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amogus stuck in a tree

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 7th, 8:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Tuliyolall (Instance 1) x11, y6.6 | Kneel to Wuk Lamat meetup >>484959469

Previous Thread: >>485026392
Every fiddie belongs to me
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Femlala EB for my Malera
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Look, she's blushing
God I love Hrothgals.
Every middie belongs to me
lmao wtf
I miss mom.
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Posting the Trailer again. Relive thine kino.
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im dying noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo help meeeee
the only way i can be saved is if you post hroth women!!!!!!!!!!
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You can rewind time to exactly one major patch in FFXIV's history. Your relationships get rewound, too.
Which do you choose?
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this is racist
You have rabbit mommy now
gentle femdom femhroth
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I haven't even officially started DT yet and I already hate Wuk Lamat's voice acting. Overall garbage delivery with misplaced inflection/emphasis.

I can deal with wonky writing since dumb characters can serve a purpose, but this voice acting is amateur hour.
looks like they tried to recreate that one catgirl pic
from this to dawntrail + wuk lamat
lmao what a joke
Don't even have to ask, that beta cuck stance is obviously a male viera's
And also that's the punchline
i really needed to cum inside her
I want to give a Hrothgal lap pillow.
Koana leads the way!
I literally cannot stop thinking about huffing musky hrothgal pussy.
swap to japanese voice before it's too late
also learn the language already
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koana had a better character arc than wuk
whats a melee DPS that fits a fiddie?
Don't necessarily have to learn it, as the text doesn't change language. Unless you relog client and want it to.
Switch to JP while you can
all of them? it doesn't matter
i know its funny
Every femra belongs to me
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AETHER is the best DC
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kill catgirls
my fiddie is
which world are most of the xivggies on?
Do you think femhroths enjoy being brushed?
You can be everything you want to be, queen
when's 7.1 again I wanna play the new pvp
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balmung as always
Not leveling new jobs until more glamour plates are introduced
don't forget to /stretch before your adventures everybody
Almost certainly sure most are from Crystal but as for world, I dunno
Dont worry, you wont have to worry about misplaced inflection or emphasis for long, the VA gives up entirely later on. The last trial has a line that's meant to be urgently screaming a character's name and it sounds more like trying to get someone's attention in a conversation.
yeah the language is retardedly autistic but satisfying to learn/understand though
has a lot of interesting intricacies that sometimes get missed in translation
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earectile dysfunction
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I'm going to play the entire expansion in English just so when I complain about the voice I can be accurate.
Tonguebaths only for my femhroth
That minimap is useless. Take it off and use your map.
Balmung > Mateus > Sarg > ???

ShB was something special.
/stretch deployed
I'm onto you pitfag
I assume you're referring to this?

erm, does balmung really have a lot of erpers
You won't be able to take it. I've never played this game in JPN until now. Her voice acting, (and Erenville's) are just wretched.
can't see anything but catgirl skulls through my scope anyways
God damn. Every fucking cutscene in ShB is just stone cold kino.
balmung has a lot of everything it's the liveliest world in the game in terms of community
What do you mean anon that line was delivered perfectly
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Give it to me straight...Would you EB a Femhroth with this statline?
Just play with the jp voices.
Wuk Lamat is way better in japanese.
I think after that is a tossup between malboro, goblin, and jenova
Yes. They make a big deal about "it's all the sex tourists" but that reputation started long before even cross world travel was mentioned.
Perfectly amateur.
Kate is a double agent who sabotaged Wuk Lamat casting choice to kill the EN dub
Mostly balmung, aether has a decent amount on adamantoise and cactuar, primal is mostly ultros and excalibur I think
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We'd have something to do together
its not convincing.. if she was cute maybe..
I'd turn 360 degrees and walk away
when i finish dawntrail, will they repair solution 9 or is it going to be in a permanent state of disrepair like garlemald
>Would you EB a Femhroth-

Yes. Unless she's face 4, in which case I'd murder her.
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Floppy or normal ears.
God I fucking love Shadowbringers so much.
fr wuk also sounded pretty good, at least in the patch msq before DT.
i would say yes before even looking at the image.
kate was paid by blackrock to do a heckin pozzerino grumz said so!!!
I can't even make it past the first line.
Do miqo'tes really
it's so over
>people tell me you have invincibility after a rez if you dont move or press anything
>do that
>get knocked off platform take damage and die
trannies ruin everything
normal or you'll come to regret the floppy L's sticking off your dumdum head
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ahh, much better
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Endwalker was the MILF expansion.
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a woman that fights with kicks and punches? don't be silly, nobody's thought of that before
a woman that fights with a spear? perish the thought
a female ninja? no work of fiction has ever done that before, get outta here
a female samurai? and I bet you think there was a black samurai too
a woman wielding a scythe? surely that's never been done before, next you'll be telling me the scythe is also a gun
a woman with two swords? TWO? SWORDS? get the fuck out of here before I stick a third in you
Bouncing bunny titties
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it's contagious
RWBY mentioned
Good night, /xivg/...
they should let you adopt gulool ja
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>Incredibly comfy zone
>Only purpose is a stopgap
I hate this xpac so much.
how was that 'spleen listen to me' line even allowed to make it that into production? i dont even blame the VA at that point. the VA director or whatever the title for that job is should be fucking fired for letting that line get through. the en VA had to have not known what was going on in that scene. the VA director should be telling her to fucking yell
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At what point do retainers quit?
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Just finished the MSQ. It was alright for the most part, but goddamn the VA for Wuk Lamat is fucking AWFUL. Completely took me out of the scenes, especially when she was yelling or screaming. It sounded like a guy trying to imitate a girl's voice with a fake accent, absolutely godawful. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way

Phase 1 of the final trial is by far the best normal mode MSQ fight they've put together in a long time
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god dammit
Anything that makes gathering more bearable?
you have invincibility for like 5 seconds as long as you don't press any button including sprint but you can move. however some things go through this invincibility like enrage raidwides but some damage will just through. debuffs sometimes still apply, and knockbacks will always still apply if it snapshots you after you get up.
VPR doesn't even feel like a finished job lmao
When you get them pregnant
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>get the fuck out of here before I stick a third in you

that'd just be Kreia, though
I think Wuk Lamat is pretty alright, way better than Lyse.
She kinda reminds me of Goku and Luffy.
I played with the JP audio though.
I feel like leaving my mist house for one in the firmament
Why are you black?
yknow when i saw these two for the first time i always thought this had to have been some bastard child inbreeding kind of thing, i didn't expect it to be actually true
Yeah that's what I've been saying, it feels like a level 70 job.
that reminded me to go diving in the lakes just to see if there's anything cool down there
do you want a toblerone?
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You are not allowed to look at my pit wife.
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really wanted them to give us one of these angles again with her, it's kino every time
What's the current status of BLM?
>t sounded like a guy trying to imitate a girl's voice with a fake accent
because it literally is?
The healer strike may be working cause where the fuck are the healers in PF
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>tullyolly shout chat
did anyone else not run into any queue issues the entire expac thus far? Highest I got was 300 players in the queue on Leviathan
Seething and coping
Wuk as a character is better than lyse but the writing puts so much focus on her, and building her up, she ends up being just as annoying.
Hot fucking damn..
Who allowed bunnies to have such nice butts?
You're one to talk
I want to pet this moonie every time I see this screenshot, truly too cute
I'm just gonna abscond with him, fuck Lamaty'i gon do
when WoL turns his/her head down and to the left what emotion is that meant to convey? is it a japanese thing like how indians wobble their head?
worst i got was 1k after world server died and everyone had to relog
also on leviathan
it's because the character is literally voiced by a tranny lol
>try out a fanta from middie to miera for a bit since you have 60 minutes to decide now
>immediately /hugged within 30 seconds of logging into my miera
ok I might end up keeping it...
is it better to do leves or collectables if i'm just gonna craft it all myself anyway?
>because it literally is?
wait what? qrd?
idk i've made my bunboy ones give me assjobs and they haven't showed any signs of slowing
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good, I enjoy the changes
potencies are probably going to get increased since its damage isn't super competitive right now
I think I know what you're talking about. Are you sure that's not expressing confusion?
OK I will stop looking and simply lick my screen instead (ToT)
Thinking stuff
How do you think I get more retainers?
How the FUCK am I supposed to fit all these fucking SCH buttons on my bars this is getting ridiculous I can't even set it up like I have SGE because SCH just has to have a button dedicated to something SGE gets passively
Why do I still have a button that eats my fairy and disables half of my fucking buttons
kek no fucking way, now it all makes sense. I was wondering why it sounded like they were struggling so hard to keep their voice from going baritone
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im craftin but i should be sleeping. i'll join a pf tomorrow bwo!
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im peeing
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My moonie is minty fresh
Is that a redra I see? Powerful....
Second monitor and something interesting to watch.
hopefully not mine
only on the first day of early access it took about 40 minutes to get in for me
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When will we EU frens be able to play with NA frens?
I want to bully you people in PvP!
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okay?? get out of my face please
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the miera life is peak and the hat thing is a necessary debuff to keep them from being unequivocally the best male race in the game instead of just above average
the same applies to the females
My healers aren't level 100 yet. Still working on that. Slowly.
I can't do it sisters...Viper is just too fast...there are too many buttons to press...I can't do mechanics and press all these buttons at the same time...
It's a tranny with an American accent with 1/1024 spicc faking an accent.
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They ought to do a healer counter-strike.
but why? What the FUCK were they thinking?
it's okay. not everybody is built for that fast APM life.
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>game keeps shilling latinx food
>it's just different versions of tacos
jp audio chads win again
>What the FUCK were they thinking?
They werent
they should give my account every achievement so I can finally quit
The biggest pile-up I got was maybe 600 or so immediately after the servers went online on day 1. After that point, no serious waits.
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It conveys doubt or confusion.
>jp game
>jp voice
it's really that simple
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ok im sorry
To defuse the situation?
as someone who mained healer for every expansion, the first few weeks of a new expac are fucking awful. You actually have to stop doing damage and using ogcd heals and rebind your gcd heals because everyone is getting hit by all the mechanics
hope so
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Thighlanders wear it better
plapping this femlala
Thanks for the heads up, Service Drone 214.
stop peeing on me, that's my fetish
Wheres the mod to only change wuk lamat's voice to another language
I guess that makes sense in context but I've never seen anybody do that irl. Is it a cultural thing?
Wuk Lamat is a female, thats who I was referring to. Her JPN voice is female, so Wuk Lamat is female.
Um ..... I got penumbra to work so I made my first lewd album ever...
It's femlala stuff so don't click it if you don't like femlalas
I got a 1.1k when the servers shit themselves a few days ago, other than that I don't think I've had any over 200s.
post miera please i am addicted to cute mieras
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It has been Current Year for quite some time now.
>He plays a femlala
of course
should i get rid of heterochromia
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no fucking way
im so fkin angry rn
so so FKIN
i'll sleep on it since i like my middie too and i still have like 50 minutes left to play around with stuff, but that single interaction was an encouragement for sure
dumb fat piggy
nope, not gonna doomscroll on "her" page. Just one glance was all I needed
whats wrong sis..?
It didn't matter before DT for me. The drop in quality is incredibly sharp in the ENG this expansion, I never had a problem until now because it simply wasn't this bad. Its really unacceptable work.
Good to know I can go way further than just making her fish in a swimsuit
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This expansion feels like two or three expansions bodged together. It's like endwalker but without any excuse about "wrapping every prior expansion up" or bits of Zenos and campy fan service.
>DQ fan
FF wins again
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Bingo bango bungo bish bash bosh, that is correct
Honestly wife material.
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I always pictured it like the thing dogs do when they're confused or wondering what the fuck you want them to do
WoL doesn't have a voice, and it's probably a manga/anime thing. I dunno, it made sense to me as most of time since the conversions followed up with a question about how you're doubting them in some way, or there's something you don't understand.
>homestuck on the banner
I suddenly understand everything. I've seen enough.
>already deleted
don't use imgur for that stuff anymore bro..
Cactuar was about 2000 queue during primetime but now it's calmed down to a couple hundred at peak hours
he gets way too little hate on his twitter
sb, ew, and dt are all two expansions mashed into one
nigga is desperate
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smackin my bitch fat ass in the 9-11 residential sector
gonna make them cheeks explode like the towers
My dog would always look at me this way when I blew raspberries at her. So cute
anyone else in penumbra withdrawal?
>If you're a good healer who pumps DPS constantly while still keeping everyone alive and safe, nobody cares
>You get blamed for people dying even when it's not your fault
>A shitty cohealer can also get blame placed on you
>Get looked down on because at the end of the day your DPS rotation, even if it requires a lot of CD tuning to reach the point where you aren't GCD healing at all, is still just spamming 1 over and over
strike or not, nobody wants to play that shit
Are you a Hrothgal? You can be angry at me.
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my kingdom for a loyal loving femlala wife that I can edate
people IGNORE me
nobody says hi to me
nobody asks to do content with me
nobody asks how my day was
i am completely invisible to everyone when i log in
I still see it though.. I worked really hard on this
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>hype up this cool ass villain/boss for months
>turn it into an impotent dungeon boss who's less than an afterthought
this makes no sense to me
SB made sense, it's literally the same story told twice for narrative reasons, as mirrors of each other.
It was just poorly done because ala mhigo was dumb.
For what
skinwalking that one guy who posted here back in endwalker huh
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Someone finally talked to me today. I've been wanting it for so long. I'm so socially awkward I had them making excuse to leave like five sentences in. I wish I could stop being strange and awkward for long enough to make somebody think they'd like me. I've had so many bad experiences that I am too scared to even go up to strangers anymore. I'm just not gonna make it. Everyone who has someone to play with should be appreciative because you have no idea how badly someone wants to be a part of your group.
yea we are!
no, stop gooning
This is how it is.
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Anima sends its regards
uhh he said cute mieras?
idk why are you angry?
total femra sweep
Beat MSQ. Holy fuck that was bad.

I hate a lot of the writing choices, but even if the general plot was the same I feel like things would've been a lot more solid if we weren't on Woke Lmao's team and were explicitly asked by the old man to be the sole neutral party and help out all his kids while the Scions end up splitting themselves between them while we stick with Krile. Have us do the 91 dungeon with Wuk and the twins, the 93 dungeon with Koana and the homos, and then the 95 dungeon with Zoraal so we get around a zone with each of them and get character moments that aren't "Woke Lmao learns to care about her countrymen for the 7th time".

Would help fix the issue of "none of Zoraal Ja's family give a shit about him to the point where they don't even express any concern he's gone missing after being disqualified" which makes no sense to me when I'm meant to believe Wuk is meant to care about everyone and Gulool wasn't a neglectful parent to his actual son. You can still have him lose his shit, sure, whatever, but it'd flesh everyone out a hell of a lot more. It'd be nice to see WoL bond with Zoraal and still fail to ultimately save him but whatever.

But really, the rite is fucking stupid. The bird dudes are literaly starving to the point there's a side quest where they're like "the kids can eat now!!" and some old carpenter fuck knows how to solve the issue, but doesn't because "the rite". Also why are the birds too fucking stupid to even know their own culture? (It's so they can make Woke look good again.)
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add me if you like, I like staying in touch with frens
why is chaos such a secretive DC with so many cute looking characters?
is anyone doing cc on AETHER?
I just found out that the reason Smile sounds so bad and "off" is because it was barely finished.

Kate Tweeted months ago about taking vocal submissions to "help lift up Black voices in the FF community" and it is seeming that was for many Black Twitter microcelebreties to do amateur free singer work. There was barely anything usable and Soken had to stitch it together in a very short time. It was finish by him only month or two ago.
Yeah I don't get it either, in the past fanfests the concept art shown was always for trial bosses, in EW's they threw the curve ball showing Anima and the Magus sisters to bait people on the actual trials. But this time around it made no sense aside I guess not wanting to spoil people.
also they made it seem like this thing was fucking massive, turns out it's basically a E1N Eden reskin
well it 404s for me sis.. try catbox or something instead. imgur hates lewds now.
I'm devoting my life from here on out to serving Middies. I will cook I will clean I will craft gear I will heal I will tank I will DPS, all at the behest of the maliddie.
when do i get the dawntrail AF set?
Do you ever get tired of being a racist chud?
Never forget what they took from us
imgur automatically redirects all NSFW stuff to a 404 and has for probably a year or two now
are you the chaos fiddie
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YO guys, check out this clip I got from Solution 9
it's late, part of the MSQ. Don't worry, you won't miss it. I had the same worry too
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Level 99 msq, tuliyollal
oh yeah usually same.. right now I have a whole two people who some days ask for roulettes though since expac hype..
Although I need to level some jobs to fulfill my duties...
ditto what that other guy said
if your a hrothgirl you can beat the shit out of my until i throw up if you want
She's literally Naruto, naive and suggests stupid things that end up working towards her goal of becoming Hokag- Dawnservant because the plot said so
two is better than zero.
what's up with this cat and rape
is she the raper or rapee
Mine haven't quit after I put them I'm humiliating outfits and fetish outfits so the answer is probably 'never'
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..make an NA alt
I actually really like the dungeon midboss/endboss OST. Not as good as ShB or EW imo, but still quite enjoyable


Eliminator WILL return in the patch story.
oh no you have to actually heal kys faggot
sleep tight my plapwife
where is my edge
where are my subverted expectations
wuk doesn't turn into the final boss and reveal turral to be evil all along how can I play this it's nothing like my favorite show game of thrones
>Third worlders enter a highly advanced and peaceful society
>Third worlder becomes leader and everything immediately goes to shit
>Female leader is useless
>Female leader mentions declining birth rates
>Story turns into 3rd world leader wanting to "take care" of their people
Real subtle, SE.
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how powerful?
whichever way is fine i just want to feel something, i'm numb inside
A while after you beat the second trial
This drone is getting a bit uppity. Maybe I should activate his helmet's reconditioning program.
I'm the plapper around here bud
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i am both whcih makes me normal
i thought it was going to be a massive wall boss
I do have one! But it's from SB and severely underleveled...I'm just waiting for cross region DC so I don't really have a reason to play on it
this sounds so fucking nice. i would love to use you as a punching bag and an ear to scream into. but, who am i kidding, you're never gonna share location because you're a pussy like everyone else here.
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mission accomplished
stinky smelly retard
armed and dangerous
now she will spend hours
trying to find a glam that fits
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Same sis I usually play the game solo.
How did you interpret that as racist? Anon could literally be black and say this. What hes saying is SE took advantage of black people for free work. Granted since they are "Twitter microcelebrities" they are probably narcissists they allowed themselves to get taken advantage of with clout being the payment, but there is none to be had when you have no talent.
please queue for origenics on crystal
SB was two expansions but it had a cleaner split so neither (extremely similar) plot felt like it was stepping on the others toes? Getting a break from lyse was also a plus. Not much an excuse for any of them but it was less annoying until now.
will you r*pe me please
3800 on siren first few days of early access. been gucci since
are you on NA?
>where is my edge
The edge is when you, Cahciua and rest of your party channel their inner Emet-Selchs and go "it's not genocide if we don't consider them people"
Very very. Redra are rare, but always cute
that's a dawntrail screenshot
What are the odds of kate getting sacked after DT?
The only anima I care about is the anima weapon and the minion.
in need to get on Cyberpunk and get that explosive pistol
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balmung should've been shut down for travel tbhdesufam
no need to make all the other DC's suffer because of ERPers
i wish it rained in s9
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but u want it idk if thats rape
let me guess, you're a british shithead
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I just finished Heavensward and holy fuck that was 10/10 I finally understand why everyone was saying the game does pick up and get's better
Is there any fun or rewarding side content that I should focus on before I start Stormblood? I ignored most of it because I was enjoying the MSQ too much
ahhh damn... yeah i REALLY dont want that please dont do it to me you crazy bitch
What job do femlalas like catboys to play...
completely understandable
i will patiently await queuing roulettes and doing maps and other content with your cute fiddie healer when that day arrives
wtf i assumed you were on eu because it's 4am where im from
why do you have that picture
most of the thread lalas are healers or ranged dps so probably tanks.
the aoe heal upgrades sound nice sage especially is ear sex
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bros i made it...
Do the trial and raid story.
I googled "ff14 thumbs up" because I'm too lazy to do it with my character
Old west vs Robots should've had it's own expansion. North america as a whole with multiple biomes would've been a blast. You could even show like the warped version of each if you wanted.
the extra trials and dungeons, alliance raids and alexander too
yeah. balmung.
do it like.. poetically

you know like emotionally use them and presume you can continue to hurt them

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The fujoshi have claimed Bakool Ja Ja.
Check out the warring triad trial series and alexander before entering stormblood
male character-coded post
Why are you pretending to be someone random and replying to me kinda weird
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my male shetona's tribe practices the long-forgotten art of hypnotism
WHEN is dc travel returning?
i'm in now
thank you
ok but i'm a dps so it probably wont be me..
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I hope you enjoy Stormblood more than I did.
I'm not pretending to be anybody. I'm someone who read the exchange and replied to you on anon's behalf, because I like to argue and anon was taking too long and could probably never articulate a point or a concept as well as I do.
How tf did he get away with releasing dragon hitler?
Did the writers just fucking forget?
Kong I thought you were permabanned
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I moaned about this a lot, but all they had to do was take one of the many princess to queen shoujo manga out there and just copy that.
lads I love moonies
>trannies have ruined hrothgals
>bioholes have ruined mamool ja
I hate women and subhuman creatures that mimic them so much it's unreal.
i can't believe people just go in the thread and lie like this
Are plugins up?
so wait we get a set of ilvl 690 weapons and armor for FREE? on every job?
she's not sleeping...
You type exactly the same as the other guy is why I say that
July 16 at the earliest.
nothing stopping people from opening a new account with a new email since se will never issue hardware bans
I don't know who Kong is, other than his cat was blue, and he got banned.
shut the fuck up you french cuck. talk about the game.
yeah currently using them to get rank 1 on EX1 parses
Good job, stinky
Wuk sternly said that she won't forgive him, so she forgave him.
One of the best chain in the game https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Scholasticate_Quests
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what the HELL is going on?
are you not allowed to say "dalamud" anymore?
my catboy is
bro we've gotten free AF gear that's like 10ilvl below the release tome gear since stormblood
one of the 99msq
yeah people are already using them to cheat in pvp.
Coils of Bahamut if you haven’t done them. There is a small teeny cutscene that you will miss in 3.x if you haven’t done coils.
Other than that, the warring triad trials and the shadows of mhach alliance raids. The former because it closes a character arc and is related to the garleans and the latter because it is tied to the 6.x story.
There’s the alexander raid series which are set iconic and your first foray into actual raiding but it’s completely optional.
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Oh yeah? Why don't you prove it. Why don't you say it again, except this time with feeling
bossmod and slothcombo have been up since this morning.
yep. and you'll never catch me. thanks for the crystals faggot.
You're right, they do type similar to me, which is probably why I understood it.
what the fuck is the point of this
did they ever challenge her beliefs? the best part about shonenslop kino is when the main character gets totally fucking blasted by an enemy with logic that the mc can't really refute. even still, the mc fights back with conviction, even if they can't prove they're right
all i remember is that wuk lamat never ever challenging her beliefs and just kept asking spleen to stop killing people?? even when she saw her own mother's soul/person thing she didn't question anything for a second lmao
can I get a tier list for MIERDA hairstyles
Unless you're the darkness that plagues the night sky and sows fear into the minds of all under it, I belong to no one
They forgot the rite because they needed the white savior to come im and tell them how its done
I bout I prove it by smooching your moonie? How about that huh punk?
here's my lewd album...
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fuck you im normal idk how to rape ppl
yeah like making youy depned on me while i take advantage of you and your emotions and manipulate you
Damn, I really like how the SMN set looks this time around.
odst when
jesus christ that's fucking hot..
lmfao I made this exact joke like 3 years ago, good stuff
And there was no reason for it either. They could had easily written as if he was trying to slay the beast but lost control of the situation. But nope, he releases it and fucks off leaving all the glory to us. It doesn’t even work as a delay because nothing changed.
he isn't, no
but he can make yours gregnant if you're cute :^)
i don't play PvP queer.
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That's shounenkino, what we got is shounenslop.
>117 view
Wow, making the numbers
you want me to tribute your moonie?
Artisan is ridiculous and sucks the fun out of crafting (which is very fun in the first place)
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Wuk lamat sucks regardless of VA, full disclosure I am transphobic tho.
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youre a grown ass man use it on that fucking robot turtle
You 100% belong to that guy you're still hung up on because he won't leave his girlfriend for you but you keep encouraging him to cheat because you think it'll actually work out when he'll just cheat on you too.
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thank you
expert crafting is decently fun, but normal crafting is the same rotation spammed over and over. artisan is just a more efficient macro
robots cant sleep retard
my catboy is going to become a crafting and gathering workaholic
This new arc where you post a fuckton while Appal is locked out of the thread is kind of boring
That's more proof than what I was asking for. You sure you wanna go in swinging like that?
I cleared ex1 & ex2 is on the menu next but fuck it we ball tomorrow
I didn't suggest it, but I'm not gonna say no
>be tank
>tell DPS to LB the trash
>stand near the wall and ignore the turtle knockback
>Bingo bango bungo
I don't wanna leave the Cungo, oh no no no no no!
>(which is very fun in the first place)
which is NOT very fun in the first place*
thighlander yuri
an incel
Goodnight bros
Why would you be fucked? I used the dalamud beta key through the entirety of endwalker and they never broke anything.
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it's absolutely insane to me that FFXIV has a far more involved crafting system than any other MMO and it's 'not fun'? fuck raiders
I spend a total of 9 hours playing with an AI character. I made him to be a cool and smooth miqomale from XIV and then I had him rape me, a femlala, and it was really hot but then I realized I should just get a boyfriend instead of doing all of this irredeemable garbage...
no. i have more balls than any of you spineless cucks do, because none of you ever show up to get rinsed. only the women do, funny enough.
How many gdcs should I wait before starting the burst in opener
I prefer thighlander domineering over a short male
they can't be stunned but they can sleep
that's the rules
I usually wait 2
Yeah I'm gonna swing a smooch right onto your friggin moonie, punk.
Bro they're not cheating they're a throuple now
why is appal locked out of the thread?
I'm sleeping alone in my bed with my cat cat, not his. I've been away from him all week tyvm. And they had broken up
>I cleared ex1
nice, static is having fun i hope?
Are you GNB?
You don't wait
Anybody else?
My sunnie catboy isn't gay.
Yes, just like how we got a set of 560 for free last time. It's the lowest-level Lv100 gear.

690 - Free vendor starter gear, Lv100 dungeon accessories
700 - Aesthetic tomestone gear
710 - EX1 weapon, EX2 accessories, crafted gear (7.05)
720 - Arcadion Normal gear (7.01), Heliometry tomestone gear (7.05), augmented crafted gear (7.1)
730 - Arcadion Savage gear (7.05), Augmented Heliometry tomestone gear (7.05)
nobody was seriously injured so there was no damaged party needing restitution
valigarmanda was not particularly powerful by primal standards anyway and especially not after escaping from the ice (you are told this when unlocking the EX)
he put on an exemplary showing in the battle of tuliyollal
he is currently stuck serving guard duty for a mass grave at the far edge of yak t'el, where he is incapable of causing further issues even if he wanted to and by all evidence he doesn't
wuk says outright during the kidnapping arc that punishing criminals alone is less effective than also solving the reason they turned to crime in the first place (this is true btw) and going back on that would make her a hypocrite
he's a two-head who are viewed as sacred in mamool ja society and punishing him harshly would not be a good start to her freshly established racial relations with mamook
he's a very competent warrior and is worth far more alive and able to use those combat skills than dead or rotting in gaol

all in all it is infinitely more profitable for her to leave him alive, but as >>485036736 says it's kind of awkwardly written and the story could have handled it a lot better
YIPPIEE, what DC? and if you're down for EX1 farming
I am
A gay maleroe
Based if not shoro.
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no u
I didn't lock him out or ask him not to post, he just doesn't wanna do it. He said "It's all garbage"
Yeah, yeah..... keep talking buddy.....
Didn't do it with my static, did it with a combination of core coreboys, yummers, and a joker. I did have a lot of fun with it, though, it's a fun fight
Appal gave up posting here after their messy breakup so that it wouldn't be awkward with people tagging their posts and bothering them about it
Spriggan, Chaos
You don't get it, bro, he really means it when he says Akimbo has the best pussy this side of Georgia and he really does love her, he just hasn't found a way to let his girl down easy yet and needs some time to think of something. Because he cares so much. :(
Mateus, wanna duke it out at the wolves den?
Yeah, I jump on corpses in PvP.
sorry but I don't want to carry around greg for 9 months...
I am
A bisexual femzen
Been doing TONS of maps at DT launch, sold some of the hair for bigggg bucks and its quickly become my favorite thing to do during downtime.
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Hey i'm on there
good night you adorable fiddie
Ah, so that is why you cannot sit in chairs properly.
arcadion normal will be 710 as well, but everything else is probably right
Ah, one error.
Arcadion Normal will be 710, not 720.
Why is the lizard trying to cuck people?
Then why do they dream of electric sheep?
...wait, do they?
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Louis's socks, Chaos.
Does a tell go through if you're blocked? Does it give a message saying it didn't send?
i'm sorry you're such a LOSER lmao
i am
a bisexual catboy
i got a cumsock now fora special femlala =)
VPR is really fun
>Queen Eternal: I will show you the worlds beyond.
Are we looking at worlds that were fucked up by wind and earth aether?
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I am a bratty fiddie in need of correction
Technical you wait one sorta. Lightning shot -> no mercy-> sonic break
now try Picto, it's x2.5 the damage
I'm gonna do it next time I sees ya, just you watch bozo
bada bing bada boom its gonna come outta nowhere, you won't see it comin'
He tried to warn us...
wearing lalagirl clothes
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I never doubted. Bit sorry you had such a gay haircut tho.
I am a good fiddie that needs no correction
modbeasts status?
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I have nothing to apologize for.
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goodnight the oppressor will be mine soon
No thanks.
I am a Hrothgal
Grinding Fates
May the Gods bless me with an omnicrafting wife
You shall be hypnotized.
i am a blind fiddie that needs vision correction
what the fuck, how is that hot? are you autistic or something, do you just get boners from watching big numbers? i'm talking about in the bedroom, dipshit. pinning you to the wall by your throat and pounding your stupid fucking face in.
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people with medium/high ping are gonna fucking despise it at 100 though
I am a max height giant fiddie that only hungers to grow larger
its basically warrior for dps
i'm so sorry for making fun of zero. please bring her back and kill wuk lamat
how exactly are you deserving? the universe doesn't owe you shit. the hrothwives are mine.
I...walk up and smack the boss, at least for the EX1 I have been
I guess EX2 I'd be lightning shot

Morning, EU Maliddie
hey... do you like other catboys..?
What is happening here? Who's he with?
What did he mean by that?
I am a smol fiddie who needs assistance with getting something from the top shelf
genuinely torn between Lyse and wuk lamat as to who is the worst character they've ever forced on you
Hitachi magic wand correction will be provided
may i sniff your p-hole
Sounded like you wanted to fight, I guess this is why nobody wants anything to do with you though because you have the personality of a cactus.
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Will SE do anything against frontline premaders this expansion?
it means i'm cucking you. lmao at you assuming it was a man taking your woman by the way, nice fetish faggot. something is desperately wrong wtih today's "men".
goodnight and good luck
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But I'm about to be busy...
nah she's maturing. She didn't throw a bitch fit at you for not letting her go to the city of gold
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What the hell are you even yappin about
>make a female hrothgar
>call it a he
you faggots had 2 expansions
dream change in 7.1 is making DRK pull only able to pull 5 targets max
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Should I max height or min height fiddie for most allure, mayhaps something inbetwixt?
post the laughing midlander
1) wuk lamat
2) alisaie
3) lyse
It’s an advantage unless you somehow get a 48 man premade to rush them for loads of xp.
when did i ever say nobody wanted anything to do with me? i think you have me pegged as the wrong person retard, i came in here to answer a cuck who wanted to get the shit kicked out of them. i don't need to beg for friends, nice projection. save it for your boyfriend, you sound like a pussy. man the fuck up.
She was everything to me...
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Best race if I want to collar fiddies and make them bark for me?
i regret looking at wuk lamat VA's twitter account
Minheight, flat femlala here.
Anyone need anything?
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Why do millennial think that "le sad traumatic backstory" excuses acting like a n*gger........?
Bakool ja ja and Zoraal ja both deserve to be in prison or straight up killed and I think we should do the same to irl blacks and latinx who act like n*ggers.......
my favorite fiddie heighbeasts to be shorter and it's so fucking cute
what the actual fuck is wrong with america
You're either drunk or retarded. I'm betting both.
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protip: if you're doing the second trial with the NPC crew and are having trouble dealing with the mechanics, just throw the danger dorito on Y'shtola and follow her around. She always successfully deals with the mechanics. Cute little touch they kept in from the Hydaelyn trial for her
Is there any point to the extreme trial gear if I'm just gonna pentameld crafted?
hope the anon who wanted to off himself irl yesterday is still ITT

i liked his hroth
not really but what else u gonna do rn
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that's not me you fucking retard. more than one person can be angry at once. this is a red flag for autism by the way, the inability to empathize.
Those lupine people from the East.
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so I set xiv vertically
don't set xiv vertically
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a fiddie...yes. thats what i was..
>Y'shtola continues to be right about everything for no discernible reason
hack writers
Glamour. Or a slim chance that the calculations show that it ends up having a much better substat allocation. Or you could save a bit of money by not having to fully pentameld that slot.
Why do miera like to pretend that they don’t get insane amounts of attention because of their character?
the weapon is still better than crafted because of the extra weapon damage
Troia gear WoL
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Min height
Max bust
clearly not enough to stop you from taking screencaps of it and posting it here as if anyone else gives a fuck about your outrage bait
Male hrothgar.
Just try and do it. You'll never catch me. I'm lightning quick and I have cat-like agility. Whatsa matta wit you with this bada bing bada boom, I'll show you a bada bing bada boom
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Gay sex with hroths
Morning to you as well, forehead femlala
My miera behind her
Calm down and reply to the right post next time. You interjected in the middle of that convo, so I assumed you were the same person. You gotta stop projecting the autism card, chief. Now I'm thinking that other anon was right and you are male-coded. Probably a hormonal tranny with how much of a meltdown you're having. Keep going though this is funny.
ngl alexandrian fiddie bots make me pop boners
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>that one guy who complains when a non melee sprout uses an LB
Okay but what if I bring some gabagool
both of you will broil for your sins. inshallah you will find wives who will love you.
>both of you will broil for your sins.
i play whm not sch

Twice in two days I've gotten this fucker in my rollos

Nearly 7pm, but I get your point
>noooooooo it’s only 18,000 potency instead of 20.000!!!!!!
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you are doing it wrong
What extra weapon damage? Isn't a blue of a given IL given exactly the same damage and primary stats as an HQ green of the same IL?
you can't make this up. you're such a cocksucker that every other person around you has to be a man or you get uncomfortable. tale as old as time. i hope you figure yourself out in the next five years before someone finds your hidden stash and you kill yourself out of shame.
Should I fanta from middie to miera
Should I fanta from malera to middie
post middie
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Then we can talk it over a nice cannoli or somethin, forget about it
Should I fanta from malezen

Should I fanta from maleroe to highlander
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This set is so good
Crafted and Ex will have the same weapon damage dummy
Where are the ERP spots now? I hate being a pent up femlala. Ever since DT came out I haven't been forced to cum once
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Yes most certainly brother!
This hroth is so good
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Even easier:
1. check the side that isn't cleaved
2. look to one of the platforms that ISN'T active and stand in a square with a sword
You'll never get hit because the sword placements are all mutually exclusive.
how about a fiddie with doll joints
sohudl i fanata form priide to feheeet
Whose cuck is this?
Ayy fuhgeddaboudit
oh, i thought the ilv for the weapons was 715, not 710, i might have confused it for the other extreme trials where usually, they release with 5 extra ilv than crafted, giving them an extra weapon damage stat which is worth much more than whatever stat gains you will get from pentamelding, unless you're a healer/tank and the crafted weapon has like crit/det and the weapon has peity/tenacity as a substat
yeah, i realized i was wrong, i don't usually bother with ex because i'm too lazy to do them and would rather just use crafted weapon and get to doing savage immediately
Is it true that femlalas are genetically coded to obey any order a viera gives them
Just sayin there's patterns, dude. You're like something out of a textbook.

Can anyone else tell me if this one's typing like one of the terminal thread schizos? I'm kinda new here.
Cock too big yeah
*to the tune of Europe's Final Countdown*
it's the mamool ja-down!
do do do do, dododododo, do do do do, do do do do do do, do, do, do, do do do do do do dooooo
the mamool ja-down!
if by viera you mean male middie then yeah
>I'm kinda new here
Can you leave? Fuck off, we're full. And you sound like a pussy, that anon was right.
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Portals are definitely one of my greatest weaknesses
>You'll never get hit because the sword placements are all mutually exclusive.
The image you're replying to has non mutually exclusive swords lol
Yeah, Hydaelyn weapons were 580 and then weeks later crafted came in and was also 580. It's not until the third EX and beyond that they start adding +5 to the weapon item levels.
both genders actually
lalaboys instantly lose to fiera and femlalas instantly lose to miera
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This will happen when us fiddies tire of being bullied
Maybe it's a split personality stacked on top of their other mental disorders. That'll make things interesting. Blessed sibling headass, lmao.
your catboys are not safe
I for one like being bullied...
anything resembling a fiddie triggers the same sexual response in my loins, and that includes Sally the Sweeper
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Sex with Blessed Siblings
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That's too much Italian for me. I don't think I can go on
stupid lalas going wahahaha waaa
Imagine taking control of a fiddie's regulator and whenever you make her mad you just delete her memories and make her believe whatever you want
do veena women really?
why is there always such a long stretch between the first two trials of an expansion
do catgirls really
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>doing trusts cause I have brain damage
>don mheg
>Yshtola does it properly
>Thancred just jumps the gap
>Ryne tiptoes across the wire and eventually gets so nervous she stops
That's a fiera
I'm not a woman
Because SE is shit at pacing.
Im a faggot
This, this is exactly how the thread schizos post. Thread schizo.
I'm only the 4th >samefag in this
I need this (I'm the fiddie)
You'd never make in in Jersey bro....
do fieras really
Why is this not a player emote yet?
Sphene is such a good character :(
>Im a faggot
wish we had more of these and less bioholes around this thread
>poster comes in and says "im new"
>thread is instantly shit
yawn. who got kicked off the bench now
That's just an idle stance.
Making my way through the last zone and, uh, is this it for Erenville?
That annoying little sop meets up with his mom's ghost and he just pouts the whole time?
With how secretive they were about his name at the very start, I was hoping there'd be more to him other than being withdrawn and emo
Fuck what a waste of space
Groping your fiddie and making her mind nice and empty immediately after before she can have an outburst
is there a dynamis cwls
Intense gay sex with Bakool Ja Ja
Aren't you soulless robots ashamed that you both tried to make a variant of a lame joke we've all heard a million times before? Can't you offer an original thought instead of a tired meme, or is everything you say, if not everything you think, copied and pasted?
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Kinda torn on what I want here, might look at some other colors, but these are what I'm leaning towards at the moment. If I do go pearl white though I will need to find a new head piece or just dye it suppose.

What do you guys think?
Imagine the mommy issues kino we could have had if Ishikawa was still here
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>Ran out of poetics and don't know what to do

I already ran roulettes and I don't want to wait for the reset
They might have done more with him (and Krile) if it hadn't been The Wuk Lamat Show.
I heard somewhere that hrothgirls are immune to hypnosis
Is that true
I can't go against the lore
just started shadowbringers
is the time difference between source and the first that much?
>white pantyhose
>dolphin shorts
i wish we had fat miqo tit posting back already..
Roulettes aren't a good way to get poetics, except for Expert. You should have done hunts.
which race's women would be into ball busting?
They are
Unless it’s my miera doing it
Then they’re extremely weak to it
not currently
stroking my goonstick to moonies
Do hunts
My miera is very weak to hypnosis.
Only when it's plot relevant
but.. alphi and consorts are talking about years
Femlalas, probably.
Okay so why cant we have it
That's bullshit. Your miera has to meet my hrothgirl to prove this
what color moonies?
it's stabilized now and will not be relevant again
speak with
le mutt!!!
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i bet the hypnofags and mindwipefags really enjoyed dawntrail's second half
>tfw misread "Brightploom Post" as "Birmingham Post"
The fault lies with S.M.
what video card would i need to run this game at 4k in raids at a stable 120+ fps? no mods if that makes a difference
My fiddie may not be safe...
Mom said it's my turn to trigger the schizo transphobe... >:(
reaffirming my commitment
if SE ever makes a dedicated singing job (not BRD)
i will fanta, rename my main to Pvp Femlalala, and do nothing but play that job
I wonder if they'll add a regulator headpiece or if modders will have to do it.
Actually? Yes.
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sometimes it works
I kind of miss when my moonie had big tits
You better have your paperwork in order buddy
I got warrior from 1 to 90 in 5 days, ask me anything.
I am... spamming the 91 dungeon trust... as a tank... for the minion
Post my miera's soon to be hroth pet.

I did. A lot. Sphene mind wiping herself into a killing machine gave me strange feelings and autistic lewd scenario ideas.
uhm but ackshually your eyes can't see anything faster than 30 fps sweaty :)
Why the fuck would your character use a regulator? It's powered by souls, idiot. We would be wearing dead people and those souls are only for alexandrians anyway.
Mobile FFXIV looking good.
whatever you say grandma
Anyone know what happened to the "Scan Dev Plugins" button? It's been missing and now I can't test my plugins for updates because it doesn't list them anymore lol
I want to fight Savage bosses
Same but I want the weapon. Set's cool.
I would post myself but I know there will be 0 followup out of this post.
my hands feel it though
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oh shit the mobile port is here already...?
Oh you have no fucking idea
i need ALL the vanguard sets

It seems like an obvious choice for the "eyewear" slot or a fashion accessory. Not like any effort needs to be done, it's literally just a headpiece from what I can tell.

Just make it a cosmetic nonfunctional one duhhh
>yo prove yourself kill x monsters
>help me dude pick up x items
When are we gonna change how quests work
Same, and I'm the person he's actually talking to. If I wanted to be jerkbait I can just go take my top off and sit in the QS, pass.
Wouldn't paying $25 for a skip make more sense than spending like 60+ hours which is less than 50 cents per hour?
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Forget your BSMkino
Beastmaster WILL use regulators and beast souls...
why did they upgrade the graphics if they want mobile users now?
And have a mark of shame in my achievements unlock order?
This isnt wowg bud, we have SPEAK WITH WUK LAMATT instead
>to not play
Yokai event is alpha version of Beastmaster
this has been the norm for 20 years and no dev is smart enough to change it and make it work
On some level, our entire existence is powered by the dead. How many people did you kill to get here?
Anyway the way they talk about the lifestream, and memories/souls/matter beign different forms of aether, it seems almost reducitonist, like in the end it's jsut energy taking another form either way, so might as well take an utilitarian form instead of being scrubbed, recycled and power some lizardman baby on the other side of the world
Forcing a regulator on this miera.
Deleting everything that doesn’t involve being a good boy.
>Talk to Wuk Lamat
>Talk to Wuk Lamat again
>Talk to Wuk Lamat yet again
>Accompany Wuk Lamat to their gender reassignment surgery
>Talk to Wuk Lamat

there's a non-0 chance some grown ass man has typefucked this guy
runescape did... then they added kill X mob as a skill
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One day I'll find out who's posting these...
>to play the way i want
>about how others play on a chinese cartoon chat forum
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I am a hrothgal
Done with grinding fates for now
And no cute sunnie came to hand my food and to kiss me good luck...
I hate subamarines so much bros
Fuck off
Time dilation across shards varies to the writers' whims. When Minfilia saved the First, time dilation was heavily tilted towards the First in such a way that the Flood of Light is a 100-year old calamity in the First whie only a couple of months transcurred in the Source between the WoD shitfest and the start of ShB.

Also, the Scions pulled into the First grew a couple of years older due to said time dilation.
Youre right.
He should close his Twitter and never go into public ever again.
Its for his sake.
You will. And then I'll make you forget all about it after I'm done playing with you. Then we can start all over again.
I think we have a few more posts to go
I am whining about not playing the way I want though
Like I don't give a shit if people think Dawntrail is the coolest expansion in the history of mmorpg, I'm posting to point out the flaws I think the expansion has, and the issues I think should be addressed
Of course it's pretty fucking useless, because this is 4chan and because they won't change their methods no matter what anyone posts anywhere, so it's just venting
Calm down, spaz.
why are buns like this so popular?
Yeah, they all go commando.
Using devices to windwipe takes all the fun out of breaking their spirit
>The Tranny is an anti-American fag
Why am I not surprised?
You're really evil...
Orca Ninja go RAMBO RAMBO
because sex
So Alexandria is a middie-majority kingdom with lalafellin and elezen minorities, right?
why are buns like THIS so popular?
Remove the L and repost it
You slide in easily
Im not clicking that you fucking CIA nigger
We'll see if you still think that when I get my hands on you… or if you think anything at all…
femra post
Only the lalas. They were outsiders that were only allowed in because they invented the soul thingie. A group of short, ugly gremlins who were let into and then later ruined a society by literally selling people's souls? Why does this sound familiar? Does anyone else hear Hava Nagila?
I have 47 of these locked onto my Submarine character that are now unsellable, thanks game.
Might I prevail upon you to give me her twitter?
I can't believe plainsfolks turned out to be more evil than dunesfolks...
>thread split
tis over, m'lord
Which tank is best for plapping femlalas?
I'll try this, thanks
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i don't regret fantaing into male highlander
really like him
handcrafted for hrothgars
He's pretty good looking. Very good highlander buddy
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i asked and she doesn't have one yet ;-;
she has a /c/ though, Yafra Njalid
you mean. hey handsome.
That's not what happened though. Milallas invented Electrope, not the regulators or the things that came after.
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not into guys sorry
That's great news anon, here's hoping she's on EU
Thank you!
hey. HEY.

do you like fiddies?
>milallas invented electrope
so they accelerated the lightning-aspected calamity by ushering the shard into a world war over it. pure evil...
i saw her at balmung qs so.....
Do you like hrothgirls
please say yes
damn cute bun
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i love em!
i love em too!
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>you can get it back with ng+
i thought we'd have to wait til 7.1 but im dumb
So like if say a hrothgirl asked you on a date you'd hold her hand and not laugh at her when she has to lick the food out of her whiskers
>GMT timezone
>sex tourist on NA
At least the f-list doesn't have anything soul scarring
They were tricked by the Ascians. I don't remember if it's said explicitly, but some guy somewhere got back from a dark forest with the first electrope ore. That's what they always do, engineer a problem, then offer a solution that explodes in everyone's face.
>after 4 hours i finally get some gameplay
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This man smiled and the empire fled.
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i'd find it endearing
yeah, weird how one random dude discovered such a miraculous material and then they suddenly started finding deposits of the thing. 100% ascian trickery, for sure. the ascian behind the lightning nuke was probably posing as a milalla, considering they were highly sought after by governments and held high positions due to their knowledge of electrope tech
I prefer to respect the writers' decision to keep it turned off and depressing.
is it weird that I want you to devastate my fiddie?
good job
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i uhm think not no?
yeah, kinda. I miss my nier automata spell packs and that "archangel" dk pack with the sin eater Fray clone
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