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Previous: >>485051826

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
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>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

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show me my nigga huaiyan already
Firefly love!
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I am now skipping everything until Feixiao and Lingsha.
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cute and canon
really excited for Feixiao, I'm hoping I can use her with March 7 Hunt form and Sparkle
Lingsha is fucking ugly, fucking hell.
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Sunday (Stelles exclusive boyfriend) saved the fucking game
Why are you excited for Feixiao
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Pagbin flopped because she betrayed her own brother and sold her homeland to the jews. I hope she dies.
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2.4 is a skip patch
>people discussing new character leaks
how do you arrive at this conclusion? it's like you people don't even know what shilling is
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This will be canon soon when Sunday joins the Stellaron Hunters
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Sundaysisters, we fucking lostwonned?...
Can you guys please stop shilling Tingyun? I'm so tired of the shilling.
Uh oh the pagspamming brownoid is here!
Mental illness
why is she so smug
shipfreaks are mentally ill
how does it work? I'm brown because I call waifupags pags?
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you can hardly tell what any of these mfs look like
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>da joooos
>this is what Stelle sisters want
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Snekchads won
it's only shilling if the discussion is about a character they don't like
Reminder that new character is coming out in an unspecified amount of time. Please maintain complete indifference as redacted name releases.
No but I can tell I really dislike her bangs
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seething transbian hands drew this
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
Is there an updated upcoming banner list?
I know Jade is soon, but who else?
we won't know until his path is revealed
watch him be Hunt or some shit lmao
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do NOT reupload. Delete this NOW
Jades lightcone
What does this mean? I thought you people used it for lesbians but it's not??
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It makes sense, Firefly wants to be able to dream and Sunday wants to give everyone sweet dreams
certainly one of the ships of all time
Why are you homotrannies so autistic, so what if firefly is stronger or sold more, literally who cares? Go find a job instead of posting on socials about your mutilated genitals all day long
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
I don't get it
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My girlfriend is so cute
Sunday will have sex with Firefly so that Robin can breed with Caelus
Aventurine is just virginbait, Sunday is actually more attractive.

t. non-virgin femcel
>He thought Mihoyo could afford a completely unique skeleton and animation for one (uno) 5*
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree snakefags were completely delusional
she better turn into a lamia during her ult or something
>I will
*voice cracks*
*voice cracks*

and you people complained about Robin's song. apologize
did you get Ruan "Banjomori" Mei?
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>en dub
why are leaks made artificially blurry
who stands to gain this practice
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Lingsha look bad.
But I'm obligated to roll her if she make Firefly team better
These all look so much better than Jade and Yunlin. I guess I'll save for a while longer.
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I got her on her first run already
that's cringekino.
meanwhile r*bin is just cringe.
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this implies that anon would get in a somewhat submissive position of laying his head on Acheron's lap and having her breastfeed him. kinda gay if you ask me
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of course
Based Space China saving our funds.
there's invisible watermarking that they can use to trace who leaked it if you don't alter the image
only a few more days until i can be Jade's boytoy.
hoyo, they just want to generate hype and looking at the thread you can see it worked
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The rerun? It'll be Argenti, but who's even going to roll him at this point
Got her and her cone. The only signature cone I've ever gone.
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>kinda gay
For you
Who am I?
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A gigger
What is it about Yunli's character design that makes her so appealing to sophisticated patricians?
I am a virgin femcel and want to have a threesome with Dr Ratio and Aventurine
Furina... Neuvillette...
little girl + big sword is ALWAYS kino
You now remember Hanya exists.
Open your eyes, she doesn't have a long skirt so her sillhouette doesn't match her legs.
>Sunday leaks on sunday 7/7
sisters won bigly
I am a virgin incel who'd like to take Topaz on a date and get Jade's approval to marry her.
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I come to the general just for you posters, thank you for your service. I love Acheron.
>yo is that a female with a Chinese name in a chongsum number #15 with optional butt piece oh yeah I’m super excited
Yeah Penacony character designs blew Luofu 2’s out of the water. 4chan is a contrarian so they refuse to admit it even though deep down in their soul, they know it.
On one hand more china slop. On the other hopefully sex fox is really coming back and redeems this game after all the midfly shit.
I only remembered that I have her at E6 when I hit the selector for bird clash
I really want to use her but i don't have a single good team for her.
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Every sunday leak or speculation from leaktrannies has happened on a Sunday.
Much to think about it.
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Just say you're a fucking pleb.
So? She clearly has some green thing behind her and that matches the sillhoutte
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a dumb /gig/ger also go back >>>vg/gig/
Aventurine is a better written character than your favorite
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You will be in the cage 29 days a month and will only ever get pegged. You'll have to do the dishes, clean the ship and walk all 24 of her dogs individually.
Crimson lunar deception
The snek from the game that shall not be named floats around and twists in weird ways even through she has actual legs desu
So what team is Hunt March even for? Should she be built as crit dps or with a break build?
>all those new leaks
>Huohuo + Swan rerun
>Kafka skin + rerun likely
I hope your jades are ready.
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But Aventurine is my favorite
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Manifesting mobius snek expy
>Kafka skin + rerun likely
I'm only grabbing her cone and skin is with paid currency no? Anyway I'm just skipping everything until Sunday and the Greek woman.
Yunli and homo fox
Feixiao and Lingsha
Yeah, skin is paid
I have 280 tickets and will skipp Jade and Yunli. Hoyo trembles at the thought of me.
Firefly love!
I'd breed this nearly expired hag ngl
>Kafka skin
If you have Acheron and Firefly, do you really need a 3rd Acheron?
Nigga no one uses the ENG dub
Fine by me!!! If that's what I have to do to get her mum to like me, then we'll live a happy life. Then one day she broaches the idea of pet play and that she wants me to put my puppies in her whilst I'm on a leash and panting so I fill her up nightly and let her rest her head on my chest.
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Took me 111 rolls but she came home
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Lamia girl save me...
Save me lamia girl...
>she may
What’s stopping me from just modding the Kafka skin in?
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skipping her until EoS
ermmmmm thats illegal
I'll be surprised that they are giving Kafka a skin over Firefly if true.
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No I got an yanqing e1 instead. I hate this game so fucking much
please don't let Sunday join the crew please don't let Sunday join the crew please don't let Sunday join the crew please
He NEEDS to be a Stellaron Hunter, it would be so fucking kino
Please you worthless chinks, surely you can write something good for once in your life
You don't love your mom
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Considering Black Swan is coming back in 2.4 there is a possibility that 2.5 is Lingsha, Feixiao, Sparkle rerun, and Acheron rerun. Are you prepared?
sar do not redeem the 3dmigoto sar
Kafka has always been the most popular star rail. Firefly being shilled to fuck and back over the last month doesn't change that.
My Acheron is E0S0 and I'm not willing to get SW or Jiaoqiu for her so she's low tier trash.

My firefly is E-1S0 so she's non-existent trash.

I need better shit
I'm skipping her skin since I skipped her twice.
I fully expect all of the SH to get skins anyways, they're super popular, a lot of the winning entries for the fanart contest featured SH content, even the 1st place for the fanvideo was a SH one.
March 9th leak
You are forgetting Ratio
Pretty sure FF is the most popular now, though she was shilled 10x as much as anyone else has been so it shouldn't be any surprise. I'd be concerned if Kafka still rivaled her if anything as I worry the devs may kill her off because of it.
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Okay but what IF he joins the Astral Express FOR the Stellaron Hunters? And he's just playing a mole.
I'm skipping all of them, I don't care lol
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Borisin females
>Acheron rerun
Bro...She's not gonna be rerun until christmas
Zenless Zone Zero....
I think the trashcan jokes are overused and overall pretty unfunny
Yeah, they are garbage.
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I never miss the characters that I truly want. Out of all those I skipped only Sparkle and I will be skipping fraudgsha since she's no true Lamia.
Feixiao is a mustroll because she's a powerfag, therefore, not a fraud by default.
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You can ONLY reply to this post if you haven't been YanKING'd yet
Paid currency
I'm pretty sure that I used Sparkle less than Blade. It was nice when I did, of course. Certainly nicer than Blade... But also, she came at like the tail end of hypers being most relevant, less you count Acheron.
>using guy who was evil mastermind as a mole
Yeah AE gonna trust him 100%
Somehow I have not. Instead I've been Welt'd 3 times though so I dunno how much better that is.
I may buy it depending on the skin.
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What if he says he's really sorry though?
I hope that you get a set of text messages or something if you equip a skin ala Tales Of skits
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>never been yanking'd
>still no clara
it's a peculiar feeling
ive got multiple gepards but not the liitle guy
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the mc is already SH's mole in the AE, they don't need another one.
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>skipping 2.4 completely
>2.5 is tempting me with Tingyun, Feixiao, potentially Lingsha
>but it's also likely to rerun Kafka and I want copies of her
>only have 1 pity right now
>possibly 3 by the time 2.5 rolls around
Bros....this is pain. I need the Kafka copies because she's my favorite but the other foxes look good.
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The greek girl reminds of the bitch from Soul Hackers 2.
Feixiao's weapons look really cool
firefly talked herself into the ae crew during penacony and got all her trust off screen as a stellaron hunter, they are too retarded to doubt anyone.
Including welt vouching for acheron after talking to her for like 5 minutes despite acheron being the most suspicious mfer
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>Black border
what does this mean
man that game was a real kuso but the girls were cute
MC is the gun, they need someone to supervise the trigger.
Sunday got BLACKED?
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I'm still wondering what happened on may 1st for that aventurine spike. Is a paycheck all it takes?
I'd blame that more on Firefly being a mary sue, as a typical trait of one is that everyone instantly likes them unless they are a villain.
I can't see shit
wtf moving so fast
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Constancebros how are we feeling?
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Easy skips, Yinlin will sweep
Thats not may 1st, thats april 26th aka when they gave out the free tenner to everyone.
It might be red still but the shit quality fucks it up
>That game was Atlus made
Uh yes?
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I believe
they'll appear in space Greece for sure
I'd rather go to space poland than space china (again)
By the time they learn who Firefly is she already gained their trust whith mc vouching for her because she's not evil. Here we got straight up villain saying hi I'm good person now.
She looks boring
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Firefly just surpassed Kafka total sales for the JP data.
She's not beating Ayato anytime soon though, or Seele.
Still, third most sold banner for JP.
Oh makes sense. I'm a mathlet.
The garden of recollection has their eyes on amphoreus so there is a chance for Constance to appear.
You keep posting this and I always assume that this is Jiaoqiu until you finally mentioned Yinlin
Meh, another skip like usual with chinks.
She looks like shit
>Quantum Destruction
Easy fucking skip
dangerously based
skank better undress or i won't roll
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It is Jiaoqiu though.
I don't understand his meme.
literally who
Not rolling unless it's Phantilia
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>qua destruction
Please be true
>15 Luocha
>21 Huohuo

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ZZZ kinda sucks doesn't it.
What's this about a Greek woman?
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For me, my lineup will Dan Heng, Dan Heng, Tingyun and Tingyun
I hope her entrance scene is epic, badass and cool and she's all like GUESS WHO'S BACK BITCH THAT'S RIGHT IT'S ME THE SEXFOX or something I dunno I can't write dialogue
We are going to Greece during 3.x
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i got bullied 3 separate times on different servers in online game can someone console me /hsrg/?
She only needs to ring her Bell, followed up by MC going SEXO SEXO SEXO SEXO
15b Yen
8b yen

Luocha almost made 2x more than that piece of shit lmfaooooooo
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Genshin, back when Genshin was still making big bucks these three insane back to backs happened.
Ayato > Ayaka/Shenhe > Yelan/Xiao
rolling day 1
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ignore them, you're the best.
She will most likely be our first 5* in 3.0 or the last banner right before 3.0
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lmao get rekt fag
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Who are these people?
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Firefly’s EN VA met the JP VA recently
La creatura...
>It's not Roman
>more asshole dr. Ratio mumbling about stupidity and education
>more philosophy shit and what not

I am dropping honkek
>QUA destruction
QQ... lost...
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Feixiao, Lingsha, Tingyun 5* Alt, Moze, Aglea (from 3.0 planet)
The guy cutoff at the top is Sunday.
Arglae (or someone else) 5* ice hunt
and sunday on the top
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>inb4: "You will never be Japanese"
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>Greek Mommy
Fuck, guess I'm saving then
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>She's not beating Ayato
>Mihoyo killed HSR in favor of ZZZ
why? Wasn't HSR their #1 money maker?
well i couldn't ignore then because they targeted me, so i had to leave the game 3 different times
Are they going to be robot/intellitrons like fgo?
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waiting patiently
what could possibly make your small brain think that
Was there no block or mute button you could use?
Oh yeah, I forgot people actually liked Genshin prior to Sumaru
what game?
When did Courtney love start doing VA work
It's more casual friendly. You need meta teams in hsr. In zzz, you just play with tv mazes, don't need characters at all.
Why are you still pretending the AE and SH are enemies anymore? We're literally just playing vidya with Firefly and SW in this patch. They're literally helping us in every way.
Time to save for Yunli and Snek hag.
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And updated warp data.
Acheron is her way to reach fucking 40m warps lmao, apparently everyone rolled for her.
Sunday atleast had good intentions, he just happens to be retarded, can't say the same for Firefly, also I think Dan's line when using the express in the story boss says he's a good guy
>in favor of ZZZ
More like they finally Killed HI3. ZZZ is the biggest slop with constant half-assing on character designs and combat itself, even Genshin pales in comparison.
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What killed Genshin?
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I can't believe Fofo did this...
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>even Genshin pales in comparison.
0 content in HSR + upcoming xianzhousloppa
Clearly HSR is taking a step back
As always ''the meta' is just some tryhard echo chamber and players are better served playing the way they like and having fun. That is the spirit of the game
uhhh didn't robin outsell Aventurine?
The game just got stale, the story sucks ass and the formula has gone unchanged from the beginning.
Fontaine, unironically.
break free from the matrix...we can do it bros...
>Everyone was fine with Firefly joining the AE even though she's a wanted criminal with a high body count
>With Sunday suddenly people now care about past crimes even though he didn't kill anyone
He tried to kill you, Firefly didn't.
Simple as.
Firefly's crimes are alleged
slowdown after a big patch ending is normal + this is a chinese game you are going to get xianzhou sloppa for its entire existence
You mean Kaveh and them fucking over Dehaya.
TB killed people (or at least assisted in murder)
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We love evil women here.
Didn't say anything about men.
With how zzz already flopping they better come back on their knees with 10 new for (you) waifus and husbandos each, as apology
Feixiao is not looking hot. Also that Rifle/blade is the worst version of a Gunblade I have ever seen.
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I mean I'm not saying space china is good but at least they're trying to do a "filler" story arc after the Penacony story. Back in 1.X they just did event after event until Penacony.
ZZZ isn't flopping the only ground retards have for this is the bad google play reviews of complaints that the game isnt running well on peoples nokia 3310
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Is this healthy or normal?
4.2 unironically killed Genshin. And refusing to give SQ2 for Furina was a spit on the grave. No one will even buy "archons" again and natlan will probably flop even more.
You can just smell the rotting meat
a lot of things
siggy flopping in particular is a result of her kit being a mess
Sex with Banjomori
>Lingsha isn't a hebe
It's over...
show me why ZZZ is flopping you inbred troglodyte
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A parent's dream is to see their children surpass them.
Robin and Aventurine did about the same which is really sad because he's male and the 4th sustain.
BIG Kafka bunda
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Honestly, I kinda don't want Sunday to join the Express. I like him, I think he was one of the best characters in Penacony with Acheron but my worry is that these writers can barely handle the current 4 members we have. I can't even imagine how much worse it will be with another one
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they got way too comfortable doing jack shit to improve the game. paimon's annoying ass and the wordslop dialogue have single handedly dragged genshin down from its untouchable status
Is she even a snake??
But I don't pay for gacha scams...
you WILL pay!
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finally an artist that porperly cut out the selfie, most of time when the artist cuts out the selfie they always leave out a bit of the gloves which gives it away.
Pixiv link?
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I built my Guinaifen for a Super Break como and have both Topaz and Ratio and Clara

With this information, would (You) roll for Jade OR Black Swan?
Now THATS a tail on tingyuan.
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I miss my wife
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Jade doesnt work with the IPCs and for Black Swan you want Kafka.
Dunno what to tell you bro
You need Jade E1 for her to work with Topaz outside of PF
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was hsr this bugged in 1.0?
Where the FUCK is Screwllum
3.0 is not rome right? Also none of the chink designs are as hot as Ruan Mei lol.
I also have Blade for Jade but that's kinda it, I thought I could run Lil Gui and Black Swan without Kafka but it seems harsh
nice meta railkeks
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Only if you're rolling for E1.
E0 Jade needs an aoe slut like herta or himeko.
Lmao boothill earning more is crazy.
If we are talking about only meta, I would grab BS and then Kafka later.
Jade's meta is not looking good anytime soon.
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3 more days
>Two free units at the top
Yep, comfy.
uhh sorry that happened to you bwo, you can always chill on some singleplayer game when stuff like that happens, still btfo to these guys
Boothill has a good moveset unironically. Sigewine is has one of the worst movesets ever. 4.8 will also flop with the new Archeron coming soon.
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I hold on so nervously to me and my drink
I wish it was cooling me
But so far has not been good, it's been shitty
And I feel awkward as I should
This club has got to be the most pretentious thing
Since I thought you and me

Well, I am imagining a dark lit place
Or your place or my place

Well, I'm not paralyzed, but I seem to be struck by you
I wanna make you move because you're standing still
If your body matches what your eyes can do
You'll probably move right through me on my way to you
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You're just jealous that our MC isn't bottom tier useless like every version of traveler
People actually liked this boring ass character?
Fu Xuan carrier the banner
lmaoing @ the devs for sending us back to notChina even when the numbers say that chinks are flops
I see three most likely scenarios.

1. He replaces Dan Heng as a member of our trio as Dan continues to stay in his room.
2. He is only occasionally relevant for a few arcs than is used for our emotional death of an express member instead of Himeko.
3. He's only a temporary member and disembarks at some point in the future.

A lot more can happen than this, but even if they haven't been utilizing the express crew properly, they probably have specific plans for any new member they add. Still, the express crew interactions is in a sorry state compared to the groups of other factions, so the crew as a whole would no doubt suffer while a new member is added to take up screen time.
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Banjomori doro?
Shit story
I also don't really give a shit about any Natlan characters
Ahem. It all started at 3.2 where hat-manlet got scot-free of all his shit and get paird with Sumeru Archon, the smartest in Sumeru chooses a manlet over (You) who saved her. Back to back desert. HalthemKaveh. And 4.0 dropped, the beginning of Neuv dick sucking. Also GAA2 Lord Kazuha muh sad family.
Honkai: Star Rail
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At least I have some time to cope...
>jp sales mattering
lmao notchina is still the peak of the game sales-wise btw
Sister, your Raiden Bosenmori Mei?
It's Bosenmori
And her name is Raiden "Bosenmori" Mei

Fuck off
thanks bwo
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Wouldn't surprise me if this person is being paid to do this by MHY.
top up reset doesn't count
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Wait, are you posting here for free?
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I need more images of Kafka encouraging the TB to murder
>306 / 107 / 1
Lingsha looks cute
Who's the hag at the end? I shall roll for her too.
It's Banjomori
And her name is Ruan "Banjomori Mei

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>doesn't count
Men only want one thing and it's disgusting
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Who won? Who lost?
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yeah i just got very socially lonely, and went there to not feel like this, but after that i remembered why i played only single players games last 15 days or so. at least i dont feel lonely anymore just disgusted and worthless, and angry, somehow i feel like i want to take this frustration on someone else and bully someone else, but i wont.
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>a fucking banjo
aglaea, our first space greece character
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>barely beat Kafka despite the insane level of shilling
Imagine if Kafka meanwhile was promoted half as much. Bet MHY is absolutely seething that she didn't even come close to Acheron.
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They all are, hxg leaked a comission made by hoyo to a chinese mmd poster where he had to showcase Firefly as the TB Girlfriend.
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I get paid by the edit
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>name a character raiden
>instant gigabux
How does she do it?
Jesus this is actually getting scary. I wonder what MHY will do now since it's clear Firefly is far and away their favorite character. Will Firefly show up in china next so every new character can tell you how great Firefly is and how lucky you are that she's your canon girlfriend?
When is she supposed to release? 2.7, 2.8?
I'm feesh
*twang* *twang*
*twang* *twang* *twang* *twang* *twang* *twang* *twang*

*twang* *twang*
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I don't see the problem? It says "Within" not "With N left on the timer"
No, she's going to the fridge for a while (you don't want to cloy the fanbase) but she might return for the non-China bits.
The bird event tells you she's going to take some long vacations in Penacony so whenever we go "back" to Penacony for a continuance she might be there chilling.
But yes, Hoyo seems to "love" Firefly a lot, in the last week/month she's gotten like 5 different merch products announced including a game controller, a sam figure, a firefly figure and some othe shit.
can relate to the feeling, used to be very lonely years ago, shit can destroy you, don't you have any irl acquaintances to met with? could be anybody, just to chill for a bit
I'm pretty sure Ruan Mei would be an expert cook though!
no confirmation yet, but could be 2.6 since it's pretty vague for that version
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God I hope if Kafka gets a skin it's not just something randomly put out but rather tied to a story event with her. Preferably one with some good (You) moments.
Sucking on tits is the least gay thing you can do.
I want to grab her thigh...
It's either a suit or qipao.
Emotionless milking handjobs or thighsex from RM
It will be you and Kafka going to buy some clothes for Firefly
And she will tell you how good of couple you and Firefly make, and what gifts you could give Firefly or what clothes will make Firefly look cute.
Another day of relic farming where every piece obtained is only worth being scrapped...
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If it's a suit no one is gonna pay for that. A china dress may be fine so long as it's not just a copy of every other one we already have.

Please no...
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Just did the hotel manager quest
Holy shit you go off the rails
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cute sisters!
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date event where she's asking us to help her choose her a new outfit
It will be the Japella suit. But we will get a flashback missin from the time when TB was with the SH crew and that flashback shows that TB really liked that suit and that's why Kafka is still wearing it, even though she changes the rest of the wardrobe regularly.
ruan bugsenmori mei
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You're laughing but Mihoyo is literally the Wokest chinese company to ever exist already. CCP is unrionically the only thing that's stopping them from going full gay. They're censoring female bodies while preserving furry assholes.
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Bosenmori sounds so stupid
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>Having a girlfriend who will roleplay as firefly in vr.
I already suffer from Firefly fatigue...
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I got tired of how time consuming it was
>Exploration took forever, especially finding the new regions elemental whatevers
>Events were so goddamn unnecessarily wordy
>Even though it only took 5 minutes I dreaded dumping my AP for whatever reason
Its just not a game that respects your time.
Hell I think were starting to get annoying with the 4 different monthly challenge modes now but its not yet reached that bad in wasting time.
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God this fucking hurts
if I saw this, I would just take kafka inside the changing room, kiss her passionately and fuck her right there until I can't cum anymore
>Kafka getting good (You) moments
The game already decided the MC only loves Firefly, Kafka is just your mom
I just realized that's the fakest snow I've ever seen.
Hoyo promised me a Roman planet, not an economically depressed proto-turkish planet

tb needs a handler. I cannot believe everyone just lets the tb run off like that kek
Ruan mei tongue my angus
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Is kafka really ok with letting two of her children date each other?
Imagine watching this and not cringing to death. You people really need to get a life
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Yeah that, and where is not-Japan planet?
Honestly, I'm a little bit bored of these space stations and planet sized ships.
You can call me the King of Cringe
M7 and Yunli in AS.
Rome is just Greece from AliExpress.
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Need dialogue option to tell Firefly that I prefer Kafka. Fuck you MHY and your faggotry.
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new art soon by that guy
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>Not marrying your mom on an intergalactic train ride
Get a fucking life
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Jade is, so why not
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two robin? that's cheating
at least use sparkle for yunli's side
>1min 30 sec webm
>just below 4mb
nani the fuck
we already had a story where you can say that you like her
maybe we can get something else when we see her again
I only have one motp and no good harmony cones. Should I pull on ruan meis light cone at least for another motp? Or give her cogs?
You're spending your time posting and seething on a mongolian basket weaving forum and you think you can tell people to get a life kek
Feixiao is disappointing but the other girls look good. Too bad Lingsha is brick effect.
imagine being this bitter over cute shit kek

Get a fucking life because Firefly is not real and even she is trying to get one KEK
Absolutely seething
Wait, M7 is actually pretty good?
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Same bro
I would but the game won't let me because it decided I love Firefly
I will not touch grass
i'm the father btw
We love Firefly here.
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Nice, can't wait to see.
He's talented.
r*bin is actually pretty good yes
They both adopted...
Firefly is the most overrated character in the game
>build break
>build atk%
>build spd
>can't even do dmg past 100k

Lmfao. This is why Acheron sold more than this trash with BE gimmick
Based IPC old bastard (Diamond)
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Anons who daydream about marrying an anime girl are subhumans and should be gassed
coomers are based
these subhumans are not
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I wish this was the actual backstory of them
Waifufags are better than coomers DESU
Wait, what is the 64d timer on Divergent Universe for?
isn't it a permanent content?
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Stop making me fall in love with Greek women
it's gonna expand bwo, not the other way around
ugly art unironically worse than AI sloppa
If you can reach 160 BE without motp, you can slap cogs on her. More motp is good though
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Good end my life
Put me into the next so I can marry a cute fox lolibaba in that one hopefully
Is Himeko from a planet with the same culture as the greek planet?
Wait, all those numbers are thanks to Robin?
Telling Firefly that marriage is an ipc psyop and that I SHALL NOT FALL FOR IT!
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Would you guys want a Penacony part 2? I see that China is not very popular as a return destination
Not really, outside of some of the other families we have seen all of Penis-colony.

I want to go to a new place
Maybe? She and Ratio have similar patterns
It's the perfect planet for shit like summer or christmas events thanks to the dreamworld.
We have an investment in Penacony now so if any bad shit happens it wouldn't be too strange to head back to sort it out.
92.6 it’s over. I think I’ll just spend my last gems on a few light cone pulls then
I want to go to a new planet
How fucking hard is it to design a new planet?????
No we love Kafka here. Twitter and reddit tourists love Firefly.
>Delicious hag voice (jp)
>Good animations
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I would like to see the other hours and the auction house March went to
It's time to prove that you are a roll for who you like guy and not a metachaser
since im not a faggot, i love both
She's not a brick if you have Blade.
They finally noticed the powercreep complaints and now every new character does shit damage.
Didn't want anyone to even consider skipping Firefly for her + ZZZ release. HSR's Dehya but not even the writers like her.
Yeah I'm gonna roll but man I'm still a bit pissed.
I don't have him lmao.
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It hurts
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I love oyakodon.
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>Guys get their ideal robot tradwife gf thanks to Firefly
>Yumes get their ideal control freak dom bf thanks to Sunday
what came first? firefly or sam
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hsrg fears this
MHY would kill Kafka before they'd allow this.
Both were in the devkit so they planned it from the start
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The wormaggedon
I feel like I should roll her cone for QQ and just roll for her in a rerun
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Bro this isn't /zzz/.
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星ホタ & 穹ホタ LOVE
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He needs to dom me bad.
e0s0 being usable only in pf is annoying
Can anyone tell me why my Firefly is shit? Why can't she do damage unlike Acheron? 60k dmg at E2S1 with break effect???? What the FUCK
Did you pay attention to the story sis? The whole point of his character is that he is a super controlling dude because he believes people are too weak to take care of themselves
I hope we get a ''strong'' quantum 5* eventually. All the other elements have at least one or have one confirmed on the way. Some have even two.

Seele really fucking fell off (and I say it as a mono quantum enjoyer). And Jade needs a fuckton of investment to even work outside PF.
So tomorrow is the last chance for a Jade/IPC myriad trailer right?
yes but I don't care I get sub vibes from him hes the type to be controlling in politics but a sub in bed
And he didnt dom anyone and got doommed by everyone instead
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When are we getting catfly?
Are we expecting that she won't even get a trailer? Wouldn't surprise me.
as someone who mains Blade, you need more than 2 bricks to build a wall
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And he fucking lost. He's the type who tries to be a dom but ends up being dommed
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hag footjob
Second banner characters often don't get one
Anon they do this for every single character
>mono quantum
The trap is Silver Wolf. Run her with something else and it's good.
Oh, also Sparkle isn't too hot with Seele. Robin is unironically better.

Not sure what they are doing with quantum though. Sparkle has nothing but QQ to really work with in quantum. Feels very strange.
Where's the Jade shilling
Every featured 5* gets AT THE VERY LEAST
>Keeping up with Star Rail
>Character Trailer
PF launching one day before her release

Everyone gets character trailer but not everyone gets Myriad Celestia aka lore trailer.
Boothill got one. Argenti and Ratio also did. Sparkle got several. And obviously Aventurine did. Argenti and Ratio also did. So what are you referring to exactly?
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The Jade shilling be centered around:
>Please, you like Aventurine and Topaz?? You NEED to roll their mom.
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Stelle will ask him to be dommy with her
Other than Sparkle none of those got a myriad trailer
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I'm sold
So with jades release genshin will be back at the top huh
They got a normal trailer though, which Jade has not gotten yet.
Character trailer always release one day before the character comes out
>doesn't work with them without E1
Fucking lol I'm not even sure if that makes her whale-bait or not
what will she do with her 12 incher then
Got her and S1 MoTP.
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No, it will be something else.
March status?
It's july
Did Tingyun fucking ascend to godhood?
people that are 100% controlling and distrusting of others in their professional life are 100% the type to seek out dom mistresses n shit in the bedroom
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mmmmmmmmm nyo
>Dan Heng for Imaginary
>Jingliu for Ice
>Acheron for Lightning
>Fire for Topaz
>Physical for Boothill
>Wind ???
Wind element is cucked
It's Phantylia again
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a fate worse than death
Come on, even fucking Blade is better DPS than Topaz
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There are several PVs a character can get, the minimum every 5* gets is:
>Keeping up with Star Rail
Explaining their kit with Owlber and some guest that is related in some way to the character being showcased.
>Character Trailer
This trailer is often dropped one day before the character banner and its rendered in-engine with in-game models, usually just depicts the character beating up some enemies and using a special music track composed for the character.
>Animated Sig LC + VO
This one is kinda new, its just a L2D render of the Signature LC with some voice on top, usually posted on Twitter/Tiktok.

After that you get the tier 2 package which includes
>Myriad Celestia
This is a simple animated video showcasing the character story/lore background.
>A moment amongst the stars
Similar to the above but usually short in nature, ~30 seconds or so, only a few charactres have gotten this so its not guarantee that everyone gets one.

And after that you get the tier 3 package which is the FULL shill mode
>Animated Short
A full animation short done by Mihoyo themselves to showcase the character story in full detail.

Only Acheron so far has managed to get ALL of the PV material, followed closely by Firefly which got everything except for "A moment amongst the stars" trailer though she got it covered by having an entire phone call event, a POV Date video and several other PVs like the Tatalov or SGF ones dedicated JUST to her.

Animated Short: https://youtu.be/e5xueJq4Lwc / https://youtu.be/pdiwGOicQVs
Myriad Celestia: https://youtu.be/Z3aWHMg92_U / https://youtu.be/qsBBZRNoP8s
Character Trailer: https://youtu.be/IQQPDPAvxTg / https://youtu.be/eFXQqY3ia6k
A moment amongst the stars: https://youtu.be/rvMxhJds3Ow / https://youtu.be/gsGHRwJNmDU / https://youtu.be/8AaPHNlrwFU
Keeping up with Star Rail: https://youtu.be/Y9vz34wximk / https://youtu.be/1Jct7Gt_-MA
>"h-have you heard of zzz? p-please spend money on it"
You deserved it for being an incel
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>March 7th was 0.3 years ago
Blade is horse shit and needs to be meticulously built
Topaz works awesome with Robin and she does lots of follow up attacks with Numby, making her the best DPS of Fire element. Blade might become better with the release of Jade
>Only Acheron so far has managed to get ALL of the PV material
The A moment among stars trailer was about Robin
>you like Aventurine and Topaz?
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youre just swinging at nothing at this point
I want Sunday to step on me
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how'd you know
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Where did time go?
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I'm selling my account to buy more rolls in ZZZ, how much can I get for it?
Like three fiddy.
Jade is coming out bros, why don't you head over to the oneiric shard shop?
Ill give you $5
maybe like 500
your black swan???
All characters get a character trailer anon...
I saw someone selling a E6 Acheron + E6 Firefly account for $500 on Epicnpc
>>485083739 (Literally me)
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such is the fate of the high flop cucktet
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Anon anything you buy right now will be counted for Firefly in the eyes of the devs. You're letting the hagfags down.
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15k on this shit is harder than star rail
You can't be serious...
Its not that hard, genuine skill issue.
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Stelle boyfriend
Stelle boyfriend
That other dude?
Also Stelle boyfriend
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I only coom because it's the closest I can get to the whole love thing on my own.
It's the right direction because that's me.
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The reality:
I will check out this site and list the account, thank you.

I need E6 Ellen and it's either this or skip rent this month.
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Wake up
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Waiting for the last stoneheart for my first full IPC team
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After getting the achievo for killing every single enemy in every stage I tried that and got 200k before I got bored and died.
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Stelle's boyfriend is and always will be Lordly Trashcan.
Does Jade even work with Aventurine and Topaz? Hell does she work with anyone at all?
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Aren't the trashcans just a representation of the SAM Units?
Were they planning on making Firefly the canon gf since the very beginning?
I'm getting her E1 so it works for me
She is Blade's wife
how the fuck do you get 60000 in the last pure fiction, without sustain Kafka mindbreaks your ass and with sustain you don't have enough damage
>Firefly is literally trash
Well that part checks out at least.
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Not confirmed completely yet, but for something that was formerly mostly a crack schizo theory, it actually has some basis now funny enough

>Kafka mindbreaks
She doesn't mindcontrol in that PF
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We told you to roll for him bro

She works great in her intended role of facerolling PF with any erudition or blast damage dealer. She needs E1 if you want to pair her with single/blast damage dealer for MoC/AS purposes, at that point Topaz is a good option due to her attacking so many times per round.
Kafka owes me sex
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Based IncestGOD
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I look like this
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Thinking of Firefly and Tin Man got me thinking about the motivations of all the Stelleron Hunters and what they'd ask for if they met Oz.

Firefly: I want to LIVE
Blade: I want to DIE
Kafka: I want the opposite of courage actually
CaeluStelle: I want to go home
Silver Wolf: HUGE fucking dick.
oh, still, I don't have enough damage, guess I will roll my nigga Argenti
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Lucky guy
>Silver Wolf: HUGE fucking dick.
where's master wu?
I can't get excited for them knowing 3/4 will be useless and the other will have an extremely niche kit that gets shilled by a new mode
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2 more weeks
trannyturine flopped
wormhill flopped
pagday will flop
kill yourself homotranny
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SW doesn't have any particular goal or wish, I don't remember if it was on her character story or quest but she mentions that she would've joined any faction that knocked on the door, the SH just happened to the first to arrive and gave her an excuse to explore the galaxy and find new friends.
She seems to enjoy her place in the SH group as she gets to game with Firefly, mess around with Blade and enjoy chats with Kafka (Firefly mentions Kafka is chatty) and experience how is it to have a family and friends.
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learning that I can use Ruan Mei tech before relic caves has genuinely changed my life
I suppose "for the lulz" is the only appropriate motivation for a channer like her.
What was she doing prior to getting picked up by the SH?
holy shit
You don't say.
No you can't stop lying
I'm a day 1 player and I only learned you can do this this week... it makes clearing the Firefly set cave so much faster because I don't have to wait for slowass Ruan Mei to use her skill AFTER the dogs have already bit my ass
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You can also use items :)
Do people really not know this
She was just a neet living in some pizza place basement, the chibi sw in her character art were ai chatbots she made to help to cope with the loneliness.
Most of this is explored/explained in her character story.
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KING is so lucky…
But then you have to quit retech and go again. Too annoying.
>Kafka is chatty
My extra talkative, fashionista mommy..
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Ruanald's technique only instant kills waves of enemies in SU and DU though. outside computer simulation it's just a mild weakness damage and instant buff proc. Good but not gamebreaking.

Technique also dissipates every time you hit the "one more time" button so you have to back out and go through the process of starting the cavern up every time. Overall probably a time loss.
>Firefly: wants ME
>Blade: wants ME
>Kafka: wants ME
>CaeluStelle: wants ME
>Silver Wolf: wants ME and my HUGE fucking DICK
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i did it with ff side 1 (thief gallagher mvp) and sustainless herta side 2 (side2 wave2 is really fucking atrocious for herta but i don't have better options)
>THREE boyfriends
Why is Stelle such a massive whore?
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I thought she was just really lonely and wanted friends? And it seems that she already got her wish too, since the SH is her new family and they do treat each other as such. You can really tell how fond she is of everyone there too
I don't envy him. The moment you realize the girl you've gotten beaten up by is actually cute, you just lost.
No wonder he was so adamant about going up against Jingliu. He already had bad experience. And then he even jobbed against Sushang.
Girls are scary.

If Yuan wouldn't encourage him all the time, he'd do other shit for a long time already. Problem is, that doesn't fix his girl issues.
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>doesn't run vonwacq ruan mei
big yikers
kill yourself homotroon
Do we like ZZZ here?
SW just wanted friends/family unironically, her past is all about how she was always alone and had to program her own friends. Probably why she cares about Firefly so much.
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Good morning hsrg
I love my cowboy cyborg galaxy ranger husband Boothill
Hope you all have a pleasant Sunday/Monday
y e e h a w
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I use Penacony because I originally built my Ruan Mei as a Jingliu support
Can you post the comic with boothill on a team with 3 little girls. It was quite wholesome.
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Her pussy is so big only one boyfriend is not enough to handle it
They really just redesigned him to make him asymmetrical
it's fucking hilarious that everyone was freaking out over the supposed AE ticket but it turned out that it was just part of the gold trim of his outfit instead
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I find the SW/FF relationship really cute, they're like sisters, that Sparkle message at the end of the 2.3 quest was so cute, I wish SW wasnt such a brick so I could excuse myself to roll her E2.
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Yeah it's alright
Still trying to get Ellen
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>miss Samuel
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I can't believe they put Argalia in Star Rail
Robin is asymmetrical too. Her blue and white sides are opposite Sunday's
Now that I played it I'm even more perplexed as to why they bothered to do the HI part 2 thing.
I don't have that one
Clara in place of Ratio in the FuA team is an easy 40k on the first side so you only have to get 20k on the second
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I still don't know why the Spanish translation team made her nickname for the bird game be "Sam-uel"
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That's fanart you blind retard. There's no non blurred out leaks
Yanqing's wallet...in danger...
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>YOOOOO misha is totally joining the express!
>YOOOOO firefly is totally joining the express!
>YOOOOO sunday is totally joining the express!

how many times will retards fall for the same trick
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>Spanish translation team
They are retards
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>gazillion pulls saved up in HSR
>have to wait a month to be able to pull (Yunli)
>0 pulls saved up in ZZZ and no idea how to get more besides doing the story and logging in
>want Ellen and can't fucking get her
Early days in Hoyo games are always so fucking painful... I haven't even unlocked ZZZ's equivalent of relics yet and I despearately need a way to farm their gacha currency so I can get the teen shark with the fat ass and inverted nipples
>misha is totally joining the express!
He did though?
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Misha did join the express
was always pag cope
probaly not happening but would be funny
yeah he's hiding in dan's room rn
Why is he wearing a dumb outfit
Faceless Sunday.....
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Honestly even from the non colored sketch, it really doesn't look a ticket still
he died anon, did you not pay attention to the story?

The start is really damn slow but I've started liking it in chapter 2 as content finally starts unlocking. The early gameplay feels really bad since your energy generation, stun bar and elemental effect are all shit so you're just slowly doing normal attacks for far too long. Also the story interrupting you every step in the tv mode is awful early on.

Honestly it has the worst/slowest early game I've seen in Hoyo games. HI3 at least had midly interesting story turns very fast so the abysmal combat was bearable. I'm not sure if it can keep me interested for the long haul when I run out of story.
fake news
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Ready as ever.
Come back mommy... i miss you
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PLEASE let her kit be crit focused with a side of BE instead of the opposite, I had enough of break shilling
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Little Yanqing will realize that buying food for your gf gives you better rewards than buying two copies of the same sword
I hate france
I hope she needs break instead of attack but is still able to crit normally.
How do I build herta for pf bros
She's either gonna be Acheron 2.0 and ignore her path entirely or be another brick.
no lol
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Hey! That's my gf!
The valorant set gived atk so I doubt it
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>Are the fofoposters in the room with us right now anon?
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noooo i have like 20 pieces that have crit and break rolls...
>Dead again
Firefly killed HSR
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I've been using this for a long while so I guess it werks.
Your Xueyi would love those
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I self-insert as her boyfriend.
She doesn't have one
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I self insert as her
superbreak support doko? new 4* doko?
im right here
Thanks bros. Do I just use her one 1 side or do I use her with himeko too? I don't have many well built units but I'd like to start doing PF
Superbreak doesn't need new support. The next 4 star is Moze.
>a fucking Sucrose expy
>today's event is FUA shilling
i didnt level dr.fagtio
who do i use
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fofo the 4chan!
Dr Ratio
Superbreak needs a support that enables something different than the FF comp.
sucrose is a nerd not a scaredy cat
Use the loli
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Do we have any leaks about Feixiao's kit?

Read a leak that all generals would have summons like Jingyuan.

I failed to get FF and I want a good dps + sustain next and 2.5 might be it.
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I've been clearing all of them with ff so far
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Trust the script.
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why has every event since the fyxestroll garden event been a 2-3 hour filler event that was more annoying than fun?

>RM Cakes
>Clockie bullshit movies
>can't even remember the rest they've been so bland
The cake was cute

i'm missing like 5-10 chests almost every spot couring the whole fucking area w topaz and nothing

sigh, guess I have to online guide it
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>those eyes
wait a minute....
you're not MY glow worm-chan!
>RM cakes
it was fun though
>clockie movies
yes that was garbage, i can agree on that
>Do we have any leaks about Feixiao's kit?
only leaktranny fanfiction so no
The tldr is that it depends. There have been PF rotations in which I didn't use Himeko or Herta(but one of them always had something to do), and there've been one in which I did hyper Herta with 3 harmony.
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Cake event was cute wtf bro
Okay, thank you so much bro. I'll focus on building up herta first then
I didnt think it was that amazing but it felt like a proper "event", like seomething different was happening and youre part of it

The other events didnt really give off that feel
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My guess that she'll be a Break character, without needing to build Break whatsoever.
FUA characters have some of the fastest breaking capabilities. They could just give her a huge DMG% and Crit Rate/DMG% boost upon breaking enemies. Could last 2 or so turns, or just while the enemy is weakness broken.
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>zzz gets elysia before hsr
it's over
Isn't she dead. Then again, so is the pink goblin.
Fast breaker that benefits from attacking weakness broken enemies sounds good to me
She's 5* Wind Hunt that is a FUA/Break Hybrid, has an Action Advance, and has a summon. Leakers/playtesters said that she wants Topaz and Ruan Mei in her teams.
She might only be good for Apocalyptic Shadow, and that's it.
This looks....so plain

I mean I dont hate it, but what's there to love?
I would accept that. I just want to pair her up with Robin and Topaz rather than have her be another RM simp
>pulling out strongest guns literally at the start
They don't plan to live long. Eos soon
Those characters will take years to come out.
Star Rail does not get overt sex appeal. It's generally quite plain by design. This is the 12+ game right?
>what's there to love?
Giant axe and dual wielding gun blades. Thats my kind of chuuni shit
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>rather than have her be another RM simp
If what leakers/playtesters said were true, she wants to have Topaz and Ruan Mei in her teams.
And that's probably for the best if she wants to break; Ruan Mei will simply make her break even faster than before.
She looks like a 4* and seemingly doesn't have a tail. How did they fuck up so bad?
Just use your numby bro

Have you seen Black Swan
Maybe if the booba characters didn't flop you'd get more.
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When we get ours, she will be far far better then even the one from HI3rd
>at the start
It's literally ZZZ's version of our Aeon trailer or the nations trailer for Genshin, they're not coming out any time soon.
The designated limited supports are such a bad part of this game. Topaz / Swan are literally useless at e0 without their partner
>first leaker said she had a spear
>second said it was an axe
Have these guys never heard of a halberd?
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>Fast breaker that benefits from attacking weakness broken enemies
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>Just sitting on my couch looking at the ceiling
>Firefly image flashes my head
>Start smiling like an idiot for several minutes
>Do it again
>Smile returns and I notice I'm just in a better mood
Bros...? How do you call this? I've never experienced anything like this
You can see some side-boob on her model.
I also like her short shorts, makes her look pretty tomboy-ish for a Maid model.
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another SS rank with minimal effort.... my wife is so strong...
Funny enough, Yanqing already uses her VA in JP.
I used trial Topaz Jingliu and Robin.
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at least wait until we can actually see any kind of details bwo
Soooo wind Firefly?
In Sushang's case, she wants to build massive 200-300+ BE anyways; as to additionally abuse the busted Phys DoTs.
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brain love chemicals bwo
Is it? I mean compared to what exactly? March? Firefly? *Insert china dress-wearing girl*? All are pretty plain I guess.
I think she looks the best of the new bunch honestly. 5* Ting looks weird
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I love her
Firefly no diffs all the challenges
>Boothill powercrept by another hunt breaker
Big yikes.
I'm coping that she'll be focused on Weakness Break rather than Break Effect
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couldnt be me.
day 2 btw
yes i will roll yunli to pair with my clara and robin
Firefly love.
what the fuck are those rolls even
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I refuse, and RM is already busy with Firefly anyway. She will get the pidgeon bitch and she will like it, AND she will get Ratio's cone instead of her sig
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i roll for who i like, and yea i can easily max moc
im a straight male
Hmmm remind me again from which ship Sushang is from and who the general of that ship is?
It all makes sense.
Nice. I was even thinking of making a soundpost of this.
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Sunday its time for your daily pegging session, Robin wants nephews
birds can't be pegged
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Jepella outfit skin never ever...
>not wanting to be submissive to Acheron
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Now that the dust has settled, I think Penacony was just alright. The game really peaked for me in Belebog. Say what you like but I enjoyed the hallway gaming / classic jrpg feel of belebog.
>I refuse, and RM is already busy with Firefly anyway.
Ah damn.
>She will get the pidgeon bitch and she will like it, AND she will get Ratio's cone instead of her sig
I have both Robin and Ruan Mei.
Ruan Mei is in my Acheron/DoT Hags team, while Robin in Clara/Yunli team.
I might use both Ruan Mei and Robin on her team. I might even ditch the sustain.
Why analwormers never make SOVL like this?
women like Acheron were made for submission
not the other way around
maybe occasionally you can submit too
Robin is universal everyone wants free turns and dmg
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Xueyi bread next?
We havent had a Kafka bresd in ages
Sis? How is he gonna get you pregnant if you peg him
only sõymen and babies suck on tits lol
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I really wish there was a HD version of the POV date, the videos were only ever uploaded on twitter which means they have shit resolution so you can't get a good screengrab of anything.
Finding out that her Jepella outfit didnt use a pencil skirt (like most fanart depicted her) but instead a long and frilly dress/skirt made the outfit so much girlier and cute.
Skins WHEN.
>The start is really damn slow but I've started liking it in chapter 2 as content finally starts unlocking.
Good to know it improves. I kinda like the combat since it's flashy enough to keep my attention. But it feels like the game is actively trying to keep you from it. Not only by throwing so much story at you, but then also just randomly interrupting the story to throw random town activities at you. Why the fuck do I need to serve coffee to NPCs before I can go back to the story so I can go back to the actual fun part of the game.
You only ever come here when there's shitposting potential huh? I'm glad you're just a bandwagonning retard.
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Girls are born with no peepees
Then what's poking my butt?
Pull away the white panties
Leave me, trapped in the cage
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do NOT bake fofobread.
>Has never played with a womans breasts before
They love it when you bite their nips a little bit
sure bwo, bake it
Apparently we'll be getting a kafka skin soon, so hopefully that means the rest of the SH also eventually get one too

You unlock ZZZ equivalent of SU at around level 18-20. Then in mid chapter 2, at around level 26ish you unlock the MoC and a bunch of other stuff. It takes a lot of hours to get there, oh and also Bangboos which are freaking core game mechanic take like 10-15 hours of play to unlock.
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kaka la vaca should've had a surviving younger brother
wow Ting looks beautiful
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There's his sister and she is alive, trust the plan
>Robin is universal
She is does nothing for break teams.
Thats why I hope she is a crit dos first and foremost
Uh oh the analwormer is mad! Understandable since you parasites never produce anything of value lololol
>long skirt

You can't turn a housewife into a ho
Go outside if you want to see a girl in short shorts or yoga pants. I love long dresses and skirts on women
>women can wear clothes that don't risk flashing their panties
>Sex? Yes, I'll schedule it on my calender
>You must accept the email confirmation to attend
Is it me or Tingyun has something around her neck?
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Nevermind, the Hoyolab version of the posts has links to Facebook which does have HD versions of the video.
Because she's a prim and proper lady, Kafka taught her fashion the right way.
>more Space China
Skipping forever I guess
She does nothing for Firefly teams. Even Boothill could make use of that AA.
Okay, that sounds interesting enough for me to push through it. But what the hell were they thinking with delaying all that. Makes me appreciate HSR intro, throws you right into the action and keeps it pretty straightforward until you beat the boss. And then when there is a natural lull in the story, it throws SU and MoC at you.
>lingsha is just an older sparkle
already recycling designs within their own game kek this game is dead
Can't wait to cum inside of Hanya with no condom

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