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Previous >>484557719

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/04
>Popful Mail Coming to Switch eShop Next Week
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>Craft showcase video for latest revealed characters in The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>Dengeki stream on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Trails Through Daybreak II logo leaked on PSN
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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2024 game being released today, by the way.
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>kai will look completely different and totally not be a copy-paste of kuso 2 which is a copy-paste of kuso 1!
Uh, cope-a-rooniebros? Our response? Incidentally, are you familiar with Cold Steel horse, as seen in Cold Steel 1 (2013), Cold Steel 2 (2014), Cold Steel 3 (2017), Cold Steel 4 (2018) and Cold Steel 5 (2020)?
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reanbros... it's time to move on.
Why are coldshit niggers so upitty today? Does the fact that Daybreak and NISA won hurts that much? Haha, you fucking brazillian monkeys deserve to suffer.
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Emma when???
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The refrigerator drawing truck, as seen in Gaybreak (2021), Gayerbreak (2022) and Gayestbreak (2024).
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Damn, Kuro 1 looks so good compared to cold shit, so much love and effort was put into it.
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Yeah, amazing.
>tranny in front row
sasuga falcom
They must have really been into gray cities when they were making Ys IX and Kuro
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True unlike coldshit garbage.
why does nisa have to localize these games? why cant they just make it the original script?
Just imagine the brown lardass giggling uncontrollably while posting about Falcom's graphics and his forced meme "gaybreak" (actually referring to his own homosexuality btw) for the 200th time.
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giggling from the inside of an asylum?
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These are city textures in a Cold Steel game. >>484726639 These are city textures in a Gaybreak game.
Haha, favela monkeys do be like that.
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I love the picnic squad! They're the best!
Case in point >>484726825
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Find Rean
it's up!
Their name is the Imperial Picnicking Front
We don't give ourselves pep talks in third person here.
>forced melty
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rean your quality?
>october 25
Early 2025 Gayerbreakbros... we won.
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van your quality?
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van your quality?*
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van your quality?**
that's rean anon...
>van can't prove his quality
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>yskeks awaiting the latest N64 graphics and press X to Jason combat
I'm about to enter the giant tree in Azure. I have heard the final boss is the hardest in the franchise by far, how should I prepare?
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rean your quality?**
He already proved his quality by completely gaybreaking you.
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ys 10 will take forever to release
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God I love N64 games.
Stop giving the tard attention
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very cute op i love renny
van your equality?
>nisa translated "kyoudai" as "shield sister"
>lets go shield sister
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>viking setting
>want "muh nigga" to be the translation instead
its like them changing elaine from sword maiden to beautys blade or princess to mare-bear
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>Cold Steel 3
Haha... I guess it's time to not hold back.

>What was that?
>Instructor Rean! quick, this way!
>are those... [placeholder]!?
*Rean pulls sword out of thin air*
>Class Seven, our duty is to stop [placeholder]
*kills enemies*
>wew, they're unconscious for now, lets move!
>Reans students yell: RIGHT!!!!
*make it to destination*
>It's it's [characters name]... No it's [Characters Title]!
>Well if it isn't Class Seven!
>What are you doing here!?
>We're here for a special mission of sorts. Information I can't share with you.
>Well we'll just beat it out of you!
>Que: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APhiVB7ipfc


*battle Over*
*Rean kneeling and panting with his students*
>No... They're too strong... I'm going to have to use... THAT.
>No Instructor Rean you can't!
>Que: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r_tEhzh5X0
>Wait... is that..! [Old Class Seven name placeholder]!!!!!!
*is able to drive back the enemy like it was nothing, the same enemy Rean and kids couldn't stop*
>Well that's enough fun for today
>Haha... wouldn't you like to know.
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Sailing these N64 seas.
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the strongest trails character... and mcburn
Can't adol just call karsha his sister normally
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New meme template. So exploitable
>yo this locuckalization be fire fr bruh no cap
>“I tried to be really cool, which overwhelmed me, and that’s why I had to use items.”
Haha, that's our Kondo
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>beauty's blade
>super sniffer
>M I N D
>B R O K E N
I see it's Wokefag melty hour
kyoudai is anti-semitic.
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I like the last one. Any super sniffas
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Unironically one of the best things Geofront has done and is being carried over by Durante, more games should do this
found the redditnigger
>G A Y
>B R O K E N
found the mindbroken anon
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Reminder btw
i think super sniffer is funny so i'm not really upset about it. i wish to stick my super sniffer all over shizuna's neck and hair.
>echo chamber pissbaby seeks validation
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The council has spoken. You lost.
real and same
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the things I would do to Shizuna with my super sniffer...
Photoshop the "Today, I will remind them" post to the screen.
Photoshop UR A FAGET on the screen
kiss him for me
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Just made my order! Thanks NISA!
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I think he's doing fine as it is.
xseedbros... our response???
Add the shitty art of Van and Rean with the saliva trail onto the screen
I have never and will never voted on any poal
You're why biden won YOU SICK FREAK!@
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Nice keep them coming
>2 voted
>schizo when he doesn't have pass to samefagging with different personalities
bwos... our agendabros...
Joshua Bright as Big Brother
Toshihiro Kondo as Winston Smith
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So what would Ishmelga have done if Weissmann or Mariabells plan succeeded. Would he need to fight the Aureole or Azure Demiourgos or will his existence just get erased?
So what would Biden have done if Hitler or Stalin plan succeeded. Would he need to fight the Nazi or Soviets or will his existence just get erased?
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I really don't like how pretty much every western branch of Japanese media companies (whether in games or anime) has in recent years overwhelmingly used English dubs to promote Japanese games.
This wasn't the case even 6-7 years ago. If there was an English trailer of a Japanese game that came out in like 2017-2018, it would still be released with a Japanese dub, with maybe an English dub trailer released a few days or hours after the fact.
But in the past few years, it seems like all of these hiveminded western trannylation crews have collectively agreed to shove English dubbing down the throats of western consumers.
As soon as I heard Adol in this trailer (this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr5_4eGWQio) saying "WHAT A THRILL!" at the 17 second mark, I had to mute the video and just watch the rest of the trailer that way. I cannot stand these English dubs.
I doubt it's selling more copies for all the normalfags out there, who, judging by let's plays of Japanese videogames and reaction videos of Japanese anime, STILL overwhelmingly watch Japanese media with Japanese dubbing.

Also, sad to see that the release date is October 25. The original Japanese version came out on September 28, 2023. The English release should have come out on October 25....2023. Not 2024. When the fuck is Falcom going to catch up with every other legacy Japanese gaming company and release their games internationally simultaneously?
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the 5k fans who still play this shit buying the game today
Don't care
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Will Daybreak answer this shit or I need to wait for more 10 years?
Those 3 have reality altering powers?
Ishmelga probably foresaw their impending defeat and decided to do nothing. Had Ishmelga foreseen that they were a proper threat to him then he would've likely done something to destroy them.
kuro3 will copium
Biden... probably
It's called a videogame world. You can't go past walls until a new area (with new walls) is added.
is this what the beyond is?
Everything was according to keikaku... (literally with the black records)
Ishmelga knew about Weissman entire life before Weissman's father put his peepee in Weissman's mother
The only thing that hindered Ishmelga was Isola and Argres + Class 7 and the 1437453 characters who defeated him in Reverie
Even Osborne is debatable considering the normal ending where Ishmelga comes back later
Calvard managed to reach space in Kai so they'll give the answer there.
Kondo said Falcom is known for its long running series, but that he’d like his team to try making new titles. Rip Kiseki, Rip Ys :(
Finally some good news
It's time to finish Trails already
Ys can return every 5 years
Ys will sell when they stop appealing to the Nipfags and give us 35+ Adol.
this is the second time he's been doomer gloomer, the first being that famitsu interview, Now irl @ AX?

What's going on? Is he setting up that he's leaving or someshit?
theyve been talking about wanting to make a new ip in every single interview for like 5 years bro
Or at least continue after ys ix, I liked how Adol was sort of a big brother figure for other monstrums
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>Ys will sell when they stop appealing to the Nipfags
Look what they did to trails
...my nigger, having dual audio is a recent phenomenon.
having grown up in the 90's and early 00's, 99% of japanese media was dubbed. what the fuck are you smoking?
isn't it a redditpost. and they're always wrong?
Fucking Zoomer holy shit you're retarded, you probably became sentient in the mid-2010's and have no idea what thing used to be like.
i wouldn't know, i don't browse reddit, but it sounds retarded enough to be true

>Add option to always show the turn order in battles
>Allow mouse hovering over guest members in camp/status and shop
>Use a separate page for autosaves in the load menu to improve navigation
>Make button prompts on event pause screen clickable

there is officially no reason to ever touch the CLE/unupdated NISA version ever again
>image with no AA
the nisa version will come with SGSSAA which means absolutely perfect image quality with 0 jagged edges at the cost of double the resources needing
This is honestly really cool to me, because you trade a bit on graphical fidelity (something Falcom isn't known for anyways) for insanely good anti-aliasing that no one uses anymore because current AAA/AA games are too graphically demanding. It's gonna look so good.
does Ys X have those dreadful wave battles from VIII and IX?
the How Long to Beat says a completionist needs over 70 hours and that's like 20 more than IX and 5 more than VIII
Favela monkeys don't have gaming PCs, that's why the only way they can play daybreak is on minimum settings with no AA.
Ys x has fort capture missions which are basically the same shit.
not sure but it has Assassin's Creed 4 style ship battles
>Add option to always show the turn order in battles
fucking thank god
>the only way they can play daybreak is on minimum settings
Most people here can't even run CS3
Durante is now fixing falcom shitty ui design. I kneel.
what was falcom even thinking with the timeline in the first Kuro? the second one is still kinda lame because it's on two lines for some reason but it's miles better because it actually shows it chronologically
So we most likely won’t get another YS game until 2026 right?
what was the isuse with the timeline?
I doubt it. 2026 will be another kiseki game, whether it's sky remake or the start of the last arc i don't know.
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how can you look at this and think it's intuitive
Style over functionality.
I still think Kuro 1's AT bar looks better than Kuro 2's, but you sure can't use it.
They had an idea, but it didn't work.
Might have been working a little better if there were several small vertical lines throughout the main horizontal line so it would be easier to see distance to the center but it would still be worse than Kuro 2's solution.
feri is next!
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I really wish it was just on one singular line in Kuro 2.
unfortunately it doesn't change in Kai either, it's identical to 2
When is the trails thing at anime expo?
i want to sugg paulette's paulettes
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Today, I will remind them.
Every Trails game looks as good as it needs to look, except CS 1 and 2. They do look straight up ugly.
where can i find naked kisekis
vita/ps3 games from a AA please understand
i also wish to know this
So how is the overall quality of Nisa's translation for Kuro? As deciding to either play that or the fan tl.
someone shop this into the "kondo playing ys" picture please
Sounds like you just want someone to convince you to play the fantl or incite a localization war, go play the fantl then, you tranny
does Ys X have a lot of content
No, less than 9 which was way shorter than 8
Do whichever. You want usual localization stuff or a fan translation?
>watch launch trailer
>ends with "available now"
>it's not available now
but howlongtobeat puts completionist as higher than 8
It has enough, but an issue with the game is that most of the islands in the game looks the same.
There are about three types of small islands not including the few unique looking dungeons.
Haha nor "dicks"
i fear the panels won't be put up on youtube, or at least edited heavily if so.
no live stream is a shit deal.
we can't see if anyone asked kondo an uncomfortable question
The anime expo page says BIG REVEAL it better be Bestelles games on modern consoles.
Ys Memoire
It's a trails specific panel, the Ys panel has been and gone.
There are 2 trails panels tomorrow.
it's gaybreak 2 mate. it got leaked a week or so ago
5 good questions to Kondo:
>Why there’s no playable Towa in CS1?
>Why there’s no playable Towa in CS3?
>Why there’s no playable Towa in CS4?
>Why there’s no playable Towa in Kuro 2?
ah i see. an anon did say it'd be funny if kondo got dropkicked, i imagine this is why.
must be the 5 towa facts anon
That's disappointing.
It's hardly a big reveal that the next game in the series is being localized.
i thought so myself, yeah.
maybe the crux of the reveal is that it's coming earlier than expected, like before 2082.
unless it's a release date/window, i agree it's not a big reveal at all
does kuro pick up after the prologue, lads?
it feels like the typical falcom slog and nothing interesting/funny/cute has happened at all.
it's just trails by the numbers. feels like a chore.
i want to enjoy it, but it's difficult.
does it get better in chapter 1, bros?
it's been hours and i'm bored
The demo has the prologue and all of chapter 1, find out for yourself.
i'm playing the fanpatch.
i asked because i wanna know if chapter 1 devaites from this, and /fg/ is full of cynical twats like me who won't tell me to wait 20 hours for it to get better, like reddit would
I will be honest... Kuro story is mid/bad
The side quests and the slice of life are the only good things about Kuro
The intermission is my favorite part of Kuro (and I don’t like Shizuna) because it’s cozy with a great ending (ruined by padding and the stupid chapter 5)
Chapter one has a massively contrived coincidence involving the maguffins I pray to Aidios gets explained.
>a massively contrived coincidence involving the maguffins
The entire calvard arc until now
Fuck you its good
Better than
>Brooooo muh Civil War hinted since Sky the 3rd
>only ONE (1) (UNO) nigga dies
Thanks for letting me know I should pirate if I ever play kuso again ;)
>get hired to find maguffin
>employ client
>get hired to find some woman
>find another maguffin purely by coincidence
>also employ client
This sums up chapter one.
Need to have Kondom looking at the cement mixer
The entire game repeats this formula

You will find only 7 Genesis and will need to buy Kuro 2 to find the last Genesis... divided into 3 parts... and then you will need to gather them again... and buy Kai if you want to understand why you spend the last two games chasing macguffins (I think... )
How far away from three years after CS4 are we by the end of kuro 2?
3 years
CS4 is 1206 and Kuro 1 is 1208.
How can there still be three years left?
kuro 2 is 1209
Does GMs CS4 secret ending speech have any payoff or is it just more "wait for Kai"
kuro 1 and 2 are just a combined 160 hour prologue for kai
What's Kai a prologue for?
avengers endgame stories like reverie suck
kiseki no kiseki end of saga
You will definitely enjoy Kai then haha...
Do you not remember the Pantagruel part in CS4?
>Hajimari is sequelbait for the next arc
>Kuro 1 is nothing but sequelbait
>Kuro 2 is AGAIN nothing but sequelbait
Maybe this is why people quit this fucking series.
doesn't count, only last part of act 2. even if it bleeds into the story and sets up gayverie
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why do we have her again...?
>brooo i predicted everything when i was 12 years old lmao
people actually like this character?
shes ugly and isnt fun or funny
>powerlevel discussion
>haha kasim underrated/overrated, x power level
>no insults
>female enters the powerlevel discussion
>you fucking simps just think she's strong because you're stupid simps
ummmmm sexism bwo. I made this scenario in my head btw.
why do all kisekitubers hate kiseki
she's fun sand sexy
The series hasn't been great in a long time and Kuro being a complete utter waste of time filler arc killed the interest of a lot of people who tried to stick with it after CS4. There's no enthusiasm for Kiseki anymore, we're all just waiting for it to be over to decide if it will ultimately have been worth it (it won't be). I'm mostly done with Falcom these days anyway. Modern Ys is pure crap and I have 0 desire to play X and Tokyo Xanadu is one of the worst games i've ever played so I dont give a single shit about it's sequel either. If I wasn't so invested in Kiseki I would never play another Falcom game again. Falcom just don't have that magic in any of their games anymore and anyone still playing their games just does it out of brand name loyalty.
speak for yourself bro i love falcom
I like her
Slutsse is fuckin stupid
>The sean groomer pedo thing has been around for years
>always get brought up nobody cares, sean doesn't even care lmao
>add in "he groomed a 15 year old tranny boy"
>goes viral
Kasim's gun is the strongest
Sean is replaceable. Uchiyama is the one who matters
uchiyama is better as rean because rean is supposed to be depressed
chiplock rean is too much of a haha epic meme man
Yeah he's a pedo but imma keep it real: Sean will always be Rean to me.
Let's just remember the good time, Sean!
as someone who made trails content a fair bit, i loved it at first, but then i played the older games and realised it hadn't evolved meaningfully in all that time, still didn't respect the player's time, and hadn't answered shit.
people kept pestering me to make kiseki content while i was going off the series, and when i said it was shit people moaned at me.
made me fall out of love with it.
trying to play kuro right now, but it feels like work.
i don't wanna work, i wanna jerk
Ys X releases on Oct. 25th.
This is the last chance i'm giving this series. I haven't loved an Ys game since Origin so if this doesn't wow me then it's the last one i'll play. IX is already the last one i'll ever buy so this is a pirate regardless.
hint: it won't change your mind on ys. origin is my favorite too and I enjoy most of the older ones but newer ones don't do it for me. didn't enjoy the acclaimed VIII
it's weird that people praise origin so much. For me it has even worse cutscene/gameplay ratio that i don't think i could finish the game if it was not for cheat engine turbo
it's all the OLD = GOOD people
both me. I was bored and wanted to make it seem like people agree with me.
It's the only time I ever actually liked the characters in an Ys game. Having to play through all the areas 3 times was really shitty though. Still I think the game was leagues better than everything that came after. I still can't finish Seven or Celceta they just put me to sleep and I didn't think 8 was anywhere as good as people act like it is.
If 8 didn't respark your Ys love and 9 is the last one you'll ever buy this ain't it bro
>2 weeks after DBZ and Persona: Fantasy
not out to die, at least
>Eng patch has been playable on PC for 2 years
>NISA released their port over a year ago already
sub-2k steam peak incoming
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its more like 8 hours
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>Daybreak releases in the early morning in my time zone
>Will be able to play Daybreak while the Day breaks
But I already finished it 2 years ago.
5AM for me.
Kiwibros winning again.
someone posted a pic with kondo on reddit and kondo is actually smiling.
>NISA fixed him
i think coming to america and having a room full of falcom fans unironically perked him up
kuro 2 news when?
daybreak 2 early 2025
kai late 2025
anyone who thinks kai is coming next year is seriously coping
EARLY 2025
what is kai in english? no way it's going to be daybreak 3: farewell o zemuria.
DeepL translates it as Trails in the World.
Trails to Trails: A farewell Trail
wat ze fuck
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NISA is healing Kondo's soul...
Kondo deserves to be happy
We saved him bros
I can't believe a gay furry would turn out to be a sexual predator...
So are the panels not being uploaded anywhere? Really want to see the Trails panels
After the entire event maybe
Replace Class VII with ASO, Ouroboros with Almata, and THAT = Grendel, and you have Daybreak
Daybreak 2 announcement in 9 hours and then there'll be Kondo talking about trails and ys, as well as future of kiseki.
Play the fucking games, kuro isn't as formulaic as cs3. It uses the similar template, but the writing and dialogues so much better that it doesn't annoy you like cs3 does.
>Van can actually kill Almata
>Van doesn't get cucked with "that won't be necessary" before using THAT
>ASO is miles better nu-shitclass 7
Aside from that you do get somewhat similar results, but falcom was using the same formula of storytelling in kiseki since sky fc. CS3 is just the accumulation of all the garbage formulaic shit they came up with.
How many hours until the official eng translation comes out?
6 or so
5 hours and 55 minutes.
if they don't at least record the panels and upload them after the fact, it'll be a retarded decision and a huge missed opportunity
>Kondo is happy
>Daybreak english release with improved pc port launches in 6 hours
>Daybreak 2 announcement is in 9 hours
>Ys X launches in 3 and a half month
>Kondo will talk about the future of the series
It's a good day today.
The official localization, use the correct term.
>Kondo will talk about the future of the series
This just means Kuro 2 doesn't it? He won't say anything about Kai or what comes after. What the hell is the point of listening to someone talk about a game that already came out? Yeah it's not in the language you speak but you can literally watch videos of people playing it right now or play it yourself.
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>(((by coincidence)))
why are /fg/ pro nisa now
Ok that's all I wanted, even if it's retarded it's at least an attempt at an explanation as to why we suddenly stumble across 2 of these things after not even knowing they exist for 10 games.
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it's just the classic
>muh destiny
astroturfing maybe.
I'll see them in a more favorable light if Kai releases in less than 16 months in English for once
It's more like falcom didn't plan out their future plot devices and didn't foreshadow them earlier. It's not exclusive to genesis.
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>88 @ 20 reviews
>86 @ 23 reviews
>85 @ 27 reviews
It's settling lads, the highest Kiseki reviewed game in the west.

Metacritic is at 83 but that's weighted different and P2W journos have an advantage.
Can you stop trying to force this narrative? Whether you're using Opencritic, or Metacritic, Sky always has at least one higher score.
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What is Kondo looking at?
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Official trannylation*
>Brooo a story is as good as how many nameless NPCs die!
This but unironically.
yes? a war story where no one dies is just silly
if they don't want to write stories where people die then don't write stories about war, terrorism, cults etc
was hoping someone would do that. lol thanks
i'd rather we stopped pretending like anyone should take games journalists' opinions seriously.
WokeCHAD predicted that games journos would love it because it's woke and so are they.
its averaging around an 8/10 though which is the same basically every game in the series does
It's shit
an another anon said, astroturfing.
either that or trolls.
it's probably the same few idiots.
we'd know for sure if the IP count hadn't been removed.
i just imagine nathaniel behind the keyboard, sweating pure cheese from his furrowed brow as he seethes behind a smile, posting game review scores
Someone with talent, please make a webm/gif of Kondo looking at Fie doing the titty shake dance from Kuro 2
The slightly higher review scores for the game means that Kuro 2 is going to disappoint people even more and it will become the lowest rated game.
Kuro 2 will be shredded in reviews. It fixes NONE of the issues people complained about in Kuro 1.
>LGC system being mostly pointless
>Weird stilted scenes where only one character is voice acted
>Action combat has no depth
>Nonsensical terrible villains
>Plot that doesn't answer any of its questions
>Characters that get very little development
>Easy even on the hardest difficulty
These are all the recurring complains I saw in all the reviews and all of this and more is present in Kuro 2 and it's even worse.
Westniggas love cameos, it'll be a hit here
All those things are in Kuro 1 and the woke journos love it, why would they care?
In fact, Kuro 2 is slightly harder than Kuro 1, so
They put up with it in Kuro 1 because they assume (as many of them do even in the review) that the sequel will address most of it. The sequel doesn't address a single one of those complaints.
The Northern War anime confirmed that a lot of people died in Celdic.
>Northern War anime
Not canon
That is a load of garbage lmao
The point of a prequel is to set up the question, not to assume that the bullshit will be answered later.
There is no question to be answered with the LGC system being bad, or the action combat being bad, or the villains being two bit caricatures that would be considered badly written for a pantomime.
For instance, in Azure, Randy's past as a jaeger catches up to him when the Red Constellation attacks Mainz and he tries to go Rambo on them. But it was well set up in the previous game so it's a natural progression.
it is really funny how almata are such shitty one note villains and then they made villains even more one note and shit and forgettable in the very next game
almata is objectively better than any cs villains because they actually nuked a village
>get a nuke
>have enemies all over Calvard, primarily in langport
>Nuke a nowhere village because your IQ in room temperature in celsius
Almata are complete and utter garbage
langport wasn't diverse enough to warrant nuking
The anti-immigrant faction is the worst thing quality of writing wise that Falcom has ever written.
>the majority eastern town is not diverse enough
If Almata nuked Langport, they would legitimately have been pretty fucking scary. Because they would have shown both how brutal and how efficient they are at dealing with their enemies.
But Falcom can't let Heiyue take any Ls.
The game also says this but XSEED localised it out.
>the majority eastern town
you said it yourself
not diverse enough
Redditsteelfaggots will never be able to push their revisionism about Shart Steel not being the worst in every aspect.
Trying too hard
Kuro has the worst music, gameplay, minigames and cast, thoughbeit.
I would reply but I'm 999 delayed so I'll get back to you after you've taken a hundred more turns
Still better than Kuro. It got rid of every strategy the system was built on and just made Van and co. incredibly overpowered so you didn't need to use anything.
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Ys summary by NISA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agHBvi0dzJk
what is there to summarize all these games have the same plot
There are enough changes like the character's taking the piss out of another character by calling her hime chan. Then there's some fag on the localization team who is so fucked in the head they changed it into some cutesy baby shit. Utterly ridiculous.
>Weissmann: has seen what human nature leads to, and I believes himself to be the ubermensch who is above it all and will lead Humanity to a golden age above emotions. However, he is wrong and this leads to his failure (when he tries to twist the knife by having Joshua kill Estelle, therefore breaking the Stigma)
>Joachim was discovering all sorts of truths about the world in his research, even though his faith was manipulated by Mariabell, and did not care who he hurt in the process. Even now many games later the series still talks about all the forbidden knowledge discovered by the D:G cult
>Cayenne is much simpler, he simply is attacking the one with a superior claim to the throne because he believes that its his birthright, and he wants to take down Osborne for eroding the nobility's power. It's simple politics, not complicated but it makes sense as an antagonist motivation
Yet you creamed yourself over Ishmelga. Kill yourself.
You kneeled to >>484780280 in less than a minute. Impressive.
I'll respond to you both since you're the same person
I said nothing about Ishmelga. He's a persona villain, a supernatural reflection of humanity's evils, take it or leave it.
My knees remain unbowed.
>the series' main message is about kindness and forgiveness
>their fans are one of the most deranged fandoms ever
kiseki fans just want to coom
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what do you need a walkthrough for the modern games show you everything on the map
I feel like I'm close to finishing Kuro 1 with fantranslation. It's great to play and I truly think they did amazing work here. How's the fantranslation for Kuro 2 in comparison? Same level of quality or it's better to wait for now?
kuro 2s translation is worse but it's not like the game is unplayable
and trust me you don't want to wait for kuro 2 just rip that bandaid off now
How's the difficulty mod for Kuro? Is it as good as the one for Cold Steel, which elevated it to one of the best combat system in all jrpgs.
It's going to be funny to watch the meltdowns when NISA fucks up and is late
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>Available now
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Yeah, you can then perfectly see how poor the texture quality is.
why do people keep calling van vahn
They fucking got me with the launch trailer earlier today, it ended saying "AVAILABLE NOW" and got bamboozled into checking the PSN store to find it still not for sale.
So did NIS fuck up again with shipping out the special edition?
The guy who made the Reverie guide inserted hundreds of cultist fanboy moments where commented on how OMG CUTE this and that character is and how emotionally affected he is by the absolutely retarded story and writing. These games don't even need guides anymore.
if you live in europe you got your special edition a week ago
I'm sadly American.
Damn that's really triggering. He didn't even have the decency to give you a CW?
Guides should be objective and informative, not your blog. I remeber the Split_Infinity guides on GameFAQs back in the day. Never ending walls of text where actual information was mixed in with the stupid fucking banter. These people should be lynched.
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Okay grandpa, back to bed
>babby mentally collapsed after brief social interactions
Bro... you need to work on this.
Reverie was made by vinheim, Cold Steel 1-4 and Daybreak is Zoelius
do i still have to scan enemies in kuro
That's like most anime fans, tbqh.
This. Kuro 2 is pretty meh compared to 1 and when the trannylation is out its gonna be awful
Nope. They finally got rid of that shit.
damn thank fucking god
dunno why they added that crap in zero
As far as I can tell, no, thank christ.
Making it to the end of the cold steel and reverie and realizing I missed one random mob in a place you visit once fucking sucked.
yep lol i always missed 1 fucking scan and it was always somewhere like half way through the game
imagine getting mad over internet video game guides lol
/fg/ never ceases to amaze me
I'm aware. That guy is a colossal faggot. Zoelius' guides are good, but the only way you can possibly miss out on something in a modern Falcom game is if you pick the wrong dialogue options so they're barely even needed anymore and are mostly vanity projects.
I hate trannylators. I hate nisa
Imagine getting mad over people getitng mad (not reality, just your projection) over something. Factual statement: Guides should be objective and informative, they should not serve as your blog. The people who narrate the story of the game in the guide are the worst of all.
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>Missed a scan
>Go back and check where it was
>It was an enemy that had the exact same model as another enemy that both appear in the same fight but that have 2 different scans for some reason or its a summon that you didn't see because you nuked the boss instantly
Im not mad at you, i am laughing at you
Dude just dont use the guide, it's not a big deal lol
guides who describe the cutscenes in detail are the worst. i want to experience them myself, just need help for a boss.

a good guide:
walk forward to the city square, after the cutscene, head toward the objective marker and talk to the NPC.

a bad guide:
walk to the city square, fuckface mcgee will explain that you are the chosen one (big surprise there, huh?) and then show you the map to the five mcguffins. after this go talk to suckballs dickface at the objective marker (missed him from the last game, am i right?) and he'll give you the cum detector after a bit of prodding
i have never scanned an enemy in my life
And I'm also not mad, that's you projecting, because you're emotionally stunted and low IQ. I've been mocking you if you haven't been able to pick up on it. You tank the average IQ of /fg/.
Um he's just adding in some flavor chud. I bet you hate localizations too.
>walk forward to the city square, after the cutscene, head toward the objective marker and talk to the NPC.
>walk to the city square, fuckface mcgee will explain that you are the chosen one (big surprise there, huh?) and then show you the map to the five mcguffins. after this go talk to suckballs dickface at the objective marker (missed him from the last game, am i right?) and he'll give you the cum detector after a bit of prodding
>walk to the city square, fuckface mcgee will explain that you are the chosen one (big surprise there, huh?) and then show you the map to the five mcguffins. after this go talk to suckballs dickface at the objective marker (missed him from the last game, am i right?) and he'll give you the cum detector after a bit of prodding
There people need to be banned from the internet.
ESL MTL vs Soulful translated dialogue
You do be that dumb.
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The best guides are checklists and maps with notes for things like picking the right dialogue. Everything else is just superfluous.
I am a trophy whore.
I never used guides (but I missed some quests because falcom quest design sucks)
fuckface mcgee and suckballs dickface get married in the sequel
sorry spoilers
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I made a tierlist ranking the kiseki games based on their OST :)
>slutty mcbard and bigtitts mcgee get married but it's just an image while the credits play
Guides are pretty useful though, especially for kiseki, you can miss a ton of things if you don't use them.
Plus I usually do one playthrough going through the game without one and then one with a guide.
>sky 3rd in the same tier as cs3
You can't miss out on anything in Daybreak other than dialogue options and alignment. Even the NPCs have indicators for whether you've talked to them or not. This isn't a new JRPG feature, it was already in Tales, haha.
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CS3 was really fucking good, even the Singa tracks are pretty nice, Mourning Refrain and Step Ahead are some of his best works
>you can't call daybreak kuro anymore without coming off as a tryhard
Haha, day has broken...
What? Says who?
The entire fucking WORLD. Sora? LOL. Ao? LOL. Sen? LOL. Hajimari? LOL. Kuro? LOOOOOL! It's over.
Calm down Josep
or am I talking to Arvin?
>daybreak release day
>/fg/ slows down to a crawl because everyone is playing the NISA release
don't make me doxx singa's wife again!
- josep
Too lazy to make my tiermaker, do here's my tier list based on OST:
GOD TIER: Sky FC, Sky SC, Sky 3rd
Great tier: Zero, Ao, CS1, CS2
Good tier: Nayuta, Kuro 1, CS4
Mediocre tier: CS3, Hajimari
Shit tier: Kuro 2
The Sky soundtracks are quite poor
did the gog release cum out yet
Gay Ol' Goys?
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Looks like it.
That's your opinion, but for me sky ost was the most memorable out of bunch and i could easily tell which track was used in that specific scene, contextually the sky ost was the best falcom has made. It also worth noting that the all composers managed to make ost in one unified style and every single song doesn't feel out of place.
ughh Silver Will!! Loewe!!
call me when gog-games updates
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Don't care for sanic so it's an easy pick.
i'm not buying either of them lmao
isnt "sonic x shadow" just a stupid rerelease?
bro I was in bed because I have a 4 day weekend...
I'm more excited for SGSSAA and other improvements durante's bringing for pc port.
Sonic X Shadow makes it sound like a ship pairing
bro, its the day after 4th of july...most people are sleeping off the celebration
like me, i got completely fucking plastered last night and just woke up half an hour ago
forgive him, yurobongs don't celebrate the day they lost the war for independence.
matthew finch from Geofront worked on the NISA localization of braydeak
Adol and Karja vs. Sonic and Shadow
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For me it's Chad Adol and smol Dana
Pretty sure sgssaa will work on amd because its done ingame and not through a control panel
fuckin who
The way her mouth/face is hidden behind her boob is adorable. New fetish unlocked
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Our HERO!!!
I like Ys X, Kuro 2, Celceta, Hajimari, CS4 best
Including Ys because it’s the same kind of music as trails
Lmao eng Adol sound like a fucking sonic
Sounds like Bryce Papenbrook, the go-to VA for generic shonen protagonists. He does a good job of having an annoying bitch voice that makes everyone sound lamer. Hated that voice ever since I heard him in Tales of Graces f. I don't know if it's actually him, but it totally sounds like it.
I still enjoy Falcom games
Secret Adol superboss in Kiseki when?
They are using a lot of Adol sound clips in the trailer. They seem to really want the viewers to believe that Adol isn't a (mostly) silent protagonist. Which means that they know that people don't like silent protagonists. Which begs the question... why is Adol a silent protagonist?
Any torrent for poorfags yet?
why is he the protagonist at all? it was fine when they were short simple games but now they want every game to be this long sweeping jrpg and it's lame when your main protagonist is incapable of having a character arc
It's better that Adol isn't talking all the time. The games are flexible because you can insert your fair share of headcanon. Otherwise they would have to force a character arc onto Adol every game that ultimately wouldn't matter much and it'd be so played out.
Doug!! https://youtu.be/piqdXsnluZQ
The more "RPG" they try to make Ys, the shittier it gets.
Jap Adol is voiced by Yuki Kaji which also has shit ton of protagonist roles, the difference is Kaji's voice and acting is pretty good.
Kuro 2 Winter 2025
Kai Autumn 2025
Kai 2 or whatever WW release in 2026

I belieb
Kai will be late 2026. Then retards will be praising NISA because it only took 2 years after JP to release it instead of 3.
Meanwhile you still haven't made a full human translation of Kuro 1 that was released 3 years ago, while NISA's is about to come out in an hour! Sad!
What makes you think there'll be Kai 2? Falcom almost finished with Kai and if they had a problem telling the whole story in just one game, they wouldn't called it "Farewell O Zemuria".
Kuro 2 - Late 2025
Kyoto Xanadu - Early 2026
Kai - Late 2026
That's what I implied by the "sound lamer" part. I really mean it when I say the English guy adds a "bitch" quality to everyone he voices.
>1 year between cs3 and 4
Daybreak 2 will be released next summer at the absolute latest.
Like if the Grandmaster wasn't going to be a focus in Reverie then she wouldn't have been on the cover?
they didn't release another falcom game between cs3 and 4
Ys IX was released shortly after CS4. Daybreak is coming next summer at the latest.
>Nisa fucks up LE release, EU gets it a week early, NA gets no shipping notifs at all
>Put out release trailer and ‘available now’ tweet when it’s not
>Beauty’s Blade
>Sometimes the changes we make are BETTER than the original
>a thousand other “punch-ups!” and scrubbing of the script

Why do people adore NISA?
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Nah, Kuro 2 Feb/March 2025
Kai Nov/Dec 2025
How about getting any of those out without waiting 3+ years for them?
>releases more games in 3 years than xsneed released in their entire time with falcom
Idk it's just falcom being falcom I guess. Hajimari feels like a separate entry that tries to focus on closing the loose ends, while Kai feels like Kuro 3 + epic finale that will affect the whole of Zemuria, since Kondo said to stop padding the story they just fused Kuro 3 and Hajimari type of game into one.
So when are these Trails panels happening? Is there anyone there who will be live tweeting them? Seems stupid that they aren't being livestreamed.
they're usually uploaded after the fact on the nisa channel
Wow, I see a homosexual, zoophile child groomer in the thumbnail!
I think they'll be uploaded once the event is over. They probably want to make sure people show up.
>Ys X
>All in about 2 years
Thank you NISA.
best moment of the entire thing lmao
Based, and with high quality localizations and PC ports!
>Nearly 4 years is "About 2 years"

Sometimes I wish that I could be that certain that Kai will only be one game.
It sure doesn't help that Kondo won't state that Kai will be one game and that he said "Kai no Kiseki series" in that video interview from Dengeki stream.
Also, when Kondo talks about the mysteries revealed and percentage of story with Kai, he almost always says "when Kai concludes" which also makes it sound like it could be multiple games.

The only thing that makes me think of the possibility of Kai being one game is Xanadu for next year, or is Falcom going to make us wait 2 years for Kai 2?
Kai will be 1 game. It'll be a complete fucking mess, but it'll be 1 game. There's no way they'll wait 2 years on a cliffhanger because they know people would lose interest.
September 2022 to October 2024 is about 2 years.
>2022 - 2024 is 4 years
>Falcom going to make us wait 2 years for Kai 2?
That would be extremely retarded even for Kondo especially if Kai ends up on a cliffhanger. That's why I believe that Kai will only be one game, but I won't be surprised if Kai 2 will be potentially announced, but only for 2025.
>2022 was 10 years ago

well this is odd. while everyone hypes over release day for daybreak, i've picked today to drop the series.
if kai is awesome i might come back.
just can't do it anymore. got to the prologue's end and it's the same old shit.
it was fun, bros. i love you retards.
carry on the fight for me <3
you sat through sen 3/4 and hajimari, but kuro 1's prologue is what breaks you
yeah i'm sure this is a totally real post
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There was the Ys X panel yesterday (not streamed) which gave the Oct 25 release date. Then there was a short interview with Kondo that evening that was streamed on the Anime Expo twitch and youtube.
Today there will be 3 events: the “big reveal” panel with Kondo and the voice actors, Kondo’s “tracing the trail of trails” panel in the evening (neither of which look like they’ll be streamed), and a nisa discussion on Ys and Trails with Kondo that WILL be streamed by Anime Expo from 3-3:30 PST.
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Dual Audio confirmed for Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana! (from the demo at Anime Expo)
Ys series
Its July 6
Where is my game Kondo
no, for real man, i started with cs1-cs4, then went back to the older games before hajimari, and it was hajimari where i realised it was over.
i bought kuro out of a silent hope that the new things would revitalise my passion for it.
it didn't.
i was buckbroken long ago, brother
6 more hours
then why are you still here? It's a 99.9% kiseki general.
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>Characters you want to see back in Calvard
Swin = 17th place
Elaine and Shizuna above him
Falcom: ''Hmm... what if he steals Van's protagonist role in Kuro 2? And there's no need to give screentime to Elaine and Shizuna''
Why Falcom is so stupid?
Will NISA try and stop him from talking about any game not localized by them?
if someone here is in AX please ask him what happened to unisuga kthxbye
Why Elaine and Shizuna are even in there?
>4 characters appear 8 times in the top 17
The picnic squad is so popular
Trails through daybreak 2?
>Rufus 3rd place
>C 16th place
that'll be announced at the voice actor panel
>What characters do you want in the calvard arc
>Put characters that will keep appearing in the calvard arc regarless
This shit is so fucking stupid
C's slot says picnic squad
i was saying goodbye to the bros
considering how the main cast basically all got shafted in kuro 2 it's not so strange haha...
kys faggot
I bet that's the point because only actual degenerates keep buying sonic games
>Due to an unforseen technical error, we will be delaying the release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak by 24 hours. We're sorry for any inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding while we work to resolve any issues. Thank you.
Looks like the game did in fact make it to steam top sellers
love you, too
Still won't top CLE's numbers. CLE won.
ummmmmm but muh new releases tab????? this wasn't supposed to happen...
of course nisa have botched the fucking release.
trails is so fucking cursed
My collector's edition showed up but NIS never even told me it shipped. Why was the soundtrack CD made in the czech republic?
Civilizationchads are laughing at us...
CLE lost sorry bro
The definition of cocksleeve.
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CLE won.
calling it now it won't even hit 2k
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Total CLE victory. Care to post your cope in advance?
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>CLEGODS eating good
My guess is it'll be around 1300-1400 at most.
CLE always wins...
it's up
Why would they make it a patch like this instead of a release? 99% of people aren't even going to know this game came out without seeing it in new releases.
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This Gaybreak bus is going off a cliff, bros.
still better than XSEED lol
Did they announce sky remakes yet
It is officially time and there is no update. Classic NISA.
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why the fuck do people buy from the NISA store when they fumble pre-orders time and time again
I'm tired of seeing 'my extra superduper epic legendary edition is not here yet and its the release date :((('
Someone edit Jobbings losing to Rufus
It's Steam. New updates and releases usually take 5 - 10 minutes after the store update.
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ids habbenig
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>Update is the whole game size
>9 gigs for text and voice clips
The NISAGODs have vanquished the horrible ESL MTL.
My steam deck doesn't have the room for the update...
Whole game's basically reinstalling, retardo. It's a huge port update.
It's over. Kuro is dead unless you speak Japanese. It's now officially Daybreak. Your response?
Might give this one another run to get the cheevos
How bad is the dub?
It was pretty awful in CS4 and Reverie
I played the demo. I enjoyed CS's dub but hooooleeey shit Daybreaks dub is trash. There's really no reason to play it, especially with how great the voices are in jp.
Haha... it's Rean
>Kondo puts YOU in charge of writing the final arc
What would you do?
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>modern water
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Gay has broken.
>sell some tf2 hats and csgo skins to buy kuro
>funds only available in 6 hours
Fuck you valve
the localization sucks but i guess ill try it out
i can't play kuro with daisuke ono as van
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Haha, Falcom would never lie to you...
Rean impregnating every single female that has ever been on screen.
Is Kuro harder or easier than most Trails games?
Daybreak barely has VA work even in the Japnese version
without i meant haha...
Does NISA's Kuro not have the pre-order stuff like holo-core Hamilton and Van's Rean outfit or is that already included?
Easiest game in the series. You'd have to be retarded to ever lose.
Day will break. Van is so cool! NISA won! Durante won! CLE lost!
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once you get the hang of the new orbment system its pretty easy, but the initial challenge of learning it is fun
I remember I built up agnes to be able to spam the most powerful arts in the game with barely any delay and not losing any EP
It does, but only in deluxe edition, you can't buy bonus set separately.
um... NISA sisters??? care to explain?
DoF is shit and I always turn it off
same with motion blur, memeatic abberation
Easy but that's just kiseki in general after Crossbell
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It's over. CLE won.
Realistic AI Estelle?
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Na-chan really is the cutest
This can't happening...
Make no mistake. CLE Ys X would've peaked at 20k players if not for the fact that the port had to be pulled. NISA won't even have 1k concurrent players. Prinnyggers will kneel.
>build up van as evasion tank and make the rest of your team purely arts users, risette with her shield also helps
>Move van to the side away from everyone
>spam coin bullet with van so enemies agro on him
>spam arts with the other 3 characters
>you win
there, you beat kuro on nightmare, enjoy
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>equip rean with delay quartz
>spam delay ability
there, you beat cs2 on nightmare, enjoy
On a technical level, this update feels like a completely different port compared to the pre-patched 1.0 one on Nyaa. Durante and his company cucked the Japanese players with their half-assed port last year.
Its my cosplay...
>787 in game now
CLEchads... they are catching up rapidly...
Completely daybroken
You could change Van for Fie/Kurt and you would beat the entire Cold steel saga
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the game doesn't let you launch with the fanTL now, lol
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>kiryu voices this guy for some reason
fie/kurt don't have an ability that makes enemies attack them 100% of the time
also who the fuck uses kurt, fie has ranged counters
MTLosers... we lost.....
Looks like ESL MTL patch tranny needs to update it.
why the fuck does anyone care?
this is just boring tribalism.
nisa aren't going anywhere and falcom aren't gonna improve just because you wanked over statistics
Daybreak will utterly daybreak /fg/ within a few minutes or hours
I just built Van as a power tank, high damage output and s-craft spam. Agnes is pure arts damage user and then you can add Risette and her shield craft and Bergard who can be built just like Van with high physical damage. You can also double damage with Van if you can take the grendel in certain boss fights.
Kondo skibidi caca toilet
>The Quartz that attracts enemy aggro
Same thing
977 already...
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umm durante sisters...?
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/fg/, the time has come for black magic. We can't let this happen. Let's begin casting our spell of failure.
Kurt comes with base evasion which helps in the early game
Lategame you can swap him for Juna
Talking about CS3 where Fie is hardly an actual party member
What? All is as it should be.
t. ranny
Yeah, that guy.
If Daybreak does well then I win since it's my favorite Kiseki game
If Daybreak doesn't do well that means NISA loses, which means I win
Either way I'm a winner
Very good cosplay
It's gonna stop any time now. Cope.
What were cold steel and reverie peak?
won't even reach 1500 sisters
Alright might as well join the NISA train and Daybreak CLE faggots.
Daybreak will break the living daybreak out of them.
Reverie peaked at like 2300. CS3 or 4 were around 4k. CLE Kuro was around 2100.
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. . .
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CS3 did not peak at 4k lmao.
>Cle Kuro dabbed on all of the kiseki games except for CS 4
Sleeping with Na-chan!
I can't stop thinking about Fie, bros...
1255 now
People were calling Ao "Azure" even before there was an official title though.
im still downloading it :(
She has only gotten fatter over the years
what if Elaine and Agnes go out together and become less beans
someone dump that shit
Stopped reading there as I am sure whatever follows will be retarded.
they will only lez out in front of van
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Elaine and Anies agreeing to enter a polygamous relatioship with Van would be way better.
No way...
>higher than cs4
its fake lmao
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>calls him van, it just describes him instead of saying his name the next line.
classic nishart
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its 1478 right now idiots
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holy FUCK
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Alright, everyone boot up Daybreak right now, let's end CLE faggots once and for all.
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That would unironically be the best endgame for the triangle
>every single user on steam is playing gaybreak right now
someone upload the dlc folder
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did they really fucking remove zion
I'm Israeli and I thought it was cool :(
SGSSAA looks so fucking good bros especially in motion and I'm only at 4xMSAA...
Persona 5 right now...
It's 1555 players now, cmon NISA chads 600 more and we won!!!
The whole "this is the perfect starting point guys" actually paid off...
It's official: 1 million players are playing Daybreak right now!
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this thread is unreadable at this point.
two parties shit-slinging over which publisher sells more of this declining game series, while falcom continue to slide downwards in the longterm.
you guys can't see the forest for the trees.
whether trails dies prematurely or ends in the most anticlimactically ass-pull way, i genuinely fear for what 90% of you guys will do when you don't have stupid shit to obsess over.
you'll post softcore porn.
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best outfit in game for Agnes
where are the Sans shoes?
Everyone loves Kuro!
My objective in life is to see Falcom and NISA fail
yes, can't expect anything else from a californian company in their way to not look "anti-semitic"
it's already slowing down KEK its not reaching 2k
apparently its her without shoes which is confusing when it says shoes.
Its french

1,620 IN GAME
NISA had a huge handicap since they released Daybreak way before the official eng translation. The fight isn't over you chink loving faggot!
All me.
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Trails is fine, many have whaled a lot in the new gacha game the IP is saved
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Uh, Durantebros?
I've masturbated so many times to Fie, bros...
The plan is in motion...
its climbiiiiiing
calm down anons and schizos.... why are we having breakneck pace in thread with no news.
No it's Agnes-san's shoes
Won't reach 2k. You're delusional if you think it will. It only jumped by like 70 in 20 minutes. Cope. CLE won.
Agnes and Elaine feet
Fufu Durante's foreshadowing the beyond.
No one is actually supporting the chink company are they?
1769 right now, 400 more and we won NISAbros!!!
1769 brothers.
finally, my order has been dispatched, going to arrive tomorrow morning.
Not even gonna reach 1800, chuds. Better luck next time, LOL.
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new kai footage leaked
wake up faggot
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I really like Fie's design in Calvard. Still not as good as her CS2 design, but leaps and fucking bounds better than her 3-Reverie design.
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Evil Cassius
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Victor's relationship with Van is pretty cute.
people playing a 3 years old game, i'm like.... pathetic. i'm still waiting for fucking info on fucking KAI
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She's gonna show up with H-cup tits before the final game.
I'm gonna replay Kuro 1 just for fun with the new translation and because of the improved pc port.
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WHEN you play a game is literally meaningless. Do you think the people who discover the series in a decade from now will care? Your experience with the game will forever be a crappy MTL, or worse, chinaman stream. The Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster sold 3 million copies. It's millions of people's first time playing the first 6 FF games. It took a long time for most of them to even get an English version in the first place.
>barely going up now
About to hit the limit. Not reaching 1900, let alone 2000.
Heh, yeah I'm just smugly chuckling at these scum. They know not how much more we've experienced. Pathetic.

*walks off into the sunset, pushing sunglasses up my nose*
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Considering that NISA fucked up with the PC release, they're doing way better than I expected.
There's a Kuro difficulty mod?
Remember when CS4 launched on PS4 and the dudes who preordered it on PSN couldn't access it on release and it took them 3 days to fix it?
I do
This isn't what police are saying when they say this, they are saying "counts" as a quantitative thing. As in you are being arrested on multiple counts of whatever crime.
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EVO sisters...
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>want do you want meaning for ? life is desire, not meaning
what did he mean by this
>>build up van as evasion tank and make the rest of your team purely arts users, risette with her shield also helps
Honestly this is how I play most JRPGs. There's usually one melee/evasion tank and three spell casters. It's a comfy party composition and it tends to work in most things.
peaking at 1850 lol
it's so over
>early gaybreak 2 pc port is CANCELLED due to hamstringing western sales on steam
it's ogre
That was me, but I also had work I needed to do that CS4 would have made sure I wouldn't have finished, so that was a gift from NISA.
i think it's literally two person giving a fuck about the player count on steam, one hoping it's going to be high whilst the other hopes it'll stay below a certain threshold. they are weird as fuck or are they actually the same person?
"If you are God, and the delusion becomes reality, About what kind of the noids you get? Is it the sensual world? The despotic society? The destructive sanctions? Or..." type shit.
It wasn't a fair fight to begin with, CLE cheated its way.
why the fuck does gramheart sound like he has a British accent while also sounding american ?
I bet you're still waiting on some 20+ year old game to get translated kek
he sounds exactly the same as he did in Reverie
I'm fluent in Japanese. I wait for nothing.
>NISA lost to CLEs glued together chink port
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It keeps going up
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Legendary assets spotted.
Basically the average American actor cosplaying as a Brit cos they all are shit, and it literally has never worked.
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You can't actually launch the game with the Zerofield teams patch I thought it was just gonna be a popup and let you proceed lol.
>1,884 peak now
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Lmfao get rekt fantrannies
PCBros. I've had an epiphany. It struck me as a bolt of lightning does a lone tree whilst I was ensconced it my lavish shower perusing the player count. We are no longer the Center of the Falcom universe in the West. Look on social media.

Where is all the excitement? Its over people's order beings shipped. Their Collector editions. The plushies. I suspect we are a dying breed.
I'm at anime expo, and for the past hour there's been something screaming into his phone in Japanese. I originally thought it was just some autist, but looking closer it's actually Kondo. Is it over for NISA? I doubt the panels are even going to happen now.
>Look on social media
I'd rather not.
>durante actually made the turn order readable in kuro 1
i kneel...
I guess it's time to remove the English fan translations from OP huh
You may hate it as much as I do, but its not an insignificant influence or indicator.
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>Hatsuu was the lead localization project manager for Daybreak
/ourgirl/ has done it again
>Already losing players
Oh nonononono
I've loved her ever since the /jrpg/ days. I want to marry her. No I am not the stalker.
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Haha, why even let you zoom in on the art if it's so fucking low res?
CLE didn't have a Goy Old Gays release so NISA has more players!!!!! IT DOESN'T COUNT
I was under the impression a large portion of the current Trails localization team was comprised of people who left xsneed when they stopped being based.
ITS PAST 1900. 1911
A portion. The NISA translation team is significantly bigger than XSNEED's. We're talking like 20 translators and editors collectively. They have like 200 employees.
Why look at the art at all when it's so much worse than the in-game models?
Unless you want to copy and paste a write up on how to roll back steam versions I guess
Daybreak is #9 top selling for PS5 games on UK Amazon, how's Global Amazon looking?
i don't like the battle theme its so low energy
No fuckin wonder NISA takes on so many goddamn projects all the time.
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Where's the toilet paper, you fucking savages? Are you telling me Yume doesn't wipe?
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Next you'll tell me you didn't like Sophisticated Fight.
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Her grandpa licks shit off of her ass
who cares?
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Calvard is a liberal society, so obviously they use bidets.
>even from kneels to falcom
As expected of the master
Хaхa, pycoфoб47 cтpимит кypo
It's gonna start bleeding players before it hits 2000. Don't be delusional. Accept your CLE overlords.
We played the game 3 years ago, stop posting stupid screenshots.
שתוק רוסי
>he's mad
Haha, sorry you ruined it for yourself with an ESL MTL, chud. The rest of the world? Enjoying the GODcalization. Cope!
I always wondered why hop came before skip in this sequence.
жидa зaбыл cпpocить
>less than 200 away from CLE's peak
Bros... it's not going to happen. The prinny faggots can't win. Send CLE your quads and your prayers.
I suppose Durante can only do so much but considering all the improvements he's made to rasterized visuals and perf the thing that's missing is some form of temporal up-scaling.
dubs and NISA wins
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Durante added shiny reflections to the refrigerator bus.
I'll start caring when Durante adds nipples to the females
no wonder its shit
this was so fucking kino....
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Durante fixed BOTH the N64 water AND the N64 textures. Thoughts?
NisaCHADS...we won
NISA > ESL MTL confirmed

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