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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)
Previous Thread:>>485033804
god i love femezen
God I love Hrothgals.
What's a +?
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Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood beautiful morning my lovelies, I hate lalafell so fucking much
Have some ice cream Anon!
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femhroth to punch my femra until she throws up?
>wukong leMUTT dies in duty support
not feeling too "inspired" by xim, bros...
After finishing the MSQ, I understand why Alpacas spit in Wuks face. Would that we could do the same.
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Fiddie ready for Dawntrail (Cutscene skipper edition)
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Whoever came up with this msq needs to be fired.
I never wanna see these two again.
Rental Boyfriend to take my femlala on a date for one hour?
femraen getting culturally enriched by mamool ja bibisea
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logging in
Only if you let her claw your sides up too
I clicked off the buff she gave, in character and out of character I was not inspired.
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erenvile was ok wut lmao just got annoying after a while
HIV positive
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my catboy looks and acts like this
It was exactly the kind of adventure I wanted
I had a big silly grin on my face almost the whole time!
I groaned at certain points in the second half and felt a little disappointed that we ended up SAVING THE WORLD AGAIN.
But on the whole I still enjoyed myself and had a great time. I think it might be my very favorite expansion.
I loved the zones. I loved the dungeons. I loved the boss fights. I love the new gear and the graphics update. I love fishing for birds! I love final fantasy fourteen!!!
>Who is this ultradork
I am a femezen that has completed the Main Story Quest of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
>is she single
presently yes
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What did SE mean by this?
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Thanks gat
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Good morning early risers.
Give viper some potency buffs and a defensive and itll be golden
Maybe make the defensive a small shield that gives a stack of coil if it pops or something
Femra should be free-use for malera.

t. Femra
will you merry my femezen?
allin tuta?
Many ways Wuk ruined the final boss
>Comes out of nowhere (Never explained)
>Sphene gets restored (Never explained)
>Wuk does millions of DPS for no reason
>Wuk hovers in the air in front of the boss (You WILL look at how cool Wuk is!"
>Wuk does a Limit break that does a chunk of the bosses HP for some reason
>Cringe as fuck "Inspiring" buff
>EN VO audibly straining his voice when he yells
Just awful, fanfic tier dogwater.
DT deserves its Mixed reviews.
All the Elezen talk reminds me that I was talking to a really cute short eared tan Femezen and I forgot her name. I forgot I didn't have stuff logged with no plugin...

NTA but as someone who can't get into findom, yet is someone who likes almost everything else:
I do not care about this. Gil is worthless.
I like doing things I like, with people I'm interested in. I can't get into some pathetic groveling sub wanting their retainer emptied. So if someone came to me wanting that, I'd just not be interested.

Since they're not into that, they're dissuaded from that appearance which attracts those people. Like I know face 2 Fiera can get a lot of those
tells, and that was a pretty big influence for going 1 instead
oh boy new 7 dollar cash shop emote
I am
an F+ miera
>>EN VO audibly straining his voice when he yells
This never happened
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also logging in
>Lore of the job is about fighting dangerous monsters
>No built in defensives or sustain outside of role actions
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that's fine I play healer so I can just heal it all just so you can keep doing it over and over until you're satisfied!
i envy people that can enjoy the DT story
>>EN VO audibly straining his voice when he yells
No Sena is just yelling in lowercase
consider yourself pregnant
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If you love femzen so much where is your femzen wife?
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jesus fucking christ you're hot.
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>ugh the story is a masterpiece you stupid chuds just didn't pick up on the deep themes that are executed horribly and contradict themselves constantly!
It sucks how much this moment can ruin so much good things about the expac
If they cut that shit out, it probably brings it from an 8/10 to 9/10 just from those few small changes.
That's how farmers think
viper just needs damage
Oh that's a nice chest piece for casters
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>buy need for speed unbound since it's cheap and i want a dumb racing game to play
>one of the characters sounds very familiar
>it's fucking wuk's va
>haha ur elf looks ugly
fuck off asshole
she was born that way, it wasn't her choice
Listen to it again. When he yells "Spheeeeeen!" you can hear his voice being strained to keep his fake woman voice.
>it probably brings it from an 8/10 to 9/10 just from those few small changes.
Nah, man. Its a 6 or 7 out of 10 even without that scene. Its boring. Overstays its welcome and drags on for way too fucking long.
isnt that just recolored Paglthan gear
>paghltan reskin
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DT spoiler
These are the worst parents ever. Imagine leaving your home world due to a climate disaster (Ice Age) and illegally immigrating yourself into a new world with technology you shouldn't have, introduce and refine electrope, causing massive wars while you pump out countless babies, leading to another world ending disaster scenario.

Near the very end you and your spouse decide it's best to stand near the Golden Gate into a New World and wait for someone to open it so you can give them your infant child with a key to re-open the gate. MAY I REMIND YOU THAT WORLD IS GOING TO SHIT, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WANT THAT GATE TO RE-OPEN?

>muh we wanna see the child we didn't raise some day

They spent their days in the matrix looking at pretty lights, eating the BEST popcorn there is and having and endless amount of ice cream while toiling their days away watching fights in the arena while their baby girl grew up in a world she didn't belong in, wondering who she was and who her parents were.

When they finally meet it's the most awkward meeting ever, they don't even seem to care because honestly, Krile was a Plan-B survivor, an accident and they made it clear that they never wanted her but upon discovering her they acted like they had always loved her when in reality they were using her as a tool to infest a new reflection with the lalafell menace, they weren't counting on being locked into the Matrix.

I was so happy when we pulled the plug on these bastards. Lalafell are truly a menace who only bring disaster.
it is a reissue
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Are you still alive?
All the expacs drag on too long. The filler moments are better than prior expac filler moments by a lot.
I did all me leves and now I'm 300k gil short of what I need
Whats the fastest way to make gil?
Now that's the good shit right there
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i'm still looking for one,maybe one day
Oh yeah it literally is, I didn't realize
unfortunately, yes
JP voices is mandatory for a better experience?
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So which character did Kate want to turn into a tranny to make a surprise story reveal in later MSQ developments?
Did they ever fucking explain WHY they had to leave her and didnt stay? They just fucking walk out, hand over the baby then leave.
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why the fuck do you people hate Kate so much
I honestly wish I wasnt after this expansion.
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These numbers will eventually win me the Cactpot
I can't promise anything...
I don't understand how anyone could hate it, honestly.. maybe the second half, but the first? It was just so much fun.
Wow way to miss the entire point of why Krile’s parents gave her up
Alexandrians wanted to experiment on Krile because she has the Echo
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anything for hrothgirls
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The truth is normal people love lalas and only criminally deranged psychopaths begin foaming at the mouth and begin screeching "pedophile" over and over again.

Normal people are capable of suspending disbelief and can imagine a fantasy race like lalas could both be adults and short and fat toddler shaped. Psychos described earlier are incapable of doing this. They see lalas and think "CHILDREN" and "PEOPLE WANT TO FUCK LITERAL CHILDREN" which then fuels their "PEDOPHILE" screeching.

Basically, you're not based if you call lalas pedos. You're actually psychotic and cringe.
Moonies are also free use for malera
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>playing xiv to cum
Ok in my book, not different than playing a Brazzers sub
>playing to date
>playing for the gameplay
ugly faggot
>>Comes out of nowhere (Never explained)
Not to excuse that mess of a finale the impression i got was that as it spent all it's power trying to kill us it's grip on them loosened. Yeah sure it did not say "oh no my energy is failing they are going to break out" it is heavily implied.

Why only Wuk though? The writers had no time for anything other than their cringe self insert i guess.
has anyone checked updated nahbeen yet
Because she doesn't even try to hide how much she hates this game's writers and wants to be lead writer herself
I personally had no issues with voices after ARR.
Wuks EN VO is just complete dogshit at their job. Isnt just a character issue, either, I've heard their other work. It sucks there too.
Its obvious he only gets any work because DEI
do you guys set any delays in your artisan crafts
Are you still alive? Activating femlala reserver power.
Are you still alive? Disengaging femlala's safety.
Target anon delineated. Commencing erasure.
who's kate?
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free use as target practice. kill all moonies (also sunnies)
You keep giving Yoshi praise. he shits on your mouth and you still praise him, its that simple.
did wuk's va start doing meth?
sounds like your own made up conspiracy
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>comes out of nowhere
She was being put in containment while we were dealt with
>Sphene gets restored
Phase 2 of a boss you don't gotta explain that
>millions of damage
This character is so retarded she's 0 aether and a million dynamis
>chunk of damage
read above
>cringe ass inspiring buff
we got so many of those already tho, the solo duty and the one where people pray for us at endwalker's end
>en vo
Yeah agree that sucks dick but thats becuase she is not allowed to she can fucking scream when she's doing a man voice tho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITU77c2qYY8
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>buy a bunch of materials to quick synthesize while afk
>come back and find out you can fail quick synthesis
Agreed. We can share the khagan's seed amongst ourselves...
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I will beat Dawntrail today
Dont tell me thats actually him on the left?
What a fucking downgrade.
He’s making up scenarios in his head to be mad at again!!
The they/she who took over Koji's job when he got shifted to FF16 development.
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Need a Roman Hrothgal EB fr fr
Shounenslop hate
this part really fucking pissed me off. i wasn't expecting anything near the hype of endwalker's final boss, but COME ON MAN, why is a mary sue suddenly more powerful than 8 versions of us?
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EN translator that admitted in an interview that she wanted to push for a rewrite of some of MSQ characters and make them trans because it would help develop the story better, but main Jap writers didn't agree with her.
Good morni-
>no penumbra or anemenemsis updates
Good night
Simple minded monkeys need a target for their rage, the idea of a multifaceted problem just confuses and enrages them further.
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this is fucking bleak if that's xhim on the left
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ok now lets see the prooves
max or min height fiddie
both are max bust of course
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I'm trying to get the pvp series mount by spamming casual matches, but people are cocks even in that mode. I got taunted, marked for ignore, jumped on, emoted on, spammed nice job at as soon as I ate shit. why not play rank if this mode is that important to you?
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thats for the patch quests
>no grim nihilist or realist options
kids game
>it's absurd the difference it makes for social interactions
Can you elaborate a little bit more?
99% of the problems of this expansion is Wuk. You can blame the tranny va and thus kate, or the writing or thus the jp guy
min please god min
wow what a handsome young man on the left. I know he got older but holy moly
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( actual spoilers for final boss / end so dont click on it if you havent done it)
That instance can be boiled down to one very big thing:
>Wuk should never have been at the final fight at all, ever. The whole thing blew ass the minute she comes in
No I think the best substitute would be a mod that...is a complete MSQ overhaul mod that replaces Wuk with Otis... a voice actor change wouldnt help, there's just too much Wuk everywhere, doesnt matter the language
At least eat a fucking sandwich holy shit.
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Sooner or later you will kill yourself troons, so I don't have to tell you to do it right now
So where the fuck is Graha then?
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you're only remembering and amplifying the negatives. focus on the positives! think about how many matches you had where nobody said anything or did anything and it was like you were playing with npcs!
Ishikawa would have had us think about Zenos and Haurchefant
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god i love fiddies so much
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Are you still alive? Activating Crystal CC Call...
Target time and area delineated.
Queue for Casual CC @ 3:30 on Crystal.
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I found the lightbringer
what dc
Cute femra
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jp chads win again
Max height max bust fiera
Max height min bust femezen
Min height max bust middie
Min height min bust femra
stay put, a femra will be assigned to milk you soon
Where do you get the Faces We Wear - Classic Spectacles? theyre 14m on my server.
now post the link to the article so I can read the context of this image
>What a handsome young man, I hope he doesn't transition and voice one of the worst received characters in Final Fantasy XIV's history!
No, anons are blowing shit out of proportion. It's in line with all the other voice work for the game
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You're that fucker who taunted me aren't you? Kys.
Your catboy is dumb. I hate you.
why do i get the feeling gulool ja's mother is going to be an arcadion boss
are the weapons of the first DT dungeon new/unique?
>Hes using the Fae example from Shadowbringers
Lmao you faggots are still mad that the fae aren’t definitively he/she is so fucking funny.
>not using textools
You are weak.
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Wish fiddies were real, lots of south central kissing.
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She's openly admitted to trying to force her bullshit into the game for years. Dawntrail is the end result of that.
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holy fuck the viper quests are way better than the msq
EN Feo Ul > JP Feo Ul
If I cannot have fun then I will be the most brutal Queen of Casual CC in all of history
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good morning
Wuk'y feet
Nobody uses your outdated modding tool anymore, grandpa.
it's a shithole right now with everyone in there for exp or tomes or pvp series all at once. you're not suffering alone but don't let retards bother you. I actually recognize your character when I was over on dynamis for a bit and I don't remember anything negative about you.
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Lmao no way I mean could you imagine.......................
Teamwork to please them, perhaps? Whatever it takes to see them tended to
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this is my malezen
As someone who gave it a chance with the English VA, this expansion was what made me switch to Japanese VA all because of one character.

Spoilers but this is the perfect example of how bad the English VA is https://streamable.com/l1a21m
Because rank is dead till 7.1, anon
Cutscene before trial 3 thoughts: Holy shit there is NO original thought behind this, is there? The villain teleporting our allies away? I was fully expecting for Meteion to show up and help us out now
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lmao you faggots are still mad you weren't born women and will kill yourselves in your 30s it's so fucking funny
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i would've made a kingdom with sphene
>”SE we want new characters to go on journeys with that aren’t the Scions”
>gives us an expansion with Erenville, Wuk Lamat who are new characters
They were so happy
dynamis ruined ff14 unironically. the same way arnament haki ruined one piece.
I think so? This is the ast one
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>huge nerd glasses still stuck attached to the helmet from great gubal library
well memed my fellow redditor, have an upvote. malezen hated am i right? veron-sama kyaaaaaaaa~~~~
the WoL
>I was fully expecting for Meteion to show up and help us out now
lore wise this would make absolutely no sense, but this would unironically be 1000x more hype than the shit we had
>”SE we want new characters to go on journeys with that aren’t the Scions”
And speaking of making up things.
shes going to come back one day
If it's feminine enough it's getting dicked.
Kyaaaaa, Veron-samaaaaaa
dead dc, no wonder they're so overeager. people in this game are faggots don't worry about them
I am using textools, not everything works with it. Plus I want my hundreds of outfits back
Who knew malezen neck seem was actually because of their horrible posture
"Pierre (French):
It’s not one of mine and we only used it a couple of times in the game, but there’s one swear that comes to mind: “Bons Dieux de bon sang de bordel de bombo en bois !” I like this one! It's hard to explain the details for non-French speakers, but it is simply a swearword in the world of FFXIV, and contains "the Twelve" and well-known monster name, "bomb". It’s definitely one of my favorite dialogs for French.

Now for challenging, I would say the pixies’ speech pattern. One lore point is that those creatures are agender. We used a male/neutral agreement for the Sylphs back in 2.0, but for the pixies we wanted to try something different. Since this gender-neutrality is never mentioned in the main story, we didn’t want to use special words that would warrant a reaction of surprise from the human characters. And so we thought “What if they never use gender-specific words to refer to themselves? That way, they have this speech characteristic without influencing the flow of the story.” We ended up going with this, but soon realized it could sometimes be very hard, even when using a lot of grammatical tricks and epicene words."

So basically, Kate decided nothing but advocates for gender neutral pixies and you are still mad about that?
I’m not trans and I turn 30 soon. Being full of hate is ugly anon
how fast can I earn 8k mgp?
Emphasis on "with", not overwhelming "effectively replace all the old cast AND the player character with their overwhelming focus/presence"
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>erenville's mom is bangable and she even jokes about it
10 seconds if you get a good daily ticket
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it's our neck extension surgery scar you wench
femezen will ask this and then willingly play on the chaos datacenter
We need a villain from a previous expansion to help us out and she's the only one alive to do so then again we got some death defying villain who is dead in the most dynamis dense place
How good is her head game that it got Yoshi to let TranslatorGOD Koji step down
>erenville will never walk in on you fucking his mother before she tells him to stop looking so angry and to "stop being a fussy little bunbun"
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Good morning Anons
do fashion report you get like 60k for scoring 80 points and its easy
My miqote is cuter than yours
If anything Erenville got fucking shafted. Poor guy gets dragged along on something he obviously has mixed feelings about, gets embarrassed in front of the group by all the people he knew when he was younger, and then the cherry in top: "Uwu my fussy little bun bun you love Mommy don't you? It's time to kill Mommy, I know this is probably a lot for you to process but we spent the time we could've spent dealing with that on some random already-dead NPC's engagement ring so you'll have to just keep a stiff upper lip lol!"

If I were Erenville I'd be on my way towards becoming a villain.
>”I want new characters but they cannot be more important than my WoL or the scions I’ve known for a decade”
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Casual mode was a dumpster fire while everyone was learning how to play PCT and VPR and now that people sort of have an idea as to how to use them, they're even angrier. Also ranked players mucking around in it treating it like ranked and not casual. If you get mega-tilters or people you just don't want to play with, dodge them by waiting a couple minutes for them to get into a game before you queue.
Should Cure and Medica be on my bar if I don't intend to play sub level 30 content?
You guys come out of fucking pods or something. You all look the EXACT SAME AND IT'S LIKE THERE'S NEW ONES EVERY FUCKING WEEK
I jusr got 10k off my first cactpot ticket pretty pog
You should start doing CC whenever queues are called, it's a very easy way to climb to the top here
I actually do want even more new characters
Wuk Lamat was a problem because she is like the only new character in the party
Add in Koana
Don't write Zoraal Ja into a meathead villain
Give me a whole dungeon party full of new characters
Leave the scions back home
Estinien can stay cos he is cool and hot
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im glad my femlala at least looks unique
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is there a reason why wuk and koana didn't at the very least try to look for their sibling zoraal ja and console him or something after becoming dawnservants
medica is okay to leave on your bar. cure3 and med2 aren't viable replacements in EVERY instance.
med2/3 heals less initially and is obviously bad to spam. cure3 has pitiful range.
I unironically like WHISPERS a lot but I love Living Memory's theme more. It makes me very sad in a different way.
Cause it’s the best race in the game auras being second
that second one is just some random ul'dah creep who has been spamming here ever since he got embarrassed in thread yesterday.
i know this game likes to take the piss out of some characters but erenvile was like the butt of every joke
Hard to differenciate yourself when using the same face and same haircut
>since he got embarrassed in thread yesterday.
they're pretty cool from what I've seen so far!
Only trannies do casual CC queues in the thread so they can feel good about stomping people who are worse than them.
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me on the left
Mf did a call out posting my lodestone with no screenshot proof, stop the cope tranny
Casual is just Ranked but for self-conscious shitters scared to acknowledge they're Gold at best.
>you're not allowed to dislike the worst written character in the game because you asked for new characters
Didn't Sena Bryer say some shit about how Bridget's female VA should get fire because Bridget should only ever be voiced by a trans actor?

Why the fuck does Sena Bryer get to do female AND male roles though?
Remember that only cowards will hide their lodestone and that dedicated schizos will find a way around it anyway
a couple anons recognized him, exposed his name change, and shared stories about him being a clingy, desperate pants-shitter when he got turned down for jerkbait.
if all the fzemenzemeznezm are on chaos and you love femznezmen maybe you should be on chaos otherwise maybe you don't like them that much have you ever thought about that hmmm?
File deleted.
Are you still alive? Activating Crystal CC Call...
Target time and area delineated.
Queue for Casual CC @ 8:20 on Crystal.
>Imagine leaving your home world due to a climate disaster (Ice Age) and illegally immigrating yourself into a new world with technology you shouldn't have
Hey retard, that "ice age" was years before their time. That was the history of the milala people, not them. They existed during the time of the post-lightning calamity where they were exploring dimensional merging as a solution to the aether problem. They disagreed with the moral implications that came up and sought to find a better home for their daughter so she wouldn't be caught up in the perversion of the natural order that they found themselves apart of.
Alright. I needed a spot on my bar for the new movement skill.
but enough about fiddies and femra
*hides my lodestone anyways with a single click so dedicated schizos have to work twice as hard*
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I keep falling asleep during MSQ, good thing there's an auto logout so people can't see me standing on top of NPCs
*hides my lodestone and privates my fflogs*
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reasons to play a female character
>can wear more cute glams
>more customization options
>more appealing
>nicer to look at
>nicer to hear
>admire your cute character during cutscenes
>can get more followers on Twitter
>better gpose pictures
>receieve /tells from strangers
>receieve commendations
>receieve random gifts from strangers
>treated better by other players
>high chance of joining cliques
>high chance of becoming a xivg thread celeb

reasons to play a male character
>You enjoy playing the same gender as Wuk “the tranny” Lamat
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It's happening again
kinda wild that everyone who says this, not only hasn't played enough games to hit gold, but hasn't queued up at all, or they'd realize ranked is literally fucking dead 80%+ of the weeks in each season.
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Are there dyeable versions of the boots and gloves?
I really like the casual + armored look, need new swords though
Sexpest that got denied by an entire group of dudes and was throwing a tantrum like the mental midget he is, iirc
Give me their names
>>high chance of becoming a xivg thread celeb
It's infinitely easier to be one as male because there's no competition
Oh, and they wanted to experiment on her because she had the echo so they wanted to help her escape being a lab rat for her entire life.
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my femezen on the right about to get assaulted
both are the riversbreath scouting gear aka the 91 dungeon gear
>no eyepatches
Look I get there are roleplayers who want to clip their glasses into their helmets while raiding, but us REAL roleplayers would prefer some actual options that we don't already use when out of combat anyway
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Again, making claims about me without providing actual proof of me being as bad as anons say I am LOL.
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>aggressively generic limsa cat
>old glowshitter weapon no one cares about
>mid appearance at best, maid/nier glams
>giant sexpest
the dark quartet of FFXIV
>is that someone saying Dawntrail isn’t the worst thing ever?????
trannies know theres no work for them so they will always advocate that someone taking on of "their" roles should be fired while they will just gladly take the roll of anyone who is normal
Does XivAlexander with with noclippy and should I be using them together if my ping is kind of poopy?
How do I get commendations as dps? You only give them to healers and tanks.
wuk lamat was better with her bandanna on wtf
Don't use both at the same time
yeah her hair is fucking ugly
reverse endwalker and shadowbringers and I agree
nah that is a reissue of old dungeon gear and cannot be dyed yet
Yeah.... This was a rather painful expansion story.. gonna saturate my highlander with ice cream and cry about( level 99 spoiler) Otis, our best guy
listed from more impactful from least impactful, speaking from experience
have a funny name
have a good glamour
limit break properly
actually do good dps
use caster or phys ranged lb on a big trash pull youll either get commendation or sometimes a fag will cry about it and its funny
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I am still alive
NA to EU ping does not feel very good.....
my EU alt is there but I don't think I'll have enough autistic energy to get it current for a while
Okay thanks.
May I slob on your knob?
xivalex will break noclippy
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have a good portrait unironically
play dnc and dress like a slut. also your portrait should be a slut pose too (dont get banned)
Was the only reason she wore it in 6.55 to raise hopes that maybe Hrothgar could be getting hat upgrades?
Does she have a personality as well or is that it?
I'm new to endgame BLM. Based on my experience with the EX trials, sometimes you'll just have to delay leylines due to mechanics? And inside leylines the goal is ideally all the high damage spells you can like paradox, foul, flare star, thunder refresh, every xenoglossy stack?
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Be the only guy with a portrait
Be a resmage when the healer gets accidente'd
say something stupid as we load in
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*gags on froth hair*
i want a refund
i am an alexandrian fiddie
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Now check this out.
For me it was Bakool Ja Ja the true King of Tural
Should have been Koana in the first half. He loses the trial to Wuk, but then she invites him up. Same outcome, just camera in a different spot and Wuk when you go to purple zone.
should make the hand brown
my moonie emits pheromones
/Smooch the lalas
/Water-spray the cats
No, there probably won't ever be since this was their second usage if those models. If you want slightly different colors, you'll need to grind Paglthan.
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Can you get banned for a lewd portrait?
>"Heres your Sappy Meal, sir"
You're acting like the current writers don't constantly make throw backs to previous expansions
Yes and loads of people have been
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I remember in Stormblood when Alisaie was moping about how the tempered civilians had to be euthanized and one of the dialogue options (And the one I picked) was "This is just how things are"
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People respect BLM players
only if it's obviously giga sexual like the blowjob portraits
The ping's not great but it's still functional enough, in my experience. NTA but my Fmrnmhrm is on Light and can still get contents done.
I always give commendations to DPS if the healer and tank were great. Why? Because it's those two roles that always get the commend anyway.
I was saying it in a positive way
Any desire to apply your armpit pheromones on the tip of my characters gock? Should be funny haha
stick out and not in a negative way
>love paglth'an
>recycled version is still undyeable
Behead whoever is behind this
i got probably half of mine from blm and drg
>Should have been Koana in the first half
It should've been all 4 of the contestants being forced to work together as the main theme of the trial. Gulool Ja Ja even tells us in confidence Wuk Lamat isn't ready to lead, nor are the others, and that if none of them prove worth he won't even abdicate the throne. They should've just learned how to fucking tell a proper story with good arcs and design all of the trials to require the strengths of others to overcome the weaknesses of the rest. Either that, or everyone should have failed to succeed the throne to Gulool Ja Ja standard which could then kickstart the betrayal and revenge arc.
Are you brain damaged? Did you forget Elpis, Mare Lamentorum and Ultima Thule? Did you forget how they faceplanted 2ft from the finish line after building up Garlemald for a decade? Did you forget the dynapiss asspull? Did you forget Venat "my brave little spark also I genocided my whole race" Hydaelyn? Endwalker is irredeemable dogshit carried by *redditors clap now it's sad/like a marvel movie clap now*.
just... do a lot of damage?
you just contradicted yourself
where are you in NA?
because if you are east coast, it is perfectly fine
>got leviah a warning for his lewd portraits
Still makes me lol.
>play tank
damn these healers are trash
>play healer
this tank fucking sucks
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The amount of lying about me is insane. I don’t harass people and throw a fit because they don’t talk to me.
Nta, but I have my character facing the camera with the little pointy bluegem accent from the fallguys event, making it le funny penis, am I safe?
Only a warning to change it
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>play dps
damn this tank can't pull for shit
damn this healer can't dps for shit
>Gulool Ja Ja even tells us in confidence Wuk Lamat isn't ready to lead, nor are the others, and that if none of them prove worth he won't even abdicate the throne
He also tells you in that very same cutscene that the entire point of the Rite is to cultivate the best leader for Tuliyollal not just picking the best one. The word cultivate is the important part here.
dynamis was setup in stormblood
If you say Dawntrail is better than Heavensward your opinion is legally irrelevant.
if there is plausible deniability you're fine but it's hard to say without seeing the portrait
>be blm
>dont be dogshit
>have a nice portrait
>dont say ANYTHING
t. duskie blm with 6k commends
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Sorry man, its actually really bad
They are going to go down as more and now people play and see the "end" of the expansion
now this is a femezen my lalaboy would date
>Did you forget how they faceplanted 2ft from the finish line after building up Garlemald for a decade
EW garlemald is almost perfect. Short, cruel, to the point.
please for the love of god please let me pull both packs before you piss your fuckin I SAID
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West coast.
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Slutglam + alluring but not TOS breaking portrait
Be a big woman
they only issue with endwalker is that garlemald didnt get fucked hard enough by the civil war and final days
honestly we should load every garleaboo like yourself who wanted a whole expansion of snow and drab grey city blocks into the tower of babil then fly the ragnarok into it
that's how I do it
haven't even mumbled so much as a "hi"
West coast to EU proper is over 200ms
you are not real west coast then
also 160ms is nothing
runs in the opposite direction and starts dying from the autos
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Who the fuck are you?
Post the most petty/bizarre/weird experiences you've had in FFXIV:

>I was bored one day doing a Copperbell Mine run in Shadowbringers so I used the Limit Break on a trash pack
>The tank flipped his fucking shit
>I was like "it's not that big a deal"
Does dragoon just have no hard hitting attacks and instead just a generally higher average attack damage?
I'm melting
it was alright with noclippy last time I was playing at least which isn't too terribly different from my NA experience anyway, I'll give it more of a try if cross-region travel gets expanded sometime this expansion
also west coast
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>play healer
>tank is immortal because im playing healer
>trash dies instantly because im playing ast
>boss kill speed doesn't matter because im lewd posting hrothgirls on my other monitor in between malefics
it's really that simple
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f3mra won
it's just part of posting here
if you get too popular then the haters come out and try to attack you / what they think are your insecurities

It's kind of funny because they'll just be completely wrong sometimes, but you just have to ignore it and have fun with the cool people

If it makes you feel better, anyone who bases their opinion on shitposts is likely just as much of a shitposter and would probably post retarded shit about you too thinking you won't know it's them because they are anonymous
Who the fuck even is this nobody
This you? If so, I know firsthand that you're full of shit.
Be black.
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my wife
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Yoshi-P says trans rights
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yeah pretty much
battle litany is also the most op party buff from the dps role (if not in the entire game)
Didnt read your post but how do I get a cute femra eb like that? Same chest size or smaller
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I’m almost certain these claims are being made cause I outted someone in a little gooner clique for being caught with a lalafell.
yeah its biggest attack is starcross with a potency of 700
it doesn't really make sense for dragoon since you'd think it'd be THE big dick burst job based on its playstyle in older ff games but it is how it is
Oh shut the fuck up, faggot.

They pulled it out their fucking ass. There's so many loose threads in this game they could go back to any of them and magic up anything they want out of thin air. Stop pretending like it's all planned out years in advance when by their own admission they had 0 idea who the ascians were or what they were after as a final goal until they were finishing up Stormblood.
silly cat@cactuar, renamed to soft enrage@cactuar
zoomer and sexpest
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh hey
You'll become hopelessly addicted if I do that.
what the fuck?
LAN's new side piece.
That's clearly an elf with balloon tits
dps are a dime a dozen so nobody felt your loss
>It should've been all 4 of the contestants being forced to work together as the main theme of the trial.
That would work too.
Zoraal's character was really weak too. I wanted to like him more after the start, but his writing falls off hard.
>be me
>autistic twitch viewer
>play with streamers during content luls
>one of said streamers has a lalafell friend
>lalafell shows me xher twitter
>modbeast and porn
>get invited to an erp dungeon (you erp between single pulls)
>never come back to that stream again
Why are ffxiv streamers so attractive
It depends on ISP and routing. Pacific Northwest might have a better path over there than SoCal does. In any case, it is 5:39 AM here.
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Are you still alive? Activating Crystal CC Call...
Target time and area delineated.
Queue for Casual CC @ 2:00 on Crystal.
So why should I care about some random Aether Limsa cat that you have a problem with?
>zoomer and sexpest
Oh so you don’t have any actual reason to hate them got it
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play femhroth
if you absolutely won't play femhroth then you'll have to settle for futa (you being one, usually) or insane amounts of mental illness (shitposting about you on the board for months if not years if you slight 'her' at all)
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>create moral ambiguity and dilemma by introducing replicators and soul capital in solution nine
>completely disregard all of this by introducing the eternals who are just chatgpt prompts that you can safely terminate
The more I examine the story, the worse the writing gets........
People especially latinx should praise me more for trashing this garbage writing by the way........
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>but it's hard to say without seeing the portrait
For me it's harmless but you never know
this giraffe uses a bowl of cereal as a tool to cut her hair
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Why are you seething about a story you're not even mentioned in?
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Is there any way to import pmp files into textools? I'm about to start Dawntrail and would like to use this mod..
Get real you moron, there is no fucking rules in storytelling where you are not allowed to introduce new concepts to a fiction
>insane amounts of mental illness
You can keep reposting my lodestone, but I know for a fact I don’t harass people on ffxiv
Oh look the snowflake is upset by words
Don't worry, she's just unlocking Beast Tamer.
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>get tag-teamed by two tanks and their WHM for six and a half minutes while desperately trying to hold the line
>lose because my team can't into coordination
Yeah we're back.
100% report, 100% getting a warning for that
yeah that's fine
also, are you single and like femra?
it's weird with how major of a character he is for the story you would think he would have featured in it more
the eventual betrayal also doesn't even really feel like one because krile identifies him as the actual threat pretty much from the start
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i would like to give uppies
if they stuck with whatever the fuck the plan was during stormblood the game would be dead
Yeah that’s (You)
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You're fine. I had this for 6 months and no reports have worked and people have threatened me about it
>Simple Tweaks plugin isn't live yet
I never realized how much it has spoiled me.
honestly dude you yapping about it nonstop trying to defend yourself makes me think there's something to it
Yeah I don't care about whether she's trans or not.
Being a bad person is just being a bad person, and man is Sena Bryer a big fucking cunt and a complete hypocrite and suck-up.
this level of mental illness is insane but i respect the shamelessness
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they won so hard
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only did ex1 so far but did raids and ultimates on blm, ideally just want to stand in the LL as much as you can and just do your normal rotation
under raidbuffs you want your big hits like xeno if you dont need them for movement, but with how strict the rotation is you cant really decide to put more stars or despair into a buff window
as for delaying buffs, never do that unless you know you wont lose a usage
Some people need to have their power level fully exposed so others can be happy hiding theirs.
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where does this come from?
lmao this one is so true
There is zero (0) percent chance that lala is a xivgger.
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okay but where's da femra
>Are you brain damaged? Did you forget Elpis, Mare Lamentorum and Ultima Thule?
I liked all of those
>Did you forget how they faceplanted 2ft from the finish line after building up Garlemald for a decade?
Yes I apparently forgot how they faceplanted with Garlemald because they chose to portray it as a ruined land that you were too late to save, would you have liked it better if you had to infiltrate the reich or something, heil hitler btw
>Did you forget the dynapiss asspull?
Limit Breaking is already stupid conceptually as it's like fucking dragon ball super saiyan mode, and this is Final *Fantasy* why is Dynamis a sore point
>Did you forget Venat "my brave little spark also I genocided my whole race" Hydaelyn?
The other choices weren't better, she took the less shitty one at the time
>Endwalker is irredeemable dogshit carried by *redditors clap now it's sad/like a marvel movie clap now*.
Cynical neckbeard mongoloid
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kill urself my man
if I would have to guess, since it wasn't found yet, it's probably retainer ventures
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I love these little guys.
I miss it so much.
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Good morning.
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sisters this random malezen i've never seen is trying to rizz me up what do i do
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it's over
When glamourer/brio/ktisis? I want to make a new glam and I need my tools.
Believe what you want. But until you get to know me as an individual you can only base your thoughts on me from someone else’s claims. I just know things being said about me being someone who doesn’t respect people’s boundaries isn’t true.
Dynamis is no different than your generic shounen anime “power up” gimmick
the lil noises get me everytime
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>still no penumbra
>no customize+
it's over
these are the same level of mental illness
>Get real you moron, there is no fucking rules in storytelling
There is if you wanna write GOOD stories.

They already had a magic system in place, it's called Aether and it made sense within the context of its world and it was explained in excrutiating mechanical detail as to how it works. Dynamis is just aether but with none of the limitations that make it interesting. It's something you'd see in a picture book for babies. "The fairy used her dynamis wand and she could do aaaaaaaaaaaaanything she wanted".

The entire point of Omega is a self-learning machine learning what hope is. An entirely human emotion. If you call it "dynamis" retroactively, then you're doing nothing but shitting on that. Instead of humans overcoming the impossible through sheer hope and force of will alone, now the focus is on the asspull magic called dynapiss.
Sis please dress up better, that's not an attire for a formal dinner
What races are you hiring?
two slices at once? now that's fucking greedy
ngl i would hate it if aether was the end all be all of energies in this world, it'd be like in pso2 where you could do anything cause "photons" and get away with it
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I am a femlala who wants to KILL in frontlines but is busy CRAFTING
sis you only dress like that during dinner if you wanna put out
Lmao man
What happened after the six months tho?
The duality
I am
It goes from meh to YES!!!. hard to tell but I would say yes I do
The WoL really needs more glamour plates
wait till this nigga learns about dynamis
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I hate lalafell
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Thats not a femaaa...
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>I liked all of those
Then the rest of your post isn't worth reading. I suggest you do more with your life than watch slice of life anime and play nothing but MMO's.
Yeah well how do we know you aren't one of those filthy monsters?
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I just finished post EW and I was pleasantly surprised. Considering all the doomposting I heard about zero and the story, I was expecting a borefest, but I actually enjoyed it.
Now I'm about to begin DT story and hearing even more negative things about it. Surely it's not as a bad as all the complaining right? I'm hoping that's the case anyway..
>Speen, listen to me.
Hello??? Where was the energy in that line? Holy fuck
Please do not lump in lalafell players with those kinds of degenerates. Gooners and coomers aren't real lalafell.
Are you happier to see a WHM or a SCH as your healer?
Sex with Rhodina
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Casual CC on Crystal at 6:15 ET
The spoken of Eorzea are weak creatures by all metrics
But they have this "untapped mysterious potential" that lets them beat all odds
Aka something else you can expand on later, which they did
Did you seethe when Shadowbringers revealed the shards? Or that tempering was not actually permanent?
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extremely wifepilled post
It’s not as bad as people here say and if you enjoyed post EW you’ll probably like DT
Do you like moonies
Hair and beard are the same color, hair and beard are the same color...
(huddled in the corner rocking back and forth mumbling to self like a schizo)
>Dynamis is no different than your generic shounen anime “power up” gimmick
Generic shounen is not something to aspire to or be proud of.
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I unironically don't watch any anime and play many new games constantly to completion, FFXIV is the only MMORPG I play
white mage because they will work hard to make sure you stay alive whereas the scholar will leave you on the floor until swiftcast is up
>until you get to know me as an individual
NTA but i do know you as silly cat. you were a grade A skeeve toward several people i know and it doesn't seem like anything has changed but your character name.
sch because only autistic faggots play scholar while only slut retards play whm
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scholar because I get to crit harder
white mage doesn't bring any buffs or meaningful mitigation
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You spend the first five hours, not even joking, finding a saddle and a rock.......
That's the kind of story this is, like a pendulum swinging between tedium and bad writing........
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my femra looks and acts like this
damn materia kinda poppin off!
It's normal IRL for your scalp and facial hair to have different colours bro, don't worry about it
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Target anons' erasures confirmed.
Thank you for CC
Kagami my wife...
I have a solution for you
Just dye your hair grey
Being forced to hang out in our own data centers for a bit gives me hope that Primal will get a raiding scene of sorts again
>Or that tempering was not actually permanent?
Yes, because that's retarded.

What's next? Death isn't permament? Oh wait. They already did that when they brought back Emet-Selch solely because of fujos.
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This is really sad. The literal destruction of a man.
Can you provide any proof of this claim?
hes right but i would probably say dawntrail = heavensward instead
How come it works on my machine
Death has not been permanent since ARR
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my femra looks and acts like this
If you have a problem with me, you can always talk to me about it.
>miner/botanist delivery quests are a miera veena/rava yaoi storyline

based fujos coming through again...
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I'm actually criminal that Zero hardly has any lewds or coom content.
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Erenville and I just broke up, more like Elene'shpya, oops sorry!
wuk lamat
two trans kings looking at each other
I will not beg fujos to save DT
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*tips fedora*
I don't think I know who you are or you know who I am
No, I'd rather put you on the ground where you belong.
Oh, so Hydaelyn hand picking Minfilia from the jaws of death is the same as someone dying, returning to the aetherial sea and then being brought back as a corporeal ghost who could have stayed alive but chose not to? Really?
my autistic wife
I do actually, what color is your moonie?
Moonies are for femra
This is the typical reading comprehension level I expect from lala-haters
A shitty SCH is an even worse WHM, a bad WHM is just business as usual. So WHM.
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Do they have Aids to make it realistic or is it about them being molested as kids?
>The perfect opportunity for a Zenos tease in the melee DPS role request
>They don’t utilise it

What a fucking waste
no bro ascians being immortal is fucking the whole storyline in 2.1-2.5
i want her to princess carry my fiddie
and other things too
More like femra BELONG to moonies
Shes not interesting and not particularly cute or sexy.
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Casual CC on Crystal at 8:45 ET
sorry my femra is femhroth owned
>Zenos tease
>when he fucking died at the edge of existence
Zenos is a boring, one dimensional character that I’m glad is dead
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I want to work on glamours
But I hate grinding cap dungeons
And I need to finish the msq first
>anon who gets mad at people playing CC starts spamming false queues
zero is trans btw
yeah she is VtF aka Voidsent to female
*dances offstage*
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you know that as soon as savage hits, people will be back in aether to raid, right? this is only temporary, as much as i'd like to stay in primal while waiting for pf to fill up so i can actually use my retainers and gather/craft stuff, i genuinely don't see it happening
post EW is a masterpiece compared to DT
Dawntrail is anironic slop filled extremely obvious with 30 minute filler quests in every zone, glaring issues with the writing where characters act like idiots on purpose to enable those fillers to happen, on top of that MSQ was either noticeably unfinished or rewritten and rushed at last moment because there are a lot of cutscenes that should have been voiced but aren't
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>Shes not interesting and not particularly cute or sexy.
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This has to be the worst, most braindead post in this thread and we have trannyspam.
Also he's not dead, he'll be back any minute now!
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Zero only got fucked because it took 2 real life years to actually finish her story. If you play through it all together, it's actually not so bad. I had to make lewds of her myself because everyone else was slacking.
>Cleared MSQ
>Cleared optional dungeons
>Got tome gear
>Got crafters and gatherers leveled
>Got them geared and melded
>Waiting on friends before going into EX
Ahhh now I can actually play the game- standing around in Limsa
He’s dead
He’s one dimensional
Stop liking bad characters
what is it about femezen that makes people seethe
that I- err, they are better at the game?
Alpha, Light
Unless aether is literally completely full when savage is out like mana DC, your other dcs will not get their raid culture back
Men hate Zenos, they despise him.
Hey buddy
Cats are for femra. It's the truth
People don't like trannies. Can this be said any more plainly?
I like this meme
Yoship alters Lalas to look like actual big tit shortstacks with fat ass, what do you do?
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My femra was promised a vacation expansion with possible beach fanservice episode, what happened?
custom deliveries
Wuk Lamat isn’t a trans character though
Ah I see, I guess that makes sense. Binged it all in one go.
at worst it might be forgettable but it's not offensively bad
Your vacation was the island sanctuary
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He is my friend, he saved me from the edge of the universe from despair and then again by porting me away.
Brainlets like >>485054352 just wouldn't understand...
she was sold a timeshare
Watch the game completely die.
Play the role quest then get back to me retard. Either way the tease could have been used without impacting whatever final decision they make on the character
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How does one Viper properly..
Favors to our queen M'naago
Oh yeah. Thanks. *kisses you*
Japan's servers would be nuked overnight
Sis you can't just saw you made lewds and not share them
ummm im not gay thanks
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in-lore, has any Scholar ever tried having sex with their fairy? is it even possible?
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he will return when we most need him
trust the plan
There's still 7.1.
Job skipper.
No he won’t he’s dead forever
This is the only redra I would kiss.
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you spread your legs and let me bite
Pedos meltdown because their child race is gone
your gay jokes are two decades out of date
they have pussies and buttholes so they're definitely used for sex relief
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zenos is based because fighting is based and you know this to be true (dungeons, trials, extremes, story boss fights),
wuk lamat is not based because peace is cringe and you know this to be true (300000000x lines of piss dogshit text for 6 hours)
In ARR, she could get attacked, always assumed when I saved her at low health she would affectionally start blushing.
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It all returns to nothing~

It just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down~
left left right right
flank rear flank rear
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Casual CC on Crystal at 11:15 ET
I rape his Femlala
I never thought I'd ask for a catbox, but here I am...
>xivg likes dogshit one dimensional characters
>absolutely despises characters that have tangible growth over the course of a story
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Hell yeah brother, I'm trusting.
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I like him because he's pretty and he decided that EATING the mothercrystal would help get that 1v1 he wanted.
That thing is cute. Bring on the robo wives
>he doesn't know half of the vidya games have mobile ports for china only
Even Elden Ring has a mobile version with genshin like gacha weapon rolling
They're immortal because of crystal fuckery, it's not naturally imbued to them. READ the fucking story.
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Im the skibidi sigma male rizzler
ran into my coworkers niece last night
damn she's hot
Yeah Wuk lamat grows like in the beginning she likes peace and listens to people and is goofy and by the end she uh

for what purpose would you use fire 1 at 90 - 100? it only gives 1 astral fire so you'd always want to use fire 3 to swap back to fire state, right?
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>Zenos hater is a Wuk Lamat apologist
become the biggest lala sexpest
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it's just there so you use paradox to reset the timer
it kind of amazes me how almost all of the well known trans people are spiteful shit heads
Did U bang her?
Wuk lamat
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In the end she's more inquisitive, asks the right questions instead of just listening, and resorts to killing.
It's fine if you just skip the story, but don't comment on it then.
Kefka coded malezen
Don't eat a ton of shit, and actually kill things quickly so we don't have to see some of the ugly phases these bosses get into.
Otherwise you're just being carried along for the ride while the healer struggles to keep you up and the tank contributes more dps, and why the fuck would I commend that.
wuk lamat did not grow at all throughout the entire story
the catboy brother grew a little bit though, he was the only well written character of the expansion.
the blessed sibling was okay too, the way he flipped on a dime was retarded but the slow affirmation/growth when he got thanked for saving people was pretty nice
Uh yeah I'll order the pepperoni pizza with a side of your pussy
no but i'm going to
think i might go back to malezen with the free fanta bros
boys will see a hrothgal like this and just post "wife"
how much do you guys tip crafters for making armor sets if i have all the mats
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Did I just get my zone intro fucked over because of weather
you play ninja instead its more based
Can we stop putting pointless daggers on outfits? It just adds visual clutter
Hello cardboard girl
I played 6.x all in one sitting. And I played it as it came out. On two characters.
It's by far the worst post MSQ of any expac both ways.
>and why the fuck would I commend that.
because I have a cute portrait and big boobs :3c
Zenos grew better than Wuk Lamat
n i c e
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>Wuk Lamat did not grow at all throughout the entire story
gathering time
during endwalker I seriously had enough of zenos. but by the end of it I wanted more, I freaking loved that interaction at the end
I told my malezen raid mate that femlalas would love him and he's never forgiven me ever since.
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>Can't fall into the pitfalls full of monsters like it's Tiquanda
Soulless zone
You mean a side of pepperoni pizza right?
Hroth pussy IS the main dish.
As they should
Absolute contrarian, are you Miau Miau by chance?
>If you don't agree with me, you're a cutscene skipper
Has to be one of the worst memes, especially from people who call Zenos one dimensional, the absolute gall on these brainlets.
They shouldn't. DT blm is as braindead as SMN. But its reputation as a hard job carries it.
Good stuff. Thanks for sharing!
would they be happier had we a "good reason" to hate wuk lamat?
Nope not Miau someone different
i wish i was smart enough to know what culture shetona are inspired from
there are multiple upon multiple cutscenes showing Wuk Lamat growing as a person ESPECIALLY in the second half of the MSQ you are DEDICATED to being fucking wrong
>>wuk lamat did not grow at all throughout the entire story
lmfao retard
>get to sphene
>still adamantly confident she can convince her that they can coexist despite obviously not being able to
bro she goes from
>i love peace i love friends i love tural
>i love pecea i love friends i love tural and im ready to fight!!!
>tangible growth over the course of a story
>"lol just stop being sad kitten"
>"ok" *powers up*
So... the lizard ate most of the souls.
How will people in Solution 9 get more souls...?
>Pulque (a fermented drink from agave sap) is pre-colonial,[4][5] but the distillation of agave heart juice into mezcal was only introduced in the colonial era when Filipino sailors and migrants brought the technology of Filipino-type stills with them during the galleon trade between Mexico and the Philippines (1565 to 1815)

Since mezcal exists in Tural, does this mean that Pinoys are canon in FFXIV?
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It's very fucking simple: if you're mostly known for being trans, then that's because you carry it around like a shield against all criticism. Only spiteful shit heads need shields. Haven't you noticed how you know almost nothing about any of the Scions' VAs beyond what else have they worked on? You have no idea about any of their personal lifes (or at least I don't and I've never seen anyone discuss them, beyond extreme cases like Yugiri's poor VA). You have no idea what they believe in or even if any of them are gay or bi. That's because they're decent people.

And I know this applies to trans people too because I actually do know of a case of a VA who was trans and I didn't fucking realize until YEARS since the last time I heard the role through which they got popular. It just wasn't a topic they brought up, it was during some stream that they did talk about how he transitioned and how his voice changed and I was suddenly like "...wait what? Holy fuck."
femlalas only are for male lala because both of them are too awful
We know, Sechen.
What weapon is this?
Sounds like very superficial and minor development. Not even development just different circumstances
its true, wuk didnt grow, she changed
retard -> admitting being a retard -> mary sue
yuuuuuuuuuuuuup thats growth
>but it’s ok if a shitty shounen or seasonal anime does it
lalafell are the pinoys
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Casual CC at 2:45 ET
Senseless slaughter because your daddy didn't hug you enough is cringe and you sound mega gay lol.
You say this while DT is RIGHT there. I cannot take you seriously.
Why are people so jealous over femlalas? God forbid femlalas have fun
wuk lamat sucks
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See >>485055390
You're a brainlet and it's fine to admit Anon. Just don't try to act all high and mighty, you faggot.
Why the fuck is Tuliyollal so big? They do know people are going to abandon it within a few months, right?
Lvl 100 WHM gear
Reverse bunnysuit (caster version)
she/they didn't know sphene was about to turn on the ai killswitch when they asked again
They won't and without their kupo coins we'll be the ones that have to fight in their thunderdome to keep them happy and entertained.
Yes, soon in da Meracydia expansion where we will also visit not-Philippines and not-Indonesia.
WHM does actually get some mitigation now. Its wings can be turned into a nice shield, albeit it's not on the level as spreading a critted adlo or something like that.
>chud hater is a tranny defender
like clockwork
np cutie /pet
she starts off as a sheltered shonen protag who is too proud to even admit to being motion sick and finishes as a fully capable head of state strong enough to beat her own dad - the strongest guy in the continent - in single combat and learns to allow herself to rely on other people like nigga you straight up did not watch the cutscenes
viper seems to already be filtering all of the kirito tia's of the world because they can't read
You don't know about the spoiled brat princess that has feelings for her butler and said butler who knows about it but can't marry her because thats not what's in the job description but won't break contract cause his family been working for this lordship for generations and he cares about tradition type relationship is.
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>Queues for CC
>Senseless slaughter is gay
You're an expert on being a faggot I guess...
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don't call me that...
can a healer que into the sirensong sea in progress on crystal
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People that played the entire expansion in one to two days are really exposing themselves here as skippers unable of reading comprehension
Dawntrail was fine for the most part, I just have three problems with it
>Wuk Lamat takes up far too much space in the second half
>Sphene isn't nearly antagonistic enough, Solution Nine prior to the finale is far too friendly
>The idiot ball sequence which results in Wuk's kidnapping in part 1
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No it's not, this is why I love calling all shounenshit anime the lowest of the low trash and DT MSQ aspires too hard to be a story like that
>especially from people who call Zenos one dimensional
the guy whose one trait is that he doesnt care about anything but fighting strong guys and after 3 expansions of development dies at the end of existence as a guy who doesnt care about anything but fighting strong guys
surely it is change to become aware of your shortcomings but ignore that and act entirely the same way regardless!
meanwhile Koana gave up his pursuit of the throne entirely because of his shortcomings. he tries to be more open throughout the story to fix his flaws and he restructures his entire world view on the improvement of his country in order to be more like his sister who he idolizes as the best fit for dawnservant
Finally someone that actually understands the story. These motherfuckers do not read text boxes and skip every cutscene it seems. They beat you over the head with this shit constantly
We've had extremely little character growth, is the thing.
Alphi and Alisaie grew 5 different times, only to have their growth retconned back into naive retards 4 different times. This is the first expac where they didn't retcon their character growth, and kept it from the start.
Thancred and Urianger got real character growth over expacs, and maintained it.
Sultan, Raubahn, but those have been ignored for a long time.
Papalymo, but not used much.

Other than that...? A fuckton of characters who received far less character growth over Wuk, despite having more time to grow.

We haven't gotten post MSQ for DT yet, you biggest retard in this entire thread of hundreds of posts.
Perfect /dote
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Sphene is great
remember how after beating zoraal ja everyone just stands there doing nothing as sphene slowly walks up and takes the key before anyone can do anything to stop her
Anytime a catboy plays a role it's going to be shit. They need to all be killed or exiled to their own server and any of their sympathizers can go with them. XIV will heal overnight
ok but I have no desire to tolerate the alexandrians
I want to take their society and grind it to the ground
pelupelu are the pinoys
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i am
a fiddie
and i am going to sleep after getting viper to 91
>I want peace and for everyone to be happy.
*Zoraal Ja kills her dad and threatens to genocide her people if she doesn't go to war.*
>Okay actually I temporarily want war until we can safely go back to peace.
Such breath-taking and profound development, she truly comes out of the experience barely resembling the character we met in Sharlayan. I bet she isn't even afraid of transportation anymore...
>strong enough to beat her own dad - the strongest guy in the continent - in single combat
this never hapenend???? she needed 7 other people to beat his echo?????
> learns to allow herself to rely on other people
nigger she was doing that from the fucking opening scene of the expansion. why do you think she hired us to help her retard?
InitialA Sphene scenes will be
sunday morning 8am beer
>Urianger got real character growth over expacs, and maintained it.
Not really. Can't really say the twins regressed into naive retards 4 times then say Urianger didn't when the fucking instant any npc tells him to lie, he'll go right back to lying even though it only barely worked the one time.
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So you acknowledge there’s character development but you don’t like it so it doesn’t count
>learns to allow herself to rely on other people
She had us wipe her ass all expansion you giga retard. Fuck you.
this along with faggy male viera,edgy malera,lalafell and femroes and meme male roles
VC III had the best shocktrooper girls
fillled ty
We're so back
That's a lot of Salamanderville Oil.
I miss cloudtest01
bwos i might have accidently sort of killed our mom....
I am a cloudtest01 femlala
me on the top right after I finished DT (It was fucking shit)
at no point during the story does wuk lamat say something along the lines of "hmm it seems as though peace is not universally loved, and i will in fact have to fight for my people in order to protect them instead of constantly shouting about how much i love peace"
That's not what a reverse bunnysuit is.

She really is. One of the best bits of storytelling they've ever done.

>Okay actually I temporarily want war until we can safely go back to peace.
Yes? Actually? Fucking duh? Why is it so weird to you for someone to want peace and to only go to war when necessary for peace? That's LITERALLY MOST PEOPLE'S REACTION and you're the weird one.

>Not really.
Not really? Did you just skip all of ARR?
His woman dying. Him being a double agent. With the fairies. Him seemingly going back to his double agent ways (but not, which was a really nice twist and pretty much all the best parts of EW were him).
Not really? Stop commenting on story when you skipped all of it.
Dynamis was a stupid plot device. I hate Dynamis. Only a tranny could come up with feelings being more powerful than magic
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I'm a malera who was asked to eb a malelala once. They were going to pay me $40 in real world money to do it but I declined. I'd never recover from something like that
Not surprised someone too low IQ to understand blatant sarcasm would be a wuk stan.
I am so jealous of my male character bros, they always have people around them, one malezen dude in my FC rizzes them all (all biofems) while being a controllerkek typing a word per minute
Its fascinating how far from reality this forum and the 150 daily posters are
Too bad Im too attached to my catgirl otherwise I would play one too desu, it's so wholesome seeing this dude always having someone following him around
Can you realistically get an EB like this as a female character? The EB being a GAM or not is not a problem, I crave more interactions and wholesomeness I guess
The Loporrits will know how to cope.
this is the power of shonenslop kino. dyanmis is based and ur cringe!
The Kaahe quest can't be real
Who the frick thought it was a good idea
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I see, thank you I think I get it now.
This sounds *extremely* painful.
Would you hate me if I fantad to miera?
I beat it in 3, its all in my twitch vods. EB and I played for 12h or more a day, including breaks, to get it done.
NTA but I think the reason those details go in one ear and out the other for people is because they're told relentlessly, but they're not really shown in a way that's convincing.
Like, if I break down the details of >>485055595 from my perspective, as someone who can acknowledge the objectivity of his post but still didn't feel convinced as any of it happened:
>fully capable head of state
Yeah, we're told she's the best one for the job because she can empathize with other cultures and wants peace, but this is after several hours of watching her bumble around like a retard, walk away with strangers to get kidnapped, and job while giving it her 100%. Then, somewhere along the line, she just nuts up and becomes competent. They beat us over the head with the dialogue showing it, but there isn't enough done to -show- how this change occurs imo.
>strong enough to beat her own dad in single combat
This part does indeed happen, but again... they don't show where that strength comes from. I believe they tell us that she's empowered by her love for Tural, but there's no actual arc where she trains or learns a new technique or anything. She goes from losing to a comparatively weak guy to fighting and beating the strongest dude in the continent in, what, a week? It's just not convincing to me.
>learns to allow herself to rely on others
This was actually convincingly shown, I agree.
>she needed 7 other people to beat his echo?????
The rite of brotherhood was never a solo thing, the reason you see Zoraal Ja fighting the shade solo is because he’s a cocky little shit that thinks he can do everything on his own. The elector even tells you he refused his retainers help with the battle. If you paid attention to the cutscenes you would’ve known this.
>why do you think she hired us to help her retard?
To win the throne of her country but she definitely was not letting other people shoulder her burdens with her and wanted to do everything by herself. It’s not until the first campfire cutscene with her and the scions that she comes to accept others help and let them shoulder her burdens as well. Again if you paid attention to the cutscenes and didn’t just skip everything you would have known this already
>Could amost buy the glasses
>forgot about the tax in MB
>Some faggot buys it before I could
>Now the cheapest price is 3m higher
me to your left (i have to step on the floor lights whenever i cross them)
Dynamis is actually interesting, a neat concept as a sort of mirror to aether.
Stop lashing out because we are calling out shounen trash writing.
be a futa top and you'll have a line of female characters following you around and spamming your tells
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>just hanging out with mom, going to have a fun duel
>His woman dying. Him being a double agent. With the fairies.
How is that character growth? That's just stuff happening to him, not him actively deciding to do things differently from before.
>Him seemingly going back to his double agent ways (but not, which was a really nice twist and pretty much all the best parts of EW were him).
But he did go back to his double agent ways. When Livingway tries to get him to lie, he's making the full effort and trying to dodge you and the other two. Did you forget you ACTUALLY have to do the sneaking sequence before he gives up? It wasn't a "Oh I've actually changed and will tell my trusted nakama the truth" moment, it was a "Yeah I guess I'm so untrustworthy they can just see through me by now" moment. It'd have been character growth if the instant Living way asked him to lie he had walked up to the rest and talked about it.
>SE never innovates so we won't be getting any new zones with their on lore in DT patches
This sucks so hard
malezen used to be more subtle about gassing themselves up
Feel free to post her
No, do what makes you happy Anon. Miera are really cute, though I can't take a husbun since miscegenation is a sin.
Which glasses?
i dont enjoy games anymore i should kill myself
That shit all changed how he behaved wtf do you think character growth means is he supposed to get taller or some shit? He's already tall.
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we will be getting a bozja/eureka though. i hope it's here
>That shit all changed how he behaved
But it didn't. I literally just described in full detail how he did the exact same thing he always does. Are you stupid?
But he could still get taller.
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>fun fight, boy i hope we get to hang out with mom for a while and nothing terrible happens :)
Bird Engineer, Amh Araeng
Yes it's for maximum damage opener
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Casual CC on Crystal at 7:00 ET
lol your husbando died at the edge of the universe and will never be reborn because his soul scraps are out of range of the life stream.
>Calamity comes
>Flee to new world
>Calamity arrives there
>Get saved but trapped
>Escape again
>Put original world at risk again

Are Lalas a blight?
Sorry bro we'll add Viera lore and a Krile arc FOR REAL THS time in version 8

>I literally just described in full detail how he did the exact same thing he always does.
No you didn't. That wasn't the same. You're stupid.
The Faces We Wear - Classic Spectacles
i wanna play...
>The rite of brotherhood was never a solo thing
nigger you said solo combat. this never happened. she never fought her father in solo combat
>To win the throne of her country but she definitely was not letting other people shoulder her burdens with her and wanted to do everything by herself.
oh just like how she fights Bakool with all the help of other people right? and she steps in to help her father take down Zarool because she understands the importance of working together, right?
When are hrothgars getting hats?
the ultima weapon shows up and she gets sucked inside of it and enslaved :3c
This is not even shounenslop, it's even dumber than that.
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we're going to the bermuda triangle
*maybe* several patches later I'm guessing
How come there's barely any avatar posting anymore?
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He's so alive, you just wouldn't get it Anon.
that dude was such a missed opportunity
>basically has 30 years as king of a thriving nation to mellow out and reflect on what he wants
>comes out so similar to how he was before going in that you'd be forgiven if you didn't realize he had aged 30 years
it would've been so cool (albeit a little anticlimactic maybe) if he'd emerged from his 30 year stint older and wiser, and maybe even bonded with his father over sake or something... and then looked his dad dead in the eye and pitched spheen's genocide plot for the good of his own nation or something. I really like the idea of him taking on sphene's role and simply caring for his new nation (that he's led 30 years) enough to come back and argue compassionately for genocide lol
instead we get this manchild throwing a hissy fit over a contest he lost 30 fucking years ago, and then a last minute loli finale are you fucking kidding me
what's stopping you
You're just namecalling instead of offering arguments. Can you tell me, with 100% certainty, that if someone where to tell Urianger right now that he has to lie to his friends again for the greater good, he wouldn't do it again? Has he proven in any way that he wouldn't do it?

Again, remember that in EW he doesn't reveal it of his own volition, he does it because you literally don't leave him room to move around.
Fuck you, tranny.
Clothed Chocobo Chick, Nabaath
No penumbra mods to efficiently farm attention. That and people are playing the game
If you really hate femlalas then how come none of you ever say it to my face? You still join my PFs. You get carried by me and my friends. So what's your deal
i was being unironic. i think it's based to create a tangible concept to shonen kino energy
>You're just namecalling
Lol remember when you posted this >>485056363
>Are you stupid?
who the hell is kaahe
So why the FUCK was Azem's gylph on the key?
How do I start becoming a futa and a "top" on top of that, my catgirl is sexually inactive and I never considered her having a vag or a dick but I dont mind the idea desu
Should I just say in FC chat or to my friends " hey btw, my catgirl has a Dick and a top"
Was a genuine and organic post, i play catgirl
kinotrail filtered avatarfags and they joined the 41%
>fc house has a jumping puzzle hidden hideaway
The miqo'te goldsmith in Earthenshire
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>fuck, why is it raining in the aetherial sea?
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The guy you help with the moblins
>Bakool Ja Ja fight
She does that solo without anyone’s help, if you remember skipper-kun the WoL sits out and taunts Bakool Ja Ja
>Gulool Ja Ja fight
I know you skipped as well because Wuk Lamat tells you not to step in because it’s not honorable in a 1v1 like that. Now stop skipping cutscenes and actually read the text boxes on your screen and understand what they’re saying before moving on
I thought it was 42
oh i remember everything now
The difference is that I gave arguments AND namecalled you. I have yet to hear an argument from you, just namecalling. You just say Urianger changed and expect me to accept it without saying why, even though the game shows the exact opposite. The fucking instant Urianger starts doing stuff around the loporrits Thancred and Y'shtola immediately say "Oh he's doing his thing again", and they're right. Even the game lampshades that he's predictable and static in his behavior.
not even close
i dont fully understand the meta of the futa erp scene but you just put retarded shit in your bio
>Dynamis is actually interesting, a neat concept as a sort of mirror to aether.
Do you just throw out words without even thinking?

How is Dynamis a mirror to aether? Aether is fully fleshed out magic system with limitations and specific instruction on its use. Dynamis is "just FEEL FEELINGS and if you FEEL them hard enough then you can do ANYTHING".
>still keeps at it
come on malezen bro, your stocks are doing fine no need to embarrass yourself like this
Plogons status?
Femra or femlala for findom?
meeting the sightseeing log sister in S9 was better thought out and written than that
>Should I just say in FC chat or to my friends " hey btw, my catgirl has a Dick and a top"
just put f+ in your search info
do you even have a /c/?
>Yeah, we're told she's the best one for the job because she can empathize with other cultures and wants peace
One of the things that frustrated me about Wuk Lamat's characterization is the idea that her love and appreciation for the cultures she wants to rule over is treated as some special, hard-earned quality that sets her apart.
She indicates that she loves the Hanuhanu festivals and is put on their parade float after helping them refurbish the parade float.
She's given a quirky scavenger hunt to learn the history of Xbr'aal/Mamook cuisine.
She comes to Mamook and someone immediately divulges their darkest, most damning secret to her and she immediately convinces them to restructure their society and atone for it.
Gulool Ja Ja sounded like he and his retinue struggled to bring peace to the land but during the rite of succession she more or less coasts on Gulool Ja Ja's legacy.
Garlond Ironworks Mascot, Eight Umbral Calamity
lala because the people that are looking for that will be desperate enough
i'm seething
this guy really got himself riled up lol
It's unironically a gaping plot hole. Azem wouldn't have even been alive after the world got sundered, so the ability to travel between shards is something he would have never conceived of.
you're contradicting yourself retard. if she changed to understand the importance of relying on others she would have stepped in to assist her father against his wishes. she would have fought with the WoL against Bakool and relied on the WoL's strength.
yet she didn't. because she's the same from the beginning of the expansion all the way to the end. she doesn't change at all. she takes no action in the later half of the story that she wouldn't have done in the beginning half.
>How is Dynamis a mirror to aether?
It's literally the second form of energy in the universe, more abundant but less effective than aether.
Aether is something that can be studied, dynamis is still unexplored.

It takes the concept of magic vs technology ala arcanum and twist it, while referencing dark energy in our own world.
>gulool tries to kill nostalgias sister
>wuk instead of the wol jumps in and stops him
>wol just stands there
at least he floored wuk right after
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Play healer.
Lvl 100 dungeon.
First time.
Dies at the first boss.
Other three players take the boss down from 60%.
Feels bad.

Rage quit the party but it looks like they don’t need me.
"Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?" - Wuk Lamat
i hope its just a wacky coincidence unironically
i loved ew but any further ancient fanservice would be cringe and pathetic
myths of the realm was fucking terrible
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>my wol every time she stood there with her blank stare doing nothing while people in the msq were gunned down
>everyone thought I was giving wuk opportunities for growth, but really it was just this
>guy that travels
>made a thing that travels
>ran out of travel juice after the lalas used it once
>recharged on travel juice via our JO crystal
i think it's pretty clear
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if Dawntrail had been a good expansion, they would had given Wuk Lamat a new outfit or physical change when she becomes competent
i've been stuck in sudden death triple triad with this npc for 10 minutes
the guy from raktika greatwood, he has ebola
gw2 underwater combat lets gooooo
That's right, the devs know how bad the healer playerbase is because they have played MMOs for decades. They made sure to give the other jobs the ability to sustain themselves if they are able to follow the mechanics in normal dungeons because they know players like you will hold them hostage for 90 minutes and throw little melty fits.

I play all healers and I make sure to never fuck up.
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The only catboy besides my own I've ever seen in this game with his hair and eye color combo.
i'm angry
Just means you have a team that's been there before. Though I sort of doubt your story, since iirc that first boss does multiple stack mechanics which would hurt even more without you there to help stack, and the tank is busy with a tb during them as well, so it'd essentially be 2 dps stacking regularly and taking huge damage from 60% down. I don't think they could survive that very well.

In my experience, healing level 100 content has felt like watching others get unlimited chances to fuck up and play like shit, but the moment I slip up and die it's like the record scratches and the entire thing falls off a cliff. Only once did I actually watch some tank solo it down but they still died with like 5% to go.
champions from beyond the rift
dote my fiddie
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Last one from me. Casual CC on Crystal at 11:15 ET
Once the great wall comes down, I'll spend a couple hours doing calls on days I have off. /rally
>Character acts like an asshole that doesn't care for anyone but himself
>Gets beat once, still acts exactly the same while unleashing an ancient evil that could potentially kill people
>Gets beat again, suddenly turns into a crying sad baby before turning into a generic good dude after a small talk
Ummm explain this?
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Since Wuk Lamat is in literally every dungeon, they could have given her a new axe from each one. That would have gone some ways towards explaining her character growth between getting kidnapped and fighting Bakool Ja Ja alone.
Yes, yes. You’ve never fucked up your first time in duties. I believe you.
i just want to set an universal rule to fix upper lips man....
I've seen ghastly people in this thread being praised because "they're nice" and half of you narcissists probably want to someone to listen to the dumb shit you say without judgment so I'm not surprised you think Wuk Lamat is a great character, she is exactly the type of generic yes-man you'd keep around to make you feel special.
Look at that fanart.
They actually managed to fuck up the character archetype of the cheerful, upbeat tomboy.
That takes some goddamn skill.
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I've been avatar posting a lot, I thought...
I think people are busy making gil, or getting a bunch of materia for 7.05, and things like that.

Decent points, but people are often to shed their vulnerabilities to someone who they think can actually help. It's not much different than sob stories on gofundme when they're actually real sob stories and not scams.
He really was.
In his first few appearances, I thought he was supposed to be written as an anti-hero. Like Punisher or something.
I don't know if I agree with the rest though.

My eyes...
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>wuk lamat DID have character growth!
>wuk lamat DID have character growth!
>wuk lamat DID have character growth!
>he skipped the part where Wuk stops people from interfering with Gulool Ja Ja’s 1v1 because it would tarnish Gulool’s honor
>he skipped the part where Bakool Ja Ja didn’t believe in himself or his strength and relied on cheating throughout the Rite
>he skipped the first campfire scene where her whole character growth arc kicks off
Dawntrail is really beating your guys’ asses that lack reading comprehension
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i don't like the queen's english voice acting in the final fight either
she's the one who's supposed to be monotone
initial story draft was cut and trimmed, he wasnt intended to unleash the snake and his story is missing big chunks
no refunds
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yeah this definitely makes it look like youre arguing from a place of good faith
ah so she doesnt change throughout the entire expansion! thanks for confirming!
You're so fucking stupid it's unreal. Are you a fucking hole? Are you? Because you're such a fucking retard. Stupid cunt.
We learn more about him and see why he acted the way he did. I'm sure the families of the people killed by that fire dragon he awoke would get it.
>he needs to answer for his crimes someday!
>gives him a cushy state job guarding an entrance
it was a joke. I say this as someone who liked that character, too. I can still acknowledge that it was a fucking joke.
show me your fiddie and i will dote you
Type /gpose
Look into the camera
and say
Fuzzy Pickles
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The problem isn't whether or not she had character development, because no amount of character development is gonna matter if she is gonna remain equally insufferable both before and after it happens.
You can still be a tomboy and wear dresses. Honestly, it was probably easier for her nursemaid to wrestle her into something like that rather than pants and a shirt.
>That would have gone some ways towards explaining her character growth between getting kidnapped and fighting Bakool Ja Ja alone.
getting a plot-armor power up isn't character growth.
By the way, he being kidnapped by Bakool Ja Ja but then beating him later isn't "character growth" or "her getting stronger." The story presents her as entirely blameless for being captured, it isn't a mistake on her part that she learns from but just a setback caused by evildoers that gets fixed at essentially zero cost to anyone.
Are dungeons are still the fastest way to level if you're able to get instant queue pops or is it faster to do fate spam?
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I don't need to look like anything. Everyone already sees that trash character for what it is no matter how much you kick and scream.
Yeah, she went from being a white woman saying she knows about mexican and chinese culture cause she eats tacos and fried rice into traveling to those places and helping people there finding true understandment.
Wuk should have had a Luke Skywalker moment where she went deep into the woods and fought herself in a solo duty. Then when she emerges, she's more thoughtful and less impulsive and naive about shit. Maybe even have Erenville say something about it so the idiots in the back realize character growth occurred, idk.
No sorry, I don't mean to say that fanart fucked it up, though I see why you'd think that. I mean that looking at that fanart, she looks fucking adorable and like I'd want to spend time with her. The one who fucked up is the game writer..
bro...the campfire scene is just hot air
wuk says she is weak and doesnt know a lot and will from now on rely on others only to 1v1 bacool and his minions
that scene should have been the start of her growth arc but there is nothing
why are you angry
I am the Chronos Second of shadow middies
>you learn about the immense pressure he has on him because he is literally his people’s only hope of a better day in their eyes
>only 1/100 of these miracle babies with retard strength survive birth
>he’s not actually a bad guy he just has the entire hopes and dreams of his people on his shoulders
forming a dungeon party for leveling is always going to be faster but doing fates also gives you bicolor gems and completes your shared fate goals
Undertale and its consequences were a disaster for Eorzea.
"Fuzzy Pickles"
>Decent points, but people are often to shed their vulnerabilities to someone who they think can actually help.
That's not my point. My point is that OF COURSE she loves the Hanuhanu, they treat her like royalty. OF COURSE she likes the Xbr'aal, they were open and receptive to her and shared their traditions. Of COURSE she likes the Turali, they make her yum yum tacos.
She's treated like royalty and has supporters all over the place despite, by her admission, having done nothing to earn it compared to Zoraal Ja or Koana.
Her compassion for her people doesn't feel like some great quality, it feels like a natural reaction to like people who are nice to you and treat you like you can do no wrong.
of course a femra would reply to this attention whore bait
I will not participate in your humifaction ritual
idk man i think you need to be a little bit of a bad guy to unleash the very embodiment of calamity on the continent
If tanks are smart with self healing and mits they cna walk back from anything that doesn't outright kill them, and dps have second wind, bloodbath, and some have actions like curing waltz
Why are there monsters in Living Memory
the warrior of light had 10 instances of character growth this expansion because you leveled up 10 times
for amusement
they cannot kill anyone for real
>unleashes giant dragon that will kill thousands
>I j-just don't w-want to see anyone die anymore ;_;
reading comprehension/media literacy/cutscene skipper/etc/etc/etc
>he's not a bad guy
>releases the extremely powerful death snake that could potentially murder half the continent
I like the arc they tried to make for him but there's just way too much whiplash between practically a cartoon villain to sad tragic backstory boy. Given this game's track record with sympathetic villains, this one feels extremely undercooked in comparison.
nta but this game parallels FF10 in a lot of ways. Both have a sort of pilgrimage with guardians where the woman at the center of the group's journey has a dad who traveled to the same places she's visiting and did cool shit before
and in that story as well as this one, I find myself wanting to play as the dad's group and not the daughter's group.

it's actually incredible how similar to ff10 this expansion is on its surface. they even have a farplane in dawntrail. unfortunately there is very little depth and almost no real twist in this shit story
Haha do you think some of them intentionally let themselves get eaten by the monsters just to know how it feels
Can't wait for the plugin that reveals people's alts.
you don't need a plugin
>my blind prog party dies like 28 times to the second extreme
>we still make it to .6 percent enrage
What in tarnation
make it yourself leech
My response you quoted was mainly to your Mamook point.
>She's treated like royalty and has supporters all over the place despite, by her admission, having done nothing to earn it compared to Zoraal Ja or Koana.
You might have missed that she really didn't have support to start with. Many Turali would say right to her face that they think she's not going to win, that they hope she doesn't win.
I think a ton of people have overlooked that one of the earliest cutscenes, showing all the contestants, they're all clapping and cheering for Bukool, Zoraal, and Koana. She's revealed last, and people just clear out and she gets no applause.
>Her compassion for her people doesn't feel like some great quality
It was not enough for her to be the ruler, no. That's why she grew beyond simply caring about people.
And people's point that she was like a white woman saying she loves tacos when she says she loves other culture is a decent one. She grew beyond that and connected better. She had a scene where she feels down about how she was more sheltered than she thought, and she never did really understand her people like she just assumed she did before being challenge on it.
>t. I actually watched all the cutscenes and read all the dialog
all my alts are sunseekers
Yeah I'm aware of those things, but the frequency of the damage and its potency is why I doubt the dps would survive a full 60% onslaught of looping stack markers split across just 2 of them, again and again and again like that. Best case scenario the tank soloed it, but that's not even impressive since tanks are fucking immortal nowadays. I just don't think op should beat himself up over this. They made the level 100 content visually busy and mechanically punishing. If it's his first time there on a squishy job, it's basically expected that he'll die since he probably won't even see what's killing him half the time and he can't just eat 11 vulns like a warrior can.
log? 28 times in one run is insanely impressive lol
Would people be able to retrace my character if i were to change my name? Asking for a friend of course
I hope this happens because I think it will actually be the catalyst to start a crackdown on mods. IT is explicity bypassing privacy and safety concerns that the game tried to bolster right now. Do it nigga, i want marefags to be destroyed
Never, fuck your hyper proportion shit
I use mouth1 but now im used to it, if I watch old screenshots it feels really bad tho, but ehhh... We can compensate by being 2.5 meters tall, right ....
yeah they can, if they have one of those friend symbols on you or can recognize your face
i save the lodestone ids of everyone i meet so yes, i would be able to.
your lodestone ID stays the same forever, also google doesnt refresh the cache often enough to update your name, so if i google your old name i will find your new name
>ultra huge
An IRL billboard ad with datamined outfits and an SE watermark didn't spur them to act. A world first drama fest didn't spur them to crackdown. People using speedhacks to trivialize the fallguys event and then uploading their own cheated runs to twitter and @ing the xiv twitter account didn't push them to do anything. Not even modders using glamourer to wear cash shop outfits caused them to act.

Nothing will ever happen.
stop holding your posts gaffots
>releases the extremely powerful death snake that could potentially murder half the continent
That was Zoraal Ja's lackey plan
The billboardfags got a cease and desist order though.
Yes, I also read all of the dialogue and watched all of the cutscenes. I remember distinctly the scene you're describing, the people clear out but a small crowd of devoted supporters approach her and give voice their enthusiasm for her. She gets a lot of positive responses around the city before this too, such as at the other taco stand near Wachumeqimeqi. One step into Urqopacha and she's immediately confronted by some random guy who implicitly supports her cause and goes out of his way to help her with the rite of succession. She has supporters and everyone treats her like the darling daughter of Gulool Ja Ja, she is not the underdog claimant who has to be prove her worth. If anything, Bakool Ja Ja is, and he gets a fairly negative reception at the ceremony you mentioned.
>That's why she grew beyond simply caring about people.
How? What did she do, SUPER care for them? If you're going to argue she somehow learned in the story that she has to do more than care for them, but FIGHT for them too, you're implying she began the story unwilling to fight for her people when the entire point of the rite of succession is that she's going to compete with people who outclass her, FOR her people.
>She had a scene where she feels down about how she was more sheltered than she thought, and she never did really understand her people like she just assumed she did before being challenge on it.
This is called lampshading. Koana had a similar revelation. The thing is, Wuk Lamat doesn't change her behavior at all before or after this. She just acknowledges it as some flaw that never actually impeded her in the story.
if someone has your lodestone page saved it doesn't matter, the id will always be the same. also your name wont automatically update on Google so if someone searches your old name. if someone hates you or is obsessed enough with you a name change isn't going to do anything
I wish Erenville would shaft me...
the new version of textools can load pmp
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