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Previous: >>484889203

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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I hate nearly every one of the characters in these portraits, so I just got my eternal ally.
bro time
i want to see a threesome with Saber, Illya and Miyu
Mom Love!
Auntie Love!
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How are you passing time before the stream?

I'm gonna start Link to the Past and then go for a walk.
masturbating until stream starts
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let her cook
She should fuck off and let me enjoy the superior milf servants.
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I'm gonna watch MyGO.
please elaborate on why you hate them, because you're quite wrong for thinking so
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Yuyu love!
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Are sexy cups allowed in this thread?
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>have something else I'll be doing during the stream
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Still playing Dominions 6.
When the fuck is anniversary going live?
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i love Prisma Illya and watch it at least twice a year

during parent teacher conferences i often get told how glad they are their children have an elementary school teacher like me to look up to
Watching a bunch of spooky movies. Just got done with The Watchers. It was shit, I picked it up because I heard it was about the fair folk. Also, it was made by M Night Shamalan's daughter lol.
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I can save her from prostitution
6 hours 7 minutes
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>walk parents's dog
>see old crush from college on the street
>talk to her
>stupid dog starts shitting the stinkiest turd ever
And this is why I play FGO
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Child breeding hours?
>talking about turds
like pottery
smart people don't play gacha
smart people also don't spend their time on /alter/
Fuck off Albert
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Fluffy summer soon.
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cups are made to be filled
>over 1 year
why are fgokeks like this?
Calm down Albert
Faeries are abominations.
Taigong Wang is part of the worst chapter in this entire game.
I do not care about a SINGLE asian servant in the universe.
Servantverse disgusts me beyond anything else.

So that leaves some slim pickings no-names like Columbus, Arash, and Mandricardo. Or Mash. Mash will probably get my second ticket.
Merlin is at least reliable.
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You forget to take the speed up into account bro
i'm madly in love with kawasumi. i'd be really creepy if i were in the same place as her
>Merlin is at least reliable.
Do NOT befriend the futa wizard.
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hello /alter/
would you have sex with Miyu if you woke up and she was riding your erect cock and you were tied to the bed and she told you she would take your nuts off if you didn't cum inside her?
i would
I don't want to have sex with a girl so no.
what about kriem? or titty seiba? or okita?
Hah! You can't fool me, you don't have a job!
What time is the stream again?
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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes
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Why not Kriemhild then?
tell me i'm holy based
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Done some random vidya and Pcross in the morning, now up to see a bit of the SGDQ dumpster fire on /v/
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Well if she insists that much then it would be rude to say no
Time to save.
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New better question:
Would you do this if it was Eric Bloodaxe?
She's not for me, so why bother?
Eric would NEVER betray his wife
...So you'd rather pick a dude?
If you're gay then just say so from the start bro.
Haven't finished Traum yet so she's just too recent to occupy a space in my thoughts.
>titty seiba
She's not enough of a character for me to appreciate her. I often forget she exists.
Foul japanese.
if i saw Eric on top of me like that i would assume it is a trick by Merlin or perhaps one of Wodime's schemes, out of respect for the setup i would finish inside and then get to the bottom of this mistery
I feel like Miyu makes more sense as the one getting raped, in all honesty.
Yeah I'd rather a dude than a girl who's not for me.
If being gay is the price I have to pay to have a wholehearted commitment, then so be it.
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no, it makes sense, it was wer wish to be on top for one night
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I am in fact confident enough in my sexuality to not be afraid of male characters. You're the type who can't even use Oberon because it shows a male on your screen, huh?
bro you picked merlin
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Kama Love!
Who's Bejita of Fate universe?
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>You're the type who can't even use Oberon because it shows a male on your screen, huh?
Kriemhild has bad art not only in CE but especially her in game models
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Take a nap...
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Anniversary day!
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>supposedly super strong servant full of pride who keeps jobbing
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this is a really pretty tree of emptiness
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Magical girls are built for rape and bondage, honestly
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post male servants so this schizo runs away
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Me? I picked a girl that's for me, but also a dude.
Next? I'm gonna pick a girl who is for the dude that is a girl that is for me, but also for me and it's a dude.
It's pretty simple really.
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/fa/ as fuck
It's weird that people act like dress portraits are some kind of romantic thing.
I already have my wife, I just get characters I like here.
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Exactly, that's exactly it! Both transformed and untransformed it just makes sense for them to be defeated and taken advantage of like that, whether it's being corrupted by evil or just taken down by the lust of normal thugs!
depends on what role you're looking to fill, the main criteria a servant would have to fill for it are
>constantly loses
>despite fighting at full power
>gets handjobs by the authors to stay relevant
>memorable fights
>never the strongest in the room
i think the one that fits the closest would be Musashi, especially on the author handjob part, but Karna could also fit
That won't make him go away that'll just make him have a temper tantrum.
i picked mine based on the artist
I love Bob. That’s it.
Vegeta also starts as an antagonist and becomes friendly later so Musashi isn't it. He's arrogant as well so Karna who is robotic also doesn't fit.

My vote is Cu.
>starts story as antagonistic to Shirou
>begins with power level limited as an excuse to job
>however continues to job even after the limiter comes off
>dude he would be so strong if he was in his homeland though!
>new entries continue to make him a rough around the edges good guy and give him super forms
>continues to job nevertheless
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Good, peace SUCKS
Bring the war and the melties
Do you think Kuro could be further corrupted or is she far enough gone as she is already?
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I picked Chiyome because her outfit is cute.
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It's uncanny how well Cu fits.
Why babbage sisters are like this?
Why you think Nasu gave him the spiky hair + jumpsuit? He was always a DBZ reference
Honestly the only thing Cu didn't do was point at himself and go
>Ore wa...
before getting trounced
when did his limiter ever come off and when did he get jobbed during it?
Oh absolutely. She still ran away from the really big guys when she was sucking on Berserkers.
I just prioritize servants I grailed or who had cool story roles
100%, a lot of what she does is a bit performative. So I'm sure that the right person could turn it into the genuine article.
NTA but I'd feel wrong picking Kriem without her husbando so my picks are probably going to be Merlin and Anastasia.
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I'm going to say something really stupid. Don't test me. I'll do it. I'll fucking do it.
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About magical girls, since Illya and Kuro got swimsuits, do you want a Miyu swimsuit too?
She really is a cutie
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Why is Gudako so damn gay?
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Absolutely. Bonus points if there's a scene where she gets harassed by pirates or the like.
Based Babbage sister!
why can't you people just accept that people like different things and enjoy things in different ways?
Only if its the smallest micro bikini possible that barely covers a thing
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Lots of prime targets.
i fucking DEMAND one
i will threaten Nasu and Horiyama if i have to
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How many hours until Arcueid?
Calm down, Sapphire...
this is canon btw

how many hours until july 7th?
It's already 7th july here though
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I've wanted a Miyu swimsuit since I first started playing this game.
I also picked her. It really is a good outfit (that we'll never get as a skin)
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I smiled when she was referenced in Samurai Remnant.
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I'm sad right now. Please post sad fgo related things.
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41 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
there are still antis among us
sad enough for you?
The state of our server
What other rapebait exists in FGO apart from magical girls?
the skadi ritualposter made its post directly below yours
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rate this sluts
We play as one!
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I just realised that there is actually no content during the anniversary until Summer 7.
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i have a handy chart for that
They're all rapebaits in FGO
Isn’t Angra the rapist though?
he was forced to commit every sin, this includes raping somebody
>doing Tunguska
>final Vitch fight has Death on your attacks at random
>she kills all three frontline servants
Nigger what the fuck.
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my wife is the most ruthless and cutest yakuza
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Looks like someone is having a good time gooping right before anniversary
he was forced to rape, yes, but he also had every crime/sin inflicted upon him, including getting raped, mutilated and tortured
he was raped while alive and became the rapist in the end
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Who else but a rhino!
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It isn't random.
Stylish Gudako.
Selfie fiend Bob, my beloved.
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He was also forced to watch Prisma Illya
Very cute Mash.
Very classy and pretty Gudako.
Becoming the rapist at the end makes him based and I wish he’d rape me
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Before we really start with the stream/anni, I want to thank the following for being with me for another year. Much love to;
>Enma ai
>Wild Joker

May all your rolls be blessed!
true, it's what saved him in his darkest times, literally stopped him from killing himself and gave him the determination to get justice, such an inspiring an awesome show
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>I am not on the list
Deleting every Bob and Morganfag.
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Thank you, may your rolls be blessed too, sweaty!
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Dragal-er, Chaldea... Lost...
I’ve never seen the character on the right in my game before
umm wtf? what about me? I thought we were bros
bros why are Prillya fans always either gooners that would jerk off to a shapely rock or lorefags that know more about the Nasuverse than their own families?
dead game lmao
that's xu fu's disguise from the summer V event
>Dragalia Lost lives on in private servers
I hope we'll have the same type of dedicated autists that bring this game back to life when we eventually share their fate.
kek what a dead game.
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thank you, bro. I bless your rolls as well
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>discordfag list
from what i can tell, pedos hate Prillya
It explains why I'm not on the list.
>cancer: the list
Can we just do this now? I'm fed up with Nasu's bullshit.
Post your top 10 /alter/bros
(7th anniversary edition)
lmao yeah bro
I also homosexuals HATE Samurai Remnant
>all three fairies get an AnniCe
>a servant that isn't even a month old gets an AnniCe

>Passionlip still doesn't have a single CE

I thought Nasu said Passionlip is the best...
I heard incest lovers HATE Summer Jeanne
I'm a homosexual and I love Samurai Remnant.
i love incest and i do strongly dislike summer Jeanne
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I'm out of the loop and don't have the memory required to do such a thing to begin with.
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Jannu has never been the same after that car crash destroyed her body and an emergency head transplant had to be performed.
That's the joke.webp
Your kama...?
Maybe Wada doesn't feel like drawing. Maybe she's pregnant.
honk honk
what the shit there's a version of that image where they aren't all naked???????

sorry about that
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Good morning,
I love my wife.
I want that to happen to Mario Kart Tour too but nobody seems to care enough despite the size of the MK fanbase
i literally can't stop thinking about penis
I kind of regret not touching the Doctor Mario game just because I wanted to see Doctor Goomba Tower in action.
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You are not allowed to have this opinion unless Amakusa is one of your favourites.
Someone probably is doing it but keeping it under wraps because the nintendo ninjas will slice off their fingers if word gets out
e-celeb autism hours starting early I see
Me too. I hate this fucking thing! I'm gonna beat it again!
I haven't seen a SSR in months...
OG Meltryllis has no CEs either. Lambdaryllis has a mere 3, one being a crowd CE.
Simply put, Arco Wada is overworked and everyone else is afraid to touch Nasu's characters.
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>maintenance just hit
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>5 hour Maintenance
WTF bros?
They kicked me out...
I want Nightingale to see me choking and try to save me, I want to feel her way too strong arms crushing my stomach as she presses her breasts onto my back. I want her to successfully save me but leave my stomach bruised and I'd have a visible tent in my pants and all the female servants watching would be disgusted at me and Nightingale would just look at it and say "I see" before helping me up and moving on
Whoa, anon. Gordy isn't a slut.
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>maint right now
I HAD 140 AP
Amakusa is probably my fourth favorite Apocrypha characters after Achilles, Sieg and Mordred
I really like Shrek, he usually makes the threads better by simply being here.
West and Chrissy were also good posters, but sadly they're no longer here that often.
Based knot enjoyer
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>sudden maintenance
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What the fuck just happened?
erm................what now?
I destroyed the servers so we get more quartz for anni.
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Let me just log in and clear my AP real fast...
Well, that's not too bad.
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You niggas really don't read the in-game news, huh
Missed me fucker.
>maintenance on a Saturday
For what purpose
>alright I got some free time, I should read some interlud-
Do we still do hunger games hgw during maintenance?
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So...This is the fabled speedup...
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Stop pretending like you didn't know this maintenance was happening.
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>spend 20 minutes browing pub supports looking for new portraits to add to my dex
>nobody is putting one up
>barely manage to spend last-minute AP before downtime
This shit gets worse every year, I swear to Christ.
>finally decide to do the interludes I've been too lazy to do
>Sudden maintenance
What the fuck Alberto
Correct, I don't. /fgoalter/ is my news source
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>maintenance in the middle of the afternoon
Thanks, bro.
wait for people to get the second one
that's when they start showing them off
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It begins
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>Sudden maintenance
Okay time to fap
I don't read the maintenance tab.
Give me an in game warning that scrolls around telling me there will be maintenance in X minutes.
Every other competent gacha does this.
You guys realise that in 5 hours the anni stuff will be there right
What portraits?
Alright faggots, what are you going to do during this maintenance? Personally, I'm going to download Grindr and find a femboy to put in Astolfo cosplay before having gay sex.
fgo spaghetti code can't handle live announcements dude
Latelet here. What do you mean add to your dex? Do you actually get something for using supports with other CE’s that you don’t have?
glad I already made some blapples beforehand
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Much love to you as well bro!
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Did you ascend your servants for those sq, anon?
yes, you get them in your spirit origin register
People already got their anni portrait CEs? I didn't see anything when I logged in.
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How much are you planning to spend for arc?

The urinal is filling up fast and we still have 3.5 hours until the stream lol
I ascend my servants because I can't stand having a servant that isn't max level.
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They're under the limited master missions tab
Yes. I am going to get a considerable addition to my summer bob funds.
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KP got a CE, probably one of the best.
only servants i have that aren't max ascended are welfare dupes as well as level 1 George and Gong
Wait for that Titoria's horse quest on anonkun to be written.
wtf veteranbros Orion just got the power up so that he can damage Caenis in what I assume is towards the end of the LB and then maintenance stops me
Zero (0)
Chrissy is back?
Yeah. Not everyone yet, I ran out of statues because I'm an ultraveteran, but 80% of my servants are final ascension now.
And what do you get for having them in your spirit origin? Does this apply for every CE from past events that I’ve missed?
I have enough to hit the pity, but it would be cool if she showed up in a single ticket
Do I get the sq for her interlude
later right?
Fate zero is so good, I'm gonna suck iskandars balls if the maintenance doesn't end with anni right after
This cute reines me to go for her in the GSSR please wish me luck bros.
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Not even 3 SQs will make me level up that fatty
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Wtf I just tried to log in to use my AP after waking up and I can't get in
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you get the feeling of completion, nothing else
yes it works with any ce you don't have, you won't be able to read the detailed description, for that you have to own it, but you do get to have the spot filled out
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>5 Military planes just flew over my house
Enjoy the anni without me, bros.
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Play some more Stardew or Live a Live.
I'm gonna toss 10 tickets and cross my fingers for Xu Fu. That's all.
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The only Servant that I own and haven't ascended yet is Zhang Jue and that's because I decided to wait until the super succ rate up during Anniversary
He better not be
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>Morning maintenance
Okay I guess we'll give this a go:
I will be hosting another HGW thread over on /trash/
Post tributes
>Melt has 0
>Lambdaryllis has 3
The Mysterious Alter Ego Lambda's true identity is... Melt!
Wait, why don't bros want Arc?
Bro, just pretend she has CCC proportions
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Big investment
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It's Hime time
>AP 138/144
>got stuck doing the bulshit advacend quest



Because she’s not actually Arc
Wtf Cyan is /here/?
Got a few left that I was sitting on until the anniversary.
No problem bro, keep on being awesome!
Love the stream, btw.
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She does fuck all in damage even if she gets to np5. At most she's just fodder for ORT and that's just being kind.
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Zako, zako~
I had about 2100 SQ and ~200 tickets before maintenance, NP6 or bust.
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Boomer Neco
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I assume you're being sarcastic, but have a good one regardless.
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Tomboy pope
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>sudden maint
I like chess-anon.
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Myaou (Battle mode)
Nah, my life has been good lately so I'm less of an asshole. I think people having fun with their hobbies is a good thing, and it makes me happy myself.
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An orange cat
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Grand Rider Medusa
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>Morning maintenance
My blue apples!
Why are you doxxing my bro?
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The Snek
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Circe with a gun
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That's nice, good on you then!
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Priest (Evil)
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The Grill Master
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Mating press
That's him?
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Angra (rapist)
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Grand Foreigner
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>musashi lost to this
i added a handful of anons here
thank you guys
i dont mind adding more people tho, my friendlist isnt full (my account also is still on progress, LBs are a not-so chunky read)
HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I just shat my pants
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holy sex
Drowsily dry-humping a clown
i have tens of subscribers on youtube, i am a widely hated e-celeb
Yeah, though that looks to be an intentionally unfavourable screencap.
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4 hours until gssr
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>cancer posters coming back for anniversary
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Surviving jigger
Is this some /vt/umor meme I'm too socially well-adjusted to understand?
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hope the poop posters come back too
Please go back to /vt/
I hope all is well for you too, bro. It's a shame that some people here try everything in their power to chase away people they dislike. Doxxing itself is a new low, though.
That would actually be an improvement over what's to come
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Wait, I thought we loved vtubers here?
How much SQ does Ooku give? I haven't redone it once it became a main interlude.
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I can't believe after 5 years I'm finally gonna have a 5* Archer.
I’m thinking Caster 1 because I want Skadi or Merlin, and I wouldn’t mind a Nero Bride. But if I end up with NP6 Gogh I’m going to be very very sad. Is it worth the risk?
Pekora is /alter/'s favorite idol
It is what it is, figured it'd happen when I added a facecam.
How do you know?
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>caster 2 for np2 Okuni
>extra 6 for np3 Koyan
I can’t choose between those two yet…
I like this cute reines too
/fgog/'s favorite*
Were you the same anon from earlier who replied to a Reinesanon with that image?
Yup yup!
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Explain to me what happened to BTA
I can't believe Im getting Melu-chan in some hours!
>Archer 1
Either new (Ishtar, Archuria) or a dupe I don't mind (Gil/Moriarty)
>Lancer 2
Dupe Melu would be nice, Ryoma is a favorite of mine, Roma is pretty eh
>Berserker 2
Probably not a good choice because my best outcome is NP2 Morgan, NP4 Arjuna Alter doesn't add much and I hate Musashi
>Extra 4
Okita Alter and Abi are new at least, the remaining three would be nice dupes
>Extra 5
Either dupes I'd appreciate (Voyager, Yang) or new Servants. My best result here is Gogh realistically.
Was never canon
Myst, Plushie Mistress, xNaya, Pekora, SoberOni, KitaSean (his GSSR video was pure trash). Watch all of them
Her tits were never that big that was just a meme.
Oh I didn't realise it was you. I follow you elsewhere and have watched some of the streams. Fun stuff. I'd have tuned into Didnapper again if not for GDQ being on.
That's not doxxing you moron. That's a pic from a publicly available stream that he willingly posted.
I'll have to actually think about it
>Lancer 2 safest choice, with NP2 Mel or a new servant
>Assassin 1, Extra 2, and Lancer 1 would be all new, with a chance for Shuten, John Ogre, and Eresh
But those are also risky for other servants

Any recommendations?
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Arcueid today (EU hours)?
In about 4½ hours, yes.
Unless it gets extended.
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>Smart choice for me is to go for lancer 2 banner since I don't have any of them
>Dick wants me to choose extra 3 for Taira but I know I won't get her
Elden Ring
Stream in 3 hours from now.
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That's neat, glad to see someone having fun with it.
Please don't post my wife if you're a groomer
Is Medusa anal virgin?
>Watch people who have a following
fuck off
this site is for Anonymous only
Please kill yourself pedo
>GDQ being on
It's already up? Fuck, I must've missed almost all of it.
this is probably the worst gssr ever for me
not a single banner where i don't have at least 1 character on already and the one with only a single owned character are the ones where getting a dupe would be the most disappointing
i think i'll risk Extra 2 but i might go Archer 1 if i feel like it
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>threads are in full doomposting mode because of the better modern speedrun event alternative (ESA) crumbling down from behind the scenes
NTA, but define "fun". Fate/Grand Order.
You can redo it for the rewards again if you’ve already played it when it first came out? How is this fair to latelets who can only do it once?
He isn't a pedo, kill yourself you mentally ill freak.
We only chase away people who have names or gets attention. This site isn't for self promotion in any form. You either be like us or get out.
Based pedophile hunter
Yes he is
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Latelets can kill themselves.
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Yes you get it all again except the command codes and grail which are converted as usual
>How is it fair to latelets
Who cares about latelets?
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>ESA died
what happened?
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You will not delay the maintenance further.
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Extra 3 is tempting but I already have Kiara
Please give us 30 hours of maint
>would you have sex with Miyu if you woke up and she was riding your erect cock
>would you have sex with Miyu if you woke up having sex with Miyu
I guess?
Gogh morning, bros.
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Not what I was calling fun, I don't know a thing about speedruns right now.
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Gogh morning, bro.
Lancer 2, Assassin 2, Extra 1

But after all this time, I've finally decided I'll stick on Assassin 2, thinking with my dick.
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The skinny is most of the key figures leaving after a number of incidents that the internal staff didn't handle at all; almost every GDQ thread on /v/ is reposting the pastebins/comments from the insider trpifag who posted it, so do your own digging there if you want more details on it.
Back on general's topic, are you going to buy next year's "choose your GSSR pool" paid gacha anons on top of the usual GSSR? One of the two? Neither?
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Caster 2 would be the safest since Okuni, Crane and Titty librarian are all good
Extra 4 is kinda tempted because I kinda want NP2 Hokusai/Abby/Kiara or finally get a copy of Melt after all these years, but most foreigners are kinda shit
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Bros, how do I get an alter gf/bf?
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Work as a weekend shift wagie but I'm a wfh white collar so I will also plan for the movie fest I'm gonna go see with bros later this month
Gogh afternoon!
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Do we get two or just one anni CE this year? If it's just one, I'll have to decide between Zenobia or Bakin.
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My queen
How many big packs can I get away with refunding before Apple says no?
We get two, the mission for the second ticket should be added today
She's in the stream today
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How's come Medusa is not popular?
You get two, the other one comes out later today from the limited missions, you have to do one of the new advanced quests released later today to do it
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why did Saber never take her helmet off in the elden ring dlc?
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too tall
>5'6 woman complaining about being too tall
Is she actually 5'6"?
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Going to work, I’ll have to use the thread for info. Hopefully I don’t get lumped in with another noisy idiot that doesn’t want to do their job but want to overstep their reach into my job…
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Bros what happened
she is 172cm in real life units, that's all i know, but i can tell you that 172cm is extremely short, that's the height you expect a teenager to have
Wow, I actually made it. Rare
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It's clearly Kadoc's Ana in the costume, he just came back after all.
Cute family
I’ve learned that actually taller women are better for grinding and fucking while standing up. If they’re too short you have to bend your knees a lot else your dick will just be on her back and your dick wont align naturally.
Stand proud /alter/ you're better than /fgog/
The traditional clothes are compressing her chest
I will never not be bothered by what the Japanese think is a tall woman.
I would expect her to at least be taller than the average man
If it's any consolation, most people recognize when it's the dung eater falseflagging as you
Is this a fucking joke? lmao
I thkught we were bros bro...
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>Stand proud /alter/ you're better than /fgog/
Be proud on being on the bigger piece of shit
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My wardrobe closet is about 66 inches from the inside. It would be hard fitting her in there.
the first actually tall woman in fgo was Barghest
Yeah still better than the cuckshed that pretends to be a general of a Japanese game they can’t read by a mile.
Medusa is very popular, especially on /alter/.
>Anthropological studies of Greek skeletal remains give mean heights for Classical Greek males of 170.5 cm or 5' 7.1" (n = 58) and for Hellenistic Greek males of 171.9 cm or 5' 7.7" (n = 28), and these figures have been corroborated by further studies of material from Corinth and the Athenian Kerameikos.
Why are y'all using modern standards? Medusa is pretty tall for her time.
And she will be the last one as well.
King Protein is like the size of a continent anon.
KP is a girl, not a woman
>Talking about a cuckshed
>While inside of another cuckshed
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Because I'm 6'0, I'm using my personal standards
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>Forgot Quetz
>Forgot mommy
180 is pretty tall for a woman!
>King Protein
A real fate scholar right here.
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>Yeah still better than the cuckshed

Say "Z"
source! now!

they aren't tall, they are average at best
>clinically retarded
Shirou really lost the genetic lottery.
Why do the /alter/ threads occasionally have whores post themselves but the /soc/ /alter/ threads always have men crossdressing and no women?
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Sorry, but this general isn’t up its ass making a for (you) chart then editing it into a bigger cuck meme like yours /fgog/cuck.
We literally have a pedophile (true) in this thread right now.
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There's nothing wrong with gingers, take it back
But all the women still want him, so does it really matter
Lets be real, the circe cucking thing was the true beginning of the end for /alter/ that was the moment when the denial of literally everyone started settling in.
But would /alter/ lose?
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>But would /alter/ lose?
because all the women around him are as mentally ill as him, he is relatable to them
/alter/ has already lost
Voidstance is awake so it’s already doing that
>for (you) chart
Reddit tourist detected
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Cute and snazzy
Becomes 187cm later in life
>e-celeb cocksucking
Yup, /urinal/ is back.
Those trash posters' opinions have never mattered once and only retards stuck in a deadend lostbelt continue to parrot since you have not a single brain cells to use.
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hello dear sirs, it is i, voidstance
i would like to inform you that i have just won 50 million dollars after tax in the lottery and my sexy wife will be giving birth to our 5th child tomorrow
Damn you’re even admitting your general is full of redditors. Truly being a /fgog/cuck keeps being sadder.
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>Sorry, but this general isn’t up its ass making a for (you) chart then editing it into a bigger cuck meme like yours /fgog/cuck.

don't be
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>tfw medusa will never break into your house and rape you silly
Fat bitch
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I only whore myself out to get more of you to read Mahoyo
Magical steroids.
>Making charts means your a cuck
I have it in my Steam cart right now, convince me to push buy.
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>anni in few hours
>the state of threads is still the same just like in any days

So who we blame for the state of this thread on our anni day?
5'8 which is tall for asian countries and normal for western, speaking of women
The usual suspects
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You’re replying to the main one
She doesn't rape attractive people so I'm in the clear.
We blame the boogeymen of our creation who also happens to not exist
Truly based sis.
Abby used her eldritch powers to brainwash her master and force him to drain himself in her eldritch pussy, he is a victim.
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I just wanted to log in and make some veteran apples.
Give me a reward for owning the physical limited edition
Why the fuck would you expect it to be different BEFORE THE ANNIVERSARY ACTUALLY HAPPENS?
YIKES! Stay away soulless freak
good post
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So shouldn’t the take away be that you don’t need a big dick, big money, or big height. You just need to find a girl with complementary mental deficiencies as yourself?
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Are you bros ready for the circus?
I spent a million dollars on this game!!!
I'm ready to be the ring master!
Sei has big naturals.
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One day hiroshimoot will begin to enforce global rules 6d and 13 in this board and throw you fuckers in the trash where you belong

They're probably trolling, arc's gonna be popular...but her damage IS absolute trash and anons who didn't do their damage calculations are going to be disappointed. It also fucks with her gameplay niche (6ce farming) because she CAN'T clear >90 nodes sub np4.
>are you going to buy next year's "choose your GSSR pool" paid gacha anons on top of the usual GSSR? One of the two? Neither?
They're separate? So there's 2 GSSRs for anni?
>implying Semi in royalty bracket
I didn't vote for her.
that's always been common knowledge on how to bag some easy cooch
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I need my morgan burger....
I wish more servants had huge and very obvious implants
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In this arrangement it looks like Oberon just lied down on Aescs lounger while she went for a swim which is pretty funny because hed totally do that.
it was me, i made all the posts you didn't like or disagreed with
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Keep yourself safe.
It's never safe with g*nggers around
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You... YOU!
Hello content?
>This is...Running On Empty......FoOod Review!
>Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and Everyone watching
>I am your host, The Report of the Week
Aoko catalyst
In a better timeline she would be this year's anni servant in JP. But because this timeline sucks the anni servant will be Issei Ryuudou or some other boring clapshit Nasu invented over twenty years ago.
You dont like something that I like?
That means you literally hate everything that exists.
You are now invalidated and i win the argument.
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Bob if she knight instead of prostitute
To be fair, this week has been kinda crazy for gacha.
>Nikke Summer
>Zenless Zero finally got released
>Genshin finally got end game content
>Snowbreak anni is about to hit
>Dokkan's anniversary
Just lots of hype shit going on left and right.
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Why are you following all these
you forgot the biggest one:
Grand Summoners Prillya Summer collab
that's fine, I don't really have any strong opinions, and I'm just playing devil's advocate 90% of the time.
flat chested sis...
And Path to Nowhere got...
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I'm a washboard however, can you still be convinced knowing that? Gotta be realistic with what I can do

Did you read it though, I'm somewhat of a buyfag myself and have way too much stuff I bought that are just collecting dust in the backlog

Mahoyo LOVE!
>Yeah still better than the cuckshed that pretends to be a general of a Japanese game they can’t read by a mile.
This desu, fgog is full of incels, cucks and idiots who just bait and people fall for them unironically.
Alter at least is better where people are idiots on purpose.
What is genshin’s end game content?
Good moming
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Also Riichi City got a DR collab
why did they make her ears worse
>Nikke summer
No one cares about it because the summer line up sucks ass
>ZZZ got released
Male trash, censored, dont care
>Genshin finally got end game content
I'm just waiting for the next drama where shippers ruin everything like usual
>Dokkan's anniversary
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Make me read it dumb slut, I dare you!
Bob is not a prostitute
I don't play Dokkan, but is true that i play all the others. FGO is still my favorite, tho
Oh fuck. I'm pretty sure Wuwa just got a huge update too. Anyway, lots of gachas decided to release big patches at the same time
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Morning mama
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It's called "Destiny Order" in JP and it was a separate thing from the usual 15SQ GSSR deal (which still happened as usual). For 30 paid SQ, you could set up a lineup with 9 different 5* servants of your choice and have a GSSR roll where your guaranteed servant and eventual spooks would only be picked out from the 9 servants you've chosen.
Every single 5* servant ever released (except pre-Avalon le Fae ruler Morgan) is eligible to choose and it's one for each of the 7 main servant classes and one between two separate Extra-class groupings (Ruler/Avenger/Moon Cancer and Alter Ego/Pretender/Beast).
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Good Morning bro

Kama Cream...
they should have been lesbians
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>sudden maint
time to go back to invade faggots
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I can't beat Extreme Wakamo
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mornin mom
wanna do arena duels?
password /alter/
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>It's called "Destiny Order"

>piggers now will pig 45$ or 90$ minimum in year
>for 1-2 jpegs/NP copies
it's 11 in the morning why is there a fucking maintenance
A-at least you guys got a cool Jojo collab... r-right?
New mode force you to use specific characters. It's fucking lazy people who don't have everyone leveled up really hard.
Based. Astra gonna give a really important character for free next week
Talk about being insecure
same as KP, Bunyan is a girl, not a woman
What is FGO’s endgame content?
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How can Gudako compete?
they realized that having the thing you're shilling drop right after the stream is more effective than waiting like 12 hours after it instead
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Happy Bob
Put on a Alice cosplay and perhaps I'll consider it sis.
so when is anni
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Albert making the F2P players finally buy a big pack
>casually admitting that barghest is a caniballistic whore
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>sudden maint
>could not make my blue apples after waking up
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>12pm already
>stream on 3am?
>all content and /alter/ meltdowns will be only on 4am
>already feel sleepy af

Yes, that's more convincing because I like flat chests.
by not being tied to one of the greediest, most dogshit games to ever exist, i know fgo isn't exactly kind to f2ps but it's still leagues better than feh
Do you guys never read the in game news?
I did read it, I wish I had more screenshots but the ps4 version blocked them after the first few hours
Corrin is more of a bimbo onahole than her, and therefore more comparable to Gudako.
>Comparing non canon character to another non canon charater
>no one cares about it
>yet it got to the top of the best seller list
it fucks over latelets and minmax autists who only focused on two teams of 8 by requiring you have like 16+ built characters (lv70+) of 3 elements to swap in and swap out across various stages, lol, lmao. actually a little like our tower events, except each character you enlist can only be used twice and just getting to be able to pick them is tied to roguelike card rng. so many people bitched it was funny as a veteran who soft quit and log in once per month it was ez
Sommie > fou
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She’s so precious…
Can’t wait for more bob content and her character development.
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Mahoyo love! Replaying it while waiting for the stream
I only ever used dommy mommy Corn in my playthroughs
Helmets are cool
This just makes me not want to read it.
Is every fucking Mahoyofag a woman?
She just makes me happy.
Why do you want to beat up your earliest Arts team ally, anon?
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Fates was the best Fire Emblem ever got in terms of gameplay
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>in terms of gameplay
Only in Conquest and only if your preference lies with higher difficulty. Birthright and Revelation were both just bad no matter what your preference is, though.
I want to see your washboard sis
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Never played Mahoyo but she cute
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no one does
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what RL you invading at faggot?
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where did you get the transparent pngs bro, please help a bro out
Why is there a maintenance?
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Got a problem with that?
60, it is super fun
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You know what this thread needs?
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>Helmets are cool
Unfortunately I have no Ody, so the Tsar must take his place.
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we're almost free.
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Liz Love!
Birthright was already better than awakening and sacred stones. Revelations is actual dogshit thanks to the maps though, I won't deny that
Impossible, Nasu says it doesn't have romance so it can't be a woman magnet
I'm a guy and it was my favorite type moon vn
It's the anniversary bro, they're adding Arc and the GSSRs
I dislike Mahoyo because some of the most annoying posters in /alter/ like it. Same with Tsukihime.
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uff, i might not have a char in that range
Said as if you were sarcastic
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here here
i was going to max ascending my shitters now...
And Engage was better if not the next best thing. I'm satisfied where the series is at now, but fuck Heroes
The wiki bruh
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Has AIbro posted after his sleep?
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That's really sad anon...
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for me it's Fatdusa on the left
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Why's that faggot Lautrec sitting at the bros table?
Can we be fgo friends. I’ll play mahoyo.
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That's right!
>literally 0 white people
Sono-G claims another /alter/sis...
>Basic sprites
I was too hopeful, thought it came from a cast sprite rip collection since that Kojika is spoilers. The search continues... thanks
becuase he's a bro that protects you from mediocre pussy
>1st Ascension Lalter
Based, incredibly based, unfathomably based.
Liz death!
usagi tits are fucking massive wtf
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Funny Vamp EX
Breast envy
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Funny Vamp SEX
well yeah, it's america
Who are you quoting?
What happens after the maintenance ends?
How am I supposed to get in the mood for SEX if I can't crawl under her giant granny skirt?
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Old Takeuchi art is so bad. People fapped to this?
Every anime convention in america is 100% SEA
Does Gorgon not count, or because she's just written as big as the plot demands?
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>that koyan
w-why are we under 'tainance?
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>Double-barreled shotgun
>A plethora of surface-to-surface missiles
She doesn't look very "Arts" to me.
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How am I supposed to add you with maintenance going on, huh?
>Going to covid con
you blind motherfucker, there are SEVERAL white people in this photo, holy shit
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Anastasiabros, our response?
The brain is the largest erogenous zone. If you stimulate it enough with words you can fap to anything. That’s why girls love reading smutty fantasy like Acotar
Anniversary time
Would Morgan qualify for Grand Caster?
I'm so jelly usagi is there and I'm not...
>Who are you quoting?
>Look for quote
>Don't see a quote
Uh, bro?
Who are you quoting?
The only thing worse than Takeuchi's art is Nasu's porn writing
How long till stream?
Having to deal with you is a turn off so I can see why he wouldn't try it.
Anastacia is a very underrated From girl.
Covid isn't real dumbo
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*steals your heart*
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Arcuied more like Softcueid!
Less than 2 hours and the /alter/ in 1 hour!
They are ugly so they don't count.
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I don't care about Bob and her boo-hoo sob story

Thank you for your attention
2 hours
As long as the intention is there. You could post your FC and I could add you once it ends.
It takes time to upload all the GSSR banners + Arc banner, please understand
Non-meme answer: probably testing the mighty chains cause you just know they are going to fuck it up
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So lads: Miss Crane or Bazett?

I have all the other "meta" servants in the game and I have all my waifus at good NP levels. The only two cute meta girls that have escaped me thus far are Crane and Bazett for the GSSR for me is a choice between their two respective banners

Which one offers most value going forwards? Cute city and her /fa/ best friend unrelated but very cute
wtf give it back
we're finally getting mighty chains? YAY
259 309 593
This contract is sealed, you will tell me your thoughts on it next weekend.
crane assists more comps
bazett enables specific unique strats
Kishimojin is also really fun. She is what Saburo's transformation should have felt. Kishimojin is fast and fun, Saburo is slow and boring.
The one who's a solo unit, duh
Bazett needs NP levels
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Just want to say I stole your picture to submit. But she won.
Bazett. She's fun.
If it's not real then why does my friend have it?
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that oberon sis is so cute she reminds me of this one filipino girl I used to masturbate to back in high school
Did you ask last time too
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>I’ll play mahoyo.
Because you don't have real friends.
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I love Nobu. I hope nothing bad ever comes out about him.
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>fell for it
No she doesn't, one guy on youtube keeps breaking CQs with lvl 90 NP1 bazett, she does need MLB BG however.
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>full AP
I'm actually borrowing that PS5, I only have a ps4 and pc myself
Zabaniya did nothing.
Hail Kuroha. We who are about to simp salute you.
Her counterattacks count as NP damage?
Is the Koyan at the front part of the Fate panel/brought by the team? The rest of the people are ugly as sin.
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We're all grailing our Medusas after maintenance right?
JK, I know everyone grailed their Medusas long ago.
I accept your concession
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I love Nobu. I hope he's a twisted degenerate like me.
for what reason? I see no point borrowing a PS5. Other than maybe Stellar Blade.
zendaya servant?
>Mahoyosis didn't post her flat chest
Guess I'm not buying this shit
Demon's Souls too.
Demon's Souls remake
PS5 has no games
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>King Hassan hiding
I can see why the word "assassin" was named after him
the remake looks ass not going to lie
>tfw you well never nibble circe's ears
Comfy room sis, funnily I have a borrowed PS5 too. My game is for Switch though
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>One game
>Gook Slop
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Japan lost the gacha war
Cope harder
Is OW still a thing? Feels like it fell off hard several years ago.
Bit odd for The Police to be a servant, but there have been weirder things
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Morgan summer soon
It's not fair...
I don't know just remember that name
Nigga I wanna crunch
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>bought Judgment and Lost Judgment for the PS4 because I thought we’ll never get a PC port
>Nobunaga is wearing lifts
I already have it for the PS3.
Some changes are for the worse but it's not such a big deal, getting to flip the layout of all the levels and adding penetrator armour + most active online in years is worth it for me
>You will never watch people on /alter/ melt down when they learned about the cuck event again
Feels bad
Just play the original.
It's an upgrade compared to the original. Plus online multiplayer which DeS doesn't have on PS3 anymore.
Is the stream going to be on YouTube?
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he's so dreamy bros
>Stellar Blade
This just looks like a weak Nier copycat. Is it even fun to play? The only thing I see people talk about are the different outfits the ass can be dressed up in.
Yeah, her counter attacks ARE her NP.
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>Defending the gook slop
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She already posted herself holding an Alice teacup. Don't be greedy.
News says the Anime Expo YouTube and Twitch
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Alright, time to play some more FG-...
Bros, why is there a maintenance again?
Thanks, I have more ps games so I figured it would look nicer on my shelf. Wish we could have gotten a PC physical edition but oh well...
I just beat it and the combat is better than Niers. I liked the music more and graphics were really good. Story was weak but decent enough
What is so comfy about it anon? Why do you fags feel the need to praise the "women" here over nothing.
Smoochable Koyan lips.
idk about the emulating scene but doesn’t Demon Soul on RPSC3 have multiplayer?
Finally I can play something else in a few hours
Works on my machina.
Imagine if they were boys instead...
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Not many anons are ready to admit that Koyan is the most beautiful servant in the game
It is a Nier Copycat but it's a pretty fucking good one. Plot gets a bit odd near the end and it definitely feels like there was some story on the cutting room floor that should have made it to release but overall it was a solid 8.5/10 for me
I don't know.
>Liked the music more
Being this much of a pleb should be illegal.
Nier 1 had amazing music. Automata had overrated music and I can't remember any tracks. Stellar Blade had a really good OST with a lot of variety
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>complaining about the art
Have you read the fucking TEXT of Nasu's h scenes?
Yes, I fapped to this shit.
Wait so why isn't Koyan a Tamamo

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