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Previous: >>484534871

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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to the anon who posted his workflow for FGO Arcade models,
dsync89's FGO page has gone 404, xentax's fgo page is unreachable, the mega folders on emuline are encrypted and the mirror has no version 10.x.
If you get to read this please advise on where to find the software
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let her cook
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>when I have to pay $400 to AT&T every month
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Kama Love!
what's with the anni tourists getting pissed over twitter shit
Cute bird

You're lucky I saw this at the right time.
This is the page.


For everyone else curious:
The extracted unzipped dump has the models in App>rom>objset.
The models are structured "obj_svvt_(servant ID]_s[ascension stage].farc"

Download QuickBMS.

Download the FGOA script for QuickBMS

Run QuickBMS and select the FODA script, then select the FARC file.
- Ignore the "_table.bin", you don't need it.
- Use the quickbms script "FGO_arcade_farc.bms" on the *.farc to get two *.bin files: "_obj.bin" and "_tex.bin".

Download Noesis:

Download the Noesis Project Diva script (.py) and place it into the plugins>python folder for Noesis.

Use Noesis.exe to preview the _obj.bin file to see the model, and select Export. Select the export folder.
You can export to an FBX file, and it'll give you the FBX file + the textures in .png format in the same folder you export to.
However, I think the texture mapping by default needs the texture files to be in a blank format, not .png.
You can either run a script to find a re-locate the .png files, or use a CMD commands to rename (ren *.png *.) all the png files and remove the file extension.

Blender is actually a pain, so I use MadView3D which is more lightweight to check the model textures are working.

There's also another archive for version 10.7 on MEGA (use Wayback on
http://www.emuline.org/topic/2407-arcade-pc-fategrand-order-arcade-sega-alls-ux/ or look around on DeviantArt comments) that covers up to #146 Sei already extracted into FBX 3d files if you don't care about the newer servants.
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This was already DEBOONKED by independent fact checkers
Random filenames instead of the usual twitter jumbles he uses. And if you search the image dimensions in the /vg/ archive
You see he behaves nothing like him, nor do his filenames match up.
Shrek is NOT an American and never will be
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>how would ya'll have survived before computers?
I would be forced to work with farm animals from age of 5, survive in the wilds by age of 9, and non-absent father or village uncles would teach how to build a wooden house and a boat from the grounds up.
By the age of 15 i could face off any wild animal and live off the lands and seas without interacting with normalfag villagers.
Why are you referring to yourself in the third person, lil bro
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Tiny queen
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>He keeps typing "anni"
>I keep reading it as "Ranni"
god i wish that happened in game and could counter miquella's mind control attack
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This is my wife.
Because you're a tranni
Say what you want but I did my job
Next time you want people to think it's him use a SEA country instead of besmirching my homeland
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We were robbed.
is there anyone that's going to roll for the fish?
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the West is Rising... and you mean to tell me you're blackpilled?
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You didn't win the fight
You learned NOTHING
You took the EASY way out
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>new JP 90++ node
>Voyager with 800k health
>no damage CE for the event
>recommended teams all need plugsuit
>recommended teams all need Oberon
>recommended teams all need LB Black Grail
>recommended teams all need NP5 damage dealer

It's over
It's literally impossible to farm
In what manner?
>day of anni
>servers don't crash because everyone is playing Zenless Zone Zero
it's so fucking over
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I beat the shit out of Radahn with my shield.
I've been 5CEing this whole time so I'm already ahead of the curve
Come back in two years and post it again. Maybe I'll care by then.
I am just 5 turning it.
Honestly, the bigger problem is not Voyager, is that damn 300k mob on wave 1.
>not a lotto
Don’t care about 3Ting those buddy
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Looks incredibly easy to 6CE.
>ST Alter Ego kills 300k Rider
>build up farm on W2
>ST Alter Ego kills 800k Foreigner
no need to thank me, I understand some of you bros cannot think properly
Isn't this Bakin's event but with half the point requirement? So unless the 90++ mats are really good you could just farm the 90+ since most of what you get is passive materials from the confection anyway.
The servers will be fine cause the highlight of this anni is a fucking 3 star
You're trying way too hard Shrek
>6 ceing event quests
That would imply I have rolled for this AIslop tier garbage enough to have the CEs to 6CE.
'''''subtle''''' shill post
despite the circlejerk here way more people care about Arc than the chink dyke
>no extra Rani lore
>literally one line in an item description about Melina
>no characters in the base game make any reference to the DLC
I hate it
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Bro, your MLB Lv 100 Black Grail and NP5 120 farmer and Oberon?
Tsukihime has barely touched the west
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who cares about 3T when you have 3 weeks to do the event? i don't mind taking 10 minutes to farm a 90++ node with my favorites
Sure they do, shrek.
She's permeated the public consciousness for years through Neco memes already
I wouldn't be surprised if NP5 lvl 120 MLB BG S. Ibuki could brute force this one anyway even with a high HP Foreigner, though that 300k oni is the bigger issue, he's gonna filter every neutral looper ever because their wave 1 damage fucking sucks.
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Big Binchi Cock...
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>No secret extra ending where you use Messmer's flame to burn the Erdtree, saving Melina but breaking her heart since it meant her brother's death and her losing him a second time
>No special extra Malenia boss cutscene if you did the DLC before her fight like the one Sif got 13 fucking years ago
>Zero new Gideon lines for the DLC

Shrek likes Xu Fu since she's another paisen simp like him. He's even said hes gonna grail her
how depressing that I have to share another grail with shrek
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>just finished court
>kids can only come on certain weekends
>also have to pay alimony for now on
i'm gonna blow my brains out
Since when do shitposters care about facts?
Says more about your own tastes than anything else I think
bros, how much longer?
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The kids can call you Anytime!
whats the binch doing??
BB is a single mother to 5 disabled daughters. Damn right you should take responsibility and pay her child support.
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alimony or child support?
You’ve still got like 3.5 days bro
>anniversary is supposed to be tomorrow
>Albert is delaying it until Sunday because they "have" to do a stream at a weeaboo convention in commiefornia that like 5 total people will watch
Even if they took them away from you, make sure the kids know you love them, bro.
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We'll get there when we get there...
you know the exact location and time of Albert
Don't be like that, bro.
If you absolutely have to blow someone's brains out, do it to the vapid whore that put you in that situation.
Now if only I could get 10 more Boudica coins....
>start doing my work at the downtown library so I can meet people
>mostly foreign nurses studying
>some middle-aged people reading magazines
>migrants and parents of "special needs" kids using the daycare
>occasional high school group assignment
The only notable thing was learning 4chan is banned (but not the archives). Where is my Aesc girlfriend?!
You dropped your Agravain pic
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You know what you must do anon
They did the same thing last year why are you surprised
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Shit like this makes me glad I'm KHV and never been anywhere near a romantic situation with a woman at 32.

Sorry anon, hope the time you can spend with those kids is good and you can still have a good relationship with them
>one night I forgot to turn off my swag before I slept
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Right, thanks
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And don't forget to tell them about their mom.
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I am here once again for the anniversary please be nice to me
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Okay mash bot #8753795
post your friend code
You're a little early bro.
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>Playing this game again
Sometime i like to ask myself why the hell i return after escaping for a year.
Damn, i have to look up again if there are any hokusai rate up in the future.
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You just missed it.
tempted to post that picture
Well fuck.
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How long until the anniversary tourists fuck off? After Summer 7?
The time of the anniversary... got changed.
I play the game I swear
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Aw fuck it. I made this just in case later down the line it convinces someone to make porn with these models.

10.7 pre-extracted models (up to 146)
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They will never leave! They will fall in love with FGO's story and characters!
If that picture is what I think it is there is indeed a big cock… but not binchis…
If I miss summer skadoodle this summer when is the next time I can try again?
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Why did she leave. What did you do or not do.
I didn't even know it's time for anniversary.
I just returned out of whim
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No need to hurry. You guys just walk at your pace. I'll just freely watch over you, okay?
I wonder which one of the mental cases in the secret cord will adopt her as its /alter/sona then proceed to flood the place until i get sick of just seeing her face.
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You're still a loser.
Don’t cry mom, love!
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Wait, did the anniversary time get changed? It's not Saturday anymore?
eyes too wide
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>I cancelled it
>I'm keeping all the sq to myself loser!!
Wow thanks
Honk honk
/fgog/rat bro.....
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what if we built a bunch of robot soldiers and cops and had an AI like BB in charge of them so she can put Melt and Lip's out on the battlefield
And I'm keeping my GSSR money this year get fucked Albert
Shoulda gotten that NP5 120 Aoko, huh
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honk honk
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I don't think even np5 120 Aoko clears the first wave.
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Not me loser. I don't go to /pol/ and I'm no Miku juice adept either, sorry.
Following Sam even to other boards
That's what Sono-G is for
>not me loser
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I don't know if you know this, but we've had archives sites for ages. You can view things across multiple boards with a few simply clicks.
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File deleted.
Formerly Chap.
Who's that qtp2t
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>Shrek freakout hours
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I don't see the problem here? All /fgoalter/ bros will have NP5 120 Kukulkans.
Oh no I can't believe that on JP there's now only this 1 single free quest to farm! I can't believe they removed all the other free quests!
your zenobia bro, sorry I was doing stuff
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we need more baldchad Servants
>he's gonna filter every neutral looper ever because their wave 1 damage fucking sucks.
The thing about needing a face card for wave one is that it's relatively painless compared to needing on for turns 2 or 3. If you don't get the facecard you need turn one just hold off on buffs until turn 2 and then proceed as normal. Servants like Kuku with 3 Buster cards have >80% 3T-clear reliability for nodes that require one face card on a given wave.
Chap's Cheed and Cheat?
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does Samurai Remnant reference this nigga at all?
Chap's Brap&Swap
Haven't played the DLC but not in the base game.
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No... It's over...
I was going to spend 2500 quartz to NP5 summer eebookee and make her the most powerful unit of all...
But I see now that she is TRASH...
looks like a dude lmao
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Can't wait for Aurora to be summonable and then reuniting the yuri icons....
Imagine if summer Melusine heart eyes is used on Aurora. I think the self insert melukeks would kill themselves finally
Uh... you do know Melusine is a literal child, right? That ship is ick...
Who could have foreseen this
It's okay, she's literally younger Aurora.
Selfcest is based.
What if she handed you a can of cope wintergreen instead
But I don’t get it. She’s the strongest. Who are we supposed to use if not them
Someone sounds mad
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Why Melukeks can't read LB6 and her bond CE? Is It because they are /fgog/ rats?
Kiara tonight?
That seamonkey is always mad at something.
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Someone's extra popular today
is this the last chance to get swimsuit tomoe?
>3 way split SR
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/alter/ you're a slut...
But I love sluts
Based. Keep showing those /fgog/ shitters the way out

Aurora won.
No I'm not!
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Apparently... Guessing this is the anni's excitement!
Lies and slander
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erm im a virgin never even held hands with a girl
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Why the hate? He is just autistic and queer but not too bad.
Shrek is actually based
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>why the hate
>he's just autistic and queer
But surely you thought about it at least once in your life, right?
It's nice to see everyone getting fired up
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lurk 2 years before posting
STFU Shrek
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>he never played the true Saber game
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There hasn't been a jig on /alter/ in an age...
Has shrek fucked milktruck yet?
In his dreams maybe.
Paizuri every day... maybe more...
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>no Doomslayer Martha
How the fuck am I supposed to RIP AND TEAR if I don't have the blessings of the lord, his words in my heart and the super shotgun?
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Time for work soon…
Based. Not that Anon but much appreciated, thank you.
8 more hours...
And then a third of a day will pass?
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>he doesn't know
I will never make enough Traum Ashes, I rolled for nearly every Traum servant. It's so fucking over.
I just realized of something funny.
Miku is a popular character so anyone could show up and say its is wife or something like that, in this case the anon on that pic could be anyone, however we know of someone who always larps as morgan and is obssesed with eceleb faggotry, so fucking obsessed that he brings it up on a totally apart board with nothing to do with /alter/.
Shrek is so brainrotten by eceleb faggotry that the mere conection with one, in this case miku, makes him think the person behind the miku post might be one of his sworn enemies.
shrek is a faggot that needs to be put down.
sounds like someone is self inserting too much
Literally netorate woman
Who's that on the left?
There has tot be a time he realizes there aren't any melukeks left here, right?
MFDOOM fans rhyming shotgun with Doritos
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Thread is filled with nonsense, but Soujuurou is cute nonetheless.
Are you an idiot? the IDs show the miku post was also made by shrek
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It will never not be pathetic to see people trying to push all this shipping war and self insert meltie shit here when no one gives a fuck.
He wasn't replying to the Miku post, he was the Miku post, but your conclusion is still correct.
Most intelligent thought key activator
uhhhh meds?
Yeah because they all ropemaxxed when they saw bond CE
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I wonder, if Nasu from the past could see this thread and how people talk about Melu, how he would feel.
Would he change Melu's LB6 arc?
Would he tone down her V-Day scene?
Would he write summonable Melu as not LB6 Melu but rather her twin sister who is exclusively for (you)?
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even worse, he is so obssesed with drama war that he creates said drama just to fight it himself.
I think that's what he tried to achieve. Killing Melukeks entirely and make them leave so people can shit on her
Honestly? Based.
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Bros it finally happened. My favorite servant finally has a niche effective advantage in a pivotal battle and actively carried me.
Somehow this post is even dumber than the last.
I want to have gay sex with him.
Meanwhile back in reality he was just replying to a circe image with his usual schizophrenic ramblings and that was the end of it
Lay off the opium holmes
Based. Epic, even.
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But why keep posting that bait then?
No one's biting, and honestly, no one seems to give a shit, aside from an occasional /fgog/ tourist on a driveby,
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>t.ogre of las americas
i wouldn't fall for your gaslighting
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wow this thread is fucking garbage
he's some kind of euro you retard
Melu is for me, simple as really.
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ikr, im pretending to be retarded just to have some fun in this dead week
Because he want to make it a meme, so Melu will be always considered a cuckdragon I guess and her fans being bunch of cucks and less than a rebound, so nobody will roll for her I guess.
Autism aside, that is very based
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Tea autism really is something, huh?
>muh trillion times folded porcelain tea cups
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post your 120 melu with all bio read and 2k fou'd, ill accept it if she is still not max bond but she needs to atleast being bond 10+
I guess anything that makes people not spend money on this gambling simulator is technically a good thing.
We know Aurora
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The king's fangs...
She's getting ready to flash someone, isn't she
I'm not a cuck, so no.
This is British tea autism so your meme is off.
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Based snekfag
titoria returning from the stables late at night yet again...
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It's unironically, actually, factually, undeniably, really REALLY over bros... Don't laugh at me...
not for you then, consession accepted.
whose OC is this?
Those front profile shots really look so fucking weird. Like barbie dolls or something. Head seems too big.
Having cuckdragon is a mark of shame alone, especially if grailed
Holy bricked
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Why is Medusa such a fucking criminal? She can't be allowed to get away with this. Strange snake women should not be riding around town petrifying police cars.
Ah, my apologies, then, sir
>oi blimey, muh trillion times loicensed tea cup sets
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I missed yesterday's too. Not because I was veteran maxing, I just made the conscious decision that the HQ was trash and forgot about the fou paws. Good thing I don't use them anyways.
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Oh fuck, I didn't realise there were Fou Paws...
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She was just heading to her wagie job, don't be so hard on her.
I chuckled
The only based cosplay
You're in luck that fou paws are the most useless item in the game by a very wide margin, you can also buy one from the RP shop to "catch up" if you so choose
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Then why does he use a VPN and post as an American on /pol/?
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Not going to beat the allegations that way /alter/

Can we admit that FGO is a cuckge?
meh i missed 2 and i kind of lost motivation of doing them, ill just stick to keep farming bond.
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>7 years later and we still can't get the existing Lion King outfits as a costume
I just wish I could make Nasu understand.
>keep farming bond
Then you should do the hunting quest bro, it gives a lot of bonds, that's why I bother.
But the HQ is one of the best places for bond.
>I'm not a cuck
Reminds me of when a certain member of the intelligence community thought the famous words, "No, this can't be happening. I'm in charge here." Even though he wasn't really in charge and it could be happening.
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Beast IV I find out is actually petrifiable. I’m used to it just missing all the time. That extra turn unironically was the difference between death.
Weirdly long legs
i'm not even bothering with it. you'd have to pay me.
Fate itself was always a cuck franchise. We literally had NTR scenes in Extra with the Hakuno being so cucked he wasn't even allowed to mastrubate from the cuck corner

Ehy people surprise when FGO is a cuckge?
reminder that's she's still like 5 feet tall too so her body is just tiny
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name one gacha that isn't for cucks
This has to be the most awkward looking sitting I've ever seen. It looks like she should be riding her horse...
Azur Lane.
She's waiting for you to come sit on her lap
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>screen-flip works now
Thank you Albert! You are #1!
BA, snowbreak, AL

FGO is a cuckge bigger than any mihomo cuckge
I leveled up to 160 so I have more room for some more /alter/ friends!
Congrats on reaching level cap
>other gachas
Who isn't invading us right now?
>Pushed vritashit
no thanks
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already friends bro.
The Spanish Inquisition.
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Already friends!
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>You must address the King properly. Go now and kneel and place your head between the King's thighs.
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Already friends, friend!
Based lizardbro.
Any slots left?
Sent, Barg in All
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I don't blame you at all. I only farmed the fangs HQ because I was low on fangs and they wouldn't be in a lotto until next year. I have and am continuing to make veteran apples for the rest of the HQs. It really is just Anniversary waiting room at this point and then it'll be Summer waiting room after that. Not even rolling for Arc, I just want the SQ to roll for Merlina and Skadi.
bro... he just said he does...
So does Artoria grow massive tits in all universes where she’s allowed to age?
cuckbird vs cuckdragon
Who wins?
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I will be deleting anyone who isn't up to date on fou paws this anniversary FINAL WARNING
Well, it could have changed in the meantime
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You won't do shit
We've got two semi-explanations of Artoria aging getting some bigger tits but it's also implied or said that Rhongomyniad is also, somehow, part of the reason her tits got huge.

MHXX, also using Rhongo and also being the only other aged-up Saber form, also is getting some big tits especially in her FA.
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Nasu likes his tea
You will likely be removing 99% of your friends if you follow through on that promise.
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Cute Vritra I haven't seen!
cuckdragon is the biggest cuckbait so she won
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Accepted I'm full after adding you and an anon with a 120 Gorgon!
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Sent Kiara in All. Open up a slot?
You missed your chance... Fortune favors the bold...
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>40 ap for like 1.2k
mogged hard by free quests.
Morgan is also a rhongo wielder with huge tits
Wait. Somebody please explain how they imply Rhongomyniad has any effect on her tits specifically. Is that where all the mana is stored.
>counting AP when most of us have teapots to spend
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4 days
Please make fun of me instead melt.
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>99% of alter is shitters
>even i dont know if i have them all
we used to be the kings... what happened...?
Nobody is going to roll for her
It was never meant to be, as I was in the middle of a battle at that time, anyway.
What free quest is better?
>says its one of the best for bond
>it is not one of the best for bond
Predictions on the anni servant for JP will be and what new servant upgrade system resource sinks will be introduced?
Kings of what? The landfill?
It is one of the best for bond when you're spending teapots retardbro.
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That makes two of us...
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oxford is 855 for 22 ap and i'd imagine theres a better one.
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Sorry bro everyone I have added logs in everyday so I can't in good conscience remove anyone...
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Vritra >>>>>> Melu
Everybody knows that Vritra is /alter/'s 2nd favorite dragon (Liz is #1). Melu is trash, only reddit likes her.
The difference is they drop mats + qp + exp
The new thing will be low rarity servant rank-up quests but they'll be paywalled behind a new item they dripfeed you and you'll never have enough to complete your Chaldea.
Anni servant will be Ciel
I unironically love resource sinks
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Vritabros would be mean or say anything negative about another person
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New Aoko boobies, bros
Got any slots, bro?
Why is she blushing. I want to see what happens next.
I think they will introduce zero new mechanics this anniversary. The anniversary servant will be Touko or something I dunno.
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Do you now?
The Chaldean
yes, the fact it is the best node available right now to spend the teapots we just recently got makes it one of the best nodes for bond, god damn you retard
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I'll be on the lookout for the next round adding friends then...
then its one of the best nodes TO SPEND TEAPOTS. not one of the best FOR BOND. you obtuse little monkey.
Too big.
Hot take coin system was a net good
What class would Touko be?
What do you think teapots are for bro. They're for bond.
you can delete me because i'm on your friendlist and i'm a veteran shitposter who makes the thread worse and never plays the game.
Explain your hot take. NOW.
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What do you spend teapots to acquire you stupid faggot?
okay *******
if you're trying to contest that hunting quest is the best bond node then you're wrong simple as so this argument has no reason to continue and you're both wrong and like men.
Agreed. The only shit part of the coin system was the necessity of above and beyond NP levels.
The same class as the rest of the dumb evil bitches. Avenger.
Teapots are far more limited than your AP.
Bond/ap efficiency doesn't matter that much.
Instead, you wnat to pick the quest with the highest possible amount of bond to gain.
>having to waste money to go above np5 for autism is a net good
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Already bros
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sooooooooo should i be using teapots on pride+ rn or no?
From Lancer (Alter)
>One theory states that when she manifests as a Lancer, a certain "part" of her body is different than it was in life.
>Some say without her sacred sword and sheath, "part" of her never-aging body starts to grow.
>Others suspect, the immense magical energy of the spear causes the "part" of her body to grow.
Caster or Alter Ego.
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>Bond/ap efficiency doesn't matter that much.
But Touko isn’t evil
>everyone has teapots because we just got them and have known these HQs would be the best place for them
>making them the best bond node
>unless you're a retard that spent them early or never even got them in which case you aren't worth acknowledging
It is the best bond node right now.
For teapots...
every person involved in this discussion has stated that the teapots are best spend on hunting quests so what do you think bro
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What's it's like if you get and have used all fou's paw? I remember having my 120 fully paw'd and then stopped caring about it.
Append 2 is free for all 1-3*s and np1 5*s and is a massive QoL upgrade.

Append 1 and 3 are memes and 120 is a meme too.
Shut up Touko.
Berserker because she's a fucking savage in everything she's in. The realism will be that she's an Alter-ego but the gimmick is that she's an Alter-ego of different versions of herself so first ascension will be Mahoyo, 2nd will be KnK, 3rd ascension will be Fate and Final ascension will be FGO specific.
You have a set amount. You want to get the biggest return per teapot. You can't make up the gains by using more efficient nodes because the resource is limited.
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Just got jumpscared by an Anytime edit outside of /alter/
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you can just say you made a mistake not saying its the best for using teapots bro you dont need to perform mental gymnastics...
The real villain here is the autism, not the coin system
Name one thing Touko did that was bad. She dindu nuffin.
It's a direct corollary of the previous statement.
Can't you read?
She killed my boy Sono-G.
Wow it literally is mana infused tits. I suppose this is in line with Nasu original lore. If she were to ever lactate, the milk would be mana rich.
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irrelevant. will never make a difference in any node. looks pretty though.
It's not a mistake though as shown by people who aren't retarded understanding exactly what and why I said it.
Sono-G no sadame
but it's not the best bond node doe.
Sono-g got better, so it's fine.
Also it was in self-defence, Sono-G had just attacked Touko's dog for no reason, and that dog was only a little boy.
Depends on if you're an autist who normally farms for bond. It all boils down to what's efficient for your personal habits. If you
>Don't normally farm bond during dead weeks (instead farm mats or just blue apple)
>Want stuff from the HQs (star and QP ig since that's all that's left)
>Don't want your pots to expire
Then yes, the HQs are good to use your pots on because you're not likely going to blow them on anything else. Especially if you're a blue apple farmer. If you bond farm on dead weeks however you may want to use them elsewhere because per AP, the HQs don't have the highest yield. Makes sense?
Nothing. Aoko and Grandpa Aozaki are cunts, Touko was justified.
>dont have to read mahoyo because people will dripfeed me the entire plot through unmarked spoilers on something only tertiary related to fgo
i will become a primary soon
Given mana is stored and secreted in bodily fluids in general it does actually track with all the early hentai stuff yeah.
She buys random magic junk while refusing to pay her employees
Why is she such a fucking yapper
You will never be a primary.
Not sucking my cock
oh yeah well i loved the scene where aoko sonogee killed tokos dog.
didn't know I was talking to a teapotlet
>Sono-G had just attacked Touko's dog for no reason, and that dog was only a little boy.
Soujuurou really out here giving the cops a run for their money when it comes to dogs, huh?
Maybe her employees aren't working hard enough to deserve pay.
spent them all already where should i farm for the best ap to bond rate. tell me please.
White woman
What’s the age difference between Touko in Mahoyo and KnK
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I do, just one...
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>sent, kiara in all
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Removed a few people from my FL that haven't logged in for a while.
She's a fucking women bro, have you never meet one?
Sent Sirius in all
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Delete me then, I'm not covering up my nice CC art with these shitty ^^^^^.
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i havent spoken to a woman outside of stores or my family in around two decades.
okay post fc
If there's one thing I've learned from browsing /alter/, random spoilers with no context are practically worthless.
Imagine if this happened to you irl.
its probably different when its about content thats actually out in english
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Just look for the lack of fou paws bro.
spell kama backwards
Akiha sex
Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
I would be very happy that a woman is sitting on my bed, enjoying spending time with me. And then I would cut her into 200 pieces.
why are women like this
i dont want to delete anyone else i just want to delete you because you asked for it
>I would be very happy that a woman is sitting on my bed, enjoying spending time with me.
Minus the spoiler, it is an amazing feeling bro, especially if the woman is currently pregnant with your child. We're all gonna make it bro.
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Oberon in all
>on my bed
That's her bed bro, she's the breadmaker
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how long did you spend coming up with those tabs?
how long has that gif been sitting on your drive anon
2 hours. hope you enjoyed.
What did I miss? They delayed anni?
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whether you normally bond farm or not, you get the biggest return on the biggest node. Doubling your bond is huge.
1373 (40, HQ) vs 855 (22, Oxford)
2746 vs 1710
30 x 1710 (660AP) = 51300 bond
30 x 2746 (1200AP) = 82380 bond
540AP leftover from choosing the efficient AP runs. 24 more runs. +20520 bond.
Final tally: 61820 bond vs 82380 bond. You should spend your teapots on the highest return possible because you will basically never make up the gains with the same AP.
It's still availalable on the interwebs.
Ah, glad to see you haven't left us, toasterfag
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Added and locked!
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i already bond 15'd my 120 so i dont really care about bond at all.
yeah they pushed it back to next month on account of those big riots in the capital. would've been kinda awkward to go through with it when no one can travel.
>typo'd the final result
71820 I meant
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you definitely missed something
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Yeah she's getting bred, that much is true.
Nice to have you, bro!
You don't see many Suzukibros around.
haha he spelt the word wrong
The worst brand of Japanese motorcycle
Yes because I'm a hondabros myself. In fact /alter/ is a honda general.
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He'll never live it down.
Anni is cancelled.
Summer is cancelled.
Halloween is cancelled.
Christmas is cancelled.
LB7 is cancelled.
The speed up is real except we're skipping everything.
id take it
should i buy skyrim
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Hopefully a speed up past JP to EoS
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Oberon love!
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Hello, anniversary?
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Remember bros, the best girl in this game is you.
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dead week
But I'm a fat balding 30 year old not an effeminate teenage japanese twink
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Jeanne d'Cock...
Honda was great before they realized how revered they are in the West and started over pricing all their shit.
If we don't get a crossdressing mystic code, I will be sad.
His outfit reminds me of that one hentai where the MC is helping a studio of four girls make an eroge. One of the episodes has him fucking and knocking up the blonde girl while he’s wearing a dress, tied up and sitting blindfolded the women’s restroom.
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Kuku bros, I found this image with Kuku in it.
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Kumari is cute
wachu kno bout eroge h mo game mo kaihatsu zanmai white boy
more like cumari
That's palmtop tiger from the famous anime toradora!
>gets to marry Toby
she's so lucky
For real? I guess they have compatible personalities.
Why am i 30 with no gf bros?
Most men are these days
You androidfags have it so easy.
just using bluestacks you fucking retard
because you like men and want to be my bf instead of going out with gross women. give me a kiss bro.
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Used goods (feminists) will ruin you. Look at that one BB anon who has to pay alimony.
Nice Suzuka
I have no clue what that is
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/altet/bros.... this could have been our speed up....
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>oh boy a foreigner node with a bunch of earth attribute enemies I can't wait to use my NP5 Kuk-
Buster looping is so fucking washed bros
now make her 120 and give her a level 100 cranking
>b-but 6CE!
Don't care
Do it
Yeah, you need something ridiculous for that first wave
How does such a basic bitch land Tobimaru of all people?
How many should I drop on the silly gamer hag.
I’m thinking 10 tickets+60 at most.
Is android perfect? no
Is it even good? debatable
but its sure as shit better than ios dogshit
just admit that you bought into a shit product that you thought was good and do yourself a favor by ditching it
apple was called out for intentionally giving their customers shitty products so they would have to buy replacements frequently
they also put up resistance on adopting the usb-c as the universal charger, just so they could fuck their customers over more

comin in here slingin androidfags like we made the mistake for you
More like Kuku is so shit (s)he only shines against Berserkers kek.
Shaman eyes truly see...
I’m a latelet. What’s the difference between the servants that go back to the throne and the mass servants that belong to Chaldea. What do servants get with having allegiance to Chaldea. In holy grail wars servants make contracts because they too have something to gain in hopes of making a wish. Are all Chaldea servants just altruistically good?
i dont know
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I'm still pisses they did her dirty.
>AOE NP, but gimped refund and no charge
>other skills make her superior to Saberlot for crit spam, but the AOE NP is shit for that
All they had to do was give her better refund and some charge if they wanted to make her a looper, or give her a ST or buff NP (like orion) if they wanted her to be a crit machine. Right now she's a sad mix of both and can't do either effectively as a result. It's a shame too, because her one piece is the most explosively sexy thing in the game.
If they don't help the world ends, so most just go there ro be able to do stuff later
Like Columbus wanting to make money but there's no money if there's no world
I switched back to iPhone because I dropped my galaxy s8 off my motorcycle last year. I thought the blue bubbles would get me bitches.
It almost worked.
You have the confidence to ride a motorcycle without fear of death. Surely you have the confidence to get girls.
I wanna hold Goghie in my arms as she cries and screams and has a mental breakdown while biting and scratching at me telling me to let her go but I just squeeze her tighter till she finally settles down.
Wish that was true
i only use my phone to stream my pc to it to read vns in bed i dont really care about what branding it has...
>level 100 cranking
You can get by with just a level 100 version of the event CE, but she still needs a buster crit, apparently.
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All Servants, even the "villains" and anti-heroes don't want to actually destroy the planet or end Humanity, which is why they answered the summon from Chaldea and why heroes who would normally kill each other on sight cooperate (or try not to run into each other like Kid Gil and Archer Gil). They don't "belong" to Chaldea though, it's a contract like any other, except the Independent Manifestation Servants but those are the exception (they do whatver the fuck they wanna do basically).
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Based. Goghie deserves to be loved.
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>I thought the blue bubbles would get me bitches.
going 140mph on a motorcycle with all your camping gear is NOTHING compared to talking to women
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It does help. Everyone knows women hate green messages.
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If you abandon three turning and just card the first enemy down with automata this node is super fucking easy.
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>Everyone knows women hate green messages.
>If you abandon three turning
And become a common shitter?
Some things never change
It literally gives them the ick. Granted you can argue those types of women are ones you should avoid. But it’s a sizable portion.
What are green messages?
apple to apple texting offers blue messages while apple to other phones makes the messages green for the apple user
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so does everything else i do so who cares
Just don't date isluts, then?
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Most of us never texted another living person.
i dont date anybody that doesnt have a penis im just answering your question
i text my mommy to ask if she wants anything from the shop sometimes
So uh, 2400sq is enough for NP5 right?
Gay or agp?
I want to jump on her and grab those oranges she's hiding in her sweater.
yeah, but some people is retarded enough to believe a phone will get em laid
gay but if they ever invent technology that lets me put my brain in a lolibot i'd probably sign up
Might be.
The only tear I'll shed for Requiem is over all the semen demons NOCO will never draw again.
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So anni Sunday?
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I can't beat Qin Shi Huang no matter how hard I try, does anyone have a Jalter I could borrow?
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At least we got the sex machine known as Summer Erice.
use my mothman
People still use texting? Everyone in my country use whatsapp nowadays.
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Use Morgan, she turns all the lb3 fights into a joke.
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i dont know i dont talk to people
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I'm back, bros.
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>meet hot girl
>make small talk, clearly into each other
>gives me her number and instagram
>send her a message to go out
>no reply
>see her posts
>a screenshot of my message
>"ewww green lmao"
those are boobs not a back
nah, you can only hit pity 1 (one) time
you have 1 arcuied secured with 900 sq
and 1500 sq left for despair
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Does she have some bonuses against him? I have Koyanskaya and Waver to buff would this be enough?
Hey there, BRO
He's a Man enemy, what do you think?
He's man attribute and Morgan's whole thing is dealing assloads of damage against man enemies specifically
My Jalter is always up
That is literally how it goes for many young American men
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Why is Melty Mash a slut?
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None of my friends have morgan I just checked... it is so over... no one accepts my requests...
Noco chickened out from giving her a string bikini or somesuch.
This makes me wonder...
Isn't there a way to spoof your device's signature, so that it is treated as iOS one?
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How is the rest of the year looking for you?
>Proto Merlin
>Ibuki Douji
I'm fucked.
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ewww green lmao
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I have a Morgan and a Jeanne, bro. Send me your code.
Post FC, I might you.
Ibuki. Skadi. NP1 for each.
Then save for Tiamat and UDK
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She needs to be dicked down.
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ummm... use my goho ehe...
NP1 S.Skadi, the rest is going to Gogh with a little bit towards Keisuke.
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let's see...

>Skadi Summer
>maybe Ibuki
>Ana Summer
>maybe Huyan

>2 must-have SSRs
>1 must-have SR
>all during july
>will have 1k+/- sq for them

Not that bad ackshually
You ain’t getting that SR sorry bro
I'll be rolling for Ortlinde, Iyo and loli Eli.
>skipping merlina
You'll regret it once your castoria hits bond 15
>loli Eli
Do I have good news for you
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Just note I suck at this game
Wow there's literally fucking nothing after Summer
Bro, you missed 2/3rd of the joke
Sent. Morgan in All.
i thought you could follow people and use their servants throughout the entire game now
Haha! I have played the fool, for I did not know the literal who welfares!
Seems safe to me
Thanks anon, accepted will benefit from the support of your mighty servants
I'm not sure? At least not to my knowledge
From what I remember, follow only applies until you clear Solomon.
Oberon in all.
Tell me if you want any specifc CE on my Morgan, since I'll be heading out soon.
they made it for the entire game but i cant recall if thats in jp only
Black grail should be good, I am off to sleep too so I will be trying the fight tomorrow
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Nothin personnel, chud...
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No, I think he spams invuls in that fight like crazy.
Titoria has objectively the most perfect pair in the whole game. You change it in any way, you ruin it.
Sis please...
looking at np2 arc, np1 summer skadi, np1 huyan zhao, and I'm done for the year. I feel it in my bones np1 arc will take to pity but I'll go for her anyway.
I don't intend on using arc for anything besides hand/door farming so technically np1 could work.
Oh yeah he does, if you have a CE that negates that it would help. I was trying with Koyanskaya of Darkness so I didnt notice heh...
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Look at this cool Bob.
Xu Fu.
I'm not gonna make it, bros.
Local man too angry to die.
Do you have you own Koyan?
Then I could put honey lake on Morgan, which would be optimal.
Yeah she is my own, that would probably work perfectly
not like this sis
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You will pay for losing my drops
I don't recall him surviving my Herc. He's just a very annoying opponent, not a fast enough party killer.
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No tamamo please spare me
Its I love mom.
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>you should kill Gogh
umm... ehe...!?
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Use support Taira instead
>remove all his buffs before damage
>gets stronger when killed
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>1 week till anni
Well, time to watch some kino to pass the time I guess...
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>rollan' for summer Ana previous year
>get >>>>>>>>>>>>NP4 Okitan


Never used her btw outside event :*)
How many days does your week last?
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Good morning, bros.
Only 1 show there is kino
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Morning, bro.
>eagle cries in the distance
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John Ogre
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Obviously it doesn't get more american than Calamity Jane!
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What do these servants have in common
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How do they poop?
mental illness
They’ll all go bald eventually
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Why is Miyu so gay?
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They are friends....
She's not homosexual, she's illyasexual
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Good morning, bros. Almost anniversary.
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Glowie sex
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>damage quest
So if I change my name to Illya, there's a chance?
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>No 4th of july exclusive campaign
NA has fallen
Billions must uninstall
Rigged damage quest, it was made just for Morgan
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I need a servant that looks like this
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>damage shit
>don't even get anything from doing it
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>multiple announcements that our anni campaign will start after AX stream on 7th july
>/alter/cucks with their monke gachacoomer paypig brain think it's 4th july for some reason

Don't worry, gachacoomer cucks. GSSR won't run away from (you)
>what are bragging rights
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>damage quest

u rike?
Uhh bros? Where's the anniversary???
>multiple announcements that our anni campaign will start after AX stream on 7th july
Isn't the stream the 6th
Here's your anniversary
*unzips dick*
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Note how this artist chose to depict sono-g as wearing a cat costume.
I think this pretty clearly backs up the interpretation of sono-g being the cat from the intro of Mahoyo, definitely it indicates that the theory is popular among the JP audience.
Was really strange that some people objected to this interpretation when I posted about it before.
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hi alter
check these fangies out
TLR darkness yabuki > Black cat yabuki > TLR yabuki > trans ninja yabuki. Also yabuki servant when?
The anniversary is in our hearts.
Why is it so small?
Why is there separate "demon beast", "demonic beast", and "demonic" traits
>60 quartz and 3 tickets
I think I ruined my luck for Saturday
you'd think shit like this would be redundant with their spaghetti code
>for Saturday
It's Sunday.
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Wow... Damage quest... So fun...
Bragging rights are only worth as much as the audience you get to brag to. In this case: none.
kissies from the short oni lady...
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yeah. It's for EUchads/SEAGODS will be 7th morning already
cuz Nasu be dumb
Say it to my face.
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You mean this.
Can Gareth loop?
>advanced quest
Who needs tearstones?
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These are my Arc funds, it's over.
Is it bad that I've been ignoring all of the advanced quests?
Are you going for more than NP1? Anni SQ should be enough for just one copy.
Needs double Oberon and is wholly outclassed by the free Seiba everyone already has, but sure
Going all in until her rate-up ends.
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Not on my watch. GET BLESSED BITCH
It will be bad if you keep doing it until next anni. They're the only thing that will give you saint quartz, I think.
It's actually the only gold mat I'm low on
Lots of good Servants actually

Assassin 2 banner for NP1 Semi, NP2 Kama, or NP3 Koyan
Ibuki Berserker
Wu Caster
Skadi Ruler
Maybe NP2 Arjuna Alter
Maybe Sen no Rikyu
NP4 Barg
Just impulse dumped 45 tickets. Got my Summer Kiara out of NP1 hell, 2 unwanted Summer Tomoes and 2 Honey Lakes. Must have managed to hold back more of my luck than you, h-haha...
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>600 SQ
>Only one copy
Well, I guess I will try again in 2 years.
>5 ap
>No rewards
You couldn't at least make it free?
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>Light Koyan with bond CE
>lvl 100 NP2 Morgan with Black Grail
Went over 2 million. Not bad I guess.
They would go bankrupt if they did that.
The answer isn't going to change.
Is that greed I smell?
Literally me. For 6 years I never needed them and then suddenly I'm fucking out.
You don't do those quests for the CE, you do those quests because it's the closest you have to repeatable CQs.
It gives 915 bond
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>anniversary portriats
I might actually get this one because it looks cool
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that's the spirit, pigger
to me this is the only gacha game ever made
and you're the only people I ever called friend
>finally got that last Honey Lake I needed
Thanks, gacha gods. Yang Gang and I appreciate the fuck out of that.
Congrats, are you gonna level it up to 100?
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bro... all these years posting together, you've been the truest of bros... *strums harp*
I feel like self-inserting into NTR Bastard.
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>get the itch for rolling
>do a multi for illya
>get pic related
Welp, there goes my cunny vamp luck, atleast now i can unironically say sent, kiara in all
It's currently second in line after I get The Phoenix Alights CE to max.
3rd Ascension is hot as fuck, if the NP wasn't VR I would've rolled for her.
That's the right way to play it. All those retards crying about muh jpeg has a lover are doing it wrong.
>Casear_other people's wives are the best.PNG
begone demons, I must save for Arc
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which CE will /alter/ get?
Welcome to the club (cult)
Sup bros what's good?
Save for Arc, Shiki-san.
It's all good, man
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Roll for Kiara then get anni SQ injection to roll Arc/Skadi, it's that simple.
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>Will you be alright? Will you live even if I'm not around?
When it comes to Jeanne Alter, I’ll take after Rama’s example.
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which one of you fuckers keeps tickling the bottom of my feet? it's not funny!!!!! i'm tired and wanna get some sleep...
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For me it's the hamster Sono-G
And you should try reading up a good theory https://www.reddit.com/r/Mahoyo/comments/rv0idh/spoilers_my_theory_about_soujuurou_shizuki_and/
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Use Yuyu. She has an anti-Ruler append.
also forgot to add that i used pic related SQ to get her....huh the SQ from a beast, guess they atract each other and worked as a weird unintentional catalyst.
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Nothing much you?
Cute Jalty Alty *smooch*
Anni isn't today?
>My Morgan out damages my Arjuna by 300k with same buffs
Only difference is NP3 vs NP2, and Morgan grailed to 100 but Arjuna is hitting his niche 3x and Morgan isn't
Okay I did 10+60 like I said.
Got nothing.
I’ll put that into my “saving luck for summer” cope.
Time to do LB6 so I have enough.
Albert is going to have the panel on Saturday morning but when it will hit is up in the air
>I’ll put that into my “saving luck for summer” cope.
1 bryn
2 tomoe
0 illya
The last time I rolled was on Zenobias release and got her in 1 ticket. It was inevitable albtert would get me back for that
I was about to start licking your ass sis

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