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Previous: >>484617049

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA (JP)

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
Out NOW!


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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Is it worth downloading on my PS5?
How do you jump?
threadly remainder that Wuthering Waves still suffers memory leak issues that get fixed by just opening genshin in the background
How did wuwa win so effortlessly?
bring something back
we should stop making threads so early with how fast we're moving
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just woke up time to play this game
I'm not playing this game. I'm just here to coom to the girls.

750 is the limit
I had enough JP dub in HI3, I use EN in this game
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Sleepy zzz Joe flopped, slopped and zzzlopped
Uninstalled, bye
750 is bump limit and we're making threads on like page 2. threads still survive for a while on page 9 and 10 depending on how hard you faggots are spamming threads
anything worth buying for real money? I thought the game would have a battle pass but I don't see anything like that
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Reminder that Ellen will be powercrept in a few months
cunny nicole should be a s class
I'm convinced incestfags don't have any actual siblings.
Sturdy epi threads are kino!

Brown cunny!
Add me, 1300818117
So, to other people who are actually playing, how long do you think it will take this thread to switch from whining that the combat is too easy to whining about being filtered by the Butcher?
Nice IP Grabber
there is a battle pass it just gets unlocked later. i think around knot lvl 14
I wish shitposters leave our game. All these negativity is really souring the game for me it's so annoying.
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>17th reroll attempt
>17th 10 pull on Ellen banner
>not even a spook
>18th reroll
>Rina and blue oni
You know what, I'm keeping it
Unless I get some total brick from the standard at 50, I'll have the two sexo maids
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>combat only game
>mechanics aren't any deeper than Genshin
Why... Aether Gazer has 3 skills per character, this one only has 1. Parry is nice and all but is it better than having a jump?
Feels like late HI3 characters had deeper gameplay than this. My 5 star here plays like Diluc
>The Shining reference
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yes we did play the same game, theres nothing going on here
combat is just spam mouse click until the screen tells you to press something else

Parry? big ass yellow flash for 2 seconds to press the button and do the epic clash
Dodge? its stupidly generous with insane iframes
Monster got his stance break? time to spam the swap in buttons to rack up numbers
Rest of the battle is just spamming more mouse clicks and pressing the Skill and Ult on cooldown.

Theres no fucking "cool" teams or synergies right now, the game is painfully disjointed.
The only people that actually believe this game has some kind of "Godlike" gameplay are dopamine addicted zoomers who just see COOL COLOR NUMBERS FLY SO GOOD and have terribly low expectations for a game

Im glad the game shows its true colors really early so i know not to waste my valuable time in it anymore
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>months were spent shilling this
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I hope the game does badly on launch so I can get more rolls but it's a hoyodrone game so no chance
I have a little sister but I'm still an incestfag because Belle isn't my sister
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Uhh, shark bros?
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>posts deleted thread from bugman /v/ mixed with /pol/
not very bright, are you, kuroshill?
never. schizos love to bitch in hoyo threads.
zoomer detected
I loved Corin a lot more than I thought I would
I bet 80% of people still busy rerolling, I rarely seen any screenshot from Chapter 1.
The only poster in this board are shitposter or people who posting during cutscene rerolling.
how do i get 100 pulls?
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This is Heddy.
She really likes your video store.
There are many promoters out there, but none like her.
>Theres no fucking "cool" teams or synergies right now, the game is painfully disjointed.
>The only people that actually believe this game has some kind of "Godlike" gameplay are dopamine addicted zoomers who just see COOL COLOR NUMBERS FLY SO GOOD and have terribly low expectations for a game
NTA but that's also how I felt about wuwa
If there ever is remotely challenging content in this game, it'll be getting blind sighted and one shot by an enemy off screen because the camera is absolute ass
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GardenscapeGODS... ZZZ is laughing at us again...
Rerollbros do you quit after unlocking mail or keep going until events unlock for another 20 pulls?
What are these sleeping arrangements? Do Wise and Belle share a bed or what?
unironically AG and HI3 feels and plays better than this slop.
who's the butcher? i'm past level 20 and it's still easy as shit
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Oh nyo nyo nyo hahahaa
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please clap
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Zisters, our response??? The chinese are making fun of our game :(
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how is she
i posted this exact same comment last night lul
threadhoppers are so obviously just here to shitpost that you could almost point out the neurons they have still working
i'm going to assume they're wuwafags because they've been shitposting both here AND int heir thread about ZZZ for days
what leads to this level of autism?
So how actually good this game is? I might give it a try.
Can't they use the fucking upgrade system to turn any character into an S rank like they have in fucking HI3? Why is hoyo so adverse to using that system again
the biggest pain in the ass bosses were the belobog robots in the beta
those things would 2-shot you with an AOE that covers half the arena in rally commissions
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>Mtashed completely shits on the game
>"yeah, I skipped all the story, what about it?"
They have separate rooms
Uh huh.
Most siblings relationships are lucky if you don't grow to hate each other by the time you've moved out.
I have a sister who I've fapped to but even then I couldn't wait to move out instead of dealing with her bullshit.
>male MC
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No. This is what Belle's room looks like.
nekomata and soldier 11...i wonder if i should reroll
It's implied that they have different rooms since they're each completely different
When the combat and team building is this simple all it means is that the "endgame" modes are gonna be newcharacterbait hp sponges with timers. Grim.
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i'm gonna rape this bitch.
All the characters but the pink slut and the furry look kind of the same to me. I don't really like the art direction.
same her pizza cutter is pretty entertaining
just finished playing for today, ngl this game is ticking all the right boxes in my head so i might stick to it for a bit
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See a doctor sis
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>everyone apparently has beaten dark souls unarmed modded Lv1 hardcore 1HP
>le funny gacha game is too easy
damn. how'd you all get so good?
>both MCs have their own rooms
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please kill yourself
>everyone is rerolling thats why no one is posting positive stuff
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Not looking good Wise bros...
they have different room retard
who are the possible 1.1 S-Rank characters?
Go back to dykepact or gayshit, tranny
you don't, the 180 pulls are split across banners throughout the whole of 1.0
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When do you get to unlock the daily/errands tab? I've been playing the game for hours now
your game is worse to play than Aether Gazer. AHAHAHAHAHAHA who's laughing now
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>shit on game
>yes I skipped all the story
First time?
It got stale 2 hours in. Still trying to see if there's anything good ahead.
WuWa's synergy is more of a per-character basis, like how Mortefi supports heavy attackers, or Jinhsi wants certain characters like Hatman or Thick Mashu.
so... save for maybe what, Blue Archive
literally every single fucking gacha made ever? genshin? HSR? WuWa? PGR? Aether?
not sure what the point is here, you're playing a gacha game, should've expected gacha business
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>AAA baby bus
kek hoyotoddlers
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I legit think it's pretty fun so I'm not sure if people here are baiting or my taste is just bad.

Of course not the best game ever and I'm still holding off on getting a monthly but it's not this dogshit that people make it out to be.
I wish that grifter would just stop playing gacha games already. Seeing people care about the opinion of someone who only plays them for views and quits every game after 2 weeks is getting old
Didn't watch, but if the GAMEPLAY FOCUSED GAME has SHIT GAMEPLAY, it's probably SHIT.
A whole hour!
couple weeks
>SeaPag Mihomo shills constantly spam and shitpost other gacha threads
>Game releases and they get a taste of their own medicine
>"what leads to this level of autism?"
I didn't said that, you did.
I never said that too.
Well I know that now, dummy. Coming off HSR, you didn't even have a room so seeing one at all is a surprise.
Yeah this is about as "deep" as Wuwa but at least it's an open world game. A combat game should be deeper than this
DFC is better
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zzztvcm doesnt work
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why this site
I toggled the switch on Anby's W engine but I don't notice anything different??
I think ZZZ is a GOOD game, it’s a budget dollar store anime DMC. However I will not be DELETING FFXVI for this game.
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Wuthering Waves:
>Open world
>Better gameplay
>No VN story bs, it's all in-game
>22 gbs total size
Zenless Zone Zero:
>Hallway simulator like HSR
>Worse gameplay even though it's an arena arpg
>Censored to hell after baiting ppl in the early reveals
>VN story in 2024
>57 fucking gbs
You know what's the saddest part? Is that you drones will still praise this slop as better than games from other companies because the Chinese Nintendo made it.
Everyone would be making fun of this game if it didn't have the Mihoyo label on it.
several gacha have better stories than a lot of AAA games these days
Rank 13 or so. Finish the cat's story mission. Then you unlock cawfee
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Sorry hoyo chopped em off
Yeah, you retards deserve it
no chink faction yet?
>not skipping the "story"
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RetardGOD here. How/where do I find this promotion quest for my Inter-Knot level? I'm already 20 but i'm still not certified?
zzztvcm is the same as zzz2024 so its one or the other
i will make fun of both games, but especially you for defending a worse game
Honestly wish I picked Wise. I'm already too far in with the starter 5* I wanted
ZZZ doesn't have hallways
Mihoyo waifus peaked with Genshin to me. All their waifus in their other games look like AI slop, desu.
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the amount of ESL in this thread is fucking hilarious
you can tell the target audience of this dogshit is palm oil workers with high melanin.
I got the hag maid on my first account. Just finished the tutorial. I like the game. I might reroll until I get soldier 11 or lyacon though before going further.
Story is like 90% of every gacha. Most popular gachas are basically VNs, HSR is a VNs with autocombat, so is Azure Lane, so is Uma Musume, doesn't even have combat that one
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Reminder that giggers are sperging because this single feature triggered them
my normalfag friends are all loving it, and they all hated WuWa and some of them also play NIKKE so i'm expecting the game to get some nice moners
if the game does well in terms of revenue, because of normalfag appeal, after all the shitposting here i'll down a whole bottle of whiskey and laugh for an entire day
Imagine the paiZZZuri
Any guide on how to reroll in this game?
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B-Bellebros... Billy sent me a weird message.. What did he mean by that?
and yet genshin has some of the fucking worst, fuck off with that shit
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Belle will get most the fanart and outside the story you're mostly staring at her ass. So it's an automatic win.
I wanted either grace or neko, got grace. What now? Do I roll for the perky titty shark bitch or save my limited rolls
its laid out on the chalkboard anon
big filesizes
can post videos with audio

its slower than 4chan but on a technical level way better plus way less bad faith spergs
Inter KNOT with me friends, let’s FROT: 1300818117
>people calling the game shit early when literally everyone is still at knot level 10
Genshin didn't get kino until later on too you know
We're still getting 200m revenue per month tho, so you lost
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Who is this big booba goddess?
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this team any good
the open world aspect is not a good thing at all, also there's nothing to censor in that game in the first place, gameplay is about even, both have dogshit stories, it's a 5/10 game vs a 4/10 game
It was censored on launch, your shilling a bit pathetic, sis. Also it runs like shit so on that basis alone I quit it
I still miss her original and uncesored design.
my friends really hate the combat in wuther waves and this game its the main issue keeping them away
Uninstall and play literally anything else
This shit is DoA
>Open world
>No VN story bs, it's all in-game
is this... supposed to be a good thing?
Open World games are ALL slop, no exceptions, and VN storytelling is better than your average vidya
also better gameplay is VERY debatable when WuWa's gameplay barely works
That's weird in my game Wise and Belle sleep in the same bed and cuddle all night? Is this not normal? I thought it was kinda odd for Hoyo to have siblings do that...
bros ngl this game is pretty shit
>peaked with Genshin
god you're such a flaming faggot that you actually consider safe horny mandated bullshit designs as peak female character designs
/gig/ loves this game doe
It's wuwashills that are shitting up every single thread for days now
It should be by default since you are forced to do it. But yeah I also didn't notice any difference, must be very subtle
my first 5* is pic rel.
Is this ugly dumb bitch even good or is she the Qiqi/Yanqing tier of ZZZ?
you're also gonna meet his large snake and be amazed at his skills with it.
Plenty of people who skipped wuwas story still found enjoyment in the endgame boss battles/exploration

Skipping story doesn't invalidate their opinion of things outside the story
nice bait
I am on team hag it looks like. I think I'm going to skip the shark.
Genshin got good by 1.2, so I'll give them that long.
wait wtf is this
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well well well
how the turn tables...
What are you on about, they have login bonus events in Genshin. This is an event you know, what do you think you'll be getting this forever lmao?
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mod it back in a few weeks. hoyo physically can't get away with official lewd but they can ignore mods
Stun is the most overpowered role in the game, but she's worse than the furry at it.
Burn all males in this game!

It's fun. I got to Hollow Zero and have enjoyed everything the game has to offer. My only real complaint so far is that the first limited character already has more interesting mechanics and even a larger attack set than the rest of the cast; but that won't really matter in a few patches.
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Are the 1$ weapons any good?
Best characters so far?
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all of H.I.A employees are big tiddies oneesan
As a REAL GAMER it’s my honest opinion. This game will be relegated to my IPAD instead
is she for (you) or billy?
yea but at least the girls are kinda cute
ill prolly play until the next big gacha comes out
unironically how do someone expect zed slop to not have VN story bs
only a collab with genshin or hsr can save this game
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which one bros
That's how it always goes in gacha games yes
when does it get better, you guys kept spamming mihoyo quality
this is so boring
that first chapter was so comfy bros...
Post the original nicole
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what is the next big gacha?
you are lucky that's the one im going for
>buzzword soup
You don't know what safe horny is
Kafka is safe horny, Jade is safe horny, Raiden Shogun is safe horny
Mona, Camdace, Fischl, Eula etc. aren't
She's always around in the story whichever character you choose. The only difference is people won't be referring to you with female pronouns. I know it's a dealbreaker for you
I'd say they're about equal in quality. This one runs well at least, shameful display for 1.1
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Wish me luck bros.
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If you get a 5 star character before 50 rolls on standard, do you still get the guaranteed 5 star after 50 pulls?
>Belle: So, onii-chan... did you know where children come from?
>Belle: Like our mom and dad, when they brought us into the world, they had to have sex
>Belle: There's a lot of people in my life I love... but none I love like you
>Belle: I love you like a man, onii-chan
>Dialogue options: WHAT?! or I love you too
>No matter what option you choose Belle rapes you and you get a 10 minute long sex cutscene
did anyone also get this? i feel it was kinda weird for hoyo to add this
gacha is bad
44% male mc is actually crazy for a gacha game
I'm mexican so you are right, amigo.
I fucking love to masturbate to mihoyo games!
She my imouto and I want to see her art. She gets bred by me. Why would her getting more art affect my decision?
Swap in Anby for Ben. Even without the passive bonus for her you're going to want a stun character.
nigger this is supposed to be a combat focused game, not a VN
>ZZZ #4 in CN
>WuWa highest was #8

Turned in favor to us?
>uoooohhh cunny cunny cu-ACK
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Graphics: 8.5
Music: 8.0
Style: 9.5
Gameplay(TV section): 2.0
Combat: 4.0

Game is a solid 6.4
I mean you clearly didn't play the game. No way you hit level 20 without skipping everything.
She has this weird thing with a NPC in a hoodie
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whats your policies besides bigger filesizes and audio posts?
>project mugen, azur promilia, girls frontline 2 and arknights endfield
either of those
Does she have a name? She was in cutscenes.
daily quests reset
EUfags got fucked pretty much
what ass?
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Defend this
I just want Zhu Yuan
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i will never read a gacha "story" thank you very much
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my wife...
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Is this wisepag going to follow me everywhere??
Why did they put this retard in main story
Ellen is hot as hell, otherwise it's just another gacha
you weren't supposed to point that out...
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>It doesn't need to be decensored
>It doesn't need half of it's gameplay to not be a TV maze minigame
>It doesn't have to be a game without furries
>It doesn't need challenging combat
>It doesn't need 3D models to look like the artwork. Mobile players would have a hard time running it then.
>It doesn't need a jump button
>girls frontline 2
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>story is bland and boring
>nothing gets really explained early
>you just get thrown into it
>tv gaming SUCKS
>combat is button mashing
>you can't play as characters on map
>you can't even 360 view them
>can't zoom in on them
>there is no map
>only location plates tom choose
>extremely stingy
>barely any limited f2p pulls
Characters are nice but the game is not very good. Is it really as barren for limited currency as it seems early on? WuWa has like over 1000 chests to collect in addition to normal stuff and events. Here on Sixth Street there was like 30 gems in chests.
Even HSR had shitton of chests and puzzles, there is nothing in this game.
still not playing your shit game :)
we already know who the shitposters are
it's either tendieniggers who come here from /v/ or fans of other gacha companies/games like wuwa
I don't think open world is really as much of a pro as (you people) think it is. I think it even actively hurts WW because a large percentage of the map is incredibly uninteresting and basically dead content after you complete the exploration that doesn't even take very long because of the gadgets. I think smaller maps like what HSR has is infinitely better, since there's a lot less filler content
Nikke is too powerful



Okay thanks
Why do Mihoyo's character designs sucks so fucking bad man, what in the fuck. I want to like their games because of production value, but the gacha being so stingy for such generic characters is so off-putting

how do you fags tolerate this shit

>inb4 post disregarded as some rival gacha shitpost
>Rina two rolls into standard
>Nekomata fifty rolls later
>Ellen nine rolls into her banner
The game really wants me to stay.
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why are there slutty elves in my city?
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Then what the fuck is the point of rerolling lol
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>mixed toilet
>can't jump
>110 gigs
>100 roll scam
>scrapped or massively reworked
>I don't want to get involved in the chinkcel VS transbian schizowar and palworld got boring already
>actually excited for this one
Not bad
i cant. playing the game isn't fun.
im level 20, is it supposed to be good yet?
The four W-Engines on the ticket are the signature weapons for Anby, Billy, Nicole, and Corin. Not a bad idea if you're missing one and want to use them.
Bro...where's the jump button?
all true
the only decent game in this list is gakumas
I had Smoke weed everyday in my profile and just got this lmao, i have it on my HSR account and it was fine
Have you played a single gacha slasher you retard? PGR, is that very light on the story? Barely any, right? Aether Gazer, HI3, PGR, they're all VNs with a combat mode attached.
>>scrapped or massively reworked
They're not lying.
It's just that 48 million of those 50 million preregistrations are Chinese people
And Chinese people don't use Twitch
>Mona, Camdace, Fischl, Eula etc. aren't
Only Mona passed the safe horny filter you tranny dog
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Tick tock, bros.
if you consider these generic, i don't care to know what your idea of unique is, probably some retard game like FGO
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CN iOS gacha game launch performance: (broke 100 means the ranking in the best-selling list drops to 100th place)
>Tower of Fantasy first broke 100: four and a half months
>Arknights first broke 100: seven and a half months
>Punishing Gray Raven first broke 100: three months
>Aether Gazer first broke 100: 41 days
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wuthering Waves: 24 days

miHoYo launch performance:
>Honkai Impact 3rd first broke 100: two years and one month
>Genshin Impact: three years and ten months since launch, lowest ranking 71, never broke 100
>Honkai: Star Rail: one year and two months since launch, lowest ranking 74, never broke 100
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Nice balls, bro.
I feel like if you swapped the characters and gameplay of zzz and star rail both games would be better
>penacony banners paid for zzz development
the absolute state of hoyoniggers
>the butcher
really nigger?
Reminder: All Wuwa shills are 3rd worlders working for fractions of a penny per post from a bot farm funded by Tencent.
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acheron got lost again?
Genshin didn't get good until 6 months in, if you aren't feeling it now just drop it imo
What makes you think sitting my ass watching the retarded cutscenes and story will make the gameplay better in any way. You braindead fucking retard.

You fucking hoyodrones are something else man. Its insane.
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it's obvious a hoyoverse game will make more money. will the money be put back into the game so it's not a left click simulator? that's the real question
if you got KNOTTED i guess
i got the maid, so i'll have the complete maid collection when i get sharkmaid
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Fuck you mihomo
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>Not choosing your MC based on the comfiness levels of their bedroom
give me your best Alexandrina upskirt shots, NOW
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What an action game like this should be like
>You select a mission
>You do the combat
>You get ranked
>You got back to the hub to upgrade your character and select the next mission
>Maybe listen to some plot in between
What this game is
>Hear characters talk about fucking nothing for 10 minutes
>Slowly run around the hub to talk to more characters
>Talk to the character you just ran to about some menial "gameplay" feature that is ultimately pointless
>Perform said "gameplay" interaction
>Talk to the character about the results of your interaction
>Wander back to your hub to talk to someone else
>Watch another cutscene
>Select a mission
>Waddle around the tv garbage for the next 20 minutes
>Listen to dialog during the tv garbage
>Perform 2 or 3 short combat encounters
>Get ranked
>Go back to the hub for more cutscenes
Then I don't understand why you're wasting time playing gacha. For the amazing gameplay lmao? Gambling is fun and all but there are ways to do it without wasting a lot of time on playing gachas
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phew got tummy and not the furry
what's her tier among the other standards S?
they are triggered more easily when you call them by the p word
It just proves how fucking homosexual mihoyo audience is. Why can't you hate on male characters like every other normal gacha player?
>girls frontline 2
Isn't it making like 500k a month due to shipping the Chinese Jade Beauty tradwife with CHAD WHITE MAN THUNDEROCK?
If they add auto play to this kusoge i think it can be top 3 easily
chinkroaches are the single worst index of anything being worthwhile. hell, chinks still play genshit
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>great vibe
>cool characters
>great presentation
>great music
>awful gameplay gimped by phone screens
how did they ship this out like this. Imo this could have been a great PC/Console release that took advantage of proper controls and would have been an instant success thanks to the brand recognition. But the gacha addicts spend too much money for it to be considered feasible when they can make gorillions from mobileslop.
So my inb4 was nail on head.. Why are you people all so mentally ill
qingyi when
>24 days
>even lower than EOS Gazer
retard post, that game is DOA before it even hits global
How many limited rolls can you get even f2p?
Yes, I've played all of them. HI3 story is a fucking mess, no one cares about Aether Gazer story, and PGR hard game modes like Norman War are the main draw of the game you retarded fatfuck
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Like clockwork, Mihomodrones.
either you're being ignorant with the news or you're a shameless GFL nigger who still tried to pretend GFL2 is a good game, even if I'm ignoring the ntr shit here

more gacha games should copy pso2 classic
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I just bought the monthly pass
10, you're welcome gweilo
Name a company that adds more content in updates. It's not Kuro lmao
nigger the combat commissions is literally the first thing you listed did you play the game?
huh weird, i got one the first time you have to go to sleep where belle climbed into bed and we fucked, it seemed like they had been fucking for years. maybe early dialogue choices change this
fully voiced btw, hoyo went the extra mile
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You guys hyped this up?
Starting to think that. This was my last roll just before zzz came out. And I'm liking this game way better. Im moving over all my whaling to ZZZ instead.
depends how long you play i think you'll hit pity by the end of month maybe? it's stingy as fuck
Is it possible to get lvl20 today?
>so mad he replied twice
Damn kids you're getting farmed
No retards you just get what you deserve for having annoying shills spam every gacha thread daily. They are even spamming in Fire emblem gacha board lol
We're talking about chinese gacha bro. Their stories are bottom of the barrel.
>chose the cute sister
>the faggot is your navigator forever
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He's so sex...
The worst part is they do it for free
stfu pagspammer, go back throwing seetheposts about caelus for the thousandth time on your shithole
yeah i got like level 22
Some people broke it down and you'll have more than enough for a full guarantee by the time the next banner happens.
So you can definitely get Ellen, not both her and the next banner tho. Unless you win your first 50/50
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>Inter-KNOT spammed all over the place
Absolute state of Mihoyofags.
easily bwo. i'm 18 in 4 hours and did a lot of tab'ing out to read the thread.
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Holy shit, HI3 is unironically much better.
The game is old and I dropped after a month because it had too much endgame activities (I prefer Genshin's 10 minutes in two weeks) but the combat and UI (I heard that they changed it, so idk how it looks now) are much better.
The fuck was Mihomo thinking
If you want a specific 5*. Like if you know you're going to main Ellen you probably want to get Lycaon for her. Or if you want a more future proof character you might target Rina or Grace. Or maybe you love how Neko or Koleda look.
>choose to be the girl rather than fuck the girl
you did this to yourself, you chose to troon out
>Both Calydon Cunnies are A
Huh, I was sure Lucy would be S rank, shame.
Well, guess I will hope to get the Kot girl in that case
she's comfy. just tap skill after every other basic.
The only good open world is GTA
It reminds me of twitter activists, why are they like this?
so who am i rerolling for?
why does this shit need 100 gigs to unzip?
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>6 months in
If my mental timeline is correct that was in the middle of the worst version the game ever had
>niggaZZZ mashing
>cant jump
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Did I win?
wuwapags always get so mad when you call out their disgusting genetic makeup
This is such a bullshit excuse it's honestly pathetic. What is her getting fanart supposed to mean? This is not HSR. This is not WuWa. This is not even Genshin where the choice you make decides who is the protag and who is the "antagonist". They are both canon. The choice you make changes literally nothing in the universe. All it changes is the perspective you -- the 3rd person camera man, interprets the story from. From the brother having the sister flirt with him, or the sister having the brother flirt with him. If you still prefer reading it from the perspective of the sister having the brother flirt with her, that's fine. It says a lot about you, but it's fine. I won't judge you. We both know it's NOT because you get to spend 5 seconds every 3 hours staring at an ass and take solace in it belonging to a girl though.
Twitch viewers at 70k and still plummeting lmao nobody even wants to watch this shit on launch day, better fire up those viewbots for your masters hoyopajeets
>I don't care
>main draw
I don't care what you care about, you sad fuck. Stop moving the goalpost. Those games all have a shitton of VN story in them, that's my point. Each one of them is "supposed to be a combat focused game, not a VN", remember? And yet each one of them is a VN with some combat.
how do you get SO mad over a couple of internet posts that your hands tremble enough to misclick into replying to a post twice?
Do you know how unzipping work?
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Why do you like this game over WuWa? Genuinely asking. I never tried wuwa myself
>they made a shittier hi3 with a new coat of paint
But why?
Does that include a pair of used Anby spats
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>ZZZ has zero issues with their launch
>Wuwapags start seething and trying to deflect
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Believe it or not it's not my site so I don't have any policies, I just know it on a user level
Even HSR had a more positive reception when released...
Sasuga retards.
Unmitigated disaster.
Furry is T0 unironically and stun is mega OP, she is T1 unfortunately. One of the worst ones to get actually.
Bros, how do I increase my Knot level...
Where do I input codes?
100000 if you play until eos in 8 years
>worrying about incest
>hyperbole about time spent watching ass
Yeah you're gay
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Can I just pull and select later, or do I need to select first? Also whom to choose? I like the second girl or the cat girl I think.
You're right it was 3 months in not 6, I got confused
>Tiktok Simulator VI
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sorry im not a terminally online gachaddict (I play real games), i just saw the animations and thought GF2 looked cool
what's wrong with it?
you can't fix a boring game syuen
miyoho quality btw
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Imagine the scent
HI3 is actually less censored than this crap
why should I play this again
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Congratz bro
>Do I roll for the perky titty shark bitch or save my limited rolls
I think the Cop will probably be better with Grace, but Ellen should be strong enough to roll for on her own.
Dawei will never let go of his favorite child
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Complex combat MiHoYo new tittle gets shit on by a .PNG auto battler
It's late at night in the US and early in the morning in bongland. How many people do you expect to still be awake watching
they had to make ZZZ stages super small so pags could run it on their 15 year old android phones HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I got the tall maid and her gameplay is terrible
that sure was a good 20 seconds of combat
worth the other 5 hours of nothing of value whatsoever
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What does this team say about me? (I self insert as one char from the image)
Alright i'm semi dropping Genshin (only playing story and checking the drama) for either this or Wuwa. Only from a combat perspective, which is better? I know nothing about ZZZ or Wuwa, i only know Genshin combat is not my thing, and i don't care about open world either
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>Turns your already mediocre gameplay even worse with shitty dogshit mini puzzles no one enjoys doing

The furries are going to need some serious muscle to keep this shit afloat.
Anyone that values their time would see this shit is just designed to fire your dopamin receptors with flashy effects and ZERO substance.
Reading comprehension?
They're already botting
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Oh nyo nyo nyo the japanese furries have become aware
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the city theme. Scifi or fantasy shit is much better
>normal gacha player
don't put us together in the same group you disgusting yuritrannies
snowbros, nikkebros and BAbros would shot all of you dead and feed your corpses to nearby pitbulls
that's just the screen to try them out
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August 1st will be fun.
God this zzz thread is insufferable.

Was hsrg like this too? I am a latelet that started in penacony so the thread already matured by that time.
Genshin had barely any viewers on twitch. That's not a metric for gacha
not him but that game runs like garbage. takes like 5 minutes to load up and every time you load into a new zone for the first time since launching, the game stutters like hell while it renders everything
>game wont be fun until 6 months in
ummm zzzsisters i think we lost
wuwags cant play zzz lmao, they have to uninstall it first
I think I have to drop the game due to the music desu, whoever has the nigger-music fetish at MHY needs to be demoted
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Star rail lost
aye, thanks for letting me know that WuWa will never be fun then!
mesugakis work great together btw, lucy is an attack buffer who summons minions and piper spins to win and applies phys weakness. not sure who to run as my third yet
KEK funny image I was lolling (laughing out louding)
So where's the content?
You can pull now. You will get a random one at 50 rolls guaranteed. You can select another one at 300 rolls.

Meta choice is the wolf yiff. Personally I'm going for Soldier11.
This post is still correct
>no /a/
>has /kr/
trash website, fuck off
No it didn't. The threads were just as bad and plenty of people were saying that it's a boring turn based game that most people won't like
Ohhh, so when it hits 300 I get to select one right?
>Is there any reason to do challenge mode if there's no reward for it
>When do I unlock the daily log in and level up stuff? I'm already level 5 but I don't see the 10x free pulls from the beginner event from the notices
it's only shittier in the fact that you can upgrade your favorites to S rank
everything else is way better
the dodge has i-frames
so is the file size 100 gigs or no?
>play both
>get associated with paggotry for either game
are both sides mentally ill
>boring turn based game
still true
buy an ad faggot
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Stop butting in other people's conversations if you're not even going to read what's written. You're an idiot.
Wait they say not to let the glowies know that we're remotely controlling the midget thing. Does that mean they just wanted to send it out with the investigator to see how it works on its own? I'm kind of confused on this point
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share why I've been totally hooked on Zenless Zone Zero lately. Having tried quite a few mobile gacha games, this one really stands out for me. What sets it apart, you ask? Well, first off, the combat gameplay is absolutely exhilarating. The way you can strategize and execute moves keeps me on the edge of my seat every time. It's like a rush of adrenaline with every battle!

But that's not all. One of the coolest features, in my opinion, is the TV puzzles that pop up throughout the game. They add this whole other layer of challenge and fun. Imagine solving puzzles right in the midst of all the action—it's like a mental workout and a gaming thrill combined.

What surprises me most is that these TV puzzles actually make up 50% of the game experience! It's such a refreshing change from the usual grind, and it keeps me engaged in a way that I haven't found in other gacha games.
enjoy the latest mihoyo game and don't forget to try jumping!
>the reward is dopamine
>when you finish the prologue
Anyone getting lag/stutters on Sixth Street? Everything else runs fine except for when I'm on Sixth Street.
What's funny is half are just afk in Mihoyos channel with tittle 'JOIN HERE FOR DROPS'.
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I'm starting to regret picking the female MC...
Do you KNOW how UNZIPPING work?
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>no one enjoys doing
Not to be a contrarian but...I like it, it almost feels like classic Pokemon games, and breaks up the combat
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yea but hsrg was worst, give a few more days and the tourist will fuck off
it's 50+
>watching handful of nip vtubers
>they all want the furry dog
uhhh... my oshikatsu in shambles..
canonically fondled by the thugs of new eridu
why not tomorrow
>You can select another one at 300 rolls.
Ah yes, HSR's """generosity""". By the time you get the selector, all the dogshit standard characters have been powercrept entirely.
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>wuwaggers are not satisfied with shitting up /gig/ and /hsrg/, they'll waste their time shilling their garbage game on this general as well
It's like this with every hoyo general because shitposters can't get attention in dead threads since no one plays their games.
zenbwos... I thought we were 100GB kino...
Got it, thanks.
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Is it just me or does this game feels REALLY stingy with limited pulls?

Where are you even supposed to get them in this game? Barely any chests and missions give same amount as Genshin, less than HSR.

Because retards will still eat it up, so why not? It's the same thing all big game companies do these days.
>Even with all that HSR is still the #1 gacha
Wow almost like the retards here don't know what makes a successful gacha
I regret waking up early for this
that's surprisingly high, actually
Nice to know, I only got to the point where pink slut comes to the MC and his imoutowife to ask for help before having to head out to work, but I sure hope to get both of them (or at least Piper, I'll get Lucy from shop anyways)
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>picks up le epic combat action game
>it's combat is shit
>"u-ummm it's actually a VN"
literally what ass? what the fuck do you weebs smoke at night for you to act like this
you spent most of the time hearing your sibling and AI voices while seeing shitty TVs, retard
>press auto battle
>leave and go shit
is Ellen worth the premium pulls?
Are dailies just for the battle pass?
Same here. If all the game really has going for itself as a place to use your characters are short combat sections, I expect something on the level of a simplified DMC game. I wouldn't even put this on wuwa's level, this feels more like genshin at best in terms of depth, which is crazy.
Not top, but very good. She's the only anomaly character and has incredibly high shock buildup. So she's the best enabler for multi-status Distortion teams and will probably remain a valuable character for a fair while. Also it is very fun to hop around in combat constantly with her.
We are going to be in shock that anyone rolled for Ellen who doesn't do basic things in the game that we need.
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what the fuck
which seed is this
look into your wallet, youll find the answer there
Shark maid is shit like Seele right?
Sharkfags won't be Seelefags right?
Skippable limited right? Skip it? Free skip ez?
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>Download failed
>doesn't auto resume
Why does it do this
You've been shitting up /wuwa/ for a month. Go fuck yourself. ZZZ is trash btw.
Tier lists say she's crap
1. can't fucking jump
2. can't hold attack button but have to mash it non stop
trash game
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I cant believe they got you to do free advertisement bro...
go ahead, brick your account by skipping the shark
I really want Soukaku profiles but I also wanna save for Miyabi... it's so over
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nope, the usual f2p currency dailies
Yeah, all 1.0 characters always get powercrept right after. Don't waste rolls on her if you don't really like her.
it is, hoyo knows they can get away with this shit cuz their average player is a knuckle dragging moron
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>z-zzz is trash btw wah wah wah
wait, so Belle is fully aware of the weird shit they're doing?
It's actually impressive that Genshin is that low. Maybe they actually took the complaints seriously.
bro seele was good all the way up until dan heng and jingliu came out
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I just had to share how Zenless Zone Zero has completely changed my gaming experience lately. After dabbling in various mobile gacha games, this one has truly left a lasting impression on me. What's so special about it, you ask? Well, let me tell you—it's the gameplay. It's centered around mashing the left mouse click, and I have to admit, it's been a game-changer for me.

The sheer simplicity combined with the intense satisfaction of mastering that mechanic—it's addictive, to say the least. But here's the kicker: alongside this engaging gameplay, there are the TV puzzles that make up a significant 50% of the game. Solving these puzzles not only adds depth but also keeps my mind sharp and fully immersed.

Honestly, Zenless Zone Zero has transformed my gaming routine. It's not just entertainment; it's an experience that has enriched my gaming life in unexpected ways. If you're looking for a game that offers both thrill and mental stimulation, I highly recommend giving it a shot.
>Rolling for starting patch trash
>what??? you guys want a game where you actually attack enemies in active combat? nooooooooo think of the investors!!!! the Q1 financial results!!!! learn from HSR!
>you NEED the 1.0 DPS to beat this baby ass game you will be BRICKED if you don't
Oh brother
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Why can't i jump?
This is an action game, yes?
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Pierce the Heavens seed.
How does teambuilding work here?
Do I need only 2 characters of the same element/company to activate the passive bonuses?
bro the incest in this game is crazy
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It's not for free, if I get some people to actually go over there I can enjoy the technical aspects instead of being stuck here, I just enjoy it more as a space
ZZZ has way more issues.
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holding the attack button is a separate type of input...
>Can't hold the attack button have to mash it non stop
This is a good thing, FFXV did exactly what you mean and it feels unresponsive as shit it's fucking awful having action combat like that, actually inputting actions through a menu in a turn based game felt miles better
you know what else will get powercrept?
this game
I have hope that this general will become extremely niche in a few weeks
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nobody knows how fast this game will powercreep. toss a couple rolls at it and see if you can luckshit her. if you don't get then just save.
Oh, haven't unlocked that yet. Barely unlocked the BP.
guys im having so much fun
are we #1 on the app store?
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>Jiyan ER gameplay is basically every characters gameplay in this game
quite grim famalam
What is the special skin effect for w-engines? As far as I can see if you put a matching w-engine to their character it gives them a special visual effect but I haven't seen it yet.
>anon still doesn't have a dedicated rapid-fire button in 2024
holy based
>Taking any feedback seriously
they've done fuckall for the player experience for 3 years
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Found it
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How long until I can do dailies...?
What does penis ratio stat do?
I just had to share how Zenless Zone Zero has completely changed my gaming experience lately. After dabbling in various mobile gacha games, this one has truly left a lasting impression on me. What's so special about it, you ask? Well, let me tell you—it's the gameplay. It's centered around mashing the left mouse click, and I have to admit, it's been a game-changer for me.

The sheer simplicity combined with the intense satisfaction of mastering that mechanic—it's addictive, to say the least. But here's the kicker: alongside this engaging gameplay, there are the TV puzzles that make up a significant 50% of the game. Solving these puzzles not only adds depth but also keeps my mind sharp and fully immersed.

Honestly, Zenless Zone Zero has transformed my gaming routine. It's not just entertainment; it's an experience that has enriched my gaming life in unexpected ways. If you're looking for a game that offers both thrill and mental stimulation, I highly recommend giving it a shot.
No reward for the challenge mode, but I liked that it gave me a bit more time to appreciate some of the better fights i've come across so far. Stuff still dies pretty quickly, so the hp increase isn't too drastic
you must have mistakenly posted that here and not in /wuwa/
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What is the jump input in this gachage? hello?
bros my UID is in the 70 thousands, how bricked am I? where are your UIDs?
>T0 for 2-3 patches minimum
>get her for fucking nothing
How come we don't know 1.1 S-ranks yet

We flopped and slopped bigly in the West. We need China to save us or it's over.
how do i make it recognize the controller?
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I can't believe Ellen is literally the Klee of ZedZedZed
The "tier list" just says play Ellen/Lyc/Soukaku and ignores everyone else.
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>for the entirety of this games lifespan, you will have to deal with losing the coinflip on limited banner to a gay furry with BDSM gimp leather gear
and people thought qiqi was bad lmaoooo
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>no auto-play feature
>Baby turn based game more than doubles your sales month on month
They should learn from HSR if they don't want to EOS in a year
any copium 3 star weapon for grace?
if you could do that, you would notice the game is barely above a autobattler in terms of mechanics
i bet an autoclicker could play this
it recognized it when I started up the game with it plugged in, maybe restart?
you have to actually go into the input settings and change the layout option to controller
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Mhm. Yup. Exactly what I expected.
you have to go into options and enable controller
Genshin's size the same as ZZZ on mobile right now
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There's handful that got 3-4 digit UIDs
Most /zzz/gers are in the 5digit+ because they were messing around with fixing integrity or taking a shit or whatever lol
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I'm a caelus-CHAD but im not sure if I wanna go with this dude.... he's way less cool
So, lost very first 50/50, and I now officially have EVERY loli in the god damn game in just under 5 hours...
I wanted the booby ladies Mihoyo!
i got soldier 11 on my only attempt and i'm just gonna go with it
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Bros i think i can see her pussy slit
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How do we save face now guys?
Even smaller CC's aren't afraid to shit on us now.
I reroll 6 time for Qiqi tho.
>Wanted Lycaon
>Got Rina and Nekomata on 4th reroll
This is Jean and Qiqi all over again, which was coincidentally on the 4th reroll as well. I guess I'll go with it again.
I'm gonna masturbate to nicole's tits bros
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What is she trying to tell me with this pose?
Is it true that Ellen Joe’s best teammate is that fucking FURRY?!
he's got rape eyes
it's based
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>play deliberately shitty and in an unfun matter
>Surprised that the game is shitty and unfun
Playstation controllers have to be plugged in. The game doesn't recognize wireless Bluetooth.
Cool thanks
Why is every post with the Yae chibi like this
Why not just play Fortnite at this point if being the highest grossing thing is that only thing that matters to you guys?
why is this game so big without an open world?
Is the meta to just never use your standard pulls so your account can't get ruined by the gay wolf?
This game is going to have HI3 level of powercreep. Look at Koleda and Ben (characters that need to be used together.) More of that will be coming, you will need to roll for full teams at a time and hope they last a year.
i see i'll try that
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this is not how a proper lady should dress
where's her father?
We need to become insanely schizophrenic and aggressive and attack anything that isn't ZZZ
Therefore, kill yourself fofo the reddit schizo
Choose him, the sister get more lines later
I never hated on QiQi.
holy shit did they make a deal with the devil or something cause the combat is insane
yeah i need somebody to make me a good NSFW AI chatbot and that'll be the end of me
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I bought the welkin
back to turn based game with you
Also they increased the amount of content compared to the last CBT so there should be more than this
does the game only have english voice?
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BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Look at this guy >>484624314
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This account is so fucking bricked
Just end me
I was waiting for this screencap kek
I also like it. I honestly don't understand why people hate it so much. A lot of the time they're just short puzzles that would be given to you in a different format in other games, and in Hollow Zero it's more or less the same as running around and getting buffs from events/enemies in HSR. The only difference is the presentation, which people seem to be having a difficult time accepting. I'm guessing it has something to do with being disconnected from your characters
sorry for your loss
so now that the dust settled, consensus on standard 5*s? From best to worst.
I like his slanted eyes since it makes him look like he has bags under them, would've made him way better if he did have that. I think he's also taller than Belle unlike the other Hoyo MCs
Press the start button on your controller (the hamburger button on an abox controller) and the game will automatically switch to controller input. Likewise hitting Esc automatically switches you to back keyboard. You can go into the menus manually to switch, but it isn't necessary as the game tells you.
i'm having fun playing the furry dude
It's better to go male mc in this game. You get a cute imouto and she talks way more if you pick male.
Yeah, I'm gonna be a shill for a moment, because if you shit on WuWa with that webm you're shitting on ZZZ too for it's gameplay too.
this game feels kinda amateur and low budget compared to star rail, how come the graphics are so mid for a 2024 release?
>breaks up the combat
the three minutes of combat per hour is already broken up by wordslop and running around in town
You need to find more otaku-oriented vtubers
Magnetic storm
below 7k and mostly by accident. i wanted to check if i have all updates and there's no sneaky patch before launch and suddenly it started. 2 hours too early...
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When does it get challenging?
i use an old logitech one should i use my other one use virtual controller options to make it think it's an xbox controller?
This character should consider putting down the fork
As a fellow Caeluschad, I honestly think Wise is better. More personality and is actually voiced.
You also get the cute imotou as a sidekick.
Who's the yanking of zzz?
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yeah remind me tmrw otherwise you're stuck here with us
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>/gig/ is bullying us
>/hsrg/ is bullying us
>/bag/ is bullying us
>/wuwa/ is bullying us
>/hig/ is bullying us
>3 hebe ready for reroll
>18 reroll all hags and furry shit.
>brown bear
what did hoyo mean by this
Because furry is giga OP and works well with oni girl and Ellen is the first limited who's best support is the furry.
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yo this game is good
but how the fuck are some of you level 19+ inter-knot already?
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You didn't miss out on DAY 1 errands, right?
Hey guys how's Rina? I got her from my first account. I see she has a support tag. She seems to be a lightning support. I haven't read her kit fully yet but I want first impressions to judge if you guys are fucking morons or have good takes.
Fortnite is not a gacha game. So the gachafags here don't care.
I'm literally afraid to do standard banner pulls cause the fucking furry thing could be lurking behind any boombox....
he literally looks like an incel
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Who is this game's QQ or Benny?
Low rarity but secretly OP
Even Stelle would beat this guy up for his lunch money.
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I just saw a guy disrespecting our hardest content by beating it whilst looking at a wall the whole time.
How do we cope?
>sisterwife constantly calls you oniichan
>she also regularly hangs out with (You)
fellow caelusbro here, pick wise because he's pretty good unlike gayther
Yeah, you can just use Steam to emulate an Xbox controller. That's what I'm doing with mine.
Some reddit comments has to be paid ones.
People are shitting on Genshin's NPCs and shitty cutscene animations, but they are a part of the reason why the game is optimized so well on phones.
Skip button pressers
>people swearing
wtf, is this game 16+
How does the reroll work in ZZZ? is the same as the initial releases of Genshin Impact and Star Rail, right?
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New Mihoyo game? Splendid.
>buy account from Cambodian reroll sweatshops
>instantly log in from my Euro IP without waiting to take the heat off
>fire up the Jap VPN for discounted passes
>install mods
>bypass the censor and call people slurs in chat
My sister is too cute...
Is the battery regan 7.5 an hour like Genshin?
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>1 min of dailies
literally any other gacha game could never
quick. beat dark souls with your feet. prove your not a scrub
soukaku, she's literally even free from the launch event like QQ was. also sharkmaid's actual best support despite what the furries and prydwen are trying to forcememe
the blue oni
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Just woke up
How's the game? Namely the combat
I bought the piggy battlepass and welcum... its over for me
They have to add Silver Wolf in this game… come on I wanna see her ass swing in combat… she’ll fit in perfectly
to be fair, canonical trailblazer is basically a crackhead in attitude
the kind of person you'd avoid eye contact while in the gas station at night
These models look like something from ps1 era wtf are they doing LMAO
its so over.....
Similar to HSR. Like 20 rolls initially only. Then the 30 rest unlock once you finish the tutorial to get your first standard 5*
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why is nicole so flat in the 2d cutscenes what the fuck
wow I can't wait to not play the game
good idea thanks anon
nobody tell him
combat? this game has combat? damn, i didn't realise
you're trying way too hard to fit in
Yes, he's the best unit in the game right now. Even better than Ellen herself.
Right. So it's not really "Grace is crap" and more that meta chasers are hard focused on Ellen.
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>Streamers are now doing challenge runs of beating the fucking elites without looking at the screen since the combat is so fucking braindead

mtashed's twitch is dying so he has to cause some controversy somehow
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bros wheres the gameplay or at least story through char animations I didn't come here to read a comic
roll for ellen or else you'll never be able to do this
steam input really saved gaming from microsoft's xinput travesty
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>We're still getting 200m revenue per month tho, so you lost
who is "we"? I don't remember getting any money
in the real life, goods and services are exchanged for money
You didn't disagree thoughever.
>silver wolf
you mean bronya. and no she won't appear in this game as a 142cm flattie with booty shorts
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these whores are so cute man
Any takes here or you are all smart and know you should not speak on something you don't know anything about? Anyone that thinks they know what they are talking about?
owari da...
bwo... did you post in the wrong thread
>Literally the intro scene
mihoyo's animal crossing copy will be another overhyped game, mark my words
If Genshin dailies were just as quick I'd probably still be playing that as well
but lucy is right there...
Those gear coins are only for in TV world right? No way I can take them with me
Was pretty boring button mashing until I finally got the timing for the swap counter, now it's button mashing + cool swap-in attacks
Unbelievable, only Tectone is defending this game. How things have come full circle LMFAO!
>rolled him because I thought he's gonna be free win button
>actually dies like a bitch in ToA if you aren't cautious
waiting for the lycaon edit
Graffiti isn't art, it's vandalism perpetrated by the low class dregs of society.
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sexy blue japanese goblin. press 2 buttons. get a global atk buff and small vortex.
sex queen nicole is a close 2nd. press 2 buttons. defense down debuff with decent AoE
When can I spend stamina? I just finished slowing down the train.
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They threatened to kill Wei's family if he didn't cut her tits off.
Is Rina an anomoly type?
I spend more times on TVs then fighting
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Would a jump button have saved ZZZ?
is there waifu potential or are these girls only good for a tug
No jump button kills the game.

I will still play for a while and see if it gets better but I won't spend any money on it.
I will stick spending on Genshin and Star Rail.
they can just do Haxxor bunny
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this but unironically
if you believe that dailies lasting 10+ minutes is a good thing i'm gonna assume you're a subhuman wuwakek or gigger paggie who enjoys schlurping slop
>japanese makes wise sound like the better mc because belle sounds oniichan dependent
>english makes belle sound like the better mc because wise sounds dead as fuck inside and she sounds smug as fuck
Which way do I go
>set up podcast last week and convinced guests to shit on the game
>game comes out
>everyone shitting on the game while tectone says he likes it

all a part of his plan to grab all the viewers
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can you zoomers streamers cocksuckers fuck off?
you're not welcome here
How do these models seemingly look almost as shit as Genshin's?
I can do that in WuWa too (same level)
>combat is worse than HI3
guess they butchered it on purpose to make you want to try out HI3 once it's hoyoplay ready
I genuienly gave this game a chance, but holy shit this game is so bad. How did no one at Hoyo said stop while they were making this pile of shit loading screen simulator. There is not only no open world, every area both in and out of combat is so fucking small. In combat your character keep switching without you even want to. The ultimates are the same as the characters 1 attack move just there is a little animation before them (like the red gun guys ult is his dodge attack, they just put a little animation before it) the gacha is slow as fuck and the animation is horrible. I didnt even expected WuWa quality, fucking genshin jpg would have been better. The characters and graphics also look so fucking bad. I cant actually believe that this is a hoyoverse game…
He's secretly a Hoyo creator. He's only allowed to criticize Genshin.
whats with this obsession over jumping
Only Belle because other girls are slutty whores with loose vags
How fast can I obtain enough pulls to pity Ellen?
I dropped the 5 I got for free from the store and got Grace
No. Grace is a dps and has the lowest numbers out of all dps standard units. It's like Yanqing from HSR.
Good. Her main support comes from Providing Penetration Ratio (reduces enemy defense) to the whole team. Which makes her very versatile as a support. She herself does shock, but she's not at all limited to shock teams.
How long till you get to use up your energy resource? I've been playing for a couple of hours now but there seems to be no end in sight till it finally unlocks your daily loop.
Will my sister let me fuck all the hoes I pull?
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bwos... is he grooming her?
how to get wisepag to stop navigating?
a HUGE global atk buff the size of nicole's pre-nerf tits, btw
The funny thing is that you can do the exact same thing in wuwa, which is the game people are shitposting as having superior combat. Hell, there's a video of a goldfish and a bunny rabbit beating a boss in dark souls/bloodborne
Right after that quest
the characters have about as much personality as nikke characters
it's coming from people who think dmc is the deepest action game ever
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Chart is updated and ZZZ is close to #1 spot
Might take it from the Nikkers once the good word of mouth spread
Pick JP Wise because he's voiced by TouMAN
theres an alarming amount of fags bringing up twitch ecelebs and streamers some ive never even heard of
Did he reroll so fast to get all those units or did he whale?
insanely boring?
Why do the voice actors say proxy network instead of Inter-Knot?? I guess they just decided on the last minute to pander to furfags
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Support. Although she leans anomaly-ish.
do shitters really
how do i get new waifus tell me its not just the 500 rolls select option or pay up
jumptroons did this when HSR launched too btw
>people discover that action games are all brain-dead
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>B-but wuwa

Holyfuck i thought it was a meme, wuwa is truly the rent free boogeyman of palm oil hands
Action games
I'm sending this to mihoyo so they're aware of it
Then take a video of it, I can't take this anymore... I've already been bullied wanting to play Blue Protocol and Genshin...
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Why do chink designers keep making male characters with a sleazy faggotface? Pic related has long hair yet look less gay than Wise
there's so many menus in this shit idk what that even is
Go korean buddy!
>the superweapon that routed wuwakeks out of /gig/
who do i reroll for
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>maintaining 5 gachas
hmmmm, this is challenging
Is Zhu Yuan going to be stronger than Ellen?
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Look, if Mihoyo won't make the game good gameplay-wise, at fucking least don't pussy out with the future releases. Sometimes, chasing for the casual money will not always yield the best results. They should have already learned this mistake with Honkai Impact Part 2 but goddamn they didn't. This levels of stubborness is only detrimental for them in the long run as a gaming company
Anyone find it funny, how wuwakeks desperately try to pretend they are the part of big bois gang with other Hoyo gachas , BA and others?
What is this, a fake cheat program? it even says you got scammed in the image
If you're using Grace as an attacker no wonder you're confused.
>the characters have about as much personality as nikke characters
So great? Nikke has one of the best characters in gacha. the interaction between the cast is very fun
DQ MC looks like a faggot. KYS
Japs are barely getting out of work. You don't whale to do the tutorial faster.
>blue protocol
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that game is genuinely on the verge of EoSing
you mean you want more cxnny or what
If you bought it, you fucking retard. Github is free.
what does hoyo have against jumping
please understand that it took them 3 years to add new endgame content to genshit cause "muh anxieties"
That's why they fucking shit on me!
because DQ is using the kino dbz designs, it's not a fair comparison
>advertisment says you get 100 pull
>only get 20 pull from the mail
>and got an ugly red head chunibyo
Fucking scammers!
fucking drop this shit.
At least on WuWa you can choose you 5* you want.
kek true
that page only contains a readme retard
when can i start using my boopons?? i want to get some bangboos
Until you do the train quest in the cat girls quest line
Not in the short term. Ellen has way more support.
Why would you need to cheat in this baby difficulty game
Sisters... is the WuWa bogeyman in here right now?
is it....safe?
the only good thing EN has is funny billy and sex belle
JP wins out by a lot of margin
>combat simpler than predecessor
Hmmm nyo.
bro really thinks nikke bitches are anything other than hot pieces of ass lmao
and the cope has started
took half a year for hsrg thread to become normal, good luck
>We are Pajeet, shilling Wuwa on the street
>Cow dung we eat, poo poo is a treat
>Thank you Tencent for one dollar saar
>But don't you think
>Wuwa will kill Genshin, Saar?
1:37 minutes of pure distilled A24, slow burn, bone chilling, atmosphere-oozing, trope-subverting, genre-redefining, gut-wrenching, spine-tingling, emotionally taxing, paranoia-inducing, jaw-clenching, nerve-wracking, character-development driven, soul-shaking, nail-biting, anxiety-written, kafkaesque, post-lynchian, tarkovskian, kubrickian, tarantinoesque, question-asking, socially-aware, ethnically-diverse, politically-cognisant, culturally relevant, socially-prescient, thought-provoking, artisanally-crafted, philosophically sound, thematically nuanced, dread inducing, post comedy, avant-garde, meta-ironic, anti-humor, post-neo-satire EARGASM
the gem that roped the 'uwa
got inter level 20, going to sleep.

I got Nekomata, Ellen, and Piper, so basically I won. Fuck you all lol. game rules.
holy shit everyone ripping this game a new one
can't say the hoyodrones don't deserve it though
Is there a single gacha/live service game that isn't this easy on release?
>for a moment

You niggers shill your game almost every thread, not being aware that everyone who wanted to try it out has done so already, and everyone who wanted to drop it has done so already as well. Your shilling is literally of no effect, it only makes you look more of a vermin than you already are
I have no idea why they keep adding korean voices.
weebs use JP, chinks use CN, normies use EN, nobody even uses KR.
Me and my 2 million friends will tell mihoyo to stop putting sexualized children into the game when a survey drops, btw.
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You can't be this computer illiterate
RIP Toriyama but his DQ designs suck.
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>the characters have about as much personality as nikke characters
if you think this sounds negative then you're a normalfag who never played Nikke. The Story and characters are the main reasons that game is popular
bro, zzz will be dead by then..
What if I don't want to pick the furry faggot off standard?
After you do the Hollow Zero intro quest, around Knot level 18
bing bing wahoo
>getting to choose
>in a gacha game
go bet on sports then bitch about why your team is losing you fucking retard
youre the only one who just sees them as just that
ironically, youre more shallow than the ones you mock
it's if you play the fucking game
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I want more sexy anime babes of all types, you know, like what Mihoyo was best at.
what's funny about nikke is that it's tame compared to even shit like current day azur lane
>picking wise
do you fags really?
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Holy fuck, how is this an NPC.
Do you just think every person that likes WuWa is a shill...?
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>genshin needed you to press 3 buttons
>hsr needed you to press 2 buttons
>ZZZ needs you to press 1 button
I dont hate billy, i actually like him.

He has such a dude bro personality..
lmao I've never seen a repo where only the release tab is being used. Holy techlet that didn't upload the code lmao
People keep bringing up Twitch viewership even though it is not a good indicator if a game is doing well or not. GTAV for the longest time barely had any viewers at all for the longest time despite being the most sold game of all time. It only started to get viewers once RP servers became popular.
>I want more sexy anime babes
>cunnies aren't being produce on part 2
no thanks.
Jumping is discriminatory against wheelchair-bound people
im about to drop nikke for that exact fucking reason too
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I got my zip code to ask for more furries and breast reductions for the girls in the survey. You're welcome
You're the faggot wanting to have an older brother flirting in your ear the entire game lmao
Langrisser was actually pretty hard. I still have nightmares from doing joint battles with morons
Z4ee is legit, i used his 16x speed up hack to do quicker rerolling in WuWa
>next game you dont need to press any button
we're never beating the hoyobab allegations...
Out of everything somehow the funniest part to me is that this game's Wildfire has random chinese rap. Everything in this game is like a amalgamation of
>cool ide-MAKE IT LAME!
Is this the GF2 global waiting room?
ZZZ simulator
I get so fucking sleepy in this game
as gaben said, im getting a narcissistic injury when the game world is ignoring me
Yeah he's funny, he's like DeadPool.
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Is it just me or is this game really stingy with limited currency? Should I reroll?
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aru can left click can't she?
>Do you just think every person that likes WuWa is a shill...?
Of course not, but there's a specific type of a shitposter who reposts the same posts in every thread with the same cherry-picked webms and calls everyone who disagrees a "hoyodrone" and such
>muh coomer ass jiggle gacha is popular thanks to the story
Ironic weeb spotted.
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not really having fun getting interrupted every 5 secs and doing baby-tier sokoban puzzles
project mugen waiting room it's making a comeback on mid july
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which one do i choose?
breed in breed out
getting a game mod developer to upload code is harder than getting warren buffet to give you 10 million dollars. people have actually done the latter, but game mod devs are insane control freaks and attention whores
Still do Because Ellen has a full faction + Soukaku. Zhu Yuan is the first of her faction and only has Nicole, who is honestly more CC than a damage multiplier, as potential support.
azur promilia for me
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i hate this goofy ass marvel design like what hte fuck is this cringe shit?
it's a mihoyo games so the standard is already higher than most gachas but still i'm pretty blown away. Played on my android it has native controller support on android unlike genshin.

The UI and Cutscenes are actually interesting for once. The intro was honestly pretty funny for this type of game I wasn't expecting a guy to drop the f-world 10 times in a row which gave me a giggle.

Skip button actually tells you whats going on after when you skip it and the fact there's even a skip button is a blessing.

Also the music and persona vibe is right up my alley
Challenging mode improves your seed
I barely noticed a difference. You're going to be doing the same shit either way
>But when we visit Mihoyo office we like to poo!
How can wuwakeks even compete? Even their shitposting gets out-quality'd by homofags
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Yeah? Explain this. Unironic skill issue because you can't find the jump button.
Clara SEX
they called ZZZ intentionally because they knew it would put people to sleep
langrisser was only hard because it had korean mmo tiers of grind, it was impossible to get your characters working within less of a month of farming
Unironically yes. Most gacha games out there have better story and characters than Hoyoslop, sorry.
ok im going hard mode
Doesn't matter when you can close your eyes and mash all buttons to win either way
>Skip button actually tells you whats going on after when you skip it
Wait really? I'd never use it but that's really cool and the first time I see any game do that
I was surprised at how enjoyable the cat is to play. I'm a little sad I didn't get her
AI generated gemerald
>I made him an offer he couldn't refuse~
Nicole is fucking her clients isn't she
Only ironic weebs(normalfags) say they play gachatrash for the story/characters, sorry normalfag.
nigger music in this nigger game
soukaku is free from an event and by far the best support and best ice support
the only ironic weeb here is you
comics = marvel. you're just talking out of your ass
He's Dantepool
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Soldier ass
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my clara is sexier
Hah, old era mmo had a great voices like elsword, but it got outnumbered by jp VA popularity, so some kr voice got better than others, so as I say to use your ears first.
Can they play ZZZ at work as well ? is about as retarded gameplay as nikker
do the survey and write at the end of it about your thoughts on it
Bro doesn't like deadpool? Shit taste

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