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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Marika fucked millions...
why must all of the bosses have AOE magic
Fuck furnace golems and ghostflame dragons
nth for the mohgwyn dynasty
Did Marika trap Messmer in the shadowlands on purpose?
Did she do it to hide the base snake aspect of himself, that she herself shares as a Naga/ half snake woman or was he trapped there on accident and the shattering of the Elden Ring prevented her from resuceing him
Miquella is Torrent
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Post fashion
Rate other fashion
I came up with this set it invoke Exdeath, as he wears very threatening and ornate plate armor but leaves his hands exposed probably for casting magic or something I dunno
FTH or INT, /erg/?
Torrent is a HORSE and Miquella is a BOY. Seems different to me.
What the fuck is the lands of shadow
wait, i'm getting confused by the timeline.
the omen curse in the lands between comes from the hornsent marika and messmer genocided
but the crucible which predates the greater will arriving really valued the omens, which means they existed before marika became a god, but she only did the genocide after becoming a god.
I hope you use thorn spells
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Faith now
Faith tomorrow
Faith forever
Since when is Marika part snake? I thought it was well agreed that she's part ant.
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My lord will have his dignity.
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She’s tall er big as an ant
>but the crucible which predates the greater will arriving really valued the omens
You;re confused because you've placed this headcanon into your understanding. This didn't happen. There was the crucible that seemed to be the basis of civlisation of Ruah (they created the golden bird warriors we find).
Crucible knights and misbegotten also come from this era.
Omens were born long after the golden order was established and the erd tree created
Bugs are from outer space, Marika isn't
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Ohhhh shit good idea. I should really make an Exdeath build with thorns and I dunno, Shamshir looks kinda close to his sword
She's a Numen, Numens are ants.
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I'm not so sure about that because Marika's ass is out of this world.
Do you think Hoarah Loux could fuck Miquella harder than Radahn?
Best weapons to use for a Dragon Communion build that aren't bleed shit?
Are the crucible knights associated with godfrey in any way? Could godfrey have been from Ruah?
what?? How are those gaints ants on the roots of the erdtree numens? They are ridden by the Nox women who are numens (assuming they;re not silver tears posing as nox)
its all gonna be bleedshit, anon.
I would like Elden Ring a lot fucking more
if it had a refight mechanic
but nope! if I want to redo a boss I need to restart a save or get summoned.
Zing! Haha. She's does pack a nice caboose.
>get to Gaius
>Hear he's a pain so just yolo see what the fights like
>Caroin phanlax and adulas blade from torrent
>get him to about 50% before torrent dies
>Get another hit in after his phase change then die
>Can't get him below 80% for the next 5 attempts

Why does this happen

I think fighting him on torrents fine for me, but what's the tech to dodge his charge attack? Iv tried faking jumping the wrong way, jumping over doesn't work
Running straight tback then double jumping seems to work sometimes, is that the way to go?
Use the Marais executioner greatsword
any non-bleed arcane weapons
Your only options that aren't bleedshit are Regalia of Eochaid or Poleblade of the Bud and the latter is rotshit.
That's just a shittier Regalia.
I have finished the DLC, beat all the optional bosses, used all my boss souls etc. Is there anything important I need to still do or keep in mind before I start NG+?
There are four arcane scaling magic weapons in the game
Regalia of Eochid, Marias Executioner sword, Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword, and Putrescent Cleaver. Take your pick of one of those and build for it
Yes Godfrey led them (I don't have proof I remember this from ages ago) when he went to his exile in the badlands they parted ways.
>Could godfrey have been from Ruah?
No Ruah seems like the ancient civilisation of Elden Ring, like their ancient egypt. all the underground ruins. aqueducts we see is theirs
if you're on torrent you can probably iframe it with dismount
Huh? The regalia is a shittier version of the greatsword
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Working on Mohg before joining you in the DLC.
I was told by /erg/ that rya was the daughter of rykard fused with the snake. If so isn't she technically rennala's granddaughter? If rennala was catatonic do you think she'd like her grandchild?
I just snapped and installed the cheat table, have resurrected and refought most major DLC bosses like 4 times each already
If Godfrey the biggest fuck up?
All of his kids were evil
upheld a dead and oppressive order
Bloodsucking evil pedophile
Dragonfucker fishman

Meanwhile Radagon's kids
Goodest most loving caring individual in all the lands
Courageous and loyal, never did anything wrong
Hero chad of the lands, no one disliked him
Smart cute witch that tried to save the world
N/A died and was taken over by a snake so we dont really know about him other than being very smart.
I'm trying incantations, mostly ancient dragon ones and bosses become kinda tricky. the openings are way fewer, tho my dmg is substantially higher than as melee. Is the playstyle just that different that I have to, in a way, relearn how to play the game?
Good morning
Stop crying about Radahn, nobody cares
Every thread its the same arguments, over and over
If you had spent half the time you do, coping, bitching and ragebaiting in these threads, you would've started to get a grasp of his mechanics already.
Yes he attacks alot, and yes the pillars of light can be a bit much, but he doesn't have any undodgeable attacks, he doesn't have any oneshots, and literally everything he does is reactable. Stop crying about his cross-slash move what the fuck.
Everyone keeps constructing their little scenario, where Radahn does 20 second long combos without any opening, and then teleports away from them and takes forever getting back into the fight, etc etc.
This hasn't happened once in my 100's of fights against him. But if you try to argue with these people, they'll just refer to their made-up (or extremely unlikely, super-unlucky) experience with the fight, making any discussion useless.
Godfrey was an idiot and one way or another his children inherited his retardation
You're wrong about literally everything
rauh and uhl/uld are the only places referred to as ancient in game so i think its pretty definitive that its supposed to massively predate even the hornsent and tower settlement
All of them? Like even the ones the mohgwyn dynasty is built on? Or the ones with the murals depicting people born of the tree? Or the ones with those mysterious old man statues no one knew of and people were headcanoning connections for? Were they all the Ruah? Was it just giving them a name? If so what happened to them for them not to be around during marika and godfreys time but for their crucible knights to be around.
>Goodest most loving caring individual in all the lands
>Grace of Gold is worm-like finger parasites
Seeing worms squirm beneath Godwyns eyelids in the trailer sold me on this idea. I thought it was just the birth of deathblight we were seeing, but its the grace of gold leaving him/ parasites pancking that the host is dead
>very smart
This. Took me 10 hours but I beat him with a zweihander, no summons or buffs. And I started Elden Ring last year (it was my first FROMSOFT game, I only play shooters and Fallout NV and Worms). If I can do it, all of you should be able to do it too.
Miquella is a piece of shit.
If you stroke your cock any more than you're doing I want to step away from the blast zone.
They are literally his Knights

The Crucible manifests as horns on people. The original religion of the crucible saw these horns as a blessing. After Marika takes over she slowly starts removing anything & everything to do with the Crucible because she hates it. She especially grows to hate Godfrey after he gives her two Crucible babies. The culture around the blessing of horns is turned on its head & its seen as an Omen instead. All the noble families which are ultimately descendants of barbarian humans start mistreating their Omen children.
marika's round, plump belly sagging over her huge, matronly futa cock...
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How are you? did you sleep well?
I just had breakfast and have to head into town to stock up on more tea, so I won't be too long ITT until later
Uhhh is this a ritual post or something?
If she hated godfrey why did she intend for him and/or one of his men to return when she called upon them and become elden lord again? Why did her grace ditch us and head for him.
This is a lot of head cannon
Why the off model? Marika as shown in the story trailer was very slim with a medium sized chest and waste at most.
Pissfry is dead, the fuck should I even slot there? I mean I might as well go down and fuck up sewer Mohg and get the Erdtree's favor +1, but I don't want to kill Morgot until I do Goldmask's quest.
>All of them? Like even the ones the mohgwyn dynasty is built on?
>Or the ones with those mysterious old man statues no one knew of and people were headcanoning connections for?
Mogwyn has one of those old man stautes so its the same ruin. I'm just going by the design language of the architecture it seems like Ruah and uhl/uld are one in the same.
what happened to them for them not to be around during marika and godfreys time but for their crucible knights
Anon the crucible knights are just walking around in the ruins same as we are, you wouldn't say we have a connection to those ruins. Difference is the crucible knights are way older and those forgetton ruins were still forgetton ruins even in their day
I agree they predate everything else
>Why the off model?
These people are mentally insane coomers
deathblight must be an aggravation or corruption of grace then.
Grace points towards Great Runes. Godfrey has zero, you have 2+. It isn't fucking Marika

It's literally linking item descriptions. It's the farthest thing from headcanon
And then she had 3 children, have you seen what that does to womens breasts?
>invade Limgrave taunters
>another invader comes
>traitor red
I can only imagine that the flaming retard has never had a co invader before. I checked his profile and he was Brazilian, so that probably also had something to do with it.
After running me down aggressively and ignoring the host he got one-shot by bolt of Grannysex and the phantom shit pot his body, so I dunno. It's just odd.
You know it's true. If you just fight these bosses enough you can do it too. I believe in you.
Stats.. With your choice of weapon you should get Millicent's Prosthesis (you can easily get this early) and the Twinblade Talisman.
Unequip your ballista, it's weighing you down. Equip it only when you need it.
Get 51+ poise with gear. Consider helmets that give stat bonuses.
OK so what's your guys' take on the whole Marika/Radagon thing in light of the lore we got in SOTE? Is it:
>Marika and Radagon were separate people that merged together
>Marika and Radagon were two halves of the same being like Miquella and St. Trina
No, the Marais gets BARELY any more AR (like 20 points) and has a horrible moveset as well as garbage range for a greatsword. The Regalia meanwhile as a straight sword has a VERY good PS moveset and lends itself well to ARC/FTH builds the Marais has low synergy with due to weight and needing STR instead of DEX.
Is that how deathblight can form so suddenly and why it just kills you instantly instead of doing critical damage like bleed?
Its all the finger worm parasites in your body getting aggravated and tearing you apart from within?
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are claws of night fun for pve? im feeling edgy but backhand blades feel too good to get rid of just yet
My guy I am literally doing my second level 1 playthrough. I am better than you in every single way.
For a Blue Dancer Charm build, should i go completely naked, or use the lightest slut armor like the goldmask rags? In DS3, going completely naked was much worse than wearing the shittiest armor. Is this still the case?
You see her hanging by a rune arc after seven kids
At what level should I stop at NG+ if I want to keep being summoned for bosses and areas? Around 200?
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Wait, 51? Is the new breakpoint 51 now?
The latter
But 51+ poise gear loos gayyyyyy.
And also I don't wanna bully Millicent. She's nice.
my strat to beat radahn was to stop trying to use the correct punishes for each window and to just mash attack and not care if i got hit. this is garbage gameplay and boss design and i will complain about him until the day i die
Grab attacks have been complete fucking horseshit since day one and people call spirit ashes cheese? I'll take anything I can get against the never ending tide of bullshit these games throw at you
51 has always been the PvE breakpoint.
If you don't want to bully her, then do her quest in the Haligtree.
R2 does 0 damage and the other claws with innate bleed that you can buff are just vastly superior
>Marika and Radagon were separate people that merged together
This is the only explanation for the ending where Radagon is turned into a sword and Marika still has a body for Ranni to put her head back on.
Also explains some timeline stuff how how each of them were in different places at the same time
kekarooo seething Gooner
it's always been 51 to poise small hits in pve. 101 for bigger hits or two small hits.
Go dragon so you get the benefits of resistances but no weight
So stop complaining then? Yes, Radahn has two bullshit moves. But it's still very do-able.
Marika didn't have 7 kids silly, or atleast, she didn't BIRTH 7 kids.
Also, on the rune arc she's prolly starved and dehydrated, yup.
Marais is better I'm not sure what you want me to tell you.
The latter. People in elden ring must break off or surrender an aspect of themselves in order to ascend to godhood. Marika did. Malenia broke off parts of herself when she bloomed closer to becoming the goddess of rot. Miquella had to do the same thing on his journey.
I didn't complain about anything. I told you to not stroke your own cock. I'm not the same anon you were originally talking to, but I can't stand self-righteous pricks.
>Unequip your ballista, it's weighing you down. Equip it only when you need it.
Why are you suggesting hardswapping to a new player? Stop breeding tryhards. This man will start hardswapping a parry shield and a dagger because of you. We don't need more shitters in this community.
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These are my beautiful, kind, sweet, and generous mothers in law who have never done anything wrong in their entire lives. Say something nice about them.
Radagon was a numan tear of Marika. Cut content would basically have a sidequest all about having our own.
N-no! It's always been 61! ITS ALWAYS BEEN 61! I REFUSE!
>please tell me I haven't been running the fuck-ugly Scaled armor on most characters for no reason
I literally just explained to you why it's worse, so unless you have more to say than:
I advise you to stop coping man.
Tell me when, specifically, you need a Ballista on hand during any boss encounter?
She had 4 kids asexually (the M children) them being born from live birth and not something more godly like an egg or born fully formed from her forehead us unknown. She also had several unnamed children, those headless demigods we can clone remebrances are also her kids
traitor reds and duelists should have their nuts flayed
worse than ganking
Is it worth to go full INT and cast spell to help Host?
I wonder because Potions are reduced as a ghost helper. Also damage seems trash without bleed.
More range, better weapon class, more damage
>numan tear of Marika
qrd? I've somehow never heard of this before
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I think it's great. My second favorite DLC behind The Old Hunters. The Ringed City has similarly high highs, but the quantity of content is incomparable. I genuinely blame the players (and content creators) more than I do FromSoft. The issues with the modern FromSoft player base are too numerous to get into in proper detail without wasting my time, so all I'll say is that despite their flaws, FromSoft games are still much higher quality than the average video game and I'm grateful that they exist. But Elden Ring's mainstream success and accessibility concessions have produced millions of players who have very loud opinions about the design of the game, despite having a very poor grasp of its basic mechanics.

I got filtered by Elden Ring on my first playthrough because I played it like Dark Souls: 2H'ing a claymore and pressing R1 and R2. I remember feeling fucking exhausted by (pre-nerf) Godskin Duo, Maliketh, and the final boss gauntlet of Godfrey, Radagon, and Elden Beast. I thought that I wouldn't touch the game for months, but within a week I'd started a second playthrough, which was when I actually began to understand the mechanics and what was expected of me as a player. When I read the complaints about phase 2 of Radahn's fight, I expected the worst; but while he kicked my ass, it was far from what I dreaded. He's a fair fight, he simply tests the player on all the lessons you're intended to learn in both the base game and the DLC. I had no issues with him because I'd already finished my transformation from seething, coping retard to half-competent player.

It's fun starting a second playthrough of the DLC and realizing just how much content there is in it, and how much of it I want to engage with. But fuck collecting cookbooks. The DLC has obvious flaws, but nothing that makes me genuinely disappointed in what I purchased and played.
I think you just hate marika and can't accept she's guiding us along. You're a hornsent aren't you? What are your opinions on messmer?

Seven kids, waltzing out of her blown out jar body
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NOW THAT THE DUST HAS SETTLED: Was radahn a good or bad final boss for the only DLC
Rennala fits the bil but Marika is still a cunt despite what Hornset did to her people
I'm sick of all the empty space in Elden Ring.
I'm sorry anon but it's always been 51.
>More range
Barely because it's among the shortest greatswords and it's MUCH slower
>better weapon class
Greatswords are a worse weapon class than straight swords, namely powerstance straightswords. PSSS is among the top tier in the game, greatswords are just average.
>more damage
Not noticeably more. Like I said when properly invested we are talking a difference of ~20 AR. You'll never notice that.

Plus again Regalia fits better on ARC/FTH builds.
I love Ranni and Blaidd’s accents. Is it Welsh?
Forgive my retardation, I completely forgot about the selfcest and thought it was Renalla in my stupor
Actually the dlc gives us another potential reason. St trina was discarded by miquella. Marika could've discarded radagon or split to have him serve a specific purpose. St trina dies when miquella dies yet miquella doesn't die when St trina dies. Of you cut off a single branch of a tree the entire tree doesn't die, but it will if you cut off the tree. Radagon can die without marika dying.
i think i hate every boss in this game
Messmer is fucking cool & does a good Lucifer/Michael fusion vibe
Anyone using the Seamless coop mod?
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>I am literally doing my second level 1 playthrough. I am better than you in every single way.
>but I can't stand self-righteous pricks.
Imagine posting both of these and not seeing the hypocrisy. All I was trying to say is that I am a very mediocre player and I was able to beat the boss by simply pushing through and not giving up. You proceeded to interpret it in your own way and then used the opportunity to accuse me exactly of what you are doing.
Shit boss. Leda gang was more fun and engaging.
Bad. The fight with Leda and company was more compelling. I think with how they did the DLC the final boss should have been Miquella himself.
What kind of spirit ashes suit a strength beast man build?
That's cool and all but I just don't agree
that was the plan...

Nah he's right, the only reason I even was carrying the balista other than when I needed to snipe someone was because I had the great jar's talismen.
Marika did nothing wrong. All of her actions were rational and justified. If you insult my mother in law again you will receive a dmgs beam to the face
I liked it. It took me a couple of hours to get to that point, but I ended up liking it.
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I was hoping for something more horrific after seeing all the petrified people and jar meat.
i feel this way for the dlc. for the base game it was fine except for phase 2 of basically every end game boss (not the ones that are just completely different bosses like horah loux though), and all of malenia.
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Golden Hippo's grab attack hitbox is just completely fucked. Fix your shit Fromsoft. And fix Gaius' charge attack while you're at it
You know the numan/nox in the underground? They seek a way to create artificial life. In their efforts they created the Mimic Tear. In cut content the Mimic Tear spirit summons had its own separate personality & such. It was its own NPC.
You can disagree all you like but facts don't care about your opinion my man. I'm speaking objectively here as someone who's used both extensively and doesn't have a single character using either one at the moment because both suck balls in the DLC, you're never landing that L2 on major DLC bosses outside of a stagger.
Grrrrr its so bad, he has UNDODGEABLE attacks, 1shots me and flashbangs. And the streamers I watched that did no-hit him, said that its RNG dependent, yup, GRRRRRRR!
I think it was decent.
Stormhawk Deenh 100%
Your mother in law is a dead statue
>If you cut off a single branch of a tree the entire tree doesn't die, but it will if you cut down the tree
What an interesting analogy thanks anon! So Radagon was made and seperated from Marika before rejoinning her when she was crucified
>Pass bonny village
>break great rune
I'm three fucking times further from the keep than I am immediately after beating relanna wtf
He was good. I understand what they were going for by having the two hardest bosses of the game be Malenia and Radahn, but I don't really care for the demigod aspects of Elden Ring's lore so it left no particular impression on me in that regard. I wish he was allowed to fucking say something, though. Mechanically, I really like him. He's a basic boss who forces you to keep your shit together for 3-4 minutes straight, and he's challenging.

There's also obviously something missing to tie together Miquella's half of the DLC narrative with the Marika, Messmer, and hornsent half. The unifying themes of the DLC are sin, resentment, and revenge, but Miquella's plan is untouched by these things beyond his merry band of retards imploding the second he relinquishes his great rune. I think it would have been interesting if Miquella's ascension, Radahn's resurrection, or both had failed due to the divine gate being corrupted by this inescapable "original sin" that he wanted to wash away - whatever the specifics of that might be. By the end of the DLC, there's little sense of how poor (or suspect) Miquella's plan actually was.
What level should I be for Coliseum Duels/
You made up the facts based on your opinion though. Marais is top tier and shreds the dlc.
>I think with how they did the DLC the final boss should have been Miquella himself.
they were building miquella up as this evil character and trina tells you to kill him but then the only time you see him is one shot of his face and instead of fighting him you fight a base game character. i was hoping for a cooler cutscene or lore drop at the end too. instead we just get a flashback that adds nothing to an event that we already know about. the divine gate that we worked so long towards is just a set piece in the reused boss's arena. definitely a missed opportunity.
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Hey rannifag, explain this, rennala's second phase is a physical apparition created by ranni right? Is ranni actually controlling it or is it on autopilot? If it's the former couldn't ranni recreate her original body for us to have sex with if she really wanted to? I may convert to rannifaggotry from maleniafaggotry depending on your answer.
I am on a cracked copy but all my shit fucked up so I'm reinstalling a 1.12.3 version

you wanna test something?
She probably could, but honestly I think she likes the doll a bit more.
if you had light roll you didn't beat radahn and don't get to talk about how easy phase 2 is. the extra iframes are cheating in this game.
Sex with Ranni has already been confirmed and explained in-depth throughout the lore.
She's a powerful witch it all depends what magic can do in ER.
Ranni could get a hold of a human body any number of ways & breed
You have two singular options. Scared/flame art bloodfiend spear or the chicken wing. It is the only thing in the entire game that scales off both arcane and faith. Also occult erdsteel dagger I guess.
it's a dream. ranni can put people to sleep.
>If it's the former couldn't ranni recreate her original body for us to have sex with if she really wanted to?
I’m a different anon, but I imagine she could do this. Especially after the Ranni ending. I’m not sure whether the second phase of the Rennala fight is autopilot or not though.
This! So much this!
Marais ain't shredding shit in the DLC unless you're using spirit ashes and/or summons to distract the boss and at that point everything shreds the DLC. If you'd like to prove me wrong by posting a video of you beating Radahn it Messmer or some shit with the Marais so soundly that it can be considered "shredding" without something to distract them for you to L2, be my guest.

Also none of that is my opinion. It's widely established that PSSS is one of the most powerful movesets in the game and greatswords are not. And no, you're never going to notice a ~20 AR difference.
Where can I find porn of redhead Ranni?
>game lore
>Ranni killed her physical form and became a soul
>now the only vessel she can inhabit is a doll that "is not without its drawbacks"
She cannot get a physical form again you dumb cum brained freaks, that is like saying Godwyn's soul can actually be revived. Could you at the very least all go jerk off in some moldy discord server instead of shitting up the threads?
Ontop of the divine tower in Liurnia
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Chicken wing?
>decide to try a faith build for co-op
>only get summoned for bosses who are nigh immune to holy damage
Faith also has fire dummy
Just use fire and help dudes with Scadutree avatar, it's free runes.
I would agree that the leda fight was better if I didnt have to switch my weapon to actually beat it. I skipped all the mini quests so only had one ally. I died probably 20 times to the gank until I finally switched builds, then beat it first try. I dont like the DLC and how much you have to metagame and not use what you want.
Yeah I think a true form of miquella would have been cool, like a twink transformation into some really old creepy guy.
It feels like they reworked it a few times and settled on this at some point. They planned 2 dlcs then decided to merge it because they couldnt figure it out I guess. I think they knew it was a weak DLC but were pressured by time.
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I unironically believe that Godfrey is so strong that the Outer Gods and beyond fear him. His sheer determination to break and breed those weaker than him was only tamed by Marika because he fell for her and she him. True Love is keeping the lands free of Demi-outer-god horrors. He was so maddened in his fighting spirit that he impregnated Radagon with Messmer. He was so maddened in his fighting spirit that they had to graft a giant lion man, who was a legendary figure in his own right, to calm his storming rage.
Godfrey even locked away Death itself in the form of Maliketh. By pure lore, if Marika were not around to claim his love, the mad hound of the Bad Lands would indeed see some challenge in Miquella, with or without Radahn, and defeat him in combat to claim his bussy. The Empyrean's might powerless against the sheer blood thirst that is Hoarah's mind.
And with all this in mind, is it really a surprise that men are compelled to follow him through sheer instinct alone? To learn of and about him? To seek to become Him? It is but the natural urge to attain his might through respect, your body compelled to call him, "My Lord," while you watch him fell red-haired giant after giant.
imagine the spitroast incest
Godwyn has a skill issue. Souls possessing bodies is nothing new
You can disable summoning pools now!
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Yes, my other mother in law is catatonic and my father in law is a shell being controlled by a space amoeba
My sisters in law are a disembodied spirit made to burn herself, and a mostly rotted rot goddess!
My brothers in law are a soulless husk near the base of the erdtree, an omen blood cultist, a mindless rotted ghoul riding a horse, a savior complex shota who wants to fuse the previous two together, a self hating omen who wants to halt my progress, a nutjob who fed himself to a snake, and a guy with snakes inside him!

I love my fucked up family who I'll have to kill.
I wish to be a woman. No more, no less.
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Is Ranni a god after her ending? If so, then I’m sure she could manifest in pretty much any form she wants.
bro, your fire? your lightning? your status effect incants?
Sorry anon, but you're just flat out wrong. You can exist in your little cum brain fantasy land, I won't stop you from doing that, but you're completely, 100% wrong.
>stuck on mohg
What are you, some kind of filthy casual?
>when the Miquelussy is tighter than you expected
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I had just played Sekiro
>Was radahn a good or bad final boss for the only DLC
Mine was Bayle and Bayle gave me the same, grand bliss that Godfrey did. So yes, the final boss did live up to the holy, epic standards of Our Lord, Lord Godfrey.
That lion-cub-fuck should get gutted though.
this, but with a little more. id like to keep my dick.
Twin Princes was a better presentation of this gimmick wasn't it?
Literally none of this matches
Claymore bro..
my headcanon is stronger than yours.
>cum brain
is this the new retard/incel/faggot? it seems so out of place in most posts.
Skibbidi rizz ohio mewing goonsesh edgingstreak brainrot
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Thank you for your answers. However I will still hold out hope that my tarnished could one day wed malenia once she's done being a flower. If miquella couldn't cure her as a god, maybe, with the elden ring, I can as elden lord. If not I have ways of helping the rot buildup on me.
By far. Twin princes actually seemed to do things, miquella does fuck all.
>cum brain
ew grandpa no one says that. go read the newspaper and be racist or something
The elden lord isn't a God and doesn't have godly powers.
Excuse me?
Now that I'm thinking about it, even if miquella is into radahn who's to say that radahns not straight? Maybe he only agreed because he was infatuated with malenia? Maybe malenia is into miquella, miquella is into radahn, radahn is into malenia. A classic grrm love triangle. With incest.
>finally get a sweet shotgun crossbow
>can live my monster hunter dreams of LBG waiting for Wilds to come out
>uses 10 bolts per shot, and game literally prohibits more than 5 actually hitting
Radahn pushes his face onto Type B tarnished chest during his grab. He's trying to escape the gay
You do realize elden lord is just "Simp for the queen" right? They don't do shit except the paperwork
Then I'll get marika to do it then divorce her for her daughter. I'll find a way to help and marry malenia. Nothing can stop me.
>knows it's a SHOTGUN crossbow
>doesn't treat it like a shotgun i.e doesn't get into kissing range and blow the entire load
>They don't do shit except the paperwork
Godfrey was going around killing all of Marika's enemies while she was doing just that.
If Marika could have cured her daughter she would have done it a long time ago.
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The goofy sheath goes perfectly with the dead omen's robe, sorry bwo
That's basically paperwork in the lands between lol.
I wish Ansbach had something to say about Varre, I feel like he would have had some funny commentary.
Strange how thats the only voiceline they gave Radahn, and in such a specific circumstance
it doesnt work like that anon. you get 5 hits, and you can actually see the rest pass through the target and deal no damage. its coding, not range
NTA but if that's the case why become elden lord? What's the point? If marika is just a dead or brain dead statue isn't the title just meaningless? Aren't you just a king on a house of cards no better than morgott? Wouldn't that mean that godfrey and radagon served no purpose besides some strange cosmic rule of a god needing a consort?
You're a gay subversive bitch.
>Local retard discovers shotguns are meant to be used in close range
When you repair Marika she isn't a statue anymore dude. She regains herself and becomes your consort.
Claymore is the most straight weapon in the game. Smaller weapons are for fags, larger weapons are just overcompensating.
Then I'll bear with the rot. I have a lot of flasks and can spam cast flame cleanse me. She will be my wife. Nothing will stop me. Not the rot, not marika, not even malenia can stop me from making her my beloved wife.
>Golden hippo boss fight
>Entered through the side path before opening the front door
>Fog gate prevents me from opening the front door
>Can no longer enter through the back way either
Please tell me there's a third way to enter this fight
Please tell me I didn't just fuck my run up
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the divine furry warriors in enir ilim make every other humanoid enemy look like a joke. I'm actually coping when I try to fight them.
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There's no Dark Hand item for the glowing red fist effect so I decided to go with Chilling Perfume to complement the ice instead
being this insecure about your weapon isnt healthy
Radahn got reverse healed by Micheangelo
if you beat golden hippo after the patch you didn't beat him
Well that's fucking gay
I don't want that I wanted to run off with nepheli...
My character is just a European knight and not some gook shitter.
Whatever floats your boat bro. If you ask me you'd be better off just vowing to kill the rot god. Do that and at bare minimum you release her from his grasp, it might even cure her outright.
>European Knight
>using a claymore
You're already failing
nice drip
i love this chestpiece, especially with the big vendigris feet. cant find the most suitable hat still though, i like the little lion head, except the face is a bit ugly
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"Tarnished, did I ever tell you about White Mask Varre? He was our lords exotic teenage edgelord apprentice, a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age. He had the tightest body and the perkiest little cock in the lands between; barely legal in most kingdoms. Mohg and I used to doubleteam him at the end of every successful ritual, and once in a while we’d even have the entire dynasty run a train over him, part of official Bloody Finger “training” of course. In time, he learned how to handle a meatstick better than anyone in the palace. He wore a miniskirt every day so we told him there were no panties underground, and since he was constantly dodging you’d get a glimpse of his pink butthole mid fight as he’d do a flip while slicing a RL30 newbie in half. It was surreal. We taught him to grip his gay little flowers like a dildo and he'd constantly get stunlocked by coop-ers almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Tarnished, you have no idea. And he was a good friend."
I know it's a Scottish weapon, but it's still one of the few real classic looking swords in the game.
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I did something similar to yours for my Dragon Communion character. Currently going through as a Black Mage, which I had on the backburner waiting for a hybrid catalyst.
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my Twinflames of Messmer...
cute "girl", i'd pound her and call her she/her every night
It doesn't even make sense for reds to be hostile to each other in ER, at least if they used the same finger to invade. Recusants/Bloody Fingers have no reason to attack people in their own faction, they're not murder hobos like Rosaria's Fingers.
If you actually play the game, it's pretty clearly the former
>Marika is Numen-Shaman, Radagon is definitely part Fire Giant (Red Giant's Braid) and probably part Zamor (Ancient Hero of Zamor) that washed up ashore after Godfrey won. Biologically, they are nearly different species.
>Radagon literally attacked the Golden Order when he overthrew the Weeping Peninsula (Brick Hammer, Castle Morne War Memorial).
>Radagon and Marika are working in direct odds with one another, while the same person (Radagon walls off the Erdtree, Marika tasks Melina with burning it down so you can save her and replace Radagon).
>Elden Beast uses Radagon as a sword, yet Marika still remains
>Melina's dialogue in Marika's Bedchamber literally recites that she told Radagon "O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou'rt yet to become me. Thou'rt yet to become a God"; and her lines at Dectus is almost certainly addressed to Radagon "The Erdtree governs all. The choice is thine. Become one with the Order. Or divest thyself of it. To wallow at the fringes; a powerless upstart."
Goldmask recognises the discordance according to Corhyn, which is why his solution is to circumvent it.

Trannies like to push that Man=Woman, but none of them will cite any in-game material.
oh that is so fun, i love it
what spells you takin in?
The last time I've seen a hitbox so shit where you're not even in front of the boss and he still sucks you into his grab like fucking Kirby it was the Pursuer's Sword stab in DS2.
What's currently the best "fast" weapon? Like a dagger or something, with really quick recovery. I'm tired of waiting for specific attacks to be able to get hits in
Sorry anon but there's no ending where you end up with Nepheli. You either end up with Marika, Ranni, or you burn the world to ash.
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Best I could do, there's no chest piece that looks exactly alike
What sort of fashion would fit Great Stars?
It's kind of a fallen paladin weapon I feel, but the rusty and bloody look doesn't mesh well with most armor of that type.
ok, i beat him before the patch with rolling sparks
You're right. I never thought of that. I'm sure marika would at least help with that considering it's below liuneria.
Beast Claws. Either STR build heavy with BFB or Occult on an ARC build.
I used mine with very nice armor for the contrast between clean silver and rusty blood. The weapon really popped that way
Briar set
I'd like to point out that they were likely fused around the war with the carians. I say this as rykard has blonde hair there's no way or reason why he would unless marika was already fused with him by that point.
Currently using at least one of each element; Fire Serpent, Divine Beast Tornado, Discus of Light, Lightning Strike, Glintstone Icecrag, Rock Sling, still working things out because I don't just want to use the same spells I always use.
I'm inclined to think otherwise. If Marika had the power to kill that sleeping tumor slowly infecting her land, she'd probably have done it by now. She needed someone else to kill the Elden Beast for her for a reason, she doesn't have the might to kill a God like that or at the very least can't risk it corrupting her. You can kill a God though, go fuck it up.
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Flame Monk or Blackflame Monk. The big balls go with the one eye of the Fell God nicely imo.
Don't forget the jp descriptions that hint that godfrey and radagon knew of eachother and had a sexual relationship. Unless messmer and melina really are godfrey and radagon and marikas kids from a fucked up threesome they were different people
i liked it with the scarlet rot gladiator stuff desu but you do you
I like the idea of playing a spell caster more than I do actually playing one.
Spells in Elden Ring are all so cool but when I fight a boss all I wanna do is hit him with a sword.
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Alright lads, tonight is a Euro Cup night and I plan to get absolutely hammered. After the game ends I'll be starting NG+. Anyone got some fun weapons / ideas of what I could try? Nothing too complicated as I'll be barely conscious.
>local retard cant read
>Discus of Light
>black mage
Nigga that's white mage territory. That being said you're making me wanna do a red mage build, we do have a lot of rapiers.
Just hit them with a sword when you're close and with projectiles when you're not. And if you ever get a big opening, do some wack shit like dragonmaw or lightning storm
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Having seen 'this' place, I can only say: "The Hornsent deserved EVERYTHING done to them".
The bear roar is complete zero damage trash. What is this point of this? Why not make it as good as the dragon roar?
Iron Balls (or any ballshaped weapon), because football
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I dont know that feel. spells 4 lyfe
I was actually worried for a bit before playing the DLC that From was going to do the "muh poor opressed people" bit with the hornsent, but nah they were just another equal civilization that got smacked into the dirt.
And if we lose?
that place and hornsent jumping you for no reason before Romina made me hate those people. Messmers crusade didn't go far enough.
They said as much in the trailer
>They were never saints...they were just on the losing side of a war.
>hornsent jumping you for no reason before Romina
where is that?
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I'm playing a bit fast and loose; so long as it's an offensive spell, I'ma castin' it. Wish we had a nice red hat though, that would be a fun build as well.
Then I'll kill it on my own I will free my beloved I will succeed where miquella failed and we WILL be together. We can even name our first son after he brother if she wishes
Based. Sounds good. What is a fun weapon I could use for that? You're also right, if we lose tonight I'm not watching another game of this cup.
At the grace right in front of Romina's boss room. You have to have summoned Hornsent for Messmer before though.
On the way thru the aquaducts with all the red cumbugs. I think it only happens if you summoned Hornsent to the mesmer bossfight?
this guy did WAY TOO MUCH DAMAGE. I was stacking defense buff and even then I got a third of my health bar deleted in a single swing
Where is his hair depicted blonde?
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>getting the iconic set in all promo art of the Tarnished requires you to do evil shit
Is the Tarnished canonically evil?
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>Even after the patch, at 80 INT the Carian Sorcery Sword caps out at 292 spellbuff
>For comparison, at 80 INT the Carian Regal Scepter has 373 and Lusat's has 413
>The closest competitor is the Demi-Human Queen Staff, which at 80 INT has 291 spellbuff
>This is the bottom tier of staves, the next lowest being the Meteorite Staff which can't be upgraded and is purely for twinking
It's still shit, unfortunately. The spellbuff it has now would be acceptable if they let you change the ash but you still can't. Why the fuck is this thing stuck with useless Impaling Thrust? They could've at least given it a decent ash if they wanted to lock it. It's like they're determined for this thing to be useless.
Level your skibidi. I did his boss at skibidi lvl 14 and his damage was nothing crazy.
Are Beast Claws better than Red Bears?
I rate before I sleep
literally perfect (me)
Very nice use of gold trim
Keep fighting the good fight. Looks good despite restrictions
Unexpected combo, but not bad at all
Pretty good Vilhelm. You can use the Dragon Communion Seal for a glowing red hand, and he casts miracles too so that'll be covered
I like it a lot. The exposed midriff on this armor makes me happy when I see it on female characters.
Absolutely winning top tier fashion and build. Love every part of it and will unashamedly do something similar on my next char
I like righty a lot, but lefty has a weird exposed area at the groin I can't get around.

Thanks for responding. Good night /erg/
Are you braindead? The Golden order I'd evil? Killing their devout followers is heroic and good
I sided with Leda and killed Hornsent, fucker deserved to die. And I don't know who or where Romina is. Haven't finished DLC yet.
Well... theres only really 3 dedicated madness weapons, 4 if you count the torch. I on the other hand would go something more madman instead of actual madness, keep that to the spells. Grab a butchering knife and use a roar ash of war, or great stars or similar big, fucked up looking weapon with wild strikes. And then just do your best to mix in madness incants between your attacks and during poisebreaks maybe.
Much. You can change their infusion, apply bloodflame blade, and their normal L2 is incredible while the bear one sucks balls.
I do not apologize to Mohg
Dryleaf arts to represent beating your wife.
Hammers are pretty great now. Grab a mace and bash some heads in
Are the gods of the hornsent, the divine bird and Devine beast and possibly some more actual real gods, or just superstition?
The Golden Order is good and brought unprecedented prosperity to the land, both The Tarnished and Ranni are evil.
Especially Ranni, literally orchestrated the bloodiest, most destructive war in all of history because she was selfish.
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>trying to beat Messmer
>keep trying to summon Hornsent even though the shit is nigh impossible with Messmer spazzing the fuck out
>any time I do somehow manage to get him out he dies extremely quickly
>give up and just kill Messmer with my mimic homie instead
>he's kneeling in the boss room afterwards whining
>later on he joins Leda to fight me in the big thunderdome battle (despite me telling her to kill him btw)
FUCK that fag and anybody related to him
alright hear me out: elden ring but with guns
Best hammers?
>Dryleaf arts to represent beating your wife.
Topkek. I'll be watching alone tonight, so that might be a good replacement. All of these sound like good options. I've never used anything other than a (small) great sword before in this game. Tried a katana once, but it was too small.
I did it at 17 and still felt it hit like a truck. He had a bazillion health too. I'm guessing he's one of hardest bosses meant to be fought last. Since he's hiding behind like 3 consecutive secret areas.
No idea on the lore of that guy or that whole area tho.
Why was Frenzy so prevalent there? It was implied the hornsent meant to execute him with the Barb Sword, but he "endured"
A necessary evil, to usher in a superior age.
Just beat commander GAYos in my 4th try. You guys weren't joking, what a shit fight. It felt like a dps check, kill him before he widdles down your heal supply with his RNG charge move. Carrian slicer'd him to death in about 2 minutes.
>no greatsword with claymore heavy stabs AND knight greatsword fancy lights
And big titty bitches
It'd be fun
Classic and it has neat R2s
>Morning Star
Also classic and you can poke with it, plus bleed
>the one that's literally just called hammer
I think it's the longest infusible one
>Nox flowing hammer
Beating your wife over a sports game is a very British thing though. I have personally never heard of it happening before over here. I'm leaning towards a hammer and / or madness. Though I absolutely hate using spells or anything of the like. I just want a big weapon, hit something and BOINK.
and microtransactions!
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I absolutely love this armor set. Will definitely use it when I go into NG+ and respec into pure STR.
You beat him post-nerf, he originally spawned right in front of the gate after your first try intro'd him (giving him a free charge attack and you no time to buff).
I'd kill for a Bloodbourne spiritual successor, preferably made by Miyazaki, with all the good of elden ring.
I prefered that, honestly. Now I have to wait for him to come all the way over.
>Why was Frenzy so prevalent there
Agin Untouchables appeared after Midra started torturing himself as envoys and corrupted the lands with their sheer presence. Anticipating the birth of a promising Lord of Frenzy.
Smithstone hammer
I didn't use any buffs and he literally started each attempt with a charge from a mile away (that I got hit with 3/4 times), so I'll treat it the same.
Will Marika ever truly love the Tarnished after becoming his consort? Would she be plotting against the murder hobo behind his back?
>he literally started each attempt with a charge from a mile away (that I got hit with 3/4 times)
imagine that but he's charging before you even get to see him properly + lock on, and the timing is whiffed so you can't muscle memory the roll.
She'd be content if you just leave her with a dog or a horse
I think it's time we admit dancing lion was the best fight of the dlc
>Find new cool weapon and set
>it's obviously meant to be it's own playstyle
>requires full commitment and respeccing to be viable.
I'll just stick to what I'm doing for now. I've wasted all my ancient smithing stones leveling weapons that turned out to be mediocre or that I didn't understood which attribute they scaled with and which items they need to actually function
>needs INT
Useless trash.
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I am writing a fanfiction where they fall in love and live happily ever after. So that's how it goes down because I'm always right
We’re going Goldmask Perfect Order so any of her w*man feelings will be irrelevant.
>wasted all my ancient smithing stones leveling weapons that turned out to be mediocre
That's why I always make sure to only level weapons to +9/+24 so I can make sure I actually enjoy using them before I commit fully.
11 int and 11 faith.
Bitch you can stand 11 int. that's 3 levels on most classes, like 5 at max.
>eats your camera while one of the best themes in all of fromslop is blaring
Source on what exactly?
It was AIDS, and I wish death upon whichever chucklefuck thought it would be funny to copy and paste the boss into Rauh.
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Depends on the ending, Goldmask gives her the vacation she so sorely needs, Ranni leaves her to freeze and die alone, Unresolved / Death is the same shit but more depressing for her and everyone (but at least she's not dealing with Radagon any more), Frenzied Flame kills her, Dung Eater makes everybody around her give her Hornsent PTSD and would be a living unending nightmare.
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i stance broke him... does that mean i didn't win? this was the only reposte i got. i stance broke him once in phase 1 too but i missed the reposte by greeding for an extra r1
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Wanna hear something that'll make you all seethe?
The only reason that Fromsoft increases the speed and aggression of the enemies is because they've become far too self-aware about their reputation as le hard game devs (you'd know that most games prior to 2000 were harder yet most of you haven't hit 20 yet), they need to increase player speed because they have ran out of ideas as to how to make the game challenging in an interesting manner.
Their next - Demons Souls 15 or whatever - will be exactly the same. Because, as I've said, they have ran out of ideas.
Would you like to know what has a better story than all Fromsoft games? Literally any book. Just because something is vague doesn't make it deep; you pretend otherwise as you are a midwit.
Both Capcom and Rockstar are the superior computer game developers, cope about it.
> but the DLC is fromsofts best work always;
Shadow of the Erdtree? The expansion with the boring environments and the re-used bosses and the "story" that doesn't add anything? THIS is the best that video games have to offer? Holy kek.
When will you fags get your Monte Cristo, your Blood Meridian, your Citizen Cane? Because I'm not impressed so far, fags.
>host dies in one hit
>1037 hp

why do viglets exist at RL150 summon range???
PSSS being the bestest
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we got guns here, partner. get you one
Ah, I see. So Midra's torture (most hardcore stuff I've ever seen) produced such Madness within him it actually summoned envoys. Crazy!
There isn't any indication of him touching Madness or the 3 Fingers otherwise, it sprouted spontaneously solely from his torment. That's brutal!
In hindsight, Nanaya was evil, she was guiding his actions all along, she wanted to produce a Lord of Frenzy Flame
>see frog
>dont read
simple as
try again but with a cute anime girl, or off-model marika coombait
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I did as much as the map as possible without killing any remembrance boss. The only bosses I killed were Ancient Dragonman to access jagged peak and charo's grave and Inquisitor Jori to access Abyssal woods. I didn't even kill Golden Hippo because you can access the specimen storage from Chruch District. I have 16 scadu level
The DLC would have been better if Miquella's consort and the final boss was Leda.
How many times are they gonna reuse the exact same dragon fights? The third ghostflame dragon is like the 20th dragon like this I've fought
I beat Radahn without summons, with a horrible skin rash around my legs and ballsack. Talk about a fucking handicap. Though trying not to scratch filled me with so much anger that I could push myself far enough to do it.
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Kino finish good job
Way too many words, summarize please
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Wait, Rellanas armor gives male character boobplates? Is there any pants that gives female characters a fat futacock bulge? Asking for a friend.
what is even left of Marika after beating Elden Beast? Is she even alive at that point? What are the implications of killing the incarnation of the God which acts as envoy for the Greater Will?
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>right now all souls ware chilling safely in the Erdtree until they are reborn
>Ranni wants to throw them all in the endless void
What is her problem?
Rockstar is dead. It's over. GTA 5 fucking sucks and it's all about making money from kids online. The next games won't be any better.
the summons makes the fight objectively harder truth be told
the hp bloat is fucking insane
My theory that radagon was a half-giant who got captured by hornsent for his red hair and stuffed in the same jar as marika. They survived but got fused in the process. I guess they can operate independently of each other but not for long (while radagon was breeding with renalla marika tried to cure messmer and planned the whole hornsent genocide etc.).
This would also explain their relationships - starting with love caused by shared trauma then coming to realization you're basically stuck together for eternity against your will.
99.9% sure Nanaya was a bodysnatched agent of Frenzy like Hyetta
woah boobies O_O
No shield, summons, buffs or anything like that. Just me and my weapon. Learning the boss and the fight itself was great though, I needed something to distract me from wanting to scratch my bals. Now I' m fucked.
Lack of dick
Women in positions of authority 101
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Intro art the strands of his hair we can see match that of miquella's. He has light hair in the paintings in volcano manner, and in the manga he's blonde.
Lesson learned the hard way.
BTW who here figured out Midra was weak to holy and hemorrhage BEFORE beating him and without look it up online?
I fucked up and used lightning. Was way harder than it needed to be.
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>Japanese game
>By Japanese people
>No good Samurai armor
Banished knight pants have a codpiece
It's not the "bestest" but it's extremely high tier. Go watch any pvp videos, look up any tier lists by major players in the community, etc, PSSS are unanimously agreed to be incredibly oppressive and they're quite strong in PvE too. Greatswords meanwhile are just fine, nothing special. Solid middle of the road weapons as a whole. Largely this is because PSSS has wide fast sweep attacks and the moveset features a quick poke on the running L1. Greatswords meanwhile just kinda do slow clumsy sweeps and slashes with every move.
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Would you have clapped if this happened during the 1st grab, rebuffing the charm instead of the broken rune?
>The only reason that Fromsoft increases the speed and aggression of the enemies is because they've become far too self-aware about their reputation as le hard game devs (you'd know that most games prior to 2000 were harder yet most of you haven't hit 20 yet), they need to increase player speed because they have ran out of ideas as to how to make the game challenging in an interesting manner.
Yes, this is a common criticism, Miyazaki is a hack.
>Their next - Demons Souls 15 or whatever - will be exactly the same. Because, as I've said, they have ran out of ideas.
Yes, this is a common criticism, Miyazaki is a hack.
>Would you like to know what has a better story than all Fromsoft games? Literally any book. Just because something is vague doesn't make it deep; you pretend otherwise as you are a midwit.
Just because it's on paper doesn't make it deep; you pretend otherwise as you are a midwit.
>Both Capcom and Rockstar are the superior computer game developers, cope about it.
Crapcom is dead in the water and Rockstar is filled with pozzed diversitybeans with their next game (GTA5 2) being about a afro-latinx "woman".
>> but the DLC is fromsofts best work always;
It's not.
>When will you fags get your Monte Cristo, your Blood Meridian, your Citizen Cane?
Just because something is old doesn't make it deep; you pretend otherwise as you are a midwit + it's Citizen Kane, retard brownoid
> Because I'm not impressed so far, fags.
Videogames have been taken seriously as a medium for less than a decade; compared to film and television which have has milennia / centuries of heritage, and even to this day it's still getting it's starts and only beginning to overcome the technological restraints. If you think The Ballad of Gay Tony is strong in comparsion, you're a retard.

7/10 bait at least you put effort into it paco, rare thing these day.
traps >>>>>> loli
No they don't, that's part of the chestpiece.
90% of people run a bleed build by default.
kill yourself TRannifag
She doesn't freeze or die alone. Marika crumbles in ranni's ending she dies then and there. The cold ranni speaks of involves her and the tarnished leaving for space. Marika is given peace in death. She can be with the few dead of her village and hopefully wherever godwyns soul went if it wasn't outright destroyed.
>throw them in an endless void
You are aware her ending in English is mostly the same as Japanese right? The English version is just more flowery in the way she talks.
faggot seethe, I killed your twinkfag and his barahomo
I don't care about PVP at all, we're talking about PVE. Poise damage is king and psss suckswhile psgs is good. Jumping psgs l1 trivializes the entire fucking game.
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>1037 hp
you're being incredibly generous
does miquella's crown give a new ending? i don't really wanna finish base game
Really hoping that the Greatsword of Damnation gets nerfed into utter uselessness desu. I'm already sick of seeing it

The cold Ranni speaks of, is her gaping maw of a cunt. Theres no peace for Marika, knowing her daughter fucked up everything and killed her favorite child for personal gain. And Godwyns soul is fucking annihilated, all because of some stuck up blue cunts atheist phase.
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No one likes marikafags or rannifags they're a blight upon this general. Anyone with a functioning brain not addled with cum goes for goldmask.
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Sad but true. It's From's fault for making bleed so easy, Frostbite and Fire are both hard to build for and pretty late game
Didn't read a word of that.
Stuck? More like literally got there and forgot to farm the crystal tear. Where is your level 1 run without summons? Oh, that's right. You have none.
...What the fuck is a PSSSSSSSS and PSGS?
I literally said it's great in PvE too.
>Jumping psgs l1 trivializes the entire fucking game.
Sure but if that's all you're going to do there's better PS options that do more poise damage and more actual damage. Certainly not a point for the Marais, especially with how short it is and how low it's AR is.
>they have ran out of ideas.
Yes and no. I've seen countless concepts recycled. rehashed and evolved every new iteration. I've seen many new things too or iteration or evolutions of old concepts which express creativity.

I wholeheartedly believe Miyzaki is yet to run out of creative juice. It's fine to carry on old ideas and tinker with them over time.
>Demon Vanguard > Asylum Demon (DS1) > Stray Demon (DS3) > Erdtree Avatar
A concept evolved and tinkered with which brings something new upon every new iteration, while retaining it's root. These concepts and ideas have value and only a fool would discard them entirely in pursuit of inventing a new wheel every time.
Take from the old and make it new. Make something new, add it to the pool.
I'm looking forward to what "Asylum Demon" will look like next time
Power stanced straight swords and power stances great spears I think?
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Absolutely, Goldmask is the best outcome for the world, its just not as satisfying as Age of Stars because it doesnt have a cool questline and cutscene in the end.
>PSSS = power stance straight sword
>PSGS = power stance greatsword
Lurk moar, newfag-kun.
ds1 weapon
Do you think marika is control of grace. Your answer will determine whether or not I continue this conversation
Marika is the hero of elden ring seethe.
I mean like it's only the bets outcome for the world if yoy accept and think that like an unwavering golden order is a moral good
You said it was great for pve with absolutely no justification
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I think Marika is in control of my PENIS
lmao wtf
does ancient ruins of rauh have the worst invader spawns in the game? I've only successfully spawned near the host twice, and both times they waltzed into the boss fight
I'm impressed they switched it up a bit for Ghostflame dragons, honestly. Was expecting even less from FromSoft, but it makes me suspicious that they neutered base game drakes and saved the full moveset for these guys. As they essentially have the same physical moveset as drakes but these ones feel 'complete'
i thought i'd grow to like boobs as i got older but i still feel literally nothing looking at this. in fact i think its kinda gross and it turns me off a little
The divine bird boots work with dane's footwork
I just wish they disnt look so dumb...
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Do you atleast like wide hips, skinny waists, and soft, non-male skin? (Miquella is rough and coarse to the touch, due to the cross-pattern collagen structure of his MALE skin)
just got stunlocked by a single gugs r1 from neutral
how is this even possible
It is. You are restoring it to the best times before Marika lost faith and started doing retarded shit and lock her out of doing retarded shit again.
No pain no gaim
Not that guy you replied to, but I get turned on by pretty much everything BUT breasts and ass. Maybe I'm just retarded.
So is Metyr the most important character lorewise? If I take Ymir’s words at face value it sounds like if Metyr hadn’t been broken then whatever the GW had planned for the lands would have gone according to plan.
Quick wide hits off rolls, backsteps, and a lot of range on the running L1. But if your argument is just going to be:
Then I'm arguing with a caveman and I'm not content to continue.
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only question unansered was what crime did Midra commit to be sentenced to the most cruel torture imaginable.
Oh and the hornsent knew about Frenzy btw.
And the road leading to and the woods themselves, and the mansion itself are full of hornsent inquisitors. Doesn't make a lot of sense
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>footfags and armpitfags
can't believe there are people that unironically simp for miquella's order when his mind control is literally a boss mechanic.
Nagakiba guy?
Yeah but again that still assumes that you think the ideal outcome is "The unwavering law of an alien that wants to subjugate the world, except now no one can ever change it or get any wiggle room either" is the ideal, ehich like there's lots of reasons why you like might not want that ti be a thing
What about tummy?
Thats fine anon, the negrolatry of modern female "beauty" standards can be a bit off-putting. So long as you don't like DICK and smelly MAN ASS straight up.
Remember, no matter how much Miquella shaves, you can still feel distinct stubbles, and his skin will be more leathery and firm than that of a real female. Not to mention the smell of his body odor, and bonestructure, and muscle inserts.
I want to give Rennala a full moon moonpie
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I just wish there was an option to side with him. Even if it ended up being a “bad ending”
it was dogshit
I am too stupid to comprehend anything more complicated than pure Strength, Dex, or straight forward, faith based incantations.
Arcane is "arcane" to me
a fellow centurii-chan chad
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That makes no sense. You're here to become elden lord, not serve another lord.
They can't accept that the tarnished is canonically built for goddess pussy. That canonically the tarnished is after golden or blueberry pussy. That the tarnished has killed gods over his lust for pussy. They can't accept that elden ring is an anti-gay game. It hates gay men which is why the final boss is a fag duo.
I think the main problem is like
If they did let you side with him, because of like thw nature of the dlc like having to let you finish the base game still, it would probably be a letdown if like his plot ended up being "Okay now totally trust me I'll come back for my age later on with you, thanks"
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How cringe and un-lore-friendly is it that I RP this guy having been a Tarnished who lost what little Grace he had because he challenged Malenia, got his arm Vergil'd by her and then, because of her slightly fucked vision and pre-Millicent amnesia, she confused him for Miquella/Godwyn and raped him but he remained smitten by her and vowed to be her hand hence trying to emulate her style and fighting?
If your weapon has native bleed on it, you're playing a bleed build. That 45 bleed keen nagakiba? Yep, bleed weapon. Heavy great stars? Bleed weapon. If it has even one TIDDLYWINK of bleed build-up, you're playing a bleed build.
Those designs are so rad
Torrent sprint should have been i-frames for fights like cummander gay ass
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>Tamed Messmer
Miquella as god and the player as Elden Lord. The player replacing Radahn as consort. I don’t think it would have been my preferred ending. I just wish there were more options.
That might have been a letdown, but I think it’s even more of a letdown how the DLC just abruptly ends the way it does right now.
I hate how you can't play as a gay male in this game seriously why? Why couldn't we have miquella?
So are you
You also cannot play as a straight woman.
They aren't going to put in an ending where the player can marry a god trapped in the body of a child. Even Miyazaki isn't that fucking stupid, it'd be PR suicide.
>Invaded by the most abhorrent and unashamed spell/L2 spammer I've ever seen
>Check steam profile after getting rid of them
>ching chong ping pong moonrunes

We nuked the wrong gooks.
>They can't accept that elden ring is an anti-gay game
but... marika is radagon, so fucking marika is gay
and marika fucked renalla (cosplaying as radagon), so marika is cheking all the alphabet soup boxes: bi, gay, lesbian and tranny.

why can't you accept that she has a dick?
>loud annoying high pitched voice
>fat and weak
>emotionally fragile
>don't wash their hair
>can pick you up
>has the funnest bits
Well, there is one way
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I resent the facts which you've laid before me
>We nuked the wrong gooks.
Give it a few years, decade tops.
The Japanese version instead of remains uses corpse


Radagon is dead. Even if marika isn't.
They were testing the waters in Sekiro and in that game is was an actual child.
>all the bad qualities of women, but their skin isnt even soft, and they have dogshit fat distribution so you feel their hip and thighbones uncomfortably
Yup, turns out Dadagon, Chadan, and Pre-snek Rykard were the true waifus all along
You don't marry him in Sekiro
Not really, The Greater Will seems to encompass the universe and the equivalent of the Big Bang is a consequence of its designs.
Goldmask learns to understand the workings of the universe and how to best put it all into practice, as the system works by itself without you needing a vassal to govern over you.
I am not sure The Greater Will can even be considered an outer god, it seems much more vast and powerful than that, and I am not sure if it has particular goals and intelligence or if its literally spacetime/causality given a fantasy dressing.
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Shabiri hammers home and the dlc with the horse talismam also supports that tarnished who go frenzy flame do it out of love for their maidens. That ending is the "I'm a yandere in love with melina" ending. You burn the world for her, even if she doesn't want it.
the skibidi bullshit ruined co-op. I just got summoned to a Bayle fight. dude was at level fucking 4
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more importantly: why morgott does not have a dick?
is it an omen thing?
was he a she all the time?
what the fuck is wrong with this family??
>Bosses hit so hard with one single move that happens in less than half a second from beginning to end of animation that it takes two and a half sips to fully heal
I really hope their next game rethinks what is a reasonable sip.
What the fuck were they thinking with this shitty system? What's the point?
progression just doesn't make sense with it. your first optional boss is going to make you cry but once you've gotten a bunch of blessings they all take like 10% damage with each swing
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Second try on my SL1 guy. Mohg is such a kino fight.
Atp im about to just leave when i get summoned and the host has an absurdly low skibidi. why the fuck are we fighting the flower at skibidi 3
Giving a sense of growing stronger for finished builds that doesn’t get much from leveling anymore.
Implementation is flawed but the idea isn’t bad in itself.
My view and like understanding of it is that the Greater Will is identical like to the Formless Mother, Frenzied Flame, whatever the names of like the rest are. But that like it's just that The Greater Will is 'winning' in this region basically and has the strongest grasp at this time and of this age, but that like that doesn't mean it's inherently stronger or above, it's just ascendant at this time and it could/would eventually be usurped !,# that all the Outer gods just endlessly like compete to leak in to spread their system/pattern on the world.
You can still love aomeone and do stuff for them and not be attracted to them, I tell my best friend I love them all the time and tell them to say it back, that doesn't imply anything about deeper relationship beyond that
>fog wall
>already in the boss fight
>fog wall
>already in the boss fight
>fog wall
>opposite side of open world map
>fog wall
>limgrave gank
>opposite side of open world map
>fog wall
two years.
Bro? Your Crimson Seed Talisman??? Stop crying like a retarded bitch and find solutions to your problems??? Skill issue???
Ranni's ending doesn't even get rid of the influence of the greater will, whether she realizes it or not, the moon is amongst the satellites closest to us, but still has a piece of the greater wills influence in it, especially if you consider the greater will to be closer to a big bang. She's just moving everything so people can stop fucking with the elden ring. The REAL issue with her ending is, it's just that. It's new age is the old age without the unification the golden order allows for mankind. Some good can come of it but also bad. It's the "independent new vegas" ending for elden ring. It's a wildcard and will likely lead to chaos with the only actual leadership around being the inexperienced nepheli and the near catatonic rennala.
>Using status like bleed and cold
What's the fucking point of an SL1 run if you're going to abuse % damage status shit?
>yeah man I beat the game at SL1 with a +0 broken straight sword without the stats to wield it im totally not just seething because i will never be as good as you
I gurantee your best friend is attracted to you. I know because I'm your best friend and dream about is being married often.
What does your name start with?
Why do you retards refuse to use the best talisman in the entire game?
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>be me
>have 50 arcane and not much else
what weapons am i supposed to use? marais greatsword is pretty mediocre, and so are the regalia of eochaid even when powerstanced.
>Do my first run of the DLC, Dex character, lightning claymore with giant's hunt
>Bosses take a couple of tries, nothing too bad except the stupid flower
>Rhadan is bad but fair, I manage to kill him using the Sekiro flask
>Try my dragon incantations knight for the second run, 25 faith/60 arcane
>Everything folds like paper against RoB or Mogh's tridente
>The nugget is awesome even after the nerf
>Nothing takes more than a couple of tries
Do NOT use arcane for your first DLC playthrough, it's easy mode.
>Because something is simple it can't be effective
That's neat I guess
bleed fucking sucks vs radahn why is everyone and their mother running it? I could have procced cold 10 times by the time it takes to make him bleed.
Unfortunately the Metyr = scorpion/god of rot theory doesn't hold up.

>Rotten Butterflies
>The scarlet butterflies are as the Goddess of Rot's wings. Bereft of a master, they were soothed by Romina, who reached out to them.

>Pest-Thread Spears
>The pests are abandoned servants, and it is for this reason that they found a mother in the Saint of the Bud.

So there's an actual goddess of rot out there that looks something like the flying spider scorpions.
Because it's booooorimg
NTA, but what you did really isn't any impressive. Mohg is one of the simpler bosses if you just hug him, and the bleed/cold abuse is wild.
Looks like you didn't use the ritual shield talisman atleast, which makes you slightly cooler than usual, but pipe down nonetheless
I believe the point of doing a RL1 run is to remain at RL1 for the run.
It's insane how much this boosts your flasks... I didn't think it would be that powerful but it's just great.
Blood chicken wing.
Don't be retarded, I'm just questioning why bother with it when you're gonna trivialize the entire major drawback of doing it at SL1? That being low damage, it seems very silly. Almost pointless.
play without trannystatuses and actually beat the game
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So has anyone figured out what's up with the elden ring in faram azula? What happened to all of those runes? Or is it a different elden ring than the one we see ingame? If it's a seperate one couldn't another elden ring just be sent down if ranni takes the old one?
They could find a way around that problem. Maybe you don’t become Miquella’s consort - maybe some other arrangement is achieved. Either way, I was just hoping the DLC would give us another ending or two. I still liked the DLC a lot, but I’m a bit disappointed about that.
No it fucking isnt, you can level up even in most spiritual RL1 runs so long as you're sticking to the theme.
the only trannystatus here is your brain damage. fuck off.
Takes about one cast of impenetrable thorns
>You can poison Belurat's spider scorpions
>You can poison the literal walking steroid insects that shit and piss poison
i like mob spirit ashes because i can RP as a thug and those are just my black homies helping jump a little pussy ass white boi.
and when we stance break an ennemy i tell them to pin him down and take turns raping him
bleed m'lady
nta but talking about the Divine girl probs. In the best ending she takes Kuro's spirit into her as vessel, almost a 1:1 allegory for Virgin Mary's impregnation, hell even the ages may coincide.
So you set out on a journey, with your (child) partner (wife), that you've sworn yourself into (marriage), and she's 'carrying' with your former son surrogate inside her.

It's not explicit but the implications are wild. Marrying Miquella (forma de infante) wouldn't be even close to the most controversial ending FromSoft has done.
I assume it might just like be a visual to convey the message that there was a super-amazing golden age that's like long-past now even like if you do get all the stuff
i was half joking i really hope you aren't actually my friend im kinda nervous now i dont want to ruin our friendship
thughunt goes in all fields
Sounds like you're just moving goalposts around.
The hint is in the name.
Rune level 1.
You keep your rune level, at 1.
I never said it wasn't effective. But if you're going to just spam jump L1 and trivialize the game you might as well grab two occult great stars and do it with those. It defeats the point of even discussing PvE "viability" if you're just gonna fall back on boring spam stuff to cheese every encounter.
NTA but what? How does this make any sense
I will suck your cock next time I see you
Any weapon that has innate bleed with an occult infusion. Any weapon with a blood infusion (it's not the best way to do it, but it's manageable)
Blood Chicken Wing. Poison Chicken Wing with Poison Flower Blooms twice.
Occult Venomous Fangs with mushroom armor and rot exultation shit.
Bloodfiends Occult Fork
Bloodfiend Sacred Spear
Mohgs Spear
Poison Hand
I dont think that I'm the person you're thinking of but I consider us friends anyway
Based Demi-Human enjoyer.
Too late, I already had my bottom surgery T^T
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RL1 is a mindset, for example i'm currently level 200 but i don't use bleed, that means i'm spiritualy a RL1 player
Why are there so many nobles? Why aren't there peasants?
I guess viability is really just style points then.
You're the retarded one here.
The point of an SL1 run is to stay at SL1.
You're just coping and trying to shift goalposts but SL1 runs always permitted anything so long as you remained at SL1.
You would know this if you weren't a secondary.
>My view and like understanding of it is that the Greater Will is identical like to the Formless Mother, Frenzied Flame, whatever the names of like the rest are.
This is not the case, its a much broader force, all celestial bodies seem to be under its purview. But what you are saying was the initial understanding around the release of the game.
>Ranni's ending doesn't even get rid of the influence of the greater will, whether she realizes it or not, the moon is amongst the satellites closest to us
Yes, essentially the moon and the stars are just parts of the Greater Will. Her approach has pros and cons. On the one hand the Elden Ring is safer, since in Goldmask ending technically someone could usurp you and fuck up the ring again. On the other, the lands between will be plunged into chaos, so who knows how things will end.
What do you guys think Marika was like as a mother to Messmer? The fact that Messmer is so dedicated to the task he was given by her, despite resenting it and being abandoned leads me to think there must have been at least some care or affection in the past that would have made Messmer so loyal.
the soldiers?

Sorry faggot I don't own kneesocks, a skirt, nor a buttplug with a tail on it because I refuse to level dex.
Grow up, level STR like you never got blackmailed into changing your gender by /r9k/ gooners.
The peasants are busy working, only NEET noblechads have the luxury to walk around moaning and confused during the shattering
I believe I understand why the Battle of Aeonia happened and what was the vow.
The new Radahn Greatswords are the Greatswords Radahn had BEFORE he conquered the Stars. The description makes it clear because it's very important.
The Greatswords use light but have no faith and have a different engraving from the gravity sigil, but the description also says it does not rely on strength and gravity alone. Radahn made a vow to become Miquella's Consort, and in turn Miquella helped him conquer the Stars. But when that happened Radahn just fashioned a completely new set of swords with gravity engravings and acquired the title of "Starscourge Radahn". The description of the new sword SPECIFICALLY states that these new gravity crest engravings are from AFTER he already acquired reknown with this title.
This is something I never noticed before, but really makes me believe there was a deliberate intention to set up this betrayal mini-plot.

Another thing I noticed and that might confirn Radahn's agenda is that Miquella says "If you have known sin, if you grieve for this world".
The Demigods active in the Lands Between represent the 7 deadly sins.

Morgott - Envy, self explanatory with its hunt of all tarnished that received the call of grace.
Rykard - Gluttony, the desire to acquire more and more power and to fagocitate all
Mohg - Lust, while Miquella's charm is a low hanging fruit, even before that Mohg Great Rune speaks of his devout love for the Formless Mother
Godrick - Covetousness, not just for limbs and body parts to grab, but treasures, even a part of Godwyn which brings ruin to Stormveil
Malenia - Wrath. Malenia heals with aggression and nuked a continent
Rennala - Sloth/Apathy. This is blatant
Radahn - Pride, he prides himself of his heritage, of his connection with Radagon, the Champion of Liurnia, and to become a Lord of Battlefield like Godfrey. His desire to challenge the Stars stems from his pride, which is why he hides the secret that Miquella made it possible.
cut if off by accident with all the horns and tails that were growing
If you're abusing status or other % sources of damage, it's not an SL1 run worthy of praise. Keep coping though I guess.
I like the idea of SL1 but I don't really enjoy it in practice because not all the classes start at SL1.
>goal post shift
Rune level says 1.
It's an RL1 run.
Why are you coping and seething so much?
Is it because you can't do it?
rot is easily the weirdest outer god. theres no god of frenzy flame or god of the formless mother, but item descriptions make it sound a lot like there was a god of rot that had a physical form like marika but this whole god who should have been the most powerful being in the lands between isn't really significant as an individual and there is nothing about what they actually did during their time.
mad much?
Does your name begin witb C
above: marika's pubes
below: clean cut
Schizo post
I fucking hate how intentionally long the sip animation is, specially the recovery, and how animation reading heal punish attacks are designed to be 1/10 of a second faster than the sips so I get hit guaranteed.. It's shit game design and dynamic. Sekiro had it right, bosses reacted to healing but it wasn't always 100% a punish.
What is the current status of INT/FTH builds?
Oh I haven't gotten to that point. In the dlc if it contradicts what k said then
I kinda prefer what I said so that's a little sad but hopefully it's good
The swords have faith because they're made from Miquella's and Radahn's remembrance not because Miquella buffed them to help Radahn conquer the stars retard kun.
I can see some of the flaw and pitfalls of the Ranni ending. But it’s still the one I choose. I guess my lonely character simply fell in love with Ranni lol.
You can literally apply the 7 deadly sins to anything, its such lowhanging fruit
>"uhm uuuhm uuuuh, Malenia hits you with a sharp stick, that means she is the embodiment of the sin of wrath"
you fucking pseud
I did an RL1 run without status though? It was much more skillful than this cheese slop you're doing. If you're gonna abuse bleed and cold you may as well say fuck it and level up.
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It's pretty barebones, but I think it looks cool.

Not sure about the gloves, but I like the rest of it.

Looks like every edge lord fashion I used pre-dlc. Kino.

Not 100% sold on the hat, I think it should be the black one? Maybe? Either way looks good.
all of them have pitfalls. what each ending means in practice is not at all clear.
the point is that he is Lvl 1 and has to use every advantage possible that isn't summons
you're a retarded larper and have no idea what the principles of a SL1 run are
They should just delay the npc reaction to be a reaction that actually takes place when the visual part of the pulling up the flask, rather than like it instantly happening the moment your character twitches their arm.
They can even like be after to compensate and end up the same, it's mostly just bad because of how it feels to be instantly targeted before your character even like looks like they've started the animation at all
>called out for being a retard
>derails completely
do you need help with any bosses, anon? just put "mad much?" in all the password fields and I'll help you. No need to tell the people ITT even.
Just as bad as it was pre-DLC really. Despite them adding a dual catalyst the scaling on it is trash making it not worth using and while they added new INT/FTH weapons, they're all worse than the SoNaF. So you have more options now, but unfortunately they are inferior to options you had before. They also added some funny new INT/FTH spells but that's the only actually good thing for the build they did really.
>he used weapons
Yeah man I done an RL1 run just before this one and used only my bare fists. You never did a REAL SL1 run until you didn't use weapons.
What's the point in doing an SL1 run when you're going to abuse and cheese it using weapons with damage.
For me, it’s mostly that the other endings all suck. Frenzy is gay Human Instrumentality Project. And in all the others, my reward is simply that I am the King now. I get to be a politician and run a government. Fuuuuuck that. Ranni is the easy choice. .
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>The swords have faith
Neither swords have faith, which is exactly the point
>because they're made from Miquella's and Radahn's remembrance
The description specifically states those are the swords Radahn had right before conquering the Stars
Actually pay attention and read the posts first if you reply to them
Notice how many straight lines the clean version has? It's the pattern of Radagon Golden Order so it might be the culling of Runes to reduce chaos in the natural order.
I got summoned for rellana and host was skibidi 1,,,,
Why are you so mad? I only pointed out you're using cheese which defeats the point of doing SL1. If you don't agree with me it's very easy to just ignore me.
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Yeah, cant fly away from or bleed my anti air marionettes, bitch ass fuck, can you?
I just pointed out that you didn't do a real SL1 run unlike me since you used weapons and cheesed the whole mindset of an SL1 run.
Why are you bothered?
good job cutie
Anon now you're just being silly. Either kiss me on the mouth or move on.
>Gaius just one=shot me with his overlapping multihitbo charge
bro I was within 10% of his health, fucking stupid jap codemonkeys
>using marionette summons
I like you
>You can literally apply the 7 deadly sins to anything, its such lowhanging fruit
Not really, not 7/7 when it fits so well with the characterization of each Demigod
>>"uhm uuuhm uuuuh, Malenia hits you with a sharp stick, that means she is the embodiment of the sin of wrath"
She literally nukes a continent after being hit
Radahn ad example, even ignoring the DLV, is all about pride and wanting to dl the impossivle just for a cool title
>old SL1 runs in DS1 were all maxed out occult club or lightning battle axe shit with a full suite of pyromancy spells
>Fags now pretend SL1 is about gimping yourself instead of making the absolute most of what you have access to
Nothing silly about it, was a hard run. You should try to do a real SL1 playthrough next time, it's worth it.
Member when spells were cast from the actual glintstone on the glintstone staff, and not from your fist? Yeah I member.
I feel like Malenia would be pride, and Radahn wrath, he's literally a mindless beast like killing people in a desert.
Either way though I think that that's seeing patterns that aren't here though, it's japanese company /&÷_ like Christian arsthwticw but they tend to not get too nitty gritty into like concepts like that I wouldn't rhink
>lorian is teleported around by lothric
>lorian is visually spectacular when he's fighting you
>lothric does revive lorian, but you can hit lothric on his back when they're together; it is generally a fight against two characters

if i didn't see the radahn and miquella fight done before far better (on a much older game), maybe i wouldn't be as underwhelmed.
I did do one tho
nah nah nah bros, radahn is literally gluttony, because he eats corpses
You used weapons though so you didn't really. Went against the whole mindset of an SL1 run.
Every sorcery in the game requires a glintstone staff of some sort.
I think the actual answer is that the 7 deadly sins are generally applicable to most situations, atleast one of them will be, and so in any large scale list and esspecially one of really flawed people like the demigods you can really make any of them fir for any of them
Its like the periodic table but for stories, it's easy this ee patterns that aren't actually there
It's just newfag tourists who are butthurt at seeing people play better than them. Every single RL1/SL1 run has always used whatever tools available to maximise possible damage outside of exploits unless imposing secondary restrictions on the run.
"you didn't beat midir SL1 in DS3 unless you killed him over 12 hours with a broken weapon you can't wield hitting for 1 damage like the one guy who streamed it because you were using more damage than allowed"
Spotted the newfag
he's refering to where the particles and projectiles are emerging from on the staff, dumdum
buy 999 thin bone bolts so you can craft more bone bolts every 9 shots
That's it, come over here and kiss my hot mouth you silly willy walnut head.
are greater will and gravity magic are tied together or is there something that says otherwise? greater will almost just seems to be gravity itself, forming "stars" by drawing a bunch of space dust together with gravity and then hurtling some of them towards the lands between with gravity magic. the mother finger's orb and ymir's orbs also look suspiciously like black holes
>I feel like Malenia would be pride, and Radahn wrath
No, there's nothing that indicates that Malenia is pride
>m-muh never known defeat
I'm not talking about a random line of dialogue. I'm talking about Radahn's entire chsracter being extremely prideful and his desire to measure to the Legendary Lord that is Godfrey. The base game lore quite literally states that he wanted to conquer the Stars to be called Starscourge, despite years of headcanons about Radahn wanting to stop alien invasions
Would have been rather silly but my wife protecting me would be cute
I dont think so. He said that marika was ALWAYS broken. It was them that broke the fingers not the other way around, they corrupted their mother by merging with schizo golden niggas.
I feel like acting like and viewing yourself like the blade of your brother to accomplish his goals of godhood is pretty prideful
Shut up, lore is about whatever I make up
But the base game states that Radahn stopped the stars primarily to save Sellia.
This is so so so so so so true
It be cooler if the Frenzied Flame's control over the Tarnished overrode Miquella's charm.
why are coombrains so retarded?
>two faggots having a low T momemnt, arguing over the purity of a SL1 run
>me, not able to do a SL1 run and not caring about being shit at the game
>notice the glaring fact that neither of these homosexuals have posted video of their SL1 run
You're both shit at the game until you post video proving otherwise.
Agreed, fellow tradcath zoomer
Oh I was reading it completely differently with how the “fault is always with the mother/fault is always at the root”. In essence blaming Marika for her fucked up children, and then blaming Metyr’s faulty guidance for Marika getting fucked up in the first place.
im gonna be honest. I always try to play a theme and that goes for summons.
Lightning build? Dragon Knight or Denh.
Bleed build? The pestilent dogs or imps (because there are no Mohg summons)
Bestial Build? Any animal summons, including jellifish, the three wolves or Denh.
There are so many summons that theres one good or at least serviceable for every kind of build theme.
>what each ending means in practice is not at all clear.
Yeah and it’s frustrating. I know vagueness is intentional in FromSoft games. But I feel that the story could be much more satisfying if they were just a little bit more clear about some things.
So how the fuck does a faith build handle Gaius?
You DID beat the game, because unlike the other fags ITT, you actually seem to have fun. If only we all could be so blessed.
>there are no Mohg summons
Well you got the orc now who also worships the formless mother.
>people lying
>on the internet
say it aint so
yeah i'm not so sure, he could even be speaking metaphorically. I doubt we'll get objective answers. Maybe he was even referring to both of them
Blacksteel greathammer and Great Stars, sacred infused or flame-art infused, all the buffs you can think of, jumpattack spam, never look back and pretend the fight doesnt exist. youre welcome.
He is very weak to holy for some reason.
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No, it isn't, nice troll though, you can stop replying
Nope, Collapsing Stars literally states that he went to Sellia to challenge the Stars in the first place. Sellia being protected is an indirect consequence never acknowledged by Radahn dialogues or item descriptions anywhere.
Radahn's entire character is his pride and desire for honors and titles, and the DLC might have just revealed that it was vainglory as Miquella enabled him to become Starscourge in the first place through the power of his Light.
>George R R Martin wrote this lore instead of TWOW
>It's no different from what Fromsoft would probably have made on their own
Best part? Martin has always been a better editor than writer. Seriously, read those short story anthologies he edits and publishes, far better than his own fiction. If they wanted to hire him to give their story a once over, they'd have gotten it cheaper, better and faster.
roll and r1
you know he goes crazy with those snakes during the bdsm roleplay
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I'd like to remind you all that both malenia and radahns capes depict versions of the haligtree with radahn's having two lions protecting it. This is both for his rotted starscourge form and his frankenstein consort form. Radahn was never at odds with miquella, the battle of aeonia was a larp to give radahn an honorable death. Gowrys dialog and the design works tells us that malenia's aeonia was accidental, miquella would've been a god by now if it weren't for the aeonia.
What the fuck I'm literally just disagreeing and like having a discussion about which one fits better you whiny ho, why sperg out all the sudden?
That’s interesting enough. I still don’t want to join them though. I know a lot of anons want that. But I just want to kill them. Ranni has my vote.
Is arcane better than INT for applying cold?
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Made it a rule to only use DLC items whenever possible
I'm sure to win because my speed is superior
There's actually a hint in the demihuman swordsmans ashes.
The demihuman saw that the procession of stars led to ruin and attempted to forestall it in his own way. Procession is a type of movement and the stars are tied to fate. The movement of the stars lead to ruin. The movement of fate leads to ruin. Combining this with your theory and radahns need to live up to his father's and godfrey's legacies he could've seen this himself and waged war on the stars in a prideful attempt to save everyone wanting all of the credit for himself.
Anyone else have moments of deja vu from the DLC? Like I know FROM recycles, but some stuff felt way too on the nose this time. I bet the walkways in the cathedral you jump on when it's flooded are directly from DS3 and the cracked wall in the scorched ruins by Rauh as well from farron swamp with it's broken wall entrance.
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I frequently forget that Melina is even in this game. They should really do something with her character in the next DLC.
hey, that's how I, an INT chad handled him tho
how do people wear mismatching pieces? Not talking about the colors but the bulk. Those pants are too tight compared to that loose bulky top and it does not transition smoothly.
On second thought, maybe it is Metyr.
"as the [...] wings" could mean that they're a surrogate for wings. There are flying bugs that emerge from deathblight.
There's the new worm enemies at the finger ruins, and Mike said there's more to them than the trailer shows. So worms are most likely fingerspawn. And deathblight makes worms erupt along with tree roots, unlike the curse crystals in dark souls, so there's that connection between the fingers/worms and trees again.
Also, Basilisks inflict deathblight, most like to feast on the worms, and they hang out around deathblight in catacombs, but also in the lake of rot, probably subsisting on the fungus.
The pests being old servants of Metyr is possible, since they grew a bunch of hands, and she probably abandoned them when the GW abandoned her.
So you have the butterflies, centipedes, creepers who obviously move like spiders. The connections between hands/bugs/pests are numerous.
lol the mimic in there too.
why don't you make like a scadutree and skedaddle
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It's also possible considering the sigil of her face that metyr is the gloam eyed queen or that
the outer gods are all metyrs fucked up deformed kids
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I really like the scene in front of the Three Fingers where her facade cracks and she shows some actual emotion while pleading with the Tarnished.
Outside of that she is just very boring and stoic all the time.
>morgott envy the tarnished for having grace
His nickname is "Grace-given", retard wannabe lorefag. Read every item description twice before typing another character limit post like this
This should have made her show up more often on graces
You didnt transition smoothly either
agreed completely, it just feels robotic and mind-read-ey as it is now. You don't even finish lifting the arm and the boss is already on your ass
>wife and I love elden ring
>we named our first born son radahn after my favorite boss
>earlier this year we had our second son and named him miquella after her favorite character
>dlc comes out
>ruins them both
We're planning on changing their names to something more normal I'm so dissapointed in miyazaki
elite-larper fags are the fucking worst and everyone hates them
This isn't true but also both characters are still super cool
The fact that I could see this as genuinely real somewhere honestly gets me the most.
>naming after movies or games
friendship with bull goats legs ended
now legs of solitude is my best friend
go back
Stop lying bro
Imagine my shock after I named my son after my favorite Elden Ring character: The Dung Eater.
I named my son Blackguard Big Boggart.
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It's up

Turns out Godferoy was more important than we thought
Can somebody drop me a Messmer Soldier Shield? I've been farming that thing for an hour already. I fucking hate farming.
I could see someone naming their son after Radahn pre-DLC since he pretty much had all the traits of the ideal masculine man.
But Miquella? Fuck no. You’re asking your son to be bullied for having a tranny alter ego.
look for mildred in stagefront grace, password erg
they're fucking great, goes well with almost everything due to them being subdued in appearance and compensate for the inherently low poise of fashion souls
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Still shit?
There's nothing about Godferoy in the video but big info is coming soon
xbox xbro begging for help accessing the dlc on his stormveil invader again
game crashed. be there in a sec. PC, right?
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Whats the point of this npc?
You say this like parents who name kids after current day media would actually care.
in the off hand L2 will cast spells so that's something for dual welding thrusting swords I guess
Gives you a mid spell.
Why do you need help?
i've been reading ER fanfics again
Its a ton better than it was, but its still pretty niche
>magic is better used with staves
>spellblade builds are better used with normal weapons buffed / infused
so it doesnt really have much of a place unless you really just want to run the carian spellblade drip with a shield or rapier duel wield or some shit

if you could change the ash of war to something more interesting, itd be alot more fun
she wont talk to me
and stew
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to test if you're capable of self governance
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See >>484900696
don't know the fight well enough to beat it at level 20 with +3
t. woman
Which fight
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don't see anything. did you leave a red sign?
Talk to her with the lion head on
arc is poison and bleed
int is frost
str is fire (flame arts is fth)
oh it's supposed to be red? hang on
what am I supposed to do? none of the gestures seem to do anything, and wearing the divine beast masks doesnt do anything.
Password: Dwayne
dex is lightning
try now
Man why the fuck didn't they keep the heavy attack and use the weapon skill for casting spells, that's literally already what happens when you offhand this thing, who the fuck needs impaling thrust, heavy attacks are much more useful than that
thank you! and yeah, yellows only work if the boss is still alive.
ah yea right, forgot about that... no prob
nothing, you just leave Granny be.
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>end up going into the FromSoftware thread by accident because they have an Elden Ring-related image and I didn't read the thread title
What's even the fucking point?
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This feels like NTR
Changeable AoW would have saved this. Imagine using this carian supremacy or what's it called
Where you dropping sign?
dlc looks harder than im willing to put up with desu
i've been playing this fromsoft shit for over a decade and im just too tired to put that much effort in anymore
You get it from the lion boss
What stats show build
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where is this
is the weapon art good for PVE? What are you scaling it with? What's your setup?
Alright how the fuck does scattershot throw actually work

all I can notice is that it
1. has no range dropoff
2. has inconsistent damage per hit
3. can only be applied to the claws of night (default, unchangeable) and throwing knifes (not golem fist, not smithscript axe/hammer/spear, not cirque or shield)

what does it scale with? hard to test since damage is inconsistent
does it scale with the smithscript talisman even>?
not seeing it. did you catch the part about me being on xbox? thanks anyway lol
THATS IT I'm writing a fanfic about the tarnished in the age of fracture ending marrying marika and making new demigods with her. Tell me. What should I name the tarnished. He'll be male and str/int btw
You know you can enable crossplay.
see >>484908127
If you have the lion head from the final dungeon I'm guessing you killed Messmer already, That probably locks you out of her quest. She gives you a shitty spell and asks you to get revenge on him
Carian Sovereignty, yeah. It would've salvaged it for sure. Still wouldn't be amazing or even good, but it'd be decent. As is it's just trash.
>Summon on RL1
>They are also RL1
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Did you kill D's brother for killing poor Fia? :(
Can you save her by not giving him the armor?
that's just to connect with japs not cross console
>he doesn't know
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He throw big stone
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It's a retarded level 200 build but you could easily make this work at 138/150/168. The twin-axes are terrible, don't bother using them if you intend to use anything but its WA. The WA on the other hand closes an absurd amount of distance and the best WA for estus punishing.
She dies at the end of her questline no matter what. All giving him the armor does is lock you out of her great rune and fighting the lichdragon.
IT'S UP!!!
not a single R1 in sight
RL1 + RL1 = RL2
Cool thanks, immediate thumbs down.
How do we all feel about the gloam eyed queen, being a competing empyrean of marika, having a consort that was the original great serpent that the god devouring serpent and the godskins descend from?
>He'll be male
Not type-B on type-B futa? Gay.
kys vaati
Arent you supposed to give him the armor to progress the quest?
That's literally the essence of level 1 runs, to abuse game mechanics as much as possible to your advantage while remaining level 1.
125 is dead
138 is alive
150 is alive
200+ is most alive.
You forgot to finish your sentence.
Well it was the worst FromSoft DLC I've ever played, but it turns out that's still pretty good
>Delevel my friend to RL0 so RL1+RL0=RL1
>Think I've made it
>They turn to dust instantly
>Boss is still buffed as if there where 2 guys
Nta but what IF marika and ranni were both futas and impregnates your tarnished at the end even if they're type A. Do you think people would still like them?
What do you guys do after finishing PVE? Invasions? New characters? NG+? Mods? I want to keep playing but don't wanna have to wring it dry for fun things to do, I really wish every dev would release modding tools like BGS so this game could just have infinite stuff to do forever like Skyrim
No, you can ignore him entirely.
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Killed Radahn
pros: he's dead
cons: can't fight him anymore
where's my bonfire ascetic?
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why the fuck does my tarnished let every boss monologue and recuperate mid fight? is he retarded?
this level
I did it at 15 skibidi and it was pretty easy, took 3 tries. Probably meant to go with less than that.
It seemed pretty balanced to me at 14
Be careful saying you had fun fighting Radahn that's a sore point around here I agree though
>Im at 7
I just wanted the gay staff with shit scaling and no bonuses... I hate this DLC
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>removing the cape gives the armor 4 extra poise
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do it all again
Can only speak for myself, but yes.
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What's the "chest"piece on the bottom right?
ascetic cloth from those spinning horned niggers
I feel like there are so many conceptions of the stars being frozen in place, even on the base game itself. There's this item that sort of implies it was something done by the Golden Order, or with its aval.

Then there is the original trailer which says, about the Elden Ring, 'THAT which commanded the stars'. That there would be a plotline involving the arrest of the stars seems to have been decided quite early, but how exactly it was executed and with which further details was probably a developing thing until the finished game.
capes can get caught on stuff
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>in radahns first phase he's easily guardbroken when attacked from behind but only behind
What does this mean? What DOES THIS MEAN?
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I like getting kicked in the balls, what can I say? Losing so many times and only being able to win once is unsatisfying.
Age of Compassion or Age of Stars? Which would you choose?
Ugh, of course it'd be dropped by the most annoying enemy in the game.
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Age of compassion doesn't see you as lord, indisputable cuck ending.
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What's a Swordhand of Night when it's at home? Does the Fingerprint suggest they aren't Nox?
What the fuck is Age of Compassion?
Agreed with other anon, someone who got filtered and had to use a cheese build will be by momentarily to screech at you and tell you how you shouldn't be having fun fighting him.
Somehow, people are much nicer on level 200 arena compared to 150, everyone bows while 150 players just rush you
or is it my weapon (smithscript cirque) that makes people angry? Idk what's meta and what's not
Oh no no no what is Vaati's response?
I didn't like miquella at first but he's starting to grow on me bros...help...
the tumblr spam is working, they are converting another one
Both ages have very little description of how they would work. Compassion sounds pretty sweet, but the game wants us to become Lord, so Age of Stars it is and we hope for the best
I like him. But he should never have cast his love aside.
>Can only reach her realm by performing an esoteric ritual that the mentor of the Carian Royals seems to know
>She is in a realm of water
>The Blue Dancer who was Malenia's master sealed the rot god away
>His set symbolises the colour blue and his legend as a swordsman is about his flowing style which opposes the stagnation of rot
>The Two Fingers represent stagnation and rot with them having no contact with the Golden Order and trying to restore the status quo
>The Two Fingers at the Roundtable are literally rotting away
>The Blue Cloth set is bought of a merchant at Raya Lucaria, the same place that the Carian Royals studied at, implying the Blue Dancer is somehow linked to them and as such Ymir
>Blue is also associated with sorcery
>Ymir learned about the sealed rot god because of the Blue Dancer's relationship to Liurnia and possibly the Carians who Ymir mentored (Rennala, Rellana) and figured out the sealing method and how to break it
just start a new character and level up to 180 again and find all the skibidis again bro
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You read FujoAnon's fic? It's what made me soften to the two
help co-op noobs
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Two quick ones:
1. NG+ lvls dont matter in the dlc right, its about scoobydoo levels
2. if I go to NG+ do I lose access to the DLC map too?
You know how troons and fags keep preaching about love and tolerance, but just end up molesting kids and inventing new STDs? I'm guessing it's kinda like that. Miquellas age of compassion is just him gaping your dog, and calling you a bigot if you get upset
Link to it?
>Two hornset in a trenchcoat, part deux
Haha no I am not going to respect repeats. You get the spirit summon deluxe.
DLC ruined Mickey for me. He was my favorite character in the base game, I guess we should've known Ranni was always the main character
Doesn't use any rot attacks, theory falls apart.
Sure, fuck it, why not? It’s not like the game is ever gonna tell us anything.
>just invaded two people
>enemies were hitting them constantly and they were taking no damage or flinching
>enemies just phasing through them as if they dont exist
>couldn't hit them either
So these two were cheating right?
>every twitch streamer i kill is either not streaming or has turned off past broadcasts so I can't watch it happen
What is the point of having twitch or ttv in your name if I can't go back and watch me kill you.
Did elden ring ever get a good wiki?
I want to know what are the stats I need to cast some spells and google only gives me cancer (fextralife and fandom)
Some build planners have damage calculators.
Not if we were to say the rot god was 'purified' in a sense from being sealed. Or the idea that the rot god promotes or glorifies stagnation which simply leads to rot. Of course there is still the giant lake of rot but that can still be answered as simply Metyr's stagnation effecting the world or the dancer's purification.

It's not a really serious theory as is anyways. There would need to be more evidence to indicate its validity.
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Ranni and marika are the central characters of elden ring. Every piece of lore connects or stems from one or both of them. They're the main girls and best girls.
co-op fucking sucks. he's so unpredictable against multiple opponents. not to mention his health gets bloated like crazy, a lot of players can't be bothered collecting skibidis and there's often lag.
I guess that's better than nothing
I wish I could hate the owners of fextralife to death
He's barely in the base game
Anon wrote It all in greentext format, but still good.
Some anon compiles all fics written here, you can find some really good stuff in there.
I once had an invasion against some three viewer v-tuber go for like twenty fucking minutes, killing multiple blues and the gold phantom, just for it to end like this.
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I genuinely miss the older combat
I don't want to fight Radahn...
Invasions suck in elden ring since you're forced to use the sweatiest builds as an invader now from the forced ganks.
Ranni is the only valid argument FOR abortion
Really showed the Armored Core roots.
Ranni a spooky girl I want her to call me a good boy
>that 'well, what is it' at the end
God I miss Dark Souls.
Judging purely by the gameplay I have enjoyed my first playthrough except for the remembrance bosses. Well, some of them are fine, and I expect them to be easier on a second playthrough, but some of them are not fun at all. Like doing a fucking math exam instead of roleplaying as a god-slaying warrior.
Old souls games invasions were great and I'm saddened that From caved and neutered the invasion system with each subsequent game.
That's true only after threw away his love. Before that Miquella was an actual helpful and benevolent demigod who tried to help the people of the Haligtree.
It's the chase to godhood that ruined everything about him in that old "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" kinda of way.
the varied gameplay of roll and r2
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I don't
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I think the number one thing I miss is being able to backstab chickenshit hosts out of the fog door animation

ever since that was changed in dark souls 3, invasions felt 100% consensual and that was fucked up
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He has a whole ass legacy dungeon dedicated to him and his sister
t e l e p o r t s

b e h i n d

y o u
Lies of P
it says that romina created the scarlet rot from a "twisted divine element", so the "rot goddess" didn't spread rot in that form. it might be figurative. the scarlet rot could've spread from romina or her followers and found its way under raya lucaria.
if the worm/wormfingers are a parasite that grant longevity/power, she might've adapted that to save her buds, and created a parasitic fungus. there are inexplicably mushrooms around ceres too, so maybe the finger dna can become all sorts of parasitic lifeforms.
How did he ever think he could bring about an age of compassion without any love of his own? Foolish.
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He still had love for Radahn...
Boy am I glad we all agreed to level past 150 so we can finally use all four talisman slots for cool shit instead of mandatory attribute boosting.
wtf are those stats
>invasions originally were a way to add another threat from returning to a state where you are able to summon phantoms
>would have to do it at a bonfire or archstone
>would then have to play through the level with someone you summoned at the start or the boss door
>if you summoned at the boss door you were at risk the whole way through
>no password summoning overleveled phantoms
Now most people won't summon until they are right outside the boss gate so you just invade and get sent home or you're invading into a group of people specifically waiting for you.
There is no risk/reward anymore for hosts, only reward.
Romina didn't create the rot.
another anon charmed by the monster
Creepy little fucker
>After the church was burned to the ground, Romina discovered a twisted divine element, which she weaved into the baleful scarlet
>Perhaps then, the buds might find somewhere to gain purchase once more, within the scorched remains.
Yep, 200 is where the fun is bro.
The way things are going I wouldn't be surprised if the next game just cuts invasions entitely. It feels like the developers actively dislike PvP being a thing at this point.
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I'm of the opinion that the majority of the brilliance of Demons Souls/Dark Souls 1 was on complete accident

they never designed anything like it again
>posts the remaster where everyone can sip during invasions
I think it's more about him being a beacon for others to live freely and in peace. The japanese dialogue sounds more like Miquella is talking about "a king he wants to serve under" instead of "King he wants to marry".
Miquella in his childhood thought Radahn was the most kind and benevolent, so he would only work as a power source and let Radahn takes the reins of the whole Lands Between.
Basically Miquella didn't even wanted to rule the Lands Between, he just wanted to help people, even if that destroyed his whole sense of self and the rest of his existence would be agony.
Strength based with big sword against the bosses and switching to a curve sword that is stronger in dex, but also good with strength, for fighting mobs. Weird or normal?
romina is the sealed away god of rot
ranni is just as bad as miquella, anon.

goldmask is probably the only good character with an ending.
You can find really bad stuff in there too
>copy safe data
>back it up
>use back up whenever you want to fight again
>can't find a competitor worth using
>angry at the useful site
The current /erg/ thread has ended.
For every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...7 were made by men
>...2 were made by women
>...1 were made by trannies
Keep in mind that the same individual can submit multiple posts over the course of a thread, so this statistic does not necessarily represent the user demographics of /erg/, merely the makeup of its posts, simplified into fractions of ten.
Thank you all for participating!
>she discovered and created it; there was no rot there before
>she's sealed away
Would've been a 10/10 moment for a callback to whatever ending you picked (if you did beat the game)
>The Frenzied Flame flares up behind you
>Ranni's outline appears on your shoulder
>Smoke and flies envelope you
>A sudden burst of golden light pushes Miquella back
Partly one of my larger complaints with the DLC. Feels like there's zero connection between the base game and DLC. Not even any unique dialogue if you talk to the Roundtable NPCs while doing the DLC.

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