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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>484598357
Flop status?
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Rosado says trans rights
You're weird
He never says that thoughever
You’re a chud
I hate this dude when training units. Only Nergal and Ursula are worse.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like real FE gameplay games? Got filtered?
You got flexed on by a twink?
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Kinda gay to save pictures of a character you hate as some kind of trolling technique
I hate Tina, at least a few times on one of the last Forging Bonds I'd auto just to glance back at my dead units (that did have lots of bonuses) because of her.

Nude edits when?
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They backpacked a CYL winner? Where have I seen that before?..
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Don't forget to vote pink today
Botianne and Botadetta deserve to be punished
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Again nude edits when?
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I haven't seen a single new piece of Summer Bernie fan art
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How do we save Fire Emblem Heroes?
Unlike her, at least Bernie managed to get 2 actual seasonal alts before this. Not expecting anymore ever again though.
>tiddy mole
Thank you, Cuboob
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They keep giving Sloppydetta alts that nobody rolls for
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They had sexual intercourse with each other
Wow I guess engage was a success after all and actually not shit
Oh wait
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Every eagle girl now has a summer alt
It was THOUGHEVER? 4th best selling game in a series with near 20 entries.
Are you gonna cry again?
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They forgot the mole…
I hate the way seasonal alts are distributed in this game. If this was a good gacha these sluts would have all been in a banner together
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>you’re the one crying!!
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I rolled for them.
Though I play the game on and off so I've only rolled them after their inital banner...

Still waiting for timeskip Bernie. I'm weird in that I prefer her over academy Bernie.
Yep, Maeda is gonna give her the Marianne treatment after CYL. Nothing worse than humiliating a dev favorite
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Do you love underage girls in swimsuits?
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Why does IS always make the more popular character the backpack? Why can't they let us swap the lead character?

Backpacks aren't alts.
Geez! I thought anti engage schizo was American so i thought he would be eating burgers and blowing up fire works today but no he's here like always
>Nothing worse than humiliating a dev favorite
who was humiliated?
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Why did you search for this on pixiv, save it to your computers hard drive, then upload it here?
They might be( May Allah forgive me for saying this) a Californian.
The voices in his head.
Kek he is American but he's here literally every day of the year. Dude has no friends or family.
He was here during thanksgiving and Christmas too
I do indeed, although they are only underage in shithole countries
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>They gave Alear visible cameltoe
fuck it, i'm summoning.
Andrew jumpscare
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Engage as a whole
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Ewwwww California
>he says while admitting he was posting here
I'm not American thoughever
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Another successful banner for the 2nd best selling game in the series.
But you’re an Engaygie
Your 3rd world shithole doesn't celebrate Christmas?
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Summer Chloe next year, yes? A year is long enough til another seasonal art, no?
Why do you keep saying this? It’s not second most successful at all, tard.
I don't live in a 3rd world. You're weird
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lyn was backpacked to mark
lucina was backpacked to mia
ephraim was backpacked to eirika
celica was backpacked to alm
veronica was backpacked to alfonse and to sharena
eliwood was backpacked to roy
camilla was backpacked to hinoka
marianne was backpacked to hilda
eirika was backpacked to lyon
chrom was backpacked to frobin
tiki was backpacked to tiki
seliph was backpacked to leif
frogleth was backpacked to manleth
mrobin was backpacked to chrom
bernadetta was backpacked to goldmarie
because you're easy to bait
>post retarded shit
>people call you out
>”hehe trolled em he he he”
Fuck off
I need to rape Alear
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Mirabilisfriends, how we holdin' up?
>ephraim was backpacked to eirika
It is though? It's already passed 2 million and more than Awakening and the Fates games are all different entry's. Only 3H sold more
i only listed all CYL winners that got backpacked, stop sperging out
The divine dragon's icee-flavored cameltoe...
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A lot of these complaints are retarded. Some of these lead a duo and if not they're paired with a character related to them in some way.
Stop whining
When did it pass 2 million? And no they aren’t
Check CNN
That cannot be healthy…
Are you so socially inept you can't identify banter between two friends?
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I hope we keep getting more Engage alts so he can keep melting down.
The games revenue will melt down as well
We are (lol
Let the devs worry about that, corporate slave
>Bernie is becky.
>Goldmary is a stacie
>Both have massive self esteem issues
Duo makes perfect sense.
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Next summer will be this, no 3H fans will remain!
Just because it makes sense thematically doesn't make it good
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Most the fan art this year is of Alear and Goldmary
I think I'm even seeing more Clanne than Petra, but certainly more than Dedeu kek
FEH has been losing rev since like 2021 lol
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new dannex

new ebinkuu
yuck western artists
MAlear alt soon... right?
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Cute Cutie
How does harmonic Ilyana and Lysithea for summer next year sound, since it’s clear that summer will always have 3H at this point
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He can hang out with male Corrin in the forgotten corner.
Imagine licking his feminine penis
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If Goldmary and Bernie can be friends so can Engagefags and 3Hfags :)
Mirabilis will backpack Ilyanna
Lisythea will backpack Miriel
Nobody rolled for his last alt so his summer alt got scrapped
He might get a new year alt like mamui did. This year is year of the snake and the alears kind of fit.
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Heh…how ironic.
Hetshit is the ruin of women
>Couldn't have Goldmary x Etie
>Now force Celine x Etie
I cum on their feet
>ignores that for the longest time whenever femui got a alt not counting brave/lego, mamui got the same alt
There will be no more Eties ever again…
Etie won’t ever get an alt though
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Should I get this Caeda even though I didn't get a better b skill?
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I wanted to use a soul on LCaeda because she’s in line for a refine but forgot to use my torches on the last day, is this workable or do I just not bother
TT story
Dagr and Reginn go back in time
Why is the OP calendar and trailer from a different gacha? Did you retards not notice it's vandalized?
Celine x Alfred for free stats
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>too cowardly to give us giantmom
Why is his waist so fucked up
Merrin loves cock
who cares
The discussion on backpacking is why we will never get a duo for young Dimitri/Edelgard despite how good a concept it'd be.
The fans of whoever got backpacked would seethe.
>go back in time
>no giant dagr mom
>will probably see eitri's original form.
At least there might finally be an answer to the "eitri is a man" shitposting.
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>TT is blue lion focused
Holy souly!
you mean he isn't?
IS is not ready to give us official Dynamax in FE games yet.
The backpack would have to be Edelgard because she’s already led a duo
Why sell one character when they can sell two?
They are a trio of main character so they will never be a duo no matter the combinaison
>At least there might finally be an answer to the "eitri is a man" shitposting.
We already know the answer to this. Eitri was originally male but can reincarnate. How can you retards not understand such a simple concept? The current body is female so she is female.
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Cute thief girl, but with abs and scars? Crush me, you 22 year old mommy!
Thorr and loki are women in FE, so having a male name doesn't really seal the deal all of the time.
>main character
the pig is here
have blue stones always been this fucking evasive
I swear I got more green stones on celica's banner than blue
RNG is just fucking you today
lmao, literally a repeat of last summer being all about nifl. they don't even try to hide their favoritism anymore. fjorm and 3H spam until EoS, baby
>4 units in 7 months
>all threads since the trailer have been vandalized
I feel like someone is genuinely upset at the lineup. Non-ironically.
Pretty funny if you ask me.
Dedue x Petra confirmed
It was never stated if the original form was male or female, just that Eitri has used both forms
When you set these weird specific cutoff points for your useless comparisons, more and more people realize you have a disorder. just saying.
>we get to see past Eitri
>she looks exactly the same no matter the sex
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>more and more people realize you have a disorder
I was thinking the same about you
Alt and resplendent soon
Rajeet tier self awareness
>not Alcryst's POV
Kek based
Everyone knows that's Kiran's POV
Why were they too scared to give Eitr a summer alt?
I hate Engage but I'm more pissed at the fact that the free unit is YET ANOTHER MALE. What's wrong with IS? It's been nothing but free male shit all year
>I hate Engage but
Why do you feel the need to announce that? That's so weird
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We do a little chain jerkin'.
>I hate Engage but
Opinion discarded
>I hate engage
Stopped reading there, care not to finish reading whatever you typed
Sometimes I like that the seasonal is "old unit but upgraded". Gullveig is nice, because the original Gullveig is locked to a season.
With Alear it's kind of excessive, how many spd end turn infantry dragons do we need?
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they feel obligated to make alts for males but know they won't sell, it just makes good business sense.

That said, Clanne should have been the TT and Dedue the demote.
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How soon until we begin getting quadratic equations?
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No place for her
Nobody cares about her, anon.
Reginn's father looks badass
he looks like a retard
Ironic post
That's a woman.
No you look like a retard bitch
Wrong stupid ass
I can't get past the Shaman King + Vegeta hair.
His eyes and lips also look to passive and girly. Glad this will be a Sacred Stones banner so I can skip it.
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They're gonna take you back to the past
To fight some shitty king that sucks ass
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>Nikke beat the newest Hoyo slop on Launch day
How do we get this powerful?
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New Hilda and Marianne anime looks good
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>Got Dedue'd
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we've been here since FGO was no.1
We aren't going anywhere.
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>How do we get this powerful?
By spending on ads
Did FEH ever try to hype a banner outside a twitter post
Intsys spends the absolute minimum on FEH and it still churns out millions.
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>That censored Anis
She's too fucking powerful
>could have had this with Goldmary
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kek, just realized summer failix is going to send next year's summer banner to Z tier because the FEH dev team C-listers are addicted to putting their favorites in swimsuits and physically cannot quit.
>dev favorite
Huh? He's had less units than Nailah in the same exact timeframe, 5 years.
Not really, no.
You're replying to a crazy person
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Bro compare that Rosanna skin to the actual one
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This ad will never not be funny. Imagine wasting money advertising a coom gacha in a woke city like New York
NerthuzDev didn't allow it. Sorry anon
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>15 vs 16
I hope Emblem Veronica in Heroes will be able to summon more heroes mid-battle.
IS needs to come up with new seasonals soon to shove the 3H lords on.
The game can't survive on C-listers alone
This marketing alone costs millions
>Freyja was backpacked to Karla
>Hrid on the Vanaheim banner, but not the literal Princess of Vanaheim
>YTiki got a Summer after ATiki
Freyja isn't a dev favorite. Otherwise we'd be getting more of her, like with Lumera or Karla.

If they kept Teatime around, we could get Teatime 3H Lords next year. But I fully expect them to fuck it this year with some lineup like Tellius and Engage.
They need to be a little brave and experiment splitting them up between banners instead of always running all 3 together, would let them maximize their TH Lord money.
Isn't he more like her great great great grandpa? I wonder if they'll give us male Eitri seeing as "she" is actually a yandere man
Back in the day, mods would delete posts about other gacha games. They have gone soft.
cope faggot
They're probably going to make Old Eitri the villain for the final banner, and they'll make her a woman just to fuck with everyone.
So how many days do sakes autists give it before they say the final rankings? Might not be able to buy orbs until day 5 or 6 of the banner kek
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Nikke last popularity post was fun even with Redhood sweep
It's just the first day, sometimes not even the full 24 hours, like with Mythic Gullveig & Kvasir where it stopped updating halfway through the day.
>redownload the game after a month and a bit
>freeroll emblem celica
>uninstall it again
It's that easy
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We should have gotten a second Framme
Goldmary Coy Beach Divas(solo)(2024)
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Will her book's summer banner do good next year?
File deleted.
Goldmary Coy Beach Divas(solo)(2022)
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Why would she get one?
Six and five didn't
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I just remembered Bramimond has 4x voice lines, now that's kino
Clanne is unironically a waste of a slot. If ISIS insisted on shoving an Engage male down our throats, it should've been Louise. Dude's a fucking voyeur.
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We already had Louise on the Nabata banner earlier this year. She has enough alts.
Louis would have been cool, but he's absolutely TT material. But it's also retarded that Alear is colorsharing.
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Are you going to keep bringing up
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RIP any idea that Goldmary can tank anything but physical.
Dedue surprisingly didn't get screwed with wasted mid-speed as a free unit.
They specifically made all the units mediocre so that they will flop.
And /feh/ will claim that there's nothing wrong with the units themselves and that the banner will flop because "engayge bad"
Again with this? Wasn't being shown Summer1 had no powercreep enough?
Dedue is still weaker than toddler Lissa lol
Whatever makes you sleep at night. Summer 1 units are still good even if you don't consider them powercreep. Meanwhile Summer 2 units are just mediocre and are outclassed by months old units.
Would've preferred anyone from Fogado's trio or even Alfred and Boucheron
>Did FEH ever try to hype a banner outside a twitter post
Fire Emblem 3 houses and Engage. FEH is just a side project to milk the FE series even more. 5 Million a month is a lot
It doesn't need to top the chart
> Goldmary Coy Beach Divas(solo)(2022)
Sorry, I forgot to erase some parts so I remade it.
I'm sure Laguz friend is very bad and undesirable.
everyone who wanted it already has it
She needs that high DEF for laguz friend and not much they can sacrifice for RES
Kek yeah it's why Emblem Ike's banner was the highest ranking Emblem! Everyone has Laguz Friend 4!
A lot of units want laguz friend and not everyone was able to roll a ton of ikes.i think we even had a few people get fucked by bad rolls.
>letting the hat cover her tits
It was fine before
Why do Engage units get bad stats? How are they supposed to sell?
ISIS thinks being from Engage would sell itself.
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He put his pickles in Emblem Celica
They will sell fine. It has FAlear and goldmary.
>They will sell fine.
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hey guys look at this cool pixel sharena i found
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Will you engage with her, anon?
I would bet all my money (not a lot but still) this was drawn by a twitter user with faggot flag, palestine flag, pronouns, and ACAB in bio
>no bulge
>not marking his throbbing axe
Fake and gay!
>try S Duels R
>warping BoL4 Essence Drain Ikes on every team at the lowest rank
What is this terrible mode?
Sorry but Edelgard, Claude and Dimitri are basically married to each other. Edelgard gets dp’d by Claude and Dimitri
Fogado enters this repeatedly
Kek based
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Thinkgen how to build my Ingrid now.
First thought is Galeforce with AS Boost + WoM echo from Azura.
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This is my Ingrid. I don't have Azura so no WoM echo by default.
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Waow. Probably the best a/b/c for the galeforce build I wanted. Don't think I have maneuver fodder at hand though.
He is about as much as a main character as Dimitri is. Only important on his own route, not important on the other routes.
Can you guys stop perving on Alear? a face like hers tells me she doesn't know how lewd she's being.
That's the best part!
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This dumb dwagon is only 17, bwos!
I lucked into getting all the ABC skills and No Quarter from the 3H HoF rerun. I had the choice between Boost or Flared Sparrow, but settled on Boost simply because I don't have Boost fodder. Plus I can't run Flared and Deadly Miasma together on Ingrid and she already had S/D Rein Snap so getting the A/S variant felt unnecessary. Lucky me the refine straight up gives her Rein Snap.
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>Goldomommy is only pretending to fall down
H-how strong is she?
Man, thank god I changed snap to guidance.
I was half expecting canto on her refine, but I did not see +1 mov coming
>Dressed for fun on the beach
>Still has hands
I thought she needed that scroll to do that, guess that means that anon who wanted to rape her is gonna get his face caved in instead.
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She's a big gal
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Sex with Clanne!
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Oh sweet Doiparuni made a variant of this.
Nude variant never ever
>Boss, that's a child
That only makes me hornier
Said no one ever
Male children? Topsana's favorite!
So you're saying we can trick Alear into taking her top off by claiming she'll get an awkward tanline?
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You know that's a dragon,right? As in a simple non restrained finger poke from her could splatter you all over the ground. Dragons in fire emblem have retard strength
Can the people in the Somniel hear Alear fuck from her chambers?
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Can't wait for the thiccwithaq sequence of this!
Why would she do that? She's friendly with me and likes me. She thinks the boob grab is a friendly greeting, and massaging someone's boobs is a sign of respect and a friendly bond.
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Let the bodies hit the _____
I feel like Lumeria would beat the summoner to death if she saw this, has Lumeria even gotten the chance to interact with any Alear in any events yet?
And reposting it makes you the same things and therefore a fag
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Lousy samples
Not really
>Anna taking this pic and selling it to everybody who comes from Eylos knowing how fanatic they are about Alear

Sommie bites her for it
Now that I think about it, Alear knowing what sex is and being horny despite being retarded might be hotter
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Not beating the groomer allegations.
I don't understand the narrative that Alear is an asexual friendship is awesome character. considering they can get married in their game is that how he's portrayed in the manga and how they're both portrayed in Heroes stories where they appear or something?
She wants it so it's ok
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Stacyran don’t look…
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So IS just lets Cuboon do whatever he wants now, right?
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Humiliation ritual (for Bernie)
I forgot, is Sharena still dead?
I have a +10 Ashera off spooks, should I bother building her? Is her refine worthwhile?
Dead to ISIS, yes
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Should I?
Lumera canonically can't protect Alear, n00b
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>considering they can get married
Do they? Is marriage even a thing in Engage? Don't they call it Partnership or something since it's across genders?
Yeah go ahead, she’s your wife right?
That's the trannylator term
Will she be more able to tank more units? If not, I'm probably just going to save the fodder for the next Soleil.
When are we getting atk/def ploy
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And to think Summer Bernadetta could have been the one to bring my ass back from the dead and drop a hundred. Who the fuck is Goldmary? They want to EoS at this point.
I suppose the one silver lining of America's dicatorship is that by this time next year people will have to use a new word since trans and gay people will be removed from society's watching eyes and media
don't let the door hit you on the way out
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If I ally support Wind Dagr and someone else and put them together on my AR defense, does the partner still get the pathfinder effect from Wind Dagr’s B skill or is that nullified with the other ally support effects?
How does Hilda lose against bandits? I can't fap to something lore unfriendly
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The Milk Truck of Victory
feet are not good this year
I think you'd have to go all in on fodder too.
Then again I don't think the skills she has are spectacular, when are you gonna build ten users of Lull Spd/Res 4?
Cute Alear <3

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>Petra starts fantasizing about Byleth colonizing her
bitch in heat
Its funny that goldmary fags and berniefags keep shitflinging the other character as unpopular deadweight.
Bernie won CYL. Has Goldmary?
>That giggle
Somebody that pure should not be lewded!
ISIS just gave her bridal alt to shut her fans up and to prevent Sharena from winning CYL9.
I've never even seen anyone mention it as a worthwhile B skill anyway. I don't know who I'd even give it to beyond maybe 1 copy for my SMicaiah
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>You're always doing your best, but you shouldn't push past your limits in the heat, 【Summoner】.
>Take a nice nap in the shade. I'll have someone on duty wake you, and we'll alert you if a battle should break out.
>I've had so much fun since I began spending summers with you. I want to give you a token of my appreciation.
>It is a ring made from tropical grasses and flowers. No Emblems reside in it, but plenty of memories do.
>I believe the memories we share of this summer will make us stronger, so please keep it with you.
uh is it customary in Engage land to randomly give people rings or what?
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>Goldmary: I may not look it, but in my world, I'm a student, same as you, Bernadetta.
>Bernadetta: A student?! Wow. Now that you say it, there were some mature-looking people at the Officers Academy...
>Goldmary: I should have graduated by now, but a war started, and...there were more important things to do than study.
>Bernadetta: It's the same in every world, isn't it? I pray at the very least you do not have to fight your friends.
>Goldmary: Thank you! It is so sweet and dear to see you concerned for the safety of my beauty. Let's be friends forever!
>Bernadetta: Gahhh! You're holding me too tight! Friends should let friends go!
No, it's just Alear's waking life was dominated by giving and recieving rings throughout the story so she's started likening giving ring = "I like and trust you" and "You are special to me" it's even apart of her S support ring conversation when you first get it to Alear, Rings are a symbol of trust, friendship and closeness.
She thought she was gonna have sex so she let her guard down
Real or AI slop?
>Alear proposes to Kiran
Based. Continuing the trend of FE MCs being better characters than self insert protagonists.
Obviously AI

So is FAlear for Kiran?
I imagine rings are important in their culture given the Emblem rings are
Are you all daft, it was just explained what rings symbolize to Alear it's not a proposal, I swear you sound like gossiping old ladies.
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Ashebros... We lost her to Byleth and Kiran...
Kek that's not moving any ranks, you stingy shit poster
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You're still playing FEH like some peasant?
NO! I refuse to let the summoner take Alear too! He's already got that insane chick lusting after him, he doesn't need a good girl like Alear,too! BACK OFF!
/feh/ isn't your advertisement board for other gachas, faggot
>Gullveig begging Alear to make an emblem of her to force Kiran to wear it
>Kiran engaged with Gullveig while fucking her
His name is Chudran
He's definitely spamming, advertising or begging
Everyone who doesn't have a confirmed romantic interest is for Kiran either platonically or romantically.
i don't get it, what's dimitri and byleth doing there?
also myrrh is right there
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What are you talking about? You sound like whiny teenage girls.
Ellen would beat the shit out of Gullslop
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I don't know who Ellen is
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Goodbye... Forever...
Alear can't make Emblems, they're not native to Elyos they were there simply because just like the bracelets, both sets fuck off at the end of the game to Alear's sadness
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Gullslop outsold your favorite engage sloppa.
My nigga!
If you actually felt that way, you would have deleted that image a year and a half ago.
I googled it for the purpose of making that post
Gullveig is FotM
Female onto male?
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Why you never see gullfags use FE reaction images (except the book7 sloppers)? These niggas must be gacha secondaries who only played Heroes, lmao
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We're 20 months into "FotM." When does it just become the norm?
20 months and she still hasn't passed the Ignatz Test?
You just stepped on his brain with that post...
flop status?
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Fuck you,asshole.
>ingrid just gets better support than the mythics, more effects than every other unit, special accel in refine treatment, oh and just gets to shit on the damage reduction skills lol better get laguz friend
yep bullshit
fuck you ingriddev
3HRT can only sell with powercreep so it makes sense
Translate it weebs!
Bro? Your Google Lens?
>Character talks to the Summoner
This is how you sound
If you don't know Alear's character this really does sound like a proposal, maybe those people were on to something calling her retarded not because she's dumb but because she's inexperienced.
Byleth (male) has fucked all of them.
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Glad my boy is supporting Marisa in the Voting Gauntlet.
based blast
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>Summer Chloe next year, yes?
I need it.
They might back pack her to someone I might not like though.
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whoops wrong one
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Very nice and tasteful fanservice!
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Kiran wins!
Alear has over 1k art while Gulltrash has less than 200...
Who is the girl beside Alear?
summer felix, summer annette, summer male byleth/sothis next year?
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why aren't you playing?
This is actually hilarious. Really shows how fucked this series is. Random ass Chinese gacha character that existed for like a week has more fanart than the supposedly popular CYL "winner"
It's clearly meant to evoke thoughts of a proposal with the joke being that Alear is innocent of the actual meaning. Either way she's clearly into the Summoner.
bernadetta gets backpacked
brave alt next month
That's not really fair, there are two alears
There's a tag for just the female Alear. It's still over 1k
to be fair all Heroes OCs are unpopular literal whos
>more C-listers
E rank summer banner incoming
If those are C listers what do you consider A listers? Genuinely
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I've had Mark sitting around for ages, not even fully levelled. I've been planning on using him to have another unit for FE7 LHBs but now I have Nergal who seems a whole lot better in general.
>Nikke has achieved number one spot in App Store....again.
FEH Devs please take notice.
This how you celebrate SUMMER!
so many FEH summer alts would looks a million times better if you just removed the stupid shit like frills on them
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this is the kind of banner spic-a-roni and cheese would want
Lysi, yes.
hey, show me a schizo meltdown
>>could have had this with Goldmary
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I love my waifu Shamir so much

Good concept, bad execution

look in the mirror and bark at yourself. that should keep you entertained for about 5 hours
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>gullveig is popula-ACK
Kek and Ellen has been out for what? 2 weeks? Gullveig has two years kek
kek of course he shows up now
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Has anyone else seen the new Voice Clips of the new OC character, the Nidavellir Niðavellir Founding King, who is voiced by the same seiyuu as Bernie's dad!

I admit that now I'm worried, I wanted Rodrigues as CYL GHB! But imagine if Bernie's father was GHB? Unless he's the GHB of the 3H New Heroes banner?

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They're adding Tony Stark to FEH? Based
no one cares about Reginn book slop retardo
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FehOwl is playing Zenless Zone Zero in case anyone is wondering.
yeah no shit. He stays here 18 hours a day so of course he'd be the faggot blogposting about what new gachas he's playing
Raul can you confirm this? He's your minion, afterall
Alois and Hannemans VAs were used last year in one of the banners close to the end of the year.

The next banner is not shaping up to be anything exciting given those VAs.

Hopefully a Shamir alt on it would redeem it
>this post instantly offended raul, calbert, and nowischizo
kek. they actually do lash out at anyone who stigmatizes mental illness.
I only see Raul here thoughever
They need to give him Cuboon full reign over Kozaki every other Book.
What is this insanity
based it's a good game
>this guy jobbed to an illness
What did Eitri even see in him?
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It's so easy to identify you little retard

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