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Previous: >>484563889

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Nice slop OP, retard
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Follow Zenless Zone Zero on Social Media & Share the Official Community Page for Up to Polychrome ×60

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>wife mode is just a facade
>Jinhsi is actually a NEET inside
Would you still like her?
So is Hologram Crownless the fabled CBT1 Crownless?
Is it still considered hard at VI?
Nice slop OP, high IQ anon :)
I love Sanhua so much
You should rest, Magistrate
>ai removed the shitty rat tail
artistfag could never
Can I shake her down for money? Can I goad her to do something bad for me? This is important.
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Honestly, I wish (You) didn't have the rat tail
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I love Bocchers in every universe
tick tock wuwakeks lmfao.
guys i did it... i shitposted on /zzz/
It removed Abby's home too
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bwo wtf
It's okay bwo... As long as you say sorry I'll forgive you.
We know, Hsi
>ZZZ pass is called inter-knot
>Verina equivalent are the two furries
They're not even being subtle about it
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She can't be a NEET if she has a job. The most important job at that.
So music and voice acting excluded, do you think a comic book costs more to make than an anime?
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W? W?
You need to kiss encore feet first
I'm glad that zzz is not my taste. stay wuwa
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wuwa !
wow... wuwa sure fell off huh?
Being taken advantage of by everyone yes?
>Have a p2w skip button account
>Have a f2p pay attention to story account
>Realizes I have to do illusive realm twice
I don't think I thought this through bwos
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No but I think a comic book artist can charge more than a 3D animator, yes. Those dudes are paid peanuts, especially because of how many things are mocapped nowadays. Why would you even compare 2D animation to 3D animation? 2D animation is always more expensive, that's why a lot of anime have shitty, garbage 3DCG to save money and/or time.
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last thread you still replying to bait wawuwuwagger


It's once every 6 weeks also you don't have to clear the entire store
IMAGINE being brought back to life because you HAVE to be BRED by the MC

Can't. Be. My. Girl.
As someone who plays Genshin and Wuwa, damn ZZZ is boring as fuck. I guess I'll wait for Promilia to add a third main gacha to play.
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>3Z is just HI3 but for zoomers
its not for me but i can see many liking it
i think wawu will be fine, the audiences are polar opposite
if anything i find it funny both games kinda take jabs on jenshine
now stop shitting the thread
Bwo... I deleted my Wuwa account for zzz...
can i still make it if every area is already explored
Live2Ds models are a lot cheaper to buy than actual 3D ones.
soft pity is at 65 so yeah easily
10 rolls soon
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>now stop shitting the thread
Did you already use the 10 limited rolls?
we already got it bro
One Live2D model is one image, maybe like 5 total to get different viewing angles. There are more that many images per comic CG in this game, which also have different lightning and perspective.
But that's still irrelevant, because the in-game models need to be created for the characters to be playable. I am talking strictly animation and, I assure you, it is much cheaper to animate models than to pay artists to draw 500 colored images for your cutscenes.
t. game developer.
illusive realm doko?
sorry, SEAturd at work
i am using everything within my power to get rolls without spending
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>ZZZ has no Nilou or Danjin
And why should i play that game hm?
>10 radiant rolls from new event, 3 remaining radiant rolls from the previous event
>1000 gems from illusive realm
>ToA reset in 5 days
If you are on monthly pass you still have about 20 more pulls jsut from that which will get you damn near close.
If not, might still be doable depending on how much asterites the other events give, and also elysian realm gives 1k this time.
have you used up your corals? You could buy some rolls there
Are you on guarantee? You'll probably be able to get her. Do illusive realms and everything else coming up
pity is 66-74
Honestly, don't stess it too much. You're bound to miss some characters as a f2p.
I'm also f2p, and I've accepted the fact that I won't be getting changli.
not Furina? the newest hebe?
Is Changli+Encore really going to be a thing or is it just an accidental synergy that no one will actually use in practice? This is my roster and I need to fill in some gaps.

Considering spending my choice banner on Encore.
why are we dead?
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>why are we dead?
People are playing the better game.
It's called being comfy. This is what healthy generals look like
If you want to be really cheap, Changli+Chixia
The only real synergy is that changli buffs fusion
It doesn't seem like that great of a combo to be honest, they both want a lot of on field time and Encore can't really use the ult boost part of Changli's outro
I think people are just hyper focusing on the fusion damage boost
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i honestly wasn't initially going for her but i got her weapon with the free rolls from monthly shop, so i wanted her to be the next goal for my account considering my wavering interest in the game at that point
changli + encore has more dps than encore+ sanhua but its a dualcarry team soo
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Would Changli+Mortefi work?
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imagine being hoyokek and having the CCP's dick so far down your throat that all your designs must be censored.
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How much fun is that? At this point I'm considering going Jiyan+Jinhsi+Verina for a double dragon team.
Mort just seems to work with everyone at varying degrees of well.
wow... wuwa sure fell off huh?
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Sovless metafags, we did it !
wow... just in time for everyone to drop the game too...!
it's a marathon not a sprint
not even coping it's true these games live and die on their reception over the course of YEARS
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your wuwa killer, sir...
Came here after literally falling asleep playing zzz
is this game any better?
my favorite action games are dmc3 and ng2
Struggled with 2nd tower more than middle actually, kusoge echos on anko
I dropped it after an hour.
Truly a mobile game.
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You don't play gachas for their gameplay
Looks very boring
>is this game any better
>my favorite action games are dmc3 and ng2
mine too you'll enjoy it
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The devs are all DMC fanboys if that helps. This is the new event
Isn't that OUR GOLEM?
not that fun, it has no synergy and more of a temporal solution to lack of characters
looks like wuwa when you don't switch in/out
The game just came out, bro. At least wait until they fill out the roster. ie limited healers/supports/dps of every element.

Did you know that zzz has only 1 meta team? Every other team is a cope option. Wuwa didn't have this problem because Jiyan and Encore were more or less equal. HRover and Danjin was also pretty high up. So no point in worrying about ultra meta combos.
>dmc3 and ng2
no gacha game will ever have combat as good as those games.
This game prob have the best combat out of all gachas on the market right now imo. Won't know until you try it yourself
Why are you posting a webm of an enemy in a stun state as if wuwa doesn't have this exact same mechanic that works in the exact same way?
uhoh melty
Ours don't last that long
lol 1 skill gated by left clicks lol
you can juggle in Wuwa like in DMC but thats about it.
>At least wait until they fill out the roster. ie limited healers/supports/dps of every element.
playing until then is suffering because I don't want to invest in temporary characters. I need someone NOW

Jiyan+????+Verina (I fucking hate Mortefi and discord mod blue fedora man)
Damn, that looks just like sword user gameplay in this kusoge if you don't switch out characters to deal more damage
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>sloppa OP
>furry game's launch is generating more interest than ours
>also less buggy
Is this it for us, bros...? I think Genshin's new region might be the last nail in the coffin.
You should play just about any normal action game before stooping down to gacha for gameplay.
>Devs are DMC fans
Can I get a MGS fans as game devs someday?
how do i get more shekel credits?
Just woke up, did we wu win or wu lose? Also how is the new illusive realm?
>gachagaming is silent
>Jiyan+????+Verina (I fucking hate Mortefi and discord mod blue fedora man)
Looks like you have only one option.
we never lose, anon. we never loes
don't have him
what the fuck is their problem? Why do they have this irrational hate for WuWa?
Wuwa golem actually do something and hit quite hard tho..
>This game prob have the best combat out of all gachas on the market right now
False, PGR combat is a lot better.
well they are actually playing the game they love so much, unlike you guys focusing on something else.
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wuwa won (as usual)
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Are you guys ready?
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Wuwon as always

>illusive realm
not out yet for me
Sunk cost. They're poor and spent a good deal of money on a company.
illusive doko?
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>out of all avatarfags to pretend as, mihomoshill picked ankobro, the most retarded avatarfag
Not sending their freshest pag
nigger it's been out for hours now go play it
We wulost...
>P-please play my dead kusoge
Hmm nyo
I guess this is the only normal human female specimen this game will ever have right? Only furry shit and trannies after?
Bruh I've known Russians who are dirt fucking poor but spent hundreds of dollars on shitty gook mmo and they have no problem quitting and letting go lmao
hard to say yet, their animation, voice acting and characters are better but the combat is worse
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Any special event and gift for 4th July?
The black haired maid girl and Rina looks good too, other than that eh
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just ordered 32 gb of ram to upgrade my 8
It will literally take me 2 days to finish downloading it.
I guess. I'm a day 1 pgr player, but the recent constructs have been so ridiculously strong that playing them is kinda brainless. WW still feels balanced
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It's out in SEA
Do you live in africa?
I'm so fucking excited for Illusive Sanhua.
Well i tried ZZZ and this is what i can say about it:

>The graphics are then times worst than Genshin, HSR and WuWa, the chibis of Blue Archive have better graphics and more SOVL
>The censorship is EVEN worst than what they show in the trailers, the mihomo devs after putting one layer of censorship they put another one, there are black voids when you want to look under the skirt of certain characters and they re-censored Nicole again and obviously they dont censored any male of furry character
>There is a lot shipbait, if you think the shipbait in genshin or HSR is bad, this to new whole level but the biggest problem here is that they bait the characters to give you a false sensation of for (you) pandering, so this is unironically NTRbait, (if you played any persona game imagine if you lvl up the social link of your favorite character and then you want to go for the romance option, but what happen is that the characters tell you to fuck off, that everything is platonic and then get paired with one character of your party) at least games like Brown Dust 2 can get free from this stuff since there is not self-tnsert
>The gameplay is not bad but for me it feels more slow than any game i played is like what happen when you play Dark souls 1 and then you jump to Elden Ring and is only carried by flashy lights when you fight, this are cool but after some time it gets really tedious
>The open world is worst than WuWa, Genshin and HSR, there is not sensation of excitement when you explore, it feel really dull since the fights happen mostly inside of the TV

So in conclusion if you want to play something like ZZZ you are better playing Warframe of the new slop of Nexon if you want coombait (Warframe have some top tier coombait too but is mostly if you are a robot fucker like me) or you can play it if you enjoy the koikatsu "artstyle" and you are the type of twitter person that enjoy shipping characters but this time is canon and the devs have you back.
>last thread
>we're fine since we're funded by Tencent
sorry being stupid but what is Tencent? Are they a big deal in CN?
why the fuck its not synched global
>Dailies reset at different times for different regions
Huh, fancy that.
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did you get knotted, wuwa?
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>At this point I'm considering going Jiyan+Jinhsi+Verina for a double dragon team.
Is this actually a thing?
its like almost 2 hours past the daily reset in eu
how come the pedos in zzz a lot more calm than wuwa's?
they know it's furCHAD territory so they're not as cocky as they are in here
Wait until mihomo release cubs.
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They're all ironic lolicons and weebs.

Encore and verina aren't even sexualized so you have to be a real pedo to uooooooh them
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Their idol trio will release in 1.1, I'll play it then if it manages to not shit the bed.
Microsoft and Nvidia are a indi devs to them. That's how rich they are.
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>Also how is the new illusive realm?
>dmc stylish rank

Wu won
>Encore and verina aren't even sexualized
Encore yeah she is cute and a character you want to protect since she is kinda retarded, but Verina is pure sex she activates my monke neurons and im not even a lolicon
oh, guess we really are fine then, as long as we don't anger them or anything that is?
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Yangyang is literally perfect. I don't see why anyone would hate her.
I hope she gets a five star ascension to make her not suck one day.
who is wuwa's rimjob queen?
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what does real actual gameplay look like anons, I'm curious but not curious enough to install and play it
this is the equivalent of making a webm of WUWA gameplay while attacking a staggered enemy
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I'd like to thank Kuro for not adding an endgame so I have spare time to play ZZZ
Like Wuwa but characters don't generate 50 million particle effects with every move they do
you weren't supposed to point that out
Wrong. We have a stagger bar that clearly indicates what's going on.
>play illusive realm on PC
>reroll ZZZ on mobile
Comfychads ww@?
did you reply to the right person?
I can't even see what's happening when I play Jinhsi. Changli looks even worse. Glad that mihoyo understands the importance of visual clarity.
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It feels like the enemy attacks every 5 seconds. Is this supposed to be a boss type enemy or just an elite?
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If you mean Metal Gear Solid that is also Kuro, in PGR in the patch for the next Watanabe the boss fight is basically a metal gear reference, it feels pretty obvious that his entire character is inspired by it too.
Zzz feels so much better than wuwa
Will we get a divegrass team?
This games combat is fantastic.
wdy? she already sucking THIS DICK
no it isn't
>echo abilities
>forte gauge
stagger phase is when you can burst enemies easier in wuwa. in ZZZ its when you left click until you have enough energy to use your ability. the game is only engaging when the enemy slowly attacks you because of forced swapping/parry swaping
Wuwa just seems mid after coming back from Elden Ring. I think I am done with gacha games.
I wish it was. I was ready to drop cash on the game until I logged in.
I'm happy for you bro, but it's just not for me. I play genshin pgr ww and arknights :)
Is that Calchud?
>Take autistic upgrades that cuts %maxhp
>loses to scar in the 'tutorial'
>gets the loser dialogue
>base game
it does not and i actually enjoyed HI3
ZZZ have only male furryshit, Wuthering Waves should start putting monster girls and kemonomimi characters to fight against that
Lies. I'm watching Mtashed. He is super bored
oh man... i can press other button to do damage...
Indeed, they even made Calchud a mercenary leader too.
what's an mtshed?
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do you have this in elden ring, anon?
bye nigger
Hsi is so generous bwos.
jade-like beauties are not supposed to have brown buttholes...
The nipples are covered and so is the clitoris. Seems safe for work to me. Carry on
Won bigly. Turns out ZZZ was pile of garbage and everyone got tired including mihomos
Just ignore the roast beef
This art is actually incredible
>ZZZ up
>/wuwa/ is still decently fast
I love you bros. I will be alone left in here
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*headpats the You'tan*
I'm so glad Illusive Realm is back.
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>ZZZ is shit
>Project Mugen axed
>azur promilia will never release
>Genshin releasing characters like Emilie, new shit endgame, and the worst region so far
>Elden Rin DLC is mid

How did Kuro manage this?
Sanhua is not going to like this
>does nothing
He fixed TF2 though
How’s Tectone feeling?

SEAbro how fun is it this time?
So what's the verdict, who is the most fun in Illusive?
Got extremely lucky. You forgot to add
>Chinese were happy and rated 1.1 highly positive
Global is doing really good as well
what even made them hate the game in the first place anyway?
Really fun desu
Has Wu Won?
Still Jiyan, he's broken
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>Scoured the map
>Still only 95%
It's over...
bad performance and bugs. especially on mobile which is what chinese play on 90% of the time.
Oh that, guess they better get used to PC gaming now, can it even be salvaged for mobilefags at this point?
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>finally open the game after a long day
>do dailies
>Save the World? Save the Cat!
what a good start to my gaming sessions. God bless John Kuro
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I haven't gotten save the cat for weeks...
Maybe it's cause Yinlin/Jinhsi are broken as fuck (trial versions) but the new illusive realm feels piss easy. I miss my kino game mode where everything was challenging.
press the button thing to start. then grapple the thing in the sky. You should drop down on the skateboard
I never get the cat it's always depressing boomer daily for me
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>they copied Yinlin
Yinlin bros, our response?
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I fed all the cats anons.
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I've noticed that intros will teleport you to the nearest enemy. Is there a limit to the range of the teleport or will it always reach the closest enemy as long as I'm in combat? I often feel like I'm wasting time running after mobs when i could've just intro them
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from your own thread
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does anyone else have two of these?
There's a distance limit yeah but it's preety fucking long
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I'm playing both
Seeing your own character is all that matters for parrying
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Turns out I was missing a challenge chest and some frostbug.
Now it's really over.
Nanoverinas son
your crownless hologram vi?
what? its more like seeing enemy animation should be the core indicator to parry
Just checked and no. Pretty sure i 100%d the quests too
wtf i luv china and chinese women now
I'm back.
I think we're safe lmao.
You did it, you beat the Waves that Wuther
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What? If you can't see your own character, you fundamentally cannot parry because you can't get the timing right. Besides, you'll be able to see large enemies just fine because you don't have jinhsi's dragon clogging up the screen.
i ended up doing yinlin's character quest before the quest that gives you this item, so the game ended up giving me one on the spot and another when i did the actual quest.

normally stuff like this would upset me and activate my almonds but its just a dumb little easter egg of sorts that makes my account special.
I didn't even last 10 minutes (like with your mom LOL). Absolute peak hoyoslop, it makes hsr and genshin look like soulful kino.
>new gacha releases
>sheeps realize it's shit after initial fomo hype
>shills lose their power
The only thing dying here is zzz ads
someone said they got two because they were handed one from yinlin's quest and then the quest with the old man
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Guys is the illusive realm finally available for everyone? I already see some people play it and it looks like they made great changes. I'm kinda jelly
i cant even see the character in that video and they suddenly change bro, the core indicator is the enemy swing, how is that "if you cant see your character, you cant get the timing right". thats the point with jinshi, her animation overkill the enemy and make you unable to see the enemy animation.
i'm assuming it just came out for eu and it came out for asia a few hours ago. we should get it tomorrow in na
Pull the trigger doro
is Danjing worth building at C2?
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>zzz player pov
I rerolled for yinlinn
Am i lucky?
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Just do it Dorothy
Average mephis boss fight you mean
Jinhsi makes it so you can't see the enemy clearly and can't see your own hitbox clearly. A parry is about timing the impact of the attack with your hitbox. This shouldn't be a difficult concept to understand.
>i cant even see the character in that video
If your eyes are that bad you might as well put on a blindfold when you play Jinhsi.
If you really like the simplistic style of havoc rover ya
Other than the standard weapon yes that's very lucky.
hows this future team
I can see just fine when playing Jinhsi though?
Sounds like you're having trouble adjusting to the height difference.
He looks dead inside while playing, hoyoshills are in full dmg control in his chat lmao
Good obviously. But you sure you have that many verinas lying around? Your other teams don't need her?
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The state of Mihomo gamers lol
That's the standard team but if you want to clear tower 30/30 you should try to make her work without verina and maybe encore so you can clear the highest level with 2 shitters.
dawg, the hit box is there, it didnt move, you just cant see it which mean you cant react to it.why? because jinshi animation overshadow the enemy animation, YOU CAN SEE JINSHI DOING EVERYTHING but not the enemy. its actually the reverse on that zzz video, the enemy is so big that the animation from it overshadow your character BUT you can still react to it BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE THEM SWING
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wuwon bigly
>absolute state of mihomo faggots who have all their holes filled with homoverse chinkslop
Just realized most gacha niggas are probably in their 40's and blind
Its funny how much the truth triggers them
What would they censor? The fur? The cyborg armor? All male characters show no skin whatsoever lol
i cannot get jinhsi out my head
i want to login and play her
i want to save her fanarts
i want to replay act 7
i want to commission porn of her
i want to grind her best gear and echoes
i want to add her to all my teams
this bitch has got me MESSED UP
We fucking know Sanhua holy shit calm down.
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Oh boy wait till you see what the devs cooked in the illusive realm.
I played that shit for 1 hour and I really dont understand whats the appeal, even if you're a furry

>gameplay is just left click and space
>banner systems are absolute shit

Im convinced only mihomo could get away with not improving their gacha formula and still have a bunch of drones parroting its totally fine while getting buttfucked by censorship, powercreep and 0 money put into game development
>I can see just fine when playing Jinhsi though?
Then you should be able to see even better in ZZZ? Wuwa regularly has sfx that obscure your vision of your character by appearing between their back and the camera. Jinhsi has multiple examples of this in her attack string.
Meanwhile in ZZZ the sfx of attacks and parries will almost always remain in front of the character so that you don't lose track of them. The character remains fully visible.
>wuwa launch day
>200k+ viewers on twitch
>almost none sponsored
>zzz launch day
>already below 100k viewers
>almost every stream has #ad in the title
is it safe to say it flopped in the west?
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Thank you. I still have 90 pulls. i want to save for 1.2 dps
Should I?
I lack dps, right?
Eh, furries are loaded, I don't doubt they can fund the whole game by themselves
zzz boring is trending on tieba
make it kissing her butt and we'll have a deal
>make game and advertise girl with huge breasts to attract coomers and repel normies
>censor it and now not even coomers want to play
>game fails
>appeal to furries as backup plan to save game
wow who could have predict this
I mean we don't know what's actually on 1.2 banners but if neither jinhsi and changli are interesting to you yeah skip.

Just run with havoc rover for now who's a pretty solid dps
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I am not interested in ZZZ!
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>absolute state of mihomokeks
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this is the "game" zzztards were shilling here for the past month
I watched last CBT so I didn't need to hop in to confirm it, mihoyo brand name isn't enough to carry that garbage
Neither is literally anyone else if the reactions online are anything to go by
Proud of you Chixia friend
>Smooches your forehead
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Alright then. i wanted Jiyan but God forbids me.
i rerolled for jiyan like 20 accounts and didn't get him.
I wants an aoe puller like him
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Nigga i'm not the person you were talkingto not am i going anywhere near that trash.
Just stating a fact.
All that babble about ZZZ? Take it to it's own thread retard, didn't read.
Can't see well while playing Jinhsi? Unironically go to an optometrist i can't help you with that.
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/our/ guy aalto is so much better.
Stopped reading right there nigger
>is it safe to say it flopped in the west?
and on china too anon, if this is true >>484602748 we can expect a chink meltdown for the lulz too

>appeal to furries
no i am a furfag and the designs are shit at least mihoyo could put a hot female furry designed like Loona or Krystal
Why are people posting so much ZZZ shilling on a WuWa general?
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Fuckin hell they wouldn't stop shitting in my threads over THIS!?
Changli or Yinhsi for a second main DPS team?
Nigga why so triggered nigga?
Don't tell me your butt got tickled nigga
Jinshi fill fall down a tier once the tower buff is gone
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they're trying to psyop us into thinking their game is good and for us to play their stupid furryfaggot game
whoever you like. They're both good numbers wise
We're just laughing because they have been shilling daily in this general since the game came out (Usually during SEA hours) but their game is shit
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They're shitposting on /gbfg/ too?
Why are you too scared to say the nigger word?
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At least post your own Aalto...
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>Introduce Jinhsi as the first introduction unit to proper ariel combat
>mog the competition

How did kuso games do it?
>hoyoshit secondary studio makes a new game
>most censored hoyo game ever
>it's shit
why are people talking about wuwa so much on zzz thread?
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I'm really tempted to build this nigga now...
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is this new? saved
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>ZZZ is so bad it makes people go back to and praise WW
Oh no no no mihomos...
Idk, I just like the 2 fighting games.
Just to make you mad nigga
You gonna cry nigga?
My nigger, you need to be 18 to post here
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He is really comfy to play And his taunt works really well. He just won't out-dps any limited character and he is single target.
Now say that without crying Nigga
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>illusive realm drops and Jinhsi literally feels like a chingchong evolutionary realm wuxia warrior now.
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How was there ever any doubt that WuWa would flop compared to Genshin?
This is just sad nigger
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He is fun and has a unique but his dps is pretty lacking until you get all of his dupes. The more you have the better he feels to play
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[Prize Event] Golden Bangboo, I Got You!

...6, 7, 7.4! Click the link below, then press the "Catch" button in exactly 7.4 seconds to capture the Golden Bangboo!
We will select 100 lucky Proxies out of everyone who captured the Golden Bangboo and shared it with the hashtag, #Catchaboo to receive Rug - Bangboo Edition ×1.
In addition, when the total number of captured Golden Bangboo exceeds 100,000, we will giveaway a redemption code for Polychrome ×30 (redeemable across all servers)!
The challenge begins!

Event Duration: July 4 10:00 – July 10 10:00 (UTC+8)

Event Details:
but why so angey nigga
>Barely beating a week old banner on RELEASE DATE
It's unironically over for zzziggers holy shit... Even I don't expect it to flop THIS HARD...
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Damage report

Finally got Jinhsi with the free pulls they gave today, and have 6k astrite left. I haven't touched the new region yet, so I still have the event astrite and whatever we get from chests over there.
So it's pretty much equal to our downtime, how? This is Mihoyo we're talking about here
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>mihoyo brand
that shit carries no weight
genshin was their one hit wonder and they fucked it
hsr is absolutely fking trash
zzz lmfao

atleast those retards get hit with all the ccp attention so other companies can have their space and do proper games and designs
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>furry game
Bruh mtashed and other streamers that are not hoyobots are losing their minds and seething about zzz, that's what happen when hoyo drones try to shill thier garbage as if it second coming of Jesus.
Kek my nigger is so mad he can't even type straight. I'll stop bullying you now.
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>don't get limited multi rolls when you get to summons part in zzz

and dropped miss me with that shit.
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Which irl animal would be your 4-cost Echo, and what would be their special ability?
I hate you
Bwo can zzz refugees come here
>no furry girls
What's even the point?
only after you get tested for rabies
They are carried by their trailers, just like Kojima, shit at making games but my god their trailers made a nothingburger look like a big deal
Uhoh angey nigga is angey
No. Kuro scrapped the furry and made him a kemonomimi shota sintead
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I was able to get the 50/50 without reaching hard pity. Really want changli, so I hope my luck remains and I don't need 180 pulls to get her.
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>wuwa had an awfull launch, but the (I) pandering TANKED all the bad reception.
>zzz (I) pandering barely exists and chinks are going nuclear with the gacha (similar to hi3 part 2 relaunch)
threadly reminder, to say ty to ml immortals and chink waifufags for saving wuwa from that awfull CBT1 cuckge.
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Kokobro come play wuwa with us - the better game!
blizzard 2.0
great trailers and animations
games are an absolute cesspit
Mantis Shrimp, completely decimates enemy stagger bar in one shot
done uninstall wuwa and installing zzz rn, let's see if the game is really that good
I'm off pity and 10 rolls in, 100% sure i'll have to use "that" for Sexturkey unless a miracle happens.
fuck female resonators
Finished 100%ing every zone on my reroll account and am UL36. Now it's just comfy doing dailies and finishing sidequests only until I hit UL40 then I farm echos.
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>Turdy doesn't have the storage for both games
Jinhsi cinematic alone shitted on everything hoyo did over 4 years for me. And 1.1 cutscenes are close to that quality. Really shows that billions of bucks don't mean shit
Holy fuck ZZZ flopped.
>chinks are going nuclear with the gacha
For real? What is it about? Is it a Lingyang situation again?
well they definitely killed it with Jinhsi and Yinlin, now they just have to keep up the quality for a year, then we can safely say they surpassed Hoyo in terms of trailer
CBT1 would have been a more believable story, and the Asian male gacha game is WAY TOO obsessed with cuckoldry.
there's basically no for (you) moments, and when they almost happen, they end up basically cucking you for another character. it's quite literally NTR bait
wuwa won...
by doing absolutely nothing.
other than changing their dates that is
i'm not gonna lie I have a lot of fun doing the skiing on the snow slopes. Hope we get more mindless minigames in the future I just spent 15 minutes doing that shit
And being a decent game
>Still no shikanokoko wuwa edit
>For real? What is it about? Is it a Lingyang situation again? >>484602748
It's still too early too tell, only been a few hours.
pretty fun, I like it. Style point is too easy to get tho.
I wonder if a bunch of Pags got filtered by the 100GB install. Mobile bros cant handle it oh no kek
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>check /wuwa/
>see some bros laughing at zzz
>check /zzz/ out of curiosity
>see people crying from all the doomposting, revenueposting, chink-comment posting, getting knotted in their 50/50, all the story yapping, and the shallow gameplay
heh wu...won
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>"Isn't it obvious that it's not fun? Why do you still look forward to this game?"
>"After playing for an hour, a character that looked like O's Xinyan appeared. It was boring. I uninstalled it and started World of Warcraft."
>"I just got this, and I really felt bored the moment it came out, so I turned off the game."
>"The launch of Absolute Zone 0 was considered a silent launch."
>"I took two melatonin pills at 10:40 last night, and got up before 7 in the morning with great expectations. I had four accounts and completed the pre-order rewards a week in advance. I thought I would top up the monthly card for whichever account was lucky enough to get it. But I ended up playing with one account and it was so boring. What a mess."
>The combat is really not that good faint, much worse than the next one I think"
It's so over for ZZZ
What's the average phone storage for them? I would imagine it to be larger since they're more likely to game on mobile, right?
>chink-comment posting, getting knotted in their 50/50, all the story yapping, and the shallow gameplay
wuthering waves?
honestly I see ZZZ gameplay as Wuwa but actually a phone game, if Wuwa actually releases later than ZZZ we might actually get some retards saying it's copying ZZZ
I'm just glad it moved to the next game. I think ZZZ is going to do well in its first few months but the game is definitely more niche. I've been playing it tonight because Elusive Realms isn't up yet, but I don't know if I'll keep up with it in the long term. it feels extremely stingy and the combat is repetitive. Your abilities and ult get locked so you're essentially mashing left click until the QTE and repeat.
WoWChads won bigly
but enough about wuthering waves
>check other website
>wow the game run smoother on my phone
>bro the gameplay makes me dizzy
>the tv too much yap

if only shill actually start chimp out on their hoyo overlord instead of posting shit like this>>484609409
The slowmo dodge looks like the same shit lol.
>it feels extremely stingy
What happened to 180 pulls they advertised?
wrong https://files.catbox.moe/ybeelf.mp4
I knew about the ntr bait from the cbts but I didn't expect CN to actually get mad about it, since it's something that mihomo keeps fucking doing in their games.
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Top kek
It's through normal gameplay, it's not a 100 pull gift. Essentially they advertised "play our game" as a special reward.
ZZZ was revealed before wuwa retardbwo
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means the faggots, SEApags and indogs constantly chimping and shitting here has moved on to zzz.
Holy DoA
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say it without red in your eyes
They should implement more like that and add weekly cruisewing challenges that shit is great.
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as the Sentinel has decreed
but it was released after Wuwa is out, learn to fucking read, you act as if retards with zero idea of game development aren't going to simply say Wuwa copied ZZZ gameplay and only added few things if they release Wuwa after ZZZ.
He's lying anyway, zzz was revealed after wuwa was revealed.
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So I went to brief reading on /zzz/ and I see some people said the parry mechanic is better than wuwa? Is this true....?
It feels insulting this mobile game is 50GB
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Oh no? If i absolutely must i guess.
Yes it's better at making you fall asleep. zzzzzzz is well named
It's easier to parry (much bigger windows/less punishing positioning), whether that makes it 'better' is up to you.
It is if you're a braindead troglodyte
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if your a babby perhaps...
If you like braindead gameplay yeah. When you see gold streaks you press dodge and the game auto parries everything afterwards.
How is that a parry then...?
If you're a skillet, of course.
wuwa parrying is too hard
I just watched mtashed beat a disaster level boss by looking at the wall behind him and spamming left click
Do you even get punished for fucking up the timing at least..?
It's true bro, we lost. EoS soon
Play the game and find out yourself faggot. I did for an hour and I immediately uninstalled lmao
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It has cooldown and if you parry once, it auto parries the entire attack sequence for you.
You get hit, that's about it. The enemies I've encountered so far are damage sponges that attack once every 8-15 seconds.
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New Eridu City Entry Special Gifts!

Dear Proxies! To celebrate the official global release of Zenless Zone Zero, we've prepared city entry gifts on all major social media platforms for everyone. Come participate in the event and find out for yourself!
Imagine if they implement autoparries on Crownless hologram
Based deer enjoyers!
>shill posts don't get deleted
Damn even the mods are trying hard to shill this hoyoslop. Makes it even funnier that it's already flopping LOL
Mihomo probably bribed them kek. Wouldn't surprise me knowing their track record
It's so good, jianxin and sanhua are probably the most enjoyable ones to use.
Sanhua in illu is literal peak cinema
WTF the abuse must stop
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>mfw I see genshitards are actually complaining zzz combat is less complex than their game
absolute state of zzziggers rn getting shit on by genshin memepact players of all things.
It's so funny how blatant and obvious it is lmao
We won boys
nigger can't be parried except for when he's having his melty like 5% of the fight i hate it so much
>Finally get a fusion damage bonus dreadwolf gold 3 cost echo

I don't even want to push it further, I guess I'll keep it on encore for now until I eventually find another
git gud
i'm trying but i can only seethe so much every day and consumable are too fucking expensive
Zenless Zone Zero First Impressions
- combat is fun
- gacha sucks
- skipped story, so no opinion (probably mid)
- animation is godlike
- good ost
- gacha sucks
That's pretty bad. Just farm it daily using the echo droprate food
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I assume something horrible happened in /zzz/. That's why zzzbros are posting in this thread instead, for some reason
Some anon needs to put this webm side to side with gameplay of ranged zzz characters so i can shitpost. Aalto mogs all of theirs
they paid content creators to make a final video on ZZZ after the dogshit that cbt was to try and hype that shit too
1. Why are you gachatards so obsessed with shitposting each other's games?
2. Why aren't you playing real action games?
Wrong general, traitor.
I run around the tower of adversity after doing my dailies to kill all the wolves since they're pretty dense there, and I this is the first time I got a gold for both the fire set and with the fusion damage bonus. Guess I keep farming for the fabled crit dmg/chance rolls.
>Why aren't you playing real action games?
which ones? do they have hot girls too?
Got a 5-star in ZZZ's gacha. As I was going through each of the rolls, I had to listen to some dog shit english vtuber rap. Absolute miserable experience. Only to get the fucking furry. Uninstalled the game so hard, I manually went to the directory and shift deleted the motherfucker.
>- combat is fun
LMAO you know this post isn't valid when everyone and i say everyone including reddit, hoyolab, twitter, twitch, and 4chan already hates them
okay anon that's a neutral opinion, now go back to your thread.
>Why aren't you playing real action games?
I've spent 5yrs replaying the NG trilogy and 7 replaying the DMC games (excluded Donte and 2). I've no interest in Bayo, what the fuck else am I meant to play?
i literally just want to talk about jinhsi and sexing her but i think there's more post about that other game than our game here
wuwa is the only gacha game that have combat comparable and probably better than most regular games
Story felt human for once
Makes me think it wasn't made by chinks
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>Canadian studio
>fushit game
So illusive realms isn't coming out today for NA?
combat should've been more like stellarblade because this aint it
It's not even out for EU
It's already playable in SEA
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>no Jinhsi in exactly 80 pulls
>100% tapped out of Astrite
take it easy bros, hope you get Changli
>exactly 80
I don't believe you

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