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Previous: >>484681053

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
First for Jinhsi
I want to watch her piss
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What things do you hope to see in Changli's character trailer?
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Changli love!
where are the 1.2 leaks doko
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Left or Right?
ER% is 119%
2 more weeks, bro
using the feather to stalk (you)
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wuwa !
flats getting MOGGED
Zhezhi better be a gunny cunny or I'm going to end it.
This >>484716037
>wake up
its just that easy
I just can't fucking deal with the Echo inventory getting full
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>ZZZ gameplay is mid at a generous best and is corridor slop but the character designs absolutely fucking mog both games cause a non-chink designed the non-furfag characters
You're supposed to be merging the shit echos, I got a lot of good ones from that
why are you like this anon
Magistrates don't piss silly
Just fucking kill me bros
>non playable npc
you are proving his point anon...
Sanhua? Kill this fag
How do you know?
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Remember the cope about wuwa characters having too much black in their designs, but when hoyo does it with zzz suddenly it's hecking kino and ludo? lol
I do really like the zzz girls but I like a lot of wuwa girls too
Holy shit hack and slash persona is bad.
The japs love visual novels tho.
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I absolutely hate ZZZs designs, they're extremely shit.
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Anon, pressing 1 button is perfect for JP zombie salaryman, those niggers don't have the energy left in that hell
>those abs
wtf is this real
That's what I mean, I can't deal with manually going through them and locking or merging
>he fell for the 3 cost meme
How so? All of Wuwas playable characters look better than the miner NPC girl. But somehow a playable character from ZZZ doesn't?
are we getting summer skins wuwabros?
Imagine a Changli summer skin.
NTA, my issue is less the colors and more the actual clothes themselves. I hate all this flowy medieval fantasy/cyberpunk mix generic chink outfit shit.
Jue told me in a dream
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next wuwer will die
Where is the content
people are just going to say the same thing if he does the 4 cost meme
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I'm rich
Why 2 weeks? We had 1.1 drip marketing a week before the game even released. Why tf is this taking so long
i would have given up at the hp%, and fishers would have given up at +15, not sure why you went all the way.
To me it’s hilarious when the hoyo fans are complaining about Firefly character being “reduced” when the majority of this fandom is constantly yapping non stop about ships and nothing else
>t. Jinhsi
You're not fooling me.
Already have if you mod the game. I don't think we will get any official ones for at least 6 more months, so earliest newest costumes will probably be chink new year related ones.
I wish there was a way to check them when they drop or just autolock them based on main stat. When I farm weeklies or bosses in general I just wait until I'm done, sort by newest and quickly audit everything. It still takes too long.
I don't know, I just said a random number
also I read here that 1.2 was going to take more time to implement than 1.1 or something like that
I don't know how true that is tho
except all you need on a usable 4 cost is the correct main stat (crit damage or crit) and then landing crit and crit damage. The rest is of the good stats can be hunted easily because its a 2 minute farm instead of a limited "daily" farm.
the only side effect is rapidly farming 4 costs burns a lot of echo exp
Does Jinhsi count as necrophilia?
>have technically infinite 4 costs to reroll something good
>or 10 spectro 3 costs you got after farming the entire map of them for a week
hmmm nyo
She's still alive bro
Reminder that jianxin got her tit jiggle back.
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>that 1.2 was going to take more time to implement than 1.1
But 1.2 isn't even a new region right? How is that possible?
You won't trick me, I won't fall for it.
The point was design variety
Remember when yinlin was shown wearing all those different disguises in her trailer but in the end she's stuck wearing a chinky dress? yeah
Why are you still farming echoes? For 5% more CR that will take you a hear?
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Which Zenless Zone Zero Faction looks most appealing to you guys?

Honestly, I feel like there is only one clear winner..
Jue brought her back though.
Nice legs on that pink slut
Objectively speaking the gameplay of zzz is made for toddlers and you can really tell the devs are inexperienced at action games. wuwa is much more fun and has actual depth.
Wow so DB21 actually does work for UL40.
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Mihomo got the right idea, open world fatigue has set in and now they just make corridor simulators that need 1/10th of the budget and make much more money. WuWa is too late.
Realistically it only needs 1 or 2 millions a month to survive but it better start putting its head out of its ass and make fanservice shit like summer skins or this is going to look grim even just a year later. The quality is much higher than genshin but it doesn't matter. Bait people with fanservice and they'll keep playing because the game itself is great.
Yeah they changed it back
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Sup bros
These threads have been quite comfy since WuWon, Feels good
> devs are inexperienced at action games
didn't they make Hi3rd which Kuro copied/improved for PGR?
reminder that rover is shorter than changli..
What's wrong with that?
Hi3 is a worse version of ZZZ
Lol no, at least the combat in hi3 is not as braindead.
Didn't work for Honkai impact 3 part 2. The only thing zzz had going for it was being made by mihoyo.

Coom png collectors that only run on mobile hang out near the bottom of the charts on mobile revenue only. While wuwa which barely runs on mobile and is supposedly "open world fatigue" is near the top. Wuwa money also let Kuro hire more for PGR. Seemed like a worthwhile investment for them
sex with anko
reminder than changli is heavier than rover
off model picture
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I think Wise gets no bitches
Changli is leaning very hard to the side though.
Jesus Christ
How much did it cost to operate/develop this kind of open-world gacha anyway?
>mihoyo writers cucking their players in real time
Why can't zzz stay in its own thread? I will not play hoyoshit.
Wrong thread, anon
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Wuwuwa? Wawawu?
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Big Bird....
I was gonna collect all the maids (even the furry) but I'm a big weeb and I always roll Iai characters so I'm gonna skip Ellen for Miyabi, at least assuming she's 1.1 and not further out.
>account without jinhsi
>account without changli
which would be more bricked?
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just finished the story
>actual dragon
>capable of bending time and death to some extent
>it's your pet
account without camellya
Depends on who makes your penis bigger.
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I love birds
>each account will not have both
bricked either way
Chinese Jesus
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>didn't save his rolls for both
My dick is ridiculously tiny, it's pathetic
this why I have two accounts, one will have jinhsi and changli, one will have jinhsi and skip changli
I lock the good echos the moment they drop, this way I can auto merge without worrying about them
I understand the points people made about the old version of the story, but this angle of unraveling amnesia and finding out about a bunch of your own keikakus from 1000 years ago is fun too.
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>Release Wuwa before ZZZ so everyone can taste what good combat feel like
>ZZZ come out with shit combat
>Wuwa won just by doing nothing
This is some 4D chess man, Solon you devious bastard
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But they'll earn more and half the posts in our threads will be talking about how they earned more
They should've done 1.2/changli drip marketing today just for the final nail in the coffin
I didn't like zzz and uninstalled in under an hour, but let's not kid ourselves here that kusoge will make bank just cause it's a hoyo game.
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One without both, you didn't roll for Yinlin did you
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>somewhere out there, there are chinks that love the game bro trust me
lol. Check bilibili and tieba
>we, our, us
>abhorrent post
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Will Jinhsi's kids also have her horns or not? What about her scales? This is important
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#1 in JP, top gacha in billbili and as much of a meme it is, 14+ tiktok hours, all of which are more than Jinhsi achieved. I don't think it's a good game but denying its success is cope.
No I'm not here to doompost, I'm lv50 with 15+ waveplate solvents or whatever.
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And that's a good thing!
We will be NIKKE, Arknights, BA level, comfy as fuck and make shit ton of money
>Take dead baby corpse
>Resurrect it for the lulz
>groom it to be your assistant and she will always be loyal to you because she knows nothing better.

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They’ll probably do it tomorrow to fuck with genshins 4.8 livestream. Killing two birds with one stone. After all, Emilie is a joke of a character
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Rover could just walk forwards and rest his head in her huge mammaries.
it's okay zzzbro, we don't judge here
>mogged on both sides
her face says it all
It's at 8 while wuwa is at 5. They deleted negative reviews because it's a mihomo game so they get free shilling. It's literally impossible to beat a mihomo game at this point, they can shit on a plate and hoyoshills will c6r5 the dung.
why does she wear the tracksuit
its the release day anon.....why would a new banner for a gacha get more hype than an entirely new gacha....especially a mihomo gacha... come on bwo
read the reviews retard. also it was #1 on bilibili before launch before anyone played it. All recent reviews are calling it boring
The threads will suffer, anons just can't ignore sales charts which lead to derailed threads
Only one way to find out
Does anyone play PGR? I've heard mixed things about that game getting a lot worse after the first year where everyone used to wank how deep its combat was, I'm a bit worried we may head in that direction, too. Especially since all the limited DPS seem braindead (Jiyan, Jinhsi) even compared to Encore, let alone Calchud.
How's HI3 part 2 doing?
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In this tumultuous time in my life, I hate almost every aspect of it. Aside from being able to lurk, and occasionally post, in wuwa threads....I love Yinlin!
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So how'd Jiyan do, and this game's launch went swimmingly, right? The average normalfag won't even look at the reviews themselves, popular thing good.
>Forgetting FGO exists
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The scales/mutations and shit are caused by being resonators rather than something genetic so maybe not.
>used to wank how deep its combat was
It was never "deep". Ever. It had good music and animations but the combat is a shallow bayonetta clone and just like PGR as we have seen with Jinhsi, higher rarities will become more braindead where the more youn upgrade them the more gameplay mechanics you completely ignore.
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what is the appeal of this. what attraction does one have to uncurved hips
The average normalfag will play the game and call it shit because it is shit. Bilibili IS normalfags
>Somewhere out there, there are some mythical normalfag foreigners that love the game.
Child molesters
Sick freaks.
Unprotected raunchy wild sex
The combat is fun
But it's an area battler so not for me
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No they have different problem that us, mostly about Gen 2 and onward is mostly about cutscene simulator and less grounded combat. Luckily thing a looking brighter on PGR side though
>introduce new mechanic
>said mechanic surpass old boss design
>introduce new boss that counter that mechanic(boss that pierce your cutscene i-frame)
>make you have to git gud again
I love little girls..
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I've no way of proving otherwise so I'll shut up. See for yourselves in their month 1 and 2 charts.
Why did Jue want to freeze Jinzhou?
someone post THAT webm of solon
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>jinhsi drained all of my credits
she's going to drain my balls at this rate..
Why is this so funny
The new illusory realm is kind of boring
Jue was injured when he became the sentinel and was gradually becoming weaker. His only chance was to totally freeze the city or let it perish eventually.
What the fuck upgrading weapons is expensive
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do your not-simulated universe bro, it saved my ass
Me and who?
Im the guy
what does Changli smell like?
When people complain about gen 2 and gen 3 in PGR they are mostly talking about the same thing, too many i-frames, however as soon as they don't have it they suddenly get filtered non stop by the new bosses because the "classic" PGR difficulty is still there, they just don't see it because of i-frame abuse, Kuro also realized the problem because the new bosses have special attacks that completely ignore i-frames and those are becoming more common.
it's a liv thing, you wouldn't get it
i did it...
Sweat and pheromones.
I saw that Wuwa was re-recording some of the fucked up voice lines which is nice. They're putting a lot of effort into polishing this diamond. If playing Monster Hunter has taught me anything, no matter how rough or janky a game looks, as long as the core gameplay is fun and engaging everything else around it can be fixed in time. I think there's going to be a lot of lapsed hoyodrones coming back for 1.2/1.3 if there's a really hype release begging for help.
Fuck you, I still have 3 days to go, my fucking tower is going to be 21/30 at this rate
>Got Jinhsi S1 at 6 pulls while trying to get one more 4 star
huh, neat
wow... wuwa sure fell off huh...?
>Lolipedo porn gets (you)s
>Hag porn doesn't
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I luckshitted this sword with a single, is good enough for Jinhsi?
Why do people here shill Jinhsi so hard when Changli is objectively hotter?
That could've been your changli...
meh af for her, but nice luck though
I want a proper wife like Jinhsi
Yeah it's a shame
I was just hoping for Sanhua S5
it's really bad but if works if you don't have anything better
i go by physical attractiveness not body temperature
Can’t wait to see his “I’m quitting, endgame is too hard” video in a few weeks time.
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I've been playing since 6 months into CN's release.
The combat was never deep per se, back then characters were weaker and kits were way simpler (and kind of shit) so you needed a semblance of a brain to not shit the bed, kuro also had no idea what the fuck they were doing.
Nowadays the kits flow together very well and don't really have wasted parts, so you're not fighting against your character anymore, but if you played long enough you got eased into the game becoming "easier" it over time.
Like >>484721296 mentioned though, they try come up with ways to negate the bullshit they introduce.
Why does it look so bad compared to wuwa?
correction every wuwa design has black/white, the problem is not using black is doing it for every character lmao wuwa color scale is the same for everyone and then using a diferent color, theres like a few characters only that dont
Literally kys moaning earlynigger
you all coped about the jinyan video only pressing left click because it was too early to judge the combat, the video was jinyan level 60 vs 65 boss lmao
The Censoredlings... My heroes...
Wuwa is 22.5GB on my machine while ZZZ another new game is 55GB on my machine. ZZZ clearly cost more to make despite being fucking corridors.
You just need to look at the total game size. Truth is open world doesn't cost much to make if you don't have many unique assets for said open world.
Wu won, sex lolis will keep the normalfags at bay.
It’s not for casual.
i learned that open world shit is harder to turn into private server
ZZZ is very good to wait for pserver version
I'm pretty sure snooze was in development before Genshin was, it's basically HI3-2.
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ready for the cope? it already make more than jinshi in this entire time only in a day lmao
The left two look generic as fuck. Like holy shit Male Rover has more thought put into his design and he's fucking adult Kirito.
It takes so fucking long to build characters after you hit UL50 that I'm having choice paralysis between leveling havoc MC or Encore, since I"m not sure if Encore will be useful after Changli comes out.
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My first gold after hitting ul50. Game really wants me to level Jinhsi.
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>he's skipping this
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I hope you have the same good luck on changli's banner bro
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btw jinshi is doing less than yinlin at this point in time kekw
ZZZ really took off while wuwa really fell off huh?
what should the mainstat of the 4 cost be for a moonlit set for sanhua?
yea, i'm thinking it's SEA hours
Both are falling off in their homeland of China.
Japanese like ZZZ for whatever reason.
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>Use all that money made from their sister game
>Can't even hire a good combat director

rumao what is even the point of sales post anymore if the game itself is fucking shit
I don’t want to eat a golden turd just because it is popular.
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Changli's face is too red
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>it already make more than
>what is even the point of sales post anymore
SEApag hours have arrived, time for bed. See you guys tomorrow.
Except Indog actually prefers Wuwa than Genshit, HSR and ZZZ if their google play chart is anything to go by
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fuck my child lord arbiter
prove them wrong, if is sea lis you should have data to prove it right? the fact is zzz already made more than jinshi in one day and nips are liking it
Why the fuck are there seanigs here? Fuck off
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For me, it's knotting rover
>play through mt firmament main quest
>check for jinhsi companion quest
>where is this fucking kiss/romance scene that was shilled
>just some bullshit render some coomer made and posted on reddit
What a lying piece of shit community. Resorting to lies to shill.
Hoyo just wants an angrybirds game, but with lolis and furries. Casual degenerates will flock to it regardless of how lame the game is. It'll be easy money. Big content creators won't shit on it right away either because they want to capture that easy audience for as long as possible. There's really no point in comparing it to other typical gacha games that /vg/ plays. It's meant for the super casual playerbase that just prints money for existing.
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>Indog actually prefers Wuwa than Genshit
>if is sea lis you
We don't need to prove shit, your grammar is evidence enough. Who do you think you're fooling, SEAmonkey?
it's kinda hilarious how /wuwa/ is now doing the exact same shit that other generals did to bully this game's disastrous launch, right down to spamming the same webms over and over
i guess it's an eye for and eye and all that
>he didnt get the secret ending
She's in heat after seeing my Lordly Arbiter cock.
wow... wuwa sure fell off huh?
projecting again sis? wuwa is the sea game proven my any metric possible, be trends, sales and people shilling it in filipino language on twitter, also latinos love it over genshit
yup butt he thing is zzz acually clap wuwa too and is on its way to be top 3 with the other hoyo games, jinshi flopped so hard is going to be fun next month with only changli to cover the entire month
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can you at least run that shit through chatgpt before shitting the thread with your illegible rants
I will never understand why people still play Genshin Impact, the company treated their costumers like shit and the gameplay is pretty shitty, it can't be for the story right? I mean I wouldn't play wuwa for the story but the gameplay so far is pretty great, the best in any gacha game right now, so why the hell is wuwa not getting the number 1 spot? I really don't care that much but now that seaniggers are here I will ask anyways.
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If more money = better, then seapags are all worthless humans
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This is all very "interesting".
But Wuthering Waves is STILL the superior game.
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Post hand, prove you're not an Indog yourself
The combat in ZZZ is shit. Pretty much everyone is saying it.
Could Changli be a competitive dps to Jinhsi? Or is Jinhsi overwhelmingly better at dealing damage?
Only CN and global shat on it, JP loves it.
Illusive realm Sanhua is so good wtf
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I ship Azdaha and Jue...
What is it with SEApags and pretending they are not one?
Man Mcdonalds is the best restaurant in the world, their BigMac is the best burger ever.
Man Jujutsu Kaisen is the best anime in the world, the after effects used and the skate animation is the best.
Man Tesla is the best car company in the world they just make the best cars don't they?
Man The Boys is the best series in the world, Homelander is a nazi and that funny XD
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Replace the words "Genshin Impact" with "Pokemon"
It's a kids game for kids. I'm not sure why adult wuwa players have been arguing all day with underaged hoyofans on 4chan.
That seems foolish but maybe its just me.
How did you get here?
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Holy shit
Not that anon, but I don't understand why people still pay for Pokemon trash either. They haven't released a good game in a quadrillion years.
For me the new "endgame" was the last straw but everything GI's done has made me seethe since basically 4.2 and I only kept playing because of sunk cost.
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When will we get a cute imouto like belle in wuwa?
I really wish I hadn't rolled for Yinlin, my first 10 pull of the entire game was the limited weapon banner to just get rid of the 5 you get for free and I ended up getting Stringmaster. So I had no choice but to pull, in hindsight since I don't really use the swap meta at all it was a bad choice. I really hope the rumors that Changli isn't that great is true so I can skip Her.
You could've used Stringmaster with Encore, you weren't forced.
>dead thread
>kurofag and frogfag circlejerk
/wuwa/ has fallen
found the femcel
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Hmmm... That's... an interesting point of view Azdahafag, it really makes sense if you think about it and this post >>484725446
reinforces your theory even more.
launch day for a hoyoslop game is selling who would have thought!?
genshin doesnt overpromise shit, what you see in the patch notes is what you get so is a you problem if you dont like what they sell you, now wuwa overpromise the community and release a buggy mess, why would people eat false promises? at least they play genshin knowing it has what they advertised
He's not showing the date and categories for some reason
I played genshit day 1, you are full of shit niggerfaggot.
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If her c2 stacks to 100%, then she'll shit all over her. Imagine 400% crit damage on every attack, and crit rate substats being replaced with more attack/damage. Jinhsi requires too much crit rate rolls to have good crit damage, especially when she doesn't have a good crit rate weapon or a skill that gives free crit rate like Yinlin.

>but muh food buff
Useless in tower.
same as me, genshin didnt advertise itself as some endgame bullshit game they literally did as the exploration kids game lmao if you went in expecting some hardcore combat and endgame is a you problem proving my point
Probably not on release but it's hard to tell, Jinhsi is very strong but there are still people arguing about her vs Jiyan (they are better in different circumstances).
Changli seems kinda "mid" relative to those two characters but we legitimately won't know until she's out.
if im not the all powerful arbiter, would jinhsi still love me?
Genshin promised a lot of shit launch day, and it fell of hard after Inazuma released. The faggot were never able to handle balancing and the only way they could was by powercreeping already struggling characters like venti and Zhongli. You're full of shit, homoshill.
So Changli requires C2 to be "good" in comparison to Jinhsi?
And it was a buggy mess too retard, shut the fuck up please.
When we get the fuck out of notChina and stop getting this gay flowy chink outfit shit.
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This meant for >>484725452
Enjoy your summer vacation lil one.
Like just LOOK at this shit. A young girl should not have an ashen face like she's been taking drugs everyday.
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What was the idea behind your first taste of changli being a completly dissfunctional team comp in the story for one fight?
ZL is still meta as fuck what are you talking about. I'm pretty sure that nigga's been 80% usage in every abyss since he got buffed, he never even fell off for a short while unlike Kazoo who did fall off (slightly) when Sumeru launched
??? zhongli is still used 4 years now and venti is being used rn too in current abyss lmao genshin is one of the least powercreeped games so you pick an idiotic argument rn, most launch 4*s are used in meta comps to this day, fucking 4*s, zhongli is literally used almost in any comp were you want a shielder and shred what do you even mean
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Do everyone a favor and stop replying to ESL posts and sales charts
Do tall characters run faster
>They're honest
Not a take I'd think to hear about Hoyo in any reality.
Yes, they also have almost 2x as many iframes as the lolis do on their rolls.
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It was a canon team comp and still spawned more hype for her than jinshi could ever hope for
>it's still meta, you only have use Neuvillete in the same team!
small bugs sure not game breaking bugs that are not fixed a month and half after release like wuwa, 1.1 bring even more bugs to people who play fine in 1.0 like me, i dont play genshit anymore and i did play it on launch never had a gamebreaking issue
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thought I clicked on /gig/ by mistake for a second
can someone redpill me on jinhsi?
and how much does she need her weap?
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i dont care about the pokemans but the doujins its produced is nice
It's bad for new people who want tons of characters, but at this point I have a lot of characters and low pressure to do anything (I'm letting resin overcap for example). I'm playing because I like the world and some characters, and in theory there are only 2 more regions before the final chapters so I can slowly wait for the conclusion.

It also means there is low hope of improvements. Hoyo will just put the money into half a dozen trailers for each character, put it on that las vegas ball and in posters all around third world countries and do what they do as an advertisement company and all QoL will go only into their next game.
huh no, he is literally part of like 10 team comps usually in every abyss, this is how i know you niggers are tectone followers the dude parrots hyperbloom is meta and zhongli fell off despite being wrong, the meta is not hyperbloom and zhongli is overused in abyss
Unlike her boobs, her damage is stupidly huge. Her sig is 17% better than the standard 5* weapon
Being used for 1 DPS does not make you have 90% usage rate retard, and he had that same usage before Neuv came out. Who the fuck do you even think powercrept Zhongli, are you high?
He's the best sustain for Neuvillette, Hu Tao (unless running her plunge), Al Haitham, Navia, literally any ranged character except for Tighnari (and he's good with Tighnari anyway), Blunderer, etc.
Do you even fucking play the game?
I don't play or watch pokemon but goodness gracious I spilled so much seed to this 3 semen demons.
The state of pokemon ever since xy released is so depressing... that was the first genshin and it still hasn't gotten even a little better
the other game has 0 ammo to throw here so they try to derail it with such
he doesnt, he parrots what his favorite cc tells him without knowing, he said inazuma powercreeped lmao my sides only kazuha did shit that entire region and still you can replace him with budget sucrosse to this day
>did play it on launch never had a gamebreaking issue

yeah bro lets just forget about genshin have shit like showing your UID = account being hacked
scarlet and violet looked and ran like shit, but they were very fun to play.
>he is literally part of like 10 team comps usually in every abyss
>10 useless comps because only usable one is neuvillete.

>Do you even fucking play the game?
No, stopped after fontaine. Your braindead slop can't do a story for shit because they decided to pander to troons and kids.
Apparently if you max out the style rating in Illusive Realm the music changes like in DMC5, although it's not as dynamic.
zzz devs are not good at technical things. High filesize just means shit optimization.
And it was fixed, unlike your garbage game optimization, shut the fuck up already Kuroshill, you're not winning this fight.
>I'm voluntarily raiding another thread to shill my shitty homoslop
>being used for 1 dps does not make you have 90% usage
you must have never heard of baizhu then. His usage revolves entirely around being the designated fanfare healslave in neuvxfurinaxkazuha teams. They are literally the 4 top used characters because they form the best team in the game rn
Scar wants to destroy le world because ... he just does okay
>unlike your garbage game optimization
Have you not opened the game after you install the 1.1 update? Also, not my fault you're using a 1050 and can't hit unsupported 120fps
It's because his schizo village tried to sacrifice his sister and it turned her into a retard.
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you might want to take this with a lot of salt since I'm playing very casually, but mine with trash echoes and a shitty 4* sword is absolutely demolishing everything, easily the strongest character in my account
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Wait, is this the /wuwa/ or /gig/ thread?
Based, SV was great.
File deleted.
right now, being le epicly raided by some zoomer homoshills.
Its not his sister, he randomly visited the village when they were about to lynch phrolova.
No character needs their sig in this game right now, the tower isn't hard enough that it matters.
Get it if you like her a lot and are willing to give up ~80 pulls in the worst case. If not, then just use w/e cope weapon you have. If you play Calchud you probably already have the BP or standard broadblades and those are more than good enough.
It's SEA hours, and when it's that time, every single gacha general turns into hoyoslop shilling.
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>he is STILL doing it for free

hope they send 600 primo into your mail box bro
>"paying" their shills with currency for their worst game
Whale bros, are those packs with 25 gold mats worth buying? Or do you get more from the equivalent in refreshing that amount optimally?
Bianca in this game when
>600 gems
Lmao he will get 5 fowls AT BEST
His entire bit is that in this post apocalyptic world the elite are all attempting to take advantage of those below them, but will abandon them as soon as it's most opportune.
Think the hierarchy of Huonglong will help out Jianzhou if it was destroyed, or would they just set up a new front with another city? That's sort of his thinking, and it combines it with the idea that the strong should seek more strength to overthrown the natural order via fusing with tacet discords.
Or at least I think that's the correct explanation.
And apparently jannie is a hoyoshill too. that pic was not nsfw. >>484727802
Is it true we WuWon and ZZZ flopped?
You mean 5000 mora?
Their worst game is HI3 by far
God, I can't wait to see you eat shit at the end of the month you annoying fucks.
How long until changli bwos
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where is that scar anon that wanted to answer z.z.z survey with adding more furries? the survey is here
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Why did you need to make the comment about her boobs
>game launch vs a patch
>doesnt wanna do patch vs patch because 1.2 happens on furry games 1.1
You get more value out of refreshing than any of the resource packs, only buy them if you max refresh every day. IMO both of these options are retarded but that's the order.
The best thing to do is to buy all the 2x packs (obviously) and the new packs they released that give you a few pulls every patch. These ones have the same value as a $15 pack on 2x.
The $500 and $1000 packs never have any 2x so they're worthless, they have the same value as buying 5x/10x $1000 packs.
This game also doesn't increase the cost of refreshes (unlike Hoyo games), so it's 60 every time until you hit the daily cap.
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sex with jinhsi's thick white eyelashes
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You are still replying to bait wuwuwaawagger

Yowai. YOWAI
Is this based on the idea that you get the equivalent of a gold drop every run (If you convert up)?
24.5 runs gives you the mats + exp, but if you don't make the equivalent of gold material each run, then the pack is better no?
1 Gold skill Mat is about 1 1/2 runs so 25 of them is about 37.5 runs or about 2250 stamina for 8~ USD if you buy with a VPN. I personally bought them out just so I didn't have to waste all my stamina on traces at UL 50, but I slowly looked at how much it fucked my credit resources and how much is needed at UL60 that I just gave up.

Since tacet fields are a waste of stamina resources with only 20 tuners when events like illusive give 300+.
How many wavebands are you going to aim for for Changli?
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0, because the game will lock it for me, preventing a bricked account
1 or 2, might change my mind and go deeper depending on who is in 1.2. She should know by the end of her banner.
just call them constellations like normal people
Honestly a shame scars forma de cabra is relegated to a weekly and Illusive realm, his moveset is fun to play around
Maxed. If 1.2 leaks are double male.
S2 if one of them is cute or hot girl.
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why is she shoving her fingers into my face.. does she want me to suck on it?
Is the story worth paying attention to or can I just skip if I like exploring/gambling?
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But even if shit is on the top I wouldn't start eating it? I play games I like, not the ones that win imaginary ("estimated") number competitions.
Why is wuthering waves getting unfairly discriminated against while zzz gets a free pass on r/gachagaming AND jannies actually moderate their general?
You can skip chapter 1-1 after you get to the city until 1-3. Other than that just try it and if you're finding some scene boring you can skip it.
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you can actually jump in HI3 lol
Because the game doesn't have a million performance issues and controversies on release
it's kinda worth skipping until you meet the magistrate, it picks up after that
It does depend on your UL, but if your UL is low you can't use gold materials anyway, and refreshing gives you union EXP as well which buying the packs does not.
If you are UL50 you will get at least 1 gold drop per run (assuming you craft up) with a chance to get 2 if you get lucky. This means that to get 25 golds at worst it'd cost you 1000 waveplates (~$15), but realistically it'd be less runs than that.
The packs cost basically the same ($15), with their value getting lower as your UL goes up.
You have to buy the $15 pack regardless of what choice you go with because that's the only way to get the 980 needed for the "bundle", so you'd end up with a few extra lunite you can use. I would still only do it after you've exhausted refreshing.
you fuckers were so cocky earlier today, what happened?
Because you fuckers don't deserve shit with how petty you are as proven by this fucking thread.
You can jump in Genshin too, primo is the currency for Genshin. I have no idea what the currency in ZZZ is if that's your implication.
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How old are you? Unironically speaking.
no one think s it will flop in revenue seabro, it flopped as a game
>still comparing launch to patch
And such is the fate of today.
Which doesn't matter if it sells well
>muh sales
You really think Pokemon SV was a good game, huh?
Why do you guys always care about sales so much, as long as Kuro keeps improving the game and it doesn't EoS it doesn't matter if they make 30mil or 300mil every month.
Genshin makes 40mil+ every month but that game gets worse every fucking patch.
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Then you're TOO old to be a fanboy of a video game company.
Take this PUNCHaha
It would be funny if zzz launch actually made less than our 1.1
I sat through the whole thing without any issue but the general consensus seems to be that the early acts are quite a slog. Things do pick up around act 3? or 4 onwards but it does have its moments like deliberately picking the wrong dialogues in certain scenarios
you're not funny.
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Erm you arent a mihoyo executive
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>tfw 34 in a few days
Your life is a pretty good joke.
Oh yeah, it doesn't matter now huh? Then why are you guys flaunting your global sales exceeding Genshin back then? Fucking hypocrites.
>getting this mad over a game
sad really.
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Also I'm not sure why this guy >>484728517
is lying the cost to refresh does go up after the initial 60 astrites.
To shut your stupid mouth up. That’s it. I fucking hate money worshipper cattle like you.
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I am super funny.
Here's a joke.
A Chinese company tells you to jump and you say "I can't, ZZZ doesn't have a jump button"
It's pretty boring early on especially if you don't like every single character sucking your character's dick 24/7, it picks up after Scar shows up and stays pretty decent up until the end. Although it the final act of 1.0 (Act 6) feels pretty rushed, the 2 chapter before that (IV and V) are quite good imo.
The 1.1 story is better than all of the 1.x story. Overall the plot isn't amazing but it's interesting enough. You can ignore it if you really have no interest in it but I'd suggest giving it a shot.
Because it makes you mald. On the other hand, wuchads are here, enjoying the good combat, actually good traversal and decent story. But I gotta give you one nigger, zzz has the snake minigame lmao.
>We're about to get FUCKED and the ONLY way of preventing it is by freezing the time of this entire area and maybe mayhaps perhaps someone will resolve the problem for us in the future
Why didn't the jinzhou people move somewhere else? Are they stupid.
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You're correct, money does matter, which is why third worlders like you should sit in the corner and stop speaking.
damn, i kek'd
I know, look at them here
It has nipple pixels and people get away with it because jannies hate being in threads of games they do not play. Sometimes they wake up and do their job.
not bad
No, Patrick, they can't move Jinzhou somewhere else by pushing it.
Jue was just testing Jinhsi, it never intended to do any of that stuff. It just did what Rover told it to do.
Probably the plan had to sound mega retarded otherwise Jinhsi would have just gone along with it instead of getting her character development or whatever.
Where exactly are you going to move in a post apocalyptic world? Are you going to be a refugee in another continent? They'll tell you to fuck off or work as a slave.
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monkey's paw
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Maybe because post-apocalyptic foreign nation is a literal nazi?
>most of them unironically bored
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I kek’ed
The fuck is wrong with me
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picrel: me and changli
apparently the chinks found out there is some kind of hidden soft pity when tuning echoes but i cant read chinks
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>But it makes money so it's okay
>criticisms that might improve the game are ignored and you are stuck with left click simulator
Yeah, I prefer devs that actually listens, no thanks
Link that nga post, NOW
Even Tectone? Who said he's sticking with ZZZ no matter what?
That is complete placebo. Soft pity for what? custom made for each character? What if a character needs defense like Taoqi/yuanwu? misinfo shill.
>inb4 you need to lvl to 25 to count and no one here ever got to it because they discard already at lvl 5.
That man jumps ship every new ig gacha release, he's trying to be a jew and failing miserably at it
Is it correct to say you get paid 75 cents every day for doing dailies? It's 8080 lunite for $100. That's 50 pulls so $2 a pull. You get 60 astrite from dailies. And 60/160 x $2 = 75cents. That's pretty depressing if you think about it like that. I'm new to gacha though, maybe this isn't the right way to look at it?
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>In wuwa Sweetily harassing hologram Mephis with Anko is pretty cool to watch because not many people can do that
>In zzz everyone is Sweetily and all the enemies are pretty much the nerfed version of tutorial Crownless
Kek lmao
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>got my last Danjin Sequence

is Chixia coming Changli, i need her dupes.
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With haste lord Arbiter
what completion should I bet at for tower if i don't want to be bricked
It’s for exp, and material to lv character. Something money cannot buy, unless you are a super whale. Of course.
if you're a whale 30/30
if you are UL50 and normal player then 24-27/30 depends on how many chars you've pulled and how retarded you've been with your solvents
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They have to thank Wuwa for training their playerbase, now everyone can steamroll their game easily and get all the rolls.
Damn they completely overhalled IR
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Tectone is trying to farm hoyo good points, he look bored af in the last stream lol
I imagine he won’t last long, Mtashed also at the breaking point
>new IR dropped
>all the rewards and achievements were reset and I didn't get all of them
WuWabros, I bricked my account...
>21/30 at UL 40
tis good?
This is like lifting plastic toy dumbell after lifting the real one
Seems above average, yeah.
Getting 24 is much easier once you get your main DPS to 80.
I'm UL 47 and I'm 20/30, it's over

Contrary to the world/video game designers world,


It's sad I can't re-bind the 'P' key our equivalent of 'E' for no actual reason besides 'fuck you'.

and don't "jUsT uSe A cOnTrOlLeR mE" people don't get that this is just the video games world equivalent of "just use your right hand it's not that big of a deal" bs.

Like I haven't played Black Desert a game I was genuinely interested in trying years ago for the simple fact the devs are too lazy to allow the ';' key be re-bound

(The left movement key, equivalent of 'D' in the WASD)

Between this an the god awful TV bs I will uninstall.
Because you're wrong.
Based, fuck left handed people, imagine being born crippled and expecting society as a whole to adjust to that
bro your autohotkey?
what site is this
>Echo mats at 1k+
What the fuck did this guy buy to reach that numbers?
wtf left handed people use different mouse and keyboard positions????
Why would you think like this? It's only hurting your enjoyment. Gacha is designed to generate satisfaction from seeing your account grow steadily over a long period of time with small daily efforts.
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EoS status?
They've already made bank from us, if PGR ain't EoSing, neither will we.
>No links whatsoever
Yup yup yup, everyone HATES and LOATHES ZZZ, trust me bro.
huar huar huar
you could cum all over them and no one would notice... natural camouflage
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no way fag
i got that eternal yellow glowie fever
>he missed the last thread go witness the glory where chink collectively shit on the furries game on tieba and nga
>seaniggers came back to seethe again over wu won
Stop being sore losers shitskin goblins
Continue paypigs now sis or else you'll lose 50/50
see >>484706471
Cry some more.
I already lost the 50/50 and got Anko.
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Here’s your wife anon, she has a dick now :3
SEADeities own your headspace rent free troon
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is this better than having high crit
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and how many times are you going to hit them crits?
Crit DMG is useless if you can't proc it
When do f2ps hit UL50 I need these people to genocide my map so I can get credits
Call yourself a stupid bitch, enjoy resetting the tower everytime her nuke doesn't crit because you have SUB 100 crit rate
Maybe it's because I've never played another MiHoYo game before, but something feels missing about this game. I am shocked there is no jump button, air combos, juggles, etc. The story is also just characters constantly dropping technobabble and expecting me to know what it means.

Also, besides Billy, I don't think any of the character designs really speak to me right now. The gameplay just feels a little too shallow to keep me engaged. I might play it every so often, but I can not imagine myself grinding this game daily.
Are you hot? Let me turn up the AC.
basically autobattler like star rail.
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Love these
So does Jinhsi break out in scales while breeding?
Without the auto button lel
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Stop making fun of my Heritage
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Been out from a few days, did you apologize yet?
i miss when my previous thread had such kino
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>Mogged your Shitlin
>All kidding aside, zzz is definitely much more fun than Mingchao, and the technical skills are still very high. I can’t tell the difference between a game and reality after playing it for a while. The action of Zero Zone is cool, the characters are beautiful, and the impact is very strong. Mingchao is facing a strong enemy now. If Mingchao officials don't give all the players in the server tens of hundreds to draw, I'm afraid it will be difficult to retain fans and inevitably lose players. I hope Mingchao officials will not be ignorant.
Sadly the OP is a hoyodrone
f2ps already hit 50 unless they rerolled
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Seadeity have mercy and give me a Danjin wife
Jinshi or Changli. I can only afford one
Please be patient, I have flautism.
tomorrow i will finish ascending my YuanGOD
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The true Thunder God
The demolisher of shell credits
Stop trolling.
What's the point of building Yuanwu past getting his 2nd passive, retards?
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Why are the reviews so low? i can't imagine it's the combat
I don't understand how Taoqi rotation works, her uptime is abysmally high.
All me 1 staring from my alts (I hate mihoyo)
Vast improvement over what we have.
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I cant do this anymore bros...
He uh.... like uhm...
Does like ahh....
game is even more jewish than genshit somehow
180+ pulls but you have to 100% the game, imagine being this cocky when you have wuwa giving out freebies like a school bike
Holy shit nigger that's infinitely better than mine and i full cleared tower take a break sweatfucklord ahhhh
you dont even need to roll since its so braindead
>more jewish than genshit
nah genkeks are getting unironic 50 rolls per patch it can't be that bad
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>just now learning i can go 4/4/1/1/1 with jinhsi since i have her weapon
>literally could have just saved my fucking xp on these damn 3 costs
Uhoh Cloverbros our response
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You're still going to need the 3 costs for future spectros lil bro, there's no escape from the farm
44 is the way to go if you value crit/crit dmg, 433 is for overall DPS.
Real? I worked so hard on my 43311 echos say it ain't so
I mean it's patch 1.0, there can't be that much content
>Running around with a 3* blade
Go without me bros... I'll take a while for that standard 5* to drop...
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the gamingGOD done it again.
I'm not taking the bait
wtf i thought zzz didn't have autoplay
You still have to roll 5 echos though?
You save time farming 3 costs with the right main stat but you're still at the mercy of getting good rolls 5 times
>3% dps loss
>4* mourning axe brick when ever you swap echos to another spectro
You made the right move
The difference comes down to substats which are easier to farm
>shows streamer numbers
>biggest one is jumpshipper
>the rest of it was a viewbotting bonanza

based ipadgod
do japs just refuse to use a pc
anyone deciphered the chink?
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Nah, the only thing you'd want to consider for Jinhsi is whether to get cost 3 ele+ATK or ele+ele, but that's mostly depends on what weapon you got for her.
fuck this niggerapp what happened with my webm
Japs are too busy slaving away morning to night for their masters to play on PC, mobile gaming is one of their only reprives from that hell
Just wait for the chink bilingual vtuber to make a video on it later this week
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Oh alright thank you got legit worried even my watch freaked out kek
I dunno if viewbotting but majority have #ad which is equally bad
This isn't a porn board there's no sound unless you use extensions
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Why is this place so dumb?
Only low IQ players are spending anything but the bare minimum resources on 1 cost echoes.
Once the echo cost limit is raised to 15, the meta will shift to 4/4/3/3/1, making 1 cost echoes even less valuable.
They are LITERALLY the flower/feather of genshin.
rare avatarfag W
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I kneel
By the time that happens, which is two years from now, we will have enough resources to make 100 lv 25 echoes, so worry about now and not the fucking future, retard.
>good joke from frogposter
What's next? Seadeity going to have a good take?
So, when you are farming Sheng Hai, you should try to stock up on embryos and materials, then do +5 continuously. After you get +5 double explosion, don't upgrade it to +10 directly. Instead, continue to strengthen other +5 embryos. After you get +5 useless terms in a row, you can go for +5 double explosion to +10. In this way, you can slowly pad it up.
It won't lose too much if you try. It is recommended that players who aim to get 4 valid terms try this method. If 3 are effective, you may be able to get +5+15+25 and 1 is effective each time, so you can just gamble it out.
false, JP salaryman grubblers spend 18 hours a day multi windowing GW on pc
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HOLY SHIT this dumbass is going to make 100 level 25 1-cost echoes!
They need to bring this to the base game. Not the style rating but just the music getting louder maybe the longer you don't get hit or something.
that's chain resonance 1
not to mention the difference is 1%
which is ridiculously low because you can be really picky with your 4-1 cost echoes and the substats alone give you like +10% dps
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Spent like half a million on nodes too. I kinda regret rolling Jiyan and his weapon since I can't see shit in qingloong mode + heavy attack bonus doesn't seem as versatile as the resonance skill bonus on Jinhsi's weapon.

Or the 4* monkey buckbroke me by filling my inventory with crit damage echoes, making me wish I had a crit rate weapon
Motherfucker what are you going to do once you have 2 sets of perfect echoes for each elements? FUCKING NOTHING. By the time they implement some new echo bullshit we're already set on mats.
That won't happen. The illusive realm devs are a separate team. PGR has a ton of different game modes that improve the game but they never port it over to the main game.
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bro I don't even know if I'm going to be alive 2 years from now on, let alone still play this game
/zzz/ is tearing us a new asshole, we need some back up
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So what you're saying is to waste the bad luck on spare echoes and then continue once you feel safe?
4411s don't deserve to give opinions
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No we don't, let them do their thing. They'll either get bored of shitposting or focus on discussing their game. And by "they" I mean (You) too, shitpost-kun.
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This must be your first gacha with an artifact system.
There is no such thing as "perfect".
You are never finished.
Look both ways before crossing the street.
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If only scrublord.
>There is no such thing as "perfect".
>You are never finished.
And that's a recipe for a mental ward, I'm not going to do that shit
44111 is the Monoquantum of Wuwa
>not preparing for 3 3 3 3 3 with the new 15 cost update
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>3 forte upgrade mats
Das it mang.
All my crit+crit damage are on my support sets.
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There's nothing wrong with giving up. Artifact system in EVERY gacha is bullshit.
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>wasting your time and bricking your 3-cost echoes before they add coupons that allow you to select any substat
Is it worth it to upgrade Verina's skills past the point they start needing weekly mats?
It doesn't give me any better buffs does it?
substat casino gambling is the only way they can hook autistic chinese people to stick around.
>substat casino
>takes a week to level one echo after you run out of free gibs
Just get the OHKO resistance and call it a day, no point in upgrading Supports when all they do is buff up numbers instead of doing it themselves.
>Implying we won't get a steady source of echo related matts from a weekly mode down the line
I keep hearing Manko whenever Anko refers to herself.
I don't care how shitty the RNG is if they gave people hundreds of rolls but what the amount of rolls now is unacceptable
it's better to give more rolls so at least people can even hit the AVERAGE more often than not
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Here is your weekly mode get to fluorite picking gweilo
wait has genshin/hsr ever done this?
>1500 credits
Fuck that
This is so bothersome. Is it even fucking worth it?

get a life.
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I'm shitposting, made ya anxious for a sec?
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what the FUCK is a symphony rank?
I'm finally done with gay America day shit. Now I can finally do rogue like kino I'm wuwa.

How is it so far anons
not to mention how aids it is to farm those, they spread them all over the map
the dmc rank
Those chores are for the gachabrains who are glued to their screens all day and need something to do. You give them any form of minmaxing then they will grind it out and feel like the game is the best thing ever.
>get a life.
For what fucking purpose? You can just spam dodge if you're bad, I prefer crit rates.
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Sanhua in Illusive Realm
I was thinking more along the lines of weekly hologram boss rotations that are mandatory because they hold asterite and whatnot hostage
None of the crafting are worth when you consider how much credit it costs.
>get a life
I got HP substat, that's more life than you'll ever know
How much creds do you need to lv up 70 to 80 anyway? I wanna prepare.
It's your guage for how frequently you make sure to attack enemies, kind of important if you use a bunch of modifiers for extra points
Creds are overrated
I still got 6.7m after ul50
Jinhsi feels fucking amazing in it, been having fun with it most of the day. Have fun anon
do we got a list of upcoming events
double simulation next week all I know
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Danjinbros should she keep using the 4* HP sword or can she use the standard 5* Crit Rate sword in case I use her without Rover?
Next event looks like double drops from forgery/simulation on the 11th
Fuck, once i'm done with the relevant traces on manko i don't know what to spend my waveplates on, might actualy do tacet fields
5* sword is better ofc
>Already prefarmed for Jinhsi
>For 3 days straight
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oh fuck yes they gonna do the forgery too?
You should hit UL 60 by end of the month with all the 2x xp events. And UL60 needs basically 2x the mats you needed from UL50 bwo
Keep farming, you need over 50 golds or something like that
Why does the game insist on zooming my fucking camera when I fight the niggercat?
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kuro being kuro as usual
I started 5 days late and I'm still level 49
strangely reassuring, if I didn't already waste my hologram currencies on the shop for 60 green tier mats
something something cinematic experience
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Will you make it to UL60 before this?
Will you avoid the great brickening?
I rerolled.
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is there a substantial difference in mats dropped between UL50 and UL60? I thought people were complaining that there wasnt
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You lack gambling intent
>echo field double drop
ahh shit here we go again...
logging in in the morning and fuck off until the next day
UL50/UL60 are legit the same drops. All the stamina potion savers are also in shambles since those retards there'd be a huge difference in saving
Not like we're going to get even 1 matching elements anyway
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I want to hug Jinshi bros
I told you so cube hoarding wuggers
Hoarding bros are still hodling till UL70
*fug, sorry typo
Same, I want to break her bones while hugging her, hebes are the best.
Kek if it weren't for the echo double drop event, I'd probably be farming other shit until then.
No one is hoarding stamina for tacet fields you want to use it on weapon/skill mats
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What would hugging Changli feel like?
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I got 3 last time so I'm pretty optimistic.
Did zzz manage to kill us?
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this but kiss
i want to kissy the jinhsi
Uncomfortably warm
and then your pants get tight for some reason
new pointless minmax 'tism in this single player game is to hold stamina cubes until 60 for forgery
>was all in on changli during the drip marketing phase
>now i really want jinshi
i don't know if i can make it until her banner bros..
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just do them both bwo...
The only streamer there that is bearable is Shroud and oh surprise he's not playing that garbage.
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Azdahafag you are fine.
I still can't beat him I've been trying al week
China is reviewbombing the game you tell me
I love when it slowmos and Jinhshi is riding around of her sword
ZZZ isn't bad if done right.
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Wuwa is 53 in this ranking i posted lmao, zzz already did more money than jinshi and she released a week ago, is mostly butthurt wuwa players, go check 4chan with them admitting lying about the game everywhere to try making people not play it and reviewbombing the game in their wuwa thread.
What rank is Gardenscapes, though?
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I got this one earlier when doing Illusive.
>theres an uma musume game
oh shit im in the wrong general
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no amount of money can ever change the fact that you get knotted in your game tranny. No I will not check your conspiracy theories and hysterics. Go back to your furryfaggot quarantine zone.
Why is Changli carpet bombing Jinhsi? Is she jealous?
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Changli actually wears a blindfold at max stacks, I didn't notice it during her trial in the story.

If you ult while she's wearing it the blindfold burns away during the cutscene. It looks so cool
is this game for xianxiaGODS?
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Do NOT forget the elf
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Ah yes the highest revenue gacha games, nikke and uma musume. Now look at those games' revenue.
What a meaningless list. It's just boosted by launch because it's new.

Your game has no legs to stand on because it's universally getting shit on for being dogshit. Now fuck off back to your general.
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>There won't be any gameplay fix ZZZ since it made money
ZZZbros... we lost...
horseGAWDS i genuflect...
BDSM vibes
Gentleman I think wu won, our game is so superior in every way that no matter the money they make from their shitty toddler games we will live permanently rent free in their heads.
Canonically could Changli take on Jinhsi?
After 1.1 probably not
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I got Verina's back slowmo an uncomfortable amount of times, I should really stop calling her.
No, Jinhsi is literally a god of china now
If a character stronger than jinhsi comes out before 1.5 i'd legitimately be worried about spending money in this game due to powercreep.
jinhsi controls time now.
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getting uppity now huh ZZZoomer?
Has anyone managed to luck into a 70%+ crit rate build without using two crit main stat echoes and/or crit rate weapon? I'm using Jiyan's weapon with Jinhsi and are starting to wish it was crit rate instead of crit damage because fuck me, even with multiple crit rate substat echoes and a crit rate main echo, it's abysmally low.
Pretty hard, I'm at 66% with my Anko now.
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I seriously doubt it, Jinhsi has time manipulation powers as shown in the combat cutscene where Jue tries to blast her with her laser while Jinhsi is time stopped. The only way I could see her having a chance is if it turns out that Changli is an actual immortal phoenix (she says that lifespan is not a concern for her) or like an incarnation of fire itself considering her forte and ult.
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I wonder if every sentinel has similar powers over time, that thing would be too broken even when jinhsi could only use a fraction of it. Jué kept an entire country safe by freezing the time of all enemy army.
Crit rate weapon = crit damage echo
crit damage weapon = crit rate echo
it's not that hard bwo.
My Encore's at 55 with a crit rate 4 cost and it feels fine to play
All that happens if you have a crit rate weapon is you wish you had more crit damage
>crit rate echo
That only provides 22%, you smug retard.
>she says that lifespan is not a concern for her
It could also mean that her lifespan is shortened because her forte is burning her life away so she won't be around for a long time. Which is why she sounded really hurt when Jinhsi was so nonchalant about sacrificing herself.
So whenever Jinhsi grows scales, that's just her being an attention whore monster?
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im at 94% crit rate with jinhsi weapon
and 72%cr with dragon man weapon
for what fucking purpose
Holy shit.
Yeah for sure, but I think that the "dying soon" trope hurts the for (you) element a bit, specially since Rover is a reincarnating god, so I don't think they will use it with her. I'm really curious about what Changli's deal is since we know that she has a loli model, I wonder if they will pull a "she reincarnates every time she dies" which could parallel with Rover to form the "reincarnating lovers" trope which is very widely loved.
thats all i got until i can get a good jue echo
12% damage boost on EVERYTHING and more ult damage.
jinhsi's weapon only provides 24% crit rate bwo
22% CR
8% Skill
5x 8 CR stats = 70% CR
bros that 120 cat boss is harder than any boss I fought in sekiro
Took me 6 tries, It's definitely one of the harder ones.
All the 120 bosses are relatively the same
Your counter will do a lot more damage than getting off perfect damage rotations so focus of not getting hit.
The rectifier characters have extra range on their counter so use them if you have them.
Reminds me of the red wolf of radagon when it starts shooting projectiles
>sweetily taking her time doing marbles on stream
>mtashed and f0b bored to death
>30k for 2nd day
I did a perfect nohit run 1char on it.
Damn too bad the video got corrupted.
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This picture gave me an idea for a meme. I will reply to this post of totally my Jinhsis stats with it in a bit
>lv 1 alto
>lv 1 chixia
gun users make that fight a breeze. took me 4 tries. the movesets are pretty predictable, he's just hard to hit with melee

also rexlent killed it nohit first try. tho he's a whale.
I've been trying for 10 hours still haven't beat it.
Bell makes this mode such a fucking stomp
git gud
Do you ever run energy% main sat on anyone?
Oh, and kino
man, i wish i could parry everything sans special boss attacks in this game
>literally having dreams about jinhsi
this woman has broken me
only for supports
>100-130 ms
Between UL 40 to 50, should I just farm shells before using my solvents when I hit 50?
actually I beat it just now, wasn't that bad
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skill issue bwos...
I get murdered without bell on this guy with his fromslop bait attacks and weird ass patterns
wtf the level 120 spinning top boss is literally impossible
i'd rather prefarm what you need for your mains if i were you
Sis look at his long ass wind-up…
is this game NIKKE levels of softcore or is it just underground genshin impact
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wait the latency matters in single player mode?
combat is client side ping makes no difference
No, everything that matters is run client side
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its elden ring lite with some anime waifu eyecandy
how the fuck do you get away from his tornado
Are you talking about the big monkey's spin attack? Just jump and use your glider. He creates an updraft before he starts spinning.
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oh thank god, now i cant blame the latency and just need to gitgud
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closer to genshin levels of fanservice than nikke. But still more than genshin
Bros how the fuck do you get atk% on your echos
Verina does.
I'm sure it's been asked before, but does anyone know why my Gorges of Spirits exploration is at 100%, but supply chests are only 91%?
I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything with my Lootmapper.
So, what's your reason for skipping Jinhsi's banner?
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Is this real?
Whats the most common medicine for schizos?
I'm not a metafag
Changli mogs Jinhsi
bro your anti aliasing?
Run away from it every time it looks like it might do that attack (from my experience it seems to reset to the middle of the arena before doing it but I'm not sure), all the other attacks are pretty easy to dodge so you can just run in if you want to dodge counter, but you can't escape the tornado if you are too close.
>8/6 for echos
>Currently 51
>Haven't capped exploration + changli quest on her release
Unironically might make it to UL 60 if I have a month.
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Why is she so fucking cool
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no i'm talking about one the 120 red mobs in the area
took some time but i beat it i figured you can trip dodge the tornado if you time it right

i wonder how many people will get filtered by this and quit because they can't get the jims from the mission
Wuwa needs some BARA!
The non furry kind of bara
Just ride the tornado with your glider if you can't handle the spin
They are straight up wrong, parry is ping dependant at least, just watch a rexlent video of him doing viewer holograms or something if you doubt it. Basically if your ping is too high the timing will be off, and the parry doesn't stop the attack because the parry stagger is delayed due to ping, same with stagger bar damage.
Your Yhan? Dunno if he'll be playable though
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You can ride the lumiscale construct tornado? I didn't know that.
mogged by a fucking NPC without a name
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nvm thought you meant monke
Lootmapper doesn't show everything, and yeah its stupid.
I used the map in the OP and 100%'d everything. But even if you 100% everything according to the game there are some chests you can still miss since some spawn after you finish a quest or after you acquire a item.
this one needs meds
so how does the pity system work? and does it reset if you get the banner character?
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exactly like genshin
Wuwa needs cute shotas. Preferably smug/slutty ones.
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You can literally see the massive delay and the boss not staggering properly from parry, this "ping doesn't affect the game" is actual misinformation, don't be butthurt because I actually tought that was the case too on release, the ping needs to be higher than 250 to start being noticeable.
250 ping is something i can't fathom where i come from.
Therefore it doesn't exist.
Damn, ZZZ is such a bad game bros. They should have made their B team fix Genshin instead. Other than HSR, Hoyo has no fucking idea what they're doing and can't stop dropping the ball.
haha I'm jealous, mine stays around 200 to 250 so I can feel it a bit, its pretty annoying on the hard content but its not that bad. But just in case that anyone has doubts about it actually being a thing here is a video with a examples of the delay I was talking about.
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Why are there cars floating behind Jinhsi during her nuke?
Oh how times has changed. Back in the day JP games were hard while west got easy mode. Now it's other way around. Japs cannot play anything over little baby mode and westerners want hard and demanding skill basex gameplay experience.
Unless I'm a literal gaming God, the difference is simply non-existent.
t. Someone playing from Aus to NA so I have constant 280ms or more.
i just got knotted (got the wolf) and will be playing it for a while to figure how how it all works/feels as things unfold but im not very impressed so far. the tv shit has constant interruptions and feels really lame and so far ive barely played the game to get a feel for how it works. its just been cutscenes and fucking around the small town hub.
>Shilling ZZZ this hard
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The 4 is 25, the rest are 20. This is spectro/spectro
Ever her saying Exemption confirming the rule?
Its just background decor thats in the Illusive Realm domain
>fgo is an exemption
>Nikke is an exemption
>Azur Lane is an exemption
Sure thing, homobot./
It works. Stat bonus between 5* and 4* is still significant enough to be beneficial for her.
So that's why so many peeps like Danjin.
That's a pretty generous snappy parry.
Agreed man. The TV thing is so boring. The story is slop. The combat feels floaty. I don't understand what they were thinking, literally everything went wrong.
oh no no no, Chinks cant stop stealing shit
Yeah, Danjin has very fast attacks so the parry is basically on demand and because it comes out so fast its easy to adjust the timing, same with spectro Rover being extremely good at parrying.
Where can I farm heal energy regen echos? I swear this Tacet Field is only dropping elem damage bonus ones...
Persona ripoff will eos in 6 months. Cap this.
stopped playing AS after bethlehem, game unironically has chance to rival AK in term of brainplay but they have too much powercreep. its good game overall, also shame on hoyo for doing this.
>600 primo
lmfao bro you dont know how bad it is
most they give is 60
it feels an action game for people who don't want to play an action game. granted i have not spent much time with it but wuwa at least displayed its mechanical depth early-on while zzz is just left-click spam.
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>it feels an action game for people who don't want to play an action game.
That's a good one. I'm going to use that.
Camp overwatch is a nice place to poke your head in everyday to 3rdparty the exile golem fight not to mention the red at the top is a nice touch every few days
what the other anon said about the rock doods, theres a couple spots where you guarantee 3 at once and they respawn every reset or world-change
Lord Arbiter...that's a child...
Thanks, I'll check it out.
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Thanks doc
>I can’t tell the difference between a game and reality after playing it for a while.
That is a fucking sarcasm, he is dabbing on ZZZ, you fool
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How long will it take for you to get bored of Jinhsi's kit?
Nice, that's a great idea. Someone should translate this to proper English and stick it to a guide
i like cute girls and dragonball z lasers and big numbers so it'll be a while
what's THE changli team
Should be Changli, Encore/Chixia, Verina.
verina chixia
Ask again when she's released and Mathfags do their thing.
Rn it's just Changli (Random moonlit cloud holder) Verina
just look at plebbit's megathread lmfao. i can provide 10+ screenshots if you want. zzz general yesterday was a massive shitfest, HI3 and genshin fans shat on the game.

i used to be a huge hoyo fan as well until i moved from HI3 to PGR realizing how much better the latter is. despite that, i had HIGH hopes for ZZZ. almost everything about that game resonated with me. i waited that shit for two years, only to be left disappointed. all style, zero substance.

im just happy PGR gets to stay as one of my main games. i thought i would replace it with zzz
When is hoyo going to send kusogames a letter for stealing ayaka and yae?
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Can I stop farming?
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ayaka where?
yae where?
>inb4 muh jinhsi muh changli
lmao, keep coping, they don't even look alike.
yeah it's perfect nigga
that's above-average already. you're good.
For me it’s the forced swap
Lose all my feeling of control
>Spam left click
>oh hey skill up
>Press E
they should thank KG for making such mid genshit designs so much better.
it just says there is a system behind it and its not random you faggot
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they should make a yoimiya clone next
holy fucking shit wuwa's rates are so garbage I have like 10 reroll accounts and all of them got jack shit. I'll even the a 50/50 loss at this rate just give me a five star you fucking greedy jews.
My cock and my balls.
I'll even take a 50/50 loss*
is what I meant to say
Took me about 8 tries for yinlin when I rerolled and that's pretty unlucky.

Sorry luckletGOD
It's about what you don't want. I don't care about Jinhsi at all, and only pulled for Danjin. Game gave me 0 Danjin and gave me Jinhsi in 30 pulls.
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wtf is glass labyrinth? i can't find it anywhere in memetic tunings
my 2nd alt account is like top 13% luckies (two jiyans in 8 pulls)

...i just wanted mortefi goddamnit
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They would need to send an apology letter first for Acheron being such a blatant Alpha ripoff.
jinhsi is a ripoff of that black clover girl and i think that's okay
>All of these are pretty much fuckin downgrade from the originals
quit ZZZ already?
Its just amazing how I'm like 15 accounts in, 40(?) rolls each, and NOTHING. Not even a 50/50. I strongly suspect the gacha system here is just broken to force you into pity each time.
I made like 70 reroll accounts and only got like 8 accounts with Jinhsi
Duh? It's so braindead boring even 4cuck shitposter retards can't even bother anymore kek
Why do you need 8 accounts with Jinshi? Give me one.
you probably havent unlocked it yet, I had them show up when I got to difficulty 4
theres plenty of people here who posted early 50/50 wins bwo

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