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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Feet Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previously on /xivg/: >>484719956
i am
a male midster
who just made 2 gathering sets for the homies
I got my pants!
I will make every femlala my PVP nemesis
my fiddie is
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What am I in for
I am
A male elezen
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What are the actual chances they recast Wuk within the same expansion?
>Bwo? You're playing RDM. The worst job in the game.
Oh no...I do 6% less damage than the best job in the game...the horror...

Shut your goofy ass up.
What's the matter? You can't stand the sight of a strong Miqo'te male?
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i saw a really cute femlala today bros post femlalas
to the northwest.
[23:30]The compass detects a current approximately 268 yalms to the northwest.
[23:30]The compass detects a current approximately 265 yalms to the northwest.
[23:30]The compass detects a current approximately 262 yalms to the northwest.
[23:30]The compass detects a current approximately 259 yalms to the northwest.
[23:30]The compass detects a current approximately 256 yalms to the northwest.
[23:30]The compass detects a current approximately 253 yalms to the northwest.
A kino fight ruined at the last second
my property
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Generic ass groomer malera avatarfagging
Oh, you mean the MSQ? I dunno. But I bet you're 5'6 irl.
the post game msq will focus on wuk exploring the world to broaden her cultural understanding while koana governs for a while and your wol will be tagging along
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I am a femhroth who cleared the 2nd Extreme trial and lost every single roll.
la da da da da da da!
something something da da da!
>Jeb was praising how good dawntrail was without having even finished it
This is why I dont trust contrarians
>What’s the point of tome gear right now if it’s not BiS for savage
Because the game isn't made for raidtrannies, it's made for people like me who want to wear nice outfits.
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Queue Casual CC @ 6:20
PR nightmare. The smart move would be to keep the voice the same but use wuk lamat less and less until we forget about her like lyse.
Just turn voices off before like 30%
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I am finally hunt training
i'm actually 5'3
catboy supremacy
What words do I put on the filter list?
woah, bro, why the 7.1 spoilers? goddamn writers room leakers
>first half
>new and fun
>second half
>the exact same slop as we've gotten for the last however many years since shb
they should have expanded out the first half and left the second half for patch content, or just never preferably
filtered by the aether compass
Who’s Lyse?
If they can find someone with a similar enough voice, extremely high after this performance.
second half has good writing
first half was one of the worst games i have ever played no cap
Actually it's all shit just like the rest of Yawnfail, don't try to gas up the tranny expansion
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5 inches off actually (5'1)

I heard about this, but I must get the full suffering experience
not too fond of them desu
Yoshi P'd all over it
it's OVER
WORST melee dps output
LESS party buff
WORSE mobility
it's the RDM of melees
spleen listen to me
is jeb actually a real person/poster? i've been around here for years and i've literally never seen him in game
i assumed it was just a meme name like barry that gets thrown around at least twice a thread but he doesn't actually exist anywhere
I'm IN
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Something that you could easily mistake as satire
My eyes actually rolled back into my fucking skull
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aether cc 1930 et
Don't you have a guro fetish?
This. Simply "wuk lamat is busy running a country. We're taking erenville and krile exploring now."
I am a level 100 SGE without Panhaima...
>need at least one Good proc to save a craft
>0 procs ever
Crafting is fucking bullshit
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Here's what they don't tell you about playing as a lalaboy:

1. To be anyone or anything you need to join a suspiciously criminal pedophile cabal OR a suspiciously criminal "shortstack lovers" pedophile cabal.
2. You need to give your support to them 24/7 and become famous.
3. Now you can have an eb.


1) Exist. You now have an EB
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Never forget.
BLM is dead too
okay maybe america is good actually
You are now manually thinking about the boots hanging off Erenville’s rucksack
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Maliddie council here. Just wanted to remind everyone that Maliddies own Hrothgal pussy. My Maliddie was the very FIRST man to stick his dick in that furred up snatch, the very FIRST to blow a thick load of BHC(big human cock) inside hrothgals. They belong to US!!

This message brought to you by the Maliddie council.
the creep has every fucked up fetish you can imagine
I like how spammable it is, kinda funny honestly
I don't have it in me anymore to level more than one job to cap.

I'm a story andy, "number go big" does nothing for me. All it does is make me resent the game for locking me out of content.
Kotaku has a pet shill that has been slamming critics of Dawntrail without actually having played the game, it's funny.
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Aren't you some gross tranny that sexpests people?
People like you are one of the reasons why people hate trannies I hope you realize that
Just observe away and use a crafting cordial.
>WORST melee dps output
Nope that's still Ninja
i am manually imagining the smell

I hope you're having a good night so far, anons.
Can't believe we had two trash expansions back-to-back all because of Woke Lemutt.
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You could also just be a lalaboy, I think that's pretty rad by itself to be honest
it's american, what do you think? severe mental illness is assured
is anyone from here playing other than tozer?
Someone played Death Stranding and said "I'll be having that".
Why are you trying to do some kind of twitter callout bullshit on someone for having a cool fetish

Are you retarded
Dawntrail would have been a perfect 10/10 if they had just cast Wuk Lamat better and used her less.
he has a lot of weird shit and he blames it all on his character when he gets called on it
>"IC is IC"
It'd be more organic if you didn't always post together, then other times not at all.
>Why are you trying to do some kind of twitter callout bullshit
Where do you think this general comes from anon
I know FA is
I'm suffering. They turned one of my favorite games into tranny worship.
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for better or for worse
i will keep queuing
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I'm thinking about the oversized shoes hanging from my own rucksack...
At this point, Wuk Lamat's ENG VA needs to commit seppuku, she has brought shame to the company.
You got sum moneh fah me boah?
Fucking this

Make her less awful to listen to and give us a fucking break
you think someone cares that much about your shit
cringe af
Everything about Lalafell is stupid
Stupid players who think people like them
Stupid glams that look like shit no matter what you wear
Stupid animations specific to them
Stupid customization options that make everyone a copy even more than other races

It's insane how anyone can play this race
Every single Lalafell is the most pick me faggot out there
maybe you have more than one person who dislikes you?
crazy thought, i know
Every DT dungeon has the healer die and the tank solo the entire boss. Why are they so useless? Is this what people are really missing out on on this strike? A dogshit waste of a party slot?
name some
>same typing style
>same formatting
>post timer
I have no good advice for you that won't paint me as a thread target. Just do what you need to in order to enjoy the game, anon.
naw lol
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Are you ready to apologize to stormblood?
This but unironically. Going into the final fight blind and then hearing Wuk yelling SPHEEEEEENE killed any enjoyment I had in it.
which scions would vote for nigel farage
i hate all americans, what makes you think you're special enough for "inorganic posts"
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>guro fetish
>guro FETISH

What a ruined human being, more than I.
Those posts are 15 seconds apart, retard.
And half the people here post in lowercase.
>Shout chat in Yak T'el is people either complaining about or worshipping Wuk
>Someone brings up the VA
I wonder how many people are going to get banned by the end of the night
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sadu is sex unironically
What is Sphene’s tax policy?
Good job changing up your style, samefag.
please sir just a crumb of capybara i beg of you
so what's stopping us from exploring the rest of the reflection that living memory is on
For what? I didn't hate Zero or Endwalker

Which should make just how much I fucking hate Dawntrial even worse
in the end, the oppressors turn to punishing wrongspeak
You wanna know? [Speak with Wuk Lamat]
It's fucking dead stupid
im gooning
I ran in to you during a roulette.
I'm going to saw your head off with a dull pocket knife
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guess i'll do some more tomorrow...
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>retarded troon that is a male got dumped by a nigger after making corny ass wedding vows

shaddap, bitch
God I'm horny.
Need a healslut to boss around and ruin right now
It got fucking destroyed retard
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>a suspiciously criminal "shortstack lovers" pedophile cabal.
Hate having to share my space with lolicons as a shortstack lover so much its unreal.
I wanna blast in your butt if you catch my drift
It being missing
Easiest way to look through all the clothing options? I wanna glam up a merchant look
We still don’t know how to use the Chalice-looking thing.
yea i remember that hi
schedule it in with wukky, she'll let us know if we can go somewhere
you're fucking retarded
How is Living Memory still around? I thought they needed the barrier to protect from the lightning calamity. If LM is still there but the barrier is on the Source then what's protecting it?
Dawntrail would be better if Sena Bryer's only reference for latinas didn't begin and end at Gloria Pritchett from Modern Family
It's kinda hard to do a decent job when you're focused on trying to do a different accent by force.
Oh and use her less in the second half, have her check out after Zoraal Ja dies due to something like a broken leg
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Its a ball of levin aether
All it took was one tranny and FFXIV went from a 9/10 to a 2/10, thanks trannies, thanks Yoshitpiss
I'm not really surprised someone who is this unlikable complains about not being EBed
You're just mad because you walked through a river wearing tennis shoes.
he's such a fucking creep. it's really funny how everyone in the appalcord talks shit about him behind his back for being an annoying sexpest cunt
get a grip sis
I'm gooning to you
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The posts were 15 seconds apart.
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why, im a basket case
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How easy is Viper? Can a braindead retard like me do EXs with it without focusing too hard on a rotation?
bud lite, marvel, disney, star wars, many such cases, was only a matter of time but you all claimed Japan was immune to such things
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honestly i don't even mind the voice, i think it's at least interesting which is more than what i can say for the jp casting
but goddamn she won't go away
we get 1 zone where she isn't there and it felt like a breath of fresh air
I think hrothgals smell good
Huge ass
Just crazy enough to be hot but not crazy enough to be a problem
all the more reason to goon
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>Oh and use her less in the second half
I was so hoping she'd fucking fuck off after the trial was over

Out of all the characters in FFXIV, this is the one you assholes decide to use the most in their respective expansions? Why is she in this one so fucking much? Why is she so awful?

Did YoshiP see this and think it was fine?
So what was added to the wolves den then? I heard archfiend attire was being added but I don't see it.
So was the First supposedly but all it took was some lesbian magic to make life start bloom again
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Did they remove camouflage from the GNB kit?
>not allowed to dislike wuk's voice actor
The game I love is dead and the tolerant left killed it.
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>man has standards and won't lower himself to e-dating prison gay men
No, I won't e-date your prison gay hairy ass.
The worst part is knowing we're going to see even more of her in patches. The broventure in Shaaloni with Elene'shpya was the only time I felt this expansion lived up to the vacation hype.
diversity points
It has by far the highest actions per minute, but you don't have to think too hard about what to do. It's pretty intuitive on controller because you just hit (in my setup) your dagger move then do a half circle motion in either direction.
yet another nice pic ruined by hypno

I am going to find these people and pay them absurd sums to draw non-hypno.
Posting your avatar while gullibly believing anon's schizoing is going to make you look bad. Just a heads up.
It's still there
I'm only doing frontlines for the exp
it's honestly really confusing
so? we still went to the void
my neck is too powerful, your blade would break
it's there though
yeah i think we will figure it out and go back for the post msq story
well from the ending cutscene i think the calamity's passed, now it's all barren i think
she wasn't THAT bad calm down now
and we went to balls of light and dark aether already
Most of us do. no?
wow, it has to be really fucking bad to reach that point
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Anyone on Crystal want to help me do level 100 Trial for the first time?
gets defeated by literal spear chucking ooga boogas and some cowboys
>Inferior race of men who suffered from oppression due to their inability to use magic for the most of their existence
Annexes a whole continent and halves of 2 others while also making sure they damage their enemies as much as they can during any fight

Justify this xiggers
yeah sure put up a pf
>hiding ears
thats a boy
The void is a failed rejoining, pay attention to the goddamn game
>well from the ending cutscene i think the calamity's passed, now it's all barren i think
Then why was the barrier kept up?
What proof do you hold against said conjecture? I see the terrible face sculpt, and I can only assume the worst.
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We're so back
both are cretins.
You are allowed though.
It's impossible for that faggot to look worse without it coming out that he's a pedophile.
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Oh yeah
back into blind prog
It's wild to me how nobody considers that they might be talking to a child in this game, especially the cringe ass rp/erpers who try to open up with trying to get some sext shit going
If garleans had half the technology of alexandria they would've won even with emet trying to make them fall
Nobody cares what you think lmao
And it's not schizoing, the dude is proud of his retarded fetish
garleans were also defeated by literal spear chucking ooga boogas (you)
Do I have to farm zj for accs before doing bird ex?
it's over
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At least the furtroon isn't black
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Mery chan........kawaii
sniffing ____ feet
Its braindead but you will need to memorize what keys the icons are bound to if you dont want to stare at your glowy buttons all fight long.
>alisaie doesn't get to meet the levin sick kid because Wuk Lamat needed to keep the spotlight
Post proof of him being proud of it? I've never seen it mentioned, except for anon claiming it.
kate vouches for sena too strongly. She's sticking around, and you chuds will have to cry about it
pf is up password 8888
The First and Thirteenth aren't dead, Living Memory is LITERALLY an abandoned haven for the dead. The only part of their world that still exists is Heritage Found and it's bubble. They fucking tell you this multiple times.
Should I make a lewd twitter for all my XIV hypno autism stuff
LMFAO kill yourself Lorilee no one gives a fuck if you don't like them.
Nothing is better for diplomacy than friendship! Nobody but the two leaders of a nation could ever create a lasting friendship!
>oh he's sick because of levin aether
So move him outside the barrier????
Nah. Gurool ja ja jas a dogshit voice actor as well.
Everyone in Tural did. Zoraal Ja was the only one that came close to a decent performance.
probably here
Vreetra and half a dozen small dragons destroyed the entire alexandrian fleet. The garleans were only stopped by Midgardsommr, a shitton of dragons and probably 1-2 great wyrms as well.
Want to lay your head in my lap and tell me about it while I scritch your ears and neck?
The ground troops are just stone servants with lightning and ballistic guns, they didn't have shields and got BTFO by a dragon
Garleans traded aether manipulation for martial prowess and had the concept of using real armor, they also got BTFO by a dragon
No, Dawntrail still places above Stormblood
Found the anal only boy-onahole rapebait built for anal sex pretending to be a femlala.
found the faggot
>and we went to balls of light and dark aether already
the first was primed for a rejoining, but it wasn't rejoined
the thirteenth was a failed rejoining and just had its aetherial aspect corrupted
if we assume the shard that alexandria belongs to was the twelfth, the victim of the calamity of lightning, then it was successfully rejoined and there should be nothing there, apart from the everkeep which somehow succeeded in shielding itself from it.
I hate that every single one of my glams has the summer headband but it just looks so good
nta but that format of post with random accusations of odd fetishes are pretty common and obvious falseflags.
The motto here is: aliens are dope af
Recast her? Zero
Send her to the lyse dimension? Very high
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how much did yoshi p pay to get the arbiter in the msq?
Living Memory isn't on another reflection.
i mean the wol could have mentioned it too. i found it odd they didnt.
>tranny apologists have to throw good voice actors under the bus just to defend their representation
Secret wife.
alisaie doesnt need another fucking pet of the month arc for the 5th time.
you fags act like a mean girls larp so much its unreal
grow up
>It's wild to me how nobody considers that they might be talking to a child in this game, especially the cringe ass rp/erpers who try to open up with trying to get some sext shit going
It's your responsibility as a parent to keep your child off the internet.

It's not my responsibility to watch out for your kids.
They'll use this in a future patch as a means to show all the residents to trust us and get off their fucked up regulators. Like, i can see the exact scene in my head where there's a group of the cyberpunk residents in a crowd complaining they won't get off their regulatirs then the kid and mom show up walking and resolve it. God, writing in this game can be so bad
shut the fuck up lorillee
Nothing beats the dragon
>Wuk Lamat: No, I'll do what I came to do. It's just...the fonder you are of someone, the harder it is to say farewell.
She's so well written guys... wow...
shut the fuck up lorilee
mhroth eb for my fhroth
People complained about Endwalker and the 13th but I never had any problems

Dawntrial is so fucking PAINFUL I have to force myself to play it so I wonder just how bad it is for those people
Why do people bend the knee to trannoids? Just ignore them and they'll rope themselves. Coddling them just makes the entire world worse and it's affecting good products like FF now. There's kids who play this game, too. Does Yoshi P really not give a damn about his game being destroyed?
/pet /pet /pet
Show me those VPR/PCT glams.
>white guy roleplaying dora the fucking explorer
>pick one
schizos are out in droves tonight
You've been gone too long, they no longer remember knotlala
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This thread is half trannoid bro. We lost the culture war
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Queue Casual CC @ 4:00
if you want a male hroth eb then fanta toa maleroe.
The threads since 7.0 drop almost make me miss the content drought.
Glub evening, ma'am.
2 minute to snek :DDDD
man can the last zone fuck off, even the aether current quests that i usually skip are sad...
I believe that the reflection that produced Living Memory is the 12th, which was rejoined in the second umbral calamity. Living Memory is a life raft that escaped due to dimensional merging or whatever. The key that allowed them to do so very likely came from the ascians, which is why Emet-Selch told the WoL to seek the city of gold.
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Femlala EB for my Malera
its always like this though
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ok i got my aether currents what now
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femlala for my lalaboy? he looks like this
Fight back against doomers:
>leave a 9-10 review score on Metacritic
>give the game a Recommended view on Steam if you own it on there (if you have spare cash, consider double dipping on Steam to both support the team and leave a positive review)
>point out how many complainers are either transphobes or didn't understand the story, usually due to speedreading and skipping cutscenes
>remind other players that many of the complaints are coming from fairweather fans and only make up a minority of the players; point out how high the user Metascore is after leaving your positive review
>remind people how much better the story gets in the second half; if you cried like I did, make sure to let them know how emotional it made you
>signal boost and support other posts fighting against doomer sentiment on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
i am a femra
seeking a moonie wife to craft for
maybe if you didn't transparently black hole the thread into "you're all one schizo" and "post proof! post proof post proof or nothing you say is true" with a dozen posts
just accept that some people like you and some people don't, instead of throwing a fit right on cue every single time
Judgment day can't come soon enough.
to some degree it is, it is certainly something i wouldn't expect out of a game with hundreds of miscarriaged baby coffins
i can at least appreciate it for being memorable
>[0:00]You earn the achievement “Frequent Flyer V”!

It was kinda funny to run past people who didn't get a riding map and speed past them, oh well
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post femra
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my moonie is just like this
this but unironically
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I have a mighty need
I can't wait for 2-4 years from now when newbies show up and make posts like "Oh this Emet guy, what a tragic figure" "Oh this Zenos guy, what a prick" and then they get to Dawntrail and discover Tranny Laundromat hahahahahahaha.
Didn't post that, but it feels pretty cool to be in your head so much over nothing. All I do is post dumb bunny pictures, and that makes me your boogeyman. It's so low effort, high reward.
Only whitoids become trannies. Us brown chads cant stop winning.
explain brazil and the philippines
Both men.
Do you even look at the post timers of the posts you grab? You're not seriously convinced it's just one person with a half-dozen IPs and 4chan passes, right?
I miss zq
is this meryphilia mordigian @ seraph?
i thought you were a femra
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Come suck off my MIERDA BVLL, slut.
sounds like more cope then people saying woke lmao was a good va
And I want to be between them.
kill yourself tranny freak
>All I do is post dumb bunny pictures
and act like a massive skeeve ingame, but don't let me distract from your narrative about being a le epic 4chan troll
Japan is like 10 years late to anything trending in the west. They always follow american politics. In 2034 (after 10 years of tranny pushing) they will finally notice the pushback of tranny shit.
I like dawntrail's boss-theme
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Trannies get murdered daily there. They're only relevant because they are truly avant-garde trannies, much better than whitey.
Those are yellow motherfuckers, they dont count. Same as thais.
I don't believe you.
>bend the knee
game of thrones pilled retard detected
Sex with my miera
finished getting my war to lvl 100. whoop whoop!
>bro wuk is just a mary sue
>wuk attacks bakool at ok'hanu
>her strongest blow got deflected effortlessly
You people literally do not play the game
>everyone playing PCT and VPR
love the so called free thinker of /xivg/
Did you reply to the wrong person? I'm referring to the collective "your".
This is also rich coming to the collective which keeps calling a bunch of other people Lorilee.
Healsissies, your response? Do you kneel before the WAR chads?
im sorry...
they've been lala longer
Stinky girl feet on my face every night.
it was never meant to be
actually gross
Why do cute lalaboys always vanish after a while?
Why does ever coomer end up as a futa transbian?

There's never any variation, they're ALL futa transbians.
paint your + white
This lala stayed out in the Shaaloani sun too long
goonspraying my white paint on this sunnie
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>he's playing the new expansion at all
not very original of you
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the descriptor "mary sue" doesn't actually have anything to do with power level or competency
Plap my femlala please
I mean... you're coming at someone larger and stronger than you with both feet planted on the ground and ample reaction time, with a jumping attack. What the hell do you expect.
Do you like malera?
where else could it possibly be then? before you go into heritage found they have yshtola infodump about how voidgates are portals to other reflections made by raw aether blasts and how the gate is a well-made portal
that makes sense then yeah, it just doesn't sit well with me because there is very clearly a sky and sun and whatnot after everything gets shut off instead of being in some pocket space but i think i'm reading too deep into that cutscene at this point
i want to rape this fuckpig
my catboi woobing her up offscreen btw
Same with blind racism, white genetics are at play. Where do you think they got the basis for the Garleans?
i just used her to clean chimneys my bad
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Damn what a slampig
It could happen to you but sure man
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I am
a femra
who leveled DRK, then PLD and now my GNB is halfway done

I'm sad that soon I'll have no more tanks to level
stop being horny in here please my mom plays this game
The voices... they're telling me to act up...
Give in.
That's gay.
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Where are all the gamers?
This is what playing the worst class in the game does to a woman.
I want to edate you
We LOVE Warrior!
i was gonna say something mean but i hope your mom has fun playing
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>everyone wants to rape femlalas
>nobody wants to touch lalaboys with a 10 foot pole
Destroy the femlala Pictomancer
So she can NEVER paint death again…
impressive how you've been committed to the pretend to be a female irl act bro
I will
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My femra physically cannot stop being horny
hey alright... right when it became too late for me to commit to it lol, good night anons
hard to signal that i like doing older sister stuff with lalaboys since most of them are bottom bitches
Zoraal Ja was also an idiot and withdrew his winning strike.
Anon, I...
Wait 30 more minutes and I will join you.
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ain't this that one femezen
do you think we'll be getting more haircolors soon?
in zq's case it was death by ntr
do you like sunnie+
easiest way to get laid
I think replacing Yoshi-P would be a good thing at this point
no one likes trannies, no
I'm a bit fuzzy on the details of exactly where Living Memory is, as well. If you look down before it's shut down, there is large circular machinery glowing in the depths.
There's an implication that it's on the 12th or another reflection because of the differences in the flow of time. Does that mean that there is a barren rock left where the reflections that were rejoined were?
It's also possible that Living Memory isn't the 12th and that their reflection was not rejoined at all - just that it was very fucked up by lightning aether during the second umbral calamity.
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look at how fucking small she is
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Queue Casual CC @ 8:00
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Who are characters that everyone likes?
Shut up fed
Oh yeah I remembered he was eb'd but I wasn't around to find out he got ntr'd. What happened?
Who would you replace him with? Some random fujo doujin artist?
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>ugly ebin gets instant 4replies

>anon who wants to play gets 1 pity reply
i'd rape you, bro
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fellas whats an EB im retarded please help
remember to do Dread Fangs every so often to keep the debuff up, use your cooldowns, and follow the glowing button
congratulations you can play Viper
My Viera.
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Eternal bonding. In-game marriage.
anyone who doesn't bow down to the west
electronic boutique
yes in 8.0
wuk lamat
It used to be a decent physical chainstore for vidya. Now it's a subpar chainstore for vidya.
no one believes it lol, but it goes to show that never showing pics or vcing with people from here as a female character makes people tend to believe you're a girl even if you're just private
t. called an autistic biofem a couple times
Not at the moment, no.
Why does a young teen like her still need to wear diapers
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>Viper is too hard to play
Jackie Chan
estinien, urianger, and thancred are characters literally no one dislikes.
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I lack the tools sorry.
I want to do lewd poses with your orange cat
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Women in armor are cool
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msq fun is over, it is time to GILMAXX with crafters
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i wonder how many times the writers are further going to drive the point that the new world, is in fact, NOT america...
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Am I retarded? Does it usually take 3+ minutes to update the gear in your portrait?
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help here
where the fuck is thok around the clock?
im doing the level 80 post role quests, but i cant unlock a heroes jurney. i look in the wiki and it say i need some quest completed from here, i have all of them but not thok around the clock. it say that i unlock it in the waking sands with unukalhai but he is not there
Count Edmont RIP
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I never knotted anyone
It was just for tiny bit
from* not to
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>Can't Blacklist someone if they're not on your server
Unless bro Alt F4'd in seethe after I kicked him
How underqualified are SE's devs and how dogshit are their engine?
You're not a miera, pick a struggle
my maliddie
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I fucking love Tacos! Oh my god pineapples and cactus!
The twins

dude i kept reading it as this and it was driving me crazy

thank you, you the real mvp
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wuk evu is a hildibrand tier character in the regular msq who is also somehow the best part of the msq
Sphene is literally perfect.
Yeah I'm stupid you have to update the gearset after applying the glam.
you should eb them.
Cute if weren't for the fact they're the most insufferable lala in the thread
The only change I wish they made was consolidating serpent's tail with twinfang and twinblood. And maybe the Den and Coil actions. Other than that its perfect.
wuk lamatt is
why does "smile" sound like christian music from a black church
It's in the rising stones, not waking sands

waking sands is ARR hub, there would be no way for unukalhai to get there considering he's a HW character
Cute if you ignore the voice
The only thing they need to do is remove the heavy from World Swallower and add a 25% increased movement speed buff instead. Heavy is fucking worthless.
I saw this cats hooha
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I should remember not to equip things that will make me look silly before a cut scene

Heavensward is fun
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>Warrior of Light, have you ever visited the golden cities of the New World? Or the religious sites of the South Seas Isles? You see my good friend Azem left behind an interdimensional transport device for the Lalafells of Aloalo. They used it to escape the Fifth Umbral Era to the Twelfth reflection which had already been rejoined thousands of years before, where they quickly invented Disney World. Remembird Cleyra? Remembird the Iifa Tree? They've got it all there. Anyway as it turns out my good friend Azem's interdimensional transport crystal can not only be used to travel between worlds without killing yourself, but can also be used to initiate rejoinings without centuries of meticulous planning or mass death. All of this could have solved every major problem we Ascians had, but it slipped my mind, sadly. Azem was a good friend. Remembird us. Remembird FFIX.
it literally is, you can HEAR the melanin in that chorus
a furfag tranny straight out of WoW
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>*breaks your rule*
Might join for some more in a bit, but I'm trying to burn through some MSQ slop at an hour when it won't just put me to sleep.
sorry, i only want to rape grown men
Play CC with them
Cute (JPN (Important))
Did you lie and say you enjoyed the tasteless pompcorn in the msq?
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Witnessed several days ago.
Gosetsu. I havent seen anyone dislike him that wasnt acting disingenuous. I would make him a permanent Scion if Yoshida gave me the choice of any living character.
Giant hats are based and FF-pilled
zoraal ja's design is so kino
Smooching this cute boy.
must be some dark skinned japs then
i am ready to DOUBLE DOWN with my LION HEART bro
>are further going to drive the point that the new world, is in fact, NOT america...

>The tomato (/təmeJtoʊ/ or /təmɑːtoʊ/) is the edible berry of the plant Solanum lycopersicum,[1][2] commonly known as the tomato plant. The species originated in western South America, Mexico, and Central America.[2][3]
>Wild potato species can be found from the southern United States to southern Chile. Genetic studies show that the cultivated potato has a single origin, in the area of present-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia. Potatoes were domesticated there about 7,000–10,000 years ago from a species in the S. brevicaule complex. Many varieties of the potato are cultivated in the Andes region of South America, where the species is indigenous.
I feel like Estinien is generally liked across the board
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*laughs chorously*
You're not yourself when you're hungry, have a boiled egg!
>do sidequests in Living Memory
>they're really good and touching
So this is what DT would've been like without Wuk Lamat...
Built for BIGGERS
finally this creature is back to normal and cant slut post. nature is healing
Listen to a 90s Disney movie soundtrack for once in your life
underrated post
do you have autism
do you make your wol slightly older/more scarred as more expansions come out?
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im so dumb, thank you.
She drags the whole fucking thing down
nta but they are melt prone
Boooooo! Booooo! Booooooooo! Booooooooo!
It would be easy. Like eating a toothpick.
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Damn I expect the first PF seethe to atleast happen after a full week
Ru Paul is the most famous tranny in history and he's a nigger.
>b-but drag isn't tra-
Yes it is.
i did, im literally a milennial, but it sounds more like protty church music to me
>Your first thought might be femra, but you'd be wrong
this, my femra is racist.
I like dawntrial only because of froths, they turned out to be great and what I wished for, they just of course lack hairstyles and hats which I am sure we will get later

also the fact 90% of femogres becoming pretty hrothgals to spare me the pain of looking at their ugly as fuck faces
She looks like she fucks hroths
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Queue Casual CC @ 11:10
Yeah actually, it's been fun to add little tidbits to them as the adventure has gone
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my fiera will never forgive zarool ja for interrupting her date with erenville
ez report
>Lightoid at that
>thighlander with shota
how does this keep happening
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You will never have a Queen Sphene wife.
tomatos and popotos being new world imports is 2.0 lore
>Cactbot has both extremes now
We are so back.
No, why would I? It's canonically only been a year with the longest time skip bei g the months we spent on sea sailing to Kugae
>normal mode gamer talking about parses week 1
You know this guy is a faggot.
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6/10 expansion
Great boss fights though
Need a fiddie Asashi EB to destroy my life bros
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So cute!
What is the % of niggers that become trannies and what is the % of whitoids? The fact that niggers make better trannies despite being much rarer than whiteys is a point against you.
miera here
confirmed single biofem list
get your eb for dawntrail

ooki himaa
ai yuzuka
freyja gwynn
isere kharlu
miki "milkers" okada
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she just might
She's not real....She was never real.....*coughs up blood* owari da......
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I got a hot and fresh load of ballsnot for you to guzzle down slut.
you play a male character
These cats aren't as erotic as the cowboy cat.
Cutest lala in this thread by far!! EB me...
That is fine. FFXIV has lost its luster in my eyes.
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the mental illness doesnt make her hotter bro we've gone over this
There's no gradation, all trannies are the worst trannies.
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is this the first au ra in tural
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The cat ears sockets are very funny. I should try to find a matching robe, because unfortunately the hat is undyeable.
>catboy: soft and faggy
What's the deal with Eiki Shiki paying strangers to HORSE his EB?
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I am going to kill myself
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slut glub
Hi. I am a Femlala, thank you for your time. It will not be returned.
It wasn't the 12th, it was some unknown shard that almost suffered a near calamity of lighting, probably aspected towards another polarity than the 12th
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very incorrect
White trannoid cope post
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Malera still strangely disappear though.

That's a sentence.

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[22:01]BGM volume unmuted.
[22:02]Vanguard has begun.
You know the Y'shtola and the sheriff fucked like crazy after the fighting was done
>He fucked a mech up
>Asked me to adjust
>Didn't saw that he asked me to adjust AFTER the fact as I don't read chat mid fight
>he starts melting
>the OT doesn't have his invuln so he doesn't leading to his death
>Instantly seethe
>Refuse to deal with his shit and instantly kick him
If you won't EB me I'll rape you
You will never have good credit
hehe fard
I'd have a better time getting a biofem out in the wild playing the game then i would picking up one of the deranged ones that post here
Well for me its
Heavensward>Shadowbringers>Endwalker>A Realm Reborn>Dawntrail>Stormblood
He's Sharlayan.
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It's part of the charm.
I imagine they're removing the positionals from the Dreadwinder follow-ups
Increased oGCD range is more than welcome because trying to disengage on Viper is fucking ass
started in shb
marked safe from this list
The new map chestpiece is cute
Name one time in Dawntrail when Krile talks specifically to the Warrior of Light in a cutscene and not to the group.
i didn't pay attention to krile
i thought portals werent until 7.05
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Everyone take a knee and thank Saint Woke Lamaty'i for diversifying Eorzea with Tural's wonderful perfect crops that can do no wrong.
mine was fard too
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Yeah but you see it's the short hair that makes me diamonds bro
I can fix her
eb me or else rape
i am
a femezen
Yeah, but he's just a reference to that Au Ra who helps you with the Serphant of the Ronkan in Rak'tika like the train guys so I wouldn't take his placement being confirmation Au Ra exist in Tural
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femhroths won
when the WoL says he sees her parents in the colosseum
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it drops from the overworld chest
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wish this was me
why doesn't this game seem to have any big streamers? I've never really understood this
She fucks catbois you know
For me it's probably HW > ShB > ARR > DT > SB = EW
cute wife, post tummy
newfag here, can I change world servers from aether to primal to play with friends, then return home or am I locked out of aether?
may i plap with the hat on
gordias ruined our chances of ever being put on the map
It's really not an interesting game to stream.
Lets see the lalaboy.
You aren't a false flagging?

They're probably the biggest, but not massive.
The real issue is that almost all content in FF has everyone going through the exact same experience. Like why would I watch someone do MSQ when I could, there isn't really a lot of content innovation that can be done.
Highlander knights.
Neither is WoW.
>ex1 phase 2 isn't set to ice
You can only go to dynamis and back, travel to primal or crystal from aether won't be possible until the raid tier drops
what I was told was his eb catfished him until their ceremony and cheated on him after
he still hasn't logged in again since
two expansions in a row we've had a thread lalaboy melt of the game at the very end of expansion
I just finished dawntrail and as the title says I think Wuk lamat walks the same path as the Wol did in arr,

from the start "if" you started with lominsa your intro would be on a boat

Wuk lamat travels to five areas of Unique settings Kozama'uk -La noscea, Yak'tel -the black shroud, Urqopacha - mor dhona, Heritage found - thanalan, unlost world -coerthas.

Wuk lamat became friends with the leaders from Kozama'uk, Yak'tel, and Urqopacha.

she had "with help" slain Valigarmanda , the Dt version of a primal.

Zoraal Ja attacks her home- the waking sands got attacked because of "possessed" thancred

Wak lamat led the charge against Vanguard - the wol spearheaded the assault on castrum meridianum

Zoraal Ja was to wuk lamat as Gaius was to the wol

The relic while small was on the same danger rank as the ultima weapon

Spere had aided Zoraal Ja , Lahabrea had aided Gaius

Spere was Wuk lamat ascian

the first letters of Wuk Lamat is just W L - W"o"L [this has less to do with my point and more of something I noticed]

it was neat to see these connections and there's probably more if I looked a bit deeper, but even if Dawntrail is flawed it was still a fun expansion
thats right!
that is a unique way to propose..
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Wuk Evu.
The only reason to stream the game is to grift for followers while you do bullshit and sidestep the msq as much as possible, and quit before finishing it.
if it hits the dirt i'll kill you
It's good for the first 1:20, then sounds awful when High School musical kicks in
try it
Love blossoms in the most unexpected of ways
How difficult is leveling/doing story stuff?
Very cute! /pet
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would pictomancer girls make good wives or no
Finally... I've become the embodiment of disgust... I am the Hated...
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wait is it not an actual crafted glam, but just drops outright? shit
Is this reddit copy pasta
Both of them blowing me at the same time
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I've spent the past couple of hours leveling GNB in FL because I genuinely cannot be fucked to continue with this xpac. I got maybe four hours into it and lost all interest.
This vacation was supposed to be for my cool friends and this Wuk Lamat bitch wants to act like she's on the team? Absolutely not. When does the MSQ actually get good?>>484734890
You need to go home and change right now
The parallels make the vitriol pretty funny to read.
What DOH and DOL classes should I take if I wanna shit gil and live out my autistic merchant fantasy?
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> trying to learn ex2 tonight
> keep getting distracted by biofem
> she's showing off her dildo collection

it's over for me dawg
Levelling is very time consuming. Story is a breeze and gets you one job through the game
Some of the hololive vtubers streamed it.
Silence you rapebait slampig femlala. Judging by how you dress you're only good for RAPE
the mat for it drops, there arent any portals yet
i'm not hearing a no...
The only time I think of is when she remembers I'm a culinarian in Yak'Tel and asks me to make cochinita pibil with her
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Queue Casual CC @ 3:20
it's always reddit copy pasta
what is the mat name? havent seen it in any level 100 crafted recipes
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how do I respond without sounding mad
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*saves the expansion*
My fiera loves miera....
All of them go hand in hand with another.

So its either all of them or Botanist and Culinarian.
>why would I watch someone do MSQ when I could
Some people like to see others go through it after the fact to see their reactions. Its why ShB was so popular for a little bit cause a bunch of the grifters just had to sit there making their face sad/hype faces for the cool scenes.
https://discord.gg/faloop for callouts
When did the WoL ever walk around like a quirky faggot and never shut the fuck up and be completely fucking useless until it was convenient for them to finally be some powerful badass
Squish them
god bless them for still putting tummy glams for femlala in
>check his parses
>they're all clearly cherry picked
Remember! If someone has less than 5 kills on a fight but has purple or high in every category - they are hiding their failures to try and look better!
"Fuck you, come over here and help me up."
>When does the MSQ actually get good?
Like, 8 hours into the game. Around the first trial at level 93. Then you hit another slog at 97-99 and 100.
timeless something
I need to sit out to prepare my chicken sandwich, ganbare
>Quirky faggot
>Completely fucking useless
>Never shut the fuck up
Have you seen the people that post here?
anyone have a good pic of the new hair?
the one on the website sucks.
how about sad?
>I'm big boned /cry
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>double BRD dungeon
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fiddies trying to farm the snake FATE
and failing!
level 95
Wuk wasn't even born when Kentenramm went to the New World and brought back their crops to Eorzea 80 years ago.
I wasn't paying attention and missed queue.
haha, yeah...
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we should have told the train people about their trolley-loving dopplegangers on the first
and all necessary context behind where they live
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so uh
did the time flow back to normal when she closed the not-voidgate or something
why do they never answer important questions i can only suspend my belief for so long
looks like shit
This is some powerful autism.
>Coliseum in Ul'dah
>Coliseum in Living Memory
Lalafell really love to make the goyim fight, huh?
Yeah, it is
Literally every story quest? Except we always shut up.
but lalas were fighting in the second one noob
I'm okay now (I'm not but it's okay)
I don't play SCH though?
How many times are you going to tell me this?
Thanks, you're pretty good at it too
I would vomit so hard right now if I had a boiled egg. I'll think I'll make nachos in a bit to comfort me as I prepare for EX2
purple is not hard to get on a first clear of an extreme
i am NOT bipolar
There's nothing wrong with my dawntrail-themed outfit though??? And yeah that's what I thought
Until you agree
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you WILL remember this cat.

>FF13 ruthlessly bashed for being a series of dungeons with cutscenes in between
>FF14 is endlessly praised despite being cutscenes with barely any gameplay at all
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Doomsisters... what is this...?
Unless required by the plot, time flows the same.
remove the freckles, they look like shit.
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the fuck
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i love the smell of freedom
Sex with Zoraal Ja
I hate Wuk Lamat more than I hate Lyse
There's nothing Dawntrail themed about this glam
keep the freckles, they look really good.
>beat the everkeep extreme dummy with less than a second to spare
i'm not gonna get let into parties with the AF gear aren't i
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Oh no he's hot?!? Does he like femroes...
Keep the freckles, that other anon is a massive faggot
you wouldn't get it
They said in one of the cutscenes when the ships initially flew out of the dome to attack it caused the worlds to link and synch the passage of time between the two.
He fucks lizard girls only
sorry uggo
He's a roe so he should.
he's like 20 years older than you.
I know this anon. Or are you a copycat?
They forgot about that rule and will retcon it later if they remember, which they probably won’t.
where were you when i needed you before i fantad off miera...
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I do the basedjak face whenever revisit activates
Average Ul'dah slampig behavior
considering these fight are tuned for i700, nah
I have not seen one other roe in Tural
oyasumi xivg
this is immaculate cope
It turns out that Wuk is weak, stupid, and even though she claims to love her people, knows nothing about them

But she loves peace!

And tacos!
is it random or didn't bother looking into it yet.
You're in 690 gear, you'll be fine
My ma'am in Christ, that is literally a Roegadyn man. He's straight outta Limsa.
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Okay, now what?
There are more malera than ever, what are you talking about?
>join blind start practice extreme 1 group
>clear after one lockout and 3 pulls into the next
>turns into farm party, get 6 totems + weapon before leaving
>need 4 more totems or a chest for pct
>proceed to join six (SIX) "clear" parties, clear required to join, without seeing beyond phase 2 ONCE

why are you people like this
there are no Roes, Elezen or Aura native to Tural it seems.
Time flows and doesn't flow whenever it's convenient for the story
Where's your EB?
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Where are you going? The night's just getting started
my character has been walking around in socks all day and now the bottom of them are dirty
Okay, I agree.
Now what? You gonna come meet me?
Hi Khai do you like trans moonies?
why are the anti lewd lalafell people more annoying than the people who lewd lalas
The trolley train comparison made me realize that they really did jackshit with the equivalent people in different worlds thing didn't they.
I fucking love tacos just like le quirky chungus cat xDDD!! im so random!
He belongs to Gulool Ja Ja
Skill varies from person to person and people lie. Next question.
Far more

You have fucking multiple breaks from Lyse
And that's a good thing
not even in s9
all ff is bad except 14
Queue Casual CC @ 6:40
What happened to sphene's crown?
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Get knocked up by my superior catboi woober!!
I won't even try to explain how retarded you sound
All lalas are insufferable desu
does it activate often
Because moralfaggotry has always been insufferable
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Is this better though?

I don't know anyone that looks like this
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>Doing the final trial for DT
>Wuk comes in last second and ruins it
Shb > HW > EW > SB > ARR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DT
SB > DT > HW > ShB > EW > ARR
more people probably would like you if you had a personality that genuinely upbeat you cynical faggot
because the people who lewd lalas act like normal people, and unless you count shitposts here where everyone shamelessly wears their fetishes on their sleeve, they know that people find that shit weird so they don't talk around it in the wrong crowds

the anti lewd lala people make it literally their entire personality to talk about and "pursue" people who fuck fictional ""children""
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No, the fiddie was 1000 times more unique
>weatherman is back
finally I can play the game
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If only...
Cope. She saved your ass. You would have died without her.
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look here I am

I haven't checked but I assume it's something like 5% to activate with some type of cooldown between activations, maybe it's just per node so you can't get 2 revisits on the same node
it DOES work on unspoiled nodes which is pretty wacky
There are literally 4 faces. everyone is a copycat.
hell no go back you stupid sow.
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what does pf look like on primal and crystal? is everyone making EX parties now that aether is locked?
my pictomoonie uses her toes to hold her brush and paint dicks on maliddie faces (her feet get really close to the face so you get a good whiff)
You know, I actually do think catboys are pretty cool. Too bad you guys don't actually exist.
Holy fuck I wish I was the Fat Bastard NTR man that got to fuck Alisaie.
Holy meowly
>When does the MSQ get good?
Texas Arizona, when Woke Lemutt fucks off for 30 minutes until an NPC literally goes where's Wuk Lamat. All downhill from there.
I like this femra
It's funny to me how Stormblood was a "new cast" type expansion where characters like Thancred, Y'shtola, and Alphinaud were relegated to the sidelines for a lot of it, and you were given new faces to get to know: Hien, Gosetsu, Alisaie who had only just come into the MSQ, and Lyse who stopped larping as Yda. I never felt like, by the end of it, one of them hogged the spotlight. I felt like I got a good helping of each of them.
With Dawntrail, I feel like I missed an opportunity with Erenville and Krile because of Wuk Lamat. And the funny thing is, I HATED Erenville in Endwalker, but I actually really began to like him throughout Dawntrail despite never getting the fucking chance to hear him speak his mind.
I feel like whoever is behind Wuk Lamat owes us an apology.
glubbers are super cute so YES!
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Primal, Primal
There have been 50+ during peak hours.
Do I dare do the new dungeons with randoms or should I just enjoy the ride with trusts
Yes I am a pedophile lalafell player
no I won't stop lewding lalas or stop posting lewds of them
no I am not ashamed
"Pedophile" stands for a man who is attracted to fertile prime age women
our ancestors used to fuck women aged 9-14 normally and they lived long and happily until feminism ruined it the past 100 year
only ugly old and used roasties and basedcucks seethe at pedogods like us

Now post more lalas
I'm the only person itt that likes wuk lamat
Change your socks and drink water.
anon you can't just post something like this without sauce... please....
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how does dynamis have so much more than crystal lmfao
The WoL doesn't have voiced lines, you imagine them, but you see the WoL do the smile, nod, handover shit all the time EXACTLY like Wuk.
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So is Shadowbringers never going to get allied super justice friends quests?
Clearly not considering that she looks just like someone else.
ZT post
i enjoy the ride with trusts
people go to crystal specifically to not do content. they're there to idle and RP. honestly i'm surprised it has 18 of them up.
What is the point of learning how to draw when AI got this good? There is no art of him yet and just look at this
Is that supposed to be Tifa on the left?
>Do a dungeon with retards
>Subject yourself to more Wuk Lamat
Tough choice.
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soon as it hits 8pm EST, Light turns into a ghost town until around 8am EST. Can't wait for DC travel from EU to NA.
wait for 8.0 when we get more allied societies in the first to play around with.
don't try to pretend lalafell aren't annoying as fuck man
Post exactly who they look like or you're a faggot
When the dome appeared the temporal flow synced with the Source
Trusts are a good way to safely get a good look at the dungeon and look at everything you want to without worrying about keeping everyone else waiting, but it does take a bit longer.
fucking idiots
Stormblood was two expansions but it was a clean split. Dawntrail is two expansions but Wuk just absorbs the second one as her continued story
I didn't post the source because unfortunately it's AI slop
Where are his naughty bits?
Because DC travel to Dynapiss isn't limited.
i'm going to kill myself
>the game forces you to go on a gay date with graha tia
That's it I'm skipping until I hit the trial.
fatcat paw
mods status? plogons status?
ZQ is nice. That's really sad.

Anyway, can someone post the Shakshuka picture from MSQ?
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Inside his slit
You gotta slitfuck him to get his huge penis out
The second cross EU-NA travel becomes a thing I am going to sex pest all of the EU catgirls
Man, maybe I should try drawing Zoraal Ja art myself.
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>drawing Bakool Ja Ja with only 1 penis
Its OF
Please die niggers.
Because Wuk Lamat is voiced by a transexual, you'll never be able to properly discuss the character anywhere.
Every lala owes me sex
yes even the males
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>EB doing the MSQ with someone else after he made me wait for him to level PCT and VPR because I was spending time with family today
okay i didnt actually post it lol
Any Jews with deep pockets wanna buy the new hair from me for 8m?
the expert dungeons are very fun
more of this kind of difficulty in the future please
Somebody answer me
Do we like Biofem modbeasts or grown as men modbeasts?
i have this checklist of likes and dislikes.
If he had one penis do you think the heads woudl fight over which one gets to do autofellatio?
Hm? Wuk is voiced by a genki jpn cutie what do you mean?
Millions of Millions of big gay reptile scaley images gone through to generate the perfect big gay lizards.
the number of jas in your name is th enumber of dicks you have thats why his name is galool ja ja and your name is blake
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>post my lalaboy once or more a day
>no one calls him cute
At least you have an EB.
Both are equally terrible
dump him
fire 4 has a dick? O_O
Ham sandwiches.
this happens to my catboy
>do we like bratzified characters to the extreme or blow up dolls?
idk man, neither
you should smooch a face 4 femra NOW
pick any you like, smooch her
He still has 2 arms and 2 legs, why would he have 2 woobers
The gondola ride with G'raha was a welcome change. A few sweet seconds without wuk.
I had a generally positive outlook on DT but one of my biggest gripes was then stringing us on with some travel with Erenville only for it to be interrupted with more Wuk Lamat plot. also fuck he didn't deserve all the bad shit thst happened to him and his family/village. The stuff with his mother fucked me up.
the "bad" expansions aren't as bad as people say they are
they "great" expansions aren't as great as people say either
this whole game is an average vidya, story wise.
Sphene would have been better if she had doll joints change my mind

Sadu is the only good face 4
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Trusts it is then, thanks
If you aren't already a known artist, there is literally zero point in attempting to learn how to draw. You'd be better off buying a giga computer and learning to prompt and creating whatever the fuck it is that these AI things use. What everyone needs to keep in mind is that this shit is only like 2 years old now. 2 years ago, AI couldn't even discernably make a character, just an abstract blob that looked like the character if you already knew what it looked like. 1 year ago, AI was good but fucked up hands and looked flat. It just keeps getting better, and it will get better like 100x faster than (You) ever will.
Why not to your mansion? You've got one, right?
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My male middie is like this.
Having a double schween is a normal lizard thing. Don't even need to be blessed for it.
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dynamis tanks queue for Origenics in progress RIGHT MEOW!!!
Nobody unironically likes Woke Latroon.
Its just people afraid of being called a bigot because the NA voice actor is a troon themselves.
who was he referring to that died? you in the future or everyone that had died in his timeline?
I like wuk lamat, but she does get forced at times.
Ok, Wuk

I'm sure your character development is going to actually start in the latter half of this game even though other character have already explained how much you've grown
A very scary thought
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Ah what a perfect time for a fun on-rails shooting mini game... Oh another cutscene...T-thanks.

These people really need to hang their heads in shame and remember this is supposed to be a game, not a 10 hour movie with terrible busywork. This is actually laughable at this point. My jaw is agape.
Nope but I still want to edate you. I rather meet you in your place.
>I rather meet you in your place.
Dont fall for it its a trap!
just imagine being the kind of person who camps in this thread just to astroturf about le culture war
Imagine if you will...
>Wuk Lamat wins rite of succession
>Koana feels he needs to develop more to serve Tuliyollal
>Humbly asks to journey with you to Shaaloani so he can look in on how his actions have changed life there and listen to the people
>Reconnects with the Hsetsarro or w/e and his roots
>When the Alexander shit goes down he spearheads the operation to take the fight to Zoraal Ja instead of Wuk Lamat who stays behind
>Has to face his brother and the consequences of unchecked, desperate innovation
We get more Koana time, less Wuk Lamat time, and it fits the theme of duality (two heads, two viper blades, etc) for there to be two main characters.
I legit thought the same and I think that part where they pan to the WoL taking the shot was an insult. Felt very "see your character can do stuff too :)"
>everyone in a war over the story
>don't care or know who these characters are or what they sound like because I skipped everything
>had fun the entire time with the good dungeons and trials
It's literally impossible for skipchads to lose
Wuk Lamat's a good character, she's just around too much.
I'm still just amazed that the creative jobs are the first thing that AI is going to take over. Everyone thought AI was never going to be able to create art or music or write or code or so anything like that, but that's the only fucking shit it knows how to do. The only thing we're going to do is physically repair stuff.
don't care
your moonie is ugly tho
u rike?
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this but unironically
Please understand we can't have our WoL do anything physical because it would look stupid as hell on a Lalafell
How do I get a flat biofem femra EB? Do I need to fanta to a male character?
This is honestly sad
AI just destroyed the dreams of many artists, drawing, composing music etc are all jobs that will be replaced wholly soon
Have you listened to ai music? It's surprisingly good
I hate this world we live in
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>those first 50 seconds
>guys guys skipchads won
>guys? I HAD FUN
Whatever you say little guy. :)
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[22:58]You roll Need on the In Fulgur and Fire orchestrion roll. 9!
Talking about his past savages where he has two clears on most fights but is otherwise fully geared.

t. parse hider terrified people are going to judge him because of his parses
>creatives will be the first to go
My friend told me to start learning assembly because this shit is only going to get worse from here
I think within the next 5 years, you'll even be able to prompt your way to your own movies and porn. Maybe even video games within 10 years.
>leave the thread to enjoy DT
>come back after I finish everything
>kind of want to stay gone after being in the thread for a while
is it over for me bros? did I lose the plot?
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Why did they give a big closeup shot of Wuk Lamat breaking her fucking ankle?
>biofem femra
they only like futas
I thought the exact same thing. Why the fuck wasnt this a minigame?
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new hair lol
i upload every clear i do retard
thats how cat joints bend naturally shes very comfortable
if you ever make a single mistake in any fight in this game blind then you're a bad player
I don't know if anyone else feels the same but when I first started CC as a machinist, I sucked and wasn't doing good combos and once I learned the typical combos for the job, I massively improved but after tons of games, I realized it's better to not rely on wildfire combos because MCH has really strong skills in general and I've been doing a lot better since
learn the rules then break them seems relevant once again here...
wish it was her neck instead
this one is gonna be on lock for all of the kpop mieras
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Still better than retail.
Shut the FUCK up.
You'd be better off becoming an electrician or something like that, honestly.
Isn't it weird how AI ended up replacing all the complex jobs including the jobs of ai developers themselves while the mudane irl jobs are still untouched?
true but only if youre a healer
Still sex.
Next thread you'll be wasting the entire thread attacking/defending pixels for the umpteenth time like a broken clock while I'm free of this cycle
Okay instaloss moon coon
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I figured out face wear and found a robe that matches.

Now I am a silly hat haver.
Hire Revo next expansion, Yoshida.
Oh you're posting NORMAL clears not SAVAGE.
That explains a fucking lot lmao.
Kinda sad T B H.
that cutscene was cool af though
I unironically cannot believe a single person can like this character without either being brain damaged or a contrarian.
You're the only femhroth i want to stick my woober in
it's more that wildfire is really telegraphed and only deals 12k to single target, you have better options a lot of the time
if you want to pump the damage then wildfire + bioblaster is still amazing aoe, plus you need it for your LB combo
mch really doesn't have a true combo because all its shit is gcd, you might as well just do WF + scatter shot every time because wtf else are you going to use them for
Who asked for this?
No, I unironically like her because I'm a HMOFA fag. I can tune out her weird voice and replace it with the various qt Latinas I've known.
Why do you think that? I want to know genuinely, I thought it was fucking abysmal personally.
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I love insta loss moonies.
No one. And that's why FFXIV will always be better than WoW. I'll take my 40-hour cutscene game over THAT.
not even tozer is pure? man...
>anon thinks some random fucking pf warrior being cringe in /tells is browsing this thread
are you honestly schizophrenic or just retarded?
they could have literally just made it an FPS shooter and you wouldnt have had to deal with that.
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Definently, I had a miera friend buy one off me for 10m and he immediately started using it.
Nah, this ain't it.

I like all male races starting with M
You still have some of that, like all the humanless kiosks and stuff, but there's still always someone monitoring it because people steal shit. I think that AI could still automate all of that shit, but it requires actual hardware to interface with the world we live in, whereas there does not need to be physical hardware (other than your computer/computing power) to create music, art, etc
that guy has as high a bodycount as gabe
I unironically think Wuk Lamat is a good character. If you would like to know why I can back link the post I made previously which had a few of my thoughts in it.
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That's no fun though but a complex thought, I'm kinda scared to say my true thoughts outloud because its completely off the rails
Unironically, story skippers won
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my bad
news to me
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>Nah, this ain't it.
Hard disagree but you do you.
I just finished shadowbringers yesterday and I am in complete disbelief of the storyfags in here
the story fucking blew ass
the gameplay had hours upon hours of garbage filler quests with worthless filler dialouge

this has been the case since ARR, the story is trash dotted with individual scenes of mediocrity
but these scenes are surrounded by tens of hours of wading through abosolute trash so people delude themselves into thinking they are great because they selectively forget about how garbage everything else is
>some random fucking pf warrior being cringe in /tells is browsing this thread
Actually yes.
Imagine raising your son for 20+ long years, seeing him take his first steps and say his first words, teaching him to read and write, sending him off to school in hopes that he becomes well educated, giving your all to make sure he becomes an upstanding individual. Only for him to turn around and pretend he's a catgirl online getting fucked by an anthropomorphic lion.
God I wish that was my fiddie
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I see what you mean now, I don't think the hair is bad. But the massive fluffy mane is just too good. I daresay it's the best hair in the game and mogs all the other options I have right now.
Oh for sure. Long hair is pure sex. Don't change it. Just saying you look sexo with either.
go for it
>wildfire is really telegraphed and only deals 12k to single target
exactly, yeah, practicing the combo got me a ton of kills but also I got the distinct impression that it was either feast or famine, meaning it worked well on unsuspecting teams and sucked against people that react to it

it made me a one trick pony, basically but after realizing how strong bioblaster is, how chainsaw is great to throw out at clumped up enemies, that using a drill to kill a low health person under guard without setting up wildfire is perfectly fine, using analysis air anchor to stun someone to LB for the kill is still a good use of the LB, that bioblaster on a melee along with a turret makes you an excellent duelist

when I think about it, we have heavy, bind, stun, knockback all on one job along with the ability to burst from 25m or up close, and we have team support through vulnerability and barriers, all in total it's such a well rounded job and as a bonus feels really fun to play...

sorry for the blogpost though
plus relying on the combo made me too passive inbetween wildfire combos, realizing what I can do outside of combos make MCH a constant threat
how would you know
how do you get the motorcycle mount?

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