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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Rykard > Fagdahn
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Stop crying about Radahn, nobody cares
Every thread its the same arguments, over and over
If you had spent half the time you do, coping, bitching and ragebaiting in these threads, you would've started to get a grasp of his mechanics already.
Yes he attacks alot, and yes the pillars of light can be a bit much, but he doesn't have any undodgeable attacks, he doesn't have any oneshots, and literally everything he does is reactable. Stop crying about his cross-slash move what the fuck.
Everyone keeps constructing their little scenario, where Radahn does 20 second long combos without any opening, and then teleports away from them and takes forever getting back into the fight, etc etc.
This hasn't happened once in my 100's of fights against him. But if you try to argue with these people, they'll just refer to their made-up (or extremely unlikely, super-unlucky) experience with the fight, making any discussion useless.
I would spend a week in solitary confinement for a chance to lick Marika's asshole.
Don't care goon addict
schizophrenic poster
>Hmm... Very well...
>Join the Serpent Zanzibart, as family... Together, once again!
I dont care about the boring boss fight I wanted literally any other character to be shipped with miquella. Miquella is so boring now because he only cares about the only boss who never talks or does anything. and looks retarded with his stupid horse and launching rocks into the air which kind of ruined the atmosphere for me the first time I played when this guy started riding around on his goofy horse and then after when rocks just float in the air forever.
Radahn fucking sucks actually
I care, I enjoy rollsloppers being forced to spend hours on his fight while I tanked his shit with a greatshield in 2 attempts.
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I would use Rennala's great rune to make Miquella into a breedable girl.
its a shit boss and you writing these faggy paragraphs in defense of it shows how mentally fragile you are
So you can apparently shoot metyrs orb black hole to cancel the lasers
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Ok anon I need your help, is there anything I can do / use to beat radhan (consort) ? mlgs is +10, shield is +24. skibiddy fragments are maxed and ashes are +8. Estus is +9.

I would like to keep it with mlgs actually and not opt for complete different build.
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Whats the biggest thing Marika has had inside her you guys reckon? Malikeths knot?
>gets staggered by a rat bite
anyone who's not retarded
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>He just wanted to be like his older brother
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This DLC finally added something that I've been sorely missing from the base game:
Leather gloves that have a decent poise value. I can hit 51 poise with this on my light load deflect build
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he's watching you...
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so games like call of duty went through a phase where they started adding so many gadgets and options of gameplay that the core gameplay got muddled
a term was invented "boots on the ground combat" that didn't involve extreme movement options like jetpacks and grappling hooks
and people yearned to go back to it

did the same happen to souls game and elden ring?
the core gameplay of melee combat is now so muddled by all the additions that it is no longer the focus of the game
we have
1. all the utility items like throwing items, perfume bottles, FP consuming stones that cast spells
2. spirit ashes
3. ashes of war and weapon arts
4. many more magics and ranged weapons
almost all of them more effective at playing the game than melee combat

do we want the next souls game to be more focused on melee combat or is adding more and more stuff a good idea?
MIQUELLA VS RADAHN, LEAKED FUTURE PATCH BOSS https://litter.catbox.moe/mrqak8.webm
Is sunflower accessed through the church district?
Get your estus to +12 and 14 flasks.
+10 your ashes.
That's all I got. I had to switch builds entirely to beat him.
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ER armor genuinely makes me sad because I love the game so much otherwise but the fashion is the worst in the series. Even DS3's base game had more than 2 good sets.
Is Messmer older than Rykard?
Morgott and Godwyn and the kids from Marika and Godfrey's union must be the oldest right?
Rennala's hat
>Got summoned for the fucking Tree Spirit in the church district
Do people really have trouble fighting these?
If you can dodge all his attacks first phase just grab a medium shield and block all his new 2nd phase combos and punish the attacks from first phase.
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Your Trina?
Strongest lore character is the Tarnished.
Why do I wanna see some art made of Sellen, Leda, and all the other cute ER girls getting transformed into Man Flies?
are perfume bottles rip?
I don't think so. ER combat is still pretty simple all things considered, from an execution skill pov, it's easy and most of what they added just feels very superfluous imo. Not much of it is actually meaningful in my opinion.
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Elden Ring has the best fashion in the series only Bloodborne comes close
Equip a heavier shield, get rid of that goofy armour, replace the viridian amber medallion with two-headed turtle talisman, replace the pearl shield talisman with the golden braid, replace that arsenal charm with either the great-jar's arsenal and equip some real heavy armour, or replace it with a talisman that can increase your damage.
At least more understandable than the cube transformation or weird jar head shit
This unironically. Godfrey is the strongest dude who ever lived, and we killed him.
Im scared
No if he's son of Radagon and Marika.
>Elden Ring has the best fashion
>not a single piece of armor matches another set since the color of the metal is unique to each
Yeah no, ER has the WORST fashion
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It is fine to prototype things and test if they work for future titles. Why not continue building on what you have? Depth is still there but there is now added complexity.
This feels like a good balance. I just want the bosses to be more fun.
Me on the left
So what are the crosses? Just markers he put?
who here /evilmaxxing/?
How does Miquella manage to look hispanic while having aryan features?
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>Mixing armor sets
Cringe and gay
Dude, I would trade any set in ER for the Hunter Set to be ported over. Also make it blue, because I like blue.
>almost got my Death Mage where I want her with regards to DLC progress and loot obtained
>Only have 2 more builds left to advance and one of them is a cosplay that can't use any of the DLC items
>PvP is getting boring
Oh well. This coming weekend will be the last weekend of launch hype.
Projectiles should not fucking track, it's so stupid
Based, send those gankers to the penis explosion zone
Just wanted to pop in and say if you used ashes or summons on a boss regardless of your reasons/excuses I don't hate you.
I just think I'm better at the game than you for clearing all these bosses on a pure int sorcery build with no shield.
Another reason why fashion is bad in ER is the balance. Light armors are extremely bad since they lack all defenses and poise and it's extremely easy to just slap on great jar's arsenal and 10 points into end and wear pretty much whatever.
Is this even up for debate? You canonically kill two gods. Godfrey might as well be shit you stepped on.
Anon, that's the whole gimmick of Rabbath's Cannon
Better to fashionmax than look like a midget boss wannabe or be confused for cosplaying a NPC
his literal body parts
Your taste is nonexistent.
Don't care
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What exactly is the Tarnished doing to Miquella here?
>goofy armor
I mean it's moores armor, which is the heaviest in the game right?
What's a good shield? This one gives me the most holy resistance and 100% physical
if you took longer you are actually worse at the game
Christ Messmers second phase is a load of horseshit. I was having fun fighting him and then he goes anime edgelord on you and summons snakes with weird timings for the dodges.
same thing Messmer did
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Ranni would have been a better consort ironically
Dropping lemon juice from wedges in his eyes
so, was radahn mind-controlled in the ending? its weird that he doesnt speak.
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Remnants of his discarded flesh and markers for his servants (Leda and company) to follow
Okay well all you're doing is revealing how much of a chickenshit you are so....
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It's okay, you can think that. I don't find joy in grinding bosses for multiple hours.
A win is still a win.
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ok no but really, how do I play twinblades without being a jumpattacking dualwield bleedfaggot?
I'm trying to use ONE twinblade, but both the charged attacks AND the heavy jump attacks are so fucking slow, that I cant poisebreak for shit.
It just becomes a rollfest with lightattacks, and no controll over the boss whatsoever
Are twinblades just bad in PvE? (dualwield jumpattack excluded in this scenario ofcourse) Or is there something I'm not seeing yet?
>>not a single piece of armor matches another set since the color of the metal is unique to each
But enough about DS3
I thought the scadutree fragments were his body parts, not the crosses
>Melina gives you Torrent
>Torrent used to be Miquella's
Will the DLC elaborate on literally any further connection between the two?
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Of course
It's moore's armour with lionel's pants and blaidd's head dude...
I used ant skull plate, but it's not meta for whatever reason.
He's a battle mad giga homo shounen antagonist. Words aren't necessary.
How is the Tarnished stronger than Godfrey when every single punch with his bare hands puts the Tarnished into a state of imminent death while he's face-tanking blow after blow from your weapons?
>You killed him
A small child can kill a bear with a rifle theoretically.
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It gets worse, my favorite fashions all come from DS2.
I just beat Ranni.
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Fashion > Austistic min max
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The 'Radahn' you fight in the ending is essentially Moghs Reanimated flesh changed and placed under a hex by Miquella. Basically Miquella is married to a flesh puppet made to look like Radahn in his youth
ah yes, because that was the heaviest to still get middle weight. I will try to look for the pot, don't have it same with turtle
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Which ER bosses could he defeat?
I think he could defeat Rykard. He's too big so he's easy for Dragon God to just grab and slap around
They are clearly his poop, and that's why everyone is scrambling to collect them.
Yeah, it's not like there are a billion different spells that also track, do more damage, and don't have an hour of recover after firing. It's funny how the glintstone cannon basically completely power creeps the jar cannon and ballista tho.

You got it chief.
I hate seeing cool fashion ruined by some blank-faced JAV prostitute wearing it.
None of those should track either
Fine, The Tarnished is the greates /warrior/ in the story. Not exactly the strongest but the most skilled.
You canonically beat his ass and then beat Radagon and the Elden Beast's asses. Gameplay and story =/= one to one
>He posted it again
>I hate seeing cool fashion ruined by some blank-faced JAV prostitute wearing it.
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DS2 best fashion
>ah yes let me take 40% more damage and get staggered by everything because my taste is superior
if you think wearing basic ass knight armor you buy from the roundtable is autistic min maxing then I don't know what to tell you
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The Scadutree fragments are pieces of the Scadutree that you see falling off of it from a distance
Victory at all cost.
My boss kills are quick as fuck
>Messmer could have made the hornsent genocide a bit cooler if he did this with his wicker men
I was considering giving your previous post a shoutout, but it'd seem to petty to do it in the post itself, let it be our little secret, hmh? >>484815998
>death mage
so you spam rancor?
I'm just saying that Godfrey didn't need to run away and chug a sippy bottle. In general I find the flask system makes the protag seem weaker than intended.
Better luck in Elden Ring 2 then.
>Godfrey might as well be shit you stepped on.
What betwixt man and woman creature are you to be calling Our lord-father that you wenchless sack of aged, unused estrogen?
Was Miquella a child at heart/in mind as well as body?
Scratch that, Messmer's snake bullshit isn't too bad. Strafing with a shield seems to confuse the snakes and they miss? I dunno, but it made his second form a pushover.
P2 is the easy phase what the fuck are you on about
You can get multiple hits on the snakes after their attack
As soon as I learned to get him to P2 I knew I had the fight, after seeing that snake attack once I was like
Shit I can punish the hell out of that
no, just a faggot.
I think he's Radagon/Marika's kid pre-Godfrey.
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Is there a consensus yet for the target poise in 1.12?
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>i NEED to use OP armor to beat the game
Sounds like skill issue to me
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Not my fault your dad got his ass kicked by some random literal who that wanted to fuck his wife
Radahn is a Golden Order simp, hence Miquella.
Meanwhile Ranni and Rykard have normal ideas about relationships so they just marry commoners.
It's easier than Phase 1
same as always, 50
unless you're talking about pvp in which case I don't care
>unironically thinking that Elden Ring's fashion holds a candle to Bloodborne's
lmao even
perhaps even kek
Elden Ring doesn't even manage to be as good as the other souls games, let alone Bloodborne that is orders of magnitude better.
No Miquella was a faggot
Her armor is so good, I wish it looked a little less awkward on the Tarnished
Why was this a webp? I didn't even know tumblr supported webps, I had to convert it to png
>Light armors lacking in poise
Not true

Even 20+ish phys absorption matters.
>Radagon/Marika's kid pre-Godfrey
How's this even possible?
Phase 1 genuinely pisses me off. They were more concerned on making him look cool than making him fair.
They're the same person. Anything is possible.
>P2 is the easy phase what the fuck are you on about
I was standing still like an idiot trying to roll them. It turns out after some experimenting they're shit at tracking you, and moving made them inaccurate and an amazing punish window. Messmer is toast, and I'm kind of sad to see him go.
How is it impossible?
holy shit that's some bad art
>Kenneth Haight
>you meet him high up
How did they come up with this shit?
They became the same person only after Godfrey.
Stop loving evil men and women who are bad for you
I clapped when he said that
>Circlet Of Light
>Headpiece of Miquella the Kind, the most fearsome empyrean
>boosts INT, FTH, ARC by 1
>boosts ARC by 1
>albinauric mask
>made by some fuck who hates albinaurics
>boosts ARC by 4
>some stinky, fleshy mask does more than a literal god's headwear
>silver tear mask
>some corpse's remains
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>gets btfo
>goalposts to shitting on the art
Says who? Radagon was around while Godfrey was around. Have you ever seen Radagon and Marika in the same place?
>dont want to finish Ranni's quest because I will be sad its over
I didnt expect to like this doll so much, her voice and attitude are super cute. Starting from her knowing I am trying to enter her service just to pry for info but letting me do it anyway and ending with (so far) making fun of me for talking to dolls.
Ranni's "consort" is just a yes man who is missing obvious red flags
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Imagine trying to cuck Godfrey.
You won the game already. What do you want?
lol. The DLC's been out for two weeks. You'll have to stop spouting debunked headcanons eventually.
Do you think Godfrey would appreciate Radagon's twunk physique?
only thing you btfo is your anus every night now stop wasting my time with your replies and shitty tumblr spam
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It is never explicitly stated when Radagon emerged. I personally believe it was during the war with the fire giants considering Radagon's red hair. Could be possible Melina and Messmer were born then which also would explain why Messmer was spirited away to the land of shadow so quickly. Godfrey most likely knew the truth and was just glad to have Messmer gone
It's not a flesh puppet bc it needs a soul, but it's not stated the chosen lord's body needs to be the original. Miquella modified Mohg's body, to put Radahn's soul in it.
Also Miquella has no mind control while he's inside the Gate of Divinity. It's the Lord who must usher (allowing entrance) to the new god. Second phase cutscene is Radahn activating the gate to let Miquella in.
Still got a lot of her quest to go anon. She's overwhelmingly the best fleshed out quest in the game.
>some random literal who that wanted to fuck his wife
>doesn't mention Godfrey actually being the Tarnished's father/grandfather
>immediate first thought is to pornpost and self-chad post
>the two most insecure combinations in one
You're not living past 40.
Understand anon, the description says it's fading...
Do you think Godrey cared for Morgott and Mohg?
>needs to post fan art because the in game sets look like shit
Hence, "pre-Godfrey".
I can't kill Fagdahn...19 skibidi, tried parry strat, two-handed colossal cr2 and HTS (with shield or two-handed).
Second phase is too much, he flies away so I can't keep up the posture damage even with throwing knives, I get stuck on terrain and eat the holy damage follow-ups, sometimes I miss the crit because of the elevation, a single mistake in dodging make me eat the full combo too often. Hate this fight
He at least cared for Morgott. Watch his intro cutscene again.
Either he does or he gets a fight out of it, which he also likes. All we know is that Marika is worth it.
I just got the scorpion charm from Seluvis.
I remember from my last run that he gives you a potion next.
I dont intend to use it on Ranni, is there a use for it elsewhere or should I just not take it at all?
Most Tarnished images I have are with Ranni.
I don't think Godfrey is the ancestor of every single Tarnished. A lot of them just followed him, didn't they?
>asks for fight club
>doesn't join
fuck you
I had no issues rolling them
But glad you figured out what works for you anon
How would Radagon wage war on Carians and then spend time as Renallas hubby if he was Marika? You think nobody would notice that their Queen and Goddes is fucking missing for who knows how long?
Radagon and Marika share the same body. Marika is shown in the trailer, pre-Godhood, to have tooth marks on her skin, implying she was fused.
This also means that Radagon might've been some part of her already.
Therefore, since two opposite genders share the same body, they adapt.
Therefore, Marika/Radagon is a hermaphrodite/futanari, but when one mind takes control the body alters itself to represent them more, for example Radagon's more muscular masculine build and red hair.
Godfrey, therefore, made Radagon into a woman and had him carry a child that Marika cared for.
Messmer's phase transition also mimics Godfrey's.
Godfrey was so mighty that all those he bested were women for him to impregnate.
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How it feels to fight Rellana
>Mongrel intruder...
How do you respond to this?
They are the same person, they inhabit the same body, but they can become two different people
it's a fantasy story anon
The fundamentals are okay but certain systems are getting muddled. The open world and crafting are not worth repeating. Weapon infusions and skills/ashes are awkwardly implemented and too unrestricted. Having movesets tied to weapons feels antiquated given the sheer number of them ingame.
>Carian Phalanx into Twin Moons
How is this not dishonest as fuck?
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You should've hosted it while I was home
You're pulling stuff out of your ass.
Charge R2
This but artorias
and lady maria
and fume knight
and pontiff
and friede
That's funny
By beating the shit out of him
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Doesn't excuse it.
And I suppose, still it would make more sense for the only being to best Godfrey to be Godfrey's own seed.
Show him porn of his mother
What's the problem with this exactly?
Who cares? Its awesome
Do you think Radagon and Marika were just never seen together at the same time and place for his entire reign as Elden Lord then? Miquella literally casts off his other half in SotE. Why couldn't Marika have done the same?
>they inhabit the same body, but they can become two different people
Do you have any proofs?
Safe Horny
>lvl 155
>shitloads of smithing stones I’m not using so don’t wanna buy more
>got 490k souls from Bayle just now

What do I do? Just fuck it and level up more?
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>s-stop replying to me
>looks bad in game
Nice goal post
So did fromsoft with the new dlc so it's fair
show him a pic of his mom's 3d model by that dude
>he looked up a cheese strat
at that level of engagement you might as well not play and just watch a stream.
Messmer-sama... this lowly Tarnished sow apologizes for dirtying the air you breathe with my presence...
No one questions Marika. She can say she's going to go into the tree and then Godfrey just holds the fort. She's also a god. Do you question your god when he doesn't show up to your birthday?

But if a Lord has to usher in a God and the Lord requires a vessel, it's reasonable to assume Radagon was the Lord for the ascension of Marika and he vesseled inside of her.
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is the poise cut off 83 or 84?
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You're a Tarnished of no renown and the biggest murder hobo the Lands Between has ever seen. I don't think that a relation to Godfrey is necessary. IIRC, the Warrior class is explicitly connected to to him.
Already dead?
Why would you not keep leveling up when you have the possibility to do so?
My original theory is that the putrescent k***ht was Radahn's discarded body but when I think about it it doesn't make much sense.
He's the first Elden Lord, and if the game sates anything clearly it's that you need a Lord (aka consort) to become a God, so there was no "pre-Godfrey".
Not really considering none of this is explicitly stated ever in game you are going to have to make assumptions lol
putrid knight is miquella's real body from the egg
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We posting these?
> IIRC, the Warrior class is explicitly connected to to him.
You meant the Hero. Warrior is associated with the swordsman garbed in blue.
Go back to X
I personally don't really think the prlutrescant knight is anything in particular, it's just like the embodiment/strongest of the putrescant things that are grateful to Truna and so are trying to protect her
>Hey, step-son. Wanna play football?
And then I toss a football at him.
Base final boss cutscenes, then the fact Radagon shagged Rennala while Marika was in leyndell
True. However it also has the worst helmets.
Why can NPCs and enemies cast spells from their weapons and why can't I?
All of them cast shit without a talisman and I wanna do that too, why do I have to cycle for talismans to cast my shit, from
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I fought him for 10 hours and beat him with parry strat and a suboptimal build I was refusing to change (full int, parry shield and cold-infused dagger) at SL125
Its a matter of staying close to him so he does more melee attacks.
When he throws rocks run away from him and then jump to the side. Then block the several swings he makes, they are low damage. Then dodge the ground slam.
I saved my Bubble physick for his landing after he launches himself in the air.
I also just stood, blocked and then healed during his "levitate in the air, deal holy AoE" attack. This let me stay next to him so I increase the chance he does basic swings after that instead of something dumb.
This leaves you just having to learn to dodge his "my swords are glowing" attacks (a dash and a string, not sure if you can parry the string, never tried)

Last tip - lower your graphics settings to minimum.
>Not really considering none of this is explicitly stated ever in game
Quite a lot of things are explicitly stated in the game. So yes, you're pulling shit out of ur ass.
>Why can NPCs and enemies cast spells from their weapons and why can't I?
To humiliate and emasculate you for being a weak pathetic foolish Tarnished.
You can cast spells with the carian sorcery sword and some other weapons
Don't bother, you got everything of worth from him unless you still need some puppets.
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Apologize now
>the swordsman garbed in blue
I loved when I met him in the DLC
Second favorite moment after the Gloam-eyed Queen fight
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But who was phone?
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>20 gazillion ongoing "ELDEN RING x only" streams with tons of viewers
Is this what Fromsoftware wanted
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I disagree
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If Marika's dress fell off, would she die?
Tarnished is too dumb to hold the sacred seal in her palm then close fingers in that same hand around the sword hilt
both faggots deserve their skulls caved in, even if solely for being faggots.
i knew they'd be friends
Nah they inhabit the same body. Mask of Confidence state how Radagon was extremely private and swore all of his servants to secrecy. Seems like he was hiding something big
Huh? Game explicitly tells you that they became one only after Radagon became a Lord.
The Formless Mother, based on the Bloodfiends there.
>Bambieshart when Zanzibart sucked his dick
Yes there was. The Golden Order hasn't existed forever, anon. I'm saying I think Messmer was born before Marika attained true divinity. Although he also could have been born during Godfrey's reign. It's not like gods didn't cheat on each other plenty in various mythologies.
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I kneel to armormaxxed chads who dont give a fuck about fashion (he was at Hippo, so doesnt have the better helm yet)
Yes, that's why he had the power to make people love him and also why he was retarded
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>Strongest damage type in game
>Has great FP efficiency
>Only issue is that most Golden Order enemies (which is the majority of the toughest enemies in the game) will resist it
Anyone else likes this? It's very in-line with the lore and you could see how the Golden Order was so dominant over the other civilizations. If the enemy is unresistant to all damage types, holy is by far the best.
Yes. He was incredibly intelligent by all accounts, but his naivety, inability to understand the long term consequences of his actions, and tendency to immediately discard his projects at the first sign of failure, all scream the immaturity of an eternal child.
Rancor, Putrescence...yeah.
Blue swordsman is unironically the yodamonkey.
>he has to look stuff up to understand how to use a basic game mechanic
insane self own
Armor max is fire knight helm + solitude other pieces. It's the new havel mom.
Fire > Lightning > Holy
Then tell me what the canon relationship is between Messmer and Marika. Because the game never says they are children of Marika/Radagon. But you can use your brain to figure it out
Tits too small
At what level should I stop using Radagon's soreseal?
radagon gets turned into a sword while Marika survives after Elden Beast dies
Only good thing Lords of the Fallen (2023) did was armor palettes. Apparently there's also an Elden Ring mod that has them, Reforged maybe?
Holy is the most common element to be resistant to. Lightning is the best.
>have to lose have your already limited moveset to be able to cast spells
From's execution on magic makes me seethe like nothing else honestly they're so fucking bad at this and we're like 6 games in
Abyssal wood invasions is kino.
Why would you even think this? Are you retarded?
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I think Messmer was born after her ascension but before the establishment of the Golden Order, mostly only evidenced on how the giants are impaled and I think that's a bit below Godfrey alone.
Do you have at least 40 vigor? Are you fine with the endurance you have for the armor you're wearing? Have you at least reached your weapon requirements for the weapons you're using? If yes to all of these, you can safely throw it in the trash.
>big bonk giant-crusher 2-handed
>broadsword and brass shield setup
>power stanced greatswords
which setup is the radahn killer
Godefroy is the key to all this
>Bubble physick
retard alert
Fire giant's cock
>i-i totally came up with it on my own
Do fingerniggers really
Imagine the absolute shitshow if they ever attempted to make a game focused entirely around magic
>I leave here my resentment, and attachment to all external outcomes.

From a narrative perspective, Shadow of the Erdtree is the worst DLC ever made and radiates confused malice. It's precisely engineered to have it's users focus on extraneous gameplay elements while turning their head away from the great evil their committing, and unconsciously approving of. This is accomplished by exacerbating suspect qualities of it's characters (in particular Miquella) and bastardizing them in the most obscene fashions possible, losing not only the essence of those characters and ruining all suspension of disbelief, but creating a linear story that requires the player to "destroy" them to complete it.

They take an omnibenevolent nigh-messianic figure who used his powers of beguilement to forestall blood shed, rectify the sins of the old Order that the relationship with the Greater Will (God) may be restored, and create a sanctuary of healing where the lost and forsaken may find refuge. They disregard his innocent primary motivation of protecting his sister Malenia and brother Godwyn from being ensnared by entropic forces that threaten to undo all he holds dear. They disregard his immense temperance and apparent kindness at not using his powers of beguilement for ill during the timeline of the base game to create a scenario similar to the Black Knives.

All about Miquella is tossed to the side so that he can be used as a propagandist device to reinforce paranoia about a messiah's promise of a future of forgiveness, infinity and unity, and program future generations to be the Agent Smith who prevents humanity from ascending past tribal politics, hedonism, resource war and wanton violence by forcing the player avatar to bring them to the sword after being debased from their incredible struggle and triumph, amounting only to humiliation and desolation after they did their all to pave a way to purity and peace everlasting.

This is the most repulsive piece of media ever made.
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Finally some real theorycrafting
I am the key to this
>Omen Shackles instantly unlock any Spirit Spring
Fuck. Yes.
It's obvious that he's their son. Why would you pull out of your ass the nonsense about him being born during the war with giants?
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St. Trina made this game woke
>trying to help people fight radahn
>inappropiate activity detected
>offline mode
didn't they fixed this shit?
Nah, that would be you.

Given how little we know about the actual order of most of the important events in the GO's timeline, that's also a possibility.
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>using a fundamental game mechanic like blocking is a cheese strat
He looks like he fucks DEX/INT type b Tarnished.
I literally did (also didn't use the fingie shield, it's too ugly).
>tried blocking some attacks with weapon, notice they don't do that much stamina damage but it does some chip
>equip a greatshield
it's so fucking simple dude, you might be retarded
I wish Golden Order-related enemies were conversely more vulnerable to Liurnian sorceries. Caria is the only faction in the entire game's lore to not get roflstomped by the GO, literally everyone else got run over
>Fire giants
>Whatever the ancient kingdom of Stormveil, Eochaid, etc used to be
Some anons pointed out a while ago that there were TWO Liurnian Wars and the second one ended not in battlefield conquest but because Rennala's Carian ovaries started flooding her with babymaking hormones when she saw FAI/STR Radagon and got married to him. Its kind of surprising this isnt made out to be a bigger deal in the lore
Yeah but I bought it for the cool new weapons so I'm okay.
>godesoy the keyed
What makes euros like this?
>both are for parrying and shoving your weapon up their ass
>Not mommymaxxing in a universe where women are the best sorcerers
>Quite a lot of things are explicitly stated in the game
>W-well its just obvious ok!!!
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>Both are giant
>Both have extended lifespans -people are still aging, destined death being sealed just means that when you die you become a lore ghost until your body is moved to the roots of the Erdtree-
So what's going on there, are the Carians descendants of some long ago god/demigod?
>writes a wall of text full of purple prose
>doesn't even know the difference between "its" and "it's"
>Rennala's Carian ovaries started flooding her with babymaking hormones when she saw FAI/STR Radagon
Marika tried to create a utopia as well and it didn't work. It doesn't work. Unless he overrides free will in which case you might as well be dead.
Just freaks of nature
>saying this when Lusat and Azur have the best staffs and the best magic
>Defending Cross Slash
You watch streamers/youtubers play the game, you've never actually fought Radahn yourself
Dude get over it you can already just buff yourself before the fight then walk in and instantly kill the boss before he walks over to you, it doesn't need to be more overpowered. Equip a melee weapon and fight the boss like a man.
He's fth/dex
rauh ruins is such a peice of shit area
>i-i literally did, it was my idea
this isn't reddit.
They're in line with the trailer
Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here as well. Shall I share them with you?
In Marika's own words. O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou'rt yet to become me. Thou'rt yet to become a god. Let us be shattered, both. Mine other self.
Everyone in elden ring lives a long ass time, that's why every common soldier and dog looks like a rotting retard
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Souls lore and story has always been secondary and largely irrelevant. The entire thing has always been and will always be Berzerk fanfic.
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I'm trying to do a Lord Boros thing. Maybe Radahn's chest for the centerpiece?
What are Radahn's status resistances?
INT wombs belong to FAITHBVLLS
The "Radagon was a Manchurian agent" theory is unironically one of the best things to come out of this general's lore talks.
yes exactly, you need to go back if you can't even press L1 without a guide
Never called to the tree I guess. Better to leave her as a neutralized threat and keep them in civil war.
But the sorcerers descendants of the astrologers, who used to do body hopping, or still do in Sellen's case, so maybe something to do with that?
Nice projections, retard.
WHY the fuck does the basic Faith Spell require FUCKING 13 INT
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You know fellas, it's about that time (I'm grinding the soldier gauntlets and it fucking hurts)
At least this was made canon after all this https://litter.catbox.moe/mrqak8.webm
And where does it say this dialogue is only after he becomes elden lord? If anything, she calls him by his general name
>Marika and Radagon MUST share a body
>Miquella and St Trina are separate bodies

I don't think you anons thought this through.
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Answer the question, retard.
Maybe fundamentalism isn't for you.
>Marika and Radagon MUST share a body
The cutscene shows that they do.
>Miquella and St Trina are separate bodies
Miquella abandoned his other self and left her behind.
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>make clone of troll knight sword to give it the aow it probably always should of had
>dont make a clone of the carian knight sword to give it the aow (spellcasting) it probably always should of had
Alright, I dont have 40 so I guess I am sticking to it. Thanks.
Miquella and Trina are obviously a split personality thing, Marika and Radagon are seperate beings who share a body
>Astel crashes into the floating Farum Azula
>Gurranq is able to escape
>Commit a cardinal sin, get sent to the time prison
>Get to fight the version of Gurranq that was just sent to time prison so he is still Maliketh
>Once you kill Maliketh, Gurranq no longer shows up at the Beastial Sanctum because you killed him in the "past" so this timeline has already ended for him
I usually hate time travel but damn thats a good one
The new bonny cleaver is so fucking boring but it’s kinda fun to sharpen it
yeah, parry strat worked pretty well for me, but parrying in p2 is much harder. Thanks, I'll keep trying
If I'm understanding this right, Radhan is weakest to fucking HOLY?
There's something fucked up about the poise timers on some of these bosses, I'm pretty sure their poise refills quicker than base game bosses.
i dual wield troll knights sword and the new one and swap them so i can use both aows
is this accurate?
>TWO Liurnian Wars
Where is this from?
I'm pretty sure it's outside Lands Between.
>ancient kingdom of Stormveil
There was an ancient kingdom there?
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I do not enjoy collecting Golden Seeds, Sacred Tears, and Scadutree Fragments.
I'm fully aware of the red flags. I just think that all the red flags are outweighed by the opportunity to fight rad aliens.
Accidentally posted in the old thread: What's the connection between Astrologer and Finger Readers since they both wear similar outfits and are associated with granting divinations?
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Faith without knowledge is folly. Git learnt brainlet.
its all so tiresome
You guys see this shit yet?
>>Commit a cardinal sin, get sent to the time prison
Oh fuck is that what that was?
Poor sad wrinkly kitty, I wanna give him a big kiss on the forehead
>The cutscene shows that they do
at the end they're separate
I would be fine with a Carian Knight Sword reskin that has Carian Sovereignty desu
You can't be THIS dense, anon.
What time travel? How would past Gurranq recognize the player?
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>DLC is finally out
>Holyfags still bitching
>Int/Fthfags still bitching
>Strfags still thinking their playstyle is the hardest and also still saying "bonk" unironically
>Golden Seeds, Sacred Tears
Takes about an hour to get 12/+10. Still an inconvenience but it's not that long.
Yeah this sucks, maybe my route is just shit though.
>the internet telling me to press L1 doesn't count as a guide
sure thing
Are prophets just pagans since their attribute allocation is sub-optimal for being a Golden Order fag? Is that why they're hated?
>you're gonna die! in 30 minutes!
that and all carian sword aows are trash
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Gotta be literate to read the holy scriptures.
i think that's good. learn from good media
reminder that the wood lazuli sword is literally a glintstone staff in the shape of a sword and it’ll never be a catalyst
Um, anon, Miquella doesn't have a body in the DLC.
i like collecting them though. especially when they're mostly just an excuse to look at pretty scenery from different vantage points. no, no, my problem is with how fucking empty a lot of the levels, especially the open world, feel. galloping along on torrent for what seems like miles with literally nothing but scenery, few or no enemies. i love looking at the beautiful scenery though, it's the long boring marathon simulator shit that annoys me.

>The Second Liurnian War
>No victory for the golden, nor for the moon
Caria/Liurnia is the only faction in the entire game to survive not just one Golden Order conquest attempt but to fight the second one to a standstill. These random swamp wizards did better than dragons and giants

Eochaid is some long dead country that used to exist in the LB

There also used to be some other country that ruled from Stormveil Castle before it was conquered by the Golden Order
some people actually read what the game tells you
>Use an armament in your left hand or both hands to guard against incoming attacks. Guarding is especially effective when done with a shield.
>Guarding consumes stamina. If your stamina runs out, your stance will be broken.
they use disgusting fire and not glorious holy
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>>Int/Fthfags still bitching
I'm fucking chilling actually
Fire Knight Helm
Chest of Solitude
Gloves of Solitude
Leggings of Solitude
Bullgoat Talisman

New havel mom setup?
>WHY the fuck does the basic Faith Spell require FUCKING 13 INT
The cosmology of Elden Ring is more Catholic/Neoplatonist than Dark Souls'. All your Lightning shit is still pure Faith anyways.
Nah. They're hated because their prophecy is the erdtree burning.
Fundamentalists are the academics of the Erdtree faithful. Other GO guys cast from the Erdtree, Two Fings, and Dragon Cult incants.
>saves you're entire game's lore single-handedly
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Thoughts on this shield?
That's just for gameplay. If every boss played out like the lore it would just be a power fantasy of the Tarnished one shotting bosses and snowballing completely out of control power wise with every great rune.
This says the bibble
they're not, though. literally the entirety of what they know about ER is an article they read about "Let Me Solo Her". that's what they're talking about specifically there. like literally unironically from the meme, they didn't even play the game.
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Maybe SotE was a good lore edition to the game after all
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Is it me, or are the bosses in the DLC just heal punishing constantly? Some are alright, but many seem to REEEEEE at you healing and immediately attack you the moment you sip.
needs 20% more fire resist
They obviously couldn't figure out how to program spellcasting as an AoW. There's no other explanation for it being on R2 of the Sorcery Sword.
Why do people get hyped by Rellana's Cameo when it's just Godfrey's Icon w/ a 2s wait?
its fine. dragoncrest shield from ds
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It's kino like this one
We needed more Crest shields in ER
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Hello, post Tarnished
>This is the most repulsive piece of media ever made.
>insane and delusional overreaction
I mean yeah, the writing sucks ass but lol
Are you healing during their punish windows?
If you back off an heal they'll input read and attack same as the base game.
You question the words of the mighty Jimmy?
Yes, it's actually really good against him in his first phase
Forgot to pick it up, brb
What people? It's universally agreed upon as being completely trash.
>The "Radagon was a Manchurian agent" theory
t. lorelet newfren
Every fucking boss has sippy punishes now and its painfully obvious to the point of annoyance.
I'm still seeing people being confused and thinking that Alexander looks like the scab-people in the DLC on the inside.
I remember a streamer CEing Radahn to figure things out and he regens poise in like 6sec when most bosses at that poise level take way longer
Anya Taylor Joy?
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i loved the cute little jars in jarburg until i found out they're filled with gross incels who don't shower and come out of their dirty holes to try to grab and molest you violently.
>There was an ancient kingdom there?
Yup. Godfrey's last act was to go there and solo the kingdom before being exiled by Marika.
I'm going back to the base game. I'm not good enough for the dlc. Have fun guys...
What is the functional difference between Blades of Stone, Light of Miquella and Fleeting Microcosm?

>cast spell
>create a telegraphed warning AOE under enemy feet
>it explodes for large aoe damage
>Let Me Solo Her
I don't get what's so special about this nigga.
They’re too dumb to map shit to another button…
is there a way to counter the Blind Spot ash of war or do i just disconnect whenever someone uses backhand blades?
>Godfrey's Icon
Godfrey's icon doesn't effect stance ashes of war.
>messmer has red hair
>everyone with red hair is radagon's child
>messmer is radagon's child
>the giants are impaled
>messmer was conceived before that then
>marika and radagon fucked before she established her order
>after that she married godfrey
what's the trouble here?
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What lvl to stop at to keep invading?
I gone from 140 to 170 now, I feel comfortable with my build I could always go a bit more vig
Rn I'm
Vig 45
Mind 45
End 25
Str 16
Dex 23
Int 80
Faith 6
Arc 9

Don't @ me on the str dex I like to use diff weps
>he looked up a cheese strat
I'm pretty sure anybody could figure out a way to brute force it on their own.
My first playthrough Radahn dropped in 4 attempts due to me and Taylew gang banging him through regen.
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Stone hits up to three times and follows from the first cast. Microcosm does a damage pulse theeeen explodes.
I have not used light.
He was helping nubs to get Malenia defeated for free.
Collect your scadu. Most bosses except Radahn and Metyr are easy with high enough scadu level.
I suck at this game too.
He plays the game for you like your favorite streamer, that's videogame culture now, you pay for a game, don't play it and watch somebody else play it for you
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That would explain it, I really don't like the change. They should've just given him 200 poise with the standard timer calculation like base game radahn instead of messing with the timer.
>Mimic Tear is streamer mode

I get it now..
Hello flower man.
>Miyazaki was pandering to twitch streamers with ER
Why did we kill Miquella? He seems like a nice little guy
You don't
two handed twinblade attacks are legitimately almost as slow as colossal weapon swings.
When they were speeding every weapon class up because mutliple of them were outright atrocious in PvE twinblades got skipped.
So you get the worst of both worlds where even your running attack dual wielded is overly long for no fucking reason.
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So, how soon until all the Miquella doujins
>Caria is the only faction in the entire game's lore to not get roflstomped by the GO, literally everyone else got run over
The thing about sorceries is that while nobody is necessarily weak to eat, neither is it really resisted by anyone but Carian and Noxian enemies. That's one of the many reasons why it's so reliable. It's also quicker to cast, being straight to the point/boring (like how an engineer would approach casting) and lacking the flourishes of incantations.
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Built for Kind Miquella only
cause griffith is a faggot and deserves worse than death
Even no hit runners who've done him no hit say some of his attacks require incredible RNG and frame perfect dodges to avoid and think he's going to get nerfed. The fight is clearly overtuned and you're an idiot.
okay but how about that heavy thrusting sword counter?
One god and one lord consort is all the world needs.
>Eochaid is some long dead country that used to exist in the LB
>Battered iron armor from a foreign land. Worn by Elemer of the Briar.
>Greatshield from a foreign land, used by Elemer of the Briar. Originates from Eochaid, a land of proudly solitary ascetics.
So not in LB.
>some other country that ruled from Stormveil Castle
CItation? The only thing I remember that might be related is grafted blade and it's not even in Limgrave, lol.
He wants to brainwash people (including you), he and Radahn shot first, and he's in your way. There can be only one.

sorry for party rocking
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It is never explicitly stated when Radagon emerged. Without digging into it it seems like he just showed up sometime after the war with the giants during the carian wars. The fire giants whip however states "Every giant is red of hair, and Radagon was said to have despised his own red locks. Perhaps that was a curse of their kind." While i dont think Radagon is a fire giant lol the connection between them is there
NTA but I think he's referring to that eagle summon that says he was the old ruler of stormveil or something
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a character for weebs
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>Melina, Ranni, Margit all can teleport, but these are spirits without a physical body
>Mohg can teleport his physical body through blood magic
I guess this specific feature is why Mohg was needed to enter the Land of Shadow beyond having Marika lift the seal?

Would also help explain why the wars in the lore weren't just decided by Marika/Radagon teleporting into the heart of the enemy and blowing up the enemy leader and vice versa.
Fucking based. Shame the flower crucible spell is such dogshit.
it's not just putting shit on a button
their entire animation and stats/damage value system must be completely and utterly fucked under the hood. There are so many glitches that recur every time they release new shit, over and over, I'm completely convinced they tried to put "cast spell" as a skill but their programmers are too incompetent to tie the right numbers to a skill activation instead of an attack. Shit like buffs and heals still only scaling with the Faith portion of multi-stat seals and the obviously unintended way projectile AoWs scale.
do women get heartbroken when they find out they like a faggot or do they just turn into fujos
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Also Carian Knights are worth 100 Golden Order soldiers. Which is why there are so few of them.
>he's in your way
We didn't even go through the gate
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More proof that Miquella is DIO
German is such a fucking retarded language
They spend the next several years seething at gays.
My mighty level 60 intellect could not predict this when I would await the results of my new favourite spell, fleeting microcosm.
NTA Sword memorial in the weeping peninsula iirc
she's annoying because of her exaggerated gesticulating for the camera over some goyslop diarrhea. that's a fucking paint scraper he's using, that shit isn't food grade or designed for a 400 degree flat top.
>greater will
>filthy hornsent
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You should post the larger resolution.
>I have normal opinions of a well adjusted human
Good on you, anon.
Never because they made him f**k radahn and not the Tarnished or any characters that would actually be interesting in a doujin like Mohg or Malenia.
With or without bullgoats? That looks pretty good. Chaps my ass a lot of sets like altered raging wolf can't hit 51 without bullgoats
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with that one. Such a long cast animation, plus further delay before the actual attack starts, and then it does pathetic damage even if somehow the thing you were targeting remained in one place long enough to get caught in it. I'm completely convinced they didn't even test most of the new spells, because there is no way someone on the dev team used Bloom or Rain of Fire and said "this is fine".
>Ashes of a hawk revered by all others as sovereign back in the days when Stormveil's winds still raged like no other.
Doesn't really say much.
Greater will doesn't really give a fuck, it's the fingers that make shit up and are biased
I started a new game for the DLC and I'm running double bleed falchions, is it troll or am I gonna be alright until I get a DLC weapon?
I mean do men go insane if they realize they think two hot lesbians kissing is hot
The confused autism radiating behind this post is incredible
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>even a joke, goofy ass greatsword completely eclipses all vanilla ones
How did St. Trina get into the little cave? Did she drag herself there?
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>meanwhile, in the actual game, my Tarnished killed Moongrum with two parries and a couple of wacks like he was nothing
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It has its charms
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It's a coin toss
replace one of them with scavenger cs
The Golden Order carried out several military campaigns. First it beat the shit out of the Ancient Dragons, and then it genocided all except one(1) of the Fire Giants, and also obliterated Nox civilization and sent the survivors underground. Now in the DLC we learn they also wrecked the Hornsent. There are also a bunch of hints of lesser kingdoms throughout the Lands Between, none of which exist anymore.
Now obviously you can attribute the
>Golden Order fights some guys
>Golden Order wins and kills all or most of those guys
>Now there's only some remnants left
to FromSoft's oversimplified storytelling, but in-universe what we have is that during the Golden Order's expansion they went on a rampage and murderkilled the shit out of literally everyone and we never get any lore of a successful resistance against the GO. It's why the two Liurnian Wars are so notable; like >>484832415 pointed out it's the ONLY EXAMPLES of ANYONE in the setting not getting obliterated. The 1st Liurnian War ended with Godfrey's GO army losing, and the 2nd Liurnian War ended in a stalemate and marriage.

The "Radagon is a Manchurian agent" theory is that Radagon, who we're explicitly told is a Golden Order loyalist and described as a "leal hound," spent his time in Liurnia crippling the country so that it would never be able to present a credible threat to the GO in the future.

For one thing, while nobody can be 100% sure how the primeval current actually works and why researching it is related to Graven Masses AKA Sorcererballs popping up, we're all but told outright that the most powerful Liurnian sorceries come from researching the Primeval Current. Lusat and Azur both got their signature spells from primeval current research, for example.

In the time frame of the game where /ourdude/ shows up, the Primeval Current and its research has been banned by royal Carian decree. I'm kind of fuzzy here because I read the lore breakdown months ago but it went something like this...
Is there full sauce on this
Only states that he killed one guy, lol.
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Chad fucking his yandere waifu (male) is interesting enough to me.
Now try that again with Moonrythill
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Would you mate with this meth head physique
My scadu is 16 and I still get stomped. I'm so bad at dodging
She likely "grew" directly from putrescence after Miquella discarded her into the chasm
fighting messmer
light of miq start up period is stupid fast, that is if they hit you out of it, the spell still follows through the cast, if not, you still gotta go through the animation. the attack is an initial large burst at the targetted area then a follow up rain of light wherever the targetted enemy is after.
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Can you get block counters and parries from the Sekiro tear without shields? Like, two handing a GW, for example?
Good luck!
true beauty isn't in the flesh, it's in the heart
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if you used magic you didn't beat the game
>kill a boss
>get bored of the "build"
>try different character
>play exactly the same
Best weapon for an Int/Fth run?
I know Vyke did
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i'm trying all of these my next playthrough
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Sure, it's funny how this art keeps her emaciated and still somehow looks attractive.
does the dart get buffs or status from the weapon? does it do more stance damage? is there any point to it besides a bit more damage?
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Picrel she floats on the breeze
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>Every single fucking boss has a 20 sec long attack combo requiring 10 perfect rolls with a .5 sec opening to either heal or do a light attack after it finishes
>If your AoW doesn't have hyperarmor fuck you
>If you didn't spec STR for poise damage/flinches, fuck you
>None of the somber weapons actually work, it's just gimmicks for you to have fun with before you fall back to Lion's Claw/Giant hunt
Does anyone else feel the DLC just went harder into what Elden Ring got wrong in the first place? The bosses just feel so spongy, and the long ass attack chaining with 100% hyperarmor just feels like I'm playing some anime game. I want to trade blows, make decisions about when to attack or defend, force the boss into a posture break, not just roll around like a retard for a light poke every 30 sec.
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Miquella HATES Malenia
git gud
If you played the game, you didn't beat the game.
>Find the two headed turtle talisman right after I killed almost all the bosses in the DLC
FUCK. I love playing blind, but it would have been nice to have this much earlier.
>just feels like I'm playing some anime game
An anime game would actually give you more options than Hit - roll away - hit
it floats down
Anime games give you more tools than just "roll, roll, roll, R1, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, R1 lmao got greedy"
It's kino
My headcanon backstory for each class:

Barbarians of the Badlands
Survivors of the fallen kingdom of Eochaid turned to banditry
Young scholar who left the academy to learn the fate of the stars
Either descendants of the blind swordsman or descended from the same tribe. Might be associated with the Rot somehow.
Traitors of the Carian Royal Family locked away in a Gaol.
Assassins of the Roundtable Hold, Two Finger dogmatists.
Intentionally vague
Terry Davis-esque schizo
Obviously apart of the Warrior Caste of the Land of Reeds who left their homeland for whatever reason, likely in search of more combat.
Put an omen, misbegotten, demi-human, albinauric (2nd gen), kindred of rot, and a bloodfiend in a room together, what happens?
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genuinely what is the point of the thrusting shield post-nerf?
>Sword forged by servants of Miquella of the Haligtree, with a design modeled after those carried by Carian knights. Instead of glintstone however, amber from the Haligtree is embedded in the blade.
>A sumptuous piece, yet it has never been offered to any knight — an ill-starred sword with no master.
They should kiss
it has noticeably less damage than the claymore on every infusion I tested
also I heard it doesn't actually do strike damage despite the stat screen, haven't tested it personally though
the tongue shooting is really nice though. It even double hits if you're close, though only for like 150% damage instead 200% like you might think.

doesn't carry buffs, does do status buildup. It's a ranged attack, you can hit things from range.
>Rakshasa's Great Katana
>Sword of Night
>Smithscript Daggers
>Dane's Footwork

What else do I need for an edgelord shinobi character?
>Crown of Godfrey, the first Elden Lord.

>The age of the Erdtree began amongst conflict, when Godfrey was lord of the battlefield.

>He led the War against the Giants. Faced the Storm Lord, alone. And then, there came a moment. When his last worthy enemy fell. And it was then, as the story is told, that the hue of Lord Godfrey's eyes faded.
I do not care for furnace golems. I think they're an annoyance.
Thnx anon
Yes it gets buffs and status, don't know about stance, but it hits twice if you hit the thrust and it shoots a dart which is pretty easy to do and usually staggers an enemy.
Won't lie I gave up and summoned mimic on putrescence. Couldn't get the roll timing on that horse corkscrew combo and I could never get it through my head that I need to jump the initial wave of flames and land inside the flames which are somehow not damaging any more.
The ones you can throw pots into are fun, if only for the cathartic FUCK YOU moment.
We know at some point in the past researching the Primeval Current was simply a thing sorcerers did until Rennala banned it. Sellen was expelled from Raya Lucaria for continuing to fuck around with the Primeval Current, and Jerren, a Carian retainer, was sent to kill her off for the crime. But he wasn't able to kill her because Radahn was holding the stars in stasis. Only after Radahn dies does Sellen become mortal and we have to rescue her from the Witchbane Runes. Therefore the Primeval Current ban decree happened relatively recently in the timeline. Radahn has to have been already an adult AND moved to Sellia to study gravity magic AND mastered it at this point.

In other words, by the time the Primeval Current(the source of some of Liurnia's most powerful sorceries) was banned, Radagon had already gotten Rennala pregnant with at least one kid who grew to adulthood.

Caria is the magic royal house ruling the magic country with the magic school. Years after they use that magic to resist the GO, their queen marries a guy from the GO who canonically has her around his finger and has a vested interest in keeping Liurnia weak. Suddenly Caria bans the source of some of their most powerful magics, kicks out some of their best wizards(Azur and Lusat) and later prosecute one of Raya Lucaria's top students(Sellen can cast Founding Rain of Stars).

At the time Radagon married Rennala, Liurnia under the Carians was the only faction that was able to hold back the Golden Order because of how powerful their sorceries were. These guys beat Godfrey and *technically* beat Radagon too, if your invasion is stalemated we usually say it's the invader who lost, not the defender.

By the time Radagon returns to Leyndell, Liurnian magical research is crippled, Liurnian magical talents have been exiled or jailed, the Carian queen has been handed an egg that she can't help but obsess over, and there are minor erdtrees growing on Liurnian soil.

Leal Hound of the Golden Order.
the regular ones are bad but whatever

the armored ones can fuck off, I can't throw a goddamn pot in their head when they never stop doing their homing volcano eruption bullshit
How do we defeat the ass girl?
nvm, it literally does 2x status buildup on all R2s, except the first hit of the uncharged 1h R2 which is 1.5x. that's fucking nutty.
>and I could never get it through my head that I need to jump the initial wave of flames and land inside the flames
nah nigga you just stand still and jump, as for the horse you just roll into it then immediately after roll into the knight
I feel like there's only 3 viable incantations for PvP
>Knight's lighting spear
>Messmer's orb
>Fire Serpent
I mean obviously a lot of shit is "viable" on ganks but this is pretty sad, they probably undertuned shit because of multiplayer but still won't address any of the core issues
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>Marika is "transgender represantion"
>Marika is a cunt whose denigration of duty led to the collapse of the entire realm
>Also a mentally ill autogynophillic
>SotE adds homosexual representation
>Miquella is a child who keeps enticing literal old men to fuck him

what did miyazaki mean by this
Please someone on PS help me with Jori, I’m underleveled and can’t get past him solo no matter what I try. Any mistake basically costs me the attempt, I’ve been at it for days now and am completely exhausted.
where does the manchurian candidate part come in?
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Was Melina an Empyrean?
I know it does 2x status buildup and 2x hits on the R2
what I want to know is: can you powerstance it for 4x hits / 2x projectiles?
what does the R2 do if you power stance
Why do they teleport you into the tower after burning the little tree?
That makes the door after the dancing lion completely redundant.
its stance damage is the same as all GSes, except split about 80/20 between the blade and dart on the moves that shoot it.
>beat the shit out of the Ancient Dragons
There are shit tonns of dragons flying around though.
>obliterated Nox civilization
That's a strong word, they seem like they're doing just fine underground, Also it was only said that they invoked Ire of the GW and banished. Not clear if it happened during Marika's reign.
wtf I love sellen even more now
>>Also a mentally ill autogynophillic
Technically the word you're looking for is androphilic.
Why don't you go level?
Are you trying to get past Jori for an item at a low level?
yeah ive started to notice
fuck saaaaaake
I want a refund on my somber 1-5 I just wasted
uhh because ds3 did it
>Miquella is immune to sleep after shedding St. Trinia
The Dragon War also ended in a peaceful resolution. Godwyn and Fortissax best friends forever.
I don't know how this relates but I'm fucking pissed the we didn't get an incantation casting weapon.

Apparently try that's what the carian knight sword and Miquellan Knight sword were supposed to be in an earlier build of the game.
I do not care for this DLC
>Young scholar who left the academy to learn the fate of the stars
I interpret Astrologers to be people who were never associated with Raya Lucaria who learned magic indepently. I'd rather that anyway because the Burger King people are a bunch of freaks.
same as every powerstance, just the 1h moveset of your right weapon. the L1 moveset is standard dual GS.
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Not gonna lie, I read something different at first.
Get more END. Get more stamina regen. Use shield grease and/or the greatshield talisman. The biggest downside is that the regular thrusting shield now has to roll slop more.
The carian thrusting shield does a good enough job and only has to roll against some of Radahn's strings
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People really like their prettyboy Tarnishes.
It's so ugly tho :(
I feel like the rakshasa armor is probably going to get nerfed. The +8% damage taken debuff seems to be applied after everything else unlike the debuffs from scorpion rings or soreseals that actually show the negation hit on your character sheet. +8% to all damage dealt for an armor with good weight, resistances, and poise is very strong for spell casters.
theres plenty of viable incantations
giantsflame take thee gets used all the time
catch flame is great
frenzied burst and miquellas light are sniping tools
placidusax's ruin is a free kill on anyone at 30% or so hp
The weird thing is there's some indication that Radagon really did love Rennala. This was before the DLC trailer even came out so iirc the "is Radagon part of Marika, someone else who got absorbed, someone mind controlled, a puppet, an artificial lifeform, a tree splicing etc etc" stuff was still going on. When this theory got hammered out over the span of several threads, there were some jokes about Marika magically hitting Radagon with the Manchurian agent activation codephrase so that he randomly tells Rennala to ban the Primeval Current while he's fucking her or some shit.
From clearly didn't trust players to find their way back to the door
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Guys, does anyone know a good chiropractor? I have a pain in my back i cant get rid of
I meant DLC only incantations my bad but it should have been obvious when I listed only DLC ones
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Maybe, but it's not like it really matters.
This, it was boring. Seriously, from should just drop the dark souls design altogether for their next game.
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Marika/Radagon is based on Rebis, it has nothing to do with trannies, it's some schizo alchemy shit.
nta but arent most ancient dragons hiding in a literal time pocket rn, the ones still left in the main world are normal dragons which are like degenerated offspring, or tamed ones like lansseax who got tamed by godwyn cock
I always thought that Radagon was smashed into Marika to keep an eye on her for punishment.
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>no balls visible
shit trash dropped worst empyrian
"Schizo alchemy shit" alongside gnosticism is used to justify transgenderism doebeit.

t. browses X
Would you?
Annoying attack that does too much damage.
why are these guys so low resolution?
only by retards on /x/.
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Should have had her at least spawning at every bonfire, even if she's not going to say anything. Maybe make her a spirit ash for summoning as well (obviously she goes away after burning the tree).
What in the absolute doesn't-play-by-the-game's-own-rules is the fucking meaning of those goddamn horned warriors and their literally unstaggerable combos
>grab that does no damage
Guys, I just had a scary thought. What if Radahn isn't gay?
The hornsent deserved so much fucking worse. A genocide is not bad enough.
imho it's harder to heal, they oftrn turn around very fast when you try to heal in their recovery at close range
Would the jar thing have worked if they left them in there long enough?
TLDR Rennala took away Caria's 2nd amendment rights??
He's bi
for duels yeah, but wrath from afar is amazing for invasions.
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this is so sad....
Radhan dresses like a roman general.
He's not gay but he'll crater Miquella's shithole anyway
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>Marika had to watch her entire village being turned into those things
>for LITERALLY NO REASON other than hornsent's religious beliefs apparently
I have yet to knock down a nigga with it, it's so telegraphed and the range is just too short
Grandmother, forgive me
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I'm disgusted that we can't get the version of her armor with the cloak. From still acting like capes are beyond them is insane to me.
are Deflecting Hardtear deflects client side? if i try to deflect a laggy chink will it work if i just time it how i see it on my screen
>He's not gay but he'll crater Miquella's shithole anyway
That's still gay.
There's just a mook that doesn't flinch. All their attacks are super honest and you can evade a lot of them without even rolling. Just watch what they do and pay attention for your openings. I know these are foreign concepts to strengthbabies but this is how everyone else plays elden ring all the time.
concealing veil
What's wrong with Marika's womb?
Reminder that the downward-facing half-circle atop a vertical line is LITERALLY the rune of death.
Sellen is the biggest murderer in Carian history due to how many sorcerers she killed/melted into balls. That's why she was exiled anon. Jerren tells us.
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>try to parry midra in coop
>it lags
Too fertile
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I'd rather use the cannon to be honest
Would Ranni's quest break if I just run to kill Radahn before even talking to her or Blaidd?
I just want to go to the DLC early
Imagine being this much of a whiteknight.
I'm going to shieldpoke Radahn to death then say I dodged his bullshit.
It's the difference between a Californian homosexual that speaks with a lisp and a "normal" homosexual who just wants to fuck a whole, but yes its still gay
the dlc has genuinely made me think less of elden ring. the combat is in dire need of an improvement
I don't know about Ranni but I killed radahn before talking to Blaidd and still could do Ranni's quest.
Dont forget that Radagon also took over the Carian preceptors
Niggas like Seluvis used to serve Caria and Radagon ended up having so much control/influence on them they changed their mask to suit him
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Good parts of the DLC:
>Bayle, Midra, Romina
>new weapons
>new armor
>Abyssal Woods
>world is cool
Bad parts of DLC:
>scadutree fragments
>map is utterly worthless (entirety of Stone Coffin Fissure area can't even be seen for example)
>continuation of main game boss reuse
>minor continuation of main game dungeon reuse
>most NPC storylines aren't satisfying enough to care (also main game issue but worse here)
>performance problems during some bosses
>they still have not implemented an "autofilter loot" option
>they still have not added images to fast travel markers so you can see where you're going like DS3 had
Overall, 8/10. Great addition to Elden Ring.
looks like anti china propaganda art
what is miyazaki's deal with unbirthing
holy shit I fucking hate g9 and steel. no fun allowed and the only thing allowed to be good is dual lances.
It's rule 63 Marika. It's not gay even if it's gay.
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>The experimentation phase is over and we're back to the usual ganks and grace goblins
The game was rigged from the start, the healthy multiplayer dream is dead
lizard greatsword has:

1 Hand R2:
>Blade deals 80% damage / 50% status / 140% poise
>Bullet: 60% / 100% / 100%
>Together: 140% / 150% / 240%
1 Hand Charged R2:
>Blade: 115% / 100% / 500%
>Bullet: 80% / 100% / 100%
>Together: 195% / 200% / 600%
2 Hand R2
>Blade: 87% / 100% / 164%
>Bullet: 60% / 100% / 100%
>Together: 147% / 200% / 264%
2 Hand Charged R2:
>Blade: 119% / 100% / 560%
>Bullet: 80% / 100% / 100%
>Together: 199% / 200% / 660%

If you 2H the sword then uncharged R2 is a 2x status if both hit
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Shut the fuck up Hornsent, Marika is a retard but genociding your people was completely justified.
>All their attacks are super honest
I hate this meme.
why are pvers like this doe
Playing Lies of P really drove home how outdated ER's combat is. The deflecting tear is a good start but the whole thing should be overhauled.
down syndrome
Hornsent will tell you that the jarring rituals are just an anti-hornsentic conspiracy theory.
He looks like he has a huge stinky filthy cock under there that emits a musk that instantly mindbreaks Type B's and sends them into a mating frenzy
One of the best enemies in the DLC. I actually liked them so much I fought most of their big mob ganks head on. Dark Souls 2, for all the shit it gets about ganksquads, had a lot of genuinely good multi-enemy fights mixed in with the shit ones and Elden Ring largely seemed afraid of ever ganking you. The big swarms of Bloodfiends were a breath of fresh air and some much needed variety.
Why are you like this?
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I’m on my first play through and I’m currently in the DLC and I’d like to know, when should you stop leveling?
Never, both co op and invasions are shit
>A greatjar which fits comfortably over the head when upturned. Attire of the shamans who perform their worship at gaols.
>They offer their prayers to the innards of the greatjars, such that they might be reborn one day into sainthood. This is the cycle of death and rebirth, taken into the hands of mortal men.
You asked for it shamancel. Now get in the pot.
Whenever you feel like it. We're not your dads.
Never or 175-200 if you want to do multiplayer.
>the combat is in dire need of an improvement
I have hope if they make every weapon function more like the Milady.
Oh yeah, the issue isn't the bosses and it never was. The issue is that the combat and movement system is designed for a much slower game.
Depends on what you want. Do you want to do pvp/pve after?
If you don’t then just keep leveling. You won’t outlevel the content like in the base game.
I beat the dlc at 163.
thanks i guess
if you are on PS5, stop at 139
if you are on PC, dont stop leveling and never participate in the multiplayer
Th-thanks dads
Good catch. Yeah, by the end just about every major Carian institution had been undermined by Radagon. Liurnia as we see it when /ourguy/ arrives would never be able to challenge the Golden Order. It's kind of telling that a Golden Order multi-directional civil war and succession crisis is the perfect time for them to try for independence but the country is just in deadlock.
Funny. Explain this to me how is that supposedly the hornsent jarred a whole people when there was just one whipping shack? Curious... Messmers soldiers will kill you for just asking these questions
I find it interesting that in the end, the game was about the cycle of revenge/abuse, in a far more effective manner than overhyped shit like TLOU2
Just be normal, man.
>in a far more effective manner
i do not understand the fucking lore at all, not that effective
Yeah, you should dodge attacks by phisically not being hit by them, not magically phasing through them with i-frames.
>Use Iris of Grace
>Use Iris of Occulation

And im supposed to know what to do here because……?
sure, she's probably killed people but so have we
and OPs point is its not killing people that got her fired, its researching the PC which gives all the super powerful bullshit spells
>in a far more effective manner
item descriptions?
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why is ranni a witch?
Read the item descriptions of those items
It's up to you. Stats suffer diminishing returns as they get higher, with a 'softcap' where they basically fall off a cliff and stop being worth leveling at all.
The softcap for vigor is 60 and you really ought to aim for it before the end of the DLC.
The softcap for most offensive scaling stats is 80.

So basically hit the vigor softcap, hit the softcap for the main scaling stat your preferred weapons/spells use, add enough endurance/mind that you feel comfortable with and then you can choose to stop or to level a different offensive stat to add more weapon/spell variety. Just know that you aren't really making your character stronger at that point, just adding more and more possible options to choose between.

Generally speaking you can only attack with one weapon at a time, so when you add a new offensive stat, and thus a new pool of weapons, to your build what you're basically doing is stapling a second build onto it, and switching between them in the equipment menu. Thus it's ultimately up to you whether you want to just keep levelling until your character can do every 'build' or make a whole new character and start a playthrough fresh with a separate build.
I know there's a Nioh 2 shitposter here but From legitimately needs to look at how Team Ninja does their soulsbornes. Nioh, Wo Long, Strangers of Paradise have genuinely great combats and From would benefit greatly from learning from others too.
Do you want to give those dickbags a good or a bad ending?
Read the item description.
Maybe, but TLOU2 is much easier to follow because for all their faults, the writers didn't try and have it both ways by telling a direct story while also hiding all the important bits in item descriptions.
150 is old and dusted. 166/175/200 are all appropriate stopping points if you still care about co-op/invasions, but It depends on how "complete" your build is at that point.
Perhaps so that you could hypothetically skip the lion if you wanted.
As it currently stands, I believe you technically only need to defeat Messmer, Romina, and Radahn to 'complete' the DLC.
Count Ymir also informs you that in ancient times, setting sealing trees aflame was a mode of light-based transportation used by the profane four-toes, whose race, once the highest clerics of the greater will, were sealed within the outer reaches of the cosmos for their treacherous dealings with the forbidden outer god known only as Cerulean Freshness. He will only tell you this if you present him with Godrick's pickled head, which can be obtained by using the two-fingers gesture in Castle Stormveil Courtyard for seventy two minutes straight, which will initiate the Gatekeeper Gostoc four-phase boss-fight.
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The lore behind dragonflies?
Occultation gets you weapons, Grace gets you spirit ashes
The balling was consensual. Carian fascists just don't like alternative lifestyles.
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>estoc: equipped
>medium shield: ready for parries
>mimic tear (boss): aggroed
Yup, its time for the best fight in the game
The fucking parry-fest back and forth is honestly hilarious, then it shieldpokes you, and you block, and guard counter, but it parries you, and rollcatches you with impaling thrust
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>spent an hour grinding the Messmer Soldier gloves
>love how they look, love how the mainhand has a glove
>it only matches with the redmane knight legs
>Doesn't match with anything else.
>wanted to use it with the scaled chest (doesn't match)
Fromsoft would legitimately advance their combat systems by leaps and bounds by replacing FP with the elegant solution of Spirit Gauge from Wo Long
They are dragonflies but much bigger than normal dragonflies.
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TLOU2 is garbage written by Californians who only interact with subhumans from the same bubble
ER DLC is way too vague and ambiguous and for all people know their journey was just to kill a pair of faggots, do you honestly think the average player even reached Bonny Village let alone talk to that ghost
Nioh 2 fist combat alone blows 90% of ER weapons out of the water
Dishonest gotcha for players relying on lock-on
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>host takes 1600 from Gaius
Remember to bulk up
Eat your buffs too. They build strong bones.
are people really going as high as 200 for invasions now? I've stopped at 139 for duels and 150+ invasions
>6 million shamans
Really? According to science, for a successful infusion inside a jar full of flesh and corpses, you need at BEST 1 shaman...
Now, let's do some math, eh? Only 300k jars were produced during those years in Enir-Ilim, the biggest jar producer of the realm... so, even if we assume the other big cities did a similar number (which they didn't) we'd get at best 700k jars
Would you own a domesticated cat-sized dragonfly?
They're all actually baby astels
its impossible to play anything else in that game once you get into the fistgroove
nigga that kung-fu shit was so good
That thing would eat your face, dude.
when you feel like your build is complete
personally I haven't felt the need to go past 160
You should be able to stop leveling around 91-100 or so depending on stat requirements
once you hit level 91 you can reach 54 strength / 60 vitality on a Hero starting class, at which point any further stats are minor returns. Going up to level 100 usually just serves to let you equip heavier armor, but all you really need is 51 poise
>are people really going as high as 200 for invasions now?
They've always been but mostly on NG+
I thought it was 138?
Nothing breaks Ranni's quest except trying to drug her or attacking her after you become her consort.
Imagine having to beat enemies with a staff to cast spells as mage, lol. That's why you aren't a vydiagaem deisigner, anon.
>.5 sec open
filtered. even radahn has 3-4 second openings for you to spam fully charged R2s.

i reiterate: filtered. stay coping.
I don’t k ow wheee to find the item in my inventory
The DLC has way too many graces where enemy patrols will cause them to eventually aggro you after warping and/or respawning at them.
They ambush Type B Tarnished from behind and pin her arms to her sides using their forelegs so she can't fight back or cast spells. Then they stick their ovipositors up her pussy fuck her and and lay their eggs inside her. Human wombs, being warm and moist, are ideal environments for dragonfly eggs. The thing is, if the Type B dies or teleleports or whatever, that clears the eggs out of her. So it's actually bad for dragonfly populations. In fact some Type B's have been known to seek out dragonflies with eggs to lay and present herself naked, basically using the dragonflies for lewd oviposition fetish sex and then teleporting back to grace to avoid the consequences
Sure. Why not.
What's your next move.
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These are an obvious reference to the "Eyes of the Overworld"

I don't think the YouTubers picked this one up yet
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What’s the lore behind slugs?
Why don't you hornsent tell me why there were more hornsent after messmer's so called crusade than before? The numbers just don't add up.
huh, could you even kill Iji, Blaidd and Seluvius as soon as you see them and still continue as normal?
i never had this problem, maybe i just got lucky on the graces where i decided to afk
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He wouldn't hurt a fly.
Who is Charo and why is their grave hidden?
any nioh 2 weapon blows 90% of elden ring weapons out of the water
I love the odachi in sote with sekiro parries, but imagine if you could also do yokai parries and moonlit snow redux as the weapon art
You don't need to beat anything to cast shit in Wo Long, retard, you can go into negative spirit with no downside.
This anon is in the DLC, I doubt he took your autistic pre-Morgott level meta to consderation.
Thats not a thing
Re-used asset kino
STR is DEFINITELY not the hardest and whoever thinks that is an idiot
I started the DLC as faith/int and got ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED. When I switched to full Bull-Goat Armor with STR and Defensive talismans I thought my DPS would suck, but to my surprise even without offensive gear any generic heavy +25 weapon ANNHIALATES bosses with just Lion's Claw and you probably take like 40% of the damage you do as a light/cloth sorcerer/conjurer...
Can't say I agree, if everyone started at 20 fragments there would be a lot less difficulty complaints besides Radahn.
Cool it with the anti hornsentic remarks
you can still duel people at 125 with weapons at +10/25. The calculator shows 126 +8/+19, but most people I'd like to think have maxed out weapons by 125, especially anyone dueling.
Very nice
Now let's see the Nioh 2 webms
you hate it because it's true
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Noticing this as well. Feel like you need to deliberately level high enough so you avoid the 125 range.
it is
though nowadays with the dlc miriam's vanishing makes it even easier
lop's dlc is almost guaranteed to btfo sote bigly
Our population was already booming at the time, retard, it has no correlation, he still genocided our people
Yup. She's cold.
You can comfortably finish the entire DLC at level 90-100
all you're doing leveling up past that is subjecting yourself to high level invaders
They're followers of Zanzibart
It is. Type B Tarnished sandbagging to various enemies in the Lands Between so they can indulge in instant loss sex is surprisingly common. If you've cooped or invaded and encountered a Type B, chances are she was up to some freaky shit right before you arrived or left. It's kind of inevitable considering all Tarnished are otherwise effectively immortal due to being able to respawn, people get bored with a world stuck in stasis and distracted from becoming Elden Lord when they lose to that boss for the 100th time. So they start looking for other things to entertain themselves with...
>Feel like you need to deliberately level high enough so you avoid the 125 range.
This is why 175 will be the standard and not 150.
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>please... please collect your skibidi
I'm begging you.
Charo will be the name of the loveable mule-riding bard NPC whose quest we follow throughout fromsoft's next action game.
something like this >>484837972
wow, what a BITCH
>cant dodge or block
>no downsides
the dry-leaf feels awful
This fight club shit is awful
If you didn't beat the game RL0, Scadu 0, all naked, bare fists, no consumables, no summons, no talismans.
What? What happens if I don't beat the game with all of that?
Hello? Anon?
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Envoys of an unnamed outer god believed to be associated with knowledge. If you look closely, you can actually see that the creatures face more typically resembles that of an earwig, which, in papua-new-guinean traditions and royal literature, is an insect symbolically associated with the name of a mythological tribal king called Ged'yen Ov'nuir. It's easy to deduce from this point that the translators pulled a fast one and anglicised that to 'Gideon Ofnir', who was originally referred as 'Ancient Dragonfly Earwig Man' in the Japanese text.
You can dodge AND block with negative spirit retard
You can even deflect with -1000 spirit
>You can comfortably finish the entire DLC at level 90-100
You're missing the point dumbass. What makes you think that poster is below 100, especially when he's unaware of the so-called RL meta?
>all you're doing leveling up past that is subjecting yourself to high level invaders
Or he's playing a non-STR build.
>level to 300 to try everything out
>hmm surely the arena is empty
>nonstop matches
wtf lol
Then you didn't beat the game RL0, Scadu 0, all naked, bare fists, no consumables, no summons, no talismans and that's final!
How are they re-used?
>Been trying to help hosts kill Consort Radahn
>None of them have gotten past the super nuke her does at low HP
what is the lore of the zanzitree
is it really just a gay metaphor for mickey & RAPEDahn spooning
I don't understand the point of it being around anymore with the colosseum. It was a thing in DS3 I guess.
False, they consented to it
there's a streamer who's like halfway through the dlc at sl1 scadu 0
I think he killed bayle a couple days ago
How can I make a partisan build pump without 12 buffs
I mean the event at ener ilim
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hmm what if the land of shadow is literally a shadow of the main base map as in the world is actually flat and not round and the shadowlands is just under the base map

and the sky is just an illusion
The giant slugs are from dark souls 3.
is the Demihuman queen near the "You're beautiful" prattling pete Boc's mom?
Did I just kill her?
You get a talisman called "Illusory Talisman of the Master" that is just a permanent ring of fog in both pve and pvp
account-bound, can't be dropped.
there is an fc?
Spirit goes into negative by a thousand before regenerating, giving you literal free casts once per a few seconds. Magic system is the best thing about wo long and you can cast non stop.
Yes. One less demihuman FREAK in the world.
he looks like me
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Yeah bro that sounds about right
why do polearms have all the cool AOWs
>There are british "people" browsing /erg/ with me
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would you?
I had to level my 120 invader to 150 because of this. DLC was deader than dead and all my "far" activity was just grace goblins in Liurnia
The fact that there aren't a tonne of folks pveing the DLC at 120 doesn't surprise me, but the fact that there are still so fucking many losers doing taunter's duels and patches' cave ganks in the main game blows my fucking mind
i dont know
Has anyone found a build that feels like an evolution to the gameplay that isn't just cheesing bosses with overturned weapons? Seems like there are enough options available to piece something together.
do they?
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i've never done a dex/arc build... is it good? weapons? is it just bleed shit? (that would be boring)
>what if the world is actually flat
Don't say this aloud
Marika the strumpet will send her vile shadows after you, and before you know it, you won't have any horns to speak of
ngl the more I think abotu it the more significant it feels
pretty sure the misbegottens and demihumans got subjugated and turned into second class citizens too
kind of surprised i havent seen any loretubers or people elsewhere pick up on this, it really seems like caria was on some buffstacking shit
>Bondstone claims it causes the sprite bound to a spritestone to explode
>try it on a golem
>doesn't make them explode
Sounds about right. You're a maniac for not doing small activity in Legacy Dungeons. Far is just not worth it.
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just finished the dlc on my main. anyone wanna help me beat mohg on my low level to get him into the dlc on xbox?
The way the "ashes of war" in there was also similar, it was just a great system to add a lot of variety to the combat system.
sekiro parry tear
carian rapier with miriam's vanishing I guess
So is Radagon Marika split personality or just random guy fused with her since her Shaman slave days?
The lands between pots = souls of dead warriors
land of shadow pots = lashed shaman women grafted to dead corpses
they are different
>storm assault
>phantom slash
>ice spear
>loretta's slash
>blackflame tornado
arc builds are usually always based around bleeding dummy. You CAN use other statuses I guess? Further still, Faith/Arc is just better anyways, so you can just go with minimum str/dex for equipment in most cases.
>break the ring
>get crucified and have another entire person stapled onto you
Can someone post close up images of Eochaid's Sword and the Magma Sword?
I considered farming the latter to compare them but this is taking ages so fuck that. I want to see how similar they are
Marika shat out Radagon just like how Miquella shat out St. Trina.
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Nah shits fun, think of it as a dex-build that shoehorns you into using more ARC-specific stuff, like Antspur and Flamberge. Your main damage should come from the DEX and ARC scalings flat damage, and just take the status effects on the side as a nice little treat that can synergize with more mechanics and talismans etc.
Dont try to be optimal, try to be fun!
>You CAN use other statuses I guess?
Poison is the cooler ailment. Everybody knows this.
there's so many ash of war that are just useless thanks to the super aggro bosses
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Has anyone here read ragna crimson? Attempting to larp as him on my next run and I'm wondering if there's a class at the start that fits him best outside of knight. Because of the silverine battle arts I was thinking a magic sword / sword only run. I know ragna sometimes punches and uses his fists but since this isn't nioh, I'm not using fists. From still is still very lazy and that beast claw in the DLC looks like trash
Yeah, and you have 6 combat arts at a time, most of them can combo into each other and some are specifically designed to work in strings.
They even did "boss weapons" with unique martial arts, sometimes they are so strong they can define your entire playstyle like Lu Bu's halberd giving you a flame buff.
>Lion Dancer with deathblight and adds
I'm summoning for this and don't care.
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Charo is Zanzibart's female counterpart. They are a rebis like Marika/Radagon.
Why the fuck did they make Thollier a guy? We could have had a qt schleepy soff-voiced narcoleptic waifu who awkwardly informs us her only talent is making poison.
Radagon was a Numen Tear, used by Marika as a sword to enforce her religion. It wasn't until he met Renalla that he developed himself more
Is it just me or are the hand to hand weapons like good
Like unironically really good.
I'm ripping ass with them in pvp like I never thought I would. They have nutty poise damage and stupid range on the R2s while being fast enough to apply pressure.
i dont know i havent thought of that
Remind me of molerat people from Shin Sekai Yori.
dex arc is mostly just bleed
strength arc is more varied, especially in the dlc there's a bunch of good strength/arc weapons
what you really want is to just focus on arc, and then level other stats to a useful minimum, my arc character right now is like 28str, 22dex, 19faith, 60arc. I think that's the best way to go for the most varied options.
Ehh i prefer rot over poison, but really just use both at that point.
Nope sorry, I read an article about how humans can't produce their own vitamin C the other day though, it was interesting.
Just jump down to a nearby ledge a shoot it 300 crossbow bolts. That's what I did. It can't follow you down there and it doesn't reset its position.
We can't produce any vitamin--that's why they're vitamins.
He's a literal vagabond who INTmaxxed silver sword arts. So 80INT, Milady or something, and only swordceries.
I'm sorry anon, you might be the only xbro here
Data shows that most people at RL125 still have +8 or +9 and only 19 - 22 on their weapons. Only in the arena should you expect them to have maxed weapons. This is a big reason why players do no damage when you invade at RL125.
He still has two holes
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If I kill Hornsent, Freyja and Moore before the Leda fight do they still show up there?
Ansbach is a real nigga
Qhats the coolest build for dryleaf kungfu fun? Should infuse the fists or the kicks?
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They're not even remotely similar my guy
Idk what that means but I'm pretty sure we can, like we produce vitamin D and atuff
Basically, humans can't produce vitamin C but sour foods like lemons and stuff are really high in vitamin C. Almost every other animal hates sour things but humans like it, and so the theory is that the reason humans like sour things is cause as opposed to kost animals we can't produce the vitamins they have so we evolved to like sour things. It's interesting idea
Really puts into perspective the hit classic, Elden Ring(tm)
I would if antspur wasn't the best source of both besides aeonia and the breaths.

The first and second rots? Not that slow. Third and fourth? Ain't happening. You can loop poison near needlessly in comparison. Each dagger of a shotgun has obscenely high poison buildup too.
Popping it afterwards with poison flower and a high arc build shaves off nearly 20% of a bosses lifebar

I like it. But then I run into something bleed immune and I hate it instead.
The duality of man.
Imagine Leda doing this to him and his cute little giggles during the fact.
I don't think it's all about muh difficulty, the gameplay is just getting stale since we've been doing the same shit for over a decade. Even if it's just visual, quickstepping instead of rolling would go a long way to make things feel different. I'd even say get rid of iframes entirely and design attacks so that they can just be physically avoided instead of crutching on an invulnerability system. Deflecting also helps a lot because you face the enemy head on instead of avoiding them which is a lot more fun even if it's still just "press button at the right time to avoid damage".
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Thank you all for participating!
Are these PS2 graphics?
>Even if it's just visual, quickstepping instead of rolling would go a long way to make things feel different.
>Troll Stonedigger Nick
Thanks for the showcase
meth heads have hips like that? damn
>dragon waifu fucking died after killing BAAAAAYYYYLLLEEEEE

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