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Previous: >>484991419

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

I owe Caren sex
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Enma thread
>np7 5* still needs bond 6 to fully max
This shit was planned
Still works fine for me. I play on my phone and pc by transfering the account files.
Wish me luck /alter/!
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Good luck
Any retarded translations in NA lately?
Good luck sis
My empress...my friend...
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is it time for doom posting yet?
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Good luck dumb slut
Tell me I'm not the only one here who got MEGA fucked by the gacha today.
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Lip love!
Man this whole Arcueid release is so weird to me
Back in year 1 when shiki released almost no one of my friends rolled for her because " I don't know where she comes from so I'm not interested"
Now the same people who are still playing but haven't read anything related to tsuki are flipping their shit over using pity and hundreds of sq on a character they do not know
What happened?
Seriously I don't understand anything
Newer versions of android don't let you access the relevant files but you can get around it by connecting your phone to your pc with a usb cable. Copy them from your phone to your pc and then put them in your emulator.
how long ago they did that? because this year i did the old trick on a laptop
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Kama Love!
Nobody loves lip
What was the damage?
I didn't get my most wanted on Destiny/GSSR but at least I got double SSR (both new) on the latter.
1500 SQ for NP1
>do GSSR
>Only get 1 SRR
Me, all of /alter/ gets 2+
>What happened?
They're bandwagonners, who cares.
It started with Android 12. As with every other company, they are trying to be more like Apple which means restricting freedom and making a closed garden ecosystem. This also prevents game modding.
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Arc NP1 is fine as long as I have MLB BG! *huuuffffffffffff*
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Lovely mermaid
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I love Lip.
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Got her after spending about 400-500sq. Replenish my reserves back to 380 with the anni rewards. What are my odds of getting proto merlin?
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Finally, I have no idea how some of you guys managed to 120 her in like an hour. I spent all of my embers including second archive, nearly full present box and an entirely full inventory and it STILL took me hours to farm enough embers.

appends are unfinished because I'm also out of QP...
you're an autist
people just saw a hot girl they want to roll for
Because Arc in fgo looks like a Mihoyo character. Your friends have garbage taste.
But isn't pity like 900SQ for NP1 SSR?
people were sitting on the x500 5* ember stack so they didn't have to farm embers.
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Just over 50/50, maybe 60%.
Their friends told them "Nah bro this is really hype, you gotta act like this is hype to be part of the fun".
>C'mon I'm sure they've all read Tsukihime and are big fans
I don't even believe the hype behind Saber is real at all
I think people pretend to be into her because she's the one everyone knows about, the Pikachu. Lotta people are afraid to like things other than the popular one.
If you actually play her route its objectively the worst route, romance is bad, her abilities are the most basic bitch boring abilities in fiction, personality is basic bitch, she coasts just off namebrand value and nothing else.
>930 is max for pity
>1500 SQ spent
I don't think I'm following
right but that happened this year?
I'm not rolling for Arc
Purin and summer Skadi are my priority
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I was going for NP2
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Mostly Useless EX
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Little Kama...
people stockpiled the 5* XP in advance, including the 900 we got from new year a while ago
But you said NP1 for 1500SQ...
She's beautiful...grats bro!
Because he didn't get another copy after the pity NP1, are you retarded?
It's not useless, she can support my Bazett
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>letting the knife ear on the bed uncollared
Do Masters really?
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Teensy Tinyma...
>But the meta!!!
Last I checked this game was easy as fuck, why would I care about meta?
your friends were fake type-moon fans
How many fp I need to spend to get enough copies to 120 this dork?
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My luck
He got 1 copy.
He got cocky and kept going
He didn't get a 2nd copy
His sq ran out
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>get arc, Xu and a random Suzuma spook within 10 tickets (arc was ticket 2)
>even get a Habenyan when doing the FP summons
Too little too fucking late lasengle, I already decided I'm NEVER spending another cent on this kusoge. Your destiny summons and GSSRs can go fuck themselves.
Tertiaries haven't read the VNs thus they have no attachment to the characters, they care about the "meta" because it's all they have
Is that a new way of saying gae
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Molay or Koyanskaya for Destiny Order Extra slot?
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Grand Wang...
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good one
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Destiny Order Simulator

For the anons that are undecided and want to try their luck.
she is more fun to use than Molay
I have read tsuki and have zero attachments to Arc. She was easily the weakest character in the VN since even in her own route, first half was focusing more on being a monster movie with Chaos on the loose and 2nd half was Roa's new vessel, which tied more into Shiki's backstory.
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Ah, I see. I guess that makes sense, I remember chipping away at that massive pile of embers for a while. Pretty sure most of it went into my 120 Gong.

Thanks bro!
Koyanskaya for sure, Molay is a weirdo.
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Why is it called a Destiny Order though?
*unzips wang*
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Lot of Kama love in this thread.
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You Choose Your Destiny
So the 7th summer event should be right after the anniversary ends correct?
>hasn't even read KT nor the remake
You have chuunier idea?
If they're not being dicks, yeah
What Italian dessert is that?
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Albert is on a roll these days.
>mid july
Yeah probably. Although they've said "mid-month" before and we've gotten the event on the 21th
Forgot the image!
Dawg, this rate up for XP is a damn lie. I had like 12 back to back just normal ass successes. Come on dawg
>Pay for destiny
>Pay for GSSR
> FA, Max skill them
>Nothing to do in the game
Congrats Tsukibro, now it's time to wait for red garden...
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Eh, expect more dead weeks in the second half of the year.
FGO has to crunch to fit everything that was before JP anni in August before July in NA.
>people blowing all their SQ on the shitty vamp
>Will begin to cry when they fail to get the summer coomer bit
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Kama GF...

Of course!
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There's new advanced quests bro. You wanna do these at one point because next anni has rewards tied to them. And if you don't, it's going to be a very underwhelming anni.
Samurai Remnant or Rise of the Rounin bros?
i'm playing Way of the Samurai 4 right now and it's pretty comfy.
I salute the tsukibros going all out on Arc but I'm just getting her for the sake of having her, no fucking way I'm spending all my sq getting a meme character above NP1

How many copies of Arc do I need before she starts being broken? I got 3, is the full 5 necessary?
it's a counterfeit arc
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I love this picture.
Just use black grail
10 You fucking faggot
But how quickly did you get NP1?
Guess time to do them then
Funny Vamp EX
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>Stuck with stupid shitter vamp
I only wanted Xu Fu np's...
You're being silly, just read the remake and stop trying to be le cool 4chan contrarian. Arc is still Arc.
So where is the massive SQ reward people were saying we'd get?
>only got enough Xu Fu copies for a single append
Fuck this gay Earth.
oh no no a latelet veteran servantlet
ohnonono, he didn't get anything
Np5 120 max appends 2k/2k with full fou paws or don't bother
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Good. Good.
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can we talk about these new 'advanced quests'?
I've done em all at this point but that fuckin eyeballs one is some bullshit, I get that they want to have little gimmick fights that encourage you to muck around and then come back with a coherent strategy and feel like a smartypants when you clear it on the second go, but the fuckin eyeballs are just like some utter rng bullshit with their charm/stun spam that just tosses all strategy out the window if they hit the wrong servants at the wrong time

ended up clearing it with liz (bondCE; which gives party hp regen), santa jannu (some hp regen CE), merlin (also some hp regen CE); with backline never even coming into play (I think I had eresh and erice back there), which combined with merlin NP was just... regenerating a lot of health in general, and with mystic code evades and popping merlin's party invuln on the turn that both eyes NP, it was fairly straight forward, but the whole thing just felt really fuckin sloppy and brute force/rng

like I was initially trying it with some kind of erice/tamamo(bondce)/castoria(bondce) thinking that was a solid all around plan, but then they just fuckin kept charm/stunning one or two characters every turn at the worst possible time

was there actually some sort of big-brain way to do this quest without having to resort to cheap bullshit or praying for rng? idk mang, every other advanced quest, at the end I was like, yeah that was a cheeky little challenge, and felt satisfied at the end, this one mainly made me feel like someone had wasted my time and was more of a thank god that's fuckin over
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I'm a Tsuki bro and I'm in the same boat right now.
500q for NP1, I could go for more but for what? Farm 90++ with her?
I'd rather have Redgarden.
I don't care if I'm soulless, I think I won the jackpot.
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>servantlet and also levelet
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I love Kama...
I've already read the remake a year ago though
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Koyan has very nice legs
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please tell me there's no tower event this year...
fuck laura first then I'll tell you
Was it supposed to be hard? I just nuked them twice with My Melu and was done lol
Cunny Vamp EX
i'm taking a break from soulsslop for now bro
I spent 300 SQ for NP1 Arc. Not sure how I should feel. I know it's true average and I should be glad I got her. But now I no longer have pity for Summer Skadi. Would JP be mad if we got an NA exclusive Arc rate up later this year?
debuff immune
or just take the charm/stuns and only use debuff clear when you need to use your cumhate NP to block their charge attacks
Kama's sexy beach bod...
Your quartz reward is based on how many servants you've ascended. Veterans and latelets will have to work to earn their quartz, those of us who've been actively playing the game get it all at once.
Need MDA to draw Cunny Arc. Shame she isn't an ascension option
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She earned it!
>i'm taking a break from soulsslop
>for musouslop
Nah I'm just stupid and didn't check the present box. Fhey could at least have put a notice that they sent everything there.
I'm hoping against hope that they make Eco-arc the welfare for the inevitable Tsuki collab.
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Kama is my girlfriend...
Kama is a god...
Next year. The feet event with bob and meduseless
That actually makes a lot of sense.
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Kama worked hard for it.
>Would JP be mad if we got an NA exclusive Arc rate up later this year?
They would literally hunt down Albert and force him to sudoku.
Anon the first thing you do after maintenance is check your present box for apology quartz
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*clears your content*
>Fhey could at least have put a notice that they sent everything there
They have always sent everything there for 7 years already, latelet bro.
>I do not want this Servant
>Rolls on Servant's banner
>Get Servant
>Wtf why did I get this Servant
Why are you all like this?
I think I kinda like this 60% charge anni 5* gacha ce. it's not ideal but it's usable.
*kneels to you*
sounds like a win win win
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Old story quests are really awful...
Also thinking about buying paws with rare prisms, have 32 after getting all the mc and trial quests i missed
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attention whores + humble braggers
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>Kama worked hard for it.
>Kama the shapeshifter.
>30 tickets
NP0 Xu Fu

I guess it's someone in a miniskirt with shear stockings and a nekomimi mode. Let's see the materials
>105 Fangs
Oh no...
>only got 100sq from anni
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Option 1: Aim for Okuni + Miyu/Summer Charlotte
Option 2: Aim for NP2 KoyanLight or NP3 Kama
Option 3: Aim for NP2 Morgan or NP3 Summer Musashi

1 doesn't have terrible duds. Wouldn't be thrilled with Murasaki, and Crane is meh but useful in some comps, and NP2 Castoria isn't a bad thing. But the 4 star options are all great for me, as I only have Daikokuten and NP2 wouldn't be bad. Miyu or Char would be nice.
2 also doesn't really have a dud, as I don't have Semiramis and wouldn't be adverse to getting her. This also has some really nice 4 star options, namely NP upgrades for Summer Okita/Nitocris & Danzou/Senpai.
3 is...well, NP2 Godjuna isn't terrible, but I don't care for him and never really use him. 4 star options are all great, though. Missed out on the Dino before, and upgrades for the other 3 would all be great.

I'm retarded, please help.
The summer servants do get another rate-up next year right? I have literally nothing left.
Reminder that you need 36 RPs per year to get the bond grails and in JP, we don't get constant streams of RPs anymore thanks to re-runs no longer being a regular thing. Even with Ordeal Call, that RP supply is going to have to last you for years.
I'm just not feeling it so I'm just not going to roll. I think I'll save for Draco and keep my Paid SQs at 0.
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I'm pretty sure I've used the exact same team for every advanced quest except maybe the Vritra one
At least the newer ones aren't complete pushovers like the earlier ones
Anon, all those servants have 100% self charge skills. That's a 3T 6CE comp.
>do that summon
>proceed to grab the 70 and a 11x just for the sake of it
>second arc
>game gives me my first ever black grail
>I was going to use the ticket for it
Ok this is starting to scare me now, what the absolute fuck is going on? Does the game genuinely have some kind of censor?
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Don't point this out again.
Why bother having kaleido if you don't use it?
latelet here, i got ~380 SQ + 70.
Zerker 2 is the pure gameplay option, all 3 are good and Musashi's future buff may as well render the whole archer class on life support
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Kama was a little lazy today, alright>.
Nice try. That's Len's story.
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>Mother is out gambling again
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I just nuked it with Summer Kama, if you keep up NP pressure from the start, you'll get it done in a low number of turns. Also she's straight up immune to charms anyways.
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Time for Raspberries!!!
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Going from NP2 to NP3 isn't a big upgrade in damage if that's what you're looking for. Only really do this if you're aiming for easy 120. Option 1 seems to be the best for you. The Morgan NP upgrade would be good but that's a 1/3rd chance.
>Musashi's future buff may as well render the whole archer class on life support
You say this, but Musashi still have the issue of having poor refund against non 3/3/x nodes. An archer with charge skills would still be more useful for farming.
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the entire point of greentexting kscopes was specifically that one of them need them, anons.
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Kama big boobs and thin waist
sisters..... i just wanted np5 scathach
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is this the best ascension???
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So why is he spamming
>Funny vamp was not a meme
Also when does arc's NP start hitting hard, do I really have to go for NP5 for her to be worth shit or is she decent before that?
I prefer 1, but to be fair I hate the remake
>Also when does arc's NP start hitting hard
And? Are you a seething kaleidolet?
"Look at me not using my lv100 kaleido"
Take your time, Kama...
NP1 clears hands with BG so I don't care.
>Also when does arc's NP start hitting hard
When you MLB your Black Grail
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20BBillion on the Lipper not getting a Summer outfit!!!
>Ascension 1
Melty blood clap
>Ascension 2
tsuki remake clap
>ascension 3

I go with the melty clap.
np5 120
When you put your Black Grail on her
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my fga no longer recognizes vitch
i think is time to update
You DO have a level 100 MLB Black Grail, right?
Both 1 and 2 have melty references.
Bros.. i love Kama so much...
>GSSR (Lancer 2)
Sakamoto Ryouma
Mysterious Alter Ego (x2)
>Destiny Draw
Wait, what buff did she get again?

That is true, but I do love those servants that would be getting upgraded. For example, my Kama is grailed and my Summer Kama is NP5 lv120, so NP3 normal Kama would please me. It's just that Okuni is cute and I don't have her, and while I don't care about Murasaki I don't have her or Crane either (do have NP2 Summer Murasaki, though).
Still, you're probably right. It does have the most new SSR servants.
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Zerker 2, got sashi and the dinosaur

Destiny draw gave me Morgan

I also threw 150 SQ for Arc but got nurse, penth, Frank and Heracles

Nevera had such a streak with so many zerkers
>having a specific servant
isn't a strategy

>debuff immune
so.... after the initial shitshow, I was thinking about that; but they just spam the fuckin debuffs so much that I didn't really think that it was worth it (formation cost-wise) to even try bringing debuff-counter shit, because that'd buy me what? one or two saves? and then that shit's on cooldown or gone (ce) altogether, which is about when I just kind of settled on the bitch-mode stack HP regen. and that STILL was pretty rng dependent

like first run I think was my arts/stall thing which just ended in catastrophe and I had a general idea of "what to expect"

second run, I was doing my weird hp regen thing, but on turn 3 before I had gotten a single merlin NP off, and merlin had been near exclusively targeted during the first 2 turns (low on hp) and then stunned when he needed to party invuln (I did a mystic code evade on him; but the second NP killed him) then restarted

third run, I "got lucky"? same team, but they just didn't fuck merlin until I had stacks of his NP up and it was was slow but steady (I think it was like 15 turns or something +- a few turns)

Oooh interesting, that was *kinda* my original plan with erice/tamamo/castoria to just artspam/stall. you completely fucking reminded me that I HAVE summer kama (10/10/10'd, 90'd 1k/1k'd, bond 2...), and just like barely use her because I pulled her bc she qt but didn't really understand her kit, hell if anything I use regular kama a lot more since she's my de-facto anti-alterego'er
But that's not 6CE...
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Uh oh there goes Lip's college fund!
>Wait, what buff did she get again?
Bonus damage to Sabers - happens during the Samurai remnant collab.
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>Melty blood clap
I think her jumps aren't floaty enough. The main appeal of Hime is that she's the "obviously not trying" character.
So if I have a single non-MLB BG and the same for Kscope, what do I go for with the ticket?
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Like 200% base extra damage vs sabers on her NP
Having more kscopes is more useful than having more BGs, but if taking the BG gives you the hope (delusion) that you'll eventually get 5 copies and MLB it, then take BG.
Just use some apples if you want to clear an event shop. 6CE is NOT important.
i'm going for higher level bg
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This is my Destiny Order in 2 years
Be honest anon, are you okay?
holy fuck, you flashbanged tez!
>all new servants
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I think my spishtar has spoiled me bros, I'm used to doing near 1 mil per round, but now Arc is barely scraping past 500k. Granted my spishtar is 120 with some gold fous, but still, weird thing to get used to.
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How strange. Dare I say, ominous?
Will Lady Avalon and Summer Skadi be at the same time, or will I have to wait for Summer Merlina to leave before Skadi comes?
NPs reduce their defense more than regular attacks and do it for both of them for once so any type of NP pressure works, Kama just is immune to charm and can also charm them for a turn to wait out the rain/NPs as needed.
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Castoria (Now NP2)
Morgan (Now NP3)
Honestly, never been happier to not get a new servant.
>Having more kscopes is more useful than having more BGs
if you're new
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What ce did you guys pick?
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>open FGO after a veteran break of 2 weeks
576 SQ
Ah, neat. I do have NP3 Summer Jeanne if I need an Archer Arts looper, and a grailed NP2 Ishtar for Buster memes, so it's not like such a buff would be important for me gameplay-wise. But I do like my Musashi, and it's been hard finding reasons to bring her out so a buff is always good. I've been waffling back and forth on whether or not to grail her simply because I don't use her that much anymore. Her skills and NP refund bother me.
i only have three copies of black grail...
Which I'm assuming he is since he only has one copy of each.
Wellfare BB is free. And like I said, you can just eat the charms/stuns. It's not a big deal. Also, you claim having specific servant doesn't count only to agree with the summer kama option, which is even more specific.
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Tell me about Summer Skadi. Is she the return of Quick?
Ranmaru and Bunyan
The extra attack points with the 4th one will help bro.
I haven't decided yet, but those two are up there.
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hips... erotic...
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120 with no append or 116 with 1 append?
Still need to grind bond levels to finish my NP3 Melt.
Kama and Bob because I'm a sucker for bratty evil girls.
Barg and Maou
I feel like the value of more kscopes isn't as high when I have fakescopes and a bunch of other charge CEs alongside a ton of supports that give party charge. But indeed, the chances of actually MLBing BG as a non-turbo veteran are very slim
Columbus and Bunnytoria
>muh 6CE
Nooooo randos on the internet won't think I'm cool if I don't min max everything!
Zebonia and Space Ishtar
is the destiny summon only during anniversary ? Can we expect it for new years?
Kama so far
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same boat as you and i got her in 120 SQ so im pretty happy. she actually farms hands at np1 too, thought shed be bricked otherwise but its been giga comfy farming thanks to that
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>if you're new
It's true if you're old and have multiple MLBs too. I mean I've got three level 100 kscopes and only 1 level 100 Black grial in spite of having more mlb black grails then kscopes.
Fluffy Kama...
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>implying she gets in
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NP1 Arc in 1200
What do I do now
Get the append and 120 her as you go. Only an absolute retard would pass up that to grail her to 120 now.
Is NP6 necessary for 120 + all appends?
NP5 still gets you 2 appends, right?
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1st ascension
>Shit tier
>The old moon princess, the original Arc
>Kinda hates you, hates shiki as well, hates most humans

2nd Acension
>Tsukihime Arc
>Just your "buddy" at most

3rd ascension
>A hypothetical version of the moon princess who never drank blood so she remained perfect, a version of the moon princess from FGO world-line
>This is supposedly the version of Arc who's for you entirely, comes to like humans naturally
>Although it kinda doesn't matter when they all share a body. Its not like you can fuck her when she shares a body with the others, making it weird.
fluffy kama & arash CE to help out that dex anon because I couldnt decide who to pick for the 2nd 1
pretty sure they've only done it during anniversaries so far in jp
yes and yes
Is Xu Fu also in the FP pool or is she one of those limited 3*?
double down
you already went past pity, might as keep going till you get np2
BB beach sex.
That was 810 quartz and 80 tickets. Thank you moon princess.
My mind is finally at peace knowing that I guaranteed myself a copy of Purina and SSkadi.
You guys think Arc is worth getting NP3?

If not, I'll save what I have left..
After anni shes in fp pool
you are not normal anon
he doesn't even have a single mlb of those, if he can farm then another bg is better
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FP pool after anni
She's a normal 3*, will show up in FP and normal summons forever
shes in FP pool but you got to wait after anniversary for her to be added to it+general summon pool
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I think I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep
Hmm...this is a great opportunity to go for NP6 on my two lv120 NP5 servants, but I'm just not sure if I think it's worth when there are chances to get other servants as well.
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np6 bond 12 for 120 + all appends
Yes, get NP3 or else anons will laugh at you when you need to cope with Lv 100 BG/ Damage CE for 90++
If you're going for her you're supposed to go all in.
The old moon princess tries to make an ocean of chocolate for you. It's very silly.
>Although it kinda doesn't matter when they all share a body. Its not like you can fuck her when she shares a body with the others, making it weird.
[Pseudo servant]bros...
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1st Hassan NP3
2 Sthenos (RPs)
Illya NP5
Fake Dude NP5
Poo Jannu NP5

All the cups are NP5 now.
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she could get in college as a diversity hire since she's disabled
Buy more SQ, you're already buying them for GSSR anyway.
i think you quit the game and thank god you are finally free
Okita and Mai Furendo (he looked so dapper)
Still Bond 12, huh? Shit, I only have one servant that high so far. I must be a filthy casual.
Nah pseudo servants are both divine spirit and human host fused together into an entirely new entity who is both and yet neither, Ishtar explains it in Babylonia. So its fine, they're an entirely new person and not "personalities switching back and forth".
Do you intend to farm high-level content with her? Do lack other top-tier farmers such as Melusine? If Yes to both then you Ideally want NP5, which is when she actually hits hard (will still underperform compared to othwr top-tiers with full supports outside her niche).
If you just wanted her to farm hands, use in general/story stuff and because you like her then 3 ia more than enough, so save up the rest for summer or for the end of the year.
>Its not like you can fuck her when she shares a body with the others, making it weird.
I regularly talk about fucking Hokusai 3rd ascension, that is not weird
Lmao poorfag
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Owari da.
NP2 to NP3 is a 12.5% damage increase. Do you think that's worth it anon?
Saber: Garbage/Ugly
Archer: Gameplay/Ugly
Lancer: Gameplay/QT
Rider: useful/QT
Caster: niche/QT
Assassin: useful/QT
Berserker: Gameplay/meh
Extra1: Garbage/Ugly
Extra2: niche/Ugly
600SQ and literally nothing to spend them on because they never release another character who isn't ugly or stupid looking
not him, but talk about it more
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Did you hit pity and keep going, or did you get NP1 early and figure you should keep going. I need to know how much to empathize.
NP1 arc is okay right
How come Mashu is STILL the only Shielder in the game?
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Approximately 20 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
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it's exp farming days.
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np3 MHXX & koyan dark, didnt like MHXX baiting me with gold summon rings into foreigner card twice though
>Destiny GSSR
charlemagne, pretty happy since he was a bro in both fate extella and traum
Chiyome and Maou
That's different because they both want to fuck you. Its fine if they're both on board for it, its just a threesome at that point

its not like Arc where one personality is into you, one personality has another boyfriend so she can't cheat on him, and the other one is ambivalent towards you
If it's really charm then Space Ishtar grants charm immunity on her attack buff.
how do ya'll niggas become whales?
did the free summon for Vitch, got an NP2 Kama instead and now I wanna go pull a Nobunaga on Aniplex USA in Minecraft
So long as you don't care about 6CE'ing Illyafest's 90++ nodes (you really shouldn't).
Does she release at the same time as Purina or separately?
This guy >>485013416 will make fun of you for not 6CEing
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Mysteriously Cute Ranmaru X and Melusine!
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MHX or NP2 Koyan for my Destiny Order Assassin, bros?
Nice. Turns out being so fed up I forgot to roll for anning coins means I'll get an ez xufu
A Liz. Cut. Defeated.
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I'm going to sleep, but in short
Old Men + Their Daughter's Body = Sex
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>Wishy-washy kinda like the character you like, but also not them at all
Thanks Nasu. Very cool.
I got completely fucked, I'm pretty sad.
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so what? I use automata anyway, 1 or 2 more apples don't matter to me.
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Kam down, anon...
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I've never spent money on gacha and felt great about it afterwards, and I've only spent ~$400 in 7 years. Can't imagine the people spending more.
>I picked banners that had servants I didn't want and I got them how could this be happening to me?
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deleted some inactives
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I'm glad that we're getting the event earlier than expected.

In JP, Summer 7 released on the 10th of August with Proto-Merlin's rate-up. Ibuki was released on the 14th and Skadi was released on the 17th. SO it should be 1 week after Summer 7 starts.
>Its not like you can fuck her when she shares a body with the others
Laughs at kijyo koyo
120ing with blazes is pure hell.
How much is needed for that without MLB bg? NP3 minimum?
Is NP10 what you need to 120 right away?
you don't need another skadi and her shit quick teammates.

castoria is still GOAT.
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Arjuna and Saito
MHX was cute in Saber Wars II, has a shitload of interludes and strengthens that get her somewhat near Kama/Jack levels.
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That guy is an albert spy. He wants you to spend more money on this gacha.
np3/4 & grailed to 120 with 2k/2k fous, also levelling the main lottery CE your gonna use for your main dps (arceuid) to 100 too
I got NP3 Abby (I already had her at NP2), literally the only servant I already had from that banner, and Faker.
I got archer Sei and NP2 for Okita Jet
absolute retard
yeah you shouldn't do that
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Holy shit fuck this advanced quest
Not only is it slow as molasses to get through due to the mechanics, but when I was about to get the kill, the bitch procs death only on Illya and I have to wait 4 more turns
Good thing I brought Kintoki as a backup but holy shit what a cunt
Does the damage trial add damage from both rounds or just the last one with the servants?
Your own fault for picking shit on your destiny summon.
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>Saber: Garbage/Ugly

You are not my bro...
I didn't even know you could get story-locked servants in Destiny
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>Ajax the Great
>Ajax the Lesser
>Captain America
>Riesbyfe Stridberg

Will we ever see any of them as Shielder-class servants in Fate/Grand Order?
MHX is a better character so pretty easy
they should add Battle Japan first
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Quick will be meta again once we see JP's anniversary servant
It's Skadi wearing a party hat
If you had no exp, it would take like 12+ hours of nonstop 1.5m runs of hands to get enough to 120.
Shut up Rabbit, also your tier list is garbage.
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All Jinako owners should go and give her a dicking right now to reassure her that just because we have a new AOE moon cancer doesn't mean we don't love her anymore.
Who is that?
Maybe Galahad. The rest will be a different class if they even add 'em.
Sentai is dead anon, find a friendly motor cycle guy who wears a mask instead
Destiny Order first, or one of the 20 first? The choices for each will be influenced by the result of the other...
Mash but actually likable.
I will not buy pakeji.
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>24 turns
Even my shitty ass comp with Medea and no castoria cleared it faster
Xu Fu's voice puts me to sleep.
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I picked Okita-san with my 1st CE Ticket. I'm not sure what to pick with the 2nd one. I'll think about it.

Just the 2nd wave with the servants.
Yeah we love fat girls here
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I'm not "agreeing with the summer kama option", that's more of an "oh shit I completely forgot summer kama" because I pulled for her on a whim without ever actually looking closely at her kit, and then didn't really use her because I didn't know what she did relative-to or better-than my usual go-tos for farming or CQs or other tricky shit

so you're saying welfare BB is good for this? I guess she has fairly low-cd debuff removal+immunity; but at a glance I'd STILL I have to stick with my original assessment that the sheer frequency of potential incoming charm/stuns would not justify running a mooncancer because while she might clutch once or twice, if she herself is disabled, or 'bad shit' happens while her skill is on CD, or she gets chain-targeted or critted without class advantage resistance etc....

that being said, I gotta fuckin say; I like welfare BB a lot. while I have summer BB who is "technically" a 5* or whatever, whenever there's an avenger boss in some plot node or reminiscence node, welfare BB's my go-to

yeah.... that was *kinda* the idea at first when I tried erice/tamamo/castoria, was thinking well... she's my only AoE Arts NP, and these other 2 are insane at supporting an arts DPS, but then I just got really rng-fucked at cartoonish inopportune times (sunny, time to NP! erice gets chain disabled for 2 turns, only usable when it's raining again, they're about to NP! time to castoria, nope she's disabled, everyone's low on HP and gauge, tamamo's ready to NP, nope she's disabled)

>Kama just is immune to charm and can also charm them
ahhhhhhhhh ok, that's cool, I'll definitely try to keep that in mind (and I guess try to use kamavenger a bit more 'in general') for future cq/lb/etc... charm gimmick nodes, and in general
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version 2
protip: you can also get story locked servants in valentine rate-ups and any other class-exclusive rate-ups
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not sure if i should save the piss cubes
is something good coming down the line?
Is it worth burning apples on ember farming? Im trying to get my BB to 120
your debuff immune ce?
I ran out of Hellfires...
I go as far as i can with my lottery blazes and then go cry in my bed.
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Xu Fu's voice makes me want to sleep with her
no reason not to dump them now since you get half AP+3x success
No plus you're gonna get five billion more next year plus shop discounts.
Just spend them
we're getting even more with ordeal call
obviously destiny order first
fuck no
Xu Fu will never love you
She loves Hinako who only loves Horses
We have half a year before the next lottery, so yes get your farming done now.
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do gssr first, the odds range from 1/3 to 1/7 of getting a specific servant while destiny order is 1/9
Yes if your goal is only getting EXP. While lottos offer more bang for your AP in terms of mats, half AP hands plus bonus succ beat everything else. It also means less clicking because fuck leveling to 120 on 4* EXP
Arona I expect at least twice the equivalent in pyros to what I got from this anni, you better deliver and gimme some pink envelopes or else.
Got Melusine. Is she for (You)?
Want to see Usagicos in this
Of course it would be divided.
bros im so fucking done. i saved up 1400 saint quartz for my precious wife arcueid and I only got NP4. I got Mordret and Jeanne before I got another fucking arcueid I'm so done with this life of mine. i burned both mordret and jeanne to soothe my blistering fury but it's only gotten worse.
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NP10 is what you need for everything.
NP6 is what you need for 120 immediately without bond.
It depends. How good are you at mental gymnastics?
1st or 2nd append for Barghest
>1400 saint quartz
You got your hopes too high.
i hope you know that's not bad at all
lmao anything more than NP1 is already a blessing with that amount
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She's your destined lover.
>got a completely average amount of NPs for SQ
>bros im so fucking done
Kill me
Sorry bro, I actually did awesome today. Only way it could have been better was more Arc or multi-SSR rolls.

It makes up for last year where I got fucked.
How much SQ is pity? 900?
>1 SSR every 230~ SQ
That's better than the average. Just wait for her next rateup retard.
For summer servants, Ibuki and Skadi are meta ones?
I got a lobo spook while rolling for space ishtar so I know how you feel
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>That's better than the average. Just wait for her next rateup retard.
lmao loser gacha addict
Pay up, retard
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I was waiting for this. I'm sorry bro but the schadenfreude is too good here.
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bro you sound like an American or a Euro bitching to some fucking African nigga about being broke
Yes, 900SQ.
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I got the birb wen does she star being relevant?
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You know what to do.
What does that means

Alright, seem like majority
When is Merlina's rate-up? I NEED her already!
She's very nice in Challenge Quests. The biggest issue isn't the 20 Critical Stars requirement, but the SSR party-cost.
There's one schizo shitposter who insists that Melusine is cuckbait.
I wish I could sooth your pain by posting a funny video of a japanese player rolling for arceuid and screaming in rage when its jinako instead with the kiritsugu face but that video's been impossible to get
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Never could like this character after they established its definitively a genderbent male, and the male one came out first.
>But there are other genderbent
The other genderbent characters were always female in this universe. Except Da Vinci, and no one finds da vinci sexy for the exact same reason. Dantes called Da vinci a homo freak in his original event if I recall.
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Skadi carried me through 2 years of content. You will show her respect.
hit NP1 in 810
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don't give up anon!
Useful for min-turn CQs but she DIES when summer Kuro releases.
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>NP1 Reines from the custom GSSR
>NP2 Melusine from regular GSSR
It was great overall
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>destined lover
It's destiny that humanity be annihilated by the Alien God. I refuse to submit to destiny.
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Yeah, especially if you're dating Mash.
she could still have one and if not then just try on gssr
needing just one more for np5 is good enough
I find Da Vinci sexy only because he used to have a male body and is now female.
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>i burned both mordret and jeanne to soothe my blistering fury
Cool story but it's horrifying that there could be people like this.
Skadi for being another np battery support
Ibuki at high np levels but if you already have something like space Ishtar and committed to that servant she may not be necessary
Merlina Will always be overshadowed by castoria, as she is the 2nd Best arts support
>she could still have one
>if not then just try on gssr
Congrats to all who got what they wanted or got someone they like from the GSSR/Destiny or just from regular summoning.
I swore off ever spwnding money on this game again, but I did get a surprisingly nice haul so I'm satisfied.
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good at min-turning CQs or making your big damage NP screenshots even higher
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I haven't done Traum yet. How is Ruler Moriarty? Do we like him? Is he useful?
Trying to pick a slot on my Destiny Order, and it's between him, NP2 Caren, or NP6 Summer Kama/NP6 Summer BB.
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Are we rolling Murasaki now or waiting for the ticket?
This doesn't look consensual...
me in the back with Xu Fu
Sopranos in my Alter?
>Extra1: Garbage/Ugly
Avenger Nobu is really good tho
>Is he useful?
Hits like a wet noodle.
The only reason that Aurora is constantly in her background and skill descriptions is because there must always be an Aurora for Melusine to outshine.
It's more likely than you think.
>Do we like him?
I liked him the story, not enough to roll for him.
>Is he useful?
Holy fuck no.
We rolling summer abby yes
Anon you use her with Kuro.
The damage meta is Kuro, not a fox, broberon, not fox and bird.
i do not CARE i DESERVE NP5 at least. i saved up for many months for this shit. i prayed sincerely to the good lord before pulling and he gave me NOTHING. i prayed to the devil while pulling and he gave me NOTHING. the world is against me.
He is very handsome
Ah. As expected of a Ruler. That's why I kind of want NP2 for Caren, actually...
>get Ishtar off Archer GSSR
>interlude time!
>mfw forced Ishtar support no CE
>mfw all the enemies are fucking Lancers
What the fuck?
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>"This is your payment for using command spells on Yu like we discussed okay master?"
i have np4 melu and np3 Arc
Waiting for Voyager
Moriarty gets mogged by Iyo, who is free
Should have prayed to Gaia then retard.
Caren at least has an upgraded NP. Ruler Moriarty doesn't which really hurts his damage.
You deserve a bullet in the back of the head for being an entitled little shit
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Okay i get the append first even though it feels wrong to leave her at 116.
I'm sorry Melt...
At what NP do I need arc to 120 her with the bond coins again? NP2 without appends and 3 with 1 append?
You are not making any sense.
I'm saying summer Kuro replaces Crane in 99% of cases.
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proto-merlin is arts merlin, great as a plugsuit arts buffer or when you start hitting bond 15 on castoria and want to farm without her but if you already got merlin her value drops quite a bit.
Summer Ibuki power-creeps summer musashi for farming but has zero defensive utility so your hard-focused on needing castoria/proto-merlin to help survive. Her being arts dos mean you do have issues in wonky 90++ nodes that are 1/1/3 for example
summer skadi is 10/10 giga top-tier if you like quick or want to farm, basically stronger than skadi in every way outside defense utility, you can also use skadi as your main farmer too thanks to her having a AoE NP
Kek. No.
Is anyone else having trouble with the scat advanced quest? It's way too hard compared to the others.
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Who is 'we'?
>Xu Fu exchanging sexual favor for you making Yu hang out with her
That doesn't make sense
I see. Then, I'll remove him from the options. So it's between a Caren upgrade or more servant coins for one of the few NP5s I have...
Meh. 3 can farm 90++ just fine.
Yes, but it needs high Bond requirements.

I got BTFO and haven't tried it again. I'll attempt it again when I'm less tired and in a better mood.
I’m gonna tell you one thing, and I’m not ashamed to say it
My estimation of anon as a man, just fucking plummeted
>got NP5 Arc in 500 SQ with zero intention or care for getting Arc because I unironically just want the Xu Fu NP levels.
Your issue is thinking the gacha gods give a shit about your pleas. As Musashi (True) once told us. Respect the Gacha Gods but do not rely on them.
Plana is sexier.
>Teen mom will never step on you.
Why live
He's bad and I farm with him + plugsuit
+ Oberon
np2 bond 11, np3 bond 6
>i saved up for many months for this shit
I highly doubt that. I splurged a bit early this year for bazett and still went into this anni with like 1,500 SQ including the anni gibs. You clearly didn't save very long.
I wish Skadi came first. Which comes back around quicker, Purina or Summer Skadi? I only have enough pity for one. Trying to decide if I should gamble on both, or commit to Skadi and just skip Purina.
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Bros without any economical self awarenes, did you roll the destiny gssr? post your results and motivate me since i already pulled the trigger on the SQ but im waiting for the day reset to roll.
Now that anni is over, what's the next big thing?
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That's how Gudako likes it.
I would only go for summer Skadi them in your place
Watch her Valentines.
Why did they make Guda so handsome here?
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summer skadi is tied to summer only, proto-merlin thanks to being in arcade collab gets a rateup
I have enough to hit pity three times for summer. I'm guaranteed all three Summer Servants.
I'm not gonna hit pity after all the shit luck I've had.
Oh thanks I hadn't seen it. So NP2 at bond 13+, that's fine since I do not care for appends. Just wanted to be sure NP2 was enough for 120 if I ever wanna do that.
Brainless Arts looping, she's like the Arjuna Alter of Arts.
>summer skadi
Skadi but better with buster crits.
Excellent Arts support.
no, I don't want to pay 30$ for an SSR. 15$ is already pushing it.
It's easy
1. bring skadi for the insta death immune
2. wait 3 turns for her blue icon debuff to be up
3. nuke
4. repeat till she used all her guts
5. win
She's clearly crying and expressing great mental and physical distress in both of these images bro...
thank you.
Read her bond CE.
>Though this body may crumble and this heart may shatter,
>my yearning will never fade.
>Oh, beautiful Aurora.
>Your face is like a shining star.
>My love for you is everlasting.
>Most wanted SR is with least wanted SSR.
Tale as old as time.
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my Destiny was summer Abby so i have to roll her rateup next week too
I got Illya and she hits like a wet noodle.
bro it's only 24 dollars for a ssr you actually want
if that's too much for you then you need to do better
I just used my NP5 MLB BG Sanzang and Castoria. You pretty much invalidate everything Scathach can do with just such basic servants.
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damn you an actual gacha brain addict retard. Sorry not sorry. Have a (you)
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No bitches?
Man, that 3rd banner is easily the best, but it comes last, right? Does it have any overlap with the other two? I'd rather wait for it since it has both a 5* and 4* I want, while the first two are just a 5* and 4* respectively.
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I have 0 SQ, but I need Summer Skadi for Dantes, Charlemagne, and Lancelot Berserker. What do I do?
Nothing I do with Gudako is, just ask Sessyoin!
I got muramasa from mine. I selected all new servants so I didn't really care about the result since it would be a servant I didn't have and sort of wanted.
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I can't believe you can't unga or bunga.
very sexy thought
Skadi isn't the least wanted SSR I don't think?
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The only thing you can.
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How many 5* embers is 100-120?
Sell feet pics online
4-5 thousand.
This happens every year and it's always funny
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>Not sure if I want to do Destiny Order
I mostly want more NP levels or plan to roll their future rate-ups for reasons (Gil has one with MHXX next year), that said BB would be nice to go with my Gogh.
1000s, unironically.
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No ackshually

I rolled only GSSR and got new summer Fran and Sigurd. I want to save those sweet 15$ for something more dopamine dose like new PC and gaymes
why did you spent your shit?
A fuck load. Like if you haven't been saving huge stacks of 5* embers for over a year you're gonna be farming and should be farming right now.
Cute Morg
bros, lvl 45 guy here, it looked like Ishtar and space Ishtar will re-run in late august. I'm torn between rolling for Minamoto (berserker) or Bazett, which one should I go for?
I wanted 8 out of 9 options and got the 1 I didn't want.
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Did you not see the hearts? She's clearly loving it.
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Ignore the Raikouschizo.
Melusine is absurdly into (You).
>but bond CE
Reflection on the moment she was "born" as Melusine. Summer Melu makes it clear (especially final ascension line) that everything was worth it if it meant meeting and having (You) because of it.
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The gap between NP4 and NP5 is barely noticeable tho
Are you done with story missions? Free quests? Interludes? Strengthenings? Extra quests? If you literally have nothing left than just wait for weekly sq and tickets and pray you get them with those and/or go bond farm. If you do have any of the above left then go do them and hope it's enough.
Post your burned Mordred and Jeanne or this is a larp.
>i prayed to the devil while pulling
Roll for the one you like the most first and then try to build a team around her.
That's true. A nice escord over all.
I don't play the game enough to spend 30$ on it. 15$ is a fair price
a lot
neither of those are really meta but i could see bazett being better for a new guy
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FSN kino
Only three more to go...haha...
Gtind all the SQ you can from your account
Grind irl luck by doing good actions
May the gacha gods bless u
>MLB Prisma Cosmos
Let's fucking goooooooooooooooo
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Bazett. How is this even a question?
>Complete any advanced quest unlocked 7/6
Which ones are those? I've been neglecting advanced quests.
NP2 baby
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>i DESERVE NP5 at least
No you don't, nigga.
Fae care about youth a lot Melusine's appearance is based off a younger version of Aurora so Melusine always outshines Aurora's beauty. It's part of why Aurora couldn't stand looking at Melusine.
I got so erect during this scene.
I need NP6 to max her appends. If she's not perfect, then /alter/ will mock me when we post supports. They'll say: "how can you call her your waifu, when you haven't even maxed her?"
Nevermind, I'm wasting my time engaging with you.
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You can now pick the SSR CE.
>My love for you is everlasting.
What makes her love for (You) more everlasting than the love she had for Aurora?
>due to the daily quest buffs we can get like 90 of one of the monthly mats per month
I don't care for habetrot

So what the fuck is it then
>Melusine's appearance is based off a younger version of Aurora
no she's not
that was the plan originally
What's the best node for silver monuments?
on chaldea gate just pick any of the bottom ones.
How can you call yourself a man if you don't violate a woman's consent? This is why the birthrate plummet and the population get replaced by immigrants
just be yua serufu
4k matching, 5k non matching
who cares
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>summer fran FA
how do i show this?
That's cute
She’s just a cash grab, the only good fae with Character is basically Barg, Oberon, and Castoria.
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Will raise make them useful?
Yeah but how does it relate to skills and outshining her
>Comes last?
Yes, 1 week after the event starts.
Full overlap, all rate-ups will last until the end of the event and end together.
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>Can't even get the 5 star CE I want...
Why even bother
you could read dumbass
or ignore the obvious schizo
Morgan is one of the reasons I'm thinking of doing it, I have her at NP1 and she burned me in my recent attempt to NP2 her. Beyond that though fishing for dupes doesn't feel as fun as new Servants but I also don't tend to use Servants that are NP1 these days.
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That's who Gudako really is.
Aurora is dead (you) aren't
>just be yua serufu
Jekyll is FUBAR, let's not kid ourself
It's just half-baked. The Aurora stuff is what Nasu wrote for her, but that's just one chapter when everything after that and including the SSR you summon is gacha pandering.
Are there any breakpoints which would require Arc NP3 over NP2? I still have plenty of quartz left but we all know we have to put a lot aside for Summer.
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>Space Xu Fu

u rike that they pushing Servantverse shit to (you)?
2nd MLB Prisma or 8th KScope?
Would I need 2 MLB Prismas?
Jekyll has terminal year 1 servant disease. There's no cure.
Wow a Vlad rank up? Don't mind if I do!
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I did and was pleased with the results. I was less pleased with the subsequent lucky bag.
Taking both into account, I feel like I wasted money. I may be getting to the point where I really shouldn't be doing it anymore. At least this time I technically didn't waste money since I have cash back reward points that will cover it, which I couldn't think of anything to use on anyway
Vlad is always useful.
Is NP3 arc worth going for over NP2? I am not going to NP5 her no matter what (unless an NP3 roll also includes NP4) and I have other meta farmers. I'm just wondering if there's any reason to want more NPs since she never gets another non-SSR rate after this.
I'm putting positive energy out there in an attempt to get positive energy back!
The story literally talked about that lump of rotting dragon hand being dazzled by the sight of Aurora and seeing her visage as the mostperfect thing it knew at that time, thus spawning Melusine, a form which it mirror.
It's no joke. I treat leveling to 120 as a long-term project that takes months using spare AP and going harder on dead weeks or times like this when it's lowered AP / increased succ chance.
Not forever though.
yeah, i don't mind it, its a fun storyline that you shouldn't take that seriously.
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Damn, this is harder to choose for than I thought. There are a few options in several slots.

Saber: Charlemagne, Hai Bai Trung
Archer: Super Orion, NP2 Archuria
Lancer: NP6 Tamalancer, NP3 Shishou, Lancertoria
Assassin: MHX, NP2 KoyanLight
Extra1: NP2 Caren, NP6 Summer Kama, NP6 Summer BB
Extra2: NP2 KoyanDark/Melt/Oei/Bazett, Gogh

Jesus. The fact that I'm strongly considering NP6s worries me.
She have love for Aurora because she exist as Melusine thanks to her, and thanks to her, she got summoned by (You), her true, destined love and what she was craving and wanting.
Nothing. If Aurora appeared Melusine would immediately go back to her. She can't not, it is the very basis of her identity.
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It's finally over...
After it's no longer useful...
See for yourself with only a subset of the cuckposter's ban evasion posts
It's the resident schizo who's been at this for months
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I will fix her.
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Hey I did it! 3rd 120
It's still useful, it's just not the bleeding edge of meta since 6CE is now viable with more servants than ever.
He's cool, congrats.
I have absolutely zero idea how they could fix Jekyll, his gimmick just really fucking sucks
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>The fact that I'm strongly considering NP6s worries me.
Don't worry bro :)

You doing God's job to support our half-dead game/server
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Only if she was written consistently. Checkmate.
>3rd 120
Congrats. I'm just 1 level away from my 3rd hitting 120 now. The home stretch. I'm not sure I'll ever do another one. It's such a huge slog, and these 3 I have are my most favorite servants (plus the ones I have enough fucking coin to do it with...)
Good job! We need positivity now more then ever! Especially in /alter/!
He just needs another NP when in Hyde form.
If I were in your shoes I'd go with 2nd Prisma. My arts teams always go with BG on DPS and Prisma x2 on Castoria/Merlin.
Oh phew, thank god.
>a form which it mirror
show me when it says that part
don't worry if you don't find something that doesn't exist
also is not only her looks but the gesture that produced the miracle.
He should have a normal ST NP that gives him guts for 5 turns that triggers the transformation + 100% heal
Allow him to use his NP again once in Hyde form, essentially just make his NP a full heal with the occasional burst damage turns when he's Hyde.
>u rike that they pushing Servantverse shit to (you)?
yes, the servantverse is fucking awesome saberwars iii when
Jesus Christ.
What is the guy problem?
That would require Nasu to be consistent.
Also context on this?
the last thing melu did was for herself and not for aurora so that's why
Why the fuck would young James Moriarty underestimate Guda? Guda got through the whole incineration of humanity, defeated several beasts, and genocided at least 6 lostbelts. Say what you want about Guda's individual abilities, but his sheer luck and ability to get through hell shouldn't be overlooked.
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I want to make a girl happy so much bros...
What could I do to you the game already hasn't?
Valentine's scene.
He got beaten by Kadoc (with assist from Mash), not Guda though
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Good work bro.
>get space ishtar to 118
>run out of embers
Can I use NP2 grailed to 100 Archetype Earth with BG to 5CE things?
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guess I'll pick Prisma based on what I have
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On the same note, anyone else feel like they already have everything they want from this game? LB7 and then Summer 8 are coming up and then after that I'm not sure what else FGO has to offer me.
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Idk, make him a worse Aoko and call it day
Ember gathering is half AP. Better get to it
I love contrails.
back to the hand mines with you
Gudako didn't do anything, Kadoc and his Lostbelt Anastasia defeated Moriarty.
You might want to filter check for just Prisma before you pull the trigger.
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Choose your favorite.
>double Arc
>double Crane
>NP1 Kama
>whole bunch of 4*s
>spent only 45 bought SQ
Today was a good day.
anon every single bad guy does the same
stop skipping
Caenis, my futa beloved...
After getting arcueid at only NP2 after 1300 quartz I have come to terms that I don't need her and 5CE is fine. It could have been much worse after all.
Skadis fat hag milkers
I don't get it
Why didn't we get this as a CE? It's really pretty.
So was the SQ for only the amount of servants you have leveled now or will you get more as you hit more thresholds like they do with interludes?
Tsuna because I fucking hate Oni. I also unironically like his skill-set, it's a nice change and I hope they never give him an NP Charge.
thanks bros. your suffering has helped convince me not to roll. and not to spend money.
mash deserves execution
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Thanks bros
saw someone saying we can get a fsn servant with a ticket when is that?
how do we get the ticket?
They changed rewards for ascending servants. The quartz you received was all the rewards from servants already ascended.
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Your next NY GSSR bro
I wanna have 1 meta support of each type, and I REALLY want one servant next year. After that all I care about is seeing the story's conclusion. As far as the game itself goes I burned out entirely earlier this year after it hit me that 90% of the shit in this game is irrelevant even within the game itself.
You could have come to that realization at NP1
Yu's back is certainly making a compelling case. But probably Skadi. Would prefer if it was Scathach, though.
Every new servant from now on will give you 3SQ upon max ascending them. So if you are a luckchad (true) you can keep summoning mew servants infinitely.
She just does whatever. Like a jet.
For ones you leveled. Every new one you level will give you SQs going forward.
grats bro, hes very cool
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How long has Kriem been Scottish?
>1 arc
>1 anastasia
fgo is such a piece of shit gacha
Bro that one is still 1,5 years away.
but we're not going to get some of those servants until next year
Congrats, may I ask who were your first two?
I just noticed tiny Habbycat there in the middle.
Caenis > Skadi > Brown Jannu > Habetrot > Slut on top left > Charlie > bowl cut > guy in back > sofa > Mashit
We don't know when exactly but it was announced to come soon. You'll get to pick a CE and based off that you get the servant on it.
There's a commemoration campaign soon. You pick 1 CE of one of the Fate/Stay Night servants, and you then get the servant of that CE.
So if you want the Meduseless CE or the Kojirou CE, you get fucked in the ass. If you want the Seiba CE, you get a free SSR servant.
So she's like Circe?
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the last thing melu did was not for aurora but for herself and everyone else she knew and is ironic because that's when aurora says she's more beautiful than her
Remember, her lore-accurate name is Aesc and not Tonelico.
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>you are angry therefore you are scottish
I feel the same way more or less
Congrats Shaitan
Gonna pick Seiba CE so hard. NP4 Seiba here I come!
Sometimes I feel like this is a VR game to Guda. No matter how much exp he gets he still can't hurt a servant.
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This but Caenis' back.
Caenis paenis...
lmao wtf I hope no retards will not pick Saber.
anon you know the schizo is gonna ignore this
>rank up quest aren't 1/2 AP
Fuck you Albert
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That would be OG Melt and lolivinci
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That's me because I already got this asshole to NP5 and level 120.
This. She's completely free now since her continued existence is beholden to (You) now.
Takeuchi did this...
I know I am going to get burned at the stake for being honest.
Mathew, Mashu, Mash.
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Welp went better than expected, not exactly sure if it was worth 30 SQ, but he was one of my main objectives before changing my mind and rolling for jannu.
oberon-sis...just marry me. i'll make you happy.
Who cares what he thinks? I was just providing the backup source to your claim.
Ok that's pretty cute
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>clears wave 1
>gives 50% charge to picrel due to NP and skill 3
>plugsuit out for support
i think arc is better as a support/wave clearer instead of a looper
You got Red Hare, it was absolutely worth it.
There's a servant for each Part 2 story chapter, Habetrot represents Lostbelt 6.
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anon thats 2026, 2025 is much worse in comparison
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Anon, you don't become a dapper supervillain without being an overconfident twerp first.
>Yuu basically naked
Still going with Caenis
Very based choices.
Sure, in some respects.
shut up gudako i already had him and columbus at np5, i just like to roll story a lot.
I feel like it's the logical conclusion you hit if you aren't a turbo veteran, a major completionist with a set goal, or a diehard fate fan. This is doubly true if you play any other modern gaccha that reminds you how fucking dated and predatory FGO is while offering little payoff.
Toblerone the Savior...
wait sorry to change subjects but is this implying that albion was born in gaia?
i don't think we knew that for sure
Big Chuck looking dapper AF
Extra support NP seems like great value.
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surprise ereshkigal to end the thread
i am sexually attracted to habetrot
>Party-wide NP Charge
>Skill Seal for entire enemy team
Nice support for Bazett.
He's probably one of the only villains that came even close to winning and I wish he wasn't
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You can't change what she is.
>sorry to change subjects
The subject is dull and worn out anyway.
>whale set-ups can actually have consistent Waver/Reines/Arc NP for the final wave.
If only -100 Defense was actually useful.
your 5* nc for 100 to 120 is duplicated
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I NEED to np6 edgier Dantes and Tez
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Funny story but I've tried other modern gachas and return to FGO anyway because it's far more relaxed. My reason for letting go would be the fucking stalling with OC rather than anything else.
They explain in LB6 that phantasmals come from Avalon, but also that Albion is older than the planet.

That sounds pretty contradictory to me, but I don't know if it's a translation issue or Nasu got ideas mixed up.
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Damn right
You're wrong. People can change and grow.
I'm afraid of eos on 10th anniversary.
I thought albion was as old as the planet?
Fleeting World, Fleeting Might
>That sounds pretty contradictory to me
>but I don't know if it's a translation issue or Nasu got ideas mixed up
let me check
Convince me not to waste my money on the destiny gacha.
Which servants are the biggest threat to NTRing you to have in your Chaldea?
>Child Gil
Any others?
EoS is on December 31st of the 10th year. Guarantee it.
Big but welcome surprise, thank you bro
You're right. I'm the one getting shit mixed up. Yeah. 4.6 billion years old.
Don't try to make sense of Nasu's rambling, that way lies madness.
Who are you thinking of and are you planning to stay until EOS?
don't do it bro
You can buy an actual game with that money.
This game outright states that gambling is bad.
You could buy an actual video game.
none of them would do that
unless you really want a shot at someone who keeps evading you or a dupe that keeps evading you for extra coins is really not worth it unless you are hunting down a drago next year.
don't you have 24 buck?
You'll get the one SSR that you're putting there because there's nothing better to choose.
It's really not worth it if you aren't a newbie account.
Any Lancelot.
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People. Never. Change.
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Anon do you really think Gilgamesh isn't trying to fuck every servant in Chaldea?
That's Blackbeard.
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Like what?
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uhhh bro after years of asking for speedup they finally sped up a random shitty cash grab paid summon so they can eos the server sooner! how can you possible think of skipping this??? are you POOR or something? lmao
I just hit me that, when game eos, I have nothing left.
literally one of the canon pairings for Guda.
the reason why she loves (you) so much is because she has dragon clairvoyance and knows (you) will love her.
she's basically acting as if youre already in a relationship with her because she already knows the future.
If the raito of dupes to new servants is higher skip it.
they need to be kept on a leash
not our caenis
eos on 10th anni, fgo2 the day after
I burned both of them, ever the SSR one i got from a spook jew gacha
You'll still have the memories you made along the way.
But you'll finally be free
yeah, realized it after posting it, it should be 5020.
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good question.
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Caenis is only a threat to making me her woman and taking me in front of everyone!
Fergus' interlude gave us more insight into the sex life of Chaldeans.
I'd rather Caenis made me her woman instead. Forget the other slag.
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He is just comic relief, no woman is actually wanting to smash him
Hey, uh Astrea and Jacques de Molay are alright no?
thats why you never go paypig.
Sakurai Remnant.
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Can someone use this as the OP pic for next thread? it seems to be very relevant right now.
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Okay fuck it, I'm not doing the Destiny Order. Time to plan out my NY GSSR though.
QP grinding makes me want to put a gun in my mouth
otome, just marry me. also, dont do it. it's not worth it. just save up f2p SQs for draco.
I will if nobody makes one before the five minute cooldown ends
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>Roll for shiny new Limited SSR Servant
>Have to go to youtube to watch their My Room voice lines because Albert still hasn't fixed the text moving forward without waiting for the voice line to finish
>Even though visual novels from 1995 have a functional auto-read feature

How are more people not complaining about this? Any voice line with more than 3 sentences is impossible to view in-game because the text keeps going even if the voice line takes a pause.
Please make sure to let Albert know in the survey!
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Not Otome and also not very interested in rolling for Draco.

Swimsuit Astraea please.
Diarmuid and Astolfo, based on their legends. Diarmuid can't help it, and Astolfo is an airheaded seducer.
>literally one of the canon pairings for Guda.
Pfft retard
Based, I picked those two too.

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