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Previous: >>484834417

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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I just got off a call with John Wuthering, the CEO of Wuthering Waves, and he told me that if you've ever misspelled Jinhsi's name you'll never win another 50/50 again.
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WiiU? Uiiw?
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I hope we get rivalry kino like pic related
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i win my 50/50 for 70 pulls
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>Where's your Jinhsi?
what I need is another Verina type first...
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Why are you still not rolling for JADE BEAUTY?
wot the fuck?
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I fcking hate artifacts system
Not that hard
Any sexo PGR characters?
I rolled the dragon
I bought the dragon sword
I came on both
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where's the 1.2 drip marketing
Where's changli drip marketing.

Yes normally they would wait a bit longer but with everyone's universal hateboner for zzz right nyow it would be a good move
what should my main stat on 4 cost be for moonlit for sanhua
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ZZZ failing expectation is the perfect time right now
They really need to learn PR and hire better marketing firm
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Are you abusing the substat pity before the hotfix?
For me its Crits as usual
they have not acknowledged it.
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Explain you faggot
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>all those dead hp and def stats
Are you?
Nice soft pity abuse bro, but really why are these two particular stats so prevalent?
They're waiting for ZZZs 1.1 drip marketing so they can dunk on them again like they did with emilie
12D chess
Bambinata, Feral 21 and Pulao.
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Are you the anon who was considering rerolling earlier in the week?
Changli mogs them all
jesus i need some eye bleach after the last thread and how it ended
never do that again
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Should I do it, bros?
I want to save for big titties bird lady, but i feel like I might have enough.
You're probably going to miss one of their weapons
You clearly want her, what's twenty or thirty pulls?
enough for what? both? You have to win at least one 50/50.
missing changli's weapon is fine since the standard sword isn't that much worse
You got enough for both characters
Bold of you to assume I win 50/50s
and maybe a weapon if he's lucky
I renewed my monthly cause I enjoyed the story quest and the new area. There were some very visually pleasing moments
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she is really good and looks even better
>missing changli's weapon is fine since the standard sword isn't that much worse
The blue sword is going to clash aesthetically though, but yeah Jinhsi is more sig dependent
not enough for changli weapon but doesn't matter since 5* standard is hella good
so Jinhsi + sig + Changli
i didnt see what the elf retard did
Man, they way they dim the background makes Jue's colors pop. Looks so fucking cool
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wuwa !
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Crownless is this pgr chad's expy. He's the newest boss in the chinese server, and he's looking like a kino brawler.
I want his mask for our rover...
Then slap yourself in the face, because that's the guilty party.
Or what? You're gonna tell us it's not you sitting down and wasting resources trying to chase perfection when you know you're basically chasing lottery odds here?
Just take fucking good enough and call it a day, it's not like the game is that fucking hard.
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I'd roll, this looks cool
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give them time to cook.
are those piss stains on his pants? Incontinent retard
changli is a slut ! A SLUT !
This is how it should be, Changli revealing more, Jinhsi getting more frilly dresses
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>those designs
Jesus Christ, Kuro never fucking misses with their /fa/ collabs.
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Skip, i prefer edgy male if i roll for a homo
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I need pic related jinhsi skin. Similar but a few differences
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>great alternate outfits in promo collabs
>in game: chink slop
this is genshin all over again
what does this popup store mean anons? I don't read moonrunes. is more merch?
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God I wish girls were real
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They haven't even made the skins yet. Do you expect them to walk around in those beach outfits all the time?
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it's just a pop-up store with merch in korea
South Korea looking kinda third world…
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You must understand why I am so torn about this. I am almost 30 and highly resistant to nearly every kind of provocation. But this fucking smile quite literally gave me an erection. Fully fucking clothed, this bitch managed to make my dick hard.
Jinhsi, on the other hand, is really fun to play. I tried her out in the illusive realm and really like how she plays. The way she floats around feels really nice and the damage is also incredible.
The gameplay autist in me wants Jinhsi, but my dick screams for Changli.
It sounds like Changli is going to be fun to play too, follow your dick in these times, it will never lead you astray.
I don't give a shit what she does to you fucker. If you like her get her and then shut the fuck up.

I swear, waifufags should get fucking gassed already
Changli gameplay is simple yeah but i don't think that's a bad thing
You could always throw enough into Jinhsi's banner for one chance at a 50/50 and if it's not meant to be save the guarantee for Changli's banner
>I don't give a shit
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The crownless at the top looks cool, but they shouldn't have given it a close-up shot if they knew it was scuffed. The fingers look like they've been detached and the head has a crack and some chipped paint.
This store looks cool btw, I hope they post all the art pieces placed there.
it's always the small countries that get the best events
New player here, which team should I focus on?
Encore - Jianxin - Sanhua or Jinhsi - Mortefi - Jianxin? Don't have any other support
Oh no no no no some gookbro gonna get fire....
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This might be the weirdest way anyone has got 24 stars
That's the thing, dude. I am not a waifufag. I am a gameplay autist. But this is the first time I ever felt anything for a gacha character.
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nta but if you dont wanna listen to other people's opinions and yapping about wuwa anon why are you here in this thread...
ran out of tuners and xp to do it
Nah, you're just a jinshifag
>I don't give a shit what she does to you fucker
Yet you responded, clearly upset.
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>The fingers look like they've been detached
gooks triggered over this is just funny
NTA mine looked exactly like that with no Jin h si middle towel is not that bad.
With magistrate now it's a comfy 30/30 doritos.
Is this game really way more popular in sk than jp?
Fucking jumpscared by a png
>mdw (my dick when) i'm 1/4 chinese
ngl a collab with Hellsing would be nutty. Alucard (gunner), Alexander Anderson (sword) and Walter (gauntlets) would be awesome.
Middle floor 3* just feels easier than Aix on the left side, I can 1* clear it at best with my Havoc Rover team.
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Yeah they really love Wuwa over there
Maybe because gooks like competitive and hard core games unlike JP
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0-4 throw 10 pulls at harvest
5-9 continue coping with razor
better post results
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It's over
Clearly they wanted the wounded look on him
Is substat pity a thing or just a meme
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Can someone please help. I have been searching for 10 minutes for this daily quest but no luck. Is this like tetra?
but nobody would be able to see it unless they allowed rooftop access for pictorials.
Ok i keked you win this time onkobro
it's a plant. check above probably on land
probably meme, if it's real no one has elaborated on how it works and there are no posts about it on other socials
>abuse said substat pity
>still ends up with HP and DEF garbage
Idk, you tell me, also
>showing Aero and Havoc echoes when the current upcoming character is Fusion
He's just showing his collection of above average echoes for Jiyan and HRover
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if there was substat pity it would be repeatable
the reason overlord pity of 2 was found because it defied natural rng and was easy to reproduce
whoever started the substat pity idea is a moron. you would need to show not 1 or 2 echos, but hundreds to prove it reliably.
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Just watch the bilibili vid it's relatively easy to reproduce
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let's be honest here, genshin won so fucking hard today.
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what day was it uploaded/name?
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>exact same shit as before
>release brown nilou
>yooo this shit is fire genshin is saved
please teach me how to do the pity
i'm ul51 but it takes me forever to kill things cause my echoes are bad
don't fix what's not broken, dumbass
>not hyped for mexican xiao
foh boomer
Do I want to pull for her bwos, my main account has no mats for her when I go UL60
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>not broken
uh huh
Your solvents bro?
she's a conquistador now, spic
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I already got jinhsi and i should conserve rolls, but goddamn i'm so close
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If I started right now are there still generous beginner pulls or is that over with?
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After trying her several times she doesn't seem as comfy as Jinhsi are we sure she's just as strong
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we know for a fact that she's almost twice weaker than jinhsi according to calcs
Post your weapon rolls
Changli is giving you free tenners
Why is she wearing a blindfold, is there a lore reason
Uhh are they alright bros?
She's sidegrade Encore but can buff
she doesnt want to see u penetrating the magistrate
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Still pretty good. Still get a free voucher for a standard 5*.
Used to get 30 limited rolls in the ingame mail, I think you get 20 now.
She is a supporter for Encore.
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Seriously new livestream when I need more wuwa chibi!
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What are my odds of saving up enough for Camellya, bwos?
Changli banner 4 starts are all bricks so it's best to build pity now
depends on what 1.2 is
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Did a 10 for her with Changli gift and got jianxin and jinhsi s1 instead. Kuro hates me.
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This is why you don't build pity bwo
>Changli banner 4 starts are all bricks
Not really since he has Jinhsi
eh, she's more suited for chixia honestly. sanhua is unironically still better for encore.
I'm retarded and didn't occur to me to check my counter... guess no Changler for me this year.
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Was Jinhsi an anomaly (huge powercreep early on) or was Changli just a failure?
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I used near the same amount of rolls for just a verina and a jinhsi, so no, they don't hate you.
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>math tranny ramblings
nah I'm good
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For future reference, try to snipe 4 stars with singles at least. You'll nab your Changli tho, just get lucky.
So is the tldr for echo pity that you're attempting to offload flat/bad stats on other echos before unlocking on the one you want
Well since you have jinhsi, it's just normal to focus on a team with the limited 5* over the standard 5* no?
Though encore is still pretty good and so play whoever's gameplay you like more
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AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!Yapyap will die if she goes even faster please no more doko
Kuro is hiding under their table out of fear. ZZZ got them terrified. They're laying low until next month.
>huge powercreep
>still less dps than s0 jiyan at s0
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Thanks bwo! I'll try singles next time
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It is not looking good for us changli brothers....
>try to snipe 4 stars with singles at least
What about the guaranteed 4* every 10 pulls? Is doing 10 singles the same as x10 pulls?
>Powercreep powercreep powercreep
That doesn't matter here. Unlike most gacha games, we have gameplay here, you can enjoy your characters in spite of it
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>s0 at s0
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wuwat?
Beautiful jade-like daughter
meant for
Chibi Enocore, Chibi Jinhsi and Chibi Changli doko?
Anyone have pictures of Jinhsi's shorts/panties? I need them for...reasons.
zzz... wonned... again...
Yeah, singles and ten pulls don't matter.
Guess I'm doing it like Arknights from now on
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Don't tell anyone!
just watch porn you weird fuck
How does one go about replicating this? Asking for a friend.
>an employee from Kuro insisted on that mole
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Here's your analysis.
The keen eyed anons amogus might notice that the shorts are a poorly drawn black mess, except for the middle part which is very nicely done. To me this indicates that Jinhsi originally had a thong with was drawn over in a hurry.
Probaly done by one of those interns that Kuro fired.
cute balls
what is this about using camellya?
This is the state of wuwa when they release a 7 week patch with almost no content or any dripmarketing/leaks for people to be excited about. They need to hire a new marketing team asap
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>illusive realm says 1000 gems
>I can only count about 600
Where tf are the other 400 coming from? Are they being added later?
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right. because when the threads are faster, the post quality goes up, people only talk about the gameplay, and there are no coom posts.

For sure retard
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Sorry, I'm not the one who made it.
Looks pretty good to me.
>skin has the same texture as cloth
literally unplayable
WuWa porn where?
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Here you go, jerk off to this
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shit the pity actually works
Bwos is the jinshi weapon banner a 100% once you hit 80? Or can you get a character too? Not sure if its similar to the regular banner or not
Don't fall for it. He's making up shit
It's guaranteed, no 50/50.
Yes also the soft pity starts at 65 you never actually hit 80
>regular banner
You mean the standard 5* weapon banner? Yeah it's the same as that
Yes sorry, i meant the regular weapon banner
thanks bwos
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>Americans and Europeans go to sleep
>Thread moves at glacial speeds
Was /wuwa/ an anglo colony all along?
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/vg/ is glacial on friday nights. Fucking normalfags.

Anyway NAbro here. I'm going to sleep. Don't let the thread die SEA
I count 1000. You get 100 astrites after clearing each difficulty for the first time, maybe you’ve missed those achievements
>zold my Ellen acc on ZZZ for 20$
I'm back to /wuwa/GAMING
Changli tummy SEXO
>$20 for 1 ssr
wtf that should be like $5. Is rerolling really that fucked in that game?
I built up pity to 65 rolls on Jinhsi's banner and I got spooked by Anko before so I can guarantee anyone I want. I already have Jinhsi and her weapon and I'm not interested in Changli. I know 1.2 has one confirmed male but I hope the other character is female and not a hag.
Heard they combine weapon and character into one banner
I only speak english so couldn't tell exactly what the process was. Tuning possible throwaway echoes first before returning to reveal substats on a focused one? Not sure how many times or when to restart tho
I played zzz after 30 minutes-1hour you get about 20 standard rolls and 5 limited rolls. Pretty standard for hoyo games where they don't encourage rerolling
>that creature migrated to wuwa
My condolences
Where are the hoyochads at? Our threads are too slow! AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Dayum! Do you have Changli's as well?
>5 limited
What a joke
Anyone playing since launch and NEVER redeemed any achievement astrites?
don't look at hsrg
not me
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I don't know anything about her but I'll take her. How can you not like this?
Too busy fighting amongst themselves
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We love Hoshino and not-Hoshino here
on /zzz/
/hsrg/ is slow too
singlehandedly kyoaning kuro HQ for the 120 lightcrusher
don't care, still rolling for hag sex
Alpha looks like this?
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Still going to pull for this sexy brick
Alpha can't hold a candle to the average student, she's too ugly
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Ass too small...
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Oh and bonus booba image to make up for the ass
Anyone can tell me where to fuck are the models MMD models? someone told me they are on bilibili but i cant find them
>It has only been one week since the 1.1 release

Why does it feel longer than a week?
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Cowqi is still the queen, has boobs, has butt, has an hourglass body.
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Holy frontload
the only saving grace about wuwa is that they aren't mihoyo and hopefully will be collabing with other games. i will s6r5 2b and emilia the minute they releases\
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This guy seems to have them all, haven't tested them though since I've just been exporting stuff from the game myself.

Can anyone who speaks Chinese tell me what this video is demonstrating
You can get 1 multi when reaching lvl 5 which takes about ~40 minutes. The reason it's 20$ is because the account has Ellen + Rina (another 5*) which is the 2nd BiS for her team if you don't wanna play their notLingyang ice furfag
Changlibros? What the fuck do we do now that our waifu is confirmed a brick damage-wise? Really considering to pull for Jinhsi instead right now...
What do you think Changli did to all those Fractsidus baddies once she went out of view when we went up the elevator to the surface?
I think these are official but you need to make an account
i don't care about meta, i just roll for what activates my penis
>"guys I'm soooo unlucky probably the unluckiest in the world teehee"
>has several sub 20 pity counter 5*s
Hublebragging should fall under shitposting and be bannable.
>get crit on your +5 echo
>go to other echos until you build up pity of no crit rolls
>go back to your +5 echo for free second crit
thank me later
She killed them all
I miss /wwg/
Bro just get lucky
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Holy shit anons thanks, now if you excuse me, i am on my way to make the most repulsive and grotesque vanilla hand-holding with male rover x female characters porn
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meanwhile Im gonna kms at this rate, this should be illegal
Bros stop spreading this around they're going to hotfix it faster
I kneel
thread is dead this is barely spreading it
holy shit bro......
Just like how they hotfixed boss echo farm right? This is the intended system. Fuck off.
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Rolling more makes the game punish you. If you 100% the map it knows you'll keep playing and fuck you over.
Meanwhile a person that barely plays will get lucky to entice them to stay.
Lazychads win again
The ONLY redeeming factor is not having the furry.
>Substat pity is fucking real

If you do this, you'll also burn through tuners and xp faster. Seems like a fair system to me
Is Changli actually trash-tier dps? Why do games do this? Make a great looking character, then make them shit?
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how many times do you have to get no crit substat before you are guaranteed crit? If this is legit I might actually do echo leveling tomorrow.
>go back to your +5 echo for free second crit
How do you know you hit the pity tho?
seems like a good question, what's the pity for substats?
if kuro doesn't patch this WuWON!
At least you pulled the only 2 usable standard 5*
It's whatever the total substat count is minus your initial crit minus your remaining rolls on the echo
Really put a damper on my excitement for her. I'll wait if they buff her and then pull Jinhsi if they don't
Oh right that make sense.
In my defense I wake up 20min ago.
i don't get it
actual brainlet here, what the fuck did you mean by this?
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This is not fair. Only I'm supposed to have god level artifacts.
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Is there a roll tracker for Wuthering Waves yet?
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dropping this piece of shit kusoge if they dont start the tsubaki drip market soon
>they found my secret tech
I have yet to see any of these pity abuser or whatever post anything that's better than what I have.
Because it isn't real
>he fell for the ching chong propaganda
wu mao
>>get crit on your +5 echo
already hit the wall on first step.
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I NEVER collect my achievements.
there's like 5 of them. I use astrite.gg

I wish I could've been there.
wuwa tracker
Yeah I don't think its real either. Maybe I will spreadsheet some substat unlocks tomorrow to see if there is a pity for misses between crit rolls but I doubt it. Seems too good to be true.
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They showed jinshi and changli drip marketing on release date so it's difficult to gauge when they will talk about 1.2
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>he still lacks faith
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not going to teach anymore. figure it out yourself
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when u get booted out of every run it gives you some rewards that are not shown anywhere, which includes the asterite you are calculating
>substats are CR/CD, Flat Atk/Atk%
Fuck all of you niggers
Most underrated waifu in WuWa?
This is meaningless drivel. If there's a pity then it's at whatever number the kuro devs set it at, it's that simple.
nyo stop I won't fall for it
The one that posted an image of their substats are pretty shitty, and doesn't really line up with the described method. ie not all the crit rolls are back to back if the method was working. If you're getting pity, that means the next stat should be guaranteed, so all their echoes should be crit rate and crit damage back to back, instead of rate > random shit > damage. It's all just a meme to downplay their rng so rngods doesn't smite them later on.
For the retards: there is no pity for substats, it's a psyop.
Zhezhi, even forgotten by kuro.
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>he doesn't know about substat pity
shut the fuck up, I WILL abuse the shit out of it so hard, it will get hotfixed
FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK, Ishouldn't have picked femrover 1.1 story is malerover kino
Even if it was, I don't farm echoes. Too much work.
Gooks weren't the ones who got scammed by the Jiyan weapon typo.
>Pity system exists!
>Posts examples of crit+crit dmg on random lines
Suck a dick.
Idk why that anon is being a dick trying to gatekeep artifact substats of all things
Basically what he meant is, total # of substats = 13
If you rolled crit rate or crit damage , you subtract 1 which = 12
If you rolled crit on your first line, then you have 4 lines remaining untuned. 12-4 = 8
So in theory you would do 8 rolls somewhere else, then be guaranteed crit with your remaining 4 lines.
Can I skip 1.0 story? Anything interesting about it?
Then what's the pity counter, retardo?
Would be pretty easy to verify if you would disclose that.

But I know you won't, cause you're just a shitposter.
thanks - what if the "somewhere else" rolls crit though? Do you have to restart the process or still go back after the same number?
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holy fucking
>How to burn through your entire xp and tuner stash for a placebo 101
That's how the pity works though, you leave enough room so you can actually hit what you want while also getting rid of some bad stats before you do the tuning.
If true you would most definitely just start back at zero and have to rebuild pity
huh? I don't see any porn posted ITT, why are you trying to get the mods here by posting this?
That makes no fucking sense
Why wouldn't the counter reset to 13 once you roll a crit?
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U rike?
qrd on subset pity??
Just remove the ass cover
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But you can still get a crit stat before pity right? I'm not sure if this is worth all the echo exp I'll be spending.
Why would I use rejuvenating glow set on a healer when I lose out on 10k damage each time I switch them in?
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was planning to post good echoes to shitpost sub-stats pity but then i realized i only have 1 good echo
I actually don't, this looks like garbage, I've seen better designs on porn games
She'd look better in a Nazi outfit.
what is up with that gypsy skirt
When did mankoposter learn such a smart word?!
Why would the same substat that you already rolled in the first line be included in the pool for your echo pity? THINK
>when I lose out on 10k damage
Because you're losing out on 30K damage on your DPS otherwise?
you're burning tuners moreso than exp, it's the same concept as throwing an echo away the minute it's not crit dmg/rate on the first line.

When you're critfishing you'll burn through 1000 tuners before you burn through 100 gold exp pots.
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>Just burn echos till you get 8 no crit straight bro
>Just trust the 4 remaining rolls bro
I don't care if they patch this. Only whales can fucking pull this off anyway.
You get maybe 1-3k more damage on main DPS ult with the buff.
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Enjoy bricking your tuners retards
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wu wu?
DPS meaning damage per screenshot in your case right
Normal maid outfit onegai
People who fall for the substat pity scam are dumber than the people who thought they would get 2k asrites in the mail for uploading a shitty video on twitter.
But I got 2k astrites though
Accurate lol
I'm just curious and there's not much to talk about, if it's true it would be impactful, if not I've wasted a couple minutes reading/replying to posts. Who cares
Is Japanese curry hard to make? Also, what is the difference between Indian and Japanese curry?
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>they still don't believe in substat pitying
substat pity is the only way to explain people having full sets of crit and crit damage and attack echos
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>ankoposters is smart for once
What teh fuck? What sort of loopy-thread have I entered?
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i think they won't patch it anyway with how much of a tuner+echo+exp sink this whole process would be.
>tranime schizo is the one behind the substat pity shitposts
Like clockwerk
Enjoy your schizo wuwags
dead game lol
indian curry need some smeared poo in it
extra taste if you also add some motor oil in your hands before chopping the meats
>heavy attack bonus

hahaha bricked
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how much tuners and echo exp tubes did you burn anon? For reference for other anons who're gonna gamba for the pity.
Neck too long
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also he forgot to mention 3cost echo bullshit. this shit is only worth it for 4cost or 1cost
this is just proof there isn't substat pity since you bricked yourself with heavy attack dmg
I got the game at launch but put it on the back burner. I started up on it again since I wanted the Phoenix chick. I have to say as far as starts go I am feeling pretty good. I got Jianxin as my first 5 star. I used my selector to get Verina, and I managed to pull Encore within 50 pulls of the last beginner banner. I am feeling pretty good, too bad I suck at the combat
extra space for smooching
Yep. I won't even bother. At the end of the day, if you luck out anyway, you saved a ton a shit and you got the same thing as the retards that did it.
>How can you not like this?
Anon didn't have enough pyroxene for her, now he's stuck at Silver rank during raids
I don't think people understand how OP this is.
For example, let's say you are serious about artifact farming Jue for Jinhsi.
Most people would get a bunch of crit dmg Jue's and tune the first line. If one of them rolls crit on the first line, then you simply tune the first line of the remaining crit dmg echoes.
You would have done this anyways. But with wuwas system, you naturally build up pity at the same time!
Basically instead of going straight to +10 after hitting crit on the first line, test the first lines of the other echoes you have with the correct main stat. You get to confirm whether they are brick fodder AND build pity at the same time to help your odds.
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>since I wanted the Phoenix chick
Good for you, Encore is her best partner alongside a healer, which just so happens to be Verina's role
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too long, didnt read
going for max level, max tune and reroll if fails
2 DPS? How does this work?
>Encore is her best partner
Why do people keep saying this? Encore and Changli don't have any particular synergy that any other fusion character wouldn't fulfill just as well
with wuwu system yourr better off with 2 dps 1 support.
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"There are some things I should've told you long ago. You don't have to answer me if you don't want to——Commandant... I love you."

DAMN GIRL OKAY??? I didn't realize we was smooching next chapter
why are u black anon
One of Changli's skills buff fusion damage of other characters, our best fusion DPS in the game so far is Encore
But she is still the best option, even if your Chixia is at S6. I don't know about Mortefi but he's focused on coordinated attacks more so than being a good DPS himself right?
holy fucking shit is this true?
I have ~190 pulls and I think I fucked up my math for Changli....
its kinda sad that now that Filian is in hot water with copyright / commercial right issues, NOW everyone wants to talk about it. Not when she made racist comments, not the ai art tag, not her trying to hide that one of her mods got called out for p=dophilia
>Basically instead of going straight to +10 after hitting crit on the first line, test the first lines of the other echoes you have with the correct main stat. You get to confirm whether they are brick fodder AND build pity at the same time to help your odds.
Maybe in the long run when people have stacked enough tuners or Kuro raises the rewards on Tacet Fields. At the end of the day, you aren't going to be blowing that much not unless you're max refreshing your plates. Majority of the players don't have that much. You'd be stuck in a diminishing returns scenario where you could have blown some of that tuners on another DPS for 2nd team.

I myself only have 1 team at the moment and trying to polish my main DPS to get at least 70% CR% + 200% CD. I'm not gonna push it further after that and just go do a second team.
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>Pixels pretending to love (You) to try and guilt people into spending more money and/or not quitting the game
Not falling for it, not now, not ever
wrong tab retard
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Commandant is not black tho.
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You're stuck on a 10-hour flight, where are you sitting?
I will start pulling on it now since I am done using my blue orbs on characters. I figured it was better to get the three 5 stars first before working on weapon pity. From what I understand you need at least 2 teams to clear the tower at the least. I am not trying to no life the game so I am fine getting by on purple weapons until I manage to get better stuff.
Is canon commandant supposed to be male?
they are non binary
Of course.
The canon is Female but Kuro doesn't try to trash on people who choose male like Mihoyo does.
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>But she is still the best option
She also buffs 25% liberation damage. Why does that not make Calcharo the "best" option?
You're literally just matching the colors here bro. Pic related. Makes zero sense.
Kek, how did the fujo kuro fanbase take this when they revealed commandant as being male? I don't remember this being a thing and I played PGR up until the 1st nier collab
desu better to leave the beginner's choice banner for later and skip to weapon banner after novice but you'll be fine
lmao even
Let it go sis, also your lee got powercreep hard by Lucia.
I hope you guys are happy....I wasted all my tuners and xp with nothing to show for it...
What the fuck is this discussion on substat pity?
>SEA hours
Wait for mathtranny charts then, in any case she's not gonna be considered a bad partner for her, which is a good enough start for that anon's first team.
im just shitposting kek
my take is they don't care, they mostly just ship between male characters anyway
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Does Wuwa have based male characters like PGR?
i never roll for male and never build them
but dragon man ptsd is pretty gud
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Your Rover?
Ok so I just finished act 6 and am about union level 25. Should there still be parts of the map I can't get to. I was just in an area with tons of fog and it will send me back to the start when I walk into it. Do I need to do side quest to be able to get past it
yes. check your blue (or green) quest
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Anko strong, no fedora man required
24/30 btw
Yeah you need to do the Stygian Lacrimosa quest
yeah there are various zones with hazards or limits until you do exploration category quests. Inferno Rider area, Tiger's maw mine, mourning aix and gorilla areas + new 1.1 zone
Correction it's "When the Forest is No Longer Dim" my bad.
Lacrimosa is another one with fog near Aix.
exploration quests are main quests that change the map once completed.
anyone trying the substat method have a damage report on how many tuners/xp tubes they're burning to get good stuff
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how do you build verina?
like, whats the forte priority, echo main stats etc?
As much energy regen you can get
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im no expert but just level up everything that has "HEAL" on it I suppose.
https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/tier-list This is a pretty safe resource to follow. Ideally you'll be maxing her out later as Verina is bis everywhere.
at minimum get her first "inherent skill" directly above forte, level liberation if you want to for a bit more damage and healing from it.

ATK or Heal Bonus 4 cost, Energy Recharge 3 costs, Attack% 1 costs, full set rejuvenating
Energy Regen main stat, CR/CMD and Flat Atk substats because her heals scale off of her attack and can also crit
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Wait, if it's energy regen they why do you guys recommend the healing set rather than the energy regen set?
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got scammed, the waves did not wuther
Nobody is stupid enough to waste their time and resources on an obvious psyop
cause the energy regen set only gives you 10% extra from the 2 piece which is barely anything, and you're using her to give the rejuvenating set buff to everyone. Energy set only buffs the next character swapped in and not for as long
I get the game is new and we don't have much to go on, but with we know now who is the better option. I am F2P so I can only hope to get one of them alongside their weapon. Jinhsi has that big dick damage, however Changli has sick animations and doesn't need you to have a dude in your party to do max damage
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man, i dont want to go to another echo mine lmao
>and can also crit
No they can't. Unless you can post proof.
Aaaa I didn't have enough time to post on wuwa or play wuwa today help! I could only log in and spend my wave plates...
anyone else notice that you get better substats the higher rank you are?
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just be a neet bro
shut up
stop revealing secrets
There is no escape
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>Prime SEA hours
>The shitposting ramps up
See you fags again when the Amerifats wake up
>its not real because my headcanon doesnt allow it
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>no proof posted even though it would be the easiest fucking screenshot to make
I rest my case
When are the tacit field buffs happening? I'm out of echo exp but I've got 1000 tuners....
>he still thinks tacet field buffs are coming
It was a mistranslation.
There's a double reward event somewhere during the patch. Otherwise you'll have to wait to max world level to get the best rewards.
The only tacet field buff I need is fast travel. Fuck kuro for making an artificial need to walk a few seconds by placing a fucking terminal a few miles away from the goddamn thing.
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>maxed standard 5* broadblade for Jinshi as cope weapon
>pulled Jinshi's weapon today using the free x10 weapon roll
>no more currency to upgrade the new weapon
No I will not grind more echoes
Yes I am okay with HP/def substat as long as I get my 6% crit.
Mhmm nyo
Nice humblebrag bro. You sure were unlucky you got a 5* weapon in a single 10roll. How unfortunate you are, there's probably nobody here unluckier than you. We all feel sorry for you, I wish it could be different.
>rolling on a banner
>when you don't want its 5*
Smart strategy.
Congratz on your 17% dps upgrade that can't be used on other broadblade users I guess
Save for fire turkey 44% crit dmg 12% crit rate sword.
but you won't be able to kill anything if you echos are bad
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damn bro, who shat in your meal?
y so angy?
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Congrats to zzz. For somehow having a lower rating (PC) on bilibili than wuwa
You mean 18%
I waited until today to claim the standard broadblade so this doesn't happen
Humblebraggers deserve death and nothing else. At least have the decency to gloat about being a luckshitter instead of acting like a cunt.
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>12% crit rate
Jinhsi killed my pet dog and fucked my mom...
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your mom is a man?
How long till they release a support that buffs everyone's crit rate
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I've been considering getting the BP but idk which weapon to get. None of them look appealing since the only character I want to finish building is Havoc Rover.
its a box, just save it for later.
This is nothing I got twice as much in just an hour of farming
Also how did you display 9 in a row?
So how long until we start saying she is washed. I say she stays on top for the rest of 1.x, I say once the 1st main dps of 2.x comes out they will top her damage. By the end of 2.x you will have sub dps out pacing her
not when I have her at S6+sig while the rest of the whores will be S0-S1 at best.
Did you know you have a higher chance of better substats if you use gold xp tubes.
how many tuners do i need to roll to pity crit?
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>when you don't want its 5*
Yeah, I'm humblebragging when I burned my Changli stash while trying to get that damn weapon. I'm at 63/80 pity before rolling it and I pretty much gave up the thought of getting the weap yesterday so I maxed the standard broadblade.
Next patch lol
This isn't Genshin, there's no inherent reason to roll a weaker character just because the damage numbers are a different color and Kuro still needs to sell you shit somehow. Every new dps will be stronger than the previous one
So what do guys think, will we get a sneak peak at the 1.2 content or they're just are not going to do drip marketing moving forward for this game.
>when I burned my Changli stash while trying to get that damn weapon
It's not a Changli stash if you waste it on a 5* weapon. Especially that close to soft pity.
You're really not the smartest guy, are you.
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This dude fell for meta nigger shitposting and rolled for stat boosts
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Just S6 and not S6S5. I guess it is as they say casual effort get casual results
>Every new dps will be stronger than the previous one
Except Changli I guess? lol
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>You're really not the smartest guy, are you.
I see, I roll. Easy as that. But I really need that crit rate weap on Jinshi since I'm not getting past the 50% crit rate despite having a 4* crit rate echo
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I like Jinhsi and rolled for her and her weapon. Thanks for reading my shitpost.
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>official summer art
>I see, I roll. Easy as that.
Well enjoy not rolling for Changli then.
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I love fire birbs
>this is your summer event gweilo don't spend it all at once
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based jinshi enjoyer
Hag tits don't count, you know you'll roll anyway and they know it too
hag tits = bad
How does it feel knowing you will have to brick your account leveling a dude to get her best numbers. I mean it was pretty brave of Kuro to have NTR in their game so early but I sorta respect it
my hag is so hot and cute
I play however I want so I don't invest in males.
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For me it's Camy~!
Half the internet has outdated stats on her sword as they updated her sword data
I am going to pull Changli, i am going to pull for Changli's sword, i am going to pull for Changli's new skin. Top 1 sales globally when Changli releases.
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one/uno/single/ichi roll is enough
1.2 main dps S0 will be better than her S6
Reminder that it takes 63500 echo XP to go from +20 to +25. Which is the same amount it takes to go from +0 to +18.

Don't buy 1 substat for the price of 3 and a half unless you have nothing else to spend it on.
do you get 1 or 2 lvls of skills at ul50?
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>double MALE banners
Does our game have a lot of "woman" players?
2, max is lvl 8
How does PGR handle powercreep and how bad is the difficulty spike between patches. I don't mind my Bird not being the hottest thing around so long as I can still clear stuff if I have good investment in her
Hakush.in is the latest accurate info

You can go from 6 to 8.
UL60 you can max to 10.
its not actually an er set, you can thank the brain damaged ccs for that; its a buff bot set
>there's no reason
>gives reason
but the last stat might be the crit one I need
Hopefully not, women (3d) make everything worse.
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Is his actual name Shrek???
Powercreep doesn't matter in PGR since you can get every new S rank when you play lol
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When will wuwa get an MLB sponsorship?
Nah it's Noan.
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>How does PGR handle powercreep
The shortest powercreep period took them 1.5 years (Nanami tank -> Watanabe tank).
The longest powercreep period took them 4 years (Rosetta tank -> Hanying tank)
I'd advise not to be afraid of kuro's powercreeps since we have a lot of elements and they are still not filled like with the early PGR teams.
Changli looks so damn hot in this

Collab when?
this garbage lesbian show should have died when the original author kicked the bucket.
ewww that thing still around.
>no reason
>no inherent reason
Big difference
In Genshin you'd roll the weaker character because you need it for elemental reactions. Hoyo could make everything roughly the same powerlevel and you'd still want to roll most of them.
Here it literary doesn't matter what color your damage numbers are, if your element isn't resisted, the damage numbers being green or yellow makes no difference.
Once you have 2 or 3 dps characters there's no incentive to roll another one unless she's stronger or has bigger tits. I'm betting they won't go the boob-inflation route and instead inflate the damage number
21:9 aspect ratio
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Reminds me of Ayla's summer skin
>if your element isn't resisted
they are. try again
Man they really were cooking with her weren't they. I guess we know who the devs favorite is.

When will they add $100+ skins?
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I roll for big and small tits limited women always
Battlepass suggestion IF SKINS ARE ADDED.


If wuwa added skins that are grindable by sequential VFX levels and put in on the battle pass like Fortnite that would make dry patches very interesting, more value to battlepass plus light spenders and dolphins would be incentivised to max out bp on day 1 so more money on release and f2p is happy with grinding.

Games like call of duty have great grindable weapon skins albeit not on the battlepass however they're not that grindy compared to Warframe which I hear is like having a second job.

I think too many games are using the battlepass formula and not copying what Fortnite does with it or used to do with in the beginning atleast. This would make it so that people are buying battlepass and skins at the same time so in peoples perspective they're getting the skin and then some with rewards and gacha pulls given that they do finish BP. Which in my opinion if it's grind gated is a good enough reason to finish it. I think wuthering waves was too concerned on doing the minimum for the battle pass by copying genshins formula but they have to do better . THEY MUST DO BETTER .
Verina isn't a buff bot?
>spooks your 50/50
>they are
I use my other dps, what now?
This is not a viable way to sell shit because enemies resist 1 element at a time and there are 6 of them
Well in PGR some of them are free and some are grindable.
So if they decide to make skins in the future I'm sure we'll get some that are premium or free.
I can feel that you copied this from somewhere in reddit but
>battle pass like Fortnite that would make dry patches very interesting
I think I like this too. It can bandaid the dry patches in between.
>new patch/new char - skin - new patch/new char - skin - repeat
>inb4 weapon skin battlepass like pgr
man fuck that shit
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An Idea on how Kuro can use 'Second Awakening' to Revitalize Older Characters and Sustain Long-Term Player Engagement.

I believe Kuro really has the blueprint to keep this game successful for a long time without running out of content. A lot of the 4-star characters and some 5-star characters might become a bit boring to play after a while. However, if Kuro can revamp these characters, updating their animations and appearances a little under the guise of a "second awakening"through their story like Jinhi had in version 1.1, it could really help keep players more engaged. This way, they wouldn't have to rely solely on the hype of new characters, which might also get boring eventually.
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>%attribute damage bonus in tower rotation
>specific buffs to basic attacks/skill/liberation that does more for some resonators than others
>the existence of supports, and subdps characters in general

>b-but I can clear it without those bonuses I just need to godroll artifacts and bang my head against the wall

And you can clear genshin spiral abyss with 3* weapons.
Again, try again
>reddit post
farming overworld boss echos is ass
Wait, does Mortefi not work well with Jinhsi?
Kuro is clearly going for a different audience. Genshin is normalfag territory, so it makes sense for the requirements for clears to be much lower.
What is it with shota Ice dps
What are you even trying to say?
Anyone could clear current tower at level 90 with okay-ish echoes.
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Well then, it sounds like you better get 1/10000 artifacts or start rolling for more 2 main dps if you want to pass these high tower requirements. tardo
remember when wuwa used to be fun? good fucking time, fuck kuro for ruining it
go back you hoyo cock sucker
That would be nice to be honest.
They already did something similar in PGR with the Leap system that updated some characters, mainly adding more things to their kit such as variations on skills/ult + more passives etc.
Great. Sounds like whether or not the next character powercreeps the other doesn't matter for whether people roll then?
see this retard>>484897408
>rolling and building a new character for 1 time only tower buffs that go away in 2 weeks
nigger cattle behavior
Summer anime is looking good. I'm getting nichijou vibes from Shikanoko.
echo farming was never fun
>the existence of supports, and subdps characters in general
This is literary a self-own, having to roll support characters for every new dps just makes that dps less appealing unless that character hard-powercreeps the previous one
luckily, supports can be used with any dps rather than the new one. Meaning you can make your old dps viable by buffing them with a newer support

Try again
i would invest into rover if skill levels were shared
i dont know which form to power up
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Reminder to roll for whomever you like. You will be able to clear tower with anyone eventually.
Metafagging with characters you don't like so you can roll characters you like is retarded. Just roll the characters you like instead.

Pic related. If that can get me 18/30 at UL40 what do you think a few more characters/levels/stats will get me at UL60?
>Meaning you can make your old dps viable by buffing them with a newer support
Or I can buff the newer stronger dps with the newer stronger support
>powercreeping supports is not powercreep
What are you even arguing?
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I'm back from ZZZ bros. It's gonna be limited to my phone and I dont think I'll allocate too much gachabux to it other than the monthly (maybe) given the gameplay.
>You will be able to clear tower with anyone eventually
This is false, you don't understand just how big of a jump in difficulty floor 4 and middle tower are
You should still roll for who you like because the tower gives too little rewards to ever pay for any meta "investment"
You're right not entirely accurate. But realistically you only need to build 2 single target DPS characters to make the boss floors work.

And at level 90 any proper single target DPS can do it with proper investment.
>you dont get it, my artifical body must have giant tits or else my mind will go insane.
why are PGR women like this?
encore can clear floor 4 bosses and hazard tower so yeah its definitely possible
unless you mean anyone as in baizhi main dps then no
jinhsi's ult and final skill animation mogs anything ever produced by oyohim
So how many characters do you need to clear the tower. I was told to try to have 3 teams, but then again I heard you can clear with 4 characters.
you're the one randomly coming up with
>bro you HAVE to roll support characters for every NEW dps
fuck are you talking about? I said supports can be used with old dps because they might have more synergy with that kit. Making any powercreep nonexistant
>but then there's no inherent reason to roll for a character!!
see my previous reasons
And then she gets mogged by a bird >>484898890
you need 2 good teams to clear floor 4 x2 and the middle tower
floor 1-3 in left and right tower are a joke
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The wuwa killer...
Based anime foid lover.
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>Do ascension to get monk to level 80
>Her chi rapes you
>haha whoops guess I need to control myself
Because they are based, I mean, what other gacha had a villainess steal your "dna" and then show up with your daughter
>he didn't cultivate with her to match her chi and do the secret double cultivation technique
I can't believe I wasted 4 hours of my life farming echos and none of them turned out to be usable
You literary listed a bunch of reason why you would NOT want to roll a new dps if it doesn't powercreep the previous one
You debunk yourself and pretend the shit you said supports your nonexistent premise that boils down to a vague
>Kuro good
You just started going in circles, I'm done with you, bye
I'm still in the lower realm of cultivation bro. I need at least 9000 more years of isolated meditation until I can ascend.
Is the battle pass worth it bros? first gacha game.
You have my attention. Shill PGR to me.
If you aren't planning to reroll your account (ideally decent luck with banners so far) and don't mind spending a little, it's pretty good. Lots of resources for building characters and a decent cope weapon, usually best of the 4* options
doesnt look like azur promillia to me
I remember when people said wuwa's story was mid. No one really gave a fuck. And now zzz is getting the same treatment, and they're throwing a hissy fit over people not liking it.
>he doesn't have pill that will let him break through

Truly he has eyes but cannot recognize Mount Tai
Your logic was inherently flawed from post 1 when you said the only reason someone would roll for a character is to do more damage and clear tower. Disregarding playstyle, animations, grouping/cc, utility. And that's only combat, not even talking into consideration just liking the lore or character design.

Then you're done a favor by ignoring all of that and given a plain example of Changli and you say
>n-nuh uh. becuse uh...big tits!!1
fucking lol. And you talk about debunking yourself when your first line was how they wouldn't release a dps weaker than the last despite jinhsi not even being stronger than jiyan and changli being weaker than both but having more utility.

>kuro good sentiment
Finally the real reason for the argument comes out. Let me guess same guy that was trying to convince people you would get 30 rolls per patch and that people would definitely feel the roll drought and leave right? Powercreep soon too right? next tower of fantasy guys trust me bro.

You ever get tired of being wrong?
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This was fun but I've now exhausted all the content. What am I supposed to do?
>inb4 farm echoes
I literally have no exp to level them
My Lv.80 Jinhsi with 4* weapon barely gets 3* on middle tower
I'm not sure if Encore can even get 1*, getting 6/6 with Encore is out of the question even at Lv.90

To be fair, 24/30 should be doable if you have 1 character that isn't a complete brick, and the last 6* only give 100 gems so...
>the only reason
So you're the guy that doesn't understand the word "inherent"? That's so funny it made me reply even though I promised not to
Try a fucking dictionary instead of typing up text walls, I'm not reading any further
>Maeda slop
Only thing it's gonna kill is its author
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Hey ESL SEAnigger. Are animations and playstyle something inherent to a character? Are they a permanent or characteristic attribute of said character? yes or no?
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Wuu won
>My Lv.80 Jinhsi with 4* weapon.
NTA but what is her CD? Team? I am not sure if I should invest more on Jinhsi team or my other team
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Fun combat, really fucking good OST, extremely fun bosses, extremely good gacha system (60 pity with 100% rate for new character and weapon 30 pity 80-20 rate), story also gets decent after the first 9 chapters (release chapters) and becomes really good later on, most of your pull income from dailies and weeklies so you are not forced to do events you don't like just because of pulls. Everyone is for (You), so absolutely 0 shipshit. For the bad the new player experience is pretty rough, passing The Filteringâ„¢ that is the beginning of the game is the biggest challenge that new players face, but if you do its pretty smooth sailing from there, if you have any doubts you can ask in the PGR general and people will help you.
And as a teaser here is the newest patch in CN, it seems like we will meet our daughter
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I only started doing my illusive today but it is just me or is Sanhua (dash attack go brrrr) a lot more fun to play than Jinshi in it? Jinshi's "start with basic 3" seems clunky af.
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i still don't even have jinhsi
Should I invest Yuanwu for my Jinhsi?... Jinhsisters our response?
you idiot what are you doing
I didn't get Jinhsi wep with my free Forging tides... do I dip into Astrite? Have 30k but want Changli
he doesn't need that much investing at all
This is the team >>484894528
i was using the free summons to get more afterglow coral on the assumption my luck has peaked and there is no possible way i can get a 5 star
you get like 40 more pulls this patch. do it
from what I hear you just need him to set his field. I have seen some meme teams with him not even leveled they just switch him in pop the field then switch him out
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>I literally have no exp to level them
How? I don't have anything left worth upgrading right now and I still have a good stash left over for Changli.

Yes waste all of your rolls on weapons so you can miss out on getting the characters you want. Sounds smart.
I'm not missing out on characters I want retard I just need to decide how important the weapon is
>guaranteed 5*
>60 normal rolls, 40 weapon rolls
Yep, I am ready for Changli.
You walk into a discussion about metafaggotry, try to make a metafag argument, obliterate your own argument yourself, and resort to
>animations and playstyle
Really? You fucking serious?
because I tried to get double crits on Jue...
when are we getting actual appealing girls? shan't be rolling on ayaka alter nor asslet hag.
You say
>there is NO inherent (dictionary proven that you're an ESL) reason to pull for a character
You are given a reason. You say it doesn't count because one has big tits and they probably won't keep doing that and they'll probably just increase the numbers over and over to sell because it came to me in a dream.

You're argument stands on literally nothing. You made it up
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>they dont already have good echoes
>they still need exp
>appealing girls
such as?
>roll new 5*
>fully upgrade them
>even get autistic about echoes
I think you kind of asked for it. Hope you enjoy your Jinhsi for a while.
>asslet hag
Negro detected: opinion discarded.
rover still mogs the entire cast
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28 rolls into pity and won the coinflip, wew
already got her weapon, didn't mathkeks say that 44111 is strictly better for her now?
no, it's 43311 but 1 atk 3 cost
how many stacks does she usually get?
Well shit now I have to consider Jinhsi/Other team and Encore. What weapon on encore?
That's an Interesting team though. I assume it build Jinhsi forte slower but is compensated by Encore damage?
Who has the best concerto regen aside from Sanhua?
well good thing you already have her then
No still lose against 43311, but like 3%?
S0R1 44111 is better
especially better if she gets added to standard in 6 months and you get more copies of her
>no hips
>no ass
you like men
Verina is hella fast, so is Danjin
all my echos are bad
should I reroll
guess I'll use 44111 then at least for the time being, I'm having terrible luck with 3 costs anyway
Really? Didn't expect that
Go back mihomo tourist
>especially better if she gets added to standard in 6 months
yeah, her intro let u go straight into E combo + a full combo is enough for switch iirc
You failing to understand the argument doesn't mean I have none
I said there is no inherent reason to pull a WEAKER character, and you completely failed to provide one.
Your attempts included elemental counters, tower buffs and supports, all of these were a massive failure
Aesthetic preferences have literary nothing to do with the game's balancing, they might as well be random for a given person and are NOT a reliable way to sell new characters unless you're fine with your players skipping 3 banners out of 4
That's why there will be powercreep: the element system doesn't provide enough of an incentive to roll new characters. I never strayed from my original reasoning once yet you keep jumping from one failed argument to the next
I think it's safe to say it was just
>vague Kuro good sentiment
on your part all along
bro your TAOQI?
>I said there is no inherent reason to pull a WEAKER character
You contradict yourself and give a reason
You're an ESL and try to make a distinction between inherent reason and reason. There literally is no difference. Big tits are also inherent to said character

You want to discuss your contradictions before moving further?
Damn didn't realize, that's actually pretty neat, good thing I have her at S5. Want to try a meme build with Taoqi main DPS by triggering her intro over and over.
>That [Spoiler]
hot. story?
my cute dumb cultivator wife.
happened in PGR, kuro adds old limited characters to standard banner all the time
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zcz is simply a better game
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is that a new game?

Come on buddy it only took me 3 minutes to dismantle your argument either say you're done or come up with something I don't have all day
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>zcz is simply a better game
Just give him cope lingering tunes set anon. Maybe RNGesus will be with you. Plus the abomination echo effect is really decent.
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>playing males
>Just give him cope lingering tunes set anon.
What the fuck, you're a genius
I'm doing this, I know you're baiting me but this is actually a genius idea
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zcz is simply a better game
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Somewhere around 2/3 but I'm improvising my rotations on the fly so it varies, I actually capped Jinhsi's forte once (that was probably user error)

Encore has 60/220 and a R2 Jinzhou Keeper
It definitely builds stacks slower, but I think it's better overall than being stingy with resources and running a Lv.1 fedora man
It works pretty well because Jinhsi can swap off whenever without interrupting her string. I'm also running fire lizard echo on Anko to minimize field time and only use ult for the enhanced heavy
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what are you doing here?
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You get kidnapped by the girl(male) with purple hair and he confesses his love for you and takes your DNA, the DNA ends up with a villainess who lays the egg that is your daughter (picrelated), at the end of that chapter the egg breaks and your daughter is revealed.
Can't go into more detail than that because the chapter is not on global yet.
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I will never regret building up my Jianxi, she's the only reason I managed to get 18 stars on launch
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You first
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Is it just me or did they actually reduce the drop rates of echoes? I swear, I've been farming occasionally here and there over the past few days and it somehow feels way worse, am I tripping out?
I'm 100% sure they removed the soft pity on 3 cost echo, I killed all the fl-autists in my world today and only got 2 of them
You still don't understand basic English vocabulary, why should I keep replying?
If you thought
>>484897908 (You)
>You contradict yourself and give a reason
Was such a good own, why did you shoot yourself in the foot writing all that dumb shit about tower buffs and supports?
Neat. Ima sucker for a villainess bear protagonist child willingly. How far behimd is global?
How old is Encore?
god damn, go back to /lit/ you word fuckers
old enough
The dictionary supports me. Where's your dictionary?

>why did you shoot-
lets talk about your contradiction first. Then I can get to that later.
Did you really 10 minutes just to type out nothing btw? You trying to get me to leave out of boredom? At least win the exchange if you're gonna reply.
Agree to
>I'm a faggot that contradicted my entire central argument by post 2
Then we can move on to the other shit
post your toa record since launch
>1st:21 stars
>2nd: 24 stars
>current:30 stars
don't care
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A bit less than a year I think, that chapter should be after the next patch for global, it took a while for them to go back to that plot point but it looks like the upcoming CN patch will be the one to finally adress it.
Did not roll for Yinlin
>post your toa record since launch
>>1st:0 stars
>>2nd: 0 stars
>>current:18 stars
I'm not going to try hard gachagame anymore. I have enough
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F2P no Jiyan:
1st: 19
2nd: 24
Current: 26, might finish 27
I'm hitting 30 with Changli
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c-can I clear Resonant Tower Floor 4 with this...? I want my free 4*
How does it feel knowing that if you ever get a gamer wife, she will be giving your money to the men at Nvidia and Microsoft to get a gaming PC? This mortal plane offers no redemption for the NTRbrain.
Great. I hope I'm not filtered by the wall
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Me, a pokemaster got 4 electro autists and 2 spectro tigers
12 (slowmo cheats)
9 (no cheats)
12 (Jinhsi)
>I like how the character looks
Is not an inherent reason. It's a reasoning derived entirely from (you) and your preference
>The character is X element
IS an inherent reason. It's just a very weak one in WuWa because all X element does is reduce your damage against roughly 1/6 of the enemies.
Genshin Impact had better justifications to make you roll X element, so it could get away with less powercreep. It's a very simple argument that you couldn't grasp even after looking at the fucking dictionary. You're hopeless
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>zzz is simply the better game
don't look
this is fake, right??
File deleted.
It's very real
I only bought the monthly but I still have 20k+ asterites so I could've cleared without it
also I dont even have Jinhsi's sig
you just lack skill
Advanced furry....
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this is unironically depressing, thanks for spoilering that gore
Whys her damage so low then?
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The Wall is just: the gameplay of the starter characters are not as interesting as the new ones, and the first 9 chapters feel more like monster of the week so nothing big happens, but they help characterize your main squad so that you give a shit about them, there's also the hidden chapters that you need to do after each chapter, in those you see the story from the pov of the villains and play as them, but since the game didn't have the budget their gameplay is extremely clunky compared to the actual playable characters so those parts feel pretty bad gameplay wise. They ended up dropping that later on (the gameplay part, you still get pov from the villains) if those don't bother you too much you should be fine, if they do bother you enough to make you want to drop just skip until chapter 9. There are also some really bad mistakes that you can make as a begginner so be sure to do some basic research of what a new player should be doing and ask around in the PGR general.
bros i dont see myself clearing aix or the ape any time soon because of the trash mobs in the beginning
>seething at furries out of nowhere
zzz shills really mindbroke this general huh
Shoot yourself in the face furfaggot
>Baizhi avatar
Uhhh explain this Baizhikeks?
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It's brainless dps/character amount check
Post the entire upper part of your map instead, the fewer tower stamps you have while also not having the hologram notification, the better
NieR collab when?

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