn't say it's the easiest but it isn't as hard as it looks.
No, these games have no practical carryover to other fighting games. They're their own separate skill set that don't even carry over to other anime games. So many mechanics in the games are limited to this developer that you'll sink immediately in any other game.
People who play these games tend to be really bad at every other fighting game, this is the last refuge of fighting game outcasts (and it's not even popular at that) who failed at playing other games. Most players have no idea what they're talking about and there are hardly any "top" players to look up to.
This thread and community is so dead that people make posts like yours all the time to stoke artificial interest so it's impossible to tell if it's a genuine beginner question or some sad person bumping the thread.
ignore this guy he makes this post every couple months and never pulls up
Pulling Sion...
fgo is so boring people attend panels for it and play uma musume. Thanks for the free dlc characters tho.
The controversial rise of Noel and her j.A…
Len just a week away
huge climax later this year
Huge Sion next year
Medium Sion?
Sion of indeterminate size
A relatively small Sion
Flash back to Noel…
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Akiha mom...
she'll be a mom when i'm done with her
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getting neck from akiha
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I think she's cute
i'll give her a bone
Is Akiha fun to play in MBTL?
idk she's very different from any of her versions in current code and i liked multiple of them. She has all of F-sei's specials but they were massively buffed and her normals heavily nerfed. Kind of a zoner/setplay character hybrid but fails against the actual zoners since she's better at space control than fullscreen poking. She has a very strong anti-air game with 623A and 3BC. I'd say give her a go since she's a very solid character now(unlike on release)
But is she fun?
Can’t sleep, Noel will eat me…
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i got a leverless controller that I've been using to play tekken but I'm scared to play actual anime games on it due to all the previous muscle memory i'd lose
I don't play tekken but I can't imagine there's that much input overlap between that and anime
yeah i figured it'd be easy to pick up a new game with it(never played tekken before) but thinking about learning stuff like IADs and whatnot on it isn't something I want to bother with
Low on Sion...
Noel, at this time of the day?
There's no execution in doing iads anymore, every modern anime fighter has macro for dashes now, lumina even has a macro for iad
melty has had A+B dash since at least MBAC nearly 15 years ago.
Yea, they really were the exception, but the dash macro didn't work with iad, you still have to do the manual input to get a perfect iad
yeah but that's just the macro being shitty the idea was still there, it's been an fpan idea for a long time
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And that's EXACTLY what she wants.
akiha sex
Noel with the strings attached… like being pulled in by 5C…
There's no strings on Noel...
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Nice boots!
look at her go
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The removal of the stink gland, a common practice for domesticated Noels…
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Throw the noel out the bed!
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does more than the wiki combo but also I think that the tk j214B looks sick as fuck
this general routing seems very strong and even like corner combos with 22B 22A and etc don't seem to add a lot of damage over the base unlike other characters.
You have the right to love Noel, any kisses and hugs will be used against you in a court of law.
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top 100 seeded players for evo under night
who you got?
It's always weird beating people and then remembering their top players in a pretty closely related game
The Noel mingle...
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>only fight that doesn't end in a straight-up defeat is because Noel was helping him
Italians are jobbers
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Pressing on Noel’s tummy…
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played some mash today
oh the community showcase(which has MBTL) doesn't have brackets or entrants published yet. was going to post about that.
The Sion community... IS DEAD!
The Aoko community on the other hand, is VERY healthy.
Real big Noel hours…
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implementing moon skills into mash's corner combo.
replacing the 623A jBC j236A with 4BC jBC j236A is not optimal, better to replace the 22B with 2BC.
the 623A into jBC j236A is fucking annoying, FAR easier to just do 623A jB j236A. Even when getting the superjump the j236A sometimes whiffs, again an issue of needing to delay the 623A to get the opponent lower.

2A 2B 2C 5[C] 236A 5B 6C 2B+C 22A 623A sj jBC j236A 214C IAD jBC 3C jABC throw = 4071/1.12

I'll probably start fixing the wiki at some point to include moonskills.
Sion at night
sleeping at night
You can’t spell love without Oel.
He tanked that btw
tanked is a strong word when arc didn't try to kill any of them there
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The Noel morning shuffle...
getting my tsukihime copy today
should i buy uni2?
The Sion Industrial Complex...
maybe next sale
maybe if Uzuki looks cool to you or something
you can always just refund if you don't like it anyway
vortex gallery online has brackets for MBAACC, MBTL, and UNI
Sion Gallery... IS EMPTY!
Gaming today?
i could game right now
Which game are you feeling
i want to play MBTL since I don't play it very often these days
room pw: len
That's not Mash...
I gave it my best shot
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masher lobby
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ggs and thanks for playing
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GGs. Took me a minute to remember something other than 236B > 66C
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it was my second day playing mash in an actual match, i felt like I started dropping more as I did more matches. Have to work on that. Also my pressure is horrible at this stage but that's to be expected.
She feels a lot better to play than arc at this point so I want to get her up to speed for climax.
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he's gonna choke again
Choking the Noel!
Noel's neck is too thick to choke.
Noel is so fat, she rents out the space around her.
oh she sucks alright
tsukihime is a game about satsuki (the tsuki) and hime(the hime)
Noel kissing…
Ok bros, you get one free one on me
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good morning
Bad morning!
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forcing you to have a good morning
Ten pages of Noel lovin...
I wish I could help but my Mash was way worse than yours. Her j.214X was annoying to deal with but I'm sure it will be easier to manage once I get used to seeing it. 4B+C can be jump cancelled on block so that's probably pretty good to use in pressure.
Give me the Sion already, you hack mushroom!
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Didn't mean to reply...
Dumb Sion...
anyone up for some type ligma
EU but all welcome
I can play now if you're still around
yeah i need to press 4BC and 2BC in pressure but I'm just not used to pressing those. My muscle memory went to 236A and 214A and those are very bad thing to press on mash.
Noel reflection...
the noel introspection
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Noel if she real
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Sion if shitty
get got
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imagine confessing ur sins
Noel with the steel rear!
up again for eu melty if anyone is up
How about now?
sure kw?
Actually I need to go take a shit, lobby's up but I'm gonna afk for a few mins
ggs. was nice seeing one of the regulars again
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The feeling's mutual, GGs.
hate them. i only do the anti heat os
I had fun. would actually like to play again if anyone is up or later
kw poop
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will they add her?
Noel... the best friend anyone could ask for...
fuck this heat
Have you tried using stand shield?
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+1 Seibah
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Noel is the kind of girl you'd rapid beat into a 623B...
Ten Sions and none of them are in melty
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The purple girl...
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i've never seen a top 8 set with more soul than shinoa vs yunxmi
Noel butt on your face
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The extremely punchable Noel
anyone for type lumina?
i fell asleep instead of playing type lumina
It’s Noel o clock.
Imagine sleeping with Noel…
You can’t punch Noel, your fist will just get lost.
there was a hokuto no ken episode about this
The only good version of Arc
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blue women
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I just realized that once the far side finishes, and we get the next Melty, Mio is gonna be Panther Valkenhayhn.
What took you so long?
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Gimme that right girl now
the VN just came out in english officially remember
I'm expecting a situation similar to Mario-Carl where she steals the transforming aesthetic but not the hyper mobile mix goblin function
Anyone for type lumina?
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Walk the Noel...
kw poop if you're still here
I'll be there in a few minutes
ggs nice aoko
I gave up on trying to shield the unblockable
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Oh yea
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The one on the right is a potato.
>Noel will never cut off your limbs and put you in a little box
Why even live?
Rubbing Noel’s belly like a big bowl of jelly…
Do people still play Type Lumina? I just finished a few hours session with my friend and after playing Kohaku for 90% of the time spamming plants like a retard and winning I've decided I want to play more since he got off.
Also are they still working on it? I heard there was some patch or something in May and I don't have issues with long waits but it'd be a bummer if the game was completely stagnant.
I can't look at the type lumina renders without cracking up anymore
there's nothing funny or bad about them though I don't get it
>Do people still play Type Lumina?
yes, we even have lobbies here
>Also are they still working on it?
who knows
>Who knows
I'll just hope they are then
>Lobbies here
Sounds great, I'm an NA shitter with 13 hours so I hope distance doesn't affect connection too much. Does it?
Anyone up for some early morning type ligma?
Noel stench…
I miss repeat shield B
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Good morning
if it was a good morning, i'd be fishing
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If it were a good day, Sion would be with us...
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Noel day...
anyone for type lumina ?
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Type Sion...
this guy cant draw faces
I personally don't find his faces that offensive so much as his lack of accurate proportions to the characterse
>accurate proportions
*insert joke about Sion's rack here*
Dead by egyptian rack
Games are on sale again
My moon skills…
Noel is the kind of girl who’d empty out an all you can eat buffet…
Noel on top…
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thinkin about racks
Noel boobs, noobs, if you will.
show me them
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Cripplingly dumb Noel
The summer heat has slimmed down Noel...
fox + brett grand finals commentary...
Give me SakiSakura and Jaidlyn
Noel in the commentary booth...
She’s taught billions…
>Excited to play Uni 2 for the first time
>Funny katana girl
>Join room
>After 1 match steam dies and the room disappears
No thanks
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Many Sions
Many, many, many, many Sions
I want to fuck
Lord, I don't care no more
I just wanna fuck 'em all
Have mercy on them
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fox is a good person but honestly I can't stand brett
he's better in uni than he was in mbtl(when they had him for the official tournament it was fucking awful) but I still just don't like listening to him
Ask to play here
They're both better than having to listen to the usual people commentate (Cookie and Tabby).
I just got my ass beat 1-9 in casuals, I gotta learn some actual combos and neutral first
Good luck on your training anon. The character you picked is harder than average execution so don't be to discouraged if it takes awhile for things to click.
I shall give it my all, thanks broski.
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you took one so it's a start
Locked in Noel's apartment and forced to make dinner for the rest of your life...
Lol yeah, it was mostly me finally remembering everything I did in training mode slowly but surely. Dunno why in every fighting game I play my mind makes sure to shuttle out every bit of info I stored from training mode but it felt good to get one on the board and execute some of the stuff I practiced.
Better them than some fucking woman who I've never heard of before.
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Sion deprived...
Aoko's grossly white t-shirt...
Big white Noel tummy…
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source pls?
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morning but good
Why is the Sion yelling?
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uzuki might be coming out earlier
switch players win again
The portable Noel...
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havin' a melty
calm down
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Give me the Melty!
why does she say that? arcueid has a move called melty blood so i'm pretty sure she is the melty blood. it's like how ragna has the blazblue.
You mean hazama
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>Been trying to do teleport Yuzu combo for an hour now
>Wonder why the teleport isn't coming out
>Do stance holds for her dash, perfect frame inputs, everything
>Realize I've been reading the input right to left not left to right and it's a reverse DP motion for the teleport not a quarter circle back
>Get it in 5 tries after
Holy shit I'm actually retarded
does anyone have the uncropped version of this?
do they pass it around? I remember ragna had it early on
comically loud incorrect buzzer
ragna is the central fiction
should I pick up Celes or go back to learning Strive/GBF VR?
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Sion poto
UNI2 will have a spike in playerbase with the sale + new character coming out on the 24th, it's a good time to pick it up in the meanwhile since GG/GBF are getting new characters down the line anyway.
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The Azure Grimoire, or just the Ao/Azure, is literally Ragna's right arm. It's the Blazblue.
Hazama has one too.
Press the Noel…
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Everyone who’s ever bit Noel has died.
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Love Noel, collect 5 dollars.
the big akiha
Morning Sion
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evo is just a day away!
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>get 10-0ed without taking a round despite having multiple last hit scenarios because i choke
i'm gonna shoot myself
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thank you, you have done me a great service
we've finally reached the unity stage
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Unity with Sion...
would anyone like to play MBAACC? I've never played before so don't expect much
I can play some. Lobby code 9922
ggs, thanks for the games
GGs. Ate a lot of gold throws tonight but now I need some real food
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Good life with a nice Noel wife...
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melty summer
You love Noel, it’s true.
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why play lumina when sion is is in unist instead
I love nons.
the non...
I hate the french
because uni movement is dogwater
Fake Sion!
Uzuki is a faust
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The Noel chop...
Who has the lowest execution / least hits per combo in Uni2? Anyone but the grappler guy.
Enkidu probably. Just need to practice some delays here and there for the corner routes but overall pretty easy execution and not so lengthy combos.
Gordeau is a good choice, when in doubt you can almost always combo into 236aaa and get a hard knockdown.
jp seth please don't lose to na kuon
when's melty. where's melty
Anyone at EVO playing UNI? I'll cheer for you
ad break every 2 matches
classic EVO
A strongest
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saber gaming
sending coin to america seems like bullying on both sides
we don't need more vlovs and the top na players all know how to fight vlov
Would anyone like to play some games?
i will play mbtl
keyword is /melty/
putting a JP Vlov against an NA Saber is extra devilish the mu experience gap is huge
i have to ship out
ggs everyone
fuck byak
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Sacchin, Len, and Mech soon
ggs everyone, thanks for the games
lotta mirrors lately
sion on the big screen
women shouldnt do commentary
There was no Sion...
clearlamp WASHED?
Fake Sion!
death to eltnum players
Another fake Sion!
i'm not even watching under night, I got 3s on, much closer to melty
Sion verde
Dead by Best Girl
A little Noel to spice up the day…
Too much Noel, the day is ruined already
Noel is like a big sponge for love…
Hold Noel tighter, she’ll become much lighter…
Good morning
melty soon
melty time
why do they always get a troon to cast melty, It's unbelievable how bad the NA anime fighter is
Tabby I'm guessing? There aren't too many of them but the ones that are there do stand out for obvious reasons.
Buff Saber
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will scrawt win this time? can he defeat aoko?
literal who bracket. yawn
Buff Aoko
scrawt coin and A are the only notable players. MIH is like, semi-relevant. I guess all the real NA talent either didn't care enough to go or pissed off to play blundernight.
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it's over
get fucked
if vlov has such bad buttons how come coin is able to mash out every time?
Because Vlov players are liars
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good games
good shit
because everyone can mash out, it's about willpower
time for a real game
Arc & Ciel are such good friends...
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lond losing makes me happy
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>korean wrestlingman on sf6 stream
did he come all this way and not enter mbtl? are we that cooked?
I guess he was only in it for the potential prize money of being a main game.
a bit behind, he hasn't been playing for a while
we've been cooked...it's meltover
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shamed for being fake
can they both lose please?
Would anyone like to play MBTL?
I'll play but there is a big storm so I might lose power
keyword /melty/
he says his power just went out
welp I'll be around a little longer if anyone would like to join
I'd play, but I'm too busy watching 8 streams.
uni2 time
GGs, heading back to watching EVO
Len? Where are you...
>26 years of uni experience
damn, ill never catch up
>improvements to netplay
Is it time for multiple cabinets?
Closed, ggs all, time to watch uni finals
Alright, I guess I left too early
>40 minutes after start time and no matches
i'm glad mario lost i hate that guy
sion is gaming
eat his soul, carmine bro
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Lend her your energy
Sion in Grand Finals...
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Sion blast!
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Sion just won Evo!
Who is this Sion? Eltnum clearly won Evo
Sion (Fake) on the big screen...
Yeah, Sion was playing her.
No Len, I'm uninstalling
i wish i could uninstall
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Noel is the kind of girl you'd be caught dead with...
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>why play lumina when sion is is in unist instead
Jokes on you, nobody plays lumina at all. This is a general for visual novel faggots and a handful of uni players.
anyone wanna play luminar
there are multiple mbtl lobbies and 0 uni lobbies in this thread
what uni players?
i like uni
Should I buy Uni
Will I find anyone to play with
lucy from cyberpunk is in guilty gear

will there be more guest characters added to uni 2?
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no lol
I like uni but most people here play melty and it's easy enough to find matches in game so I don't make lobbies
thinking about finally buying uni
get it!
I like uni too, you guys just don't make often. Which is fine you can do whatever
this looks awesome
i'll have to try it sometime
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Thinking of picking uni2, here's a few questions
>Is it a discord/IRC fitan?
>How much suffering is playing online as a yuro
>How lame are the universal mechanics
>Does every single character have wakeup DP
>How much % does the average full combo do
>Do combos go for long enough for me to tab out, call the other guy a faggot and tab back in during a true combo?
>How competent is this tummy gremlin
>Does neutral exist?
1. mildly, ranked can be alive
2. no idea so read the above answer with that in mind
3. very imo
4. no
5. depends on starter, can be 30%-40%. 60% is possible.
6. yes
7. she's mid
8. sometimes
Can you expand on 3?
NTA but the game has some strong universal defensive options to call out certain things on offense, but the attacker can also call out those options and punish you heavily for it. Some people complain that the universal mechanics dictate the way you play characters too much. The grid gauge is a very important part of the game so I recommend you read about it on the wiki to see if it interests you.
due to the way shield and throw breaks work the game relies on knowing and understanding option selects. Add on to that the vorpal meter at the bottom constantly changing your choices and the risk/reward of certain actions makes it often feel like you are fighting the system as much as your opponent.
throw break is not only +8 for the defender(who broke the throw) but also moves 2 grd blocks(4 block change) which can actually just lead to an incredibly losing situation because you went for a throw which has, on it's own, very low reward(unless you are in the corner). However if your throw catches a shield the reward on it is massive because of GRD break which locks you out of a lot of defensive options. It also locks you out of assault and air assault lessening your ability to play offense and neutral.
Playing undernight is very different than playing other fighting games because of the amount of system mechanics that influence your decisions. It can also be pretty hard to ignore them and steamroll your opponents anyway because you can get a hit and a knockdown but because your opponent won vorpal they can just wakeup chainshift.
Seems like the system itself is another whole other game to keep in mind while playing, but I come from a hisoutensoku background so I'm no stranger to shuffling through mechanics midgame, I'll dig around this gauge vorpal thing, thanks
Also, forgot to ask
>How trooned is the community
>How busted are the top tiers in comparison to the rest of the cast (brawl MK tier/tolerable)
top tiers are pretty fine, they are annoying because it feels like they are better than the low/mid tiers in every area but it's like they are 15% better in every area and not 200% better.
Would anyone like to play some games?
i'll play mbtl for a bit
keyword /melty/
Uzuki says trans rights!
good for her!
lobby closed, ggs
Rub that Noel tummy…
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melty blood type lumina will reveal that nrvnqsr is still alive
Champion Sion...
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tsurugi is further proof of my normal guy theorem (tm) that people will just call any decent punchy-man braindead off the bat even if he's revealed to be below average in a serious competitive setting later down the line because the basic offensive structure is understood way ahead of more nuanced concepts on other new characters and better defense tailored around their tools
blue sex
sion free...
regardless of how strong characters are overall having an overly simple straightforward gameplan will do stuff like that. Tools like 66B and 236C are really dominant especially when paired with his general armor on stuff like j[C] or w/e the button is.
being bad doesn't make you any less of a gorilla
Noel was too fat to be at EVO.
Being held to Noel’s standards…
Being held by Noel...
what do you find fun about these games?
for me it's always air movement. being able to jump and double jump and airdash to avoid anti-airs and change position is fun. a lot of modern games, even the modern "anime" games like strive and under night, don't allow that.
Having access to multiple strong defensive options is nice. You look at SF6 and see how they removed meterless DP and you have to spend OD to get that. in MBTL a lot of characters can just meterless DP, and you have invuln backdash(which games like sf6 and granblue don't have)
if you ask me why I'd pick MBTL over something like BBCF(another game I really like) it's really just exploration. Newer games might not have more to learn in terms of total content but there's a lot more undiscovered. Looking over other people's notes, picking a character, experimenting, and seeing that I can do better is a lot of fun. Even if I'm not the best player being able to find things out and share them and see them used makes me feel good.
Thanks anon.
I wish these games had more players (and that type lumina was cheaper)
I'm getting into things due to recent sales and it's a lot.
Imagine being Noel’s little spoon…
who do i play in UNI if i mained i no in xrd and strive
I'd like to say Nanase for her movement and mix game being pretty strong.
merkava is kinda like a hoverdash character kinda
I'm a weirdo that plays these games because I like how offense feels
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Would anyone like to play some games?
Sure. I'll play whatever
uni2 keyword /melty/
ggs, something came up, lobby closed
mbtl ft5 anyone?
kw: /melty/
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ggs. I forgot how fun this game is.
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Should I buy UNI 2?
The age old question.
Have you played UNI 1? It'll make the answer to your question easier.
i never played unib but i played uniel unist and uniclr
What other games do you play and what do you like about them?
I'm personally not a big fan of it but I can see why other people like it.
Well I can say it's mostly more of the same and there's even rumblings that the they're working on scaling back damage output from the current souped up damage that exists in UNI2.

If you liked the last 3 releases you'lle probably enjoy UNI2 all the same since it's mostly a version update with some QoL features like better netcode, better replay functionality, a few more characters, a couple new mechanics and some new moves per character.
Thinking of copping this. How’s the population on NA PlayStation?
Melty or UNI? Either way FB games seem more popular than ever on PC nowadays.
UNI2. I know about PC, I just… don’t wanna.
for both uni and mbtl people keep telling me that ps netplay is less buggy and there are more players. I don't pay for psn so i don't know.
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put her in
please do
idk how i got a ranked match at 1am but it happened
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How is UNI 2 if im horrible at FGS and a total newbie? Thinking about buying
The beginner lobby discord is active and the game is relatively easy to pick up for most characters but has alot of complexity that will still require you to put time in (even more so if you're also lacking in general fundies).
I want to play the lil witch from the dlc
The battle planner of the series said that she's easy to pick up and play while also providing plenty of tools to let you experiment with her so you'll probably be fine if you decide to pick up the game for her.
Do I need this Announcher characters dlc? Do I buy Deluxe or just game + season pass?
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Without Hime, type lumina is simply not complete. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is.
The announcer DLC is just a voice pack if you want to customize the voice that narrates the menus and in game. I think the cheapest way to get the game + dlc characters right now is to buy the base game then the season pass separately.
Biggest Noel…
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ok bro thanks I got it now
was being a lazy fuck in my bed, gonna play some Lidia and start learning UNI tomorrow with Uzuki
Noel kisses calm the soul…
I spent 4 hours labbing UNI2 before going online and realizing the gameplay is a mashfest and nothing i learned mattered
your staggers, bwo?
>watch uni2 evo
>want to play some more
>still randomly get disconnected in the middle of matches
great FUCKING game
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Best girl was here
an issue of ISP
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i am simply not complete without hime. that's just how it is.
Most things in this game have long cancel windows meaning you can frametrap between pretty much any buttons by delaying your inputs.
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Swedish degenerate
i'll never forget them making fate/grand carnival instead of another proper carnival phantasm
even if it would have been 80% fate stuff with like one tsukihime and one mahoyo/knk episode it would have been infinitely better than just pure fgo gacha pissfuck assfuck cum in my FACE
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can arc defeat goku
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Games anyone?
up for UNI?
Sure, give me a minute
Room is up, keyword /melty/
Room closed, ggs everyone
GGs, didn't expect to have such a hard time approaching
literally no other game i play does this
Long shot but this is the thread for it, anyone got that byakuya "I think im tom cruise" meme. Had it a long time ago but its lost somewhere.
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I remember it but I don't have that
damn, well at least Im not going crazy
I can't help you, but you could try asking in one of the semi-regular uni threads on /v/ if you haven't already.
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some good MBAACC clips
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Noel bush...
Noel is so fat, she’s accused of shoplifting wherever she goes.
Looks like Uzuki is out on consoles
I don't think I've ever seen a /vg/ thread three weeks old what the hell
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sion op or uzuki op?
we've done worse
Uzuki already got this OP, give next one to Sion for her victory

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