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Previous: >>485030293

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Yuyu love!
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What the hell are you talking about
Her ass is massive, honestly even more ridiculous than her tits
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let her cook
why is everything so soulless in 2024?
the only good game that came out recently is bg3 and even that had bear sex and tumblrisms
What is she cooking?
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Aight since gacha RNGesus is with me at the moment, how many copies of Arc are enough?
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>have to wait until Tuesday for the Void Shiki rate up
All my embers reserves GONE just to get my bitch from 101 to 108...
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i meant moreso on the figure
600 quartz for np1 of Ibuki and Skadi. Hopefully it works. Either way I'm stopping with the game after that point.
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I was promised a green hairy bush
you got old
your dad said the same about things you liked too
because you're a jaded loser.
case in point
>bear sex and tumblrisms
who gives a fuck
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I became a failed whale again...
You have shit reserves.
stage 4 it looks wack
no, i don't think so

a bear raped me once
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why is jalter commando
>you got old
Nah, that ain't it. But to your point, my dad did say that communists ruin everything.
I thought Stellar Blade was an honest attempt at making a soulful game. It's rough around the edges but you can see the developers cared
Void bro, wait till oct next year. Her rate up comes with Fujino. That's also when I plan to roll for extra copies.
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Do you think Jack would be a skibidi toilet kind of kid?
>It's really hard to make ibuki x master AI stuff as the AI struggles with making really tall women with a guy.

I hate it!

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>can't use Oberon in Double Koyan
>can't use Crane
>NP3+ mandatory
>literally forgotten in JP
Are you fucking kidding me
She was the only one I had in the group
Every slop is catering to one genre be it anime or video games. Higher production costs means lower room of error. So most of them play it safe to earn more money.
Why aren't you?
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Dibs on my wife Shuten, who I will have hot sex with forever and ever.
Cumming inside onussy...
>Infinite Wealth
>Stellar Blade
>Rise of the Ronin
>FF7 rebirth
>Unicorn Overlord
That's just off the top of my head
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Just wait for the next Xenoblade for the next soul overload.
It also fails at making really big guys (for you), I also hate it.
Unironically at least NP2. Outside of her niche, she struggles to do the 90++ earlier waves even if you use damage CE/ Black Grail. I've checked. For morgan cup, NP1 has difficulty doing rounds 1 and 2 even with MLB damage CE (round 3 has that iyo set up so I didn't bother checking).
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>got distracted from unicorn overlord but im more than halfway through so i cant restart it even though i forgot whats going on
At first I thought the JPutos were joking about her being useless in the current meta and after checking 90++ comps for the past events I realized they weren't kidding.
Look closer, there's still good stuff coming out it's just not getting stupid amounts of marketing.
And if you still can't find something coming out on the horizon, maybe look at that backlog you swear you're gonna get to.
>that price
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my account is almost legitimately bricked what do i do...
As luck would have it, I have her at NP2 right now. Is it safe to stop here?
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Will you roll for her?
I like to make Edelgard x Rhea porn where they hate fuck each other.
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Thank you for your cooperation
I bet creayus bought it.
Stop using her. I've only used support castoria for like a year.
Unicorn Overlord is over bloated. And auto chess gameplay is cucked
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oh my kino
yeah it's kinda funny that it can make loli/shota stuff pretty easily but when it comes to making size difference non loli/shota stuff it really struggles.
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yes, she is my canon lover
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Xu fu time
Stop at NP2, you wont get much from her when her job is to just clear W1 and give 30% to other servants. Summer is way more important
I need sex with Aurora
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Cope servant is two weeks.
cute boys
I thought this was Code Geass at first with the table at the start.
>Servant 1
ive got a little over 1000. stopping at np1 each. savemode till tiamat
Well, I do blame danbooru being retarded and not splitting the size difference tag.
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I've been using Skadi for this exact reason.
Join the dark side, 5CE is fine.
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i would rather kill myself than farm the embers required for this again.
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Approximately 20 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
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I have 20 free slots, need some /alter/ friends. Expecially B.B. and Mary Anning fags!
based, I was there a few weeks ago on my japan trip
I spent $20 on a stage 4 gilgamesh FGO Arcade card. No regrets.
Would Aurora agree to a threesome with Melu, or would she keep Melu exclusively for herself?
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>21 pulls
>np2 arc
how should i feel?
Are you the anon got np6 in 900sq?
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Isn't the only REALLY meta servant in arctic summer ibuki?
Scathag is >>>>quick and WHORElin isn't anything insane
If people dont type in their FC, i dont bother adding anyone
no but i think he'd be more inclined to burn him than level him to 120 considering he only wanted don.
They need to add more extra class slots to supports
No! That would starve your Aurora. She needs to be the center of attention. Gangbangs only!
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my skadi is bond 15 too so ill just make blue apples until summer skadi.
Sad because you could've used that luck on an actually good Servant like Ibuki or Douman
Scathach is a powerful buster crit support, she works with Super Orion for CQ content. Lady Avalon is a second Merlin, and therefore essentially everything Merlin is good for, you can now have two Merlins of your very own, and she also serves as the secondary Arts support for those who still lack Tamamo or Nero Bride.
Alexander your message is censored.
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>just clear W1
It's over...
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>Right before summer.
That's uh.... not including your annivesary quartz, right bro?
s-sis...you didn't waste all your anni quartz right??
I've been importing items from Mandarake for years and I still wish I could visit their shops in Japan. Heard they are absolutely packed with stuff.
I thought this was some edit with Koyanchihuhua being rammed up the ass and her tail was a stomach bulge.
kek imouto finally realizing it's not a lie
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Don't worry bro, at least it's not your Oberon yet. That one you don't bounce back from.
Besides challenge quests, I have so many units to choose from, but I choose a looping berserker letting the rest to rot.
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I have an MLB kscope and an MLB Black grail. I have 2 more kscope and 2 prisma.
Which one is better. One more scope or 1 copy of prisma closer to MLB?
God I would give up the 1000 SQ I'm sat on right now for a sniff of that Koyanskaya side leg
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slow and steady...
Fucking grim
What'd you get? A luxurious NP4 Arc?
what a fatty
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you will never use prisma anyway
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Remember to perform this ritual as a catalyst when rolling for Merlina.
It was a great time, strongly recommend if you ever get a chance
People talk about Akihabara being all touristy these days but that place really did feel like it had a lot of real authentic second hand stuff. Finding soundtracks to 20 year old VN's and so on.
There was absolute fuckloads of type/moon stuff especially doujins too.
But then again I will never need to use 4 copies of kscope.
>FGO isn't fun anymore
What went wrong?
it hasn't been fun since looping got introduced
Arc is a fucking scam she's not even good for multi core and not even used anymore in JP why did I fall for the meme...
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FGO has never been fun at any point of its existence. The only upside is that nowadays there are enough ways to circumvent the awful gameplay and the gacha is decently better than it used to be.
What you could argue has declined is servant/art/story quality.
We've been telling you, only roll if you're a tsuki fag.
Heard the same from my friend who visited one of those shops. He bought bunch of artbooks there. I'll definitely visit one when I get the chance.
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Is this how you assert dominance over your Oberon?
Have you ever noticed?
Koyan Light is basically an ass Servant. Both her first and second ascensions highlight are clothes that highlight her ass and her final art is her flashing her ass to you, as if she's inviting you to slap it.
Koyan Dark meanwhile is all about tits. Her ascensions all have open cleavage, giving you generous view of her tits and her final art has her second ascension used, the ascension that shows her tits the best
Koyan Light is for men who likes ass while Koyan Dark is for people who appreciate tits
Which one are you, Chaldea Man
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I'm not rolling for the funny vamp because I haven't read her VN yet
and I'm reading Aoko's still
I rolled Oberon instead of the two koyan chikuwawas
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I'll roll for her when they give her a spiritron dress of her original outfit and not a MOMENT EARLIER
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Any hagmaxxers here?
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>constant slave labor forcing him to farm nodes where its a total waste to use him
the longer he goes without feeling like he has human rights the better.
I like big butts
>not reading TM in release order
>spent two years not caring much for Arcueid, not really wanting her
>today she arrived
>luck has been horseshit for a year
>do a fuck-it roll
>got her NP2
>now I can't do anything in FGO waiting for AP to recharge
>just sit in My Room going through all her voice lines
She's really cute bros, I see why she was Takeuchi's first waifu. Never thought I'd like her this much, I'd resigned myself to not getting her at all because I have had absolutely shit luck this entire fucking year, I stopped bothering to roll after I got fucked on 3 rateups in a row. But she arrived so fast. Is my luck turning around?
2 more days until i fail diva-5 and kill myself
i can't wait
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Take your time, unless you really want to join us in the Redgarden waiting room or just don't want to get spoiled.
Reading her vn was the best catalyst ever.
Hello NA. I have 10m fp. can I roll habetrot during this 9 days of anniv?
this but i summoned her just in case i like her because she never comes back
make sure you read the original first, its more or less completely different to the remake
Do you think Oberon would declare Coral as his Titania?
>Oberon at bond 14.5
How do I live once he’s 15? He’s my favorite and I do everything with him, even cleared every memorial quest/CQ possible with him. I guess I’ll just waste bond for the rest of my life.
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No. Blanca is.
>unless you really want to join us in the Redgarden waiting room
Why choose to play an incomplete remake when the full thing has existed for 24 years.
Why don't you wait until the Arc banner ends then roll for Xu Fu also?
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Any memes in fgo?
BakinGODS I kneel
>she never comes back
Wow, what the fuck? I'd assumed they'd run her at least once since her release but damn, 0 non-GSSR rateups outside of her debut. Rough.
Maybe they're saving her for a place on the redgarden crossover campaign hahaaa...
but then the bonus ce and servant levelling rate up would be lost. planning to make ce bombs
i use him as dps on every node in the game so i can't go back to a world where i have to think. 4 bond farm slots is enough.
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It's still unreal Xu Fu is here.
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Should I trust Rabbit's reviews?
What kind of men does Gudako like?
Asking for a friend
would be pretty funny if they run her on jp directly after our anni ends just to show how retarded i am
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>its more or less completely different to the remake
No? Arc's route is almost 1:1. Most of the real changes are in Ciel's but even that has a lot brought in from the original.
Firstly I have read the OG, secondly the remake is an improvement in many regards and not just the visuals.
Being incomplete is (hopefully) a temporary issue.
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Oldman love!
Yes, he is a smart guy
Welp just rolled habenyan while waiting for replies. time to roll for grail mats i guess.
It only took me 4m to get from np1 to np5+ so yes
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Does anyone have a link to the archive of the anni stream? Or a pic of the announcement of the FSN 20th anni campaign because it’s not mentioned in the ingame news?
you mean pekora?
You have to be the strongest character in your verse, see your pic related for example where she is about to be mated by Accelerator/Orsted
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it's chocolate but dogs shouldn't eat them
It's the second archive
Is that the blue one?
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Did you get Funny Vamp EX?
Why do they not even have a release month for FSN even doe the year is more than half over.
Where are her tits?
Am I brainlet here but there's no servant with special damage against Star?
>No? Arc's route is almost 1:1
You have a strange definition of almost 1:1. They removed entire main characters and added a bunch of others.
I will never forgive them for removing Mr Chaos for the gay lame "normal ass vampire" guy who's name I can't remember without looking up.
Plus the day-to-day of event's is noticeably different. There's naturally a decent amount of crossover but it's distinct enough that I can't just tell people "yeah read the remake, it's the same thing but better" because it simply ISN'T the same thing.
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The game is full of them because our localizer team is full of retards
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She accidentally became NP3.
Yeah! Got her in 40 rolls and I got to save a big stash for summer!!
Is 29 old enough for Gudako? I have greying hair and beard
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You guys weren’t lying about the lore animations, they do be holding me hostage with how long they are…
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Even this nigga is an anime girl now
No. He's a moron who downrated Skadi because he didn't manage to roll her, and rated Void high for farming because she was his waifu (before she got any rankups). He even had to be corrected recently by some random on Gamefaqs.
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Koyan Dark is a leg servant
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I wouldn't trust Pekora when it comes to FGO.
Maybe in pet care.
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I'm really loving mighty chains and the new changes to quick, makes things feel fresher when doing full bond yolo battles
>would be pretty funny if they run her on jp directly after our anni ends
I'm also expecting the same, but she will probably be part of the anniversary rate up line up they always do to go along with that year anni servant rate up
I spent 2 (dos) SQ on that fight
Fuck Gawain
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>I will never forgive them for removing Mr Chaos for the gay lame "normal ass vampire" guy who's name I can't remember without looking up.
And I never got this complaint when the whole reason he got removed was because he was too cool of an idea to waste on being a first act jobber so they replaced him with a vamp custom built to be a first act jobber.
>You have a strange definition of almost 1:1. They removed entire main characters and added a bunch of others.
By 1:1 I mean in the broad strokes, the big story beats rather than the details since obviously a lot changed there.
Ciel route has some much larger deviations as a point of comparison, with less focus on catfighting with Arc and more on Ciel herself.
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I was mostly just wanting Xu Fu but got NP2 Arc as well.
Probably a waste of 300SQ but I don't really care, Arc is cute and there's fuck all to roll for in the future.
Damage report
>20 tickets
>2 Xu Fu
We ballin'. See you in 6 days when I can spend ten more tickets!
I just wish they didn't change Ciel's hair so drastically for the remake
Bros, where do I find yesterday’s stream now that it’s over and I misused catching it live?
>thinking "how the fuck am i going to loop the ember stage i want to farm" because it hard counters both my arts loopers
>remember i can do koyanskaya caster cu
i think i've never used this combo outside of a lottery, i forget it exists.
>waste on being a first act jobber
That's bullshit. He set the scene in the OG VN. Motherfucker established himself as a genuine threat, the guy has genuine presence. The entire narration of shiki's impression when encountering him for the first time was peak chu2 cool and then some. It's the sort of thing that made me think, yeap this nasu guy's good with these sort of urban supernatural horror stuff.

The replacement is exactly what screams of 'first act jobber'.
What do you think of the anni CE in two years from now?
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Dark Koyanskaya is a feet servant
When do we get this year's anni servant?
>got Vitch (Dark), which is fine
>got Crane'd tho
>drop a 10er on funny vamp but don't care either way
well today isn't a total wash
>anime expo delisted it
>that was the only place it was allowed to stream on
Sorry bro...
Misplace my keys so I can't think
Bob and Aesc
she is for THIGHS
Where are the reuploads though? I just want to see the FSN 20th anniversary campaign announcement
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I'm thinking Sei and Feika.
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Bob and Tlaloc/Marie Alter
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>watching friend summon for Arc
>gets excited for every gold orb
>mfw trying to hold back and not tell him it has to be rainbow orbs to be Arc
I only have 30 paid SQ left and I don't want to buy more. Do I
>roll AoE Berserker now and AoE Lancer at New Year's
>just roll on pic related

There aren't many other current servants I want.
I also REALLY don't want Arjeetuna Alter.
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They forgot to add Lip again...
Melu sex
Ok but where are the stream reuploads? What about the one on cytube?
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They didn't want her perhaps
Can't wait for the Shirouwank in the remake.
That's the only FSN related info from the stream
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Of course not. Lip is super popular. They just... forgot...
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Why is Cu Alter STILL getting anniversary CEs? Can Shimadoriru please draw ANYONE else? Or can someone else take that hack's slot??
I'm definitely getting Baobhan Sith and Oberon. Even if Oberon's out here looking like a low budget 360 era JRPG character.
Worst batch of Anni CE's so far
Bro your EYE?
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I already had her but I did spend the past few hours grinding for exp to do this
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>That's bullshit. He set the scene in the OG VN. Motherfucker established himself as a genuine threat, the guy has genuine presence. The entire narration of shiki's impression when encountering him for the first time was peak chu2 cool and then some. It's the sort of thing that made me think, yeap this nasu guy's good with these sort of urban supernatural horror stuff.
Can't help but feel these are the nostalgia glasses talking, since Vlov does all the same things Nrvnqsr did. The only real difference is that Vlov has a more orthodox vampire design to serve as a baseline to compare the rest of the vampires to instead of having someone unique right out of the gate.
If you like Nrvnqsr more than Vlov that's more than understandable but it's not a writing flaw with the remake.
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NO SEI HATE SEX>>485044325
one day i guess
theres only 5 characters takeuchi can draw at once so he had to make ciel a mash clone, please understand
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>What do you think
Thinking about Tea
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>took 420 SQ to get a NP1 Arc
I can recreate this now!
Formal dress CEs are done by the original artists of the servant. Arco Wada has a LOT of characters to draw and there's only so many slots for her to do so.
For example, Koyanskaya hasn't gotten an event portrait despite being one of the most significant characters.
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Thoughts, sisters?
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Void Shiki
Added, Nobu on All.
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I'm so fucking excited for this, my Saber has looked like this for a year and I refuse to backline bond to get to bond 14 for the last grail so this coming means I can finally FINALLY complete her.
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Next year for sure...
>He fell for the double Koyan meme
you're getting mr thought keys
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What a tragedy. The original Japanese FGO was super-serious with no memes or references, but those evil localizers can't stop adding memes.
are there any bros?
Mozart has like 6 of them too.
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it would've been a travesty if we lost that
Anyone rolling Alessandro di Cagliostro?
Yes. The only argument used against him is a post he had made on gamefaqs where he underestimated Skadi years before he started writing reviews.
I'm already a Dantes enjoyer, so I'll roll for him too if I manage to save enough.
Rabbit is half retarded and half correct. His reviews are coinflips whether you get retard rabbit or normal human being rabbit.
Anyone rolling Leonardo DiCaprio?
He gave Skadi 3/10 in farming usefulness when she was released in JP. Note that at this point she was the 2nd servant in Fate/Grand Order to have a targeted 50% NP Charge.
Servants who suck dick?
I just figured out Archer/Caster ember node and Caster/Archer node are NOT the same thing.
Have the ember quests always been like this? with double the nodes but focusing on 1 of the 2 instead of evenly dropping both embers?
>only argument
He started getting mocked not because of skadi, but because he rated void higher than nito
the female ones
and some male ones
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>have all Foreigners
>have all Pretenders
>have all Mooncancers
I'm the god of the Extra classes.
Saber, Arc
All of them, since it only takes a command spell.
Remember when lucksucker threatened to shit up the thread during anniversary but all he did was falseflagging as Bobposter?
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I plan to, I like his thick thighs
Should I put Douman or Gogh into my extra 2 for the destiny summon?
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In fairness on release I don't think anyone foresaw the looping meta.
Remember this was a lawless time when Waver was peak meta.
oh my god he has all TWO PRETENDER SERVANTS
Your avengers and rulers?
Again, people are digging up stuff he posted years before he started making reviews and using them as proof that his reviews are bad.
Passionlip because it's one of the only ways she can safely show her love for her master.
Why do Aesc, Bob, Melusine and an insect get in but Barghest is out?
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Thought keys activated!
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Yep. The ONLY people who could loop at the time even with Skadi were Dantes and Lancelot, and only on 3/3/x nodes because Quick is useless.
This game was really slow back then. Remember how Merlin completely revolutionized the meta because he could make a servant do 500K damage to a single enemy, once?
Barg is the least popular tam lin.
Holy Kunlun mountains
Post supports, bros! Still got 10+ slots myself.
The Kunlun Mountains belong to Yuanshi Tianzun.
Invested in the fish-tailed golden crown and the crane robes, unite the heavens and the earth as one!
An immortal aura, godly and pure! Divine Xian of paradise, descend now before us!
In my hands lie the peerless treasured blades!
Encompassing geography and astronomy alike, the eight trigrams lie within me!
With them, I am on equal footing with a Divine Xian!
And as proof...
Before me, the King Father of the East, Dongwanggong. To my right, the Flame Emperor, Shennong.
Behind me, the Queen Mother of the West, Xiwangmu. To my left, the Mother Goddess, Nüwa.
May the great Jade Emperor bestow his blessing upon us under Torch Dragon Zhulong's radiant light!
...Protected memory space, forced connection!
With initiative from Yuanshi Tianzun, spirit from Lingbao Tianzun, and expertise from Daode Tianzun, I reach the heights of the Heaven of Jade Purity!
To the source of all things, Taiji, now hear my plea!
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Still got 2 slots…
Anyone else saving for titty elf?
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thought keys, deactivated
Junior finally understands the immensity of Heaven and Earth
Why did you change your ign bro?
Did someone remove you?
Bro's what the fuck
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Which is the best Servant in this lineup?
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Am I crazy to think that this shit is rigged? Like anyone with a high enough sq stash gets lucky, me with my measly 410 sq got nothing
I emptied my mailbox and second archieve. Only had enough embers to get someone to lvl 112.
Gameplay wise? Probably Melusine.
Character wise? Orion.
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Now we try this one...
If anything they would make it the opposite
The time has come
bro no you're gonna be conscripted to a black company
and the black company is NFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Copied /bag/ OC
>almost 4 am
>So hot I can't sleep and am still sweating
Servants for this feel?
No, that's just historical bias
feeling good today bros
is 12:51
i have no room tho
The most rich timezone statistically
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QuickCHADs ww@?
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>fate thread in /v/
>full of erp
why does it always happen
I can't fault the tertiaries, Shuten is particularly erotic.
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T-thanks for letting me know, bwo... Gonna go jack off with my bros.
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Uh oh no bro...I will go there and stop the sluts...
Buncha fuckin fanooks in 'ere
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>MFW some people have their Oberon above bond 10 by now
pumping now
So that's where ericebro went...
Is NP1 Arch good enough?
You know there are people don't play this game and just goon to servants right?
Where's Bazett?
With right supports yeah. Having a Black Grail doesnt hurt either.
>browsing /v/eddit in 2024
I have a Bazett but I don't have a Caren so went for Caren in the destiny
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I play the game and goon to the servants that I love
New player here quick question, what do I do with extra 3* CEs? Do I burn(sell) them, or do I use them as exp fodder? I don't see any nodes to farm up CE exp so I assume keep them as exp?
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>Want to spend on destiny order and GSSR
>been out of touch for a year that i dont know shit about comps aside from that 2 year old JETS double skadi that looks like shit at this meta.
Seriously though, i just need your help.
Use them as XP. Only burn them if you really need green cubes.
this game has multiple layers of lengthy grinds. CE EXP is one of them. What you do is make what are called CE bombs, which is where you make an MLB 1* CE and then feed everything to that 1* CE because it saves on QP in the long run.
yooo can np2 arc farm 90++
get koyan
Do you have an Oberon? If not then expend all effort possible to acquire an Oberon. After him Koyanskaya of Light (the Assassin Koyanskaya).
i got NP5 arc in 700sq with a 1400 sq start, you may be on to something
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Oh okay, my buddy told me about CE bombs! He said to use 2* CEs to be lazy though. Thanks so much for the help, here is a silly picture
the anniversary was kind of underwhelming...
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I've been playing for 7 years and still havent gotten saber. I'm gonna whale for this bitch because im tired of her avoiding me
Soulful Centaur-sensei
>my buddy
You can just say boyfriend
Only the Seizerker
So how good are the servants the upcoming summer banner?
Seiba sucks Shirou's dick onscreen
summer ibuki mindbroke metafags for several months
Oberon and Bob.

>Rolling Berserker if you don't want Arjuna Alter

Douman for instant death memes (Actually useful for some OC nodes) and evil support + crits, Gogh if you love Foreigners and death by outer space crits.
Summer Skadi is Skadi except better, plus she NTRs Quick with Buster.

Summer Ibuki is the meta-defining arts looper. She's bullshit good.

Merlin (forma de succubus) is a sidegrade of Merlin more useful for arts buffs.
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>Both at december
Guess i'll hold back with my current quartz(1.2k) for now just in case i fail getting them both on destiny order and GSSR.
Ibuki is going to be core for multicore farming so roll.
>Rolling Berserker if you don't want Arjuna Alter
I want to max out my Sashi and wouldn't mind getting Morgan. Then again, I don't have anyone from the AoE lancers.
Can I farm using level 90 NP1 Ibuki?
Summer Ibuki is the Castoria of damage dealers.
cute retards
Aww..., I really wanted succubus Merlin but I have too many support casters as is. If she's just a sidegrade then Ibuki comes first.
All three of them can still be seen in 90++ these days.
>How good
Depends on your core team and how you want to extend it.
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>Have the ember quests always been like this?
for like 1-2 years or whatever lol
Will Ericebro come back to /alter/ for summer Erice?
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Bet all these people who ask these dumb questions like if these summer servants are good use Mimic Tear in ER
Where did she go?
My Arjuna Alter was already NP3 and I decided to roll for Morgan when she's on rate-up with her CE next year, Musashi was my reason to dodge this one and it was the correct choice because I got the best possible result from my GSSR.

gooned to death on AI generated AGP fantasies
Became trans.
The ritual succeeded and now she's too busy getting gangbanged by old men to post here.
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121 slot open
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I've gotta thank lasengle for making an anniversary servant I don't actually care to roll for
more savings for summer
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Ibuki has the hottest battle sprite in the game because of how tall she is
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She honestly doesn't deserve the hate. I like her.
File deleted.
Ericebro left...? I haven't been here in a while, I miss having sex with him.
Don't post my daughter while talking about your gay ERP, thank you
Okay, fair enough. I'm sorry.
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>Have this idea of making three support lists, two for SSRs and one for SRs
>Some of my favorites are below SR
>Too autistic to mix them
Small girls are superior.
I always thought that ericefag was a latelet or a veteran I was shocked when it turned out he was a lvl 160 active player who always puts up event CEs.
No worries
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I did Aesc
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And just like that.
so, when is the Arcueid strengthening quest?
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>Currently holding 777 SQ
I think i'll save it for kukulkan for luck
Summer Ibuki works at NP1 right?
Hilarious vamp anyone?
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Aesc is smaller than Molay
this one is Tonelico, shes bigger
bro what is this terminology lmao. can you fags explain this to a veteran on hiatus
But I hate you
Yeah, but apparently she sometimes fails to get 50% charge on NP1 leaving her 1 or 2% short.
Aesc: Height/Weight: 170cm / 56kg
Molay: Height/Weight: 167cm, 55kg
Farming with more than one dps.
Usually one ST and one AOE.
She was still the 2nd servant in the game with a targeted 50% NP Charge so giving her 3/10 in farming usefulness is insane.
So...did you guys already think of the NY GSSR?
im hungry
How are there this many pictures for that pairing
Comical vamp anyone?
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(you) probably would never smooch teen mom...
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Mine can almost kill.
What if I would and want to?
Laughable vamp anyone?
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hi hungry, you can eat me anytime
That's kind of gay.
Nice bro, mine is only NP2 sadly. I'm thinking of grailing for love, but I'd feel bad about not grailing her beyond 100.
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>Height/Weight: 170cm / 56kg
That weight and height only refers to Beach Queen Morgan, if you compare it with the weight and height of Berserker Morgan, the numbers are the same.
Aesc sprite is smaller than the ones of Morgan and Bob, she's around the same size as Castoria.
there's a penis so that makes it not gay
When's summer?
I want to blast my orbs already
Later this month.
Is BOTJ still worth it? I already ran out of my 5M+ FP...
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That's the height and weight listed for all three versions. Her profile has separate entries for alignment, so Aesc is the same size as Morgan.
It also makes sense since Morgan and Viviane is the same person just in different stages in life.
is there an Arcueid version for the image where Morgan can't defeat the hand?
Little sad that Abby wasn't my first NP5 SSR but oh well
I have over 30 million FP thanks to FP bots. There's no need to FP farm on your main account.
If that were the case, then they would've added another set of height/weight measurement in the profile (even Voyager got one despite barely any difference between his first/second and third ascension)
Therefore unless any official materials in the future ever clarify this, we will assume that they share the same weight and height even though the sprites indicate otherwise
Her profile is incomplete, just like Castoria's before LB6.
I was thinking of putting up my level 120 Servant with BOTJ just to get some FP. Also thinking about getting the Arjuna CE.
Still baffles me how people are able to do this. I only get about 12k a day.
>Koyanskaya: Height/Weight: 168cm, 55kg
Ok, case solved, Aesc is NOT 170cm tall.
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The middle sprite is usually smaller than the front and back ones, but now they're the same height (just tested this with my servants). When did they fix that, I wonder.
Who do I pick for the first extra slot of the Destiny banner, Horta or Himiko?
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I'm gonna go full soulless gameplayfaggotry by aiming to roll for NP1 Merlina, NP1 Skadi and NP2 Ibuki this summer
Am I gonna make it vros?
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Do I get to keep the keep the limited time servants if I already have one of them, like Arthur prototype for example?
How do I get these bots to add me?
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Oberon and Tea!

Oberon’s dorky outfits are precious, we must protect his goofy adorable self.

Cute. Do you have more summer tea art?
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Depends on what you want, Himiko for comfy stall memes if you have Castoria and Merlin and Horta for Horta smash (Also 50% charge in a future strengthening).
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Castoria... forgotten
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Bad guide, you're not getting anywhere with a brand new account. I made a Pastebin with an actual guide on how people are getting millions of FP with bots but no one replied to it. Might as well post it again... https://pastebin.com/t8EQVZLq

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Call it.
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Stacygan won
Shartoria lost
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Gogho joke~~~
Her comeback will be amazing
I'm thinking Jannu.
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Level 120 titties.
Right after NA anni is over so they get to laugh at people who skipped out on her. Most likely during JP anni.
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>*delivers your food*
thanks for your help, surprised its not in the FAQ
Skip Merlon and you might just make it
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cuz the last time we made changes to the OP, someone threw a fit
auntie Wu, are you proud of me?
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who is this slut
Here's the green bush you wanted.
I can't believe Arcueid ended up being my first NP4 SSR (and with some luck it may end up being my first NP5 SSR too).
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Really nice. I will bookmark it.
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Still debate whenever to delete Shaoqi and Anonymoos or not
Delete both. What's there to debate?
Still surprised we still don't have berserker Liz. She was a berserker in CCC.
I debate whether to delete 6fpsnation or he will discover bluestacks somehow.
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too lewd
Thank you bros, I really appreciate that.
i don't like you bro
>only get np2 arc after 700 anni quartz
I debate whether to delete lucksucker or not
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It's been a while since there's been a notable change in my support, so sure, I guess.
Lizerker belong to the "Release if sale too low or Nasu is being a lazy pos again" tier
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are you a newcutie?
Liz is flop tier. Not Lip tier flop, but still pretty close to flop. That's why she's mainly welfares, it's the only way to get people to actually want to have Lizs.
After so many years of becoming a FGO staple people would absolutely come out for a SSR Liz
It's not like you can do worse than the absolute god-awful pickings JP has gotten since LB7.
700 quarts and 90 tickets to get her to NP5. I feel so lucky bros!
>people would absolutely come out for a SSR Liz
lol good joke
Congrats bro! Will you grail her? Took me twice as much but I’m glad we made it.
An effective 720 quartz(20 of which were tickets) to get NP1 here.
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>Not Lip tier flop
Lip is a pretty popular character as far as miscellaneous Fate girls go. Why would you pick Lip as your iconic flop instead of someone like Kukulkan or Vritra?
>Lip is a pretty popular character
another funny joke
Yes! I love Arc.
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Halloween event got low sale due to the SSR we got there are 1. Not Liz and 2. Suck ass. The one Halloween event where is they try to remove Liz end up being one of the most hated event
I can feel my mind revert
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She's not top 10, but she's definitely top 50. In a series with about 300 girls now, there's no way that's bad.
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Hey this isn't what I ordered!
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Wow... so beautiful...
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On the topic of pixiv numbers...
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Im so sorry miss, here we prepare a compensation for you
>decide to save for arc after having to pity oberon
>about 600 rolls in total
>have to go to pity again
>only get her once afterwards
I'm glad I don't care about this game as much as I used to, but it still stings like hell.
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With 18 meme tickets. Shame I don't play anymore.
>marble phantasm
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Pure Lizfag propaganda. Oniland's damage bonus system was conceived poorly, combined with the unfathomably asinine and blasé writing. What I'm trying to say is, Nasu made Oniland terrible on purpose so players would look back and say, "Ah, this event should've had more Liz screentime." And then we got exactly that in the next halloween event.
In other words, the entire thing was rigged.
I wish there was a node that dropped every single material. Grinding for specific stuff is hard.
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Ishtar sama secured.
If you don't have np5 Earth, you are not deserved to be in my friend list.
how do i get a gf with that body type?
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At least you can 120 her, and her appends are shit.
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That's not quite impressive when Liz has like six alts to draw..
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do i like where this is going?
I'll let you know when I find one as well.
her second append is necessary if you want to do double oberon shenanigans with her, but yeah other than that they're shit.
>you are not deserved
glad to know
That's cope, it's like saying Saber isn't popular because she has many versions.
It's not like she is useful as NP1 anyway.
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>Nasu wrote Oniland
It was Sakurai, therefore your argument is void
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>grailing NP2 to 120
you don't love her in that case, ArcCHADS would just whale.
Don't worry arc only has a lifespan of two lotteries before lasengle pushes tonelico multicore. She fades away into irrelevance after that.
It doesn't matter.
Nasu is Sakurai's boss. Your argument is the one that's void. He picked Sakurai to write it.
>her appends are shit.
anti-4ner is such a lame type advantage. most 4ners are chaotic, she already sends them to the shadow realm.
Kind of does.
Who says?
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Basically this rate up
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Sakurai is Nasu's alt penname that she uses when she wants to write really shit stories
You don't get to determine other people's emotions and feelings.
I don't really farm lotteries anymore, account is very old and I'm mainly here for the stories and events.
Arc is simply the girl that started it all for me, so I really wanted to have her at NP5. Sadly I've promised myself to never spend.
In any case ig I'm glad we have pity, could always be worse.
Okay Archimedes.
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I like Archetype Earth, not Arcuid, and I will never play Arc's game.
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Got 4 slots that 3 bond levels for Merlin is going to torture me.
So what's with the "Arc dows no damage" meme anyway? I've only got NP3, but she hits 200k neutral on the first two waves around 250k neutral on the final wave with no Oberon (Atlas MC, no swap). With Oberon she hits 450k outside of niche. In niche she hits crazy high numbers like 450k on wave 1/2 and 900k on wave 3.
>Literal who
I stand correct.
Well done, new Rinbro!
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Are you winning this anniversary, /alter/?
You only get pity once per rate up and if you get a copy before that you can't get pity. Yeah, it blows.
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My lovely wives
I'll tell you once summer comes!
Arc works better with mana loading doesn't she, for lottos?
Saber would still be monumentally popular even without her alternates, though.
>only got NP3
What is this cope, man? The fact you even need to get to NP3 already speaks for itself.
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By that logic its Nasu's fault that Shimosa and Olympus 2 are such a pile of hot shit right? Back to your circles mathman, you are not cut for debate
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I intend to do more than smooch.
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Was too tired to ask yesterday but, is there any reason to go for NP3 arc over NP2? I don't really intend to go all in on her or go for NP5, but since she gets no more regular rate ups I was wondering if there was any point in getting more than NP2
45$ huh. Did (You) pay?
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>got np1 arc+xu fu in 120 quartz
>got koyan dark off gssr & charlemagne off destiny order, both who I wanted quite a bit
>still got 820 SQ for summer skadi
heck yea im winning, just have to avoid being tempted by proto-merlin for a week
Future 90+ nodes start to have bosses with 350k+ HP or wave 2 mid bosses with like 200k, because Lasagna are greedy cunts who want to make you spend more for the same/less rewards
>Got Van Gogh and MHXX from the GSSR, which was my most wanted pair
>Finally have over 900 SQ again
Yeah, it's alright.

>Destiny Order
No, because I ran out of Servants to put and decided the risk was too high.
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>got Arc and NP5 Xukek in 90sq
>got summer Fran (new) and NP copy of Sigurd(my least desired case honestly)

Pretty okayish so far, chuds. I still have 900+ sq for summer stuff

[spoller]unironically should have skip GSSR and paypig 15 buckos moar for ackshual useful and better outcome but whatever :)[/spoller]
still contemplating
There's no reason to even go for NP1.
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Why do I have to wait until after NEXT SUMMER for Sugi titties?
no, I don't care that much about this game
see >>485041695
np3 if you want to level her to 120 right now during anniversary, np2 you got to wait until shes bond 12
Are you testing her with black grail? When people meme about no damage it talks about her 6 CE capabilities it doesn't matter if she can hit 200k neutral in the first two waves if she has black grail.
No. Even if I hadn't sworn off spending on this kusoge forever ago, there aren't enough servants I want to fill out the 9 destiny slots without having 5-6 duds.
That's a man.
Just go to sleep and wake up 12 months later bro
NP3 is easier to 120 than NP2. Np3 only needs bond 6. Np2 needs bond 12.
Is there any point to summer skadi if none of your favorites are quick?
>Is there any point to summer skadi
why are there people seiyuufagging for yuu? she's old as fuck. even takahashi rie with her terrible personality is somehow still idol-able.
Is summer Skadi your favorite then
>roll NP3
>wow her damage isn't bad like people say!
Smartest /alter/ poster
Sent, saber alter in all
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Is there any point to anything if none of them interests you?
nothing in life interests me.
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Not anymore and that's the best part. Functioning womb, embraced femininity, nice tits, cool as fuck
He's great
More access to CQ gimmicks
No, I'm poor and live in a eastern European shithole.
The optimal arc comp is sdouble oberon+koyan and that needs append
If you wish to have append+120 before bond 14 you need np4
Slapping her on your support page.
If you have Super Orion and you want to see him do 2 million+ damage crits.
share the scene file please
Steampunk Oberon is looking dapper.
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Destiny order is such a waste of fucking money it's insane unless you're a newfag.
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I got Morgan to NP4.
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My GSSR was absolute dogshit. Lost the 66.66% chance of getting something I wanted on the Lancer group and my Destiny GSSR gave me the only class I didn't want. It is what it is. Nothing else to share because I'm still hard saving to get the final NP levels of Melu and then NP6 Summer Melu (currently at 1600 SQ), I'm even skipping S. Skadi for her, my Skadi and Dantès are both Bond 15 so I honestly don't think I have any use for S. Skadi, and I have no other quick looper besides Dantès so...
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Someone else paid for me because I am a manipulative parasite.
Being a newfag or not is irrelevant. Destiny is for soul, while the other GSSRs are for gameplayfaggotry.
I lost an 86% chance to get something I wanted. 1/7 chance to lose.
your mom loves you
So you have your own paypiggy or something?
I don't really intend to append her, not even sure I'll ever use her outside her niche. The 120 argument is good but then again 120 is such a slog that I'd rather save it for someone else, bond requirements or not.
now that the anniversary is over, what do we do?
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A lot.
/alter/ unironically bought me my first GSSR, they're such nice people...
I mean, same, I lost a 86% chance then immediately lost another 66% chance. Absolutely awful rotten luck. I can only hope that's not a tell to what my luck with Mélusine will be.
We debate for a few weeks whether or not arc is a scam then we go back to spamming AI pics.
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I keep telling you guys, we're all bros here. We only mean each other well.
bro time
didn't ask lipkek
that doesn't sound fun...
Albert "Notorious KKK" Kao doesn't want my banana republic money, can't be assed to change it myself.
we can fund your euthanasia
I heard BA's bluefes is near
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Congrats! You weren't trying to leave the cult now, were you?
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Do people still collect some of the anni CE's, should I just my support slot with them for a bit?
I don't play other gacha
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>NP4 arc
>Finally got Lakshmi Bai, a servant i wanted since LB4
>Finally got Lian Qyun
>Lots of 4* are suddenly at NP5( Rama, Marie Antoinette, Chyome... )
I'm quite surprised since i hate saving quartz and just impulse roll whenever a cool servants appears. It was great! I only had 542 quartz so i was half-expecting to get only get 1 copy of Arc at best, but here we are.
Gratz bro
I'm going back to ZZZ.
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120 and I have her love. Feels good, bros.
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I would
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Congrats anon! Good job! Enjoy your stay!
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And she has so much HP......
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Time to save.
>gonna go full soulless gameplayfaggotry
I curse thee to hit pity, greedy one
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Which Servant has the biggest tits this year?
I will roll for her
Based orc/goblin anon, follow your dreams
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MY jpg.....
Perform esoteric ERP, receive money. Simple relationship.
Good moming
How do you even find people like that? Legit question. I've just been in such a dry streak recently.
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Jack will get a swimsuit this year for sure! If I say it again this time it has to happen this time for sure, after 9 years.
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Fluffy summer soon.
Ibuki and Britomart are uncontested
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I would agree in a game with better rates, but this is FGO. Sometimes NP1 is enough
Not rolling for that trash, dude
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>thinking about team comps for Arc
>Arc can give a "living" ally 50% charge, which is great for a 90++ node
>suddenly realize Erice counts
>Summer Erice in particular hits really hard because she's like POO and can make anyone have her damage niche
Holy shit I am a genius. Time to get that JC slut.
child servant sexo
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I'm a human......
>Gorgon is there aswell
Vore roll
Good morning bro
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You pretend to be a girl on the internet until someone falls in love with you.
papa tutu tutu tu wawa
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You call that HP?
I don’t know what you mean by this
>almost 5 hours to automata 130 runs
i'm so glad i don't have to play the game myself
Grats Graybro
Piggy is so cute
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I did 14 multis and have nothing to show for it. All I got of note were the anni ces (crap), another astolfo copy (crap), and my first liz copy (crap). I don't think I've ever had a worse set of rolls in my entire fgo career
This sucks so hard because I can't even convince myself to roll over budget since arc is useless at NP1. If I fail summer skadi the way I failed arc I might get gacha depression
last refresh 4 days ago...
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The fat went in a different direction for Jinako and it made her WEAKER and SILLIER
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Hmm... Smart. I still haven't tried pretending to be a girl, don't find it easy to be a girl in general because I like topping people, usually goes go by femboy or futa for this kind of stuff, probably explains why it's been so dry for me lately.
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The GSSR went extremely well for me and although expensive SQ-wise, I did manage to get NP6 Arcueid, so I would say yes.
Oberon and Dantes.
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As far as I can tell it's about a 4:2:1 ratio of embers between main class : secondary class : berserkers.
The class that has its icon on top on the quest button is considered the main class.
1 year, no?
If you just want ERP you should use a site meant for it like F-List.
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You are correct.
I meant more than just erp, I suppose it'd be fun to have a paypiggy, I remember having a erp friend that had one, it seemed so fun...
Would anons rather their clapfag friends put MLB Kaleido or MLB Black Grail on their Arcs?
I'll be picking Bob for sure.
Second pick is split between Nagiko-san, Tiamat, and Tonelico.
Should I wait until my Tsukihime copy arrives before rolling more for Arcueid?
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Two spots open, 306,620,875.
Hmmmmmm... BL on Castoria.
F-List is such a chore to find a partner that wants to RP and not plan a scene til they get off and then never do it.
holy shit is that Eric Bloodaxe, the Bloodaxe king wielding the bloody axe?
Yeah, and he APPROVES of the GREAT BOUDICA becoming my wife.
Sent, Van Gogh in all
Bond CE
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Look at those saggers. Holy shit that's hot.
Sent, Astraea in All
i dont blame romans
Np1 is not enough for /alter/ because people here are autistic and insist on min maxing every damn thing for the sake of it rather than because they actually need those mats or what not. If you're not autistic and fine with 5CE, NP1 works.
Surprisingly a good drawing by takao. Never thought I'd see the day.
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Good work bro.
This is why I plan my scenes way in advance and make my approach with them. And then make it very clear I want to start as soon as possible.
But I play canons for canons so scenes in advance are quite easy to conjure.
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It's meant to be, then.
Happy for you
NP1 is not enough because your damage is not enough, retard. If you're just collecting NP1 is fine.
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I know, right? I prefer tits perkier but she's pretty and unironically cool so I'm down with it. They're not too saggy.
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Quick will rise again.
After 6 years I finally have shuten
She may be np1 but im still grailing reggardles
Women don't like when you say DUDE NICE SAGGERS LMAO
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>Quick will rise again.
And men don't like flatties
Get back in anon's bed, Boudica.
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>canons for canons
I suppose that probably does make it easier yeah. But damn there is a lot of autism when it's all OCs.

Ishtar, stop that
Why is she talking sideways? I can't understand that.
You don't have to do 90++
The old 90+ still exist
>your damage is not enough
That is a (You) issue. Because as said, due to your autism. You don't have to min max, you just chose to. If you've been playing long enough, you don't have to min max lottos anymore. This is just your autism compelling you.
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I'm not your bro
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I have the Okita-san and Maou Nobu anniversary CE on them (Okita-san's swimsuit holds hers) if anyone needs it for their collection.
Congrats on the good rolls, but where is Xu Xu's big investment??
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who are you farming embers for, 120bros?
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Is it possible to do future 90++ nodes with a bazilion HP without Oberon?
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I have my 120s. I need no others.
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Wasn't this supposed to give SQ?
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I mean, if you don't care to min max, there's basically nothing to discuss about FGO
>story chapter comes out at a very slow pace
>CQs are a very small part of the gameplay
There's just farming comps left.
Absolutely fucking not, unfortunately. He's the reason 90++ exists, similar to how Merlin created break bars.
you get it when you ascend, not in the missions
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The SQ is in your delivery box for all already-ascended servants, and just spews out on ascension for future servants. The quests are for the lores only.
no one. I won't 120 anyone besides my husband
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>>There's just farming comps left.

Isn't it sad, Sacchin-chan?
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oberon makes it easier but usually you can do just fine with whatever servant gets a 50/100% damage boost and is class effective for the 90++ node. Summer skadi's pretty good since you can do 250k+ buster crits
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Ahh I see, thanks
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There are 6CE options without Oberon (or at least without your own Oberon) for every 90++ lottery node but they're few. Most need him.
It can't be helped, sometimes you are on top and sometimes you are getting fucked.
Kaleidoscope created breakbars quite frankly. Kintoki and to a lesser degree Scathach too as servants go.
Instead of moving or letting you duck she wants you up against her tits. Nice. Wish she was like this more often.
Get out of the way Mash, Boudica said she’s ovulating.
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El Drago, most likely my last 120 because fuck coins, fuck whalebait and most importantly fuck Albert.
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Well fuck me then. How bad are the 90+ nodes? Are most of them at least 3/3/3?
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Let's not be disingenuous here, people who are talking about whether a particular NP level is enough are almost certainly either talking about waifu or future meta and in almost all of those cases NP1 is unironically not enough for the purpose of answering said question.

Debating whether to farm for Merlin but he's many bond levels away from 12.

A few of them are possible but you would need highly-invested Servants and/or event/damage CEs.

This fucking node is so cancerous that I'm sticking to 90+ in JP for once, even my whale friends were bitching about it.
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>"since arc is useless at NP1"
>*proceed to roll her anyway*

based gameplaycuck retard
90+ nodes are what we have now.
Those already exist even in early FGO. Your Kintoki isn't one shotting some of the earlier shit pre-merlin. Merlin was enabled it.
that sucks bro, my main goal if I dont want to somehow dump too much SQ and only want np1 is ask myself when I hit 90 SQ if I'd buy 1 big pack to get np1, if I dont want to spend $90 i'd stop rolling and try my luck on gssr's
its mixed nodes so you wont get 3/3/3 but its pretty fuckin easy to farm with whatever OP buster/arts/quick servant you got
fuck no, I lost,pity for np 1 Arc, Molay in the gssr when i wanted oberon, didnt even bother with the destiny thing. At least I got Mysterious Heroine XX, that was nice
Full save for Aesc now.
i cleared arc trial quest with morgan
You can fairly easily run two damage dealers for non 3/3/ nodes. Depending on servant, you can even just brute force. Summer valk with cum hats and oberon can brute force loop the fae fest 90+ for rounds 1 and 2.
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Only if she is actually aurora, if its Titania merged with Ninurta meged with the spirit of the past christmas that happens to look exactly like Aurora, then its a hard pass
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Can I cope with Quick + Oberon? I have OG Skadoo and I plan to get Summer Skadoo, so I will just borrow Oberon. I have NP3 Caren and NP4 Jets
Scathach and Kintoki were easily oneshotting everything with an HP bar in early FGO with either Kaleido or Black Grail if they really needed the damage (you didn't for most for a while) and solved basically every problem
t. NP2 Kintoki and NP5 Scathach
Which loopers are worth targeting this year? Just got Kiara and she's the last servant I care about outside gameplay.
Am I future proofed?
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FUCK just one more bond level
cute latelet
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5CE on 90++ is better than 6CE on 90+. NP3 Caren + x2 swimsuit Skadi + Oberon won't struggle to 5CE stuff.
90+ nodes aren't too problematic and frankly most 90++ nodes aren't either if you 5CE which is still efficient
I started playing when saber alter santa got her rerun and before babylonia released. I just quit for 2 years around the CCC rerun
For 6CE, depends on your damage dealers. For 5CE, yes. Cute Nurse.

Swimsuit Ibuki.
>so I will just borrow Oberon.
>NP3 Caren + x2 swimsuit Skadi + Oberon
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They have odd formations too, for example the latest node in JP is 2/2/1 Casters. Also what >>485057553 said.

NP3 Caren is good, the issue is that you might want double Summer Skadi + Skadi/Oberon for your comps.
>Let's not be disingenuous here, people who are talking about whether a particular NP level is enough are almost certainly either talking about waifu or future meta and in almost all of those cases NP1 is unironically not enough for the purpose of answering said question.
In which case the answer is roll NP5. This is a gacha game, they want you to roll more copies. In which case, the question is pointless to start with. You either suck it up and roll NP5 or you just don't try to participate in the meta. The only things disingenuous are people who want to have their cake and eat it by thinking they get to halfass shit and still reap the full benefits.
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Mom lap
Nta but you can actually usually just run skadi and swimsuit skadi as a sub for double summer skadi
Swimsuit Skadi + Caster Skadi is fine.
My wife, mom and auntie.
>no Nero Bride
you gon' die
>Let's not be disingenuous here, people who are talking about whether a particular NP level is enough are almost certainly either talking about waifu or future meta and in almost all of those cases NP1 is unironically not enough for the purpose of answering said question.
NP1 is enough for waifu/husbando, grail them and gold fou them to show your love
Darn, not a fan of Ibuki's art style but I guess looping is looping.
-Crane (from this GSSR)

Im still missing castoria.
(Also missing Saber Nero but by this point I dont think that matters)
tis over, my friend
>talking about waifu
>NP1 is unironically not enough
shut the fuck up, albert
I can post some 6CE set-ups for Morganfest or Illyafest if you'd like to see some options.
It's so over
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Who said to roll for NP5 though? Depending on your favorite Servants and go-to comps and goals NP1, NP2 or NP3 is fine and it's something you can work on over time if you genuinely love that Servant or find them useful enough.

Yeah, this is completely up to the player. I'm just saying that people asking if NP1 is enough tend to be people who are asking about value.
I'd rather you post your suicide livestream
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GSSR? yeah
Destiny Order? Nah, caved in and bought mahoyo instead. The Aoko sex better be good
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it irked the fuck out of me too since my koyan+oberon's bond 15 and berserker castoria is pretty fuckin useless for wave 3, but I lucked into getting Azumi in the gacha and them+skadi buster crits made that 90++ a super comfy 3-4 turn to farm
starting from 7th anniversary onward
super comfy buster farmer, you wont get much value in 90+ and shes rarely useful in 90++ when you've 120'd her but you can pretty much do any other event content with arceuid+double koyan just fine
>summer ibuki
really fuckin solid AoE arts looper, powercreeps summer musashi for farming since she dos more damage and has a 50% NP gauge, only weakness she has is zero defensive shit so she's gonna quickly become a brick on CQs or hard advanced quests like BBs
>summer skadi
mostly for supporting other quick servants but you can use her as your own quick looper and be able to use triple skadi+oberon too, shits out insane buster crits which is great for 90++ quests with moon cancer enemies like BB in gudaguda and jinako in pope valentine event
other 5*'s after are either nice but dont really having anything to completely overhaul farming like sen no rikyuu or are actively worse than previous 5*'s like mecha elf girl
Big saggy (but not too saggy) tits that dance in your palms are the best
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Can't grail a NP1 to 120.

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