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Previous: >>485015121

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA (JP)

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
Out NOW!


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
waterkuma saved this game
prove me otherwise
copulating with nekomata
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Just out of curiosity, what are the damage numbers the top tiers do?
hoyo should develop their own portable console and start making a variety of games
that animal crossing game is a good start
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>losing to First Descendant
Explain to me why aren't you playing the REAL skill-based in this game, the snake pvp minigame?
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d-don't stare so much...
i want her to give me a blowjob while she looks at me with those weird ass eyes
belle would be hotter with long hair btw
>be wise
>try to have a normal day of proxy work
>nicole tries to settle her bill with sex
>anby keeps trying to seduce you because she watched too many romance movies
>nekomata clings to your arm for hours just because she's a bored cat
>grace slams your face into her chest (again)
>ellen slaps your ass with her tail
>pubsec cops nearly suffocate me with their butts
>get randomly catcalled by NPCs on every street corner

>finally get home
>absolutely exhausted
>crawl into bed
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Its not normal to spend all night on the couch with your sister watching netflix
What's with Mihoyo and rabbits? Honkers had a rabbit mascots everywhere too and Bronya's robot was a bunny
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>let's have sex early today!
That's just you getting filtered
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his designs and aesthetics did a lot yeah, game would not have a quarter of the soul without him
Go touch grass pagcel
show me your webms
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Just like in latam
He's the only reason I even bothered checking out this game, let's hope he'll stay
nice dialogue
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>waterkuma has art like this
I kneel. ZZZ will be the best game of the year.
Does filtering many people make a game last?
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This is very problematic. We need to thoroughly discuss the incestuous undertones of this game.
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I wish I could spend all night on the couch with my brother watching Netflix.
>Qingyi is Electric
>Yanagi is Electric
>Harumasa is Elecric
AIEEEEEEEEE There's too many S-rank Electrics
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There is NO fucking way that these are actual real life Snek players.

Because they are all fucking TRASH, they have to be bots.
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so I actually think Nicole is very sexy
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I wish I could give you some of mine bro, you'll have them eventually
>censored design
Get your eyes checked
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Huffing Grace's boot
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fuckin' kino
Just go to your profile menu and click on "last multiplayer players" or something lmao. They're real people.
Is 7 the fight where you start needing two teams?
>fox girl
>no fluffy tail
what a waste
It's just bots in both games.
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>A handheld EMP affects Qinqyi even slightly
Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today
You're playing against zoomers, they only know slither.io
Thinking of skipping Ellen, Zhu and Miyabi...
Qingyi is a 4*
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You're not F2P.
I'm lvl 30 and I haven't gotten a SINGLE piper or Lucy.

They are rarer than Ellen
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i agree
let's discuss why there still isn't any porn of the two together despite all the implied siblingfucking
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Yeah, it's also level 40.
where in your ass did this fact come from
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Wise POV is so cringe.
Imagine getting told its nappy time by your little sister.
>no tail
trash fox
saving for the next fox with multiple fluffy tails
does soukaku c6 let her work as a dps bwos...?
Why doesn't Wise just hang out in the arcade with Billy? Is he unwise?
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>trigger sheath
Uhhh Sambros??
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don't let the wuwa pajeet see this... he REALLY hates it when you can mash buttons in a gacha game

lvl 80 elite enemy btw
let's say piper shows up in front of you, naked
but then a huge mihoyo god hand slaps a bunch of bandaids on her nipples and vagina, covering them
does that make her worse
>physical anamoly
You did not beat it
I was only able to get an A on it, my lightning team sucks ass.
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Best faction?
Belobog, sovl...
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Redpill me on this game. I'm all in on the cute girls but is there anything.... more?
Standard banner treated me good is all, you'll get lucky too bwo.
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How long do we have to clear Shiyu Defence before it rotates?
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There's real pvp in the minigames.
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i don't care about wuwa even if it's being used to shit on it
just stop talking about fucking wuwa in the zzz thread
post anby ass or literally anything that isn't fucking wuwa, at least talk about hoyoverse games
So when you have the QTE and you gotta press LEFT or RIGHT click to select a party member to use them as an assist, you always gotta pick the green rabbit, correct?
Isn't the rabbit the most powerful character in the game? It does the most amount of damage??
mihoyo needs to fix the pacing.
levels 1 to 25 are just button mashing
>Time for bed
>Just want to keep playing more ZZZ
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Step aside
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Go do your raids.
Anyone know which W-Engine is Billy's personal engine? It's appears to not be starlight engine which is weird
this is just open world trash mob you farm every day for drops bwo
also jinshi may be 0 skill button mash character but the dragon laser looks cool and feels satisfying to use so i love her
t. playing both games and having fun
It's permanent, the rotation one only comes after level 10.
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gameplay is genuinely really solid but the first 5-10 hours is a miserable extended tutorial thing since whoever they had in charge of the beginner experience was a retard
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>been running Grace + Piper + Lucy for now
>will be able to separate them into Grace + Anby + Nicole and Corin + Piper + Lucy for a second team
It should do.
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has anyone able to clear 9 or 10 yet?
I'm pretty sure those are bots every time I've done it the 3 other players scores were tied for last place.
That's one blowjob.
Someone, please commission a full doujin. Preferably from an artist who's level 30 already so he's out of content to grind.
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Pure unfiltered kino.
Nicole is still sexy but that just makes her censoring more unforgivable, I'll never forgive Dawei for this transgression.
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That is just normal little sister tropes you faggot. Maybe stop self inserting as a girl and start being what you are, a man. YWNBAW! tranny.
Today I grabbed Lycaon's cock and jerked him off between my thighs until he made a mess, and then I pulled my pants up over it and walked around all day like that. I think people could smell something but couldn't tell it was coming from me. He seemed really nervous about letting me do something like that, but what's the problem? It's not like I can get pregnant from it.
I get that she's supposed to be OP but her design honestly looks worse than the A ranks lol
The characters from the lore trailer look way cooler.
You’re gonna have to slog for hours before combat. Mihoyo really needs to give a skip tutorial and stop handholding us like we’re babies.
Sister I'm going to sleep.
How do I play Ellen bros? I have blue girl but no dog.
Sell me on this game
nta but I have a feeling it's moreso making a point about how both games have easy spammable sections and it's a really retarded point of contention to extrapolate those easier parts to the whole game
Is the modified one with his hair
that overworld looks so outdated
Not really, you're even supposed to swap cancel her Flag slam move so you can swap in your actual DPS quicker.
Belle people are going to talk...
you can only pick the bangboo against bosses where you do full 3-chains, and yeah there's no reason to ever not pick it since it triggers your third character's chain at the same time.
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>play without the constant interruptions
>combat feels a lot better
feels like they went too heavy handed on the yellow attacks
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Never ever
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When will we get a playable character with this body type?
I understand the censorship concerns but Ellen is the first gacha character design in a long time that actually gives me a boner
lucy is free in the shop, i had 3 accounts and all of them got piper on the first 20 rolls, thats just the way she goes
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I've been craving ramen for 3 days straight because of this game.
>all these cat/dog/rabbit/ox girls plus ellen joe
idk I think pregnancy is on the table
>got a 5* weapon
>the vocals are now female
Does the singer switch depending on whether it's a character or weapon?
This (AI generated) is the best I can found
It's not. Check you profile menu and go to the last option of the friend menu, there will show the last players will played against.
>censorship concerns
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If I got Grace I would have 2 godlike teams with Grace + M5 Enby + M1 Rina and the one you replied to, would be absolutely unstoppable.
I'm hoping the cop lady from the next banner is Anomaly too because I got Plugboo so I'd be golden since I got guarantee on event banner.
you can just dodge instead of countering for a reason, it's even preferable on some characters like nekomata. I agree it can often feel like a bit much though
It's random
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it's probably got the second most fanservice in all of hoyo besides maybe HI3 and ToT
outside of that, it's a fun spectacle fighter ish, but if you're a fan of spectacle fighters the gameplay may seem a bit simple and underdeveloped to you
the TV sections you have to do every now and then may also be deeply irritating because of how slow they are if you're here for the combat and combat alone
>incels won't shut the fuck up about incest
makes me not want to play the game desu
I need more minigames..
>Only I know where the exact spot is on your balls that if it's tickled makes you cum like a geyser
Very bold Mihoyo.
He has a knockoff
The bosses in the later Hollow modes were mostly spamming reds, so I expect it'll go away eventually.
modchads already fixed this
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Belle is the cutest gacha MC ever
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who should i use for my second team? it seems like every team is based on atleast 1 5* and i got knotted twice
This. You just know these disgusting freaks do not have sisters.
That's the Cocolia face.
Hella weird
This robotman is poor as fuck
running a small business with your sister-gf
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but the team parries are my favorite part...especially when they block multiple hits
I really wish that the whole forced swapping thing was optional through the D-pad instead of being forced
>you can cripple the pile driver mech if you focus one leg
Huh, any other bosses like that?
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Come on, where's all the damage meta autists?
It's amazing how giving me an MC with voice acting and an actual personality has instantly made me more interested in the story than the other two big hoyoslop games.
stop replying to the troll, he is a gigger
>no playable rabbit characters
I don't think they care that much or they would have at least one by now.
Where's my Soldier 11 fix?
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Okay, thank you.
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Why does this bitch have so many scenes but shark girl has NONE?!?!?!?
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so wtf does the little switch on the bottom do? something like particle effects?
I will never not hate silent protagonists.
All the 4 legged mechs
You can just not pick and let the timer run out.
>Reroll once just for fun
>get the exact characters I wanted from the beginning
But... my day one account...
Also not a savior of the universe MC yet that is loved by everyone simply for existing, having an actual backstory goes a long way who would've thought
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lycaon + soukaku + ellen
lucy + piper + corin
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>been rerolling for Ellen all day
>the best account I managed to get was one with Alexandrina and Koleda
>that stun buildup
god s11 sucks
>sell me on the game
>posts a child
You using the EN dub right? It actually didn't suck ass this time.
but her C6 gives her 12 stacks of cryo infusion and improves her normal attack damage by 45%....
Soldier 11 is just the player 2 version of Anby. His designs got censored. The aesthetics seem temu-fied futurepunk.
i can't stop staring..
Different for every character. Corrin's for example makes her hair glow while she's fighting.
genuinely thought this was an Eye of the Storm in Mondstadt for the first few seconds of the video
just spam the 2 buttons as you're falling asleep, what's the problem
how does piper lucy corin team work without a stunner?
Wait why was the lore trailer removed from the OP?
the non stun role character is.. bad at stunning?
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i keep dodging instead of parrying because of genshin muscle memory
I wonder if cannabis is legal in Eridu, because Random Play's electricity bill looks like a grow operation. Wise said the power bill quintupled after Fairy forcibly installed herself
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Am i tweaking, or are some of these mewmew objectives bugged? There's 2 on Sixth Street i cannot get to spawn for the fucking life of me, i've spent over an hour at every time of day and night possible and neither have spawned. This metal fence Bangboo and the parking lot mascot just don't appear, is this shit random??? I'm rank 30 and Mewmew has had these objectives for a while now but i just can't figure out what to do. Anyone else?
B-but Belle calls you onii-chan in JP dub
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For me, it's Trigger.
keep trying, frog. you'll get it. it's worth your time. your finite time. your time that you can't get more of. it's worth it.
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>spent an hour paring this guy's debt
Worth it. He gave me everything he had, I'll give him everything back
EN dub is great this time around but JP had too many perfect va choices for me to ignore it
Disorder and assault does huge daze
Is that guy good?
Anti-honkai schizo
Surely that should be enough?
thanks for the meme replies, that's really cute
Thanks man, pretty succint. Don't care much for fanservice but it's always nice.
I'll give it a fair try even if it's a bit braindead as you subtly implied.
roll the shark woman and you'll understand
>feels like they went too heavy handed on the yellow attacks
you won't get constantly interrupted if you use a stun character properly... just a few parried yellow attacks and the boss will be on the floor.
He didn't hit E a single time.
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zzz lost
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He still owes me.
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Big tiddy jk sharkgirl maid with extra puffy nipples...
imagine the sex
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>It actually didn't suck ass this time.
I saw someone with an avatar that wasn't one of the normal ones while playing Soul Hounds. Can you unlock other avatars or was that some kind of bot?
Of course. Are they Americans? I'm surprised at how much better than WUWA the VA is. I thought Brits were usually better than Americans at VA.
what is just the stocking length?
that's a super easy fix if so, maybe i'll do it this week when I'm back on a computer with blender
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you can fire anomaly -> phys anomaly -> fire anomaly -> ....
for one gorillion damage
It's pretty good except that Soukaku has the worst EN voice across every single Hoyoverse game
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bro unsquish your image
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I hope there's a way to enhance w-engines without needing an exact dupe because Ben's w-engine is amazing on him but fuck rolling for it.
Belle literally has zero sex appeal
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>can't afford the ACTUAL starlight engine
>uses a chink knock off
Ummm Billy is dogshit.
>what are the damage numbers the top tiers do?
it's impossible to make any damage numbers out when ellen is vomiting multihits all over the screen. but she's the top tier by far atm
Kind of wish they gave you the option to choose who can sing.
Imagine a character rapping to the roll theme in CN in the background if you manage to pull them. Would that be too based for Mihoyo?
They forcing them to use American accents because it's closer to China
You can cripple it even more by Shocking it. Grace is a free win buttom against mechanical enemies.
they are. as long as they're not forced to do American accents like in wuwa.
Best for Piper because he buffs her Anomaly damage astronomically, so she decimates everyone with her AOE while applying a fuckton of daze.
Assault builds daze
Also Assault doesn't benefit from the stun damage multiplier anyway so you lose nothing from staying on Piper, as long as Corin's energy doesn't become capped before the enemy does get stunned.
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>ww shilling in /zzz/
>zzz shilling in /wuwa/

there must be some psy ops
Nah, they removed her thigh pinch stockings completely and gave her pants.
Nicole was built for BBC
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How do I get more of these?
>get ellen within 4 pulls
>50 pulls get neko
still considering rerolling for the knot and saving for miyabi WHAT DO I DO AIEE
brit VAs always make me mute the audio, can't believe they did that to zelda.
I did for a while but Nekomata's eng voice started wearing me down even if it wasn't really bad like March and Clara were in HSR.
Does Miyabi want Ellen or Lycaon? I looked up her teams in cbt and apparently she wants Ellen?
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It's mostly alright but EN Soukaku is unbearable
I started with it but had to swap off when I put corin and soukaku in my team.
The other voices were surprisingly non cringe for an EN anime dub. except billy
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Why was everyone crying about the TV segments???

Some of these are creative as fuck.
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Where's the porn of these 2 fucking?
anyone here played dragalia? did anyone remember at what point the game people just kind of knew that it was going downhill?

I predict the opposite for zzz, it's actually really polished and as we reach endgame there will lots of strats and in depth stuff. going to be a lesson not to base off your decision making off of influencers who play tutorial levels.
How so?
that's the cutest one you absolute DINGUS
Battle Pass and bundles on the store.
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I wish both stopped.
definitely joining HSOS6
Every 10 levels and the BP, probably also events eventually.
What's the consensus on this game? Good shit? I've got it downloaded and updated, but I had a busy weekend and I've yet to play it.
It’s one guy samefagging to try to start shit yeah
>hating discount deadpool
That's a big break in gameplay flow though.
Physical Anomaly applies flinch which increases the daze buildup received by enemies
play the game and wait. you'll get more from quests, battlepass, events etc.
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time to counter it with other shilling
play arknights
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>this isn't pvp
Most intense match I ever had since I've started playing this minigame. Really fun to dab on whales, though.
i keep character swapping instead of dodging because of wuwa on controller muscle memory
Finally reached lvl 30
Time for cop kino

Wait, she really doesn't have a tail, wtf were they thinking? Literally every furry, kemono whatever has a tail in this game. Why would they miss out on such an opportunity? I was going to pull her but I'm skipping just for that bad design decision. Even the NPC girlies have cute tails.
Big Ben Cock
Qingyi REALLY loves to lick..
can't beat EN clara
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Anon that's a bear.
She's one of 11's comrades, right?
God I want 11's faction.
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Because he's asian and he needs to express his subhuman nature involuntary by reflex.
First gacha thread?
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>purposely messes her bed to get wise to clean it up for her only to make it more messy afterwards
what even is the point of doing that?
Nicole steals his money...
Me creating a poop castle is pretty creative too.
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>he doesn't know
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Paying a mortgage together with my brother...
there are many gacha generals that aren't like this, some actually discuss their own game
>he buffs her Anomaly damage astronomically
reread the skills anon
gunboo buffs HIS OWN chain attack's anomaly buildup, he doesn't buff the team. there are no bangboos that give any dps buffs, they are all either anomaly application, raw damage, or energy refill slaves.
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>Can only hang out with the people who's stories you've finished
God dammit that means Corin's and Ellen's homescreens are locked until level 40. Also it's hangouts are timelocked so it might take a few days to unlock their homescreen.
What are the weekly tasks for this game?
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>play the JP dub
>only recognize a few keywords
>play the EN dub
>hear the incestuous connotations in full high fidelity 27Mbit/s audio
this game has turned me into a pedophile. it's over.......
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I wish I had a little sister to tell me it's time to sleep. Maybe then I wouldn't stay up till 3 am all the time
I haven't had one game where my faggot team mate doesn't try to kill me for no reason.
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W-engine with Energy regen off-field passive is better than energy regen% mainstat for quickswap character right?
wait what do you mean we have a cunnyGOD artist working for the game holy shit can this game get any better?
Could be wrong but it doesn't seem like shilling.
Feels more like le ebin forced falseflag that happens every time a new game is released.
Nah it sounds as retarded as she is.
I keep thinking of Baloo every time I see this guy
Does this mean Ben isn't getting a story?
>spent an 30min bot stomping
>actually having fun
>suddenly it's actual multiplayer w/ match searching
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isn't he literally the art director
jesus christ trying to connect my ps4 dualshock to zzz was a bad idea
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Remember, you don't even have bond stories or anything as good as in BA.
And honestly besides Ellen, none of the designs are really up there with BA standard to me, right now.
>can easily kidnap android girls with the emp device
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What character broke you bro?
I cant get that to show up either
my friend who doesn't play gachas got her and i didn't.... nyoooo....
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extremely good but the first 5-10 hours are fucking soul rending because the onboarding sucks
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i think i will keep this account
>as retarded as she is.
Sounds like a good fit then
She shows up in Soldier 11's Agent Quest, you just hear her voice and she fires a sniper offscreen. 100% will be playable.
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I'm a little retarded okay, he's still helping me deal way more damage with than without though.
What's Ellen's best A-rank weapon?
Holy fuck these menus are impenetrable
All of the mechanics are the same as genshin/hsr but I keep getting lost in menus
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>Stick with Trigger and you'll make it!
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how to finish?? no missions
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Are they shooting a porn video?
It's still ok if I just fap to Ellen, right? Right?
She has canonically huge boobs. How is she not sex?
just learn JP bro
great graphics and story
very soulful
painfully long tutorial
Do. The. Video. Tapes. Those count.
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you know what you have to do anon, trade accounts and talk about how it's a good deal
its okay retardbwo ill probably steal your team as soon as i find a replacement dps for my koleda ben team
maybe ill have to level anton
Shop core or BP
slippery slope right into lucy cunny...
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the guy who made bache has had a hand in every character design so far, we're approaching maximum soul with this game
>saving for her
>she's most likely months away
it hurts
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I just finished Chapter 2. What did I think about it?
>fucking your sibling while fairy is forced to watch
kinda hot ngl
genuinely dont get all the hype behind wuwa
is it just genshin haters who jumped ship to another game?
not a single one of these wuthering waves webms have convinced me to try out that game so far
for me, the only open world chinese games to look forward to are roco kingdom and project mugen
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people who use "content creators" or "influencers" should unironically be castrated and put into the garotté. I fucking hate turbo managerial-speak leaking in here like fuck off
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Garbage story.
No customization.
No team building.

Put ice unit with ice unit.
Give weapon to unit that was specifically made for said unit.
Simplistic combat.

EVERYTHING in this game is simplistic, the combat, the units, the teambuilding, the weapons EVERYTHING.

Also they put weapons alongside units in the banner, so enjoy getting a weapon in 80 rolls that is specifically made for a unit you don't own and can't use it for anyone else because its handcrafted for that specific unit.
This is the best possible news.
I have saving goals now.
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I just finished Chapter 1, how long until it gets good?
Well what did you?
>EN pronounces it the same as "horse"
There's no way they're pronouncing it correctly.
10 hours tutorial
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ok, here is my 6 hours played review
i liked it.
>more in depth
>reached interknot 17
>didn't roll anything yet (one exception)
+combat is fun
+conversations are mostly entertaining, i didn't have too many cringe moments
+plenty to do at the moment
in order to get a quest clear you need to possess two of those ball unit equipments, and the game, as far as i can tell up to this point, gives you only one, but it does give a single equipment roll, which is what i am assuming the cheapest option is to get the clear, resulting in another A type equipment. So maybe it isn't the case but if you never roll you will get stuck permanently on the equipment quest. Maybe other non rollers can tell me if you get more equipment for free later, i couldn't tell since no one "doesn't roll" so no online guides can tell you since this isn't normal behavior. I just considered the equipment single roll I got to be some sort of tutorial roll or you get stuck.
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The chapter 3 boss was kind of fun. I think they could have added more to the fight and make you play around a light mechanic where you need to restore power to generators in the middle of the fight or else the boss becomes invulnerable. Tying in the chapter's gimmick mechanics into the final boss fight is always kino.
No idea I think I worded that wrong.. I just assumed it's just the groups of the stories you've finished in the main story which is Cunning Hares and Balobog and I don't have any of their S-ranks so I can't confirm if you need to finish the characters stories or not.
i blamed nekomata for this ngl, ive been jacking off to her artworks for 3 days now and now my dick looks like a dried shiitake mushroom
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years of listening to imouto H jamsr has trained me for this game
Damn all I met were dogshit ones and players who purposely lost then. I thought they were bots because of it.
you're going to M6 anton now
Where's this from? Doesn't seem like it's on panda yet
WTF is wrong with SEA vermin. They're literally siblings.
she's animated like one of those tiktok egirls in the cutscenes
I like the game and the people who post in this general, got koleda on the first 5 pulls, the ones that cost 8 movies.
Did I get lucky or was it guaranteed
Also is she good? I'm keeping her and all since she's mega hot, sexy and cool though, but I was wondering if she's considered good or not. I also have that little girl with a baseball bat, I don't know her name.
Ben Bevolance
Anton Awesome
Koala cute
Grace sex
you stood up and shouted "KINOOOOOO" your mother is very concerned...
holy fuck im getting dabbed on by the lv30 Notorious Hunt. how do i get gud?
what controller are you guys using?
>furfags and cunnypedos teaming up to filter out the normies
maybe... just this once... we can accept our differences...
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Waterkuma-sama I fucking kneel
>Garbage story
I disregard the opinions of speedreaders
Ellen is stacked and curvy, I'm sure it's fine...
In most cases, yes. This is one of the exceptions. In fact it manifests into some kind of unexplainable dissonance that makes it even worse.
>Give weapon to unit that was specifically made for said unit.
Genshin and probably HSR & wuwa does the same thing, it's just harder to get the matching weapons.
Use steam input
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i wish to see more playable characters like ben
he is so cute and cuddly
EN is pretty good this time around, even voices that annoy me, I can at least feel effort from.
No abominations like klee or clara or yangyang from wuwa, which sound like a intern did it
knockoff ds4
call yourself a stupid bitch
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Pretty fun comp. Don't have S11 to consistently apply burn but Lucy/Coleda/Rocketboo more than makes up for it.
>I like the game and the people who post in this general, got koleda on the first 5 pulls, the ones that cost 8 movies.
It was guaranteed If you spent the 8 tapes 5 times like I think you did
>Also is she good?
She's decent but not a dps, goes great with the girl with the bat.
I do miss Anton spreading his crotch in every battle
I can already tell that /zzz/ will turn into a 12hour general after a year.
Very soon, remember to be conscientious about your play instead of mashing
But it feels fun :)
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lvl 26.. pain...
>Playing EN since a lot of the characters sound great
>Ellen and Soukaku are by far the worse dubs I've heard in any game
They should just recast this shit.
Putting Lucy before Nekomata has changed everything. Now Nekomata always has her damage buff up and actually does damage.
Ps5 controller of course! Feels great except for the L2 getting squeaky from star rail
>get 3 Ben dupes
>don't have koleda so he's useless
I just wanted the cunny duo...
there's a grown ass man with cock and balls inside that Mewmew suit
It's probably crossplay so you either are being match with mobile players or console players.
>got lucy's signature engine
>her hair glows bubblegum pink when doing her skills
I love this child
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Leak outlook doesn't look so good outside of one leak I saw about a character labeled BigCat.
Spoiler your gore bro, Jesus Christ.
I can only hope. God, I fucking hated /gig/
Too fast, too schizophrenic. May this general become maximum comfy.
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>make you play around a light mechanic where you need to restore power to generators in the middle of the fight or else the boss becomes invulnerable
It looks like someone didn't get Soukaku.
What did Mihoyo mean by this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-EjP2ctzDI
who is your last team member? Piper?
Soukaku is fine.
you're not supposed to put three ice characters together. the tier lists are all wrong.
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Oh right, they also LIED about giving people 100 free pulls.
So the devs are more than willing to lie to people.
Yeah, Piper only comes out to spin
My thoughts on this game so far

>Simple combat that has potential and gets a bit tougher later on. I still think they can do better.
>Good graphics, designs, and visuals
>Story was a slog to me until mid/late chapter 1, it got good for me then
>TV is still shit to me, I hate it
>I like the personalities of these characters

Right now it’s a 6.5-7/10 for me
Bro your S11?
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It's small, but i love it all the same!
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Belle is the biggest brocon ever. One second she is all smiles while her brother is talking. Then the next second bares her fangs whenever anyone tries to say anything negative about her oniichan.
Yeah if you're deaf.
Piper is very cute but we can't have the only armpit girl be a cunny. Those are all about the meat...
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The general is becoming comfier and comfier.
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>They're literally siblings.
that's what makes it so hot
I have gotten many Soukakus, I use her on every team, and I love her cute retard voice.
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Question for Ch 3 finishers:
Which faction has the best vibes so far?
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It's over. Time to wait a year for the next chapter update.
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yeah nah
the zenless becomes zen...
so just enabling it should work right?
you get used to it after a handful of days, I found them pretty painful to navigate for a while too
I got Grace
Does that ever happen? Aside from when it's caused by the VA being involved in a scandal?
>do chink police level
>realize the ether bangboo is hilariously OP
dang. monoether might be legit great once its playable
(。・´д`・。) uohhhhh
what's piper's best weapon
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What did Mihoyo mean by this?
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belobog is probably the best faction to have a beer with
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Snakewoman when?
Why games can't be this kino anymore
I love her voice in English. You should stop assuming people wouldn't like it because you have weird tastes.
Now I miss him...
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waiting fox wife
Thanks Firefly. I wish /hsrg/ also calms down occasionally. Herta is the best!
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Dear lord
>In greek mythology, Phaethon eventually bit off more than he could chew and Zeus killed him before he caused further damage
What can we infer from this for ZZZ's story.
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En: no oniichan, just "Wise"
JP: belle calls me oniichan every single time or every single time she is talking about me to someone.
I wanna fuck a drunk Koleda
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Im assuming you mean nekomimi shit.
Koleda's voice is absolute dogshit, I hadn't heard voice acting that bad since the 90s.
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I hope my luck will last forever.
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you can craft them in the store you get the freebie from
the o face?
means sucking dick
I use this team but with with Soldier insteas and it feels pretty nice. I kinda wish I had Koleda but honestly Piper has surprised me with how strong she is that idk if I'd even replace her.
The hacker that made them lose the account is Zeus I guess
is that cum dripping?
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Did you not see the trailer?
Phaethon existed in the olden days, both the siblings started adopting that name for their own ends.

They are probably related to that original Phaethon.
Moebius Expy...
>JP romaji
>game cannot automatically swap between controller and m/kb
you cannot be serious
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i've been waiting for bug themed characters buy hoyoverse just won't deliver
i'd even take a crustacean at this point
and no, firefly doesn't count
Why did Mihoyo think it was a good idea to make their best characters free?
Too many Soukocksuckers in this thread. I thought this was an Ellen household.
It's one samefagging schizo trying to start shit I bet he doesn't play either game
It ends in incest.
We'll become like the professor from the lore video.
Please source it
Are the bangboo passives actually important, most of them just affects the bangboo chain skill?
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Post your main's stats
Yeah, this shit makes me mad
Already bored with this game
Should I try Honkai?
I'll come out and say that lycaon is kind of cool even if I don't want to have sex with him
come to think of it, i don't see a room for my sibling on the upper level of the house
what does this mean bro???
do you share the bed after i go to sleep each night without telling your oni-chan?
Piper is pretty much mandatory for disorder comps which is S11's best comp so far.
Wtf this game has lore?
You need to get to level 30.
Her signature one
That one I kinda agree with but she had spirit during her lines in the story and her giggle is really cute. She has a unique voice, the problem is that her voice doesn't fit her body type as a body type that small would have a higher pitched voice just by nature of the size.
Which account is less bricked?
Account1: Level 27 with Rina, c5 Anton, Anby, no Piper or Lucy, lots of cons for Billy and Corin and the S-Tier Electro bangbro

Account 2: Level 21 with Soldier 11, Lucy, Piper and Koledas weapon
I think HSR is the only game that lets you do that. Genshin doesn't either.
He's great with S11 and Lucy
He means the code, which only gives you 3 pulls.
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I need to cum inside my little sister so bad bros
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she just cares about their pure, prodigal, Proxy bloodline
I'll take either or.
I just want a reptile based character.
She's pretty mid if you don't have Soldier 11. She doesn't even really synergize that well with her Belbog faction except for Ben
Never understood the hype with this character, she looks like the designated freebie 4* you'd get in Arknights.
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Big bro don’t call me out like that…
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>fire on ice set
I don't have any of them...
one of the doors is closed off some times
which S bangboo should I get?
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how do you get these pink things
I have some but not that many
Incest is wrong you freak
Piper might be 4* but she's not free.
I want to have GAY SEX with Ben with lots of cuddling after while we watch movies we get from Random Play.
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I don't even wanna play the game anymore, I'll just keep playing the snake minigame.
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Just have it emulate an Xbox controller
There's two rooms up there, the second is just not open all the time
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Xbox One controller
Your Todoroki?
that is where you take off your shoes and socks, punch him in the gut, and then step on his face with your bare feet, rubbing it back and forth, letting him really take in that unwashed musk and flavor, eventually leading him to start licking your toes.
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why is she like this
Faction. Elemental boos all have A ranks that work well.
>have both piper and lucy
>apparently they're both strong
>I already ran out of resources building Nicole and Grace
Bros...Should I do it? Should I shift my building priority? I'm not gonna be able to do anything this week but it will be worth it surely...
my account is Grace seeded...
when do you unlock s rank artis?
which team should I play to maximize bangboo effectiveness?
Xbox One
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>Grace seeded...
>got a piper
>still no lucy
aiieeee when do i get my free lucy again?
Trashcan sage but it's also bangboo exp
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>smash until unit is stunned

>support does one little QTE attack that buffs your units

>remain as main dps until the enemy is no longer stunned

This game is so soulless....
I was super hyped until I found out she had no tail, now zero hype not even joking. Happy for anyone who still likes her, but that's a nope from this tail lover.
I just dropped the game
Total amount of pulls I did by clearing most of the game and being lvl33:
122 standard pulls
123 limited pulls
110 bangboo pulls
in the shop
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Not seeded enough...
She likes your bed.
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Why does Koleda wear the eyepatch?
In the shop for 10 rolls worth of currency
You can swap with both RB and LB controller if you want to parry with a specific unit or pass buffs to someone
I guess I'll just hold it off for now.
Oh you cant be serious a dead erp general is somehow faster?
zhu yuan has a fat ass
That's pretty good.
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Can I borrow him afterwards?
Non Furfags. Whats your excuse for being a meta slave and willingly getting Knotted
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Stfu bitch.
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she is khaenriahn
having just two copies of the same standard this early is pretty seeded
extremely low probability
I wonder how many dozens of donut s her and Qingyi eat every day
I said this from day one, daze ruined this game
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is this game made for babies?
I dont think I can take all that yapping again and reroll srry sisters :\
>Miyabi does ice damage
bros... was I baited into getting Ellen...
>Lose 50/50
All according to plan, now I can get Zhu Yuan easy
Go there at night and make your bro happy.
I need to fuck Fairy
>a bot eating
>only 3
football team or bust
which one?
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Skins when?
She eats oil donuts
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Wise doesn't want to fuck his blood sister you degenerates
Is your math right bro? I dont have nearly enough after doing like 50 pulls
Or do you mean 10x 10 pulls
They just looks so... breedable.
How the hell is your atk so high at lvl 30?
she'll powercreep the standard instead of the limited
How is the artifact grind in this game compared to genshin? i dont play hsr
It happened to me with rina, thank god she’s pretty fun even though I would’ve preferred S11
that's why he's a fag
>Reroll a bunch
>One account gets me the Belobog red head from the standard banner and Nekomata from the Ellen Banner
>Takes me 82 rolls on Ellen to get her and 90 rolls to get bondage furaffinity Sanji from Standard
Genuinely thinking about rerolling again
for every load she gets +10
its the disks
wouldn't it be from her shark equip? I assume it would give her some nice attack since it's S rank.
there are brown people in this thread
It's okay to have multiple of the same element on a team, they get buffs, and bangboos scale off it.
There's no standard ice dps. If anything she'll powercreep Ellen.
I have welkins on three Mihoyo games. This is getting problematic.
They kiss each other on the lips every time they say good night to each other tho? Like I guess there's no tongue, but still that's quite odd wouldn't you agree?
nobody is far enough in the game to care about artifacts yet
anby love?
so you have 4 characters to play with and your mad?
thanks for funding the hoyosphere!
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this is what triggers the end of the world and Fairy will take over his body to prevent him from saying no
You have 6 relics instead of 5 so you can do a 4-piece and a 2-piece effect, there’s some other stuff involved but you unlock it fucking 20 hours in so most of the general barely knows how they work yet
She's going to be an A rank of shes released soon. They aren't releasing another ice attacker in a long time. She also plays like shit
Does she? She hasn't been playable since the CBT1. Maybe they've reworked her.
its not worth it. rerolling is terrible in this game
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Bros shes just asking for it at this point
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The whaleGODS are at it again
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I have her shark thing maxed out though and it's not that high
Disks as in the equipment for the w-engines? Oh for some reason I haven't really ran into any of those yet
wuh oh! this is antisemitic!
I didnt get the Wolf but if i did i would probably uninstall
>cute piece of art ruined by footfaggotry
They just can't help themselves.
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stop lusting after little girls you already have all for yourself !!
>She also plays like shit
Who? Miyabi? How do you know that? Even beta testers said she was nuts.
>level 26
>[Investigation] Trace to the Source
How much longer until I can do the Notorious Hunt? I want to do it before the first reset.
>floor 8
who cares
show me the critical nodes
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>top tier
What bizzaro world dimension is this
I find her gimmick to be extremely finnicky to work with, why the fuck are her dash attack and special the only way to gain charges when you have someone like grace who doesn't even need to think about it
Hell if its frost damage you want soukaku is better, her special require little energy when you mash it and it deal a fuckload of damage and status buildup
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the interviews said they got inspiration from street fighter 6 in terms of art direction/style. my ass thought they might have gotten inspiration from like JSRF or something ig I'm wrong
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bros while rollin for the sharkboo i got 4 copies of the penguinboo and i think the 4* penguinboo is twice as strong now, am i missing something?
left is shork, right is peng, both are lv1
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Anby sex she needs more porn
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i will breed Heddy.
>see this
now what?
I got the Belbog one for my Shock team and I kinda regret it. This nigga does no damage
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I don't have Piper or Lucy.............
When I dolphin in hoyo games I like to imagine the money will be used to fight israel so I can rest easy
Is Lucy worth 140 pitybux? That could be 7 pulls that are all Ellen's...
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>>Miyabi does ice damage
Based off what? We would have seen some hint of that in the cutscenes, she's likely physical or ethereal
Where do those drop?
We finally getting good art of Lucy?
hacking qingyi's mindspace...
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>tfw you will never own a family run tiny blockbuster business with your sister and do odd chores helping the neighbors every day
its fucking over bros
Wise and Belle looking nothing alike

They have to be NBR
queue up for soul hounds rn nigga
turn 180 degrees and fuck my cute sister
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>when your sisterwife catches you trying to get other women
She absolutely whores herself out for a free Random Play membership.
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Sex with cops
How am I supposed to focus on chapter 2 when Grace's tits are on screen?
>being criminals hunted by the popo
doesn't sound that fun
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Finally unlocked weeklies. Is there a list of who needs which boss?
Erotic budding chest
>33% crit rate
>62% crit damage
bros, should i keep going if i got ellen super early and soldier 11? i really want the wolfman and miyabi
Why wouldn’t you get the electric one
Idk how to play that game.
Routine cleanup missions
You'll have to test it yourself. You need to be looking at how often the shark's Active Skill goes off/how many times it hits compared to the penguin. Could be huge. I don't have it, so I couldn't tell you.
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>Hoyo finally adds skip button
>story is interesting this time around
Guys wheres all the Qingyi porn wasnt she announced like a day ago already
Miyahi is ice since she freezes enemies. She is either a rank or she's not coming out for a year+. Or she's not a main DPS, a stunner or debuffer. >>485027685
Imagine the milk
Eletric bangboos haver hee, he also does no damage, so I use magnet
>all my Tokfus are cosplaying as Nicole or Nekomata
>ZZZ has the most cosplayer hype of any game since Genshin Impact released.
>Nicole already has more cosplays than all the Star Rail characters put together

This game is a smash hit, no matter what CC grifters are saying. Women absolutely love the character designs.
It’s just mr driller bro
He's fun and runs fast
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I just pump to screenshots of her.
It worked for me. Plugged in a usb ds4 right before a vr stage and it just worked.
I've been jerking it to Grace feet daily
Yes, I'd rather have Rina
i just slapped shit on for now
it werks
I'm looking forward to more Ellen cosplay myself.
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I wish I can upgrade relics to 5 stars
>randomly found metro
>nothing here
so they made this whole area and put nothing in it?
I have shed at least 1 tear on every Interlude and Chapter so far.
Knot level 34 gate is real bwo...
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I've pumped so much I'm desensitized to them already...
It's just like World of Warcraft subscription...
stop posting cri ratios I haven't even unlocked artifacts
I have no idea what I'm doing
wtf is this term?
when the map opened up in the second floor of bangboo golden town revisit, i just closed the game
i'm so burnt out on the tvs
They can put stuff later in it. It's 1.0
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Why is her tummy so lickable?
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>playing koleda without the bear is only - 10% dps
Unfortunately these threads are full of browns
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Her model in game is already pretty hot
that's called soul
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No way this isn't pvp and no way this isn't some of you guys. I'm having a blast.
I really need to find a crit damage main stat piece for Ellen because this setup actually overcaps Crit Rate with her maxed W-Engine (gives 20% crit chance for a few seconds after doing a basic and a dash attack for 40% total)
But can I make a decent team using all three of the maids?
It has fast travel in it!
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don't deadname him!
just don't do that one, I'm skipping it too lol
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man she's really hitting those big titty goth girl points
Which level is that?
Belle is kind of a bitch. I hate her.
are we getting another teaser for 1.1 in 4 hours?
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Guys ...I am not sure my account is bricked or not. I got really lucky with the A class characters. I got everyone with their weapons. Most at several constalations. But now I got to the 2nd pity on the standard banner and have now a c1 cat. I am so confused.
Yes, Ellen is prime cosplaybait and she's going to be real popular once costumes come out for her towards the end of the year.
You know what else has fast travel? Your m-the R1 button.
neuron activates when i see npc schoolgirls more than ugly agents, same?
You can just look in the abilities tab of the characters you care about. Press upgrade for the passives.
they showed up in my town for like 1 day and now they're gone, where the fuck did they gooooooo
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[Sad News] ZZZ has now fallen to Kakao's Piccoma as well
So belle anons what are your thoughts on the wise belle dynamic?
I play wise and I'm liking their relationship. Belle is the character I like the most and I want the best for her since I have a sister myself and I can understand how wise feels about belle, but what is it like from belle's perspective?
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I was worried I was going to lose the 50-50 but not today, she's mine. Now I have to grind all of the mats she needs..
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Bros, how does it feel to have a little sister?
who is this belle you guys are talking about?
my home, sorry
i havent even touched gear, she only has +0s equiped
they're getting fucked by pigs bwo
annoying and smells bad and always hogs the tv
anon, her weapon
>no genshin or HSR
is this honestly even relevant as far as gacha games go...?
you have a yapping dog named wise
What's the point. You can't even look up their skirts in this shit censored game.
I don't do incest of incest's sake but when it works, it fuckin works.
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Hyper rough mating sex with Venus
We have never been more over
Piper is off admiring a truck and Lucy is somewhere in the next city.
At least that's where I found them after the first encounter
I don't even talk to her
I'll use the 1,600 tapes I get from hitting level 30 on that..
Cute and wholesome then they turn into a teenager and become a massive cunt then whore out.
>try to do story quest with TV navigation shit
>every 2 microseconds get interrupted by dialogue or some shit spawning
Genuinely one the best parts of my life
Seeing the smile on her face when I bought her a ps4 with my work money maybe one of my favorite memories.
Qingyi can't be the only new S-rank in 1.1, right? Didn't Genshin and HSR release 2 per patch for like a year until they could start doing actual reruns?
there's an inherent bad smell that is genetically built to repel you two from each other.
This is proven.
Dottling wincest is a meme, or people who learn to tolerate it
>2 Rinas
What does Wise do when his sister isn't home?
she's annoying, whiny, and plays roblox all day
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shes with turbo faggot in lumina
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She is so fun to play.
indescribably pleasant, when you may at any moment come to little sister and take her in your hands, kiss her cheek and tickle tummy
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>2 faces crossed out
Uh oh
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I look like this irl
Can I get the Shark's weapon in her banner? Or do I have to roll the weapon banner?
Why would they tease 1.1 when the game just released?
Should have fucked her before that.
We’re on good terms. We used to fight a lot when we were little and I once rip off her Harry Styles poster. I’ve never felt sexually attracted to my sister even thought we’ve both seen each other naked once when we were out for a vacation and the hotel had one bathroom so we had to quickly shower and change.
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>there's an inherent bad smell that is genetically built to repel you two from each other.
lmao WHAT?
Is this like Genshin where you can transfer an artifacts levels to a new artifact?
weapon banner
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WTF Anby
we don't even know if she's S-rank, Zhu Yuan is the 1.1 S-rank i'm pretty sure. I'm willing to bet Qingyi is an A rank on her banner
shut the FUCK UP MARCH
they gotta make hollow zero faster cuz god damn this bitch is long as fuck
My sister is decidedly wholesome. Was always the type to help around and was really responsible. She married at 25 to one real bro of a guy and now she does gardening in their modest home and plan for a family. It's been pretty cute to follow so far. I wish her all the best.
>1.1 tease
anon, the game literally just came out. We'll get it during the bi-monthly Hoyo content drops
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What's the best bangboo for Lucy or Neko?
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I look like this irl
Zhu Yuan is a 1.0 S rank after Ellen.
short skirts look sexy themselves even through don't see panties
Dunno. She stopped talking to me after she caught me fapping to her used pads
Isn't this game literally just like snowbreak in term of early difficulty?
Worst thing about sb was that game full of bloated HP enemies.
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I like Anby's autism
I love this autist.
I love the cunning hares so much
Except nekomata. She's okay.
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Project Moon has invaded Hoyoverse
It's great, she's the main thing keeping me in check from becoming too much of a hermit.
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Hello, is this game as bad as people say, I have never seen a new release get hated so much. Wuwa despite it's issue never even got 10% as much.
HSR is doing 2 new characters every patch since launch, Genshin started rerun only and 1 character patches in 1.4
Dunno I only have older sisters
huh i can actually try this team out, but i'll need to buy Lucy from the shop instead of getting the pulls.
Is it worth it anons?
I’ve been spending all my free time playing ZZZ I havent have the chance to jerk off in days. My balls feel so full. Send help
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It's alright. Annoying at times but you can't help but spoil her a bunch.
Yes the game sucks Asmongold was right your favorite youtuber was right. Do not install it, leave the thread immediately, do not return here, thank you and goodbye.
yeah it did, shut up tourist
HSR was just as bad too
Its fun, and enjoyable. But at the same time its essentially a girl version of you that spergs out about different things, and that leads to more clashing than you'd think.
can confirm
I liked her gameplay in the story. Too bad I didn't get her.
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Soldier 11: meow
character designs attractiveness in a nutshell
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Hurry up.
Is Weeping Cradle any good for Soukaku? Compared to 1-star Bashful Demon
wtf anon
alternatively you can download the game, don't spend a single dime and don't care about meta. If you have the mental fortitude. You become a leech on the system.
so anby and her are twins or clones right
Don't do this or else I'm gonna masturbate too
I forget what Cradle's passive is, but isn't that the one super-tailored for Rina and no one else?
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Meh, it's really no different than when I had Welkin+BP for Genshin. Only now I've stopped buying BP and spend for other games instead.
pretty funny desu
I like the humor in this game
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The game is made in such a way that you can jerk off and play it at the same time
I just finished chapter 2, how long till I unlock weeklies?
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Bwos, I've got 3 half assed teams (physical/ice/lightning). Don't be like me, stick to 1 element. I'll need weeks to invest fully into the upgrade mats
12 hours
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>billy is le holding back
Fuck's sake
Cute and funny, especially if she is good looking.
In reality, I only have brothers and have never had a sister.
>tfw i really liked my dad's scent
Oh, so I was born wrong. Good to know.
>clickbait website
>no sources
>not peer reviewed
>not real science
get a brain moran
That's our Billy.... haha
Oh shit. With the free 3200 they gave you too.
S-rank billy will be meta, save your polychromes
Trigun reference
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>lost 50/50 to rina
>Anby loves burgers
This is why she's the face of the game
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Just got Rina, can I use her with my roster or do I bench her until getting Grace?(never)
He has amnesia actually.
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go smell your sister and tell us if you are offended by the smell or not
im kidding don't do this or you will be killed
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im ghosting this fucker
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Don't waste time telling me that, just get to it
DAYUM the City is big
How do I unlock the weekly bosses? Or were they the ones that didn't cost stamina?
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holy sex
okay but seriously where is the anby sex? anby is kinda hot but no one cares about her for some reason...
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This game is a godsend for tummychads.
I'm sorry bro..
This game should have ninjas and pirates
And they should also be sexy lolis
mine does nothing but play vidya all day so yeah she smells bad
He's an actual Starlight Knight but with Amnesia
Billy alt soon
Is it usual to get ~15-30 minutes of "checking resource integrity" ever day?
you get it after finishing ALL the belobog stories. it'll be in the tent
You are right, having a sister is good only if she looks cute and that's very unlikely, i can confirm
doesnt this just mean hes not as much of a giga retard as he seems
How do you do that. I had to stop and fap a couple times to Nico during the early game.
Asmongold and Tectone are retarded grifters who are paid off by Kuro Games to shit on Hoyoverse games. Most people love this game and it is the most popular gacha in Japan and China right now.
its not the general smell, it means stuff like sweat, shit you'd find hot with other girls
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It's always the wacky woohoo that's not to be underestimated
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The game is genuine shit.
there was 2 hotfix patches since release so you might have gotten those. otherwise, no it's not normal.
Nicole and Ellen stole the show, we'll have to wait a few months before people notice the other girls.
>With the free 3200 they gave you too.
buy sata bro
but bro, shitmon loves HSR
>Retard Jiyan puller
Call yourself a stupid bitch
buy a ssd
Its not great but its not as terrible as people make it out to be. I think you should only play this game if the characters interest you because besides that you can find better combat or game play elsewhere
>hug sister
>she doesn't let go
uh oh
Asmongold told me it was shit so I uninstalled the game.
you can do anby + rina + corrin/anton on one side, but only having one stunner is going to be annoying, your other team would have to be neko, piper + nicole i guess.
How did it take you an hour, there's like 10 spots that 2x your coins. You can do 1 fight and then just double your coins until you get enough.
o-okay, please insult me a bit while I do it
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lift skirt and bend over please, it will make it easier
Asmongold is always right about games
>one faggot posting random anime girl pics and saying the game sucks for DAYS
why even be in this thread at all you dumb nigger
go play wuwa
>Sell Belabog stock
>Short Belabog bonds
>Protest all Belabog Projects
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Billy's story trailer teased that he had a shady past and he IS a robot created for combat.
tectone is defending this game vehemently, though.
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>the token neko isn't a neko-tard
>quits elden ring cause its too hard
>quits ZZZ cause its too easy
he's a retard
>trusting the guy who still plays world of warcraft in 2024
If it's okay, I will be making Rina my wife
She's fine with Anton and Anby. Qingyi is coming and she'll be electric as well so that's a thing
Venus... I need more... commission
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Jamaican gold digger with assburgers and tomething with plate tectonics, whomst?
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Can you stop having shit taste before I kick your ass?
He has to because wuwa stocks are plummeting and that's his only other game. Asmong plays many other games and has a more diverse audience, not just gacha kids.
I regret building Anton I feel like I wasted all my materials and wants to reroll
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You losers are too needy, just squirt your cum out and fuck off.
bye bye I'm back to playing
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Wait, the hebe android is OLDER than Zhu Yuan???
why are a child's nipples so puffy tho
No, please keep giving that faggot attention. The only reason he's not shitting up the wuwa thread is because zzz has all the hype and the most people to grab attention from. The fucker shitposts and ragebaits for 16 hours a day, every day. He's been at it for MONTHS.

robot can't grow bwo, what are you retarded?
There's a lot of machines in late shiyu defense, if it's the same as the beta. He's actually really useful right now due to so many enemies being weak to electric.
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Lolibaba is the best trope.
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>erpfag is here
She called her senpai, at least she's been in the police for longer than Zhu
Bros i got Ellen and have now fallen for the gacha trap. She will be fucking bricked if i don't get at least one duplicate and maybe her weapon. Surely there won't be other good banners anytime soon right?
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>second standard banner pity is just a lame weapon
I promised not to reroll but mayb just once or twice...
Who the hell are androids? Who the hell are cyborgs? Who are robots? Are animal people test tube babies? Is the entire remaining guman population actually sterile? What the hell is going on i just dont understand
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The police outfit looks like straight up trash.
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How the hell could anyone hate Ben?
He's just mad there's no jump attacks
You will never get answers to these questions
the anime shizo is the same one that shits up every new game general for months at a time, hes a complete shitposter. Unfortunatly hes really tough to ban.
Yes I know because I monitor several of the generals for him and let people know when he is shitposting. If you look closely at his posts you can filter most of them as he has a lot of keywords he uses almost every time.
Yes I have been following him for months watching him closely for when he slips up some personal info.
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ive lost counts of how many times i jacked off to nekomata
But I've already been investing in billy coin
>most leveled agent except in terms of cinema because the game won't give me dupes and showers me with lucy dupes(fucking whore)
I dont have Grace which everyone says is needed for him to function
Ellen is only bricked if you don't have Wolf
sleep with one eye open my dude,

>Piper puts out more damage than most attackers despite being anomaly
Who should I pair her with?
Who cares, the girls are cute, Ben is cute, character interactions are fun, that's all you need
yes officer I do want some pubsec(x)
Enjoy when you get TWO lame weapons back to back.
dumping into fat ass glowie
i'll take his shitposting over the usual parade of hoyo general schizos, honestly
>getting dupe and weapon for first limited dps
you're going to regret it real fast
is she? I thought it was her mom/ancestor
>don't roll for Ellen
>can't clear any abyss beyond stage 3
>Who should I pair her with?
Grace, Von, or any double element team
This is the first Gacha I have ever played where you can't change the MC's name
>study involved 25 families
>only other result of the name of the person who conducted the study is someone who now lives in canada and set up a pharmacy to defraud the government
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what I'm waiting for is fanart of random NPCs. heddy my beloved...
her mom/grandma/ancestor was one of the original Void Hunters, but the Title is still around and given by the Government
I have him, but have you looked at her M1? Makes using her much more fun.
I don't give a fuck about power creep. Just that i like the character and she's at least usable and fun. That's why the weapon is only a maybe since it's just more damage instead of QoL like M1.
Stun units are a legit meme.
this general will get them in due time.
Disinterested Ellen handjob!
>roll Ellen
>get back your """investment""" in 10 years by clearing apiss
Am I reading this correctly? I need to buy the more expensive growth plan for the second row?
you will get cheldposting 3.0 and like it
>do not roll for the cool shark maid with the garden shears you must save for the copy paste cat girl with a katana
I came
Looking at Miyabi beta footage just now…

-She was a 4* ?
-Also her gameplay looks very mid compared to shark or cop, but maybe they re did her since then if shes being promoted to 5*
-Another thing is the floating blue thing looks annoying as it blocks the screen and therefore harder to see enemy movement/flashes

EZ skip 2bh
no, buying for the Paladin BP option is always retarded no matter what your rationale is
it's the battle pass yeah
you are not, the other growth plan is just a paid boost
>I don't care about powercreep
>Surely there won't be other good banners anytime soon right?
you obviously do by your own words.
Lmfao Miyabi got shilled more than Ellen in her debut banner
nigga ur level 30, of course anything works
no, the $10 gives you access, $20 for access and some extra levels that are useless, you'll get there eventually
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so who's coming next? can I get a qwick rundown? Also who do you think I should be looking forward to for?
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No more commissions and no more batteries. Guess I'm at end game in a few hours. After lvl 30 I can farm disks, right?
I meant character appeal. Not meta. The cop has a nice ass and that's it so don't care about her.
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Sis? WTF?
Imagine trying to talk shit.
You're legit bad and a stupid fuck.
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They have been shilling Ellen since CBT 3
What's the best BP weapon?
nobody knows besides the cop. Go look at the lore trailer/concept arts and pick someone cool, hold on to enough for a decent shot at them
Qingyi, she has a stun baton, she's probably Electric Stun.
this is still early game you twice ascended faggot
The double finishes you get sometimes is pretty kino.
What's this about Ellen's third Cock and Ball Torture
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Zhu "Pest Control" Yuan, Pub Sec's foremost expert on nigger execution. If you're wondering why there's no darkies on the streets, give her a big salute and a heartfelt thank you for her service. But remember, as a law enforcement officer she can't accept gifts from civilians.
Stun shills are playing a different game, their characters does literally 0 damage if they don't stun someone
When does it stop working.
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answer the question onii-chan
Also forgot to mention, she comes in 1.1, next is >>485031634
She reminds me of the astral chain cops
love it
Realistically disk farm start at level 40 wgen yellow disks unlock, but you're gonna need some temporary purples till then.
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>can clear all the content in the game INCLUDING all the extra hard modes with ease and the tower

>ONLY gated by requiring another team
Yeah nah, you're just bad.
Ah great. I went into the warp menu and got a black screen now whenever I try to log into the game I get a black screen and it just force quits. This should be fun.
Do you have Grace?
Rolling for shark JK GF
Skipping autismo
simple as
Whoever the next 5* Physical Anomaly unit is.
Thanks for the feedback, y'all n'wahs are alright. I'll give it a go when I have time
Why can't I make a viable all-maid team ...
the MOC level 8 is kinda hard if you dont wanna waste artifact EXP to level up past 3 or 6
Monica of /zzz/

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