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>What is BDO
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, RNG, guaranteed upgrade mechanics after you spend 4 times the item's worth, more RNG, brand new fun pvp trust me, coomer outfits like slutkinis, shondoms, infinite grinding on a circle or a private circle, RNG and a pseudo sandbox experience that doesn't matter now that marni exists.

>Latest NA/EU Patch Notes

>Latest KR News


>NA/EU Coupon codes

>Interactive world map:

>General utility (Grind tracking, boss timers, imperials, calculators, pearl market info, node setup, etc.)

>Grindspots silver/hr

>/bdog/ Guilds
NA: Jealousy , Sardine

[Enhancement failed] >>484155627
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i've had enough...
eww... do americans really?
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Do these rings have a good use anymore?
Maybe human, animal, and kamasylvian grindzones that have a really harsh AP softcap?
primal giants is prob the best spot for ruby and topaz is great for hexe
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kek, when even the tranny clowns you
when should i graduate?
Assuming you want to get maxed out seasonal weapons + armor, graduate after getting pen tuvala gear.
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Graduate when you're maxed out on season.
built for big zerk hands
Americans ruined this general
It's literally 3 people but yeah, they have. sad.

Haven't seen panties in a while...
>afk fishing overnight
>come back
>my character is just standing there 3 feet away from where i started fishing
which 3 people ruined the general
dbz spic
dbz spic
dbz spic
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pudgy sorc butt 1/2
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>zero hips
i'm kidding btw post more
exclusively >>484653506
that. lowest-effort, no contribution, etc.
i help people who have genuine questions and call everyone who spams their shitty coombait trannies. what ruined this general are trannies who can't stop erping on 4chan like losers. same with every other general, soon this place will become pso2g where it's all a bunch of closeted homosexuals e-dating each other.
You (and you cohort) have replied to any/every character posting with the forced meme. /bdog/ has never even remotely come close to the avatarfagging and grooming of somewhere like /xivg/. Yet and still you'll masquerade behind some noble initiative in the form of spamming "tranny" 200 times a thread. Fuck off, everyone receives it and you use that bullshit as a cover to justify the spam. Months upon months of this and of course you're fucking self congratulatory about the shitposting.
>and you cohort
ESL tranny, opinion disregarded
and yet you never called p a tranny, curious...
Maybe people naturally come to the conclusion that tranny fag groomers are annoying?
>2 pics
seek help, you need it
i'd see your point if you did it to actual spammers but you do it to everyone when this is an imageboard and you should expect people to post their characters
>eu ruining the thread
As before. Applying context where there is none. Any character posting can and likely does provoke the response. It creates a mass chilling effect on all character posting in a goddamn dressup game. You've lost the plot entirely.
I don't know about FXIV but there's a bunch of avatarfags in here, i'd rather see everyone get called a tranny and driven off than see the same nigger ninja or the same bartering tranny tamer.
If anything people started avatarfagging because they didn't get called tranny enough.
>you do it to everyone
>shitty coombait trannies
you (or maybe it's someone else) call the male characters trannies too
i won't take the blame for that since I have never called anyone who's posted a male character a tranny.
I think this thread is fine, for 4chan standards at least
People usually answer questions and talk about the game sometimes a little
If I had one wish for this general answered, it would be that someone would find this faggot and behead him brutally >>484650162
>i help
lol shut the fuck up, last thread had a bunch of unanswered questions and a bunch more with dogshit replies. Just say as it is, you're a spammer from jealousy and you're actively participating in the fake erping and not once have you called the DBZ spic or that whore a tranny.
jealousysisters... we've been found out!
the dbz spic isn't even jealousy
i've been trashing the spic nonstop, hello?
BDO had boomer gameplay when it came out and desync was nowhere near as bad thougheverbeit.
I personally like his character, i think she's very beautiful and that smirk gives her a bratty aura that makes all the punishment she receives more enjoyable. My biggest gripe is that the positions she finds herself in are just a few (bound with chains, chained with her legs up, chained under a horse...) and i would like to see her in more natural poses that rely on her body, rather than rely on tools to create a scene.
It's funny how MMOtards need everything slower, but action game boomers want everything faster like Ninja Gaiden or MvC2.
It just shows how fucking segregated gaming communities were. WoW players were in their own little bubble.
dbz bro is too based to be in jealousy
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yah im not involved with most of this im just a whore
This is literaly the same shit that happened to Warframe. Long time ago, I had fun with its melee and the pacing of missions. They gave up reworking the melee system, because why bother with motion capture and polishing countless animations when it's not going to stroke their manginas faster than machine guns that hit for aoes

Currently BDO's pvp matches look like badly animated Dragon Ball Super fight scenes. 2 Dummies with unanimated frames, teleporting left and right till whichever has the grab skill on lower cooldown grapples the other.

Decent solid melee mechanics that turned to trash
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t-tranny!! *immediately starts slurping on ur toes*
based retards
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took me 5 days
based whore punisher
*sucks even harder on mommy wommys toesie woesies and splooges huge buckets of zerker cum*
Isn't this what that faggot whining about shitposters wanted?
shitty repost trash, do better p
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She saves the best for daddy. You get the leftovers.
blud givin real chad warden vibes, pretty based if i say so myself
bludposting retard
whore > blud > based = cringe > faggot > simp > enabler > spic = tranny
based tranny
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UH OH... I made a stinky~!
>whore > blud
blud really gonna equate me to a whore you pissin me off rn
i would but im not playing rn
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What no content does to a general
>meshuggah at home but with post-slipknot nu metal vocals
lol, i can't say i hate it but i don't love it.
Is heidel ball not enough content?
how about infinite grinding?
we're likely going to slowly turn into /pso2g/
Was baka even a strong guild?
Strong enough to leave an impression. Flaked once things took a downturn and the players are gone or slipped into obscurity.
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>I don't know about FFXIV
/xivg/ is worse than /bdog/, in terms of avatarfags.

>It just shows how fucking segregated gaming communities were.
Unfortunately, I agree. Some game devs are scared to innovate on successful formulas due to possible backlash from their established audience(s), since it seems many gamers have a comfort zone and don't enjoy much outside of it. There are still devs that try to innovate, though, due to how good innovations on a successful formula can earn smaller devs/studios a larger share of the market. Though, it usually won't be much larger due to have oversaturated the video game market seems at the moment.

>I think this thread is fine, for 4chan standards at least
Possibly due to it being slower than other generals. I try to answer questions, personally, since I get time to type up a response.

It's a weekday and a new class dropped. If they aren't at work, they might be grinding. It's lunch time here, which is why I'm posting.
What did they do to become so notorious? I remember hearing about them when I first tried this game out a long time ago.
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The blueberry shouldn't have suffered at the hands of Baka.
Blueberry from that screenshot here. Surprised that someone still remembers that and has it screenshotted. Dremlock (the person who took the lewds) was actually chill and we laughed about the whole thing. It wasn't a big deal. The only person from Baka that I had any negative experiences with was whyfu.
that's because whyfu was an actual woman
>Dremlock (the person who took the lewds) was actually chill and we
did i just read a cuck story?
best thing to plant for farming profit?
Deez nutz
>for profit
farming is for supplying yourself with cooking mats, if you're doing it for profit you might as well actively fish for profit since you won't be making much money at all.
Who's the cuck in that story, though? The anon saying "blueberry wife" in the screenshot?
Whats wrong with just selling things you farm, it takes like 1 minute to harvest and replant
Then just farm whatever sounds nice
Someone probably made a spreadsheet to map out the cost-efficiency of each plant you can farm. I wouldn't know, I make my lifeskill money from guru boxes.
>guru boxes
Yep, same
It's pretty good CP exp. Also shitty pet.
blud really just typed that acronym....
>weapon forever stuck at pri
fucking hate this game
>upgrading weapons in this market
you gotta be stupid af
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probably time for mods
you didn't beat the game
>beating the game is hitting a shitty low rng number
yeah, stupid af
probably time for meds
most games are stupid af
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Not so fast. Don't forget who you belong to. You don't have daddy's permission to alter that whore body of yours. Ask.
dont worry im not changing anything like thatt
nigger, if you didnt have this stupid attitude you wouldnt have problems
you say you hate this game because you're trying to enhance when its the worst decision you could do
just like, don't fucking enhance man
and enjoy the game for what it is
stop being a fucking gambling addict who complains about hating gambling on 4chan
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UH OOOH... It's sliding heheh stinky sliiiide~|
how does guild activity work? I don't do guild quests but I always have +10000 somehow
I let this shit slide the first time. Now I'm giving you your first and final warning.

That whore is mine and mine alone to degrade. I won't tolerate other people thinking they can disparage her. Keep this filthy fucking garbage to yourself. Or else.
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p stands for poop
fuck you
what a shitty ordeal
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only applies to men and women,
not to rhutum and horses.
>shit slide
where is that from
from oldfags
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>here you go new players, this PEN BS will help you out
>now go Orcs or Giants, two of the most boring shit tier spots for 300 hours until you upgrade your gear to go to Gyfin :)

What were they thinking here
what's a "fun spot" in your opinion?
gay bar
wanna take me there?
>What were they thinking here
They were thinking about beans
packs close to each other with no terrain that you have to avoid. Orcs are pretty spread out, and there's trees, rocks, and other shit in that area to slow you down. Giants are slightly better in that regard, but still the packs have some distance between them. And Giants are still in that awkward zone of 'not full rotation spot, but also not one shot spot'
I'll take you right here dude. *unzips dick*
>300 hours to go gyfin
the fuck are you doing
can you go from tuvala timmy + tet/pen bs to gyffin with like 200b?
realistically for the average joe you will need like 301 AP/380+ DP for gyfin under, yeah its a pretty big step up from orcs/giants/sycraia. They really should add a couple in-between spots. By the time you go gyfins you're kind of expected to have a full endgame crystal setup w/ garmonths, a vell's, and (bootless) FG duo set. Its a really big gear gap and its probably where most people quit.
my negro people can grind gyfin as soon as their defense or confidence allows it
so you can go with tuvala accessories + whatever you have invested into defensive gear

no you dont need 300 ap
been grinding that shit since I had 280 something
> for the average joe
Yes, I know you might be capable of I framing everything. But most people are not going to. In fact by that point they still probably don't know what super armor and forward guards are. Think of the majority, not the minority.
Yeah I get it
But now they're not limited by AP anymore
Just need enough DP to feel comfortable and thats quite easy to get actually
Definitely not 200b worth of silver
video of you making more than 10k trash loot per hour on tuvala + 280ap?
anything other than "trust me bro frfr ong"?
Try trying it maybe? I dont have a habit of making videos of my grinding lol
Here's evidence that its possible at lmao 250 ap tho
I personally grinded here on sage at 289 I think with 380 dp which is like ~110b or something nowadays
Certainly not 300 hours at orcs and not 200b
i stand corrected then
>excited about video
>pointy hat
almost 2 years later and orcs+den is still the best money in the game, how sad
Got a grudge against the tamer?
shit I started lower gyfin at like 355 dp. the mobs are so goddamn slow idk how anyone ever dies there, yeah you'll probably die once or twice or until you understand how the mobs move but damn people still act like we're in 2022. I swear the same people who think like that probably still think regular ash is a really hard spot
>Top end of pvpers are so far above everyone else they get 15 minute queues
Damn I love being a noob shitter, I play against other noobs and get a queue pop in like 3 seconds. It genuinely can't be fun being a tryhard in anything when you just wanna play the game.
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Never played before, looking for a good mmo, and PvP is a major factor for me.
Still pretty active?
New player friendly?
No, No.
Yes and yes, but the pvp scene is going through an upset with the new system for node wars which makes anything but low level capped dead. Good for new players, but bad for vets.
Yes it's active but the pvp scene is pretty much 20 retards with capped gear and buffs 1 hit ganking new players in OW while actively avoiding each other and a tranny discord node war circle jerk with no fun allowed.
There's still PVP, but like the other anon said there's an upset with the war system. However, there's always the Battle Arena for 1v1s and Red Battlefield for group fights.
This is true, but stay seething you can't grind on top of others
nigga built like a migratory bird lmao
i had to breed 3/4 of everything i grew just to replant so i kind of dropped farming. didn't really get much from it for the time spent
that's offensive
to birds
ngl i really wanna get fucked by the dbz spic
we know he likes dks so start there
>20 retards with capped gear and buffs 1 hit ganking new players in OW
none of this happened
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>moments before a 5 v 1 ganking
>get the shit kicked out of you
>called lower than garbage
>spits all over your nice outfit
>laugh and mock the size of your PEN weapon
>forced to worship their feet and apologize for not immediately panic jumping to marni or server swapping
>I lose karma for not apologizing enough
Fund PvP NOW
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good 4th of july
lots of beans
the sad thing is, the people you think are capped gear aren't, and you're just a pushover. try fighting back, lots of people who attack others are mid fighters with mid gear and if they don't know your class you might be able to beat them by using your protected pve skill rotation on them. worked for me more than once before I new how to fight.
It's active enough that certain meta spots are difficult to find open grind rotations at, which in turn, makes owpvp inevitable at such spots.
>afk pathing on my horse on my second monitor
>random guy attacks me and knocks me off
>tab into the game and beat him to death
>make fun of him, get back on me horse
feels good
Don't lie to him anon, this isn't true and you know it. No one is pvping on non-arsha servers over rotations.
One thing I hate most about the Lost Ark influence in BDO is how they whined about too many options for gearing so PA decided to make the same BiS for every class and playstyle. Debos/DR buff ruined accessory builds and Kabuas ruing artifact builds. I'm scared LOML2 will add one size fits all crystals so crystal diversity goes to hell as well
Don't forget to buy more crystal slots and presets btw, PA really needs the money right now guys.
maybe their greed will stop them from making a singular bis crystal setup
God no that would be horrible, we need more gear diversity, even if that means loading down players with a bunch of annoying systems and mechanics they are forced to interact with.
Thinkin' about those beans...
blud really made beans just for us, absolute kino
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I feel like Dosa will get buffed in the near future.

>Debos/DR buff ruined accessory builds and Kabuas ruing artifact builds
Just wait, they'll probably add the evasion equivalent of debos or something like that. More items for the gear treadmill, like the sovereign weapons. I'd have swapped to DR after the recent changes, but I play mostly evasion classes so I'm holding out hope that evasion will get at least something to put it on par with the alternative.
Also, I wish they didn't change DR and evasion on the same patch they finally made ranger awakening full evasion. She used to have a DR buff on dash plus an evasion bonus during her E buff. The secondary Z consume also gave +7.5% evasion, but no one used that because ranger has always been a glass cannon type.
She doesn't need any of that though cause all she ever does is iframe and grab.
Yeah, I agree. The i-frames are strong, I was just noting how they made her fully evasion, instead of some weird hybrid, on the same patch DR and evasion get yet another change. Could have been done during all those class changes they did in the past. But, I'm biased because I've been running an evasion set and like ranger awakening.
he doesn't need number changes, his kit is just clunky as fuck
>dashes feel like they're being played at 0.5x speed
>he uses that weird system where your character uses the ability where they are facing, not where your camera is facing
I don't believe they'll give him a buff to attack or movement speed, but it's possible and it'd definitely be good for the class. I was thinking he'd likely get the AOE on some of his skills buffed. Though, if the damage gets buffed that'd probably be one of the less helpful tweaks since I agree that the numbers seem fine for the most part.
Would be nice if he could cancel some skills with dash, like how he has abilities that can be canceled with Q.
They did it with scholar
They buffed scholar's speed?
How long ago was that? I wasn't on BDO for like half a year so I might have missed the patch notes when it happened. It's also possible my memory is shit and it happened before I took a break from BDO.
Either way, good to know there's a chance they'll boost Dosa's speed in some way to make the class feel better.
Can't remember exactly when, maybe like a few weeks or months after she released.
took 2 months
Thanks, anon.

>Scholar released Dec 20, 2023
So it happened in Feb? Sounds like I might have missed it by one or two patches.
bluds... it's over...
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Hurt my fingers so I can't play
Is Perfume of Courage ever worth using if you're already at a 70% AP softcap?
Nah it's mostly used to hit ap caps. Barely makes a difference past that. If you're over the cap then it's better to use deep sea elixirs but only at big money spots
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Jelly? It took me 8 hours.
I did lions for 4 hours and nothing
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this game is still around?
kinda sure i guess
I started this week and it seems healthy enough. Really good community with helpful info too
how do u build failstacks for tapping the free tet bs? this seems easy to screw up or waste a lot of silver
Type properly and i'll answer your question, kid.
honestly depends on the market, but the enhancers usually just tap reblath gloves. There should be other adventure's choice on the right side on whatever you're enhancing to see where to tap and when to stop. TET reblath is usually tapped from 100-200fs, but some tap up to 270
militia shields
yeah! better than ever!
>use one of the free +150 valks
>use all your free origin of dark hunger
>tap and fail at 200 stacks because there is virtually no difference between 4.5% and 5.2% or something stupid
You take a free +150 stack and start tapping.
>All Pen blackstars already sold out
So the ultra-rich just waited for a massive dip then bought?
gonna have 130+b pen blackstar when the FG weps hit server
they always win, be it with hammers, blackstars, anything.
stfu commie
what did he mean by this?
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imagine not getting 4/4 while they were cheap
not enough time playing bdo to have 150bil+ sitting around
Imagine investing in blackstars/sovereigns when Horncock Demiurge implants are just around the corner.
HCD are great but personally i'm just gonna wait for halos. I mean, free 36 sheet AP for the price of an exotic artifact? Sheesh count me in
and to no one's surprise, the thread has to be saved from page 10 after shitpost ramblings
The problem lies with not enough avatarfagging, spics, shai, panties and tranny calling.
And everyone else jumping onto other major game releases. Last i heard a good chunk of them went to elden ring.
NA Jealousisters.... maybe we circlejerked too hard
Elden Ring DLC and the new FF14 expansion are competing with BDO's new class, in terms of player time. Im honestly not surprised the thread got slower with the new releases this summer.
people in the NA guild/alliance barely even talk other than game advice or neat things they recently got in game
Meanwhile Sardine is still afk
I gotta say, despite the smooth combat, the sheathing and getting on/off horse animations are really clunky and don't feel that great during movement
Its so over…
BDO opted for fall release schedule instead of competing with XIV. It's the right move given there's a fair amount of overlap. Elden Ring DLC also draws attention away. It's honestly fine having some time to ramp towards the weapon upgrades, they're only a month and half or so away along with lots of other stuff too.
They really oughta give us at least one free tier 10 horse
they're sold out cuz people pulled theirs off the marketplace and they've been dropping since
Also that one korean fotm shooter game, last descendant or something.
1 win from 20 AoS matches, yeah i think i'm skipping these crons
bros, i think there may have been a common factor in his matches...
who's gonna tell him
I'm sure he knows it was a massive skill issue
i never said i'm good in pvp lmao, but i don't get the idea of putting pve rewards behind pvp quests
Some devoted PvPers enjoy PvE rewards for their time spent. The first notable pity PvP mechanic appeared in the AoS x5 seal for match participation which can be traded for elixirs and such. It's really not that much in the way of rewards anyhow.
>huh been grinding for a while now, huh?
>checks time
>Remaining: 55m
its so fucking over its so fucking over its so fucking over

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