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Does this look like the face of mercy?

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous Thread: >>484827971
the last zone made me cry
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EB a moonie
what's the point of the ingame filter if its case sensitive
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Best picture from last thread
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Pictured left: A max musculature highlander.
Pictured right: A max musculature midlander.

Oh my lord it's Shipwreck 64 chimpmunk!
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I love them
catboy supremacy
love their pits
What race's players are the best in roleplaying, in your experience?
my fiddie is
hit the gym
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I really like the Goblet, im not sure why people dislike it so much or call it the slums of housing.
Alas, our lives are not forever, Anon.
Right is more attractive
t. biofem
What does a latinx miqo look like
My maliddie? Femlala owned
Fight back against doomers:
>leave a 9-10 review score on Metacritic
>give the game a Recommended view on Steam if you own it on there (if you have spare cash, consider double dipping on Steam to both support the team and leave a positive review)
>point out how many complainers are either transphobes or didn't understand the story, usually due to speedreading and skipping cutscenes
>remind other players that many of the complaints are coming from fairweather fans and only make up a minority of the players; point out how high the user Metascore is after leaving your positive review
>remind people how much better the story gets in the second half; if you cried like I did, make sure to let them know how emotional it made you
>signal boost and support other posts fighting against doomer sentiment on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
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why is the gil sink mount so cheap this time
do biofems play futa chars?
miera hypnotists in your area
Okay but where's the body hair and love handles?
t. biofem
i want to be sandwiched between them
I am
A male elezen
Post absurdly lewd xiv related content
Help me.. you know~~
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Why do they look like that?
Some of us have a heart.
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hornyness is a plague why must it exist
my femra
has a big, massive sword to slay evildoers with
Sex with femra.
You no longer sense any unspoiled mature moonies...
no and they won't fuck them either lmfao
post lalas now
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people would complain
it's over
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Find a better hobby
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Miera x Fiera
Only the extremely mentally ill gooner ones. Normally they'll just make a malezen/malera or catboy/miera husband.
I did.
Me but I'm not advertising my services at the moment.
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What job just ain't you?
For me, it's Red Mage.
Lole it’s so funny how trash you niggers are without your cheats.
No auto-guard
No auto-pot
No ping zapper
No move speed hacks
Yes I’m looking at you Judas and the fucking lala niggers we all see your pathetic asses dead in the spawn LMAO!!
I hate them
>im not sure why people dislike it so much or call it the slums of housing
Balmung's red district is in the Goblet. I don't know if it's still true but the fame persists to this day.
>Sphene's VA in the final battle vs Wuk Lamat's VA in the final battle
They need to give Sena Bryer a spot in the illuminati after that high-caliber humiliation ritual.
It's over Judas bros...
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God damn thighlanders look like THAT
myspace ahh post
This game's characters still looks like shit.
Kek no wonder I've been kicking ass in PvP lately
+ or - when penumbra returns I’m going to fucking rape and gape all of you
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>multiple enterable buildings and small rooms around S9
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what up? Wanna go be racist at the lalafells?
why is it always a malera...
Explain why it's sad, not saying "because I'm a sissy faggot".
this is why nobody takes malera seriously...
Highlander.... cute....
kek, how did they respond
when do we get more space in our glamour dresser?
We need more glams that give 2b butt
"You mistelled!"
actual tranny behavior
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>Warrior of Light, have you ever visited the golden cities of the New World? Or the religious sites of the South Seas Isles? You see my good friend Azem left behind an interdimensional transport device for the Lalafells of Aloalo. They used it to escape the Fifth Umbral Era to the Twelfth reflection which had already been rejoined thousands of years before, where they quickly invented Disney World. Remembird Cleyra? Remembird the Iifa Tree? They've got it all there. Anyway as it turns out my good friend Azem's interdimensional transport crystal can not only be used to travel between worlds without killing yourself, but can also be used to initiate rejoinings without centuries of meticulous planning or mass death. All of this could have solved every major problem we Ascians had, but it slipped my mind, sadly. Azem was a good friend. Remembird us. Remembird FFIX.
I don't use plugins but I also haven't played pvp because I'm too busy leveling shit
least sexist malera rizz
do you wanna kiss in the mindrape chamber?
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i did that already it was about other ppl
i wasnt alive when myspace was created so you are now my space
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This is apparently how the VPR sword gauge works
I know is useless since you can just follow the glowing lights on your actions but I found it interesting
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really hits hard
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I feel like i babysiting my autusic sibling with adhd

at least in jp version she sound good. Im happy i swiched langueage v
Really just depends on what kind of culture would you like to roleplay.

>Highlander: Warrior-minded middle easterners with german descent.
>Sea Wolf: Vikings that modernized into gunpowder pirates (with gaelic names).
>Hellsguard: Actual completely ficticious race that guards volcanos.
>Suncats: A tribe that lives with the social structure of a lion pride.
>Mooncats: Total matriarchy where guys aren't even allowed to stay at home.
>Rava: The same, in the jungle.
>Veena: The same, in the snow.
>Xaela: *mongolian throat singing intensifies*
>Raen: Honorrabu japanese, often living underwater; alternatively, indian (but clean).
>Elezen: I'll be honest I've never bothered to check very deeply the difference between clans, duskwights apparently live in caves but also wildwoods don't always live in woods so like what he fuck gives.
>Hellions: One female for every hundred male means it's a race of simps and gays.
>Lost: The female died. Now there really is no other option than being gay.
>Plansfolk: Chill hobbit stand ins.
>Dunesfolk: Evil incarnate and the source of all problems on Eorzea.
>Midlander: Take literally any of all the backgrounds you saw higher up that you liked, it's fine, anything fits here.
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Why do these people have pimples on their forehead
Has /xivg/ tasted cum before?
And what job do you play?
Nah, I hate blunt ears more
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The left one will attract high quality women
The right one to will attract low quality NPC gil bot women
The left one will set the woman who fakes that she is "bi" straight every time
The right will not.
cute hrothgal
Why are fiera so rare in xivg?
why do i have to like the game genre i'm the worst at
which one gives me the biggest cock
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fucking pathetic
they should fuck each other
t. biofem
it's a swag amplifier
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Anyone on Crystal want to do Expert roulette?
why are dirtnose catgirls the worst posters in this general?
It really does feel like it. Both MSQ are a bit boring, but the content is really fun so far.
call me rad for a (You) in return
Pictured: Xenosys Vex finding his next underage roulette partner
where's the nipples
t. biomasc
Honestly the difference isn't that big. Both of them look ripped and like they work out a lot. One just keeps going heavier while the other goes for more reps.
I don't care, send me to horny jail, there's other horny people there
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Post Hrothgars
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Gay sex with Turali hroths
>Has /xivg/ tasted cum before?
My own and it fucking sucks. I appreciate the women who subject themselves to that sticky foul smelling shit in their mouth only because it makes us coom better.
>And what job do you play?
Was thinking DRK for this expansion but it might conflict with a friend who was also planning to play DRK... I might go back to playing DNC after all... Or possibly DRG
>You ask a lost man for the way
youre a rad potat
>Crusty post
No one likes us.
Beautiful soundpost
did they update the textures on all armor or just some?
raping this goonhog
I haven't hated a VA this much since Zelda in Breath of the Wild

Another game that for some baffling reason gave the most lines to the worst voice actor
what is it with malera and picking literally the most groomer sounding name possible
we have one here as an example. T.B.
>Or the religious sites of the South Seas Isles?
We're going to Spira bros. We will make the pilgrimage.
wheres the sweat
t. man
Hellsguard, but it will also be charred and permanently unusable because you tried to stick it into delicious magma as a child.
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Why do we have an entire section about outfitting the train if it lasts half a cutscene.......?
Seriously, why is Bakool not disqualified from the first challenge when he acts like a n*gger.......
Why would Zoraal have a complex about "beating" his dad if he is just going to cheat by using revive technology plus jack the ripper mode and then still whine about how he wasn't in his prime......?
Why would they even accept the zoraal ja kid when his dad is literally reptile Hitler who slaughtered his own people? There's no reason to honor the heredity of the crown and at worst he could be using the kid as a clone to transport his soul into......
How come Otis' robot model is made to look like a reptile when we literally never meet any reptiles in Alexandria......?

Answer these but acknowledge my superiority first......
Which jobs have the best glams? MNK glams are awful
Your cat is better than your lala
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snae ling
Highlanders and Elezen
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only if you're cute...
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because they are groomers
I don't see a single alexandrian in tuliyolal post-msq, I thought they were kind of meant to be exploring outside their little barrier?
The hissatsu skills being on a 60-second cooldown is so nice, SAMbros.
Suck my dick troon.
this is bullshit. who the fuck WOULDNT stick their dick in magma given the chance. i shouldnt be punished.
>100 breast
Why would you ever play a MNK and not be bare chested?
That would require effort
Like how all the solution 9 npcs have PVP gear. And that the PVP gear still hasn't gotten a graphics update yet
Which male midlander can I easily seduce with my femlala charm?
rad and black lala
stfu fart brain troon
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posting to make xivg worse
The worst kind...
I bet whomever thought of this naming convention thought they were being so clever, they failed to realize that all the similarities makes it more confusing not less
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If you can't make a girl cum at least 3 times, then you need more practice.
If she can't make you cum twice, it's not meant to be
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tommy bahama
remus anima
Saw her get gangbanged by a pride of hroths
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I need to reinstall reshade I think
Funny how you don't show her reply.
I am.
A humble adventurer.
The one they call the Warrior of Light.
And the power behind the throne of Tural.
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>tfw nine retainers and filled glamour dresser >getting to the point where you need to throw away old stuff to make place for some of the new armor and weapons that I like
>dont want to throw stuff away
None, male midlanders don't cavort with the likes of you.
I think I'm gonna skip grinding the 99 dungeon and just keep spamming Vanguard all the way to 100 PLD
I want as many pieces of these sets as possible
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dream nigger
NTA but max breasts looks great on catgirls, and is still a sensible size
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cry about it while i huff nerd
Bro the image is probably years old, its not new
didn't work your post made xivg better
also you have something in your ear
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>Know a retard that has been crying on and on about how healing is too braindead
>Today he literally rage quit an expert because people kept dying
Unironically made my entire day.
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Lick my soles wuktroon apologist f*ggots......
Notice how you subhumans only pop up when someone tries to talk about the game and not the myriad of other posts that are just erp and disgusting grown male dating......?
warrior, black mage, white mage
i am
a catboy
and a big fan of fiera
New xiv movie idea. it's called "The Chaser" romantic comedy starring Rob Schneider as a malera
bro people here dont care about sensible sizes
they want watermelon sized tits and horse cocks
Huff my rock solid shaft you stupid shit nose little fuck
wow pve in this game is fucking ass
Goofy how I reposted this image
Just throw out glam that you never use, or is extremely easy to replace, like calamity salvager stuff or vendor/poetics gear
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>undercut -100k
>he undercuts you back -2M

How do you even respond?
>forced to listen to zeplahq for 6 hours to get a mount
This has to be the worst grind yet
>undercut -100k
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I want to plap, who do I ask?
light btw
>want to throw away some
>but it's not gotten a graphics update or 2 dyes yet
>i might like it then
Realize that your product had artificial demand and you fooled yourself.
cat noses without shading are like feet without pink colouration and aesthetic sweaty wrinkles
Why are there so many WARs in /xivg/
I'm aware but I have a feeling that cringe probably had a response that didn't fit the narrative.
My male middie on the left
Your lala on the right
I undercut by 10m
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How come GNB players only ever talk about Squall and not Lightning, despite both using a Gunblade?
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The lack of mod beast posting is really nice
stealing this felezen
t. also dark duskie
Why has most of this general tasted cum before?
Undercut enough to crash the market for a week then begin restocking because gil means nothing anymore it's just about telling someone to fuck off my turf.
absolute cinema
nothing matters but me selling mine first and I'll drag markets to the ground because gil is useless and I have submarines
i want a catboy bf for my miera
literally just mute the tab
not the stream, the tab itself
thanks anons, as promised here's your (You)s
Wuk Lamat won

Her voice ACTRESS won

Everybody loved how she was the main character and we are a side character so Wuk won so bigly

Femhroths won

Dawntrail is the best recent expansion

Chuds lost

Zoraal Ja lost

Garlemald fags lost

Trump lost and will lose again

Biden is your president

Trans right are human rights

/XIVG/ lost and will seethe for years to come
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easy to play, simple as
>Lick my soles
Are you a moonie or femra?
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can do buckaroo
so tru babe
At least they made some good ryona rapebait for us
go to balmung
but you can't right now if you're not balmungese because of the update
everyone not on balmung is in chastity
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>also you have something in your ear
that's the right side of the spriggan earring
Lightning's gunblade looks like shit
most braindead job in the game by far
>second highest damage
>requires negative skill to play
>independent from healer, don't even need a functioning brain for cd usage
I wonder why
Wildwood bowed down to the elementals in exchange for living in the woods, thus leading to the foundation of Gridania. Duskwights rejected the elementals and either went underground (darker skin) or fled to Coerthas (lighter skin). Wildwood are very racist towards forest Duskwights because they are both darker and more prone to crime (just like real niggers).
Xenoblade looking ass character
No (though one of my biggest sex dreams is to taste the female equivalent, if only once)
I don't understand. Post an example
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I'll be frank, I don't like Wuk Lamats writing. Its not just her VA that is the problem.
It's fun
You don't need to rely on shitty healers
miqos standing in front of low textured food is so hot

It's so gratifying to tank the price of an expensive item purely out of spite because money is worthless
Even this is a repost.
Even me telling you you're reposting is a repost.
>Why do people who like Star Wars only talk about Darth Vader and never Kylo Ren
>the female equivalent
"cream team" is just female smegma
squirt is just piss jsyk
>though one of my biggest sex dreams is to taste the female equivalent, if only once
Anon... the female equivalent is basically just piss.
You don't sample your own baby batter for quality assurance?
Elezen also claim to be the first race to live in Eorzea
Yeah if you count my own
BLM SCH SAM DNC PLD femlala here
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Yes, I go down on biofems.
I keep my women happy.
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I'm not gonna lie, I don't like Wut Lamat because she's voiced by a tranny.
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>Snake fate gets announced
>Spend 5minutes waiting to transfer
>Get to the fate
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee wait
moonie soles

is the goal
The fuck is this fanfiction?
Even better.
Eat fruit.
Thanks again everyone who came to help. :D
The verdict is in, the people REALLY love Bakool Ja Ja
Women don't produce cum, idiots
You know that women’s orgasms arent real and it’s just them pissing on you, right?
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>Just finished up EW and got introduced to Wuk Lamat
I already hate this character, and you guys are telling me DT is full of this piece of shit?
the funny part is that they don't even have cleyra OR burmecia
the most they have is a normal looking building that's called the Cleyra Museum or something
Treno/Alexandria/Oeilvert don't look too terrible but the entire area is a bad joke copying an infinitely better game
Otis was the only good character
My female Rava Viera is the Bakool Ja Ja of xivg.
Not the squirt, moreso the "cream". But if it's just smegma, then...
>estininen yshtola and alphinaud out of nowhere in origenics just for trial support
Okay that was silly
Yes. Switch to JP or any other language if you want to keep your sanity. It's much more bearable imo.
I see more WARs than any job in total.
>It's a melee job
>It's easy
>No positionals because tank
>You have healing for days and can make all the mistakes
>Tanks are always in need
>Fell Cleave, Inner Chaos, Primal Rend, Primal Wrath, Primal Ruination
t. warrior
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holy shit, anon cracked the code!
She has nearly the same amount of lines as the entire rest of the cast + some new ones in the expac combined. Like 7000 words or something.
you can't have her she's not for you
It's literally just her at every damn turn. And while you're turning that corner to stumble into her face first yet again every other character will just be talking about her.
They do if they are, you know, +
You know how people joke about characters being poochies?
The first time wuk isn't on screen for 5 minutes red alphinaud literally says "Hey where's wuk lamat?"
I'm so glad her VA is able to put up a smokescreen to convince people the only people who hate Wuk are just bigots

I'd be interested in seeing how well she's playing in Japan considering she doesn't have this protection field around her over there
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>Combat Theme Tier list
DT >> ShB > EW = SB > HW > ARR
How can you say you love your eb if you won't felch your mixed smeg?
*acts aloof and ignores you*
shall not be changing my opinion on this
I'm okay with having a tranny VA but why the fuck did they make her the main character
That makes it hotter.
dt theme is dogshit wdym
Her english VA isn't great but her character is infinitely worse than her already not good VA.
Changing it to another language will probably make her slightly less obnoxious but it won't help much.
i don't understand why people take this game so seriously when you all you do is press some keys on the keyboard and move your character every few seconds
if you die you usually get a boost to make the game easier
people still rage though
He's the only claimant I liked in his simplicity, except for maybe Koana's policy of "give everyone in Catboy Texas as many guns as possible". Funnily enough, despite being such a one-note character he STILL manages to have more depth than all three Promises combined, even if only by a hair.
not to mention new inner chaos animation and sfx is sex now
Stop being a burnt potato.
yuri with this duskie
Yeah. Ultimately, turning the VA to another language is delaying the inevitable. The character is just fucking SMOTHERING.
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Healer are shit and with Warrior I don't need one. Saving them from fucking up constantly is amusing though.
My femra would drink her EB's piss if it was done in a loving manner
do you mean overworld or boss or what
because all of DT's combat themes are pretty whatever
not bad but not good either
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Do you like malegars?
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How are the femhroth stocks holding up?
*loses interest and moves on to someone else*
WAR is just based. Most chad job in the game by a massive margin.
Is it worth leveling a 2nd job before finishing msq if I hit 100 on my 1st one?
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do you like it or dislike it?
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Have fun :)
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Strap in, kid
Talk to Wuk Lamat again
eb like this?
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>generic bossanova slop that's not even using that many advanced techniques
Oh no, I guess I'll just have to take one for the team and eat out all the women so you guys don't have to haha.
just crashed and lost all my mats on that synthesis
yuri is good especially if it's two femezens, maybe I should reconsider
sorry bro
>Shows up in the last 30% of the msq
>Still has that much dialogue
Wuk is the protagonist of the story. The writers took the "When Poochie isnt on screen every other character should be asking "Where's Poochie?" like it was gospel.
Kill all furries. Especially after this abortion of an expansion.
Organic posting at its finest.
ok i got my crafters and gatherers maxed out how do I start printing gil
>I'd be interested in seeing how well she's playing in Japan considering she doesn't have this protection field around her over there
if you turn on jp voices she turns into the genki anime tomboy trope, they just went with something safe and it's much more tolerable than her english writing/voice
I'd fuck your boypussy
it's just female smegma man im sorry you had to find out this way
ive never tasted it but i slept with a girl who insisted on licking it off me afterwards though she was just a freak
I unironically hate furries more thanks to Square Enix.
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>decide to do a boat to get my fisher to 100
>hit a new personal record
Femhroths are at an all-time high
grind out scrips and sell crafter materia
my exact reaction. I don't remember wuk lamat's first words when I met her in old sharlayan. but I just remember instantly hating her
Just how little is Urianger featured to have the third lowest word count after fucking Estinien?
Wuk is the main character to a degree never seen before in this game

Did you dislike Zero because she got too much focus? Well strap in because this is so much worse
It's pretty much all with Woke Lecat
wtf? get away from crazy bitch
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Is it really Slop if it got all the details right?
It's over
Well that's not very nice.
I wonder if we'll have a recurring theme of the gil sink mounts just being the Solution Nine cars
NTA but yeah
slop refers to shit that's mass produced and easily produced
*fell cleaves you*
Sex with Gugool Ja Ja and his enormous hemipenis
You're unironically too late now. Should have been faster to beat the rush. Everyone is maxed out now
it's just like gta online all over again
i think i might be schizophrenic because i can never tell what personality to use when talking with people in final fantasy xiv. i try to just act like myself then realise i dont know what my actual personality is like i just act like how i think the other person would like me to
femra btw
Right now i's Thancred I must needs pray speak to.... But first, that Aether Currant!
>everyone says WAR is good because healers are shit
>only time I died on DRK/GNB was when people asked me to reset the boss because it's their first time and I comply
Shut the fuck up nigger it's been like a week
>but shes not for you
ur a creep and shes a pearl
*just kiss her starts playing*

memes aside acutal dark duskies are 1 in a million rare
God I need to cum in another Femlala NOW
man i hate dying in this game...... it always makes me feel like an idiot.. and then when someone picks me up i'm not as useful....
Any scion not named krile or red alphinaud does not exist in the story at all.
G'raha shows up for like 5 minutes at the end but even he barely gets fuck all to do besides a token boat ride with you that all the g'raha fangirls hate anyway because every character is so poorly written.
>finish role quests
>i wonder what to do now
>remember I have to do omnicrafting now
why does thinking about that fill me with intense dread?
is there enough that even my femra can have a femhroth eb to come home drunk and beat the shit out of me?
my femlala just got finished crafting 50 rarefied tacos de carne asada, I'm so proud of her
Sounds like it got plucked out of FF16, which is fine by me.
That's not what smegma is, you retard. Smegma is a buildup on the outside of the vagina and penis opening when someone hasn't showered or wiped properly for weeks. Milky white fluid mixed in with a woman's natural vaginal discharge and fluids is just her ovulating. Jesus Christ.
this is a symptom of abuse in the past
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Combat theme? you keep that shit turned on?
sending my femezen to yuri
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It don't matter, he's a dumbass
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Rava Fiera here
how come everybody on reddit wants to fuck Eren's mom but I am treated like a ghost?
Do I have to wear slutty glams?....
I'm sorry, you can't compete with the appeal of mamoolja men
get my femezen down to mamook and start trying for some blessed siblings, I tell you what
What if its AI generated but it's the result of feeding img2img for like 10 hours until you finally got what you wanted?
>Well that's not very nice.
Blame Dawntranny for being your racial representation. They also managed to be the gayest part of the whole Rite of Succession, which is borderline an accomplishment.
Pooch Lamat has as much dialogue as the next three most talkative characters combined.

Btw there are people who even now insist the problem with the expansion was the Scions even though they can't even reach a fraction of Wuk Lamat's total volume of lines.

You probably hated her because her first fucking act is to arrive late and be rude to G'raha and Erenville with a "Aiiii we're all just bros here aren't we?" attitude despite literally just meeting you.
I wanted to be suspicious, but I had no right to argue as a virgin.
>coping this hard
I won't fix her
I want her to make me worse
I have 150M gil right now and im still selling houses.
When should I stop? I havent finished the MSQ yet, I just keep selling and crafting all day.
dont even know what Im gonna do with my money, I just want more. I need more.
Yes, it makes for quicker cleanup
that'd be a better use than the 50m golden ones at least
you suck massive wiener
let's run a 3 dps 1 war dungeon bro
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thighlander breast...
this game needs more ryona
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Well it got all the details right I wouldn't call it easily produced.

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the second life rot is leaking out of the mods and into the actual game.
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It's double over.
It's triple over.
Good job, that's a pretty big number. I don't think I've ever cracked 30k.
you sound like you play a male highlander WAR who can't chainpull in dungeons
>I have 150M gil right now
No gil cap? Surely you can do better.
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>DT MSQ sucks (spoiler free edition)
Wuk is annoying and forced on you constantly like a fly on a shit msq.
Everyone has forgettable names X'djjfjfjwhehrujg abu-alaahmad
Msq widely accepted as being complete shit
Even normies don't like the MSQ
Fetch quest the MSQ
Company made a "theme soundtrack" that literally doesn't fit any scene they put it in. A montage scene was a "wtf" moment with it in it.
They didn't improve on the friends list only the blacklist filters
The expansion didn't bring back your FC
The expansion has your friends considering to not resub
Record number of unsubbed people coming.. get ready for a cry stream about the corporate graph that's going down
"Gender politics" is trying to be blamed for a literal shit msq story.
>dont even know what Im gonna do with my money, I just want more. I need more.
yeah and then once you're done you're going to realize it's fucking useless besides the gold sink mounts
what the fuck im chasing femboy only from now on
>LYSE lines=217 words=3000
>Over double the voice lines lyse had
Too much, way too much
>sassy black mammybunny
Of course Reddit would gush and dilate over her.
>DT Combat Music
Overworld > Final Dungeon Boss > Trial 2 = Trial 3 >Trial 1 >Mid Boss
If it’s not Uranus boobs I’m not interested
Is that still viable? They do a good amount of damage on the DPS so I never tried this Expansion.
Nigga you’re an alter anyway not even a real hrothgar
>ai slop
>still can't get fingers right after 6 years
>doesn't even look like a catgirl
Because ALC is a bitch to level this expac and leather is extraordinarily expensive
That said it's still pretty easy if you have your Indagator set
I really, really want the car. I'm willing to hoard gil just to purchase it on day 1 if you can buy it like the wheeler.
these two are definitely fucking
>Company made a "theme soundtrack" that literally doesn't fit any scene they put it in. A montage scene was a "wtf" moment with it in it.
the fucking disney song or whatever you wanna call that was hilarious
Why did god have to make diksy bulgarian? He would be so perfect if he was polish :c

Sharing a nationality with eiki shiki the cuckold is just unimaginable.
no you're just brown people like it okay
My fiera is punting lalafells again
How do I get the gatherable items to craft the 100 crafter gear if I don't have the level 100 gatherer gear
It's my main now. I have left my old character behind.
If you go to the apartment before the guy on the right appears he says like what's taking him so long
They are FUCKING
>They didn't improve on the friends list only the blacklist filters
weren't they supposed to have that thing where you both had to be on each other's friends list
i didn't hallucinate that right
Calm down, Macchi, we'll go to your next meetup.
What do catgirls taste like?
Last part is the most important. At the end of the day, if Wuk Lamat had a perfect angelic voice with a cis voice actress that'd make everyone coom on sight, the story would still tank because what the FUCK is this direction.

The VA being bad seriously doesn't help though.
kind of thinkin bout getting ratatat art of my femra
Dude I hated it. It woulda fit the scene of us COMING TO THE CONTINENT. But instead they put it in a shitty montage.
She looks like Emo Meteion lmao
this but unironically
My fiera is latina coded and nobody sends me lewd tells
it's so over
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I can't begin to tell you how much I love this little fella
>confirms that he in fact needs a healer for his runs
>100 breast
actually looks good on thighlanders...
please help can I get my penumbra back please
Final boss got you early.
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quickest way to get from 86-91 as a dps?
he's gonna die in 7.3
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>No gil cap? Surely you can do better.
I started Dawntrail with 4m gil, lost everything gambling.
if you're a rava everyone knows you have a penis so nobody ever bothers
>A Train called
>been in queue for 4 minutes already
we're so fucked huntbros
I didnt even finish levelling all to 90, i only had the trio of alc cul and gsm levelled to cap, i think im just gonna give up and forget about it. Not even gonna bother with gatherers either.
nice I got it
thanks dude, femezen received
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what happens when you don't lock the PF to one player per job
Dick cheese.
baed hater
can't, playing bard gave me melanin
i need a femra like this to crush my dick
Goofy goober, I'm asking for the DPS. How would I know. I'm fairly certain it works for them too if they don't fuck up mechs and use their stuff well but you never know.
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was never abused think i might just be autistic
it makes having friends in game difficult because idk how to act around them
I don't...
np bro, hope they scissor well
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Done exploring the bosnian pyramids-Shadowbringers has been tight. I saw some Dawntrail content and I am honestly eager to see who's in the right on this.
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what? why?
Ugh, why did the EXs have to drop 1 Totem.

200 runs...
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>hunt train starts in 5minutes
>it takes 8minutes to world transfer
Sex with this cooked lala
It's really obvious they wanted to just do back to back to back of every scene people even remotely liked from the past few expansions but without any of the build up or caring about anything that made those scenes work.
People (kind of) liked everyone you helped working together for the talos and the ship? Throw that in for some meme train
People liked haurchefant (back in HW at least)? Have otis die for little reason
People liked shinryu knocking on endsinger's autism bubble? Now wuk lmao does that too
We love wuk lamat!
Everyone will love wuk lamat!
im gonna cream this baked potato
act however feels natural to you
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I donno, I didn't watch any LL's
>Doesn't matter the VA
Yes. There was too much Wuk being shoved in your face the entire time. I don't even want to hear this flea bag in other languages, even if a mod does come out for it. You literally can't have a scene without her face in it, so annoying.
>the only conductor in my server is a rally point nigger
I wanna kill myself. 48-mark bullet trains are 1 hour long and this nigger prolongs them up to 2 hours...
I know people who love Wuk

The might be genuine or they might love Wuk because to hate her is to hate her voice actor and we can't have that
you dont need LB3 in a farm party in an EX
just finished skipping the msq, what a fucking lazy end, I didn't visited /xiv/ before finishing, I am the only one who couldn't bear the cat and started skipping furiously ?
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Are the best
Where the FUCK did he come from?
Did Zoraal Ja drag in a mamool ja slampiece before he headed into the golden city?
Is he a clone that Zoraal Ja ordered made and then cast aside?
Did Zoraal Ja fill up a lalafell like a creampuff and forced her to lay an egg the same size as her like some kind of kiwi bird?

Seriously, where the fuck did this lil fuck come from?
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Thx woke nigger for making me a skipchad.
Serioudly they push this transfurryfaggot till the end.
Yeah, I'm not going to bother with trains for the first month or so unless I catch one on my world. Longer trains don't appeal to me anyway, but with transferring being what it is right now it's just not a good time.
I can tank dungeons in exhange for blowjobs. Throw up a pf
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>krile on screen talking
Fuck off, I want to learn more about the different cultures in Tural, not deal with whatever familial hangups you have.
It's possible there was a mamool ja on the train that got lost there but they literally never bring it up lmao
>People liked shinryu knocking on endsinger's autism bubble? Now wuk lmao does that too
Oh my god please tell me this doesn't happen
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What are you working on right now bros since you're finished with the MSQ?
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dw wuk will interrupt that too.
Leveling everything to max again
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>Did Zoraal Ja fill up a lalafell like a creampuff and forced her to lay an egg the same size as her like some kind of kiwi bird?
thinly veiled fetish post but I respect it nonetheless
Worst msq ever i hope we never see wuk dead dad again.
my mom is 2b
i've had about 12 beers it's feeling like nap time
In that case now is an extraordinarily bad time to level because a lot of the late EW mats like Chondrite and Ophio Leather have skyrocketed in price due to being needed in large quantities for certain DT crafts. My best advice would be to wait until 7.1 so you can immediately get the BiS left side, since by the time you get leveled now it'll be close enough to patch that you'll have missed 7.0 prime moneymaking anyway. Take your time and do your GC turnins.
Nice trips

Yeah man it's over
My maliddie? Femra owned.
GODbreakers put fucking WarKEKS in their place this expansion holy shit.
God willing.
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Bro literally cannot stop thinking about this tranny lmao.
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Krile is such a fucking joke character I don't know how anyone can even pretend to like her.
Wuk is an obnoxious piece of shit but she as a character if a fucking horrible one.
Krile unironically had more of a character in fucking Eureka than she did in DT
>finished with the MSQ
i'm at 92, i've barely done msq
i'm not in any hurry
Queue pvp
this is the main issue with the expansion, it has no original ideas of it's own. everything is just a spin on something from ff9 or a previous expansion. that's okay for post-msq like with EW but it's unacceptable here
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My tummy hurts
And it's eating me up inside. Where the fuck is his mom?
I was going for absurdism actually, but I knew it'd be someone's fetish and still sent it anyways.
why horny
My maliddie? OWNED
my femra? femra owned
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technically Lightning does not use a gunblade. she uses a "dual weapon", a blade that transforms into a gun
fate grinding unfortunately
Hmm. Pygo post.
Fuck you.
delete this lil bro
and apologize
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leveling crafters/gatherers
my catboy is
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Leveling combat jobs to max so I have options to choose from
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this is really getting painful to have to do GC turn in daily for. mats are jewishly expensive and only sold in 99 stacks as of the last few days so I have to go out and spend 30 minutes just to gather all the shit
at least pictos pack a raid buff. if you get a shit viper, that's the equivalent to getting a shit samurai or a shit black mage...
I liked Wuk Lamat but even I thought she was in it too much
Showing up in the final trial was the last straw
Yaeh. That's why I'm pissed. This was supposed to be the expansion where Krile gets more fleshed out into something important. Instead I have this fucking piece of catpuke pretending they're my fucking friend. Doesn't help that they can't handle any goddamn vocal range beyond a lowercase 'a'. What's that? Change the VA? Is that gonna solve her fucking having 90% of dialogue?

I was expecting something fun but fuck me I guess
Spoil it. I don't fucking care anymore. I did, but I don't anymore
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My pictofiddie is communist
She does not perform art for war or profit
She lets the NPCs do all the work while enjoying the spoils of their labor
I'm playing in Jp.
but the smelly wound of this thing still burn my noise in jp
It wasn't even ok for 6.X
I mean, 6.X was handled a LOT better than 7.0, but even as one of the most diehard franchise fans in this general most likely I didn't think having a speed run of ff4 was great.
Having a butchered and bastardized version of ff9 at the end and they treat it as some sort of ""reward"" (that you then actively destroy) is insulting.
The plot is literally just Gaia/Terra soul shit again too, even 6.X had a better spin on 4's story than that.
Maulskull is a sick fucking boss bros
fuck my sister chris will never get old
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it's mostly over
why did you change your name
did bnu get to HORSE eiki's eb?
>didn't level fsh first
>dalamud is back up
>only things updated are honorific, orchestrion, peeping tom, and emote log
Well shit. At least dalamud will notify me of duty queue pops.
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my first MCH game after a long bad streak and I absolutely destroyed everyone including my team
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just wait until the inevitable buff for WAR
the devs love WAR
we are the favorite
my femraen? femxaela owned
any tips for levelling gatherers? i only have a node every 30 mins. what should i do between them?
>dungeon has ronka gear recolors
>viper and picto get new weapon models that actually resemble the ronkan style
>sage and reaper get somehot garbage
Bitch should've just stayed in Sharlayan as a support character.
Tural is still fun and Wuk is cute, sorry your lolibaba waifu is such a shit character I guess.
I don't blame you. My friend skipped literally (and I do mean literally) every single piece of dialogue/cutscene that was possible in the expansion and he probably had a better time of it than I did.
wait... do you really have to get rroneek chuck from gemstones and retainers? there are no other sources?
I was hoping krile would get a lot more character in DT. But its all focused on wuk and krile gets nothing until thirty minutes before the end of the msq.
BPDemon femra
I need it
She kills the boss.
The boss then addresses only her during the tragic death and ending part.

You just stand in the back wondering if the boat trips was worth it and if you're at least gonna get to see Y'shtola in a bikini/G'raha in a speedo before the end of the expansion.
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Why did Soken drop the ball so hard this expansion.....?
Why are there no vocal tracks.....?
Why do the tracks all sound like they played pentatonic guitar licks or piano over a generic latinx backing track......?
Why did they put what I assume is 1930s swing jazz in the main latinx zone(is this a latinx thing...? Felt out of place to me)......
[4/8] I'll go to sleep and finish the rest tomorrow........
Does anyone know what music the Outrunner mount plays? If it's the solution 9 music I must have it.
Where are the VPR katanas
gemstones and maybe an overworld mob at a very low rate
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>ugly ass lion face
Careful anon, BLMs were saying the exact same shit, look at them now.
>and if you're at least gonna get to see Y'shtola in a bikini/G'raha in a speedo before the end of the expansion.
I think the music was mostly "fine" but he's probably saving the good shit for .1 to .3.
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>She kills the boss.
>The boss then addresses only her during the tragic death and ending part.
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Grape-Flavored Cat checking in! Nya~~
gemstones/retainers or killing rroneek like every other mob drop material man yeah
Tural is Taco Land through the lens of a japfuck salaryman who's experience with latins is Taco Bell. Wuk literally is incapable of basic speech patterns and is basically a sperg/spastic hybrid who was given everything she wanted, including the goddamn throne.

I can accept Krile is just my lolibaba waifu being shit, but to pretend Wuk is anything more valuable than the particles in my piss stream is just obvious retardation.
now HD
It does. She jumps on Sphene when we bring her down to 25%. The final phase is Sphene unleashing easy mechanic vomits a-la-Zeromus while Wuk bonks her head with multiples LBs in a row.
>he's not in the secret poop rate channel on the bestcord
Dumb retard. I don't even do these. Do your fucking leves and collectables. You can max a job in like an hour.
Dark Knights...
i gathered most of the materials for my crafter leves/collectables myself and that alone took me to 96ish. after that it was only like 2 or 3 hours of collectables. also, collectable nodes pop up every 10 mins or so so i dont know what you mean by 30.
ask me ingame/DMs
nah they love WAR more
DRK is the one they shit on and thats good
First expansion?
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i'm nearly free from fates jail..
Where you at? I want to plap
>since you're finished with the MSQ
i got my crafters up to max
then my gatherers
then i spammed tacos for a few days
might stop now since they're dropping on my world, think i'll just do another 3 sets of tacos for my own set's materia 12s
then maybe get rdm up so my retainers can hit 100
oh, also getting the capybara next time the snake is up
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Are you enjoying Pictomancer so far?
Kyoppi humor
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knew it was gonna be a bad expansion when this was the amano piece he did
like what the fuck even is this
I get it, it's meant to be zidane but why is it... like that...
im a bit more disassociation coded but i still got some BPD in me fr fr
Being a reaper is suffering. At least the level 89 job weapon has two dye channels.
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Should I play Ninja or BLM/PCT?

or just become a tank/healslut
>Tural is Taco Land through the lens of a japfuck salaryman who's experience with latins is Taco Bell.
Yeah and it's fun, but your lolibaba is still shit. Sucks to suck.
>"Let's make sure they feel heard"
I'm noticing more...modern phrasing in this expansion
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Who the hell plays BLM, why would you do that when picto exists and it just BLM but better in every way
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The real kicker is how this is literally the highlight. It's a stupid fanservice detail. And it's the highlight. Because everything else is just that terrible.
post feet
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my moonie looks and acts like this
>Multiple LBs in a row.
After Dynamis and this, LB just doesn't mean anything anymore, does it? Just fucking anyone can do it, lmao.
guys nearly dead, give him a break
your job is a grief-pick
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My fiddie unironically looks and acts like this
Alexandria theme ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6MTkT9iAQA ) was his magnum opus this expansion but Soken honestly tends to be mid and Uematsu is better
You don't actually want an answer, you just want attention for the slutty catgirl you posted.
>Careful anon, BLMs were saying the exact same shit, look at them now.
better than ever? the only people upset over the changes are deranged parsetrannies who fled to pictomancer (and are now being shat on for their 'nonstandard' thing being fixed too)
koji isnt as involved anymore from what i've heard so the dialogue is less interesting yeah
actual kino
this is going on my list of AI generated movies for the future
go back to /trash/ freak
The Krile vs. Lamat discourse wasn't something I foresaw but I suppose there have been stranger waifu wars throughout the ages.
nta but how? is it just because of damage?
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do I reset my retainers back to level 1 to make them pictomancers?
someone talk me out of this
>Tural is Taco Land through the lens of a japfuck salaryman who's experience with latins is Taco Bell.
it's unironically extremely well researched
kozama'uka is literally veracruz
It's like they forgot how shit Lyse was. Lyse had a fine va. She was still shit. WL is Lyse but worse and with a bad EN VA. WL is a shit sandwich but even the bread is shit.
You should bounce on my sunnie's +
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Highlander witch knights.
the regulator thing is such a stupid idea

>die to some random cow
>come back
>cow continues stomping on your corpse over and over

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i'm logging in
the zodiark/hydaelyn piece was possibly the most integral art that FFXIV has ever seen and their models are entirely based off of that one specific piece
so like......how did this one come out looking like this
let's see your fiddie
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Reminder you WILL make it and Wuk Lamat's EN VA /WILL/ die a gruesome death before being sent to the depths of Hell
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Paladins how are WE doing?
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is there a ff14 equivalent
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>Uematsu is better
I mean obviously
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good night
shut up im talking to the real ones
>Chink writing
>have some banana leaf with spiced meat even though banana leaves arent edible.
>shows us tacos
>extremely well researched
Well I guess I can just stop talking to you.
do you have a boyfriend? please say yes
Krile has been my waifu since Eureka. You nancy come latelys don't deserve her.
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I will clear week 1 on DRK again
how can i punish fieras who always say "no one likes fiera"
average wuk lamat fan
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no i do want an answer, i just know no one responds to my questions unless i post slutty catgirls
now answer the question
there's no difference between a discipline of magic/war and another when it comes to retainers. they all hunt for the same rwards and their venture timers are the same
Man, vorefags are going to have a lot of fun with the idea
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>it's meant to be zidane
it's not though
it's literally the ff3 cover art
the literal only reason they have the ff3 cover art is because it features two swords and they wanted to show off viper
and even then they probably should have went with ff12 since viper has gabranth abilities anyway
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close enough
im a tranny too though?
ignore them like you should all viera players sans tikaasi
Artorias was a paladin
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Listening to the soundtrack of this expansion to me felt like when the drummer kid in Whiplash finds Fletcher in the bar and he's just playing the lamest Starbucks bgm jazz.......
Thread would implode at seeing my soft feet no thanks......
Soken is great because he adds a variety of different genres to a franchise that is basically nothing but orchestral midislop......
The metal/rock songs we've gotten resonate more with me than Uematsu stuff.....
atm yea its just damage. they do like 10% less than a gnb or something
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The hot takes on Dawntrail are far more interesting than Dawntrail itself
iirc they literally said he made it in a day because they didn't think to ask him until it was too late or some nonsense
I was also bored to tears anon. Not sure how this game managed to make murdering a bunch of children in a theme park boring, but it did.
does your moonie like malera
they cook the food in banana leaves, you don't eat them
Which abilities are Gabranth's?
I refuse. Delete your images and I'll give you pros and cons.
Smooching this cute boy on his private places.
>banana leaves arent edible.
You don't eat the banana leaves retard you cook with them both in the quest and in real life
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my disappointment is immeasurable
what wouldn't i give for a scythe with dyable runes on it
i prefer rroneek sneed desu
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game over this place is a lost cause
It's not too late to be normal
Idk vro but we will be henehoeing in Balmung Ul'dah when the troonexpac hype is dedz0rz
after Manus was done with him he no longer was one
picto is great, it just feels slightly annoying that one of the gauges you build is a dps loss
great for moving, but man it feels wrong to just let it sit there at 5 charges otherwise
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Yeah but he doesn't know I'm like that.
As things stand right now, Wut Lamat is the best user of Dynamis in the setting, even surpassing the WoL.
A moonies
I'm the average wuk lamat fan and I don't look or act like that
>English DT VAs are insulting the fans on twitter
The deterioration begins.
Image shoving your face into the loincloth of a hrothgirl and huffing her musky scent until you pass out.
the new house is kinda cool
Uematsu being better will likely never stop being the case, but even then before this most of it was great.
There were a few ok pieces in DT but nothing that even were that good.
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Paladin bros? You out there?
It can't just be me.
>banana leaves arent edible.
whitest most uncultured fucking reply i've ever seen here
no shit dumbass
I can I have a bite of that croissant you're holding?
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thanks this pic is a keeper
Okay, retard #1 and retard #2. Now explain how a taco is a tamale. How is the shit I'm looking at not a wheat tortilla? All you faggots argue like this. You latch onto a part of the argument then act all smart like you figured some shit out.

Why is it a taco, retard.
>20 mails
The music and visuals did most of the heavy lifting this expansion since the story was so shit
>Jazzy Turiyollal was the only redeeming factor of that city
>The glowing forest and "la-hee lite" of Yak'Tel was fun
>Catboy Texas was fucking perfect
>Solution 9 has great music
>Pretty much all the Alexandria dungeons and trials have great music
I'd say the final trial was the redeeming factor in this mess of an expansion in both music and presentation but then Poochie Lamat had to ruin it
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Here's some bonus cringe in the form of RPers.
No one is arguing (ok well, someone probably is) over which one they like, people are just trying to figure out which one is worse.
A horrible character, or a non-existent one
eh they'll address it with 7.01 or 7.05 if it's an actual problem
it's not like there's any dps checks right now anyway
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This is what you trannies look like when you talk about filtering posts and blacklisting people.
>Wuk Lamat when the WoL asks to go on an adventure in the adventure expansion
>lower damage
>magic-only AoE mit
>20% cd is magic-only
>no sustain
>risking dps-loss with TBN
the list could go on, there is not a single benefit in that job
if you pick it you are mentally unwell
>go into neighbor village
>rape woman
>she dies from the shock
>comes back to life due to funky replicator
>rape her again
habibis i think we won
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>Cochinita pibil (also puerco pibil or cochinita con achiote) is a traditional Yucatec Mayan slow-roasted pork dish from the Yucatán Peninsula.[1] Preparation of traditional cochinita involves marinating the meat in strongly acidic citrus juice, adding annatto seed, which imparts a vivid burnt orange color, and roasting the meat in a píib while it is wrapped in banana leaf.
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>Make room in your heart to learn and grow and love others.
I hate the platitudes so much it's unreal. There is nothing wrong with hating.
Is this the German dude who's a blast to have a parties who was crying yesterday about how as a teenager he never did anything stupid? Please say yes please say yes.
i'll plap you later after he goes to bed
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>crystarium coat of scouting
>cryptlurker corselet of scouting
>edenmorn bolero of scouting
>some casualcore shit
viper players brimming with creativity
I want a "that I can't deny" moment after Wuk Lamat's death that's "i never really liked her"
Sorry bro, I'm here. Bit puzzled by Blade of Honor not being on the Confiteor button but otherwise truckin
If that's the argument then the answer is clearly Woke Lamutt. How can anyone hate Krile when she has no character and only exists to deliver plot devices and exposition?
>magic-only AoE mit
You do realize almost all aoe damage in the game is magic right?
most animals just kind of leave a dead thing alone unless it's actively trying to eat you
just don't jump up and do a song and dance something no one in the story learns and you're fine
catboy texas was fucking gay, worst part of the expansion by far
are you black?
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Is this man so upset with DT that he's TRYING to get himself nuked?
I'd rather play some music
no, but that's clever i'll give you that
thank you anon, for that ill let you give me ONE headpat
leveling all roles and then doing all the role quest so I could get the whole story at once without the gaps inbetween.
>several centuries-year old mother of 5+"
I dread the thought of being European.
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>me when i open ksiv gee
did you enjoy being useless in P10S? lmao
Absolutely brutal mogging, shouldn't even be lega.
>people are glad the story isnt about you anymore
>meanwhile wow is like "here you go champion!"
fucking cucks, i dont want to know what happens to wuk lamat, the story should be about ME, the main character
yeah I was just specifically talking about the elezen who just sits there monologuing as the weird behemoth thing is sitting right next to her ready to kill her again
If you look too long, they could kill you
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one of their buff moves I'm guessing I dunno I never touched the job
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So put aside WuK Lamat's VA for a second.
Why do people hate her, she obviously is meant to be the overly confident type that hides insecurities, she's literally Shonen protag tiers of silly.
The issue isn't really her, but the pacing of the expansion alongside many story queues that make no fucking sense.
Zarool Ja's multi stack being magic damage when he's slamming his swords on you is retarded
i dont know why people use zyzz as an example of making it. that fucking guido retard is dead. thats the complete opposite of making it for those unaware.
You are so, so stupid.
>There is nothing wrong with hating.
True, but you shouldn't hate enough to turn retarded.
This but also all the Scions are present and they turn to look at you and after a silent beat moment they start going like
>...wait you mean I've been faking I liked her for nothing?
>What the hell WoL? We've been shittalking her nonstop whenever you or her weren't around!
>We thought you were completely enamored with her, that you considered her your pupil!
>I can't believe I actually said she'd make a good leader, what a fucking dumbass...
>You or her?
oh you're complaining they showed a different model than what they described the food as?
wuk lamat is based and has done more in two patches than krile has in years. just another lalanigger
Fuck you
shut up kumo
does retainer item level matter for anything
it just gets cooked in the banana leaf and then served on tortillas because hispanic dishes are usually served with them on the side or are incorporated in the dish
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they do this nonsense to cater to DRK/GNBshitters
i kneel
>So put aside WuK Lamat's VA for a second.
>Why do people hate her
Very naive of you to assume that isn't the exact reason
Culture warriors are extremely disingenuous
It's a concept as old as time itself.

The phoenix. Death and rebirth. Destruction and creation. You need both to thrive. And it's why this "positive vibes only no negativity pls safespace" ideology will die.
Yes make her wear the sluttiest outfits so you cum faster
>she just invites herself into my cabin
>At least G'raha Tia made me a sandwich first
PLD won the tank wars this expansion.
That's fair, wouldn't want hating to get boring.
exploration ventures are gated by ilvl. they also bring more materials at higher ilvl
The cochinita pibil most Mexicans eat is not of the banana leaf variety btw.
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getting my burger king crown back.
>The regulators are used a total of 3 times in the main story
>Zoraal Ja shows off the big flaw with them by the third example
>Can't actually stop death via disease or old age
>Literally just getting crushed by a crane while at work
>Have that scene where the guy freaks out because his social credit soul score is zero
>"Hey just don't go out and die via a random monster"
>"You're right I guess it's fine then"
>Here's this cripple child who these things cannot help

You could remove the entire solution 9 soul regulation shit and just have Sphene suck up souls for The Endless and the story does not change
yeah the higher their level, the bigger cock they can take when you prostitute them and they come back with gifts from their bulls for you
its a job that starts at 80, why are you surprised about people wearing level 80 gear are you retarded
>>At least G'raha Tia made me a sandwich first
>He said with the most delicious butt next to him
>palacucks already forgetting HW
they say "she didn't grow as a character" even though she literally did
>dead = not making it
You clearly don't know anything about him and have low morals. I pray for you.
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Cheer on Wuk Lamat as she marshals her courage to attempt the harrowing task of capturing a wild alpaca.
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I hate almost every overly cheery main character, Luffy in particular makes One Piece basically unwatchable dogshit and anyone that enjoys it deserves to be shat on for eternity.
latinx moment
It's specifically the Yucatan version and even more specifically the Mayan version because that's what the entirety of Yak T'el is based on
>Inserts herself everywhere
>Takes credit for all of your accomplishments
>Doesn't learn or grow as a person
>Asspulls increases in power out of nowhere to beat people
>Loved by every character either instantly, within a few seconds, or after beating them up
>Final boss is you buying time for her to show up and do more damage than the entire party combined
I could go on, but you get the gist.
>kid dying from aether sickness
>We literally solved this problem 2 expansions ago
>We leave kid to suffer instead of getting Alisae because this is Wuk Lmao's story, not ours

Yes, I'm sure it's just the tranny VA people dislike
Why wouldn't you ignore Tikaasi? If anything he is the only one that you actually should ignore.
>tacos tacos tacos
I don't get the complaining, tacos taste great. I really do think people don't have any childlike wonder and just like to bitch about stuff instead of trying to enjoy it.
realistically how many mechanics have to be resolved in anabaseios savage now that we're 10 levels over it
i feel like most of what walled people from clearing before is still going to wall people because i'm sure the bodychecks will still just wipe
I was promised Kirito cosplays and I haven't seen one since early access release. Pictos have the most basic glams as well: any All Class DoH/DoL chestpiece slapped with a pink-colored green beret.
>>Takes credit for all of your accomplishments
there is not a single instance where this happens
it's never once "I" with her, always "we"
>Just be kind to each other
>"You don't like Wuk Lamat? FUCK YOU!"
I'd probably be sick of most characters if they got as much screentime as her, (to me) she isn't particularly interesting either. barges in during the final boss which felt a bit unnecessary as well
if only the first half of DT had been focused on her and the second half on Erenville and Krile I might have a more fond opinion of her
That faggot is dead PRECISELY because he had low morals thoughbeit.
At least luffy knows when to be quiet and take things seriously, wuk just keeps on yapping.
he talks about the game unlike the rest of them
>first half of MSQ: the most boring contest for a throne you've ever seen
>midpoint of MSQ: wild west kino
>rest of MSQ: an extremely shitty imitation of Ishikawa's writing

I am baffled at how bad this whole thing was
NTA but to be fair, all my childlike moments kept getting interrupted by Wuk Lamat. Also the really cool zone being gigasplatted.
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Bro just enjoy your JP made game you bigot
Play the trash MSQ for more than an hour and you'll find out why no one likes wuk. You can't get away for 5 seconds without Wuk in your face.
Most people (here especially) can't relate to happiness because they haven't felt it in a long time
I liked her in the first half, but when she insisted on STILL being in the story after winning, I got annoyed with her extremely fast
>Shows up to your cabin uninvited, doesn't even give you the choice to pick her or the other scions who barely have any screentime
>Forgives Bakool Ja Ja for almost killing the entire country
>Forces you to do pointless shitty filler quests for npcs that you're going to erase from existence
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>recurring theme of the expac is the importance of heritage and loving your homeland while not neglecting its faults
>Wuk likes tacos because they're the most common staple meal at her original home village before she was taken in by royalty, and they're one of her only memories of the place
>retards read it as "HEHE SHE LIKES LE TACOS SO QUIRKY XD"
You niggers didn't deserve Shadowbringers and its payoffs.
>Retard discovers most shonen anime for the first time
>be hrothgirl
>be straight
>all hrothmen are gay
>all miqote are gay
>i have to watch them be gay with each other
HW was a terrible time to play paladin so its understandable that we want to forget
comparing wuk lmao to luffy is a grave insult to luffy and pretty much all shonen protagonists
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is there a na meetup
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>ew no as an intj i am simply to intelligent for characters that are cheerful
i hate you niggers even more than culture warriors
>We thought you were completely enamored with her, that you considered her your pupil!
>I was just following you guys! She latched on to the strongest party member, me, and never left me alone! I couldn't escape!
I remember when I turned 17.
Has anyone tried p8s unsynched yet? is the hp too high to skip mechanics?
You'll probably still need to learn most of P12SP2's mechanics
You can compare it to naruto because naruto is such an awful character that deserves it.
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If it aint broke, don't fix it.
>Hires literal god-killer hobbyist to carry her ass
>Unironically one of if not THE most powerful singular entity on Etheirys
>Said god-killer guarantees you will never fail and just their presence empowers you
>"we" did it guys
This lala is now in danger.
please stop
Luffy is based though
>Yeah, and if Wuk Lamat actually cared as much about her people as she says she does, she wouldn't have needed that rite to learn about them. The fact every other candidate gets talked down for not caring about traditions, yet Wuk Lamat, who has been there her whole life, who insists she loves all this culture and diversity, knows even less than them, says it all.
That's LITERALLY the point of the 90 - 95 quests.
I mean fair it's personnal preference at this point.
>>Takes credit for all of your accomplishments
>>Doesn't learn or grow as a person
Not valid points
And yeah she is loved, that's her very gimmick that she represents the love of her father for her people, she's flawed but people like her, you never had a silly friend that everybody liked because their presence lightened up the room?
Pacing issue mostly, though I do understand, had I gotten like 2 more patches with Zero tiping her hat I would've seethed.
I'm biased because I like her, so I don't mind
That I agree with
She's not even at the right height. He'd have to stand on his tippy toes.
you jumpscared me with myself
Your picture reminded me of ss13, thank you for that
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Bros, I think we finally found our "Scion conflict".
>other people smiling makes me mad
That's not a them problem, anon. I hope you get better.
Odds I terrorize Dynamis CC queues, evens Crystal.
not a speck of melanin in this post
where has the dumb womanchild been in her country that she supposedly loves?
why did she never go ANYWHERE until she hired us to carry her retarded ass?
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Bro you don't get it, Wuk Lamat could totally beat Bakool Ja Ja and his 40 mercenaries singlehandedly because she spent 2 days crying and cooking tacos for hrothgar in the jungle.
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The fuck is wrong with NA players?
red mage
it was my own
stop talking you mayo monkey
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Yes, later today. Check the op of the thread before or the one before. Someone cut it out.
My wife's yearly check in...
Sex with all three at the same time.
Correct. Failed towers will still 1-shot everyone, that won't change with more stats
cutscene skipper detected
Even Naruto, at least what I vaguely remember of it, had better character growth than Wuk.
It's been decades though
for me it was the best set in the game without question (asphodelos) until i got my hands on the af gear
>working hard to attain a goal = low morals
Brudda this isn't the way. He may not have been 100% natty, but he persevered harder than others.
I think that will be the plot for the patch quests, I don't think they would even bring that up if it wasn't for a reason.
Though ngl, i'm kind of disappointed how the WoL just didn't go "we can actually cure that btw".
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>crystarium coat of scouting
Shut the fuck up retard, it looks good.
made me think of this
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No, Luffy is unironically worse than Wuk Lmao.
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>All of the replies either adding to her issues or only refuting one.
There really is no defending her, is there?
nice moonie
you have a super cute cat, had to save it
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did the devs fuck up scaling on hunts or something
SS rank just died in less than 30s
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>First time doing Interphos
>I'm fucking vibing and enjoying it

Holy fuck I was so pissed
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somebodies been watching me surf was i a good one?
careful anon, you're gonna upset the south americans (60% of /xivg/ posters)
Because she wouldn't be kitty Tidus to our mute Auron.
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how is luffy a bad character? he may be retarded most of the time but when he gets serious in a serious scene it's great
I don't like how dynamis is being used as an excuse for side characters to bullshit asspulls out of thin air.
Isn't the issue with the crippled kid that she just has too much Lightning Aether in her?
Don't we have the exact cure for that, the flying pig things that we use for realigning people who have been tempered?
i dont care to know anything about some faggot on the internet. feel free to go back to worshiping some orange nigger though. you're probably one of those faggots that likes to listens to self help podcasts or the type to pay some shit lord 5 grand to learn how to be an alpha male.
That's not a moonie

Woolie will play FFXIV one day and get to the "Remember us...remember we once lived" scene and be all "Nah fuck you. You're evil. Go die." like when he played Yakuza.
>That's LITERALLY the point of the 90 - 95 quests.
People address the fact that she doesn't know jackshit and happily teach her everything she has refused to learn until then.

Nobody calls her out and says "You know Wuk Lamat, even if you are learning now, I think you're a conceited, self-complacent hypocrite. We've been here for 80 years, your whole life, and I've never once seen you around here or trying to help us or trying to learn how we live. It hasn't been until this exact moment, with the throne on the line, that you've finally deemed us worthy of the bother of leaving your home and visiting."
almost like that was literally what the rite was supposed to highlight
almost as if you are literally told this directly when galool ja ja says "none of my kids are good enough that's why I made up this rite"
stop skipping cutscenes then complaining
>xivg thoroughly broken by Wuk Lamat
pathetic, really
If he hates the MC obviously he's not going to make it past East Blue to see when he gets humbled.
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man water 7 was kino
trannyCHADS won
>almost like that was literally what the rite was supposed to highlight
that she's a lying manipulative piece of shit that doesn't actually care about her people?
>tranny upset that nobody likes Woke Lamutt
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Damn it's almost as if "get allies around you to compensate for your weaknesses and do the same for them" is kind of a recurring point of the expansion
Kinda like it's almost exactly what Gulool Ja Ja did and the entire point of the contest is to mimic his journey
Kinda like Wuk's doing the exact thing she was set up for and intended to do by GJJ
imagine if lyse appeared out of nowhere and suckerpunched shinryu at the end of stormblood
Post aheago faces of /v/
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KEK One Shite retards are triggered.
It's ok to like her. It's just they give you too much of her. It doesn't matter what language she speaks, I want time with the other characters in this story.

To me her world views are child like and she needs to learn more. The character after a visit to a village decides "hey let's all get along and everyone can get along no matter what" as her staple. She's the EXTREMIST PACIFICST a.i. in Stellaris.
My power went out and I can't play video games. I can only make a shitpost via my cellular phone.
I have to say this reference eludes me
DB was trying to prepare us, but we didnt listen..
nyeeeehhh im a lalaboy nyeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh
you can't be a chad if you are a troon die
luffy is cool becuase he's an idiot who gets treated like one even by the people closest to him becuase that's how real people act
wuk lumat is an idiot too but everyone ALWAYS politely tolerates and supports her no matter what she's doing. also she literally never does anything funny
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Fuck you, that clip is ruined now.
queen speen
busting to my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
>streaming ex2
>someone sees I have 40mil
>they know im usually broke
>close stream and put it all on retainer except 400k
>gaslight them
*goku screaming his head off*

This is your story now.
my femra MCH's theme
do you not remember her showing up after the fight and talking about beating the fuck out of zenos
he killed himself before she could do anything
You said "allies". Plural.
I'm one dude. Singular.
And honestly I was more kidnapped into this retarded adventure like a lost dog rather than "recruited".
>no penumbra
>can't replace defiance animation with deliverance
I'm not gonna make it...
>You need allies!
Unless you're Wuk Lamat, who can spam LBs and singlehandedly solo Bakool Ja Ja, his men, and break through dimensions to do more dps than eight warriors of light combined.
>had no interest in her people before she learned she could rule them
Naruto spent the entire series talking about how hard work excels all and then at the end he's some reincarnation of some old god bullshit which basically proved neji right on how your birth determines your fate and not hard work.
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I am a femraen.... who forgot how to play Ninja....
>"You know Wuk Lamat, even if you are learning now, I think you're a conceited, self-complacent hypocrite. We've been here for 80 years, your whole life, and I've never once seen you around here or trying to help us or trying to learn how we live. It hasn't been until this exact moment, with the throne on the line, that you've finally deemed us worthy of the bother of leaving your home and visiting."
At least one character saying this and actually shattering her ego for a levels worth of MSQ would've completely saved the 90-95 part.
>climatic duel with Zoraal Ja
>Wuk Lamat destroys his regulator, according to plan
>got the bastard right where she wanted him
>he throws a manchild tantrum and goes back on his word, ordering Tuliyollal razed
>we get treated to a Cringevengers sequence of the Scions and some dudes with mechanical firearms mowing down the army of invincible stone cyborgs
>still got the bastard right where WL wanted him
>she then stares at him menacingly as he proceeds to do the following:
>kill his communications officer
>kill Sphene
>kill his communications officer again
>veeery slowly and deliberately because it's not like he's got an 8 feet tall lion woman snarling at his neck get a replacement regulator
>loudly call out CODE RED
>loudly call out that CODE RED means killing civilians in Everkeep
(I gues they don't teach you what codes are for in lizard school)
>strangle the child that managed to run into his arms past everyone else
>then Wuk Lamat decides it's maybe time to do something
>he just teleports away
Whoever wrote this, I pray your underwear turns into Lego bricks right this isntant
that she doesn't understand as much as she thinks she does, and needs to actually go out and meet the people she thinks she already knows
stop skipping cutscenes then making yourself look like a dumb nigger
Are we going to get a public sudoku from hiroi like we did from banri?
>And honestly I was more kidnapped into this retarded adventure like a lost dog rather than "recruited".
you bought the expansion my nigga you literally signed up for it
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>Oh no, my tummy is rumbling again. I have to hold it in in front of anon! No no no it's comi-!
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The missle is eepy
>Nobody calls her out and says "You know Wuk Lamat, even if you are learning now, I think you're a conceited, self-complacent hypocrite. We've been here for 80 years, your whole life, and I've never once seen you around here or trying to help us or trying to learn how we live. It hasn't been until this exact moment, with the throne on the line, that you've finally deemed us worthy of the bother of leaving your home and visiting."
That's the point.
You didn't listen to the conversation with her father?
That I really do agree with, 2nd half of DT should've been about Krile
the giant of the mountain didn't tolerate her for a moment, he said you fight here illl kill you
Risk it for the brisket
plapping correction is in order
Sorry meant /xivg/. I know you sluts have a mod likkle that
it's ok cute femra I still love you
woke lamutt is the wesley crusher of ffxiv
I'm talking about in the story, dipshit. Not my financial mistakes.
It got changed a little bit.
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i have no creativity
Smooching this cute boy.
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this image is going to be reposted every thread for the rest of the expansion, huh
Anon, those "allies" could've all vanished, the only one she ever needed was the WoL who can annihilate anyone on Tural not to mention the retarded powerup she gets to where she goes from not even standing a chance against Bakool to limit breaking his ass several times.
She's fine in the first half when we act as her bodyguard/mentor.
She hogs all attention in the second half when she has no right to. Also focus on her sucked all fun out of scions they might as well not be there at all.

Second half should've been Krile's and Erenville's story.
That's the most fucking baffling part of her character

She loves her people, just not enough to bother learning about them until now. Instead she's spent her life doing...something?
But up to that point Naruto did everything through hard work and ingenuity, Kurama was as much of a ball and chain as a power boost for 90% of the serie and he always powered through everything
I hope so.
as it should be until she's locked into the "never seeing ever again" dimension like lyse
> a little
Losing pre-pull Huton is "a little"?
>People address the fact that she doesn't know jackshit and happily teach her everything she has refused to learn until then.
This is quite literally the best way to get to know people IRL
I hate how forced it feels because the WoL is standing right there being told to do nothing when he probably could've ended it all way back when Zoraal attacked
mods are back bay bee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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Sorry buddy but the posing/lewd mods aren't back up yet.
wooooooooow a cowboy hat with a cape vest??? bro you must've activated some hidden neurons to come up with this one. you even put on the big cowboy boots with spurs, bravo my man, BRAVOOOO!!!!!!!!
Oh, don't limit yourself to this general.

This is going to go through even MMO channel of discussion ever conceived.
It would've been fine for her to realize that both can be true, her loving her people but at the same time her being a pampered hypocritical princess that up until now was ignorant of her own people, THAT should've been a big part of her character and her coming to terms with the fact of how she acted and realizing THAT would've made her truly deserving of being Dawnservant, but she didn't.
Naruto didn't do any hard work until he learned the Rasengan
Wake me up when they are. This game is a porn and Second Life sim now. No point to it without this.
kill yourself tranny faggot
do you guys think she wasn't a kid being raised by a father and just sat in her room all fucking day until she was an adult
she does not come across like that at all, fuck you guys are so needlessly cynical its baffling
i wasn't being sarcastic
Ok, why are people so eager to get to know a person who never even thought of them until they had to vote for her? It could work if it was just *some* of the people, not everyone is going to think of that, and not everyone would be so hard on her, but SOMEONE should have fucking said "No, fuck you Wuk Lamat, you've had years to prove you cared."
she thought she did know them. it's common for people to not know what they don't know, especially when they're out of touch nobility
she proves that she loves her people by fixing that once it's highlighted (which is rushed and feels weird, but that isn't the fault of the character but just story pacing)
Naruto could only learn the Rasengan because he was a reincarnation, everything he ever achieved "on his own" is called into question by that reveal.
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Fuck you nigger
You're deflecting the political motivation that EVERYONE in Tural is aware of. Whether or not she was being a sheltered pillow princess of her father's volition is irrelevant. Random noble bitch showed up and wants to know you so she can rule over you. How is THAT not cynical as fuck?
Naruto didn't talk about hard work, you're thinking of Lee
I was so hoping she'd take a back seat during the latter half because of how much fucking attention she got but no

Who on the write staff is self inserting as this character and why does she have so much power?
Your kitty has a sharp vibe.
There's a kunai gauge now too that you build with 1 2 3 armor crush combo and then expend with 1 2 3 aeolian edge combo. oh and huton is just aoe suiton oh and trick attack applies aoe now uhhhhh
but yeah thats pretty much it
>pillow princess
I'm not sure if you know what this means
Bro just being an Uzumaki/Namikaze hybrid was already a genetic boon. He's Uchiha tier without a Sharingan even in Part 1.
He trained himself to think and pull actual ninja tricky shit on his opponents, instead of toverwhelming them with bloodline limits or bullshit secret taijutsu only his family cna use
It was also shown he trained in secret in shuriken and kunai throws and taijutsu
Also you say "until he learned the rasengan" but that's quite early in the serie, it's pretty much his first training arc
Answer me NOW
pls be patient im ESL and autistic
ok .... and why do you not feel this way about koana and zoraal ja either, considering they're all also part of the noble family and they all don't know the culture either until a tournament EXPLICITLY DESIGNED by the father king for the purpose of teaching was put in effect
you are bafflingly fucking retarded
Do I have to explain it to you? This is going to go through wowg and other mmo generals, every 10 threads on /v/ about dawntrail and Wuk Lamat, and multiple discords.

Dawntrail is going to go down as a joke of an expansion, the tranny expansion.
Literally "why isn't everyone as miserable and judgemental as me", you niggas are really sad
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>she does not come across like that at all
The only reason she does not "come across like that" is that the writer has everyone just suck her off and never ever challenge her so it's just a happy school trip for her where everything is happy happy oh joy tacos and alpacas. If you take a step back, you realize just how her actions don't actually fit with her words. She says she loves her people, but it's fucking clear she only loved them as tiny specks she saw from her palace and that she occasionally got food from. Writer intent doesn't make a character immune to analysis, and many more characters in the past in other stories have been analyzed and made to realize that even though they author meant for them to be likable and good, they were actually toxic people.
>That's the point.
what they're saying is that this makes her straight up worse than the other candidates, especially koana with whom she's otherwise aligned. the entire point of the race for the throne was to learn the lessons needed to be a good ruler of tural, and those lessons are the only things wuk lamat ends up bringing to the table.
had we followed koana around instead (and i'm not saying we should have specifically done that to "save the story" or anything), we could have had the exact same journey and learned the exact same lessons, except koana has also learned a bunch of things to serve his country as ruler that were NOT covered by the rites

again, this isn't an "i wish koana was the main character" (though i really do wanna see more koana), it's an "i wish wuk lamat had more going on than just the events of the msq"
Literally all of her actions we see from her towards her people go against what you say
>did we just...?
as if wow gets to talk LMAO
Easy: Koana is here just to help. He literally has no greater political plan beyond just a general coldness towards culture and ways that could be easily warmed up doing the SAME thing we did with Wuk, potentially twice as fast. And why would it be cool for Koana? Because he's actively improving people's lives? He's been inventing shit to help the land improve the lives of it's inhabitans. Zoraal was just paranoid, but even then he spent the time mounting an army for his delusion. Wuk doesn't even have a fucking sketchbook to prove she existed outside the castle walls before last tuesday. She literally only offers brainless pacifist platitudes and "i understand".

Cool. I'm glad you "understand', autistic furry girl who had everything handed to her, but I'm going with the guy with a water purifier and a college track record.
Oh I'm sorry I guess we I forgot we shouldn't judge the person who's gonna be running the whole continent. We should just hear her say "tacos family friendship" and that's enough to give her the nuclear codes.
that wasn't me though, just some insane person
why do so many trans roleplayers gatekeep me (a male) from having a cute female character with a fat cock?
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>Naruto could only learn the Rasengan because he was a reincarnation
Wait what's this about? Everyone can learn the Rasengan, he also taught it to Konohamaru, Kakashi can do it, and Jiraya was the one who taught it to Naruto
How the fuck did people rush this MSQ in 2 days without skipping?
he has impossibly high levels of stamina and chakra because of the nine-tails, since shortly after birth he's had a bigger advantage than pretty much any other character
I mean he has a whole queen near him...
The Rasengan is a pretty difficult jutsu to learn, not just any random can learn it in a way where they might actually be able to use it in combat.
Narutos nature seems incompetent and the reveal that he is the incarnation of that one retard calls into question if Naruto "truly" learned the Rasengan, could he have done it if he wasn't the reincarnation?
Naruto was an attempt at an underdog plot, but the writer was an incompetent hack so he ended up becoming one of the greatest ninjas ever because of his birthright, which undermined the entire plot. Him "befriending" the nine tails was insane and killed any tension then on.
You gotta remember that the seals to keep Kurama inside him limited his ability to draw on and mix chakra, that's why he was so shit at ninjutsu; and the more he drew on it anyway, the more Kurama started taking control
In short, he was massively nerfed
the thing you said about koana, he is a not-evil elon musk that literally doesn't see the error of his ways until being exposed to the cultural rites of the tournaments, of which then he realizes he could not be the ruler himself as he isn't as open and accepting as wuk lamat is due to her happy-go-lucky nature
one of the biggest themes of this expansion is acceptance of cultural differences and you're siding with pre-changed koana would have given new tech yes but also shit all over several villages and actually decrease their happiness. left unchecked pre-koana could have (speculation) done some micromanagement that would have broken the villages
There's a difference between judging a character and going "wow you didn't visit our settlements before now, you're a cunt", not everything's about what someone can do for you
I literally said we can expose him to the human side of culture like we did Wuk to try and amend that issue, but you didn't read that because you're a goddamn invalid. Speak to me when you can read full posts.
not a lot of sleep
Sorry anon, this one is unfinished (7.0 coming out kind of cucked me because mods all died)
It was gonna be a sequel showing what happens to her after the original imperial pugnax album
I could come back to it when mods return I suppose, that might be fun. I was worried about content being too extreme for people though
that didn't happen without Wuk at his side during the tournament rites though
>not everything's about what someone can do for you
It is if I'm fucking electing them as supreme leader.
we didn't expose Wuk to culture, she exposed it to us because she liked it and then she learned that her appreciation was shallow

In the first zone she's excited because the Hanu have a cool festival she vaguely remembered
go into BOZJA, the fates sare real close to each other and the bossfights (critical engagements) give a ton of exp too. i dont remember specifics but a furry did the math and bozja still 33% faster than dungeon spamming with a full party
Even in his first fight they comment on how many shadow clones he can produce. He was never shit at anything, he was just shunned by everyone so he learned retarded tricks instead of studying. His gains later on aren't from grinding, they're from him finally being taught how to channel his innate gifts. It's not like Goku in 300x gravity, it's like Goten saying "Oh I can go Super Saiyan too."
can i have the original album anon? ih uh am i severe need here
cool, your choices are
guy who hates you
guy who doesn't care about you
guy who thinks he knows what's best for you
girl who tries to learn more about you
You forgot one choice.
"Gulool, they all failed. Call it off like you said you would."

Funny part too, Koana actually manages to learn the lesson that he should be asking, so he's actually just flat out better than Wuk from that point on. Shame he conveniently decided to quit.
I think imgur nuked NSFW, so you might be out of luck unless someone has reuploaded it to a booru or something
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starving paintercat will paint for mcdonalds nuggies
ah, you choose man halfway to dying of old age
Hello my American friend!

Koana quits because he knows he doesn't care as much as Wuk
Weathered Snakebite Gillet
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>ah, you choose man halfway to dying of old age
No, I choose what he said, which was that even if he had to work for a bit longer before quitting he wouldn't put a clearly inadequate heir on the throne and doom the country, searching for someone who actually could do it until then.

Cutscene skipper.
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Wuk Lamat was in it too much so the msq lives or dies based on how you feel about her at any given time
Sorry anon, I don't wanna post it here and get banned. If you have a throwaway email or discord or something I could send them to you there but I don't wanna put that shit here
To begin with the pretense that it's exclusively about her VA is really disingenuous (and honestly the VA hasn't bothered me much if at all, while hardly stellar she's not even my least favorite VA this expac) what really gets me is how this character is shoehorned into EVERY major conversation despite it not always making sense for her to be there. (or at the very least, your character to be there with her -- if she's such a strong warrior, whyever does she need my presence at nearly every junction...?)
To say she has a character that "experiences growth" when she does much more telling you she has vs. actually exhibiting that is really burying the lede as well, don't you think? She's been saying she loves peace and the happiness of her people the whole time, I'd hardly consider that character development at any point, even if it's with an enemy. I would be pleased to hear your examples though.
>Second half should've been Krile's and Erenville's story.
Agree 100%. She didn't serve any purpose other than asking inane questions in Sol. 9, it's annoying she pushes for being Dawnservant over every other contender only to leap at the first chance to fuck off despite it making no real sense as the town and her people are still recovering and I think for me this tipped her hand of ostensibly "caring about her peoples" because she deliberately abandoned them in a time they needed assistance and recovery.
I wondered about this a lot myself, we have a few "oh Koana is my brother, Erenville is my childhood friend" and yet NO fleshing out of either concept at all, just an occasional "oh yes, haha, I remember you when you were a child" do we get to hear a story about this? no.
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Need 1 more healer for EX2 if anyone wants to be gay with a bunch of hrothgirls
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Its a gift.
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I'm in hell.

Tell me to leave to avoid ques then wont let me go back to clear out my inventory.

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