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Previous: >>485095843

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Firefly love!
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God morning Fireflybros
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Good morning bwo
Clara, Blade and soon Yunli appreciate the aggro
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>Kill shit, but don't die
endgame mode doko?
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33 runs

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The Star Rail bike
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>Isn't it between Dan Heng Stelle and Aventurine?
There are many love triangles, some that don't make sense in canon

Sauce? I don't think I've seen that one
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Hmm nyo
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>That's PF though?
No cuase it's still time based so the way to do better is still to do shit quick
>If there's no timer there's no challenge, because you can just go double sustain and go to sleep.
I mean I know you're a retard with zero imagination but if you encoutner a problem, SOLVE the rpoblem. People can just double sustain if they don't have a timer? Ok? The sollution is fucking simple then isn't it? Don't let them do that. Restrict character choice. There. Now you can do an end game with no speed run shit. That wasn't fucking hard. You retardedly think they must adhere to some basic standard of play because the other modes do but it's a game they can change the rules whenever they want if they just got even the tiniest little bit creative.
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God would burn firefly alive and let her rot in hell for the genocides she took part in
It's over, i can't defend this game anymore.
On top of being auto battler, now you literally can't die.
Make it so I can fuck nanook and I'll be back herta come on do it for the sake of science make it so he impregnates me DO IT HERTA
why does gallagher say saar
just pick 5 of the most annoying boss/miniboss and give them infinite hp, the goal is to survive a set amount of cycles but give them a damage threshould the player has to reach every cycle to not get party wiped so you can't just turtle up with 4 sustains
there's your new endgame mode
Let sleepy get all 4 of your units for a fun easter egg!
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can we get some bangboos, they're so cute
Pamu is cuter.
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gm bwo
Are Firefly's panties still visible in her playable version or did they censor her?
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>(you) didn't roll her cone
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
Do Firefly's enhanced attacks count as ultimate dmg?
I mean old school megabosses were 1-2 hours of spamming items and the same 3 skills on rotation. I'd be fine with just a health bar as my only barrier to winning
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But I did?
Yeah I don't get why we can't just have beating the thing at all be the only barrier of clearing. You could have like reward tiers based on how much health you manage to get through with it getting progressively harder the lower the HP.
i did though, E2 even
I did.
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How big is Sigonian cock?
About half a numby
just enough
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Im going to beat sparkle to a pulp after this
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Fofo love!
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It's not about the size, it's about the technique
Where's the men
Sex with Clara
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Sparkle would NOT only give you good options
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Where's Topaz
i'd be fine with yanqing
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>Did PF and DU
>No more free jade left for Firefly Eidolon
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Its over Stelle has way too many boyfriends her vagina is looking like a roastbeef
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JLbros why did we fall off... Any bros left or all hopped to the next meta unit...?
Praying for Kafka!!!!!!
oh no
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It should be "safe" to swipe now, remember to only swipe once you've depleted every single possible source of jade, that way you don't end up overspending.
>too many boyfriends her vagina is looking like a roastbeef
that's not how it works bro...
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Feixiao waiting room
I got her to e1s1, i am pretty satisfied with it even though it took me like 200 tickets
Only fanfic Stelle is getting stuffed like a turkey, canon Stelle is too busy fingering Firefly
>Fofo e1 and her cone
>Just learned about the yunli "changes"
So do I just her cone for Clara? They really did her fucking dirty
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give me 8 NOW
fuck it
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I got her E2S1 and the banjo bug. What else is there for me to do?
I've never had sex, and I refuse to have sex. Being trapped in a room with a cute girl does sound nice though.
>using RM
you don't really love her
I thought she was holding her tits up from the thumbnail.
I have her at E1S0 with mostly dog shit relics and she already melts MoC 12. If I make her any stronger it will be boring
Rolling for Herta
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You DID get your banjo woman to E1 right?
Firefly's mecha cock.......
>solve the problem by introducing more problem
Oh yeah just stop people from running whatever team they want, they're totally not going to bitch about it.
You're fucking retarded.

>Now you can do an end game with no speed run shit.
Yeah just make it fucking easy with 0 challenge at all.

>You retardedly think they must adhere to some basic standard of play because the other modes do but it's a game they can change the rules whenever they want if they just got even the tiniest little bit creative.
Said the retard with no thoughts for the playerbase's opinions and balance of the game.
Give me a hebe.
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Nah you're a retard. If you can't think of a sollution to such an incredibly simple problem(literally none of your rebuttals are even close to being true, literally "wouldn't work cause I said so") then you're too retarded to talk about ideas. Just continue shovelling the shit into your mouth like the brainless retard you are. Don't even reply to this post. You don't deserve to engage with me, a sentient human being.
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>Break shill
>FUA shill
Wait till hypercarry shill weather back.
She can also clear current PF with Herta and Himeko but she is not the main star
Rolling for Dawei
They put that ice resistant meat b up front in MoC. She's still fine just not brute forcing with her
Why do they even still make hunt units?

You have other dps like destruction or acheron who are more than powerful against bosses and still deal aoe damage.
Funny that your whole argument is just
>it will work because I said so
And when confronted why it wouldn't work you outright say it doesn't count because you have no brain to think.
You're not creative or smart, you just spew something that MIGHT work for you and only you, without much thoughts behind it.
Good thing PF will never change and you will keep crying about it.
Git fucking gud.
I got her E1 in about 130 rolls, so I'm satisfied given I wasn't actually gonna roll for her
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Drip marketing in a week, if leaks are to be believed the characters will be:
>Moze (4*)
funny how no one is getting what they want, give me Acheron
Kys, dollfucker
Or maybe, you stupid fuck, it'll work because the devs put thought into balancing it. God you're such a fucking moron holy shit. Like you think they'll just shit out an end game mode with zero thought put into it or even considering the nuances to make it work with people's characters. How is it even possible to be THIS fucking brain dead?
Is there really no content in Hsr right now you could be playing instead of being here
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I did
im just playing re2 while occasionally lewdposting in here on during breaks
So are we expecting much from V4 changes today?
No one is rolling
>moze will be the coolest
>a fucking 4*
it's not fair
at least it'll be cheap
V4 Changes arent happening "today", 24hrs left or so until v4.
she fell off. she will continue to fall off as hp sponges increase to accommodate power creep. such is life.
I will faggot
> Still malding over hunt ane sucking off to destruction
>When Topaz+Ratio either mog or match every every destruction unit that isnt Firefly
Kek. If Feixao ends up being just a bit stronger than Ratio she will already melt most content
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All day. All night.
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My husband Sunday will finally come home.
Are you really this retarded?

You propose a dumb, thoughtless idea and when confronted, you claim the devs will make it work somehow because they won't shit out an end game mode with zero thought put into it or even considering the nuances to make it work with people's characters.
Meanwhile you just bitched about Mihoyo can't think about a single fucking end game mode that isn't "kill shit, but quick" here >>485136098

I'm done, it's obvious you just pitched an idea without investing a single thought about it, just saying something out of the blue to answer a question.
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>E0S0 with no Ruan mei
I hope hypercarry makes a comeback I've hated all the meme teams too much to pull
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Have any of you two played Divergent Universe? The cyclical occurrence has a 2nd option where you must sustain 5 cycles through enemies with a billion HP.
It's probably the most boring shit in the universe, you either have the tank to do it or you just get one shot and you lose, and there's no really anything you can do.
Fofo cone comes first
Why would I need to? You didn't provide a single justified reason why it wouldn't work beyond "people wouldn't like it"(no actual argument for WHY though) cause apparently you're that stupid, so why would I bother thinking of the nuances of balancing it? I'm not a dev. Anyone who isn't a retard like you could see that it could easily be made to work and that's just one random idea I just shat out in 2 minutes. There are countless things you could do. Just because YOU are too stupid to think of alternatives don't project onto other people.
Really hope Feixiao is pure edgy kino and Lingsha is a slut
>Really hope Feixiao is pure edgy kino
That would just be Jingliu 2.0 with Fox ears.
Isn't she supposed to be a battle maniac?
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Holy shit, I'm actually gonna make it
She is not edgy, she is a battle autist
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Lingsha would be traditional woman.
Firefly: trad wife
Stelle : tard wife
Ruan Mei : trad wife
Lingsha : trad wife
team of full of traditional conservative lady with elegant personality
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Jingliu's edge is just Blade's but less funny
Being super into genocide isnt edgy now?
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Making Firefly jealous
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day 1 player and I've been sitting on this selector for months, himeko is the best choice right ? thanks bros.
>e3 Yanqing kekekeke
Only if you have Firefly/boothill
Yeah Gepard isn't important.
Do you consider goku edgy?
What happened to Hertaschizo? It’s like we only have Firefly threads now
Goku doesnt go around destroyin planet after planet like Feixiao does
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no, you get birds and cats instead
the mei cats are cuter
attentionwhores don't like making threads when the general is slow
Too busy being the Miyabischizo in the new thread
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>next MoC is FuA
Fuck FuA.
these are just rabbids from rayman
what are the most important teammates for Yunli?
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We are so BACK
You can just use Firefly and Acheron
>huntbricks in PF
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Constance soon
E0S0 Argenti is really fucked.
People used to think he'll be the best PF slave, but now PF is either dot shill or fua shill.
Sometimes they give Ult blessings but if you don't have TY+Fofo, he's still fucked. They'll never give ERR related blessings again because then every team archetype can abuse it.
You can just use firefly and acheron
>ANOTHER fua with dot niggers that dont proc clara
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Ratio isn't a stoneheart and Robin isn't even in the IPC. when are we getting replacements for them?
A friend of mine said there was Feixiao drip. Where is it?
Watch this awesome move!
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Okay? Use them.
Not until 3.x. They've forgotten FUA and DOT exist to shill break effect for the rest of the year.
The one in the far left
Just roll for Yunli bro
Believe in Opal, Obisidian and Pearl
>or skill
>Firefly's shill boss on one side and elite that doesn't even proc Clara and Yunli's counters on the other despite being a physical weak side
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Why are you fofofags so mean, bro?
>They've forgotten FUA and DOT
>Yunli and Feixiao are FUA, Jiaoqiu is dot
Yeah that's what I'm gonna do.
>They've forgotten FUA
Nigga Jade is coming in a few days, Yunli comes right after her and Feixiao is the patch right after it
They’re both shit. Just use firefly and acheron
Do I say BEGONE KING before rolling?
So sad Topaz is forced to be grouped with those two faggots for the foreseeable future.
Yunli isn't a proactive FUA character so she doesn't synergize with existing teams. Feixiao is a BE DPS and Jiaoqui is a brick.
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Now we just need Saturday and the entire weekend gang is complete
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Who the fuck cares about any new characters. They are all shit.
You know you can use the ult at any time right? You don't have to actually parry anything.
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Come Sample nigger
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Ok, I need you to explain what is the point of this
What are they even testing?
This. Feixiao needs to power creep Acheron and firefly into the dirt or get ready for a gigaflops between 2.4-2.6
I'll fuck them all
what THE FUCK are you talking about, the game has been nothing but FuA focused for half a year now
Needs Fofo so again doesn't synergize with existing FUA teams. Yunli is for all intents and purposes run like a hyper carry DPS who happens to do it with some FUAs.
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Please gibe Ruan Mei and not Yanqing
Part 2 when?
One of the devkit characters was a Vidyadhara who would heal using their own HP and upon death they'd turn into an egg and revive themselves a turn after.
They're probably revisiting the idea to see how to improve/make it more fun/collect player data.
You can run Aventurine no issue, she can replace Ratio in a standard RRAT team as showcased by JadeAnon two weeks ago.
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Please respond
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>Jiaoqiu is dot
He's a cope DoT at best. You're not getting rid of Kafka nor BS for him and he's not good enough to replace RM or Robin.
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Pls be Da Wei
Bro? Just play the game, you get to play as Firefly during the 2.3 quest and you can see the model as well as interact with stairs/the camera without issues.
Yes, they're still visible.
>literally nobody got KING'd
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Ain't no way
Poetry that would impress Shaoji
Nobody actually plays this soulless crap right?
Where's serval?
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How hard is it to do V + 6 in the daily run? I got to get good sets to clear.
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Need to fuck my own mother.
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Good evening hsrg
I went to pull for more Gallagher eidolons but got Geppy'd e1
Good news is my guaranteed pull is up for whoever I decide to save for, probably skipping the next three characters.
Anyways I love my cyborg cowboy husband Boothill
y e e h a w
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if your just getting break save codes to grind planar just run it on V0 instead
Hilariously easy if you just use Firefly or Acheron
Bitch do you even like anything or do you just complain?
>closest lore accurate team we have (sans robin)
Hmm, nyo
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I asked because I didn't want to waste time rerolling only to be disappointed. Thanks, I'll install the game now.
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Doing 6 trace runs and not getting a single purple makes me want to commit unspeakable acts. I fucking DESPISE how wide the variance is with trace farming. Why can't this shit be consistent like the level mats are?
Art imitates life imitates art
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Is there a reason in particular about how Honkai ended up with the worst fanbase out of all three games? Nearly every gacha general of the site gets shit up by honkai players nonstop which is curious because genshin was first and should have been worse so it's odd that this game and franchise somehow attracted the worst of the internet
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What the fuck are you even talking about
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isnt it both /higger/s and /giggers/ they both shit up everywhere but i remember /gigger/s shitting up every other general back in the day?
But don't I have to get to sync Lv 60 within 2 months?
My E2 Firefly was the only reason I got past V+6.
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There is not a single good anime airing this season
why does firefly suck now wtf
Probably the Sparkle posters that shit up other generals.
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I don't know how you can look at /gig/ and say Honkai is the issue here.
trannyturine flopped
wormhill flopped
pagday will flop
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My man the people shitposting in every general have always been the same ones, started in /alter/, moved to /gig/ when Genshin got popular, moved here when HSR got popular, now currently shitposting with both WuWa and HSR images. They don't actually care about the games they just move from popular general to popular general.
i dont think ill ever play this game but i like tingyun and huohuo
I tricked her into believing that human semen can delay the effects of Entropy Loss Syndrome
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because hi3 exists and we inherit that
genshin started at favourability +/- 0
hsr started at favourability -50

that's some next level sustain power creep
his eyes look so bad compared to his sister's
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This sounds schizo but honestly I'd believe it with how similar all the shitposting is.
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i havent played since ShB and EW and still never got around to finishing it but is Dawntrail worth it or am i gonna get PSO2 NGS'd again? the song for intro is pretty kino
>Paglus is the only one that gets the KING
you're gonna get ngs'd even harder than other expansions bwo.
Gotta thank Sparkle for such "pranks"
I don't play that game but my friends who do all said dawntrail is shit
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Depends on how much you can withstand Wuk. The dungeons and trials are actually really good this time around, but the story isn't as good.
most of the shitposting in /gig/ is usually related to HSR or honkai tho
Same for ZZZ, Wuwa or basically any general for a new game that always has some retard spamming HSR images and whining about how honkai was better or trying to associate everything to honkai
>Break Effect focused modes for literally ONLY 2 months
>crit &dot have been the focus of 99% of the game content so far
fucking toddlers
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How do you find EW?
Cause Dawntrail is mostly the same
So if you enjoyed EW's gameplay content and (post 5.1) story, Dawntrail will be to your liking
If not, nyeh
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Come home
>he's never noooticed a threadshitter
oh you sweet summer child
>complain about power creep, hoyo sucks
>they release an unit that isn't a obvious replacement for your team
>wtf why don't they powercreep, hoyo sucks!
Misha owes me sex.
I hate crit because it's fucking boring
>he thinks just because the boost says +100% to FuA it’s FuA content and not Firefly content
Every content is Firefly content
it's not like I can just respec my party and put new gear on them. Its a live service gacha game where building a team is a long term investment. People can't just pivot so quickly to an entirely new playstyle. Personally, I've hadn't had to use any break shilling to clear all the content.
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/gig/ was still ass garbage before HSR was even revealed, anon.
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program in the new relic set, lazy bitch
they're elating, not shitposting
Seriously, anons, if we can only get 1000 points per run, how are we gonna get to Lv 60 before it reset?
kill yourself analwormer
2 my favorites number.
I've been at 60 for weeks now. Step it up.
I ran V+6, but now there is no easy point sources anymore.
Is a V+6 more synch points vs V+5 or V+1?
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you uhh... run more than once per week?
/gig/ was hot garbage before HSR was even a thing, you're just a newfag.
+0 to +6 all give the same amount of points, bwo. There is no reason to not run +0 if you just want to grind it out.
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HSR is extremely low maint and nearly an autobattler so all the retards that got filtered by genshin's busywork could attach themselves to HSR and participate in the gacha shitfling wars now plus all the schizos and ancient grudges we inherited from /hig/
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I'm starting to think we are not the passion project anymore
you can clear any content with any decently built teams, oh and btw "clear" doesn't actually mean 0 cycles all starts MOC
>Personally, I've hadn't had to use any break shilling to clear all the content.
exactly,so why cry about it
After playing ZZZ and its story, I can tell you that you shouldn't worry.
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3 runs per week? That is torture!
Ohhh. Nice! Life will be easier.
>they're conscious fucking over clara in MoC now
kys da wei
Belobog Heavy Industries was peak comedy kino.
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Ignoring the planetary set that I'm coping with is this ok enough to get me through PF?
>1 destruction blessing away from 3 star equation expansion
>Screwllum's shop doesn't have it
>enough fragments remaining to overwrite equations 4 times
>not a single destruction equation appears
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I disagree
The worse a game is doing, the more stuff it will get
That is the Mihoyo philosophy
>why do you think we're like, completely abandoned right now
>flopped in China
>will be leeching off Genshin and HSR funds to stay alive
zzz was the true passion project all along…
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why not use this?
even hoyo wasn't confident that zzz would be successful as a niche game. They basically did genshin's harbingers again to keep people playing.
It will have a good first month revenue tho??
>that crit ratio
>spd boots
you should use crit rate body and atk boots if you use her with sparkle
Yeah but the entire game is mostly comedy, it's not like Jarilo-VI where it suddenly went from meh to exciting in the finale.

In ZZZ the first story arc revolves around the reconstruction of one hollow district and the conspiracy around it, with the seeming greater main plot involving Fairy in the background, but I doubt that most people will even connect that Belobog and the Nekomata story are parts of the same larger arc, or even care.

It doesn't have a big resolution right now where people can go "neat, I hope the 2nd part is also that good." and that probably makes them less likely to stick around.
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it will
at least it's better than wuwa month 1
though both are expected to crater on month 2
Ngl I’m tempted to keep playing for Kiana, Mei and Elysia
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didnt really bother trying to get a good score for side A, herta+himeko+RM is a free 40k vs deer boss
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Firefly love
She actually couldn't get the kill:( the stupid flower on the side lived
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Will Jade be good? Her hat is sexy as fuck.
She is contender for one of the worst 5*
/gig/ is much, much worse
your Blade?
Hoyogames attract the worse bunch because it's too general/normie friendly
roll yunli gweilo
>people hate her because she’s not meta enough
>people hate her because she invokes slavery era
>people hate her because she acts big nosed
>people hate her because she’s not young enough
>people hate her because she’s Dommy Mommy coomer bait
Get ready for the worse banner since flophill
I said contender
>people hate her because she drag/Rupaul coded.
>>people hate her because she invokes slavery era
What? She freed the slaves? Then bounded them through economic slavery which is much sexier
Fuck man, why did they have to do her dirty like this
They should have just put another rerun banner, best to slow down with all these 5*s they're throwing at us every patch
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can I get some toots to bless this good watchmaker relic bros?
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all in flat hp
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>cleared MoC 12
>couldn't clear MoC 10 and 11
badabing badaboom
Flat Defense 4th roll
Breakslop doesn't deserve toots
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thanks bros, I can use it to help get HMC to 160 speed even if its a break effect nerf
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NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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3x on spd/ break effect
that can't be, the hp difference is pretty noticeable
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my curse failed...
In my humble opinion, i think any general will improve if they ban avatarfagging.
Have you tried using Firefly and Acheron on floors 10, and 11 instead of just 12
I hate her because she's a pink thot and not a jade beauty.
Also her random ankle mole.
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How does this work with Fu Xuan?
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do not.
Who is Rupaul?
She is still meta in pure fiction right? She will make Himeko broken right?
Getting that made conundrum 12 a real struggle with Xuany
oh okay lmao, was the right call to ask
>PF is just another firefly shill mode
Someone make it stop.
I hate her hat
Being meta in PF is like saying you are meta in Calyx farming. No one cares. See all the PF clears posted today without Jade.
How dare you
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Fu becomes weak when you spread it out...
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>All buff are catering FUA and Ult dmg which Firefly lack
>keep complaining anyway
Anti-Firefly schizo have room temp IQ I swear
>FUAshit PF
Shan't be clearing, it is beneath me
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what the fuck is this
Genderbent Robin/Sunday
Side 1 is turbo aids, Side 2 is just more Firefly shilling (I am not joking)
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Wouldn't it be funny if Firefly is better at PF than Jade is?
>do nothing but build hypernigger teams for 15 months with no variety whatsoever
>aaaiiieeeee i can't clear!
Is Illyasviel von Einzbern not good enough?
You can do Himeko/FF/HMC/Ruan Mei for any fire side and it'll work out.
See: >>485148951
Though Jade is 100% better, specially on a normal team of like Jade/Himeko/RM or Robin/Gallagher as it doesn't rely on aggro RNG.
Firefly has to be the most disgustingly created character within past year of gacha
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Please give your Herta something to do, you don't even come to Simulated Universe anymore...
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Holy shit
Hypercarry is the most fun system
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most disgustingly cute, sweet, and great, that is!
Can't firefly do dmg beyond 100k? Jesus fucking christ she is so underwhelming
opposite day ended 20 minutes ago bro
the leaked designs for the rest of 2.X look terrible and the 2.4 drip didn’t move me either…bros…the xianzhou shilling is make or break. Four tails tingyun’s tails are going to be too big
>my only FuA built dps units are Topaz and Ratio
Take me home
your Xueyi?
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I hope Jade skippers continue to seethe about PF
Counter argument:

Jingliu exists and she's easily the greatest character Hoyo created in star rail.
But people are clearing without Jade.
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Topaz merch!
>Opening rolls in Genshin / HSR is F3
>In ZZZ it's F4
Mihoyo why
I have quite literally never struggled with PF, it is exceptionally easy
they gave me a Herta for free, why do I need to roll anything
You can change it on the menu bro
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just got a decent piece for firefly
Why is your Herta not built, tho.
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C&C wins again
I hate mechas
I hate hebes
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Why is my firefly so shit?
Do they have something else on F3?
Your S5?
>stopped at S3
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Have mercy on me Xi-sama, I still need to pay my bills

But seriously, what did I do wrong?
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New Topaz merch just dropped
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fuck off, this is genuinely shitty behaviour
>only 140 spd
Don't you want 150?
My question is legit, she is not a good damage dealer
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why isnt she 150+ speed bro? You are remembering to use RM+HMC with her too right?
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tissue box
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For me, it's Avenpaz
kill yourself
New Swarm Distater background when you finish the story is really cool
Topig would never look at Sigga with such glee and love
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Gee Fu Xuan, why did you need to forsee me greeting you... 21 times?
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I don't have Ack. Clara hypercarry got me through 12, but struggles on 10 and Ratio's my only other option. I was able to clear 11 just now with Clara, though.
My schizo wife...
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Leaks doko
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Only when he can't know
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>Before : Cool and mysterious
>After : Too bright
Nah, your taste suck
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>There are many love triangles, some that don't make sense in canon
That came from the anniversary event.
Well duh they're working on the same project together
I'm leaking alright because of my kidney stones
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I really like it
Tsundere whore
I didn't even notice. I'm sorry Madam Herta
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>"why is my firefly so shit?"
>posts E6 Firefly with above average BE
>been farming the Ice/Wind domain from time to time since Jingliu's first release
>still doesn't have a full set for Jingliu since the 2p Atk pieces have better substats
>still doesn't have a full 161 Spd wind set
This cavern is so fucking cursed, I swear.
no I know I was referring to the blade x stelle x aventurine picture I posted as an example kek

I think you'll be doing a lot more than leaking anon good luck
Tsundere bitch
NTA but Topig wasn't forced to be on the project with him brainlet... she chose to be despite having no interest in Pisscolony because he asked.
I've already been in the hospital like a month ago, the worst part is over oh god please let it be over
>Tingyun is 9 tail kitsune now
Instant roll. Love me fluffy fox girls.
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How much water do I need to drink to avoid this fate
Topaz could easily build a baseball team with those hips
>9 tail
It's 4
We're working on it, the IPC needs more workers afterall.
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Sure anon
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>Genuinely considering buying this
Uhm...bros...does the hoyo shop accepts overseas orders?
stop eating processed salty garbage
If he hadn't had her stone she'd have no reason to be there in Penacony, it's quite literal
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That'll take some time but hopefully she'll be able to carry multiples
>If he hadn't had her stone she'd have no reason to be there in Penacony,
......And who let Sigga have the stone, genius?
Where's the... C....C....C....
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just look at your own pee
if it's obviously yellow or worse, you need to drink more water
if it's completely clear with no color, too much water, stop
adjust accordingly
it's not hard
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Of course they sell both, they're not retarded,
fofo reipu
Yeah Topaz
Her words are quite literal I don't know how else you're meant to take it or what other meaning there is
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it's a shame the phone doesn't have a gallery option to check all the images characters sent you
>no I know I was referring to the blade x stelle x aventurine picture I posted as an example kek
Some of them don't make any sense but some do like Blade mucking Dan Heng.
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What shade of yellow should I start being concerned at
cum in clara
I mean, yeah. It's pretty straightforward. She's there because Sigga dragged her into the mission.

C&C... I kneel
Did everyone actually leave for zzz?
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Yellow to orange, it should be light yellow at most. It's also genetics and you should stop eating most kinds of food.
Yeah but my luck was so bad that I'm coming back
Every week we get a new Firefly merch…
*spits* disgusting sigonian devil spawns

That's smug, not adoration
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he's very handsome
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I think I'll live...
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New cat cake just dropped.
sorta i genuinely believe im too retarded to play that genre
wtf did aven do to you
Ah shit I might actually get this
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Why is she like this?
clara pissing straight onto my face
I've broken my arm and ankle, teared my tendons and nothing of that comes even close to the pain I had with kidney stones. Good luck.
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I finally found the answer bros.
Why do people dream? Perhaps it is because the world is imperfect.
After I get me a save file with actually useful Nihility blessings since not everyone uses la composición del equipo luciérnaga.
Who thought making save files last a single fucking week's a good idea.
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Please bros help me out here. I really need this Izumo Rope.
We dream because our brain is filing away memories of our day while the meat flesh it pilots recharges
Is that really gonna be how it looks most of the time? Did they run tests with cats?
nah you don't need it
Disgusting as in beautiful, cute, wonderful, gourgeous?
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I have a cat thing that works like that, except it’s in a silly sushi shape. My cat thankfully likes staying inside them so I’m considering getting this one actually
She's just smelled sigga cock anon.
Why should I leave when I can just play both lmao. HSR is not exactly high maintenance.
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Birds and cake cats should replace Relics.
They remain just as annoying to farm, don't get me wrong, but at least we'd be farming precious, cute-looking things.
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The cat seems pretty big.
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Why do I still dream about her if I haven't spoken to or seen her in over 3 years then?
for you
they should have been playable
What a fat fuck
That cat has insane aura
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If I bought these, my siamese would sleep on shoe cardboard instead.
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he's not a chonker

please don't remind me....every time I dream about my ex I feel awful....
One of them is.
fat fuck
The most important part is the floof. Number of tails doesn't matter.
He doesn't look too happy.
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Clockie figma.
Ruan Mei dumped him
i simply don't think Aventurine should ever breed. His eyes freak me out.
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Which path?
Xipe is sex, tho.
I am Elation
Wrong thread bwo. Hilarious questline btw.
Don't worry he'll fuck one of the male Stonehearts and never bred anon you have nothing to fear
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Firefly sex
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His eyes are cool though
He's in china and knows he could be turned into a meal at any second
Hmm, true.
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His eyes are like his best feature though, same as Firefly, really pretty and unique eyes.
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good morning bros you know what it is
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What the FUCK did he mean by this?
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Thanks for convincing me to drop sodas even harder
Sparkle love btw
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More merch
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his tit window is everything to me
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Absolutely nobody asked for this nigga to be a merch though.
Even my Chinese friends don't really remember he's got a name.
The Asians think rubberhose animation's niche while the Whites think it's racist. And I honestly can't blame them, some of the best titles from that era are just inseparable from racism in terms of plot.
dont fuck the bitcoin
They should add more cake cats
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I mean they're cool from the standpoint of like, if he could use them as a weapon to mindcontrol a population. But passing those genes down? Oh no no no no
Can you buy this shit from the US? Or is it china exclusive?
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They're really pretty though, and they look cool too.
I'd help him pass those genes down
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Realistically his eyes though pretty would be creepy up close.
trannyturine flopped
wormhill flopped
pagday will flop
kill yourself homotranny
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Genuine question, why is there so much gender bend art of these two?
Either Aventurine F, or Ratio F, or even both.
Do women enjoy gender bending men?
>Sigga raping Stelle in the middle
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I think he whole thing is a what if Aventurine actually followed through and worked with her in 2.1.
She asked
Even fujos know they would be better as women.
I've them genderbend one or both members of their favorite yaoi pairings for the purpose of self inserting
The shipping cost could double your entire parcel.
Just try diy or sent commision to nearby craftman
Firefly star rail general....
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I have 4130 relic remains. When are they worth using?
She assumed the position and he's teasing her for it.
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How is this still up, do jannies really?
I'm so tired of this garbage bullshit ass fucking autoplay
>Perfect Win SS
Um isn't that a bit problematic
Criminal sisters...
Fujos are just yume with issues with their feminity.
When some new relics shit comes out and you don't feel like farming it on release, obviously.
From a guy who's a fan of all the cheesy shit Mihoyo did with Firefly, making Aven cooperate with AE on more or less equal standing for personal reasons rather than him just doing his task is a much better shilling than a convoluted sob story hogging the word count.
They IMO failed the first time with Topaz, Aven should be the time they write an IPC goon who help TB just because he wants to start a cooperation with AE.
Reaching that point with Jade rather abruptly didn't sit right with me. It's more she handed Penacony to us at gunpoint.
when you need relics
I use them for the flat main stat relics
But I save my fuel for that
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Elaborate, what does that have to do with the gender bend?
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>FuA shilling
Literally who asked for this?
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When head/arm pieces you have suck so you can just force it by synthesizing loads without resin and see where it goes.
Efficiencyfagging with relics is a fool's errand. The only efficient move is to not farm.
Just because it says FuA damage doesn’t mean it’s not Firefly content
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Me. FUA PF is the easiest end game because everybody and their father has Himeko Herta. So it's free gem for everyone.
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Me :)
By all accounts, you should have some FUA built at this point. I didn't even use them for the Gepard side anyway. Sure, I could use Clara&Co, but also DoThags and Acheron ran it auto, good enough.
I've said the same thing and some shippers got mad at me for pointing it out. The Sigga's sob story is less digestible because it's just piled on you for no reason and the game expects you to care. But him being so isolated in 2.1 resulted in his actions not really mattering in the grand scheme.
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Aha wills it
How does Aha feel about his gimmick getting stolen by the company
2,1 truly was a fujo filler patch desu. I guess Hoyo will do anything for marketing
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he's fine with it as long as flying pigs are part of the combat
cool guys
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You guys keep only talking about 2.1 despite how "pointless" it is
Does it matter which world I use to grind herta points? Or can I just use world 2 to cap it in case I don't reach the next trailblaze tier this week?
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Skins will save this game
Despite making plotfags seethe over its irrelevancy it's still the best part of penacony so it can't be helped.
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I take that Aventurine but Topaz's looks barely different
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Please tell me I'm based, I need validation
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Not really, no
dead general
or no one is actually reporting lmao
You're good bro. There's no ack or firefly in either of those teams so you're good.
I think that your Seele is about to disappear into a sea of butterflies from going too fast.
Am I retarded or the new pure fiction is pretty hard? I can barely make 60k with the dot hags and break FF + Himeko
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>I mean I know you're a retard with zero imagination but if you encoutner a problem, SOLVE the rpoblem. People can just double sustain if they don't have a timer? Ok? The sollution is fucking simple then isn't it? Don't let them do that. Restrict character choice. There. Now you can do an end game with no speed run shit. That wasn't fucking hard.
amazing idea totally solves the issue
oh wait no it fucking doesn't, you can still equip hp/def and be literally immortal
They want you to roll Jade
It was an active waste of time that couldn't be skipped similar to the Santus Medicus plot in it's pointlessness.
Nah, it's easy. The DoTshill PF are probably the harder ones, but you don't get these often.
Is there a new PF today?
Honestly I've been seeing people talk more about 2.2 than 2.1. 2.1 was seen as pretty good in a vacuum when it was the latest thing out and it had its shock value.
>talk more about 2.2 than 2.1.
Not even close lol
2.1 is still seen as pretty good if you get out of here. /hsrg/ hates it because it's male focused but they'd be singing a different tune if it was a waifu instead.
In this case I'm not even sure that you can say that Aventurine was helped by that either.
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This is the only thing people remember from 2.2
>zzz took over 50% of the playerbase
>chinkslop will take the next 49%
it's over.
I guess if you're only measure is people talking about 2.1 and not whether or not they are saying anything positive or negative about it. Because on here people mostly talk about 2.1 to point out it's negatives. Other places they mostly talk about 2.2 and gave by and large forgotten about 2 1.
Robin "All Birds Must Die" Oak.
I've been out of here and I've only seen fujos continue to insist that 2.1 was great, everyone else pointed out how it was the patch that actually dropped the ball. It's decent in a vacuum but not as a part of an ongoing story.
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>5 hours thread
>2nd banner hasn't even started
I skipped most of this yapping shit patch so I genuinely never know what this bird story is about
On /hsrg/ anyway.
i guess.. we are the ones actually zzzing............
the whole penacony arc was supposed to be "everyone is lying about who they are" and imo they executed that with aventurine's character being sus and untrustworthy so I don't see it as a failure even if I had problems with the overall story.
>game mode where the boss has 1 trillion hp so your own damage is literally irrelevant
>field effect that deals massive amounts of damage every turn to both your party and the boss
>blessings that shill dewdrop to deal billions of damage to the boss
there i solved abundancebrick with one simple game mode
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Shit easy
Thank you anons people make fun of me for only having Seele as my limited DPS
Love me some Himeko vs Deer action
Why don't you roll dps
has ruan mei, doesn't count, run invalidated, scrapped, reduced to atoms
>6 attempts
>Seele only
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Ruan Mei...
Reward doko?
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i have no characters to look forward to...
Well I've been out of here and I've seen all kinds of people say good things about 2.1 and about how 2.2 shouldn't have just completely gone and off screened Aventurine. It's all anecdotical in the end. You shouldn't call everyone that has a different opinion than you a fujo, anyway.
You didn't best snything with these soulless ass teams.
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How long would it take to get all rewards from the candy crush event if I haven't even done the quest that starts the event?
>t. fujo
they dropped the ball with both the yumes and waifufags. aventurine and firefly were both wasted in the penacony story, even in 2.3 i still have no idea what firefly achieved in penacony and aventurine ended up being completely pointless since robin just straight up gave the keys to ipc
My exact same seele setup killed the dear
While the other is firefly - i have no idea what I'm doing over there, so 21k
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Bros, someone told me I look like gallagher and should cosplay him, is that a compliment...
Depends on your luck and skill. If you win fast, it's an hour or two. If not...
Why is March so smug? She probably doesn't even understand what they are talking about
>they dropped the ball with [the two most relevant and discussed characters]
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>If not
Nyo... I've never played Candy Crush, my only experience with match 3 was in flash games two decades ago.
No I think they both won bigly. They will remain the most talked about Pisscony characters until 3.0
i meant narrative-wise, of course you can make any character popular with just concept, art and marketing alone, that doesn't mean they had any importance or relevance to the story
The truth is that no one fucking really cares about the plot.
You don't really have to. And outside of optional "hard mode" single player stages, you either can't really lose or can get the rewards via losing, it'd just take longer.
The "hard mode" stages however also start to rig into your favor after a round or two. I felt it was quite doable as someone having 0 experience with this stuff.
Only truly relevant characters in Pisscolony were
>Black Swan
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Oh good, that doesn't sound like something I'd need to dedicate my whole weekend to.
I forgot to build Herta..
>just make 1 game mode for every path
>all forgotten
Really makes you think
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Eh. The clown is ever present while they will disappear into a sea of fireflies.
Unironically will depend on how fast their meta phase ends.
The new leaked designs look better than the Luofu dress, shame people already moved on to ZZZ.
wdym Firefly is guaranteed to keep showing up since she's a SH. Aventurine will probably keep popping up thanks to IPC wank too. The only penisunny characters who might unironically disappear for a long time are Sporkle and Acheron.
Yeah, it was one evening for me. If at all. But I did it early, so multiplayer gave me 2 free wins, which sped it up. I've heard it's full of russian moms now, not like I can confirm or deny those claims.
>I've heard it's full of russian moms now
in what server?
Wonder how many Masked Fools they'll introduce
Anon, it's about
>the most talked
>they will appear
BIG difference. Also appearing doesn't really say much. Sure the other SH "appeared" during Penacony, but did it do much of anything? Of course not. It's like QQ appeared. In fact, QQ appeared more than any of the SH cast together, aside of the obvious Firefly.
If someone that tell you is woman, yes.
If someone that tell you is man, yes. But you should stay away from him.
>Yae Miko tails is 9
>New Tingyun is 4
Didn't nine tailed fox came from China in the first place
No one talks about Sparkle albeit?
Yeah, I can easily get 40k with Firefly+Himeko on one side for the previous PF, but this time I barely managed to get 33k.
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what the fuck am i supposed to do?
I want to fuck Clara
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Drop HMC, turn Firefly to breaker and let Himeko-Herta do the job.
You want people to bitch about those characters continuously?
Iirc the fox demon thing came from Daji, who was quite a horrible person, supposedly. We're talking cutting pregnant open to see what's up kind of horrible.
If hsrg doesn’t whine about your favorite characters everyday like they do with Aventurine and Firefly, they are literally forgotten and complete flops btw
It's earlier than that. Yu the Great met a white nine-tailed fox in his story.
Get well soon anon, kidney stones fucking suck. When I had mine, even morphine didn't work against the pain. And even worse, peeing it out hurts like shit.
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Plot twist: Moze is Sunday in disguise
how does your fucking hmc die this early (or ever)? are you running them on crit/img or some shit?
How are we going to survive 3 weeks of this trash banner
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2 more weeks
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Welcome to my... wooOOOoomb~!
Idk why but she’s the most forgettable character for me
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they still die without a sustain
hp chest hp orb but lvl 70 4* cone
she's not even out
I don't think that this would work sustainless against the deer anyway, the ads spam there is real.
>out of all three games
Out of the FOUR games, dicksniffer
>3 weeks and one whole patch of trash banner
Fixed that for you
my dick's out for her thougheverbeit
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Just release da next facking Stoneheart who's YOUNG and FUCKABLE and SHIPPABLE
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Yunli’s bare feet are worth rolling however
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Womb sex with Robin! God it must feel so good to penetrate robin's womb...
I've also seen the same people come to realize that 2.1 fucked up by not connecting itself to 2.0.
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give me some team ideas then
it was over by that point so i didn't refresh her skill, himeko and herta were dead
>low hp
ruan mei she has 4.2k hp and 1.7k def
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Deer need some RNG because you don't bring sustain and focus on clearing branch.
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>E1 E2
non-whale builds please
nta but I bruteforced 1st half with Herta/Sparkle/Tingyun/Aventurine(managed to 40k)
maybe can also try it with diff supports
2nd half I just threw in my FF team and got 27k(I don't have Himeko). I bet you can do better with something like FF RM HMC Himeko
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Right is the best I could farm since Firefly's release. Left is what I've been coping with since then. Is the on set pieces good enough stat-wise?
why would you go sustainless when gallagher is already pretty good for this stage
>4 attempt
Why are you people so bad? Look at that Seelefag just 1 attempt
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yeah bro give me the boss and trace materials and i'll level him up right away
he's low priority right now because i have to farm relics for firefly, prefarm relics for yunli and prepare for fofo's rerun
no hurry bro, pure fiction is not going away anytime soon
Use on set.
That speed is more than enough and less 50% BE differences is negligible
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This but unironically. There are only like 2 acheronfags left.
what are you even farming right now? gallagher is the second best sustain in the game after aventurine
>no hurry bro
It's a matter of pride and accomplishment. I can't sleep at night unless I have full stars in MoC/AS/PF and the powercreep is so insane you need FUTURE units (Jade/Yunli) to clear the current PF without eidolons
firefly/yunli relic cavern has been taking ALL my trailblaze power for weeks and I still don't have an ATK% chest with break substats for Firefly
nah give me an OLD and UNFUCKABLE man
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Robin needs her own story, not just flavour of the patch...
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20k first half, 40 second

Hoyolab is too slow with the update but no eidolons here
The only thing i'm looking forward to is the Kafka skin
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Robin doesn't need anything, she's mine

Isn't there somebody you forgot to ask?
I was told breakfast is better. I'm going to swap to the 5* one in her shop eventually anyway.

I didn't farm anything for her I just equipped her with my Jingliu pieces.
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Gallagher would make your life much easier, but I guess that you already know that.
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My girlfriend is so cute
I am skipping everything until Ting 2. Easy E2S1. Maybe I'll get lucky for once in my life and end up with an E6 unit.
This is what every Pure Fiction should be like. FUCK that dot shilling "buff" last cycle with giving enemies action forward on hitting them.
why are we so dead..?
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I was previously unaware that there were weekly, rotating awards for Divergent Universe. I have been missing out.
goodbye relic exp
Firefly killed /hsrg/ with her slow as fuck banner.
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Good thing Madam Jade will revive us with her super swift banner.
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Himeko/Herta carried again
Oh, it will be swift and merciful, alright.
Sounds like somebody skipped Black Swan.
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you're welcome
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Take my bat Herta
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Good luck benefactor
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Um that's actually Herta's bat, she's just gracefully letting you borrow it ok??
Let's be honest Acheronfags are judging metafags who will drop her for the next hypercarry. In fact I'm certain most of them are former jingliufags considering jingloo ritual posting stopped when acheron ritual posting started.
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wtf i thought clara was a pf carry?
Is it confirmed that she will be playable?
So what is Ting2's path going to be?
She is with Robin and Sparkle.
I didn't mean that bat... Stelle you're so pure...
How? It's a mode where you need fast aoe damage. How is a counter unit even remotely useful when you need to wait for attacks to actually hit her?
robin carries anyone regardless
Clara is what people use because no one rolled Argeti.
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The fuckers in the 2nd wave keep buffing themselves and never attack me
Destruction with increased aggro values
just got Ruan Mei signature cone
I want to ask
it says the energy regeneration effect can’t stack with the same type
Does this apply to Quid Pro Quo?
>Acheron out of nowhere
Rent free. Just go back to posting about Aventurine and Firefly
Blade powercreep?
urine melty again?
Clara's skill is all-range, tho, unlike basically any other destruction unit, which is why you frequently see people use her in PF with Sparkle.
>gentle breeze
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She really is now but she won't be for much longer.
>considering jingloo ritual posting stopped
It's been posted every thread in /gig/
I rolled for argenti but I still prefer using clara
wasnt particularly hard
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this is not even funny

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