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Previous: >>484846709

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png (embed) (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

post them arc funds
0 sq.
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Friday night…
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I have 99 rune arcs because I farmed rats.
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Lip love!
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Kama Love!

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anniversary doko?
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>arc funds
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I'm saving for Draco.
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Custom GSSR when?
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So what's the verdict?
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Comfy Friday with my bros.
I prefer that other pic with Suzuka having a horsecock
I have no idea until anni gibs drop I assume at midnight
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>arc funds
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We're in for a high quality ride.
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>Cosplay schizo
>Reminiscing about thread celebrities
/alter/ deserves worse >>>/wsg/5610060
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why not Marika's Tits?
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how over is it for us? is this the year /alter/ dies?
Draw a servant!
Anni gibs are after stream tomorrow, check maintenance in news
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Oh no no
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Anniversary machine broke.
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God, I wish
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The next two years are going to be grim
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LB7 will save us
im not even excited for tomorrow's stream...
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I don't care fuck off
melt pramanix isonokami...
Why would anyone ever be excited about an fgo NA stream
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Why aren't Aoko and Alice popular compared to the other TM flagship girls?
I'm waiting for beryl to strike while eating pan de dulce.
the cytube streams are fun
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Cause there's no sex in Mahoyo.
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I don't even know when the stream is
no one is we just want our sq injection and TWIST
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I think you mean /alter/ really became fun one day before the anniversary!
stop larping as the lotto fairy bobshitter
>Xiang Yu is canonically black
We did it bros
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Why are you not you dumb loser!? I worked very hard to get some sovl shit you should all enjoy and sutff! Don't disappoint me or I'm gonna be mad and take my frustration on some dumb slut!!!
bros...im not going to spend money this year on the GSSR. i just dont care...
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I believe.
Careful bro
Circekek will throw a melty at you for praising something run by the ogre
But he's also a duck...
Can't larp as someone who is dead
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I'm going to spend money on a swimsuit for the gorilla titty monster in nikke instead
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No idea. I'm not even finished with Mahoyo and I love them both so much.
Except you're not exactly fun. Autsitic sure, fun? Doubtful
Aoko is a bitch.
So is Alice.
It will revive us for 1 week and then all we will have to look forward to is another pointless filler arc
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>party battery but you need to NP first also not for herself
>buff removal resist but only for Good alignment
>party battery but only for Living Human
>good damage but only against Chaotic
>allegedly for multicore, all damage buffs are self only
>useless for anything but looping
>needs meme setups to loop
>already falling off in JP
I actually want to spend money. But there’s not a single servant or category that I actually care to get
There's no bland self-insert for the girls to fawn over so japs don't like them (mountain man is way too chad for betas to identify as)
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But they are? My feed was flooded with Alice and Aoko art for weeks after the collab hit JP
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im just...not going to roll for Arc
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Looks like somebody has never been to an Elvis imitation show
The Melancholy of Aozaki Aoko...
Is LB7 actually good? Isn’t LB6 peak writing quality. How does LB7 compare?
Having fanart does not = popular
See: Bob
My Mahoyo folder only has 200 images in it which is like a fraction of the fanart most of the characters I care about have, and I save every halfway decent Mahoyo fanart I see.
Now this is some mental illness. Why is he like this?
its not as good as LB6 but its decent enough. i enjoyed it. better than the LBs before 6.
>mountain man is way too chad

Certified male tsundere (clown) moment
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Good enough for me
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LB7 is going to separate the soul from the soulless
Some kino moments but it's bad kukulkan sucks
did she fug the entire band too?
Molay is the biggest lost potential Foreigner plot wise
Interesting character, with an intriguing backstory, she's actively malicious and has her counterpart in Arcade but they throw all that into the bin to turn her into a comedic relief character and never talk about her again
I genuinely don't get it
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I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?
>all damage buffs are self only
Her def down bro?
No as I'm bassed...
Bassistbros we finally won
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It's a shame they haven't done more with her. She cute. Was seriously hoping for Saber Molay in the Arcade collab.
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Only if I'm the one who is left out.
Thanks to AI alone, I have 50 GB of images of my favorite Servant.
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It cant be that bad
Probably she was originally gonna have a more serious story then Nasu noticed it'd been like 3 years with no Liz Halloween so he forced them to accommodate her and we got the silly joke event instead because Liz = joke character
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i need 15 dollars for gssr, but im too ashamed to ask my mom for it
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what if gambling but dopamine hit was talking gif instead of irl money
Ask your /alter/bros.
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Merry Fridey, /alter/! fridey.thp.moe
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gacha has ruined way less lives than actual gambling
Go flip burgers for an hour or two
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I don't enjoy visual novels anymore...
How many other servants charge 30 for both their allies and can also clear a wave on their own? 3ish servants?
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Is this the best description of /alter/?
Try audio novels
Only to male tsunderes
Tezca does it hits way harder and has actual party support buffs
No, I'm a sadistCHAD
Btw we're watching the Tsukihime anime tomorrow!
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I despise kiara so much
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Who is?
I'm not falling for that one, last time I tried watching such a thing it was just Kung Pow
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Stop making me want to drink, /alter/.
Do big packs ever go on sale or get discounted?
Can I have some extra Fate with my Grand Order, please?
Happy Anniversary Lexy!
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Hahahaha no
yeah it gets discounted if you refund
Has AIbro returned from his sleep?
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I keep my dopamine in check with zyprexa.
no this not Warframe

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Drink loser! Join me!
>hits way harder
Only against riders. At np1 and against neutral arc does 30k and tez does 26k.

>and has actual party support buffs
He has a 20% atk up which is only slightly better than Arc's 20% def down.
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Woah don't let Albert see this...
Codes for what? Since when did FGO have codes? The fuck?
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>implying you wouldn't submit to Kiara
FGO is not built for solo raids. Solo raids are inherently shit and having ORT be a solo raids basically ruined everything.
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yeah I got a discount on a big pack right here heheheh you know what I'm saying Fryman
>he doesn't know
You need to stop drinking. You get really fucking weird and annoying when you're drunk.
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i haven't drank in a week!
>got liver poisoning at a country festival a week ago and had to go to a hospital
Shut up loser! I never go to /pol/! Don't give L more ideas already...
That becomes 40% when you're running someone with guts (like Morgan or Poolter) so it's a big deal then
ignore the laoshu
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Do it anyways she won’t judge.
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l o s e r <3
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>if you don't like shit then you're soulless!
And arc's team charge becomes 50% when you're running someone living human (like Tez) so it's a big deal then
I'm weird by default and I'm always annoying anyways...
I want to pull Bob around by her collar
>If you don't like shit then that means you hate literally everything that exists!!!!!!!!
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charge matters less than damage in the 90++ era
especially since they're lenient about 50% CEs
Bro…hope you’re feeling better.
You need to keep drinking. You get really fucking cool and fun when you're drunk.
>random chance for 75% SQ discount ticket upon login
>charge matters less than damage
So you're in agreement that Arc's better damage is more important?
BB-chan... ;_;
i giggled
Everyone here is weird and annoying by default.
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imagine blowing raspberries on her breast until she got angry after behaving in an entirely serious manner prior to that point
Who would take a Sakuraface seriously? It's Sakura.
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>Achilles when Hector once again runs away
Then you need to leave
I have no interest in rolling for arc, but I'm at the point in the game where I really don't see the need to care about min maxing much anymore. Just slap black grail/damage CE or just do 90+. It ain't that big a deal.
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Some people call me Anytime but you can call me Shiki Tohno!
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I drink alone, yeah
With nobody else
I drink alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I drink alone
I prefer to be by myself
IS that so? I can vouch for one slut yeah but other than that I dunno
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Cute Molay!
I'll never forget when worm sluts got triggered the fuck out over carnival phantasm episode 6
Will I get banned for refunding or will I just be blocked from buying anything else?
bros pls what's her twitter >>484868527
Nah because you're gonna be using her NP on a weak wave usually just to get her buffs out (like with Tezca)
What matters is how much damage your primary DPS does so stacking more attack is more important
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More like Shitty Oh No!
I love prostitutes
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albert shows up to your house
Just look around you.
I wish. 1 sq worths more than a dollar.
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Night dumb sluts, see you tomorrow for the real fun
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That's a good joke! I will borrow it for the next thread!
*sucks your cock*
night bro
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Die in your sleep clown
Which one should I do if I'm gay?
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>drunk Shrek
Who broke his heart this time?
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see you at the stream tomorrow king
Which Servant would you order to wear this t-shirt?
He seems to be drunk and heartbroken all the time though.
Why are you drinking? It's not even the anni yet or anything
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Finally time for Xu Xu rape
when can xu fu be rolled anyway I lost track
The usual dumb slut obviously...
ranmaru x
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your laws only work on earth AYY LMAO
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golfball through a waterhose
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Friday night
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>sad kid
>sad school shooter
Being half-indian/half-greek would do that to you. That's some supreme gentleman genetics right there.
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You have to be more specific, we have a lot of dumb people here!
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until 10 more hours until maintenance
So I just finished lostbelt 6 and man Baobhan kinda got the shit end of the stick in terms of send offs didn't she? she kinda just rotted away, died like a bitch and threw herself in the pit and that was that. I feel almost bad for her.
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At least she god to dab on the faeries one final time.
Verification not required.
She awakens Bronunnos and kills billions so I think she got what she wanted at the end
Bitch deserved it, so all's well that ends well.
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It's alright, she deserved every bit of that.
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>kills billions
she already did that
milktruck ran out of milk
rape !!!!!
She was a Fae, she got what she fucking deserved.
Sorry it's my fault, I sucked her dry.
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FGO x Totally Spies crossover when?
What's hilarious is when Bobkeks go "fae are evil and deserved to die!" to defend Bob being a sadistic serial killer, while ignoring that Bob was one of the craziest and evilest fairies around.
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Actually I think the defense for Bob being a sadist murderer was that morgan told her to because faeries kept doing that to her and the next time she died would be her last
Yep. But realistically speaking, only Morgan got the worst of the worst, despite that everyone got fucked up
>losing literally everything, her hard work being destroyed and brutally executed by treacherous faes
>Bob managed to get revenge on faes
>Barg did have a final fight against her heroes and you can debate that she died with less burden
>Melusine throwing the biggest fuck you to Oberon and essentially making his attempt to drag (you) and Chaldea to endless fall, fail
>Knocks was still smilling and didn't die alone
>Castoria died not in Avalon, but fighting against Cernunnos, for the one that she truly loved
In a way, even the lords of each Clan died "good". It's Morgan and pretty much her team the ones that got the worst. Still fucking hate Aurora for what he did, and Woodwose deserved better. Morgan definetly felt awful at the realization that he would inmediatly turn into Mors.
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Bob = hot so I forgive her
Shrimple as that
Why astolfo as star?
it's the lgbt show
I don't really think there's a rhyme or reason to who got what cartoon, just whatever the artist liked.
Morgan told her to stop being nice, but Bob is fucking retarded so she interpreted it as "go on killing sprees".
does the damage trial quest give you anything or should I not bother
What's hilarious is anons unironically missing the point or lacking reading comprehension, which is a norm in /alter/ considering how the quality of post went to hell when you niggas got LB6 in this part and the "localization" Albert throw to your ass.
it made my penis into the big penis
She would have stopped her if she didn't approve.
me on the right
is this that cartoon that was full of the writers fetishes?
do it on stream before albert stuff so we can atleast shipost on chat
She's not even the hottest fairy of the fae Camelot.
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My fault.
Anon. There is a big difference between
>Stop being nice
>Be cruel
What's hilarious is anons not realizing that this guy is fucking with you and just hates Bob so he'll parrot the same lines even if you argue earnestly with him
This isn't even a Bob exclusive thing either there's a guy like this for like 5 different girls
Next year.
It's Morgan we're talking about here.
You know, the mother of the century material, who only communicated with her daughter on screen through Beryl.
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Grand ruler Carl sama.....
Xu Fu
This girl even looks like her
She's the hottest by default
Child (gross)
Ogre body (gross)
No tits (sad)
Samefagging already, shrek?
Nah, you're a just dumb fucking nigger who gets destroyed every time you try to raise your retarded ''''arguments''', and so ahve been reduced to taking vacuous potshots at other posters, because you know fucking well you stand no chance in actual discussion.
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Veneno is the bobfag dipshit. What is this amateur hour?
At least get your ecelebs right if you're gonna shitpost.
That's just shit writing. Morgan's and Bob's relationship was fucking retarded. Morgan supposedly loved Bob more than her kingdom but never tried to discipline her or tell her that torturing random people is a bad idea, since she might pick on someone powerful who could end up killing her (and having a psycho heir would destabilize Morgan's rule as well). Even worse, Morgan knew that Beryl was a dangerous psycho and clearly didn't care for him since she had no problem publicly torturing him when she annoyed her, but Morgan allowed Bob to spend all her time with him which led to Bob turning into an animated rotting corpse. The idea that Morgan would sacrifice everything for Bob when she couldn't even be asked to tell Beryl to stay away from her was fucking absurd.
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funny, i started to like her once the molay nigger shoot himself, or russiannig stopped of spamming her
My friend does not samefag about bob
Shrek already went to sleep, faggot.
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>wake up
>/alter/ still obsessed about me
>epstein gets to experience this on his private island every year until his death
it's not fair...
best fae
The only good fae is a dead fae so it's /alter/'s obligation to make them good.
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How many hundreds of dicks do you plan to ride today?
This but pregnant faes
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Morgan... is too perfect, she doesn't comprehend the heart of her daughter...
Hot. Canonically the prettiest fae in all of Britain.
>rotting, run through vampire
No contest.
The only good fae was Habetrot.
What are you implying with this image?
Uh oh bobkek melty incoming, just don't nuke your list again. Or do it, not like /alter/ won't come crawling back to you.
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I'm impressed you can speak while garbling on my own
Keep it up bro
>he is now larping as cuntbob bro
bet he can't larp a single lurker
>Bet he can't larp someone with no post history to larp
Brilliant deduction there Holmes
eyebrow raised sprite
That's what he wants you to think
Is it actually happening?
>bobclown already making homoerotic suggestions
Why do you want to have your dick sucked by a male, flaming faggot?
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Is Coral supposed to be for (You) or Oberon's?
I’m a latelet. Is there a guide on how to keep track of all the ecelebs and the internal squabbling. I don’t know who is who and who hates who.
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Actually, she's for the carpet
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Coral is for Aurora
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Hag ass
I am every e-celeb and you hate me.
Post Kurohass
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What do you think of the 5 most requested summer Servants?
It's simple
Do you like the servant being posted? If yes: they're your ally who fights for freedom
If not: they're the cancer killing /alter/
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Rate Abby's nipples
Save for the 2nd palce, all are unironic never evers.
easiest skips of my life
That's not true. I like void but she's associated with several shit stains here.
>I like Void
That's a you problem buddy
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Why? She's so boring.
It's funny because that's modern parenting in a nutshell. Say you love your children but let them date and fuck whoever they want.
Except even other bobkeks agree ikek is pure cancer.
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Lip love!
I don't have a problem with him tho
How do you know what modern parenting is like?
I've skipped every summer servant since Summer Nobbu so it'll continue to be another skip for me. The only way they're going to get me to spend SQ on a summer servant is if they give us Summer Sanzang Ruler who's first ascension is just her normal first ascension without the headgear, coat, gourd and staff.
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Rean's game looking so fine bros
Chihuahua spotted
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I think I'm turning into a Kuroha simp...
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Good morning, bros.
I want Illya to give me rimjobs while i shitpost on /alter/
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>no Idun in FGO
>lies about going to bed
>immediately starts spamming his 3d whore
It's all so tiring
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>2 sq
whoa he changed his message
erm bros where's the maintenance? you guys promised it was tonight
>this defeats greek catgirls
>comically out of place design
>but that healing game is too good
albert's lover
How many SQ would you give to fuck Kuroha
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would ravage
>She's so boring.
that's why. she's inoffensive and strictly for (You) so you don't have to try to even win her affection
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I came back to this game. What am I in fer now?
>no Konohana Sakuya in FGO
she got replaced by an even more broken healing persona in the remake so its fine
Damn, Kuroha is hot. Where can I find her stuff?
Do secondaries really
oberon is for me.
so fuxxking cute
Anni delayed?
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She was nerfed hard in VV.
And the new DLC girl is bonkers
>HP + MP restore x2 to recovery skills when all -kaja effects are at x1+
>50 pwr, base + 10% max HP restore, 10 pwr base + 2% max MP restore, Luster Candy
the good stuff is on albert's camera roll
konohana sakuya is a persona first albeit.
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Morning, bro.
I accidentally burned that dude when I was pulling on ibukis first rate up while high as fuck.
>sorry senpai
wut game? eyecandy looks great
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is anyone actually trying to NP5 arc here?
Persona 5 Royale
who's the new girl? is she cute?
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>HP + MP restore x2 to recovery skills when all -kaja effects are at x1+
i didnt lose a single fight until the superboss after getting her. what a well designed game
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>no Loup Garou in FGO
Come on Nasu
What's his face from the nameless forest.
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SMT 5: Vengeance.
why the bulge
>The monkey's paw curls
She will be a Sakuraface because gods need an excuse to be in FGO. Happy?
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>that bulge
That's just Woodrose
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>Yu senpai will remember that.
Post SMT mermaid. I can't believe FGO got an ugly h*g to be mermaid instead.
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>the superboss
There's more than one, bro.
>Satan (CoV only)
>True Masakado (CoC only, requires a CoV playthrough first)
Konohana Sakuya
Sweaty kurohas!
How old is Kuroha?
Um bros I thought Archetype Earth was now, I stayed up for no reason? Wtf
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i skipped demifiend and i didnt bother finishing satan because they were both annoying.
what a strange color scheme
Thx bro
Anni got delayed again
uncanny looking
anyone actually finds this hot?
is this why every porn site is full of AI? coomers have absolutely no self respect
>from tetas to Melt-tier chest
Women are bigger frauds than 5'6 guys wearing shoes that make them 6'0
What the fuck is wrong with her face?
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How the hell is an anniversary delayed? That makes no sense. They are supposed to be the same day every year. It's not multiple choice shit.
Imagine your dad saying to your mom "I don't feel like it today, let's celebrate our anniversary the day after tomorrow". He would be sleeping on the couch.
Demifiend was a fun fight but he's literally just a DPS check.
Satan was pretty fun once I got the mechanics down but he basically requires you to run the guaranteed dodge skill to fuck with his AI.
I used a rotating roster of 2 DPSes against Demifiend, one or two per element needed for his adds, with Magic Beano supported by Sakuya.
Satan was weirdly easier. Yoko, Beano, Sakuya and Demifiend was all I needed.
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>Oberonbro is a Kuroha simp

she's so fucking ugly
How do I get a Kuroha gf?
Oh nonono... I've lost all respect for Oberonkeks now
Kuroha is a single mom you fags are simping for used goods.
yeah, hard to believe that someone paid 500 USD (DOLLARS) (DOLARES) for 5 of her pics.
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Strange Journey? now THAT was a game
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>you fags
its one retarded nigger spamming her for this exact same reaction you always give him i hope you all die.
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Her being a mother only makes her hotter
stop avatarring, tranny
If I want a dungeon crawler I'd rather play EO.
Race mixing is inherently dysgenic
jannies are incompetent, news at 11
>implying you don't know that he is responding to himself just to bait more responses
Just ignore him, he will leave when the dog is done with shiki.
What a bizarre adventure...
Fate/Kuroha Order
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it never stops... it will never stop... theres nothing i can do...
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Half of this thread has been me and me replying to myself. I was looking for a good time to bring it up actually.
so when do we get the second CE exchange ticket?
Just look at that ass though: >>484878679
when someone defeats Albert on a game of monopoly
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Why doesn't she cosplay Melt?
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>god tier design
>is completely ignored by fanartists
What went wrong?
Melt has a flat ass.
This is not the daishouri thread I was promised.
They all moved on to other gachas, namely Blue Archive.
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Let's surveypost then, which character from FGO have you busted the most nuts to? Do you have any idea on what's the amount?
>god tier design
What do the dream portraits do? Is it really just that extra 10 points?
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Good morning, bros.
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she's flawed
>no character
>shit event
>not for (you)
Gee, you tell me.
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hol up where is the exchange ticket for the anni CE?
>god tier design
>have to complete an advance quest
fucking lame
All the artists moved to Blue Archive.
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she is missing her very important armor
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what di Mother mean by this?
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if fgo is supposedly vn quality, then why doesn't it have good music?

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erice bloodass
there is nothing really top tier about her design, though. the art is good at least
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a superior Andromeda exists
Abby and Miyu
Does she have any full on two piece bikini pics
Because nothing in F/GO even approaches a mediocre VN in terms of writing, production values, or functionality.
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Ushi is the Bronny James of FGO
Raikou is Lebron
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>which character from FGO have you busted the most nuts to?

>Do you have any idea on what's the amount?
Do you know many loaves of bread you have eaten in your life?
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>good music
>higurashi tracks when they're royalty free level shit and umineko mogs it completely
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canon > your headcanon
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this hag has milked me dry a million times
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just sat on my balls and that shit hurted real bad
Shoo! Go away!
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i need an /alter/ version of this....
Melt has a Hank Hill ass. Her FA proves that, since even though she has her legs bent and her ass pointing up which make it look bigger, her ass still looks flat.
the fact you even thought about making "oc" to jack off lucksucker and his pathetic fucking life makes me want to track you down and kill you
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30 minutes for what
C-can I see?
When the fuck is the anniversary? I skipped school for this.
my mommy gets home from work
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okita if she american
she literally killed millions...
>implying dogsucker was the first thing on my mind when i saw that gif
the clowns and discord actually.
When the fuck is our anni? Why are they so bad at communicating this shit?
i know you're joking but why would you skip anything for this pathetic anniversary? literally zero content of value.
I just filter every kuroha image and the thread ends up so much better.
More like trillions of my sperm cells.
one in the same
Hello bwos can i get some friends
I don't anything flashy but i have castoria oberon koyan 101010s with mlb teatime at least

Also have dark koyan for double koyan comps

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>nothing flashy
>castoria oberon koyan 101010s with mlb teatime
Who the fuck are the "flashy" supports then
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Howdy pardner
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i dont have any cool np5s or anything
Tsuchinoko your message is censored
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Kagekiyo in all.
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I wish I could read the absolute kamige that was Muramasa for the first time again...
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Is he ok?
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Servants for this feel?
That guy has been taking an out of context screenshot for like 3 years now just because melt has a nice but, maybe his butt hurts.
What would /alter/ be like if there wasn't a handful of freaks constantly trying to start shit for no reason?
Does he look ok to you?
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Who did you guys pick for your first ticket?
that's the entire internet
It wouldn't exist
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there hasn't been any content worth playing for more than 50 days so who can say
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Eric bloodaxe
Imagine fucking Melt. She has almost zero sense of touch, so she wouldn't feel a thing. Her only advantage is if you have a sleeping sex fetish, since you could fuck and cum inside her and she'd never wake up.
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That might be flashly on Reddit and elsewhere, but the major supports with max skills and MLB Teatime is the standard 'round these parts.
>out of context screenshot
Molay, her exposed tummy made me salivate and i actually struggled to not lick my phone screen
That just means I have to be real rough with her.
It would be /vmg/
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>6 million bodies in the span of 4 years
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Scat quest is so annoying.
Also is the Liz quest bugged? i didn't see golden chicken.
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>Seething about melt for god knows how many years
lol, lmao.
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>6 enemy waves
Sashi GG
Thats how many dicks she can take in her asshole at once.
Didn't see a golden chicken but Tamamo mitigated the health drain so it was easy
thats not a lot. she sucks.
That just means just have to be real romantic with her and make a deep connection.
God I love her so much
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Sashi's chunky little tum tum looks very cute here
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Which Servant would you fuck while she's asleep?
>y-you're seething
Not even that anon, fag.
But there's nothing out of context about that screenshot.
gentlemen, it is no longer fridey.
Didn't Yang give up just because (You) became her emperor?
Like Kiyohime but slightly more sane?
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still friday here
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Yuyu was kidding when she said she'd neutralize (you). She would never harm (you), her emperor.
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It was no longer friday like 12 hours ago, 3rd world bro...
>screenshot implies she has a flat chest, which everyone talks about
>nooo they are talking about her ass in my context
Keep seething though bro.
Yeah. IS made it clear that Yang could have won by immediately using the grail she got from Gogh but she instead used it to try and make (you) happy by creating the Grand Foreigner Festival.

>Yang Guifei: ...Once I stole the Holy Grail, I should have just converted all of its magical energy into experience points and used them to transform into living flame... But I wanted to make my beloved emperor happy so much that I, um...ended up putting on a grand Foreigner festival...
>BB: Hmm. I kind of hate that I know exactly the feeling you're talking about... Anyway, you thought your festival would make your emperor happy, only for it to have the opposite effect...
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Will they peak this?
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Bro it's 8am, time to wake up.
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>/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General
Yang fatigue.
If this years anni is Olga i hate this game
What time is it on the Moon, BB?
Ain't no way this nigga in Europe.
>they say she has a flat body, but what they actually mean is that she has a flat chest and a huge ass!

Holy cope.
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My goddess
Can /alter/ peak this?
>scat advanced quest has guts which refills tons of hp
I never said anything about a huge ass. You are inserting your thoughts into a screenshot that is very clear.
But hey, keep posting it bro, maybe you will get to 5 years.
Why are 80% of the women that fall in love with Guda insane?
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they want to corrupt a pure good boy like guda
The line literally calls her entire body flat. Thinking that it only refers to her chest is you inserting your own thoughts into that.
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You'd have to be insane to be attracted to a generic blank slate MC.
What a handsome woman
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Beware! She put herself in this position
It just says her body is flat, it could refer to her entire body like you imply or the more likely situation to mean her front which has been referred to multiple times, the only times her ass has been talked about is by wada saying it is something she wanted to focus on, which I doubt means it is extremely small
Yeah we know Sakura and Rin and Illya are insane.
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i tried to kill myself to this almost a decade ago
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Me and lauren at AX
That's bullshit. If they were referring to her chest they'd have said that she had a flat chest. Also, the fact Wada wanted to draw her ass does not somehow imply that she has a big ass.
Had to run NP denial on her but Waver got killed when I had to eat 1 NP and Scat's instant death triggered
Blank Slate MC is the only way those crazies can project whatever batshit ideas they have. It's easier to have blank canvas to draw whatever you want on it.
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Glad you didn't do it.
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good thing you leveled ADP IRL
>If they were referring to her chest they'd have said that she had a flat chest.
Not necessarily. Saying her body could easily be a way to avoid being crass.
But hey surely your word has more power than her artist's
What does that second section even mean?
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Hey look at me i tried le suicide!!! Give me attention please i tried to le kill myself!!!! I just had to say it i tried to overdose on death!"!!
Learn to read english, monkey.
The line is clearly about her body in general.
I wish you didn't fail.
But you only need 12
try harder
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>if an artist says that she wants to draw something, that means that it's really big! If you disagree with that, then you're disagreeing with the artist!

You're fucking delusional.
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>no lip
>no abigail
Melt comes from the period in TM's history when every girl would was getting official 3 sizes measurements stats.
She's flat as a washboard in all dimensions.
Wada said otherwise but then again you sure seem to know better.
>a random NPC dialoge has more weight than the official artist statements
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big fat Davinci cock
She has the same hip size as rin.
>there's no scathach portrait
my wife...forgotten...
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of course I redeemed the best
Cute takaobortion
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Good choice bro
The "ass queen" the year UBW aired.
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Did it work?
She was designed as an actual loli, retard.
And Takeuchi's Rin is also flat in all dimensions.
she never looked better
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Smallvinci doesnt have one
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>Did it work?
>She was designed as an actual loli, retard
Source for your claim?
I'm probably going to roll on either Extra 3,4, or 6, but thinking about it makes me feel uneasy cause I just know that if I roll on Extra 3 or 6 I'm probably going to get Ruler Moriarty, Douman, or Oberon.
CharlotteGOD I kneel
yooo how do you kill liz in her quest
Source: his ass (smaller than Melt's)
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unironically yes it was tragic and painful and close enough that it was probably a large part of the catalyst that made me turn things around
>Takeuchi's Rin is also flat in all dimensions.
>the artists rendition matters here
>but in the other case only the in-game statement matter
>Ruler Moriarty, Douman, or Oberon
I have those 3 and they're cool Servants and I'm not even gay
Reminder to breed all Rinbros.
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did you see God?
whatever I get for anni. if I don't see np1 in the first 200 rolls I'll give up on her.
hoping for a jannu spook since she's sitting at np4
God doesn't exist stupid lipper
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Why would you want to kill Liz?
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>"I wanted to draw Melt's ass."
>the artist said Melt has a big ass!
And we haven't even gotten our anniversary quartz yet

I never said it was big.
no i was and still am agnostic
Did you luck into Bazett? She makes Scat way easier.
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There she Kam...
Why is it necessary for Scathach to gain multiple resistance trigger during her guard drop phases?
I just don't really care about ruler Moriarty, Douman looks like he smells like mold and overall I just think he's gross, and I already have Oberon so I and I just don't need a dupe.
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Kind of funny how some people are convinced that Rin has the best ass even though Sakura's is clearly bigger. I think it's because the art of small-breasted characters often focuses on their ass, and as a result some people become convinced that these characters have big asses.
agnostic theist or agnostic atheist? you can't just say "agnostic"
Sakura's ass is all fat, Rin's ass is firmer and has a better shape because she works out and does kung fu or ba shi quan I don't remember which
Also because sakura doesn't get to show off outside HF, which many didn't know existed until the movies came out, and many didn't see them
I'm not here to spoonfeed you shit, retard.
It's not even hard to find, if you can't manage even that, you're shit out of luck.
But then, why would you even try having this discussion?
And here's comes the braindead white knight.
Should I replace someone?
So when is the anniversary anyways? I was expecting it to be this week since we had that count down log in thing.
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You can tell it's an American posting when they can only appreciate obese cellulite asses and call Melt's ass flat.
>no lvl120
Umm looking kinda souless paisen...
NTA but fuck that.
Atheism is a religion in and of itself. Especially with all the militant atheists online.
I'm agnostic because I have no belief or disbelief in any God(s).
Takeuchi can consistently stay on model, while Wada can't even decide Nero's actual breast size.
>I'm not here to spoonfeed you shit, retard.
Yeah, you are here to make shit up and throw it to the wall to see if it sticks, like the chimp you are
You can tell it isn't an American posting when they randomly bring up Americans for no reason
yeah you should replace these bland cunny characters with more bland cunny characters that would be really exciting
If I 120, one I have to 120 all of them.
>Takeuchi can consistently stay on model
I mean yeah its easy to just copypaste the same model lol
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Ten years in the joint made you a fucking pussy.
I'm objectively correct, which can be easily verified if you know where to search.
If you don't, sucks to suck, loser.
Now seethe.
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To be fair it's easy for Takeuchi to stay on model because he draws every girl exactly the same (except Akiha and Saber who get small tits)
>which can be easily verified if you know where to search.
Show it then. You bring the evidence it's on you to show it
>Person plays supports for the meta like a fag.
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My son turned ten just the other day
He said, "Thanks for the ball, Dad, come on let's play
Can you teach me to throw", I said "Not today
I got a lot to do", he said, "That's ok"
And he walked away but his smile never dimmed
And said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah
You know I'm gonna be like him"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then

Well, he came home from college just the other day
So much like a man I just had to say
"Son, I'm proud of you, can you sit for a while?"
He shook his head and said with a smile
"What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys
See you later, can I have them please?"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then

I've long since retired, my son's moved away
I called him up just the other day
I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind"
He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if I can find the time
You see my new job's a hassle and kids have the flu
But it's sure nice talking to you, Dad
It's been sure nice talking to you"

And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me
He'd grown up just like me
My boy was just like me

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then
>person plays supports for his boring meme fetish instead of actually interesting characters like an annoying retard
>do a single advanced quest
Damn, the one thing I didn't want to do
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So you think that e.g. Ishtar might be real.
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Somebodies 3 star didn't getting a animation update.
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where you someone's prison bitch?
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>no retort
I was under the impression that agnosticism is more about not knowing the answers and thus one doesn't really think about it much.
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>posts a flat ass
>claims it isn't flat
Fuck you my parents live 2000 miles away stop guilt tripping me they should've lived in a less shitty state.
>No argument
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Melu, next one will be Da Vinci.
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I believe in Finnic paganism because i want to be different
No, it's not faggot.
Having the knowledge adequate for a discussed topic is entirely your responsibility.
Step up, or get mocked for being the retard you are.
And the best part, no matter how hard you whinge and cry about it, I'll remain right while you'll remain ignorant.
Yes, that's basically it.
>No, it's not faggot
It is.
Nasu said melt has the biggest ass in the franchise btw.
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not terms i've heard and not a discussion i want to have here, christians are alright for the most part so probably closer to the former
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This is so cool... ehe...
>interesting characters
Who's interesting to you in FGO?
Except he didn't say that.
The fact that you need to counter easily verifiable truth with a shameless lie shows how far out depth you are against me.
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He did bro, if you saw everything in the fandom you would know, it's information we all know.
Are we getting Arc in a couple hours? Or is it another 24.
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When the FUCK is anni??
Was the countdown done without regard for the actual fucking event date?
22 hours and 20 minutes.
When Albert feels like
>doubling down
If you can't be bothered ot educate yourself in your own capacity, just take the L and move on.
Despite all your seething, you'll make no progress like that.
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BB has the largest butt if were talking about a small waist and large hips
apparently there's going to be a 5-hour maint in the middle of the day starting about 8 hours from now
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oi is so fucking ugly
Do we get anni after the maint or sunday?
Oh nononono you mean to tell me you didn't know about nasu's declaration? Bro you should read sometime, get the fuck out and read before discussing with me
Based ForeignerChad. I'll be picking Hokusai and Molay.
I don't know which butt is the biggest, but I really like looking at Schez's
Grandpa Aozaki is a bitch ass motherfucker
>small waist and large hips
ibuki, you dumbass sakuratranny
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>BBiggest BButt and BBiggest H:W ratio
That's just not fair.
She is sakura yes.
I don't think there's any official data on her 3 sizes. Feel free to prove me wrong
Oei is the second sexiest Servant.
You've reduced yourself to acting like a spiteful rat, and all becasue you're incapable of finding specific information on the internet.
Truly pathetic showing.
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>oi is so fucking ugly
>You've reduced yourself to acting like a spiteful rat
I have just been doing the same thing you did. Funny how it turns out to be acting like a rat
Submersible rat hours
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All I've gathered from this thread is that Sakura's body is extremely lewd.
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Servants for this feel?
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More authors should do like pic related.
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What do we do if a cat meows...?
BB has a 1:1.55 W/H ratio
Melt is 1:1.45
Lip is 1:1.33
So BB has 10% more ass than melt if it comes to just proportions
Melt is flat. Deal with it.
No, that's the thing.
You've been lying, I told nothing but truth.
And the truth of the matter is, you're not even fit to be having a noncommittal conversation about weather with me.
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>play MMOs and have decent friends to talk to but waste countless hours playing an MMO
>don't play MMOs but my only social outlet is WFH and /alter/
I wish you guys would just be decent to each other and nice to talk to...
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We scurry away!
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I could fix her...
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this will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER be a real social outlet. get some real friends or get to grips with the fact that you will never have a real conversation ever.
there she is
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Bro you didn't even know I have been telling nothing but objectie truths it's just that you are too dumb so there's no point in me discussing with you, I wanted to give you a chance but you can't even do you research
Made for breeding.
That's a MAN
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When are we getting a Fate mmo?
10 kids at least
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Reminder that SMT is altercore
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Servants for THIS feel?
Do people even make MMOs anymore?
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and that MAN is my wife
How long till maintenance?
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Posting here is like being stranded in a desert and drinking my own piss.
Just say husband you weirdo
I already told you that insisting on obvious lies will get you nowhere.
You can face this fact, or ignore it, it's ultimately irrelevant.
Truth remains what it is, entirely outside of your grasp.
Bro I told you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth
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>tfw option 1 but without the friends
And yet you keep lying.
The contrast is stark.
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Lip has the best butt though?
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>walk into Circle K
>all Bang's
>don't see a Mug or an A&W in site
Banghests win again
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I was hopping you would understand I'm right but sadly you are blind
Someone do something funny. These guys arguing are unbearable.
we're all playing zzz lmfao
yeah, I'm falling asleep too zzzzzzzz
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If I were, I might have at least considered your lies.
How are you supposed to play when sleeping?
Yup, I think I'll just go to sleep.
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Umm... ehe.. *sniff* t-two guys w-walk int- *sneeze* sorry... umm... thank you...
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Here's BB raping her daughters, hilarious no?
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>posting is cringe
>leave the thread and do something else
its just that shrimple.
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zzz more like
negative rizz F in chat
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Now's my chance to touch those tits
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>10,000 years ago some schizoposter could've been a Warrior King since they could talk with whatever God was out there
Those guys had still had to have people who could tolerate their company
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So do I have to trigger Scat's guts 3 times to complete the quest?
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>yuro hours
>post quality drops
Many such cases.
What quest?
Yes. I just stalled her in the end.
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