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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484885568
Can you fucking niggers add my meet up to the OP
kill all miera
Should I make a miera on Dynamis
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Who is the Baby Renny Roo of Final Fantasy 14?
my fiddie is
my femra
my fiddie is also
what is it about hrothgals
Adventures in the new world are done. Time to go back on the hunt to find a wife for my femezen.
Did they seriously blow up the whole Yyasulani just so they could avoid writing Viera lore again?
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Goodnight bros
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Does anyone know what music the outrunner mount plays?
zalool ja
every day
i am reminded about hrothgal-poster
how is he doing
is he eating well
Is there a single Turalli deserving of life? No, I think not.
not posted yet, fix that
Balmung Quicksands are packed again..
This means the MSQ was done
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fuck it, one more thread
went into the archives to look for the lalacord lore and by the twelve it's wack
Yet the 4chan bench is still empty...
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Come join us on Primal.
im schizoposting right now sis
Penumbra update when
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you didn't reply to OP with your info last thread, otherwise i would have
wow, the city of gold is so cool, reminds me of twilight town.
New player with no friends, how do I go about getting my fiddie plapped?
Probably. Is that place still on fast forward for time now? Shouldn't the little kid be an adult by the end of the credits?
Just from the lalacord name I can assume it's a clique of a bunch of a pedophile schizos who snake each other
If we kissed, would our glasses awkwardly bump against one another?
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>$18 on Mogstation
>do a few treasure maps
It's over
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devs hate fiera...
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Put a furry in it and make her lame and gay!
post your fembun NOW
Nope, once Zoraal Ja built Vanguard and invaded the times synced
Everyone hates fiera.
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why is this person so cheerful after a bunch of people got killed
avoid all these people like the plague
Yup, that's wife
built for my miera
I lost
>male middie
You better not be one of these fucks talking about feet in solution 9 right now
Ah, thank you for the clarification, Anon.
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 12:00 ET
I don't kiss...
so it is a pointless hypothetical
So true...
If you believe anything said in the thread then there's no hope for you.
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It was mostly mamool ja and hroths
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moonie status: flattened
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>is he eating well
IMAGINE the squelching sounds slamming the succubus on the left like a worn-out onahole would create
The gathering turn-in quest has some Tural viera lore, but yeah lol.
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fun unknown fact: maynard wrote stink fist about me
t. angry incel
I gotta go see that though
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same. i want them back.
>still haven't seen an aiming ring drop in expert
I've been saying it for the past 3 OPs and you guys keep ignoring it. I just missed the last one.
how do i interpret this post
Nice look and nice glam
Wrong, I am a fiera and everyone hates me.
my femzen+ loves them
my malelala stuffs his underwear with tissue to impress the femlalas
Would you like me to craft one for you? You have to be NA
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What the FUCK was his problem?
>>484891516 so fucking hot
What if sphere didn’t listen to her
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Daily reminder that Icyveins administrator/Balance guide writer Dook is a registered sex offender in the state of Florida. He is registered for trying to meet up with someone underage for sex!
im stuffing this lalaboy's ass with my bigger cock that will teach him
>flatties got fattened
>fatties got flattened
what the hell did yoship mean by this
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Late and miss read your post. This is a better response.
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SE added femroths instead of nu lizards
Only natural child jealous of adopted children getting more attention and approval.
very cute, thank you for fixing that
>Didn't have a single shared Echo Moment with Krile
>Didn't have a single 1 on 1 bonding moment with Krile
>Didn't have a moment were we mentor Krile about how to better manage her echo from the info we gained from Venat
>Krile never shared any intimate details of her past with us as we bonded on an adventure, like why she wears a hood with cat ears, or how her echo has traumatized her since birth and is the main reason she was so reserved.

It was meant to be her turn, I felt so fucking robbed after finishing this MSQ.
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my malelala always has one of these in his butthole
do you really think the general where people are posting blatant lalafell porn and replying to pictures of characters saying they will rape them cares about this fuck
I have no idea, honestly. Motivations baffling. The guy who turned from a villain to an antihero had better motivations than this guy. If he had an actual reasoning behind his "I WILL UNITE ALL DA TRIBES AND SHOW THEM WAR IS HELL" I could understand it but as far as I can tell he had no traumatic experience or anything at all.
As a lala, I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about
being too based
No one cares, Lionel. You owe Xeno 23k
*grabs it and starts pumping you with it*
Wait til you learn about Akira Hawke of the Revival PvP discord. Yet SE was going to put them in an official sanctioned tournament. It's really over for the NA scene.
>meet femlala
>they're kinda boring and annoying but otherwise nice, not really interested in them
>find out later they're trans
happens all the time
>meet femlala
>get obsessed with them, think about them constantly, just like being around them generally
>find out later they're cis
has happened more than once, i know i'm the weird one but it's a weird pattern to notice
he was defined by his titles and his blood relative for his entire life and had an extreme inferiority complex because of it
Does SC and the other lala give footjobs?
i am
a catboy
and still a big fan of fiera
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who else is perma new game+ just for this zone
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Surely she gets some sort of spotlight in the post msq am i right bros, it's not going to be wuk for another 50 quests right?
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Femlala EB for my Malera
>blue skin tries to steal the last tablet
>robbing peoples houses
>abandons their kids
what did yoshi p mean by this
the best tyler martin should get is .357 to his skull
For me, it’s nostalgia
i genuinely wish i wasnt so anxious around girls i feel like a teenager but im an old hag...
just got here and am really enjoying it (i'm already spoiled)
He would never live up to the hype of who he was made out to be if he didn't try what he did.
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do you guys like my theme
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Why though?
Femlalas who are impressed by that aren't Femlalas who deserve lalaboys
bring them back
qrd? i could always use dirt on revival
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>be me
>swap to linux a month or two ago
>get ff installed a while back yknow
>game forgets cloud-saved keybinds
>make new ones
>level warrior to 100 because yes
>barely played dancer since 80 but had it at 90
>start missing it past day or two after watching a video that mentioned a dancer thing
>hop on it and goof around doing fate grind
>feels weak but still fun
>have full espirit gauge for hours
>check skills
>its like a whole new class
It's not listed on FFXIV collect, so I assume generic.
Unless its a spoiler, then it might be that shitty "Smile" song.
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What should I do to improve apartment and make it look a little more characterful.

I am poor and do not have access to stormblood or later yet
I'm doing Duty Support for (level 99 Instance) Origenics. Though the memory extraction hardly seems original, I keep getting reminded about Kaiba (the anime, not the anime character) particularly about how you can preserve memories or not and have them in different vessels. It's a little different here, but not by much.
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Post the lalafells!
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beep boop
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With just one sip of this I...
i believe it, if there's a clique of just lalas it's probably all the schizo ones
thank you for the list but unfortunately im too lazy to look at it
99% of it is definitely bullshit but it's funnier to believe all of it without further research
tl;dr there's a lot of cliques in /ffxiv/, lalacord just looks to be more talked about than others because lalas
It needs better lighting. Lights hidden in walls basically.
i empathize with him tee bee haych
that would be such a disappointment after the great amaro music
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>not locked in
What does it mean?!
>finish a dungeon run a bee's dick away from 100
come on man
dont skip the cutscenes bro, there's a surprise for you in there...
when i see greentexts this long i expect them to be entertaining
What I wanna know is what are the implications on the aetherial sea rebirth cycle now that a Reflection partially fused with the Source? Or rather, what are the implications since most of the Reflection already Rejoined?
Was Gerolt's soul slightly weaker all this time since the Genolt portion of his soul never Rejoined?
If Genolt dies will his soul wait and Rejoin with Gerolt's in the aetherial sea now or do they have to both die at the same time or something?
chug chug chug
sounds like you've got at least 20 levels worth of xp bars to fill then
when I see faggots I expect them to be silent
I will try expert dungeons later
for now I schleep
alright expansion, hrothgar were a mistake and so were viera
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 3:30 ET
this will be my last call
Yeah that's right, I activated your peeping tom. What are you going to do about it, huh? I'm looking right at you. Scared? Upset? Gonna void me like a wuss???
He was under so much pressure and expectations from being born an impossible child to King Gigachad who singlehandedly solved most of the continent's problems that he felt that nothing short of uniting the entire world under one banner would be able to one-up it. Unfortunately the story is awful at explaining this to you (like so many other things).
better lighting and more color. hide that hingan sideboard in the wall too, as soon as you can
Go find a bee and yank its EXP off.
Do the jew people use child midlander models?
male viera are disgusting
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Damn two dyes on high summoner boots is a huge upgrade
evidently that doesn't stop you from yapping
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someone post the femlala vocaroo please please please please
i always imagine FF saying it
You need to lock the fuck in!!!!
Daddy issues and he took the "hard times create strong men, easy times create weak men" literally
she's not giving into despair
i went without spirits within on paladin for almost 10 levels because i pressed yes when it asked to use my hotbar layout for gladiator i didnt notice until i was looking on my skills page
you need to lock (my miera) in (chastity)
>all these middies hating on male viera
Nobody likes your incel race get over yourselves
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>hurr durr no u no u no u
Its so good, I can't wait for more things to get two dye channels
haglalas are in high demand
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>don't let the BLM freecast
>the picto gets to freecast instead
As if SMN is any better
Noted. Are there any good guides for a new friend on how to make nice spaces?
and xeno had a girlfriend less than half his age, and the fashion report dude commissions khloe diaper shit, and i'm sure there's a dozen other things i'm forgetting
why should i care
i'd add some plants/flowers around honestly it's looking kind of grim right now
So many things got incredibly stupid 2nd dye channel...
It's pretty much only items that are exactly two colors already that got a good upgrade, which happens to be tons of Mogstation items.
Yoshi-p is erasing the hatless
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Solution 9 might destroy the world building but they got mad drip
>I don't kiss...
Why not
>be me
>swap to linux a month or two ago
Stopped reading there.
>hrothgar were a mistake and so were viera
wth bro...
Now its time for Baby Gulool
Baby laugh and baby coo
Baby swing it
Swing swing swing
Babby winny'd
He win win win'd
>bosses are so hard
Meanwhile tanks can 100 to 0 all dungeons bosses easier than even endwalker
Malera player.
Erm because I'm a psycho... and a creep...? Idk.
You can kiss me I guess.
Why do they stand so daintily
Are catgirls the official slut race in lore?
I wasn't able to find the images so this post is unsourced but they had a teammate that they were intimate with that was a 16 year old MtF
The 16 year old played a lot of CC in the past and was the reason their team got disqualified from the CCRC because he was streaming with plugins on
hello, wife?
i would recommend getting inspo/stealing ideas from here
No, they are the least slutty. A slutty race has it's women fuck many men, cat girls are monogomous and share one man.
haglalas win every time
deserved to get groom for using cheats in pvp desu
The best thing to come out of Wuk Lamat's tranny VA is to show these english only peasants the astronomical difference between JP and western voice acting industries
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Where do I get this set?
>wuk lamat gives a shitty speech
>people are disinterested
>based bakool pipes up and fires everyone up
he should be the dawnservant
we asked
Yeah NGL because of DT I'm going JP onry
sunnies out of their tribe are whores for sure, it's just in their nature. they need a man around to follow.
moonies are more likely to knock you out, fuck you dry, and dump you in the woods for the beasts to find
Are any of these possible to recreate without plugins while also staying sane?
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yikes. all the more to reason to not associate with them, i suppose
revival, that is, but i've played with hawke now and again in the past and never cared for them much either
hag lalas don't exist aside from fufucha
huhhh bros?
i got kicked for being afk and now i see this...
I should be the dawnservant
I anti-asked and I count as all of you +1.
They are anal sluts. They only breed with one man, but they do everything else with everyone else.
Chocofiera unleashed
on chaos
you didn't enter your code bwo...
*kisses you*
both VA industries are shit.
That place drops loot?
I leveled 4 jobs up to 90 in that shithole years ago. I aint touching it anymore
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can confirm
Register your DT code not just your preorder early access code
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ugly RETARD femra gets carried to ex 1 victory
after two nights of failure
extremely unlucky so nothing to show for it
except some ugly ugly totems (fitting)
but she is happy with the result nonetheless
feeling an unwarranted sense of smug superiority
miera hypnotists in your area
sphene if she was sexy
I can't be bothered to explain that shit to you, go look at the wiki.
Nice job, sis. You'll get some loot next time. Now you can terrorize farm parties.
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>first cutscene with Cahciua outside of the robot
>unvoiced so when they introduce her offscreen you don't even get to have the same reaction the characters do
Just fucking delete the endgame raiding and make all the cutscenes voiced you hacks I don't care just try harder than this
*sexes you*
My femlala tries to look like this but nobody would ever see her as a princess
its from the vendor in zadnor either play da gaem or dont
shit I need to farm vanguard
there's a lot of talk about a healer strike but what about a glamtranny strike? with another expansion comes dozens more sets and 3 new jobs, yet we still have the same glamour and glam plate limits. why aren't we organizing sisters?
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On the first date?!
That’s blades gear that you get with bozjan platinum coin in the base in Zadnor. You get coins by trading in 999 jade coins, by doing dalriada and by completing the weekly dalriada quest.
That's a male outfit
>without plugins
i urge you to reconsider, and just wait for bdth to be back
yes, it's possible to put furniture where you normally can't via some technically-exploits-but-no-one-cares, but it's a serious pain in the ass and i wouldn't wish it upon anyone
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Playing VPR in CC and I'm trying to wonder why Ouroboros has such a massive delay for the damage of it.
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: )
>Now you can terrorize farm parties.
that is absolutely the plan
Most big damage moves do.
ask again when i have glamourer back
until then i'm hoarding stuff, but not making any plates
This is literally what I looked like typing that post.
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I'm going to make a Veena
honestly made me laugh and then two seconds later otis starts having a ptsd breakdown
fieras are for
this has been bothering me all week too
it doesn't feel very impactful for a final blow nor makes sense compared to how the rest of the combo flows
i'm generally happy with how the job feels other than this
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Did everything in the new expac already. Going back to drowning whores with my thick loads of ballsnot.
I only found the one in Tuliyollal
Where is he in other places?
Looks like that EU one. And hot.
Do you like Veena?
Being melee in this game feels sort of awful
The armor is so fucking cool
Then we better be going somewhere nice.
Its just more work for less gains
being me(lee) (in this game) feels sort of awful
A boat, alone, in the middle of the sea?
my catboy
I am
a BIS BLM femra
From now until the next patch you will speak to me with the utmost respect
What clothes are that?
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Just popping in to tell you all to post some Lalafells.
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Thank you for the advice, it is terminally brown right now. More lighting, more color, will do.
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{shirk}'s you
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I would rather watch a high school theater club completely bomb and forget their lines to Shakespeare's Tragedy of Julius Caesar than consume a single second more of Dawntrail msq writing........
I would rather read a sh*tty 2007 p*rn VN's attempt at worldbuilding than watch the Dawntrail writers tackle the concept of consciousness and death......
I would rather dress up as a girl again and give an unenthusiastic handjob to a huge, hung p*nis before kissing it all over than having to hear a single second more of wuk lamat's latinx manvoice..........
This expansion is literally the blunder of a decade from a company that does nothing but release blunders........
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thank you for CC
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Nah it feels great dodging everything while using true north to reach the tiny safe space enough to keep uptime on the boss. What sucks is dealing with bosses that have many forced relocations but it’s not that big of a deal.
fiddies are for
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please be a fun raid
What's the easiest melee/phys ranged job to play with xivcombo

My fingers hurt easily so the more I can just hit a few buttons the better.
whatever they choose.
Rape is wrong.
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>Like lalas
>but like legs and boobs too much
A fishing date, huh?
Just go get your hunt bills and bonk a few mobs, ezpz. I got curious if bees have dicks and they've got something called an endophallus. Nature is amazing...
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*Slamrapes you respectfully*
>wanted to do this pic for aether
>no jenova model in game
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I'm one of those

Throwing CC games by chasing someone way too far away and dying anyway
it was copied factory
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graphics update?
You didn’t clear EX2
rest well hrothwife...
there is no bis for blm until crafted/normraid comes out with spell speed on it
Yeah its bad
What the fuck have they been doing all these years?
Cant be the post Endwalker MSQ. Shit was pretty mid
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I respectfully ask you to shut the fuck up Akemi.
Anyway. We should stop shitting up the thread with this long chain. I'll see you when you want to find me, I suppose. May be a bit busy lately, though.
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Neo kingdom, tome gear
I'm telling the fflogs admins you sabotaged me. You're toast buddy
What'd I tell you last night
Yes I did, I've been farming it for hours
Femra players everyone
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>enemy team tries to jump me right after we steal back the lead
>shield lasts into match end
>potentially match-saving drg lb kills me on results screen
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Lead Story Designer
Daichi Hiroi (Patch 6.x, Pandaemonium, Shadows of Mhach)

Main Scenario Writers
Tomohiro Kawasaki (Four Lords, Sorrow of Werylt)
Megumi Onozuka (Pixie and Dwarf quests)
because there needed to be a trap npc that you would talk to and nothing happens with them to make you feel like a retarded piece of shit errand boy
He shows up in the 1st town you enter in each zone, in order.

He's usually within viewing distance of the Aetherite, but in Shal he's out the back of the town in a cornfield.
where are the chains attached to the nipple piercings
stop calling every hrothgal "wife"
Can tell you what happens in most of them
Thats tragic
Impossible. Though my Malera calls all female toons his wife.
I see a female that is not a lalafell, i say wife
Simple as
I never once saw this dude
am I ngmi
please pretend this is going somewhere by messaging each other directly
thanks bros, i totally forgot i didn't register the actual code for the expansion yet
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>they STILL haven't removed DRK pull in PvP
There's no hope for this game mode is there
meena have been upgraded to the digital age
Your femra should do anal
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>Looks like that EU one.
Also looks like that OCE one.
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What did they mean by this?
Very cute anime girl you posted.
Why cant I put this dogshit song in the trash where it belongs?
>I would rather dress up as a girl again and give an unenthusiastic handjob to a huge, hung p*nis before kissing it all over
Nobody Gives A Fuck About Frontlines Bro.
Any tips on playing BLM well on the first EX? I feel too immobile mainly due to how Manafont resets the astral fire phase and also having to cast Flare Star. I barely have any windows to even get to use Flare Star.
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Collecting DEI points and enhancing the Japanese mindset of never developing or innovating if they happen to struck gold once......
>femra players talk about the game instead of off topic erp
Correct, thanks for noticing....!
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he says standing in eulmore
Speak with Wut Lamat
*pour dr pepper into your air intake*
good mornyan
Put it in your saddlebag and forget it.
Im enjoying the Role quests more than the MSQ
Its fucking over
I was talking about the part where you say you dressed up as a girl
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nobody will buy her
Smile sounds like rejected music from Baldos Wonderland or whatever the fuck it was called.
Its as generic as generic can get.
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>second dungeon is boring as fuck
jesus christ
Rare Soken L, he couldn't even salvage the MSQ.
Good morning, would you care for a spot of rape?
I usually cast flare star before or after despair depending on what my timer is, firestarter gives you a full reset so you can be pretty lenient with movement
you can also use swiftcast on flare star if you want since it is a dps gain like with f4 / despair
lf fiddie EB
wtf... I thought akemi was just a chronic complainer about shit no one cares about but she's actually a raider?
ShB Role Quests were better than .0 ShB MSQ, too.
Every ranged job does a lot of weaves, summoner might be more your speed (you just press 1 button mostly and barely weave much)
It's the weakest of the new dungeons
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big alpaca
my condolences
I am in your CC queues so.. Frowm da deepest pit awf da seyven hecks to da pawnicle of hevens, da WORLD SHAWW TWEMBLE!! (`O ´)
Thats a good idea. I always forget about it anyway.
Aether queue casual CC 12:05!
holy hell
The only thing that fat bitch raids is the pantry.
They don't get good until 97, Vanguard has both the best Dungeon OST and Glam Sets of the expansion so far.
He's life changingly goated, you gotta meet him
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>tattoos on back
>dress with a see through back
What a fucking slut
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You can't win against me
now post her blck bvll
bet she has a womb tattoo
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tying my dick to my local monk for meteojelqing
Is there something extra for doing all the role quests?
>try to make new glam to look cool
>take a step back
>every modified one is a variation of black and red
Huh. Shadow the Miera.
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good morning
My malezen had a little too much liquor. What a silly guy am i right lads?
Tricking a cute MNK into trying out your meditation techniques when you're really just hypnotizing her...
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That's the warranty, anon.
WoW hands typed this
Is there a version of the level 91 gear that you can dye?
It's not much, but it's honest work...
Talk about Wuk Lamat
i dont know but im going to anyway, for this fucking dork
i am so tired of the food meme, the popcorn is the most hamfisted metaphor ever
91 crafted or 91 dungeon
why cant I whore out my retainers to make some gil?
Alright I'll keep that in mind. I think I'm just going to hold off on my swift/triple casts until I'm more comfortable playing this job. Using all of them for my opener just makes it so hard to keep up my casts without interrupting them.
shes just doing it to be corrected
Grab Nael van Darnus (forma Ruby Weapon) and pretend that's Jenova.
guys see a retard like this and just think "wife material"
Nta but I have doing mechanics as summoner. There’s a few things in that kit that makes it very inconvenient to move around doing damage. I’d rather play melee in raids.
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Post pics of ur WoL with the It Takes Two new hair please.
Will Graha take it the wrong way if I pet him?
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what the fuck is this thing
thats right, "retard" is exactly my type
They serve popcorn in living memory, it's a shallow snack that doesn't fill you up or satisfy. The Graha says it tastes flavorless because he isn't living under the illusion. The food meme has been a major theme the entire expansion.
cute moonie
I can't find him
do I have to do each zone in order
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>The Graha says it tastes flavorless because he isn't living under the illusion.
No anon, it LITERALLY tastes like nothing because he's not one of the Endless. The curtains are fucking blue.
this is what happens to femra who don't get EB'd before they turn 25
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I dunno personally I'd bite your hand but he's nicer.
I think it was meant to exemplify how everything in Living Memory is an illusion and fake. We see through it because were not a construct.
I see a cute ditzy retard I genuflect
Simple as.
my toon looks like this
bun girls...
my beloved...
Aether queue casual CC 2:30!
>i have no media literacy
twitter was right about you
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>The EW crafting quest mammets Jörmungandr prophecy finally gets addressed in DT and its just a throw away Great Serpent o' Ronka MEME.
Grim, I genuinely thought Ragnarok was going to be the basis of the next story arc.
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we did it reddit
awww, hes thristy

ya, but i dont think uqro or koz first matters?
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no u
but are you a fucking retard?
This is an example of what no media literacy looks like.
My hrothgal loves em'
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Middie twin blades
got the "mid" part right
I know a biofem viera that looks like this but is even dumber
That's a boy?
How long does the 2B raid take? Odds of getting boots/pants on first try?
me on the right
Did you skip all the cutscenes with Wuk Lamat going through and finding out what the cultures eat as a priority to learn more about them? It's only happened about 50 times already. I forgive you for skipping because I have been watching these shitty cutscenes for a week.
Yeah it's extremely difficult to grasp the hamfisted writers using food as a window into a culture, not like there was an entire segment on that in the dawnservant tournament
pixie quests were fucking dope. rest of those quests iirc were ehh
>no bulge
What outfit is this? Its very cute.
All of them for my malera
Don't worry next expansion they'll be doing car metaphors.
>Megumi Onozuka (Pixie and Dwarf quests)
I see their work the most and it's a lot of what I liked in .0 MSQ.
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Is he drunk enough to plap my femlala?
mask/top vanguard casting
pvp boots
idk about pants
The 2B glam set is from a crate containing the full set at the end of the first tier.
I think its 2 boxes per group, so extremely high chance you will snag one.
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The EXACT moment FFXIV died.
How does DRG feel in DT?
>Did you skip all the cutscenes with Wuk Lamat
No, but I wish I did. Guess I was overdosing so much on copium that it clouded my judgement.
Why drives a grown man to act like a teenage anime girl in an MMO?
So overflowing aether will just be your car flooding with water?
what the fuck is that thing in the bottom left
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when vtubers invaded? yeah
I got the 2B outfit on my first try. But as a malera, I have no use for it.
Play the game, sis. You'll see tons of people wearing it.

Nice glam.
so I'm guessing dubtroons are eternally btfo yeah?
Idk what drives a grown ass man to voice act a female tiger?
Malera are kinda cute though...
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why do ppl walk up and add me and stare
a better question is what attracts the mentally ill to mmos
I wish I was a little girl
This nigga doesn't even know his animals
What makes femlalas so aggressive?
>farming ex mounts with my friend
>he says he has to use the bathroom
>expect him to take a few minutes
>hes back in 30 seconds
did he use a bottle? do you think he washed his hands?
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this applies to more than just "mean girls" people
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Don't make fun of my portable pool.
tugging this lala's ponytail
Bwo? Your retainers? Your Squadron?

Pants are bunny tights from saucer, they have 2 dye channels now so you can dye the fishnet part.
I used metallic sky blue as it matches some of the parts on the chest.

Gloves are PvP too.
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Thanks bro
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Cute tiger...
Makes me wish I wasn't a femlala
>Go to bathroom, right beside room
>Drop pants
>Piss straight down into the toilet
>Pull pants up
>Flush, leave
why do you need to wash your hands if you ain't touching anything?
I'm afraid of people but I don't like being alone.
chi in 5
You must be 18+ to post
my fiddie is going to platonically /pet this miera and nobody can stop them
That's what I'm saying. People say brb bio and come back in under a minute. There's no way these guys are hygienic.
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They need to stop restricting what story they can make by working around optional content. Just give a warning that people should do certain shit before they do the new thing if they dont want to be spoiled.
Sorry but he's femra OWNED
you can fuck me retarded haha
i hate this post
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I have to, I've been in the exact situation so I get to bully others for it

Only way you're gonna get to pull it is if you come play CC
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wanna eb?
got dumped for someone else do i kill myself or get really into crafting and gathering
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>clear msq with dps
>instant queues throughout the entire early access except in the last trial
>release comes rolling
>over 30 minutes queues
>this can't stand
>level up healer
>spam healer for tomes
I'll come visit you again when hermanos can travel to see crystalloids.
15 Vali totems and not a single weapon coffer yet
Hopefully tomorrow will bring me better luck
Kill them and then yourself
What's the difference
call times
Aether queue casual CC 6:00!
crafting and gathering for sure
this is evergreen
the cornservant is too elusive for me
I will plap all my thread crushes once DC travel comes back.
Craft and gather and then overcharge people
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I'm literally chain queuing for fat XP/hour
I'm like a shitty gacha pull, just throw yourself at it and you'll probably get me
serrit's so cute bros
you touched the handle on the toilet, retard
does anyone else think its weird when twitterfags capitalize certain phrases like they're writing a tvtropes article or something
These matches have been awful :(
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Is this intentional?
It feels immensely uncomfy if so
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*saves dawntrail*
Emergency food supply is the best minion. He will let you vore him if you are hungry.
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This dude spent 400 million gil just to have the mount early.
I'm a good actor, what can I say
My miera is hatred owned
It's another way of emphasizing words
fucking bites you
Yes, but they've already announced that they're reducing the cast time.
The best English voice acting in the expansion was a floating computer screen robot.
sure hop to dynamis so i can dunk on you and pull your hair, nerd
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Dont forget to level your trusts
it's just emphasis
not really, it's just highlighting it as a concept
not much weirder than typing in all lowercase to present your tone
wash your toilet you filthy retard
you're poor meanwhile that guy is gil capped on 5+ retainers
and i'll do it again
Tempting, if the dynamis queues are actually working
YJK she fucks shota cock
Pictomancer is my favourite Job now but its feels too unfinished
Theres literally only 1 weapon and scene motiff
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What's the longest you've waited
how often do you expect a person to do that
honest question
kneeling and pissing
she visited Runar again?
I choose to read the word cultivate in this post in the sense of cultuvation
Nerds arranging their computer rooms to optimize their feng shui for mean girl qi so they can form their cores and achieve toxicity breakthroughs
I prefer to keep Y'shtola low level so I can bully her.
>not much weirder than typing in all lowercase to present your tone
i do that because i'm lazy
>I would rather dress up as a girl again
Have you actually posted those pics in this general yet or is that exclusively for /lolg/?
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cutting this lala's hair when they least expect it
Y'shtola only wears that for shotas
2 hours once
Which swords are these? I've been looking for some good scimitars but these are cool looking too.
its palaistra so basically rpr and dnc run the show
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>RMT and be a cheater
They're from Eden 12 savage.
back in heavensward i was doing the ARR extremes with my eb in dutyfinder
they were all 30mins or so until we hit ramuh, absolutely no one could do it, so when we eventually did shiva just never popped ever
On purpose? 2 hours.
I've left Frontline queued all night by mistake though.
Feast ques and it was +250 minutes before I just logged out
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around 400 min for copied factory once
real? thank god for that, i was sure it was a bug for some reason where shifu lowered its GCD
Any rapes today?
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so uhh, how does this help us save the world?
penumbrabros... how much longer?
>from a company that does nothing but release blunders........
Why did you buy it if you knew what was going to happen?
he's the gil supplier and is basically getting paid while playing this game
Wait it's so big
I thought it was be super small and cute...
When will they cut PS4 support?
This is crafting/squadrons/verminion tier content
I think I waited 2-3 hours for the final Guildhest.
I was raped by drop rng
So unsynced got it lmao.
Seeing NPCs wear whatever the fuck they want regardless of job restrictions really pisses me off
I think it's actually making me more racist
SE doesn't ban owning multiple FCs
actual clean? not too often
little wipedown on surface areas with sanitizer? only takes a minute or so.
I was raped today. It was painful but I let it happen.
It's easy enough if you get a few level 100s, yeah.
I really like it but I guess people complain about it cause it makes the perfect loop different or whatever?
Femra post
Is the outfit that Erenville's mom wears available to players anywhere?
It's volcanic heart and my teammates never know what guard is.
6 hours for T1
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working through Dawntrail
talking to husband until he can't keep his eyes open anymore
enjoying my days
you can do it too
where is the yshtola /ss/ doujins
3+ hours in frontlines and about the same time for a nier raid (it was late at night on crystal both times)
YOU'RE a femra post
Can you easily get that dragonball z car from shadowbringers now? I always wanted that but am scared of raiding
Wine aunt energy
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dnc even better on volcanic
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It's to show you that sometimes you don't know what you've got till it's gondola.

But more it's so you and G'raha can talk about his general views on what's happening privately since the guy, when faced with the death of someone important to him, moved time and space to prevent that death.
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I have shielded you like 4 times
lets him spit pure kino into your ears
sit down and listen
sounds like someone is jealous that they ignored it for 3 expansions and now dont get to enjoy bikini Alisaie
Aether queue casual CC 9:40!
You'll need a handful of people, but yes very easy. Especially now with the new IL cap
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To be honest Im not sure why we even interacted with anyone. Just turn off the damn terminals. Why are we fucking around?
im gonna fanta to a male guy
i got another fanta if i dont like it

wish me luck
Unless you turned into John Darksouls, I haven't seen anyone recognizable in any of my matches
the rape and marry worked for vikings and mongolians and I'm glad it worked out for you despite centuries later after that fell out of fashion
do you like fiddies?
post him after please
To feel more feels.
an overwhelming desire to return to a time when nothing was expected of you, you had no responsibilities, and were more or less free to do what you wanted, plus wanting to be on extra easy mode so you can really just not worry about a damn thing, because the stress of trying to be a proper adult in this slowly dying society is starting to eat away at your soul and you don't know how to handle it in a normal or healthy way so you cope by pretending that isn't your life for a few hours a day
at least I assume
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Oh, I just had a femhroth who looks almost exactly like you then lmao
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These animals aren't allowed to feast their eyes on me....
Xiv used to be their saving grace now they've demonstrated even that is no longer the case....
You need to do the spread/stack mechanics in part 1 correctly. Other than that, kill time was right after the transition to phase 2. It should be even faster with ilv690-700 weps.
>been using JP voices since late ARR
>rewatch one of the DT cutscenes in english
how do you people live like this
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Yup. Blew out this whore's back again.
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it's pretty cool that you can see wihuwte sitting in jail after you expose him
usually these NPCs just disappear forever
I seem to have forgotten how to properly level my gatherers. What do I do to finish up botanist?
I've decided the absolute worst part about leveling crafters is regearing these shitters
Middie middie middie, what I see? You bitches can’t do it like me!
why did she feature so prominently in the trailer when she's not even in dawntrail
FUCK Im still on the beta dalamud channel

How do i go back to stable?
>She finished the sequence already?!
>It's a good thing we were fucking dilly dallying for the last three hours.
Nothing lasts forever.
Even cold November rain.



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i raped like 4 ppl as PCT in cc today
Can’t WAR solo it yet?
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I miss calls for CC so fucking much man
>Never any calls for it on EU
At this point how many more flops can Squeenix even survive?
>Mainline rpgs
Underperforming left and right
>side rpgs
embarassingly bad flops
>mobile game
Pure slop and completely mogged by Chink and gook mobage
They are living on legacy alone
Did you miss the warning that anyone who stayed on beta today would get blacklisted from stable?
give tips
does tuliyollal own xak tural too or just yok tural?
extremes are now unplayable in pf
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i raped my sanity by grinding out 180 fates today
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Gotta listen to it now
If you don't want to waste leves go do the purple scrip loop. Sweet Kukuru Bean etc.
You can alternatively buy some manuals for like 25 purple each and just hit nodes in Heritage Found's west side. Levinsilk will likely be useful for the entire expac.
Why the fuck would you do that to yourself
I did 30 yesterday and was ready to put a bullet in my head
Create an alt and play from ARR. DT's shit EN voice acting is an anomality in a game famous for its great voice acting pre-DT.
Endwalker is actually getting kinda good.
Just found out about the real truth of the final days. Pretty neat
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Any primal bros wanna do CC?
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I have honestly not seen an expansion this panned at launch by its own playerbase since Destiny 2 Lightfall
Why did they show Krile entertaining people with Pictomancy when she didn't even do it a single time in the MSQ, not even summoning a cute image for a sad kid or something.
Her being picto had zero relevance to anything in the MSQ, she could have been any job and it wouldn't have made a difference as she was benched anyway.
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>who stayed on beta today would get blacklisted from stable?
Dont fuck with me anon
There's a video up of DRK doing it.
Just started the Rite of Repast, how many hours until I get to see the cute girl and we're done with this gym badge collecting
any wow expansion
literally every single one of them
>Dalamud vD10.0.0.0 loaded. 26 plugin(s) loaded.
It's real. The beta is over...
what lightfall lacks in story at least it has gameplay
this expansion doesn't have story or gameplay, it's a boring slog just like beyond light
my fiddie has developed an extremely unhealthy addiction to Chips and Queso, and it's already starting to show...
thank god its not the void expansion
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i need that fucking umbrella
Tuliyollal is the capital of the entirety of Tural
mine's 87 do I have to
>1/66th chance to win the mount after this
>party disbands
I'm about to just make a lootmaster party and offer to pay everyone to let me get it...
aint over till mare is back and I can goon
me on the left
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love em
tormentors sucked major ass fuck you
Around 12 more sidetracks
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i stay in subtractive palette most the time and spam comet in black while staying back and paint motif's on the cooldowns and then i just LB when everyones there theres probably a strat but im retraded
I could only tolerate texas, and only because I was fishing for serpentlord and gathering mats during downtime.
i thought tural was the name of the continent and tuliyollal was the name of the city state which has jurisdiction over the surrounding areas sort of like ul'dah in thanalan
handsome, now put him in a cowboy hat
>revenge fantasies
but you can't PK in this game
>good story
>shit content
>shit story
>good content
>good story
>shit content
>shit story
>shit content
>shit story
>good content

will we ever have an unambiguously good expansion bros
Piss off ebin
is this true or lies bros, I thought she was prue?
maybe an hour for coil synced

F. that's dicks
>Rite of Repast
Literally don't even remember what this is, the MSQ was so forgettable.
Anyways, she shows up in Zone 5, I'm assuming your not even in Zone 4 yet. So prob 10 hours of slop.
that's menstrual blood
how does new fanta work?
>log out
>change shit
>log in
>timer starts
>all that rape and assault on malera just to end up with a lalafell who would've handed it over for free
yes and it only ticks down when you are in game
I'm gonna kill meself
It's the level 94 food one
Tural refers to the continents Xak Tural and Yok Tural
Tuliyollal is both the name of the country spanning both Xak Tural and Yok Tural, as well as the name of its capital city
60 mins of logged in time after you edit
you can log out and still change stuff while the timer is going
incredible canon, adopting it immediately
not merely an effect of being treated as a digital avatar, but a goal in itself
You can bm people in frontline which is the closest thing
>i'm just here for my daily I don't care about pvp :)
sweet thanks
Saying "Tural" is like saying "The Americas" like >>484897610 said
Yeah it’s wild because they were doing ok in 2022 but thing have seen to have gotten out of hand. They seem a bit disconnected from the realities concerning the modern gaming industry and player base. The whole thing is shrinking and the consumers have increasingly specific demands. Going for broad appealling large products is not winning move anymore.Not if they can’t compete with the giants in terms of slop.
Oh, like 15 hours then lmao.
did anybody else do the shaaloani storyline on the 4th of july
WoW expansions generally have a good reception until after a month where all the bad and half assed features start showing their faces.
Hell the main issue with Shadowlands and WoD were that there just was too much axed content post launch
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howd you know
Aether queue casual CC 1:50!
I LOVE Maliddies!
I LOVE them.
But I'm a STINKY HROTHGAL, who only TOUNGEBATHES herself!
Not an elegant fiddie like they all want...
you're a while away
just enjoy the process
the average cultivator is temperamentally identical to a bitchy high school girl, so it checks out
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>top 100s turn up in casual CC games
>they BM the fuck out of eachother constantly
It's pretty much the same thing, causes the same kind of tilt
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She's pretty filthy, saw her rim a malera's asshole.
Thanks bros.
It's like a 50+ hour MSQ and you're like 15-20 hours in, unless you skip.
it's funny how consistent this is
You know it’s a drug dealer umbrella right
let me tonguebathe you instead. . .
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The longer I spend in Solution 9 the more likely I am to buy the techwear set from the mogstation
how much of a casual are you that you have trouble with tormentors
ngl I'm the one spamming /sweep on DRG/DRK corpses whenever I outplay them with my totally balanced silence.
honestly 99% of the enjoyment I have managed to derive from this miserable expac was mostly in Shaaloani
i'm logging in
I wish cultivation was real
Life would be way more kino then
please stop playing sge if you have no idea how to actually win games with it
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i don't have the "yes, and?" reaction image but pretend i posted it here
I am a titan which means all my supers are turned off by them
seriously watching the sam elliot face 4 catboy take potshots at robots while fireworks went off outside was kino
Man I don't get the appeal of body hair especially all over the fucking ASS
>"hey Krile based on what you just told us it sounds like your parents could very well be the founders of our organization"
>"please tell me everything you know this is more important to me than anything"
>"well actually we don't know anything but there's probably a big crazy reveal hidden in your earring, we'll analyze it right away"
>"thank you, I can't believe I might actually have answers about questions that have haunted me my entire life"
and then they send you to get wacky energy drinks and chase around a lizard and Krile vanishes from the story for another three hours
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holy shit
this has to be the most boring story expansion in the game ever
oh my god
mb bro hehe xd
I solo'd normal at 90 so probably
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Amazing EX1 farm parties all night, until I had the misfortune of playing with these idiots. What a waste of time. I suppose I should have known better when they started acting like monkeys.
you have my condolences, may bungie nerf hunters and rework titans
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Good Change
did you want to just stand there while they stuck an earring in a computer for hours?
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Is this light from the stained glass window going onto characters part of the 7.0 upgrades? Or did I just not have graphics settings turned up high enough before to notice it?
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Not even a month old and it's already getting lobotomized, congratulations Viper
Do femhroths have a muscle slider?
I thought they actually did know all along and just didn't tell you because it would reveal cachuia's whole thing
yeah i quit tfs for now until they fix prismatic and no giving it banner of war isn't a fix

anyway gives me an excuse to grind out crafters and fates on xiv
i did not enjoy positionals on coils
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He says I have the right to remain silent but I'm just glubbing and wahooing and now he says he'll contact my parents to pick me up!
shaaloani needs more black people
texas is the worst zone. just did it tonight and like 2/3 of yakthel
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I will pay $30 or whatever on the mogstation for this outfit please Square
that must be new
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>hate cats
>EB'd to a cat
not sure how that happened
I do not know why they did this. I really don't want to think it was because of the armpit meme fetish. why do this weird zoom in?
We demand more Sphene armpit art!
>only got one fanta
>the most girly name ever
>fanta'd into a guy
>can only namechange every 24h

no, I wanted to come back with the stupid fucking energy drinks and get a "we finished scanning your earring" cutscene
crazy how the tattoos on her back read "built for bbc" in eorzean
fair enough episode 1 at the moment is a whole lot of nothing although i'm going to immediately go back once i finish msq
Is there a slider to modify the circumference of my butthole? Asking for a friend
what is Viper's sword gauge even for
I don't think I've actually looked at it once, and the play guide doesn't actually explain it
>why do this weird zoom in?
it's edited
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get the fuck out of the thread if you haven't finished the msq stupid ass hoe ass bitch
play the fucking game instead of posting in here
One based person in the cutscene department
haha crazy huh? *coughs up furball* well anyway *licks asshole* wanna meet up later? *meows while cumming*
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No, the thread's right, i'm a schizoid.
What the fuck was the point of this little text prompt? It gave the impression there would be some interactivity and had to pass checks to get a good trade
most sage players are like scholars, just spam big funny damage numbers without contributing.
Yeah it's called picking your male race.
It's new. I've done Haukke Manor enough times in my life to notice.
>*meows while cumming*
that's called soul
When Stormblood was current I waited nine hours for Susano EX because I was scared of joining PFs.
Who knows man dt is rushed af
no bro thats just being a jock on the lacrosse team
as in the team for a game that's not anywhere near as "hardcore" as football but people still act like they're hot shit
I am logged in and playing right fucking now but I don't care about making food I want cute girl armpits AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, leather club's two blocks down
it's not, I saw it in the msq myself, and I was thinking how I know I'll see it on /xivg/ and how awkward it was
It's funny
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This kills the melee players
It's only cropped
Her armpit is dead center screen in the actual cutscene
Pretty sure every xivg anon was sharing the same braincells when it came to this part
Soul would actually giving us a scenario to barter. This is just trying to makes an obviously dull part of the game with flashy lights.
same reason relic quests give you memes about a 97% chance of failure on the final step
So have I, but I also bought a fresh new video card to upgrade for the DT launch, so I thought maybe it could be due to getting that.
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It's kinda weird, really. I could swear there's a zoom in the original cutscene. That webm just exaggerates it.
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I am very normal.
Cutscene skippers won
I kneel
>"meme fetish"
>"I'm not into it, so they must be pretending"
why do you act like a hardass on here and then admit to being bitchmade like this
fuck my worthless chungus life it's 3am and I thought I'd be finishing the msq tonight but living memory is busting my balls
She love's DILF's
sad and i hope they cancel them because now jps are seething over this too
Call armpits a "meme fetish" one more time and I'm going to impregnate your armpussy
nah, its just feels ultra uncomfy and literally everything else in the game is 2,5 or lower unless youre making a mistake
every schizo is a lalafell player but not every lalafell player is a schizo...or is it the other way around?
Aether queue casual CC 5:35!
it literally fucking is, though.
My malera is gooning right now (unironically)
my lowlander is larping as a pelupelu and it's epic
this lala needs brat correction
Seething because your cock can't get hard at seemingly tame things that are okay to show in SFW spaces
every moonie will be reduced to wash and poo
>Make huge deal about collecting the infinity stones to open the Gate to the City of Gold
>Most are acquired in a cutscene giving no real sense of accomplishment.
>Reach city of gold
>Not a single mother fucker asks how to open it despite being the main hook
>Go back to Woke Latroons ceremony where she blasts her shit taste of music for everyones misfortune
>Lizard opens gate
>Fucks everyone up
Why did nobody seriously ask how to open or get inside the FABLED CITY OF FUCKING GOLD????
sphene's pits? would munch and tickle them until she pisses herself in laughter
Based bro... let's sing together the officla armpit anthem!
It's the CLOSEST THING to pking
Like it's the closest this game will ever get to having an open pvp zone just because of the circumstances of the people in there
The vast majority of players in FL are complete pussies who are only there for the daily roulette rewards and being killed is extremely unpleasant for them
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*clicks you spectacularly beautiful last zone*
>healers striking
>do Vagina EX
>there is plenty of shit for them to heal like fucking nearly constant damage being pumped out during heavy movement phases at that
I don't get it
krile did THOUGH
gulool ja ja pulled up and said to not open it
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give me a fucking break
Now playing Smile.
i would love to know how you got those scars
you spelled bard wrong and im always correct
sister please sleep
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such a meme fetish
NO that's TOO HARD
cultured take
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Please queue for Casual *cough* CC
6:55 ET...
Did you like all the "Hear, feel, and think" lines too?
Why did they made such a huge fucking deal about "defending the door as you guys go in" when literally nothing happened
DT Main Menu Theme is pretty ass honestly
I actually asked the healers in my party how it felt and they both said it was difficult
healer players are just stupid
I never recall that.
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>selling stuff on the MB
>have to keep checking for undercut bc some schizo would rather sit next to the retainer instead of playing the game
>selling stuff on the PF
>can keep fishing and playing the game while waiting for someone to whisper me
>no MB taxes and no stress

They should create a new PF just for trade.
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>zone about letting go of the past
It literally does
It zooms in on Sphene but her /wave makes her off center so the emote's timing with the long camera zoom makes it go right into her armpit
they wanted to cuck me specifically out of more thancred screentime
uh oh melty
my lowlander is a whalaqee
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seem to be getting this error message and i have no idea why. was playing DT fine yesterday so my only guess is the game somehow uninstalled the expac itself? anyone else had this happen?
It was an excuse for Estenien to fuck Yishlota while the twins watched and took notes.
Schizoid != schizo
So they didn't have to write dialog for all the characters people actually like and Wut got to have all the screentime still.
how is there a queue this expansion is brand new
register your game on the mogstation
You never put your key in.
>hating on dinosaurs
not my nigger
register your actual DT key and not just your early access preorder key
If you only registered Dawntrail early access you'll need to register the full game.
healer strike, chuddie
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>retard that kept undercutting me all day sold 3 Turali Trader outfit in less than 5min
>each one for 18M
>I had adjusted my price literally 6 min before

Yeah I would rather give a 2M discount in PF than dealing with subhumans
Queue up for Vanguard I need to farm glams
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Other way.
Every lala's a schizo, but not every schizo is a lala.
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>sense of accomplishment
Wait so you seriously feel accomplished over... idk what to compare this to. I guess unlocking the teleporter to go up to the moon?
Because there are trials that are accomplishments, and you get some stones from them.
Like what would make you actually feel accomplished? Do you want an ARR relic quest for each stone?
yeah you're right mb didn't realise preorder code wasn't the same as the post-release code thanks
Malera were so close to winning just by never being mentioned and they have to fumble the bag at the finish line.
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A B or C i can not decide
i'm busy trying not to fall asleep to these aether current quests
well i did ask i guess
If anything this is going to lead to a pump in malera stocks
yeah it's a dumb as fuck system but square doesn't know how to program unfortunately
A easily
Middle if you want to be based
I will never take any eyebrowlet with the rebel alliance beard seriously
hmm he looks a bit basic no?
but big boys take up so much space...
B without the thing on your forehead.
If not that, A
what about freak-a-zoid?
maybe, though i think im more rad than mad myself
holy shit I actually laughed
it's just one disaster after another
immaculate taste, anon
my femlala has been possessed by the sloppy smoochjob devil
I wonder what Sphene was trying to accomplish by letting us in her kingdom. The Endless were as good as gone the second she tried to parly with us back in Heritage Found.
please stop shitting up the aether queues on jobs you can't play
Simple is a virtue in mmos man, don't be a heterochromia special faggot. Actually if you want to be a special faggot do the malezen, I have literaly never ever seen one ingame.
anon that hurt
I got the capybara in 30 minutes after using sonar
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and I'm more bad than rad
The design of the right is somewhat interesting an original, but I really think you should go at least slightly larger ears and no forehead thing. The forehead thing makes it look like a WoW cahracter.
Left is safe option. I'd go more tan; it just looks better in DT to not be pale.
I figured it was for in case someone preordered but then canceled their order before release. They want to make sure that people fully went through with their purchase before letting them play the game.
A and C = boring af
When the fuck are they uncongesting shit?
Come to crystal and do it instead, I need XP
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i guess :/
like this?
hmm :/
The capybara is trivial if you DC travel to Dynamis for it + have sonar on. Only retards sit on the arena for hours on end while shared FATE parties try to spawn it by chance.
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if it's michael jackson bad i can get behind that
they don't allow ugly skin cancer freaks into their homes
Ugly as fuck
Post yours
oh yeah maybe
surely there are other ways of doing that though
>Final trial
>boss cannot be reasoned with
>hellbent on destruction
>Xbox lookin boss seems cool
>makes llama tea fuck off at the beginning
>having a good time finally being able to be the WoL, doing protagonist shit
>fight is fun and long, having a good time
>boss at 30%
>Oh no it's a cutscene
>WHERE'S POOCHIE shows up and delivers her worst dialogue of the expansion
>The last 3rd of the fight has wuk fucking lamat just hovering in the air in front of our team, using heavy swing on repeat
>Wuk lamat and the boss are talking at each other
>No other scion chimes in
>Just a repeat of end singer with some trooncoon
I skipped the ending cutscene. Fuck this game, fuck these writers. SE north America knew it was a shit story and hired a trans voice actor to defect criticism and it worked. Cutscene skippers won
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bitch let me in i can solo heal it myself
That's a lot of words to say you got triggered
the middle guy is the coolest and by a lot
I had to do that trial again in roulette. Bruh...
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It's even better. She literally does more damage to the boss than any of you.
but the heckin media tour build had a group do a no heal dungeon SO HEALERS ARE LITERALLY WORTHLESS
Why isn't Wuk Lamat the warrior of light?
lel they can fuck right off with that shit if true
Finally getting my gatherers leveled, how volatile are raw mats right now?
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>Wuk Lamat
More like Wuk Lacrap!

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