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Previous thread: >>484947987

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

Chapter 6.5 - Timekilling Time
2024.06.13 — 2024.07.11

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.07.11 — 2024.07.25
[000] Dieci Association South Section 4 Director Meursault
[WAW] E.G.O Contempt, Awe Ryōshū

>Current Extractions

2024.06.27 — 2024.07.11
[000] T Corp. Class 3 Collection Staff Don Quixote
[00] T Corp. Class 2 Collection Staff Rodion

2024.06.27 — 2024.07.11
Target Extraction: [ Yi Sang ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Rodya LOVE!
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Pilot the strongest
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I heard you guys like fragile.

This is gonna be fun.
pilot cute
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The sinners meet a color fixer known as the strongest (stronger than Kali even) but it's just pic related.
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Sinclair is cute! I want to have sex with him all night!
He solos the sinners btw
>pulls 4 buses
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The most powerful color fixer is The Black Cock (He has a chicken rooster motif)
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the STRONGEST fixer ever, and her signature move is uhhhh, vertical slash
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>read this post
>remember a manhwa I read where powerful characters get a animal + color title
>the strongest character had the title black cock with a rooster design
really hope that was just a coincidence
can anyone explain to me what does the mom glasses have to do with the Spiral of Contempt?
It wasn't, Koreans love blacked.
angela should have been slaughtered on the spot for allowing this to happen
>laughing at sharteen humor
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ryoshu has contempt for fucking everyone anon. She also has a Anton Chigurgh level secret rating system for how much respect she should have for people over arbitrary bullshit. SC easily resonates with her the most
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To better see your faggot ass and be contemptuous about it, obviously
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We have already established long ago that resonating with abnos is all about vibes and nothing needs to make sense, she wanted to be the most /fa/ ego in the entire franchise and then she became one.
Im sorry to be the one to tell you this anon, but there are zoomers ITT RIGHT NOW
Sinners for this feel?
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When are we gonna bash his head in
Will EL SANTO awaken E.G.O
I have this headcanon that he will manage to stay around like a cockroach even after groups like demian and co starts falling off like flies.
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No cap?
is there a site with all the abno observation logs recorded?
Hes either getting killed off by the head or is joining our side later on, no inbetween
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what's so funny? explain
he will synchronize with White Night and Rodion will have to use Penitence to kill him for good.
Hasnt been updated for RR4 yet though
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This guy looks hot and cool as fuck. We should've got him as a Sinner. Instead we've got fucking GREGOR.
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communism is literally the fad in the entire city right now, how do you feel about it?
monzo made the sharty

i don’t know why you’re thinking mom glasses and not obnoxious fashion designer from paris glasses
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The city has fallen. 300 million must die.
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hey guys check out this rule 63 don quixote art i found
pm wishes it had good characters like laios
He should've fucked his quarter-chicken, quarter-dragon, half-human sister
reddit post
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Pissed off art installation
The abno
literally me
Moby dick in pm is more like… moby dyke
Dungeon meshi wishes it had good characters like don quixote
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maybe it should get a job
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The event has the Spiral glow really bright, yeah?
And the positive interaction is just to look away
Maybe the glasses are for that(?)
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Someone give Yi Sang a monocle.
Maybe you should've saved Yuri when you had the chance, fucking failure of a human.
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>Mirror dungeon event check to pass as a communist
>Required sins are wrath, envy, gluttony
Chudject Moon?
yi sang is literally me
>do your required reading bro
>literally nothing in the entire canto is even similar or shares themes with the book
I will not fall for this meme again
Outis bouncing on my big newbab dick
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Theres no reason to think too deeply about it anon, we both know there was only one real reason they gave her glasses
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*leg sweeps you*
*stomps your face in*
*swings my mace down on your chest, caving it in*
*uses my axe to decapitate you with one swing*
*has my weapons disappear into my gloves*
>Hahh, what a weakling this one was. I hope Roland's having fun on his end at least.
post 99 chess winstreak against 10 year olds
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headless ichthys is literally me
*wakes up like nothing happened*
to weak..
fucking kill yourself faggot
*shits diaper*
Your move.
He looks GAY. Greg is a cool lad when he actually gets some screen time and isn't treated as a complete joke.
I feel like they are struggling to write a character that's turbo depressed but still has an interesting and charming personality.
*becomes big piano man*
*accidentally kills you*
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I tanked all that actually, not it's your turn.
i played only WC3, D2 and ZA last month :( no chess
shut up kim you were weaker than a midway boss, dumb jobber
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>Activates my 3 pride resonance
Get your bones claimed, bitch
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>>>>Slash: Ineffective
Your response KEKsault?
he's so FUARKING cool bros...
strongest boylove lineage member
Are there any starter buffs (star path for mirror dungeons) that I should prioritize? I keep dying to the last fight,.it doesn't matter if it's the time ripper, weird fire butterfly, sewer boss, etc. I lose all of them. I was wondering if that is because I haven't aktivated any buffs yet (only got around 900 star points)

Since I've heard that there is a harder mirror dungeon, I'm talking about the newfag one
so cool... too bad i never get to see it since hes so WEAK, a JOBBER and PATHETIC when Jun does more despite being a generic officer
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>becomes weaker
do carmencels really?
Show your units. Standard MD is easy enough that you can just Win Rate your way to the end.
Unless you're using turboshit units or actively picking the worst enemy buffs every time. Also Time Ripper is genuinely hard compared to the other bosses.
Go for the ego gifts in the star path, buth more importantly always go for weakest mounting trials if youre having that much difficulty.
In order of how much difficulty is added, from weakest to strongest:
Defense Level
Offense Level
Damage Taken / Damage Given
Base / Final Power
Coin Power
unironically one of the funniest limbus edits there are
just drew Tiph Ruina with a fat brapper
>post it
Some day
It's shit.
It's shit.
So what do you think will be the effects of Contempt? I imagine it's Bleed since Spiral inflicts that a lot and Awe is a bleed-gift.
Also do you think it's a single target or multi-target?
Why do people seem to like Yi Sang SunShower so much? I was thinking of dispensing it since I started playing during season 3 but it just doesn't seem good. Sloth damage up seems pretty shitty, protection 3 is usually irrelevant.... Yeah I guess it's 7 attack weight but it costs 35 sanity and has a pretty low roll on tails. I just don't get it? Seems worse than all the other WAWs besides maybe Garden of Thorns? Am I missing something?
>B-but lobo-
Im not a pedo.
>clearly stagger Josephine in the Railway
>she's alright the next turn
awakening heals 15 sp per hit
corrosion applies sloth fragile as well, leading to very silly damage numbers
She has it on the Main Story fight too
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It's shit.
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Idk, it's all pretty easy until the last boss. Suddenly, no matter how good I roll, I die.

That being said, I genuinely just pick random gifts. I have 0 idea what the difference between bleed, charge, sink, rupture, etc. Is
I usually just pick one and take as many gifts in that category as possible (but prioritize general buffs and health stuff).

I just finished getting both my W Corp units to uptie 4. Should be enough, right?

Thanks, I'll screenshot that as a reference
Likely contempt, though im hoping itll have some unique gaze debuff to help make it feel as fancy mechanically as it does visually
Yeah but only on Heads hit right? And is it for the whole team or just himself?
who has been the biggest jobber so far? it's got to be Kim, right? the boylover girl was hyping him up through the entirety of Y.M.F.T.C.T.B. only for him to be easier than fucking Jun who's still alive btw hope he shows up in the future
Jun was only difficult because of mob fight rules and him having four other guys backing him up. One on one, he's a bigger chump than Kim.
Mon amour
>>485007621 (me)
Meant to say blood...
Kimmy boy is still alive though
Also by your logic the White Whale would be the biggest jobber because NIGGERmael spent the whole game building hype to that fucker and it fucking does nothing besides
>chomp yuo inside me nao :))
And then jobs to snagharpoon
until railway, i never realized rules of the backstreets was only as bad as it was because he had allies alive
Name one(1) time the fucker has done anything other than fail horribly.
sp heal is for him, but his ego passive gives a small amount of sp regen for the whole team

the sloth bonus is to all allies however, as is the protection - for two turns
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The 2 sloth damage up and the 1 sloth power up apply before the attack, so it should also affect the EGO itself when used. Not a whole lot of good EGOs use Sloth either so its resources aren't as contested as certain other EGOs. Outside of that, it's still a decently high rolling attack with 7 weight.
Post Outis69
>White Whale would be the biggest jobber because NIGGERmael spent the whole game building hype to that fucker and it fucking does nothing besides
I hate canto 5 so much, it had the coolest ending to part 2 ever and then the whale itself literally ended up not mattering at all
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song name?
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Idk, it just seems less useful to me than Blind Obsession for support and less reliable as a 7 weight nuke than either Binds since those are only 10sp on use....
I thought contempt as a fight was cool as fuck
cool aesthetic and neat gimmick (which I ignored with rupture aka peak gameplay)
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>take in BL gang for section 1
>no opportunity to CLAIM BONES
laios SEX
its an infinitely better fight than binds that's for sure, though thematically they are both very cool.
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/lcg/ anons look like this.
You should thank roblox for bringing in fans to PM
you GAIN sp if you hit 3+ targets with it on awakening desu

its 15 for each enemy hit
They are all roland and geburafags though
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No, I look like this
Only if you roll heads though...
I hate cunny, and I hate you too
>They are all roland and geburafags though
wtf I love zoomers now?!?
Different IDs apply different status effects which is what bleed, charge, sinking etc is.
Your best units are W Corp which are charge so using that starting gift for them would be ideal. You also have most of your non base sinners at UT1 which makes them more or less a quarter as good as UT3. They're missing their passives and S3s after all.
Also by the time you're at the last boss the buffs each floor gave the enemies and such can fuck you but Egos are meant to "save" you from some of those high rolling skills.
9gag reply
60% is 100% if youre strong enough manager
Binds was good simply because it FELT good. The atmosphere was epic and he even sorta had a personality what with letting you change masks.
>hides behind 12 goons
>relies on sinking to wear down your party
>super attack is easily mitigaded by shields
>tough as fuck
>grabs sinners because it fucking can
>has a mass attack that can easily one shot sinners
>constantly wears down your party when low enough, every turn
>needs no minions to do the fighting for it, beats your ass alone
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it had a mass attack?!
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>and I hate you too
Based music, original design and theme
Boring ambiance """music""", literally another Jesus Abno like Sign of Roses.
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Lobster by RJ Pasin
every few turns it starts glowing and sends out a skill that does it, it gains like +5 final power if a hands minion is alive however
sunshower yi's passive gives free sanity every turn, blind obssesion ishmael, while she does give out sanity to the party, inflicts self sinking on friendly units as a result of her passive
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>dislikes Tiph in Ruina
She’s one of the biggest upgrades
I still can't get over the peak Heathcliff bodysack cutscene
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you should thank /ourguy/ for that
The real issue with the King is his ass stands up and pulls out a sword in the cutscene then sits his ass back down. I killed him in 2-3 turns in both my runs I've done so maybe he stands up for a certain attack but not for me.
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They're all downgrades.
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All hours are shipping hours
>>>>>>>jesus abno
Eat a bullet
>stands up
>pulls a muscle
>sits back down
he is LITERALLY me
is this an angle or is tiph giant
Holy Limbabbu. First I think you should get more familiar with the gameplay mechanics and your units. Bleed, burn, charge etc. are status effects that your units use to deal more damage or gain for positive effects. EGO gifts are usually focused on making said status perform better. For example W Ryoshu and W Don are charge units that use their charge count to gain massive buffs to their skills. Don's Rip Space requires 10 charge counts otherwise it will damage her and hit like a wet noodle. Considering those are your main carries you could take some charge gifts alongside the keywordless stuff.
Also don't bother with UT4. There are very few units who require it. On the other hand you should focus on getting your core units to UT3 at least. It's a game changer as it unlocks their passive skill and even their S3, which is usually the best skill in their kit.
I think you should be able to finish MD with just the W units and base sinners at UT3.
project moon games really need more time for polish but they seem to be running out of time all the time
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>Your abno is a fucking TETH
Yes they do.
It's another Carmen abno not Jesus
Nah, most are upgrades
You’re just rotten to the core
>Jesus Abno like Sign of Roses.
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close enough
It's a matter of opinion. Former, most likely.
it should be the other way around. none of the inhabitants of the library including lol& have paid taxes in a long time and they still got off scot free
>roblox animation
no way no
I imagine their team is pretty small but they have big expectations. I feel like most gachas don't update as much as Limbus does but Limbus feels more like an early access game you can spend money in rather than a gacha anyway.
>you become a fucking peccatulum
they really believe this shit
i hope dieci meur is as noisy as wcorp. i wanna hear the physical exertion when punching people to death
A gacha game made by devs who had no darn iidea how to make one in the first place
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Nothing you say will spare you your descent to damnation, cat
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Sorry, didn't hear you. I'm too busy germinating my Seed of Light with Tiph to listen to your preference for horrific downgrades.
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*runs in*
*slits your throat while you're not paying attention*
*runs out*
>Anything for my sister...
hey ko if you're reading this
draw more porn
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Hod time
Wife material
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*sissifies you*
why the fuck does the Zena on the left look so hot if it's a cartoony style? is it because of the eye?
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she looks so cute in his outift, i love that
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>Jobs to a grade 9 street thug
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Yeah I use ego whenever a unit is struggling or hopeless. Unfortunately, I haven't pulled any egos (the only one I got is for Gregor from the battle pass)

Thanks, I guess i should start reading what they actually do lol. I though that it applies to every unit I have if I just keep on taking bleed (or just one status in general).

Someone told me to uptie Ryoshu to 4, but I did it mostly because I wanna save up a bit until the Walpurgisnacht (since one is supposed to come soon), so I don't invest in am ID that I may swap.
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This is what I look like.
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She has WHORE eyes
Its text…
do you gotta pay taxes if you built the place
wow i love you anon
Yeah aside from maybe Walpipi there really isn't any incentives to buy anything. No actually limited banners, no swimsuit stuff(which is fine but a negative for some), nerfing stuff after people find it fun or hard, constant bugs after months of supposed testing, etc. Hopefully the money they are getting will help them increase productivity in some fashion.
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Eyeliner plus sass multiplied by federal agency funding
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acephalous pisces my beloved
>He can't hear text
Holy ngmi
OMG Rodion is thick!!!
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I will develop this game
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Shouldn't Walpipi be next month? Or at the worst September?
likely season 5 desu
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I will develop this game.
Which is the best way to farm the event currency? Regular MDs or spamming the event dungeon?

Boss takes too darn long
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sinners for this feel
they need to disjoint the seasons and walpiss imo
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Bwo season 5 is like 4 months away no way they'll wait that long
MDH gives like 400-500 clocks per run
She looks cute and great in anything.
I love her...
is this fucking Blood of the Dead reference??????????

I'd say Ryoshu, but I'll say it's Gregor
its supposed to be quarterly but it doesnt exactly line up that well
This is terrible liquid cooling unless you find a way to stop the blood from coagulating
>t. tried it
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Uptie V will unlock her true potential and give you a reason to run her Telepole over Fluid Sac btw
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Paus is not weird.
she really does :)
based mosesfag
With or without buffs? My go to team for hard is either Bleed or Poise, and I can't run it without Hong Lu (Bleed) or without Ryoshu (Poise) so I can't bench them for their bonuses
Draw the LobCorp one yourself then
>moses is hot guise
>not mentioning they have to deal with her weak ass back and the fact she can't reach the top of the shelf
with buffs but Tremor clears pretty fast now
or you can just bench the +clocks ids and keep them benched
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>Uptie V
Warp Train event will save her first
FUCK I've been trying to place what was bothering me about it, NOOOOOOOOO
>can't reach the top of the shelf
neither can you
i was running bleed with cinqlair in the sixth slot
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Yes she is.
She can ride on my back like Yoda for all I care.
I'd help her with anything she needs help with!
faust fans in fucking shambles
*The Library he works at
ok smurf
cute and based
I mean, yeah, but I would need to level up my tremor squad to lv 40...Mine's is still dicking around 20-30 or even at lv 1, just used them for fun/reset bonuses on MD normal.

If only Pmoon wasn't so stingy with XP tickets..
what the fuck does this bitch have to do with faust
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read the wrong reply OOPS!!!
>Uptie V
oh god no. Imagine the massive resource sink required, especially for units who will have their full potential locked behind it. Forcing you to go through both UT4 and 5.
I think there are better ways to buff old units. Maybe an equipment system?
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To me, the worst day of the year is my birthday.
just keep them benched then. Both bleed and poise work fine without either
why is one of her tits rebelling
maybe don't eat half the cake then chubster
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>Maybe an equipment system?
>right after I dumped all of my modules
Oh no, it's over for me unless it's a regular enkephalin dump instead, then I'm the only winner out of every account in this game
fuck you I didn't want to jerk off today
I'm still convinced that if uptie 5 exists it will cost lunacy or some new resource over thread/shards.
have some fucking human determination will you
>implying that's a bad thing
the bitch can't reach the pickle jar, that's definitely a bad thing
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shut uuuuup leave me alone
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>Implying Uptive V is the last one
Limbabs I...
>equipment system
You can’t even see your toes because of your gut
Pipe down
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PVP I think this could be fun if you're just submitting teams to be envy peccatulum and there's no leaderboards or anything
wait hold the fuck up you can replay the uptie 3 animation on the main screen by clicking and holding on the selected sinner?
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>repression work
>repression work
>repression work
lol retard
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Section 3 is kicking my ass
this, the final uptie tier is gonna be EX
Bwo your AoE Ego spam?
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>13th sinner just happens to be a Jew
what did PM mean by this?
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manager are you a consoomer
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>equipment system
>>>on a korean gacha
are you serious
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You Must Suffer... As I Have.
uptie 5 will cost modules and doing a specific challenge mission for each id
saw a listing for tgs this year and finally realized pm is skipping it
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That's just big and will be bad wolf breaching.
No because PM won't let me and I'm not gonna get charged 100 bucks for shipping some little bullshit I already had to jump hoops to get.
They only went last year because they were supposed to be announcing the Ruina port until the drama forced them to delay it
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he is a cutie that supports all his sinners and buys all their merch
bergil too
announcing that piece of garbage? thank god they missed it
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I figured they went to generate more hype and interesting from Japan since Ishmael is popular and they had some cool cutscenes.
It was ported to a console popular in Japan by a Japanese company with a Japanese dub, KJH put out a statement apologising for their empty TGS appearance as well and said they originally had more planned for it.
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>working out on the gym
>listening to Gone Angels because I'm a retard
>old phones I use start to disconnect from my phone
>my phone proceeds to play the "tralilalilalila" portion of the song at almost MAX volume
>everyone in the gym starts to look at me weird
>even the instructor I'm friends with gives me the side eye
>everyone now thinks I listen to some gay ass classical music during workout

I don't think I'm coming back there
honestly would be fine with this

wheres acephalous pisces friend
Their loss. Classical music is great for working out to.
such is the fate of all retards who listen to music at the gym
if you arent staring at a wall in complete silence between sets you wont make proper gains
I wonder how the Ruina port worked out for them
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You must be a kid to care about shit like this
Speaking of the port, wonder if they fixed those random bugs it had by now
if i found out someone was working out to classical music they'd immediately be 300% more attractive to me
>new resource
please no. Why do live service games always end up having 100 different resources to keep track of? I played Limbus because it was the only gacha that didn't have bazillion currencies and resources.
If you don't have cat like reflexes to cut any music you got, you are asking for it
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I'm 19 and far too autistic about what people think of me
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fuckin called it. you'll grow out of it bro, dw.
based little zoomie
stay away from the SARMwiches tho
>anon is younger than the DS
>everyone now thinks I listen to some gay ass classical music during workout
No they think you listen to some gay ass vtumor music. Sorry for you Mili lovers, but I must say, Mili sounds like some random ass English vtuber trying to sound like animu gril.
It's not like I want another resource it's just the only way shy of making UT5 not be insanely costly for thread/shard usage. Unless it truly will be the last EX I can't see many other ways to mitigate the cost aside from maybe lowering the other UT costs but then the EAST might piss their pants over lost resources.
i hate people younger than me reeee
went to pixiv to see if any limbus fans were doing anything for comiket. found out the nude faust modder was way more interesting than i gave him credit for
zoomers own this general
I want everyone over 25 OUT of OUR general by tommorrow
zillenialbros how are we today
You have to realize there are gachabrains out there who'd unironically pop if uptie EX requried 50 slothshards, 100 envyshards, and 150 gloomshards (For a Sloth S1, Envy S2, and Gloom S3 respectively)
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Post music to listen to in the Limbus Gym (It's actually the MD mines made in physical form)
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I smoked my resources to section 2 thinking it was the last mirror ID section
Hermann will offer a deal to Gregor in Canto 13 and the small bastard will accept it
>let the kim fight go on longer than usual
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It could be cool. Something aking to EGO gifts or even Darkest Dungeon trinkets. You have the generic ones buffing a certain status or the ID exclusive ones adding new skills or even offering different gameplay styles depending on the equip.
It's surely better than the game suddenly requiring triple the amoung of resources for each ID. The level cap with the exp powercreep is already bad enough.
You wouldn't be having any problem if it were Studio EIM instead.
MILI is so shit holy hell
>don't pay attention
>choose Kim with a sinking team
>he's not ready for 0.1% rng equipment rolling with no sharding
>and % substat rolling that can and will end up destroying the equipment
>>>>It could be cool
Not with gook gachas.
Or any modern ones to begin with.
>darkest dungeon mentioned right as i was thinking about playing black reliquary
sinclair terpsichorean ID when
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NEED Ryoshu to spill my insides, paint her room picturesque
I don't see many alternatives. Either that or UTV requiring a different resource like that Anon said.
Upping the thread and shards cost is even more retarded and will make it absolutely impossible for anyone who didn't start on day 1 to catch up.
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19 is like gen x or something
Zoomers are getting old
need ringsang to slice open my wrist artery and drink the fresh blood
skibidi company
>shorter than adult Tiph
oh my
it's crazy how at one point he just starts crazy counters and bone claiming back to back to back kek
kill sinclair and this general's quality skyrockets
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One might say itty bitty
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so true
>caring about latelets
No waw! No rights
Moses looks too much like a hag. If I had the choice, I'd fuck Ezra instead.
Rodya is fat and useless
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It's Tremor time
Huggable micrograndma.
Your loss.
They should've made Dante a zoomer so that they could appeal to modern audiences.
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We did this whole song and dance with uptie 4 already, realistically it will not buff old units into relevance outside of select few due to a very nature of it. I'm not even sure PM themselves know what they want for those bad IDs to achieve going by the slapdash nature of their "bugfixes" (Rosesault and Chef Gregor for example).
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I need this fucking ego already it looks so cool
have you heard the fucking dialogue
>no reverberation and the other frog gift
time to restart limbab
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Tier 5 item???????
lucky WHORE
It's the project moon
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I don't think they need to bring every single ID up to relevance with thee changes honestly. Hell they nerfed Chef Greg not that long ago so they clearly don't care about some of them. I imagine thats why these days they try not to make the 00s straight dogshit or just benchsitters.
Frog eyeball and Reverberation are offscreen.
Also, I really wish the Time Ripper didn't have the phase transition where he wipes away all of his debuffs. I just want to NUKE him with Bride Faust.
Very intense ejaculation. Could really feel the stretch. Sleepy now
Why does twitter like the jewfro guy so much?
It's because she didn't have the other half is why she's so upset
>browsing twitter
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how old are u
Pilot? literally only yams consistently draws the poor lad
Nah I can just tell the twitter tourists are the ones who draw him on the drawpile
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his sword looks dumb
i dunno about twitter but we have 1 pilotfag here
You must be new around here
Yeah but right now there are very few units that require UT4. But some of those units REALLY need it. There will be a bunch of other units that will require UT5 and so you'll have to do both steps to reach it. Making the whole process cost you like what 300 shards and 200 thread?
Do you think Dante (forma de normal head) resonates with the final railway bosses in some way?
how does YOUR sword look like then?
artichoke, yams, magma, love ya all
its not gay
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Why is Erlcliff taking so long
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splicer from resistance 2
technically, sawblades are swords
why do you do this? what is it supposed to mean
because he wont be an ID
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That's the wrong Don, game...
Only millennials say that.
wish they didnt to be honest
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Tying Sinclair down and forcing him to cum lots and lots inside me!
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Unlike Farmwatch he's actually be mentioned though. Surely Heath will get something for his Canto.
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>there are very few units that require UT4.
Post-UT4 update almost every single new ID had a requirement for UT4 baked in, usually for rather non-trivial things like more coin power. The only examples I can think of that function well without it are Regret Faust and T Don.
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you know the drill
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>reverse search image
>see this
*limslaps your ass*
Your move, limsluts.
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*dick disgorge*
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How come there's no social welfare in the backstreets?
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>Cinq trio
>Captain Ish and QQHeath
>7Yi Sang
This has to be my favorite railway so far. Short, and fairly difficult without ever feeling unfair (to me), and I get to use pretty much every mechanic and passive if I want.

They are working hard to make him the BEST, COOLEST, and most HANDSOME ID Heath will ever have.
It came to me during a storm while I paced around my solitary manor. I opened a window to feel the water hit my face and I knew. I knew Heath's ID was coming.
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Minecraft/Roblox PMfags are truly the most based among us
It certainly wouldn't surprise me, though we still don't know too much about him right now. Maybe he was some guy with a savior complex who had delusions of being a god among men?
They have a lot of work to do then cuz Erlking Heath is the ugliest nigga this game has seen so far
Bwo not even twitter draws him, it's literally just me
>searching through the Limbus tags on Twitter
>6 hours after RR4 dropped there was already a king of binds sword mod for Roblox
these kids sure work fast
Stop shilling the drawpile on Twitter
What's YOUR favorite MD team?
burn and bleed because they are fast
the corps would prefer to literally suffer through unspeakable horrors created by their singularities than actually providing welfare
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Ugly greasy stinky hobo ewwww
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>the moderately high likelihood that the PM MMO will exist in Minecraft/Roblox first before PM actually makes it themselves
Anything where Don is good and viable.
>cathy did you eat that tree
Tremor is simply the most flavorful team
What's the appeal of Roblox? I remember only doing backflips and shit in 2010
Does anyone actually do that
what wuld u do if you were a tree and cachy ate u?
>tfw no yandere older sistee who straddles/strangles me when she's annoyed
I just want to fuck Pilot leave me alone
Nice way of saying tremor sucks
The idea of grown men typing like this gives me visceral disgust.
desu doesnt though?
Does it make you go 'ewwwwwwww'?
No one cares woman
sorry u feel that way sis
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So i killed ze king, pretty cool, music also great. If i made my team better for more ego i probably could have cleared it way easier but as it is reception before king fucks because can't win any clashes for shit.
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For Hard? My BL team.
For regular, Sinking, then Rupture.
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Very easy to make custom modes, as far as I know. There are a ton of games made with Roblox that have their own huge player bases. My memory of the game is colored by the early days, but I've seen stuff like a full fledged Godzilla fan game.
Don Quijote.
/vg/ is gayboy central, everyone is light in the loafers here. you'll get used to it
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You are ugly and stinky. Not only is he cool as fuck but handsome. He even rides Dullahan. I hope the s3 of Wolf Heath has a name that can at least be half as cool as the attacks Erlking has.
>Sorrow and Lament In The Erlking's Wake
>Ride for Death, Dullahan
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Alonso Quijano
Faggy behavior always makes me feel disgust. Even if it's supposed to be "ironic".
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yuu tyak dya wyas tyuu dyigyis nyuf dyis pyos nyin smyuchi heawyin nyan nysp heawyin tyuu!
Did he pull shit horse out of his arse? looked away for 1 minute and he had it.
Ingame Erlkonigger looks cool it's his shitty story art that's ugly.
youre not gonna believe it but theres gays ITT RIGHT NOW
Actually nevermind i remembered he's a gypsy.
He's made out of pure goyslop now, the sword and horse are probably sort of like EGO or abnos.
I wish we could go back to beating homosexuals
Aren't the story sprites made by naiga too or am I wrong? in any case he got naiga'd
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Uhhh I got nothing sorry!
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I have no clue.
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Goodnight limbabs. I hope I dream of a cute Sinclair tonight
this post really upset the lgbtq++ kek
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NTA but there is a difference between being a homo and faggy obnoxious behaviour.
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shiggy diggy
yuu (you) tyak (take) dya (the) wyas (last) tyuu (two) dyigyis (digits) nyuf (of) dyis (this) pyos (post) nyin (in) smyuchi (smooches) heawyin (healing?) nyan (your?) nysp (SP) heawyin (healing) tyuu! (you). Either way you type like a retard and i shall keep insisting that you go look in the mirror before posting this shit you fag
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this face cracks me tf up
he and linton have the most shitty smug little expressions kek
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>little expressions
Whoa nice mod
*smooch* *smooch* *smooch* *smooch*
zenya nyas heawed yuu cyumpwetwey!!
zenya wuvs dya wimbyabs wif nyer nyowe nyeard nyan wiww naways byee nyer fyur yuu!!
You take the last two digits of this post in smooch healing and SP healing. Too
waste more time using personal computer, because you won't be able to use it if you die
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this dude draws the grossest tits
well 2nd grossest compared to THAT one manga
Zena has healed you completely. Zena loves the Limbabs with her whole heart and will always be here for you.
zenya a cute
Bending over and spreading
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I dunno man. That guys tits look pretty normal compared to some of the weird shit I've seen. Tits that sag to their belly buttons but also don't have size, super gross veiny tits, giant black areolas with huge piercings. It gets much worse.
From what I understood, it's the result of some ''anomaly'' within the mirror technology. The fact he was introduced with the concept of mirror worlds, changed his whole ID, making him now being able to carry a big sword with the shards of other mirror worlds he passed, having a headless horse and being able to summon the wild hunt. It's not even an EGO, he just gained some powers because of mirror interference. The same thing can be applied to what the hell can you even process out of Every Catherine if you start to think more about it.
Based Armored Core enjoyer
the visual novel sprites are always ugly though. i thought everyone ignored them cuz they’re worse than the illustrations
Well it's not like I'm gonna sit and admire his in game sprite while I'm playing especially since I have to beat everything day 0 before it potentially gets nerfed. His in game sprite is obviously just Heath with a wig and hobo outfit but somehow his story sprite is mad ugly compared to Heath that's all.
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heathcliff looks so fucking cute there
That's Yi Sang
they made yisang black and gave him contacts wtf
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When was the last time Rodion was flirty with Greg anyway? Greg feels like he's a background character at this point but maybe I'm just forgetful.
The Heath from the wuthering heights the sinners are getting IDs from is also summoning a wild hunt and has the sword which is just strange.

He is obviously just a legally distinct Erlking but that just raises more questions of how heathcliffs can just start doing all that
You guys do have your fully uptied and leveled W Corp team for the next event... right?
>set up the fattest time mortorium burst of my life
>motherfucker dies to aoe damage before it can proc
i hate when this happens :(
>When was the last time Rodion was flirty with Greg anyway?
She still calls him Darling.
>fully uptied
>fully leveled
Sex with cute little limboys and limgirls.
>plan a turn, every clash and damage types, resources and egos to make sure i end with a good amount for next turn, when i cant clash due to every enemy rolling 8 i just def when impossible to intercept
>5%, 2 sinners staggered, 2 dead
>winrate because fuck it probably going to have to retry it
>enemies rolled speed low enough to be clashable, can redirect attacks at staggered sinners
>enemy don 5% loses ego clash vs my 10~ sanity lv 38 mexiclair backup win with tree
>basically no damage taken due to randomness with winrate
i really should find another game to play
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I just have Don and that's all i'll need
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Give this abno a name
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So I'll go on ahead
With your heart behind me
you only need 4 mooks anyway
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Full team soon.
Yes (Faust doesn't count).
>lv 38 mexiclair
there's your mistake. fix it.
that's a skinned lust peccatulum
Pecatulla of nipples
Shouldn't he take no damage? Or did he have multiple parts?
I know the pain...
No, Poise will get me to the end of the game
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so hype
>tear off the bandages
>get up from the chair
>sit back down
What did he mean by this?
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I have had them fully leveled for months now.
It was the only EGO that rolled heads and actually saved me the fight. Nothing in this game matters, reminds me of playing flathead. Random numbers are fun, and the more random numbers there are the funner it is.
time ripper + I had every single tremor gift + nebulizer + clear water so the damage wouldve been insane
bro is tired leave him alone
Disgusting creature.
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I have everything leveled, but especially /fa/ Corp. Love Warp IDs, need more of them.
I might be going crazy, but arent those from the meat virus or meat infection something named like that? I think saw it once in youtube but I wasnt paying attention honestly
just drop mexican sinclair. it might be one of his worst ids aside from molar
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Sacrifice means nothing if it means I'll show you the world that we can rebuild.
If this event brings IDs and not EGO, and those IDs are again the stupid "stack 15 for rip space" im gonna cum(hatefully) and director better watch out.
weirdly cute
you better stop masturbating then
Favorite voicelines? A recent one is
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am i reading umineko again?
imagine sex with those augmented hips... no wonder he went broke from gambling, cause the bitches were free
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I've been told this game has old hags in it?
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Is it time to talk about charge again?
Is it the weakest or the strongest?
strong but boring
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welcome aboard bucko
Is it worth it to throw a tenner on the banner as newbie for rodya? Or does she not see play in tremor teams? My only tremor stuff right now is everlasting, yuro ryoshu and hong and lccb ish.
its strong but doesnt have any gifts that immediately turn mirror dungeon hard into babby daycare mode, just ones that make it easy for every charge ID to do their good skills that require spending charge
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I want to lay down on Faust's lap and sucking on her tits while she headpats me and whispers comfort words
Weakest in the MDs because the gifts are mid and several members want to kill themselves or their allies while winrating. Very strong everywhere else.
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if you were gonna spend $10 its better to buy the BP and grind mirror dungeons so you can dispense the non-walpurgis night IDs you want from dispenser shop
Ten roll, I already have the battlepass...
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>glitch out of bounds
>end up on gm_flat map
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Alright so based off of the newest RR that I know you've all done and haven't been putting off, which IDs and EGOs are ACTUALLY the best and meta?
you shouldnt buy anything in this game except the battle pass
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Hags (real)
sinking is the best easy mode team
Tcorp Rodya is alright, she's good in tremor teams if nothing else just because of green slop ego (which you probably don't have). As id itself it's above average as far as 00 go.
Actual old women, yes.
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If your shooting for a tremor team then roll the banner
I feel bad for you though tremor is by far the most costly team to build, remember to save up for Regret Faust when walpapi rolls around in about 2 months
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I dunno i kinda forgot to set up any of the new egos and fucked up ego economy. Only used fausts sack, hong's base ego, rodya base ego and clamworks, outis base ego, isang base ego.
I just discovered Limbus wiki migrated to wiki.gg and the fandom version is no longer maintained by anyone since TKT came out.
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We can go older
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W Don outright 100 to 0's a lot of the clones with Rip Space
Sinking team does exceptionally well
Shoutout to Gregors base ego stepping up to HEs
I had fun with Tremor, nukes the bosses pretty hard with Pee Tremor + Bride Faust combo
Meta EGO are the 7 weight ones because the Envy pecca fights are easily stepped on by just killing everything before they can attack
Yes but I doubt they'll be worth running over the better statuses since Charge can't have SHIT
What's so good about greg's ego? does it need to be ts4? I have been a golden apple user since season 1 where it was really good cheap way to spread around paralysis and get some blunt damage in.
Assuming they mean Bygone Days then probably the Ego resources you get from it's passive.
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sinking and tremor, t-corp don's time debuff instantly deletes bosses a turn later and you dont have to get giga-lucky for card rng with it like sinking. Main exception to this is peak sang since his skills are relatively easy to get full value from sinking+tremor and his 2nd skill just 1-shot the mirror IDs super easy
WAW AoE ego's that deal fucktons of damage
ego's that give you resources on kill/stagger as a passive (Outis Bound King+Gregor's portrait), helps fund a big fuckin ton of resources to help you spam the AoE ego's to get through the mirror ID shit fast
Counterpoint: MUH DICK!
Tremor because I am pretty sure all 3 abno bosses are fatal to sloth (just like making all the enemies in the 2nd walpurgis fatal to pierce and pride baby yeaaaaaa)
Ayin would fuck every other female sephirot before Angela btw.
Sinking, tremor, also meta slop teams do pretty well still. Being able to spam Sunshower/Blind Obsession/either version of Binds is extremely valuable.
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It's mainly about the high total
I think Rodya also has a 28

I barely have any egos so I had to use a lot of the bases
plus hokma
>All new abnormality bosses are weak to sloth damage
>Piss tremor and t corp don both deal sloth damage
Only Hindley is safe from the tremor rape.
I gave hindley a good ole time with rapemael
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You wish
If there's anyone from the retirement home he's fucking, it's not Hokma
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>WRyo is a chunni dork who thinks of attack names
>WSang meanwhile is just effortlessly cool and wants to take a nap
both are literally me
How's Wingbeat in the RR? People were going nuts over how OP it'll be yet I haven't seen anyone mention it
It's something like 20% chance to get the full combo from 45 sanity so it's frustrating to get a full combo on a weakened boss.
I've used it once and got the full combo. Never used it again since.
gluttony cost is kinda steep and kinda rng, but you can shave off slot of time killing josphenine+hindley and you get a good option for a damage nuke if you cant get spice-sangs sinking deluge skill to pop up
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Is this the same artist?
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my angry, jealous hungry wife
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>no base EGO for Wrath or Gluttony
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Remember she covers ALL the sins
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you forgot about him...
Will Rodion ever escape being characterized as a food pig?
Ishtards have no object permanence and forget that Sinclair has the gluttony EGO
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HamHamPangPang has a calendar with Ishmael and Spongebob
THat DOES sound like a pretty diffcult personality to write.
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She already has, anon
It's just fun bring up and make jokes about
i dunno, how does the head feel about it?
even if Ryoshu is edgy as hell, I still like her
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Rodion is pure and doesn't believe in sex before marriage so please stop being mean to her.
I honestly never understood the logic behind base EGO sin affinities
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>mersault cries at the end of his canto
post yfw
bro she sucked my dick last week for a ham sandwich
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Well that's part of the appeal
You're not special enough for that so it was someone else
i'm not Chinese and don't have long hair but that's me
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my baby...
>he had to pay
lol she sucked my clock for free
Ahab is the whale and Ishmael is Ahab.
That's a big part of her charm
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Project moon brainrot has invaded Mihoyo
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It is a state of mind
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Too RNG dependant. If you enjoy resetting a thousand times it can completely obliterate certain encounters though.
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She'll only go out and have sex with someone that makes her feel like the most special girl in the world
<That someone? Me.>
I want him to stay stonefaced the entire time and I want Don to have a Tom the cat scream moment in hers
>his voice breaks when singing sarajinae
he looks an awful lot like benjamin and if the past has taught us anything we dont need to give angle-a even more daddy issues
Nice quads
/lcg/ is on quad streak I see
Does anyone have that "I am five minutes old" angela picture
Here you go bro
aw dangit
old man EROTIC
No lies detected in Ayin's statement
Lovely, thank you
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Was he right?
meursault isnt going to cry at the end of his canto
he's going to laugh
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Tears that turn into laughter would be kino in the chapter somewhere. Hell that combo then turning into rage would make me cum
>He reads the lyrics but he sings his heart out during the "Let me fly" part.
Meursault will rap his Pass On
Aren't EGOs already equipment Items when you think about it?
>Don relegated to being a 00 dieci at best
does knowledge of fixers grant power?
So his Canto will be a complete joke?
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It was always going to be so yeah
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>felt like clicking the wrong option once
Fucking retard doesn't know anything, she's going to be permanently capped at 1 insight.
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>-25 sanity on fakers
>skill with 4 coins
>all heads
I'm so fucking tired of this.
His fucking introduction is like 3 lines. He has always been a joke character
Next /lcg/ sings when?
never, offsiters get the rope
Am I the only one who was confused when he was introduced? He didn't resemble Heathcliff at all so it took me a while that he IS Heathcliff. I thought it was supposed to be Matt's body being used as a vessel for mirror world Heath's spirit or something like that. Something to do with incomplete identity experiments by N Corp and the Rings.
his base form is pretty good too
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I wonder...
Their voices didn't sound all that different and Matt's fight had his skills named after Heath's too so it was pretty obvious if paying attention.
This nigga didn't read the book
Hindley's voice acting mogged majority of lcb cast so hard. Not that our sinners have bad acting, he was just better
劣等感 。
I mean, I understood it was Heathcliff, but thought he was using Matt's body or something. That sprite still doesn't look like Heathcliff to me.
What's the best team for Pointillist Yi Sang
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Favorite EGO?
I'm happy that Everlasting Faust is both beautiful and very useful
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I don't remember what point of the story he showed up at honestly but I figured it was gonna be some time shenanigans since T Corp and all that. It being a mirror world future Heathcliff wasn't that far off from what I initially thought.
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I think Sanguine Desire has the coolest cutscene, Wingbeat feels the most satisfying to hit proper but my favorite is Outis Sunshower.
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Here's my team. You can drop him into anything but he probably works best in bleed since between him and Outis you can actually stack bleed count now. I'll also support in a KK Ryoshu or run Dieci Rodion just to have access to Sanguine Desire.
he aren't a pussy he going to stonewall it like in his book but on the off chance i shall pray for him
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Why the fuck is Ryosho the background of Nikke database
Game recognizes game.
Hey Between Two Worlds is great!
The Limbus version at least.
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Ryoshu's personally visiting to deliver T.N.D
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Built for sex
Sooooo the uh, heathcliff ID bros???
cancelled, sorry. have a 000 butlerclair
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Sounds good
post her butthole
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Heathcliff has enough IDs anyway.
>Canto 1 G Corp Greg
>Canto 2 No Rodya ID
>Canto 3 N Corp Sinclair
>Canto 4 no Farmwatch
>Canto 5 Captain Ish
>Canto 6 No Erlking
Sorry limbabs but the pattern checks out. Enjoy your evil Don next season though.
I'd go through whatever Heath did rather than remain forever alone.
But Yi Sang got Sunshower and Spicebush
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Janny would FREAK

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