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Previous >>484874150

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/06
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in the West in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA in both English and French
>Popful Mail Coming to Switch eShop Next Week
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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1st for Campy!
I would even defend you and Ash because I like him but you lost your reason when you started being a reductionist like him
She did a lot more in Cold Steel than Celine. It would make sense to say that Celine is redundant since Emma could have done the exposition part but you obviously took the route of trying to bash Original Class 7 instead of trying to refute his argument (which is also reductionist but has some argumentative basis)
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>gayestbreak <--- Rean is in it
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as clouds fall, sakura bloom...
fallen warriors gather in the evening blue...
and i present to you YOUR DOOM!
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The heroes of Zemuria...
Lil ronnie...
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>I would even defend you and Ash because I like him but you lost your reason when you started being a reductionist like him
>She did a lot more in Cold Steel than Celine. It would make sense to say that Celine is redundant since Emma could have done the exposition part but you obviously took the route of trying to bash Original Class 7 instead of trying to refute his argument (which is also reductionist but has some argumentative basis)
Pretty based honestly.
I really need other people to start making the OP, I can't keep doing it solo forever.
Hatsuu fucked every single person in this room.
Retcon and plothole are two different things
Ash and the curse bring a new interpretation about Hamel events
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thank you for your work anon
How about letting this general rest in peace?
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Based Rean came to single handedly straighten Kuro with his harem of bitches
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Wean is bringing his faggotry alongside Crow and it will be the gayest game yet.
Based Ban-chad owning his status as the current protagonist.
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That little manlet will make the game gay all on his own with his lust for Crow and Jobbings if he appears.
I just finished Reverie this morning after dropping it at the final dungeon like half a year back.
It was basically everything bad about Cold Steel rolled into one.
Reverie should have been a small side game that only centered on Rufus and his party. Instead Falcom MUST make all of their games have insanely ridiculous climaxes where all the returning characters go "WOW THIS NEW FINAL BOSS IS WAY STRONGER THAN THE LAST FINAL BOSS".
Remove Lloyd and Crossbell being unliberated AGAIN, remove Rean and his wank and all the baggage he carries, and just make it a small game. But Falcom can't imagine doing that. Modern Falcom would NEVER make a First Chapter.
Still the coolest S craft. I love S crafts that only target one enemy but do a shitload of damage. It's why I wasn't too upset by Estelle getting Wheel of Time back as her main S-craft.
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>only centered on Rufus and his party
Literally the worst part of the game
I'd rather more 10 games with Crossbell than shit characters like Nadia, Swin and Lapis (honorable mention: Renne and Duvalie)
t. Reanfaggot
NISA...my preorder...my customer support email...
It's Over. I will have to wait at least 1 more business day to find out where my Van plushy is
This is why Kuro flopped.
I haven't gotten any shipping updates at all. When I bought it too I bundled it with the ps5 CS3/4 games since they came up on preorder the same day as Daybreak. I don't mind waiting but I don't even have a tracking number or email updates. I've ordered dozens of game LEs from NISA and this is the first time this has happened. Usually they arrive early.
Gaybreak combat is basically Tokyo Shiatdu for 90% of the game, then a retarded monkey version of the turn-based system for the remaining 10%. Shit suxx.
Schizo-kun you can play it entirely turn-BASED if you want
I kinda miss the time where getting kiseki in the west wasn't guaranteed, the hype I felt and saw online when the cold steel 4 announcement dropped was fucking insane and I miss that...
that said it is good that getting localized kiseki is pretty much a matter of fact these days
No one wants to spend more than 5 seconds playing the shitty turn-CRINGE combat in Kuso no Cuckshitki.
is it me or is there even less voice acting in kuro than there usually is
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what kiseki game does she play?
Plotholes is when information presented is just retarded. Retcon is when new information is presented in a retarded way, which contradicts previous information.

New interpretation has nothing to do with retcon. By that dumb logic every supplementary information can be considered retcon. Ash's story adds another layer to Hamel's massacre, without contradicting anything.
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>21 seconds
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I'm glad the King is back. It's been too long without a Rean game.
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The sad thing is there are people who unironically believe this
I did the exact same thing as you kek, mine says "Unfulfilled" on the website.
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>cao flexes on ronnie with his galaxy brain
>fen swats ronnie aside like he's a bug
Poor 'Lil Ronnie can't catch a break.
Queens are female, sister.
One of the few good things in that disgusting filler of a game.
Not that the Kuro games don't still have the occasional awkwardly animated fights, but it's kind of wild to see how far they've come since our favorite CS3 meme fight
>Reading the post normally
>Notice something
>Saves a character in the limit by saying "ya" instead of "you"
>Wastes a character in the limit by saying "gawd" instead of "god"
>Don't even care about what the person was posting about anymore
Am I autistic?
Will he ever? Will he forever be Cao's little bitch?
I too love seeing violence against women
Hajimari mostly used the exact same animations and it looks 100x better than anything in CS3 or 4 because there's actual direction and speed to the cutscenes
>yet 2d sprites bouncing into each other is still better than anything in the 3d games 20 years later
Surely they didn't just improve this much over the course of a few games right? It has to have been the engine that was holding them back.
But... anon, I thought that muh Kuro is woke...
The fact that Ash survived is idiot and makes it seem like Falcom never planned the series. The amount of stupid information that was added to justify a third survivor and how Miguel saved him is a joke.
There was something unique about Joshua being the last survivor of Hamel after Loewe's death. Ash has no relevance to the story as a hamel survivor other than serving as a gateway to the curse in the series.
The curse changes the understanding of Loewe's words and makes them much shallower than they were initially. Loewe never knew about Ishmelga's existence or the curse and no one told him... Why did Vita or Lianne never tell him the truth? They seemed to care about him but not enough to tell him the truth... kek

Ash's existence does not improve the series at all, it only makes it worse as there are several recontextualizations of past events (retcon) with the curse’s existence
>Also there’s no Ash in Loewe’s manga.
Engine has nothing to do with animations, and as was said >>484990934 it had everything to do with the animators not knowing what the fuck they're doing.
No, they just hired animators. Lots of games on the Phyre Engine have better animation.
PS1 games on much more primitive engines and hardware with actual restrictions have better animation than pre-Kuro.
star wars ahh aim
>nothing to argue about so thread goes back to a 2017 game for content

Now I really want to go back and re-read the threads when Kuro 2 came out, but how fucking long would it take it to find. fml
>Blasting Zone
>sword extends into fucking space
>My Final Heaven
>sprint across the world several times
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What limiter did Machias have on his fucking shotgun anyway? And why would he have it?
These games look so soulful now... Time for a replay...!
he was holding back... haha...
>Got Crossbell
>CS4 early 2021
>Hajimari halfway through 2023
>Kondo has come to the west to meet the western fanbase
>And now we're getting Kuro 2 early 2025
Wherever this guy is now, I hope he's fucking kneeling.
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Only experienced gun wielders know how to use THAT technique, which allows them to fire their bullets in a non lethal manner.
I just masturbated so hard to Na-chan again.
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hes so fucking hot oh my god I think I might prefer him over rean...
Retard. Genuinely. You're the biggest retard here. What does it feel like to be such a colossal retard?
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>Retard. Genuinely. You're the biggest retard here. What does it feel like to be such a colossal retard?
What do you mean? It feels so good. Especially when cumming to her.
Dumb faggot gooner retard. Never announce your masturbation sessions here again, sodomite.
I'm gonna need another Joshuajak for post above
I will keep announcing them. I'm going to have an especially long edging session later...<3
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Haha... schizzy is really losing it this time.
There's no need to announce how retarded you are each time you enter the general, cumburper.
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Loewe wasn't avenging Hamel. He was
disillusioned with the world, because of the cover-up of the tragedy by both sides of the war. When joining Ouroboros, he literally asked Campanella why the tragedy has happened and Campy replied that it was because of the weakness in humans. Pretty sure that Campanella then showed him the Liber Ark as well as told about the Aureole. Almost like there is a common theme here, don't you agree?

Anyhow, we never get much info about the relationship between Vita and Loewe other than she had hots for his type. She is also a lying sadistic bitch, so I'm not sure how much she cared about him. As for Lianne, the answer is the same as to why she hid everything from Stahlritter and her closest friend with whom she goes back literally centuries. It was a matter of honor and regret. She would never drag Loewe into her own fight.
No I think I should.
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I love Na-chan so much!
where can I get a gf to cosplay as Na-chan so I can cum in her?
this cumanon is based, keep cumming anon, for all of us
It's impossible since no one is as cute as Na-chan
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This is true.
Your whore waifu doesn't have a real personality. She's an archetype with no discernible identity.
thats what the cosplay is for
I think the fact that most of her backstory is only present in Three & Nine is kinda the reason for that. Swin and Nadia both having pretty much their whole character arc off screen caused them to have flat character arcs in the games proper.
Uh okay...? It still feels really, really good to cum to her.
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>having this much of a melty about people liking a fictional character
Some retard in this thread will always have a melty any time you like anything in the series.
>he says, having a melty because he think someone has a melty
Stop announcing your fap sessions, retard, and stop obsession over paper cutouts, RETARD.
Haha, surely it will be fixed in their third game...
I'll probably masturbate to Na-chan again in a few hrs. I'll keep you updated.
Why is this series such a magnet for schizos?
I'll go fap to her right now, thanks to you.
Their niche is being broken with every translation
>Fie has almost the highest number of appearances in the series, second only to Olivert
Fucking crazy honestly. Love Fie but this information is genuinely nuts to me.
so did literally any interesting info come from that future of trails panel
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It's because Na-chan is too strong...
Anton is based on a friend Kondo had in college and is his favorite NPC, apparently.
Hansuke says they did a full map reveal but somehow I doubt that
The future is Kuro II early next year!
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Swin and Nadia show somewhat subtle development in Kuro 2. Swin finally got over his survivor's guilt after the guy himself told Swin to move on, and Nadia showed that she got past her over dependence on Swin by being able to operate without and against him during act 3 compared to how she had a melty in the Reverse Babel when they got separated. This also ultimately resulted in Swin getting some balls by viewing Nadia as his future wife instead of as a little sister.
Why do you faggots want others to know that you knead your dick? Are you retarded?
>anton was a real guy
lmao thats awesome
wtf happened to anton anyway has ever been mentioned since cs4
Pretty based 2bh. I honestly love flat character arcs exactly because they're defined by subtle changes rather than growth of character that you'd have to be blind not to see.
>Hansuke said
Bro its 2024
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I just want to share my joy about Na-chan. It just feels so good...and my loads are getting bigger as I edge to her.
I don't want to hear about your dick, faggot bro. This isn't a gay chatline.
You're a valued member of the /fg/ community
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>The super arrange version kicking in for McBurn in CS4
This series can be so fucking kino sometimes.
Well alright. I'm going to eat dinner and then probably masturbate to her and edge for an hour or so.
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How long did it take NISA to upload the panels back in 2019?
Yeah, be sure to come back and talk about your dick some more in a general consisting exclusively of biological males, faggot.
based, don't let mean people dissaude you from doing you!
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>so assblasted by nǟ-chan xhe has to use filters
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>someone saved my screenshot
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what did he mean by this
I will <3. We all love Na-chan it seems.
campanella will take her jacket off in kai and reveal massive tits
Campanella is GM's familiar
I hope you spill hot soup on your shriveled up micropecker, homo.
I think its moreso implying that hes nonbinary/agender? maybe hes like quatre
Emma when???
I think he just doesn't care, because he never has cared about anything. His sole role is to make sure the grandmaster's will is fulfilled. I wouldn't be surprised if it came out he was a familiar-like being for the grandmaster.
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Really considering getting the Ouroboros watch, I missed out on the previous watch collab
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Wow... It's Eryn before the retcon
Uh well I won't do that. I'll just keep jacking off to Na-chan.
campy really is the biggest mystery in the series, his scraft is literally the salt pale
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oh my
>enforcer number 0
>000000 digits
I love him so much
hey no offense but who the fuck is this irrelevant nobody??
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nice digits
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seriously who the fuck is this person
Absolutely wasted gets on some shit nobody knows or care about.
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shikosha namuba zero.... I kneel..
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Fufu, wouldn't you like to know?
Honestly incredible get.
>he doesn't know the mastermind behind the series
shut up faggot, at least it wasnt a tranny get
if only you knew how symbolic things really are
cumming in nα-chan!!
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How are anons like Daybreak so far? I think Van is a refreshing guy.
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A treat for the tourists.
You can't cum in a fictional character, RETARD. All you can do is talk about touching your dick in a small group of biological males, making you a total faggot.
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its pretty good innit
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ummmmm bwo that's rean slander
why does this make anon so mad
I can in my dreams retard
Cope. The only sexual thing you're actually doing is talking about your dick to other mean unsolicited, making you a faggot.
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>other mean
He's genuinely fuming.
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>cumming in women in your dreams is gay
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>Kept you waiting, huh?
i loved daybreak when i played. i just with the English version was localized better.
>bros i'm massaging my foreskin while clutching my testicles and rubbing my scrotum to na-chan!
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haha... is this rean's game?
The prequel to rean's game
sucking on joldas and altinas nipples!
20 years later and we're still waiting haha
all part of campy's plan
Yeah idk I've come to accept that localizations always take creative liberties to let localizers express themselves and add their own personal touch. I don't agree with it but what can you do
Maybe fg can just become a place where we talk about cumming together to our favorite waifus.
we don't need to know your specific masturbation habits. who the fuck rubs their balls?

still cumming to nachan btw
some of the changes were just stupid imo.
theres already /ftt/ on /trash/
Maybe you can go find a dedicated gay community where you talk about each other's genitals and masturabtion habits instead of shitting up a video game thread on a video game board, you absolute homofaggot goontards.
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Prequels, and that guy is in Bean-a-Reano's games too.
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you literally started talking about your foreskin, scrotum and balls
Ooh thanks. I'll post both here and there.
Nothing gay about what I am proposing.
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Yeah, it's called mockery, retard.
Nothing is gayer than talking about jerking off together, faggot.
How is it gay if anon is cumming to cute girls? That's gay? Wtf?
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Well, /fg/?
>just stroked my shaft and shot a thick load to *insert name here* boys
Heterosexual moment.
why did the game development thread send me here
what even is this place why is it run by fujos
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>trails getting free publicity because of a get
yes... haha... YES.....
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play trails in the sky
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All according to plan...
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>why is it run by fujos
Haha, it's actually the opposite. We like attractive females here.
A general consisting of men talking about their dicks to one another is gayer than fujoshit.
nah, you just like talking about your masturbation habits :)
You don't have to be so hostile. Masturbation is a perfectly normal act. Especially to Na-chan.
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No it's run by cunnychads
>you just love talking about the thing you're mocking me for doing actually!
Retard alert. No one wants to hear about you touching your tiny, shriveled up and tiny dick.
be rov..
>tiny shriveled and tiny
Then where's the proof otherwise, faggot?
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Masturbating is good for you.
Share your most recent experience with the class.
You can never emphasis enough how small your dick is.
>literally asking for a dick pic
bro that IS actually gay
He's projecting his gayness onto the thread kek
>/fg/ - Faggot General
This is what you get when you talk about your dick every single day, Na-chan faggot. Your fetish isn't jerking off to girls. Your fetish is describing the act to other men. Because you're a faggot.
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this is a canon outfit for a single digit real year old age girl btw
nobody but you is doing that
made for crying on her tummy
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kek holy shit
Retard. The faggot has literally been talking about touching his cock to his whore waifu on a daily basis for years.
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and now you're idolizing it. who's gayer? you talking about dicks or someone talking about having sex with a female?
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I would buy this. Why has Kondo forgotten him?
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Proof Campanella is a Holy Beast, "Children of Men" is only a sentence spoken by Holy Beasts.
Uh, schizo moment? The nigger is talking about touching his dick every single day here. Both off topic and extremely homosexual.
>one person
>almost 7000 ritualposts
sex with na-chan
and thats a good thing altina is sexy as hell
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I'm not the guy you're talking to, but I do approve his message.
You are the aforementioned faggot in that post. Take your meds. The archive is the biggest trail of autism I've ever seen.
na-chan broke a schizo
Not only is he talking about it more, his own headcanon that cumanon has a tiny dick and he he keeps describing it
>your shriveled up micropecker, homo.
>your tiny, shriveled up and tiny dick.

Cumanon might turn someone gay in this very thread
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More like it's phrasing not used contemporary. Loa Luciferia used it too.
Just finished eating. Gonna start my edging session now. Ahh Na-chann.....
Woah, now you're hyperfixated on dicks! Maybe you should stop being so obsessed with talking about your dick and how you touch it to strangers, haha...
>Trails of Autism
both concerns' sept terrions though, of which holy beasts are watching over.
Su-chan control yourself...
>he's been at it nonstop for 4 years
Haha, this might actually be the biggest legit schizo here.
is it wrong to want to nakadashi nadia rayne?
I really like the mixing on this song, singa did a good job actually, the vocals are like they're right up against my ear, I wish more vocal trails songs were mixed like this
>okay pretty boy, reign it in with the flexing
No one but land whales on tumblr think this is acceptable dialogue. I can smell the thing that localized this batch of dialogue
Nah, that's still you. Nå Çhanfag doesn't have anything on you, the guy that talks to himself for hours on end about things such as Kuro being "woke".
>120 fucking pages
Gotta respect the commitment I guess, but this general has a few autists like this.
Yeah, sorry to disappoint, but that's not me. This Na-chan faggot, however, is very real and always active in these threads. Daily spamming nonstop for 4+ years with no end in sight.
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Sure, but everything we even know about relating to the age period of the Great Collapse is pretty much connected to Sept-Terrions in one way or another.

Except the cut board game door minigame of which there are still some traces left.
Even that might be related to the Sept-Terrions, hard to say since it never made it into the game.
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Today, I will remind them.
This is so disingenuous, why are you so dishonest?
Trannylators always seem to be hardcore xittertards (formerly tumblrfags).
Not disingenuous at all. It even points to the exact starting point of the schizo's ritualposting. Why become self-conscious about being a fucking schizo sperg now? Shouldn't the moment of realization have come 6000 posts ago? kek
Schizzy has 0 self awareness kek
Xhe's probably brown too
Wokefag is so deeply embedded in your mind that you think every single poster who offends you is the same one. Meanwhile, here you have a case of actual INSANE ritualposting dating back to the Hajimari pre-release that has been a daily occurrence ever since. Strange obsession you have with skin color.
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I was the original Na-Chan ritualposter, others started following my in my footsteps. Believe it or not.
You still spam it on a daily basis. So 4000 of almost 7000 ritualposts are yours. Same differences. You're insane.
i want to smell the inside of joldas shoes
I only did it once a thread even at my worst. Go do the math.
she's wearing jordans
Yeah, that's totally believable, schizo! You're legit as bad as the wokefag and the schizuafag. Just because you're not as toxic doesn't mean you aren't bonkers.
Why did they change the turn order UI from the cold steel games? It's so much less visually coherent than the old design was.
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>trans through gaybreak
It’s not even just that
>character talks about the situation being embarrassing
>localized as scarred for life
If they’re that desperate for their lesser faction of a story, why not something that fits the character. Like
>so my efforts were in vain/waste of time etc.
I don’t understand why some many localizations mollify and degrade the actual story and characters. And it’s not even limited to the trails franchise. It’s like the localizers are stuck in perpetual arrested development
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There's a lot more na-chan love going on around here on /fg/ than you'd ever believe. At some points when there still were IP counts I'd wager there being anywhere between 3-6 posters aside from myself every thread.
That's how it is, simple as. I don't care about convincing you. Carry on and remember to take your meds as necessary.
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i wish falcom would spend like 3 years on a single video game
They literally can't, financially
You KNOW you've posted the majority of those 7k posts. Nothing you say or do will convince anyone otherwise. Here you are doing what you always do.
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time spent =/= good
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>be Rovert
>jobless 40 year old cripple living in Ireland (with his parents)
>no life always online poison that destroys everything around him
>tweets 200 times a day and has been banned from every wrestling forum on the web
>shilling for NISA 24/7
>caught samefagging multiple times
>goes on a 30 hour meltdown about his furry pedo hero while calling all the /fg/ anons here pedophiles
...do their games sell that poorly?
it's industry standard for a game's dev cycle to be like 3-5 years
this was actually developed in a fairly short period it just spent a lot of time in dev hell iirc
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you tell me
They are way more niche than you think they are. Global releases have been carrying the studio, the same situation that NIS is in.

Haha... not even close to the same level...
Falcom could financially afford to sit on their ass for a decade although shareholders wouldn't like it. Just as a company they could do it.
>200 vs 7000
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>sold more than every falslop product combined = bad
according to NISAshill
why did they even become a publicly traded company given how small they are
Kato needed another house please understand.
Why did she get the nosejob?
Gonna cum to those titties bros, will update you when i blast
What are you even trying convey here, ESL schizo? Do you think the OTHER GAME fag is the NISAshill? lmao
hmm seem like tourist
i hate the combat in these games
>Better than every falcom game
>NISAshill is completely fucked in the head
>retard sperg thinks every single poster is *schizo*
>can't even write a coherent post
shhhhhhhhhhh don't break their delusion.
it's ok NISAshill
>talesfag is the guy spamming NISAshill
weird melty but I will take it
nisa shills get paid $15/hr with no benefits and part time. leave them alone...
>nisa shills get paid $0/hr with no benefits and full time. please continue bullying them...
i didn't play this game much because it ran poorly on my pc
I just remember GEMINI AQUA
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I compensate NISA, so I do it for less than free
no one paid a 4chan shill that much
>talesfag insists western falcom sales aren't profitable
>a melty so dumb even other schizos think it's retarded
Still not going to play your forgettable 50 hour JRPG, just came back to see if anyone knew who the get anime girl was. No one cared enough to answer.
is that your bank account?
lmao nisakek
Nisa employees, please accelerate my support ticket regarding my preorder as well as the other anon here who requires it. Plz do REDEEM
I played tales of arise 15 times pirated and then decided to buy the highest edition physically possible alongside the beyond the dawn expansion on steam just because, haha i've never bought a single falcom game let alone daybreak even tho im a huge kuro fag and its my favorite game
wtf was this?
Xillia on Steam when?
>indirect replies
looks like we touched a nerve
Kuro LE & plushies + CS/4 PS5 combo LE
Oh shit it's gambler jack and halle.
What did you buy, OP's mom for a night? Get a refund.
I think I used my goodboy points to get some merch for free
really sad bro...
Ah...na-chan....so much cum....I can't go again...
holy KEYED
nisafag fucking molding and mouth breathing hammering their keyboards at based talesfag's posts hahahhaahha
I always thought that was pretty cool, yeah. They very easily could have just kept them as minor NPCs or not even have them show up at all, but the fact that they're involved in what you're doing is great.
Wait the series is 90% done? Damn So there's like Farewell + 2 games left huh?
90% done in Kondo's time scale means there's probably more like 5 games left.
90% done in Zemuria. The outer space/Beyond arc is planned to be at least 23 games (released annually).

why does falcom keep doing that?
"OH this is the final one? Man I gotta play it". Trick as old as time.
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I remember in Tokyo Xanadu they play the thing straight you beat the final boss and one of the party members say time to beat the final FINAL boss like they are aware of what they're doing
>Final Fantasy
>has a bajilion games
>Xhe doesn't know
Kiseki would make for an awesome setting for an MMO
at least you're not donating to a gachaslop company
Yeah, return to the Faggotfront for the trillionth time to fight Fag Cochroach in the latest raid!
rean expac has to be the last
what do falcom's programmers get paid
>40 man raid where every single player has to sit through their OC sayin "Rean..." while you back him up against some gay asset flip boss
Na-chan <3 cum
>only dialogue option during the raid cutscene
thank adios...
Only Su-chan's
I don't.
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Crossbell would be the Limsa of KISEKI NO MMO
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haha... leaker here, cold steel 1 and 2 remastered for PS5 and Switch 2 is coming in 2026 made by Xseed and NISA at the same time and ripping off persona 5
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Emma Millstein, th e epitome of briliance and charm in the world of characters.

Emma enters the scene, her presence commanding attention with every step. Her eyes, a reflection of determination and intelligence, see through the veil of deception like a hawk spotting its prey. Emma doesn't just excel; she thrives in every endeavor she undertakes. Whether it's solving intricate puzzles or outsmarting adversaries with her quick wit and strategic mind, Emma shines brighter than a supernova in the darkest of nights.

But it's not just her intellect that sets Emma apart; it's her unwavering loyalty to her friends and her unyielding courage in the face of adversity. She's the kind of person who stands firm in her beliefs and fights for what she knows is right, no matter the odds stacked against her.

In the annals of fictional greatness, Emma Millstein stands tall as a beacon of inspiration and a testament to the power of resilience and inner strength. Villains tremble at the mention of her name, knowing that they face a formidable adversary. Allies rally around her, knowing that with Emma by their side, victory is not just a possibility but a certainty.

So, next time you seek a character who embodies brilliance, courage, and unwavering determination, look no further than Emma Millstein. Because in the tapestry of fictional heroes, Emma's thread shines brighter than all the rest.
kill yourself troon
her EN VA is much better than japanese
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1 hour in and I already like him more than Rean
rean would've been fucking agnes raw by this point in the game
haha... emma
Emma when???
>fucking anyone that isn't crow
Also Van canonically has more action with women than riin in a spawn of 5 games
140 hours
Now that Rean doesn't have supernatural powers anymore Emma lost all interest in that faggot, hopefully she joins the vanbowl in kai.
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I can't tell if anyone even likes these games anymore, is this all ironic
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I love all the games I just love constantly shitting on them relentlessly for fun too
I legitimately love this series, yes. Shitposting is just fun. Idk about the other ? people in the general. God I miss when you could see the IP number.
I love Kiseki and I would never pretend otherwise
why do all kiseki characters have extremely tight asses
Sorry anon...
She is made for mcfirebro
built for anal
I don’t know if I like them or not
I dropped CS4 in 2022 and never played Hajimari/Kuro1/Kuro 2 but I still here talking about the games
Sky trilogy - great
Zero/ao - good
Cs1/2 - ok
Cs3/4 - garbage
Hajimari - meh
Kuro 1 - ok
Kuro 2 - meh
Incest is haram
sky bad
McBurn banged Isola
Kuro 2 early 2025
Kai late 2025
Based NISA
FC: Good
SC: Mid
3rd: Good
Zero: Mid
Azure: Bad
CS1: Mid
CS2: Good
CS3: Garbage
CS4: Good
Reverie: Good
Kuro 1: Mid
Kuro 2: Garbage

Nayuta: Good
Akatsuki: Bad
Northern War: Garbage
>CS4: Good
There was a panel yesterday at Anime Expo where Kondo talked about a lot of things, such as why FC and SC were split into two games, how the 50 Mira scene was created, and if we’re going into Arteria in the future (Kondo said he can’t say and that people will literally kill him if he did).

The most important thing he said imo though was when a fan asked him who his favorite NPC was. The fan then mentioned that his personal favorite was Anton, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Kondo laughed and said three things about Anton.

1: Anton was created by Kondo personally
2: Anton is based on a friend of his from university. Specifically, he said that “everything with this guy was a pain.”
3: Anton is indeed his favorite NPC
Waiting for someone to do a difficulty mod for kuro before playing it.
Where is Anton anyway, did he end up with Sharon?
>CS2 good
>CS4 good
>Hajimari good
Was there more questions he answered?
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love renny
Was Kondo happy and smilling?
>knockoff "moshy" merch everywhere
Goodnight bros. Hopefully I have another wet dream to Na-chan that leaves a stain.
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she won
wtf is that game that easy even on nightmare?
I don't know but im playing all the cold steel games with the difficulty mod so im kind of hopping for someone to do one with kuro.
>easiest difficulty
>skip all dialog and cutscenes
Only way to play.
Loving the music in Daybreak.
She has a lovely smile, lovely eyes, and very nice legs
mare won the others lost
Haha some npc clearly said sword maiden in engrish and the subtitles are trying to tell me he said beauty's blade.
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that's why its one of the dumbest changes for their trannylation
>Primary reason to play on easy is to get through gameplay easily
>Use it AND skip cutscenes and dialogue
Just use the fan translation if you're not using the dub.
You fell for my bait.
>Character clearly says Anies
>text says Agnès
Do they think I'm stupid or something?
they do
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This is NOT food.
That looks disgusting
You're right it's a screenshot of a low budget digital representation of food.
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The best villain in vidya history, holy FUCKING SHIT, what the fuck just happened
Stop being racist to Klingons
The curse won
Biggest flop in JRPG story unironically
>4h ago
Uhhh... anon?
Just another example of a character Sky and Crossbell set up so wonderfully only for Cold Steel to completely drop the ball. Osborne and Lechter are the two worst examples of this. I guess you could count Olivier too.
He's edging
Osborne is so based honestly. From the moment he's introduced to the moment you last see him.
>no car
>no women action
>a massive pickup
>has women action
Did I crack the code bros? One should just buy a car and that's it?
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Goddammit I swear if the models had nipples you'd be able to see hers here.
Wait, is Daswani's level 3 Connection a complete pain in the ass to get? It looks like it interferes with other connections and it apparently fucks with the movie brochures later on.
Nah nips are lower than that especially on smaller tits. Had a gf where her nips leaked out of the top of her bra, it made for easy pinching
Seeing Judith's entire nippleless boobs during her open robe accident was so weird. They did not look right.
I want to lick her armpit and underboob sweat
Falcom must have the nippled versions of their models.
Seems like it. From the Zoelius guide:
>The mysterious character that appears while watching "This Side of Heaven" can only reach the max Connect Stage in the first playthrough if you watch this movie on this day. However, if you do that, it will cause conflict in watching this movie on October 3rd, as you will need to watch "This Side of Heaven" again to max Daswani's
>connect stage in the first playthrough. You do not want to watch the same movie twice as you will miss out on collecting the brochures that will get you the strongest weapon in the game.
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was this intentional
Every female in Kuro is a fertility goddess holy shit. Absolute killer hips on all of them.
god i want to eat marielle
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I'm unironically close to completely dropping this game over those AI cores yelling "tips" out to you during combat every six seconds. It's the single most annoying thing I've ever come across in a video game.
pretty sure you can turn them off in hollow core menu. at least you can in 2, don't remember about kuro 1
It's probably super annoying with the overacted trash in english
Good to know, I'll check it out.
yeah bro Japanese VA is known for its subtlety lmfao
To be honest, I don't even want them off so much as I wish they had their own volume slider. I feel like they shouldn't be as loud as characters speaking.
>nisa really changed kurgha to kruga
so the jaegers are supposed to be like muslims right
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can i date her? she cute
Kurgha doesn't even make sense relative to how phonetic JP-EN translations work. The katakana was クルガ, so "Kruga" makes more sense.
the japanese language bastardizes pretty much any foreign word
it's frankly embarrassing when you think about it
versus english where you can incorporate any loanword into it seamlessly
Haha looks like someone started the series with Daybreak.
noooo... my narrative...
she's canon
she's non-canon
I mean, that's true, but the counterpoint to this is that it has made English a complete fucking mess of a language.
YOU can't and never will, but Van can.
nice. i like her more than agnes
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This is Van's height relative to a 13-year old girl
Can we all agree he is a manlet
Sorry anon, Anies is winning the Ban Bowl.
They started motioncapture with Yamaneko and PhyreEngine. It was always possible, they just cheaped out for a while.
It just feels so weird seeing them go from CS3 and 4 animations to even some of the stuff we got in Reverie.
falcom has fewer employees than some indie devs
I like seeing Falcom's evolution in their games. You can always visibly see that they're working on something.
what do they need employees for they just reuse assets to make yearly slop
Why does Agnes have slut lips
the field battle system is obviously hot garbage but the command system would be fine if they didn't make shields so completely broken
If you're going to boost certain arts ought to be effective.
A boost would work here.
the field battle system is the dark souls of JRPGs
>thread is quiet
>there's a schizo thread on /v/
of course
Same except in English:)
I'd probably grope Agnes if I was sitting down next to her.
Renne trained her to be a slut
Do you think she would just allow it to happen?
I actually really like field combat in daybreak but only with van and aaron and it sucks balls for enemies that are only weak to arts until the second game
Isn't she unassertive and never able to say no?
at this point they just need to stop making ys games and migrating the combat system into trails. Trails turn based combat with ys action combat seems perfect
it's too braindead simple and boring plus the enemies are ridiculous hp sponges even on easy field difficulty and then they also upped enemy density by 3 because ??
It's weird to me that the field combat just kinda feels like a means to an end (breaking the enemy) before entering the turn based combat, which is just significantly better and it's not even close. Though I do still appreciate the field combat's inclusion for fucking mooks that die in like a few hits. Saves some time for sure.
Playable and consecutive at that.
>then they also upped enemy density by 3 because ??
Every enemy in a battle has to be on the field now. Previously, if you got into a fight with one enemy on the field it'd have represented at least a couple of enemies, but with action combat every enemy needs to be on the field.
Ys is too fun to be sacrificed for Kiseki. Perhaps after Kiseki ends early, Ys can have occasional turn based segments featuring non-Adol characters. Like the Dana segments.
Ys.... Fun?
It doesn't even make sense to axe Ys because its story structure ensures it can pretty much just exist forever and those games are definitely more popular on account of action combat just being inherently more accessible than turn based combat. Plus Kiseki is actually planning to end. I'm sure they'll still keep TLoH series itself alive, but still.
>exist forever
It's actually limited to only 100 games desu since that's how many travelogues Adol wrote
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They can just say that more travelogues were found and keep it going forever
I mean, at the pace they release these games, it may as well be functionally forever. We will all die before Falcom gets through 100 Ys games. Hell, Falcom will probably cease to exist before reaching 100.
>those games are definitely more popular on account of action combat just being inherently more accessible
I'm more of an Ys fan than Trails fan, but Trails is easily a lot more popular than Ys
They got to Ys X in 36 years. I doubt Falcom will even be around to make Ys 100. Though it's pretty easy to say that Adol stashed more travelogues somewhere else as they only found the 100 travelogues in his old house.
Is it really? I guess I've never really looked into it in terms of numbers, but over the course of time in general, I always felt like I've heard more people talk about Ys than Trails. Well, until recent years I guess. Cold Steel definitely did a lot for the series popularity probably.
That's a very nice cleavage
Adol looks so much like Sora here
>I always felt like I've heard more people talk about Ys than Trails. Well, until recent years I guess. Cold Steel definitely did a lot for the series popularity probably
bwo living inside of his own delusions, his own machinations...
Trails series sold 7.5 million as of last year, so in 19 years. The last time Falcom updated Ys sales was in 2017 when it sold 4.8 million.
You can also look at Steam's concurrent players, just about every Trails game has a higher peak than the highest Ys game. And when it comes to first week sales in Japan, Trails completely destroys Ys.
Where is the fan patch for 1.1.4 Nisa version?
Why would you get the NISA version and want the fan patch?
Why would you want to read NISA vomit?
Why would you not use CLE?
If you're not using CLE's ports, then you're still a NISAfag in my eyes.
Does Van seeing Judith's genitalia change/affect their relationship, interactions, and character dynamic in any way?
It was the start of Van and Judith being cute and canon.
I've never played a nisa loc of kiseki
nope. just fan service for the boys.
Have you been using their ports with fan TLs? Then you're still a NISAfag. If you want NISA to die, you need to buy CLE.
yes, a few anons in a thread of about 40-50 regulars can kill nisa by buying the CLE version.
what planet are you on, bruv?
I played sen 3-4 in JP and hajimari-kuro 2 CLE
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oh and of course soulful guren tls of xbell
I'm immune to nisacuckery
You need to buy CLE, recommend CLE, and make sure everyone knows how shit NISA is. We may be low in number, but we can spread the message and ensure many people buy CLE. All movements start with a low amount of people but as long as we keep a strong front we can encourage more and more people to think like us, and our influential power will spread.
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when a certain /trailstuber/ tried to get a movement going last year, this thread tried to bully them into suicide and laughed at him.
it's not happening. this place exists to moan, and they don't have the balls to change things.
most of them have had years to learn japanese but complained here instead.
People have hated NISA for 20 years Luke you weren't gonna do shit
at least there was an attempt. /fg/'s done nothing but complain.
this place is a spineless joke. keep complaining while nisa hits the amazon bestsellers list.
>came back to see if anyone knew who the get anime girl was.
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The cle version is trash
If NISA dies, Durante will work on CLE. It's an investment.
Me on the left
I'm surprised Durante wastes his time on Falcom shovelware. Surely his resume must be good enough by now to get a real job.
He likes being independent and his dream games to work on are the Atelier games

Not lying btw, he's always mad about how shit the ports are for those games
WAJAJA... if you're working as a translator for video games, manga and whatnot you're never moving up the food chain. you'll never start translating official documents for other countries like all the prestigious translators.
Whatever else there is to say about Durante, I have to thank him for making Dark souls 1 on PC actually playable.
i don't even know why anyone dislikes him.
he may or may not have taken a shot at CLE, who are genuinely shite, and that's literally all i've heard.
/fg/ just being contrarians
Man you really feel the lack of minigames in Kuro 1. Too bad all the ones they added to 2 suck complete ass. I would rather Kai had 0 minigames than reuse the dogshit ones from Kuro 2.
Mare maze is fun
I want to explore Shizuna's pussy maze with my super sniffer
Van acts like this and says this
the only good mini games cs had were vantage masters and pompom, Kuro 2 had fun fishing and driving mini games.
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I'm literally Van so I guess that's true
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I hope kuro 2 isn't localized like shit like kuro 1 is
>new game comes out
>thread relatively active again
>nobody talks about specific gameplay related things
that's how you know the gameplay is trash
>new game
The game has been out for a few years
no one ever talks about the gameplay in any anime game only the waifus
Are there any infinite mira tricks in Kuro? Mira's really tight when you're trying to max out gourmet points.
just use the dlc item and sell them
No one's talking about gameplay because we've already done that when we played the game two years ago.
sepith mass is the only good way to earn mira in Kuro.
We already played and discussed it years ago so laughing as NISA's dogshit trannylation is the only thing to say about it.
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If she's 16 then I'm 16, you feel me?
Our boy luke is back!
That's grim.
Haha... I was just gonna post it.
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16 inches deep
she's been 16 times fertilized, by me
The game is 3 years old.
You get shit ton of items that you don't need, so you can sell them as well. I got my gourmet points maxed on my first playthrough, you also get a lot of stuff from the achievements tab in the menu.
How is the legend of heroes: trails through daybreak 1? Do I like if I liked the previous games?

Just read a few reviews and its a bit confusing.
The combat is shit and action time. They also had no time for minigames. Story is supposed to be okay and the game is a bit buggy.
I'm going to make agnes and renne teen moms
>Do I like if I liked the previous games?
it's more of the same slop so yeah
Kiseki games are always some of the best on the market. Go for it, you won't be disappointed.
the combat being half-action-based is a godsend for me. i'm mainly in it for the story, so the option to go full into Ys mode and walk through fuckers allows me to cut the bullshit.
but i do miss the battle victory theme. they were very fun and campy
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>Do I like if I liked the previous games?
Absolutely. The action part of the combat is just Cold Steel's field battles but made into an extremely basic action system that you use until you get the enemy break bar down to 0 then you go to the turn based mode that's very familiar if you played the other games. Boss fights are also only done in turn based mode.
>They also had no time for minigames
Yeah they didn't, they rushed it out.
>Story is supposed to be okay
It does have issues but the story is overall better than anything from Cold Steel, and Van is also a very enjoyable protagonist.
Why does she dress like a cocktease and a whore?
>It does have issues but the story is overall better than anything from Cold Steel
Other way around, Cold STeel has lots of issues but Daybreak managed to make it even dumber.
Finally a few days since release, what is (you)r opinion on NISA's translation? Which one is better? Zerofield or NISA?
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Daybreak 1/2 are the worst trails games
That's not Zero and Ao
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>wojak redditor
According to /fg/ standards, Crossbell is the best arc (AKA only the sale sof the previous game matters when it comes to quality)
And the worst part: You don't even know why you have to find the 8 macguffins
>Shit new combat
>Shit cast of characters with zero development
>The worst filler content for trails series until now
>The ''best part'' of both games is literally the same bad parts of CS games

Daybreak flopped hard in Japan and it's the worst Western release on steam since CS3for some reason
Accurately represents Kusoeaters yes
But you do, disingenuous schizophrenic. The game literally tells you why in the 1st hour.
Why the characters need genesis before 120X?
they state that you need the 8 mcmuffins to stop the end of the world at the end of the prologue.
i noticed something very funny about zerofield's.
usually npcs whose names haven't been revealed yet are referred to by a clothing or an item, but with black and brown-skinned people they literally just put "black man" and "brown-skinned man".
also, their grendel description is quite terrible.
other than that, nothing to report.
proper fansub hours.
I cummed to Na-chan again...
>The ''best part'' of both games is literally the same bad parts of CS games
It's funny because it's real
Chapter 1 = Nosferatu plot + Immortal plot
Chapter 2 = The same bad boy is the head of a gang and suffers because of his demonic side (how many times have I seen this in trails?)
Chapter 3 = muh curse masks
Chapter 4 = A worse version of Roe r + AI plot
Intermission = Elmo but Japan (here they copied Tokyo Xanadu who copied Persona 4)
Chapter 5 = another tournament arc where the characters are holding back
Final Chapter = Tokyo Xanadu ending but Trails
Yes but have you considered that it's not in Cold Steel and therefore all of that is okay?
Why they need 8 mcmuffins to stop the end of the world?
I'm only on Chapter 2, and while I can't judge accuracy on NISA's because Trails in the Database is seemingly never going to be updated ever again, it seems fine. I haven't run into too many XSEEDisms. The only one that comes to mind is Walter calling Van butthurt.
I have no fucking idea what people see in Crossbell. Zero was the most boring RPG I have ever played and Ao was only okay.
Schizo starts sperging out if you say the game is bad. If you say it's a downgrade from the last few games, then he says LOL WHO PLAYS KISEKI FOR THE COMBAT, as if it was always bad and doesnt have to be good, because it isn't in Kuro.
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So is nayuta canon or not? Not sure if i should bother with this kusoge
The Trails through Daybreak trailer looks kino, and I've been told that Kevin will make an appearance.
Is it finally time for a return to form?
No... it's more shit than before
Kevin won't make an appearance until Kai no Kiseki, whatever it gets localised as.
When people say this looks like I think what was the most visually complex game of that gen likely the FF XIII trilogy. Does trails through daybreak look better than it I mean no.
Kuro 1 is good
Kuro 2 is bad, but still better than cold shit
Kai is Kuro 3 therefore it will be good
Kuro 1 and 2 are shit and Kai isn't Kuro 3. It's a new arc, and it'll be more like Cold Steel and has Rean in it. I like it. I don't like Kuso.
Whatever you want to believe
Cope. Kuso was a failure. Kai isn't Kuso.
I don't know what's worse
Think that Kuro 1 is good or think that Kuro 2 is worse than Cold Steel
I wonder are Rean and Ka Fai fighting in Kai or is the trailer just fucking with us?
Whatever you want to believe
ema mirustin desu
Works on my machine
Glad she finally left that faggot riin and became a wandering witch.
You have no standards. You think an ESL MTL also "works" for you.
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Why do the girls dress like whores nowadays?
I miss when Estelle wearing thigh highs was the erotic peak of SC.
Hungry for shotas.
He was still stuck in the XSEED releasegap mindset
i thought only male priests molested children
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why she crying
What’s wrong with this game?
Why Fie? Why...?
How do we cope with SNIDSA getting Daybreak 2 out so fast while we still have a shitty low comprehension YouTuber Let's Play and ESL MTL patch for the chink botnet version of the game?
They should never left her with sara, how to ruin a growing girl, seriously.
because Ban-san is stuck in space
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Growing up was a mistake.
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Damn rean is really losing his harem. Towa for Crow, Emma for Ronnie, Fie is for the streets, Alfin will marry some fat noble.
Crow is for Vita
Emma is for McBurn
Fie is for Julian
And Towa is for White Supremacists

Aaron will discover his tranny side in Kai and will become Cao’s cum deposit
Bruh have you played sky 3?
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She was already dressing like a street whore in CS3, I have no idea why you fags act so surprised.
Shouldn't we be happy because Rean is no longer Kai's self-insert MC?
she was supposed to be for (Me)
not (You) ... ban-san you fucking bastard....
You must be a retarded zoomer. The ESL MTL is literally better in every way, even even it's clear they missed an editing pass I get a laugh. Instead with NIShit I think "they got paid to fuck up"

nothing wrong with CLE version. btw what are your pronouns so I can ignore them and call you a brain damaged dumbfuck?
oh yeah, forgot about Rufina.
Again, sara's fault.
On the other hand he IS going to fuck shizuna in kai
so there's that
>CLE advocate
>uses nitpicking to pretend his unironic ESL MTL is better
holy mental illness!
She looks like she sucks shota cock
no thanks I think I will not consume fanfiction
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>Crow is for Vita
Crow dumped that whore in favor of cute little Towa
>Emma is for McBurn
Incest is haram you disgusting fucking subhuman
>Fie is for Julian
and for the streets
>Aaron will discover his tranny side in Kai and will become Cao’s cum deposit
No Aaron will defeat Cao and finally move on from Heiyue to become his own man, Emma will help him with Taikun stuff and Ronnie will impregnate her in process.
You will also not consume your prescribed medication and /fg/ suffers for it.
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All kisekis turn into whores. It's inevitable.
I don't have medications prescribed idiot, stop projecting
>plays the game in English
You played fanfic
Take your meds, schizo. You're having an episode.
bro the falcom anime is funny as hell :skull:
they got launched into the sky and said "so this is sora no kiseki" lmao jej xd
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Will Reanfags lose their mind when Van will headpet Altina and she'll enjoy it?
>niggers who do not speak a single word of japanese remain smug about consuming literal ESL MTL sloppa while condemning official localization
>they do not have the ability to actually assess the quality, yet they pretend to and make it their entire personality and focus their entire lives around this
ohnononono, and it gets funnier when you consider it's all focused on some no budget niche trash games no one cares about
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>If only my teacher would stop getting drunk and molesting me every night
ESL MTL > trannylation
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>if only my self-insert wasn't a fucking faggot
what are your pronouns
You must be a deaf faggot or a torpedo autist if Geofront and Getting over the Barrier themes didn't leave an impression on you within the first hour.
Ao is garbage though, if Lloyd did an Agate and slapped the fuck out of KeA like Agate did to Tita a lot of the game could have been 10000000000000000000000000% better.
um i dont remember this, was she talking to van in this scene?
Alfin is for Elise
I love her intense stare
Haha, hit the nail on the head, huh? Is babby mad?
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Imagine if Alfin showed up in Kai, will it be bigger?
It will be using the same general female model as everyone else.
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actually started dressing like a slut in CS2
She had to wear a school uniform in CS1. She was always a slut. She's been riding dicks her entire life.
Lickable tummy....
At least she wasn't showing her thong.
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Can't wait to use my super sniffer against Shizuna in Kai.
Middle Eastern girls don't dress like that (but they should).
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vague prophecies to keep players engaged, in lieu of proper series planning.
mcmuffin time innit
Built for lewd
/fg/'s reading comprehension is so low that I doubt most people here register anything but female asses and keep coming back for more asses.
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Su-chan and Na-chan!
weird, ain't it. i'd understand if ai anon was pumping out a wide array of asses, but it's always the same low-poly asses from cold steel 4 or whatever.
you can see the sharp edges on the panties. breaks the immersion.
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I believe that Fie was the first Kiseki girl to start showing us her ass crack. And then thankfully, practically all the other girls followed suit. Fie was the trendsetter. She set a new standard and helped make the series what it is today. Fie saved Kiseki.
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is there any way to pirate Cold Steel 2 DLC with a legitimate Steam copy?
Gun female rean would have been the best mc ever.
Imagine the gangbangs
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I'm pretty sure that Millium's skintight suit also shows her buttcrack and was introduced in CS1.
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>the absolute garbage tokyo shartadu action combat is going to be a mainstay in LoH from now on
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Kondom said they did that for the American audience btw
Some girls in Cold Steel 1 and 2 showed butt crack if you looked up their skirts at the right angle or removed their skirts using mods. Not something you'd see during regular gameplay but the butt cracks were there on their character models.
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The enemy info in Gaybreak is soulless. Where's the little snippet of monster lore? S O U L L E S S
They'll never reach the mainstream American audience so that's just retarded. They're ruining their games.
if they improved it or let it be an option it would be better. i only use it if im trying to just go through a dungeon.
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I'm likely gonna feel the same way about metaphor's action combat in the field is a I do about Kuro 1 and 2s - Waste of dev time yeah we got more actions for it in Kuro 2 but to what end at the end of the day this isn't an ARPG
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this middle eastern prince guy really is just olivert 2.0 but worse huh
even his bodyguard is just a shitter mueller except now its a woman
fucking falcom theyre so lazy
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falcom just because you acknowledge it that doesn't make it okay
Play the game before posting you stupid fucking nigger.
It feels like a compromise that pleases nobody. The actionfags still seethe that the majority of the game is busywork and turn based fags don't want to play a shitty button masher just to get to what they actually want to play. It's one of those ideas that sounds good in marketing but just sucks to play.
Kuro 2 is peak kiseki combat
if they're playing it now they are retards anyway
fuck off i'll do what i want you cocksucker
Brain damaged.
But enough about yourself.
yume is mare
Masturbating to Na-chan!!
Would have been at least different if he was evil but he's a middle easterner in Daybreak so that shit isn't happening
the back attack/mob wipe system we've had since Zero has worked fine for trails fans this seems like a change to bring in new people.
>the most shallow combat system of all time is the greatest of all time
>earth wall
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>lil ronnie will beat Cao
In his dreams
We don't post about our pathologies here.
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mister van....
>Making fun of chinese knock offs
Not very woke of you Falcom...
Better stop talking about it indirectly by claiming Kuso has good combat.
Xipha might actually be the worst orbment system revisement in the series, all they had to do was bring back elemental values for arts not an entirely new and practically useless set of passives, most shard skills I can see are worthless outside of the driver line and now you have to butcher a characters whole line setup for something as basic as what Eagle Eye used to be and who the fuck thought arts drivers was a good idea? Yes let’s replace the incentive and fun of a characters art kit with boring and terribly pre built loadouts that you can barely customize and on top of that you have to BUY the actual good arts now too, holy shit I’ve never missed Cold Steel so much.
Kuro's combat is way better than cold shit thoughbeit.
It's a step back in every way, although Corked Shart also has shit combat.
orbments peaked with azure
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Singa won.
No one knows who these people are, xitterfag. Stop being so terminally online.
I would love to get in the head of someone who claims that they like Daybreak's story and see what exactly has them praising it.
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Rean has taken on a unofficial request from Olivier to inspect Calvard and ensure it is not going to ruin his plans for a continent full of love and peace.

Officially, he is there to provide support for the Bracer Guild's attempts to contain the chaos of terrorist organizations like Ouroboros.
I wouldn't like to get in the head of an ESL who doesn't properly understand any English and makes up fanfiction in their own head.
If anything, the bracers will support Rean, he's far stronger than anyone the bracers has. If Rean joined the bracers, then he would be S-rank on the spot.
It bashes gays
Cassius and Joshy > Rean
Rean is definitely stronger than any A rank bracers
Hes stronger than Sara, Elaine Joshua, Arios, Kurt. The only question mark is Zin but he is essentially S rank anyway.
Van is stronger than Rean.
>he's far stronger than anyone the bracers has.
You're forgetting the mystery S-ranks that are most definitely going to be top tiers on par with Aurelia, Ein, Ka-Fai, and Kasim.
Not after inproved meme unification in kai
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Story is pretty mediocre, but the dialogue writing is so much better than corked shart and it's not even funny, also way better cast of characters.
Rean is probably stronger than any of those, remember it's been 2 years since Hajimari and he's got a new tachi.
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Rufus has made the CID very unhappy over how he has evaded their mark, gotten into contact with Jorg, and went into Edith without ever being detected.
They have made a deal with the Gralsritter to "chaperone" him in exchange for more cooperation with the Church. They intend to keep him out of Calvard, and thus the chosen Dominion will be traveling with him to places such as Emerose City and Ludos.
Kevin has other plans, and is prepared for a coercive contract with Rufus in order to investigate and hunt the hidden heretics who hide the truth about the Genesis and the death of Epstein.
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i still don't like this redesign
Nice fanfiction attempt but the church already knew about genesis in kuro and didn't do anything.
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I like how na-chan has a moshy in her room
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>basic Van will job to basic Rean
>grendel Van will mog basic Rean
>grendel Van will be on par with spirit unification Rean
>grendel SiN will mog spirit unification Rean
>Van with demon core can potentially be in McBurn's level.
It'll go back up over 1000 in Kai. Thanks Rean haha...
Haha, they've removed even more instances of haha in the localization. Haha, we're going been starved for hahas, haha...
Just wait for bean to fuse with an alternate dimension version of himself haha
>kuso 3's whole script is just a series of hahas
Rean will break Shizuna's sword and a magical curse will leak out then into Rean, giving him ogre mode
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Elie has not seen her in three years and it is becoming unbearable to not know anything about her Best Friend
I have seen some pictures Kondo showed me on his phone at AX expo.
It looks like that all of Class VII will be in Kai, Tio, Lloyd, Elie as well. no sign of Estelle or Joshua though.
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>I have seen some pictures Kondo showed me on his phone at AX expo.
Anon, those were dick pics.
Jusis and Machias look so cool
panels where
We see Fufuman in Creil, so your fanfic is already wrong.
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why is there so much rean as a girl art
reanniggas are gaybos
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Secret Surveillance level increased
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Reana > Rean
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I fucking love this outfit so much. It treads the line between practical and lewd so nicely.
Girl = hot
Man = gay
Not that difficult.
Girls love school settings. The school drama, the student interactions, the relationships, doing tasks for the student council, getting involved with everyone's problems, going on adventures with your classmates across the land, hanging out at the dorm, working on and going to school festivals... All that stuff. Which is why so many female fans wish that the protagonist of the warrior school arc had been female with a male harem.
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Arios held back
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>female with a male harem
God imagine dating jusis before mlium or gaius. Imagine having a boy cumdoll instead of altina. Also going lesbian with laura because yeah why not.
Reanafags are worse than wokefags.
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Haha, I don't think I want payment in N64 minerals...
Take it faggot
Everything about the Cold Steel school setting is tailored to female interests and sensibilities. And yet the protagonist is male... Playing as "Reana" and going to Thors and romancing handsome, gallant boys like Jusis, Gaius and Crow would've been an absolute dream for female Kiseki and RPG fans.
graphicfags are worse than Reanafags.
So your dream is to have a sex change op and become a woman?
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2019 game, by the way.
low graphic settings, by the way. Don't make me link the pic on max graphic settings to absolutely wreck your ass.
The duality of man
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2023 game, by the way.
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>acting as if cold steel's plot makes 100% sense and is kino if lensed through the guise of zemuria's worst woman moment
Honestly seeing a reana going trough rean cs4 intro would give me an insane boner because i will remember velvet from berseria.
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>turning dyke fem aaron straight with the power of ban-san's strong and thick demon dick, helping her get over being Trapped and Betrayed by ashen
Japanese oni \ demon girls are an improvement over... anything else.
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Genderbending Rean and Crow might make CS marginally more palatable because they'd be hot and girls, but the writing would still be shit.
Plus, yurifags are insufferable and we'd get more of those here than the the perhaps one or two mentally ill fujos we got.
Does Ys have the same autism as kiseki when it comes to "you have to play all the games to follow the story"? I'm at the 3rd boss of Ys1 and the bumper car gameplay is not that fun.
Autism is when you have to play the previous games to understand the newest one
No the games are entirely self contained and the timeline is all over the place because later games take place before or after others with some in between not even having a game yet so just play whatever
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