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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484507309
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I am a femlala who has crafted...
These today...
What would her pussy taste like?
Turning wuk lamat into a rug for my house
He is femra-owned.
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i think i don't want to go froth anymore
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I am meeting up with my EB and sucking them off irl this weekend
Miera? Yep, BUILT for femra.
Should really replay those expacs again without skipping reading if you are sure their .0 MSQ is as good as you remember. I'm sure it's not as good as you remember.
Sure, but misrepresenting it and older expacs isn't okay. If you hate it purely because of the bad voice acting, just say that instead of saying that HW wasn't full of terrible moments dragging on and on and really boring dungeons. Admit that you judge an expac by condensing 30 minutes of its best moments into Basedjack Righteousness basedjack Emet-Selch rolling handwave basedjack Turning into sineaters basedjack Meol, but then cutscene skipping the other 99% of it.
A lot of you also seem to forget what parts are .0 and which parts are post MSQ, too.
She started to get on my nerves especially during the iron chef part. She has too many lines and screen time. She needed more one liners and less monologs. The sea sickness thing was also annoying. But she did also start getting a good deal better by the end of that zone.
I guess she'd have been just as annoying to many people if they made her into a Mary Sue, too. I get her flaws, and Koana has similar flaws that a lot of skippers didn't seem to pick up on, and that is part of the story telling.
I think they should have left her more off screen and let you figure out her issues less directly like you do with Koana.

Ah... shame I never really get to play with other Veenas. They're not popular with ERPers on NA. They're almost always low level alts, gooners, or gposers.
I've seen your character before and like her.
If you don't like Dawntrail I suggest you go back to /wowg/.
Destroy the femlala Pictomancer
So she can NEVER paint death again…
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total sphene love
that cutscene in the 2nd trial with the specters was so weird looking, at least have them breathing
they might as well have been T-posing
man, treating DT like a shitty 2000's shonen really made me able to tolerate it more. This is basically naruto.
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heres your stable femra
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just know that i still treasure you
Pee mostly
3 people already for day one savage gear at 20mil a pop. This game is fucking dead, less than half the usual
even r/xiv is shitting on the English VA
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It's too late, anon...
lmao what the fuck
Is the tight&firm mod updated yet?
That's a femezen, not a fiddie.
From 7.1+ Wuk and her brother should go out to pasture and be too busy deaing with their responsibilities to follow you around everywhere. Instead they should appoint Bakool Ja Ja as their liason and let's hang out with him instead.
>Wuk has 5.45x the amount of Krile
Literally what the fuck bros
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I love these two retards more than you know.

>troons and chuds pretending they know shit about writing when they've never read anything other than harry potter
>using tight and firm
>Not using the pirated "payed" mod like everyone else
>A tier
>B tier
>C tier

you can disagree but just know that your opinion is wrong
Jesus Christ, it felt bad but I didn't know it was THAT bad
I'm dropping AST for SCH.
Fuck this AST rework, SCHbros how are we doing?
She really does have 5x more lines than she should have had, which was my gut feeling.
If she only had a little over 100 lines, I think it would have been fine.
I would have liked to see more Ketenramm, Otis, Pelu, Hrothgar, Mamool, and Giants content instead.

nothing else as bad but there's still a lot of stuff that just looks fucked
My fiddie? Yup, BUILT for rava
Don't like Dawntrail? Get the fuck out. We don't want your disingenuous bigot ass here.

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laid bare
are you a man
Reminder that Urianger was in the cover art. He was deemed as important as Thancred and Krile. And all of them were, in theory, as important as Wuk Lamat.
UK/JP actors > shitty wetback actors
I liked artemis fowl, the dwarf was extremely based
When it comes to the story, sure
SB is definitely at the top when it comes to content though
Your disdain for whatever CBU3 experimented during EW MSQ is what led to the nonstop babyfied filler quests this expansion.

>Garlemald's MGS section
>Zenos disarming your gear and skills

Eat shit faggots
Mamool Ja dragging her head towards his tight as a gesture of dominance.
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Yes we are both grown men it's called being gay anon

DT > ShB > HW > EW > ARR > SB
it's bad
the whole woke discussion is retarded because it obfuscates the fact that it's the worst english VA work since ARR
Another victory, sisters.
The only people I'm seeing sincerely defending the story are passive aggressive twitter tenderqueers with BPD and picrew avatars, but those people defend everything the game does unless its morally grey political storytelling, which they uniformly despise.
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"I need some dawgon help!!"
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>it’s practically impossible to overcap MCH heat gauge now
>drill has 2 charges now to prevent drifting
Who were these changes made for? Where’s the skill expression? Why does yoshitpiss constantly make these decisions??????? FUCK FUCK FUCK
>Don't like trannies
>Go to xivg
>Playerbase and dt msq filled with them
I overmelded my crafters last two tiers, and there's some nice cash money to be made from intermediate mats (ingots, clothes, reagents, the stuff you use to make combat gear) if you are constant about it, especially in the first few weeks
Overmelding repays itself abundantly but you also gotta invest time crafting; I would expect intermediate crafts to be sold for about 30 to 60k a piece for the first months on my world, you cna always look at m,arket board data after a week and decided right then if to overmeld or not
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here I come
I'm using gen 3. Did they move that behind a paywall now? I just want regular feet and no have my characters face removed for some reason
Umm yeah. For me it's German.
my fiddie is
>”Man why does the main character of the expansion have so many voice lines???”
What the fuck did you think “hey come to my homeland with me and help me win the throne” was going to entail? The WoL endlessly talking? Krile talking every other cutscene? Alisaie and Alphinaud chiming in? Of course the main character is going to have a fuck ton of lines
>first few days of DT Frontline roulette is great , everyone is playing new jobs and no one knows what the buttons do
>now usual premades are already back on DRK+AST
It was fun while it lasted.
>ngl I love the exaggerated shoulders and arms, it's something unique for the race, gives them a sense of power and feels like a throwback to akihiko yoshida's early ivalice design proportions

>I'd be less interested in playing a femhroth if they didn't have it

It's over for fixing it..
Good for you anon! I'll be meeting another ebin in a bit over a week, I might try my luck in similar activities.
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Why did they draw Estinien like this? He's a muscle bound MAN not a soft elf boy that looks like he was drawn by a fujo
Retard. It's

ARR = HW = SB = ShB = EW = DT
In from the cold was fucking kino, fuck retards who got filtered by it.
Is glamourer updated?
So this is only a problem if you're one of Grummz's minions and hate Wuk Lamat for literally no reason, got it
Keep seething while normal people enjoy one of the best characters FFXIV has created
I sure hope he ended up fucking that pixie.
GOOD. Fuck those.
You can do DT so fast on alts by just cutscene skipping instead of having to do 3 hours of solo duties.
ARR takes like 24 hours even to cutscene skip and speedrun. I bet you can do DTs the fastest of any expac and have fun since the duties are all fun.

DT>HW>ARR>SB>ShB for me.
>Scion VAs: They really had us go to the studio for THIS?
my soles

laid bare
she used the soul of a wolf to kill the beast
Hag Kraut Wuk Lamat, my beloved
Funny how you just described the couple of individuals in this very thread.
MCH was piss easy before, shut the fuck up retard.
If you genuinely perceive a difficulty difference you're beyond saving.
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>hated EW's story
>hated (most) of DT's story
Bros I think I just hate the new writers
Your battery usage, bro?
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post cringe

i need to cringe
>"yshtola in a swimsuit"
>actually just a tranny yapping for 8 hours
>Skill expression
That's like asking where the skill expression for Summoner is
I haven't beaten DT yet (I'm at Heritage Found) but I'm liking it a lot.

I hate Wuk Lamat though.
The MSQ doesn't matter
If I wanted a good story I'd read a book

All I care about is the gameplay. Looking forward to what is to come
made for my sunnie
What has she even been saying aside from PEACE, FRIENDS, LOVE, PAPA, BROTHER, HELP ME
nah that'll be dawntrail
I need more for my collection
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Just kissed im afraid
When does the current housing auction end?
He's trying to make it so that nobody has to bot their rotation to perform at a standard level
It's clearly working
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have sex with your lalafell crush now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now please please please please please please please please please
>skill expression
>fail states
you're playing the wrong game, bub
look at how they idiotproofed even black mage in dt
if you parse, hang up the mantle. you're cooked. there's no place for you.
Game is just bad. Every expansion follows the same exact formula since HW. It's just not fun anymore really.
it really doesn't, reviews are tanking and most of all, the most important, the JP audience doesn't like her. no amount of whining and backlash from the NA side would move yoshi's hand, an upset JP audience caused him to completely gut crafting/gathering so JP could catch up to NA.
>All these people saying SB was worse
I didn't realize we had so many furries.
I wish I had a lalawife...
Then fucking leave, we don't want you here
Is dalamud officially updated yet

I don't want to do the beta thing
where have you been for the last 8 years? they keep making the game easier because people got btfo in heavensward
Who posts this... you've been ritual posting this for weeks and it's driving me insane. I'm going to rape all fiddies until I find you.
https://streamable.com/7q2tfd here anon
The game does not appeal to sweaty retards like you, enjoy the justified negativ reviews. You enjoy the thing that sets this game apart from other mmos
Yeah well of course those people love Dawntrail. They're all 20-30 year olds who exclusively consume children's media. The childish storytelling of Dawntrail, featuring characters who all agree with each other and constantly parrot the story's morals in a uniform voice, is exactly what this demographic likes.
no way fag
huffing catboy boots
kissing catboy feet
being stepped on by catboys
>that ass proportion
that looks like pure shit
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would you a wuk?
be honest
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I did it guys. She's gone for good.
FFXIV? No...
ALL of FF. Eat your fucking heart out Cloud, you've been dethroned.
Made for my Middie
crazy how the story instantly turns to peak as soon as you enter north tura
Impregnation, now.
You want a good story? Read a book!
get a new script
impregnation debuff will never not be hot
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Nah I'm not that retarded I think the structure is fine, I'm not an ADD zoomer that needs to click buttons every five minutes I'm fine with it being a VN Interspersed with dungeons, I just hate the story arcs they've chosen
I dont remember this part in the msq
Post-MSQ or MSQ?

Because MSQ had its issues, but post-msq was the most dogshit I've seen and I really should've just accepted DT was going to be shit.
No i had nearly and over exposure to wuk and i want off her shitty ass ride
starting to kick people out of my FC for being overly negative about DT. don't let doomers take root, you need to deal with them the instant they start complaining or they will subvert your community
i want to hear raha above me nervously stammering "A-Are you sure...?" while his sweaty foot looms over my femlala's face...
>flashbacks to some shit that JUST HAPPENED
who are these FOR
For fuck's sake, GET ON WITH IT
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{Megaflare}{Mountain Buster}{Crimson Cyclone}{Fester}{Crimson Strike}{Fester}
>childish storytelling
>the story still goes over more than half the anons heads here who talk about it
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>both sides of the MSQ argument are going to be filled with disingenuous retards for years
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Perhaps a book about cats
Warrior cats
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and a skibidi buzzwords to you too
did they make it so you cant take your job stone off i equipped my black mage weapon and it auto put the stone on
>ARR overworld music
Immaculate, mysterious, ethereal, majestuous
>DT overworld music
Gas station simulator

>ARR boss music
Hammers at how imposing and scary your ennemy is while sprinkling it with tribal elements to poiint at the primals power within
>DT boss music
Unashamed electroslop that tries to copy the absolute garbage that was the Zeromus OST with a rehash of the same DT leitmotives you've heard for the past 50 hours

Can we stop pretending DT is somehow better than ARR?
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Seriously now, my rating goes
ShB > HW > DT (ignoring wuk) > EW > DT (with wuk) > SB
I feel like there is a lot that can be salvaged in this expansion, character writing (- wuk) is really good and story is solid unlike EW but Wuk presence is so suffocating that it fucks everything.

Praise the better wuk though.
im losing hope lads
i cant find the motivation to continue the story
its just bad...
almost evreything about the expansion is bad
the graphical update to environment and light is ok i guess
the char update is a dumpster fire
2. dye channel is a dumpster fire
job updates are a dumpster fire
story is a bottomless pit of shit
at the bottom of that shit pit is wuk
i dont want xiv to continue like this, i can already see the 2. dalamud coming
SB was the first mass casualization of systems rhat directly lead to the current stale meta tailored for consoleshitters
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Hi guys! I hate trannies and tranny characters, especially disgusting fucks like Wuk Lamat and her VA! All trannies should kill themselves! Lynch all trannies!
i'm starting to think they hired the VA they did for wuk purely because they were the cheapest one possible to hire for that many lines
DT's content blows SB out of the water, shinryu and doma castle are the only ones close to the same quality
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>He's trying to make it so that nobody has to bot their rotation to perform at a standard level
>It's clearly working
I've casted some super forbidden PvP PCT spells of late... with mixing finishers and starters.
i hate vieras so much
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good meowning DT story was terrible
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>SCHbros how are we doing?
THIS is how we're doing in DT. Put the dress on anon.
smooching this adorable femlala
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I have a funny face and also say that. I don't play malera tho OP.
Uh oh Australian cheater melt
sis you posted nipples....
>my malera turns a corner in Tuliyollal
>accidentally brains a pelu with his nutsack
Life's complicated these days.
what about when you uninstall the autorotation?
sar post
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I'm thinking based
Can I smooch yours
the era of toxic positivity is over
embrace doomkino
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heres your quest bro
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>krile didn't even get to be the one to open the door with her own fucking earring

>that right went to some baby who just got here
is this just the krile humiliation expansion
these rankings are lame but ARR and SB had a better MSQ than DT and that's bumming me out
>Botting MCH
you really are a retard, man.
All I had to do was mention botting, I didn't even accuse him of it LMAO
>where have you been for the last 8 years?
kong started playing this game in endwalker
>cherry Picking
true nigger moment
>has to dress up as a fairy for a 600 potency hot with a 3min cd
inb4 emergency tactics cope as if any SCH will ever spam that shit.
fuck krile, lil baby lizard is the best character this expac.
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>He's trying to make it so that nobody has to bot their rotation to perform at a standard level
>It's clearly working.
I think you hate the formula. I do too.
I think DT does the best they've ever done with pacing to the formula, but the formula is the problem.
You seem to not think that though. I don't know. I'm not an ADD zoomer and I enjoyed reading about the characters, story, the feats, the dungeons, etc. Other than too much Wuk screen time and the formula they always use, I don't see the problem.

ARR and SB had pretty good .0 MSQs.
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Good, more for me
Anon anon do you know this cat?
You will.
My malera is readng mein kampf
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Raping edgelord femras until they're normal challenge. (It's impossible but honor dictates tha tI must try.)
Holy shit I forgot about that. Why the fuck did they even drag the kid over there?
if he's a nigger and you're this easily baited does that make you a double nigger
You sound like a crypto bro, next youll be screaming of FUD
Would have been more kino if DT was like SBR

>thousands of contestants competing for the throne
>race across the entire continent
>by the end only a few contestants are left
Fuck Krile.
Fuck Graha.
Fuck Wuk Lamat.
All of them are pure dogshit characters that should be written out of the story, don't even give them a proper death, just have a character mention in passing that they died of a heart attack.
let me guess i need to join a discord for this
at least post something good
hey..... may i plap...?
why dont i get any commendations my fiddie is so cute
remember to put a dress on a rava boy and teach him how civilized people live!
1.0 > ARR > HW > SB > SHB > EW > DT
>main character has the most lines
what the FUCK
ARR doesn't count because ARR had the most content of any of them and also went through so much transformations. Relic weapons taking a month to complete. Resistances on Patron Deity. The fact you had "stat allocation" that really didn't mean anything unless you were BLM

ARR also had so much hidden dungeons that you could miss out on. It was a really cool experience that only works when Wikis and Discord didn't exist.
they were pretty alright, yeah, and honestly they really blew expectations away at the very ends of their post-launch stories too
how is it FUD when we know that we're being raided en masse by trolls shitting on the expansion for no reason? anybody isolated from their baseless hate absolutely loved DT and that's undeniable
It's how they beg for it, like bratty femlalas
I like deutsche Prinzessin Sphene.
>fuck Graha
>fuck Wuk Lamat
I'm trying to
>even game journos are smarter than skipcucks
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nice dress
Are preservionists ascians or just some "opposing" branch of ascians?
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I hate this fucking shit
Double trouble
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A Realm Reborn is unironically better than Dawntrail
>did this for femhroth
>didn't keep the lanky proportions for Viera
It just keeps getting worse
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>He's trying to make it so that nobody has to bot their rotation to perform at a standard level.
>It's clearly working
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Sphene will let you eat her pussy and lick her pits but you have to upload yourself to the cloud after.

You doing it?
Reminder that Wuk Lamat is absolutely coming with us next expansion on the grounds of further expanding her knowledge of the world to better understand and protect her people and theres not a damn thing you can do about it
didnt get my cock wet itt so im gonna close it so i dont get spoiled
don't post jojo here, it's too kino for this general. ESPECIALLY peak ball run
The French Dub is surprisingly really good...
my moonster speaks woobonics
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Being normal and adverse to Jewish ideas has nothing to do with being edgy, it's the natural way of things by untarnished minds.
it was putting me to sleep and my game kept dx11 crashing, I couldn't go any slower if I tried
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alisaie should have been allowed to go; she was robbed.
>Wuk's VA doesnt emote for majority of the game
>when they're forced to raise their voice the femme voice instantly falls apart and you can hear their masculine voice
jesus christ this is so bad
it's a shame because in the last couple zones Krile is finally allowed to be a charming character with more than two lines per zone, but she could've been one the entire time
>You want my throne? You can have it! I left it and all the treasure of my empire in that place!
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Sorry, Im a dwarf forced to be an Au Ra. But I must skip story so I can hit rock. I will hit the rock, I was molded by the rock
I felt bad for Krile at the end of her part of the last area where she says how thankful she is for taking up PCT and working up the courage to ask to join your adventure and yet again I wish I got spend more time with characters other than Wuk during the story.
They’re right, the average zoomer has had their attention span destroyed by YouTube shorts and TikToK so the concept of sitting there and reading for more than 5 seconds is foreign to them. They also probably understand the story better than the vast majority of this general
Yes there is.
*unsubs and uninstalls*
I've been jerking off to JP crossdressers too much because whenever I see the male symbol I get a little horny
It really feels like it. after like 8 years we finally get something for krile, and she just gets robbed at every turn by the new writer's OCs.
>be a fiddie
>not feeling the msq
>power through it
>still hate it. bitch to my fellow fiddie brethren on fiddie cord
>finally get graha tia, ystholer, finally some good food
>go on a gondola ride with graha tia
>proceed to suck his cock like the game intends me to do.
8/10 msq now fellow fiddies.
i will get her pregnant so she can't adventure any more
u rike?
I know right? Almost makes me want to try playing healer again but it wasn't for me...

Bratty edgelords need + correction!

(Look, I know I can't fix you, that's not gonna stop what's coming though so just play along for both our sakes, okay?)
Yes, but it's mostly a waste to do that when I can revive myself with pure willpower anyway.
Sis you posted a cock
I am a femezen leveling pictomancer. And with my new brush I'll paint naked femras.
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>He's trying to make it so that nobody has to bot their rotation to perform at a standard level.
>It's clearly working.
Nah she's going out to pasture with her brother like Lyse and Bakool Ja Ja is going to be their liason we get to hang out with.
Next patches story is going to start with "Talk with Wuk Lamat"
nooooooo you're not allowed to bring that up or you're a transphobe aiieeeeee
these femras + the "i hate lalafell so much it's unreal" one are the only good femra posters itt
>the brown skin larping as a nazi
General White Race Savior, you are browner than I remember
>some random pirate from limsa wins the race
its better than dt.
everything but the cock and balls there is good
women don't/shouldn't have cocks and balls
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>skipped DT
>using the time saved to read real literature instead (rereading Atlas Shrugged)
yeah i think im winning
>I ate a single dry cracker in the morning
>mom ends our calls with "remember to eat"
guess my race
The role quests are unironically closer to SBR than the main story, one artifact even redirects misfortune directed at the user towards others
only if I get to breed her too
Sphene, listen to me.
wuk lamat isn't a tranny
while you're playing the designated tranny race
Like body paint?
>Join tough as nails competition
>Main characters are 2 clearly flawed assholes
>Bond over long, arduous journey as people keep dropping out or even dying
>Reach a point where things are so fucked you no longer care about winning, but would settle just for having things back to what they were
>End journey with a completely new view on life
We could've had so much fucking kino and instead got pokemon gym simulator with a spoiled child.
i love liora!!!
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ARR is unironically better than all expacs.
It has swearing, rape, assassination, people losing their limbs.
>so for now... let's call it... The Unlost World :|
where did you get this rare bimbofied picture of wuk?
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reminder g'raha is an absolute deepthroat king
Would fill that futa cat
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>relentlessly shit on and be transphobic towards wonderful trans icon character and her amazing VA
>>harass and doxx someone to the point of suicide over transphobia
Will /xivg/ ever make up their mind on if they love or hate transgender people?
Fiddies are
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the found city of Atlantis doesn't have the same ring as the Unlost city of Atlantis
honestly, they'd probably reuse fucking Sicard again if they pulled that and that wouldn't be better
>keep the bed warm, I will be back soon
my pictomancer cock, blurred
You're not wrong. A lot of the jank that's been removed from ARR over the years has also stripped it of its charm, and what's left is a pared-down MSQ that lays its issues bare.
that said its still better than SB thats always been shit
Kool bros can't stop winning
>Niggas throwing their lives away for a woman
can someone remind me how to filter these again im retarded
>Das ist gemein
So goofy but kinda cute
hmmm... i think i should gib
a normal sized penis would look better
https://x.com/Yuikata2/status/1769333846821261357/photo/1 perfect example
>ayn rand
perfect wishful thinking literature for a middle-aged deadbeat incel such as yourself
post lalafell
lalaboys and fwalalas are acceptable but i NEED to contemplate femlala
I'd bet they didn't go with that because it's obvious WoL should by all means win that race with little to no effort against 99% of the contestants and just some (actually cool and friendly competition) against our fellow Scion and we'd just get Nhaadam 2.0. So they had to make sure to make it clear that only a few preselected people are competing.
>im retarded
no need to state the obvious
>You seem to not think that though
No again I'm fine with formula, I hate the plot/characters that has nothing to do with actual structure of the MSQ, they can give us go talk to 3 people, click 3 shiny spots, search the area, stealth follow someone, etc for the rest of the games life and I would be fine with it so long as the characters and story are interesting, the characters are annoying and the story is constantly being beat down by those annoying characters though
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The best MMO story of all time(1).
The best characters(2).
The best queer and Latinx representation(3).
Now with day-one mod support including Dalamud(4).

Yep, I’m thinking Dawntrail just defeated The War Within. How will Blizzard ever compete?

>(1) Purchase of 8.0 necessary.
>(2) User experience may vary depending on stamina and sleep level.
>(3) Mutually exclusive. Also includes transracial folk.
>(4) Beta key needed. Changes hourly.
Not only is it a bad name, this faggot with 0 agency in matters of reflection got to name it.
I really hope it's a "for now" and gets rebranded by the next expansion.
Femra. I do the same.
my femlala wants to be the one gently sucking him off for relief when he gets back from excursions...
too loud
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What the fuck, Dubfags lost really hard.
is this what we have to look forward to for the rest of the expansion

tranny posting?

then we have truly lost.
There are only a few options available to voice directors sitting in the booth, listening to the dialogue recording and approving the audio files to be shipped off for packaging into the game.

1) Assume that players won't notice.
2) Assume that players won't care.
3) Resolve that any players who either notice or care are to be cast aside as having no legitimate place in their brave new world.
These can be both accomplished.
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>Final zone in EW
turn a dark, dead patch of despair into a slightly better place and have the hope in the music progressively break through the despair
>Final zone in DT
Turn gold into a dead patch of nothing. Remove the music, remove all joy, remove all that made it a video game zone anyone would want to play in

Wow! Thank you SE interns! You truly are so clever and deep! Please remember to dilate
Why does Erenville seem like he's on the verge of having a meltdown and beating someone to death with a rock literally every time he's on screen and someone talks to him this expansion?
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Whats the matter anon? Don't you want to eat her taco?
made for middies
You can call me unhinged, crazy or delusional but I'm white as snow.
/(T|t)rannies - .*/
drop that in your filename filter
I am now done with dubs. Had defended them because it's what I was used to, and really liked some of the performances here and there, but this expansion everyone was either awful or phoning it in, except the giant dudes and Koana.
There's nothing disingenuous.
I don't like Wuk.
Wuk is the focus of DT
I do not like DT because of this.
Simple as.
The few moments where I got to hang with Erenville are fun.
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how are you holding up hermanos
So what is the chance that the ooki schizo was a chaser who is now shitting himself in anger that he jerked off to the thought of an actual woman
what is the state of modding at this very moment? it seems like there hasn't been a lot of trouble for mod creators to update/make stuff, but are things like plugins, penumbra, textools, etc., working at all yet?
>ayn rand
Sorry, weirdos. No more targeting my femlala without me noticing. We are back.
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Alright, but don't open if you're still doing msq.
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do you hear the music anon?
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so what's the easiest job now?
would be a real knee slapper if wukker's VA was doomscrolling/ego searching and killed himself from all the bashing if not outright laughing at how bad he voice acts.
He's an autistic king who hates interaction
Oh go on, let me guess, you're a huge fan of Mark Kern
The direct inverse of the chance you're a virgin loser with nothing going on IRL.
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>threat wrapped up and characters setting sights on Meracydia
>happy peaceful music from ARR playing
>Wuk Lamat walks up with the loudest crunchiest footsteps possible
>"yoo kno, i been theenking... Dis past week has taught me so mach about my homeland... But i know der is still soo much tu lern if i want to be a betta Dawnservant!! So..."
>long pregnant pause as the camera zooms out in silence
>comical snare drum.mp3
>every character does the same shocked emote in perfect sync
>funny hildibrand music starts playing
>WOL does /smirk
>your only dialogue options are "happy to have you with us :)" or "I was beginning to think you'd never ask!!"
What is crazy is so many of these DT is great copers will pretend this doesn't exist and at the same time call you a transphobe for linking it.
appal/effy post
Someone wished on a monkey's paw. We got actually good battle content and great new zones, but the story kinda sucks and the tranny culture war got dragged in.
Like body paint. With chocolate.
what is this thing?
>warf lmao suddenly becomes the strongest fighter out of all the claimants

Isn't she like half the age of everyone else? That just came out of no where.
You hated the Pelu, Mamool Ja, two heads, Zazool, Urianger, Thancred, Giants, Sphene, Otis, etc?
I... really don't know what to say, honestly.
I do think old Emet and Hythlodeus were interesting. Vaulthry, Emet, and Elidibus were obviously interesting. But I find the characters in older expacs that are the analogs to the Pelu and Mamool was less interesting.
Sure the Trolley Hrothgar had a pretty interesting story, but the way the story tied in with him was also really fucking stupid. I guess the poison apple chick had an interesting story, but again it was ruined by how poorly that story arc was done for me.
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>He's trying to make it so that nobody has to bot their rotation to perform at a standard level.
>It's clearly working.
no issues here even at peak.

i think they focused too much on the new servers and let the writer fags do what they wanted unsupervised.
he just wants to see his mom but he's been roped into constant bullshit
Sfeen. Lisun to me.
hasnt been a full day and i already miss being a miqote
The coolest HDlala... /ebow
Tell me more.
battle pass minion
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>In the end, neither Y'shtola nor Tataru showed up to tell us it was fucking retarded that we all rushed to the other side of the world to rig an election just because the candidates asked us to really nicely after we pretended to disband the Scions precisely to avoid any political parties using us for their gain.
>Which would only really have been possible anyway if Y'shtola had any agency this expansion and if Tataru had been in it at all.
That I doubt. They've got plenty of hugbox support from the other EN actors.
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I like it better now
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love this thing
thank you for spoonfeeding me anon that poster is very annoying
Urianger and Thancred have fuck all to do with this expansion lets not be silly
cute lizzer
>not liking thing makes you other thing
Grummz is fucking annoying like Wuk.
What exactly is bad about it? She sounds great there. She sounds great in the whole MSQ. GTFO with this crap.
>old Emet and Hythlodeus were interesting
That's all I needed to hear to know I can disregard anything you post. Have a good day.
Was really hoping the very last quest would have some bullshit to make it all bright again. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking, no one's going to visit this black, brownish dumpster of a zone, uglier than azys lla. Not to mention some of the kino details the original version has, like in the canals area there were some do not cross lines on some alleyway, and going through it you see that the illusion has kinda broken and you see some of the electrope on the backs of buildings.
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Come back to cat. Our tails are cuter.
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sphene? more like spleen
My sunnie feels very... heavy and full, if you can catch my drift
He's spent most of his adult life being alone in the wilds catching specimens, no shit he doesn't want to idly chat
Genuinely insane how accurate this is and how vividly I can imagine this happening
What did you like about EWs characters if not that?
What, the chef in Sharlayan is what made it so interesting to you?
aa i see you got famous asmonbaldio haircut.
This cutscene gets even more retarded the more you think of it.
>krile parents made that earring so they could live with the small shred of hope that krile would meet them someday
>because krile lacks permissions she would somehow make her way to the king of alexandria
>to meet the king of alexandria she'd need the weird azem cup key thing
>she'd need to find her way into Gulool Ja Ja treasure room to get the key
At this point she can already open the gate so the earring is useless
>afterwards she'd need to make a deal with sphene so her world would fuse with the source
>now krile can physically meet the king inside the bubble
>krile also now has access to tech that allows her to realize that the earring is an actual key
>now with the king and the key she can return to the gate and open it
The earring was fucking useless without giving krile authorization to open the gate, what the fuck did her retarded parents even mean with "we gave you that earring so we could live with the hope of meeting you", it was nigh impossible to use that shit to open the gate without every event that happened in DT.
>realize my job didn't change before entering frontlines roulette
>don't want bonus to go to the wrong job
>abandon the match so i can requeue in 30 minutes and get the bonus on the right job
>but wait 10 minutes of mostly being afk before i do it, so my faggoty team won't get a replacement, just to spite them in my anger
>heres ur grafix update bro
genuinely so ugly why do men make such ugly characters
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Delicious Beef

Didn't read btw
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>meet Estinien
>he's out here having fun traveling around seeing the realm, doing whatever he wants
>he walks away leaving me with erenville

no, come back. take me with you. don't leave me here with these people.
Do you need a laxative?

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>He's trying to make it so that nobody has to bot their rotation to perform at a standard level
>It's clearly working
how is the japanese modding scene like? do they even use cosmetic mods or just raidslop stuff?
Is /lit/ raiding us right now?
You know, you could always start an extra alt so as to flip between femra and catgirl at any time for free.
But it wasn't an election. It was a larp their dad made for the fun of it that he outright says would be discarded into the trash if he didn't like how they did. You individually influence events in that you prevent Wuk from fucking dying but the end result of "the two non sociopaths are selected as the winners" is not rigging anything.
Anyone else can tell she got groomed hard? Someone needs to help her. Liking malera is not ok.
Back in my day the writerw would have had the balls to kill off wuk in one of the .x patches.
He only gets like that once mommy shows up and he shuts down emotionally even harder than usual. Prior to that he is quiet but does ok in one on one situations, like when you venture out just the two of you for a while.
i havent seen a single DT defender defend Wuk's voice acting
You receive: miera
I receive: dutiful femra wife who cooks, cleans and milks my carrot.
I call her the Mountain Zu cause I gotta drink piss to get her.
>Urianger and Thancred have fuck all to do with this expansion lets not be silly
Which is exactly why they're so good in it. They show up and are fun without overstaying their welcome.
not into poop eaters
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Shhh, just go along with it.
forcing you to hold this exact position while I palmrape my catmeat and explode all over your face
>meet Estinien
>he's out here having fun traveling around seeing the realm, doing whatever he wants
>he walks away leaving me with Wuk Lamat

no, come back. take me with you. don't leave me here with these people.
Happy as fuck I've finished the msq, now I can go back to pretending the story is actually good and not low level fanfic shonen slop.

Who won between gnb and tank? Considering tanking savage this expac.
I wish dawntrail was us wandering around like a vagrant like him and bumping into the scions doing the succession bullshit every now and then
they have to do it all underground because moralfags will witchhunt them until they delete their characters or get banned
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goood mornimng
Phoning in some Mexican cleaning lady to dub Wut Lamat would've been a better investment
so this is the new cope
alright wot if the WOL was in a bit of a pickle, and really sad and distraught, full of despair, and you hear a chipper latina belt out "A smile better suits a hero!" and she starts killing everything you were struggling against and she backs up against you and calls you "aibo" and winks at you
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but anon.. fwalalas and femlalas are one and the same, usually
Gookmoot needs to shut that board down. Those paperhugging maniacs are out of control.
He became like that the moment Wuk was first introduced in 6.55 and I now understand why.
They were being actively hunted and hoped that the key and the charm would stay together, what's retarded is that they had endless forms despite being enemies of the state
>Pelu, Mamool Ja, two heads, Zazool, Urianger, Thancred, Giants, Sphene, Otis, etc
Characters that all had less than 1% of the stories dialogue I'm not sure what point you're even trying to make
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>Wuk Lamat struggling to lift the hand up
>No effort in their voice
Good fucking god this is beyond shit, I considered switching the voices to English because Emet Selch's English VA was godlike but I was too lazy to do it, I'm glad I stuck with JP, if you play dubbed and hate Wuk Lamat you have a legitimate reason to do so, this voice does not fit her character.
Just make sure to let your displeasure be known in the forums and or steam reviews, and switch to JP dub, I wouldn't last 5 minutes listening to that man trying to sound feminine.
>Haha sup WoL
>I'm off to fight monsters and look at cool shit, hit me up when you're done babysitting, we'll have a duel for old time's sake, and hit up the bar
My fiddie is unapologetically black owned
gnb >> drk > pld > literal shit > war
Thank you holy shit.
I hate these skipcucks so much.
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>Go to lizard Mongolia
>Become figurehead king of the savage Mongol lizards
Is this the reason they hired cultural sensitivity readers?
Pretty okay all things considered
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i unironically like wuk lamat and my WoL would kill for her... if only wuk would let me at em... she always holds me back... tch... guess she really is the dawnservant...
If you weren't a miera that would be a good deal
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more like speen
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You just shoot your shot sometimes, bro
I'd hit her spleen if you get my drift.
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soon bro
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god DAMN IT woman
i missed urianger actually talking
give me one good paragraph from him that i have to read twice and i can forgive a lot
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Based Bukkake Enjoyer
Strong trans energy resonating here. dylm?
i could get behind a Consuela wuk lamat
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How is the 2nd EX trial?
Farming for my Weapon currently before I go into the 2nd fight.
Is it not okay for people to be critical of something or express how much they enjoy a given thing without the opposition screaming at and insulting them?
Fuck this stupid fucking plothole. I hate this writing.
Buying the bike?
>this voice does not fit her character
it does better than the anime schoolgirl jp dub
the issue is that the va has zero range
Why did Emet-Selch send us to this boring place? Is he stupid?
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my femlala is mamool ja owned...
then she holds up her weapon to the big bad boss and utters...
"I challenge you...<bad guy>"

I hope the forays are good
plenty of people are using the 'you just hate trannies,' to discount all the criticism. It's all over twitter and there are a lot of articles popping up about toxic fans
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The cup thing was given to Galuf and Co at the same time. And Zoreel Ja didn't need to meet the king to use the cup, he just had to have the cup and find the door.
Not sure, just know that PLD is apparently unbelievably tanky with the new button, like blows the other three out of the water in terms of just raw "these tbs are going to tickle" ability.
very original looking cat bro
It's not a problem as long as you play a femra like all the cultural sensitivity readers do
Why don't you find out yourself instead of using this as a chance to avatarfag?
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>He's trying to make it so that nobody has to bot their rotation to perform at a standard level
>It's clearly working
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even the msq knows it's getting to be a bit much
im not trans, im just generic miqote limsa afker legend #3872644294192957
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Just the 95 zone.
nope. still not unlocking viper
no he is based
use cDPS if you're looking for job balance comparison.
you're not gonna get honest discourse on 4chan. The name of the game here is to just shitpost gooder than the other person
Sphene has the 2nd to most lines. Apologize.

BRD and Dancer need their buffs buffed. Red Mage and Summoner are in the trash where they belong. Seems fine otherwise.

I hope they first part of foray comes in 7.15. I don't want to wait for 7.35.
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>and calls you "aibo"


filtering my morning coffee with this cat's panties
I think you should be killed
A lot of plot points and moments make no fucking sense once you know the truth.
Why did Gulool Ja Ja send the contestants to find the portal to this other very dangerous reflection, and along the way gather the keys to open (most) of it?
Why did Sphene hang out with us and even help us find the resistance which ultimately takes her down when in truth she wants Zoraal Ja's invasion to succeed?
If Krile's parents cared so much about the baby, why not stay on this side of the portal? They'd have the key and Sphene's world would still be locked without it, better than leaving the key with some complete strangers who might immediately reopen it and undo their work.
How the fuck did Zoraal Ja breed?
If Otis was the very first memory transplant experiment, and even he mentions he has no backup, how does he show up in the final zone?
Why does he die protecting the queen when she's actually a fake and will just bodyhop after death?
Why does Zoraal Ja kill Sphene when he already knows she's basically a powerless hologram? What the fuck does that achieve?
BLM too high
post one
nta but I definitely noticed that when I pulled G'raha into a tanking role for a trust and he popped an absorb shield for a third of his HP bar
And then the TB took half of that off
my femlala SUCKS EGGS
everyone gave up on the game
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I would have liked Wuk Lamat if she was actually an older lady and wasn't involved with combat at all. Maybe if she stood back and let me do things or wander off alone for a bit, the story would be leagues better.
I will play Bard then
phase 2 sucks
because hes a tranny
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my adorable husband are u here
are u seeing my words
i have not abandoned our plans
i want to meet with u
even if i must go to dynamis to see u i will go
but perhaps like me u are not here out of fear of spoilers
i hope we can be together soon
data centers and restrictions will not keep us apart
i hope u are enjoying dawntrail
if u see this tell me u are still mine
please dont forget me
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anon anon LOOK!
Does she like catgirl eggs too?
Just go back to cat. It's ok to admit you messed up and the race doesn't feel right for you. If it will make you happier then go for it, right? I was a Miqo'te for most of my time playing the game and understand your feeling of wanting to go back since they're just so good, and look incredible in the update to boot.
Switch to C dps.
You look like that cat with a piss fetish, Rikka something
don't you pick on the handler, she got a nose job and she is much cuter
>Become figurehead king of the savage Mongol lizards
Did we? I thought we were just there to be a team player for Mol. That we personally happened to be the one scoring the winning goal doesn't make us king, it made Cirina king.
BLM too low.
what happened to my elite jp sims where picto was 10% above everyone else and brd was outdamaging a bunch of melee
This fucking writer doesn't understand that the maxim to writing a character that everyone likes is "Leave them wishing for more" not "Leave them wishing it would stop".
another very ugly character bro well done
>viper above samurai
its over
>WAR highest cDPS and aDPS
as it should be, get fucked cucks
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wow, this scene sucks. I should've done that.
Maybe one day, bur I'm chipping away at this stupid story every time. I'm on.
Why would you pick the ugliest femra face
BRD too high
There's already a cover for this last dungeon.
so you're going to feed it mouth to mouth with my lalabull?
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I didn't get the schoolgirl vibe from the Japanese VA, but even if you got that vibe at the very least they got an actual woman to voice her, the English voice doesn't passes at all.
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Ignore my malera's choice of apparel, I know he looks like he's from that Sopranos gay bar scene but he is not a gay
Anyone on Aether want to farm EX1 and EX2 together later?
I have to admit, FFXIV did something no other game has ever managed to make. They managed to make a character more obnoxious and unlikable than Handler. Holy shit, how is that even possible?
sex with femlalas wile holding hands...
>See Wut Lamat
>Skip cutscene
Simple as.
thats your opinion i guess
i dont think they're ugly. i find them cute, they're just not for me... LOL
Absolutely nobody likes mieras which is a good thing, I love being hated and I'm glad I'm no longer a malera so I can be hated more often
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but i havent changed them in like 6 days
can the last one not be done with trusts? fuck
>there is a high chance I; one day, ERPd and came to words coming from something that looks like this IRL
went from 9/10 horniness to 0 real quick holy SHIT
I believe he tried to have a conversation going with fellow anons
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That's a cute outfit
if Wuk Lamat had 30% less talking and a different VA, would this expac be kino?
>So anon, how did you like Dawntrail.
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Maybe don't skip cutscenes? Answers below.

>Why did Gulool Ja Ja send the contestants to find the portal to this other very dangerous reflection, and along the way gather the keys to open (most) of it?
- The real intention was for them to retrace his steps and learn about the people and differences and similarities they share in Tural. Notice how he didn't let them go INTO the Golden City.

>Why did Sphene hang out with us and even help us find the resistance which ultimately takes her down when in truth she wants Zoraal Ja's invasion to succeed?
- Because ultimately she wants to do what's best for her people deep within and she follows that programming even though it may not be beneficial to her long term.

>If Krile's parents cared so much about the baby, why not stay on this side of the portal? They'd have the key and Sphene's world would still be locked without it, better than leaving the key with some complete strangers who might immediately reopen it and undo their work.
- Because they would come looking for them and put the baby, them, and the reflection they're living in danger. It's best to let the baby grow up unbothered and for them to keep playing the long game.

>How the fuck did Zoraal Ja breed?
- By having sex.

>If Otis was the very first memory transplant experiment, and even he mentions he has no backup, how does he show up in the final zone?
- That's the real Otis you're seeing, the one that the memories originate from.

>Why does he die protecting the queen when she's actually a fake and will just bodyhop after death?
- Because he too wants to do what's best for Alexandria and her people.

>Why does Zoraal Ja kill Sphene when he already knows she's basically a powerless hologram? What the fuck does that achieve?
- Because he's always been about himself and asserting dominance, and that just plays into his aspirations.

By the way, I'm only on the level 96 quest and made all these answers up LMAO!
I would the fucking lioness from the lion king, of course I would her
That's not a high chance, these people look like clowns in game, and in real life, even more than your 'typical' modbeast.
Maybe he wants to talk about raid content and not complain about Wuk Lamat being trans or how the stories ass from people who've started in shadowbringer for the 14th time
depends on which 30% you cut
>RDM no longer in last place
bros we are BACK
If they cut her lines by half, she would still have more lines than the main fucking antagonist.
It's time o'clock in the morning.

literally me, and I cba buying stuff with them
t. free trial uberchad from Europe, the chaddest region
>the real intention was to experience diversity
lmfao stopped reading there
If she had a decent VA, half the screentime, and stopped appearing entirely after the coronation, it'd be like Stormblood: an expansion with a sidequest-tier first half and a pretty good 2nd that kinda saves it.
>funny hildibrand music starts playing
I know to always laugh on cue when this happens!
If she had a different EN VA and her presence was curtailed after the competition, letting you mostly explore the northern areas without her, it would be far better. Which is what it seemed to be doing when you and Erenville set off alone but tragically it was not to last.
It'd be a vast improvement to begin with.
I don't even fucking care for the VA, just reduce her fucking screentime and dialogues and spread the leftover time across all other characters and this expansion instantly becomes dignified. Even then it's like the other anon said, cut her by 30% and she's still vastly outnumbering every other character.
viper more like buttwiper lole
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how do you level gatherers man its so fucking slow 90-100 retards dont reply
I want Koana and G'raha Tia to put their kittens in me!
First half would still be zzzzz and feel like filler in the end, it probably wouldn't be kino, but a lot better.
I need Sphene Guro hentai....

t. femlala
Is there an addon to just bot the beast tribes dailies and rank up tthings?
What materia do I sell? I have like 400 clusters from trains
Custom Delivieries
Levequests and Turn-Ins my nigga, DO THEM!
I only fuck with good looking characters, I'm probably safe then
No but I can feed it this
bot it like everyone else
sorry, they're busy taking turns sucking my cock and eating my ass
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The ride never ends
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>self inserters become side characters for 1 expac.
>Seething continues
I have a question, why do people obsess so much over NPC's? I'm curious why even badly designed ones find so much appeal.
>Why did Gulool Ja Ja send the contestants to find the portal to this other very dangerous reflection, and along the way gather the keys to open (most) of it?
He had no context for it being dangerous. The extent to what he knew about it was that it was a cool weird ass door that had a magic baby. The competition was a fairly friendly field trip between his three kids and one guy who outright lacked the empathy required to even finish the thing. The very core rule for it was to be a nice guy and weeded out the two douchebags from the start. Even then all you get for it was a pretty door to look at.

Gulool Jaja could not foresee his own minister and son to be two such sociopaths as to break into his royal vault to steal the key, backstab his hidden friend who as in charge of watching over the gate, and then open it to time travel away to get a robot army. Zoraal Ja opening the gate is effectively unrelated to the actual competition to get to the gate.
Krile parents story also doesn't make sense since the calamity of ice was the 5th calamity, calamity of lightning was the 2nd. So either they're retconning the calamity order or sphene world isn't the 12th.
I actually do think that a significant amount of hate (but certainly not all of it) for Wuk Lamat would disappear if she wasn't so fucking omnipresent for the entire MSQ. The only break you get from her is during Shaolaaani.
This but crafters
Nah, for it to be kino she'd have to be introduced earlier than literally 30 minutes before the expansion's story begins, along with having her whole character reworked completely to actually be endearing and interesting.
like clockwork
not on gatherers
1 gives jack shit the other is on timer
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WUKLAMAT lines=647 words=7065
SPHENE lines=254 words=3472
ERENVILLE lines=160 words=2042
BAKOOLJAJA lines=139 words=1792
KOANA lines=131 words=1822
CAHCIUA lines=122 words=1741
KRILE lines=118 words=1294
GULOOLJAJA lines=115 words=1560
ZORAALJA lines=109 words=1105
ALISAIE lines=87 words=896
GRAHATIA lines=62 words=922
OTIS lines=56 words=733
ALPHINAUD lines=47 words=548
VORPORLOR lines=40 words=515
KETENRAMM lines=39 words=484
GULOOLJA lines=39 words=226
ZEREELJA lines=36 words=435
THANCRED lines=35 words=429
HUNMURRUK lines=35 words=478
YSHTOLA lines=34 words=486
ROBOR lines=31 words=496
GURFURLUR lines=27 words=451
ZEKOWA lines=27 words=275
WIHUWTE lines=27 words=338
ALAYLA lines=27 words=348
SAREELJA lines=25 words=280
SHENZA lines=22 words=267
PEPOANE lines=22 words=270
KEMAKKA lines=21 words=204
WAWLIKA lines=19 words=306
NAMIKKA lines=18 words=225
ESTINIEN lines=15 words=163
SHALE lines=15 words=229
WUKEVU lines=14 words=266
URIANGER lines=12 words=192
ZURMURWUR lines=12 words=130
I love that globe
Self inserters are from wow btw, they are used to be the main character of that disneyslop shit
he didnt post a face 1 though
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another fist clenching expansion bros...
>The only break you get from her is during Shaolaaani.
And it's one of the most well received parts of the story. Really makes you think.
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The fact that you took the time to write this all up proves the story is shit and you had more fun shitposting than actually trying to play through it. I know, because I was the same way. Play for an hour or so and then find something else to do, because my brain didn't want to take anymore of the shit tier writing.
And remember that the brains of the operation, the Vow of Reason died like 3 years ago so the Vow of Resolve has just been spitballing shit since then.
>not on gatherers
just download the bot
Wuk is bad but this expansion would be lackluster even if you cut 70% of her
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my chud son and I
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so tru
> KRILE lines=118 words=1294
grim considering it was supposed to be her xpac
>Expansion so bad that at least half the people defending it are doing it solely for the sake of trolling.
Jesus Christ.
I'm self inserting since the first ARR beta, calm down. But you're not wrong entirely, since I played wow.
I don't think Sphene's world is the 12th for a couple reasons. First off, when the scions speculate about it, they say something like "hey, what happened to their world sounds similar to a calamity" but don't outright claim it was that calamity.
And second, the 12th is rejoined already, while this is a reflection that still exists, just that 99% of the world is dead like the first, and the last 1% is inside a dome.
what bot
why are yall doomers? twitter likes the expansion and wuk lamat and theres way more of them than us
I don't think anyone is buying materia right now, but in a few weeks, you're going to sell all kinds of red materia, with crit and det maybe valued more than DH; and also skill/spell speed materia
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When Wuk Lamat isn't in a scene, all the characters should be asking "where's Wuk Lamat?"
Come kill me then, losers.
Thank you!
So many good relic globes, to be honest.
There are gathering leves bro... are you feebleminded by chance? I think I saw you in the pool in the Skyruin Cenote.
mmo minion
>new expansion
>only 28 player queue
I want a needy, clingy face 4 femra wife
Please stop noticing Vergil.
There's other languages too, you know
and JP is not half bad
>every line selection sequence has a "fellate wuk again option"
im mad every time, fuck this shit
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Alexandria's shard was not the same shard as the one that suffered the 2nd calamity (if it was, it would have been completely rejoined and would no longer exist at all), but instead suffered a completely different lightning-aspected calamity. It's possible ascians were setting it up for a future rejoining that they never got around to pull off, but that's merely speculation.
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DAMN, erenville's mom looks like THAT?
This expansion is kino already though. I liked learning about Tural in the first half and the Alexandria stuff in the second. Excited to see where they take the story from here given the hints shown at the end.
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back to the lab again
She's going to look like that but heavily pregnant after I'm done with her.
i will eat you alive shut up im saving my leves for crafters retard
>And second, the 12th is rejoined already, while this is a reflection that still exists, just that 99% of the world is dead like the first, and the last 1% is inside a dome.
Sphene outright says that nothing exists outside the dome and the dome is the only reason they survived, that hints that the entire thing was rejoined and that they survived thanks to it.
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>If you like Krile, you are not welcome to my game.
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>URIANGER lines=12 words=192
He was robbed.
Hmm, I knew that video is familiar. You know Kasull?
Hey SCHbros, quick question.
Do I remove Dissipation from my hotbar, what is even the use case for this?
30% is not enough. It needs a 70-80% cut.
Her number of lines should have followed well behind Sphene's, but instead it's almost 3x higher.

>Why did Gulool Ja Ja send the contestants to find the portal to this other very dangerous reflection, and along the way gather the keys to open (most) of it?
Directly said to the WoL in a voiced cutscene at the Dawnthrone at level 92 or something.
You skipped even voiced cutscenes, so I'm not reading the rest.

This expac is the most handholdy in its story, compared to the others. It's impossible to not get unless you just skip it.
any FC on Phoenix? mostly just want the buffs, maybe some roulettes
>tfw there are trannies here that have a more convincing female voice than Wuk Lamat
My WoL is simply just cooler
What twinblades are those? Those look awesome.
are you a moonie?
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You wouldn't have this same analysis for stormblood would you? I would be curious how Lyse compares.
We've already known since ShB that time can go different speeds on different shards. For example, one supernova that goes off chronologically before another one could have its light arrive to Earth later than the second because of the distances involved, despite its calamity technically happening first.
3 charges
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how do i get a chipmunk suit wearing middie wife?
Yoshi-P has been telling you for years now to please unsubscribe from FFXIV and play other games. All of you refused to listen to him, so he finally decided it was time to release a deliberately bad expansion so you would take the hint.
>buy expansion
>log in
>realize slothcombo isn't working
>log out
I aint got time for this gay rotation shit in 2024
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she heard you were talking shit about her expansion
how big is her cock?
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very grim but it's true, theres trannies that have a great voice but instead they got the scrawniest nerdiest looking motherfucker to voice Wuk Lamat who is supposed to be spunky and strong.
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>It's gonna be 3 years now before we get a good expansion.
>Maybe, assuming they learned from this.

It might actually be over for me bros.
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of course i do thats gang
Even if shards move at different speeds, you can't have the 5th calamity happen before the 2nd
We visit the actual reflection for the 6th zone, which is the topmost floor of the main tower of the city. Zone 5 is just whatever chunk they managed to fuse with the source using the maguffin. If it had been rejoined pre-ARR this whole plot wouldn't even exist.
I wish she didn't sound like that
Going to be honest, it was hard to feel bad for Erenville when I couldn't stop thinking about nailing his hot mom.
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>storychads are losing
>raidtrannies seem to be happy
this really is the worst expansion
i feel complete again bros... =w=
almost, sunnie.
>side character
More like a background extra.
They're not going to learn anything from this because the XIV playerbase is cultish and will neither unsubscribe nor cease buying mogstation trash. They can bitch all they want but they don't vote with their wallets and Yoshi-P knows it.
>fellow anons
Yes fellow anons indeed
XIV is healing...
my wife otr
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Oh yeah I've known him for 12 years lol
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I don't have a wife
Also it's a meme
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Why not just start with the aerial bombardment and level the city in the first attack.
Level 96 crafted. Also share models with the level 81 dungeon.
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Job for this feel?
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I primarily play this game for the story and I really liked DT. I do raid a little as well though so I'm excited the fight content as well. Honestly, I'm just a certified xiv enjoyer.
>saying wuk has a tranny voice because her voice is deeper than their's
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Asmongold is truly a cancer upon this world. Hopefully he dies just like his mother: scorched and screaming. Same to all WoW players, i wish misfortune and woe to anyone who plays WoW and come to FF14 with their nigger tier mentality. Amen.
Go play wow
U rike?
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>2nd half of the MSQ
>ALISAIE lines=87 words=896
>ALPHINAUD lines=47 words=548
Feels like way more. I guess because they're always there and I view the optional dialog.
I wish they only came with us to help us make it to Tural safely and were then gone until the end zone.
I didn't skip anything retard, if I forget anything is because it was forgettable. My gripes with the story plot holes I listed, is that it's stuff that makes sense when presented at first, but not once you learn the truth. Yes, he wants contestants to go through what he went when he unified tural, to meet all the civilizations, learn from them, and earn their respect. He also found the golden city, and years later when Galuf got the baby + chalice he gave the chalice for safekeeping to him. So he SHOULD be aware it's a potentially dangerous portal that should remain closed, so guiding shitty contestants he knows are shitty like Bakool Ja Ja is just retarded.
And if he was not aware of the portal's danger, he would've probably led an expedition into it years ago.
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This is beautiful.
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Fate was sealed the moment she made Koana second dawn servant, they're clearly planning to use it to handwave how she can be away from the throne for so long

We wasted all that time putting her there and she's going to practically abandon it now
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is the last zone just ff10's farplane?
Rating some of the expansion's boys

Top tier Mava god. It's a shame he gets a bit sidelined but he doesn't lose his charm the slightest. Sexy accent too, not to mention the skin color. Sure he is a bit unsocial but it's just a personality trait, he is experienced and knows what he can and can't do. My femra would ride him all day long.

>Gulool Ja Ja
Continuing the trend of great city leaders. Charismatic, strong and extremely skilled. The Mamool Ja have some of the best muscles on Hydaelyn, and especially the chests of the blessed siblings are irresistible. If you're into older men and don't mind lizards, you won't regret buying the expansion. ||The dead head is kind of offputting though.||

Cute and smart. Not the most sociable, and if you plan to be someone's tradwife this cat isn't for you, but I think he's boyfriend material. Koana is also loyal and willing to listen to those that are smarter or more capable than him. WILL buy you the latest iphone. Consider him if you're as tech-unsavvy as I am.

>Bakool Ja Ja
Certainly quite a package. Even after his somewhat of a redemption arc, I'd say he is best suited for a FWB deal or one-night stands, you don't want this guy to your home for a long period. Given his combat skill he could make a good bodyguard though. Don't mind the yawning and cackling.

The catman representation we need. Popular choice especially among men. I'm not really a catboy chaser but this guy made me blush almost as hard as my best ERP partners have made me. I might be biased due to how much I like westerns but sometimes a gray catman sheriff is all you need.

>Zoraal Ja
I'd recommend you to stay away. Sexy body but he might try murdering you in your sleep (or more realistically shaking you awake so that you two can duel to death in the middle of the night). If you're into that sort of a relationship though, feel free to pounce, sister. Along with furry Lyse came scalie Zenos.
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my femra looks and acts like this
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Titanium Gold Saberfangs, just keep in mind they have a reddish pink glow when unsheathed
Should I fanta to rava if I'm a femlala? I just want to be treater better
cause Zorall Ja wanted to challenge Wuk and Koana to a duel to assert his dominance
>and JP is not half bad
yeah, they probably put all the budget into JP and said "fuck it" for the rest
you said the same cope during endwalker
this but unironically
several reason they explicitly showed and told you about. go read the story.
How to unlock glasses equipment slot?
accidentally activated my fiddie maid's regulator and erased most of her memories and personality what should I do
my femlala REALLY likes horses
like... a lot
Can someone fanta to look like Koana and EB me? I'll love and dote on you,.and ERP with you whenever you want
F4 femra BTW.
tfw no femra that acts like this towards my moonie
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i am interested in whatever this is in the final fight
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>tfw femhroth
It's a reference to Terra in FF9
Because Zoraal Ja is a loser with small dick syndrome. He is a little bitch.
Most mentally stable twitter user.
>every single person complainin about DT story and wuk on general forums is a male character mostly midlanders and male lalas
>/xivg/ meme has femra
Really makes you think
This seems like a mutually beneficial transaction, I am down.
holy shit its crumbling farum azula
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Wait till he sees my gock *smirks*
Crazy because WoW never treats you like the main character. Its been Dawntrail mode since wrath. NPCs are the stars.
Let's be real: they entirely banked on you learning about Tural's nonhumans through a new character
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Anon are you sure you know what you're shitposting about?
Are you really a Warrior?

>F4 femra
Ew, go EB a miera or highlander, nasty bitch
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>discord spoilers
>wants to fuck lizards
tranny post spotted
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oh my fucking GOD, DUDE
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considering they got Jotaro's voice actor and even got Midoriya's voice actor to voice a side character I 100% believe they blew out all their money on the JP side.
are you on odin?
>that "I WILL BECOME HOKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!" scene
is there a single shred of originality in this game
Wrong. Biofemlala
>main city gets attacked
>fuck yeah we're going to war
>next hours of story is just walking around making friends with the enemy and doing their chores for them
yeah it's just copied from my FC's discord, I don't like you enough to tailor my posts for this place
wukong the mutt
Download a slut personality from the cloud and breed her
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Her JP voice is pretty sex.

The most frustrating thing is he would've been a much better fit when going through Solution 9 with his knowledge from Sharlayan stuff. I honestly didn't mind Wuk as much during the first half but its really getting annoying for the 2nd half.
Hiroi public sepukku and beheading by YoshiP soon.
Sorry, hrothguys only...
It's critical to the plot that you get some ice cream while the doomsday weapon charges in the background.
i think whoever made that meme didnt like a specific face 3 or some shit, really odd pick since most xiv memes default to a catboy or midlander when it comes to player characters
Idk, he do be like that. Just call him an APB Criminal or something.
>We want the Steven Universe audience
No problem Anon.
Why do you prefer getting +'d moonies rather than sunnies tho, Im interested
Ellis coded femlala...
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This early data is interesting
>WHM and SGE no longer the most played jobs which hints at a healer playerbase drop
>AST needs nerfs
>PLD needs buffs
>BRD no longer the least played job
>even SE shareholders are mad at them for working with SBI
>we get the tranny expansion
>reviews are down, player count is down
>resounding consensus that Dawntrail's story sucks
Gee, I wonder what the reason behind a tranny main character and the constant hammering at the fact that Tural is so diverse could be.
Why did they kill off so many characters this expansion? Do they think we FFXIV love that stuff now or something?
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This part is honestly a bit psychotic, we know for a fact we're deleting these things from existence forever and Wuk wants to get to know them first before she does the deed, literally serial killer tier
>all these scions with less than 50 lines
Why were they even in this expac
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>*saves the msq in your path*
They added more server space since ew, made a whole new data center and now there's 3 instances on each new zone.
>ripping off naruto
>not putting in a villain as kino as madara
fucked up
>Femroth have the same running crash bandicoot animation as malra.
I can't take them seriously...
We hate Wuk Lamat here.
what the fuck is ndps and cdps
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calamity salvage if u had fashion accessory glasses and if not the golden saucer sells them
Why were WE even in this expac? None of all this had anything to do with us.
>Nation is founded upon the concept of 2 rulers: the wise one, and the reckless physical one
>War breaks out
>Meleetard ruler immediately flees instead of staying to defend her people
>Doesn't meleetard the entire opposition, instead insists every other dialogue line to befriend everyone
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>Jeff the Killer spoilered image
>hoping someone dies
>blaming shit on them as well, even if they're completely uninvolved in the development of the game on top of that

Not sorry, you are the cause of your own afflictions through the cause of your own mental state. Please consider unsubscribing from FFXIV, deleting your social media, and getting at least 8 hours of sleep each day.
ok, good luck finding one that is good for you
Hasn't this been the formula for at least 3 expansions? I feel like I've seen this exact post before about Garlemald in EW.
Bard was the least played job? But I'm a bard and there was always some faggot trying to snipe my spot
square is working with sweet baby? no fucking wonder lol
Correct. We hate Wuk Lamat.
We love Uklamato though.
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I'm taking a break. I'm so over this shit. I really wanted to be done today but I'm not even close and then shit like this happens.
They were obviously trying to keep with her consistent way of doing things, but yeah, it rubbed me the wrong way as well. Like going out of your way to name an ant before you burn it with a magnifying glass or something.
Ugly fucking lizard should've been slaughtered for being a part of this trash expansion
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Buy one of these, use the item, and you can then click the Facewear slot to get the menu. There are also a couple more from other sources.
t. Hiroi
Poor Zoraal Ja. I know we could have saved him.
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dead game?
>*has both father figures killed in the span of a day, is forced to rule a nation that isn't his and doesn't want, and gets adopted by the one character you wouldn't want to spend more than 30 minutes with, let alone your entire life until you are of legal age*
For savage it was at least. since this data is for extremes it might be different.
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>Ast does 0.6% more dps than next best healer
raidtrannies are retarded
WAR needs better personal mitigation and should've gotten the shield on the 40% that PLD got, needs more damage to be equal to GNB
PLD and DRK both need buffs apparently, they're a chunk behind WAR, they should only be slightly behind
>fuck yeah we're going to war
>sends party of like 7 people
Keep in mind that the brazilians haven't been made aware how much of a monster wol is, so they literally just sent their leader with only handful of adventurers in hopes of accomplishing something.
When the HECK is Primal gonna be opennn!?
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Solution 9 completely killed the momentum just as it was starting to get going. I thought the second half was supposed to be good but really it was just the 4th zone and the first part of the 5th? Why am I fucking around mixing drinks
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why the fuck would you want to live in this shithole
>kriles story gets cucked by a blue lizard kid and a writers fursona
They desperately want to write them out completely and start a completely new story with new characters from scratch, but they know the playerbase wouldn't have that, and the game's nature as an MMO doesn't really allow for it either because the WoL (and thus their closest friends) NEEDS to stick around at all times.
>They let the Four Lords writer write all of this
who could've seen it coming.
>not to mention the skin color
bright and pale femraen wrote this post
>give whm basically nothing
>also have it lose to ast in damage and aesthetics and utility
>act surprised when the whm players abandon it
these devs are fucking retards dude. imagine thinking anyone's gonna stick around for medica 4 (a direct upgrade, don't even need to make space on your bar for it), nu-glare (but only during presence of mind, and it replaces the PoM button so you don't need a new button space for this either) and a fucking DASH
primals full of shitters.
Are you just forgetting that he had someone keeping an eye on the golden city the whole time, ensured only if a contestant was worthy would they be able to unlock the seal he put up, the fact that he organized the whole thing and was informed about who was where and what they were doing from the judges to the point he was able to be there in person for when the first person actually got there.

He also kept the key in his vaults and the only reason events transpire is a trusted advisor betrayed him because decades ago he got to transcribe a letter with information nobody else had.
The writing is fine once you switch to JP VA
You're brown and fat, consider suicide
ShB > HW > SB > ARR > EW > DT
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my ebf is playing on primal and i wanna play with him..
let me innn
- said no one ever
Why the FUCK would you want to be on primal? I've been stuck here since 1.0 and it was great at the start until everyone left for aether. Now we're just a dead shithole.
I don't get how anyone can like that hair. It looks like bad hair plugs with how unnatural the hair line looks. It looks like Wuk's voice actor's hair line. It instantly ruins any character design for me.
BLM kings we are back as the least played job
together with our rdm bros we will look at pfs that excplicitly exclude us again
this head glam is peak
why the fuck would WAR need more damage
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we're so back
your femra looks different now
wtf happened
When you lay it out like that, it seems likely he'll go psycho on us and become the 7.3 villain.
I thought they dropped them after forspoken.
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Can you faggots pick a conspiracy already during EW you claimed that they wanted to keep the scions around and that it was the players that hated them, now it's square that hates the scions and wants to get rid of them but the players love them too much
Literally all of NA aside from Dynamis is closed. A whole lot of empty housing sitting over there waiting to be bought up.
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Reminder niggers like this are not real mentors.
Are you retarded or just coping?
You are supposed to enjoy the pride super saiyan monster drink and find it funny, chud.
Slightly tanned, actually (although I'm pale as fuck irl). I really dislike blacked stuff or anything similar but I find Erenville's skin very sexy looking. The golden eyes really add into it too.
he's like 10
You know that, and I know that, but do you think these writers are gonna give a shit about that? They'll wave their hands and have him transform into a beast we can fight.
because it's my main and I want it to be stronger
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What if they literally do know how to do it the right way already but want to save time when clearing on an alt?
liking interracial =/= liking raceplay
if only /xivg/ understood this
Was it your intention to make that character look old?
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Real mentors help people out in the wild and don't fucking bother grinding a burger crown.
You're the reason why this MSQ is dogshit
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>go to bid on house for the hundredth time
>over 100 entrants
What's even the point
I am subbed for something i enjoy, you are subbed for something you dislike. Unless you admit being a third world monkey who get paid in pesos to slander other games so you can feed your obese mexcrement mother. Anyway, hopefully you also die just like Asmongold's mother, or at least get caught in some Cartel shit and end up flayed alive. Amen.
would be cool to kill another child desu
I am a pictoid fiddie
niggas call me the plaptomancer
Maybe later, I'm busy fucking my malezen EB
I hate that no one payed attention to what you just said. hmph!
>Paladin is now the least popular and least damaging job.
As usual...
Boss, you killed a child...
oh fuck no i'm swapping to jp dude what the hell
>understanding of the story is inversely proportional to the time spent reading it
Books for this feel?
>hasnt cleared all EX
that's what you get for either being a newfag, taking a break or not playing the game
Baby making intercourse with Koana
You don't need to record clears on specific instances to get the crown. Getting clears on all of those is only required for Mentor Roulette, from whence you can help wild people all over the land.
Actually liking black men at all is raceplay and disgusting, just like Erenville
I do know the difference myself but you have to spell it out clearly while on this site.
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this is the first time I've felt like I was on vacation since dt started
this entire zone reminds me of that starting town in kingdom hearts 2. twilight town.
Then they could have easily done so before DT couldn't they? That's never the case. People who know how to clear don't make these pfs, they join others or make passworded parties for the people they raid with on their alt.
there's really not that much at this point, unless the four new worlds have yet to have theirs be put up for sale
Considering that autodemolition is currently disabled everywhere, the supply of new housing plots opening up is going to be even lower than usual right now.
Dungeon mechanics were kino
Bird and Lizard fuck are really good ex trials
If arcadion is good this might be the best expansion in terms of combat
Sorry, I meant tank.
Ari and Sei are the two worst friends I have fucking ever made. They promised that they'll help me level if I give them tank queues for PCT and lo and behold that once they hit 100 on said jobs they decided they didn't want to grind anymore and I got fucked

fuck you faggots and fuck sei because he always says he's going to bed and he's just hanging out with someone else instead
>histrionic meltie
Who said i disliked DT you mongoloid knuckle dragging ape? I'm just calling you a retard because in wow you aren't even a named character, you are "the commander" get your facts straight before you dilate into the stratosphere
She got hotter
what do you do with faded copies?
Why are hrothgals so polarizing?
Whats the fucking difference
Lalaboys being overwhelmed by big creatures...
>job mascot of endwalker is the least played tank in the entire game
This is the legacy of DEI Fantasy XIV
trash em, theyre outdated relics of a different game
It's consistently over 100 bids per plot even when the demolition is on, they need to just double the wards again
what does DEI mean?
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>they couldn't even animate me eating popcorn with graha
so did they just give up at the end, or
>interracial: hot black man fucks me, this is just sex
>raceplay: yeah nigger BLACK my womb queen of spades go die whyteboi BBC only
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Death (to) Everyone Internationally
>Dude sunrise over a ruined city again
They are so scared of straying away from ShB story beats it's insane
name exactly one other time they had you physically eat something in a cutscene
Sephora-t doesn't carry my favorite eyeshadow anymore
I can't help my age or DT changes bitch
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hello more people should see my cool house design before it gets remodeled :)
house at balmung goblet ward 1 plot 17
find all 3 hidden miniature ilohs and win a prize
also sign the guest book in my (Thread Schizo, Balmung) private chambers if you can find it :) it's hidden too

they make orchestrion rolls
you can use the menu to search for recipes using this material. well, if your alchemy is leveled to know the recipe
Yeah didn't say this specific individual was doing that, meant moreso in general that people who are actually selfless enough to help others they randomly meet just do that, they don't grind for a vanity icon.
Where's the qt brown catgirls I was promised?
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I read the first Kotaku review that criticized players for skipping cutscenes and not understanding the story. It ended with this.
>job scales with optimization
>visibly dominating the charts while fights are unoptimized
>comparing AST to SGE when AST competes with WHM
>both just pointing out it's a black man
So there's no real difference, got it
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Why? I think ShB was kino
This is ShB, right?
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he actually does it in the benchmark trailer, so i thought dt would be better idk
sorry for having BASIC FUCKING EXPECTATIONS though
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yeah same how extreme BDSM and spanking your gf once are the same thing
I just think Erenville is beautiful. I don't really consider it a "racial" thin, his deep black skin is just pretty. In my thirsting for him I treat him no differently than I would treat a white Miera.
it's just a cuck trying to rationalize
it doesn't even make fucking sense, isn't that world entirely surrounded by permanent lightning storms? Or is that blue sky and sunrise a fake projection? And if the dome or whatever has the capability for projecting, why would they project that permanent golden glow and not proper light and weather in the first place?
Is this spoilers if I watch it?
Did they review the game before playing it?
liking interracial is the same as liking raceplay
you're specifying it has to be another race
not caring about race is what you'd be looking for if you weren't coping
I primally play the game for roleplay and doing things with friends, including savage raids and criterion.
I like the story, minus Wuk, and the gameplay so far is SO MUCH MORE FUN.
I used to be highly critical of how bad the gameplay is and how they are retards for reusing the same mechanics all the time instead of stealing mechanics and design from games with good raids. They are finally doing it, it looks like, and I'm overjoyed. But I also really like the story and world building.

EW worldbuilding was a huge miss for me.
I think it's that when we finally get to Garlemald, it's just rocks and snow.
Other than the radios thing, the world building really sucked. There's no interesting spots to RP at there. There's no interesting characters there, other than Gaius and Zenos being from there, but there's no interesting ones living there *now*. Elpis, also, it's just a footnote in history. It's pretty, it's nice for gpose, but it's nothing now.
Ultima Thule... again, you see where this is going.
Tural is part of the world now, and it's very rich in places to do scenes at. It's living and breathing.
>peeping tim is back
>people will no longer click on my femlala again
>queue for FL
>suddenly have to take a shit
>get in and go for it
>it's a quick dumpie, maybe I'll make it
>cleaned up, hands washed
>approaching my pc
It's over.
Ok goyim
this is the BLACKED expansion, get over it, wyteboi
i just use dissipation first if its available because aetherflow gives you mp so i think its better to use it second after you would be missing some mp
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There are no promises on this world.
That's just average shonen mc behavior
>even Reddit is shitting on Sena Bryer and calling her a bad actress
Is 4chan the last stand in defense of Wuk Lamat now that everyone else has turned against the FFXIV movement? Are we the only ones who can slay the Blizzdrones?
WoL also pulls out a map and compass in the benchmark because he's actually going on an adventure. All the marketing for this pile of shit was straight up a lie.
yeah I need one for my hroth
I'm already taking estrogen (makes me unable to have biological children) so I might as well thirst for fictional black rabbit boys. Really dooming the white race eh?
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Yes. All of their DT reviews are by the same author.

Note that the review I just posted with her saying she hasn't started to play yet is from Monday.
they either need to put more effort into their fucking voice acting or SE needs to get a new VA for Wuk Lamat
What does blizzard have to do with this?
when yoshi mentioned that they made a new physics engine for dt, I really got my hopes up for more fluid less stiff cutscenes
but yeah, didn't pan out at all really.
very informative post ser
yes, exactly like how light sadism and heavy sadism come from the same place in the brain
i'm glad you've come around and finally understand your fetish a little better
NTA but I don't see Eren as a nigger thing either. He's black-black. I see it like bloonies and and grapera.
I can see the "blacked" angle, but only ironically. Calling Eren's dick a niggerdick or calling him a nigger would be cringe and not fit.
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>Wuk Lamat
More like Wut Lame
I think EW was a bit worse than DT because it wasted both Garlemald and Sharlayan, felt very rushed
DT has cool locations, would've benefitted if we were travelling by ourselves like Estinien rather than having Wuk and the fucking scions again
Now it all makes sense
So do we like Dawntrail yet?
>and thats a good thing
i cringed, that you even went there and took a screencap of it
4chan incels are so funny
calm down atma
She has a few bad audio takes not helped at all by the mixing, particularly noticeable in any shouting or screaming scene, but she's by no means doing a bad job.
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Meanwhile SE's out here wondering why people shouting for more wards aren't going for the hundreds and hundreds of uncontested housing plots that are already out there right now.
i still have faith in DT even though the msq is subpar. hoping the actually gameplay content is very good going forward
you're jerking off to raceplay in a weeb mmo
we know who the incel is bro
As far as I can tell only blacked faggots like it
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>literal doomsday machine loading in the background

>forced to do sidequests to continue
is there a quota? is that what it is? some kind of minimum amount of quests they need to meet before they can ship an expac? is that why they're doing this bizarre pacing bullshit right at the end?
changing to JP until they are done with the Dawntrail and we never visit fantasy america again
all anime games should stick with british theater VA
She targeted a rava instead of my veena

the white race is doomed
*head fucking explodes*
'my name iiissss'
What were you expecting?
>We get another scene with a choice of weird food
>They all have the same generic response
Couldn't even get the food gag right
wut lamat more like SHIT
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you know, the texture update has made the ult weapons look a lot better
I'll admit, I was just looking for reviews in general, and the clickbait titles totally got me. Either way, this "game journalist" admitted to still not having started to play the expansion in Monday, and from there til now she's already written 5 articles calling out the playerbase for skipping cutscenes and not getting the story.
shes fine until she has to show real emotion. The ending is atrocious, especially compared to the JP version where the actress is screaming, grunting and struggling. English Wuk just sounds almost bored, totally disconnected from the action taking place.
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>ast does 100 dps more
Dawntrail more like Skidmarks.
So Wuk Lamat is totally them testing the waters for a proper WoL student (who's somehow gonna be even more insufferable but it's fine because muh character development) that's gonna be the MC for the next 2+ expansions, right?
but dalamud no work me yet
It hurts to watch. Rather listen.
What should I do with all my purple scrips? There doesn't seem to be anything worth buying.
I liked Sharlayan. It was beautiful. I liked the politics. I liked the bland food and flavor bits like that. I liked Labyrinthos as well.
Thavnair was tiny and empty.
Garlemald was tiny and empty.
Ultima Thule was interesting in concept, but also tiny and empty.
Elpis is the only area that felt fleshed out, though it's history and not now.
Yep. It felt very rushed.

>DT has cool locations, would've benefitted if we were travelling by ourselves like Estinien rather than having Wuk and the fucking scions again
Absolutely. The side characters were good, the locations amazing, the plot points were fine. Everything with Gulool and characters with a similar number of lines or less was fantastic.
Wuk shouldn't have been on screen so much, and Alphinaud and Alisaie should have left after helping us on the boat ride over.
>Do old extremes on patch on main
>Start new character
>It wasn't at patch when those extremes were being run daily
>Catch-up time

Could have been neat if SE had programmed in any capability for account-wide tracking of clear progress, but it's all per-character.
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>even the final trial is just an excuse to wank Wuk off again
they couldn't let me have a single thing huh?
I hugged him every time. He truly is the best character in 7.0
>ctrl+f tranny
>12 results
>ctrl+f trans
>17 results
yes it's Yoshida's style of game-design
look at FF16, same shit
Nanky is HORSING Romani again in his apartament while Ryun watches.
We're on vacation, and without Wuk Lamat using us as a sounding board to get over her character flaws, she would have failed the Dawnservant trials. That would have ended up with Gulool Ja Ja remaining Dawnservant, which would have resulted in Tulliyolal getting decapitated when he dies at Zoraal Ja's hands, and further doomed all dimensions to getting succ'd by Sphene to keep the power on in Living Memory.
I wouldn't know how, we didn't teach Wuk Lamat jackshit. Just going "Go Wuk, Go Wuk, you da best Wuk, you can do anything!" every two cutscenes is not teaching.
thirsting for a rope kek
it's 700 right now, that will easily double in a week
thats pretty low for almost 900 posts, i say we need to double our tranny hating efforts
Dude fucking hug your son you fucking retard before you are gone and die. What the fuck
HW relic weapons?
I have literally every crafter and gatherer relic in this game
>beach episode
>relaxed arc
We're following her everywhere, rescuing her when she gets kidnapped and gathering items for her like a DoL quest. This is not a vacation.
+XP manuals? Always nice to have them
my wifes son...
>8.0 Announced
>Teaser trailer drops
>No Viper WoL in sight
>Wuk Lamat appears, jobchanged to dragoon
>she's going to a frosty area after being wrongly framed for the murder of Gulool Ja Ja
What you mean to say is that if Wuk Lamat was actually able to fight her own battles, we wouldn't have been needed at all.
I'm not doing Extremes or Unreals because they're not fun to do with randoms and too easy to do with a group and I can just grind the mount unsync later, sorry to burst your bubble.
I definitely agree, but a lot of that stuff can also be explained by bad voice directing and if I'm being honest that seems to be a persistent problem for more than Wuk Lamat.

Even though I enjoyed the expansion story and gameplay, it does seem like there are a lot of rough edges, I would wager that it's because the graphical update took more resources than they originally planned.
>those three quests in a row in 16 where you just pick up random shit off the ground in random zones to build a ship so you can go to the final zone
dude got deep mmo brainrot
The deputy sheriff of Hootenanny is a fucking slut with those exposed thighs...
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I'll start checking people on this. I'm sure that version of events is much less common than shitters waiting until they can't lose anymore so they can unlock mentor roulette and instantly leave when they get the extremes anyway. Let's look at this one for example.
I said weapons, not tools.
Wuk reminds me of a certain elven girl boss character from a modern Lord of the Rings spin off.
Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat
I realized you meant relic weapons in general and to that I say I also already have a ton of sand.
I have 200 crafting manuals and 350 gathering manuals
i blame europeans
I am angry, but I laughed.
I rate this expansion 7/10
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Nominating Neon Stein as our new hangout. (Chaos, Phantom)
>Sorry WoL... *cough* it's just that... we're both really fucking ripped... *cough cough* and permanently shirtless... *wheeze* so it would have been gay as hell, and incestuous too... *coughs blood* so no way, I'll just keep hugging my adoptive children... *dies*
Oh I'm sure it's uncommon, as is people playing alts in a game that tells you that you don't need to have any. Just saying it's far from impossible.
Erenville should've died
I rate this expansion Speak to Wuk Lamat/10
We've spent the last five expansions fighting for our lives against gods, devils, and evil empires. Compared to those bloated stakes, DT is a vacation.
>cringe but funny post about the attractiveness of video game men
>a single line warps the whole tread into arguing about blacked
white men have been here
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They completely nuked it now but there was a thread up earlier that wasn't even about the VA it was about how dumb the cutscene where she comes back in the final boss was and like half the comments were talking about how off "her" voice sounded all of them of course using the usual reddit apologist language of "it's the directors fault of course our sweet trans angel couldn't just be a bad VA choice for a female..." and at least one tranny with a verifiable post history saying if you're not good enough at voice training to pass you shouldn't be a VA, it was the second or third most upvoted thing in the last 24 hours
I thnk just gripgel then it still sells
Wuk Lamat
>Wuk Lamat
Wuk Lamat
>Wuk Lamat
Wuk Lamat
>Wuk Lamat
Wuk Lamat
+15 Social Credit
... Wuk Lamat
... WoL
... Warrior uf Laite n shiet
+10 shekels
Wuk Lamat, more like I shid my pant.
No. Stop projecting your piss baby nature on me, Zoraal Ja.
>criticize wuk lamat's voice acting
>get called a transphobe
How do you respond to this?
hasn't he said that he'll work on more games? unless he changes that type of shit it'll be extra grim
not a huge fan of nu-FF7 but they at least put in minigames here and there
Ayaka Shimoyamada is trans?
call them a nigger for defending bad voice acting
Need cute southern European name for my froth alt
"Yeah I hate trannies, what of it"
Just say you hate the voice acting because a tranny does it? Just tel lthe truth, stop trying to mask it.
just say you are trans
You admit that you are and continue criticizing
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"Yes and?"
If the warrior of light was a real person yes, but they aren't. Its a video game and for the player its busywork, not a low stakes vacation.
"Actually I just hate spics."
Comment filter:
/^Wuk Lamat/;boards:vg
If their only defence is that he is trans then you've already won
Is this total lines or just spoken lines? There are way more unvoiced cutscenes in this expansion, do we have a complete breakdown?
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is this right? the only thing this town had going for it was it looked very peaceful.
you can't glam it back after you beat the game or anything?
I dislike them but that's okay
Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat
same as anyone with a pair of balls would, ledditor:
"I don't care"
you can with ng+
Use NG+ and you can. You can still fly around and stuff too
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Do all eye options of this face have prominent eye bags now?
It's cute, but I'd hope they don't force that on everyone
Just say that you didn't know that gives an excuse to be inept at a job and apologize and then watch them visibly get mad
With all the unironic furry sympathizers and lovers here I would say yes.
canal town more like anal town amirite
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Not white enough
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjJust say that's not the reason then keep listing off reasons why it's bad compared to the others
oh ok. ty, because it looks like dogshit now.
I want a really dark and depressing FFXIV story
>"b-but ShB was dark!"
>"b-b-b-ut Endwalker!"
not enough, darker. I want the entire MSQ to be miserykino from the first level up to the point the credits roll
"Actually what I hate is that Sena Bryer claims to be an appropiate role for a latino american just for having a small part of latino ascendency. This is cultural appropiation and I won't stand for it."
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Grown men.
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why yes, what gave it away
You're going to love some of the side quests in the final zone.
Haha lol
More like
Woke Letrans
Can do the fates too?
how malera look when i give them the glizzy gobbler
I like everything about this expansion excpet Wuk Lamat, please god yoshida if you see this just put her ass on the throne and let me just explore tural on my own
they arent real so they dont matter
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>even reddit knows it
Deanna Astana
Vesna Amilan
Anov Adeanna
Enya Avesna
Ratya Amirka
Lanya Azora
Lubov Ayurya
Lentya Azorya
Veita Ajolla
Iniva Atolna

The Lost:
Stolla Svanasch
Hinka Tilvisch
Liuba Anovsch
Veta Wirasch
Zorya Inivisch
Redna Olanasch
Ova Tirasch
Nata Slobasch
Branka Slendisch
Dita Enyasch
At what point should you stop skipping?
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Sorry bro I took the last good one
>why is it so small
Because I'm black. Please buck break me with superior big white penis.
level 97 or late 96
None of its real anon, it's a video game.
/em farts
after the coronation
she's gonna get the same treatment as Lyse or Hien I assume where she'll appear like 2-3 more times and after that shelves forever outside of some unvoiced rolequests in a future expansion
Too ruskie. I know that’s lore accurate but I want something Mediterranean
Do you guys enjoy being angry all the time?
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what if they kissed
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Miss me yet?
Finally all done with Lv90 Ok'hanu quests. Don't gotta /say Ohokaliy any more.
Loghriff... my wife...
>Expansion just came out
>Everyone talking about and posting spoilers without issue
I don't even remember who you are
meanwhile i've gotten really good at playing 3-4 accounts at a time in frontlines since the stupid expac makes me have to level all my alt accounts' main jobs from 90 to 100
no, but id still bang the shit out of you
Why does Wuk Lamat have to adopt Gulool Ja? Why can't my miqote be his guardian?
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roulettes on dynamis pw is 5555
Do you enjoy having gutter tier standards
I liked all the beginning stuff except for most of Wuk.
well yeah
it doesn't put you into a new area it just reskins it
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Wuk Lamat was better written than you, so no.
hey I left this place until I completed the MSQ
cmon like what did you expect
This. My chara's eyes look weird without makeup so I had to keep the eyeshadow on.
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Listen you don't need to say this just because I bang your mom on the daily, bucko.
Probably more than you enjoy being sensitive and insecure all the time.
Because every tranny needs a child to groom
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Lyse apologists have genuinely been losing their mind since DT started.
People were posting spoilers literally day one of the fucking EA. No I don't agree with it, but all you can do is report it and hope the mods do something about it. (they won't.)
did the JP community like zero?
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just finished Dawntrail
i think I actually enjoyed ARR more than this, I didn't think it was possible to be worse than ARR but they managed to do it
the content is gonna have to be really good to make up for how awful that story was
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i just noticed this two guys dueling, pretty cool
wtf... i wish they added eye bags to my character's face
It's actually insane that people hate wuk lamat but they still hate lyse more. Shitty ass garbage character lmao.
whats so endless about them
my brother in hydaelyn what are you even doing here if you haven't cleared
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I forgot I was on Primal.... omw to dynamis now
And be a deadbeat dad/mom?
Hien was infinitely more likeable and he had maybe 1/10th the screentime of wuk
>just came out
It's been out for a week. You should've been there.
Nooooooooo you and your story is shit!!!!! I love wiping my cute retarded furry gf's ass!!!! I love doing all her menial tasks!!!!!!
>either they died young or their life was so shit that their happiest moment in their lives was their childhood
So you want a Slavic name that's still used in Mediterranean countries, or do you just straight-up want something Greek or Italian instead?
The expansion is finished and credits are rolling
Bad voice actor is bad at voice acting. It's like saying you're racist because you think a line cook at a fast food place is shit at his job.

$40 + tip by the way.
my catboy definitely needs some
he may be a face 1 but he's been through some shit
I haven’t skipped a single cutscene
The funny thing is you aren't wrong.
This is day 6. If you care about spoilers you shouldn't be here in the first place, retard.
When you get to Heritage Found, but still skip Wuk on sight.
Any cutscene with Erenville or W*k
fuck off modbeast
Look on the bright side. You do the story then you're done with that story. Time for fun Instanced Content afterwards.
you know despite there being some tribes directly across the bridge, there are approximately ZERO miqo'te in tuliyolal
what the fuck is up with that?
I think it's just elezen, it's very noticeable on duskies, which I don't really mind it makes it feel like they've aged a bit since ARR
ARR was boring as fuck but the worldbuilding was actually important, meaningful and felt natural for the most part. In DT you just have a bunch of characters naming off a checklist with """interesting""'" trivia about whatever area you're in while gushing about how amazing and diverse it all is. All for a continent we're never revisiting in any meaningful capacity after the expansion ends.
Greek or Wop yea
You had 5 days.
>t. cleared in 3 days so I could shitpost risk free
No, I'm not scared of them.
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they only come out for speeches and corn
there were some in the cutscenes
but you also need a pass to cross the bridge so
fuck them i guess
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Athena Ikimasu
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What top is this please don't say it's crafting or gathering I am so sick of good looking gear being useless.
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The problem is that Balmung and other popular worlds are bloated as fuck and need to be permanently locked until distribution levels out.
im raping
Meanwhile I'm the only bid on my personal mansion on dynamis
so its shonen filler arc at then end of story till the manga writer comes up with a new main threat or just end the fiction on a whole? one or two good thing that will be remembered amongst a cavalcade of crap that on rewatching will be skipped through or entire dvds not even put into the player.

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