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dropship edition
previous >>485009732

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that doesn't really work, much like defending against this thread's subject.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter, neither of which are two words. You can expect similar gameplay between it and its sequel here in /hdg/.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






July 4th patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4246413199434585562?l

I wonder if more PvE games will actually put effort into making enemy factions like Helldivers with mechanics instead of just
>Rat with a longer stick
>Rat with a shield
>Can all be countered by just mashing M1
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bell bronze & copper-nickel
You don't already have it set to 90? I guess you like having enemies sneak up behind you then.
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Bugs 9
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Morale Augmentation (-5% cooldowns for all strats) or Streamlined Launch Process (instant support weapon drop)?
Also gg gents
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I'm going to settle this retarded argument right here right now using a freshly recorded example from a difficulty level where shooting down dropships and killing the cargo before they deploy would actually valuable.
You can clearly see Devastators survive the shoot-down and the explosion and continue to fire from within the wreckage.
Instant support weapon drop is amazing, go for that
>Not using the Commando so much that it's already boring by the time it finally gets released in a neutered state.
I'll try to join anyways...
>Im going to start up this argument I lost again because I want to save face in a new thread
Instant drop, way more noticeable, specially at the beginning of a mission and when you're dropping EATs
Ignore dropship shitposting play how you like no one cares
they're going to make it so that the commando won't one-shot fabricators, aren't they?
Yes. Way too OP. Also ruins Spear.
i missed all that, but i just love seeing them drop, you know?
Its equally viable to do it or ignore it desu. The real question is when will bug holes actually spawn bug holes you need to pop.
Just make the Spear better instead of ruining the Commando
I carried you.
I don't have much of a horse in this race of whether to shootdown or not, and instead will note that dropships should really collateral their dismounts more consistently both before and after they're off the ship, you would think the death explosion would be meaningfully lethal or that fall damage would be ticked on for enemies still embarked on a dropship as an alternative or additional bandaid
used this thing to clear the personal bug order
Anyone with a brain agrees with you.
But this general is full of retards.
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you can clearly see the smaller bots getting crushed and ragdolled out. youve moved your goalposts so many times i dont care what your arguement is, youre wrong. and reopening this into a new thread just makes you look pathetic
If killing a drop ship guarantees everything below dies it will become way too strong. You'll end up never needing to worry about them.

Its fine how it is. Dropships kill all the chaff below and deal some damage to everything else. They need to fix the LoS shooting through the hull bullshit but otherwise you can even see here that it kills half the Devastators >>485129243

Bugchads just drop gas strikes at bug breaches and it always works
Killing borderline harmless mooks in exchange for protecting the real threats as they now have 1-way cover to shoot you from isn't worth it.
If that's all then I guess that's fine. Everything else about it from the cooldown to the instant 4-shot really makes this strat worth bringing along with EATs. Felt really good to have a constant access to ATs that can be stockpiled.
i'll try this next terminid order
>Plays like a retard
>Look! Im retarded!
What was the point of this
>realism for thee not for me
if that superheavy tank or giant robowalker is getting physically crushed between the ground and a massive tiltjet robo chinook with solid steel construction, that bitch is getting crushed, it's good to reward players for being on the ball. Bug breaches should respond to getting directly struck by 380mm caliber orbitals too and have a chance to get sealed outright.
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I can't wait to run EAT, commando, gas strike/napalm eagle, laser rover, and eruptor on bugs once the commando releases, bros. Support call-ins feel SO good now with the ship module upgrade that removes the wait time.
He's the best player in the world!
Gatling works too
do dropships still have only a random chance instead of consistent result to kill enemies they crash on?
Or is Arrowhead still too cowardly to tend that particular bud?
The moment you use this word in connection with video games you void all your points. Opinion disregarded.
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I guess? I mean it's valuable to shoot the dropships when you don't need to be in the area. At best, it kills the bots but at worst, it keeps them in place even if you gave them cover but if you have no need to be around, it might be better to shoot the dropship and leave them trapped under it while you fuck off to another direction.
Speaking on the loss of Aesir Pass, shouldn't the DM's secretly be glad we're likely only gonna win the MO and then immediately lose the Ymir Sector? it would set the bots up in a spot that would be great for a set up for the Illuminate to enter and take the stage, the bots will have a similar setup to the Bugs where they have the outermost worlds firmly in grasp and on the map it would look fitting
plebbit seems to think the raise the flag missions are missing again because the devs have zero version control on their live build updates and it makes sense. havent seen one in weeks
>Not taking EAT, Commando, Spear and Recoilless
I am Eagle.
>look, i traded one rocket for 7 enemies that die to being sneezed on!
>what? the four heavy devastators shooting at the team that we can't kill? who cares about those!
NTA but what's the problem, you have realistic headshots, realistic animation cancels, realistic getting flung to a wall by a grenade and dying
>realistic headshots
>realistic animation cancels
>realistic getting flung to a wall by a grenade and dying
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>youve moved your goalposts so many times
The only goalpost that's been moved is yours.
>Being able to down three dropships and kill everything before it lands is nice.
>kill everything
Killing 2 scout strider but leaving 2 rocket devastator and 1 heavy devastators still alive is not killing everything. It is beyond proven at this point shooting down dropships doesn't kill everything as was originally claimed.

>but otherwise you can even see here that it kills half the Devastators
Unfortunately it didn't kill any devastators. This part was cut for filesize/time limitations. None of the three devastators on that dropship were killed in the explosion or crash landing. The one dead rocket devastator here was killed by friendly fire as you can see in the first webm there is no corpse on the ground at the same location.
>Hes still going
>Hes still trying to save face
Ignore dropship shitposters
clearly the real problem is that people advocating for shooting down dropships only play on d2, where there are no devs, hulks, tanks, or fac striders
You can read the replies.
Out of 7 people, I'm the only sensible anon that understands the point you are making and agrees with you.
I'm been lvl 150 for months, I always get the most kills, 0 deaths, I've played every weapon extensively, every playstyle and combination and I'm always the best performing player in every lobby even without trying.
I doubt anyone else out of these peasants is as knowledgeable and skilled as I am, and yet all they can do is cry at you for making a valid point.
Pay no mind and move on, they are unskilled idiots and arguing about videogames is pointless.
>Doesn't kill devastators
>Dead devastator at 0:13
You're funny

Samefag again
>Opinion disrega
Next time when you samefag, at least change your reddit tier spacing so its not so obvious.
>niggas talking about realism when most planets shouldn't have similar gravity/environment to Earth to fight in
Some real planets like Jupiter is just a big gas ball or too hot/cold to be around. All the planets we see in the galaxy are terrestrial planets that have conveniently similar gravity to Earth.
>everyone I dislike is a samefag
See?This is the mind of low IQ plebs. They lack the ability to understand abstract concepts. No theory of the mind inside their heads, all they can understand is their own POVs.
There's no point in arguing with them, they are NPCs with fixed coding.
>this nigga doesn't understand survivorship bias and a millenia of terraforming
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>guaranteed replies
Uhhhh anon... "Galactic Map"... Galactic... Many, many planets... Colonies... You know?
>Says the NPC who said dropships don't damage anything, only to get proven wrong in the first thread and tried to win the argument again by posting it again in the new thread and is going to keep replying and trying to spin this in his favor all week now
You're a silly goose but at least you're entertaining, even if you're objectively wrong and even proved yourself wrong with your own webms lol.
Anon, do you think the planets we land on are the only planetoids in the galaxy?
I'm not the one who said that, niggercattle-kun.
I know falling dropships can damage some weaker bots, but the devs, hulks and tanks will always survive unless shot down by SAM-SEAF, which makes the point of the other anon completely valid.
I thought Super Earth was literally a "super Earth" they terraformed into Earth's shape
>Its not me its someone else!
Its literally all you. Enjoy your week long of shitposting to save face.

Daily reminder: Killing dropship is valid and kills most things below it. People who don't kill dropships should be kicked immediately.
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>I'm been lvl 150 for months, I always get the most kills, 0 deaths, I've played every weapon extensively, every playstyle and combination and I'm always the best performing player in every lobby even without trying.
>I doubt anyone else out of these peasants is as knowledgeable and skilled as I am, and yet all they can do is cry at you for making a valid point.
You guys ever see a post so stupid you don't even know where to begin?
>missed the commando because I was hungover from last night
It's gonna get nerfed, isn't it?
It's implied to happen if you lose the galactic war in the first game, but considering our home sector has mars and that we won the first galactic war, it's safe to say that this is the original Earth.
Yes, but it's glorious right now. Feels like an EAT with much more convenience and total output but a somewhat longer cooldown. It'll probably just have its demolition strength reduced. Otherwise, seems just fine.
both. instant support weapons reduces EAT cooldown by 5% and the 5% cooldown reduction is another... 5%, obviously.
Yea, the demolition power is silly but everything else feels pretty good and fair. It kinda cuck the EAT hard though

I think it would be fair to nerf the Commando in terms of demolition force but one of the other AT options should get it in turn.
I don't see it that way. You should use the EAT like a segmented OPS, you call it down to take out one or two big enemies right there, while the commando is a frontloaded RR with less overall rounds and all of its reloads in its cooldown, something you can bring through a couple encounters.

I'll be running both together, of course.
That's what I'm worried about. Instead of buffing the EAT, they may just nerf the commando to keep it in the running. Hopefully they work it out so both are viable without making one feel more dogshit than the other.
EAT and other 650 damage AT get buffed to 750 so they 1HK0 titans with a perfect shot.
nobody said that. What was said was that they objectively do kill units, that it's not worth it BUT you can also take down a fabricator/jammer/detector alongside it if the opportunity presents itself
all of the posts have the same exact punctuation and structure. the plebbit spacing is a giveaway
Nah, the Commando can be used as an segmented OPS, but is better at that role than the EAT because it can kill more target on one drop and also have laser guidance for gunshipm
I have no doubt that they're withholding that kind of breakpoint buff as one of the 2-3 individual stratagem level upgrades and pretending it's just like the original games' any angle kill for RR, when in reality the equivalent to that upgrade would be HESH shells that always have their maximum armor penetration no matter what angle you impact at
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I close my eyes I see rocket devs outline the moment they plant their feet before shooting
only the recoilless should get buffed to 750+ damage. EAT has the disoability and handiness, quasar has infinite ammo, and now the commando is basically half of a recoilless on a 90 second timer. The recoilless is long-suffering and needs something to make it a viable alternative to those three.
The RR, EAT, and Quasar are already perfectly balanced towards eachother. If one gets a damage buff, they all should. I still bring the RR on 50% of bug missions as my dedicated AT, it's not suffering at all. The only annoying this is moving forward to strip a behemoth leg, which it should be able to do without moving, but they all have that issue.
are we back?
>when in reality the equivalent to that upgrade would be HESH shells that always have their maximum armor penetration no matter what angle you impact at
Other than glancing blows at 80+ degrees that's already how it is. RR has its full 6 pen from 0 to 79 degrees. Same with EAT's, same with quasar cannon.
Take your meds.
Nah, recoiless is good as it is. It has the fastest draw time and shoot among the AT. If you know your spacing and position so you can reload well in fight, it is more efficient than everything else.
Every time I see this image, it annoys me how tiny his head is inside the helmet.
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>12k players on vega bay
Redditors really believe that we could win all our Major Orders but we haven't learned the mechanics of the galactic war yet.
If only every person playing the game:
Played and completed only helldives
all stacked one planet at a time
always liberated attacking planets rather than defending
moved their ships to sectors with no fighting when logging off to prevent adding to the decay rate.

Then we could be winning the endless war.
Fuck you, now i see it too.
Joel thinking Aesir Pass was somehow connected at all to the Ymir Sector and that it should be impossible to hold those planets now
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I really hope they release armors more into the basic helldiver aesthetic which has Peak Physique. I'd kill for a set that has the vibes of Enforcer, Exterminator, or the default armor with it.
Think we are doing bots now
Got one for bots or bugs, Idc.
I'm kind of pissed about this. How blatant does Arrowhead's hatred of their players have to be before people realize?
Even that whole PSN account thing was their idea, and they fucking admitted as such, and people still blame Sony who for the first time in history actually did the right thing and told Arrowhead to knock it off.
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>heavy and rocket devs already shooting at him through the one way debris and almost dies failing to shoot down the second from all of the aim punch
honestly I'm thinking I'll just start kicking you niggers.
>Even that whole PSN account thing was their idea, and they fucking admitted as such, and people still blame Sony who for the first time in history actually did the right thing and told Arrowhead to knock it off
Where did they say that? Sony's the one that had a quarterly meeting coming up and just happened to coincide with the PSN linking becoming mandatory.
One of their CMs on twitter or discord said they were the ones who asked Sony about it so their could more easily ban people.
So when's the next meal coming along?
Are the swedes cooking?
Well, that could be true but I also know better than to trust the word of some attentionwhoring LGBTQPZ+ subhuman CM on twitter/discord.
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your meal sir
Assuming no further update has been posted, the CMs just keep saying that they're in constant discussions but nothing definitive has been set. Aka thumb twiddling time.
>just received a 5 star meal + dessert (surprise defenses)
>now greedily wants more
Learn to appreciate your meals. They're cooking and the next one will be ready when it's ready.
>5 star meal
illuminates dropped and no one told me?
CMs are also retarded faggots, making every statement they make a quantum superpositioned lie
fuck yeah fruit snacks
>Asking AH to ban someone for cheating or griefing is listed as a non-valid reason
>Wants people to link PSN accounts so they can ban people easier

Unimaginable Swedish faggotry. They probably want to kick all the chuds enjoying the game because they're not media literate.
You can have that, my delicacy is the plastic tray.
Plastic is stored in the balls.
No wonder helldivers are set aflame so easily.
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Still had 2 primary objectives left lmao
jokes on you, my balls have silicified
>t3 muted
what'd he do
He kept spamming voice lines to be wacky and I was hoping muting him would mute the in-game callouts, but it doesn't.
shooting a man mutes his voicelines
at least temporarily
Yeah, I ended up sniping him a few times with the AC. Felt nice
Or they could just let us transmog.
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On the topic of TKing
>shoot at enemy from behind cover/ any tactically advantageous position
>teammate (equipped with shield backpack) walks in front of you, blocking your entire line of fire, and shoots towards the same direction as you
What do you do?
Start crying and pissing my pants that some random fuck that I chose to do a random mission with doesn't have 100% situational awareness. Once I clean myself up, I get a gogurt to calm myself and make a post on my favorite board, /vg/, telling my fellow posters about my predicament.
I have a friend who does precisely this and I just lob a napalm strat at him every time.
He never learns.
if people repeatedly start wandering in my line of fire I just start tracking them while firing full blast with the stalwart
violence seems to be the only language people understand
i do all of these things
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>imaginary situation has left this anon in an apparently shaken state of mind
Geez talk about pissing and shitting your pants...
Do you like Joel's cooking? Do you like the feeling of false influence?
Pure white armor
Off-white helmet
keep shooting, I've learned my lesson playing insurgency sandstorm. They'll keep doing it till bullets hit the back of their skull.
when you go from bots and stun grenades to bugs and impacts and forgot you switched
They chose to be fat.
Looks green to me.
I'm logging on for the night. Is the correct play for the X-45 defense to attack Vega bay? I'm new to trying to figure out this fucking map. As I'm seeing things, the following are the noteworthy potential outcomes:

>Vega captured fast (before wasat falls)
Capturing vega defeats the attack to Wasat, and prevents an immediate assault against X-45
>Vega Captured slow (wasat falls)
X-45 is open to attack from Wasat
>Vega ignored in favor of defending Wasat
X-45 is open to attack from Vega Bay
>just fail both
X-45 is open to attack from Vega Bay and Wasat

So the only possible course of action that actually has any hope of denying attack routes to X-45 is quickly capturing Vega bay. All other outcomes leave at least one avenue of attack against X-45.

Also what the fuck is with the divers fighting on Aesir Pass and Vernen Wells? Do either of those systems have any significance whatsoever to the Major Order?
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>What do you do?
Oh fuck is that what that was? I thought you had a grenade pistol or something and was spilling your spaghetti. That's rough though, can't say I haven't done less retarded things. Was till pretty fucking funny.
Idunnolol that wasn't me, just making a joke
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Or is the play to hold Wasat, while Vega remains in a partially captured state so that we can undermine an attack on X-45 by capturing Vega Bay? I don't know how to get a feel for the capture rates when from what I can tell Joel can just on a whim state that "Rocks Fall" enjoy fighting against an arbitrary drain rate that's greater than you can overcome.
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beautiful. . .
just a heads up, next time you try HMG'ing a bile titan: only the broken belly segments can be penetrated. the head is full armour 5 all around and the emplacement only has 4 penetration.

Logically its to take Vega but the decay is too high to take per Joel's meal plan.
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We only got as far as we did after the breaker/rail/shield nerf because of the "weapon upgrade" cope. People believed there was a plan. That things felt weak for now, because we weren't seeing the whole picture. It has been long enough now that I think it's time to accept they really thought the launch balance and the nerf was completely okay.
Just play the maps from the greater maplist you desire. Joel will do whatever he wants. It doesn't matter anymore.
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>tried to go for the deathtwitch
>pulled it last second due to the massive balls it witnessed while going down
of course they do, look at the modules. Its clear that's how they wanted to dole out "buffs"
That's good to know, thanks.
The devs did it first.
how do you get such nice quality with your webms, I've been trying to figure out ffmpeg but its never this good
>standing out in the open getting aimpunched constantly
I didn't read anything you posted I just wanted to say you're bad.
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That's just how it is sometimes.
it helps that bile titan invisible death boxes seem to have been fixed
if i had to guess, webm for lazy's + toying with the res + keeping them under 30 seconds
>keeping them under 30 seconds
NTA but I'll have 5 second clips that are like 25MB I don't get how you guys are posting 20-30 second ones.
1280x720 MAXIMUM and also try to keep the total length down to sub 15 seconds.
Other than that I use this program
https://github.com/dfaker/WebmGenerator which semi recently was updated to allow for vp9 encoding. I don't know exactly what that means, just that Webm for Lazy's (formerly Retards) used it. Said WebM is I think a little more reliable for making quality webms, but I like the UI of WebmGenerator better.
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Man 500kgs are so fucking random. Sometimes they feel like god taking a dump on the enemy and other times like a wet fart that you're not sure if you need to wipe or not.
everyone ITT could come up with better ideas for new content than Arrowhead
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drilling mission, but it takes place in the super earth arena with four teams of four and whoever blows up the hole and jumps over it first wins. one jump pack per team and no eagles/orbitals
the shakiness of the laser makes it look like a laser minigun
4th faction of !notEwoks to fight.
I like it.
I would rip off the warthog run from Halo CE to spice up extractions after short format missions.
I forgot I still had the grenade pistol whipped out, and tried to shoot it like it was my Incel Breaker.
Vega Bay is turning into the next liberation sink/Creek.
If I see a red stratagem that close and read 500kg, I'm immediately dropping what I'm doing and diving in the opposite direction. That was totally on that guy.

Currently I see the three factions as this:
Bugs: Feral animal, no tech, horde
Bots: Comparable tech, squad based
Illuminate: Higher tech, elite based

A fourth faction could slot between bots and bugs. Lower tech than super earth but also leaning toward horde.
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did they not do cyborgs in the second game because communists are supposed to be seen in a good way now?
I'm fine with that. Clear view when it's not storming, benefits energy weapons, and you can use the blizzard to stealth complete objectives and travel safely. Could be worse, could be some shitty acid or fire planet where you can barely see anything on a good day.
>instead of being an elite SEAF formation crossing the Rubicon and playing Starship Troopers even harder than the Helldivers, they're the motherfucking GLA
fund it, I need my tox thrower and General Thrax will provide
You have to pay requisition slips after the match for every bullet you shot. Or subscription based stratagems.
The cyborgs were supposed to be enslaved in the mines of cyberstan. I suppose they might make a reappearance now that it is under bot control
you're not the only one anon
when I close my eyes to sleep I see berserkers come towards me while a huge fuckoff barrage of lasers and missiles closes in on me from the horizon
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See, you can tell they're... just right, when the flesh falls off the bone!
They did have a tox flamer in the first game after all
Congratulations, you gave yourself PTSD.
Dissident faction with makeshift jury rigged pelicans, exosuits, and drop pods.
The Automatons are Socialist, which is the next closest thing. The Terminids are also technically the descendants of the Bugs from the first game.

Zoomers need to stop reading so much into this shit and just play the goddamned game.
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>bot raises his arm to launch a signal flare
>lob a plasma punisher directly at him
>hits him directly
>he tanks it and launches the flare before the second shot downs him
>the bot in question
they could do a lot more with super earth history, lore, and current news
The automatons aim to obliterate inequality by converting everyone into bots. Also they're still cyborgs, they have human blood and brains.
And the one that hide behind a rock then shoot flame?
If you ever get hit with a suddenly tricky configuration you can try starting the path from the missile silo first. I heard it helps.
Tried the slugger on Bots today out of curious nostalgia. Sweden must burn for its crimes.
The staypuff marshmallow man armor is fun on the bot defense missions.
>Stealthing against bots.
Sorry. I only pick heavy armour so I can fight every bot engagement to the death like God intended.
This but I do it with light armor so I can move faster across the map kill more bots

Alexa knows best. The stagger was too much.
I think I'm finding a correlation between planetary HP on defense campaigns and how much of the playerbase % is needed for those campaigns to be a win and it seems like for every 1k you basically need about 1% of the playerbase involved for that to come out as win. So Wasat's 25k hp defense needs about 25% of the playerbase to come out as a win. At least Wasat right now is around 23% of the current playerbase on it and its hp pool was 25k, so that's quite close to what it seems it works as.
Sorry. 10k/1%* and 250k hp, not 25k hp.
For me, it's the crossbow.
Watch Joel either launch another attack on X-45 when the clock hits 24h left OR he captures Wasat and immediately attacks X-45 from there with the timer being however much time is left I think something like 15 or 16 hours?
>only person i saw using it was guy i know IRL
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>diving with lvl 20ish friend
>he brags about using macros for stratagem inputs
>I still usually beat his macros by mashing the default WASD
>mfw calling in hellbombs with just muscle memory before he finds his hellbomb macro key
This weapon only shines against bugs as a utility weapon for closing bug holes and killing medium armour mobs. Basically, it's the stalwart's secondary weapon.
I hope you corrected that
It's still a worse eruptor unless eruptor handling really filter you.
The gun either need 3-5 more shot per mag or go back to light pen but have huge AOE. The ability to kill fab/bug hole is a move in a right direction at least
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Nah, it hits hard, staggers and with enough discipline it can reliably kill Devastators. It can even headshot them like you'd do with a Dominator. I agree that it's a sub-par weapon but putting in the work to make it good is part of the fun. If anything it's a tiny bit less good on bugs due to them hunters jumping in your face. Ironically it doesn't handle chaff hordes that well. Still, crossbow forever <3
Comparing it to the Eruptor is the mistake here. It's much more spammable with its Higher RoF and better Ammo Economy. You're not supposed to use it to hit hard and slow and then switch to your MG/Stalwart. You can use it as a primary and rock a Spear/EAT for really high-prio targets.
OG crossbow was tip tier primary for bots
>full HP planetary defense would require 100% of the playerbase
I want to start using assault rifles again, which are the good ones? I remember the base AR was pretty good at launch
But with only 5 round per mag, and its fire rate is not even that fast, the gun just can't really match up to eruptor due to how often you have to reload and it takes more shot to kill many enemies and it rarely get collateral kill/damage with AOE, unlike the eruptor.
If it has like 8 or 10 round per mag, I can see it being a solid alternative if you want more consistent.
Combat Technician is my favorite. Medium armor is enough to not spontaneously die in one hit most of the time, but the stealth aspect helps you maneuver into position to make ideal first strikes. Also the radar pings help for finding POIs amidst the giga fog.
I agree desu, also launch crossbow had huge AOE but for some reason they nerfed it. However I don't mind how it is now, I like the marksmen aspect it has. TLDR it's fun
For a 4th faction to work we should be viewing the factions from a gameplay-lens rather than trying to tie them to technology levels.

Bugs focus on overwhelming you with numbers and melee with their secondaries bringing units that attack you from new avenues (ambush, air) or impairing visibility.
Bots shoot you with lots big guns and heavy armor with a few melee units to flush you out of cover. They're slow and like to bunch up so their most powerful secondaries disable your most effective tools (AA, jammer) to deal with armor.
Mortars also flush you out of cover while the tower complements their fighting style of lots of fucking guns.
Squids would be a faction of controllers. They have specialized units that fuck up your controls or deploy hard-light walls to isolate your team and one-shot snipers from the first game.

The only gameplay niche I can think of for a hypothetical 4th faction would be 'supports'.
Guys whose higher-tier units and secondaries act to empower eachother and their grunt units.
I think it would be interesting if higher levels brought out guys that made their basic bitch grunt more deadly instead of the elite itself being the direct threat.
Their high tier units could focus on protecting their 'officers' or otherwise introducing some method to make them harder to kill.
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I've played a bunch of level 9 bot missions I'm coming here to say that everyone who complains about the automatons is 200% correct. Fuck those niggers, fuck cyberstan, total cyborg death, bombard that fucking planet into glass
>combat drill sergeants scream at the grunts, forcing them to be obnoxious cover hopping aimbotting cunts who resist suppression in ways trooper bots don't
>snipe drill sergeant, all the chaff suddenly become spraying retards who can't do anything right or outright flee from a bad case of SQUAD BROKEN
this absolutely sounds like a good start for a Dissident factional gimmick
Yea, you probably still run it and do okay. It's just very mediocre. An annoying aspect for me is that since you can't really see the path of the arrow, you can't really know how to make adjustment with your shot. Since it has such a huge drop and slow travel time, I have no idea how to make adjustment between shot because I can't tell whether I over shoot, under shoot because the explosion at the very end isn't always clear at longer than mid range.
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>>snipe drill sergeant, all the chaff suddenly become spraying retards who can't do anything right or outright flee from a bad case of SQUAD BROKEN
We're literally come full circle
For me, it's the Eruptor.
Full HP is only ever 500k hp, or 50% of the playerbase needed to win. Which is why those often resulted in automatic losses.
It all comes down to practice, you get the feel of it. And it's normal to miss shots, sometimes I just shoot in blind faith and hope it hits
So when do we start putting bets on when Joelâ„¢ erases all the "progress" we made on the bug front. I'm guessing within 7 days he'll start, if not sooner with the next MO.
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I just wanna order a bunch of SEAF lemmings around since they seem to not be able to function on their own anyway
So what planet is handing out the commando? X 45 aint an option to drop down on
Brother I'll take anything thats not a fuckin hot, fire/acid storm pile of shit
>calling in hellbombs with just muscle memory
I barely even feel the effects of hot planets because the only time I'm running in heavy armour is when I have infinite stamina and heightened speed from meth stims.
RIP in peace Commando ;_;7
>Anti-Super Earth Dissidents get massive personal firepower down to the chaffiest chaff, full GLA mob mode where you're just fighting reskin clones of (you) but a whole lot more of them
>more abundant vehicles that're more practical than Cyborg superheavies, from technicals to IFVs to MBTs
>their real heavy hitters are gorilla suited novel Starship Troopers LARPers who hound you down and try to dumpster your everything with mass heavy ordnance, just walking multi-sentry Swiss Army knives
>some of these assholes get actual stratagems and will try to orbital your shit if you get too bogged down, power armor bastards will shoot tac nukes at you if you let them
>command chain units make everything worse with buffs, people will wish they were dealing with peak Bots when pinned under heavy Dissident fire
>but whenever you kill one of their superior or command chain units or a bunch of chaff, it causes massive cascading debuffs and triggers self-defeating behaviors in their AI based on how many died and how many are left in the vicinity
>their superior units & COs are all basic bitch humans who just happen to have a rank patch and/or be in a car or a tank or a suit, meaning careful shooting for any cunt with an officer hat or any heavy armor fragged can turn the tide quickly
>SEAF call-in troopers use the same base dissident AI except on your side and amount to a very squishy yet very deadly set of point defense guns unless too many Helldivers die at once around them, in which case they start to job hard and probably die
would be far too cool for swiggers to do but I'll dream anyways
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>bot MO
Lower your tone when you speak to me bugchaser.
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hmm yes very natural patrol spawning here
this is why I get so confused when people say to "just fight the bots"
you literally cant, they spawn out of thin air
bugs do the exact same thing. if there are no outposts patrols spawn from the closest map edge. you're only seeing it because the closest map edge is a barren plain with no cover to hide them.
Tendie for bots, Judy for bugs, Sickle for either. Carbine is good for jumpers or flamers too. Default isn't bad but it's the vanilla.
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It's like cellular division how they multiply.
I just got my third tier 5 ship upgrade tonight (skill issue)
Dedication issue really, I can't bring myself to play more than 1-2 operations a day anymore.
People are grinding for samples again, it's not rare to get 60+ per match even with the unwashed masses. I remember last week people just didn't give a fuck, even had extraction leave a couple times while I was trying to fetch a container I dropped.
I haven't played in a week because there's no actual content to grind for. I'm not gonna force myself to play Joels rigged shit for a 5% cooldown reduction
A rebel faction would be perfect. Imagine if you threw a red stratagem and some engineer chaff guy deployed a shield from makeshift and stolen tech to block it. IFVs that deploy smoke and illumination flares that increase enemy accuracy in that area and officers that make their squad more aggressive and attempt to flank you like those hopping cunts.
Different anon here. I've also been trying to get the hang of the xbow. IMO it is objectively subpar in the role of being an offensive weapon in the midst of a heated firefight. If they really want it to stand shoulder to shoulder with other weapons in pure killing power, then they need to make up their mind and either increase its AOE damage to make it better at killing chaff or increase its single target damage to make it better against the heavier stuff. But the weapon makes up for it a bit in terms of extra utilty that it brings to the table. Several other primaries and support weapons share what it can bring to the table, but what's unique about it is that it is weapon with a quiet report but a loud impact, which makes it the best sound lure weapon in the game. By shooting a bolt near a patrol in a different direction, the patrol will stop what they're doing to investigate the noise. In this way your primary weapon can functionally defeat an entire patrol with a single shot by diverting them away from you and the team. The autocannon and other explosive weapons can do this trick too, but the autocannon alerts enemies to your presence within a radius of ~60 or 70m when you fire. But the xbow's report can only be heard within 35m. So there is less of a risk of alerting a different group of enemies.

You can also "stealthily" delete an outposts guards by shooting the ground outside. This will make them scurry out to investigate. Then you can pick them off one by one so long as you focus on killing the guards that randomly path outside of the small radius where enemies get alerted to you shooting near them. It's also pretty sweet for killing pilbox machinegunner guards while attacking a base. Sidearms are "stealthy" too, but sometimes a sidearm shot goes wide and the alarm gets sounded. The xbow "stealthily" blows up the MG. Others will investigate the MG, but your location will still be hidden.
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So far my build is the Combat Technician armor (medium scout armor) because I want scout's detection radius passive to help enable the occasional stealth play when I'm sneaking up on a detector tower or jammer and all around just make it less likely that I'll aggro a patrol. The radar ping effect is also really nice for scouting the map for POIs. It makes it a LOT easier to find POIs amidst the piss fog. The medium armor IMO strikes a good balance in letting me survive most attacks without dying in one hit, but also giving me acceptable mobility.

For weapons I have the xbow for destroying fabs, playing sound lure games, destroying fences, stealth memes, and in a pinch being able to kill scout striders from the front and kill devastators either by stagger locking them to death or OHKO with a headshot. Secondary weapon is the Senator which I mostly use as a pocket battle rifle for picking off standard troopers with center of mass shots. Of note the senator is also "quiet" within 35m and you can use it to quietly kill enemies without alerting guards so long as the swedes don't make the shot go completely wide and miss entirely. Stun grenades mostly shut down hulks and heavy devs that get too close.

For stratagems, the core ones are supply backpack and the anti-material rifle. The AMR is honestly the heavy lifter in a firefight and makes up for the xbow being lackluster in a heated fight. Honestly, in a big fight, the xbow mostly acts as "one last AMR shot" for if I forget to reload and need just one more AMR hit to down a target. Usually the xbow bolt is functionally close enough to an AMR bullet to finish the target off. For the last two stratagems I am undecided. I have been playing around with a variety of options. Just make sure you have something that can deal with tanks from the front.

I want to note that placing the red dot directly above a dev's head is enough for a headshot out to ~40m or so if they don't move.
or worse, the engineer works as the radio man and being near him before you kill him randomizes your strat codes every 3 seconds
They're in the enemy bases. They've always been inside the enemy bases. Stop throwing lasers and 380's at the bases and then fucking off into the sunset without ever stepping foot inside the base.
>killing scout striders from the front
Does it still take two or more shots, or is there a sweet spot somewhere? I'm still seething about the first round of changes to the crossbow, it was so good, even without fab/nest utility.
What's the EAT cooldown with the 5% reduction, 57 or 58 seconds?
Two to the crotch. Three if you just smack the armor plate. It's definitely far from the best weapon for killing them. You at least staggerlock them to death, but it's a tiny stagger that's barely enough to keep you safe. I wish it tossed things around like the plasma punisher.

But I think the very fact there there is no enemy smaller than a hulk/tank that completely cock blocks it means that at the very least it's not a bad weapon. At the end of the day it is your support and sidearm that will be doing most of your fighting with the xbow primarily being there for utility, but at least you can contribute against devastator and strider groups if you get killed and need to fight alongside your teammates back to your support gear. I've even killed a hulk's heatsink with the xbow once, but he was already damaged.
chill, stan
Did someone forget to tell Joel he needs to start the 24 hour "nail-biter" defense on X-45? He's only got 4 hours left to do it.
4 hour is a lot.
Get webm for lazys, open it
Open video file
Trim to desired length
Crop out names and such if you want, or add a .png overlay to cover something
Resize to 1280x720 if clip is below 20 seconds, 960x540, or 640x360 if longer. Play around with it a bit if you want but keep the "constrain proportions" box ticked.
File size cap at 3.9 MB in the other tab
voila. Note that it won't be able to look decent if the original file is very low quality, so make sure your shadowplay/obs is capturing at a bitrate of around 35mb/s.
Stop firing
>t. "Blocking" your "LOS" because I'm using a fucking flamethrower and you're shitting your pants throwing strats on my position
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I miss Commando...
Same, if we lose this MO, I'm going to seethe so hard. It's exactly what I wanted to round out my loadouts.
>blue/green strategems only loadouts will become totally viable for D9 with commando soon
I'll be packing EATs, commando, laser rover, and HMG emplacement or MG sentry and loving it soon. Unlocking the modules that makes support weapon and emplacement strategems call down immediately feels SO good.
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>miss out on the commando
>Get the AT mines instead
It'd be hilarious.
Usually, I would go to play bug one time for some r&r but the botdivers are so coordinated this time that I stay on the bots full time.
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Silence. Do not speak that possibly into reality.
I prefer the At-mine over commando.
I wish people (especially here) would stop taking the ammo booster it's so fucking useless
That the one that does nothing if you don't die?
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It's too late anon, the truth is. It was rigged from the start.
>Two to the crotch.
Fucking swiggers need to answer for their crimes against fun, it used to be one hit from any angle as long as you hit the cockpit. Thanks for answering though anon, you're pretty spot on about it being mostly utility now.
Recommended Warbond for someone that doesn't have anything outside of the base one? The grenade pistol sounds cool, but is it trash
I recommend Steeled Veterans, then Democratic Detonation for the grenade pistol. It's far from trash, but it eats ammo like a bitch
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>9k bugdiving
It is the only secondary worth taking if you arent running a primary or support weapon that can clear bugholes
first warbond, steeled vets, has two guns that are really good, plus you get the revolver which is a fun meme gun. The laser warbond is also ok because it has the stun grenades and a good primary. Explosives warbond is kinda trash except for the one grenade pistol that is convenient some of the time.
Played a comfy D7 mission to end the night and got to crush a gunship upon spawning in.
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I forgot to post the webm.
I don't think I will anon. I want my full frags and stims, even if I never die. That being said, why didnt these retarded sweds make it a shipmodule? It would make more sense, since it is a fucking hellpod augmentation and better steering was put into modules.
then why don't you just call in a resupply pod at the start of the match?
Doesn't it give you full inventory from resupplies?
No. Just full inventory upon respawning.
HPSO, vit booster, and maybe stamina booster should all be removed and just made into inexpensive ship upgrades. vit and stamina booster feel borderline mandatory if you want to live and clear the entire map in a reasonable timeframe, and HPSO is somewhere between "nice QOL" and "might save your ass in a shitty situation because you have more stims/grenades when you get back in the fight"
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Woah, you are right. I feel retarded now. Why didn't I think of that earlier.
as long as you're cool with sacrificing three boxes to me so i can top off my grenade pistol!
Sounds better than 90% of the boosters already
It is better than most of them, but it only helps in a very niche range of circumstances. If you're good enough then you never die and never gain a benefit from it. If you're bad enough then you're going to just die again before you can make use of the extra ammo/stims. So to actually benefit you need to be in that golidlocks zone where you die occasionally but also need that extra ounce of supplies to really make a difference.
The contrast between bots and bugs is one of the best parts about the game honestly. They're complete opposites and I love it.
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Are gunships still in the game in unchanged form since release? If so, then you will not find me on a bot planet.
Simple as.
If you're "good enough" you aren't getting hit, getting slowed down, letting the enemy call reinforcements or running out of stamina too
All I'm saying it's you're lucky that whoever chose HSO has not chosen more reinforcements or less extraction time. It's far from being useless
>Just call down a resupply
9/10 times you're dropping just beside a patrol, good luck waiting for a resupply
It might be semantics, but I think that was less of an xbow nerf and more of a scout strider buff. Not even the AC can knock them out in one hit anymore.
They're different now. They made them strafe faster so they're harder to hit.
Deep Rock Crossover?
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my future wife
>9/10 times you're dropping just beside a patrol, good luck waiting for a resupply
You shouldn't need a completely full load of supplies to defeat one patrol and an early game reinforcement wave.

Also the key difference between the supply booster and the actually good ones like stamina or vitality is that the good ones improve your performance and make it harder to fail. You need to actually fail before you gain any benefit from the supplies, but you can't fail too hard or else it's no different than normal.
check the perimeter of objectives and bases, flower like to grow a bit off-point
She will be a black and bald woman in the final release.
>Start defense mission
>Shredder tank get drop on extract
>Make the mistake of getting out of it line of sight instead of giving it two thermite
>Railcannon strike a fucking dud
>Tank destroy generator in second
skill issue for not having some EAT banked up from the setup phase.
double skill issue because you were shooting down drop ships, wasting EAT, and making them drop in weird places.
triple skill issue for deploying with rail cannon strike.
She's actually going to be a qt honorarydiver with a brown ponytail and conventionally attractive Caucasian features
>t. My dreams
Skill issue
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>call in stratagem
>giant cliff eats it all
And people want underground levels...
>he doesn't want to panic as a swarm of bugs tears ass towards him in a tunnel
>he doesn't want to guard bunker buster hellbombs in underground automaton-held caverns
>he doesn't want a tunnel rat warbond
>he doesn't want a mostly useless pump shotty secondary
>he doesn't want to defend super earth research/internment/reeducation facilities under an agri-colony
and these are related how?
obviously you can't call in strats underground (unless they attach drills or something?), so some changes are going to have to be made
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Anon-kun, w-will you be playing D9 bot with me? I-it's okay if you don't want to...

>Just remember last time I was running circle around a Shredder tank then kill it with EAT.
If we lose the MO it's purely because they rigged it. We've successfully defended X-45 like half a dozen times now with ease.
you didn't want my anti-tank mines? FUCK YOU no useful strategems instead
well that didn't last very long
sorry anon, personal business
You can't use the commando outside of X-45 because uuuuuh you just can't ok??
It's to give Alexus time to nerf it for next patch
cutting edge has 3 viable primaries and a top tier grenade so it’s the biggest bang for your buck
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We did it Helldiver, we saved X-45
Jumpchads.... i kneel....
Time traveler here, Joel is going to open the flood gates (of shit) from Vega Bay in about 1-2 hours for a X-45 Defense that will go down to the wire because we didn't hold Aesir Pass or something.
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just got the fifth module, going to stop playing after i max out and probs go back to Dark and Darker. when will game have meaningful content
>he buyed the mortar downgrade
oh no no no
Is it a downgrade? If you actually run mortars and have them set up you probably don't care about avoiding patrols by pinging them. Though I don't know what it'll do to a Strider, are mortars strong enough to destroy the back weakspot?
1st warbond has 2 strong weapons that straight forward
2nd warbond has stun grenade plus 3 solid weapons with 2 being more cc focused
3rd warbond have one okay weapon, one strong weapon plus grenade pistol
2nd and 3rd warbond (cutting edge and democratic detonation) compliment each other well like peanut butter and jelly. Democratic detonation have both the Eruptor (and to weaker extend the xbow) and the grenade pistol to allow you to run stun grenade from cutting edge while still having an explosive utility to destroy fab/bug hole and enemies that are vulnerable to explosion.
>Rail cannon making a pinhole in the ceiling and the floor and leaving just a splatter of the enemy
>Hellbomb making rocks fall off in the entire level
>Drone-delivered airstrikes
>Gas grenade to clear an entire tunnel
Yeah, it'd be too fun for this shitty game
>functionally a whole new game mode and completely novel environment
>in a game where the devs not only regularly break simple fixes they recently implemented, but also have no idea if they work or not because they outright refuse to use their Q/A department

it would be a fucking disaster and you fucking know it
>intense heat
>can't see shit
planet piss fucking sucks
Not if they bought back the A team
Underground nests can't possibly be that different from already existing terrain features
Underground bot facilities would be even easier, literally just enclosed buildings
>live but exhaust resources
>die right after
>only got half your shit again
nothing feels worse. There's barely any viable boosters anyways. Vitality is mandatory, stamina boost is mandatory, radar and reinforcement boosters are useless and there is usually enough downtime between fights for the booster that extends time between bot drops/breaches to not matter. The shock booster against slows is useless as well. Leaves muscle enhancement, space optimization and stim booster as the last 2 options. I will always pick HSO as one of those
Is the stim sprint cancel bug back? I'm going mad having to press shift so many times to run 10m
>Is the stim sprint cancel bug back?
I dont remember them ever fixing it
it never left
>23h not 16h
it's all so tiresome
What the hell
>X-45 now under attack from Vega Bay as well, while still attacking Wasat
come the fuck on Joel
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you fuck
Is the 10% reload time ship upgrade worth it? My friend bought it and he said it feel the same as before. I will get it regardless but the increased eagle damage seems more worthwhile
And so begins to suicidal Vega Bay gambit
Just let them take the stupid sector
Joel obviously is getting rid of any non contiguous territory
We'll hold X-45 for all of five minutes after the MO is done
this whole whack a mole situation is so tiresome. The DM should be fired for such incompetence
>X45 opens again
hell yeah, commando time
>decay goes down the longer we fight on a planet!
>except for Vega Bay because uuuuuuuuuuuuuhh
Hell yeah commando time
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>Anon absolutely dumbfounded because the planet we have to defend is being attacked
Not going to do what the nigger GM wants me to do, simple as that
It's just impressive how the gloves came off with this blatantly rigged MO
it's also because Joel got read like a book
Anon, everyone knew the planet was going to be attacked in the last 24 hours since defend campaigns last 24 hours
The alternative was just waiting for the clock to tick down
We win the mo after this defence right? the mo ends in 24 hrs
We won't be able to lose it anymore, but they'll probably wait tomorrow to actually give us the win
Surely the decay rate on Wasat is halfed now since the attack from vega bay is split. That would be fair, did GM play it that way though?
That's what I'm saying, the hell are you acting smart for
You'll fail the defense, they'll say we got away with the Commando, the entire sector will be lost with the press of a button
I heard setting sprint to a toggle instead of holding the shift key stops you from being sprint canceled. I think it works, but sprint toggle is kinda weird overall.
Will EAT become obsolete now that the Commando exist?
No because they'll nerf the commando next week
I feel like they're setting up a major push from both factions that will then be topped off by the squids showing up and SE getting pushed all the way back to Super Earth.
I just wish they were better at telling stories. The railroading they've done would be fine if there was a story explanation to it. But there isn't. It's just "u lose by winning LOL"
I wonder if the "mission impact" is even real, we've seen they don't need to tweak regen rate at all to make the score jump
no because i can call both.
how could they possibly nerf it without simply making it a worse EAT that'd give them flak from players (again)? Per shot it already does less damage than an EAT so the overall damage is lower and it has double the cooldown. It's plenty balanced
he probably talking about Commando able to destroy bot fabricators from any angle
They really blew their load early with wiping out the automatons early for them to only show back 1 day later
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>Dude all they did was artificially invalidate all the progress we made so they could force the MO to end the way they wanted it to, why does it bother you?
eh, wouldn't be a huge loss. If any AT other than the Spear can't do it, it's probably unintended anyways. I'm just hoping it performs well against bile titans and chargers since I don't like using AT weapons against bots
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>week long MO fails in the last 24h
>remaining players demoralized
masterful move by Joel
>the new dawn reflecting off of the snow
Fuck me, this game is so pretty sometimes.
How can bots attack two planets at once from 1 planet? Wouldn't that mean they are abandoning Wasat to go all in on x-45?
>Join mission
>Revolving door of people joining and crashing for 10 mins
>Fire commando at gunship and finally get my own.
This is fucking retarded.
Stop adding new guns, stop adding new modules for 75% of your cap resources, stop balancing the game and making it less fun.
fix the fucking core game so me and everyone else can actually pay it you dumb fermented fish eating niggers.
Don't worry, we'll add more piss and fart fog to make everything uglier
We're going to win you fucking retard
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>WHAT?! Theyre holding the target planet?! NOT ON MY WATCH!!!
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>He thinks they'll let us hold an encircled planet
Yeah we're not Joel, we cant just insta cap planets behind enemy supply lines
Here's my theory: we were supposed to fail the first defense, then invade from Aesir Pass, but that didn't happen and he sperged out
So if we do keep X-45, next MO should be about making a corridor
If Cyberstan turn out to be another foggy forest shithole then I'm done with this game, thick fog is nothing but artificial difficulty
Why didn't the SEAF deploy on X-45 instead of Aesir Pass? Are they stupid?
They ran out of FTL travel bug juice
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except he forced Aesir Pass to fail.
16 hours to defend a planet when a current MO is going on worlds away with a fucking 6.5% enemy attack.
I hope we lose x-45 too, even the retards on leddit will complain enough so someone puts this railroading faggot on a leash a la Alexus.
>no attempt to take cover
>using the scythe
>diff 8
I just want you to know i didnt read a single word of what you wrote because the webm clearly demonstrated it was not worth reading.
He desperately wanted us to abandon X-45 with that shitty dispatch
>SEAF deploying in massive numbers for big push
>can't even defend a single (1) planet from invasion
Have SEAF ever done anything of note other than being a shitty MO filler?

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